Presentation High School Magazine - Spring 2018

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Annual Report Edition | Spring 2018

Dear Friends of Presentation, An annual report can read like a list of names, but not this one. Find a nice, comfortable chair and a favorite beverage and settle in for a look back on 2017 at Presentation High. You will meet some amazing teachers who make a difference in the lives of students everyday by sharing their passion for learning and unique experiences. See what Pres students—present and past—are doing in STEM fields to positively impact medicine, the environment, and engineering. Pres girls are indeed breaking through the glass ceiling and avidly pursuing non-traditional careers. Read articles written by our very own journalists as they review some of the highlights of the year and, in doing so, remind us of just how much fun school can be and the richness of a Pres experience. Meet our alumnae as they reflect on that experience and share milestones in their life after Pres. And give thanks for some notable philanthropists who are changing lives and living the motto, Not Words, But Deeds. We have good reason to be proud! And when you are finished, read each name listed in this report. These are the people who enable all the good things happening in this high school. They provide the resources that feed our scholarship program and support our mission to make a Pres education possible for an economically diverse student population. Behind every achievement, every athletic banner, every award, every event is an army of donors and volunteers who make the dreams possible. Thanks to them, the lantern of Nano Nagle continues to burn bright; our hearts are ever grateful. 2017 was a very good year, and we know who to thank. God Bless.

Mary Miller ’72 Principal






















Manuel Alba Neil Fanoe Ernie Giachetti Sue James












Mari Alba Lisa Allen Dave Anderson Linda Antonopoulos Maria Baron ’76 Cannon Gail Cirone Judy Ruffo ’82 Cordano Fred Crary Dan D’ali Bill Frederick Gary Giannini Bill Heil Bob Hencken

John Hoffman Beth Keifer ’69 David LaVelle Dave Lipscomb Fred Maguire Kirk McKim Becky Menne Paula Myers Judy Nadler Marc Parkinson Beth Gutto ’99 Rhodes Brian Walsh Lissa Whelan

ASSOCIATES Claire Martell Donna Teresi Richard Zahner


Mary Miller ’72 Principal

Samantha LoCurto Elise Houren

Tim Case Vice Principal of Student Activities


Katherine Georgiev Vice Principal of Academics Lisa Brunolli Vice Principal of Student Services

Kimberly Walters


Bacosa Photography Karen Santos ’06 Presentation Social Media Squad

PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL 2281 Plummer Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125 | (408) 264-1664 Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Presentation Magazine is published twice a year for parents, alumnae and friends of Presentation High School. For address changes or questions, contact Kristin Schneider at (408) 264-1664 ext. 2426, or email SPRING 2018 | 1

Some people were born to teach and know from a young age that the classroom is where they belong. Others take a more circuitous route, spending their post-college years climbing the corporate ladder until they realize that it’s not the right path for them. The three superstar Pres teachers profiled here fall into that latter camp, working in the worlds of high tech, environmental science, and consulting before they made the leap into teaching. But none of them consider their pre-Pres careers to be a mistake; in fact, they have translated the skills and experience they gained outside the classroom into valuable lessons for their students.

WENDY KENNEDY Let’s say a transportation agency needs to build a bridge over a body of water. Clearly, they need to know what kind of environment they’re dealing with so they can bring in the proper equipment to dig, drill or dredge. Physics and Earth Science teacher Wendy Kennedy used to work for an ocean surveying firm that would help the transportation agency to figure that out. Kennedy’s job as a geologist was to look at remote sensing data (side scan sonar, radar, subbottom sounder, magnetometer) and geologic cores to determine geologically what was going on under a body of water. What she found most satisfying was sifting through the data to find patterns that could help her clients be more efficient and effective in the structures they needed to build. 2 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

Kennedy also spent time on a military base in Japan as a hazardous materials and waste manager, ensuring that materials such as oil and jet fuel were stored and disposed of in accordance with US and Japanese laws and regulations. Her experience overseas is one that she treasures and highly recommends to her students. “Learn as much as you can about the culture, the people, and the customs,” she advises. “Making an effort to learn the language and the etiquette goes a long way to showing respect for the people you work with. For example, there are two Japanese words for please and the tone of your sentence is completely changed if you use the wrong one, sounding more like an order than a request. Doing your best to respect and acknowledge these nuances is important.”

Kennedy’s experiences outside the classroom also allow her to share real-world advice about the working world for her students who are about to enter it. This is particularly relevant for Pres girls who want to go into STEM fields like engineering or medicine, where women often have to fight to be recognized as equally competent. As one of only three female scientists working for the ocean surveying firm, Kennedy often heard excuses that would prevent her from going out on the boats with male colleagues, such as that their wives would be uncomfortable that she was on the boat with them. This inability to collect data in person hurt her chances for advancement and higher pay, a lesson she shares with her students now when she encourages them to advocate for themselves. Ultimately, what led Kennedy to Pres was the fact that every job she has held had some element of teaching or training in it, which was often her favorite part of the job. Whether it was running after school programs at a science center, designing training programs for other engineers, or teaching physics and English in Japan, Kennedy says she has always loved connecting with others through education. After taking time off from work to raise her children, she began looking for teaching positions when she and her family moved to San Jose. She jumped at the opportunity to begin teaching science at Pres in 2014, and quickly distinguished herself as a favorite, winning Teacher of the Year only two years later. Kennedy is known for greeting her students with “Good morning, scientists!” and for being unfailingly positive and excited about all her lessons.

SHARON GOLDAU “Oh my god, class was so awesome today. We sang Taylor Swift songs and talked about cats.” While it sounds like this student might be talking about her choir class, you might be surprised to find out that subjects like TSwift and feline shenanigans are a regular staple of AP Calculus, taught by veteran teacher Sharon Goldau.

“Kennedy is known for greeting her students with “Good morning, scientists!” and for being unfailingly positive and excited about all her lessons.”

Goldau is known for making what some might consider to be a dry and difficult subject a whole lot of fun. But don’t be fooled into thinking that her students aren’t working hard. “My goal as a teacher is ‘This is the hardest class you’ll ever love,’” she says. “Nothing worth having is easy. Focus and do your best at every turn.”

The career change to teaching remains one of the best decisions she has made, and it’s one that she recommends--but only for people who truly love a challenge.

This work ethic is inherent, but was also reinforced through Goldau’s twelve-year career as an engineer at high tech companies ranging from Cisco to IBM. Her specialty was software networking, which in layman’s terms meant that she made computers talk to each other more quickly and efficiently.

“If you like every day to be different, and if you love working with people, you will love this job in a way that you never have, and you should do it,” she says, but notes that it can quickly become allconsuming. “Because you love it, your mind will always be racing, trying to figure out a new way to explain something, or to find the perfect new demo to spark interest in the student who doesn’t seem to care, and because of that your job will never be done, you will fall asleep with ideas racing, and wake up in the middle of the night, writing things down, and adding things as you are teaching, so be prepared to never be caught up and to always be exhausted. But you wouldn’t want it any other way.”

“If you like every day to be different, and if you love working with people, you will love this job in a way that you never have...”

“I loved the intellectual challenge and the high energy people,” she recalls. “I loved designing and building programs from scratch that had never been implemented before.” What she didn’t love as much was the repetition of the work. “I did not like doing similar projects over and over but just making the product a little faster, a little better,” Goldau says. She also found that being a woman in a male-dominated industry was occasionally frustrating. “You have to speak up to be heard and be louder than you might comfortably want to be,” she advises. “You have to prove yourself to be listened to. Salary and benefits wise you have to advocate for yourself to be at least equal to your male peers.” After leaving the tech world, Goldau did a complete 180 and decided to try ranger school at West Valley College, after which she briefly became a park ranger. “I loved the switch from math and computers to learning about birds and animals and California’s natural history,” she SPRING 2018 | 3

says. However, the life of a park ranger was ultimately not for her. “I could see using my knowledge again through being a docent or volunteer at local parks or wildlife organizations, but not an actual park ranger again.” Instead, Goldau took her first step into teaching as a soccer coach at Lynbrook High School in San Jose. Having played in college, it was a natural fit for Goldau, who liked the intensity and competition of the sport, and leading young women to success through hard work. The Lynbrook Athletic Director, Sandi Stober, noticed her rapport with the high schoolers and suggested that she would be a great teacher. So it was back to school for Goldau, who earned her teaching credential at Santa Clara University. Her strong work ethic came into play again when she had a challenging year of student teaching at Homestead High School: “I still am amazed that I became a teacher after that experience. I was constantly sick with a cold and lost over 20 pounds!” she says. Despite the stress of the student-teaching experience, Goldau persevered and was eventually offered a position teaching calculus at Pres, where she has been for 16 years. She considers calculus a natural fit as she loves both the challenge of the subject and its real world connections to engineering jobs like the one she used to have. After teaching thousands of students over the years, Goldau remains enthusiastic about her role in the classroom—an attitude that earned her the Teacher of the Year award twice, in both 2006 and again in 2011. She advises those thinking of becoming teachers to be fair and respectful, and always put themselves in their students’ shoes. “Listen to new ideas and be open to different ways of getting the same answer,” she says. And, above all else, “Believe in your students.”

“...above all else, “Believe in your students.””

KATHERINE GEORGIEV If there’s one thing that Vice Principal of Academics Katherine Georgiev learned from interning at the White House, it’s this: show up to work early. It’s a lesson she learned on her second day--the day after Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005--when she was pulled into a staff meeting simply because she was there. The young college student sat and listened as some of the brightest minds in the country brainstormed solutions for New Orlean’s economic recovery. “Their policy knowledge was so impressive,” Georgiev recalls. “To sit there and experience how substantive and critical the debates were was inspiring.” Beyond the wonky policy, however, was a commitment to service and to effecting change that continues to inspire her: “They were truly committed to mission. They walked the walk,” she says.

IGNATIAN TEACH-IN BY: ALLISON BARONI ’18 On November 2, I, along with seven other Presentation students, found myself packed into a small white van at 5:30 in the morning on our way to SFO. From there, the eight of us would fly to D.C. to attend the Ignatian Teach-In, an annual Jesuit advocacy summit that brings together over 2,000 young people from Catholic high schools and colleges around the world in the name of solidarity and justice. One thing is certain-we do not live in a just world. This is why advocacy and education are so important—we must be able to come together to tell our leaders what we want if we are to make the world a better place. My entire life, I have wanted to work for justice for others—but I have never known how. Sure, I volunteer, I go on mission trips, but true advocacy always seemed like an insurmountable mountain that I would never be able to climb. It is not so anymore. The Ignatian Teach-In is designed to empower young people and there, I attended a breakout session by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) designed to teach students 4 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

After her internship at the White House, Georgiev returned to UC Davis and earned her political science degree, with a second major of economics. But, surrounded by business majors, Georgiev decided that maybe a career in the business world was a better choice than public service. Like many of her classmates, she got a job with a consulting firm, where she thought she would feel the same sense of purpose. She didn’t. While she appreciated being part of a team and learned a great deal, Georgiev discovered that moving from client to client every six months was not for her. However, the type of consulting she was doing—working with health organizations rolling out corporate training—was what ultimately led her to teaching. “I was helping them develop curriculum and maximize learning organizations. About halfway through I realized I wanted to be a teacher,” she says. It is these cumulative life experiences that she uses to remind her AP Macroeconomics students when they start to fret about what college to go to, what major to declare, and what to do with their lives. “There’s value to every decision you make whether intentional or unintentional. I didn’t even know what options existed to me,” says Georgiev, who was the first in her family to attend college. “I applied to the schools I knew about and made an instinctual decision; if I had a different lens, I might have made a different choice. There’s no wrong choice or wrong decision. As much as I believe in planning, there’s sometimes divine intervention.”

“There’s value to every decision you make whether intentional or unintentional.” Despite her advice to students that things happen the way they’re supposed to, Georgiev is at her core a numbers person. She admits to being a data nerd who values strategic planning and the value of research. “It’s important to make decisions that are data driven. I learned that at the White House,” she says. “Instincts are great and important, but having that foundation of data is critical.” Georgiev plans to bring this data-driven approach to her job of Principal, a position that she will transition into later this year. It is, for her, the perfect combination of supporting others and solving big, challenging problems. “I feel so fortunate to work with people who are so committed to Pres in different ways. I’m constantly inspired by people’s expertise,” she says. “Administration allows you to work with every part of the school, and it’s unique to deal with urgent issues while dealing with long-term goals.” Now in her tenth year at Presentation, Georgiev feels like she has finally found the right place. “We are in such a privileged position to be able to shape the future,” she says. “We are so lucky because we all have the most rewarding jobs.”

“I feel so fortunate to work with people who are so committed to Pres in different ways. I’m constantly inspired by people’s expertise. Administration allows you to work with every part of the school, and it’s unique to deal with urgent issues while dealing with long-term goals.”

how to bring advocacy back to campus. I attended an education night on how to effectively advocate to my Congressional representatives. I met with a staffer on Capitol Hill and told him the story of a grandmother in Nogales, Mexico whom I had met the past spring and who had been separated from her grandchildren due to the nature of our country’s immigration process. All of this showed me my own strength and capability as an individual by forcing me to realize the truth in the statement “the world is changed by normal individuals.” Our congressional representatives are regular people. Their staffers are regular people. We, the constituents, are regular people. And yet, every one of us

has immense power. The issues that plague us today stem from each level denying its own power and placing the responsibility on the other group. Constituents moan about the corruption of Congress but only about 55.4 percent of eligible citizens voted in 2016. Congressional representatives will not move to take strong moral positions for fear of upsetting their their party or constituents, helpfully shifting the blame. It is time that we as constituents take our rightful place as advocates for ourselves and our rightful place as Catholics as advocates for others. As I learned at the Ignatian Teach-In, we are capable, and it is only then that we will truly be able to change the world.

“...we are capable, and it is only then that we will truly be able to change the world.”

SPRING 2018 | 5

ANJALI SINHA ’19 & ALYSSA UNGERER ’18 Think Beach: Integrating Robotics and Deep Learning for Coastal Cleanup

How are you using your experience in robotics to protect the earth? We wanted to integrate deep learning and robotics to design and program a waterproof and solar-powered semi-autonomous robot that can navigate a certain radius and collect trash on beaches. We chose this project because we wanted to apply our experience from robotics and direct the skills we have learned toward a cause we care about: the environment.


How do you draw from your classroom studies for this research? Our experiences in AP Calculus BC have been really motivating in that we learn so much about how we can use math to help explain the world around us. What’s your favorite tech gadget or app? Our favorite tech gadget are drones, especially given the wide possibilities they provide. They can be used not just for personal enjoyment but also for other research and project-based applications.

This past fall, the Math and Science Colloquium Speaker series offered students and the Presentation community an opportunity to hear guest speakers present about a wide range of topics and fields. Our first speaker in September had our largest crowd, and was criminalist Steven Webb, from the Santa Clara County Crime Lab. Mr. Webb spoke about his work in the laboratory and a number of the techniques employed in his lab involving fingerprint processing and firearms examination. As a member of a crime scene response team, Mr. Webb also discussed a number of procedures criminalists perform at crime scenes, including bloodstain pattern analysis. In October, our guest speaker was Chris Pohl, Vice President of Chromatography Chemistry, at Thermo

ANUSHA GHOSH ’20 A Novel Method for the Diagnosis of Lung Cancer Using a Deep Learning Analysis of CT Scan Images

How are you hoping to evolve Lung Cancer diagnosis? My project aims to use deep learning technologies to effectively train a computer to scan and diagnose stages of lung cancer using images of the lung. How have you stayed motivated to pursue this research? I have always been interested in using cutting-edge technology for medical purposes, and in fact, have been doing projects in this area for the past two years! I wanted to create technology that would help improve lives, and using deep learning analysis to help people suffering from lung cancer was the perfect combination of both. What is it about this research that draws you in? I love the impact of my project, as helping other people has always been a huge goal for me. With the number of people affected by lung cancer rising, I hope that my project might be able to help make positive change around me! Where did your interests in science begin? While I have been interested in STEM for years, I was even more interested when I started taking Honors Biology because I loved learning about the world around me in such a detailed way! This love only grew bigger when I started taking Honors Chemistry this year because learning about what goes on at the molecular level makes ordinary occurrences so much more interesting. What’s your favorite tech gadget or app? Probably a 3D printer! Even though I know how they work, they still feel like magic.

SHLOKA JANAPATY ’20 Addressing the Plastic Binge: A Study of Low-Density Polyethylene Degradation Using Mycoremediation of Landfill Leachate

What inspired you to pursue this project? I am very passionate about environmental stewardship. To me, one of the most tragic images of the effects of pollution on the environment is the Great Pacific Garbage patch, a plastic island in the Pacific Ocean which extends for miles.

I feel rewarded knowing that my experiment has the potential to decompose plastic pollutants within months, a process that normally takes millions of years! What area of study would you like to pursue in college? Environmental Microbiology.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced with this project? The biggest challenge has been simulating landfill leachate and achieving the optimal conditions for decomposition. However,

Fisher Scientific. Mr. Pohl shared his career path and insights into his particular field of Ion Chromatography. He finished off his talk with a demonstration in which he did some polymer magic, creating instant “slime.” Our November Colloquium speaker was Presentation alumna Michelle Leahy ’07. Michelle is the Senior Manager of Analytic Programs at Ms. Leahy manages the Top Companies for Women

Technologists program, partnering with organizations to measure and benchmark their ability to create workplaces where women can thrive. Michelle talked about her experience of being a women in the field of computer science and the technology industry. Michelle also shared some of the research data from the organization which focused on the hiring and promotional practices regarding women in various corporations, and how this could ultimately affect the company’s success and bottom line. SPRING 2018 | 7


“Many like to say that it is important to be tolerant and accepting of different opinions and to accept freedom of speech no matter the cost. However, let it be known that believing the deportation of children and parents, inevitably ripping apart families, and stealing the education and opportunities that someone has worked for hard all of their life is not an opinion,” said senior Lauren Vives at Presentation’s September 14 DACA rally. Thursday’s rally, organized by Campus Ministry Director Claire Hansen, attracted many students to the courtyard to voice their support for Dreamers. Students cheered for the words students and faculty had against the repeal and wrote letters to be sent to members of Congress.


Besides Vives, seven other students gave speeches denouncing the repeal of DACA proposed by the Trump administration. DACA, also known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, is an executive order President Obama passed to make either the children of undocumented immigrants or those who illegally entered the country as minors eligible for work permits. It also provides a renewable two-year postponement of deportation to DACA recipients. Recipients must have a clean criminal record and also meet many other requirements. Principal Mary Miller kicked off the rally giving a powerful speech supporting DACA recipients. She said, “This afternoon, we are here to speak out and stand in solidarity with 800,000 people whose future in America is under fire. This is not a political issue, although political we must be. This is a moral issue, and the Presentation community will not be silent.” Many students representing clubs also spoke out against the repeal of DACA. Speech and Debate officers Nina Ramchandani and Aarushi Sahejpal informed students about the importance of DACA and the dangers of its repeal. Sahejpal, senior, said, “If a group of high school girls can understand the so-called complexities of DACA, then I’m sure that with a little push, those in Washington and Congress can too. The rest is up to you.” Community Involvement officers Teresa Nguyen and Isabel Jaffer connected the DACA repeal to the denial of human dignity by quoting important religious figures like Pope Francis and Father Gregory Boyle. After listening to the students’ speeches, students prayed and sang in hope for DACA recipients. Multiple students also participated in SPA’s letter-writing activity and wrote to members of Congress to express their opposition to the DACA repeal. Pedroza summed up the message behind the rally: “This country was founded by immigrants looking for a safe place to live and pursue their own dreams. These dreamers are no different. Don’t speak for dreamers or the Latino community. Speak with us, and stand next to us. Remind our government that our country is a nation of immigrants and that the strength of our society is determined by the way we treat our most vulnerable.”

“...the strength of our society is determined by the way we treat our most vulnerable.” SPRING 2018 | 9


Women of Innovation–that’s what many Pres girls strive to be. And for the past 12 years, our robotics team, Presentation Invasion, has encouraged Pres students to become women of innovation and to get excited about STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields.

Ungerer said, “People stay because of the close community that encourages learning while having fun.” On the team, we always promote a hands-on approach through which girls can actually try things out for themselves, a concept that some teams are not able to implement due to their structure and size.

The team’s biggest competition is the annual FIRST Robotics tournament in January. Presentation Invasion—also known as Team 2135–and other high school teams are given only six weeks to fully internalize a given game challenge and to prototype, design, manufacture, build and program robots weighing in at about 120 to 130 pounds.

Nevertheless, having more people on the team is certainly an advantage. More people means more hands. This leads to greater efficiency and a faster turnaround. There are many benefits that increased participation brings to the overall performance. This transitional year will set the precedent for seasons to come, and we love that more people are stepping out of their comfort zone to delve into STEM fields.

Last year, the season was filled with many successes for the team. Team 2135 won the 2016 Chezy Champs tournament hosted at Bellarmine during the pre-season and also the Central Valley Regional in Madera, Calif., in March 2017. This qualified the team for the Half World Championships in Houston, Texas. Last month, the team once again competed at Chezy Champs. Ranking 17th out of 40 elite teams from all over the country, Presentation Invasion was extremely reliable and successful and advanced to semi-finalist status. Increased visibility has led to a surge in participation—the team now has 61 members. As Control Systems and Programming Lead and officer Alyssa Ungerer stated, “Before, we couldn’t fill the conference room in the Jenvey House, and now, we can barely fit. From last year, membership has over doubled in size.”

Presentation also offers many other clubs, organizations, and afterschool programs such as WICS, Girls Who Code, PEM, Mu Alpha Theta, ISTS, the Math and Science Independent Research class, SEAS and Astronomy, besides Robotics. With the revitalization of the Math and Science Academy, young women will be more open to these fields. WICS and PEM officer Shruti Pai said, “In the Silicon Valley, there are a lot of opportunities, especially for girls going into STEM and computer science. Clubs like WICS and Girls Who Code will encourage girls to explore these fields which is really necessary because of the gender gap.” In the 21st century, female representation in STEM fields is growing in importance. Innovation is key, and the only way to gain experience is to get involved. Presentation’s efforts are shaping young women into the next leaders and innovators, and by joining these activities, students can take part in that initiative.

Joining the team has many perks. Members are exposed to various fields and areas such as Mechanical Design (designing 3D parts), Programming/Control Systems (controlling robot functions with software), Manufacturing (machining the parts that they’ve designed and assembling the robot) and PR/Marketing (advertising, making flyers, etc), all while working with professional industry mentors.

“Innovation is key, and the only way to gain experience is to get involved. Presentation’s efforts are shaping young women into the next leaders and innovators...” 10 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL


On Aug. 21, the Pres community gathered together in the courtyard. The sky was bright, and the air crackled with excitement. Brave photographers steadied their cameras to point at the phenomenon happening above. The eclipse’s rare appearance over the Pres community definitely shed some light on science for students and teachers alike. “There’s so much significance,” said astronomy club officer Mariana Antaya. “It’s like a once in a lifetime opportunity. The next one in California won’t be until like 20 or 30 years from now. So being able to see it we’re so lucky.” According to NASA, a solar eclipse is caused when the moon prevents the sun’s light from reaching the earth. Presentation viewed what is called a partial eclipse, where the moon doesn’t conceal the sun all the way. The astronomy club had been planning this event since the beginning of summer. Ordering such a large amount of glasses was an especially interesting challenge. Science teacher Wendy Kennedy said that the school had to order more glasses for every other student to have a pair during the viewing. This included returning glasses that didn’t pass inspection. However, in the end it definitely paid off. “Before this I’d

say I wasn’t really aware about a lot of astronomy stuff, but after the solar eclipse happened I definitely was a lot more impressed by it,” said junior Svetlana Sohoni. The eclipse brought a lot of attention to the rest of STEM and science as well. “I think having all of Pres going to view the event and seeing how special it is to see this eclipse maybe might expose them to science and STEM,” said astronomy club officer Sarah Avila. Presentation’s next eclipse won’t be for a while; however, there are things you can do to satisfy your solar eclipse eagerness in the meantime. The astronomy club plans to collect the remaining solar eclipse glasses and donate them to other places in the world that will witness an eclipse. In addition, Kennedy recommended that there are sites online you can visit to see when the next eclipses are happening and where. The sun might have been robbed of its starlight that day, but it received something far more long-lasting in return from the Pres community – limelight.


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Congratulations to the winners of a math contest this semester, including: Alyssa Ungerer ’18, Abigail Bergey ’18, Ria Nawathe ’20, Sreya Vadlamudi ’20, Kamya Venkatesan ’18, Raven Barbiran ’19, Meghan Bedi ’21, Alexa Molinaro ’21, Anvi Kasargod ’21, Sheryl Mathew ’21, Nandita Jayanthi ’21, Nikitha Kalahasti ’20, Neha Rachapudi ’21, Manjari Talasila ’21, Sarah Vincent ’18 and Gurmehr Klair ’20. An impressive 10 students earned perfect scores on one math contest this year.


Physics and Earth Science students made viewers to observe the eclipse and did calculations to determine the diameter of the sun.



80 dancers from Presentation’s Dance Team, Dance Company, dance classes and after-school dance performed in the Dance Cabaret on December 1.

Physics students finished their semester with the culminating and infamous “Egg Drop” project.


Chemistry students celebrated Mole Day on October 23 at 6:02 a.m. by making slime, watching a pumpkin explode, and participating in a homemade mole pageant.


Earth Science students analyzed the risk for a major earthquake in San Jose and looked at the school’s earthquake plan. They created educational materials for the school and made recommendations for additions and changes in school policy and communication about emergencies.


All sophomore students in Health and Prevention earned a Heartsaver course completion card for adult, child and infant CPR and learned how to use an AED.

VISUAL ARTS: GRAPHIC DESIGN Graphic Design students brought their designs to life, creating sew-on patches from their work.


BIOLOGY 2: BIOTRANSFORMATION Biology 2 students studied biotransformation by inserting a green fluorescing protein gene from a jellyfish into bacteria.

YOGA AP ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: SELF-SUSTAINING ECOSYSTEMS AP Environmental Science students created self-sustaining ecosystems called “EcoColumns.”


Design students created their own jewelry using shrinky dink material. 12 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

Yoga students spent time in the pool participating in stand-up paddle board yoga.

Civics students participated in local policy and politics by volunteering with Sacred Heart’s CAUSE program where they learned about affordable housing and renters rights in San Jose, a Santa Clara County Supervisor campaign, and community discussions with state Assembly members, and other local programs.

ME AT 23

Economics students completed their “Me at 23” personal finance projects for which they plan financing college, getting a job, and balancing a budget on a starting salary.


Women on Weights students put their new knowledge of health and exercise to use in a field trip to Zanotto’s to study nutrition labels and through completing a decathlon.


Muslim American speakers from the Islamic Networks Group visited World History classes to discuss the Islamic faith, practices and beliefs. These speakers shed light on what it’s like to be an American Muslim and how they incorporate their beliefs into their American culture. Modern History students explored important issues and events impacting the world today, including policy options for responding to terrorism, the history of North Korea and the current nuclear threat, the modern history of Myanmar and the treatment of Rohingya Muslims, and the history of U.S. immigration policy.




ASB kicked off the school year with two sold-out Mixers that were a ton of fun. The annual Frosh-Mixer was a Beach theme party while the Fall Mixer brought back the popular Silent Disco model. Students wore headsets with different channels and literally danced to the beat of their own drummer.

It was another record-breaking year for Pres during the Magazine Drive. We set the all-time Presentation High School record by more than $15,000 with $283,512 worth of magazine sales, online items, and donations! That was good enough to earn the students the famed third holiday!

The Robotics Team advanced to the Semi-Finals at the 2017 Chezy Champs held at Bellarmine College Prep and both robots—“Crush” and “Brush”—advanced to the elimination rounds at the MadTown Throwdown in Madera. Robot “Crush” was part of the second seed alliance and “Crush” the fifth seeded alliance.


Presentation’s school culture and community has been enhanced with the addition of four new clubs this year that have quickly become some of the most active and popular clubs on campus. These new clubs include: Asian Student Union (ASU), LatinX, Chess Club, Anime and Manga Club and the reformed Business and Entrepreneurs of Pres group. Asian Student Union and LatinX hosted a Diversity and Culture Fair on campus that was a huge hit, Chess Club has organized a number of playing days and have been training students in the art of the game, among many of the great things clubs do.


For the third year Student Council hosted their Middle School Leadership Workshops designed to provide middle school students the opportunity to learn and practice valuable Leadership skills. Close to 40 students from 20 different middle schools attended!


The Speech and Debate team is continuing its winning ways this year with a force of freshman and dedicated returning members. In the fall, the team had racked up four championships, 36 final round performances, 18 semi-finalists, five quarter-finalists, 11 other elimination round entries, eight speaker awards, five debate wildcards, six speech wildcards and an all-team sweepstakes award! A special congrats to stand-out Seniors Megan Munce, Laurenn Vives and Aarushi Sahejpal. The new members this year have been a force to be reckoned with and have already racked up 26 individual and team awards! SPRING 2018 | 13


Presentation Cross Country had a phenomenal 2017 season! The varsity Cross Country team went undefeated in WCAL, led by captain and the WCAL Individual Champion, Paige Comiso ’18 who finished in first place in all three league meets. Gianna Mendoza ’20 and Zoe Hartfield ’21 also had strong individual performances all season to help propel their team to the top of the WCAL for the season. The team trained hard this fall and won the CCS Division II title! The team qualified for the State meet in Fresno and placed 15th; we were the top CCS team at the State Finals race and Presentation’s top finisher was Gianna Mendoza.



The Presentation Field Hockey team finished in fourth place in top division of the Blossom Valley Athletic League. They had great wins over Leigh, Willow Glen and St. Francis and were led by seniors Ryann McManus and Nikki Streete, who earned BVAL Goalie of the Year. The field hockey team qualified for the CCS tournament and earned a high seed and the right to host our first CCS game vs Cupertino. We beat Cupertino 1-0 and then advanced to the quarter-finals where we lost to Mitty. Also, congratulations to the field hockey team for earning the CCS field hockey team scholastic award for their 3.717 team GPA—way to go field hockey!


Senior captain and water polo star Kaitlin Rooney was named as a Positive Coaching Alliance Triple Impact Award Finalist. 14 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL


The Presentation tennis team finished in fifth place in the WCAL; they had exciting wins over Valley Christian, Sacred Heart Cathedral and Willow Glen. The tennis team participated in the College of San Mateo tournament organized by Notre Dame Belmont and took second place. Raquel Miller, Jacqueline Gill and Angela Gill had excellent performances in the WCAL tennis tournament held at Cuesta Park and advanced to the second round of the WCAL tournament.


Many of Presentation’s student-athletes volunteered with BAWSI (Bay Area Women’s Sports Initiative) this Fall. We had the varsity water polo team, the freshman volleyball team and the freshman soccer team along with many other student-athletes, volunteer at Blackford Elementary this fall. Our student-athletes spent time with elementary-aged girls for an hour each week and were great role models and mentors for the 3rd-5th grade girls at Blackford. It was a very meaningful experience for our students to know they’re making a positive difference in their community but also for the young girls at Blackford who dream about what their life will be like when they are in high school.


Nearly 20,000 laps were swam at Swim to Remember supporting Bay Area Cancer Connections and the Claire Buscher Scholarship. Isabelle McKenzie ’19 swam nearly 20 miles, more than anyone in the history of the event!

The Presentation Water Polo team had a great season! They placed 14th out of 64 teams at the competitive Sierra Shootout with their wins over Bella Vista and Marin Catholic. The water polo team finished in fourth place in the WCAL and had great wins over Mitty, St. Ignatius and Valley Christian. The water polo team also hosted their Annual Panther Challenge and went 3-0 for the day with wins over Paly, Aptos and Wilcox. The water polo team qualified for the CCS tournament as the #8 seed in the Open Division, which means that they were the eighth ranked team in CCS (which is schools from San Francisco to King City).



The Presentation Golf team had quite a few nail-biting matches that were decided by less than 15 strokes. The golfers got some great experience playing in the Helen Lengfeld Memorial Tournament at Peninsula Golf & Country Club. The golf team had exciting wins over Sacred Heart Cathedral and Mitty this season and they placed fourth place in the WCAL. The Presentation Golf team was led by veteran coach, Angie Papangellin, who announced her retirement after coaching for the Presentation Golf program for 18 years. Coach Angie is a tremendously talented coach and we were blessed to have had her teaching our golfers for 18 years and we thank her for sharing her many gifts and talents with our student-athletes.

Presentation Alum, Danielle Slaton ’98, was inducted to San Jose Sports Hall Of Fame in November. Slaton was a soccer and track & field star at Presentation and went on to play soccer at Santa Clara University, where she led the team to the National Championship in 2001. Slaton also played on the US National team from 2000-2005, where she earned a silver and a bronze medal for team USA. She is currently the Director of SCU’s Jerry Smith Coaching for Life Academy and she also is a commentator for men’s and women’s international, professional, and collegiate soccer games.



Delanie Becerra Rowing at Loyola Marymount University

Presentation Volleyball had a tremendous 2017 season! Led by a star-studded senior class including: Sydney Bohn, Carissa Fernandez, Jenna Gomes, Mia Habib, KT LeBaron, Abby Montgomery, Peyton O’Hara and Serrena Zanotto, the volleyball team won the CCS title, the NorCal title and the State title! It was not an easy path to earn those championships, but the Panthers volleyball team displayed extraordinary strength, determination and perseverance to get through a grueling league season and bounce back to earn their school a state championship. The volleyball program also organized their annual “Kill for a Cure” event where they raised $7,500 for breast cancer research! Congratulations to the volleyball program on an amazing season!

Kelly Leonard Rowing at San Diego State University


65 juniors and seniors are preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in April.

Alli McCale Rowing at Syracuse University Ava Williams Basketball at Colgate University

RETREATS At the Immaculate Conception Liturgy on December 8, Marisa Watts ’94 Cozort shared about a miracle she experienced when she was a high school student. Her reflection helped the community see that God is present in time of joy and times of challenge.


Lily Chuck ’18 and her mother gave communion reflections at our MotherDaughter Liturgy in September. They spoke about the central role of family in forming their faith.

172 students attended retreats in the fall semester and another 369 are registered to make a retreat in the spring. We are proud of how many of our students make time to step away from their busy lives and reflect on their faith! SPRING 2018 | 15


Sister Patricia Reinhardt, PBVM spoke at our Feast of the Presentation Liturgy in November. She shared about choosing “the road less traveled by” and responding to God in the present moment have formed her faith.



13 students who participated on the San Jose Urban Plunge learned about poverty and homelessness in our local community through educational activities and volunteering efforts. Students met with Sacred Heart Community Services, Casa de Clara and served with City Team San Jose for the weekend.

Montse Gasca ’19 shared about her experience on the Diocesan Youth Retreat at Parish Day Liturgy in October. Over 40 pastors and youth ministers attended this annual liturgy and lunch. Students enjoyed meeting with their pastors and youth ministers to talk about opportunities to engage in parish life. Bishop Patrick McGrath presided at the Liturgy.

INTERNATIONAL THESPIAN SOCIETY COMMUNITY SERVICE STARS 3637 hours served this semester Top 5 service placements: Good Samaritan Hospital, Young Genius, Kaiser Permanente, Good Karma Bikes and Saratoga Library.

FOOD & TOY DRIVE TOTALS 466 coats, 13,926 cans, 870 turkeys, 19,885 diapers, 478 cans of formula and 6,886 hygiene items

1,665 new toys, 208 new helmets, 131 bikes donated from the Reuter family and $2,000 in gift cards


Over $19,000 from Penny Drive and $31,000 from Black & White Charity Ball ticket sales.



In November, we presented our main-stage musical: Beauty and the Beast. This show combined the amazing talents of our female students with male performers from several local boy’s schools to create a cast of 45 and a tech crew of 17. By all accounts, this production was one of Pres’s most ambitious. Seniors Meaghan Schapelhouman, Gina Saglimbeni, Yazmine Ocampo and Kaitie Badagliacco led a talented cast who wowed our audiences with their confidence and professionalism.

Our drama club, The International Thespian Society, began our season in October with an amazing benefit concert celebrating feminism called We Rule the World: Concert for Girls. Entirely produced, directed and choreographed by our talented upperclasswomen, performers from each class presented scenes, songs, production numbers and even original women-empowering slam-poetry to an enthusiastic audience on a night that will always be remembered for the heart and passion of our students. The money that was raised was donated to Casa de Clara, a Catholic worker organization that provides support for women in need. Several of the workers from this charity attended the concert, and mentioned how impressed they were by the enthusiasm and passion of our students.

PHILANTHROPY: A TRADITION Pres girls are busy—between classes, extracurriculars, jobs, and the necessary binge time with Netflix, they don’t always have as much time as they’d like for service. But when the holiday drives hit every year, the students pull together like a well-oiled machine, canvassing neighborhoods, searching high and low for pop-top cans, and freezing their hands off to haul in ten-pound turkeys for the clients of Sacred Heart. According to Maria Fuqua, junior class officer, it’s all worth it. “I prioritize service because I know that out in the world there are others facing much harder challenges then I face at times,” she says. “I know that my stress over a CRP does not compare to the millions of people who experience homelessness or hunger every day.” This type of dedication was key to Presentation’s successful holiday drives this year, which resulted in the following donations from students, families, faculty and neighbors: SPRING 2018 | 17

In addition, Presentation broke a school record this year with the Penny Drive, bringing in over $21,000 in a single week. Fuqua began her penny collection early, either picking up coins from the ground or saving extra change from buying Starbucks. Even better, she and the other junior class officers stood in front of the fountain at Willow Street and Lincoln Avenue in downtown Willow Glen, bucket in hand, to collect extra change from passersby. “After standing there for only an hour, we collected around $40,” Fuqua reports. “From this experience, I gathered that people are so generous and willing to help others.” That sense of community has united Presentation students for years, and is probably one of the factors that led to the school being named Outstanding Philanthropic Youth Organization by the Association of Fundraising Professionals in November. Presentation was nominated by Sacred Heart Community Services, which has been the main beneficiary of Presentation’s drives for nearly 40 years. Pres students’ spirit of giving is probably best summed up by Fuqua’s grace in the face of the junior’s defeat in the toy drive. Despite the fact that more than half the junior class brought in $10 to shop for toys, and Fuqua’s own homeroom members all brought an additional $7 for purchasing bikes and helmets, they were still bested by the freshman class. But to Fuqua, none of that really mattered in the end: “The experience of buying for someone else was much more rewarding,” she says the same day that Pres students were recognized for their philanthropic activities, another Pres organization received a similar award—the Outstanding Philanthropic Organization award

went to the Lantern League, a women’s giving circle that was established 12 years ago for Pres parents, alumnae, and faculty. The group has given away more than $1 million since its founding, benefiting groups that focus on the quality of life for women and girls. Catherine Aquino ’87 was so inspired by the opportunity to focus her philanthropic dollars on women and girls that she signed up her infant daughter, Abigail Enney, to be a founding member along with herself: “I have always believed in my responsibility to give back and support both the institutions that helped form me and those that serve others. I joined Lantern League because it was an opportunity to join a group of like-minded women who together could make a greater impact on others in our community.” Fuqua shares, “I believe it’s important to show compassion and love towards the less fortunate or people in need because everyone deserves to be treated with respect and their human dignity must be upheld. Being raised Catholic, I understand that everyone is created in the image and likeness of God and through service I try to honor this foundational tenet.”

“I have always believed in my responsibility to give back and support both the institutions that helped form me and those that serve others.”

Kudos to longtime Pres supporter and alum dad Mike Blach, the deserving recipient of the Association of Fundraising Professionals’ Glenn George Heart of Philanthropy Award. Mike has spent decades giving his time, financial support, and positive outlook to the local community, and Presentation has been fortunate to be a major recipient of his generosity.

This past November, the Lantern League and Presentation High School were recognized for their unwavering commitment to philanthropic work in Silicon Valley and were awarded the Outstanding Philanthropic Organization and Outstanding Philanthropic Youth Organization respectively by the Association of Fundraising Professionals.

Mike and his wife, Margie, parents to Katie ’06, Megan ’08, and Sarah ’10, were major donors in the building of our Aquatic Center and sports fields, where they were frequently in the stands at their daughters’ sports events. Before their oldest daughter even started at Pres, Mike’s company, Blach Construction, served as Presentation’s General Contractor for the construction of the theater building in 2000.

The Lantern League was nominated by Girl Scouts of Northern California for their support of Daughters of Farmworkers (DOF). Through Lantern League grants, the organization has helped to empower more than 160 young Latinas in marginalized, farm worker and agricultural communities in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties. Funding gives girls opportunities to experience art, science, recreation and meet professional women who can serve as inspiring role models. Specifically, one girl who is part of DOF noted, “Something I learned was to never give up, no matter what,” an inspiring quote that helps illustrate the impact the Lantern League has had on the girls who are part of this extraordinary program.

Mike and Margie have also shown their unwavering support of PHS in their attendance of nearly every event the school hosts, from the Mother-Daughter breakfasts to the Auction, Fashion Show, Golf Tournament and Crab Feeds. The couple remain enthusiastic supporters of our Direct Aid program, which supports students on financial aid. According to Sharon Drake, they love being able to make a personal connection with Pres students, nearly a decade after their youngest daughter graduated. “They never miss an opportunity to meet with ‘their student’ at the Annual Scholarship Luncheon,” says Capital Campaign Manager Sharon Drake. 18 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

For Presentation, each year students collect donations through food, toy and penny drives. These drives are supported by the PHS community and the school’s neighbors and remain a key component of the organization’s ability to support those in need during the holiday season. Receiving these awards are a great honor, as many deserving organizations are nominated each year, with only a few selected. Congratulations!

THE NORMANDIN FAMILY To Bay Area organizations like Catholic Charities, Make-a-Wish Foundation, and even our own Presentation High School, Lon and Peggy Normandin have been dedicated supporters who have left a lasting imprint on the community. But to Pres alum Alisha Azevedo ’10 Vandenberg, Lon and Peggy are simply Grandma and Papa. She’s not surprised that the two recently received the Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council’s Distinguished Citizen Award. “Grandma and Papa have been a constant example of love in action for their grandkids, from the importance they place on family to their extensive involvement in community service,” Vandenberg says.

“[They] have been a constant example of love in action for their grandkids, from the importance they place on family to their extensive involvement in community service.”

She recalls warm memories of her days at St. Christopher School. “When I think of Grandma, I think of unwavering commitment. When my sister [Natasha] and I were in grammar school, she picked us up once a week. She always arrived 30 minutes early before everyone else, in the exact same parking spot each time— AND she brought snacks. This was a highlight in my week, and now serves as a reminder of the importance of being present consistently for others.” President Mary Miller can also attest to the Normandins’ regular presence and commitment to Presentation: “I cannot recall a significant event at Pres in the last 40 years that did not include Lon and Peg,” she says. “They have left a remarkable legacy at this school and so many other Catholic schools in the Valley.” That legacy at Pres spans multiple generations. The Normandin’s sent three daughters to Pres—Caren Normandin ’74, Lisa Normandin ’77 McHugh, and Diane Normandin ’83 Azevedo. Those three daughters sent five daughters of their own to their alma mater. In addition to Vandenberg, her sister Natasha Azevedo graduated in 2012, and cousins Megan McHugh ’04, Lauren McHugh ’09 and Nicole Normandin ’14 round out the blue and gold tribe. Vandenberg speaks fondly of Lon, who served three terms on Presentation’s Board of Trustees and on Presentation’s Parent Board as well. “Papa is a passionate supporter of Catholic education, and his eyes light up every time he has the opportunity to talk about Pres or Bellarmine,” she says. And apparently, Lon is as much of a fan of snacks as Peg was back when Alisha was a grade schooler: “He loves to volunteer serving food--and taste-testing it--at Martha’s Kitchen,” she jokes. The Normandins’ profound presence in Santa Clara Valley began with their 1875 buggy-making shop and continues today with the family dealership on Capitol Expressway. Their recognition for service is well-deserved, and Miller is proud that they are part of the Presentation family. “They have shown me what making an impact in the community looks like.” SPRING 2018 | 19


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What was your childhood like and how did it shape your passion for science? I don’t think I would have the love for science that I do if it wasn’t for my father. He worked as a chemist for IBM and fostered my interest in science from an early age. He once brought home pure potassium and tossed it in our pool where it immediately caught fire, giving us a “hands on” lesson about alkali metals. Our family activities almost always revolved around the outdoors and learning in some capacity. My sister and I were backpacking in the Sierras by age 6, learning how to survive for a few days with only what we could carry.

DENISE NAZZAL ’97 Scientific Manager, BioAnalytical Sciences, Genentech

In simplest terms, what is it that you do? Our department is responsible for innovation in assay technologies to aid in the development of new therapies spanning a range of disease classes. We develop and validate analytical methods to detect things like whether someone had an immune response to one of our therapies or how much therapeutic drug is detectable in the blood. 24 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

Who are your role models and heroes? My heroes are the patients that entrust us with their lives by taking the risk to be on our clinical trials. As an industry, we depend on these brave men and women to help us learn more about our therapies, which can eventually lead to breakthroughs in treatments for various diseases in oncology, immunology, neuroscience, etc. Every patient story I hear is motivation to keep pushing forward and makes me more determined to do my job well. My role models are my Pres sisters who make amazing contributions in areas of public health, city planning, teaching, business, law and service. All while raising the next generation of leaders! They inspire and motivate me to keep being the best that I can be and are a constant source of support in my life. Favorite tech gadget or app? I’d have to say my Apple Watch is my new favorite gadget at the moment. It’s amazing that I can check emails or texts, monitor my health, pay for goods and services, and take a phone call, all from my wrist!

Who are your role models and heroes? My amazing role model is retired IBMer Fran Allen. She had a 45-year career at IBM where she made outstanding contributions to the field of programming languages and is recognized as one of the pioneers in the computer industry. My hero is my mom, Raquel Carranza. She embodies our motto “Not Words, But Deeds.” With an amazing inner strength, she has shown us the importance of faith and the special bond of family. We learned respect for all. She continues to inspire us with her true joy of life. We are truly blessed. What do you wish people knew about what you do as an engineer? As a software engineer at IBM, I enjoy the opportunities of a technical career path as well as the challenges of working on the complex mainframe operating system. In this role, I work closely with development teams and customers, speak at conferences, and author publications, articles and patents. (By the way, thanks to Ms. Ray, I developed a strong background in writing which proved to be essential in my career since it is very important to be able to clearly express your ideas and designs in writing).

CECILIA CARRANZA LEWIS ’79 Senior Technical Staff Member, Software Engineer IBM

“My Presentation education provided me not only a love of learning, but also a confidence to challenge myself.”

In simplest terms, what is it that you do? I joined IBM shortly after my graduation from Santa Clara University in 1983 with a B.S. in Computer Science/Math. I develop strategy and architecture for the IBM mainframe operating system, with a focus on data and storage management. As a technical leader, I lead worldwide development teams to design, build and deliver operating system enhancements for our global enterprise clients. How did your time at Presentation shape your passion for science? My Presentation education provided me not only a love of learning, but also a confidence to challenge myself. Thanks to Mr. Ray, I especially loved my math classes! Through math, I developed strong analytical thinking skills. This is essential in computer science and was critical as I began my career designing, writing and debugging code.

In addition, I feel very fortunate to work for a company that allows me to pursue both professional goals as well as personal goals where I am able to give back to the community. I am an active mentor, I have led various IBM diversity initiatives for the Hispanic community, and I volunteer in promoting STEM at local schools. The last few years I have also been involved in the amazing Girls Who Code summer immersion program at IBM. What’s the coolest project you’ve worked on? My coolest project is the one I just delivered this past August with the IBM Pervasive Encryption strategy. Google it. I am the solution architect for the z/OS data set encryption solution which allows clients to protect their sensitive data through policy controlled encryption that is transparent to applications and databases. It is designed to help our enterprise clients reduce the risk of a data breach and meet regulatory compliance mandates. Have you served as mentor for other new engineers? What advice do you have to young women who may want to pursue careers in engineering? Mentoring is definitely one of the rewarding parts of my job. My advice to young women is to do some research on what they find exciting about technology and get involved! Perhaps you can find interest in a STEM related club, school/community activity, summer program, or just experiment on your own with an online activity or course. This is an exciting time to be interested in any STEM field! Research colleges and see what the students are working on, ask career women about their jobs. If you are on Instagram, follow women in technology like Sheryl Sandberg or Girls Who Code. We need more women in technology, and that could be YOU!

“This is an exciting time to be interested in any STEM field! ... We need more women in technology, and that could be YOU!” SPRING 2018 | 25

am a woman, each door is open to me so long as I possess the curiosity to look behind it. Who are your role models and heroes? To this day, I remain in awe of Kate Starbird, a former Stanford Women’s Basketball player and WNBA player. I remember being at basketball camp and her telling the story of her practicing basketball, dribbling and shooting, until her fingertips were raw. For someone to have so much dedication and passion for a sport, just amazed me. To this day, I think of this story and use it as motivation to push harder, to work harder to reach my goals.

JENNIFER MURPHY ’03 Investigational Service Pharmacist and Oncology Pharmacist at UC Davis Medical Center

How did your time at Presentation shape your passion for science? Educators, like Mrs. Kissane, Mr. Wang and Mr. Pistacchi, made science fun. They presented the material in such a way it was approachable and accessible. Each teacher provided opportunities relevant to their class that applied what we learned and gave us the confidence to know we could go forward on to college well prepared. What I value most about my education at Presentation is the confidence and belief the school instilled into me that I could accomplish whatever I wanted to, that I was not limited because I

What do you wish people knew about what you do as an oncologist pharmacist? Most people tend to think that pharmacists just “lick and stick” labels onto pill bottles. As an Oncology Pharmacist, we ensure the doses are calculated correctly, the regimen prescribed for the patient is evidence-based, and is also appropriate for the specific patient. In a world of ever-increasing drug costs, especially in Oncology, the Pharmacist is called upon for cost containment and evaluation of treatment-cost effectiveness. The challenge of incorporating pharamacoeconomics into patient care allows me to use skills beyond just the sciences--thank you Mrs. S! Have you served as mentor for other new pharmacists? What advice do you have to young women who may want to pursue careers in pharmacology and STEM? A year after I finished by PGY2 Oncology Residency at UC Medical Center, I identified a gap in mentorship for our Pharmacy Residents at our own institution. Accordingly, I started the UC Davis Medical Center Pharmacy Residency Mentorship Program for our PGY1 and PGY2 Residents. Through this program, our 20 new pharmacy practitioners are matched with a mentor within our department to shepard them through the residency year and to provide support to our Residents through what is an intense and rigorous training program.

“What I value most about my education at Presentation is the confidence and belief the school instilled into me that I could accomplish whatever I wanted to, that I was not limited because I am a woman, each door is open to me as long as I possess the curiosity to look behind it.”

ALUMNAE LUNCHEON: NEW YORK On Saturday, October 7, 2017, 20 alumnae gathered in New York for an Alumnae Luncheon. We had alumnae from 1970’s to four members of the class of 2017 who were attending their first alumnae event. 26 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

course my new “favorite,” and I ended up choosing to be a Biology major and Biochemistry minor in college.

“I found that I had an intense curiosity for understanding the world around me...”

JESSICA SCARBOROUGH ’12 MD and PhD Candidate, Case Western Reserve

In the simplest terms, what is it that you study? I am working towards a Medical Degree and a PhD. In our medical program, we are learning the fundamentals of medical science along with the art that goes into patient care, physical diagnosis, and the promotion of public health. I will be studying Systems Biology and Bioinformatics for my PhD. In short, my research analyzes data from various institutions in order to predict the outcomes of future experiments or treatments. How did your time at Presentation shape your passion for science? Before high school, I simply had no interest in science. In fact, we weren’t required to take a science course during our first semester, and I was extremely excited to take advantage of that. To my dismay, I was placed in one anyway and within two weeks it was my favorite class! I found that I had an intense curiosity for understanding the world around me, but nothing topped my interest how the human body works. The combination of our wonderful teachers and the subject matter made every science

Who are your role models and heroes? My mother has always been my #1 role model (it’s cheesy, but true). She’s the brightest person I know and never lets anyone get in the way of her goals. Constantly learning, she takes every day as an opportunity to improve and never backs down from a challenge. I am continually inspired by how hard she works and how much she cares for those around her. What’s the coolest project you’ve worked on? As part of my thesis for my M.S. in Health Informatics, we analyzed electrical brain scans (EEG) to predict whether or not a patient had a type of childhood epilepsy, known as BECTS, while they weren’t having a seizure. These patients typically only have seizures while they are sleeping and bringing them in for a 72-hour sleep study is expensive and difficult for the parents. We hope that one day our algorithm could be implemented in hospitals as a clinical decision support tool for physicians. Favorite app or tech gadget? I love the Notability app for my iPad. It lets me take “handwritten” notes on my lecture slides and stores everything in the cloud, so I can access them from my phone, computer or tablet. I don’t type my notes anymore in lecture. Instead, I annotate the slides with drawings, arrows and the occasional comment. This strategy allows me to really listen to what our lecturer is saying without trying to get down every word.

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CLASS NOTES Melissa Wilson ’90

’68 Kathy Schettino ’68 Sattler

volunteered with a group of nurses at Village of HopeCore International in January for two weeks. While on her trip she wrote, “Sasa! (Hello in Swahili) I’m in Chogoria, Kenya at base camp of Mt. Kenya with a group of nurses doing outreach and Maternal child clinics in markets, churches and schools. Mostly I’m learning so much about life in this part of Africa, and of course about myself. The people and kids have all been amazing, smiling, wanting to shake hands and high five and so grateful for our presence. Our days have been busy working with local staff. I’d heard the languages in Kenya are English and Swahili. In reality there are 40 tribes in the country and the locals speak in their native tribal language! So translation is part of our days.”

Kari Maschino ’90


lives in Arizona and owns an Irish dance studio, Maschino Dance. Kari writes, “My youngest child just graduated from high school in May of 2017 and so I have become an empty nester. My significant other, my daughter and I took a three-week trip to Ireland and Scotland in August and September because my daughter who has been a Scottish Highland dancer since she was three was one of three U.S. dancers to make the dance team of 36 for the Belfast tattoo in Ireland.”

shares, “My senior year, Mary Miller gave me permission to miss a period of Honors English every month in order to be on the Santa Clara Juvenile Justice Commission. Going to the juvenile hall, the children’s shelter, etc., and seeing kids my age in very different conditions was a shock to me. I have worked incarcerated juveniles for the last eight years and recently became a member of the San Mateo Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Some of my projects are school and programming improvement, bilingual access, and extending phone call times for youth in juvenile hall. This is a full circle experience that would not have been possible except for Presentation’s commitment to volunteerism and to my personal development. I became an English teacher for a period of time, so the class I missed each month didn’t have a lasting detrimental impact. As a side note, one of the reasons I left teaching was that my public high school did nothing to create a caring community, nurture students, or impart the importance of generosity. Presentation made me expect more. I’m very grateful.”

“Presentation made me expect more. I’m very grateful.”

Julia Ruiz ’98 Selfridge


Julia Ruiz ’98 Selfridge, husband Casey and big sisters Josie (8) and Cameron (4) welcomed Margaret June to their family on December 8, 2017. The Selfridges are thrilled to bring another strong female into the world! Their family recently moved from Seattle to Dallas. As lifelong west coasters, this was a big change, but they are loving their new home and community. Casey is the head football coach and P.E. teacher at Greenhill School, a private school in north Dallas where Josie and Cameron are fortunate to attend. They quite like seeing their daddy at school everyday and cheering on their football team on Friday nights. Julia is taking some time off of work to spend with her littlest girl. If they ever move back to the Bay Area, they’d be thrilled to have three future Panthers! SPRING 2018 | 29



’02 Jennifer Kaefer ’02

married Paul Unterberg at the Triton Museum of Art in Santa Clara on September 9, 2017. Pres alums in attendance were their photographer Angela Schiavone ’03 Hannibal and Class of 2002 friends: Meghan Laskowski Rivera, Megan Alpers-Raschefsky, Santina Rohner-Moran, Radhika Tahiliani, Juliet Wilson, Jacky Larson, Natawnee Fritz, Laura Casey McAllister and Amy Wong.

Victoria Whelan ’03 Brown and her husband welcomed their daughter Madison Elizabeth on July 4, 2017. Madison is adored by the whole family including older brother Michael.

Nicole Anzoategui ’05

was honored by being ranked by Forbes on their first first list of “America’s Top Next Generation Wealth Advisors.” Nicole shares, “I truly feel that my experience at Pres has assisted me in having success in my career as it truly is not words, but deeds.”

’05 Britany Tufnell ’05 Goodnough

’02 ’05 Jordan Crary ’05 and Taylor Crary ’02

Jordan Crary ’05 married John Beadle on August 12, 2017, at the Santa Clara Mission, with the reception hosted at San Jose Country Club. While John and Jordan both attended Santa Clara University in the same class, their paths never crossed as undergrads. They met in San Francisco, ironically at a bar called Swig—both John and Jordan’s freshman year dorm. Taylor Crary ’02, Jordan’s sister, was the couple’s maid of honor. Jordan & John celebrated their honeymoon in South Africa. 30 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

married Phillip Goodnough on July 14, 2017 in Foresthill, CA. They celebrated their love and commitment with family and friends. Guests included ’05 classmates Sarah Lambie Engels and Dana Thorsrud, as well as Dana Piziali ’88 Carollo. The wedding party ’96 also included two Pres alums, Britany’s best friend Ashley Mannina ’05 and Emily Carollo ’16. Britany and Emily are like sisters, Britany started working for her mom, Dana Piziali ’88 Carollo, when Emily was two years old. It was Dana who encouraged Britany to attend Presentation. After earning her Master’s in Education Counseling, Britany returned to Presentation where she is currently the Student Wellness Director; her first year teaching was during Emily’s senior year. She feels like everything has come full circle. Britany is living in San Jose with her husband, they recently celebrated their honeymoon exploring Thailand.


’09 Caitlin Emmons ’09 Goldman

married Dylan Goldman on July 1, 2017. Three of her Presentation classmates were in attendance at the wedding; maid of honor Jackie Goodwin ’09, Laura Cordona ’09 Bray and bridesmaid Jennafer Lane ’09 Sepulveda.

’08 ’10 Joyce Nguyen ’09

Natasha Cannon ’08 and Marina Iatomase ’10

In June 2017, Natasha Cannon ’08 and Marina Iatomase ’10 graduated with their MBAs from Santa Clara University.

Larissa Rinauro ’12

graduated with her teaching credential and Masters in Education last spring from Chapman University. Larissa has the honor of addressing the Education Graduates. In the fall of 2017 Larisa begins teaching elementary school next fall in Orange County.


graduated with her medical degree from The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University in May 2017. Her best friend, Chelsea Sioxson ’09, flew out to Rhode Island in order to watch Joyce attain this lifelong goal of becoming a physician. She is taking on the challenge of mental health care by doing her residency training in Psychiatry at Georgetown University Hospital. Joyce is joined by her boyfriend Michael Yacovelli, who she met as a first year medical student, and is an Emergency Medicine resident at Georgetown. She credits Presentation High School with shaping her into the woman that she is today. It equipped her with the academic and leadership skills to succeed in college and then medical school. More importantly, it instilled in her the value of service to others, which has been invaluable throughout this journey.

Cassie Mancini ’13

’04 ’06 ’07 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’16 ’18

recently joined the Silicon Valley chapter of New Leaders Council (NLC) as a Class of 2018 Fellow. She and a group of 860 progressive millennials from across the country will participate in a six month leadership training program and learn to create lasting change in their communities.

Lauren Nigh ’09 McAlpine

was married in October 2017, in Livermore, surrounded by friends, family, and of course, plenty of Pres alumnae including Ashley Howell ’04, Amanda Nigh ’04, Heather Every ’12, Haley Every ’18, Amanda Lanoie ’09, Katie Lanoie ’09, Jennifer DiVittorio ’09, Chelsea Canha ’09, Michelle Woo ’09, Alyssa Micciche ’09, Danielle DiVittorio ’11, Olivia DiVittorio ’16, Priscilla Silva ’10, Katie Nigh ’07 Fisher, Kaitlyn Howell ’06 Johnson. Lauren is currently a Senior Field Marketing Manager at a software startup in Sunnyvale. She and her husband love to travel, but spend most down time with their spoiled puppy. SPRING 2018 | 31

CLASS NOTES Past Faculty: Sharon Bouska

is the Co-President of the San Jose Branch of the American Association of University Women. AAUW is dedicated to changing the climate for women and girls in the classroom, boardroom and courtroom. She is excited to be working with over 300 women who believe in equity for woman and girls through education, research, advocacy and philanthropy. Her current project is planning a celebration for the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment, woman’s suffrage. You can learn more about AAUW at AAUW-SJ.

Past Faculty: Charlie Schmuck

taught at Presentation for twelve years and has demonstrated his passion for education outside the classroom, when in 2005 he established the Peninsula College Fund. Its mission is to help first generation minority students with strong financial need to successfully graduate from college and be career ready. The organizations formula for success is to provide each scholar with a $12,000 scholarship, college and career training, assistance in securing summer internships and perhaps most importantly one to one mentoring from individuals who have successful. Over the last 12 years, PCF has awarded 197 scholarships! There are now 75 college graduates and 94% of their scholars are either in college working on their degree or graduated. Alum are in medical and law schools as well as working at companies like Dropbox, Deloitte and Google. Last year PCF expanded into five high schools in east San Jose. This year they will award 55 new scholarships. If you’d like to get involved in this important work, PCF is looking for mentors. Information and an application is available on their website



SPRING 2018 | 33

At Presentation, we believe education is opportunity. Making a donation to Pres means you are empowering the next generation of smart leaders, creative thinkers and global citizens. Presentation is blessed to have generous and loyal supporters who ensure the bright future of the school and our students. The Annual Report is a printed tribute that recognizes the individuals, families and businesses who supported Presentation during the 2017 calendar year. Thank you for fostering the spirit of giving that makes Presentation such a special place.

LIFETIME GIVING BENEFACTORS Our deepest gratitude to the following donors, whose lifetime contributions to Presentation qualify them for this special giving category. Since 1962, Presentation High School has inspired intellectual discovery and growth while also cultivating in our students a moral sense of what it means to be a good citizen of the world. It is loyal donors like these who keep these waters flowing, and our hearts are ever grateful for this support.


$250,000 - $999,999

Ron & Marcia Cali Martha E. Sanfilippo Foundation Sisters of the Presentation Keith & Tricia Chico ’86 Stephens Gary & Janice Valenzuela

Anonymous Presentation Family Manuel & Mari Alba Harvey & Nola Armstrong Chuck & Melissa Berger Matt & Gretchen Nicoletti ’83 DiNapoli Bill & Karen Frederick Gary & Sue Giannini Richard Brown & Carlee Harder-Brown Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation John & Shari Levitt


Matt & Ellen Medeiros Martin & Becky Menne Lon & Peggy Normandin Philip S. Sanfilippo QTIP Trust David & Diane Pinn Krish & Padma Ramakrishnan Dale & Anne Shipley John M. & Timi Sobrato Jim & Joey Vaudagna

ANNUAL REPORT 2017 LIFETIME GIVING BENEFACTORS | $100,000 - $249,999 Anonymous Presentation Family Lou* & Maureen Basile (SF) Estate of Annette Bertram Mike & Margie Blach Randy & Patti Blair Bridge Bank Fred & Willy Brown Chris & Katie Burke Carl Gellert & Celia Berta Gellert Foundation Robert & Kate Chimenti Colombo Charitable Trust Conrad Hilton Foundation Mike & Judy Ruffo ’82 Cordano Fred & Kim Crary Richard & Diane Cristina Neil & Patsy Fanoe

Jeff & Edie Fisher Charles & Julie Geiger Paul & Barbara Gentzkow Rick & Terry Giorgetti Jeanne Glad Mike Glad John & Michelle Hansen Bill & Barbara Heil Pete & Suzanne Sawochka ’84 Hooper Philip & JoAnn Iatomase Winston & Katie Fanoe ’83 Jaeb Lissa Kreisler-Whelan Austin & Jeannette Kyles Clyde & Ivana LeBaron Bob & Sally DiSalvo ’66 Longinetti Joe & Anne Madruga

Mary Miller ’72 Cassidy & Lisa Bonnici ’85 O’Hara Ken & Linda Okenquist David & Kathy Pasek Andrew & Maria Pecota John & Susan Pinheiro Ron & Diane Piziali Michael & Vicki Pope Joseph & Mary Ann Ramirez Ron & Fran Reynolds Stephanie Schiro ’79 Ronco Shirlee DiNapoli Schiro Mark & Jackie Sellers Dan & Linda Sisto Stella B. Gross Charitable Trust Bob & Donna Teresi

The DiNapoli Family The Valley Foundation Brian & Michelle Walsh William Irwin Charity Foundation Robert Craig & Julia Woods Jon & Linda Yap J. Luis* & Peggy* Zabala * deceased

INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY GIVING The Presentation education, programs and services that allow our students to thrive are made possible through the generosity of the following people who donated to our Annual Giving Program, the Direct Aid Scholarship Program and much more. Stephen & Denise Abely Glenn & Jocelyn Abisia Christy Ablog-Sporleder Robert & Carly Abrams Matt & Birgitta Ackley John & Barbara Adams Brian & Gina Adams Ross & Kerry Adams Phillip & Victoria Adams Chris & Elizabeth Adkison Ramesh & Ganga Adulla David & Stephanie Affourtit Valerie Afroilan ’08 Louis & Catherine Agelson John & Donna Urata ’66 Agresta Matthew & Keriann Agresta Eustacio & Delia Aguilar Heriberto Ledezma & Patricia Aguirre Ron & Jeanne Ahearn Mimi Ahern Alan & Catherine Ahlschlager Farhad & Rubina Ahmed Maria Cabrales ’76 Ahrvide Farokh & Bindi Aibara Rajesh & Sujata Aji Anne Ajlouni

Mark & Connie Kais ’87 Ajlouni Srinivas Chadalavada & Sirisha Alam Loreli Alba ’08 Manuel & Mari Alba Monica Alba ’05 Bill Albert Rebecca Albert-Smith Juan Fermin Natividad & Veronica Alcala Eric & Caroline Alemany Junn & Lottie Alfelor Brian & Lisa Allen Nancy Allen ’74 Patrick Allen Tom & Julia Alloggiamento Stephen & Mary Almassy Phil & Claudia Alne Ken & Kathleen Alongi Melinda Alongi ’86 Patrick & Terre Alongi Kristen Alongi ’93 Davis Will Raschefsky & Megan Alpers-Raschefsky ’02 Maad Aldabagh & Sadeel Altalib Jim & Malinda Alves Alireza & Laleh Amin

Arezoo Agharokh ’87 Amiri Paramesh Padmanabhan & Neetha Anandakumar Gina Anastasi ’72 Arthur Anderson Tom & Bettie Anderson Eric & Jasmine McMillan ’96 Anderson Alan Cezar & Jill Anderson Stephen & Marie Anderson Pierre Brule & Pamela Anderson-Brule Doug & Wendy Peckham ’91 Andham Mallory Andresen ’17 Mark & Anne Andrews Lindsey Neilsson ’97 Angelats Huggen & Maria Angeles Anonymous Autessa Anoosheh ’20 Khashayar & Nirvana Anoosheh Michael & Elsie Antaya Jaclyn Antonopoulos ’02 Nick & Linda Antonopoulos Venkatesh Kalahasti & Kavitha Appakayala Robert & Barbara Aquino

Catherine Aquino ’87 Arnel & Melissa Ballek ’88 Aquino Joaquin & Janet Arango Lee Trevino & Carla Araujo Harvey & Nola Armstrong Cristina Arolla ’05 Tony & Jamie Arreola Noe Gutierrez-Mercado & Gloria Arteaga Julie Asada Deborah Ashley Joe & Simona Asunsolo Rick Bose, Jr. & Carol Attanasio-Bose Tasadduq Attari Charles Auerbach Daniel Madden & Sonia Auger Thomas & Bettina Avila Jennifer Avila ’88 Lisa Avila Robert Avila Joseph & Mirna Awad Carlos & Diane Normandin ’83 Azevedo Rizwan Ahmed & Sharmeen Azim Ramonito & Maria Babida WINTER SPRING2017 2018||35 35

ANNUAL REPORT 2017 Jerry & Denise Bachur Al & Cathie Bacosa Robert & Angelique Badagliacco Dennis & Grace Baik Clifford & Cynthia Bailey Lauren Bailey ’11 Gloria Baird Barry & Ann Baker Karolyn Niskanen ’07 Baker Gregory & Louise Baker Sahib & Kiran Bal Ramesh Manian & Sujatha Balakrishnan Freddie & Staci Balanay Michael & Enid Balavac McKenzie Bara ’05 Blanca Barajas Henry & Patty Barandica Keith & Joelle Baranowski Julia Baranowski ’21 Joseph & Paula Barbara Edwin & Rochelle Barbiran Stacy Barger Kristin Barker ’05 Charles & Patricia Barker Napoleon & Rosa Barneond Brad & Marget Baron Stephen & Elisa Robertson ’90 Baroni Kenneth & Joan Keller ’78 Barrett Melissa Mangini ’84 Barron Maureen Basile (SF) Hank & Susan Agnoletti ’70 Bataille David & Morgan Becerra James & Eileen Beckley Lisa Bedard ’94 Shishu & Teja Bedi Cathy Bell Eric & Maria Bellafronto Mia Bellafronto ’17 Mark & Kama Whelton ’90 Belloni Lizzetth Bellot Frank & Anita Belluomini Russell & Gina Jones ’81 Bence Megan Bence ’11 Thanh Nguyen & Carolyn Bendik Don & Monica Benjamin Dominic & Miho Bennett Tony Bennetti Alexander & Lena Berestov Tara Bergen Caitlin Berger ’07 Charles & Melissa Berger Robert Berger 36 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

Christopher & Wendy Bergey Rajesh & Priti Beri Ray & Marilyn Bernal Matthew & Susan Bernal William & Virginia Berner Robert Ashcom & Angela Bernhard Diana Berry Tom & Janice Berthold Elaina Berti Andrew Shebanow & Michele Bertolone ’84 Thomas & Emilie Bertram Suresh Puppala & Lakshmi Bethu Jennifer Bettencourt Lynne McManus & Cindy Bevan Vinod Soman & Krishna Bhakar Vinod Sandipan & Meenu Bhanot Sandip & Rinku Bhattacharya Shreeram & Madhuvanti Bhide Rob Komas & Julianne Biagini-Komas The Bianchi Family Douglas & Elda Bielanski Scott Fehr & Stephanie Bielanski-Fehr Doug & Tammy Bieter Erick & Jeanne Brashear ’81 Bigelow Heinz & Theresia Binder Dennis Young & Patricia Biscay Young Lynne Ann Biscay Frank & Sue Bisceglia Anne Davis ’85 Bixler Roger & JoAnn Ghiggeri ’67 Bjornstad Donald & Margaret Blach Mike & Margie Blach Richard & Kara Blazier John & Dina Blazing Hannah Blazing ’17 Ken & Cathy Bliss Elaine Blocher Ed & Lorrie Blythe David Cohen & Shelli Bodnar Bill & Judy Boehner Michael & Katie Ryan ’84 Boennighausen Diane Boher Jeffrey & Tina Bohn Jairo Quintana & Clara Bohórquez Frank & Gayle Boitano Sherry Bonaccorso Mark & Dianne Bonino Julie Bonner Catherine Bonnici

Martha Bonnici Matthew & Karyn Andrade ’04 Bordoni Dhruba & Anuradha Borthakur Patrick & Ineke Boscarino Cathlin Bosch ’04 Joan Bose Jeffrey & Donna Boss Donald & Marianne Boss David & Lee Anna Botkin Anthony & Kristen Bowden David & Amy Bowman Richard Bender & Sharon Boyce-Bender Gus & Cathy Bonacorsi ’82 Bozzo James Hartfield & Denise Bradley Patrick & Cindy Brahney Dennis & Diane Brahney Milan Brahney ’15 Michael & Elizabeth McInnis ’06 Braly Michael & Shannon Brannan Al & Laura Cali ’97 Breiten Ken & Colleen Brendlen Mark & Andrea Brewer Gianna Brewer ’17 Jerry Brickley Dennis & Denise Bridgeman Andrew & Christine Brinck Edward & Pamela Brotherton ’76 Sedano Ivan & Karen Ann Yalong ’95 Brouwer Joseph & Colleen Brown Gloria Brown Kaitlyn Brown ’12 Bob & Kathy Brown Marlene Brown Sheryl Brown Fred & Willy Brown Robert & Emily Browne Jeanette Turner ’75 Browne Jerry Bruce John & Stefanie Bruggeman Silvino & Branca Brum Scott & Natalie Brunello Eric & Rebecca Bruno John & Antoinette Brunolli Michael Targgart & Lisa Brunolli Joe & Melissa Brush Barney & Patt Brust Bob & Carol Buchser Richard & Janine Buellesbach Jonathan & Sara Buerk David Artiga & Suzanne Bui Brian & Theresa Arias ’78 Bumb Deila Caballero ’01 Bumgardner Lisa Randazzo ’78 Bunnell

Joseph & Jennifer Burch Stephen & Janet Burchinal Jacqueline Burd ’17 Susan Burgard Karen Krouse ’01 Burgart Arthur & Rosalia Burgueno ’83 Tapia Chris & Katie Burke David & Patricia Burney Charlene Burns James & Kelly Ryan ’83 Burns Jeff & Michelle Burns John & Susan Busco David & Laura Bustamante Michael & Samantha Butler Timi Butterick ’17 Rolando & Michele Cabral Paul & Lisa Nicole Pignati ’90 Cahalan Mark Miles & Winifred Cahill John & Kristin Calhoun Ron & Marcia Cali Kevin McMahon & Annalora Calin John & Linda Callan Patrick & Denise Callinan Nicole Callinan ’13 Giovanni & Marife Caltagirone Debbie Caminiti Cindy Campbell Arron & Nancy Campi Jon & Colleen Campisi Lorena Campos Art & Elaine Campoy Dina Cannizzaro ’81 Rick & Maria Baron ’76 Cannon Marc & Lisa Cappelloni Julian & Kristine Carash Susan Carbullido Peter & Nolwenn Carcione Elizabeth Cardenas ’12 Emily Cardenas Thomas Cardoso Timothy & Kimberly Carey Peter & Belinda Carley Peter & Pam Carlino Scott & Stacey Carlson Ben & Jo Ann Carlucci Robert & Dana Piziali ’88 Carollo Richard Caron Shelly Campagna ’83 Caron Shelley Mangini ’80 Carr Juan Olivo Torres & Osiris Carrillo Centeno Sharon Carroll Dennise McNulty ’69 Carter Kathy Grim ’71 Carter James & Terri Carter

ANNUAL REPORT 2017 David Chapman & Coty Casareto-Chapman Timothy & Andrea Case Erin Casey ’08 Meghan Casey ’06 Natalie Smith ’04 Casey Agnes Casper Mark Denny & Kathleen Casquinha Joseph & Nashell Castello Duncan Heath & Randy Castello Ginabeth Castillo Crystal Catalan Gloria Catalan Michael & Robyn Catelani Jim & Sharon Caviglia Robert & Kathleen Cazale Larry Cebull Anne Cefalu Dorina Cereghino-Hewitt Paul Stith & Marina Cerin-Stith Jon & Emily Aquino ’88 Cervino Sreenivasa & Saritha Chadalavada Khang Dao & Betty Chan Dao Mario & Mary Chan Sundeep & Shellie Chandar Steven & Jaylene Chandler Lee Potts & Juliana Chandler Gregory & Kimberly Chang Norma Changras Anawat Chankunthod Nancy Chapman Sherry Chapman Vincent & Denise Charlton Kathy Chase Antonio & Georgina Chavez Georgina Chavez ’17 Susan Chavez Frank Kaul & Maria Chavez-Kaul Anna Cheadle Donnie Sales & Elizabeth Checklenis Paul & Virginia Cheesman Theodore & Caroline Chen Michael Yang & Mandy Chen Andrew & Helen Cheng Sherri Chessen Joel & Sunmi Kang ’89 Chew James & Adele Chico Margie Chiechi ’68 Linda Chin Kathleen Bruno ’69 Chittick Laurence & Anna Chivers Rosemary Chivers Joseph & Jane Choe Napoleon Greene & Helen Choe-Greene Celine Chuapoco ’17

Rafael & Rowena Chuapoco Robert & Jade Chubb Abbey Chuck Lily Chuck ’18 Samuel & Liza Chuck Margaret Chung Nicole Ciari ’15 Richard & Corinne Cirone Joseph & Gail Cirone Mary Elizabeth Cirone ’02 Caitlin Clancey ’06 Douglas & Barbara Clapp Anthony Clark Beatrice Clark George & Conchita Clark Richard & Machell Silva ’83 Clark Michael & Maureen Curran ’66 Clark Kathleen Coffee William & Diane Gould ’76 Colangelo David & Anne Costanza ’77 Coldren Brian & Elizabeth Taft ’77 Colella Dan & Andrea Coleman Nicole Collins ’09 Jeff & Shannon Collins ’82 Tassi Lisa Quieto ’98 Colliss Lloyd & Theresa Colombini Lauren Colvin ’13 Brent & Suzanne Colvin Robert & Barbara Colyar Bob & Gina Comes Mark Comiso Joseph & Mary Connolly Tim & Susan Pivk ’93 Connolly Tom & Donna Conom Patricia Conte ’70 Martha Conway John & Nadja Conway Tori Conway ’17 Dennis & Mary Cook Dave Schlessinger & Karin Cooke ’92 Ariel Cooper ’20 Rosa Cooper Terry Corbet Mary Beth Peterson ’66 Corbin Mike & Judy Ruffo ’82 Cordano Sandra Cordero Julie Cordova ‘80 Kathleen Cordova ‘78 Maria Corrales Dean Correa Jesus Correa & Maribel Camacho-Correa Alice Cortez

John Costas Timothy Guarnieri & Kathleen Cote Guarnieri Robert & Suzanne Couch Todd & Jackie Cottingham ’81 Courtney Christina Cutshall ’86 Cousineau Dave & Anne Cowell Jim & Arlene Cowell Matthew Bentzel & Carolyn Cox Bentzel Gigi Cox Chris & Marisa Watts ’94 Cozort John & Suzanne Cragin Michael & Erin Craig Fred & Kim Crary Richard & Diane Cristina Jeffery & Walma Crittenden Richard & Theresa Cronin ’80 Crocker Thomas & Katherine Cronan Megan Cronan ’09 Ed & Doris Cronin Cristine Crooks ’69 Brian & Lyn Stair ’80 Crowell Mark & Nanci Jo Crowley Sophia Pannthay ’96 Cruz John & Denise Csubak Thomas Cuddie Jr. & Jennifer Cuddie Tony & Caroline Cuevas Stephen Craig & Rebecca Cullen Matthew Mallet & Christine Cunningham Jeremy Cunningham John & Katie Cunningham Philip & Kirsten Cunningham Kathleen Curran ’68 Paul & Susan Curtin Donald & Martha Curtis Joey & Mirally Custodio Ed & Gloria Cutshall Gregor & Deborah Cuzner Derek & Wendy Carpenter ’88 Dal Ponte Dan & Toni D’ali John D’Ambrosio Hanh Nguyen & Kim Dang Patrick & Virginia D’Angelo JD & Karen Daniels Angelo & Mary Danna Kannan Perumal & Suchita Das Gupta Shirish Pal & Sujata Das Paul & Lynn Dau Kathryn Daugherty ’14 Kate Davey Mark & Erica Davied

Chantel Davila ’06 Raymond & Jane Davilla, Jr. Jordan Davis ’17 Larry & Judy Ford ’78 Davis Richard & Karen Davis Stephen & Larissa Davis Ken & Lynne Davis Edgar & Mary Davis Shirley Davis Bud & Wendy Davis Wendy Davis Dolores Davison ’85 Clifford & Barbara Dawson Don Juan & Kelly De Guzman Shevlin de la Roza Hugo & Maria De La Torre Noel & Eloisa De Leon Gabrielle De Silva ’09 Patricia Heafey ’45 Deatherage (Berkeley) Danielle DeBold ’06 Phil & Debbie Decker Joe & Laura Decker Adrienne Defanti ’96 Jamie & Genevieve Cheesman ’97 DeHavilland Mike Heffernan & Kristen Del Biaggio Heffernan William Del Biaggio III Bill Del Biaggio Donna Delaney Donal & Sylvie Delaney Michael & Marci DeLurio Adam & Lindsay Brown ’98 DeMaestri Kathrine Demaree Lisa DeMotta Daniel & Monica DePalmo Felicitas Depante Scott & Cristina DeRuiter Shrinivas & Priya Deshpande Peter & Kristin Dessau Mariavalavan Savarimuthu & Mariaraji Devid Bob DeVour Megan DeVries ’90 Mark & Renee Dewhirst Venu & Kalpana Dharmapuri Russell & Sandi di Bari Shauna di Bari ’05 Mayli Diaz Infante ’17 Joanna Diaz Yoshioka Joel & Monica Dibble Maryann Dibona Ken & Kristin Monahan ’72 Dickens Shaun & Alyssa Dickey SPRING 2018 | 37

ANNUAL REPORT 2017 Clement & Cathy Dickey James & Jenna Dickson Matt & Gretchen Nicoletti ’83 DiNapoli J. Philip & Jennifer DiNapoli Kien Do & Mynna Dinh Charlene Dionne John & Anne DiPalermo Jennifer Barnes ’82 Dirking Meredith Dishaw ’01 Frank Throckmorton & Becky Divinski Jane Divinski Roy & Adrienne DiVittorio Kathleen Dixon Dong Nguyenphan & Hien Do Fred Tan & Tuuyen Do Christine Doblar Wayne Doiguchi Mark & Mari Donnelly David & Linda Doolin Merlin & Sandy Dorfman Keith & Kathy Griffin ’74 Dorsa Simplicio Gabriel & Bigildis Dosdos Diane Dougherty Tobin & Lisa Douglas John & Sheila Dowd Dave & Kathy Downing Katie Drake ’00 Sharon Drake Thomas & Pauline Gowen ’81 Duffy Sameer Goyal & Smita Dugar Barbara Duggan Ron & Cindy Willer ’69 Dunn Nicholas & Helen Dunn Camille DuPuis Victoria Dupuy Lindsay Myrback ’00 Duquette Lori Campanella ’91 Durand Joseph & Mimi Durante William & Kathryn Keifer ’71 Durkin Stewart Logie & Julie Dutton Keith & Andrea Duwel Patricia Dvorak John & Kazuko Eames John & DeDe Ebner W. Scott & Julie Edson Romeo & Emma Edusada Lena Egbert ’14 Richard & Heidi Knapp ’88 Egelston Benjamin & Melissa Egge Hugo Ehuan & Mary Ehuan-Robbins 38 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

Konstantinos & Agape Eleftheriadis Jason Elliott Kathleen Brust ’88 Ellis Rob & Alex Schmid ’04 Ellsworth Augustus & Elizabeth Elmer Sean & Dana Doolin ’03 Emadzadeh Linnea Emery Yasuhiro & Pui Endo Christopher & Cheryl Revels ’84 Engelstad Edward & Kelly Hartigan ’89 Engler Abigail Enney Craig & Amy Simpson ’87 Enos James & Anna Ensell Robert & Michelle Eramo Mark Escobar Anthony & Sherri Escobar Octavio & Julie Espinoza Martha Corrales ’87 Espiritu Paul & Missy Estrade Carl Basilio & M. Elizabeth Estrella-Basilio Tom Evan Ellen Evans ’17 Tom & Patty Evans Richard & Caroline Every Raghu Kidambi & Lavanya Eyyuni Hailey Fagundes ’17 Ernest & Diana Fama Neil & Patsy Fanoe Richard & Karla Fargo Mark & Sheri Farley Michael & Nancy Fauria Joseph Zenk & Mary Fay-Zenk Brigid Feeney-Sherry Robert & Shirley Ferguson Sammy & Carmelita Fernandez Dennis & Sandra Fernandez Jeffrey & Dina Ferrari Donna Ferrari Stephen & Joan Ferrari Steve & Misty Ferrari Bill & Pam Ferrari Charles Fetter Rick & Molly Fezell Marc & Joanne Field Amy Fields Mary Figone John Filice Werner & Annette Finsterbusch Kurt & Claudia Fisher Jeff & Edie Fisher James Mulholland & Barbara Fitzgerald-Mulholland ’78

Ann Fitzsimons Christopher & Sheila Flanagan Theresa Flanagan ’01 Marion Flandrena John & Mary Flatley Sheila Fleet Sheri Fliss Chuck & Debi McMahon ’87 Flora Susan Flores Jerry & Linda Floyd Mike & Kerry Cronin ’87 Flynn Jeffrey Dobbek & Ingrid Foerster Susan Folmer Rick & Diane Russo ’71 Fontaine Fabiano & Beth Fontana David & Dianne Foote David & Gretchen Freeman ’77 Forbes Paul Phipps & Jami Ford Steve & Cynthia Ford ’86 Pustelnik Hayley Foster ’09 Brian Fox Dennis Fox Madeleine Fox ’17 Michael & Mary Ellen Fox, Sr. Monica Fox Arun & Anne Michelle Paris ’96 Frances Stephen & Karen Franchetti Richard & Marnie Francisco Noel & Teena Francisco Diana Franco Mark & Nancy Franich Ben & Della Franz Mark & Grace Franz Doug & Katie Mitchell ’05 Franz Kathy Kirby ’78 Frecceri Bill & Karen Frederick Ann Freitas John Freitas Oscar Perez Frias & Rosaura Frias Garcia Omar Khan & Natawnee Fritz ’02 Dave & Sara Fugate Paul & Fran Fuhrman Christopher & Paula Fujimoto Michael & Arlene Fukawa Chris Funk David & Maria Funk Julia Fuqua ’17 Peter & Lisa Gray ’87 Fuqua Jim & Renee Fuqua Catherine Furtado ’06 Barry & Linda Furtado Shirley Furusho

Stephen & Kelly Callan ’91 Gaffaney Hemant Asher & Hemali Gajaria Olivier Galgani Cal & Deirdre Gallagher Nicole Gallagher Paul & Maricela Gallarate Nick & Kristen Gallis Teresa Downing ’83 Gallo Robert Gallucci Ed & Diana Galvan Christopher & Audrey Galy Ron & Elena Becerra ’84 Garald Christina Fujii ’93 Garcia Antonio Fontan & Marianela Garcia Marissa Garcia ’09 Federico L. & Sandra L. Garcia Ramiro & Tinamarie Garcia Sukesh Garg Brandon Garrett Cassidy Garrett ’14 Aryanna Gasca ’17 Alejandro & Isela Gasca Myra Gasmin ’03 Prateek & Vandana Gattani Brian & Aimee Longinetti ’94 Geddie Charles & Julie Geiger Leslie Peddicord ’87 Gelfand Paul & Barbara Gentzkow Courtney George ’07 Bert & Cyndie George Michael & Carrie Georgette Ilian & Katherine Georgiev Steve & Linda Gera Francis & Nerissa Gerodias Sunondo & Moni Ghosh Ernie & Marcia Giachetti Gary & Sue Giannini Nicole Pray ’87 Gibson Jennifer Javernick ’00 Giese Michelle Gigandet Walter Gil Jerry Sand & Aurelia Gill Jacqueline Gill ’12 Kristin Gill ’15 Dana & Michele Gill Timothy & Sondra Gill Gregory & Kim Gillas Carla Gillespie ’17 Rick & Terry Giorgetti Tracy Giorgetti ’92 Penny Giovanetti ’69 Rick & Judy Giraudo

ANNUAL REPORT 2017 Kevin & Noreen Golden Pauline Golitz Lucia Gomes ’17 Joe & Sherri Gomes Lydia Gomez Anita Gong Danielle Gong ’08 Edith Gong Jennifer Gong ’06 Elizabeth Gong-Landess Manuel & Cristina Gonzalez Albert Alvarez & Justine Gonzalez Martin Lopez & Libier Gonzalez Cayo & Martha Gonzalez Glenn & Nancy Gonzalez Paul & Dung Goodison Scott & Denise Gordon Scott & Melissa Gorin Ron & Beverly Gorshe Marissa Smith ’06 Gorsline Todd & Renee Gorth Jane Gortner Matthew & Jennifer Gotshall Bon & Ann Gotuaco Lynn Gotuaco ’11 Barbara Gould ’12 Michael & Julia Gowen Hillary Graham ’07 Shanon Grannis Hans Granqvist Lloyd & Lenore Grant James Keith & Paula Grant-Keith Sharon Grasso Jeffery & Romy Grau Dana & Sabina Grau Andrew & Carolyn Campbell ’80 Graven Steve & Lynne Brown ’88 Graw Alexander & Gordana Grbic Jeffrey Powers & Sue Greathouse Andrew & Marcy Greenberg Shannon Greene ’17 John & Sue Salamida ’85 Greene David & Karri Greenfield Mike & Lorraine Greenwood Adam & Elena Longinetti ’00 Greer Richard & Marlaine Griffin Paul & Maria Griffiths Tony & Leticia Grizelj Dennis & North Grueskin Peter & Chinh Guastaferro Brian & Terri Bedard ’81 Guastaferro Michael & Carolyn Guido Dale & Marti Guidoux Julian & Cynthia Guillermo

Denis Bournival & Sylvie Guindon Paul & Diana Gunsky Pakhi Gupta Vivek & Preeti Gupta Steve & Patricia Gustafson Alonso Ochoa & Elva Gutierrez Mario & Jenna Morris ’03 Gutierrez Paul & Megan Gutierrez Joe & Rosella Guttadauro Mike & Kathy Gutto Elie & Rosie Nijmeh ’86 Habib Larry & Julie Turner ’71 Haff Tony & Arlene Hahn Andrew & Pat Haines Arman Garakani & Jennifer Hall Craig & JoAnn Hall Susan Hall Butch & Kim Hamann Mark & Joanne Hames Timothy & Jeneen Hamilton Mary Hamilton Benjamin & Vanessa Dove ’02 Hancock Kenny & Judy Handkammer Peter & Claire Hansen Karen Hansen Michael & Kristen Hansen John & Michelle Hansen Richard Brown & Carlee Harder-Brown Stephen Gomez & Shannon Hare ’80 Grace Hargadon ’14 Jennifer Harrington ’88 Miles & Noreen Harrington Patricia Harrington Lynn & Leah Harris Lisa Small ’87 Harrison Matteo Vocino & Maraya Hart Michael & Julie Salamida ’83 Hartley Michael & Anne Hartung Jonathan & Gigi Harvey Cristina Hasbany ’06 Nancy Hatcher Brooke Shaw & Kelly Hattey-Shaw Ramakrishna Chunduru & Arathi Hattiangadi Kathy Hausler ’78 Alexandra Healey ’14 Chris Eaton & Michele Healey Rosemarie Healy Gail Hehir Bill & Barbara Heil Jeff Heimburger Lauren Heine ’20

David & Nancy Heine David & Carolyn Helms Mark & Kelly Alves ’93 Helsing Emil & Jean Hembrooke Jason & Shannon Gilligan ’84 Hemphill Timothy & Beth Henderson William & Eileen Hennessey Kurt & Terri Henry Mani & Gloria Hernandez Janine Hernandez ’21 Joe & JoElle Hernandez John & Kimberley Hernandez Gilbert & Rebecca Carranza ’83 Hernandez Cheryl Heron Bruce & Lilo Heron Ralph & Popi Heron Christopher & Joanna Hersey Leanne Hewlin Ron & Carol Higgins Scott & Jill Higgins Aaron & Bonnie Higley Rocky & Aurelia Hill Bob Hill Richard & Lynn Hillebrecht Wayne & Andrea Hineman Terrence Fong & Jessica Hirschfelder Fredrick & Grace Ho Binh Hoang & Hoainam Ho Steven Chu & Hosanna Ho Edward & Krista Hein ’87 Hochstatter Nicole Hockenbury ’91 Debra Faraone ’68 Hodges John & Debbie Hoffman John Holehouse Philip & Julia Holenstein Robert & Nancy LaRocca ’67 Holleran Richard & Arlene Holmboe Michael & Bree Holmboe Kathy O’Donnell ’77 Holmes Pete & Suzanne Sawochka ’84 Hooper Tom & Michelle Ferro ’80 Hopkins Curt & Kathleen Schaffer ’79 Hoppins Mark & Rhonda Horstman Stanley & Dorothy House Ken & Irene Howell Robert & Karen Howell Fan Ni & Bin Hu Yung-Wen Wu & Micky Huang Megan Huber ’10 Michelle Huber ’15

Kevin & Susan Huber Alison LaVelle ’07 Hudson Emily Hudson Patrick & Mieko Huet Douglas & Diane Hughes Christopher & Julie Molinari ’86 Hughes Prys & Tracy Hughes Bill Gisvold & Kathy Hull Mark White & Jennifer Hunt ’90 Sally Hunt Daniel & Debra Hunter Stephen & Kristine Keifer ’68 Huntsman Daniel & Katherine Huotari Michael & Joelle Hurlston Shannon Hurlston ’15 Robert & Amy Hurst Phil & JoAnn Iatomase Marina Iatomase ’10 Richard & Ingegerd Ibarra Michael & Katja Iburg Janos Veres & Adriana Ifanger Medeiros Cindy Imelli Hank Imwalle Roberto & Lorena Iniguez David Gillespie & Kathy Inserra Gillespie Lionel & Sharon Iorgulescu Diane Ireland ’00 Gerald & Sheryl Ireland Ramesh Sundararaman & Vijaya Iyer Erika Izquierdo ’97 Hugh & Cecilia O’Brien ’84 Jackson Shawn Jacob Winston & Katie Fanoe ’83 Jaeb Megan Jaeb ’16 Eric & Sharon Jaeckle David & Johanna Jaffer Jaganathan Eswaran & Subha Jaganathan Aswini Chowdappa & Priya Jagasia Vimalaraj Rajagopal & Meenakshi Jain Emil Jakovcevic Kristine Jakovcevic Subhah & Rajeshwary Jaldu Robert & Cathy Jamello William & Cheryl James Rick & Jenny James Michael & Sue James Logan & Jaime Jamieson WINTER SPRING 2018 2017 | 39

ANNUAL REPORT 2017 Vijay & Sandya Janapaty Jeff & Rita Janda Colin & Carol Jaques Warren & Cheryl Jaques Clif & Julie Ferrari ’76 Jarvis Dragan & Cathy Jelic Nancy Jenkins William Jennings Rosemary Morantes ’71 Jensen Brian & Winnie Jeung Carmie Jimenez Scott & Sallyn Jimenez Richard & Sharon Johe James & Allison Johnson Jeff & Ann Johnson Mark & Mary Taft ’79 Johnson John & Olena Johnson Rachel Johnson ’17 William Lee & Andrea Johnson-Lee Darren & Chevonne Lorigo ’99 Johst Brent & Heather Jones Jim & Janice Jones Alexander & Terresa Jorgensen Danica Joseph ’86 Suhas & Jayanti Joshi Debbie Madden ’72 Judd Eric Prior & Valerie Junger Shiro & Shoko Kadowaki Jennifer Kaefer ’02 Sam & Betsy Fanoe ‘84 Kais Cassidy Kais ’16 Jack Kaiser Scott & Julie Kaiser Todd & Lynn Kaiser Jaisimha Durgam & Sudha Kalyan Prasada Vankayalapati & Mamatha Kambhampati Kiran Kamboj ’86 Ellen Kamei ’02 Kelly Kane Matthew & Pauline Kanter Salil & Reeti Kapoor Vinod & Vidya Kasturi Maya Kaul ’13 Sanjiv & Sudha Kaul Rajvinder Klair & Amarjeet Kaur Paul & Darina Kavanagh Lance & Melanie Kawata Thomas & Paula Mulcahy ’78 Keane Thomas & Debra Iaconis ’70 Kearney Daniel & Lelanya Black ’90 Kearns 40 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

Brett & Laura Keating Beth Keifer ’69 Mary Keifer Kaitlin Keith ’04 Kenneth & Kristine Keller Catherine Gowen ’85 Kelliher Kevin & Chris Kelly Jeffrey Kelly Patrick Kelly Laurie Kelm Jim & Wendy Kennedy Rodney Kerley Jennifer Kerr Richard & Mary Kerslake Wilbert van de Pieterman & Katie Khera Guatam & Ruby Khera Madhava & Sowjanya Kidambi Sue Kiely Michael & Leticia Kihmm John Kilmartin Annalea Kim Jason Choi & Cynthia Kim ’94 Julie Kim Kurt Kuhlmann & Oggie Kim Dick & Billie Kirby Mackenzie Kirk ’14 Anne Kirkpatrick James & Nikki Kirwan Giana Kischmischian ’14 Lucy Kleshinski ’16 Anne Kline Alyssa Kloczl ’17 George & Susan Kloczl Timothy Riener & Valerie Knafelc-Riener Dana Knapp Douglas & Rebecca Knapp Justine Knappenberger ’17 Daniel & Mary Knappenberger Tomai & Sylvia Knopp Anand & Asha Kodamanchilli Jim & Regina Koepf Alexander Rubinchik & Lidiya Kolomeyevskaya Matt & Tara Komar Jack & Virginia Komar Carol Konnyu Yuri Feinberg & Yulia Korobko Shankar Muthan & Priya Kothandaraman Jennifer Koverman Lissa Kreisler-Whelan Linda Kriegbaum Katherine Riley ’97 Krilanovich April Krishnan Ned & Lana Krtolica Alex Krukov & Ilona Krukova

David Ticzon & Annie Krystal James & Joan Kuczma Senthil & Anita Kumar Aparna Kumar Arivalgan Angusamy & Swarna Kumar Kumarasamy Palanisamy & Renugadevi Kumarasamy Raju Varghese & Neeba Kurian Austin & Jeannette Kyles Bob & Heather La France Julie Labosky Thomas & Georgia Ladd Dianne Lagana ’69 Wayne Hedden & Monica Lain Hedden Roop & Lynn Lakkaraju Dilip & Renuka Lalwani Con Phan & Tien Lam Jess Lamano Joseph & Nicole Lamano Henry & Katherine Lambert Robert & Rebecca Lampkin Fred Leonard & Gaye Landau-Leonard Gabrielle Landess ’17 Danny McLaughlin & Mary Landis Robert & Barbara Lang Karen Langeman Nancy Langholff ’72 Judy Lao ’00 Roger & Sally LaPierre Alvin & Margit Lappin David & Pat Cirigliano ’67 Larkin Jacquelyn Larson ’02 Karen Ruiz ’77 Larson Paul & Cori Mott ’99 Latala Jonathan & Theresa Latchford Grace Lattyak ’99 Joe Cortopassi & Denise Lau Eric & Tricia Buelna ’89 Launder Joanne Laus Sarah Hunt ’01 Lauterbach David & Janice LaVelle Bob & Mary Lou Lawrence Christopher & Madeleine Layam Jack & Deirdre Lazar Paul & Maria Luisa Lazar Felicito & Mary Rose Lazaro Andrew Ngo & Katie Le Thang Tran & ThanhHuyen Le Jennifer Sheveland ’96 Leader Patrick & Robin Leahey Scott & Donna Leahy Elizabeth Mrizek ’06 Leahy Michelle Leahy ’07 Adriana LeBaron ’02

David & Carolyn LeBaron David Hathaway & Danielle LeBaron ’99 Francesca LeBaron ’06 Clyde & Ivana LeBaron Todd & Eileen Leffler Harry Lee & Debbie Lehr-Lee Mark & Cindy Lemma Dave & Katy Lemon Carol Lenherr Mark & Susan Leonard Joseph & Myra Leone Martin & Jennifer Lepird Jil Leslie Linda Lester Eric & Anna Leung Adriana Rodriguez ’84 Leyva Daniel & Mary Zimmer ’69 Lezotte Frank Lico Michael Furlong & Kara Liebig Tom & Kara Ligda Meg Liggett Kathy Lightfoot Grace Lin ’09 Jerry Chen & Julie Lin Chung-Han & Shaw-Shya Lin Gregory & Kimberly Lind Eric & Kathy Pivk ’90 Lindblom Paul & Janey Link Richard & Cheryl Linquist Richard & Karen Linthicum Jacquelyn Little Wei Wang & Hong Liu Morgan Locke ’12 Taylor Locke ’13 Mark Scheig & Teresa TJ Locke-Scheig Samantha LoCurto Sunil Frida & Kerry Loftus Scott & Annette Logsdon Ron & Betty Lohbeck Mark & Sharon Lohbeck Michael & Cathie Klose ’74 Lohr Bob & Sally DiSalvo ’66 Longinetti Joseph & Maureen Longwello Aldo Maresca & Barbara Lonsbury Jennifer Look Melissa Look ’76 Raul Flores Andrew & Basilisa Antonia Lopez Bernard Lopez Rudy & Christina Lopez Emilia Lopez

ANNUAL REPORT 2017 John & Jo Lopez Marie Lopresto Andrew & Jill Lore Jacob & Nicolette Nigos ’04 Loredo Patrick Lorenzo Marisa Lorion ’07 Steven & Janet Love Brice & Erica Lovett Stephen & Catherine Lowney Mary Lowney ’17 Rich & Carole Matchak ’66 Lozzio Daniel Chen & Mary Lu John & Karey Keuser ’89 Lucas Tonia Lucca Arthur & Stephanie Lucchesi Elroy & Mary Ann Lucero Oliver Obusan & Cynthia Lucero-Obusan ’93 Michael & Patricia Lum Art & Agnieszka Lund Larry & Kristina Luscher James & Kelly Lynch Peter Curley & Maria Lynch John Roncoroni & Sharon Lynch ’76 Gary & Beth Maasberg Robert Burd & Cheryl Macaraeg Leah MacArt ’17 Alex & Judi Jeffrey ’79 MacDonell John Donovan & Jean MacDougall ’90 Douglas Knapp & Cheri Machado-Knapp ’81 George Henry & Danielle Macias Henry Kaitlyn Madden ’06 Mary Ellen Madden Pat & Sue Stair ’75 Madden Andrea Mantovani & Wendy Madrid Mantovani Loc Tran & Michelle Madrid Joe & Anne Madruga Sierra Maestas ’15 Carl Maggio Bob & Ellen Maguire Fred & Holly Maguire Roy & Irum Maharaj Paul & Maureen Mahoney Neil Callahan & Sandi Maida-Callahan ’74 Stephen & Patricia Maier George & Lisa Maillo Jim & Gretchen Mair Pushpendra Rajput & Mollika Majumdar

Roy & Stephanie Malatesta Daria Maliesky ’17 Stephen & Michele Maliesky John & Joan Malloy Mark & Liz Malone Thomas & Patricia Malone Vicky Malvini Edward & Mary Malysz Rossanno & Anna Dee Manalad Ferdinand & Kathleen Manalili Nicola Manalili ’21 Max & Kathy Mancini Gurupada & Sutapa Mandal Lauren Morici ’02 Mandelstein Salvatore & Jenny Mandracchia Nina Mandracchia ’14 Al & Cassie Mangini Kenneth & Maricel Manglona Ganesh Sundaresan & Mini Mani Stephanie Maniglia ’12 Michael & Vicki Maniglia James & Erin Matalone ’79 Mansuetto Jose & Ana Mantovani Murali & Uma Mantravadi Ford Ellis & Barbara Marchini-Ellis Sophia Marin ’15 Jim & Josiane Mariscal Dan & Geri Abaya ’86 Markey Ted & Ilene Marks Michael & Sharon Firato ’70 Marlatt Guillermo Marmolejo Jim & Carol Marshall Tom & Claire Martell Joe Melehan & Celeste Martin Melehan Jose & Aida Martin William & Caroline Martin Elizabeth Martin ’18 Jeffrey Martin Andrea Mackenzie & Jenni Martin Jennifer Martin David & Keli Martin Martha Martin Jeffrey & Melanie Martin Fred & Nickie Martin Sara Martin ’93 Danny & Dolores Martinez Mark Martinez Leonard & Myriam Martinez Arnulfo & Socorro Martinez Randall & Cynthia Martino David & Marti Martz Ron & April Mason Jim & Barbara Mason Gary & Rebecca Mason Caitlin Matalone ’03 James & Elaine Matalone

Georganne Fulhorst ’83 Matarangas Keith & Diana Matasci Bruce & Brita Matesso Russ & Phyllis Matesso Sam & Shiney Mathew Ajit & Jiji Mathews Roland & Anett Matian Ralph & Malena Matlack Dean & Lynnda Matsuo William & Lisa Matthews Meara Matthews ’16 Richard & Debbie Mattiello Andrew & Margaret Mattos David & Regina Murphy ’83 Maurantonio John & Lori Mazzuca ’78 Duggan Laura Casey ’02 McAllister Jamie McCabe Sean & Dawn Guerreiro ’90 McCale David & Joan McCarten Abigail McCarthy ’18 Cathy McCarthy Emma-Claire McCarthy ’13 Michael & Molly McCarthy Emmet & Suzanne McCarthy John & Teresa McCarthy Jonathan & Suzy McCaul John McClary Angelina Downing ’96 McClellan David Bridges & Quinn McClure ’04 Kevin & Lynn McConnell Patrick & Mary McCullough Elizabeth Tobias ’07 McCutcheon John & Deanna McDowell Robert Barnett & Adriane McFetridge Candice McGee Lawrence & Lynn McGovern Caitlin McGrew ’14 Butch & Jennifer McGrew Harlan & Lisa Normandin ’77 McHugh Clare McIntyre Marilyn McIver ’72 Bridget McKay ’70 Anthony & Elizabeth Lappin ’88 McKenzie Mike & Annie McKiernan Kirk & Cindy Kelley ’85 McKim Michael & Christine McKinley Frank & Diane McLaughlin Jim & Marilyn McMahon Paul McManus Jane Kuczma ’80 McMinn

Gordon & Anne Marie Freeman ’89 McNeill Dave & Glenna McVey Michael & Catherine Medal Joe & Tracy Gullick ’79 Medal Matt & Ellen Medeiros Ruchi Shrivastava ’97 Medhekar Tom & Carole Medica Valerie Mein Dennis & Cindy Meister Kathryn Meister ’09 Jim & Trish Melehan Edward & Catherine Mellera Claire Newton ’96 Mellin Lorenzo & Deirdre Mellon-Reyes Mario Melo Mike & Laura Riopel ’86 Mendelson Steven & Cheri Mendoza Lucinda Mendoza ’87 Tony & Raquel Carranza ’88 Mendoza Sreeharsha Gadagkar & Sheila Menezes Karl & Joanne Meninger Martin & Becky Menne Bridget Menne ’17 John & Carolyn Menne Mallory Menne ’17 Virginia Meraza-Santos Ernesto & Denise Mercado Sophia Mercado ’18 Glenn & JoAnn Salamida ’79 Merhige Alvin Mesita Steven & Michelle Mesita Tom & Cathy Messier John, Peggy & Yvette Messier Barbara Meyer Brian Brockhouse & Jean Meyer Terry Meyer Phil & Patti Micciche Nancy Michaels Philippe & Desiree Michel Anne Middleton ’67 Mike & Michelle Mifsud Monica Mifsud ’17 Pauline Mifsud Jim & Susan Ferrari ’86 Mikacich Joanne Milani Michael & Stephanie Milburn Joan Francesconi ’73 Miller (SF) Nat Maple & Kerry Miller John & Laura Miller Marti Miller SPRING 2018 | 41

ANNUAL REPORT 2017 Mary Miller ’72 Kurt & Seline Miller Shawn & Nancy Milligan Reagan Milligan ’17 Candi Milo ’78 Ann Minnium Alwyn & Anita Miranda Stephen Houlihan & Marlene Mirassou ’66 Suman & Alpana Mishra Pat & Tracy Mitchell James Delgrosso & Carolyne Moe Manas Saksena & Roli Mohan Louis & Terri Molinaro Philippe Monin John & Gillian Montgomery Rodger & Julie Moody Robert Moomau Leigh Ann Moore Robledo Philip & Carolyn Moore Doreen Morales Michael & Karen Morgan Trish Morgan Steve & Trish Morgan Tony & Rebecca Morici Peter & Elizabeth Morin Remi & Josephine Morlé Craig & Emily Morris Jeremy Morris Wayne & Joanne Morris Michelle Morris Steve & Becky Morrisey Denise Morrone Jennifer Moyano ’05 Rick & Kim Josefson ’83 Moyano Luc Moyen & Jennifer Moyen-Logan Christine Muduryan David Barber & Deborah Mueller Jonathan Muir Claire Mulcahy ’16 Michael & Kimberly Mulcahy Renata Mulder Michael & Lynn Betando ’81 Mulhern Ravi & Padma Mullapudi Francoise Mulligan Marielle Mulligan Jeffery & Jeanne Mullins Archibald & Claudia Munce Mauricio & Angie Munoz Eduardo Lopez & Araceli Munoz Cristina Munoz ’03 Derek & Joyce Munoz Carlos & Laurie Munoz 42 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

Eduardo & Maria Munoz Rebeca Munoz ’06 Mihai & Crina Murgulescu Michael Acks & Ane Murphy Daniel Dwyer & Diana Murphy John Murphy Joe & Margaret Murphy Mariah Jane Paone ’94 Murphy Mary Murphy ’80 Dennis & Sally Murphy Caroline Murray Patrick & Charlene Murray Charlize Murray ’17 Charlie & Liza Murray Dayanand & Sushma Murthy Pat Stevens & Deborah Muscari Richard & Jennifer Muscha Candy Musladin Carson Myers ’17 Ian & Danae Schacher ’99 Myers Dan & Paula Myers Jerome & Judy Nadler Swami Venkataraman & Nithya Nagarajan Swaminathan Uday & Saritha Nagendran Wade & Tracy Nakamura Andy & Lea Namba Rob & Anne Naragon Karin Naragon ’16 Robyn Naragon ’15 Bret & Lauren Nash Michael & Tracy Nashner Jagbir & Pam Natt George & Frances Navarro Umesh & Ashwini Nawathe Denise Nazzal ’97 Eric & Alicia Nequist Lilly Ngo ’16 Peter Dinh & Patricia Ngo Dean & Anhtuyet Nguyen Catherine Nguyen ’06 Andrew Ton & Chau Nguyen Tam Tang & Dung Nguyen Gordon Jackson & Lan Nguyen An & Linh Nguyen Loc & Linh Nguyen Chan Sokha Ong & Linh Nguyen Mario Ventura Aguilar & Mayra Nguyen Ngoc Nguyen Dung & Quynh-Dao Nguyen Thinh & Sherilyn Nguyen Kevin & Teralyn Nguyen Tuan Tran & Thuy Nguyen Loc & Trinh Nguyen Tuyet Nguyen Van Le Nguyen Peter & Xuan Huong Nguyen

Dinh & Yen Nguyen Hongbing Lei Timothy & Kelly Nicholson David Nickel Chris & Tracey Nicol Frank & Donna Nicoletti Murthy Jayanthi & Hari Nidumolu Cathy Niemiller ’76 Mimi Niemiller ’77 Barbara Niezer Ramsey & Nahla Nijmeh Julian & Martha Nino Robert & Erna Nishime Brian & Alicia Niskanen Richard & Sue Noack Albert & Celarin Nobal Caren Normandin ’74 Mark & Julie Normandin Paul & Lisa Normandin Lon & Peggy Normandin Patrick Crema & Rhonda Nourse Donald & Michele Novotney William & Mary Beth Numann Connie Nunes-Faria ’80 Sam Polverino & Shivaun Nurre Gary & Cindy Oberman Dan Shafer & Maggi Oberson Grace O’Brien William & Judith O’Brien David & Sonia Ocampo Amy O’Connor ’92 Kim Rademakers ’86 Odgers Thomas Grubb & Gwyne Odwyer Brendan & Jeanette O’Flaherty Marie O’Flaherty Barry & Peggy O’Halloran Cassidy & Lisa Bonnici ’85 O’Hara Thomas & Kathryn Haggerty ’01 O’Keefe Thomas O’Keefe Ken & Linda Okenquist Carolyn Olsen Paul & Catherine Olson Mike & Elizabeth Cali ’01 Olson Kehinde & Josephine Olugbode Alice O’Neill Domenico & Anna Onorato Cesar Virgen & Katia Ordaz Richard & Jill Ornellas Darryl Wong & Rachelle Orosa Sophia Ortiz Soraya Orumchian

Thomas & Melanie Osborne Ellen Otani Daniel & Melanie Ovanezian David Ross & Eleonore Pace Marina Pace Steve Pace Charles & Joan Packer Swaminathan Ramany & Ranjani Padmanabhan Arun & Anita Pai Monishita Pal ’13 Sreekanth & Indrajanti Pallikala Dominic & Barbara Panella Jim & Alison Pangburn Chuck & Janie Paone Angie Papangellin Jasmine Parada ’17 Michael & Paula Parish Mary Ann Freeman ’66 Parker George & Deborah Parkinson Marc & Linda Parkinson Larry & Anne Parks Lucy Parks ’17 Ramey Parks ’11 Teresa Harrington ’01 Partridge Beverlee Pasco David & Kathy Pasek Paul & Monica Pashby Mattie Pasion Bob Pasquinelli Katherine Passalacqua ’01 Rob & Tisha Pastega Prakash & Bina Patel Naresh & Hina Patel ’84 Devesh & Shital Patel Paul & Elizabeth Patterson Jennifer Borrelli ’85 Pattinson Andrew & Helen Dorcich ’67 Pavicich Rahul Yadav & Vasundhara Pawar Kamran & Lisa Pazdel Noel & Eugenia Pearman Dino & Francette Pecoraro Joseph & Maggie Pecoraro Greg & Stephanie Pedone Sergio & Sandra Pelino Michael & Valerie Peller John & Cindy Pena Colin & Christabel Pereira Antonio & Teresa Pereira Sandra Perez-Vargas Steve & Christine Perry Brian & Elinor Perry James & Sue Pershon Myron & Marina Peskar

ANNUAL REPORT 2017 Irene Pestana Linda Pestana Michael & Connie Peters John & Jill Fiscalini ’79 Peters Sam & Maureen Oravec ’97 Peters Kevin & Melanie Peyton Joe & Linda Bruni ’67 Pfahnl Bill & Linda DeMattei ’71 Pfeiffer Alan Tran & Lina Pham Binh Nguyen & Trang Pham Kenneth Nguyen & Thuy Phan Ron & Betty Pieracci Peter Mullen & Karen Pike James & Desiree Pilarski Ron Pine Caroline Pineda Lauren Pinheiro ’09 John & Susan Pinheiro Deborah Pinkston Art & Gwen Pinkston David & Diane Pinn Kathy Pinna Panchanadham Talasila & Malathi Pinnamaneni Magdi Zakher & Vinita Pinto-Zakher Lisa Pioli ’97 Vadim & Yelena Piskun Lamar & Eleanor Pitts Anthony Davis & Kimberly Pitts-Davis Sal & Amy Pizarro Ron & Diane Piziali Rita Piziali (Berkeley) Clement & Amy Po John Poch Scott & Megan Polhemus Katherine Pompili Gregory & Danielle Poncetta Linda Poncetta Frank & Ann Ponikvar Michael & Vicki Pope Douglas & Lisa Post Sophie Post ’15 Amanda Poulsen ’09 Jenny Poulsen ’12 Ian & Maria Poulsen Jasmine Pournavab ’12 Matthew & Kristal Belcastro ’00 Powers Samita Pradhan Madhu Sudan & Suman Prasad Sudhir & Vishakha Prasad Patrick & Kimberly Premo John & Beverly Prendergast Vince Prietto & Laura Johnston John & Dianne Barulich ’65 Prindiville (SF)

Tricia Prins Pierre & Carol Prodis Michael & Stacy Proost Andrew & Mary Prunicki Jesus & Shirley Puentes David & Barb Purdy Ty Quach Jose Quintos Vamsi & Parthavi Rachapudi John & Ann Rademakers Mike & Kelly Rafford Satty Rai Charlene Rusciano ’73 Raisch Jesse & Nicole Chubb ’01 Ralston Maria Brunetti ’86 Ramacciotti Krish & Padma Ramakrishnan Satheesh Kuppurao & Vasudha Ramanarasiah Ravi & Latha Ramaswamy Kari Ramirez ’03 Jose Olivares & Lucia Ramirez Joseph & Mary Ann Ramirez Renee Ramirez ’05 Eugenio & Columba Ramos Ruben & Gloria Ramos Thomas & Lisa Matteson ’70 Randazzo Gregory & Margaret Randazzo Richard & Maria Randazzo Manish Kumar & Shikha Rani Thalli Badrinath & Geetha Rao Joe & Marti Rao Sridhar Ramakrishna & Shweta Rao Suraj & Supriya Rao Sudhir Kasargod & Veena Rao Virginia Rao Eric Buell & Sherrie Raposa Richard & Kristin Ravizza Marcy Ray Bill & Ann Marie Rebello Hans & Kathy Rechenmacher Rita Redfern Morrett Joanne Pinheiro ’77 Redmond Margaret Ann Redmond John Duffy & Mary Kay Redmond Kevin & Mary McKenzie ’87 Rees Robert & Tomoko Regan Bradley & Laura Reigel Chris & Gabrielle Elmidolan ’94 Reilly Scott & Sangeeta Reimert Robert & Stephanie Reinhardt Erich & Tanya Gray ’89 Reinhardt Carlos & Liduina Reis Kelle Remmel Georgiana Remollo

Ludwig & Adrienne Renner Sean & Maria Renner Jim & Wendy Renwick Nino & Jackie McCall ’92 Repetti Kenneth & Allison Alongi ’96 Resz Mark & Cindy Reuter Ron & Fran Reynolds David & Paula Berry ’89 Reynolds John & Stephanie Filice ’87 Reynolds Jeff & Ann Ricci Neil McCarthy & Suzanne Rice Greg & Barbara Richmond Adriana Rico Hernandez Chris & Sherry Riordan Burch Boehner & Debbie Rishel Jillian Ritchie ’18 John & Marilyn Ritchie George & Simone-Francoise Rittenhouse Ernesto Bejarano & Yesenia Rivas-Bejarano Liana Rix ’16 Mark & Dana Rizzo Leah Robbie ’17 Richard & Susan Robbins Christopher MacArt & Jane Roberts-MacArt Nichole Stephenson ’01 Robertson Salvador & Elva Robles Miguel & Kimberley Rocha Dan & Caroline Rodriguez Claudia Rodriguez Maria Esther Carranza ’80 Rodriguez Nelson & MaryLynne Rodriguez Paul Roland Fernando & Marjorie Roldan Matthew & Lilian Romo Stephanie Schiro ’79 Ronco Steve & Lynn Rooke Sean & Denise Rooney Harold Schapelhouman & Lada Rosandich Jenna Saso ’09 Rosati Michael & Amy Rose Kathy Rosendin ’75 Gene & Diane Fiock ’94 Rosenthal R. Dean & Alison Reynolds ’83 Roskosz Sonia Rossi Carl & Tina Rossi Anna Roth ’17

Bill Roth Emma Roth ’13 Mary Roth Bill & Patricia Roth Steve & Patti Rottjakob Mark & Robin Royle William & Olga Rumpf Michael & Julie Ruppert Jim & Christine Shyba ’67 Russell Paul & Haik Russell Ana Maria Bruni ’77 Russo Jamie Russo Dan & Linda Russo Matthew & Marie Russo Pam Russo Jeff & Norene Rusteen Dan & Barbara Ruthig Tom & Kathy Ryan Missy Ryan Wendy Ryan Jake & Julia Lemon ’00 Saber Greg & Mary Fiock ’98 Saca Glenn & Kathryn Sager Nancy Sager Anthony & Cynthia Saglimbeni Patricia Mullin ’47 Sahadi (Berkeley) Neeraj & Bala Sahejpal Matt Saldivar Greg & Toni Saldivar Salmaan Hameed & Lubna Salmaan Masoud Bashi & Mahnoosh Samani Dean & Elizabeth Samara-Rubio Wilfred & Marianna Samson Jeff Bentz & Diana Sanchez Bentz Armando & Maria Sanchez Cheryl Sandall Deborah Piker ’85 Sanders Kuldeep & Rita Sandhu Sareen Sandhu ’10 Donald Paxton & Angelena Sanfilippo Paxton Grace Sanfilippo Larry & Holly Sanford Mehrdad Rezvany & Farah Sani Senthil Arunachalam & Sree Sankar Richard Fruin & Christine Santelli Richard & Mary Santi Andrea Santillan ’10 SPRING 2018 | 43

ANNUAL REPORT 2017 Israel & Evangelina Santillan Amy Santos ’17 Jean- Pierre Santos Raziel Therese Santos ’17 Rick & Rebecca Santos Paula Sarabia Meza Nino & Janette Martig ’85 Saso Ed Sauceda David & An Saucedo Jean-Dominique & Cindi Savelli Nikhil Sohoni & Sapna Sawhney Mark & Susan Scalzo Laurie Pearman ’89 Scarborough Uwe & Michelle Schaefer Stephen & Dawn Schaniel Terry & Paulette Scheffer Madeliene Scheiman Mark & Marge Scheitrum Deanna Scheler Anthony & Carol Schiavone Shirlee DiNapoli Schiro Mary Schlichting ’78 Rank Fred & Muriel Schlichting Robert & Renee Schmid Celine Schmidek Francis & Vera Schmidt Mark & Carole Schmitt Charles Schmuck Scott Henderson & Margaret Schneck ’83 Thomas & Patricia Schneck David & Stacy Schneck Casey & Kristin Cooke ’90 Schneider Linda Schneider Bernhardt & Patricia Schneider Sean & Leah Schnoor Marc & Lisa Imm ’92 Schonbrun Peggy Schrader Janet Schultz Jeff Miller & Brooke Schwartz Miller Carolyn Schwartz ’20 Robert & Joanne Geraci ’78 Schwartz Randy & Maryann Schwartz George & Lori Scofield Diane Seadler Lauren Seadler ’06 Ani Sedano ’17 Sophie Sedano ’15 Ameera Sedeek Scott & Deneen Sedlack Kathy Seebach ’76 Jessica Seifert ’06 Calvin & Ann Sellers Mark & Jackie Sellers Carla Sendig 44 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

Jayant Ramchandani & Dipita Shah Samit & Neha Shah Sujal & Purvi Shah Greg & Andrea Shaheen ’94 Sehestedt George & Carroll Shannon Mahbub & Kishwar Shariff Naresh Kumar & Sonica Sharma Steven & Jennifer Shaw Lori Pignati ’94 Shaw James & Peggy Cirone ’85 Shaw Nicole Shay ’10 Steve Sherry Lynn Davilla ’78 Shields Carie Shigemasa Alison Shikada ’16 Aritomo Shinozaki Michael & Nancy Shiu Bill & Joanne Sholes Annabelle Fagundes ’76 Shrieve David Lok & Helen Shum James & Joanne DeRose ’70 Shurter John & Ann Sichak Mary Sidlauskas Kristin Siegel Sridhar & Shyamala Sikha Peter & Teresa Silva Joe & Joanne Simas Greg Simpson Jim & Moira Simunovich Bryan Mekechuk & Jo-Anne Sinclair Carlos & Beverly Singh Raj & Melissa Singh Baldev & Sangeeta Singh Praveen & Priyanka Sinha Robert Handa & Arlene Sison-Handa Dan & Linda Sisto Ron White & Linden Skjeie Christopher & Lori Hoskins ’83 Skotz Robert Skotz Mary Skulich Bruce & Linda Slack Marlisa Slack Stuart Slack Jeffrey & Nikki Sloan David & Leslie Smearden Rodney & Kathleen Smedt Michael & Adrienne Smith Allison Smith ’05 Ashley Smith ’13 Ted & Bobbie Smith David & Elizabeth Bianco ’87 Smith

Kyle & Jill Smith Derrik & Oona Huber ’87 Smith Pamela Smith Adam & Nancy Smithline Roger & Dede Smullen John M. & Timi Sobrato Henry & Sonia Solorzano Joseph & Connie Sorrentino Suzette Sorrentino Mauro & Eliane Sousa Weston & Tiffany Sousa John & Alice Southwell Roxanne Marie Thomas ’77 Southwick Barbara Souza Anthony & Nicole Silacci ’93 Spagnuolo Marcie Spano Damon & Trisha Sparacino Darren & Kerrie Sparks Ana Spear Stewart & Tara Speed Mike & Barbara Hefte ’74 Spencer Justin & Kristen Spencer Mary Alice Springborn Scott Springborn DeWitt & Elisa Springmeyer Pam Stair ’73 Michael & Heather Quint ’94 Stalions Kevin & Monica Stampfl Roy & Elaine Stanley Dave & Wendy Courtney ’87 Stanton Stephanie Stapleton ’03 Vince & Kathleen Calleja ’84 Staub Matthew & Elisabeth Stauble Michael & Stacey Teague ’85 Stebbins Guy & Maria Steffens Robert & Erin Mulcahy ’73 Stein Gary & Pam Steinke David & Anne Cronin ’93 Stenseth Ashley Stephens ’17 Jamie Stephens ’20 Keith & Tricia Chico ’86 Stephens Kenny & Natalie Stevens James Zelony & Dotty Stewart Zelony Phillip & Diana Morrisey ’00 Stewart Jim & Donna Stewart

John & Andrea Baron ’78 Stilger Thomas & Jennifer Still Lea Stith ’17 Ed & Kathy Stocker Jim & Joan Stoelker Amanda Stone George & Sandi Stramback Karl-Heinz & Judi Strass Jon & Catherine Stewart ’77 Strauss Jonathan & Julie Streete Karen Strobach Danny & Carol Strub Marian Stuckey Butch & Janis Marianelli ’67 Stumhoffer Jeffrey & Lisa Stump Greg & Christie Carrizosa ’86 Styer Jim & Theresa Suarez Sreeenivasan Balasubramanian & Shuba Subramaniam Rajesh & Jaya Subramanian Aravindan Ranganathan & Rathika Subramanian Carlos & Celia Suez James & Charlene Suits Charla Walker ’86 Sullivan Anthony Powers & Cecilia Sullivan-Powers ’84 Matt & Diana Sunseri Frank Sunseri Vincent & Dina Sunzeri Sankaran & Jayasri Suresh Christina Biagini-Kirk ’00 Suter William & Merrill Sutherland Shingo & Makiko Suzuki Amy Swain ’85 Swati Swaminathan ’17 David & Mindy Swartz Barry & Molly Swenson Joe & Cathie Swoboda Lindsay Swoboda Stephen & Michelle Szluk Long & Jena Ta Joan Taft Reza & Jane Taheri Carlene Takaki ’03 Kyle & Marcia Takaki Megan Takimoto ’04 Sylvia Tallerico Valerie Tallerico ’02 Brad & Christa Tallman Jonathan Tallman Robinson & Merofe Tamarra Stuart Epstein & Camille Tang

ANNUAL REPORT 2017 Doug & Carol Scilacci ’71 Tanner Sarah Tapay Elizabeth Tapia ’17 Julia Saldana ’96 Tapia Sandy Tarango James & Julie Tarpey Maya Tarter ’17 Heba Tawadross Richard & Karen Taylor Katie Taylor ’17 Mike & Lauri Taylor Patrick & Mary Taylor Donald & Nancy Boehner ’89 Taylor David & Sue Taylor II James & Ruth Teague Marcy & Anella Andres ’88 Teano Michael Trent & Angela Telerski John & Christina Temple Bruce & Julie Rubino ’78 Tenenbaum Alex & Patricia Tennant Bob & Donna Teresi Sonia Arenas ’89 Terra Charles Territo Haley Thomas ’03 Tersigni Emily Muscatell ’04 Thiagaraj Milton & Angie Thomas Danny Thomas John & Heidi Thomas Gabriel & Sarah Thomas Walter & Sue Baker ’70 Thomas Tom & Tish Murphy ’72 Thomas Kathleen Thorson Thien Khong & Michelle Tieu Nicholas & Laura Tindall Brad & Mary Schneck ’87 Tips Stephen Kennedy & Guillermina Tiscareno-Kennedy Sara Tiscareno-Kennedy ’12 Claire Twomey ’87 Tiscornia Vu Pham & Thien-Huong To Peter & Kathleen Tobias Richard & Mollie Tobias Chris & Cheryl Togami Michael & Audrey Tognotti Rey & Maria Tolentino Jimmy & Shelley Tomasetti Thomas & Alisa Tomlinson Kenneth Tomlinson Leon & Margaret Sharon ’67 Torrey Susan Mann ’66 Toussaint Zachary & Meredith Towner Ann Traina Angelia Tran ’10 Minh & CamPhu Tran

Richard Hoang & Camvan Tran Rolando Suba & Dai Tran Nhan Le & Kim Huong Tran Vinh Lieu & Kimmy Tran Anthony & Kimthanh Tran Phuong Pham & Lan Anh Tran Thua & Mai Tran Hai & Maria Tran Quang Phung & My-Loan Tran Vinh & Tina Tran Thuong Duong & Tram Anh Tran Zahira Trejo ’17 Paul Pham & Hoa Trinh Hy Long & Kimberly Trinh William Le & Van Trinh Tom Pham & Trang Trinh-Pham Bruce & Elizabeth Tritch Angelo & Aileen Murphy ’79 Troquato Carlos & Dena Jones ’94 Trujillo Thomas Hau & Victoria Tsang ’89 Yvonne Tsang ’88 Patrick Gainer & Feng Tsao Dawit & Frewoini Tsegay Yolanda Tseng ’99 Craig & Linda Tsukamoto Glenn Tsutsumi Britany Tufnell ’05 Bruce & Jean Tufnell Chris & Linda Turkstra Stephen & Christina Turner Connie Turner Megan Twiddy George & Mary Uccelli Ulaganathan Sriramulu & Nirubama Ulaganathan Oscar Diaz Infante & Maria Ulloa Rizal & Regina Ungerer Craig & Molly Urban Julian Solano & Marcela Uribe Alice Dewhirst ’78 Ursano James & Melissa Ursin Kazuya & Ilene Uyesugi Luis & Lilia Vaca Robert & Darcy Vaden Pardhu & Shanti Vadlamudi Patrick Valencia Pamela Valentine Greg Valenzuela Gary & Janice Valenzuela Paul & Emily Van Hoorickx Bryan Van Huystee Loren & Jill Van Huystee Bruce & Myrna Van Huystee Kerry Greene ’69 Van Stockum Holly Vanderhoof ’17 Jim & Susan Vanderhoof

Eric & Caitlyn Foley ’00 VanderMaas Nila Patel ’85 Vanmali Sunil & Ishi Varandani Sonia Varandani ’15 Roberto Luna & Margarita Vargas Jose & Nohora Vargas Jim & Joey Vaudagna Lynn Vaudagna ’75 Gerardo Solis & Marisol Vazquez Hien Nguyen & Nicole Vecchi Jaime Velez Eddie & Valerie Velez Daniel & Rinda Battu ’80 Veronda Timothy & Tara Veronda Swami Whiton ’67 Vidyananda Stephen & Lisa Vierra Wesley & Marian Sinclair ’77 Viets Arvind Kamath & Divya Vijayaraghavan Elizabeth Villa ’17 Javier & Margie Villarreal James & Richelle Villavert Arturo & Jeanne Villegas Andrew & Stacey Vincent Robert Fodor & Linda Vinopal Peter Lwin & Agnes Vitarini Guillaume & Stephanie Vives Quan Nguyen & Jacqueline Vo Raymond Hayes & Karen Vogel Hayes Nathan & Laurie Vogel Arnie & Maria von Massenhausen Toni vonDohren Lindsay Vong ’10 Jesse & Katrina Votaw Christopher & Ann Vu Duc Nguyen & Hanh Vu Thuytien Vu Phuong & Tiviane Vu Dennis Wagner Thomas & Lynn Wagner Vicki Wagner Pat & Monica Wahler Joe & Rejane Wahler Rochelle Walker ’08 Gary & Tara Martines ’94 Wallichs Mark & Thira Wallwork Brian & Michelle Walsh Larry & Kathy Wan Wayne Cao & Alice Wang Jordan Wang Zhen Qin & Shan Wang

Tony Yu & Yeepeng Wang Colin & Angela Wardlaw Robert & Heather Watts Paul & Teresa Watts Carey & Kellie Weatherholt Matthew & Katie Weaver Jason & Katherine Weaver Bradley & Danielle Webb Steve & Linda Webb Matthew & Raquel Wegner Michael Tian & Jackie Wei Jonathan & May-Ying Wei David & Sharon Weight Robert & Helene Weil Kathy Welch Scott & Theresa Taft ’86 Wells Kathryn Werback ’01 Judson & Amelie Glon ’95 Werner Ruth Werts Kirk & Kara Westbrook Peter Krieg & Ina Wester-Krieg Brian & Danielle Wheatley ’80 Diana Wheatley ’67 Christian & Carrie Whitaker Debra Whitaker Ben & Dana Longinetti ’96 White Daniel & Elizabeth White Steven & Katherina White Leeann White John & Maris Whitney John & Pearl Wiedlin Clancy & Nanci Wilborn Thomas & Jennifer Wilcox Craig & Jacqueline Wilde James Christman & Ladye Wilkinson Brandon & Ellen Bailey ’05 Williams Jack & Kay Williams Marmet Williams Lynn Williamson ’87 Randy Reedy & Valerie Williamson Tom Carmody & Lori Williamson-Carmody ’87 Dennis & Lyn Wills Chris & Julia Wilson Donley & Carol Winger Ronald & Patty Link ’67 Winter Jeff & Soraya Winter Jon Witkin Gregory & Jennifer Fanoe ’82 Wolf Jon & Tiffany Wong ’95 Hall Amy Wong ’02 Peter Yuen & Stephanie Wong SPRING 2018 | 45

ANNUAL REPORT 2017 Samuel & Trina Wong Michael & Beth Woyak Michael & Janet Wright Jeannie Ha ’97 Wu Nathan & Melissa Wu Tainyule & Virginia Wu Fernando Villamar & Wen Xing Elpidio & Lilia Yalong Jason & Janet Yamada Ronald Yang Michael & Violet Yang Erich Tzou & Yi-Shan Yang Ralph Panella & Christine Yang-Panella Jon & Linda Yap

Oscar Yatco Prasadarao & Lakshmi Yendluri Pratap Chillakanti & Chaya Yerrapragada Alpay & Kelly Yilmaz Tony & Claudine Shum ’85 Young Leinaala Young ’94 Dolly Yount Gloria Yu Martin & Jean Yue Raghava Kondepudy & Xiaoyang Yun Anthony & Katherine O’Blennis ’00 Yvanovich

Carol Zaccheo Jason & Kerryann Zafiropoulo Natalie Zakher ’17 Jeff & Eileen Zanardi Paul & Corinne Zane Jillian Zane ’17 Nik & Elena Zanotto Mike & Jenell Zanotto Michele Zappula Harris Hall & Nusheen Zarnegar John & Sue Zaro Napoleon Leoni & Lisette Zarzalejo Vanessa Zecher ’80

Olivia Zelony ’17 Tim & Lori Zemaitis Jennifer Zenk Jessica Zenk ’97 Daniel Selassie & Addis Zewdou David Taylor III & Karen Zhang Chloe Zhou ’17 Jian & Sandy Zhou Richard & Nancy Zimmer Jeff & Donna Zontos Gregory & Sharon Zorbach Ron Zraick

PRESENTATION PLATINUM CLUB This recognition is bestowed upon donors whose gifts totaled $5,000 or more between Jan. 1, 2017 and Dec. 31, 2017 Matt & Birgitta Ackley Manuel & Mari Alba Brian & Lisa Allen Mark & Anne Andrews Anonymous Harvey & Nola Armstrong Al & Cathie Bacosa Gregory & Louise Baker Stephen & Elisa Robertson ’90 Baroni Maureen Basile (SF) Eric & Maria Bellafronto Charles & Melissa Berger Tom & Janice Berthold Dennis Young & Patricia Biscay Young Mike & Margie Blach Ken & Cathy Bliss Frank & Gayle Boitano Jeffrey & Donna Boss Bridge Bank Michael Targgart & Lisa Brunolli David & Laura Bustamante Ron & Marcia Cali Rick & Maria Baron ’76 Cannon Carl Gellert & Celia Berta Gellert Foundation Shelley Mangini ’80 Carr Dennise McNulty ’69 Carter Robert & Kate Chimenti Samuel & Liza Chuck Richard & Machell Silva ’83 Clark Conrad Hilton Foundation Mike & Judy Ruffo ’82 Cordano 46 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

Richard & Diane Cristina Stephen Craig & Rebecca Cullen Paul & Susan Curtin Dan & Toni D’ali John D’Ambrosio Larry & Judy Ford ’78 Davis Bud & Wendy Davis Dolores Davison ’85 Joe & Laura Decker Mike Heffernan & Kristen Del Biaggio Heffernan Matt & Gretchen Nicoletti ’83 DiNapoli J. Philip & Jennifer DiNapoli Edward & Kelly Hartigan ’89 Engler Mark Escobar Neil & Patsy Fanoe First Tech Federal Credit Union Jeff & Edie Fisher James Mulholland & Barbara Fitzgerald-Mulholland ’78 Jeffrey Dobbek & Ingrid Foerster Bill & Karen Frederick Paul & Barbara Gentzkow Gary & Sue Giannini Dana & Michele Gill Timothy & Sondra Gill Rick & Terry Giorgetti Jeanne Glad Mike Glad John & Sue Salamida ’85 Greene Dennis & North Grueskin Paul & Diana Gunsky

Richard Brown & Carlee Harder-Brown Bill & Barbara Heil Scott & Jill Higgins John & Debbie Hoffman Pete & Suzanne Sawochka ’84 Hooper Michael & Joelle Hurlston Phil & JoAnn Iatomase Hugh & Cecilia O’Brien ’84 Jackson Winston & Katie Fanoe ’83 Jaeb Michael & Sue James William Lee & Andrea Johnson-Lee Danica Joseph ’86 KLA-Tencor Foundation Douglas & Rebecca Knapp Lissa Kreisler-Whelan Austin & Jeannette Kyles Scott & Donna Leahy David Hathaway & Danielle LeBaron ’99 Clyde & Ivana LeBaron Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation Linda Lester Ron & Betty Lohbeck Mark & Sharon Lohbeck Bob & Sally DiSalvo ’66 Longinetti Jennifer Look Bernard Lopez

Art & Agnieszka Lund Loc Tran & Michelle Madrid Fred & Holly Maguire Edward & Mary Malysz Ferdinand & Kathleen Manalili Michael & Vicki Maniglia William & Caroline Martin David & Keli Martin Harlan & Lisa Normandin ’77 McHugh Gordon & Anne Marie Freeman ’89 McNeill Matt & Ellen Medeiros Martin & Becky Menne Mary Miller ’72 Shawn & Nancy Milligan Steve & Trish Morgan Ravi & Padma Mullapudi Jeffery & Jeanne Mullins Dan & Paula Myers Lon & Peggy Normandin Kim Rademakers ‘86 Odgers Cassidy & Lisa Bonnici ’85 O’Hara Marc & Linda Parkinson Larry & Anne Parks David & Kathy Pasek Ron Pine John & Susan Pinheiro Ron & Diane Piziali Gregory & Danielle Poncetta Michael & Vicki Pope John & Dianne Barulich ’65 Prindiville (SF)

ANNUAL REPORT 2017 Krish & Padma Ramakrishnan Joseph & Mary Ann Ramirez Marcy Ray Mark & Cindy Reuter Ron & Fran Reynolds John & Marilyn Ritchie Stephanie Schiro ’79 Ronco Mary Roth Sacred Heart Nativity Schools Grace Sanfilippo Sean & Leah Schnoor Mark & Jackie Sellers Jim & Moira Simunovich

Sisters of the Presentation Dan & Linda Sisto Michael & Adrienne Smith Derrik & Oona Huber ’87 Smith Roger & Dede Smullen John M. & Timi Sobrato Michael & Stacey Teague ’85 Stebbins Gary & Pam Steinke Stella B. Gross Charitable Trust Keith & Tricia Chico ’86 Stephens Karen Strobach Marian Stuckey

Shingo & Makiko Suzuki Richard & Karen Taylor Gary & Janice Valenzuela Jim & Joey Vaudagna Raymond Hayes & Karen Vogel Hayes Dennis Wagner Brian & Michelle Walsh James Christman & Ladye Wilkinson Gregory & Jennifer Fanoe ’82 Wolf Jon & Linda Yap

Pratap Chillakanti & Chaya Yerrapragada Jason & Kerryann Zafiropoulo

PRESENTATION CIRCLE CLUB We are honored to welcome 68 new families into the Presentation Circle this year. Membership in the Circle is awarded to those whose gifts were $1,500 or more between Jan. 1, 2017 and Dec. 31, 2017 Stephen & Denise Abely Robert & Carly Abrams Matt & Birgitta Ackley Alan & Catherine Ahlschlager Farhad & Rubina Ahmed Mark & Connie Kais ’87 Ajlouni Manuel & Mari Alba Brian & Lisa Allen Melinda Alongi ’86 Gina Anastasi ’72 Mark & Anne Andrews Anonymous Khashayar & Nirvana Anoosheh Nick & Linda Antonopoulos Catherine Aquino ’87 Harvey & Nola Armstrong Tony & Jamie Arreola Daniel Madden & Sonia Auger Thomas & Bettina Avila Carlos & Diane Normandin ’83 Azevedo Al & Cathie Bacosa Robert & Angelique Badagliacco Gregory & Louise Baker Keith & Joelle Baranowski Charles & Patricia Barker Brad & Marget Baron Stephen & Elisa Robertson ’90 Baroni Maureen Basile (SF) Eric & Maria Bellafronto Alexander & Lena Berestov Charles & Melissa Berger Matthew & Susan Bernal

William & Virginia Berner Diana Berry Tom & Janice Berthold Andrew Shebanow & Michele Bertolone ’84 Scott Fehr & Stephanie Bielanski-Fehr Dennis Young & Patricia Biscay Young Donald & Margaret Blach Mike & Margie Blach Randy & Patti Blair Richard & Kara Blazier Ken & Cathy Bliss Ed & Lorrie Blythe David Cohen & Shelli Bodnar Michael & Katie Ryan ’84 Boennighausen Frank & Gayle Boitano Jeffrey & Donna Boss David & Amy Bowman Patrick & Cindy Brahney Bridge Bank Bob & Kathy Brown Fred & Willy Brown Michael Targgart & Lisa Brunolli Barney & Patt Brust Bob & Carol Buchser Brian & Theresa Arias ’78 Bumb Chris & Katie Burke Charlene Burns John & Susan Busco David & Laura Bustamante Ron & Marcia Cali

Dina Cannizzaro ’81 Rick & Maria Baron ’76 Cannon Marc & Lisa Cappelloni Carl Gellert & Celia Berta Gellert Foundation Robert & Dana Piziali ’88 Carollo Shelley Mangini ’80 Carr Dennise McNulty ’69 Carter Timothy & Andrea Case Michael & Robyn Catelani Jim & Sharon Caviglia Michael Yang & Mandy Chen Margie Chiechi ’68 Robert & Kate Chimenti Robert & Jade Chubb Samuel & Liza Chuck Joseph & Gail Cirone Richard & Machell Silva ’83 Clark Conrad Hilton Foundation Dave Schlessinger & Karin Cooke ’92 Mike & Judy Ruffo ’82 Cordano Chris & Marisa Watts ’94 Cozort Michael & Erin Craig Richard & Diane Cristina Jeffery & Walma Crittenden Mark & Nanci Jo Crowley Stephen Craig & Rebecca Cullen Philip & Kirsten Cunningham Paul & Susan Curtin Dan & Toni D’ali John D’Ambrosio Hanh Nguyen & Kim Dang

Shirish Pal & Sujata Das Paul & Lynn Dau Raymond & Jane Davilla, Jr. Larry & Judy Ford ’78 Davis Bud & Wendy Davis Dolores Davison ’85 Hugo & Maria De La Torre Joe & Laura Decker Mike Heffernan & Kristen Del Biaggio Heffernan Bill Del Biaggio Russell & Sandi di Bari Ken & Kristin Monahan ’72 Dickens Matt & Gretchen Nicoletti ’83 DiNapoli J. Philip & Jennifer DiNapoli David & Linda Doolin Tobin & Lisa Douglas Thomas & Pauline Gowen ’81 Duffy Nicholas & Helen Dunn Stewart Logie & Julie Dutton John & Kazuko Eames W. Scott & Julie Edson Richard & Heidi Knapp ’88 Egelston Edward & Kelly Hartigan ’89 Engler Mark Escobar Octavio & Julie Espinoza Tom Evan Neil & Patsy Fanoe First Tech Federal Credit Union SPRING 2018 | 47

ANNUAL REPORT 2017 Jeff & Edie Fisher James Mulholland & Barbara Fitzgerald-Mulholland ’78 Chuck & Debi McMahon ’87 Flora Jeffrey Dobbek & Ingrid Foerster Fabiano & Beth Fontana Brian Fox Dennis Fox Michael & Mary Ellen Fox, Sr. Monica Fox Bill & Karen Frederick Peter & Lisa Gray ’87 Fuqua Stephen & Kelly Callan ’91 Gaffaney Cal & Deirdre Gallagher Paul & Barbara Gentzkow Bert & Cyndie George Ilian & Katherine Georgiev Francis & Nerissa Gerodias Ernie & Marcia Giachetti Gary & Sue Giannini Walter Gil Dana & Michele Gill Timothy & Sondra Gill Rick & Terry Giorgetti Jeanne Glad Mike Glad Shanon Grannis Alexander & Gordana Grbic Andrew & Marcy Greenberg John & Sue Salamida ’85 Greene Dennis & North Grueskin Peter & Chinh Guastaferro Paul & Diana Gunsky Vivek & Preeti Gupta Paul & Megan Gutierrez Mike & Kathy Gutto Butch & Kim Hamann Benjamin & Vanessa Dove ’02 Hancock Kenny & Judy Handkammer John & Michelle Hansen Richard Brown & Carlee Harder-Brown Brooke Shaw & Kelly Hattey-Shaw Bill & Barbara Heil David & Nancy Heine John & Kimberley Hernandez Ralph & Popi Heron Christopher & Joanna Hersey Scott & Jill Higgins Rocky & Aurelia Hill Wayne & Andrea Hineman John & Debbie Hoffman Pete & Suzanne Sawochka ’84 Hooper 48 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

Mark & Rhonda Horstman Ken & Irene Howell Douglas & Diane Hughes Bill Gisvold & Kathy Hull Michael & Joelle Hurlston Phil & JoAnn Iatomase Michael & Katja Iburg Lionel & Sharon Iorgulescu Hugh & Cecilia O’Brien ’84 Jackson Winston & Katie Fanoe ’83 Jaeb David & Johanna Jaffer Aswini Chowdappa & Priya Jagasia Rick & Jenny James Michael & Sue James Dragan & Cathy Jelic William Lee & Andrea Johnson-Lee Danica Joseph ’86 Eric Prior & Valerie Junger Vinod & Vidya Kasturi Paul & Darina Kavanagh Lance & Melanie Kawata Beth Keifer ’69 Catherine Gowen ’85 Kelliher Kevin & Chris Kelly KLA-Tencor Foundation Douglas & Rebecca Knapp Matt & Tara Komar Jack & Virginia Komar Lissa Kreisler-Whelan Arivalgan Angusamy & Swarna Kumar Austin & Jeannette Kyles Bob & Heather La France Wayne Hedden & Monica Lain Hedden Roop & Lynn Lakkaraju Joseph & Nicole Lamano Joanne Laus David & Janice LaVelle Scott & Donna Leahy David & Carolyn LeBaron David Hathaway & Danielle LeBaron ’99 Clyde & Ivana LeBaron Todd & Eileen Leffler Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation Linda Lester Michael Furlong & Kara Liebig Wei Wang & Hong Liu Ron & Betty Lohbeck Mark & Sharon Lohbeck Bob & Sally DiSalvo ’66 Longinetti Jennifer Look Bernard Lopez

John & Jo Lopez Arthur & Stephanie Lucchesi Art & Agnieszka Lund Alex & Judi Jeffrey ’79 MacDonell John Donovan & Jean MacDougall ’90 Douglas Knapp & Cheri Machado-Knapp ’81 Loc Tran & Michelle Madrid Bob & Ellen Maguire Fred & Holly Maguire Neil Callahan & Sandi Maida-Callahan ’74 Stephen & Patricia Maier Roy & Stephanie Malatesta Edward & Mary Malysz Ferdinand & Kathleen Manalili Michael & Vicki Maniglia Jose & Ana Mantovani Ford Ellis & Barbara Marchini-Ellis Dan & Geri Abaya ’86 Markey Joe Melehan & Celeste Martin Melehan William & Caroline Martin Andrea Mackenzie & Jenni Martin David & Keli Martin Bruce & Brita Matesso Russ & Phyllis Matesso Ralph & Malena Matlack John & Lori Mazzuca ’78 Duggan Jamie McCabe Emmet & Suzanne McCarthy Kevin & Lynn McConnell Robert Barnett & Adriane McFetridge Harlan & Lisa Normandin ’77 McHugh Gordon & Anne Marie Freeman ’89 McNeill Matt & Ellen Medeiros Martin & Becky Menne John & Carolyn Menne Ernesto & Denise Mercado Tom & Cathy Messier Nancy Michaels Mary Miller ’72 Shawn & Nancy Milligan Pat & Tracy Mitchell Steve & Trish Morgan Tony & Rebecca Morici Craig & Emily Morris Ravi & Padma Mullapudi Jeffery & Jeanne Mullins Dan & Paula Myers

Rob & Anne Naragon Michael & Tracy Nashner Eric & Alicia Nequist Peter Dinh & Patricia Ngo Gordon Jackson & Lan Nguyen Ngoc Nguyen David Nickel Lon & Peggy Normandin Donald & Michele Novotney Kim Rademakers ’86 Odgers Cassidy & Lisa Bonnici ’85 O’Hara Kehinde & Josephine Olugbode Steve Pace Charles & Joan Packer Swaminathan Ramany & Ranjani Padmanabhan Sreekanth & Indrajanti Pallikala Marc & Linda Parkinson Larry & Anne Parks David & Kathy Pasek Paul & Monica Pashby Devesh & Shital Patel Paul & Elizabeth Patterson Andrew & Helen Dorcich ’67 Pavicich John & Cindy Pena Joe & Linda Bruni ’67 Pfahnl Ron Pine Lauren Pinheiro ’09 John & Susan Pinheiro David & Diane Pinn Anthony Davis & Kimberly Pitts-Davis Ron & Diane Piziali Clement & Amy Po Gregory & Danielle Poncetta Michael & Vicki Pope Patrick & Kimberly Premo John & Dianne Barulich ’65 Prindiville (SF) Ty Quach Vamsi & Parthavi Rachapudi Jesse & Nicole Chubb ’01 Ralston Krish & Padma Ramakrishnan Satheesh Kuppurao & Vasudha Ramanarasiah Kari Ramirez ’03 Joseph & Mary Ann Ramirez Gregory & Margaret Randazzo Sridhar Ramakrishna & Shweta Rao Marcy Ray Robert & Tomoko Regan Bradley & Laura Reigel

ANNUAL REPORT 2017 Mark & Cindy Reuter Ron & Fran Reynolds David & Paula Berry ’89 Reynolds John & Marilyn Ritchie George & Simone-Francoise Rittenhouse Stephanie Schiro ’79 Ronco Harold Schapelhouman & Lada Rosandich Michael & Amy Rose Gene & Diane Fiock ’94 Rosenthal Mary Roth William & Olga Rumpf Michael & Julie Ruppert Jim & Christine Shyba ’67 Russell Dan & Linda Russo Sacred Heart Nativity Schools Anthony & Cynthia Saglimbeni Neeraj & Bala Sahejpal Dean & Elizabeth Samara-Rubio Cheryl Sandall Kuldeep & Rita Sandhu Donald Paxton & Angelena Sanfilippo Paxton Grace Sanfilippo Jean- Pierre Santos Nino & Janette Martig ’85 Saso Mark & Susan Scalzo Terry & Paulette Scheffer

Shirlee DiNapoli Schiro Thomas & Patricia Schneck Casey & Kristin Cooke ’90 Schneider Sean & Leah Schnoor Mark & Jackie Sellers Carla Sendig John & Ann Sichak Mary Sidlauskas Peter & Teresa Silva Jim & Moira Simunovich Sisters of the Presentation Dan & Linda Sisto Mary Skulich David & Leslie Smearden Michael & Adrienne Smith Derrik & Oona Huber ’87 Smith Roger & Dede Smullen John M. & Timi Sobrato Marcie Spano Mike & Barbara Hefte ’74 Spencer Matthew & Elisabeth Stauble Michael & Stacey Teague ’85 Stebbins Gary & Pam Steinke Stella B. Gross Charitable Trust Keith & Tricia Chico ’86 Stephens John & Andrea Baron ’78 Stilger Karl-Heinz & Judi Strass Karen Strobach

Arvind Kamath & Divya Vijayaraghavan Raymond Hayes & Karen Vogel Hayes Nathan & Laurie Vogel Toni vonDohren Phuong & Tiviane Vu Dennis Wagner Brian & Michelle Walsh Matthew & Katie Weaver Michael Tian & Jackie Wei Christian & Carrie Whitaker Steven & Katherina White John & Maris Whitney James Christman & Ladye Wilkinson Jack & Kay Williams Gregory & Jennifer Fanoe ’82 Wolf Michael & Violet Yang Jon & Linda Yap Oscar Yatco Pratap Chillakanti & Chaya Yerrapragada Martin & Jean Yue Jason & Kerryann Zafiropoulo Vanessa Zecher ’80 Ron Zraick

Marian Stuckey Jeffrey & Lisa Stump Greg & Christie Carrizosa ’86 Styer Rajesh & Jaya Subramanian Aravindan Ranganathan & Rathika Subramanian James & Charlene Suits William & Merrill Sutherland Shingo & Makiko Suzuki Joan Taft Reza & Jane Taheri Richard & Karen Taylor Donald & Nancy Boehner ’89 Taylor Marcy & Anella Andres ’88 Teano Michael Trent & Angela Telerski Bob & Donna Teresi Thien Khong & Michelle Tieu Zachary & Meredith Towner Quang Phung & My-Loan Tran Thomas Hau & Victoria Tsang ’89 Patrick Gainer & Feng Tsao Glenn Tsutsumi Stephen & Christina Turner Alice Dewhirst ’78 Ursano Pardhu & Shanti Vadlamudi Gary & Janice Valenzuela Jim & Joey Vaudagna

NANO NAGLE LEGACY SOCIETY This society was established to recognize donors who remember Presentation High School in their wills or estate plans. You may also qualify for membership by making Presentation the beneficiary of your life insurance policy, charitable remainder or lead trust. Such generosity allows your legacy to live on in the bright futures of our students! Manuel & Mari Alba Chuck Berger Frank & Gayle Boitano Ron & Marcia Cali Dennise McNulty ’69 Carter Margie Chiechi ’68 Ray & Jane Davilla Larry & Judy Ford ’78 Davis Patricia Duran Heidi Knapp ’88 Egelston Thomas & Elizabeth Fedyna Rick & Terry Giorgetti Staff & Peg Grady Robert & Karen Howell

Jennifer Hunt ’90 Andrew & Nena Duran ’82 Lehane John & Shari Levitt Dave & Susan McBride Matt & Ellen Medeiros Martin & Becky Menne Keith & Lindsay Meyer Thomas & Jayne Rose ’72 Miller Mary Miller ’72 Marlene Mirassou ’66 Lon & Peggy Normandin Ron Pine Joe & Marti Rao Gary Neustadter & Patty Rauch

Ludwig & Adrienne Renner Stephanie Schiro ’79 Ronco Jonathan & Michelle Sanchez Philip S. Sanfilippo QTIP Trust Terry & Paulette Scheffer Dan & Linda Sisto Mike & Barbara Hefte ’74 Spencer Marian Stuckey Alice Dewhirst ’78 Ursano Roxanne Vane

“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.” _

Lao Tzu

SPRING 2018 | 49


ALUMNAE GIVING Presentation is blessed with a proud alumnae community where generous contributions touch every area of school life. These women are shining examples that our school motto, Not Words, But Deeds , lives on in their hearts long after leaving Presentation. Class of 1966

Donna Urata Agresta Maureen Curran Clark Mary Beth Peterson Corbin Sally DiSlavo Longinetti Carole Matchak Lozzio Marlene Mirassou Mary Ann Freeman Parker Susan MannToussaint

Class of 1967

JoAnn Ghiggeri Bjornstad Nancy LaRocca Holleran Pat Cirigliano Larkin Anne Middleton Helen Dorcich Pavicich Linda Bruni Pfahnl Christine Shyba Russell Janis Marianelli Stumhoffer Margaret Sharon Torrey Swami Whiton Vidyananda Diana Wheatley Patty Link Winter

Class of 1968

Margie Chiechi Kathleen Curran Debra Faraone Hodges Kristine Keifer Huntsman

Class of 1969

Dennise McNulty Carter Kathleen Bruno Chittick Cristine Crooks Cindy Willer Dunn Penny Giovanetti Beth Keifer Dianne Lagana Mary Zimmer Lezotte Kerry Greene Van Stockum

Class of 1970

Susan Agnoletti Bataille Patricia Conte Debra Iaconis Kearney Sharon Firato Marlatt Bridget McKay Lisa Matteson Randazzo 50 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

Class of 1970 (contin.) Joanne DeRose Shurter Sue Baker Thomas

Class of 1971

Kathy Grim Carter Kathryn Keifer Durkin Diane Russo Fontaine Julie Turner Haff Rosemary Morantes Jensen Linda DeMattei Pfeiffer Carol Scilacci Tanner

Class of 1972

Gina Anastasi Kristin Monahan Dickens Debbie Madden Judd Nancy Langholff Marilyn McIver Mary Miller Tish Murphy Thomas

Class of 1973

Charlene Rusciano Raisch Pam Stair Erin Mulcahy Stein

Class of 1974

Nancy Allen Kathy Griffin Dorsa Cathie Lohr Sandi Maida-Callahan Caren Normandin Barbara Hefte Spencer

Class of 1975

Jeanette Turner Browne Sue Stair Madden Kathy Rosendin Lynn Vaudagna

Class of 1976

Maria Cabrales Ahrvide Pamela Brotherton-Sedano Maria Baron Cannon Diane Gould Colangelo Julie Ferrai Jarvis Melissa Look

Class of 1976 (contin.) Sharon Lynch Cathy Niemiller Kathy Seebach

Class of 1977

Anne Costanza Coldren Elizabeth Taft Colella Gretchen Freeman Forbes Kathy O’Donnell Holmes Karen Ruiz Larson Lisa Normandin McHugh Mimi Niemiller Joanne Pinheiro Redmond Ana Maria Bruni Russo Roxanne Thomas Southwick Marian Sinclair Viets

Class of 1980

Shelley Mangini Carr Julie Cordova Theresa Cronin Crocker Lyn Stair Crowell Carolyn Campbell Graven Shannon Hare Michelle Ferrp Hopkins Jane Kuczma McMinn Mary Murphy Connie Nunes-Faria Maria Esther Carranza Rodriguez Rinda Battu Veronda Danielle Wheatley Vanessa Zecher

Class of 1981

Gina Jones Bence Jeanne Brashear Bigelow Joan Keller Barrett Dina Cannizzaro Theresa Arias Bumb Jackie Cottingham Courtney Lisa Randazzo Bunnell Pauline Gowen Duffy Kathleen Cordova Terri Bedard Guastaferro Judy Ford Davis Barbara Fitzgerald-Mulholland Cheri Machado-Knapp Lynn Betando Mulhern Kathy Kirby Frecceri Kathy Hausler Paula Mulcahy Keane Class of 1982 Lori Mazzuca-Duggan Cathy Bonacorsi Bozzo Candi Milo Shannon Collins-Tassi Mary Schlichting Judy Ruffo Cordano Joanne Geraci Schwartz Jennifer Barnes Dirking Lynn Davilla Shields Jennifer Fanoe Wolf Andrea Baron Stilger Julie Rubino Tenenbaum Class of 1983 Alice Dewhirst Ursano Diane Normandin Azevedo Rosalia Burgueno Tapia Class of 1979 Kelly Ryan Burns Kathleen Schaffer Hoppins Shelly Campagna Caron Mary Taft Johnson Machell Silva Clark Judi Jeffrey MacDonell Gretchen Nicoletti DiNapoli Erin Matalone Mansuetto Teresa Downing Gallo Tracy Gullick Medal Julie Salamida Hartley JoAnn Salamida Merhige Rebecca Carranza Hernandez Jill Fiscalini Peters Katie Fanoe Jaeb Stephanie Schiro Ronco Georganne Fulhorst Aileen Murphy Troquato Matarangas Regina Murphy Maurantonio Kim Josefson Moyano

Class of 1978

ANNUAL REPORT 2017 Class of 1983 (contin.) Alison Reynolds Roskosz Margaret Schneck Lori Hoskins Skotz

Class of 1984

Melissa Mangini Barron Michele Bertolone Katie Ryan Boennighausen Cheryl Revels Engelstad Elena Becerra Garald Shannon Gilligan Hemphill Suzanne Sawochka Hooper Cecilia O’Brien Jackson Betsy Fanoe Kais Adriana Rodriguez Leyva Hina Patel Kathleen Calleja Staub Cecilia Sullivan-Powers

Class of 1985

Anne Davis Bixler Dolores Davison Sue Salamida Greene Catherine Gowan Kelliher Cindy Kelley McKim Lisa Bonnici O’Hara Jennifer Borrelli Pattinson Deborah Piker Sanders Janette Martig Saso Peggy Cirone Shaw Stacey Teague Stebbins Amy Swain Nila Patel Vanmali Claudine Shum Young

Class of 1986

Melinda Alongi Christina Cutshall Cousineau Cynthia Ford-Pustelnik Rosie Nijmeh Habib Julie Molinari Hughes Danica Joseph Kiran Kamboj Geri Abaya Markey Laura Riopel Mendelson Susan Ferrari Mikacich Kim Rademakers Odgers Maria Brunetti Ramacciotti Tricia Chico Stephens Christie Carrizosa Styer Charla Walker Sullivan Theresa Taft Wells

Class of 1987

Connie Kais Ajlouni Arezoo Agharokh Amiri Catherine Aquino Amy Simpson Enos Martha Corrales Espiritu Debi McMahon Flora Kerry Cronin Flynn Lisa Gray Fuqua Leslie Peddicord Gelfand Nicole Pray Gibson Lisa Small Harrison Krista Hein Hochstatter Lucinda Mendoza Mary McKenzie Rees Stephanie Filice Reynolds Elizabeth Bianco Smith Oona Huber Smith Wendy Courtney Stanton Mary Schneck Tips Claire Twomey Tiscornia Lynn Williamson Webster Lori Williamson

Class of 1988

Melissa Ballek Aquino Jennifer Avila Dana Piziali Carollo Emily Aquino Cervino Wendy Carpenter Dal Ponte Heidi Knapp Egelston Kathleen Brust Ellis Lynne Brown Graw Jennifer Harrington Elizabeth Lappin McKenzie Raquel Carranza Mendoza Anella Andres Teano Yvonne Tsang

Class of 1989

Sunmi Kang Chew Kelly Hartigan Engler Tricia Buelna Launder Karey Keuser Lucas Anne Marie Freeman McNeill Tanya Gray Reinhardt Paula Berry Reynolds Laurie Pearman Scarborough Nancy Boehner Taylor Sonia Arenas Terra Victoria Tsang

Class of 1990

Elisa Robertson Baroni Kama Whelton Belloni Lisa Pignati Cahalan Megan DeVries

Class of 1990 (contin.)

Class of 1996 (contin.)

Class of 1991

Class of 1997

Jennifer Hunt Lelanya Black Kearns Kathy Pivk Lindblom Jean MacDougall Dawn Guerreiro McCale Kristin Cooke Schneider

Wendy Peckham Andham Lori Campanella Durand Kelly Callan Gaffaney Nicole Hockenbury

Class of 1992

Karin Cooke Tracy Giorgetti Amy O’Connor Jackie McCall Repetti Lisa Imm Schonbrun

Class of 1993

Kristen Alongi-Davis Susan Pivk Connolly Christina Fujii Garcia Kelly Alves Helsing Cynthia Lucero-Obusan Sara Martin Nicole Silacci Spagnuolo Anne Cronin Stenseth

Class of 1994

Lisa Bedard Marisa Watts Cozort Aimee Longinetti Geddie Cynthia Kim Mariah Jane Paone Murphy Gabrielle Elmidolan Reilly Diane Fiock Rosenthal Andrea Shaheen Sehestedt Lori Pignati Shaw Heather Quint Stalions Dena Jones Trujillo Tara Martines Wallichs Leinaala Young

Class of 1995

Karen Ann Yalong Brouwer Amelie Glon Werner Tiffany Wong Hall

Class of 1996

Jasmine McMillan Anderson Sophia Pannthay Cruz Adrienne Defanti Anne Michelle Paris Frances

Jennifer Sheveland Leader Angelina Downing McClellan Claire Newton Mellin Allison Alongi Resz Julia Saldana Tapia Dana Longinetti White

Lindsey Neilsson Angelats Laura Cali Breiten Genevie Cheesman DeHavilland Erika Izquierdo Katherine Riley Krilanovich Ruchi Shrivastava Medhekar Denise Nazzal Maureen Oravec Peters Lisa Pioli Jeannie Ha Wu Jessica Zenk

Class of 1998

Lisa Quieto Colliss Lindsay Brown DeMaestri Mary Fiock Saca

Class of 1999

Chevonne Lorigo Johst Cori Mott Latala Grace Lattyak Danae Schacher Myers Yolanda Tseng

Class of 2000

Katie Drake Lindsay Myrback Duquette Jennifer Javernick Giese Elena Longinetti Greer Diane Ireland Judy Lao Kristal Belcastro Powers Julia Lemon Saber Diana Morrisey Stewart Christina Biagini-Kirk Suter Caitlyn Foley VanderMaas Katherine O’Blennis Yvanovich

Class of 2001

Deila Caballero Bumgardner Karen Krouse Burgart Meredith Dishaw Theresa Flanagan Sarah Hunt Lauterbach Kathryn Haggerty O’Keefe SPRING 2018 | 51

ANNUAL REPORT 2017 Class of 2001 (contin.) Elizabeth Cali Olson Teresa Harrington Partridge Katherine Passalacqua Nicole Chubb Ralston Nichole Stephenson Robertson Kathryn Werback

Class of 2002

Megan Alpers-Raschefsky Jaclyn Antonopoulos Mary Elizabeth Cirone Natawnee Fritz Vanessa Dove Hancock Jennifer Kaefer Ellen Kamei Jacquelyn Larson Adriana LeBaron Lauren Morici Mandelstein Laura Casey McAllister Valerie Tallerico Amy Wong

Class of 2003

Dana Doolin Emadzadeh Myra Gasmin Jenna Morris Gutierrez Caitlin Matalone Cristina Munoz Kari Ramirez Stephanie Stapleton Sudbury Carlene Takaki Haley Thomas Tersigni

Class of 2004

Karyn Andrade Bordoni Cathlin Bosch Natalie Smith Casey Alex Schmid Ellsworth Kaitlin Keith Nicolette Nigos Loredo Quinn McClure Megan Takimoto Emily Muscatell Thiagaraj

Class of 2005

Monica Alba Cristina Arolla McKenzie Bara Kristin Barker Shauna di Bari Katie Mitchell Franz Jennifer Moyano Renee Ramirez Allison Smith 52 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

Class of 2005 (contin.) Britany Tufnell Ellen Bailey Williams

Class of 2006

Elizabeth McInnis Braly Meghan Casey Caitlin Clancey Chantel Davila Danielle DeBold Catherine Furtado Jennifer Gong Marissa Smith Gorsline Cristina Hasbany Elizabeth Mrizek Leahy Francesca LeBaron Kaitlyn Madden Rebeca Munoz Catherine Nguyen Lauren Seadler Jessica Seifert

Class of 2007

Class of 2010 (contin.) Andrea Santillan Nicole Shay Angelia Tran Lindsay Vong

Class of 2011 Lauren Bailey Megan Bence Lynn Gotuaco Ramey Parks

Class of 2012

Kaitlyn Brown Elizabeth Cardenas Jacqueline Gill Barbara Gould Morgan Locke Stephanie Maniglia Jenny Poulsen Jasmine Pournavab Sara Tiscareno-Kennedy

Karolyn Niskanen Baker Caitlin Berger Courtney George Hillary Graham Alison LaVelle Hudson Michelle Leahy Marisa Lorion Elizabeth Tobias McCutcheon

Class of 2013

Class of 2008

Class of 2014

Valerie Afroilan Loreli Alba Erin Casey Danielle Gong Rochelle Walker

Class of 2009

Nicole Collins Megan Cronan Gabrielle De Silva Hayley Foster Marissa Garcia Grace Lin Kathryn Meister Lauren Pinheiro Amanda Poulsen Jenna Saso Rosati

Class of 2010 Megan Huber Marina Iatomase Sareen Sandhu

Nicole Callinan Lauren Colvin Maya Kaul Taylor Locke Emma-Claire McCarthy Monishita Pal Emma Roth Ashley Smith

Kathryn Daugherty Lena Egbert Cassidy Garrett Grace Hargadon Alexandra Healey Mackenzie Kirk Giana Kischmischian Nina Mandracchia Caitlin McGrew

Class of 2015

Milan Brahney Nicole Ciari Kristin Gill Michelle Huber Shannon Hurlston Sierra Maestas Sophia Marin Robyn Naragon Sophie Post Sophie Sedano Sonia Varandani

Class of 2016 Megan Jaeb Cassidy Kais Lucy Kleshinski Meara Matthews Claire Mulcahy Karin Naragon Lilly Ngo Liana Rix Alison Shikada

Class of 2017

Mallory Andresen Mia Bellafronto Hannah Blazing Gianna Brewer Jacqueline Burd Timi Butterick Georgina Chavez Celine Chuapoco Tori Conway Jordan Davis Mayli Diaz Infante Ellen Evans Hailey Fagundes Madeleine Fox Julia Fuqua Aryanna Gasca Carla Gillespie Lucia Gomes Shannon Greene Rachel Johnson Alyssa Kloczl Justine Knappenberger Gabrielle Landess Mary Lowney Leah MacArt Daria Maliesky Bridget Menne Mallory Menne Monica Mifsud Reagan Milligan Charlize Murray Carson Myers Carson Myers Jasmine Parada Lucy Parks Leah Robbie Anna Roth Amy Santos Raziel Therese Santos Analisa Sedano Ashley Stephens Lea Stith Swati Swaminathan Elizabeth Tapia Maya Tarter

ANNUAL REPORT 2017 Class of 2017 (contin.) Katherine Taylor Zahira Trejo Holly Vanderhoof Elizabeth Villa Natalie Zakher Jillian Zane Olivia Zelony Chloe Zhou


Patricia Heafey Deatherage Rita Piziali Patricia Mullin Sahadi

San Francisco

Joan Francesconi Miller Dianne Barulich Prindiville

FAMILY ENDOWMENT The endowment provides permanent funding for financial aid and co-curricular programs, and is a critical component in keeping tuition costs as affordable as possible. It gives students who would otherwise be unable to attend Presentation the resources neededto fully participate in all areas of school life. Manuel & Mari Alba Family Endowment Harvey & Nola Armstrong Family Endowment Randy & Patti Blair Family Endowment John & Linda Callan Gina Bonnici Endowment Craig & Amy Simpson ’87 Enos Martha Corrales ’87 Espiritu Mike & Kerry Cronin ’87 Flynn Peter & Lisa Gray ’87 Fuqua Leslie Peddicord ’87 Gelfand Michael & Carrie Georgette Nicole Pray ’87 Gibson Winston & Katie Fanoe ’83 Jaeb Caitlin Matalone ’03 Cassidy & Lisa Bonnici ’85 O’Hara

Jennifer Borrelli ’85 Pattinson David & Elizabeth Bianco ’87 Smith Lynn Williamson ’87 Tom Carmody & Lori Williamson-Carmody ’87 Greg & Jennifer Fanoe ’82 Wolf Michele Zappula Richard & Carlee HarderBrown Family Endowment Ronald & Marcia Cali Family Endowment Michael & Christine McKinley Robert & Kate Chimenti Family Endowment Dance Endowment Patrick & Cindy Brahney Robert & Dana Piziali ’88 Carollo Courtney George ’07 Michael & Joelle Hurlston

Davilla Family Endowment in Memory of Raymond & June Moless Davilla Ray & Jane Davilla Gretchen Nicoletti ’83 DiNapoli Endowment Neil & Patsy Fanoe Family Endowment Neil & Patsy Fanoe Winston & Katie Fanoe ’83 Jaeb Bill & Karen Frederick Family Endowment Bill & Karen Frederick S.O. Glad Family Endowment Sr. Adele Hancock, PBVM Endowment Robert & Sally Longinetti Family Endowment

Matthew & Ellen Medeiros Family Endowment Fr. Al Miller Endowment Ed & Lorrie Blythe Mary Miller ’72 Lon & Peggy Normandin Family Endowment Carlos & Diane Normandin ’83 Azevedo Harlan & Lisa Normandin ’77 McHugh Caren Normandin ’74 Lindsay Parkinson ’00 Endowment Rick & Terry Giorgetti Richard Brown & Carlee Harder-Brown Richard & Mary Santi Yvonne Macie Pine Endowment Winston & Katie Fanoe ‘83 Jaeb SPRING 2018 | 53

ANNUAL REPORT 2017 Yvonne Macie Pine Endowment (contin.) Ron Pine

Krish & Padma Ramakrishnan Family Endowment

Ron & Diane Piziali Family Endowment Ron & Diane Piziali

Jim Reilly Endowment Adriana LeBaron ’02 Clyde & Ivana LeBaron David Hathaway & Danielle LeBaron ’99 Francesca LeBaron ’06 Mark & Thira Wallwork

Michael & Vicki Pope Family Endowment Michael & Vicki Pope

Grace A. Sanfilippo Endowment

Vintage ’62 Endowment Bud & Wendy Davis Rick & Terry Giorgetti Marian Stuckey Endowment Fred & Holly Maguire Shawn & Nancy Milligan Cal & Deirdre Gallagher Marc & Linda Parkinson Nicole Gallagher Conrad Hilton Foundation Anna Marie Brassill ’38 Mary Miller ’72 Zabala Marian Stuckey Gary & Janice Valenzuela Family Endowment

IN MEMORY AND IN HONOR A memorial gift to Presentation can help perpetuate the values that guided a loved one’s life. Gifts may also honor a person during his or her lifetime, or commemorate a significant event. Your thoughtful gift becomes a living memorial that touches the lives of our students. In Memory of Christina Asbury ’05 Anonymous Kristin Barker ’05 Joe Coropassi & Denise Lau In Memory of Zehra Attari Tasadduq Attari In Memory of Louis Basile John Holehouse Mary Miller ’72 In Memory of Noel Blair ’91 John & Linda Callan Michael & Christine McKinley In Memory of Suzi Brickley Jerry Brickley Reza & Jane Taheri In Memory of Rick Browne Connie Turner In Memory of Claire Buchser Bob & Carol Buchser In Memory of Barbara Comey ’06 Chris & Marisa Watts ’94 Cozort Ann Fitzsimons In Memory of Nancy Cooke Larry Cebull 54 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

Dave Schlessinger & Karin Cooke ’92 In Memory of Sr. Thecla Cronin, PBVM Ed & Doris Cronin In Memory of Josephine Dewhirst Julie Asada Ed & Lorrie Blythe Bruce & Julie Rubino ’78 Tenenbaum In Memory of Lorraine DiPaolo Joseph & Paula Barbara Russell & Sandi di Bari Marchese Family Foundation Deanna Scheler In Memory of Francis Doyle Michael & Carolyn Guido Irene Pestana Linda Pestana Peter & Kathleen Tobias In Memory of Bill Drake Anonymous Katie Drake ’00 Sharon Drake Ed & Kathy Stocker

In Memory of Paula Evan Tom Evan Gary & Sue Giannini Gregory & Jennifer Fanoe ’82 In Memory of Genevieve Iaconis Frank & Sue Bisceglia In Memory of Jane Jeziorski Junn & Lottie Alfelor Brian & Lisa Allen Maureen Basile (SF) James & Eileen Beckley Ed & Lorrie Blythe Frank & Gayle Boitano Jeffrey & Donna Boss Ron & Marcia Cali Patrick & Virginia D’Angelo Richard & Karen Davis Donna Delaney Merlin & Sandy Dorfman Keith & Kathy Griffin ’74 Dorsa Ernest & Diana Fama Kurt & Claudia Fisher Dennis Fox Bert & Cyndie George Gary & Sue Giannini Rick & Judy Giraudo Bon & Ann Gotuaco Brian & Terri Bedard ’81 Guastaferro Miles & Noreen Harrington

Sally Hunt Winston & Katie Fanoe ’83 Jaeb Robert & Cathy Jamello Laurie Kelm Anne Kline Thomas & Georgia Ladd Robert & Rebecca Lampkin David & Janice LaVelle Morgan Locke ’12 Taylor Locke ’13 Mark Scheig & Teresa TJ Locke-Scheig John & Joan Malloy Candice McGee Harlan & Lisa Normandin ’77 McHugh Jim & Susan Ferrari ’86 Mikacich Steve & Becky Morrisey Bret & Lauren Nash Lon & Peggy Normandin Joe & Linda Bruni ’67 Pfahnl Robert & Renee Schmid Stephen C. & Patricia A. Schott Foundation Calvin & Ann Sellers Mark & Jackie Sellers Carla Sendig Bill & Joanne Sholes Mike & Barbara Hefte ’74 Spencer Bob & Donna Teresi Jim & Joey Vaudagna Clancy & Nanci Wilborn

ANNUAL REPORT 2017 Jack & Kay Williams Carol Zaccheo John & Sue Zaro

In Memory of Robert George Meyer Douglas & Diane Hughes

In Memory of Helene Lavelle Jon & Colleen Campisi Dorina Cereghino-Hewitt Rick & Terry Giorgetti David Hathaway & Danielle LeBaron ’99 Elroy & Mary Ann Lucero Jim & Susan Ferrari ’86 Mikacich Pierre & Carol Prodis Mike & Kelly Rafford Tom & Kathy Ryan Jack & Kay Williams

In Memory of Jack Parkinson Sherri Chessen Sheila Fleet Mary Hamilton Richard Brown & Carlee Harder-Brown Eric & Sharon Jaeckle Carl Maggio Dennis & Sally Murphy Barbara Niezer Ellen Otani John & Beverly Prendergast

In Memory of Dolly Lico Gary & Sue Giannini In Memory of Jennifer Martin Dennis & Lyn Wills In Memory of Alyssa Messier ’99 Anthony Clark George & Conchita Clark John, Peggy & Yvette Messier Tom & Cathy Messier John & Pearl Wiedlin In Memory of Ricky Mondello Charles Territo

In Memory of Lindsay Parkinson ’00 Sherri Chessen Sheila Fleet Rick & Terry Giorgetti Mary Hamilton Richard Brown & Carlee Harder-Brown Eric & Sharon Jaeckle Carl Maggio Dennis & Sally Murphy Barbara Niezer Ellen Otani John & Beverly Prendergast Richard & Mary Santi

In Memory of Eva Piano Joe & Linda Bruni ’67 Pfahnl

Daniel & Mary Zimmer ’69 Lezotte Mary Ellen Madden In Memory of Josephine Pinza Pat & Sue Stair ’75 Madden Joe & Margaret Murphy Al & Cassie Mangini Rodger & Julie Moody In Memory of Louis Polini Gary & Cindy Oberman Gary & Sue Giannini Beverlee Pasco Deborah Pinkston In Memory of Sr. Claude Art & Gwen Pinkston Power, PBVM Joe & Marti Rao Sisters of the Presentation Virginia Rao Kathy Rosendin ’75 In Memory of Jim Reilly Robert & Darcy Vaden Adriana LeBaron ’02 Jack & Kay Williams David Hathaway & Danielle LeBaron ’99 In Memory of Pavan Francesca LeBaron ’06 Subramanian Mark & Thira Wallwork Rajesh & Jaya Subramanian In Memory of Beverly Stair The Bianchi Family Black Masque Alumni Ed & Lorrie Blythe Kathy Grim ’71 Carter Dorina Cereghino-Hewitt Brian & Lyn Stair ’80 Crowell Matthew Mallet & Christine Cunningham Stanley & Dorothy House Nancy Jenkins Debbie Madden ’72 Judd Dianne Lagana ’69

In Memory of Wendy Tsutsumi Glenn Tsutsumi In Memory of Frank Turner Connie Turner

SPECIAL GRANDPARENT GIVING Grandparents and others acknowledged current students at Presentation, who hold a special place in their lives, by making a gift in their honor during December 2017. In Honor of Ellie Blach ’20 Margaret Ann Redmond

In Honor of Jordyn Hall ’18 Roy & Elaine Stanley

In Honor of Kalina Ann Brouwer ’21 Elpidio & Lilia Yalong

In Honor of Kaitlyn Hennessey ’20 James & Joan Kuczma

In Honor of Shelby Resz ’19 Ken & Kathleen Alongi

In Honor of Hannah Browne ’19 Richard & Susan Robbins

In Honor of Emma Komar ’18 Jack & Virginia Komar

In Honor of Monica Schneck ’21 Thomas & Patricia Schneck

In Honor of Katelyn Lohbeck ’20 Ron & Betty Lohbeck

In Honor of Audrey Taylor ’21 David & Sue Taylor II

In Honor of Lauren Davis ’18 Lamar & Eleanor Pitts

In Honor of Francesca Matesso ’21 Russ & Phyllis Matesso

In Honor of Caitlyn Tips ’21 Thomas & Patricia Schneck In Honor of Marley Wahler ’19 Michael & Adrienne Smith

SPRING 2018 | 55


BUSINESS GIVING We are blessed by generous business supporters both inside the classrooms and out. Donations of goods, services, time, money and more help our programs thrive. In gratitude for their contributions, we kindly ask that you help us return the favor and patronize our donors as much as possible.

2mPowerU - Doumer Liu A.L. Interiors - Anna Lisa Avelar Academy of Fencing Masters Action Day Primary Plus Adelita’s Taqueria & Restaurant Advanced Auto Body Aesthetx Aldo’s Ristorante & Bar Almaden Valley Athletic Club Alpine Electronics, Inc. Julie Ruppert Amazon Ameriprise Financial Joe Guttadauro Amici’s East Coast Pizzeria Anderson Brule Architects Apis Floral Aquarium of the Bay Aquatic Enterprises - Peter Morin Aqui Cal-Mex Arbonne - North Grueskin Asero Insurance Services August Ridge Vineyards Bacosa Photography Barbara of Pauline’s Baking & Candy Supplies Barrel Dreams Bay Area Discovery Museum BCD Communications Beach Blanket Babylon Beachhopper II/Nelson Diving Center Bella James Women’s Boutique Bella Vista Olive Oil Bellarmine Alumni Mothers Extended Network Bellarmine College Prep Mother’s Guild Bentzel Fitness Berkeley Repertory Theatre Bikes Because We Care Bill’s Café Blach Construction Company Black Masque Alumni Blue Line Pizza - Campbell Blue Rock BBQ Boitano, Sargent & Lilly Frank Boitano 56 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

Bombshell Boutique Bridge Bank Brooke Shaw Builder C. O’Hara Insurance California Partners, Inc. Campo di Bocce of Los Gatos Canzam Electric, Inc. Capers Eat & Drink Carey B. Weatherholt, D.D.S., Inc. Carl Gellert & Celia Berta Gellert Foundation CBIZ Benefits & Insurance Services - Fred Maguire Central YMCA Chabot Space & Science Center Charlie’s Cheesecake Works Children’s Musical Theater of San Jose CineLux Theatres Cinnabar Hills Golf Club Classic Car Wash Coldwell Banker - Heather La France Collateral Resources, Inc. Greg Helstrup Conrad Hilton Foundation Cooper-Garrod Estate Vineyards Corinthian Transportation Coyote Valley Sporting Clays Cyclone Fence & Iron D’Anna’s Flowers & Gifts Daughters of Charity Foundation David L. Hill, DMD David Vierhus D.D.S. Diamond Quality Printing Diane N. Azevedo, M.A., LMFT Discover Chiropractic T.J. Osborne Disneyland Dog and Pony Show Domenico Winery Douglas Landscape Construction Dream Dinners Camden Park Economic Driving School Don Meyer

El Pollo Loco Engenius Learning Center Mike Flynn Enseo, Inc. Entrees Unlimited eScrip Exatron Inc. - Robert Howell ExpertQuote, Inc. Exploratorium Farmers Insurance Nusheen Zarnegar Federal Realty Investment Trust Fernwood Cellars Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco First Tech Federal Credit Union Flights Restaurant Forbes Mill Steakhouse Freeman Orthodontics Dr. Matthew Freeman Gilroy Gardens Family Theme Park Gioia Company - Kathy Winkelman Giorgio’s Italian Food & Pizzeria Gloria Ferrer Caves & Vineyards Go Car Tours Great American Opportunities Guglielmo Winery Happy Hollow Park & Zoo Heritage Bank of Commerce Hionix, Inc. Holiday Lights HomeServices Lending, LLC Arnie von Massenhausen Hoot Judkins Furniture Hopkins & Carley - Maria Bellafronto Howell Electric Hugh Stuart Charitable Trust Hyland Family Bicycles Ibiss ITque, Inc. - Rob Naragon J. McCabe Plumbing Inc. Jack Holder’s Restaurant Joe Escobar Diamonds Johanson & Yau Accountancy John K. Tanaka, D.D.S.

Joseph George Fine Wines Jostens Kanen Tours Kasumisou LLC Kendra Scott Kimberly Pitts-Davis, M.D. Kind and Firm Parenting Becky Divinski KLA-Tencor Foundation KnowledgeQuest Learning Center - Jeni Marty Kouvaris Orthodontics KRTY 95.3 Radio & Broadcasting Kyoto Palace Japanese Steakhouse Lawrence Accountancy Corporation Legacy Real Estate - Ana Russo Legacy Real Estate - Frances Navarro Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation Lexus of Stevens Creek Lionheart Equestrian Joanna Stacey Lohbeck Capital Management Group Loma Prieta Winery LSC Cabinetry Inc. Laurence Chivers Magpie Marchese Family Foundation Marcum LLP Marie Callender’s - Blossom Hill Martin Ranch Winery McKahn Family Cellars Merry Mart Uniforms, Inc. Metamorphosis Salon Mi Sueno Winery Michael Merrill Design Studio Montage Capital - Michael Rose Morgan Franich Fredkin Siamas & Kays - Mark Franich Morgan Stanley - Vincent Sunzeri My College Hunt, LLC Nancy L. Gum, D.D.S., M.S.D. Nirvana Anoosheh D.D.S. Normandin Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram Fiat O’Neill Yacht Charters

ANNUAL REPORT 2017 Oakland Zoo OLG Nativity School Olympic Recognition Products Bill Stryker Opera San Jose Opes Advisors - Kurt Hickam Optimum Results Paintball International Inc. Pavlovich Residential Real Estate Diane VanDenBosch Pet Food Express Pfahnl & Hunt Accountancy Corp. Pfeiffer Electric Phelps & Cohen Orthodontics Pier 39 Premier Recycle Company Presentation LAMP Presentation Lantern League Presentation Parent Board Presidio Bank Pries Fitness Raley’s Supermarkets Raymond Funada D.D.S. Raymond James Rebar Spacer Block Co., Inc. Jim Revels Rechenmacher Sousa Construction

Reviresco Design - Mary Ann McEwan, ASID, CID, MBA Richard D. Sellen, DDS, Inc. Richard J. Ravizza, Jr., DDS Richard S. White Maintenance Robert L. Pasquinelli, Attorney at Law Rodney K. Park, D.D.S. Rosalie Freeman Revocable Trust Rossi, Hamerslough, Reischl & Chuck Round Table Pizza Willow Glen Ruppert Sales & Engineering Mike Ruppert S&A Property Management, Inc. San Francisco 49ers San Francisco Giants San Jose Giants San Juan Oaks Golf Club Santa Teresa Dental Center Savannah Chanelle Vineyards SDS NexGen Partners Shadowbrook & Crow’s Nest Restaurants Sharks Ice at San Jose She She Shoes

Shiroi Sushi Silicon Valley Bank Sisters of the Presentation Skinner Vineyards & Winery Smith & Noble - Tammy Wilson, In-Home Designer Smuin Contemporary American Ballet South Bay Sports & Preventive Medicine - Anthony Saglimbeni Southwind Management, LLC Specialized Packaging Solutions, Inc. - Lisa Matthews Springbridge International School - Robert Regan St. Frances Cabrini School Stacy’s Wag’N’Train Stella B. Gross Charitable Trust Stephen C. & Patricia A. Schott Foundation Stephen Rottjakob, D.D.S. Sunnyvale Veterinary Clinic Susan R. Di Bene D.D.S. Sushi Confidential SusieCakes SVN | SV Advisors Robert Badagliacco Swift Attorney Service

Sycamore Creek Vineyards Sylvan Learning Center T&T California Collision Terra Patio & Garden The Cheesecake Factory The Party Helpers The Pasta Market The Screen Shop The Source - Willow Glen The Sports Basement The Table Timothy A. Gill, Attorney at Law Uyesugi Dental Valencia Howard Photography Valencia Howard Piano School Vanguard Charitable Vanguard Tax-managed Fund Warehouse Engineering West Valley Construction Willow Glen Travel Agency Zanotto’s Market - Willow Glen

VINTAGE ’62 GIVING Vintage ’62 is a group of dedicated men whose goal is to raise additional funds needed to cover non-tuition needs for Presentation students who receive financial assistance. This includes sports equipment, class rings, college applications and more. Vintage ’62 ensures that “no one is left behind and no one is left out.”

Brad Baron Stephen Baroni Hank Bataille Fred Brown Charity Rehabbers LLC Samuel Chuck Michael Craig Bud Davis Ed Davis Stephen Davis Bill Del Biaggio

Mark Dewhirst Fernwood Cellars Ernie Giachetti Gary Giannini Dana Gill Rick Giorgetti Heritage Bank of Commerce Scott Higgins Rocky Hill Rob Komas David LaVelle

Jack Lazar Bob Maguire Fred Maguire Emmet McCarthy Mario Melo Martin Menne Michael Mulcahy Marc Parkinson Ron Pine Ron Piziali John Poch

Patrick Premo Bill Roth Ed Sauceda Uwe Schaefer Vincent Sunzeri Nathan Vogel Jesse Votaw Jon Witkin Ron Zraick

SPRING 2018 | 57


LANTERN LEAGUE MEMBERS The Lantern League is a women’s giving circle - a group of like-minded, dedicated women who raise money, pool resources and grant money. The Lantern League works to break down barriers that would exclude young women from educational and developmental opportunitites particularly, financial barriers. Specifically, the Lantern League funds programs that improve the quality of life for women and girls within the greater Bay Area.

Loreli Alba ’08 Mari Alba Monica Alba ’05 Megan Alpers-Raschefsky ’02 Autessa Anoosheh ’20 Nirvana Anoosheh Linda Antonopoulos Catherine Aquino ’87 Diane Normandin ’83 Azevedo Joelle Baranowski Julia Baranowski ’21 Maureen Basile (SF) Margaret Blach Shelli Bodnar Katie Ryan ’84 Boennighausen Gayle Boitano Catherine Bonnici Katie Burke Kelly Ryan ’83 Burns Dina Cannizzaro ’81 Kathleen Cazale Abbey Chuck Lily Chuck ’18 Liza Chuck Suzanne Colvin Marisa Watts ’94 Cozort Kim Dang

Kathryn Daugherty ’14 Wendy Davis Dolores Davison ’85 Mari Donnelly Helen Dunn Abigail Enney Patsy Fanoe Karen Frederick Natawnee Fritz ’02 Deirdre Gallagher Cassidy Garrett ’14 Aimee Longinetti ’94 Geddie Katherine Georgiev Terry Giorgetti Elena Longinetti ’00 Greer Kathy Gutto Lauren Heine ’20 Nancy Heine Emily Hudson JoAnn Iatomase Katie Fanoe ’83 Jaeb Megan Jaeb ’16 Jennifer Kaefer ’02 Kristine Keller Catherine Gowen ’85 Kelliher Laurie Kelm Rebecca Knapp

Samantha Knapp ’21 Grace Lattyak ’99 Sally DiSalvo ’66 Longinetti Ellen Maguire Kathleen Manalili Nicola Manalili ’21 Mary McCullough Lisa Normandin ’77 McHugh Denise Mercado Sophia Mercado ’18 Nancy Michaels Mary Miller ’72 Jennifer Moyen-Logan Padma Mullapudi Carson Myers ’17 Paula Myers Kim Rademakers ’86 Odgers Josephine Olugbode Monica Pashby Lauren Pinheiro ’09 Susan Pinheiro Ann Ponikvar Vicki Pope Padma Ramakrishnan Kari Ramirez ’03 Joseph & Mary Ann Ramirez Sherrie Raposa



Marcy Ray Jillian Ritchie ’18 Marilyn Ritchie Anna Roth ’17 Emma Roth ’13 Mary Roth Patti Rottjakob Linda Russo Missy Ryan Rita Sandhu Sareen Sandhu ’10 Angelena Sanfilippo Paxton Kristin Cooke ’90 Schneider Kristin Siegel Ashley Stephens ’17 Jamie Stephens ’20 Tricia Chico ’86 Stephens Karen Strobach Marian Stuckey Megan Twiddy Alice Dewhirst ’78 Ursano Joey Vaudagna Katie Weaver Dana Longinetti ’96 White Jennifer Fanoe ’82 Wolf Amy Wong ’02 Linda Yap

SPRING 2018 | 59

IN MEMORIAM Judy Naragon Grandmother of Robyn Naragon ’15 & Karin Naragon ’16

Genevieve Iburg Grandmother of Emily Iburg ’21

Josephine Dewhirst Mother of Alice Dewhirst ’78 Ursano

Sergia Kising Estrella Grandmother of Sofia Basillo ’19

Wendy Tsutsumi Grandmother of Kaelie Nakamura ’21

Robert Pike Grandfather of Audrey Mullen ’18 and Elise Mullen ’21

Nicola Pignati Father of Lisa Pignati ’90 Calhalan & Lori Pignati ’94 Shaw

Mary Beth Eder ’78 Wikle Twin sister of Mary Lou Eder ’78 Henric

Richard Taylor Grandfather of Mary Taylor ’18

Binh Le Grandfather of Jenny Le ’19

Lenora McKeever Grandmother of Melissa McKeever ’01 Barrow & Molly McKeever ’06

Judy Canfield Grandmother of Deanna Burcina ’00

Adele Foos Great-Grandmother of Allison Baroni ’18

Norman Marlatt Grandfather of Michelle Marlatt ’00 and Father-in-law of Sharon Fiato ’70 Marlatt

Ruth Coronado Grandmother of Bianca Gutierrez ’18

Sam Imelli Father of Katie Imelli ’95 Sanderson

Jack Urata Father of Donna Urata ’66 Agresta, Great-Grandfather of Maria Agresta ’15 & Kristina Agresta ’21

Leon Fox Husband of Honorable Vanessa Zecher ’80

Francis Doyle Father of Colleen Doyle ’04 Kendrick Lynette DiNapoli Mother-in-law of Julie Kenter ’74 DiNapoli and Gretchen Nicoletti ’83 DiNapoli, Grandmother of Gina DiNapoli ’03, Elizabeth DiNapoli ’07 and Madison DiNapoli ’10 Stephen Meninger Grandfather of Francesca Meninger ’19

Karen Jackson ’99 Stepdaughter of Cecelia O’Brien ’84 Jackson & Sister of Paige & Grace Jackson ’21 Hal Alphonse Father of Lisa Alphonse ’83 Melendez Tom Hausler Father of Kathy Hausler ’78, Mary Hausler ’82 and Anne Hausler ’84

Betty Gunsky Grandmother of Audrey Gunsky ’18 and Jillian Gunsky ’20

Lorraine DiPaolo Grandmother of Jacqueline Antonopoulos ’02 & Nikki Antonopoulos ’08

Petra Mendoza Grandmother of Elizabeth Mendoza ’18

Paula Evan Mother of Emma Larson ’16

Dolly Lico Mother of Linda Lico ’73, Tricia Lico ’82 Guidace & Lisa Lico ‘86 DeKay

Helene Lavelle Mother of Ceci Lavelle ’98 Conley

Gloria Tassi Grandmother of Tyler Tassi ’18

Eva Piano Grandmother of Meghan Piano ’00 Louis Polini Grandmother of Danielle Polini ’04 & Christine Polini ’07 SPRING 2018 | 61

Presentation High School 2281 Plummer Avenue San Jose, CA 95125

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