The Lantern - October 2017

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LANTERN Presentation High School Parent Newsletter | October 2017

Dear Parents, By now, all of you have received a letter from the Board of Directors announcing my appointment as President of Presentation. I wanted to follow up with you in a more personal way. This will be my last year as principal; an active search is underway to find my replacement, and I am confident we will find the right person person. I have loved my over 20 years in this role, but it is time for a change. Pres has grown considerably in both size and scope of programs. The day-to-day responsibilities of overseeing all this growth has been exciting, stimulating and an honor. I have been so fortunate to work with an incredible faculty and administrative team who are largely responsible for the success of the school. The next principal will be blessed with a dedicated and talented supporting team. I have gotten to know many of you so well and have loved that relationship. Your support has kept me strong. But it is the daily interaction with students that I will miss the most. I came to Pres to teach and mentor young women, and that has always been my first love and my highest priority. I am still hoping to teach a class next year, but I am very aware that my visibility on campus will be far less. So, what will I be doing next year—eating bon-bons and watching TV? As tempting as that image is, I am not going anywhere. As president, I will remain head-of-school; but my focus will be different. Rather than run the school on a daily basis, I will support

Pres and ensure it has the resources necessary to continue to thrive. Essentially, this means long range planning, public relations, donor relationships and finance. We have just completed a BIG and BOLD master plan; moving it forward will need my full attention, and I’m excited by this new challenge. I will retain my role as spiritual leader of Pres and continue, as I have always tried to do, to keep our mission and philosophy the foundation of all our efforts and, in doing so, strengthen our Catholic identity and culture. Change is good! Mindful change with thoughtful and deliberate planning is even better. Our Boards and administration have been anticipating this transition for a number of years, and we are ready to execute the plan. I am trusting that both I and the new principal will have your support. It is hard to believe that we are approaching the end of the first quarter. Hang on—the year is going to fly! Take care and be well.


Mary Miller | Principal

Parent Board

By Matt Sunseri | Parent Board President | Hopefully your family has settled in to the new school year with mixers, fall athletics and homework most likely on the top of your Pres girls mind. As you may know Presentation provides a large amount of activities, services and programs all designed to help incoming freshman acclimate to student life. What you may not know though is that there are also resources available to help new parents make a smooth transition to the Presentation community. The Parent Connection Program run by the Parent Board, consists of veteran volunteer parents that are available to answer questions about school events and policies from a parents perspective. Each incoming freshman parent has been assigned a Family Connection representative. If you’re unsure of who your rep is, please contact Dave Nickel at I hope you were able to enjoy the recent and memorable Mother-Daughter Mass and Breakfast. This is always a heartfelt moment and great bonding opportunity! Thanks to all the dads and countless volunteers who work behind the scenes to make this event the amazing experience it is. Another fun event coming up in the Fall is the Texas Hold ‘em Poker Tournament. This event is for everyone from seasoned gamblers to first timers looking to have a great night, support the school and meet other Pres parents. It’s truly a can’t miss event. I personally have been involved in the Texas Hold ‘em night for the past three years and it’s absolutely one of my favorite Presentation events. Scheduled for Friday, Nov. 17, the poker tournament offers fun prizes, an auction and all that you can eat and drink. More details and registration information will be available soon. Many parents have asked how to volunteer and if there are events or activities for working parent volunteers. Of course we have a job that you’d enjoy, but we need to know what you’d like to do. Contact the Office of Advancement at (408) 264-5110 for information on how you can get involved today! Lastly, if your student has an upcoming birthday, don’t forget to surprise her and brighten her day with birthday balloons from Presentation.


The Lantern | October 2017

Community Involvement: Why We Plunge By Ariel Cooper '20

On the morning of Friday, Sept. 8 to the early afternoon of Saturday, Sept. 9, I took a journey into a faraway land called downtown San Jose. Considering I live in the same city as this mysterious place, I thought that nothing would change and that my perspective on the world would only be slightly altered with this trip. However, my expectations of mere service in my hometown, were surpassed by the reality of a completely new world from numerous perspectives that shifted my view of the town I live in and, most importantly, who exactly lives in it with me. There were fifteen of us in total, with thirteen being students and two teachers, who had decided to participate in this plunge. Our first activity was a meeting with the San Jose City Homelessness Response Team. We were able to ask questions about what the city is doing to address the issue of homelessness. Their answers and attempts to address the issue, in some cases, were prime examples of good intent drowned out by poor execution and political restrictions. After our meeting, we traveled to The Window at St. Joseph’s Basilica to serve sandwiches, chips, pastries, and water to anyone who was hungry. While there, we met people who shattered society's stereotypes around homelessness. After we served lunch, we made our way to Casa de Clara, the local Catholic Worker House and women's shelter. While visiting the house, we met Betty who shared her story of living in and out of a car and storage container, but used her resources to get back into school and find housing at Casa de Clara. We then met Tripper and Russell, who were kind enough to let us visit their camp, where they live outside every night. Each story we heard, each person we met, gave us new perspectives and made us think about our own ideas around homelessness. The reason we plunge is simple: to see problems we may not have seen before, and to solve these problems to the best of our ability. The representatives we met with at City Hall were trying their best in their difficult jobs, however it seems that this is not enough. Our citizens need more permanent solutions than "sweeps" and temporary housing. We need a permanent solution in order to get these individuals, these human beings with dignity and human rights, into safe houses with roofs over their heads. August Service Stars: • Hannah Browne served 175 hours at Monterey Bay Aquarium • Leina Huet served 144 hours at Sacred Heart Summer Academy at Gardner Elementary • Mikayla James served 113 hours at St. Clare School Summer Camp • Christine Burchinal served 96 hours at Walden West Summer Camp • Kiana Martin served 45 hours at Campbell United Methodist Church and Children's Discovery Museum


The Lantern | October 2017

Campus Ministry

By Claire Hansen | Director of Campus Ministry September was a busy month! Special thanks to all of you who came and prayed with and for your daughters at the MotherDaughter Liturgy on Sunday, Sept. 24. Thanks especially to the Chuck family for writing and sharing beautiful reflections. Preparations have begun for Presentation’s Confirmation program, which happens every other year and is open to any Junior or Senior who would like to be confirmed in the Catholic Church before she leaves for college. Interested students are invited to an informational meeting on Friday, Oct. 20 in the gym during lunch. All families planning to enroll their daughter must have at least one parent present at our confirmation parent meeting on Monday, Oct. 23 from 7-8 p.m. in the Marian Stuckey Student Center. Applications are due Wednesday, Nov. 1. We will review the application process and the required documentation at these informational meetings. We look forward to a fantastic program of faith formation! More information is available on our website at www.presentationhs. org/faith-service/confirmation. The first Junior Retreat of the year will be held on Oct. 16-17. For juniors who were ready for a well-deserved break, this retreat will be held at the Jesuit Retreat Center of Los Altos; student will be able to reflect on their experiences as they reflect on the center’s lovely view of the valley. The theme of the retreat is “Sacred Journey” and it is lead by five senior Core Team members, faculty leaders, and a campus minister. The focus of the retreat is how to develop an adult prayer life and the value of being women of faith, integrity, and commitment. Spaces are available for most of our class level retreats. Contact Claire Hansen for registration information at All are welcome on these relaxing and faith-filled experiences!


Religious Studies Department

Each year the Counseling Department hosts parent nights once or twice a year in the hopes of providing information to our parents from dynamic speakers on topics relevant to raising teens. Last month we hosted Jonathan Scott from Miles to Go. I hope some of you had the opportunity to hear Jonathan speak. He was relevant, real and direct. He helped give parents some simple clear strategies for handling real life situations that can happen with our daughters. As a parent of two teen daughters I found his talk both informative and useful. I hope those of you in the audience did as well.

The Religious Studies department strives to keep our content and pedagogy relevant to what is happening in the world. I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight Lisa Dalton, our primary teacher of Social Justice. Lisa has undergone a renovation of sorts to our curricula to highlight the environmental encyclical of Pope Francis and how it applies to the water crisis in Flint, MI. For the past number of years, Community Involvement and the Social Justice classes have sponsored an afternoon of reflection about food justice. This afternoon takes the place of a semester long project and asks students to consider the justice questions surrounding food and their role as consumers. For the past year students have heard from Javier Zamora from JSM Organic Farming about local sustainable and ethical farming. To supplement this material, Lisa is developing curriculum centered around Chasing the Harvest a book of oral stories told by farm workers throughout California. The department has been able to underwrite the cost of these books so that these stories will be available to every student for the next four years. Our hope is that students come to greater appreciation of the ethical choices they face everyday: from standing up against injustice to the types of food they buy. It is the type of effort from Lisa Dalton, along with our other teachers, who are working everyday to keep the Gospel alive.

By Rosemarie Healy | Academic Dean

Miles to Go began 20 years ago as a lecture series for parents, teachers and students predominantly in private schools in California. They are based in Southern California, comprised of Jonathan, and his wife Kelly Townsend. They both have real life experience with the topic of drugs and alcohol and have spent the last two decades devoting their life to ensuring that they are providing accurate, helpful and timely information to families like ours at Presentation. We feel so strongly that we provide our students and parents with information on this topic that plans are in the works to partner with Miles to Go next year and ongoing. My goal is to work with Britany Tufnell, Director of our Student Wellness Program, to have Jonathan provide ongoing education to your daughters - each year they are at Presentation. Miles to Go has a scope and sequence of workshops and talks that they provide to teens in high school and starting next year we hope to have the come up four times to speak to each grade level as a group during our SWell Components. We hope that these student workshops will provide conversation starters for home to help you engage in this topic that can often be difficult. If you didn’t get a chance to hear Jonathan speak this year, we will be bringing him back next year as well and we hope you will take advantage of the opportunity to hear him speak.

Creative Writing Club

By Angelena Paxton | English Teacher and Club Moderator Creative Writing Club is an opportunity to unleash your inner novelist, poet, or simply spend time with other Presentation students who share the love of the written word. Students have an opportunity to share and workshop their creative pieces during meetings. We have formal workshops and informal readings. We also have birthday parties for some of our favorite authors and poets. During November, students will participate in National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo which provides students the impetus to write an entire novel draft in one month.. Students can track progress and earn prizes for their work. As a former editor of Santa Clara University’s Literary Magazine, The Santa Clara Review and San Francisco State University’s Transfer Magazine, I will discuss the process of submitting work and obtaining publication in a literary magazine with students this year. If your daughter is a writer or simply loves to read, please encourage her to join us in Creative Writing. If you have any questions, please contact me at

By Eric Buell | Religious Studies Department Chair

College Counseling

By MaryLynne Rodriguez | Director of College Counseling On Wednesday, Oct. 11 all sophomores will take the Pre ACT and juniors will take the PSAT/NMSQT at Presentation High School. Both the Pre ACT and PSAT/NMSQT can help your daughter to begin thinking about and planning for college, see which academic skills she needs to work on, and get ready for college entrance exams, including the ACT and SAT (which she will take in the spring of her junior year). The Pre ACT for sophomores allows students to become familiar with the ACT and standardized testing in a formal setting. The PSAT/NMSQT for juniors can qualify her for scholarships and other honors. The score results from both exams will not be shared with colleges for admissions purposes. Scores will be made available to your daughter in late December via her mentoring classroom. Test Day Logistics for Wednesday, Oct. 11 • This is a mandatory school day. • Students are permitted to wear free dress in accordance with the dress code. • School buildings close at 3 p.m. Please make arrangements to have your students picked up from school by this time. There will be no food service, so students should bring a lunch if they will be staying on campus after testing. The library will be closed. • Students should arrive no later than 7:45 a.m. to their mentoring classrooms. Students will be dismissed by approximately 11:45 a.m. • Students should bring two No. 2 pencils, a calculator and their student ID cards. • If students are absent on testing day there are no make-up exams. 5

Performing Arts

By Jim Houle | Director of Performing Arts I.T.S. Concert for Girls! Our theater comes to life on Wednesday, Oct. 4, at 7 p.m. when our talented students take the stage to raise money for a worthy cause. Our drama club, I.T.S., presents their annual fundraiser concert: We Run the World: Concert for Girls, with proceeds going to a local women’s support facility: Casa de Clara. This is your chance to see the Pres Dance Company, the Pres Chamber Choir, our nationally award-winning Dance Team, as well as our talented musical theater students performing songs and scenes with girl power themes. Special appearances throughout the show— including some faculty cameos—should make this a must-see evening of culture and laughter. Get your tickets from any ITS member or email to make your reservation. Donation is $15 at the door, and any more you might want to give to this wonderful organization. Your support will be much appreciated.


The Lantern | October 2017

Who could ever learn to love a beast? Our upcoming musical opens Saturday, Nov. 4! Beauty and the Beast tickets are on sale now! Over seventy students in the cast and crew, a fifteen piece orchestra, a creative and inspiring production staff and the best talent to strut our boards in a long time all want to say “Be Our Guest!” Clearly, you will not want to be locked out of the theater without a ticket for the run of this amazing production, so why not go ahead and make that reservation early? Our Pres brand of original, volunteer-made costumes and sets, wildly-energetic choreographed numbers like Belle, Gaston and Human Again promise to delight audiences of all ages. A great chance for a super fun, family event, just go to our website, find our box office link and order your seat online. I should warn you—the last time we did this show, we sold out before we opened. See you at the theater!


By Stacey Mallison | Athletic Director Greeting Panthers! Our fall student-athletes have been competing well and have had many great victories! Our Cross Country team ran in the Chieftain Invitational at Toro Park in Salinas. The Varsity Cross Country team placed second and the JV and the Frosh-Soph teams each won their division! Way to go, Cross Country! The Field Hockey team has been training tremendously hard to prepare for their season. They performed very well in their scrimmage against Homestead and are looking for a berth into the CCS tournament. The Golf team played in two tournaments in September (the WCAL Jamboree and the Helen Lengfeld Memorial tournament) and began their tough WCAL competition. Tennis started off their season with a 5-2 win over Willow Glen High School. Volleyball played quite a few matches in September and had exciting wins over Clovis West, Cupertino and Monte Vista Christian. The freshmen volleyball team won the Del Mar high school tournament with greats wins over Branham and Woodside Priory. The water polo team is off to a great start; they had a big 12-5 win over Carlmont to start their season. Also, senior water polo star Kaitlin Rooney was named as a Positive Coaching Alliance Triple Impact Award Finalist. Please congratulate all our Fall teams and wish them well for the remainder of their season! Make sure to save this date: Saturday March 24, 2018. The Athletic Program’s fundraiser, Game of Throws, will be held on Saturday, March 24, 2018 in the Miller Athletic Complex. Please plan on being there to enjoy the Baggo tournament, great food and drinks and many fun-filled festivities! Contact the Athletic Office for more information.

Varsity Home Games Field Hockey Tuesday, Oct. 3 vs. St. Ignatius College Prep | 3:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 12 vs. Willow Glen High School | 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 17 vs. Leigh High School | 3:30 p.m.

Tennis All matches are at Wallenberg Park Tuesday, Oct. 3 vs. Valley Christian | 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 10 vs. St. Francis High School | 3:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 12 vs. St. Ignatius College Prep | 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 24 vs. Archbishop Mitty | 3:30 p.m.

Volleyball Tuesday, Oct. 3 vs. St. Ignatius College Prep | 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 10 vs. St. Francis High School | 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 17 vs. Archbishop Mitty | 6:30 p.m.

Water Polo Wednesday, Oct. 4 vs. Archbishop Mitty | 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 21 Panther Varsity Challenge 7

October 2017 SUNDAY




LAMP Meeting, 6-9 p.m., Jenvey House

8 Alumnae Regional


School Holiday: Columbus Day

Trip (New York)



Auction Meeting, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Library TADA! Meeting, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Reception Room




12-1:30 p.m., Garrett Conference Room

Parish Day Liturgy, 11:05 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., Miller Athletic Complex

Regional 4 Lantern League 5 Alumnae Steering Committee Mtg., Trip (New York)

I.T.S. Concert, 7-9 p.m., Valenzuela Theater Parent Board Mtg., 7-9 p.m., Library


Testing Info Night for Juniors, 7-8:30 p.m., Valenzuela Theater


17 Junior Retreat Junior Retreat


23 Fashion Show

Student Designer Parent Meeting, 6-7 p.m., Library Confirmation Parent Meeting, 7-8 p.m., Marian Stuckey Student Center

29 Open House,

10 a.m. - 1 p.m.


Student Holiday

MAC Meeting, 8-9:30 a.m., Jenvey House


Board of Trustees Meeting, 3:30-5 p.m., Library

Auction Victory Party, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Library


FRIDAY Alumnae Regional Trip (New York)

Alumnae 18Council, 6-8 p.m.,


Jenvey House

High School Info Night (Public & Private Schools), 7-9 p.m., Valenzuela Theater



Food Justice Education Event, 1-2 p.m., Miller Athletic Complex

Alumnae Regional Trip (New York)

14 Spanish Immersion Overnight

Peer Ministry Retreat, 3:15-8 p.m.

Auction, 5:30-10 p.m., Villa Ragusa

Confirmation Interest Meeting, 12:30-1:10 p.m., Miller Athletic Complex

Fashion Show 27 Executive Mtg.,

Booster Board Meeting, 7-9 p.m., Library


Spanish Immersion Overnight


LAMP Fall Event, 5-9 p.m., Marian Stuckey Student Center


Presentation Invitational Presentation Invitational Speech & Debate Speech & Debate Tournament, Tournament, 3-10 p.m. 8 a.m. - 10 p.m.

Student Auction 12 13 Worker Mtg., 12:30-1:10

Testing Day

Swim to Remember p.m., Basile House Workshop Wednesday for Presentation Invitational Presentation Invitational Auction Worker Meeting, Seniors, 8:15-11:45 a.m. Math & Science Speech & Debate Speech & Debate 6-8 p.m., Basile House Colloquium, 7-8:30 p.m., Young Alum Board, Tournament, Tournament, Marian Stuckey Student 6-8 p.m., Jenvey House 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. Center



21 Black & White Charity Ball, 7:45-11 p.m., Miller Athletic Complex


8-11 a.m., Basile House Grandparent's Day, 12:30-3 p.m.

Choir Gala, 6:30-9:30 p.m., Valenzuela Theater

For complete calendar visit

OCTOBER 2017 Presentation High School The Lantern 2281 Plummer Avenue San Jose, CA 95125

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