October Lantern 2016

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LANTERN Presentation High School Parent Newsletter | October 2016

Parent Board Hopefully you’ve settled into the new school year by now; mixers, fall athletics and homework are probably top of mind for your student. As you may know, Presentation provides tons of activities, services and programs all designed to help incoming freshmen acclimate to student life here. What you may not know though is that there are also resources available to our new parents to help make a smooth transition into the Pres community. The Family Ties program, run by the Parent Board, consists of a group of veteran volunteer parents who are available to answer questions about school events and policies from the parents’ perspective. Each incoming freshman parent has been assigned a Family Ties representative. If you’re unsure of who yours is, contact David Nickel at ww2tiger@yahoo.com. I hope you were able to enjoy last month’s memorable Mother-Daughter Mass and Breakfast. It is always a heartfelt event and great bonding opportunity—something I personally appreciate more than ever as we recently dropped off our oldest daughter, a Pres alumna, at college. Thanks to all of the dads and other volunteers who helped put on the affair!

A Note from the Attendance Office

Another fun parent event coming this fall is the annual Texas Hold ‘Em Poker Tournament. For experienced gamblers or newbies just looking to have a great time, it’s a can’t-miss engagement. Scheduled for Nov. 18, the poker tournament offers fun prizes, an auction, and an all-you-can-eat and drink. Invitations will be arriving soon with more details and registration information.

If your daughter is going to be coming to school late or not at all, please call the Attendance Office at (408) 266-1060 no later than 9 a.m.

All absences require a written note signed by the parent the day she returns to school. Faxes and emails are not accepted.

Your daughter is considered absent if she arrives after 8 a.m. (unless she has a free period) and will need a parent note when she checks into the Attendance Office.

In the rare instance when your daughter needs to leave school for an appointment, send her to the Attendance Office before school begins with a note from you stating the reason she needs to leave school and the time of her dismissal. She will be given an early dismissal notice from the Attendance Secretary.

Many parents have asked how to volunteer and if there are events or activities for working-parent volunteers. Of course we have a job for you, but we need to know what you are most interested in. Contact the Office of Advancement at (408) 264-5110 to learn more about ways to get involved. If your student has an upcoming birthday, don’t forget to surprise her with birthday balloons from Presentation. You can find the order form on the Parents page of the Presentation website. Thanks! Joel Dibble | Parent Board President jcdibble17@gmail.com 2

The Lantern | October 2016

With the school year in full swing, here are some important reminders regarding our attendance policy and procedures:

For further information, please review the detailed Attendance Policy located in your daughter’s academic planner. If you have any other questions, please contact the Attendance Office at (408) 266-1060 or by email at cfurtado@presentationhs.org.



Community Involvement kicked off the school year with the annual Service Fair. Featuring 28 non-profit agencies, the day began with an assembly highlighting our upcoming immersion trips and service opportunities. Afterward, students were able to speak one-on-one with representatives from a variety of organizations including the Ronald McDonald House, Good Karma Bikes, Reading Partners and Angels on Stage. It was an inspiring day and students walked away with a clearer idea of how to put their faith into action.

September was a busy month! Campus Ministry would like to extend special thanks to all of you who came and prayed with and for your daughters at the Mother-Daughter Liturgy. Thanks especially to the Rossi family for writing and sharing beautiful reflections.

We are also excited for our upcoming Black and White Charity Ball, a semi-formal dance that raises more than $30,000 for Sacred Heart Community Service. Our theme this year is “An Evening with Gatsby.” On Saturday, Oct. 15 from 7:45-11 p.m., the gym will be transformed into Gatsby’s mansion; dancing, a photo booth, a movie under the stars, a dessert bar and fun games are just a few of the highlights. Our students have been working around the clock to make the Black and White Charity Ball unforgettable, but we also need your help. A wishlist of items needed for our dance can be found on the Black and White Charity Ball page of the Presentation website. We are also in need of volunteers to set up decorations the morning of Oct. 15 and take down decorations on Sunday, Oct. 16. Volunteers are also needed to help with check-in, coat check and the dessert bar the night of the dance. Please contact Lindsay Swoboda at lswoboda@presentationhs.org if you can lend a hand!

Parish Day on Sept. 23 was also a fantastic success. It’s an honor to host Bishop McGrath, as well as the youth ministers and pastors of San José, for a special liturgy and luncheon on campus. We encourage Catholic families to involve your daughters in local youth ministry parish groups—it’s a great opportunity for faith sharing and spiritual development. October begins with our first Freshman Retreat held off campus at the Presentation Retreat Center in the Santa Cruz Mountains. “Growing in the Good Seed,” based on the Parable of the Sower, is the theme of the Freshman Retreat. Core Team, Peer Ministers and faculty will lead the girls in a day of reflection and sharing. The first Junior Retreat of the year will be held Oct. 20-21. Also held in the picturesque setting of the Presentation Center, the theme of the retreat is “Sacred Journey.” During the two-day retreat, our students are able to experience many prayer styles. The retreat is lead by four senior Core Team members who will share about being women of faith, integrity, prayer and action. Space is still available for the spring Junior Retreat, which also promises to be a relaxing and faith-filled experience.

Panthers Exploring Medicine By Gillian Pereira ‘18 and Shruti Pai ‘18

As one of the newest clubs on campus, Panthers Exploring Medicine, or PEM, is excited to join the Presentation community. PEM helps students explore the exciting field of medicine and learn more about what it takes to pursue a career in healthcare. With exciting presentations and respected guest speakers, members will have many opportunities to explore countless fields of interest within healthcare. The goal is to help students begin planning their paths to a career in medicine. Field trips will take place each semester to give members a hands-on look it’s like to work at a medical facility. During the fall semester, students will take a field trip to the Stanford Blood Center to get an exclusive tour, learn more about the science of hematology, and discover service opportunities. PEM members will also be able to serve their community during our spring research fundraisers. This year, members will be conducting a variety of sales to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, a foundation that works tirelessly to help those whose lives have been impacted by leukemia and other blood cancers.

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COLLEGE COUNSELING October is in full swing and the senior class is hard at work finalizing college essays and submitting applications. The College Counseling Department is just as busy, as we are midway through college representative visits here on campus. With more than 140 colleges coming to Presentation from August to November, the days have been filled with a plethora of college information being passed on to interested students. A college counselor is present at every single visit, taking diligent notes to be passed on to students and parents via our online college planning tool, Naviance. Colleges visit campus are scheduled at both 7:15 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. to allow students to meet with colleges without the burden of missing class time. Our calendar of visit was booked within the first few weeks of September, and college admissions personnel were eager to meet with students. With close to 40% of last year’s seniors selecting out-of-state colleges, it comes to no surprise that the colleges and universities visiting us span from east to west coasts and everywhere in between. We look forward to witnessing our students’ engagement with their college search process as they realize what wonderful opportunities they have available to them. There truly is a college for everyone, no matter a student’s academic profile. Our goal is to ensure every student realizes her potential. While it may be a busy time of year, it is worthwhile to see each student’s excitement for what the future might hold.

COLLEGE COUNSELING: Test Day Logistics On Wednesday, Oct. 19 all sophomores and juniors will take the PSAT/NMSQT at Presentation High School. The PSAT/ NMSQT can help your daughter to begin thinking about and planning for college, see which academic skills she needs to work on, and get ready for college entrance exams, including the SAT (which she will take in the spring of her junior year). The PSAT for sophomores allows students to become familiar with the redesigned SAT and standardized testing in a formal setting. The PSAT/NMSQT for juniors can qualify her for scholarships and other honors. The score results from her PSAT will not be shared with colleges for admissions purposes. Scores will be made available to your daughter in late December via her mentoring classroom. Test Day Logistics for Wednesday, Oct. 19 • This is a mandatory school day. • Students are permitted to wear free dress in accordance with the dress code. • School buildings close at 3 p.m. Please make arrangements to have your students picked up from school by this time. • There will be no food service, so students should bring a lunch if they will be staying on campus after testing. The library will be closed. • Students should arrive no later than 7:45 a.m. to their mentoring classrooms. Students will be dismissed by approximately 11:45 a.m. • Students should bring two No. 2 pencils, a calculator and their student ID cards. • If students are absent on testing day there are no make-up exams.

Counseling: Social Media Tips for College Admissions Patrick Lorenzo | College Counselor

WORKSHOP WEDNESDAY This year’s Workshop Wednesday for seniors will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 19 from 8-11:45 a.m. at Presentation High School. The College Counseling Department will be presenting several application workshops on the California State University, University of California, Common Application, and community college applications. Students are asked to bring laptops with them for the morning, as they will be actively working on their applications with the assistance of their college counselors and mentors. Light snacks will be provided. This is a mandatory school event for all seniors. 4

The Lantern | October 2016

Do admissions officers look up social media accounts for prospective students? It’s a question I was asked routinely in my previous role as a university admissions counselor. The short answer is, it depends. Students must understand reviewing applications is a timecompressed process. During peak application reading season, admissions officers typically review 50-60 applications a day. The time to seek out social media outlets like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or YouTube for prospective applicants is limited. Students may wonder if they could entice an admissions representative to learn more about them by sharing a little bit of themselves through social media. To that I would respond, “Sure, but proceed with caution.” Students should think about

their purpose and how they may be viewed online. Most importantly, if students are joining an online community, are they representing themselves honestly and accurately? Here are three best practices to use social media in a positive way for the purposes of college admission: 1. Clear, appropriate picture of yourself: Before the admissions officer even explores a student’s account, her profile picture is the first impression. Students should consider this their online handshake and smile. Choose an inviting image (without one of those Snapchat filters), preferably a solo shot. Glamour headshots are not required. 2. Revise your profile information: Imagine the admissions officer viewing your “About Me” section. This is your writing sample. Brush up your word choice and remove any slang or shorthand text. 3. Screen your media postings: Any videos or photos, whether or not you are in them, represent you. If they are controversial in any way, I would recommend removing them from public view.


Gabriella Gomez | Bella Voce Public Relations Officer Wondering what our award-winning choirs have been up to lately? Bella Voce just had its fall choral retreat, spending the day bonding and focusing on their songs for this semester. Additionally, a new chamber choir has been formed this year, sourcing auditioned members from Bella Voce and Cantabile. This eight-person group will act as the vocal ambassadors for the choral program at Pres, singing a variety of music ranging from jazz to classical to pop songs. Bella Voce is busy rehearsing for its upcoming Fall Choir Gala on Friday, Oct. 7. The theme is A Night at the Movies; it will feature songs from different cinematic soundtracks performed by Bella Voce and Cantabile. There will be wine and appetizers in the Marian Stuckey Student Center prior to the concert along with a raffle and silent auction! Tickets are $15 and can be purchased online through the Presentation Box Office. All proceeds from the event go towards 2016-17 travel expenses for Bella Voce and Cantabile.

Always think about showing the best version of yourself. Online or offline, an authentic approach is what colleges will most respect.

Theater ONE SINGULAR SENSATION! Pres performers take to the Valenzuela Theater stage Nov. 5-20 to perform our mainstage musical production of the Broadway classic A Chorus Line. This musical tells the story of group of aspiring dancers hoping to be chosen by a single-minded director to land a part in a new musical. A sensation when it opened in 1975 (and won the Tony Award for best musical), this instant classic is a Broadway legend sure to please our audiences. Pres seniors Raziel Santos, Talia Rossi, Hannah Franchetti, Natalie Sousa and Ashley Stephens all play pivotal roles in this ensemble production supported by a cast of amazing Pres talent (along with nine boys from local high schools). Tickets are now on sale for all performances; pick and pay for your seat online by visiting www.presentationhs.org/boxoffice. Don’t wait! Last year’s musical, Chicago, sold out every seat, so don’t get locked out this year. It is sure to be a great production! I.T.S. FOR A CAUSE: Our drama club, the International Thespian Society, presents its annual benefit concert on Wednesday, Oct. 5 at 7 p.m. in the Valenzuela Theater. This year’s production is The Concert for Animals with proceeds going to benefit the ASPCA, a group dedicated to the protection of animals. This concert is always an eclectic evening of song, dance, comedy, drama and surprise appearances. This year’s ITS officers promise an evening of the best talent Pres has to offer, including an appearance by the award-winning Presentation Dance Team, as well as vocals, choreography and even a film created by our talented students. Tickets for the concert are ten dollars and will be available from any ITS member or at the door. See a great show and help a great cause! See you at the theater! Jim Houle | Director of Performing Arts

If you or someone you know has a middle school child interested in choir, don't hesitate to sign up for our Middle School Workshop Program! The program meets on Wednesdays from 3:45-5 p.m. from Oct. 19-Dec. 7 and will perform with Bella Voce and Cantabile in winter concerts on Dec. 9 and 10 at 7 p.m. The cost is $50 per person and registration is available at through the Presentation website in the Admissions section on the Middle School Programs page.

Dance Our national championship-winning dance team is jumping into autumn with a fundraiser and performance at Kitsch Couture in downtown Los Gatos on Thursday, Oct. 13 from 6:30-9:30 p.m. A percentage of the proceeds from all sales at Kitsch will benefit the team. Join us for a fun day of shopping and dance! Also, if you would like to sponsor the team, please contact any team member or our Dance Team Director, Sara Fugate, at sfugate@presentationhs.org. Your generosity makes an immediate difference for our talented dancers! www.presentationhs.org 5

Athletics Greetings to all, The fall season is off to a strong start! • Our Cross Country team is training hard six days a week. Already, the team is looking like a strong contender for the CCS meet. • Field Hockey had great wins over Christopher High School (3-0) and an exciting overtime win over Homestead 4-3! • Golf played in two tournaments in September and began its tough WCAL competition. • Tennis started off their season with a 4-3 win over Willow Glen High School. • Volleyball played quite a few matches in September and had exciting wins over Menlo-Atherton and Aptos. The team also traveled to the Sacramento area and took first place in the Oak Ridge Tournament. Also underway is the Captain’s Council led by Assistant Athletic Director Kevin Saldivar. Through the council, captains from each varsity team meet once a month to build their leadership skills on and off the field. I also want to make sure you know that the Athletic Program’s fundraiser, Game of Throws, will be held on Friday, March 25, 2017 in the Miller Athletic Complex. Please plan on being there to enjoy the Baggo tournament, great food and drinks, and many fun-filled festivities! Contact the Athletic Office for more information. Go Panthers!! Stacey Mallison Athletic Director

Varsity Home Games Field Hockey Thursday, Oct. 13 vs. Prospect High School | 3:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 20 vs. Willow Glen High School | 3:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 27 vs. St. Ignatius College Prep | 3:30 p.m.

Tennis Wallenberg Park Thursday, Oct. 6 vs. Valley Christian | 3:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 20 vs. St. Francis High School | 3:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 27 vs. Sacred Heart Cathedral | 3:30 p.m.

Volleyball Tuesday, Oct. 4 vs. Notre Dame San Jose | 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 5 vs. St. Francis High School | 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 12 vs. Valley Christian | 6:30 p.m. TBA WCAL Playoffs

Water Polo Wednesday, Oct. 19 vs. Archbishop Mitty High School | 6 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 22 Panther Varsity Challenge | TBA TBA WCAL Playoffs


The Lantern | October 2016

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October 2016 SUNDAY








For complete calendar visit www.presentationhs.org/calendar




LAMP Meeting, 7-9 p.m, Jenvey House Speech & Debate Parent Judging Night, 6-8 p.m.

10 School Holiday, Columbus Day




5 TADA! Meeting, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Reception Room

Auction 11Committee Mtg.,

5:30-7 p.m., Center Financial Aid Night for Senior Parents 7-8:30 p.m., Valenzuela Theater



24 31






Auction Sponsor Party, 6-8 p.m. Fall Choir Gala, 6-10 p.m., Valenzuela Theater

Parent Board Meeting, 7-8:30 p.m., Library


Math & Science Colloquium, 7-8:30 p.m., Marian Stuckey Student Center


Auction Adult Worker Meeting, 5-7 p.m., Library




First Quarter Grades Available


Board of Trustees Meeting, 3:30-5 p.m., Library




Auction Victory Party, 6-8 p.m., Library

22 Auction: Speakeasy No. 2281, 5:30-11 p.m., Villa Ragusa, Campbell

LAMP Fall Event, 6-10 p.m., Marian Stuckey Student Center


Black & White Charity Ball, 7:45-11 p.m., Miller Athletic Complex


School buildings close at 12:30 p.m.

OCTOBER 2016 Presentation High School The Lantern 2281 Plummer Avenue San Jose, CA 95125

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