Presentation High School - Spring 2019

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ABOUT THE COVER On Friday, Jan. 25 more than 50 alumnae congregated on campus to share their wisdom and career experiences with our students at Presentation’s biennial Career Day. The day began with a keynote by Ellen Kamei ’02 who spoke about her path to becoming a City Council member in Mountain View, followed by a number of focused breakout sessions and panels. We had more than 30 career fields represented. Among the most popular topics were nursing, doctors and marketing. Thank you to all who participated and made this event a success; this is such a special and formative day for our students. If you’re interested in participating in an upcoming Career Day or alumnae events, please contact Kristin Cooke ’90 Schneider at
























DEAR FRIENDS OF PRESENTATION, I am overwhelmed with gratitude when I read the list of generous donors mentioned in this magazine. Daily, I see the fruits of that generosity in the faces of the young women of Presentation as they conduct science experiments in updated labs, design using state-of-the-art technology, and compete in robotics, speech and debate, and dance tournaments across the United States. Presentation students are truly blessed with a first-rate education and a caring, Catholic community that challenges and supports them as they grow to their full potential. In this issue of the Presentation magazine, you’ll hear from our alumnae just what a powerful gift a Presentation education is to young women. Our students leave Presentation prepared for college and with the confidence to lead and affect change in their careers and community. When you give to Presentation, you are empowering students who become leaders committed to service, justice and philanthropy. 2018 marked the 300th anniversary of the birth of Nano Nagle. With lantern in hand, Nano walked the winding lanes of Cork, Ireland incarnating God’s love in dark places. Nano’s spirit lives on today in our Presentation community here on campus and within all of you around the world. You can help us keep her spirit alive by joining Presentation events, mentoring one of our current students, volunteering your time, or donating to our students receiving financial aid. Our hearts are ever grateful for you and your commitment to the future of Pres. With gratitude,

Katherine Georgiev Principal

The Presentation magazine is published twice a year for parents, alumnae and friends of Presentation High School. For address changes or questions, contact Kristin Cooke ’90 Schneider at (408) 264-1664 ext. 2426, or email Graphic Designer: Kimberly Walters | Photographers: Bacosa Photography, Karen Santos ’06 and Presentation Social Media Squad 2281 Plummer Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125 408) 264-1664 Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: SPRING 2019 | 1



2017-2018 CONTRIBUTIONS $2,712,571

2017-2018 Season

96 played two sports 7 played three sports 78%

SCHOLARSHIPS RAISED FOR 2018-2019 $1,361,414 Direct Aid


Teachers with a Masters Degree or Higher


Courses Offered (34 are designated AP/Honors)



Granted Wish Book Items


Vintage ’62 Non-Tuition Funding


Students Took AP Tests in 2018 (19 Subjects)


Lantern League Sponsored Full-Tuitions

20% ~ $2.1 MILLION Pres Students on Financial Aid


Attend College


Non-Tuition Financial Aid Fund (Student Participation in Extracurricular Activities)




Expected to enroll for 20192020 (stable enrollment)


SPRING 2019 | 3


COLLEGE COUNSELING Emotions are high as college decisions loom, but the college counselors are celebrating the positive news already echoing through our offices. According to our college partners, the strong college advising, academic preparation, and robust extracurricular offerings at Pres continue to fuel the unique characteristics found in our student applications. However, the college counselors remain aware of new admissions trends and updates that can affect college admissions decisions each cycle.

decrease follows 15 years of steady increases in application totals across campuses. The article noted that although the decrease in applications from in-state and out-of-state students is unexpected, the number of applicants is still far above the amount of students they can admit. With this information, the college counselors encourage students to research and visit to better understand the distinctive characteristics of each UC campus.

It’s been an interesting semester in the college admissions world with recent spotlight on Harvard’s admissions review practices. The issue of affirmative action at Harvard focuses on the power of institutional priorities as a driving force in the holistic review process. Although we cannot control the institutional priorities that are established at each college, the college counselors are committed to staying informed and knowledgeable to support students in finding colleges that best fit their priorities and goals.

This fall, the College Counseling Office was buzzing with excitement as the Class of 2019 began the application process. Energy was high as seniors met individually with their college counselor to discuss essays and application strategies. In the fall, there was constant traffic in the office as 130+ colleges cycled through to connect with our students. With the majority of the senior class applying early to at least one college, the college counselors worked diligently to help seniors develop wellbalanced college lists that meet their academic and personal needs.

In a recent Inside Higher Education article, the University of California system reported a 3% decrease in applications received this fall. This 4 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL


SPRING 2018 | 5


Also in December, the student club LatinX and Campus Ministry celebrated Our Lady of Guadalupe with a prayer service in the Chapel, followed by music, food and a piñata. For the recent celebration of the Lunar New Year, Julianne Ho and Nina Nguyen also led us in prayer, which followed with boba, waffles and treats during lunch. “All are welcome in this place, Behold God’s amazing grace. All are welcome... all belong!” These words that are sung at the beginning of every liturgy represent a major goal for Campus Ministry this year: To provide ways for all people in the Presentation community to feel welcome, comfortable, and to grow in their faith and spirituality, no matter their faith tradition. Our liturgical theme, “We Are One,” has been embraced by the Pres community and has been intentionally woven into retreats, liturgies, morning prayer, and prayer services. This year, Campus Ministry has sponsored opportunities for students of different faiths to celebrate important holidays. In August, Sofia Basilio, Tenisha Ciby, and Zara Shariff led a morning prayer service to celebrate the important Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, the “Festival of Sacrifice,” that commemorates God’s test of Abraham through his son, Isaac.

Savannah Bruggeman led another morning prayer service to celebrate Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Since Advent and Hannukah began on the same day this year, Savannah and Campus Ministry led a prayer service where both the menorah and the Advent wreath were lit. In the mornings, a candle was lit on the menorah for every day of Hannukah, and every Monday, a candle on the Advent wreath was lit. 6| | PRESENTATION PRESENTATION HIGH HIGH SCHOOL SCHOOL 6

In addition, Campus Ministry has partnered with Athletics to create prayer services for the fall, spring and winter sports teams. These prayer services are organized and led by students as a means of praying together and building team spirit and community. Senior Olivia Davis, a member of the Water Polo team and Peer Ministry, led a reflection of how playing a sport and representing Pres has shaped her into the person she is today. Lastly, before they went off to Nationals, our Dance Team held their prayer service in the chapel. In her reflection, Isabell Cuddie, spoke about how the team is like her family, and how that sisterhood has made her a stronger person. All of these experiences, along with the liturgies and retreats, are meant to foster self-respect and self-worth by creating experiences where they see themselves created in the image and likeness of God. We celebrate our tapestry of diversity and welcome all to be a fiber within it. At Pres, our strong sense of community and sisterhood is a reminder of the interdependence and the solidarity of all people. We are One in God’s love; We are One in God’s family; We are One in God’s Spirit.

CAMPUS MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS Students of all faiths are welcome to participate in all of our retreats. Retreats allow for student reflection, small and whole group sharing, and an opportunity for students to think about where they are in their lives. At the end of senior retreat, there is a prayer service where students are given necklaces that signify not only a remembrance of the retreat, but that serve as a symbolic representation how their faith can center them during difficult times and can serve as a means of gratitude during positive times. This picture of the senior retreat necklaces, taken by Savannah Bruggeman ’19, is truly symbolic of our liturgical theme, “We Are One.” The necklaces, like our students, stand together united as one community and enriched by the diversity of faith.

SPRING 2019 2018 | 7


I had the privilege of attending the Ignatian Family Teach-In in November for the second year in a row. I grew as a person and an advocate the first time I went, and I wanted to experience the Teach-In again with a new perspective. To be quite honest, I did not think it could get much better than the first time. I had high expectations, but I was blown away by the phenomenal experience I had this past fall. To prepare ourselves for the Teach-in, our group along with the group from Bellarmine visited many of the different historical locations around Washington D.C. We visited the MLK Memorial and talked about socio-economic injustice. When we were at the Lincoln Memorial, we addressed racial injustice. At Arlington National Cemetery, we discussed world peace while paying attention to the relevance of it being Robert E. Lee’s home. We wrapped up touring by going to the Holocaust Museum. At every location, we had an in-depth discussion on how we see these injustices in our nation. Through these experiences, we were able to reflect on the importance of social justice and why advocacy should be a huge part of our lives. When the Teach-In conference finally began, we were given the opportunity to attend breakout sessions focused on specific justice issues and listen to three keynote speakers. While every session and speaker I heard impacted me, there is one that stood out to me the most. Dr. Nicole Flores from the University of Virginia spoke on how quickly our nation has turned away from immigrants and denied them their basic human rights. Her discussion focused on family separation at the border, and as a new mother herself she said that seeing those babies alone, without their mothers, broke her heart. 88 || PRESENTATION PRESENTATION HIGH HIGH SCHOOL SCHOOL

The topic of immigration is very close to me, and hearing a Latinx woman use her power to stand up against the injustice was inspiring. At the end of our time in DC, everyone from the Teach-in traveled to Capitol Hill to advocate for the issues we learned about at the conference to our representatives. Even though I had done this the year before, I still had the same nervous thoughts like, “do they actually care what a 17-yearold has to say?” I had to remind myself that yes my voice does matter. In two months my voice turns into a vote, and that is a powerful thing. I had been given the opportunity to make my voice heard, and I was not going to take it for granted. It was an honor to represent my school on Capitol Hill alongside my friends. I left the Teach-In with an abundance of hope and love. Being surrounded by thousands of students who are passionate about creating real change rekindled the fire that the Teach-in first sparked in me. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” The Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice gave me the tools and courage I need to never stay silent again.

“Through these experiences, we were able to reflect on the importance of social justice and why advocacy should be a huge part of our lives.”

8,232 Food Drive Items


Frozen Turkeys Donated


Raised for Sacred Heart to purchase additional turkeys


15,560 Diapers



$26,204 Black & White Charity Ball




donated to Sacred Heart Community Service

Penny Drive

Cans of Baby Formula

Hygiene Items


SPRING 2019 | 9






New Toys

New Bike Locks

New Helmets

New Bikes Donated by the Reuter Family



Total Hours Served Between August and December 2018


Each year students participate in the annual Jesuit conference that brings 2,000 college and high school students together to learn about social justice and advocacy. After the conference our students met with representatives from Senator Harris’ office, Congresswoman Lofgren’s office, Congressman Khanna’s office, and Congresswoman Eshoo’s office to advocate for humane migration reform and mass incarceration.



Seven students participated in a two day mini-immersion. During the San Jose Urban Plunge, students learned about poverty and homelessness in our local community through educational activities and volunteering efforts. They volunteered with organizations such as Hope Village, The Window at St. Joseph’s Cathedral, Casa de Clara and Grace Baptist Church.

TOP 6 ORGANIZATIONS BAWSI Sacred Heart Community Service Santa Maria Urban Ministry Martha’s Kitchen One Love Foundation Good Karma Bikes

Current members of the National Art Honor Society (NAHS), in partnership with Chérie Somavia, designed this beautiful poster to promote inclusion and discourage bullying on the Pres campus. Five anti-bullying videos were also created and produced by Pres students for the student body to showcase how to spot bullying and cyber-bullying and what to do about it; you can find a few of them on our website under “About Us, Anti-Bullying.” SPRING 2019 | 11

ACADEMICS This has been an exciting semester for academics on campus. We have on-boarded a number of new teachers, made important changes to curriculum and texts taught across all departments, created meaningful learning opportunities, and seen a great deal of student success! Here is an overview by department.


The English department has been busy revamping the reading lists for all of its junior/senior classes. Some of the upper-division classes, such as Individual and Society and Death in Literature have worked to incorporate nonfiction texts into their reading lists. Other classes, such as Literature, Culture and Identity as well as God in Lit, have included more contemporary as well as classic works to respond to student needs.


The Counseling department hosted three parent nights, the first with Miles2Go, as part of a parent/student drug and alcohol awareness series in conjunction with the Student Wellness Program. Harlan Cohen, New York Times bestselling author and speaker, was brought to campus to discuss How to Tackle High School So You Can Win in College. Senior parents were invited to a viewing and discussion of The Hunting Ground, tackling the subject of assaults on college campuses.


The PE department would like to acknowledge and thank the Parent Board for our newly acquired adult CPR, Prestan manikins with automatic feedback devices. These new additions to our CPR inventory greatly enhance learning. The newspaper has been busy working on in-depth stories that relate directly to the Pres community, which they publish once a month in both paper and online formats. This year, the student newspaper, The Voice, is totally student produced, including layouts, editing, story selection and development. The co-editors, Marie Hayes ’19 and Valerie Wu ’19 work directly with the printers to give them opportunities for leadership and collaboration. The most recent edition featured “An Immigrant’s Journey” by Isha Chitre ’19 about immigrant experiences from Pres students and “All Women’s March?” by Christina Dobbek ’19 about inclusivity around the 2019 Women’s March in Washington D.C. Great job Panthers!



Moral Theology students collected 300 gently used hooded sweatshirts last semester to donate to Sacred Heart after reading and reflecting on Jesus’ call to live simply, and this semester, 75 jackets were collected for Casa de Clara.

Our Women on Weights students are delving deep into food label reading to take control of their health and discover ways to best fuel their bodies. We also have new Red Cross certified lifeguards on campus who will be hired soon to keep our community pools safe.



Seniors Lauren Lucca and Betel Daniel coordinated Positivity Week at Pres—each day had a different focus and activities for the entire student body from body positivity to mindfulness to making a positive impact. This served as Lauren and Betel’s Leadership Academy Capstone Project, and they have officially earned Gold Status as Leadership Academy members.


The Science department has been working hard on adapting class to meet the new Next Generation Science standards. Through these standards, the students will be doing more investigations and hands-on activities. In Physics, students performed an investigation to try to figure out wave behaviors when they meet boundaries and how tension affects the speed of a wave. We also had a fun class learning about how musical instruments make/change sounds. In class, seniors Hailey Murphy performed an original piece on the guitar, and juniors Lesly Aguilar and Briana Koepf performed on the Irish tin whistle and the harp. In APES we just identified and measured the biomass of the large trees on campus. Combined, these trees are sequestering over 10,000kg of carbon dioxide a year!


STUDENT SPOTLIGHT MEGHANA KHERA ’20 Meghana Khera ‘20 was the featured performer who opened the YWCA Silicon Valley Inspire Luncheon, held on Tuesday, Oct. 30 at the Santa Clara Convention Center. Anita Hill was the featured speaker at this sold-out event attended by 1,900 participants, striving to empower women and eliminate racism. Meghana was joined by ensemble singers from Notre Dame High School and received a standing ovation for her performance! See the Mercury News article for more information on the event.


Muslim American speakers from the Islamic Networks Group visited World History classes to discuss the Islamic faith, practices and beliefs. Additionally, these speakers shed light on what it’s like to be an American Muslim and how they incorporate their beliefs into their American culture. Sal Pizarro, columnist for the Mercury News, guest lectured in Sociology of Media to discuss the rapidly changing media industry, journalism and what democratic reporting looks like. He also shared what a career in newspaper is like and what to expect from this medium in the future. Charles Schmuck, former Presentation Social Studies teacher and magazine ad sales representative before that, shared his experiences of working in the media industry during the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s in Sociology of Media. His story highlighted the intersection of media and advertising and also the highs and lows of media consolidation. Paul Watts, swim coach for Presentation High School, visited the U.S. History classes to share his family’s narrative about fighting in the European and Pacific theaters during WWII. His presentation reflects the historical research process in its curation of artifacts, primary sources, interviews, books and museum visits. The personal story also brings a very human perspective to a seminal event in our nation’s history. (See photos to the right.)

WINTER 2015 | 13


Congratulations to our national champions! The Varsity and JV Dance Teams brought home three first place, one second place and three third place wins from the national competition held in Orlando, Florida! Dance coach, Sara Fugate also won a choreography award for the Varsity Dance Team. Varsity Dance Team has had an amazing season overall, bringing home numerous first and second place awards as well as soloist placing in the top ten at every competition. This year has been the debut of our JV Dance Team who has also brought home many first and second place awards.


Exciting news: Five art students have earned awards from the Scholastics Art contest and are having their artwork displayed in Pacific Grove Art Center gallery:

Lynnea Jeung ’19 Gold Key & Silver Key

Juliet Kuhlmann ’20 Gold Key

Dan-Tam Pham ’21 Gold Key

Shloka Janapaty ’20 Silver Key

Pooja Lalwani ’19 Honorable Mention

STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: MARLEY WAHLER ’19 At the Saints in the City Awards dinner, senior Marley Wahler was honored by the Diocese of San Jose and received the St. Thomas Aquinas Award. The St. Thomas Aquinas Award highlights a young person who possesses a deep knowledge of the Catholic faith, valuing and respecting the richness of the Catholic tradition and is eager to share their knowledge of the Catholic faith. Marley was recognized for her passion for social justice, her strong involvement in community service, and her commitment to liturgical music ministry. 14 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL


Best wishes to our four candidates for the Seal of Biliteracy. One student in French and three students in Spanish will present cultural projects in March to a panel of Modern Language teachers and be honored at the Senior Award ceremony in May. Great job on those language skills and congratulations on taking them to the next level!

STUDENT SPOTLIGHT VALERIE WU ’19 Valerie Wu ’19, self-published a book of essays called “Studies in Translation.” It’s brilliant, nuanced and available on Amazon by searching “Studies in Translation by Valerie Wu.” Congratulations, Valerie!


The French Exchange is a program that was started 14 years ago between Christine Larive from College St. Charles, when she was teaching at Lycée La Merci, and Monica Stampfl, a Modern Language teacher at Presentation High School. The objective is a linguistic and cultural exchange between American and French students. On Saturday, Feb. 2, 30 French students from College St. Charles arrived in San Francisco and were greeted by their host families, smiling faces and signs. The wait was extra long at the airport this year because of long lines in customs. After several hours at the airport, host families from Presentation finally met their exchange students and took them home. Over the next two weeks, French students and host families spent time getting to know each other in the evenings and on the weekends. The French students attended one day of classes and learned what life in plaid is all about. On the other days, they traveled with their teachers to San Francisco, Sacramento and surrounding areas—checking out the historical and cultural sites in the area. On Friday, Feb. 15, host families and French students said goodbye before fifth period class. There were lots of tears and promises to stay in touch. The French students left for SFO by bus, making one last stop to try In-N-Out Burger before heading home to France.

STUDENT SPOTLIGHT ISHA CHITRE ’19 Senior Isha Chitre was recognized for her short film titled, “Dear Fay.” She was officially selected to be included in the Moonwhite International Film Festival in Mumbai, India. Isha was the youngest filmmaker in the line-up of 50 films and was the only female from the U.S. to be selected. She has also been selected for the All-American High School Film Festival and had a screening at the AMC Theater located in Times Square! WINTER 2015 | 15



In 2016, senior Roma Kidambi started a non-profit organization called “Empower Educate Youth” to provide feminine hygiene and sanitary products to impoverished and deserving communities in South Africa, and now California. Roma became involved and inspired when she learned that one in ten girls in South Africa miss school when they are on their menstrual cycle due to a lack of sanitary hygiene products. Collectively, Roma has delivered more than 3,000 sanitary products to schools, shelters and survivors of domestic abuse in South Africa and California. Roma has also been featured in her local newspaper and recognized by the San Jose City Council and councilwoman Sylvia Arenas.


For more information or to donate, visit:






Cross Country had another spectacular season under the leadership of a star coaching trio, Craig Lee, Lynn Wilson ’07 Lee and Catherine Aquino ’87. Cross Country won the WCAL league championship for the second year in a row. They competed in a very competitive CCS meet, which had to be postponed twice and then moved to Toro Park in Salinas due to the poor air quality that was caused by the wildfires in November. The cross country team finished in third place in CCS and junior Gianna Mendoza finished in second place in CCS. The cross country team qualified for the state meet and traveled to Woodward Park in Fresno to compete for a CIF Division II cross country state championship! They finished 18th overall as a team and were the top CCS finisher of all the CCS teams that qualified for the CIF meet in our division. Gianna Mendoza finished 28th place out of 203 runners with a time of 18:30. Mendoza was named to the WCAL First Team All-League, CCS First Team and to the All-NorCal Third Team.

The Presentation Golf team finished in 4th place in the West Catholic Athletic League. They played many great matches this season and had exciting wins over Mitty and Sacred Heart Cathedral. The golfers got some great experience playing in the Helen Lengfeld Memorial Tournament at Peninsula Golf & Country Club. Senior golfer, Mariana Antaya, qualified for the CCS Individual Golf Tournament Championship at Laguna Seca in Monterey and shot an 82 to finish 35th out of over 100 golfers in CCS! Congratulations to Antaya who was named to the WCAL Second Team and to senior Juliana De Leon who was a WCAL All-League Honorable Mention.

The Presentation water polo team finished in fifth place in the WCAL with an overall record of 15-9. They won the Aptos High School tournament and the Milpitas High School tournament this season. The water polo team earned exciting wins over Palo Alto, Homestead, Woodside and St. Ignatius. They qualified for the CCS tournament and earned the #4 seed in the CCS Division I tournament. The water polo team beat Homestead High School in overtime 8-7 to advance to the CCS semi-finals. The water polo team held the first “Splash Out Cancer” event to raise money for breast cancer research. Congratulations to senior Heather Jacobson who was named to the WCAL First Team and to the All-CCS third team. Sophomore Sophia Harvey and senior Tori Slack were named to the WCAL Second Team, and senior Olivia Davis was a WCAL Honorable Mention.

The Presentation tennis team finished in third place in the WCAL and earned a league record of 5-5 and an overall record of 12-5. They started their season with a five match winning streak; they also won some exciting league matches against Mitty and Valley Christian. Our tennis team competed hard in the WCAL tennis tournament which was held at Cuesta Park in Mountain View. Sophomores Stella Yang and Manjari Talasila competed well for the Panthers and advanced to the quarter-final match in doubles tournament. Congratulations to sophomores Raquel Miller and Angela Gill who were both named to the WCAL Second Team and to freshman Katelyn Boudeville who was a WCAL All-League Honorable Mention. SPRING 2019 | 17


The Presentation field hockey team finished the season with an overall record of 14-7-1 and a Santa Clara Valley Athletic League - El Camino Division record of 9-0-1 to become the SCVAL El Camino league champions! They earned exciting wins over Leigh, Homestead and Sobrato. The field hockey team qualified for the CCS tournament and beat Leigh High School 2-0 to advance to the CCS quarter-final match. Congratulations to the field hockey team for earning the CCS field hockey team scholastic award with their 3.69 team GPA – way to go field hockey! A special congratulations to senior Marley Wahler who was named the SCVAL Defensive Player of the Year and was named to the CCS First Team. Senior Isabella Henderson was named to the SCVAL First Team and to the CCS First Team.


The Presentation Volleyball team had another spectacular season this Fall. They battled through a grueling WCAL season and earned the #5 seed in the CCS Division II bracket. They beat Woodside High School in the CCS quarter final match and were selected by the CCS Volleyball selection committee to represent our section in the NorCal tournament; the Volleyball team received the #8 seed in the NorCal Division III tournament and defeated Soquel High School in the first round game. The Volleyball team traveled to Yosemite High School and Christian Brothers High School in the second round and semi-final NorCal games. The Volleyball team beat a very talented Head-Royce (Oakland) team to win the NorCal title for the second consecutive year, which qualified the team for the State Championship match for the second year in a row. The Volleyball team traveled to Santiago Canyon College in Orange, California and lost a tough game to Ontario Christian in the State Championship game. The Volleyball team held their “Kill for a Cure” event in October and raised $6,500 for breast cancer research. Senior Jenna Sandall was named to the WCAL First Team and senior Sophia Strass was named an Honorable Mention to the WCAL All-League team. 18 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL


Our student-athletes volunteered at Blackford Elementary this fall. We had the varsity water polo team, JV water polo team, the freshman field hockey team and the freshman soccer team along with many other student-athletes, volunteer this fall. Our student-athletes worked with elementary-aged girls for an hour each week and were great role models and mentors for the third through fifth grade girls. It was a very meaningful experience for our students to get involved in their community and to be a role model for younger girls and for the students at Blackford who dream about what their life will be like when they are in high school. We will volunteer once again with BAWSI at Blackford Elementary in the Spring and we can’t wait for our BAWSI Thursdays!


Swimming at University of California, Davis


Track & Field at University of California, Los Angeles


Softball at Columbia University


Volleyball at California State University Dominguez Hills


Softball at Yale University


Field Hockey at Skidmore College


SPRING 2019 | 19


The Pres chapter of the International Thespian Society (I.T.S.) kicked off the season of Valenzuela Theater offerings with a Benefit Concert for the Sisters of the Presentation. Student-produced and directed, this yearly event was once again a sold-out crowd-pleaser, as our talented students celebrated the Sisters’ work abroad. The show was followed by a vocal concert featuring both of our school choirs, Bella Voce and Cantabile, in an evening of beautiful music.



Our mainstage musical, The Music Man, opened. With a cast of more than 40 performers and two dozen technicians—and stage-manager senior Rebecca Zane—this mighty company told the story of a con man with a heart of gold who brought color and new life to a quiet town. The production numbers of Seventy-Six Trombones and Shipoopie brought our dance, vocal and theatrical skills together to wow the audiences. Seniors Lauren Chivers and Laura Powers brought life to the character of Marian, the librarian, while juniors Tori Baroni and Kalisse Ajlouny provided hilarious comic support.


Once again, we offer an after-school workshop for middle school students, who joined our Pres students in rehearsals, to put on their own show: Frosh Snip-ITS. Some 15 freshmen, along with some very energetic middle school students, presented an evening 20 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

of song, dance and comedy. Spontaneous Combustion, brought the house down with their quick wit and fast thinking. This same weekend, we inaugurated a new event, an evening of original plays. We presented Two Original Plays, written by seniors Zoe Prior and Chloe Fehr, who directed their peers and presented these thought-provoking and thoroughly enjoyable plays to a curious audience. A holiday vocal concert featuring both our choirs wrapped up 2018 in style as the choir serenaded the audience with holiday favorites.

Our second mainstage musical, Once on This Island, tells the story of a girl who will stop at nothing to fulfill her dream and those around her who support and deny her. Beautifully danced and acted, this production was the first mainstage production with a student lighting designer and student choreographers. Add to that, a student costume designer, as well as 30 performers and 20 technicians, and the creative talents of our students are once again on full display.


Our Indian dance company, Jazba, hosts Deewane, a celebration of popular Indian dance, performed by dance troupes from a dozen local schools, who each sent an act to the show. Our ITS seniors then present their yearly self-produced production: Musical Snip-ITS, and once again this show highlighted the performing abilities of our exceptionally-talented students, who perform songs and dances from Tony Award-winning shows.

MARCH Hamlet


Blue Plaid Players Fundraiser Senior Showcase


Dance Concert Choir Concert


SPRING 2018 | 21

LOVE WHO YOU ARE By Lakshmi Ramesh ’20, Staff Reporter | October 23, 2018

“…never compare yourself to anyone else and just work on yourself and being the best version of you.”

Beauty is both a literal (external) and abstract(internal) conceptualization that varies from one person’s lens of the world to another’s. However, as teenagers of this generation, most of us tend to focus on others’ beauty and tend to allow their perspective to govern the way we view ourselves, as a result contributing to our insecurities.

Junior Cynthia Diaz describes her definition of beauty as, “when someone embraces and loves themselves.” She emphasizes that despite what outer beauty may offer to the eyes, inner character should be valued more. Diaz recognizes that in her own life; she places more value in “the click” between personalities rather than appearance.

Due to this self-doubt, many are never happy with themselves and are constantly comparing themselves to others. So, it is important to recognize the various beauty philosophies at Pres, and that we are not all held to the same standards and to rejoice in that.

Her beauty icon, actress Katherine Hepburn, inspired Diaz to care less about what others think and to embrace her natural self. While Diaz does try to achieve this mentality, she admits to being subjected to the limitations of society. “I think being a teenager in this day and age with social media makes it hard for the opinions of others to not influence the way I enhance my own beauty. Occasionally I give in to the opinions of others, but I am working on it!”

Senior Gabriela Nguyen believes that, “Beauty is being who you are to the fullest extent.” She not only acknowledges that beauty is irrelevant if not for a good character, and also that inner beauty is always constant, while outer beauty is wavering. Both her role model and her beauty icon, Nguyen’s mother really had an impact on the way she views beauty. “Through her actions and confidence, she has given me my definition of beauty.” says Nguyen. Sophomore Tanya Beri elaborates upon this concept saying that beauty is omniscient throughout a person’s actions and personality, “It holds more meaning and tells you more about someone than their external appearances do.” Another senior, Clarissa Garcia mentions that, “Someone who shows confidence in their own skin is a reflection of true beauty.” American actress and singer, Zendaya, is Garcia’s beauty icon, who she seeks inspiration from. Due to her humility and kind nature, Zendaya brings light into every room that she is in, and boosts girls’ confidence in themselves. Garcia advises new panthers to not criticize themselves, 22 | | PRESENTATION PRESENTATION HIGH HIGH SCHOOL SCHOOL 22

Freshman Leah Injaty describes her definition of beauty as “a measure of strength, hard work, and kindness a person has.” Coming from a standpoint that a person’s character makes the internal beauty shine from inside, Injaty says that we don’t live in a utopia where everyone can be the same and reach up to the same standards. Rather she believes that the uniqueness of each person’s actions attributes to her individual beauty. One who inspires Injaty through her Girl Love campaign is YouTuber iiSuperwomanii. Injaty says, “She never let her heritage or skin color get in the way of accomplishing her goals…she shows that everyone is beautiful in her own way.” All these different definitions are what make up our Pres community. As empowered women of Pres, we should respect each other’s perspectives on beauty and not set those who don’t agree with us apart. We each view beauty differently and that’s alright. After all, our individuality is our greatest attribute.

to play music and catch up before and after school. Even carpooling with someone you don’t know could blossom into a great friendship. If driving is not an option, public transportation always is. It’s cheap, and although it takes a little longer, it allows you to see more of the city and meet new people. • Use reusable trays. Making and taking your own lunch to school can help you avoid the long lunch line and eat healthier. And taking your lunch with you in a reusable container creates less waste than what is made from the food served at the cafeteria and those single-serving cups of mac-n-cheese. • Unplug your charger when it’s not in use. In elementary school, we all learned about the vampire that sucked the energy out of your outlet; that vampire is your charger. Although it may be annoying to have to plug and unplug your charger, it’s not necessary to have it plugged in always, and it saves on electrical bills. If it seems like too much of a hassle, buy a power strip. Just don’t forget to turn it off when you don’t need it. • Go vegan or vegetarian. Vegans and vegetarians aren’t always seen in the best light. However, environmental sustainability is at the core of the movement. By avoiding meat, there is less of a demand for the animals who produce it. In turn, the demand for land used for grazing and producing food for those animals diminishes. Eating less meat and other animal products also promotes animal welfare and a healthier lifestyle.

HOW TO BE GREENER By Julianna Solano Uribe ’19, Reporter | December 4, 2018 To many of its students, Presentation High School is often synonymous with a socially conscious community. It makes sense, given that the Pres motto is Not Words, But Deeds. And when it comes to issues concerning the environment, the attitude Pres has is no different: more needs to be done to protect the earth. However, it is apparent that even with this attitude, some students still don’t do enough. Being environmentally conscious takes effort, and some students may not know where to start, or think they are too busy to help. But even doing one thing has a good impact on the environment, no matter how small. There are actions you can take right now in your school life that could give the earth the hand it desperately needs: • Throw away your trash. Pres has a big problem with not throwing their trash away during lunchtime. Ms. Schrader shouldn’t have to remind you to do it, and the janitors shouldn’t have to clean it up for you. Trash or recyclable items should be thrown away when you are finished eating. By doing this, you are reinforcing a good habit that benefits everyone. • Get rid of waste correctly. Going along with the point above, Pres has waste bins scattered all around campus for different types of waste. They are even labeled for your convenience. It may be easy to throw away your waste in the bin that is closest to you, but make an effort to put your waste where it needs to go. Then, landfills aren’t being filled with items that could easily be recycled. • Carpool or take public transportation. If you live near a friend and both of you drive to school separately, ask her to carpool. Not only will it cut down on gas consumption, it can be really fun

• Borrow books at the library. The smell and feel of a brand new book is one of the best experiences. But after that wears off, it doesn’t matter whether the book is old or new; the content is all the same. So instead of spending money on a new book, go to the library either at Pres or one near your home and borrow a book. You are able to borrow more than enough without having to commit to purchasing a book you may not end up liking. • Go paper-free when it comes to school work. It may already seem like this is happening at Pres because almost everything is done on the iPads now, but paper is still being used in many classes. Although using paper may sometimes be out of your control because a teacher requires it, try to use electronic copies of your books and school work if it is available and the teacher allows it. You will have less things to carry in your backpack, which will help alleviate some of that back pain. • Buy less in general. The simplest but hardest rule to follow is buying less; we are a consumerist society. However, half the things you buy, you don’t actually need. Don’t base your purchases on things you want, and you are guaranteed to create less waste. To take it even further, if you do need to buy a product, try to choose the one that contains the least amount of packaging. And if you feel like you have too much, you can always donate it to those who need it more, so you don’t have to throw it away. Now that you know how to make this earth a little better, go out and do it!

“...even doing one thing has a good impact on the environment, no matter how small. There are actions you can take right now in your school life that could give the earth the hand it desperately needs.” SPRING 2019 2018 | 23

ALUMNAE: ONCE A PRES GIRL, ALWAYS A PRES GIRL Generations of Pres girls are embarking on new and exciting chapters of their lives. Flip through the next few pages to catch up with old classmates and friends while getting acquainted with some new faces. Enjoy the milestones and memories!



TARRYN KNIGHT-DEBARDELEBEN ’98 What advice would you give to your high school self? Be open to possibilities because life may not follow your plan. How did an all-girls education help prepare you for college and your career? I was ahead of the game going into college. Due to my high school classes being so challenging I was well-prepared for college courses. I was also able to manage work, a heavy class load and collegiate sports because of the organization planning Pres taught me. Time 25 | PRESENTATION HIGHand SCHOOL management was a key skill that I still use to this day in my career. If you could describe your Pres experience in one word, what would it be? Empowering

SHELBY ORTA ’12 What advice would you give to your high school self? Network with people in a field(s) you want to go into so you can get real life experiences with stories behind them. Try out different internships so you know what you do and don’t like to narrow things down. How did an all-girls education help prepare you for college and your career? Pres gave me more confidence to speak up and ask the questions I needed and wanted to ask without feeling afraid or embarrassed. If you could describe your Pres experience in one word, what would it be? Well-rounded

SPRING 2018 | 25

CHELSEA SIOXSON ’09 LAXA What advice would you give to your high school self? Don’t worry about how many friends you have, focus on the quality of your friendships. Also, no one is going to care about how much you spent on your prom dress in the long run! How did an all-girls education help prepare you for college and your career? It gave me the confidence to use my voice inside and outside of the classroom. I am primed to always empower other women, and I respect and appreciate everyone’s individual personalities and styles. Do you feel that going to Presentation gave you an advantage in college and/or career? Why? Definitely. Academically, I was much more prepared for the first year of college than most of my peers. The AP classes that were available to me helped me accumulate college credits early on, which ultimately enabled me to graduate from college a year early. In my career, I’ve networked with many other Pres alumnae for multiple projects.

NATALIE ROYLE ’12 How did an all-girls education help prepare you for college and your career? It gave me the confidence to speak up in high school, learn to be a leader, and take these practices to college. I wasn’t even phased by the co-ed experience I had at college - I already had obtained so much confidence at Pres that I felt fully prepared for anything. Do you feel that going to Presentation gave you an advantage in college and/or career? Why? Yes, Pres prepared me so much for college and my career in that it was the first school where I really developed my work ethic and writing skills. Those have both followed me until now. It also prepared me to utilize my voice in any situation and value ethics and equality at my workplace.

MARIA ESTHER CARRANZA ’80 RODRIGUEZ “I am primed to always empower other women...”

LAURA DIPALERMO ’99 DOYLE How did an all-girls education help prepare you for college and your career? The all-girls education helped build my confidence in math and science courses - a foundation I needed once I was in a male-dominated classroom in college. If you could describe your Pres experience in one word, what would it be? Formative

MEGHAN PIANO ’00 RHODES What advice would you give to your high school self? Take a deep breath. You don’t have to be perfect to be awesome. Be kind to yourself. Set reasonable expectations.

How did an all-girls education help prepare you for college and your career? It helped to provide a nurturing environment for developing good study habits and also the attitude of “I can do anything I put my mind to and be what I want to be.” Do you feel that going to Presentation gave you an advantage in college and/or career? Why? Yes. I saw that women were important in all careers, and our choices were limitless. If you could describe your Pres experience in one word,what would it be? Formative

“I saw that women were important in all careers, and our choices were limitless.”

“Take a deep breath. You don’t have to be perfect to be awesome. Be kind to yourself. Set reasonable expectations.” SPRING 2018 | 26

Do you feel that going to Presentation gave you an advantage in college and/or career? Why? Pres academically prepared me for college and taught me study habits that served me well throughout. It also prepared me for a career of service - one where I help people on a daily basis. 26 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL


LAUREN SEADLER ’06 What advice would you give to your high school self? Follow your gut, and you will end up right where you’re supposed to be! Do you feel that going to Presentation gave you an advantage in college and/or career? Why? I always say that Pres was much harder than college! We definitely have the advantage over others in the area of writing—especially when it comes to research papers! Pres taught me balance and time management skills that I don’t believe I would have gotten anywhere else. If you could describe your Pres experience in one word, what would it be? Empowering

What advice would you give to your high school self? Don’t worry about what you study. Pick something you like and study that. It’s the diploma that will show potential employers that you started something and finished it. How did an all-girls education help prepare you for college and your career? I never worried about what the boys would say if I asked a question... God bless my all-girls education for that! If you could describe your Pres experience in one word,what would it be? Sisters

MONICA RODRIGUEZ ’94 What advice would you give to your high school self? Everyone has their own path so don’t compare yourself to the next person. How did an all-girls education help prepare you for college and your career? It taught me to be a gladiator! Do you feel that going to Presentation gave you an advantage in college and/or career? Why? Yes because it taught me to be resilient and give 100% in everything I do, yet be humble at the same time. If you could describe your Pres experience in one word, what would it be? Blessing

UPCOMING EVENTS SAVE THE DATE: BOTTLES & BITES Saturday, Aug. 24 from 2-5 p.m., Mani Hernandez Field, Presentation High School

CLASS REUNIONS: 1969, 1979, 1989, 1999, 2009 and 2014

Stay in touch and receive the latest information about your class reunion. Visit to update your information. SPRING 2019 | 27



SPRING 2018 | 29



Kathy shares that Presentation deepened her relationship with God, and she credits the sisters and faculty for this. “Not Words, But Deeds” has been a long-standing maxim not only in her life but in the lives of her children and husband. Kathy has been happily married for 39 years to a man who has devoted his career to Salesian education. They have four children, two boys and two girls, (all in their 30s) all of whom work in Catholic education. Kathy taught elementary school and worked in a library at various times. She says that she was blessed to be a stay-athome mom, and now has seven grandchildren. Kathy says that she is forever grateful to the sisters for their support and guidance.



Mary’s new children’s book “Grandma Loves Pillows” is now available online at Amazon, and in stores like The Wooden Horse in Los Gatos. To learn more about Mary’s writing, visit her website at


Rosemary will be retiring in June 2019 after more than 12 years at De Anza College, with six years as Supervisor of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services. Rosemary greatly enjoyed her work as an Interpreter for the Deaf and is now looking forward to spending more time with her 10-year-old grandson, Logan, and mom, Nellie, who is 96 years old. Rosemary is also excited to have time for travel, gardening, reading and knitting.


Candi is co-starring in the feature film, When Jeff Tried to Save the World, (streaming online now) with Jon Heder from Napoleon Dynamite and Jim O’Heir from Parks and Recreation. She is also starring in Netflix’s Spy Kids, Warner Bros’s new Looney Tunes and Nickelodeon’s Middle School Moguls animated series.


Robin married Mitch Meckier on March 14, 2018. She says that they started dating in college in 1980. In 1981, he asked her to marry him, and she said yes. Life happened, and they parted ways. They’ve kept in touch off an on and eventually lost touch about 25 years ago. On Valentine’s Day in 2018, he responded to her Facebook search. They were married a month later. Robin says that they now live in North Sacramento with two adorable Papillons named Thunder and Kulakia, but will be moving back to San Jose so that she doesn’t have to commute to her income tax business.


A few members of the Class of 1982 celebrated with a Thanksgiving Blessings Potluck at the home of Marisa Citrigno ’82 Bannister. Some of the class members at the celebration were Denise Arizpe ’82, Denise O’Brien ’82, Nena Duran ’82 Lehane and Leanne House ’82 Tuck.

’93 CLASS OF 1993

A group of alums from the Class of 1993 took a Pres “girls trip” to Paso Robles last September. They had a great time wine tasting, catching up and sharing high school memories. In attendance were Kara Pinn ’93 Indelli, Ashley Neilsson ’93 Ranshaw, Diane Kohl ’93 Grueninger, Karen Sullivan ’93 Sievers and Shanon Carey ’93 Parratto. 30 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL


Kelli is in her second year as principal of Willow Glen Elementary School.



Chandani and her husband welcomed a baby girl, Aurora Ray Patel Thompson last February 2018. Chandani shares, “she is the love of our lives.”

Laura is a faculty member in the school of engineering at Santa Clara University and has become involved in humanitarian engineering projects with the Frugal Innovation Hub. Humanitarian engineering and the frugal innovation hub use technology to help improve the well-being of the under-served of the world. Laura has a particular interest in projects that help communities become more resilient to the impacts of climate change and address the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In March of 2018, she traveled with two female students to Kampala, Uganda to implement a climatesmart farming system. The system was designed with the cooperation of a group of women in East Africa looking for a way to improve Food Security for families. The system grows vegetables and fish together using less water and no external fertilizer allowing households to grow their own food and solar power to power the required pump. This year, Laura is bringing the climate-smart farming system to San Jose with a new group of students. They are designing a larger scale system for implementation by Loaves & Fishes. Laura also has a few new humanitarian projects this year: working on clean water and sanitation (Puebla, Mexico) and working with a community of refugees from Côte d’Ivoire to reduce hunger and increase economic stability through a new year-long farming program (Liberia).


Briana and Neil Schachter welcomed their son William ( Wills) Bennett Schachter on February 10, 2018.







Kari married Derek Smith on October 27, 2018 at Mission Santa Clara. Renee Ramirez ’05 Casalegno served as the Matron of Honor, and Carlia Suba ’03 and Nicole Vanderhoof ’03 were bridesmaids. Fellow Pres alumnae were in attendance, including: Erin Dinno ’03 Goldsmith, Molly Haggerty ’05, Francesca Linhares ’03 Flanagan, Megan Dunn ’03 Garces, Janine Gonzalez ’03 Najera, Maelyn Suba ’91; and, Samantha Burns ’04, Nichole Cooksey ’03 Fish, and Joei Lombardo ’98 Moore (not pictured). The newlyweds live in Willow Glen. SPRING 2019 | 31


After dedicating two and a half years to managing and building a statewide pro bono program with an independent division of the Wyoming Supreme Court, Liz Russo ‘03 Hutchinson has returned to federal court. She currently serves in concurrent positions as both an appellate law clerk to Judge Terrence O’Brien of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit and as a staff attorney with the U.S. District Court for the District of Wyoming. In her district court capacity, she specializes in federal civil rights and post-conviction relief. Liz is married to former Presentation teacher and Bellarmine graduate, John Hutchinson, who is the Operations Director of the Colorado High School Cycling League. They continue to enjoy life in the Rocky Mountains.

LEANN WITHERSPOON ’07 SOBRATO Leann and husband Jeffery welcomed a baby girl, Lucca Siena Sobrato, in October 2018!


Erin is pleased to announce her engagement to Cameron Jung. The proposal took place on October 10, 2018 beside Lake Como in Italy while the two were on vacation.


’14 NICKI AFFONSO-MCMORROW ’10 Nicki married Greg Westhauser (Bellarmine ’10) on September 1, 2018 in San Francisco. Fellow Pres girl Shelley Brunkan ’10 was in the bridal party. Greg and Nicki currently live in Washington D.C., where Greg is pursuing his MBA at Georgetown University and Nicki works as a Supply Chain Chief of Staff at Dell.


Michelle met her husband, Aaran Gessic, at Case Western Reserve University in Ohio during clinical rotations. They had a baby girl and got married. Two Presentation alumnae, Nicolle Iacobacci ’14 and Sonia Kapoor ’14 came to our wedding. We are also adding to the family as we’re expecting a baby boy this May.

We are eager to hear about your families, careers, achievements and milestones! Email updates and photos at any time to Alumnae Director, Kristin Cooke ’90 Schneider at We can’t wait to hear from you!


SPRING 2019 2018 || 33 33 SPRING

At Presentation, we believe education is opportunity. Making a donation to Pres means you are empowering the next generation of smart leaders, creative thinkers and global citizens. Presentation is blessed to have generous and loyal supporters who ensure the bright future of the school and our students. The Annual Report is a printed tribute that recognizes the individuals, families and businesses who supported Presentation during the 2018 calendar year. Thank you for fostering the spirit of giving that makes Presentation such a special place.

LIFETIME GIVING BENEFACTORS Our deepest gratitude to the following donors, whose lifetime contributions to Presentation qualify them for this special giving category. Since 1962, Presentation High School has inspired intellectual discovery and growth while also cultivating in our students a moral sense of what it means to be a good citizen of the world. It is loyal donors like these who keep these waters flowing, and our hearts are ever grateful for this support.


$250,000 - $999,999

Ron & Marcia* Cali Martha E. Sanfilippo Foundation Sisters of the Presentation Keith & Tricia Chico ’86 Stephens Gary & Janice Valenzuela

Anonymous Presentation Family Manuel & Mari Alba Harvey & Nola Armstrong Chuck & Melissa Berger Matt & Gretchen Nicoletti ’83 DiNapoli Bill & Karen Frederick Gary & Sue Giannini Richard Brown & Carlee Harder-Brown Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation John & Shari Levitt


Matt & Ellen Medeiros Martin & Becky Menne Lon & Peggy Normandin Philip S. Sanfilippo QTIP Trust David & Diane Pinn Krish & Padma Ramakrishnan Dale & Anne Shipley John M. & Timi Sobrato Jim & Joey Vaudagna

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 LIFETIME GIVING BENEFACTORS | $100,000 - $249,999 Anonymous Presentation Family Lou* & Maureen Basile (SF) Estate of Annette Bertram Mike & Margie Blach Randy & Patti Blair Ken & Cathy Bliss Bridge Bank Fred & Willy Brown Chris & Katie Burke Carl Gellert & Celia Berta Gellert Foundation Robert & Kate Chimenti Colombo Charitable Trust Conrad Hilton Foundation Mike & Judy Ruffo ’82 Cordano Fred & Kim Crary Richard & Diane Cristina

Neil & Patsy Fanoe Jeff & Edie Fisher Charles & Julie Geiger Paul & Barbara Gentzkow Ernie & Marcia Giachetti Rick & Terry Giorgetti Jeanne Glad Mike Glad John & Michelle Hansen Bill & Barbara Heil Pete & Suzanne Sawochka ’84 Hooper Philip & JoAnn Iatomase Winston & Katie Fanoe ’83 Jaeb Lissa Kreisler-Whelan Austin & Jeannette Kyles Clyde & Ivana LeBaron Bob & Sally DiSalvo ’66 Longinetti

Joe & Anne Madruga Mary Miller ’72 Dan & Paula Myers Cassidy & Lisa Bonnici ’85 O’Hara Ken & Linda Okenquist David & Kathy Pasek Andrew & Maria Pecota John & Susan Pinheiro Ron & Diane Piziali Michael & Vicki Pope Joseph & Mary Ann Ramirez Ron & Fran Reynolds Grace Sanfilippo Stephanie Schiro ’79 Ronco Shirlee DiNapoli Schiro Mark & Jackie Sellers Dan & Linda Sisto

Stella B. Gross Charitable Trust Richard & Karen Taylor Bob & Donna Teresi The DiNapoli Family The Valley Foundation Brian & Michelle Walsh William Irwin Charity Foundation Robert Craig & Julia Woods Jon & Linda Yap J. Luis* & Peggy* Zabala * deceased

INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY GIVING The Presentation education, programs and services that allow our students to thrive are made possible through the generosity of the following people who donated to our Annual Giving Program, the Direct Aid Scholarship Program and much more. Stephen & Denise Abely Glenn & Jocelyn Abisia Robert & Carly Abrams Kristine Achkar Matt & Birgitta Ackley Ellie Adamo Chris & Elizabeth Adkison Ramesh & Ganga Adulla Louis & Catherine Agelson Eustacio & Delia Aguilar Heriberto Ledezma & Patricia Aguirre Mimi Ahern Alan & Catherine Ahlschlager Farhad & Rubina Ahmed Rajesh & Sujata Aji Srinivas Chadalavada & Sirisha Alam Emilio & Josie Alarcon Loreli Alba ’08 Manuel & Mari Alba Monica Alba ’05 Eric & Caroline Alemany Lindsay Allen ’14 Brian & Lisa Allen Taylor Allen ’15 Stephen & Mary Almassy Phil & Claudia Alne

Ken & Kathleen Alongi Melinda Alongi ’86 Patrick & Terre Alongi Kristen Alongi ’93 Davis Pedro & Donna Alonso Maad Aldabagh & Sadeel Altalib Jim & Malinda Alves Marcello & Georgina America Alireza & Laleh Amin James & Audra Amlicke Paramesh Padmanabhan & Neetha Anandakumar Gina Anastasi ’72 Tom & Bettie Anderson David & Carolyn Anderson Casey Anderson Kent Anderson Mark & Anne Andrews Huggen & Maria Angeles Jeff Angwin Anonymous Autessa Anoosheh ’20 Khashayar & Nirvana Anoosheh Michael & Elsie Antaya David & Monique Anthus Nick & Linda Antonopoulos

Venkatesh Kalahasti & Kavitha Appakayala Robert & Barbara Aquino Tim Enney & Catherine Aquino ’87 Jessica Araiza Joaquin & Janet Arango Aaron & Jennie Arasato Anthony Leal & Karen Ariaudo ’87 Harvey & Nola Armstrong Larry & Estelle Arnold Julia Wright ’98 Arnold Alexa Arreola ’18 Tony & Jamie Arreola Noe Gutierrez-Mercado & Gloria Arteaga Julie Arthur David Artiga Julia Asada Muhammad & Amna Aslam Edward & Inthira Attanasio Tasadduq Attari Daniel Madden & Sonia Auger Thomas & Bettina Avila Robert Avila Carlos & Diane Normandin ’83 Azevedo Rizwan Ahmed & Sharmeen Azim

Cheradee Babaran Ramonito & Maria Babida Brad & Johannah Spencer ’02 Baccaglio Bruce & Maribel Bacon Al & Cathie Bacosa Robert & Angelique Badagliacco Dennis & Colleen Badagliacco Dennis & Grace Baik Allen Baker Gregory & Louise Baker Sahib & Kiran Bal Ramesh Manian & Sujatha Balakrishnan Peyton Balanay ’18 Freddie & Staci Balanay Donald & Lorrie Ballard Henry & Patty Barandica Keith & Joelle Baranowski Edwin & Rochelle Barbiran Greg Ortiz & Clarissa Barela-Ortiz Charles & Patricia Barker Emily Barneond ’18 Napoleon & Rosa Barneond Brad & Marget Baron August & Linda Barone Stephen & Elisa Robertson ’90 Baroni WINTER SPRING2017 2019||35 35

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Kenneth & Joan Keller ’78 Barrett Melissa Mangini ’84 Barron Melissa McKeever ’01 Barrow Maureen Basile (SF) Rick & JoAnn Beaulieu Delanie Becerra ’18 James & Eileen Beckley Lisa Bedard ’94 Shishu & Teja Bedi Patricia Beilmann Michael Cortezano & Elizabeth Beken Eric & Maria Bellafronto Mark & Kama Whelton ’90 Belloni Lizzetth Bellot Frank & Anita Belluomini Gopinath & Suneetha Bendigeri Thanh Nguyen & Carolyn Bendik Dominic & Miho Bennett Alexander & Lena Berestov Tara Bergen Charles & Melissa Berger Rajesh & Priti Beri Ray & Marilyn Bernal Mary Clare Bernal ’10 Matthew & Susan Bernal William & Virginia Berner Robert Ashcom & Angela Bernhard Diana Berry Tom & Janice Berthold Frank & Joy Bertolucci Suresh Puppala & Lakshmi Bethu Vinod Soman & Krishna Bhakar Vinod Sandip & Rinku Bhattacharya Shreeram & Madhuvanti Bhide Joseph & Barbara Biafore Rob Komas & Julianne Biagini-Komas Rhonda Biddle Douglas & Elda Bielanski Scott Fehr & Stephanie Bielanski-Fehr Doug & Tammy Bieter Heinz & Theresia Binder Dennis Young & Patricia Biscay Young Anne Davis ’85 Bixler Todd Massey & Sally Bjerke Richard & Ann Blach Kate Blach ’14 Mike & Margie Blach Donald & Peggy Blach Richard & Kara Blazier Lucy D’Agostino ’67 Blenio Ken & Cathy Bliss Bill & Kelly Lowney ’85 Bloodgood 36 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

Ed & Lorrie Blythe David Cohen & Shelli Bodnar Bill & Judy Boehner Michael & Katie Ryan ’84 Boennighausen Sydney Bohn ’18 Jeffrey & Tina Bohn Jairo Quintana & Clara Bohórquez Frank & Gayle Boitano Philip & Anna Boken Corinne Bolasna ’93 Sherry Bonaccorso Mario & Lisa Bonfante Catherine Bonnici Matthew & Karyn Andrade ’04 Bordoni Dhruba & Anuradha Borthakur Patrick & Ineke Boscarino Terri Machado ’79 Boskovich* Jeffrey & Donna Boss Donald & Marianne Boss Anthony & Kristen Bowden David & Amy Bowman Dan Bozzuto James Hartfield & Denise Bradley Taylor Bradley Chris Brahney Sophia Brahney ’18 Michael & Elizabeth McInnis ’06 Braly David Schneck & Stacy Braslau-Schneck Al & Laura Cali ’97 Breiten Ron & Jackie Bretschneider Jerry Brickley Dennis & Denise Bridgeman Andrew & Christine Brinck Glen & Marcia Brisebois Edward & Pamela Brotherton ’76 Sedano Ivan & Karen Ann Yalong ’95 Brouwer Joseph & Colleen Brown Marlene Brown Sara Cirone ’83 Brown Sheryl Brown Matt & Victoria Whelan ’03 Brown Fred & Willy Brown Robert & Emily Browne John & Stefanie Bruggeman Scott & Natalie Brunello Michael Targgart & Lisa Brunolli Joe & Melissa Brush Barney & Patt Brust Bob & Carol Buchser Richard & Janine Buellesbach Suzanne Bui Rosemary Bulaich Brian & Theresa Arias ’78 Bumb Deila Caballero ’01 Bumgardner

Lisa Randazzo ’78 Bunnell Joseph & Jennifer Burch Roger & Michele Burch Stephen & Janet Burchinal Karen Krouse ’01 Burgart Arthur & Rosalia Burgueno ’83 Tapia Chris & Katie Burke Margaret Kelly ’86 Burnett Karlie Burns James & Kelly Ryan ’83 Burns Jeff & Michelle Burns Joshua Burroughs John & Susan Busco Bruce & Marcia Bush Tony & Rouchand Bush Caroline Bustamante ’18 David & Laura Bustamante Michael & Samantha Butler Rolando & Michele Cabral Paul & Lisa Pignati ’90 Cahalan John & Kristin Calhoun Morgan Calhoun ’18 Ron Cali Kevin McMahon & Annalora Calin John & Linda Callan Joe & Darlene Campagna Joe & Kelly Campagna Cindy Campbell Joan Neiderer ’86 Campbell Chris & Jennifer Osganian ’92 Canfield Dina Cannizzaro ’81 John & Sandra Cannizzaro Rick & Maria Baron ’76 Cannon Marc & Lisa Cappelloni Peter & Nolwenn Carcione Elizabeth Cardenas ’12 Thomas Cardoso Peter & Pam Carlino Thomas Carmody Robert & Dana Piziali ’88 Carollo Emily Carollo ’16 Shelly Campagna ’83 Caron Alison Corral ’78 Carpenter Shelley Mangini ’80 Carr Sharon Carroll Dennise McNulty ’69 Carter Kathy Grim ’71 Carter Timothy & Andrea Case Chris & Kara Doolin ’05 Caselas Joseph & Nashell Castello Crystal Catalan Michael & Robyn Catelani Jim & Sharon Caviglia Jerry & Mildred Cayabyab Robert & Kathleen Cazale Larry Cebull Jon & Emily Aquino ’88 Cervino

Sreenivasa & Saritha Chadalavada Khang Dao & Betty Chan Dao Ram & Kamlesh Chandar Steven & Jaylene Chandler Lee Potts & Juliana Chandler Gregory & Kimberly Chang Bob & Chris Changras Nancy Chapman Sherry Chapman Ashley Charlton ’05 Anna Cheadle Rajinder & Karampal Cheema Theodore & Caroline Chen Michael Yang & Mandy Chen Paula Chenoweth Tracey Chew Joe & Diana Chiaramonte Mark & Maxine Chicoine ’76 Bagoye Margie Chiechi ’68 Kathleen Bruno ’69 Chittick Laurence & Anna Chivers Joseph Chizanskos Cindy Chock Robert & Jade Chubb Lily Chuck ’18 Samuel & Liza Chuck Margaret Chung Marc & Renee Churnin Joseph & Gail Cirone Mary Elizabeth Cirone ’02 Caitlin Clancey ’06 Anthony Clark Beatrice Clark George & Conchita Clark Richard & Machell Silva ’83 Clark Michael & Maureen Curran ’66 Clark David & Terice Brindis ’68 Clark Linda Cleveland Patrick & Liz Clifford William & Diane Gould ’76 Colangelo Brian & Elizabeth Taft ’77 Colella Jeff & Shannon Collins ’82 Tassi Cynthia Colvert Lara Colvert William Colvert Brent & Suzanne Colvin Robert & Barbara Colyar Mark Comiso Tom & Michelle Connelly Thomas & Sonia Connors Michele Conroy ’67 John & Nadja Conway Dave Schlessinger & Karin Cooke ’92 Rosa Cooper Sandra Cordero Kathleen Cordova ’78 Susan Cornish Maria Corrales

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Jesus Correa & Maribel Camacho-Correa Kimberly Costas ’89 Todd & Jackie Cottingham ’81 Courtney Christina Cutshall ’86 Cousineau Casey Covarrubias ’07 Lindsey Covarrubias ’04 Dave & Anne Cowell Jim & Arlene Cowell Gigi Cox Matthew Bentzel & Carolyn Cox Bentzel Chris & Marisa Watts ’94 Cozort John & Suzanne Cragin Michael & Erin Craig Fred & Kim Crary Pegge Crisham Richard & Diane Cristina Jeffery & Walma Crittenden Richard & Theresa Cronin ’80 Crocker Thomas & Katherine Cronan Christopher & Pam Crone Ed & Doris Cronin Cristine Crooks ’69 Mark & Nanci Jo Crowley John & Denise Csubak Thomas & Jennifer Cuddie Ronna Pieracci ’80 Cuddihy Nicole Cuenca ’11 Toni Cuevas ’18 Tony & Caroline Cuevas Mary Cullen Stephen Craig & Rebecca Cullen Philip & Kirsten Cunningham Margaret Sifferman ’85 Curran Maggie Curtin ’18 Paul & Susan Curtin Donald & Martha Curtis Joey & Mirally Custodio Ed & Gloria Cutshall Gregor & Deborah Cuzner Derek & Wendy Carpenter ’88 Dal Ponte Matthew & Amy Dale Dan & Toni D’ali Jill Dallas Sandeep & Anu Dalmia John D’Ambrosio Hanh Nguyen & Kim Dang Shirish Pal & Sujata Das Lynn Dau Row David Mark & Erica Davied Thomas & Holly Davies Raymond & Jane Davilla, Jr. Ed & Jill Davis

Larry & Judy Ford ’78 Davis Lauren Davis ’18 Michael & Sherry Davis Bud & Wendy Davis Dolores Davison ’85 Atiana Dawson ’18 Don Juan & Kelly De Guzman Thomas & Karen Buchanan ’86 de Jong Shevlin de la Roza Hugo & Maria De La Torre Oscar de la Torre Noel & Eloisa De Leon David & Leah Robertson ’90 Dean Phil & Debbie Decker Joe & Laura Decker Chuck Deckert Adrienne Defanti ’96 Bill Del Biaggio Mike Heffernan & Kristen Del Biaggio Heffernan William Del Biaggio III Gregory & Tracy Del Carlo Pura Del Sontro Donal & Sylvie Delaney Laila Delman ’03 Adam & Lindsay Brown ’98 DeMaestri Kathrine Demaree Lisa DeMotta Casey & Danielle Najmeh ’01 Dennison Felicitas Depante Bianca DeRose ’05 Shrinivas & Priya Deshpande Mariavalavan Savarimuthu & Mariaraji Devid Mark & Renee Dewhirst Rajiv Sharma & Monica Dhamija Nirav & Swetal Dharia Venu & Kalpana Dharmapuri Russell & Sandi di Bari Sandra Di Vita Roberto Leon & Dominga Diaz Joel & Monica Dibble Ken & Kristin Monahan ’72 Dickens Shaun & Alyssa Dickey Clement & Cathy Dickey Matt & Gretchen Nicoletti ’83 DiNapoli J. Philip & Jennifer DiNapoli Rick & Julie Kenter ’74 DiNapoli Kien Do & Mynna Dinh Paul & Marilyn Dion John & Anne DiPalermo Jennifer Barnes ’82 Dirking Leonard & Lyn Distaso Frank Throckmorton & Becky Divinski Jennifer DiVittorio ’09 Anand & Anitha Dixit

Dong Nguyenphan & Hien Do Fred Tan & Tuuyen Do Christine Doblar John & Thea Dolan Chris & Anne Dominion Mark & Mari Donnelly David & Linda Doolin Simplicio Gabriel & Bigildis Dosdos Tobin & Lisa Douglas Michael & Victoria Dove John & Sheila Dowd Dave & Kathy Downing Teresa Downing ’83 Sharon Drake Shyam & Makiko Duo Thomas & Pauline Gowen ’81 Duffy Sameer Goyal & Smita Dugar John & Lori Mazzuca ’78 Duggan Nicholas & Helen Dunn Victoria Dupuy Lori Campanella ’91 Durand Stewart Logie & Julie Dutton-Logie Keith & Andrea Duwel John & Kazuko Eames Claire Edson ’19 Scott & Julie Edson Romeo & Emma Edusada Richard & Heidi Knapp ’88 Egelston Benjamin & Melissa Egge Hugo Ehuan & Mary Ehuan-Robbins Konstantinos & Agape Eleftheriadis Kathleen Brust ’88 Ellis Rylie Ellis ’14 Augustus & Elizabeth Elmer Sean & Dana Doolin ’03 Emadzadeh Christopher & Cheryl Revels ’84 Engelstad Edward & Kelly Hartigan ’89 Engler Abigail Enney ’22 Ed & Dora Enos Bernardo & Brenda Enriquez Robert & Michelle Eramo Stephanie Eramo ’14 Mark Escobar Anthony & Sherri Escobar Octavio & Julie Espinoza Paul & Missy Estrade Rob & Kristina Arvay ’84 Evans Richard & Caroline Every Raghu Kidambi & Lavanya Eyyuni Josh & Gina Fagin Rosemary Fancher Neil & Patsy Fanoe Alessandro & Pamela Fasan Joseph Zenk & Mary Fay-Zenk Barbara Ferguson Dania Fermin Sammy & Carmelita Fernandez

Dennis & Sandra Fernandez Mark & Cathy Ferrari Jeffrey & Dina Ferrari Stephen & Joan Ferrari Steve & Misty Ferrari Rick & Molly Fezell Robert & Elizabeth Fickett Amy Fields John Figini Gary Filizetti Werner & Annette Finsterbusch Wendell & Ginger Fiock Elise Fisher ’09 James Mulholland & Barbara Fitzgerald ’78 Donald & Katherine Fitzpatrick Ann Fitzsimons Christopher & Sheila Flanagan Theresa Flanagan ’01 Marion Flandrena John & Mary Flatley Sheri Fliss Chuck & Debi McMahon ’87 Flora Jordyn Flora ’18 Edgar Paz-Martinez & Norma Flores Jerry & Linda Floyd Mike & Kerry Cronin ’87 Flynn Jeffrey Dobbek & Ingrid Foerster Fabiano & Beth Fontana David & Dianne Foote Paul Phipps & Jami Ford Jason & Jennifer Ford Steve & Cynthia Ford ’86 Pustelnik Ann Marie Fors Brian Fox Dennis Fox Michael & Mary Ellen Fox, Sr. Stephen & Karen Franchetti Richard & Marnie Francisco Noel & Teena Francisco Diana Franco Grace Franklin ’22 Andy & Tina Franklin Mark & Grace Franz Bill & Karen Frederick John & Carole Freitas John Freitas Omar Khan & Natawnee Fritz ’02 Tom Pereira & Yvette Frojelin ’86 Jianfei Xu & Jing Fu Briana Fujii ’11 Bryan & Patricia Fujii Michael & Arlene Fukawa Chris & Leslie Funk Julia Fuqua ’17 Peter & Lisa Gray ’87 Fuqua SPRING 2019 | 37

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Olivia Fuqua ’14 Catherine Furtado ’06 Barry & Linda Furtado Andrew & Karen Gabudao Rajesh & Shilpa Gadre Stephen & Kelly Callan ’91 Gaffaney Kamaldeep & Harjit Gala Jeff & Laurie Galdes Olivier Galgani Cal & Deirdre Gallagher Nicole Gallagher Paul & Maricela Gallarate Laurel Galli Nick & Kristen Gallis Ed & Diana Galvan Christopher & Audrey Galy Ron & Elena Becerra ’84 Garald Christina Fujii ’93 Garcia Pablo Escobedo & Lorena Garcia Antonio Fontan & Marianela Garcia Federico & Sandra Garcia Ramiro & Tinamarie Garcia Brandon Garrett Cassidy Garrett ’14 Parker Garrett Alejandro & Isela Gasca Myra Gasmin ’03 Prateek & Vandana Gattani Gerald & Christina Gavin David & Mary Genochio Paul & Barbara Gentzkow Joe & Silvana Gentzkow Courtney George ’07 Bert & Cyndie George Michael & Carrie Georgette Ilian & Katherine Georgiev Steve & Linda Gera Francis & Nerissa Gerodias Sunondo & Moni Ghosh Ernie & Marcia Giachetti Gary & Sue Giannini Jennifer Javernick ’00 Giese Joe & Christine Gigantino Walter Gil Kevin & Lisa Gilday Jacqueline Gill ’12 Kristin Gill ’15 Dana & Michele Gill Timothy & Sondra Gill Gregory & Kim Gillas Bob Gionfriddo Rick & Terry Giorgetti Tracy Giorgetti ’92 Penny Giovanetti ’69 Vishwajeet & Panna Girase Eric & Robin Goffney Tom & Lynn Golbetz Shravan & Nivedita Goli 38 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

Pauline Golitz Jenna Gomes ’18 Nicole Gomes ’10 Joe & Sherri Gomes Lydia Gomez Patricia Gomez Jennifer Gong ’06 Elizabeth Gong-Landess Sharon Gonzales Gonzalo & Carmen Gonzalez Martin Lopez & Libier Gonzalez Glenn & Nancy Gonzalez Kristen Good Paul Goodison Sandhya Gopalakrishnan Scott & Melissa Gorin Todd & Renee Gorth Thomas & Debbie Gorton Matthew & Jennifer Gotshall Bon & Ann Gotuaco Michael & Julia Gowen Srini & Thili Gowthaman Shanon Grannis Hans Granqvist Lloyd & Lenore Grant Kirk & Elizabeth Grasmeder ’80 Smith Jeffery & Romy Grau Dana & Sabina Grau J. Scott Walker & Stacie Gray-Walker Alexander & Gordana Grbic Jeffrey Powers & Sue Greathouse Shaina Greenberg ’18 John & Sue Salamida ’85 Greene David & Karri Greenfield Mike & Lorraine Greenwood Gary & Jennifer Grellman David & Judith Gremer Richard & Marlaine Griffin Merrill & Elizabeth Grim Tony & Leticia Grizelj Dennis & North Grueskin Rick & Sue Miner ’83 Guarino Peter & Chinh Guastaferro Shyam Pabbathi & Sunitha Gubba Mike & Jane Guerra Jose & Rosa Guerrero Michael & Carolyn Guido Dale & Marti Guidoux Paul & Diana Gunsky Vivek & Preeti Gupta Anil & Mini Guptan Steve & Patricia Gustafson B. Spencer & Joan Schlichting ’79 Guthrie Alonso Ochoa & Elva Gutierrez Mario & Jenna Morris ’03 Gutierrez Paul & Megan Gutierrez Si Gutierrez

Joe & Rosella Guttadauro Mike & Kathy Gutto Susan Haag Mia Habib ’18 Elie & Rosie Nijmeh ’86 Habib Joel & Vicki Hagberg Molly Haggerty ’05 Andrew & Pat Haines Arman Garakani & Jennifer Hall Craig & JoAnn Hall Jordyn Hall ’18 Mike & Arlene Hamacher Butch & Kim Hamann Jennifer Miller ’09 Hamilton Kun Zhang & Guiying Han Benjamin & Vanessa Dove ’02 Hancock Linda Hand ’78 Kenny & Judy Handkammer Peter & Claire Hansen Michael & Kristen Hansen John & Michelle Hansen Richard Brown & Carlee Harder-Brown Anthony & Esther Hare Debbie Hargadon Grace Hargadon ’14 Kathryn Hargadon ’09 Patricia Harrington Donnie & Leslie Harris Lisa Small ’87 Harrison Michael & Julie Salamida ’83 Hartley Jonathan & Gigi Harvey Roberta Head Rosemarie Healy Evan Heath ’18 Gail Hehir Bill & Barbara Heil Jeff Heimburger Lauren Heine ’20 David & Nancy Heine John Heinlein Tom & Mary Colla ’79 Helmers David & Carolyn Helms Mark & Kelly Alves ’93 Helsing Jason & Shannon Gilligan ’84 Hemphill Timothy & Beth Henderson William & Eileen Hennessey Kurt & Terri Henry Mani & Gloria Hernandez John & Kimberley Hernandez Ramon & Maria Hernandez Victor & Maria Hernandez Cheryl Heron Bruce & Lilo Heron Ralph & Popi Heron Christopher & Joanna Hersey

Mark & Kristine Hidde Scott & Jill Higgins Aaron & Bonnie Higley Rocky & Aurelia Hill Richard & Lynn Hillebrecht Wayne & Andrea Hineman Ralph Hipps William & Marietta Hipskind Linda Delaney ’71 Hitchcock Fredrick & Grace Ho Binh Hoang & Hoainam Ho Debra Faraone ’68 Hodges Susan Hoelzer John & Debra Hoffman David & Kathleen Hoie Kevin & Danielle Lezotte ’03 Holman Michael & Bree Holmboe Ellen Bezore ’77 Holmes Kathy O’Donnell ’77 Holmes Pete & Suzanne Sawochka ’84 Hooper Rubaiyat & Jennifer Hossain Barry & Maggie Howard ’73 Hottle Ken & Irene Howell Robert & Karen Howell Fan Ni & Bin Hu Yung-Wen Wu & Micky Huang Kevin & Susan Huber Alison LaVelle ’07 Hudson Emily Hudson Matthew Navarro & Cirenia Huerta Patrick & Mieko Huet Douglas & Diane Hughes Christopher & Julie Molinari ’86 Hughes Prys & Tracy Hughes Mike Hugil Bill Gisvold & Kathy Hull Mark White & Jennifer Hunt ’90 Sally Hunt Stephen & Kristine Keifer ’68 Huntsman Jo-Anne Hurlston Michael & Joelle Hurlston Robert & Amy Hurst Lara Hussain John & Elisabeth Russo ’03 Hutchinson Andrea Iaconis ’08 Phil & JoAnn Iatomase Marina Iatomase ’10 Richard & Ingegerd Ibarra Michael & Katja Iburg Janos Veres & Adriana Ifanger Medeiros

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Hank Imwalle Roberto & Lorena Iniguez Sonny & Anu Injaty Jorge & Beatriz Iorgulescu Lionel & Sharon Iorgulescu Gerald & Sheryl Ireland Melbert & Erlinda Ismael Hideki & Atsuko Itakura David & Maria Pilar Ivanov Ramesh Sundararaman & Vijaya Iyer Michael Jablo Hugh & Cecilia O’Brien ’84 Jackson Eleanor Jackson Layne Jacobs ’06 Rachel Jacobson ’18 Winston & Katie Fanoe ’83 Jaeb Megan Jaeb ’16 Isabel Jaffer ’18 David & Johanna Jaffer Jaganathan Eswaran & Subha Jaganathan Aswini Chowdappa & Priya Jagasia Vimalaraj Rajagopal & Meenakshi Jain Pramod Gupta & Shaloo Jain Emil Jakovcevic Subhah & Rajeshwary Jaldu William & Cheryl James Rick & Jenny James Michael & Sue James Jeff Long & Jocelyn Jamir-Long Vijay & Sandya Janapaty Colin & Carol Jaques Warren & Cheryl Jaques Paul & Jacqueline Jarvis Clif & Julie Ferrari ’76 Jarvis Zorianna Jarymowycz Dragan & Cathy Jelic Gianna Jelic ’18 Virginia Bynum ’93 Jennings William Jennings Nic & Julie Oreglia ’05 Jensen Jeff & Tonia Jetel Brian & Winnie Jeung Skylar Jimenez ’18 Stephany Jimenez ’18 Jeff & Ann Johnson Mark & Mary Taft ’79 Johnson John & Olena Johnson Paula Johnson William Lee & Andrea Johnson-Lee Troy & Kara Jones Char Jorgensen Alexander & Terresa Jorgensen Danica Joseph ’86 Suhas & Jayanti Joshi Debbie Madden ’72 Judd Eric Prior & Valerie Junger Manish & Deepa Kackar

Jennifer Kaefer ’02 Sam & Betsy Fanoe ’84 Kais Cassidy Kais ’16 Jack Kaiser Lynn Kaiser Prasada Vankayalapati & Mamatha Kambhampati Jonathon Johnson & Jenna Kammann Kathleen Kammann Matthew & Pauline Kanter Salil & Reeti Kapoor Arun Gopalakrishnan & Shanthi Karunakaran Demetrios & Anthie Chatzis ’95 Karvounis Karl Jacobson & Katherine Kasolas-Jacobson Vinod & Vidya Kasturi Rajvinder Klair & Amarjeet Kaur Dhanjit Dhillon & Jagdeep Kaur Paul & Darina Kavanagh Lance & Melanie Kawata Thomas & Paula Mulcahy ’78 Keane Daniel & Lelanya Black ’90 Kearns Beth Keifer ’69 Katie Keifer ’14 Mary Keifer* Catherine Keller Catherine Gowen ’85 Kelliher Scott & AnnMarie Novak ’90 Kelly Casey Kelly Kevin & Chris Kelly Jeff Kelly John & Kris Giannini ’83 Kelly Laurie Kelm Jim & Wendy Kennedy Mark & Andrea Kenter Rodney Kerley Richard & Mary Kerslake Arthur Boudeville & Natalie Kessler Vivek & Puja Khandelwal Ray & Shari Khasrovi Sanjay & Jaya Khera Wilbert van de Pieterman & Katie Khera Guatam & Ruby Khera Madhava & Sowjanya Kidambi Bill & Sue Kiely Michael & Leticia Kihmm Kurt Kuhlmann & Oggie Kim Dongman & Taeyoung Kim James Kirwan Giana Kischmischian ’14 Ken & Virginia Kissane Frank & Mary Kobsa ’78 Kline Timothy Riener & Valerie Knafelc-Riener Douglas & Rebecca Knapp

Samantha Knapp ’18 Samantha Knapp ’21 Russell & Veronica Knittel Michael & Tina Kobetsky Raul Martin & Dolly Kochhar Jim & Anne Koepf Jim & Regina Koepf Alexander Rubinchik & Lidiya Kolomeyevskaya Matt & Tara Komar Jack & Virginia Komar Yuri Feinberg & Yulia Korobko Shankar Muthan & Priya Kothandaraman Lissa Kreisler-Whelan Katherine Riley ’97 Krilanovich Venkat Thanvantri & Bhuvana Krishnamurthy Ned & Lana Krtolica Alex Krukov & Ilona Krukova James & Joan Kuczma Dominick & Kelly Wulftange ’84 Kulers Shridhar & Andrea Kulkarni Amol & Shruti Kulkarni Arivalgan Angusamy & Swarna Kumar Raju Varghese & Neeba Kurian Austin & Jeannette Kyles Bob & Heather La France Julie Labosky Thomas & Georgia Ladd Dianne Lagana ’69 Roop & Lynn Lakkaraju Nij Dorairaj & Subbu Lakshmi Con Phan & Tien Lam Joseph & Nicole Lamano Patricia Lambert Fred Leonard & Gaye Landau-Leonard Robert & Barbara Lang Karen Langeman Kathleen Langlais ’15 Faith Langlois-Dul John & Jennifer Lapava Casey Larson ’07 Jacquelyn Larson ’02 Karen Ruiz ’77 Larson Kelly Larson ’09 Donald & Sue Larson Jonathan & Theresa Latchford Grace Lattyak ’99 Dennis & Mary Laughlin Eric & Tricia Buelna ’89 Launder Joanne Laus David & Janice LaVelle Christopher & Madeleine Layam Jack & Deirdre Lazar Benny Lazaro Felicito & Mary Rose Lazaro

Andrew Ngo & Katie Le Quynn Le Patrick & Robin Leahey David & Carolyn LeBaron David Hathaway & Danielle LeBaron ’99 Clyde & Ivana LeBaron Kathryn LeBaron ’18 Andrew & Aileen Lee Jeff & Christina Roddick ’00 Lee Theresa Wilson ’07 Lee Yvonne Lee Todd & Eileen Leffler Sydney Leffler ’18 Allan & Denise Sortino ’68 Lehman Harry Lee & Debbie Lehr-Lee Larry & Chris Leikind Mark & Cindy Lemma Dave & Katy Lemon Carol Lenherr Scott & Jackie Leonard Kelly Leonard ’18 Mark & Susan Leonard Martin & Jennifer Lepird Gail Leslie Gerald & Denise Leto Eric & Anna Leung Stephanie Leupp ‘98 Michael & Cecilia Carranza ’79 Lewis Daniel & Mary Zimmer ’69 Lezotte Frank Lico Michael Furlong & Kara Liebig Tom & Kara Ligda Gregory & Kimberly Lind Eric & Kathy Pivk ’90 Lindblom Geddy Ly & Felisha Lindsey Sridhar & Rama Lingam Richard & Karen Linthicum Wei Wang & Hong Liu Mike & Gina Bouska ’96 Livingston Nick & Lauren Anderson ’07 Llanos Morgan Locke ’12 Taylor Locke ’13 Mark Scheig & TJ Locke Samantha LoCurto Olergario Sanchez & Faviola Loera Sunil Frida & Kerry Loftus Ron & Betty Lohbeck Mark Lohbeck* Sharon Lohbeck Michael & Cathie Klose ’74 Lohr Vijay & Leela Lolabattu WINTER SPRING 2019 2017 | 39

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Brian Geddie & Aimee Longinetti ’94 Adam Greer & Elena Longinetti ’00 Bob & Sally DiSalvo ’66 Longinetti Joseph & Maureen Longwello Aldo Maresca & Barbara Lonsbury Jennifer Look Raul Flores Andrew & Basilisa Antonia Lopez Bernard Lopez Jose & Catherine Lopez Rudy & Christina Lopez John & Jo Lopez Horacio & Karla Lopez Sophia Lopez ‘18 Andrew & Jill Lore Patrick Lorenzo Michael & Sandra Lorion Steven & Janet Love Brice & Erica Lovett Hayley Lovgren Brigid Lowney ’15 Stephen & Catherine Lowney Mary Lowney ’17 Arthur & Stephanie Lucchesi Michael & Patricia Lum Art & Agnieszka Lund James & Sheila Lunny Larry & Kristina Luscher James & Kelly Lynch Kristin Lynch ’18 John Roncoroni & Sharon Lynch ’76 Jared Lyon Mary Lyons Gary & Beth Maasberg Robert Burd & Cheryl Macaraeg Christopher & Jane MacArt Alex & Judi Jeffrey ’79 MacDonell John Donovan & Jean MacDougall ’90 Don & Joanne MacDougall Patty Podesta ’74 Machado Douglas & Cheri Machado ’81 Knapp George Henry & Danielle Macias Henry John & Karri MacInnis Laura MacKenzie Mary MacLellan ’00 Kaitlyn Madden ’06 Pat & Sue Stair ’75 Madden Lou & Haydee Madrid Loc Tran & Michelle Madrid Andrea Mantovani & Wendy Madrid Mantovani Joe & Anne Madruga Steve & Vickie Maggetti Bob & Ellen Maguire Fred & Holly Maguire Paul & Maureen Mahoney Stephen & Patricia Maier 40 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

George & Lisa Maillo Jim & Gretchen Mair Roy & Stephanie Malatesta Stacey Mallison Edward & Mary Malysz Rossanno & Anna Dee Manalad Ferdinand & Kathleen Manalili Nicola Manalili ’21 Max & Kathy Mancini Gurupada & Sutapa Mandal Salvatore & Jenny Mandracchia Nina Mandracchia ’14 Stephanie Maniglia ’12 Michael & Vicki Maniglia Laurelle Manriquez-Flores ’18 James & Erin Matalone ’79 Mansuetto Jose & Ana Mantovani Murali & Uma Mantravadi Ford Ellis & Barbara Marchini-Ellis Richard Siewit & Gina Marciano-Siewit Jim & Josiane Mariscal Dan & Geri Abaya ’86 Markey Neil & Pamela Marks Michael & Sharon Firato ’70 Marlatt Tom & Claire Martell Jose & Aida Martin William & Caroline Martin Christopher & Danielle Wulftange ’87 Martin Elizabeth Martin ’18 Jeffrey Martin Andrea Mackenzie & Jenni Martin David & Keli Martin Joe & Celeste Melehan Candace Martinez ’09 Debra Martinez Danny & Dolores Martinez Irvin & Rebecca Martinez Randall & Cynthia Martino Shirlie Marymee ’69 Gary & Becky Mason Caitlin Matalone ’03 Georganne Fulhorst ’83 Matarangas Bruce & Brita Matesso Russ & Phyllis Matesso Sam & Shiney Mathew Ajit & Jiji Mathews Tony & Pat Mathios Ralph & Malena Matlack Richard & Debbie Mattiello David & Regina Murphy ’83 Maurantonio Shirley Mazolewski Lowell & Susan Mazon Lauren Nigh ’09 McAlpine Ryan & Christina Whelan ’07 McBride Sean & Dawn Guerreiro ’90 McCale Abigail McCarthy ’18

Cathy McCarthy Michael & Molly McCarthy Emmet & Suzanne McCarthy Rebecca White ’04 McCarty Kaia McCaul ’19 Kiana McCaul ’17 Jonathan & Suzy McCaul Angelina Downing ’96 McClellan Kevin & Lynn McConnell Ben & Kaecey Smith ’95 McCormick Patrick & Mary McCullough John & Deanna McDowell Robert Barnett & Adriane McFetridge Butch & Jennifer McGrew Harlan & Lisa Normandin ’77 McHugh Bridget McKay ’70 Anthony & Elizabeth Lappin ’88 McKenzie Kirk & Cindy Kelley ’85 McKim Michael & Christine McKinley Michael & Jennifer McLane Frank & Diane McLaughlin Adele McLean Jim & Marilyn McMahon Ryann McManus ’18 Jane Kuczma ’80 McMinn Gordon & Anne Marie Freeman ’89 McNeill Michael & Catherine Medal Danielle Medeiros ’09 Matt & Ellen Medeiros Tom & Carole Medica Shanawaz Kareem & Jabeen Mehar Valerie Mein Dennis & Cindy Meister Kathryn Meister ’09 Jim & Trish Melehan Matthew & Claire Newton ’96 Mellin Lorenzo & Deirdre Mellon-Reyes Steven & Cheri Mendoza Elizabeth Mendoza ’18 Jose & Frances Mendoza Tony & Raquel Carranza ’88 Mendoza Sreeharsha Gadagkar & Sheila Menezes Joanne Meninger Martin & Becky Menne Bridget Menne ’17 Kate Menne ’14 Mallory Menne ’17 Virginia Meraza-Santos Ernesto & Denise Mercado Sophia Mercado ’18 Alvin Mesita Steven & Michelle Mesita Tom & Cathy Messier Phil & Patti Micciche Alisa Michel ’18

Philippe & Desiree Michel Anne Middleton ’67 Jim & Susan Ferrari ’86 Mikacich Joanne Milani Michael & Stephanie Milburn Kenneth & Charlotte Miller Nat Maple & Kerry Miller John & Laura Miller Marti Miller Mary Miller ’72 Kurt & Seline Miller Steve & Anne Milligan Lewis & Lorene Milligan Shawn & Nancy Milligan Candi Milo ’78 Rita Minnis Alwyn & Anita Miranda Stephen Houlihan & Marlene Mirassou ’66 Suman & Alpana Mishra James & Eileen Barrett ’67 Mitchell Pat & Tracy Mitchell Melissa Piker ’86 Mocker James Delgrosso & Carolyne Moe Anthony & Gina Yacoub ’04 Mogannam Isabel Mohammadi-Hall ’18 Manas Saksena & Roli Mohan Louis & Terri Molinaro Anthony & Elizabeth Montalbano Abelardo & Maria Montes Abigail Montgomery ’18 John & Gillian Montgomery Philip & Carolyn Moore Leigh Ann Moore Robledo Michael & Karen Morgan Nicole Morgan ’18 Steve & Trish Morgan Remi & Josephine Morlé Craig & Emily Morris Janice Morris Jeremy Morris Wayne & Joanne Morris Michelle Morris Steve & Becky Morrisey Hai Wu & Xuemei Mou Rick & Kim Josefson ’83 Moyano Luc Moyen & Jennifer Moyen-Logan Christine Muduryan Michael & Kimberly Mulcahy Michael & Lynn Betando ’81 Mulhern Ravi & Padma Mullapudi Marielle Mulligan Jeffery & Jeanne Mullins Archibald & Claudia Munce Eduardo Lopez & Araceli Munoz

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Derek & Joyce Munoz Carlos & Laurie Munoz Neeraj Purandare & Madhuri Murnal Michael Acks & Ane Murphy Daniel Dwyer & Diana Murphy Mary Murphy ’80 Patrick & Charlene Murray Charlie & Liza Murray Dayanand & Sushma Murthy Richard & Jennifer Muscha Madison Musladin ’18 Carson Myers ’17 Dan & Paula Myers Jerome & Judy Nadler Gene & Diane Nakamura Wade & Tracy Nakamura Ramakrishna Chilukuri & Venkataramana Nalluri Andy & Lea Namba Rob & Anne Naragon Arvind Vasan & Sangeeta Narayanan Michael & Tracy Nashner Jagbir & Pam Natt Stephanie Navarrette Umesh & Ashwini Nawathe Constantino Lara & Vidalina Necochea Eric & Alicia Nequist Lilly Ngo ’16 Peter Dinh & Patricia Ngo Dean & Anhtuyet Nguyen Andrew Ton & Chau Nguyen Jiann Wang & Hang Nguyen Hien Nguyen Gordon Jackson & Lan Nguyen An & Linh Nguyen Loc & Linh Nguyen Chan Sokha Ong & Linh Nguyen Mario Ventura Aguilar & Mayra Nguyen Ngoc Nguyen Long & Phuong Nguyen Tuan Tran & Thuy Nguyen Loc & Trinh Nguyen Tuyet Nguyen Peter & Xuan Huong Nguyen Dinh & Yen Nguyen David Nickel Chris & Tracey Nicol Murthy Jayanthi & Hari Nidumolu Mimi Niemiller ’77 Ramsey & Nahla Nijmeh Julian & Martha Nino Robert & Erna Nishime Michael Ngo & Chrisan Nisio Richard & Sue Noack Albert & Celarin Nobal

Giridhar Chodavarapu & Madhavi Nori Mark & Julie Normandin Paul & Lisa Normandin Lon & Peggy Normandin Antonio Llabres & Germaine Nory Patrick Crema & Rhonda Nourse Donald & Michele Novotney Bill & Judy Noyes David Valenzuela & Maria Nunez Sam Polverino & Shivaun Nurre Kathleen Nygard Dan Shafer & Maggi Oberson Thomas & Siobhan Ippolito ’91 O’Byrne David & Sonia Ocampo Yazmine Ocampo ’18 Kim Rademakers ’86 Odgers Thomas Grubb & Gwyne O’Dwyer Peggy O’Halloran Cassidy & Lisa Bonnici ’85 O’Hara Peter & Michelle O’Hara Peyton O’Hara ’18 Stephen O’Hara Tim & Julia O’Keefe Kara O’Keefe ’90 Ken & Linda Okenquist Carolyn Olsen Kehinde & Josephine Olugbode Rod & Michelle LoMonaco ’70 O’Neal Alice O’Neill Cesar Virgen & Katia Ordaz Kelley Oreglia ’07 Darryl Wong & Rachelle Orosa Sophia Ortiz Michael & Audrey Osler Terry & Shirley Ota Daniel & Melanie Ovanezian Jim & Colleen Gavin ’86 Oys David Ross & Eleonore Pace Steve & Karen Pace Marina Pace Charles & Joan Packer Swaminathan Ramany & Ranjani Padmanabhan John & Shelly Paiva Mridul & Mallika Pal Sreekanth & Indrajanti Pallikala Rachael Palmisano Dileep & Priya Panjwani Chuck & Janie Paone Michael & Paula Parish Mary Ann Freeman ’66 Parker George & Deborah Parkinson Marc & Linda Parkinson Larry & Anne Parks Lucy Parks ’17 Meryl Parks ’13 Kirk & Jill Parrish

Teresa Harrington ’01 Partridge David & Kathy Pasek Paul & Monica Pashby Angela Pasquinelli ’94 Bob Pasquinelli Daniel & Julie Passalacqua Katherine Passalacqua ’01 Courtney Pastega ’18 Robert & Tisha Pastega Prakash & Bina Patel Hemil & Hemal Patel Devesh & Shital Patel Akash & Twinkle Patnaik Paul & Elizabeth Patterson Josh & Meghann Paul Rahul Yadav & Vasundhara Pawar Graciana Paxton ’20 Kamran & Lisa Pazdel John & Marnie Gannon ’88 Pearl Noel & Eugenia Pearman Greg & Stephanie Pedone Sergio & Sandra Pelino John & Cindy Pena Colin & Christabel Pereira Antonio & Teresa Pereira Myron & Marina Peskar Irene Pestana Linda Pestana Heidi Peters John & Jill Fiscalini ’79 Peters Mark & Kathleen Peters Lynn Peters Polly Peters Kevin & Melanie Peyton Angelina Pfahnl ’97 Robert & Judy Pfahnl Joe & Linda Bruni ’67 Pfahnl Bill & Linda DeMattei ’71 Pfeiffer Nghiem Bui & Hang Pham Alan Tran & Lina Pham Binh Nguyen & Trang Pham Michael & Lisa Picazo Lucille Piczon Peter Mullen & Karen Pike Ron Pine Lauren Pinheiro ’09 John & Susan Pinheiro David & Diane Pinn Kathy Pinna Panchanadham Talasila & Malathi Pinnamaneni Anna Piskun ’18 Vadim & Yelena Piskun Eleanor Pitts Anthony Davis & Kimberly Pitts-Davis Ron & Diane Piziali Clement & Amy Po Steve & Carol Lucia ’73 Poizner

Scott & Megan Polhemus Joanne Polverino ’69 Gregory & Danielle Poncetta Linda Poncetta Frank & Ann Ponikvar Michael & Vicki Pope Nick & Liliana Poppen Nick & Terri Possley Douglas & Lisa Post Michael & Sakunrat Powers Nagendra Prahalad & Chitra Prabhakara Marisella Prada ’00 Samita Pradhan Saji Nair & Binitha Prasad Madhu Sudan & Suman Prasad Sudhir & Vishakha Prasad Patrick & Kimberly Premo Daryl Monk & Nanci Price Monk Vince Prietto & Laura Johnston John Prindiville Carol Prodis Michael & Stacy Proost Susan Proost Andrew & Mary Prunicki Ty Quach Ellen Quinlan ’15 Ahmed Shoeb & Jacintha Quinny Nick & Jennifer Giachetti ’94 Raby Vamsi & Parthavi Rachapudi Kelly Rainey Charlene Rusciano ’73 Raisch Heidi Ralston Jesse & Nicole Chubb ’01 Ralston Maria Brunetti ’86 Ramacciotti Krish & Padma Ramakrishnan Sridharan Arunachalam & Sharmila Ramamurthy Satheesh Kuppurao & Vasudha Ramanarasiah Aparna Ramani Jose Olivares & Lucia Ramirez Joseph & Mary Ann Ramirez Renee Ramirez ’05 Casalegno Hamdan Fayad & Amal Ramlaoui Richard & Maria Randazzo Manish Kumar & Shikha Rani Mary Schlichting ’78 Rank Jack & Chantal Rankowicz David & Dianna Rao Joe & Marti Rao Sridhar Ramakrishna & Shweta Rao Suraj & Supriya Rao Sudhir Kasargod & Veena Rao Eric Buell & Sherrie Raposa Richard & Kristin Ravizza Marcy Ray Raul Reynaga & Sarai Raya SPRING 2019 | 41

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Celina Mogan ’09 Rebboah Hans & Kathy Rechenmacher Maureen Redmond Robert & Tomoko Regan Bradley & Laura Reigel Scott & Sangeeta Reimert Carlos & Liduina Reis Rachel Remy Sean & Maria Renner Lucy Renwick Nino & Jackie McCall ’92 Repetti Kenneth & Allison Alongi ’96 Resz Mark & Cindy Reuter Jim Revels Ron & Fran Reynolds David & Paula Berry ’89 Reynolds Beau & Beth Gutto ’99 Rhodes Douglas & Cheryl Rice Neil McCarthy & Suzanne Rice Jenny Downing ’86 Rich Adriana Rico Eddie & Mary Beth Basile ’95 Ring Jessica Nichols ’01 Ringsred Chris & Sherry Riordan Jillian Ritchie ’18 John & Marilyn Ritchie Megan Ritchie ’16 Ernesto Bejarano & Yesenia Rivas-Bejarano Shellsy Rizo ’16 Mark & Dana Rizzo Bill & Christine Robbins Richard & Susan Robbins Nichole Stephenson ’01 Robertson Harry & Noreen Robertson Salvador & Elva Robles Linda Robles Miguel & Kimberley Rocha Richard & Smita Rodrigues Dan & Caroline Rodriguez Marie Gutto ‘01 Rodriguez Nelson & MaryLynne Rodriguez William & Karin Roeschlein Paul Roland Fernando & Marjorie Roldan Kerrie Romanow Stephanie Schiro ’79 Ronco Sean & Denise Rooney Harold Schapelhouman & Lada Rosandich Jenna Saso ’09 Rosati Michael & Amy Rose Barbara Rose Anna Roselli Kathy Rosendin ’75 Deanna Rosenthal Gene & Diane Fiock ’94 Rosenthal Sonia Rossi 42 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

Anna Roth ’17 Bill Roth Emma Roth ’13 Mary Roth Steve & Patti Rottjakob Magelli & Esperanza Roxas Jerry & Gloria Ruggiero Fiacro & Maria Ruiz William & Olga Rumpf Michael & Julie Ruppert Samantha Ruppert ’18 Jim & Christine Shyba ’67 Russell Paul & Haik Russell Ana Maria Bruni ’77 Russo Dan & Linda Russo Marisa Baglione ’95 Russo Jeff & Norene Rusteen Missy Ryan John & Wendy Ryan Greg & Mary Fiock ’98 Saca Glenn & Kathryn Sager Nancy Sager Anthony & Cynthia Saglimbeni Gina Saglimbeni ’18 Patricia Mullin ’47 Sahadi (Berkeley) Aarushi Sahejpal ’18 Neeraj & Bala Sahejpal Mark & Flora Salcedo Susana Salcedo Matt Saldivar Masoud Bashi & Mahnoosh Samani Dean & Elizabeth Samara-Rubio Armando & Maria Sanchez Cheryl Sandall Deborah Piker ’85 Sanders Kuldeep & Rita Sandhu Sarbjit Sandhu Sareen Sandhu ’10 Grace Sanfilippo Donald Paxton & Angelena Sanfilippo Paxton Ragutam Bommareddy & Jayasri Sangu Mehrdad Rezvany & Farah Sani Senthil Arunachalam & Sree Sankar Richard Fruin & Christine Santelli Dennis & Mariquit Santiago Brian & Rosemary Santor Jean-Pierre Santos Rick & Rebecca Santos Caroline Sarpolio Ed Sauceda Jean-Dominique & Cindi Savelli Nikhil Sohoni & Sapna Sawhney Mark & Susan Scalzo Neil & Briana di Bari ’01 Schachter Uwe & Michelle Schaefer Brooke Scheig ’21 Mark & Marge Scheitrum

Anthony & Carol Schiavone Shirlee DiNapoli Schiro Fred & Muriel Schlichting Robert & Renee Schmid Francis & Vera Schmidt Mark & Carole Schmitt Scott Henderson & Margaret Schneck ’83 Thomas & Patricia Schneck Casey & Kristin Cooke ’90 Schneider Marc & Lisa Imm ’92 Schonbrun Peggy Schrader Douglas & Danielle Schultz Robert & Joanne Geraci ’78 Schwartz Jeff Miller & Brooke Schwartz Miller Steve Kehayan & Annette Schweitzer John Seadler Ani Sedano ’17 Sophie Sedano ’15 Ameera Sedeek Scott & Deneen Sedlack Jessica Seifert ’06 Tricia Seivers Casey & Julia Ruiz ’98 Selfridge Mark & Jackie Sellers Ruel Sevilla Jayant Ramchandani & Dipita Shah Samit & Neha Shah Ashish & Purvi Shah Sujal & Purvi Shah Vimal Dodhia & Trusha Shah Greg & Andrea Shaheen ’94 Sehestedt Mahbub & Kishwar Shariff Suman & Archana Sharma Naresh Kumar & Sonica Sharma Steven & Jennifer Shaw Brooke & Kelly Shaw James & Peggy Cirone ’85 Shaw Darrin Stobaugh & Carie Shigemasa Thomas & Sue Shigemasa Alison Shikada ’16 Jun & Keiko Shinagawa Aritomo Shinozaki Jason Shires Traci Shiu ’18 Reza Moallemi & Hassti Shokrollahi Bill & Joanne Sholes Danielle Scofield ’99 Short David Lok & Helen Shum John & Ann Sichak Sridhar & Shyamala Sikha Peter & Teresa Silva Joe & Joanne Simas Rose Simon Marie Simoni ’09 Jim & Moira Simunovich Bryan Mekechuk & Jo-Anne Sinclair

Mitch Singer Raj & Melissa Singh Prafull & Shweta Singhal Praveen & Priyanka Sinha Manickavasagan Jayaraman & Dhanalakshmi Sivashamugam Christopher & Lori Hoskins ’83 Skotz Mary Skulich Stuart Slack Jeffrey & Nikki Sloan David & Leslie Smearden Rodney & Kathleen Smedt Michael & Adrienne Smith Ronald & Beth Smith Elizabeth Smith Gregory & MaryAnn Smith Maureen Smith ’83 Peter & Petra Smrdeli Roger & Dede Smullen Jeffrey & Leann Witherspoon ’07 Sobrato John M. & Timi Sobrato Will Mori & Mika Son Mauro & Eliane Sousa Weston & Tiffany Sousa Marcie Spano Ana Spear Stewart & Tara Speed Mike & Barbara Hefte ’74 Spencer Mattie Spillane Mary Alice Springborn Scott Springborn DeWitt & Elisa Springmeyer John & Barbara Squeri Pam Stair ’73 Kevin & Monica Stampfl Roy & Elaine Stanley Dave & Wendy Courtney ’87 Stanton Michael & Stacey Teague ’85 Stebbins Guy & Maria Steffens Gary & Pam Steinke David & Anne Cronin ’93 Stenseth Keith & Tricia Chico ’86 Stephens Phillip & Diana Morrisey ’00 Stewart Jim & Donna Stewart Mark Stewart Victoria Stewart Ed & Kathy Stocker Jim & Joan Stoelker Debra Stohlman Amanda Stone Diana Stott George & Sandi Stramback

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Karl-Heinz & Judi Strass Jon & Catherine Strauss Alois & Elizabeth Strnad Karen Strobach Patricia Stuart Marian Stuckey Jeffrey & Lisa Stump Greg & Christie Carrizosa ’86 Styer Jim & Theresa Suarez Sreeenivasan Balasubramanian & Shuba Subramaniam Rajesh & Jaya Subramanian Aravindan Ranganathan & Rathika Subramanian James & Charlene Suits Christopher & Julia Prodis ’81 Sulek Katie Sullivan ’14 Anthony & Cecilia Sullivan ’84 Powers Yvette Summers Sundaran Sambassivame & Ranjana Sundar Matt & Diana Sunseri Kiera Sunseri ’18 Vincent & Dina Sunzeri Sankaran & Jayasri Suresh Raghava Viswanathaiah & Mayura Suryanarayan William & Merrill Sutherland Michelle Swallow Andrew Swartz Anna Sweeney ’82 Crockett Joe & Cathie Swoboda Stephen & Michelle Szluk Long & Jena Ta Juliet Tablak Joan Taft Reza & Jane Taheri Mark & Marianne Sholes ’90 Taliaferro Robinson & Merofe Tamarra Bill Tamblyn Stuart Epstein & Camille Tang Doug & Carol Scilacci ’71 Tanner Delyna Tanzi Julia Saldana ’96 Tapia Sandy Tarango Emma Taylor ’18 Richard & Karen Taylor Mike & Lauri Taylor Donald & Nancy Boehner ’89 Taylor David & Sue Taylor II James & Ruth Teague Michael Trent & Angela Telerski Abraham Lemus & Isabel Tello John & Christina Temple Manish Mukherjee & Nupur Thakur Keith & Lori Tharp Milton & Angie Thomas John & Heidi Thomas

Gabriel & Sarah Thomas Sabrina Tian ’18 Thien Khong & Michelle Tieu Nicholas & Laura Tindall Brad & Mary Schneck ’87 Tips Stephen Kennedy & Guillermina Tiscareno-Kennedy Vu Pham & Thien-Huong To Richard & Mollie Tobias Alexander & Joanne Todd Chris & Cheryl Togami Rey & Maria Tolentino Jimmy & Shelley Tomasetti Leon & Margaret Sharon ’67 Torrey Zachary & Meredith Towner Minh & CamPhu Tran Rolando Suba & Dai Tran Phuong Nguyen & Hang Tran Nhan Le & Kim Huong Tran Vinh Lieu & Kimmy Tran Mr. Tuan Ha & Mrs. Kim-Nguyen Tran Thua & Mai Tran Quang Phung & My-Loan Tran Thuy Tran Vinh & Tina Tran Thuong Duong & Tram Anh Tran Minh Le & AnhThu Tran-Le Paul Pham & Hoa Trinh Hy Long & Kimberly Trinh Sunil & Shashi Tripathy John & Marcia Truswell Thomas Hau & Victoria Tsang ’89 Feng Tsao Dawit & Frewoini Tsegay Craig & Linda Tsukamoto Britany Tufnell ’05 Chris & Linda Turkstra Stephen & Christina Turner Connie Turner Michael & Julie Turner Megan Twiddy Ulaganathan Sriramulu & Nirubama Ulaganathan Oscar Diaz Infante & Maria Ulloa Rizal & Regina Ungerer Craig & Molly Urban Julian Solano & Marcela Uribe Alice Dewhirst ’78 Ursano James & Melissa Ursin Kazuya & Ilene Uyesugi Jeanette Vaccarello Pardhu & Shanti Vadlamudi Daniel & Maria Valcazar Jose Barrientos & Dora Valdes Barrientos Barbara Valdez Greg Valenzuela Gary & Janice Valenzuela

Ernesto Vallecilla Loren & Jill Van Huystee Kerry Greene ’69 Van Stockum Anthony Vanacore Sonia Varandani ’15 Allyson Vargas ’18 Alyssa Vargas ’09 David & Ana Paula Sousa ’85 Vargas Mario & Cheryl Vargas Roberto Luna & Margarita Vargas Jose & Nohora Vargas Rajesh & Rohini Vashist Ann Vaudagna ’74 Jim & Joey Vaudagna Lynn Vaudagna ’75 Gerardo Solis & Marisol Vazquez Hien Nguyen & Nicole Vecchi Miranda Velasco ’15 Marco De La Cruz & Maria Velazquez Lindsay Velez Daniel & Rinda Battu ’80 Veronda Timothy & Tara Veronda Stephen & Lisa Vierra Wesley & Marian Sinclair ’77 Viets Arvind Kamath & Divya Vijayaraghavan Javier & Margie Villarreal James & Richelle Villavert Arturo & Jeanne Villegas Sarah Vincent ’18 Andrew & Stacey Vincent Robert Fodor & Linda Vinopal Benedetto Nicosia & Nunzia Vitarelli ’92 Peter Lwin & Agnes Vitarini Guillaume & Stephanie Vives Quan Nguyen & Jacqueline Vo Nathan & Laurie Vogel Raymond Hayes & Karen Vogel Hayes Arnie & Maria von Massenhausen Mark & Cheryl vonAppen Sara vonDohren ’13 Toni vonDohren Dmitry & Susie Vosky Jesse & Katrina Votaw J. Michael & Montse Vroman Duc Nguyen & Hanh Vu Thuytien Vu Phuong & Tiviane Vu Dennis Wagner Pat & Monica Wahler Rochelle Walker ’08 Yvonne Carey ’83 Wall Gary & Tara Martines ’94 Wallichs Brian & Michelle Walsh Dennis & Nicole Arigoni ’89 Walsh Grant & Kimberly Walters Larry & Kathy Wan Wayne Cao & Alice Wang

Jordan Wang Tony Yu & Yeepeng Wang Bobbi Ward Colin & Angela Wardlaw Mark & Diane Warneke Jason & Jodi Washington Jason & Katherine Weaver Matthew & Katie Weaver Bradley & Danielle Webb Matthew & Raquel Wegner Michael Tian & Jackie Wei Jonathan & May-Ying Wei David & Sharon Weight Robert & Helene Weil Paul & Brenda Welles Scott & Theresa Taft ’86 Wells Judson & Amelie Glon ’95 Werner Kirk & Kara Westbrook Peter Krieg & Ina Wester-Krieg Sarah Westfall Brian & Danielle Wheatley ’80 Diana Wheatley ’67 Christian & Carrie Whitaker Ben & Dana Longinetti ’96 White Gianna White Madeline Whitney ’18 John & Maris Whitney Thomas & Jennifer Wilcox Howard Solovei & Belinda Wilder Solovei James Christman & Ladye Wilkinson Brandon & Ellen Bailey ’05 Williams Jack & Kay Williams Jeff & Shari Williams Jonathan & Elizabeth Williams ’88 MacArt Lynn Williamson ’87 Randy Reedy & Valerie Williamson Lori Williamson ’87 Carmody Dennis & Lyn Wills Connie Wilson Chris & Julia Wilson Mike & Margaret Wilson Ronald & Patty Link ’67 Winter Jeff & Soraya Winter Jon Witkin Gregory & Jennifer Fanoe ’82 Wolf Amy Wong ’02 Jimmy & Grace Wong Samuel & Trina Wong Karen Wood Michael & Beth Woyak Nathan & Melissa Wu Tainyule & Virginia Wu SPRING 2019 | 43

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Fernando Villamar & Wen Xing Madhukar Pawar & Vidula Yadav Elpidio & Lilia Yalong Jason & Janet Yamada Michael & Violet Yang Erich Tzou & Yi-Shan Yang Ralph Panella & Christine Yang-Panella Jon & Linda Yap Oscar Yatco Lizabeth Yee Pratap Chillakanti & Chaya Yerrapragada

Alpay & Kelly Yilmaz David Iacobacci & Mayumi Yoshida Gregory & Aili Yoshii Brian & Catherine Torres ’78 Yoshii Park & Amy Young Tony & Claudine Shum ’85 Young Charles & Caroline Yu Martin & Jean Yue Raghava Kondepudy & Xiaoyang Yun Anthony & Katherine O’Blennis ’00 Yvanovich Dimitrios & Penny Tsigaris ’95 Zafiris

Jason & Kerryann Zafiropoulo Richard & Barbara Zahner Paul & Corinne Zane Harris Hall & Nusheen Zarnegar Mehrdad Mavandad & Parinaz Zartoshty Jose & Fanny Zeledon Germaine Zenk Jennifer Zenk Jessica Zenk ‘97 Jaime & Laura Gutto ’04 Zepeda Daniel Selassie & Addis Zewdou David Taylor & Karen Zhang

Jian & Sandy Zhou David & Shauna Van Breen ’96 Zimmerman Barbara Zimmermann Iman Lalehparvar & Sonya Zimmermann ’81 Jeff & Donna Zontos Ron Zraick * deceased

PRESENTATION PLATINUM CLUB This recognition is bestowed upon donors whose gifts totaled $5,000 or more between Jan. 1, 2018 and Dec. 31, 2018 Manuel & Mari Alba Mark & Anne Andrews Anonymous Harvey & Nola Armstrong Al & Cathie Bacosa Gregory & Louise Baker Stephen & Elisa Robertson ’90 Baroni Maureen Basile (SF) Charles & Melissa Berger Tom & Janice Berthold Mike & Margie Blach Ken & Cathy Bliss Frank & Gayle Boitano Jeffrey & Donna Boss Anthony & Kristen Bowden Bridge Bank Joseph & Jennifer Burch Roger & Michele Burch Ron Cali Robert & Kate Chimenti Samuel & Liza Chuck Richard & Machell Silva ’83 Clark Michael & Erin Craig Richard & Diane Cristina Stephen Craig & Rebecca Cullen Paul & Susan Curtin Daughters of Charity Foundation Larry & Judy Ford ’78 Davis Bud & Wendy Davis Dolores Davison ’85 Mike Heffernan & Kristen Del Biaggio Heffernan 44 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

Matt & Gretchen Nicoletti ’83 DiNapoli J. Philip & Jennifer DiNapoli Nicholas & Helen Dunn Edward & Kelly Hartigan ’89 Engler Neil & Patsy Fanoe First Tech Federal Credit Union Jeff & Edie Fisher James Mulholland & Barbara Fitzgerald ’78 Jeffrey Dobbek & Ingrid Foerster Brian Fox Michael & Mary Ellen Fox, Sr. Bill & Karen Frederick Cal & Deirdre Gallagher Paul & Barbara Gentzkow Ernie & Marcia Giachetti Gary & Sue Giannini Timothy & Sondra Gill Jeanne Glad Mike Glad Dennis & North Grueskin Paul & Diana Gunsky Mike & Kathy Gutto Richard Brown & Carlee Harder-Brown Bill & Barbara Heil Scott & Jill Higgins John & Debra Hoffman Pete & Suzanne Sawochka ’84 Hooper Michael & Joelle Hurlston Phil & JoAnn Iatomase

Lionel & Sharon Iorgulescu Winston & Katie Fanoe ’83 Jaeb Michael & Sue James Dragan & Cathy Jelic William Lee & Andrea Johnson-Lee Danica Joseph ’86 Beth Keifer ’69 KLA-Tencor Foundation Douglas & Rebecca Knapp Lissa Kreisler-Whelan Austin & Jeannette Kyles David & Janice LaVelle David Hathaway & Danielle LeBaron ’99 Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation Ron & Betty Lohbeck Mark* & Sharon Lohbeck Bob & Sally DiSalvo ’66 Longinetti Jennifer Look Bernard Lopez Arthur & Stephanie Lucchesi John Donovan & Jean MacDougall ’90 Douglas & Cheri Machado ’81 Knapp Loc Tran & Michelle Madrid Fred & Holly Maguire Edward & Mary Malysz Michael & Vicki Maniglia Joe & Celeste Melehan William & Caroline Martin Danny & Dolores Martinez Harlan & Lisa Normandin ’77 McHugh

Gordon & Anne Marie Freeman ’89 McNeill Matt & Ellen Medeiros Martin & Becky Menne Mary Miller ’72 Shawn & Nancy Milligan Rita Minnis Craig & Emily Morris Jeffery & Jeanne Mullins Dan & Paula Myers Rob & Anne Naragon Lon & Peggy Normandin Kim Rademakers ’86 Odgers Cassidy & Lisa Bonnici ’85 O’Hara Sacred Heart Nativity Schools Kehinde & Josephine Olugbode Marc & Linda Parkinson Larry & Anne Parks David & Kathy Pasek Paul & Monica Pashby Joe & Linda Bruni ’67 Pfahnl Ron Pine John & Susan Pinheiro Ron & Diane Piziali Michael & Vicki Pope Krish & Padma Ramakrishnan Satheesh Kuppurao & Vasudha Ramanarasiah Joseph & Mary Ann Ramirez Marcy Ray Mark & Cindy Reuter Ron & Fran Reynolds

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 John & Marilyn Ritchie Bill & Christine Robbins Mary Roth Grace Sanfilippo Shirlee DiNapoli Schiro Mark & Jackie Sellers Jim & Moira Simunovich Sisters of the Presentation

Michael & Adrienne Smith Roger & Dede Smullen Jeffrey & Leann Witherspoon ’07 Sobrato John M. & Timi Sobrato Stella B. Gross Charitable Trust Keith & Tricia Chico ’86 Stephens Karen Strobach

Marian Stuckey Stephen & Michelle Szluk Richard & Karen Taylor Gary & Janice Valenzuela Rajesh & Rohini Vashist Ann Vaudagna ’74 Jim & Joey Vaudagna Raymond Hayes & Karen Vogel Hayes

Toni vonDohren Dennis Wagner James Christman & Ladye Wilkinson Jon & Linda Yap

* deceased

PRESENTATION CIRCLE CLUB We are honored to welcome 65 new families into the Presentation Circle this year. Membership in the Circle is awarded to those whose gifts were $1,500 or more between Jan. 1, 2018 and Dec. 31, 2018 Stephen & Denise Abely Matt & Birgitta Ackley Alan & Catherine Ahlschlager Farhad & Rubina Ahmed Manuel & Mari Alba Brian & Lisa Allen Melinda Alongi ’86 Gina Anastasi ’72 Kent Anderson Mark & Anne Andrews Anonymous Khashayar & Nirvana Anoosheh Nick & Linda Antonopoulos Tim Enney & Catherine Aquino ’87 Harvey & Nola Armstrong Daniel Madden & Sonia Auger Thomas & Bettina Avila Carlos & Diane Normandin ’83 Azevedo Al & Cathie Bacosa Robert & Angelique Badagliacco Gregory & Louise Baker Keith & Joelle Baranowski Stephen & Elisa Robertson ’90 Baroni Maureen Basile (SF) Shishu & Teja Bedi Eric & Maria Bellafronto Alexander & Lena Berestov Charles & Melissa Berger William & Virginia Berner Diana Berry Tom & Janice Berthold Scott Fehr & Stephanie Bielanski-Fehr Mike & Margie Blach Donald & Peggy Blach Randy & Patti Blair Richard & Kara Blazier

Ken & Cathy Bliss Ed & Lorrie Blythe David Cohen & Shelli Bodnar Michael & Katie Ryan ’84 Boennighausen Jeffrey & Tina Bohn Frank & Gayle Boitano Patrick & Ineke Boscarino Jeffrey & Donna Boss Anthony & Kristen Bowden David & Amy Bowman James Hartfield & Denise Bradley David Schneck & Stacy Braslau-Schneck Bridge Bank Edward & Pamela Brotherton ’76 Sedano Ivan & Karen Ann Yalong ’95 Brouwer Fred & Willy Brown Robert & Emily Browne Michael Targgart & Lisa Brunolli Bob & Carol Buchser Brian & Theresa Arias ’78 Bumb Deila Caballero ’01 Bumgardner Joseph & Jennifer Burch Roger & Michele Burch Chris & Katie Burke John & Susan Busco David & Laura Bustamante Ron Cali Dina Cannizzaro ’81 Rick & Maria Baron ’76 Cannon Marc & Lisa Cappelloni Robert & Dana Piziali ’88 Carollo Shelley Mangini ’80 Carr Timothy & Andrea Case Jim & Sharon Caviglia Michael Yang & Mandy Chen

Mark & Maxine Chicoine ’76 Bagoye Robert & Kate Chimenti Samuel & Liza Chuck Joseph & Gail Cirone Richard & Machell Silva ’83 Clark Jeff & Shannon Collins ’82 Tassi Chris & Marisa Watts ’94 Cozort Michael & Erin Craig Richard & Diane Cristina Christopher & Pam Crone Mark & Nanci Jo Crowley Stephen Craig & Rebecca Cullen Philip & Kirsten Cunningham Paul & Susan Curtin Dan & Toni D’ali Matthew & Amy Dale Hanh Nguyen & Kim Dang Shirish Pal & Sujata Das Daughters of Charity Foundation Raymond & Jane Davilla, Jr. Larry & Judy Ford ’78 Davis Bud & Wendy Davis Dolores Davison ’85 Hugo & Maria De La Torre Bill Del Biaggio Mike Heffernan & Kristen Del Biaggio Heffernan Felicitas Depante Rajiv Sharma & Monica Dhamija Russell & Sandi di Bari Ken & Kristin Monahan ’72 Dickens Matt & Gretchen Nicoletti ’83 DiNapoli J. Philip & Jennifer DiNapoli Rick & Julie Kenter ’74 DiNapoli Tobin & Lisa Douglas John & Lori Mazzuca ’78 Duggan

Nicholas & Helen Dunn Stewart Logie & Julie Dutton-Logie John & Kazuko Eames Scott & Julie Edson Richard & Heidi Knapp ’88 Egelston Edward & Kelly Hartigan ’89 Engler Mark Escobar Anthony & Sherri Escobar Octavio & Julie Espinoza Neil & Patsy Fanoe Gary Filizetti First Tech Federal Credit Union Jeff & Edie Fisher James Mulholland & Barbara Fitzgerald ’78 Jeffrey Dobbek & Ingrid Foerster Paul Phipps & Jami Ford Brian Fox Michael & Mary Ellen Fox, Sr. Andy & Tina Franklin Bill & Karen Frederick John & Carole Freitas Stephen & Kelly Callan ’91 Gaffaney Cal & Deirdre Gallagher Paul & Barbara Gentzkow Ilian & Katherine Georgiev Francis & Nerissa Gerodias Ernie & Marcia Giachetti Gary & Sue Giannini Joe & Christine Gigantino Walter Gil Dana & Michele Gill Timothy & Sondra Gill Gregory & Kim Gillas SPRING 2019 | 45

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Jeanne Glad Mike Glad Elizabeth Gong-Landess Paul Goodison Srini & Thili Gowthaman John & Sue Salamida ’85 Greene Dennis & North Grueskin Peter & Chinh Guastaferro Mike & Jane Guerra Paul & Diana Gunsky Si Gutierrez Mike & Kathy Gutto Elie & Rosie Nijmeh ’86 Habib Butch & Kim Hamann Kun Zhang & Guiying Han Benjamin & Vanessa Dove ’02 Hancock Kenny & Judy Handkammer John & Michelle Hansen Richard Brown & Carlee Harder-Brown Jonathan & Gigi Harvey Bill & Barbara Heil David & Nancy Heine Jason & Shannon Gilligan ’84 Hemphill John & Kimberley Hernandez Ralph & Popi Heron Christopher & Joanna Hersey Scott & Jill Higgins Aaron & Bonnie Higley Rocky & Aurelia Hill Wayne & Andrea Hineman John & Debra Hoffman Pete & Suzanne Sawochka ’84 Hooper Rubaiyat & Jennifer Hossain Ken & Irene Howell Douglas & Diane Hughes Bill Gisvold & Kathy Hull Michael & Joelle Hurlston John & Elisabeth Russo ’03 Hutchinson Phil & JoAnn Iatomase Lionel & Sharon Iorgulescu David & Maria Pilar Ivanov Hugh & Cecilia O’Brien ’84 Jackson Winston & Katie Fanoe ’83 Jaeb David & Johanna Jaffer Aswini Chowdappa & Priya Jagasia Michael & Sue James Jeff Long & Jocelyn Jamir-Long Vijay & Sandya Janapaty Dragan & Cathy Jelic William Lee & Andrea Johnson-Lee Danica Joseph ’86 Eric Prior & Valerie Junger Vinod & Vidya Kasturi Paul & Darina Kavanagh 46 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

Beth Keifer ’69 Catherine Gowen ’85 Kelliher Kevin & Chris Kelly John & Kris Giannini ’83 Kelly Ray & Shari Khasrovi James Kirwan KLA-Tencor Foundation Douglas & Rebecca Knapp Lissa Kreisler-Whelan Austin & Jeannette Kyles Roop & Lynn Lakkaraju Joseph & Nicole Lamano Dennis & Mary Laughlin David & Janice LaVelle David & Carolyn LeBaron David Hathaway & Danielle LeBaron ’99 Todd & Eileen Leffler Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation Mark & Susan Leonard Wei Wang & Hong Liu Ron & Betty Lohbeck Mark* & Sharon Lohbeck Bob & Sally DiSalvo ’66 Longinetti Joseph & Maureen Longwello Jennifer Look Bernard Lopez John & Jo Lopez Arthur & Stephanie Lucchesi Art & Agnieszka Lund Alex & Judi Jeffrey ’79 MacDonell John Donovan & Jean MacDougall ’90 Douglas & Cheri Machado ’81 Knapp Loc Tran & Michelle Madrid Bob & Ellen Maguire Fred & Holly Maguire Stephen & Patricia Maier Edward & Mary Malysz Ferdinand & Kathleen Manalili Michael & Vicki Maniglia Jose & Ana Mantovani Ford Ellis & Barbara Marchini-Ellis Richard Siewit & Gina Marciano-Siewit Tom & Claire Martell William & Caroline Martin Andrea Mackenzie & Jenni Martin Joe & Celeste Melehan Danny & Dolores Martinez Russ & Phyllis Matesso Ralph & Malena Matlack Kevin & Lynn McConnell Harlan & Lisa Normandin ’77 McHugh Gordon & Anne Marie Freeman ’89 McNeill Matt & Ellen Medeiros Shanawaz Kareem & Jabeen Mehar Valerie Mein Joanne Meninger

Martin & Becky Menne Mary Miller ‘72 Shawn & Nancy Milligan Rita Minnis Pat & Tracy Mitchell John & Gillian Montgomery Michael & Karen Morgan Steve & Trish Morgan Craig & Emily Morris Hai Wu & Xuemei Mou Jeffery & Jeanne Mullins Archibald & Claudia Munce Dan & Paula Myers Rob & Anne Naragon Michael & Tracy Nashner Eric & Alicia Nequist Peter Dinh & Patricia Ngo Gordon Jackson & Lan Nguyen Ngoc Nguyen Julian & Martha Nino Lon & Peggy Normandin Donald & Michele Novotney Cassidy & Lisa Bonnici ‘85 O’Hara David & Sonia Ocampo Kim Rademakers ‘86 Odgers Kehinde & Josephine Olugbode Steve & Karen Pace Swaminathan Ramany & Ranjani Padmanabhan Sreekanth & Indrajanti Pallikala Rachael Palmisano Marc & Linda Parkinson Larry & Anne Parks David & Kathy Pasek Paul & Monica Pashby Devesh & Shital Patel Paul & Elizabeth Patterson Josh & Meghann Paul John & Cindy Pena Mark & Kathleen Peters Joe & Linda Bruni ‘67 Pfahnl Ron Pine Lauren Pinheiro ‘09 John & Susan Pinheiro David & Diane Pinn Anthony Davis & Kimberly Pitts-Davis Ron & Diane Piziali Gregory & Danielle Poncetta Linda Poncetta Michael & Vicki Pope Saji Nair & Binitha Prasad Ty Quach Vamsi & Parthavi Rachapudi Krish & Padma Ramakrishnan Satheesh Kuppurao & Vasudha Ramanarasiah Joseph & Mary Ann Ramirez Sridhar Ramakrishna & Shweta Rao

Marcy Ray Robert & Tomoko Regan Mark & Cindy Reuter Ron & Fran Reynolds David & Paula Berry ’89 Reynolds John & Marilyn Ritchie Bill & Christine Robbins Richard & Smita Rodrigues Stephanie Schiro ’79 Ronco Michael & Amy Rose Mary Roth William & Olga Rumpf Michael & Julie Ruppert Jim & Christine Shyba ’67 Russell Dan & Linda Russo Sacred Heart Nativity Schools Masoud Bashi & Mahnoosh Samani Dean & Elizabeth Samara-Rubio Kuldeep & Rita Sandhu Grace Sanfilippo Brian & Rosemary Santor Jean-Pierre Santos Mark & Susan Scalzo Shirlee DiNapoli Schiro Thomas & Patricia Schneck Casey & Kristin Cooke ’90 Schneider Steve Kehayan & Annette Schweitzer Mark & Jackie Sellers Brooke & Kelly Shaw Jason Shires Jim & Moira Simunovich Sisters of the Presentation Michael & Adrienne Smith Gregory & MaryAnn Smith Roger & Dede Smullen Jeffrey & Leann Witherspoon ’07 Sobrato John M. & Timi Sobrato Marcie Spano Mike & Barbara Hefte ’74 Spencer Michael & Stacey Teague ’85 Stebbins Gary & Pam Steinke Stella B. Gross Charitable Trust Keith & Tricia Chico ’86 Stephens Karl-Heinz & Judi Strass Karen Strobach Marian Stuckey Jeffrey & Lisa Stump Rajesh & Jaya Subramanian Aravindan Ranganathan & Rathika Subramanian James & Charlene Suits Raghava Viswanathaiah & Mayura Suryanarayan

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Stephen & Michelle Szluk Long & Jena Ta Joan Taft Reza & Jane Taheri Richard & Karen Taylor Donald & Nancy Boehner ’89 Taylor Michael Trent & Angela Telerski Thien Khong & Michelle Tieu Stephen Kennedy & Guillermina Tiscareno-Kennedy

Phuong Nguyen & Hang Tran Sunil & Shashi Tripathy Thomas Hau & Victoria Tsang ’89 Feng Tsao Stephen & Christina Turner Alice Dewhirst ’78 Ursano Gary & Janice Valenzuela Rajesh & Rohini Vashist Ann Vaudagna ’74 Jim & Joey Vaudagna

Arvind Kamath & Divya Vijayaraghavan Nathan & Laurie Vogel Raymond Hayes & Karen Vogel Hayes Toni vonDohren Dennis Wagner Wayne Cao & Alice Wang Matthew & Katie Weaver Paul & Brenda Welles John & Maris Whitney James Christman & Ladye Wilkinson

Gregory & Jennifer Fanoe ’82 Wolf Michael & Violet Yang Jon & Linda Yap Oscar Yatco Alpay & Kelly Yilmaz Charles & Caroline Yu Martin & Jean Yue Richard & Barbara Zahner * deceased

NANO NAGLE LEGACY SOCIETY This society was established to recognize donors who remember Presentation High School in their wills or estate plans. You may also qualify for membership by making Presentation the beneficiary of your life insurance policy, charitable remainder or lead trust. Such generosity allows your legacy to live on in the bright futures of our students!

Anonymous Manuel & Mari Alba Chuck Berger Frank & Gayle Boitano Ron Cali Dennise McNulty ’69 Carter Margie Chiechi ’68 Ray & Jane Davilla Larry & Judy Ford ’78 Davis Patricia Duran Heidi Knapp ’88 Egelston Thomas & Elizabeth Fedyna Rick & Terry Giorgetti

Staff & Peg Grady Robert & Karen Howell Jennifer Hunt ’90 Andrew & Nena Duran ’82 Lehane John & Shari Levitt Dave & Susan McBride Matt & Ellen Medeiros Martin & Becky Menne Keith & Lindsay Meyer Thomas & Jayne Rose ’72 Miller Mary Miller ’72 Marlene Mirassou ’66 Lon & Peggy Normandin

Ron Pine Joe & Marti Rao Gary Neustadter & Patty Rauch Ludwig & Adrienne Renner Stephanie Schiro ’79 Ronco Jonathan & Michelle Sanchez Philip S. Sanfilippo QTIP Trust Terry & Paulette Scheffer Dan & Linda Sisto Mike & Barbara Hefte ’74 Spencer Marian Stuckey Alice Dewhirst ’78 Ursano Roxanne Vane

“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.” _

Lao Tzu

SPRING 2019 | 47

FAMILY ENDOWMENT The endowment provides permanent funding for financial aid and co-curricular programs, and is a critical component in keeping tuition costs as affordable as possible. It gives students who would otherwise be unable to attend Presentation the resources needed to fully participate in all areas of school life. Manuel & Mari Alba Family Endowment

Lindsay Parkinson Endowment Richard Brown & Carlee Harder-Brown

Harvey & Nola Armstrong Family Endowment Randy & Patti Blair Family Endowment John & Linda Callan

Yvonne Macie Pine Endowment Ron Pine Ron & Diane Piziali Family Endowment

Gina Bonnici Endowment Michael & Carrie Georgette Caitlin Matalone ’03

Michael & Vicki Pope Family Endowment Michael & Vicki Pope

Richard & Carlee Harder-Brown Family Endowment

Krish & Padma Ramakrishnan Family Endowment

Ronald & Marcia Cali Family Endowment Michael & Christine McKinley

Jim Reilly Endowment Adriana LeBaron ’02 Clyde & Ivana LeBaron David Hathaway & Danielle LeBaron ’99 Francesca LeBaron ’06

Robert & Kate Chimenti Family Endowment Dance Endowment Courtney George ’07 Michael & Joelle Hurlston

Grace A. SanFilippo Endowment

Davilla Family Endowment In Memory of Raymond & June Moless Davilla Ray & Jane Davilla

Marian Stuckey Endowment Anonymous Nicole Gallagher Marian Stuckey

Gretchen Nicoletti ’83 DiNapoli Endowment

Gary & Janice Valenzuela Family Endowment

Neil & Patsy Fanoe Family Endowment Neil & Patsy Fanoe Winston & Katie Fanoe ’83 Jaeb

Vintage ’62 Endowment Bud & Wendy Davis Shawn & Nancy Milligan Marc & Linda Parkinson

Bill & Karen Frederick Family Endowment Anna Marie Brassill ’38 Zabala S.O. Glad Family Endowment Sr. Adele Hancock, PBVM Endowment Robert & Sally Longinetti Family Endowment Matthew & Ellen Medeiros Family Endowment Fr. Al Miller Endowment Ed & Lorrie Blythe Mary Miller ’72 Lon & Peggy Normandin Family Endowment Lon & Peggy Normandin



SPRING 2019 | 49

ALUMNAE GIVING Presentation is blessed with a proud alumnae community where generous contributions touch every area of school life. These women are shining examples that our school motto, Not Words, But Deeds , lives on in their hearts long after leaving Presentation.

PRESENTATION BERKELEY 1972 Patricia Mullen Sahadi


Maureen Curran Clark Sally DiSalvo Longinetti Marlene Mirassou Mary Ann Freeman Parker


Lucy D’Agostino Blenio Michele Conroy Anne Middleton Eileen Barrett Mitchell Linda Bruni Pfahnl Christine Shyba Russell Margaret Sharon Torrey Diana Wheatley Patty Link Winter


Margie Chiechi Terice Brindis Clark Winifred Burke Codde Debra Faraone Hodges Kristine Keifer Huntsman Denise Sortino Lehman


Dennise McNulty Carter Kathleen Bruno Chittick Cristine Crooks Penny Giovanetti Beth Keifer Dianne Lagana Mary Zimmer Lezotte Shirlie Marymee Joanne Polverino Kerry Greene Van Stockum


Sharon Firato Marlatt Bridget McKay Michelle LoMonaco O’Neal


Kathy Grim Carter Linda Delaney Hitchcock Linda DeMattei Pfeiffer Carol Scilacci Tanner 50 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

Gina Anastasi Kristin Monahan Dickens Debbie Madden Judd Mary Miller

1978 continued

Maggie Howard Hottle Carol Lucia Poizner Charlene Rusciano Raisch Pam Stair

Lori Mazzuca Duggan Barbara Fitzgerald Linda Hand Paula Mulcahy Keane Mary Kobsa Kline Candi Milo Mary Schlichting Rank Joanne Geraci Schwartz Alice Dewhirst Ursano Catherine Maria Torres Yoshii




Sue Stair Madden Kathy Rosendin Lynn Vaudagna

Terri Machado Boskovich* Joan Schlichting Guthrie Mary Colla Helmers Mary Taft Johnson Cecilia Carranza Lewis Judi Jeffrey MacDonell Erin Matalone Mansuetto JoAnn Salamida Merhige Jill Fiscalini Peters Stephanie Schiro Ronco



Julie Kenter DiNapoli Cathie Klose Lohr Patty Podesta Machado Barbara Hefte Spencer Ann Vaudagna


Pamela Brotherton Sedano Maria Baron Cannon Maxine Chicoine Bagoye Diane Gould Colangelo Julie Ferrari Jarvis Sharon Lynch


Elizabeth Taft Colella Ellen Bezore Holmes Kathy O’Donnell Holmes Karen Ruiz Larson Lisa Normandin McHugh Mimi Niemiller Mary Kenter Raffanti Ana Bruni Russo Marian Sinclair Viets


Joan Keller Barrett Theresa Arias Bumb Lisa Randazzo Bunnell Alison Corral Carpenter Kathleen Cordova Judy Ford Davis

Shelley Mangini Carr Theresa Cronin Crocker Ronna Pieracci Cuddihy Elizabeth Grasmeder Smith Jane Kuczma McMinn Mary Murphy Lulu Gutierrez Neimeyer Rinda Battu Veronda Danielle Wheatley


Dina Cannizzaro Jackie Cottingham Courtney Pauline Gowen Duffy Debbie Mariant Kuhs Cheri Machado Knapp Lynn Betando Mulhern Julia Prodis Sulek Sonya Zimmermann


Shannon Collins Tassi Judy Ruffo Cordano Jennifer Barnes Dirking Terri Smith Lanoie

1982 continued

Anna Sweeney Crockett Jennifer Fanoe Wolf


Diane Normandin Azevedo Sara Cirone Brown Rosalia Burgueno Tapia Kelly Ryan Burns Shelly Campagna Caron Machell Silva Clark Gretchen Nicoletti DiNapoli Teresa Downing Sue Miner Guarino Julie Salamida Hartley Katie Fanoe Jaeb Kris Giannini Kelly Georganne Fulhorst Matarangas Regina Murphy Maurantonio Kim Josefson Moyano Margaret Schneck Lori Hoskins Skotz Maureen Smith Yvonne Carey Wall


Melissa Mangini Barron Katie Ryan Boennighausen Cheryl Revels Engelstad Kristina Arvay Evans Elena Becerra Garald Shannon Gilligan Hemphill Suzanne Sawochka Hooper Cecilia O’Brien Jackson Betsy Fanoe Kais Kelly Wulftange Kulers Theresa DiVittorio Mattson Cecilia Sullivan Powers


Anne Davis Bixler Kelly Lowney Bloodgood Margaret Sifferman Curran Dolores Davison Sue Salamida Greene Catherine Gowen Kelliher Cindy Kelley McKim Lisa Bonnici O’Hara Deborah Piker Sanders Peggy Cirone Shaw

1985 continued

Stacey Teague Stebbins Ana Paula Sousa Vargas Claudine Shum Young


Melinda Alongi Margaret Kelly Burnett Joan Neiderer Campbell Christina Cutshall Cousineau Karen Buchanan de Jong Cynthia Ford Pustelnik Yvette Frojelin Rosie Nijmeh Habib Julie Molinari Hughes Danica Joseph Geri Abaya Markey Susan Ferrari Mikacich Melissa Piker Mocker Kim Rademakers Odgers Colleen Gavin Oys Maria Brunetti Ramacciotti Sandra Soto Ramos Jenny Downing Rich Tricia Chico Stephens Christie Carrizosa Styer Theresa Taft Wells


Catherine Aquino Karen Ariaudo Debi McMahon Flora Kerry Cronin Flynn Lisa Gray Fuqua Lisa Small Harrison Danielle Wulftange Martin Wendy Courtney Stanton Mary Schneck Tips Lynn Williamson Lori Williamson Carmody


Dana Piziali Carollo Emily Aquino Cervino Wendy Carpenter Dal Ponte Heidi Knapp Egelston Kathleen Brust Ellis Elizabeth Lappin McKenzie Raquel Carranza Mendoza Marnie Gannon Pearl Anella Andres Teano Elizabeth Williams MacArt


Gina Campanella Kimberly Costas Kelly Hartigan Engler Tricia Buelna Launder Anne Marie Freeman McNeill Paula Berry Reynolds

1989 continued

Brigid Harrington Shaheen Nancy Boehner Taylor Victoria Tsang Nicole Arigoni Walsh


Elisa Robertson Baroni Kama Whelton Belloni Lisa Pignati Cahalan Leah Robertson Dean Jennifer Hunt Lelanya Black Kearns AnnMarie Novak Kelly Kathy Pivk Lindblom Jean MacDougall Dawn Guerreiro McCale Kara O’Keefe Kristin Cooke Schneider Marianne Sholes Taliaferro


Lori Campanella Durand Kelly Callan Gaffaney Siobhan Ippolito O’Byrne


Jennifer Osganian Canfield Karin Cooke Tracy Giorgetti Jackie McCall Repetti Lisa Imm Schonbrun Nunzia Vitarelli


Kristen Alongi Davis Corinne Bolasna Christina Fujii Garcia Kelly Alves Helsing Virginia Bynum Jennings Anne Cronin Stenseth


Lisa Bedard Marisa Watts Cozort Aimee Longinetti Angela Pasquinelli Jennifer Giachetti Raby Diane Fiock Rosenthal Andrea Shaheen Sehestedt Tara Martines Wallichs


Karen Ann Yalong Brouwer Anthie Chatzis Karvounis Kaecey Smith McCormick Mary Beth Basile Ring Marisa Baglione Russo Amelie Glon Werner Penny Tsigaris Zafiris


Stacy Benedict Adrienne Defanti Gina Bouska Livingston Angelina Downing McClellan Claire Newton Mellin Allison Alongi Resz Julia Saldana Tapia Dana Longinetti White Shauna Van Breen Zimmerman


Laura Cali Breiten Katherine Riley Krilanovich Angelina Pfahnl Jessica Zenk


Julia Wright Arnold Lindsay Brown DeMaestri Stephanie Leupp Mary Fiock Saca Julia Ruiz Selfridge


Grace Lattyak Danielle LeBaron Beth Gutto Rhodes Danielle Scofield Short


Jennifer Javernick Giese Christina Roddick Lee Elena Longinetti Mary MacLellan Marisella Prada Diana Morrisey Stewart Katherine O’Blennis Yvanovich


Melissa McKeever Barrow Deila Caballero Bumgardner Karen Krouse Burgart Danielle Najmeh Dennison Theresa Flanagan Teresa Harrington Partridge Katherine Passalacqua Nicole Chubb Ralston Jessica Nichols Ringsred Nichole Stephenson Robertson Marie Gutto Rodriguez Briana di Bari Schachter


Johannah Spencer Baccaglio Mary Elizabeth Cirone Natawnee Fritz Vanessa Dove Hancock Jennifer Kaefer

2002 continued Jacquelyn Larson Amy Wong


Victoria Whelan Brown Laila Delman Dana Doolin Emadzadeh Myra Gasmin Jenna Morris Gutierrez Danielle Lezotte Holman Elisabeth Russo Hutchinson Caitlin Matalone


Karyn Andrade Bordoni Lindsey Covarrubias Rebecca White McCarty Gina Yacoub Mogannam Laura Gutto Zepeda


Monica Alba Kara Doolin Caselas Ashley Charlton Bianca DeRose Britany Tufnell Goodnough Molly Haggerty Julie Oreglia Jensen Renee Ramirez Casalegno Ellen Bailey Williams


Elizabeth McInnis Braly Caitlin Clancey Catherine Furtado Jennifer Gong Layne Jacobs Kaitlyn Madden Jessica Seifert


Mikaela Bray Casey Covarrubias Alexandra Davila-Renner Melissa Fiato Courtney George Alison LaVelle Hudson Casey Larson Theresa Wilson Lee Lauren Anderson Llanos Christina Whelan McBride Kelley Oreglia Leann Witherspoon Sobrato Jordan Wolf


Loreli Alba Andrea Iaconis Rochelle Walker SPRING 2019 | 51


Jennifer DiVittorio Elise Fisher Jennifer Miller Hamilton Kathryn Hargadon Kelly Larson Candace Martinez Lauren Nigh McAlpine Danielle Medeiros Kathryn Meister Lauren Pinheiro Celina Mogan Rebboah Jenna Saso Rosati Marie Simoni Alyssa Vargas


Mary Clare Bernal Nicole Gomes Marina Iatomase Sareen Sandhu


Nicole Cuenca Briana Fujii Alyssa Perez


Elizabeth Cardenas Jacqueline Gill Morgan Locke Stephanie Maniglia Claire Zirbes

2014 continued Stephanie Eramo Olivia Fuqua Cassidy Garrett Grace Hargadon Katie Keifer Giana Kischmischian Nina Mandracchia Kate Menne Katie Sullivan


Taylor Allen Kristin Gill Kathleen Langlais Brigid Lowney Ellen Quinlan Sophie Sedano Sonia Varandani Miranda Velasco


Emily Carollo Megan Jaeb Cassidy Kais Lilly Ngo Megan Ritchie Shellsy Rizo Alison Shikada



Taylor Locke Meryl Parks Emma Roth Sara vonDohren

Julia Fuqua Mary Lowney Kiana McCaul Bridget Menne Mallory Menne Lucy Parks Anna Roth Ani Sedano



Lindsay Allen Kate Blach Rylie Ellis


Alexa Arreola Peyton Balanay Emily Barneond

2018 continued Delanie Becerra Sydney Bohn Sophia Brahney Caroline Bustamante Morgan Calhoun Lily Chuck Toni Cuevas Maggie Curtin Lauren Davis Atiana Dawson Jordyn Flora Jenna Gomes Shaina Greenberg Mia Habib Jordyn Hall Evan Heath Rachel Jacobson Isabel Jaffer Gianna Jelic Skylar Jimenez Stephany Jimenez Samantha Knapp Kathryn LeBaron Sydney Leffler Kelly Leonard Sophia Lopez Kristin Lynch

2018 continued

Laurelle Manriquez-Flores Elizabeth Martin Abigail McCarthy Ryann McManus Elizabeth Mendoza Sophia Mercado Alisa Michel Isabel Mohammadi-Hall Abigail Montgomery Nicole Morgan Madison Musladin Peyton O’Hara Yazmine Ocampo Courtney Pastega Anna Piskun Jillian Ritchie Samantha Ruppert Gina Saglimbeni Aarushi Sahejpal Traci Shiu Kiera Sunseri Emma Taylor Sabrina Tian Allyson Vargas Sarah Vincent Madeline Whitney


SPRING 2019 | 53

BUSINESS GIVING We are blessed by generous business supporters both inside the classrooms and out. Donations of goods, services, time, money and more help our programs thrive. In gratitude for their contributions, we kindly ask that you help us return the favor and patronize our donors as much as possible.

A Catered Affair A.L. Interiors Academy of Fencing Masters Action Day Primary Plus Adelita’s Taqueria & Restaurant Adventure Cat Sailing Charters Akins Collision Center, Inc All Executive Services Alpine Electronics, Inc. Amal I. Ramlaoui, D.D.S. Ameriprise Financial - Joe Guttadauro Amici’s East Coast Pizzeria Anderson Brule Architects Andrea’s Grooming Angela Sun Consulting Angela’s Salon Boutique ANH Care, Inc. Ansys, Inc. Aqui Cal-Mex Arbonne - North Grueskin Asero Insurance Services Aspen Park Automatic Gate Installations B. Davis, Inc. Bacosa Photography Banh Mi Oven Beach Blanket Babylon Bellarmine Alumni Mothers Extended Network Bellarmine College Prep Mother’s Guild Best Western The Inn of Los Gatos and Grill 57 Bettina’s of Los Gatos Bikes Because We Care Bill’s Café Blach Construction Company Blue Line Pizza - Campbell Blue Rock BBQ Boulder Ridge Golf Club BR Printers Brian E. Steinhoff D.D.S., M.S.D., Inc. Brianna Vierra Real Estate Bridge Bank Brooke Shaw Builder California Staffing Professionals Canzam Electric, Inc. Capers Eat & Drink 54 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

CBIZ Benefits & Insurance Services Chabot Space & Science Center Charity Rehabbers LLC Charlie’s Cheesecake Works CineLux Theatres Cinnabar Hills Golf Club Clos LaChance Winery Coldwell Banker - Gina Marciano Cooper-Garrod Estate Vineyards Corinthian Transportation Coyote Valley Sporting Clays Cyclone Fence & Iron, Inc. Daughters of Charity Foundation Diamond Quality Printing Dio Deka Do Good Docs Corporation Douglas Landscape Construction Dry Creek Grill Engenius Learning Center Entrees Unlimited Evergreen Physical Therapy Exatron Inc. ExpertQuote, Inc. Fernwood Cellars Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco FIRST First Tech Federal Credit Union Fotos By T Inc. Francie’s Daycare Freeman Orthodontics French Nail Boutique Fulfillment Systems Restaurant Division Gallagher Learning Center Garrett Scott Company GBS Micro Power Supply Gilroy Gardens Family Theme Park Global Respiratory Systems Great American Opportunities Guglielmo Winery H. Derick Phan D.D.S. Inc Heffernan Foundation Heritage Bank of Commerce Hobee’s California Restaurants HomeServices Lending, LLC Hopkins & Carley Howell Electric Ibiss

Intero - Ana Maria Russo Island Inspired ITque, Inc. Jack Holder’s Restaurant JMS Senior Care Management Joe Escobar Diamonds John H. Conway, Esq. John K. Tanaka, D.D.S. Joseph George Fine Wines Jostens Ken Transportation Services, LLC Kendra Scott Kimberly Pitts-Davis, M.D. KLA-Tencor Foundation KnowledgeQuest Learning Center Kouvaris Orthodontics Latala Homes Lawrence Accountancy Corporation Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation Lexus of Stevens Creek Lohbeck Capital Management Group Luna Mexican Kitchen Mann’s Jewelers, Inc. Marcum LLP Marin Gourmet Inc. Mashouf Orthodontics McKahn Family Cellars Michael Barsanti Fiduciary Services, LLC MKS Partners Three, LLC Montage Capital My College Hunt, LLC Nahid Hadameh D.D.S. Nanci R. Price, D.C.,Q.M.E Nancy L. Gum, D.D.S., M.S.D. Next Door Wine Nirvana Anoosheh D.D.S. Normandin Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram Fiat O Spa Salon O’Neill Yacht Charters Oakland Zoo Oakridge Veterinary Clinic One Workplace Optimum Results Paintball International Inc. Panda Restaurant Group, Inc. Pauline P. Nguyen, D.D.S.

Penelope Boutique Pfahnl & Hunt Accountancy Corp. Pfeiffer Electric Phase 3 Technologies Phelps & Cohen Orthodontics Pier 39 Playground Pictures Premier Recycle Company Presentation LAMP Presentation Lantern League Pries Fitness Prima Dancewear PrimeLending - Linda Hitchcock Quantera Systems Quantum Party Productions Randazzo’s Water Conditioning Raymond Funada D.D.S. Rechenmacher Sousa Construction Reviresco Design Richard D. Sellen, DDS, Inc. Robert L. Pasquinelli, Attorney at Law Rodney K. Park, D.D.S. Rossi, Hamerslough, Reischl & Chuck Round Table Pizza - Willow Glen Ruppert Sales & Engineering Sacred Heart Nativity Schools San Francisco Giants San Francisco Zoological Society San Jose Earthquakes San Jose Giants San Pedro Square Market Santa Clara Marriott Santa Clara University Santana Row Shadowbrook & Crow’s Nest Restaurants Sisters of the Presentation South Bay Dance Center Springbridge International School St. Frances Cabrini School State Farm Insurance - Lillian Moore Stella B. Gross Charitable Trust Sunnyvale Veterinary Clinic Susan R. Di Bene D.D.S. SusieCakes Swim South Bay Tam Communications The Brit Downtown San Jose

The Fish Market The Habit Burger Grill The Party Helpers The Pasta Market The Penny Ice Creamery The Screen Shop The Skin Therapy by Megan Bartelmie

The Source - Willow Glen The Village Spa The Wine Affairs Timothy A. Gill, Attorney at Law Total Wine Trophy City, Inc. Uyesugi Dental

Valencia Howard Photography Valencia Howard Piano School Viva Los Gatos Neighborhood Eatery Walt Disney Family Museum Wells Fargo Advisors West Coast Sports Institute West Valley Trailways

Whitney Modern Art Wilbur Properties LP Willow Chiropractic Willow Glen Travel Agency Yuki Sushi

VINTAGE ’62 GIVING Vintage ’62 is a group of dedicated men whose goal is to raise additional funds needed to cover non-tuition needs for Presentation students who receive financial assistance. This includes sports equipment, class rings, college applications and more. Vintage ’62 ensures that “no one is left behind and no one is left out.”

Matt Ackley Jeff Angwin B. Davis, Inc. Stephen Baroni Frank Boitano Dan Bozzuto Scott Brunello Joseph Burch James Burns Joshua Burroughs David Bustamante Michael Catelani Charity Rehabbers LLC Joseph Chizanskos Samuel Chuck Tom Connelly Michael Craig Bud Davis Ed Davis Hugo De La Torre Mark Dewhirst Jeffrey Dobbek Fernwood Cellars Garrett Scott Company Ernie Giachetti Timothy Gill Bob Gionfriddo Raymond Hayes John Heinlein

Scott Higgins Rocky Hill Winston Jaeb Douglas Knapp Rob Komas Michael Lorion Bob Maguire Fred Maguire Emmet McCarthy Martin Menne Shawn Milligan Pat Mitchell Michael Morgan Steve Morgan

Michael Mulcahy Dan Myers Rob Naragon Cassidy O’Hara Charles Packer John Paiva Marc Parkinson Ron Pine Ron Piziali Premier Recycle Company Michael Rose Bill Roth San Pedro Square Market Ed Sauceda

Uwe Schaefer Mitch Singer Raj Singh Vincent Sunzeri Bill Tamblyn Brad Tips Daniel Valcazar Ernesto Vallecilla Anthony Vanacore Nathan Vogel Jesse Votaw Jon Witkin Ron Zraick

SPRING 2019 | 55




WINTER 2015 | 57

IN MEMORY A memorial gift to Presentation can help perpetuate the values that guided a loved one’s life. Gifts may also honor a person during his or her lifetime, or commemorate a significant event. Your thoughtful gift becomes a living memorial that touches the lives of our students.

In Memory of Zehra Attari Tasadduq Attari

In Memory of Alison Smith ’96 Gregory & MaryAnn Smith

In Memory of Peg Baron Charlene Rusciano ’73 Raisch

In Memory of James Hansen Pura Del Sontro Ed & Dora Enos Steve & Anne Milligan Lucy Renwick

In Memory of Noel Blair ’91 John & Linda Callan

In Memory of Sam Imelli Gary & Sue Giannini

In Memory of James Taormina Rod & Michelle LoMonaco ’70 O’Neal

In Memory of Gina Bonnici ’87 Michael & Carrie Georgette Caitlin Matalone ’03

In Memory of Jane Jeziorski James & Eileen Beckley

In Memory of Suzi Brickley Jerry Brickley Reza & Jane Taheri In Memory of Claire Buchser Bob & Carol Buchser In Memory of Marcia Cali Gary & Sue Giannini Richard & Marlaine Griffin Tony & Pat Mathios In Memory of Barbara Comey ’06 Chris & Marisa Watts ’94 Cozort Ann Fitzsimons In Memory of Nancy Cooke Larry Cebull Dave Schlessinger & Karin Cooke ‘92 In Memory of Sr. Thecla Cronin, PBVM Ed & Doris Cronin In Memory of Francis Doyle Michael & Carolyn Guido Irene Pestana Linda Pestana

In Memory of Mary Elaine Keifer Global Respiratory Systems Beth Keifer ’69 In Memory of Debra Lambert ’74 Patricia Lambert In Memory of Helene Lavelle David Hathaway & Danielle LeBaron ’99 In Memory of Jennifer Martin Dennis & Lyn Wills In Memory of Alyssa Messier ’99 Anthony Clark George & Conchita Clark Steve & Linda Gera Gary & Jennifer Grellman In Memory of Judy Naragon Bruce & Marcia Bush In Memory of Affi Panahi Michael Jablo Marin Gourmet Inc. Ray & Shari Khasrovi In Memory of Lindsay Parkinson ’00 Richard Brown & Carlee Harder-Brown

In Memory of Bill Drake Anonymous Ed & Kathy Stocker

In Memory of Yvonne Pine Ron Pine

In Memory of Sarah Elliott Gary & Sue Giannini

In Memory of Jim Reilly David Hathaway & Danielle LeBaron ’99


In Memory of Pavan Subramanian Rajesh & Jaya Subramanian

LANTERN LEAGUE MEMBERS The Lantern League is a women’s giving circle - a group of like-minded, dedicated women who raise money, pool resources and grant money. The Lantern League works to break down barriers that would exclude young women from educational and developmental opportunities particularly, financial barriers. Specifically, the Lantern League funds programs that improve the quality of life for women and girls within the greater Bay Area.

Loreli Alba ’08 Mari Alba Monica Alba ’05 Autessa Anoosheh ’20 Nirvana Anoosheh Linda Antonopoulos Catherine Aquino ’87 Diane Normandin ’83 Azevedo Maureen Basile (SF) Shelli Bodnar Gayle Boitano Catherine Bonnici Taylor Bradley Patt Brust Katie Burke Kelly Ryan ’83 Burns Dina Cannizzaro ’81 Kathleen Cazale Suzanne Colvin Marisa Watts ’94 Cozort Kim Dang Dolores Davison ’85 Mari Donnelly Helen Dunn

Abigail Enney ’22 Patsy Fanoe Grace Franklin ’22 Tina Franklin Karen Frederick Natawnee Fritz ’02 Deirdre Gallagher Cassidy Garrett ’14 Katherine Georgiev Terry Giorgetti Kathy Gutto Michelle Hansen Lauren Heine ’20 Nancy Heine Emily Hudson JoAnn Iatomase Cecilia O’Brien ’84 Jackson Katie Fanoe ’83 Jaeb Megan Jaeb ’16 Jennifer Kaefer ’02 Catherine Gowen ’85 Kelliher Laurie Kelm Rebecca Knapp Samantha Knapp ’21

Grace Lattyak ’99 Theresa Wilson ’07 Lee Aimee Longinetti ’94 Elena Longinetti ’00 Sally DiSalvo ’66 Longinetti Kathleen Manalili Nicola Manalili ’21 Lisa Normandin ’77 McHugh Mary Miller ’72 Jennifer Moyen-Logan Divya Mullapudi ’22 Padma Mullapudi Carson Myers ’17 Paula Myers Anne Naragon Kim Rademakers ’86 Odgers Monica Pashby Lauren Pinheiro ’09 Susan Pinheiro Vicki Pope Padma Ramakrishnan Sherrie Raposa Marcy Ray Jillian Ritchie ’18

Marilyn Ritchie Megan Ritchie ’16 Amy Rose Anna Roth ’17 Emma Roth ’13 Mary Roth Patti Rottjakob Linda Russo Missy Ryan Rita Sandhu Sareen Sandhu ’10 Angelena Sanfilippo Paxton Kristin Cooke ’90 Schneider Karen Strobach Marian Stuckey Megan Twiddy Alice Dewhirst ’78 Ursano Joey Vaudagna Katie Weaver Dana Longinetti ’96 White Gianna White Jennifer Fanoe ’82 Wolf Amy Wong ’02 Linda Yap

WINTER 2015 | 59



Grandmother of Ashley Arasato ’22

Mother of Maureen Morgan ’77 and Grandmother of Rachel Morgan ’09, Nicole Morgan ’18 and Anna Morgan ’19

BENJAMIN ARIAS Father of Maria Arias ’77 Evans, Theresa Arias ’78 Bumb, Madeleine Arias ’79 Ziemba and Elizabeth Arias ’93 Standifer, and Grandfather of Theresa Bumb ’97 Navarro

JUDITH BOEHNER Mother of Nancy Boehner ’89 Taylor, and Grandmother of Emma Taylor ’18 and Abbey Taylor ’20

MARCIA CALI Mother of Laura Cali ’97 Breiten and Elizabeth Cali ’01 Olson, and Grandmother of Sierra Breiten ’15

RICHARD CAMPISI Father of Michelle Campisi ’82 Barsanti


MARIA PEREIRA Grandmother of Abigail Pereira ’22

LAMAR PITTS Grandfather of Danielle Davis ’14 and Lauren Davis ’18

DIANNE PRINDIVILLE Mother of Jennifer Prindiville ’97 Cooney

PIERRE PRODIS Father of Julia Prodis ’81 Sulek and Suzanne Prodis ’83 Carlson, and Grandfather of Claire Sulek ’16

WILLIAM ROACH Husband of Dawn Engstrom ’78 Roach

Mother of Sara Cirone ’83 Brown and Peggy Cirone ’85 Shaw, and Grandmother of Caterine Shaw ’14 and Bianca Shaw ’17




Father of Sara Cirone ’83 Brown and Peggy Cirone ’85 Shaw, and Grandfather of Caterine Shaw ’14 and Bianca Shaw ’17

RAE D’ARPINO Grandmother of Michelle D’Arpino ’08, Vanessa Rubino ’08, Gina D’Arpino ’11 Zandona and Christina Rubino ’12

LEO DUTTON Grandfather of Heather Logie ’21

LARRY GRILLI Father of Dorothy Grilli ’73 Mifsud

MARY KEIFER Mother of Kristine Keifer ’68 Huntsman, Beth Keifer ’69, Kathryn Keifer ’71 Durkin and Mary Kim Keifer ’86 Hutsenpiller

MARK LOHBECK Father of Katelyn Lohbeck ’20


Mother of Jillian Smillie ’03

LYNNE SMITH ’79 Alumnae and Sister of Kathy Smith ’70

JOSEPH SORRENTINO Grandfather of McKenna Roberson ’15 and Delaney Roberson ’17

RALPH TORRES Husband of Karen Larish ’89 Torres

UMA VISHWABHAN Grandmother of Stuti Vishwabhan ’16

ROBERT WILSON Father of Debbie Wilson ’76 McManus, Linda Wilson ’77, Karrie Wilson ’83 Machado* and Sandra Wilson ’84 Olson, and Grandfather of Katelyn McManus ’07, Erin Cooper ’09 and Madeline Cooper ’13

RICHARD MCCONVILLE Father of Erin McConville ’75 McNally


* deceased

SPRING 2018 | 61

Presentation High School 2281 Plummer Avenue San Jose, CA 95125

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