The Lantern - September 2017

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LANTERN Presentation High School Parent Newsletter | September 2017

Dear Parents and Friends of Presentation, Remember the good old days when Labor Day was the official start of the school year? HA! It really was a treat welcoming the students back last month; you may not have heard it on your end, but they really did their very best to express enthusiasm about a new beginning. Since they are back in school with reading lists and homework, it seems fitting to give you a little “food for thought.” Two items caught my eye this summer that might be of interest to you. The first is an editorial in the New York Times: “On Campus, Failure is On the Syllabus.” While the title may be off-putting, I invite you to read about the initiative at Smith College that takes head on the fallacy of perfectionism that prevents students from taking risks, recovering from mistakes—essentially impeding them from learning basic coping mechanisms. As I told the incoming class on the first day of school; “We did not accept you because you were perfect; we just believed you were perfect for Pres.” High school should be a time of trying new things, testing relationships, falling down in a safe environment where others encourage you to get back up. If you never fail, you never learn! Another very provocative read comes from Atlantic Magazine (August 2017): “Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?”

In it Jean Twenge addresses something of concern for all of us: More comfortable online than out partying, post-Millennials are safer, physically, than adolescents have ever been. Why then are they on the brink of a mental health crisis? Twenge is a published expert on generational trends and what she has to say is thought provoking. You may not agree with all her conclusions, but I guarantee it will make you reflect. It is difficult to imagine that the iPhone is only ten years old; the change it has made for good and ill—is unquestionable. But it is not too late to question how much is too much? If you do read one or both of these, I welcome your comments. Have a great September; if there is anything we can do to help you, please do not hesitate to ask. Sincerely,

Mary Miller | Principal

Student Activities: #MagSquad By Tim Case | Vice Principal of Student Activities

Mag Drive 2017 officially begins Thursday, Sept. 7! We hope you are excited to join the MAG SQUAD! All students are required to turn in either $120 in magazine sales/ subscriptions or donations. That said, our school goal is at least $240 per student and we very much appreciate your support reaching our goal! Go to and use our Organization ID #2585081 (Presentation High School Panthers) to purchase your magazines online, or to register to inform your friends and family.

Parent Board

By Matt Sunseri | Parent Board President | Dear Presentation Parents, Welcome back! I hope you all had an amazing summer full of vacation, rest and a whole lot of family time. I’m extremely excited to begin the year as President of the Parent Board. Whether this is your first Fall at Presentation or you’re a seasoned veteran, you may not be familiar with exactly what the Parent Board is, what we do or how you can get involved. The Parent Board is a group of parents who run, with the help of volunteers like you, many of the events at Presentation throughout the year. Some of these activities are social, such as Mother Daughter Mass and Pancake Breakfast or the annual Crab Feed and Dinner Dance. Some provide helpful information to the Presentation community’s such as the Principal’s State or the School Address and the Parent Connection Program. Most importantly, many of these activities raise funds for student scholarships and needed equipment for various on campus clubs and athletics. The board generally meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the library and all parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. So, please be sure to keep your eyes on future editions of the Lantern for more information on upcoming activities. I encourage you to sign up to volunteer at future events and play an active role in your daughter’s high school experience. It’s surprisingly easy and super rewarding at the same time. And please feel free to tap one of us on the shoulder and introduce yourself. We don’t bite and would love to chat about all things Parent Board! You can frequently find us on campus wearing our royal blue Parent Board polo shirts. I am looking forward to another amazing year at Presentation! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Yours in Pres, Matt Sunseri Parent Board President


The Lantern | September 2017

We strongly encourage students to create an official account online so they can track their sales and progress. It is important that accounts created online are linked to the school ID/name above in order for Presentation to receive credit for the sales. When registered online, students can create promotional videos and contact family/ friends digitally and through social media to enhance sales. Sales conducted this way will automatically be linked to that student’s sales account. We encourage online sales as it is the easiest and fastest way to process orders accurately and for you and customers to begin receiving their orders. Not interested in magazines? No problem! The website also has many other items to purchase from sports gifts, jewelry, Christmas gifts, and more! Don’t forget to print and save your online receipts and be sure that people that purchase from you send you their proof of purchase so that you earn sales credit and prizes during the drive. If sales are not done via a registered student account online, you will need these receipts. There are a number of things students can win including: $2,000 to the high seller, cash awards for the top seven high sellers, cash from the wheel spin, gift cards (Jamba Juice, iTunes, In-N-Out), candy, T-Shirts, free dress passes, Togo’s and Round Table Pizza lunches, and of course, school holidays! All orders must be completed and turned in by Friday, Sept. 22 to receive credit during the Mag Drive. If you have any questions feel free to contact Tim Case at

Campus Ministry

By Claire Hansen | Director of Campus Ministry Campus Ministry was busy in August with many opening activities. The peer ministry team and some special guests ran a session at Freshmen Orientation, sharing about their experiences of attending a Catholic school and how their faith has grown at Presentation. On Tuesday, Aug. 15 our entire community gathered for an Opening Liturgy to celebrate the Feast day of the Assumption of Mary. Ms. Miller shared a reflection on our school’s theme for the year, “You Have the Words of Everlasting Life.” This theme relates both to our love of God’s Word and also our community's desire to challenge each other and ourselves to think about our own words and reflect on how we communicate with one another. Are our words life-giving or life-depleting? Do we take the time to listen to one another before we speak? What can we do as a community to live Jesus’ message of love and forgiveness? What can each of us do personally to express his values in our daily speech? On Sept. 8-9 the fourteen members of core team, a smaller group of student leaders within peer ministry, will make a retreat at the Jesuit Retreat Center led by the Campus Ministers. On Sunday, Sept. 24, Pres students have the opportunity to gather for mass and breakfast with their mothers and any other special women in their lives at the Mother-Daughter Communion Breakfast. All are invited to this memorable annual tradition. The mass will begin at 9 a.m. in the courtyard. After mass, all are invited for a pancake breakfast in the gym. Please call the Office of Advancement for more information or to purchase a ticket. Retreat information:Freshman Retreat (mandatory for all freshmen) will be offered on Monday, Feb. 26, 2018. Limited spaces are still available for the sophomore, junior, and senior retreats. Registration forms, permission slips, and more information about each retreat are available on our website, These retreats are free and open to students of all faith traditions. We wish you a blessed beginning of this school year!

Community Involvement By Lindsay Swoboda | Director of Community Involvement

Last month, nearly 240 new faces ventured on to the Pres campus for the first time, officially, as Freshmen. During their second day of orientation the students were immersed in Presentation's Catholic identity and our motto "Not Words, But Deeds." We felt the best way to teach Freshmen about our motto was to engage them in an act of service. After learning about all of the ways students can get involved in our community, they worked together to make 250 placemats for Martha's Kitchen. This organization serves hot meals to those without. They strive to not just provide a meal, but a place where people can receive the dignity they deserve. They have served over 3 million meals since their founding. Our placemats will help add a little joy and beauty to the dining room. We can't wait to do more service activities with our new students over the next four years! 4

The Lantern | September 2017

Meet our new faculty! Back row (from left to right): Julia Asada (Advancement Assistant), Jo-Anne Hurlston (Academic Supervisor), Timothy Goodman (Math and Computer Science Teacher), Victoria Arild (Substitute Teacher), Claire Zirbes (English Teacher), Julie Arthur (Choir Director), Lindsay Fitzpatrick (College Counselor), Kate Deak (Visual Arts Teacher), Susan Hoelzer (Math Teacher) and Nicola Canzano (Science Department) Front row (from left to right): Samantha LoCurto (Director of Public Relations), Mary Clare Bernal (Science Teacher) and Lynn Wilson (Social Studies Teacher) Not pictured: Elisa Baroni (Math Teacher) and Ann Ponikvar (English Teacher)

College Counseling


The new academic year is upon us. Our freshmen are continuing to adjust to all that entails being a high school student, the sophomore class is beginning to stretch their academic muscles as they take on new challenges, the juniors are preparing for their first meetings with their College Counselors next month, and the Seniors are well underway in their steps towards applying to their chosen colleges. It is no different for the College Counseling Department, who is hard at work preparing our seniors for the upcoming months ahead. Although the senior class is our primary focus in the early Fall, we have a plentitude of valuable and informative information to share with the school-wide community. With the inception of monthly newsletters last January, the parent community can preview what lies ahead for their daughter as well as ascertain what steps need to be taken at each grade appropriate level to prepare for the near future.

Welcome to the Class of 2021 and their parents! I’m sure that you are fairly saturated with new information, facts and figures! Let me remind you that transitions are often times stressful and as we move forward into the new semester I am confident that you will ease into your new routine and soon be a pro at A and B Days, Collaboration and the ins and outs of Powerschool!

By MaryLynne Rodriguez | Director of College Counseling

The College Counseling Department has also created a new service for the student community in the form of monthly workshops specially designed for students covering a variety of timely topics, held during collaboration. Each workshop will be filmed and a link will be shared for parents as well as students who could not attend. On behalf of myself, Mr. Patrick Lorenzo, and Mrs. Lindsay Fitzpatrick, we hope you find the expansion of our services a welcome addition to your daughter’s journey through Presentation High School.

By Rosemarie Healy | Academic Dean

In the meantime, I am here to support your daughters as they learn how to traverse the Presentation school schedule! I will be your daughter’s counselor for her four year career here at Pres. I will meet with each Freshman at least once each semester. In addition, your daughter is free to contact me at any time and for any reason to schedule a meeting at My goal is to provide support and a safe place to talk while students are making the adjustment to high school and all of the co-curricular responsibilities and fun activities that go along with a new educational experience. I am also happy to support you as a parent of a teenager. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about your daughter’s personal transition. 5

Performing Arts

By Jim Houle | Director of Performing Arts Presentation High School’s drama club is the International Thespian Society, or I.T.S. for short. Usually 60+ strong, these students come together at monthly lunch meetings to plan and execute a series of student-produced shows that are performed throughout the year in the Valenzuela Theater. At the same time, most of these students will also be cast in the company for one or more of our main-stage productions—rehearsal, rehearsal, rehearsal—so these are very busy and productive club members. But because theater is more than performing, within I.T.S. there is another club, the “techies,” the backstage technicians who make up the crews for our plays and musicals. These students usually put their problem-solving skills to the test as soon as the curtain opens...things backstage seldom go exactly as planned. These students are the unsung heroes of our theater program, providing stage managers, department coordinators and technicians to all of our productions. One of the first cultural events of our year is the annual I.T.S. Benefit Concert, this year on Wednesday, Oct. 4. This year’s theme is female empowerment with proceeds going to Casa De Clara, a local resource for women in need. Not only do the senior officers produce this event, but students will write, direct, choreograph, design and, of course, perform this concert, as well as the evenings of short scenes and songs we like to call Snip-ITS that will follow. This year, the freshman class will perform Frosh Snip-ITS on Wednesday, Dec. 6. Our annual Musical Snip-ITS will be Feb. 15-16. These student-led performances are an excellent opportunity for our motivated students to do more in the theater than just “be directed,” including writing and producing their own material to be performed in front of an audience. One year, two members of this club wrote and produced their own musical. Another year, I.T.S. officers produced a production of Steel Magnolias, another year The Laramie Project, all student directed and designed. When the young women in this club have something to say, I.T.S. gives them an opportunity to express themselves, to experiment and to grow from experience. This year’s officers promise thoughtful choices as they mount this year’s productions, so mark your calendars to witness our theater performers and technicians in action at an upcoming I.T.S. production. See you at the theater! 6

The Lantern | September 2017

Dance Team

By Sara Fugate | Dance Team As the 2016-2017 school year came to a close, the dance team was just beginning its new year. The team consists of eight new team members and 14 returning team members. Our officers for the 2017-2018 school year are Sophia Brahney, Gianna Jelic, Abby McCarthy, Emily Sichak and Lauren Wong. In July, the girls attended USA Elite Camp at Cal Lutheran University. Four days of hard work and dedication, they earned a Superior ranking and the Hardest Working team award. Lauren Wong also represented the team by advancing to the top ten of the “Super Sensation Dancer”. Our second camp was to the West Coast Elite Summer Experience where the team took classes from amazing instructors from So You Think You Can Dance. Sophomores Mia Kanter, Anjelle Johnson, and Sofia Barrientos were selected as class standouts and All Stars. Sofia was awarded a scholarship to attend next years’ experience. The dancers are looking forward to what is in store for this year.

Dance Company Dance Company class are available to all Presentation students that are interested in dancing on campus after school. These classes are also available to any middle school student who is interested in dancing. We offer weekly classes as well as our company class which is our non-competitive, non-audition dance company. This company performs at various events on campus. We will be offering the following classes this year: Jazz II Ballet Company Class Jazz III Hip Hop Jazz I

Monday, 3-4 p.m. Monday, 4-5:15 p.m. Monday, 5:15-6:30 p.m. Wednesday, 3-4:30 p.m. Friday, 3-4 p.m. Friday, 4-5 p.m.

Registration packets can be picked up from the dance studio or downloaded from the Presentation Website.

If you are interested in supporting the team please contact Sara Fugate at 7


By Stacey Mallison | Athletic Director Welcome back to Presentation! I hope you had a wonderful summer with your family and that you’re ready for a great school year. In early August, all of our coaches gathered for a seminar about Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Presentation’s Head Team Physician, Dr. Robert Nishime, spoke to our coaching staff about the signs and symptoms of Sudden Cardiac Arrest. It was a very helpful and educational seminar that will help our coaches to be more prepared should this type of medical emergency ever occur. Have you joined Boosters yet? Please help us reach our goal of 300 Booster members this year! Presentation’s Athletic Boosters directly supports the students who are involved in the Athletic Program. The money raised by Boosters pays for our assistant coach stipends, equipment for our teams, and helps to offset the $120,000 transportation budget. Register online or stop by the Athletic Office to get more information! Our athletic program is working with the Bay Area Women’s Sports Initiative (BAWSI) again this Fall. I’m looking for students who want to get involved and volunteer to work with elementary-aged kids for one hour a week for eight weeks in the Fall semester. Stop by the Athletic Office for more info! Make sure to mark your calendar for the Athletic Department’s one-and-only Fundraiser! This year, Game of Throws will be held on Saturday, March 24, 2018 in the Miller Athletic Complex. Please join us for a fun night that will include the Baggo tournament, great food and drinks and fun-filled festivities! Please support your Athletic program and have a fun night with our Presentation community! Go Panthers!

Varsity Home Games Volleyball Tuesday, Sept. 5 vs. Homestead High School | 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 7 vs. Monte Vista Christian | 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 13 vs. Los Altos High School | 7 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 16 Jim Reilly Varsity Panther Challenge | 8 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 19 vs. Sacred Heart Cathedral | 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 26 vs. Valley Christian | 6:30 p.m.

Field Hockey Tuesday, Sept. 12 vs. Live Oak | 3:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 14 vs. Archbishop Mitty High School | 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 26 vs. St. Francis High School | 3:30 p.m.

Water Polo Wednesday, Sept. 27 vs. St. Francis High School | 5:30 p.m. 9

Fashion Show


Have Fun and Make a Difference! Join the 2017-2018 Fashion Show Committee!

The Presentation “Adventure in Wonderland” auction is now accepting reservations at This is a sell-out event so reserve your seat now!

Don’t miss the Fashion Show kick-off on Tuesday, Sept. 26 from 7-9 p.m. in the Marian Stuckey Student Center on campus. From marketing to design, construction to instruction, and fashion to logistics-there are job openings to fit most every talent, schedule and passion. The Fashion Show features Pres seniors in an entertaining show that raises important funds to support the endowment for financial aid. Join us to learn more about this year’s theme, check out volunteer openings and meet a new friend or two! Appetizers and lively libations will be served. For more information contact this year’s Fashion Show Chair, Sue Greene at

Auction Highlights: • Surprise entertainment! • Silent auction tables with exciting themes! • An exciting live auction with local trips, family vacations, private parties and other premium items Win Big the Night of Auction: “Tuition Raffle” See our exciting tuition raffle drawn live at the Auction. Tickets can only be purchased before the auction event and no tickets will be sold at the auction. Visit for more information about the tuition raffle and enter today! Put your table (of 10) together and get ready to bid high and often. Want to come but don’t have anyone to attend with you? No problem! We will put a group together for you! RSVP by Friday, Sept. 29. Visit to reserve your ticket today! Be an Auction Sponsor! Be an auction sponsor and receive many great perks at the auction event! All auction sponsors receive great perks at the auction. See next page for more information. Auction Wish List Our “Auction Wish List” is now available online! This list of items will help us spruce up both our silent auction theme tables and live auctions! Requested items range in prices from $50 and up! You are welcome to donate an item or send us a monetary donation to purchase an item on your behalf. Additionally, if you have a specialty live item or donation you’d like to make to the auction, please contact Special Events Coordinator, Mattie Pasion at All donations are tax deductible. To see our wish list of items and to make a donation, please go to and click “Wish List” button at the top of the page.

10 The Lantern | September 2017

September 2017 SUNDAY





For complete calendar visit


4 School Holiday, Labor Day LAMP Meeting, 6-9 p.m., Jenvey House



5 Speech and Debate Parent Info Night, 6-8 p.m., Library

TADA! Board Meeting, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Reception Room

12 Mag Drive Turn-In #1

Lantern League Steering Committee Meeting, 12-1:30 p.m., Garrett Conference Room Auction Meeting, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Library



Mag Drive Turn-In #4


Fashion Show Executive Lantern League Opening Meeting, 8-11 a.m., Meeting, 6:30-10 p.m., Advancement Office Valenzuela Theater


Mother-Daughter Mass & Breakfast, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m., Courtyard and Miller Athletic Complex


Board of 26Trustees Meeting, 3:30-5 p.m., Library

Fashion Show Kick-Off Meeting, 7-9 p.m., Marian Stuckey Student Center



Parent Board Meeting, 7-9 p.m., Library


Mag Drive Turn-In #2

Math & Science Colloquium, 7-8:30 p.m., Marian Stuckey Student Center

Senior Parent College Night, 7-8:30 p.m., Valenzuela Theater


Mag Drive Turn-In #5

Alumnae Council, 6-8 p.m., Jenvey House





PAC Officer Bonding Night, Starts at 5 p.m., Reception Room and Room 30

Mag Drive Turn-In #3

School Buildings Close at 12:30 p.m. Fall Mixer, 7:30-10 p.m., Marian Stuckey Student Center

Counseling Night for Parents, 7-8:30 p.m., Valenzuela Theater

Heritage Society 21Dinner, 22 6-9 p.m., La Rinconada Country Club

Booster Board Meeting, 7-9 p.m., Library





Young Alum Board Meeting, 6-8 p.m., Jenvey House




PAC Officer Bonding Night, Ends at 8 a.m., Reception Room and Room 30

16 Varsity Volleyball Tournament, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m., Miller Athletic Complex

23 Mag Drive Final Turn-In


Financial Aid Night for Senior Parents, 7-8:30 p.m., Valenzuela Theater

SEPTEMBER 2017 Presentation High School The Lantern 2281 Plummer Avenue San Jose, CA 95125

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