The Lantern - May 2018

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LANTERN Presentation High School Parent Newsletter | May 2018

Dear Parents and Friends of Presentation, It is with a bit of nostalgia that I write this final Lantern letter as principal of Presentation. Conservatively, I have written over 200 similar letters ranging from current events, recommendations for your reading pleasure, numerous tips on parenting, crowing about the latest and greatest achievements of Pres Girls, and musing about topics confronting education and women. It has been quite a ride!

community and generosity. As we witness on a daily basis meanspiritedness, divisiveness and duplicity; Pres has tried to teach the value of integrity, forgiveness and honesty. In a “me first” world, Pres Girls learn the importance of service and social justice. I hope you see the impact all this has on your daughter as she grows into a young woman who, hopefully, cares less about the “bottom line:” and more about the Beatitudes.

To be perfectly honest, this was not the transition year I had hoped for. I had hoped to pass the baton to Katherine (our new principal) in a calm and orderly manner and celebrate the peaceful transition of power. Instead, we had controversy, messiness and turmoil. I want to thank you for your faith in Pres and for your ability to see through false narratives to the truth about Pres; this is a safe community that nurtures and empowers young women to find their voice and develop their talents and self-confidence. Our product speaks for itself.

The Class of 2018 have one more month in their Pres home. Like me, they are beginning to get a bit nostalgic; like me, they are also so excited about the future. You simply cannot be at Pres and not be excited about the future; your daughters are amazing. Next year, they will be led by an equally amazing principal and her dedicated team.

As I have said many times over the years: yes, we are a college prep and we will make good on that. But that is not enough; we aim to educate your daughters for life. We want her to be successful, but we want her to know that first she is a child of God; “success” will never measure her value as a human being. In a culture that too often exalts individual effort and selfishness, we have tried to teach the joy of

Thanks again for all you have done for Pres. Keep up the good work you do as parents and know we are always here for you. God Bless you always. Mary Miller ’72 Principal

Parent Board

Attendance Office

Boy, where did all the time go? I can’t believe the 2017-18 school year is almost over—countless fun events, many late night study sessions and new friends. I hope the year has brought you countless memories and joy as it has for my family and myself. This will be my final letter as Parent Board President. It’s been such a blessing and honor to serve, especially working with such a compassionate group of parents who truly care about our students and future of the school.

It’s hard to believe the school year is almost over! Finals are approaching and it is important for your daughter to be in class. Please remember to schedule appointments after school. Ensure she is getting plenty of rest so that she can stay healthy between now and the end of the semester.

The Parent Board doesn’t do it alone though. We accomplish our goals because of fellow parents, generous alumnae and community supporters who continue to attend events, donate supplies and buy endless raffle tickets!

If your daughter is absent or late: 1. Please call the Attendance Office at (408) 266-1060 no later than 9 a.m. 2. Your daughter is considered absent if she arrives after 8 a.m. (unless she has a free period) and will need a parent note when she checks into the Attendance Office. 3. All absences require a written note signed by the parent the day she returns to school. Faxes and emails are not accepted. 4. If you know about the absence ahead of time, you can send your daughter with a note to the attendance office before she is absent, that way she won’t need to bring one when she returns.

By Matt Sunseri | Parent Board President |

Thank you, thank you, thank you! It has been a great year and we already have plans for our hard earned money. With your help the Parent Board will be donating over $75,000 toward Presentation’s operating budget. I would be remiss if I did not mention the amazing turnout and experience of this year’s Freshman BBQ! A huge thank you to the many volunteers who helped set up, BBQ and serve the food. It always brings a smile to my face to see the next class of Pres students and parents as they are welcomed into the Presentation family. If you are a senior parent, your daughter will be recognized at our annual Senior Dinner to be held on Wednesday, May 23. Please keep an eye out for registration information. Lastly, as the school year comes to a close, I’d like to thank you again and wish you a relaxing and safe summer. Make sure to soak up every minute of it because it will be gone faster than this school year. Yours in Pres, Matt Sunseri Parent Board President The Lantern | May 2018

By Catherine Furtado | Attendance Secretary and Registrar

Here are a few reminders from the Attendance Office:

If your daughter needs to leave early: In the rare instance when your daughter needs to leave school for an appointment, please send her to the Attendance Office before school begins with a note from you stating the reason she needs to leave school and the time of her dismissal. She will be given an early dismissal notice from the Attendance Secretary. When she returns to school from the appointment she must check back into school with the Attendance Office. For further information, please review the detailed attendance policy in your daughter’s academic planner. If you have any other questions, please contact the Attendance Office at (408) 266-1060 or by email at

Club Spotlight: Chess Club

Community Involvement

In its first year at Presentation High School the Chess Club has made a big splash. Bi-monthly meetings bring together curious novices and lifelong players who navigate the chess board with ease. The club officer, Aiushe Mishra, has taken time and care to assemble lessons that appeal to a group with varied abilities. Her commitment and leadership has been integral to this club’s early success. There are regular open lunch meetings for which the chess boards and pieces are set and ready so students can pick up a friendly match to hone their skills. In October the club hosted an open tournament in the courtyard that had several teams rotating on six boards. A recent club meeting featured a computer simulation of one of Bobby Fischer’s famous games from the early 1900’s that was so riveting the students audibly interjected with shock and amazement, the tension was palpable. The club has had several days featuring “Crazy Chess.” While there are multiple versions, one version chess club plays is where all moves rely on a dice roll and another version challenges players to periodically switch sides of the board. Since August the club has grown in interest and numbers with 30 members at its peak. Mr. Case, Mr. Wang and Ms. Goodman reliably stop in ready to face defeat against their eager students. Players have been learning to master classic game strategies like giuoco piano, castling and of course check-mating. Above all students are having fun while thinking critically as they strategize and plot their way through exciting games.

February Service Stars: • Stacy Cappelloni: 3.5 hours at Sunday Friends • Cynthia Diaz: 6.5 hours at Silicon Valley Wildlife Center • Isabella Granqvist: 3 hours at Casa de Clara • Carsyn Hall: 6 hours at BAWSI • Claire Lakkaraju: 11 hours at Family Supportive Housing and Sacred Heart • Riley Milligan: 3 hours at Loaves & Fishes • Amanda Page: 6 hours with CI and Our City Forest • Ariana Santos: 1 hour at Herman Healthcare • Audrey Tran: 6.5 hours at the Alzheimer's Activity Center

By Sarah Thomas | Club Moderator

By Lindsay Swoboda | Director of Community Involvement

March Service Stars: • Ainha Dinh: 5.2 hours at Synchro AWD • Aishwarya Gattani: 3 hours at Shirdi Sai Parivaar • Nikitha Kalahasti: 2 hours at Shirdi Sai Darbar • Anika Odgers: 3.5 hours at The Learning and Loving Center • Mitthra Sentill: 3 hours at Shirdi Sai Parivaar • Amanda Teano: 4 hours with the Unravel Pediatric Cancer • Kellyn Wilde: 20.25 hours with Preschool Faith Formation

Fashion Show: Lighting the Way It's a Wrap for the 2018 Fashion Show, Lighting the Way! Lighting the Way gave us an afternoon and evening to remember with two unforgettable productions. The music was toe tapping and the fashions were spectacular. The entire committee extends its heartfelt gratitude to all of the dancers, designers, hostesses, models, parents, and production team who helped make this show a success. We couldn't have done it without each and every one of you.

A final shout out to our 12 Student Designers and our Retail Store Partners - BCBG, Bettina's of Los Gatos, Bella James, Black Cat Hats, Bombshell Boutique, Chicos, Donald Pliner Shoes, Eli Thomas, GAP, Ibiss, Kendra Scott, Kitsch Couture, Penelope Boutique, Shampoo Dolls, San Jose City College Cosmetology, Superdry, St Croix and White House | Black Market. When you're shopping please be sure to thank them for their continued support of Presentation High School.

Panther Pride Panther Pride: Speech & Debate

Speech and Debate has continued their outstanding year and is now headed into Championship season. Congrats to the following students and coaches for their accomplishments the past two months: • Qualifying to the CHSSA State Tournament: Aarushi Sahejpal ’18 (National Extemp), Anisha Reimert ’19 (Dramatic Interp), Shannon Miranda ’20 (Expos) and Nikitha Kalahasti ’20 (International Extemp) • Qualifying to the Tournament of Champions at the University of Kentucky: Megan Munce ’18 and Laurenn Vives ’18 (Public Forum), Aarushi Sahejpal ’18 (Congress), Nikitha Kalahasti ’20 (Extemp), Shannon Miranda ’20 (Expos), Anisha Reimert ’19 (Dramatic Interp) and Regina Ta ’19 (Oratory) • Qualifying to the National Speech and Debate Association National Tournament: Megan Munce ’18 and Laurenn Vives ’18 (Public Forum), Aarushi Sahejpal ’18 (Congress) and Nikitha Kalahasti ’20 (World Schools) • CA Coast District Student of the Year: Aarushi Sahejpal ’18 • CA Coast District Coach of the Year: Brandon Garrett • Kandi King Round Robin in Houston, TX: Megan Munce ’18 and Laurenn Vives ’18 were the Tournament Champions in Public Forum! • Quarry Lane Womxn’s Round Robin: Nikitha Vasan ’18 was the the Tournament Champion in Lincoln Douglas Debate and the top speaker!

Panther Pride: Math Contests

Congratulations to the students who participated in and won the California Math League contests held here at school: • February: Daphne Chen ’18 and Rithu Paramesh ’20 • March: Amanda Tran ’18 • April: Shannon Miranda ’20, Gurmehr Klair ’20, Anusha Ghosh ’20 and Rithu Paramesh ’20

Panther Pride: Robotics

The Robotics team finished their season with a strong showing at the Silicon Valley Regional Competition held at the SJSU Event Center. The team guided this year's robot, Felix, to their best showing ever at SVR and a spot in the Semi-Final rounds. They were selected by the 3rd seeded alliance for the elimination rounds. Despite having to make repairs to the elevator motor of the robot on the fly they easily won their Quarterfinal round before falling to a very experienced and skilled 2nd seeded alliance. A special congratulations to Anjali Sinha ’19 who was the Dean’s List Finalist Award winner at the Arizona North Regional. Anjali will be competing against Dean's List Finalists from FRC regionals from all over the world at the FRC Championship in Houston.

The Lantern | May 2018

College Counseling

By MaryLynne Rodriguez | Director of College Counseling The College Counseling Department is excited to be offering four new events this Spring for freshman and sophomore families. On Wednesday, April 25 Sophomores received a brief introduction to College Counseling services offered to them at Presentation, dispelled common myths, and had an opportunity to ask questions in a group setting and individually after the presentation. The College Counseling Department will also be hosting an informative evening for Sophomore students and families on Thursday, May 3 at 7 p.m. in the Valenzuela Theater titled "The New World of College Admission Testing: Insights for the Class of 2020" with Mr. Bruce Reed, cofounder of Compass Education Group. An enlightening discussion on college admission tests, colleges' evolving policies related to the requirements and use of test scores, ACT's surging popularity and how students may benefit, the importance of Subject Test choices and timing, implications of Score Choice and repeat testing, trends in testing timelines and test preparation, as well as sensible and successful approaches to college admission testing will be shared. Freshman and Sophomore parents will have an opportunity to meet with the College Counseling Department in a casual setting to dispel myths and address any questions they may have about the College Admissions process through our new “Coffee with the College Counselors” event. Sophomore families are invited to attend on May 21 from 7:15-8:30 a.m. in the Marian Stuckey Center. Freshman families are invited to attend on May 23 from 7:15-8:30 a.m. in the Marian Stuckey Center. The College Counseling Department is committed to its partnership with parents, and looks forward to our future conversations with families regarding the ever-evolving world of College Admissions.


Campus Ministry

Is it Interesting or Captivating?

On Wednesday, May 2, Presentation honored the Blessed Virgin Mary and celebrated her mission of love with a prayer service in the courtyard. This was a reminder of Mary's grace, her faith in God, and her love for her family, her community, and the poor. This celebration was led by our senior class and we honored some special woman of faith from the class of 2018.

By Kara Westbrook | Academic Support Director

While proofreading your students’ papers, check their word choices. Are they using powerful, intriguing words? Here are some words I’ve seen while proofreading papers in the Study Center, paired with more powerful alternatives: • Pretty : Magnificent, Striking, or Dazzling • Cute : Adorable, Darling, or Precious • Annoying : Aggravating, Pestering, or Exasperating • Really/Very : Extremely, Especially, or Extraordinarily • Go : Pursue, Depart, or Flee • Got/Get : Retrieved, Acquire, or Attain • Thing/Things : Possessions, Characteristics, or Aspects • Small : Diminutive, Miniscule, or Petite • Big : Stupendous, Massive, or Tremendous • Interesting : Enthralling, Spellbinding, or Absorbing • Ugly : Grotesque, Monstrous, or Homely • Bad : Offensive, Awful, or Unlikeable • Give : Convey, Supply, or Present • Put : Place, Sit/Sat, or Dumped • Nice : Delightful, Enjoyable, or Pleasing • Laugh : Chortle, Snicker, or Giggle This is just a start! Your daughter’s vocabulary words are an amazing resource of incredible words and they should be used in her writing. I look forward to editing some enthralling and distinctive papers in the weeks to come!

By Claire Hansen | Director of Campus Ministry

We are also excited to welcome next year’s Peer Ministry team! On Thursday, May 31 we will gather for prayer, leadership training, and bonding! Peer Ministry is a faith formation and leadership program offered once a month though the Campus Ministry office. Anyone can apply and students of all faiths and those who are questioning their faith are welcome. Peer Ministers serve the school by leading six retreats, nine masses, three prayer services, and weekly morning prayer. More importantly, Peer Ministers seek to grow in their own understanding of who God is and where God is present for each of us. During our meetings, we spend time in prayer and then meet in small "Angel Groups" to talk about our prayer experience, support one another, and offer prayer for each member’s special intentions. Peer Ministry is a safe space to explore questions of faith and find friendships across all grade levels. If your daughter wanted to join Peer Ministry but missed the deadline, please encourage her to come into Campus Ministry and talk with us about the program. On Saturday, June 1 we will honor the graduating class of 2018 with Class Day, which begins with our Baccalaureate liturgy. The liturgy begins at 9 a.m. in the Miller Athletic Complex. All are welcome to attend. Registration forms have been mailed for next year’s retreats for sophomores, juniors, and seniors. These retreats are free and open to students of all faith traditions. The retreats are popular and fill up quickly so get your forms in the main office by Friday, May 25. We wish you a blessed summer- full of fun, laughter, peace, and renewal!

Visual & Performing Arts

Dance Team

Spring is in full bloom and so are the arts at Presentation! Here is a little peek into the exciting happening in our art classes.

The Presentation Dance department has been working extremely hard to prepare for their upcoming performance, Spring Dance Concert May 9-11. This is a performance not to be missed. This performance will include performances by Dance Company, Dance Team, Jazba, Dance Company classes, Dance II, Dance IV and our Middle School dancers. Tickets can be purchased at the box office on the Presentation website. This show will sell out so please purchase your tickets early.

By Cynthia Ford-Pustelnik | Department Chair

Graphic Design II finished making zines, which feature original illustrations, poems, and stories. Video II made films in partnerships, where students directed an original story and edited their partners' footage. Graphic Design I is designing stickers dedicated to a social justice cause of their choice. Yearbook completed the main book and received assignments for the supplement that will be delivered in fall. Broadcast Journalism is making their final podcast of the year, which will document a moment of personal discovery in real time. Photography II completed a protest piece, a photo assemblage project, and creatively photographing all the letters of the alphabet found in nature. Also, 12 student participated in the Now and Forever Photography contest that opened on Thursday, April 19 at 5 p.m. Senior Julia Cheng (AP art) won three scholastic awards. Our design students are carving and learning about the lost wax casting process and creating sterling silver rings. Drawing and Painting are working on architectural perspectives, figurative work, and foreshortening. Ceramics classes are continuing to throw on the potter's wheel, are constructing figurative sculptures of Buddha, and will be participating in a Raku firing. Scot Hanna-Weir, choir director from SCU, will be coming in to do personal clinics with Bella Voce and Cantabile on Friday, May 4. Our theater productions class is currently learning about 20th century playwrights. Students are writing their own one-act scripts and are learning about performance art and female performance artists from the seventies through today. Please join us May 9-11 for the Spring Dance concert and Art Show, Tuesday, May 15 for our piano and voice recital, and Friday, May 18 for the end of the year choir concert. The Lantern | May 2018

By Sara Fugate | Dance Team Coach

Are you interested in being a part of the Presentation Dance Team? Dance Team auditions for the 2018-2019 team will be held May 14-18. There will be a mandatory parent and/or dancer meeting on Monday, May 14 at 6 p.m. in the Library for all dancers who will be auditioning for the first time. You will receive the audition packet as well as information about the audition process. The dance clinic where dancers will be learning all required material necessary for the audition will be held on May 15-17. Friday, May 18 will be the day of the audition. For questions or additional information please email Sara Fugate at


By Stacey Mallison | Athletic Director Hello Panthers! The 4th Annual Athletic Fundraiser, Game of Throws, was held on Saturday, March 24. It was a complete success as we raised nearly $30,000 for our student-athletes! It was another fun night with many amazing people in our awesome Presentation community. Congratulations to the winners of the 2018 Game of Throws, Team Sal’s Pals. Thank you to everyone who attended the fundraiser and to all who helped us to exceed our $25K fundraising goal! You all raised nearly $30,000 for our student-athletes and our Athletic Program; we are extremely grateful for the way so many people came together and rallied in the name of our outstanding Athletic Program! Stay tuned for the information for the 5th Annual Game of Throws so that you can join us next year for a fun-filled night with the great people that make up our Presentation community. We have over 250 students representing a Presentation team this spring in Lacrosse, Softball, Swimming & Diving and Track & Field. Our Lacrosse team is in their inaugural season and have taken tremendous strides of improvement since their season began in February. They played against some very experienced teams this season and showed great determination and team camaraderie; the lacrosse team earned a couple wins against Notre Dame Belmont and Lincoln High School. Our softball team is having a solid season with great wins over Valley Christian, Leland and Oak Grove. They hosted a Strike Out Cancer game against St. Ignatius and raised $545 for the Susan G. Komen foundation that helps to raise money for breast cancer research. The Swimming & Diving team had great wins over Valley Christian and Notre Dame San Jose; they also have a large group of swimmers who have qualified for the CCS meet. The Track & Field team is having another great season! They beat Mitty in the WCAL dual meet and earned a win over Sacred Heart Cathedral. We also had six Track & Field athletes qualify for the highly-touted Arcadia meet. Congratulations to all of our spring student-athletes for all their success during this 2018 Spring season!

Varsity Home Games Softball Friday, May 4 | 4 p.m. vs. St. Francis High School

Spring WCAL & CCS Events Diving Wednesday, May 2 | 4 p.m. WCAL Diving Championship (at Presentation)

Swimming Friday, May 4 | 4 p.m. WCAL Trials (at Bellarmine) Saturday, May 5 | 2 p.m. WCAL Finals (at Bellarmine)

Swimming & Diving Friday, May 18 | Time TBD CCS Trials (at Santa Clara Swim Center) Saturday, May 19 | Time TBD CCS Finals (at Santa Clara Swim Center)

Softball Tuesday, May 8 | Time TBD WCAL Playoffs Begin (Site TBD) Make sure to attend Presentation’s Sports Physicals Night if you’re planning on playing a sport at Presentation next year. Physical’s Night is on Monday, May 21 from 6-9 p.m. in the Miller Athletic Complex. The physicals cost $35 and all the proceeds go directly back to the training room to buy supplies for our student-athletes (tape, pre-wrap, bandages, etc.). Specific information about Sports Physicals Night is available on the Athletics homepage, or contact our Athletic Trainer Heather Terbeek at We’ll see you in the Gym on Monday, May 21! Go Panthers! Stacey Mallison Athletic Director

Wednesday, May 16 | Time TBD CCS Playoffs Begin (Site TBD)

Track & Field Saturday, May 5 | Time TBD WCAL Trials (at St. Francis High School) Friday, May 11 | Time TBD WCAL Finals (at St. Francis High School) Satuday, May 19 | Time TBD CCS Trials (at Gilroy High School) Saturday, May 25 | Time TBD CCS Finals (at Gilroy High School)

May 2018 SUNDAY




WEDNESDAY May Day Prayer 2Service, 3 11-11:45 a.m. Senior Luncheon, 11:50 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., MSC Parent Board Mtg. 7-9 p.m., Library



LAMP Mtg., 6-9 p.m., Jenvey House Lacrosse Awards, 7-9 p.m., MSC



Softball Awards, 7-9 p.m., MSC


Swim & Dive Awards, 6-8 p.m., MSC


Semester End Recitals, 7-9 p.m., Theater

No School: Memorial Day


Young Alum Board Mtg., 6-8 p.m., Jenvey House

Spring Dance Concert, 7-9 p.m., Theater


Alumnae Council, 6-8 p.m., Jenvey House

Frosh Snip-ITS & Improv Show, 7-9:30 p.m., Theater Track & Field Awards, 7-9 p.m., MSC


Physicals Night, 6-9 p.m., MAC


Lantern League Steering Committee Mtg., 12-1:30 p.m., Basile House


Dance Team Parent Mtg., 6-7:30 p.m., Library




Awards Assembly, 10:35 a.m. 12:45 p.m., MAC






11Golf Tournament,


Sophomore Parent Testing Info Night, 7-8:30 p.m., Theater


Booster Board Mtg., 6-9 p.m., MSC

Spring Dance Concert, 7-9 p.m., Theater


Speech & Debate Awards, 6-8:30 p.m., MSC Golf Tournament Victory Party, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Celebration Area


Senior Class Lunch, 12:15-12:45 p.m., MSC


Golf Tournament Mtg., 6:30-8:30 p.m., Library


11 a.m. - 9 p.m., Cinnabar Hills Golf Course


Spring Dance Concert, 7-9 p.m., Theater

18 Spring Concert/Senior Showcase, 6-8 p.m., Theater Senior Lock-In, 8 p.m. (start time), MAC

25 No School: Mag Drive Holiday

Senior Dinner, 6:30-9 p.m., MAC

Board of Trustees Mtg., 3:30-5 p.m., Library


19 Senior Lock-In, 8 a.m. (end time), MAC


Choir Awards & BBQ, 5:30-7:30 p.m., MSC and Celebration Area

For complete calendar visit

MAY 2018 Presentation High School The Lantern 2281 Plummer Avenue San Jose, CA 95125

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