Winter 2022: Presentation Magazine

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2020-2021 Annual Report of Giving / Winter 2022


Cover: Students Nishi Dharia ’22 and Sierra Golbetz ’22 cheer during Feast Day Faculty Follies

Presentation High School is a secondary school for young women whose purpose and direction flow from the teaching mission of the Catholic Church and the educational ministry of the Sisters of the Presentation. This school strives to infuse the entire educational experience with the vision of life found in the Gospels. Each student is challenged to become a woman of faith, dedicated to working with others, intellectually competent and committed to her personal growth.


Letter from the President


Together Again


Letter from Principal


Letter from the Board of Directors Chair


Board of Directors: Welcome


Semester in Review


Philanthropy Report on Giving 2020-2021


Circle Celebration


Class Highlights


In Memoriam

The Pres Magazine is typically published twice a year for parents, alumnae and friends of Presentation High School and is printed on partially recycled paper. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of content in this magazine. Please send any updates, address changes or questions to Graphic Design: Kimberly Walters Photography: Bacosa Photography and Karen Santos ’06 2281 Plummer Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125 (408) 264-1664 Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:



Dear Friends of Presentation,

Without a doubt, 2021 was a year like no other, but even with all of its challenges we have much to celebrate and for which to be grateful. Our theme this year, “Do small things with great love,” continues to provide a healthy perspective and light our path. The small, everyday experiences we’ve come to expect at Pres feel miraculous: learning in classrooms, athletic matches with fans, dance shows and onstage theater productions with audiences, schoolwide masses, a traditional graduation ceremony. Looking back, the most heartwarming experiences were celebrating the Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Following the on-campus festivities, I had the privilege of visiting the Motherhouse in San Francisco to celebrate Feast with the Sisters (see picture) and many Presentation people who are devoted to living out Nano’s vision and commitment to social justice. I feel honored and blessed to be part of this community, and these celebrations renewed my commitment to our ministry of empowering young women. Our community is teeming with dedicated educators who, undeterred by the challenges of the pandemic, pour their heart and soul into serving our students with great love every day. I am inspired by the positivity, kindness and creativity on display and I cannot express the gratitude I have for our faculty and staff. We are also blessed with remarkable leaders at Pres. As our Principal Katherine Georgiev begins her final semester, I want to thank her for her inspired, studentcentered leadership which guided our school through many challenges. As she looks forward to a new chapter, please join me in wishing her and her family the very best! As you look through this magazine, you will see many moments for which we are grateful. I invite you to reflect on your own experience this year and find those moments of wonder and beauty for which you can be thankful for, just as we are so grateful for each of you.

Presentation leaders and students mark Feast Day with the Sisters in San Francisco

With deep appreciation,

Holly Elkins President Winter 2022 | 1

Presentation High School hosted all students, faculty and staff for the Opening Liturgy in Fall 2021. This was the first time in a year and a half that the entire school community was together, due to the pandemic.


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Dear Friends of Presentation, Our faculty and staff did a fantastic job maintaining the Presentation experience remotely and yet nothing can replace the feeling of community that comes from swaying side-by-side your sister while singing the alma mater at the end of Mass, cheering for your class at spirit rallies, praying with and for your classmates on retreat, or laughing until your stomach hurts while one’s teachers perform at the Feast of the Presentation assembly. These are just some of the moments that are truly unique to Pres and are best experienced in person. It has been wonderful to welcome our students, faculty and staff, parents and all of you back to school! As an educator, I’ve always found the renewal that comes with each new school year to be a blessing. Students and teachers return to school refreshed from a well-deserved summer vacation and rejuvenated by the excitement and hope that comes with a new year. This year’s renewal was even more special than most. It was a homecoming for all of us as we returned to campus for in-person instruction after 18 months away. This fall, we committed to reaffirming and advancing our culture and community in all that we do. From reinstating long-standing Presentation traditions with our students to continuing our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion along with student wellness, we are ensuring all students have the opportunity to grow into fearless and faithful leaders who will serve our world in a safe and supportive environment. The foundress of the Sisters of the Presentation, Nano Nagle said, “There is no greater happiness in the world than to be in union.” Let us embrace the great blessing of being in union as we celebrate our community and commit to advancing our mission and providing Presentation's exceptional experience to our current students and our future Panthers.

Our theme this year is, "Do small things with great love." The quote from St. Teresa of Calcutta inspires us to focus on the little things we can do to support each other.

In partnership,

Katherine Georgiev Principal Winter 2022 | 3


Board Chair


Dear Presentation Community,

CHAIR Dave Anderson P’12

We want to acknowledge our faculty and staff who have stepped up month after month to serve and educate our students during this pandemic, and they continue to work hard to provide opportunities of learning and growth for hundreds of young women.

VICE CHAIR Mimi Niemiller ’77

Mari Alba P’05 ’08 Greg Baker P’20 Laura DiPalermo ’99 Doyle Silvana Gentzkow Michelle Hansen P’10 Fr. Enrico Hernandez Suzanne Sawochka ’84 Hooper Dawn Guerreiro ’90 McCale P’18 Paula Myers P’17 Kimberly Pitts-Davis P’14 ’18 Cara Pryor ’02

As we welcome 2022, our community has so much to be grateful for at this time. Presentation has been able to pivot and continually adapt during these unprecedented times while continuing our mission to educate fearless and faithful leaders.

As I reflect on the past year and looking ahead, I am also grateful for my fellow Directors who have been working to ensure Pres continues to thrive both today and for decades to come. I am especially thankful for their thoughtful guidance and deep commitment to our mission as we begin this new year and look forward to celebrating the school’s 60th anniversary next fall. It will also be a year of change as our Principal Katherine Georgiev completes her time at Presentation. Please join me in expressing my gratitude for her steady and heartfelt leadership. And, as we look to the future, the Board is encouraged by the continued leadership of Holly as we move forward and search for our next principal. In 2022, it is a great honor to continue the legacy of the Sisters of Presentation. Our work to educate future leaders is shining brightly at Presentation. We are thrilled to be back together as a community and look forward to finding new ways to connect and continue the Pres traditions that mean so much to all of us. Please let me leave you with a final note of gratitude for all of our Presentation families, friends and community members. We are thankful for your generosity and support that helps enable us to continue our mission. Warmly,

P'XX is an indication of a Presentation parent and displays the corresponding year.

Dave Anderson Chair, Board of Directors

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BOARD of DIRECTORS Welcome to our new members!

Greg Baker P'20

Greg is a professor of Management and Entrepreneurship at Santa Clara University and a passionate proponent of the Catholic education system. All four of his children graduated from local Catholic high schools, including his youngest daughter who attended Pres.

Laura DiPalermo '99 Doyle

Laura graduated from Pres with the Class of 1999 and is a lecturer in the Civil, Environmental & Sustainable Engineering Department at Santa Clara University. Laura focuses on using teaching methods that increase diversity in engineering.

Silvana Gentzkow

Silvana is a San Jose native who grew up in the Rose Garden neighborhood and attended St. Clare Elementary and St. Francis High School. Silvana has four children who attend St. Christopher School and most recently served as the Ladies’ Guild President.

Fr. Enrico Hernandez

Father Enrico has more than 25 years in Catholic education as a teacher, chaplain, Chief Financial Officer, Board member and university professor. Father Enrico’s ministry focuses on ensuring Catholic schools are financially viable and sustainable, while remaining true to their mission.

Suzanne Sawochka '84 Hooper

Suzanne graduated from Pres with the Class of 1984 and is an experienced executive and Board member with more than 25 years of corporate leadership and sophisticated legal experience. Previously, Suzanne was a partner in the Cooley LLP law firm, where she practiced corporate and securities law.

Dawn Guerreiro '90 McCale P'18

Dawn has been involved with Pres the majority of her life and grew up down the street on Plummer Avenue. She graduated with the Class of 1990 and is the proud mother of both a Pres graduate and a current Bellarmine student.

Cara Pryor '02

Cara is a Pres alum, educator and design enthusiast who loves to problem-solve and plan. Cara graduated with the Class of 2002 and is a former classroom teacher who likes to "geek out" on details and any opportunity to create systems and organize processes.

We thank these outgoing Board members for their service: Linda Antonopoulos P’02 ’08 Robert Hencken P’11 Kirk McKim Steve Morgan P’18 Judy Nadler P’02 ’07 Beth Gutto ’99 Rhodes Richard Zahner P’87 ’89

Winter 2022 | 5

Semester in Review 2021 Feast of the Presentation The annual tradition was back in person this year and included a solemn Mass honoring the Sisters of the Presentation as they renewed their vows. Donuts and laughter followed at the faculty-led variety show.

Presentation Sisters renew their vows

Students watch the Faculty Follies

Students and staff sing the Alma Mater

Faculty and staff perform "Fancy Like" dance

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Students enjoy Feast Day skits

DEI Guest Speaker

Danielle Harrison spoke with our entire community through the Neatboards to prayerfully conclude our One School, One Book program on "The Hate U Give."

Ethnic Studies Academy

launched after school sessions focusing on education, transformation and social change.




hosted a Day of the Dead Celebration with food, music and a beautiful altar commemorating the lives of our loved ones.

Asian & Pacific Islander Student Union (APISU) hosted the first Common Ground meeting in October, inviting all affinity group members to come together in community for fellowship, learning and fun!

Campus Ministry

The Campus Ministry Core Team was busy this semester, planning and leading retreats, organizing prayer services, and serving at liturgies. Hosted by Campus Ministries, Agape Latte was a fun event where we heard from a faculty member about their journey of life, love and faith.

Freshman Day of Service

Freshman Day of Service with Catholic Charities of Santa Clara

Do you have an idea?

Would you like to serve our efforts towards diversity, equity, inclusion and justice in any way? We would love to hear from you! Please contact Crystal Catalan, Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion with any thoughts or questions at

Winter 2022 | 7


Semester in Review

The Drowsy Chaperone

This Presentation production was a hilarious musical that followed a die-hard theater fan as he took us through his favorite 1920’s cast album. As the record played, the characters of the show really came to life!

Dance Team

Summer 2021

Over the summer, the dance team leaders attended Officers Camp to prepare for their leadership role. The entire dance team trained all summer with local dance teams at the United Spirit Association Summer Dance Camp which was hosted at Presentation.

Fall 2021


Bella Voce and Cantabile were grateful to return to in-person performances in 2021, including the Circle Dinner, Dance Cabaret and Carols & Cocoa.

The 20-member varsity Presentation Dance Team is back, performing on campus and preparing for the next competition season! The team has performed in person at the Spirit Rally on campus and the ITS Concert, and they continue to train and prepare for the 2022 competition season.

“Last year during COVID there was so much inconsistency. We practiced in the rain, in the heat, on the field, in the parking lot, and pretty much wherever we could find space. This year, being back in the dance studio with a solidified practice space brings back a sense of normalcy and routine to dance team. Performing for an audience versus rows of empty bleachers encourages me even more than before to smile (even under my mask) and perform and to put my best foot forward!” Rachel Ford ’22

Robotics At CalGames 2021 this fall, Presentation’s Robotics Team took on 29 competitors at Lynbrook High School. Presentation Invasion finished the qualification round as the highest overall seed, which placed them as the captain of the top-seeded alliance. After selecting two other teams as alliance partners, they went undefeated to become the CalGames 2021 Champion. The team also won the System Design Award for the unique robot design. Members of FRC 2135 Presentation Invasion

Annalee Baroni ’23, Naina Gupta ’22

Presentation robotics team’s award-winning robot

Speech & Debate students at Club Day 2021

Speech & Debate Presentation has established itself as one of the most competitive Speech & Debate teams at the state and national level. For the first time in more than a year, team members were able to host an in-person competition at the Nano Nagle Classic Tournament in October. Thirty competitors helped to raise more than $10,000 to support nonprofits, along with Speech & Debate opportunities. Anagha Nair ’22, Gabriela Cortezano ’22 and Tia Colvert ’22

Winter 2022 | 9

Semester in Review

Water Polo


After an unusually busy Spring 2021 season (all sports running because of the pandemic), the Athletics department has been excited to return to a normal, three-season schedule with COVID-19 protocols in place; including mask-wearing and frequent testing.

Cross Country

After a rare spring competition schedule, the team resumed fall matchups. The team was one of three teams awarded the CCS Fall Season Scholastic Championship Team awards. Water Polo Player, Nicole Inoue ’22

“Coaching in 2021 provided such a unique experience! Our team never lost sight of what we were trying to accomplish and there was a ton of growth both in and out of the pool. I think my favorite moment from the 2021 water polo season was getting to initiate some teammate to teammate learning opportunities; our Varsity athletes often initiated conversation about technique, play and community building. It was great to see and it really helped bring both our JV and Varsity teams together as a whole.” Sierra Maestas ’15, Water Polo Varsity Assistant Coach and Head Swim & Dive Coach

Abigail Enney ’22 finished 11th overall in the CCS Division III Championship meet

“This season has been FILLED with growth both on and off the course. 100% of the athletes on the team have experienced at least one PR this season, and 95% of them happened in our most recent WCAL II race. Our team has really grown together as a community, and each athlete has grown individually. We have focused a lot this season on what it means to leave everything on the course, and I truly believe this last race was a huge breakthrough for us.” Liz Forney, Head Cross Country Coach

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Water Polo Senior Day

“I love all of my teammates and although practice is tough, we have lots of fun in the pool. I spend 2-4+ hours a day with these people, so we’ve learned so much about one another and water polo as well! This season was so memorable, as it was some of the first normalcy I’ve seen in a year and a half, and I loved it.” Aliya Tapucu ’25, JV Water Polo

Volleyball The Varsity Volleyball team had a very competitive schedule this year—playing in one of the toughest leagues in the state. As our only fall indoor sport, our volleyball team had the extra hurdle of playing their matches with masks on.

“Playing a varsity sport at Pres is such an honor and so rewarding; being able to play my last year of volleyball with a team I love is so nostalgic and means everything to me.” Haley Engelstad '22, Senior Captain Varsity Volleyball

Volleyball Teacher Appreciation Game 2021


Varsity Golf finished fourth in the WCAL League Tournament at Los Lagos Golf Course. The team also qualified for CCS in the team championship tournament. Golf Senior Day

JV Golf at Sharp Park


The team was one of three teams awarded the CCS Fall Season Scholastic Championship Team awards.

Field Hockey Varsity Field Hockey earned a spot in the CCS playoffs. The team was one of three teams awarded the CCS Fall Season Scholastic Championship Team awards.

Tennis Senior Day Winter 2022 | 11

Semester in Review

THE SPIRIT of GIVING 2021-2022

Pres girls shine by keeping the tradition of philanthropy. Every year, the holiday drives bring together the entire Presentation community to gather thousands of items for those in need.

11,000 DIAPERS











“I think it’s more important now than ever to give back to the community. So many people have been impacted by COVID-19 and the pandemic. To be able to facilitate holiday turkeys is something that’s really important and we’re excited to do.” Grace Bernal ’17, Director of Service & Immersion Emma Kelly ’24 and Juliana Silvas ’24

Grace Gallego ’23 interviewed by NBC Bay Area & KRON News

Math & Science Academy Math & Science Academy is the STEM Honors Society at Pres which hosts Math & Science Colloquium guest speakers. Guests this semester included a clinical trial data scientist at Roche/ Genentech, a mathematician and computer engineer at NASA, and a PhD candidate in molecular, cell and developmental biology.

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Presentation High School

Philanthropy Report on Giving 2020-2021

On Thursday, November 11, 2021 we welcomed alumnae, parents, friends and distinguished guests back to campus for the Circle Celebration. The reception was a celebration of all the amazing things Presentation and our students have accomplished during the pandemic thanks to our generous partners and donors.

Holly Elkins, President

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Principal Katherine Georgiev, ASB Officer Galilea Escobedo ’22, Director of Development and Engagement Rachel Dunlap, Mountain View Mayor Ellen Kamei ’02 and President Holly Elkins

Don and Peggy Blach P’14 ’16 ’20 Center: Hugo De La Torre P’16 ’19

Board Member Dr. Kimberly Pitts-Davis P’14 ’18

San Jose City Councilmember (District 6) Dev Davis and Police Chief Anthony Mata P’23

Katherine Georgiev, Principal

“Thank you for being our personal

Student Service Behind Beautiful Cookies Through the sales of her macaron cookies, Shrobana Sengupta ’22 has raised more than $15,000 to help buy laptops for those in need at the local non-profit Sunday Friends. Her community outreach started as a school Platinum Project.

cheerleaders… and for helping make this a place where every girl can


Galilea Escobedo '22

Cheryl Revels ’84 Engelstad & Christopher Engelstad P’20 ’22

Weston and Tiffany Sousa P’17 ’23 and Beth Keifer ’69 Winter 2022 | 15

Philanthropy Report on Giving 2020-2021


Our deepest gratitude to the following donors, whose lifetime contributions to Presentation qualify them for this special giving category. Since 1962, Presentation High School has inspired in our students intellectual discovery and growth, while also cultivating a moral sense of what it means to be a good citizen of the world. It is loyal donors like these who keep these waters flowing, and our hearts are ever grateful for this support. P'XX is an indication of a Presentation parent and displays the corresponding year.

$1,000,000+ Mari & Manuel Alba P’05 ’08 Ron Cali P’97 ’01 Martha E. Sanfilippo Foundation

Sisters of the Presentation Timi & John M. Sobrato Tricia Chico ’86 & Keith Stephens P’17

Janice & Gary Valenzuela P’02

Jeannette & Butch Kyles Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation John & Shari Levitt P’03 Sally DiSalvo ’66 & Bob Longinetti P’94 ’96 ’00 Bernard Lopez† Ellen & Matt Medeiros P’09 Becky & Martin Menne P’14 ’17 ’17 Peggy & Lon Normandin P’74 ’77 ’83

Philip S. Sanfilippo QTIP Trust Susan & John Pinheiro P’09 Diane & David Pinn P’93 Padma & Krish Ramakrishnan P’11 Anne & Dale Shipley P'06 ’08 Joey & Jim Vaudagna P’74 ’75

Marcia & Ernie Giachetti P’94 Terry & Rick Giorgetti P’92 ’95 Jeanne Glad P’96 Mike Glad P’96 Michelle & John Hansen P’10 Barbara & Bill Heil P’09 ’13 Suzanne Sawochka ’84 & Pete Hooper JoAnn & Phil Iatomase P’10 Katie Fanoe ’83 & Winston Jaeb P’16 Rebecca Knapp P’21 Janice & David LaVelle P’07 Ivana LeBaron P’99 ’02 ’06 Betty & Ron Lohbeck Anne & Joe Madruga Mary Miller ’72 Jeanne & Jeffery Mullins P’13 ’15 Paula & Dan Myers P’17 Lisa Bonnici ’85 & Cassidy O’Hara P’13 ’18 Kim Rademakers ’86 Odgers P’21 Linda & Ken Okenquist P’96 Kathy & David Pasek P’05 ’08 Maria & Andrew Pecota P’03

Diane & Ron Piziali P’88 Vicki & Mike Pope P’08 Mary Ann & Joseph Ramirez P’03 ’05 Marcy Ray Fran & Ron Reynolds Christine & Bill Robbins P’22 Stephanie Schiro ’79 Ronco P’06 ’11 Sacred Heart Nativity Schools Grace Sanfilippo Shirlee DiNapoli Schiro P’73 ’78 ’79 ’81 Jackie & Mark Sellers P’10 Linda & Dan Sisto P’08 ’10 Stella B. Gross Charitable Trust Karen & Richard Taylor P’18 Donna & Bob Teresi P’95 The Valley Foundation Michelle & Brian Walsh P’11 Lissa Whelan P’03 ’07 William Irwin Charity Foundation Julia Woods & Robert Craig P’07 Linda & Jon Yap P’96 J. Luis† & Peggy† Zabala

$250,000 - $999,999 Anonymous (2) Nola & Harvey Armstrong P’87 Melissa & Charles Berger P’07 ’20 Gretchen Nicoletti ’83 & Matt DiNapoli P’10 Karen & Bill Frederick P’08 Sue & Gary Giannini P’83 ’85 Carlee Harder-Brown & Richard Brown P’98 ’99

$100,000 - $249,999 Maureen Basile P’95 ’97 Janice & Tom Berthold P’01 Estate of Annette Bertram† Margie & Mike Blach P’06 ’08 ’10 Patti & Randy Blair P’88 ’91† Cathy & Ken Bliss P’01 ’04 Bridge Bank Willy & Fred Brown P’04 ’09 Katie & Chris Burke P’05 Carl Gellert & Celia Berta Gellert Foundation Kate & Robert Chimenti P’01 ’02 Colombo Charitable Trust Conrad Hilton Foundation Judy Ruffo ’82 & Mike Cordano Kim & Fred Crary P’02 ’05 Diane & Richard Cristina P’95 Daughters of Charity Foundation The DiNapoli Family Patsy & Neil Fanoe P’82 ’83 ’84 ’85 Edie & Jeff Fisher P’09 ’16 Julie & Charles Geiger P’15 Barbara & Paul Gentzkow 16 | Presentation High School


Philanthropy Report on Giving 2020-2021


Membership in the Circle is awarded to those whose gifts were $2,500 or more between January 1, 2020 and July 31, 2021.

$25,000+ Anonymous Mari & Manuel Alba P’05 ’08 Nola & Harvey Armstrong P’87 Ron Cali P’97 ’01 Diane & Richard Cristina P’95 Daughters of Charity Foundation Sue & Gary Giannini P’83 ’85 Kim & Greg Gillas P’18 ’22

Sapphire Circle

Barbara & Bill Heil P’09 ’13 Suzanne Sawochka ’84 & Pete Hooper Katie Fanoe ’83 & Winston Jaeb P’16 Jeannette & Butch Kyles Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation Bernard Lopez† Becky & Martin Menne P’14 ’17 ’17 Jeanne & Jeffery Mullins P’13 ’15

$10,000 - $24,999 Anonymous (2) Anne & Mark Andrews P’13 ’17 Cathie & Al Bacosa Janice & Tom Berthold P’01 Maxine Chicoine ’76 & Mark Bagoye P’22 Jennifer & J. Philip DiNapoli Gary Filizetti Tina & Andy Franklin P’22

Gold Circle

Cyndie & Bert George Michelle & John Hansen P’10 Jill & Scott Higgins P’19 ’23 JoAnn & Phil Iatomase P’10 Beth Keifer ’69 Danielle LeBaron ’99 & David Hathaway Andrea & William Lee P’17 ’20 Mary & Edward Malysz P’15

$5,000 - $9,999 Anonymous Birgitta & Matt Ackley P’17 ’20 ’23 Carolyn & Dave Anderson P’12 Monique & David Anthus P’21 ’23 Louise & Gregory Baker P’20 Elisa Robertson ’90 & Stephen Baroni P’18 ’20 ’23 Maureen Basile P’95 ’97 Melissa & Charles Berger P’07 ’20 Stephanie Bielanski-Fehr & Scott Fehr P’19 ’21 Margie & Mike Blach P’06 ’08 ’10 Carol & Bob Buchser Mandy Chen & Michael Yang P’21 ’23 Kim Dang & Hanh Nguyen Dolores Davison ’85 Holly & David Elkins Kelly Hartigan ’89 & Edward Engler P’21 Patsy & Neil Fanoe P’82 ’83 ’84 ’85 FIRST Barbara Fitzgerald ’78 & James Mulholland Jami Ford & Paul Phipps P’22 Brian Fox Karen & Bill Frederick P’08 Marianela Garcia & Antonio Fontan P’19 †deceased

Kim Rademakers ’86 Odgers P’21 Susan & John Pinheiro P’09 Christine & Bill Robbins P’22 Grace Sanfilippo Sisters of the Presentation Timi & John M. Sobrato Tricia Chico ‘86 & Keith Stephens P’17

Anne & Rob Naragon P’15 ’16 Kathy & David Pasek P’05 ’08 Pieri Living Trust Vicki & Mike Pope P’08 Mary Ann & Joseph Ramirez P’03 ’05 Jo-Anne Sinclair & Bryan Mekechuk P’21 Dede & Roger Smullen P’18

President's Circle

Marcia & Ernie Giachetti P’94 Sondra & Timothy Gill P’12 ’15 Sue Salamida ’85 & John Greene P’18 Kathy & Mike Gutto P’99 ’01 ’04 Debra & John Hoffman P’11 Joelle & Michael Hurlston P’15 Sharon & Lionel Iorgulescu P’23 Catherine & Steven Jacob Maggie Jin & Jon T. Kelly P’23 Danica Joseph ’86 Rebecca Knapp P’21 Karen & John Korinetz P’23 Janice & David LaVelle P’07 Kathryn Alderete ’91 & Timothy Leehane Cheri Leonard & Nabil Rabbani P’24 Sidne Long & Hank Delevati Sally DiSalvo ’66 & Bob Longinetti P’94 ’96 ’00 Jill Maggi & Kevin Dyche P’23 Stephanie & Roy Malatesta P’21 ’23 Dawn Guerreiro ’90 McCale P’18 Lisa Normandin ’77 & Harlan McHugh P’04 ’09 Bernadette Milan & Edward Tam P’24 Allison & Ben Mull P’23 Paula & Dan Myers P’17

Judy & Jerome Nadler P’02 ’07 Michele & Donald Novotney P’21 ’23 Monica & Paul Pashby P’13 Stephanie & Charl Porter P’23 Padma & Krish Ramakrishnan P’11 Arti & Rajeev Raman P’23 Vasudha Ramanarasiah & Satheesh Kuppurao P’21 Fran & Ron Reynolds Mary Roth P’13 ’17 Sacred Heart Nativity Schools Bala & Neeraj Sahejpal P’18 ’23 Tiffany & Weston Sousa P’17 ’23 Stella B. Gross Charitable Trust Sheila & Kevin Stout P’25 Michelle & Stephen Szluk P’20 Abigail & Brian Trenchak P’24 Victoria Tsang ’89 & Thomas Hau P’25 Kelly & Joel Vincent P’24 Thien Vu & Toan Do P’24 Dennis Wagner P’97 ’98 Ladye Wilkinson & James Christman P’21 ’24 Linda & Jon Yap P’96

Winter 2022 | 17

Philanthropy Report on Giving 2020-2021

$2,500 - $4,999 Shalini Aggarwal & Prabhat Raman P’23 Natasha Ahmed & Shaukat Khalil P’24 Linda & Nick Antonopoulos P’02 ’08 Lisa & Jason Babcock P’24 Joelle & Keith Baranowski P’21 Shauna & Jim Barker P’24 Teja & Shishu Bedi P’21 ’25 Tony Bennetti P’95 Susan & Matthew Bernal P’10 ’12 ’14 ’17 ’21 Vaishali Bhavsar & Chetan Randeri P’24 Peggy & Donald Blach P’14 ’16 ’20 Brooke & Matthew Blecher P’24 Shelli Bodnar & David Cohen P’21 Katie Ryan ’84 & Michael Boennighausen Gayle & Frank Boitano P’00 ’95 Brandenburg Family Foundation Karen Ann Yalong ’95 & Ivan Brouwer P’21 ’25 Patt & Barney Brust P’88 Charlene Burns Maria Baron ’76 & Rick Cannon P’08 Dennise McNulty ’69 Carter Emily Aquino ’88 & Jon Cervino Renee & Marc Churnin P’22 Claudia & Kelly Coffey P’23 Kimberly Costas ’89 Rebecca Cullen & Stephen Craig P’21 Amy & Matthew Dale P’22 Anu & Sandeep Dalmia P’22 Judy Ford ’78 & Larry Davis Wendy & Bud Davis P’15 ’17 Maria & Hugo De La Torre P’16 ’19 Gretchen Nicoletti ’83 & Matt DiNapoli P’10 Theresa Doan Burcu & Bahadir Dora P’23 Alifya & Nitin Duggal P’24 Julie Dutton-Logie & Stewart Logie P’21 Heidi Knapp ’88 & Richard Egelston Farrington Historical Foundation Ann Fitzsimons P’06† Michelle & Bradley Foote P’23 Christine & Joshua Fradenburg P’24 Sara & Dave Fugate Marah & Robert Gebala P’23 Silvana & Joe Gentzkow Katherine & Ilian Georgiev Elizabeth Gong-Landess P’17 ’21 Si Gutierrez P’22 Molly Haggerty ’05 Guiying Han & Kun Zhang P’22 Georgina & Paul Hardy P’24 Adam Heard Carolyn & David Helms P’18 ’21 Kimberley & John Hernandez P’21 18 | Presentation High School

Presentation Circle

Joanna & Christopher Hersey P’21 Linh Hoang & Peter Pham Jennifer & Rubaiyat Hossain P’22 Irene & Ken Howell P’12 Maria Pilar & David Ivanov P’22 Cecilia O’Brien ’84 & Hugh Jackson P’99 ‘21 ‘21 Johanna & David Jaffer P’10 ’18 Tuyen & Jeffrey Kemp P’23 KLA-Tencor Foundation Lynn & Roop Lakkaraju P’21 Mary & Dennis Laughlin P’22 Diem Le & Khoi Hoang P’24 Quynn Le P’22 Donna & Scott Leahy P’07 Eileen & Todd Leffler P’18 ‘20 ’24 Jennifer & Martin Lepird P’21 Kara Liebig & Mike Furlong P’19 ’22 Peishih Lin & Weiche Chang P’24 Hong Liu & Wei Wang P’21 Eileen & Eljas Long P’24 Cheri Machado ’81 & Douglas Knapp P’18 Holly & Fred Maguire P’16 Patricia & Stephen Maier P’21 Jayne & Vikram Malhi P’23 Barbara Marchini-Ellis & Ford Ellis P’16 Celeste & Joe Melehan P’03 Danielle Wulftange ’87 & Christopher Martin P’21 Julie & John Martini P’24 Lorena & Anthony Mata P’23 Toony Mathew & Biju Joseph P’24 Malena & Ralph Matlack P’21 Jabeen Mehar & Shanawaz Kareem P’22 Cathy & Tom Messier P’95 ’99† Trish & Steve Morgan P’18 Anuradha & Vasudev Nambakam P’23 Nicole & Robert Napiltonia P’23 Lan Nguyen & Gordon Jackson P’21 Hari Nidumolu & Murthy Jayanthi P’21 Mimi Niemiller ’77 Josephine & Kehinde Olugbode P’21 Jennifer & Todd† W. Overbo P’23 Ramya Parasuram P’23 Sapna & Ketan Parekh P’24 Hae Won & Brian Park P’24 Anne & Larry Parks P’11 ’13 ’17 Jill & Kirk Parrish P’22 Shital & Devesh Patel P’21 Elizabeth & Paul Patterson P’21 Meghann & Josh Paul P’22 Cindy & John Pena P’21 Teresa & Antonio Pereira P’09 ’22

Kathleen & Mark Peters P’22 Linda Bruni ‘67 & Joe Pfahnl P’97 ’05 Lauren Pinheiro ’09 Diane & David Pinn P’93 Binitha Prasad & Saji Nair P’22 Parthavi & Vamsi Rachapudi P’21 Shobhita Rai & Samant Kumar P’24 Lavanya Ramanathan & Ramanathan Avudaiappan P’24 Geetha Rangarajan & Chander V. Sharma P’24 Mary Beth Basile ’95 Ring Smita & Richard Rodrigues P’22 ’25 Diane Fiock ‘94 & Gene Rosenthal P’24 Kathryn Sager P’21 Bronwyn & Salvatore Saglimbeni P’24 Jean-Pierre Santos P’12 ’21 Susan & Mark Scalzo P’94 ’96 ’97 Patricia & Thomas Schneck P’83 ’87 ’88 ’97 Asha Shabanam & Mohamed Anees P’24 Shweta Sharma & Mayur Misra P’24 Moira & Jim Simunovich P’00 ’06 Hyehyun & Daechul Sohn P’22 Barbara Hefte ’74 & Mike Spencer P’02 Lisa & Jeffrey Stump P’21 Mayura Suryanarayan & Raghava Viswanathaiah P’22 Myla & Craig Taylor P’23 Sue & David Taylor II Angela Telerski & Michael Trent P’21 ’24 Sarah & Gabriel Thomas Mary Schneck ‘87 & Brad Tips P’21 ’22 ’24 Hang Tran & Phuong Nguyen P’22 Tam Tran Diana Tsai & David Yeh P’24 Christina & Stephen Turner P’21 Dana Longinetti ’96 & Benjamin White P’23 Eileen & Bryan Wiens P’25 Dennis Wills Violet & Michael Yang P’19 ’22 Xin Yuan & Neil Lu P’23 Katherine O’Blennis ’00 & Anthony Yvanovich Kerryann & Jason Zafiropoulo P’21 Barbara & Richard Zahner P’87 ’89 Kathryn & Philip Zimmerman


Philanthropy Report on Giving 2020-2021


Presentation is blessed with a proud alumnae community where generous contributions touch every area of school life. These women are shining examples that our school motto, Not Words, But Deeds, lives on in their hearts long after leaving Presentation.

1966 Maureen Clark Sally Longinetti Marlene Mirassou Mary Ann Parker Susan Toussaint

1973 Karen Kane-Foempe Mary Jo Kovaleski-French Charlene Raisch Pam Stair Jana Stevens

1967 JoAnn Bjornstad Lucy Blenio Michele Conroy Kathleen Imfeld Anne Middleton Helen Pavicich Linda Pfahnl Margaret Torrey Swami Vidyananda Diana Wheatley

1974 Julie DiNapoli Cathie Lohr Barbara Spencer Ann Vaudagna

1968 Kristina Cunningham Debra Hodges† Denise Lehman 1969 Dennise Carter Cindy Dunn Laura Gurries Beth Keifer Kerry Van Stockum 1970 Susan Bataille Debra Kearney Mary Mammini Sharon Marlatt Sue Thomas 1971 Catherine Kelly Carol Tanner 1972 Kristin Dickens Debbie Judd Laurie Pecchenino


1975 Sue Madden Judy Pfaff Kathy Rosendin Ariane Terlet Lynn Vaudagna 1976 Pamela Brotherton-Sedano Maria Cannon Maxine Chicoine-Bagoye Diane Colangelo Sharon Lynch 1977 Ellen Holmes Lisa McHugh Mimi Niemiller Joanne Redmond Ana Maria Russo 1978 Lisa Bunnell Judy Davis Sheri DeSimone Lori Duggan Barbara Fitzgerald Linda Hand Kathy Hausler Paula Keane Mary Kline Mary Rank Alice Ursano

1979 Michelle Celsi Amy Gilliland Joan Guthrie Sheree Hanson Mary Helmers Judi MacDonell Erin Mansuetto Stephanie Ronco 1980 Shelley Carr Theresa Crocker Elizabeth Grasmeder-Smith Theresa McDowell DeEtte Sipos Danielle Wheatley 1981 Gina Bence Jeanne Bigelow Dina Cannizzaro Cheri Machado-Knapp Sonya Zimmermann 1982 Cathy Bozzo Anna Sweeney-Crockett Jennifer Wolf 1983 Diane Azevedo Kelly Burns Gretchen DiNapoli Teresa Downing Sue Guarino Katie Jaeb Kris Kelly Georganne Matarangas Regina Maurantonio Kim Moyano Alison Roskosz Margaret Schneck Lori Skotz 1984 Katie Boennighausen Cheryl Engelstad Shannon Hemphill

1984 (contin.) Suzanne Hooper Cecilia Jackson Betsy Kais Theresa Mattson Cecilia Sullivan-Powers 1985 Anne Bixler Dolores Davison Sue Greene Cindy McKim Deborah Sanders Janette Saso Peggy Shaw Stacey Stebbins 1986 Joanie Campbell Margo Diaz Yvette M. Frojelin Mary Kim Hutsenpiller Danica Joseph Geri Markey Kim Odgers Colleen Oys Maria Ramacciotti Tricia Stephens Christie Styer Theresa Wells Carolyn Wilson 1987 Catherine Aquino Karen Ariaudo Mona-Lisa Blouin Lisa Fuqua Danielle Martin Deborah Mussomeli Stephanie Reynolds Mary Tips Lori Williamson-Carmody 1988 Emily Cervino Wendy Dal Ponte Heidi Egelston Kathleen Ellis Pauline Mauro Winter 2022 | 19

Philanthropy Report on Giving 2020-2021

1988 (contin.) Marnie Pearl Yvonne Tsang 1989 Kimberly Costas Kelly Engler Kristi Gonsalves-McCabe Tricia Launder Tanya Reinhardt Paula Reynolds Cathy T. Simon Nancy Taylor Victoria Tsang 1990 Elisa Baroni Leah Dean Jennifer Hunt AnnMarie Kelly Jean MacDougall Dawn McCale Michelle Mesita Kara O’Keefe Kristin Schneider 1991 Wendy Andham Tandy Aye Evelyn Brown Lori Durand Christina Gilmore Nicole Hockenbury Kathryn Leehane Mary Nuttall Siobhán O’Byrne Jennifer Vila 1992 Tracy Giorgetti Lara Kim Jackie Repetti Nunzia Vitarelli 1993 Carolyn Harnish Kelly Helsing Virginia V. Jennings Kara Pinn Indelli Nicole Spagnuolo Anne Stenseth 1994 Lisa Bedard Marisa Cozort Prudence Kolano Angela Pasquinelli Jennifer Raby 20 | Presentation High School

1994 (contin.) Diane Rosenthal Dina Saah Toni Sandoval Andrea Shaheen-Sehestedt Christina M. Simpkins Tara Wallichs Leinaala S. Young 1995 Karen Ann Brouwer Michelle R. Harrison Breyon LeDuff Kaecey McCormick Mary Beth Ring Amelie Werner 1996 Stacy Benedict Adrienne DeFanti Cory Laurence Gina Livingston Claire Mellin Marisa Meza Kerri A. O’Shea Julia Tapia Dana White Shauna Zimmerman 1997 Laura Breiten Genevieve DeHavilland Iris Mejias Erika Obuhanych Sabrina Rusnak-Carlson Angelina Serrano Lorena Vargas Jessica Zenk 1998 Christi Rossi 1999 Sarah Evans Cori L. Latala Grace Lattyak Danielle LeBaron Beth Rhodes Yolanda Tseng 2000 Kimberly Coutts Lorraine Goldberg Kari Haravitch Diane Ireland Elena Longinetti Theresa Opp Julia Saber

2000 (contin.) Christina Suter Katherine Yvanovich 2001 Karen Burgart Samantha Cassidy Victoria Costa Nicole Diep Theresa Donaldson Kiana Hackett Katie O’Keefe Teresa Partridge Chandani Patel-Thompson Nicole Ralston Nichole Robertson Briana Schachter Kathryn Werback 2002 Mary Elizabeth Cirone Natawnee Fritz Jennifer Kaefer Ellen Kamei Christina Kenzie Adriana LeBaron Amy Wong 2003 Carolyn Beyer Jessica Cooper Jenna Gutierrez Elisabeth Hutchinson Kari Ramirez Carlia Suba 2004 Jhale Ali Karyn Bordoni Ashley Callaway Laura Zepeda 2005 Molly Haggerty Sarah Howard Jacqueline Murray Renee Ramirez-Casalegno 2006 Caitlin Clancey Elaine-Rose Fader Catherine Furtado Elizabeth Leahy Jessica Seifert Laura Zanger

2007 Katherine Guercio Alison Hudson Casey Larson Theresa Lynn Lee Lauren Llanos Elizabeth McCutcheon Kelley Oreglia 2008 Julia Brooks Rochelle Ekpa Sara Shapero 2009 Jennifer Chowaniec Nicole Collins Megan Cronan Jennifer Hamilton Kathryn Hargadon Kelly Larson Ali Logan Andrea Mattison Lauren McAlpine Kathryn Meister Gabrielle Myers Lauren Pinheiro Jenna Rosati Marie Simoni 2010 Mary Clare Bernal Marina Farinha Nicole Gomes LaurenJean Rice Sarah Watanabe 2011 Nicole Cuenca Lynn Gotuaco Kimberly Tobias 2012 Elizabeth Bernal Kaitlyn Brown Elizabeth Clark Kathryn Fauria Barbara Gould Corinne Jaques Juliann Larese Morgan Locke Stephanie Maniglia Jasmine Pournavab Brittany Ricketts Gianna Saso

Philanthropy Report on Giving 2020-2021

2013 Lauren Colvin Leslie Gotuaco Taylor Locke Monishita Pal Meryl Parks 2014 Lindsay Allen Kate Blach Rylie Fikes Olivia Fuqua Grace Hargadon Mackenzie Kirk Krizia-Elleise Layam Nina Mandracchia Caitlin McGrew Kate Menne Julianna Moura Vanuyen Pham Natalie Quintanilla Katie Sullivan Christina Tobias Julianne Torres 2015 Taylor Allen Maeve Kavanagh Sierra Maestas Miranda Velasco 2016 Megan Jaeb Emily Nickolas Liana Rix 2017 Grace Bernal Samantha Denny Julia Fuqua Aryanna Gasca Mallory Menne Katherine Ornellas Raziel Therese Santos Katherine Taylor 2018 Sophia M. Lopez Alexandra L. McCale Nicole T. Morgan Vindhya Mullapudi Jillian C. Ritchie Sharon Elizabeth A. Roldan 2019 Claire A. Edson Maria L. Fuqua Montse I. Gasca

2019 (contin.) Natalie I. Launder Julie L. Mesita Regina T. Ta 2020 Elizabeth M. Baker Elizabeth M. Blach Esha S. Kidambi Graciana O. Paxton Carolyn Sousa Andie E. Valenzuela 2021 Kristina I. Agresta Raiyah Ahmed Jacqueline J. Anthus Kathryn T. Avila Katie Baik Maya Bal Julia A. Baranowski Citlalli A. Bejarano Madeline C. Bentzel Caroline A. Bernal Isabella A. Bernhard Arya S. Bhide Kallie M. Bieter Mia Bodnar-Cohen Madalyn R. Bowden Kira Brown Rowan M. Brush Elise M. Buellesbach Catherine A. Butler Izabel T. Cardoso Isha G. Chadalavada Eleanor Christman Sophia Cordero Isabella C. Correa Audrey G. Cowell Kaitlyn N. Csubak Taylor N. Dal Ponte Jadelynn K. Dao Emily M. Davied Madison E. DeMotta Mariana Diaz Infante Sarah E. Do Anna Dodds Josephine Engler Camille S. Fehr Zachary D. Fernandez Madison C. Ferrari Kiara Katrina S. Francisco Kylie L. Francisco Hailey J. Franz Caroline E. Frida Madeline Fruin Ella Fuqua Mia S. Gallarate

2021 (contin.) Grace L. Galy Angela A. Gill Haley M. Gonzalez Paula T. Goodison Caitlin M. Gorin Isabella J. Gorton Jadyn A. Greenwood Grace L. Hare Zoe Hartfield Sophia L. Harvey Haley Helms Olivia J. Helsing Janine V. Hernandez Helen V. Hersey Grace R. Jackson Kira Jackson Paige A. Jackson Olivia N. Jennings Dahyun Jung Victoria G. Kerslake Sophia V. La France Claire A. Lakkaraju Franchesca Isabelle A. Lazaro Jennifer Leon Rhiannon M. Lepird Ashley E. Linthicum Heather D. Logie Annaliese V. Lum Hannah R. Luscher Alyssa Maillo Amanda L. Malatesta Grace J. Mansuetto Jessica A. Mariscal Ellen K. Martin Francesca E. Matesso Sheryl Mathew Linnea K. Matlack Olivia C. Medal Ana Medina Viera Katherine G. Mekechuk Alexa M. Molinaro Anabelle M. Morle Elise P. Mullen Kaelie M. Nakamura Amrita K. Natt Kay T. Ngo Grace T. Nguyen Xuan Ann T. Nguyen Savannah Ochoa Anika M. Odgers Maria Joan Olugbode Aeryn Ovanezian Alexandra R. Parish Elizabeth G. Patterson Julianna D. Pedone Katie M. Pena Dan-Tam Pham

2021 (contin.) Kaige Pi Caresse C. Po Mairead C. Polverino Shachi S. Prasad Lauren D. Prior Rebecca M. Puga-Dempsey Neha Rachapudi Sophia M. Ramacciotti Rujula Rao Abigail M. Reynolds Jordan K. Rizzo Catherine M. Sager Amne N. Samara Denise A. Santiago Ariana L. Santos Brooke L. Scheig Monica C. Schneck Athena Sedlack Vianne Sedlack Sanya Shah Sarah C. Shaw Corinne J. Smearden Brighton O. Smedt Ella Speed Sara V. Stebbins Emily E. Stenseth Katie C. Strass Riley Stump Emily Styer Sukanya G. Sundaresan Audrey Y. Taylor Katelyn Temple Christina M. Throckmorton Caitlin E. Tips Carolina R. Tiscareño-Kennedy Julia Q. Ton Theresa H. Tran Kathryn Trent Cheska Mikaela M. Trinidad Siena A. Turner Natalie Vierra Carolina Villa Stephanie Virgen Lindsay R. Vives Sofia Vosky Jessica N. Wallichs Margaret Wang Carly E. Whitaker Jasmine O. Wong Chloe Wu Stella Yang Abigail M. Yue Jordyn A. Zenk-Lanier Lauren O. Zontos

Winter 2022 | 21

Philanthropy Report on Giving 2020-2021

ALUMNAE FAMILY DONORS Anonymous (2) Maria Aberin-Nguyen & Han Nguyen P’17 ’23 Jocelyn & Glenn Abisia P’21 Carly & Robert Abrams P’20 Birgitta & Matt Ackley P’17 ’20 ’23 Ganga & Ramesh Adulla P’20 Stephanie & David Affourtit P’17 Keriann & Matthew Agresta P’15 ’21 Patricia Aguirre & Heriberto Ledezma P’21 Catherine & Alan Ahlschlager P’18 ’20 Rubina & Farhad Ahmed P’18 Janice & Ed Ajlouny P’20 ’25 Mari & Manuel Alba P’05 ’08 Caroline & Eric Alemany P’21 Lisa & Brian Allen P’14 ’15 Claudia & Phil Alne P’20 Kathleen & Ken Alongi P’93 ’96 Celia Alvarez-Prado & Melquiades Monje P’17 Malinda & Jim Alves P’01 Laleh & Alireza Amin P’17 ’23 Bettie & Tom Anderson P’20 Carolyn & Dave Anderson P’12 Anne & Mark Andrews P’13 ’17 Maria & Huggen Angeles P’18 Nirvana & Khashayar Anoosheh P’16 ’20 Monique & David Anthus P’21 ’23 Linda & Nick Antonopoulos P’02 ’08 Barbara & Robert Aquino P’87 ’88 Janet & Joaquin Arango P’93 Nola & Harvey Armstrong P’87 Gloria Arteaga & Noe Gutierrez Mercado P’21 Tasadduq Attari P’96 ’03 Sonia Auger & Daniel Madden P’18 Bettina & Thomas Avila P’18 ’21 Lisa Avila P’21 Diane Normandin ‘83 & Carlos Azevedo P’10 ’12 Sharmeen Azim & Rizwan Ahmed P’21 Maria & Ramonito Babida P’20 Maribel & Bruce Bacon P’21 Angelique & Robert Badagliacco P’18 ’21 Grace & Dennis Baik P’21 Louise & Gregory Baker P’20 Kiran & Sahib Bal P’21 Sujatha Balakrishnan & Ramesh Manian P’21 Lorrie & Donald Ballard P’21 22 | Presentation High School

Blanca Barajas P’20 Patty & Henry Barandica P’18 ’20 Joelle & Keith Baranowski P’21 Patricia & Charles Barker P’05 ’14 Marget & Brad Baron P’19 Elisa Robertson ’90 & Stephen Baroni P’18 ’20 ’23 Maureen Basile P’95 ’97 Susan Agnoletti ’70 & Hank Bataille Kerry Baz P’15 Eileen & James Beckley P’01 Teja & Shishu Bedi P’21 ’25 Gina Jones ’81 & Russell Bence P’11 Carolyn Bendik & Thanh Nguyen P’20 Tony Bennetti P’95 Tara Bergen P’18 ’20 Melissa & Charles Berger P’07 ’20 Priti & Rajesh Beri P’21 Susan & Matthew Bernal P’10 ’12 ’14 ’17 ’21 Angela Bernhard & Robert Ashcom P’21 ’23 Diana Berry P’87 ’89 Janice & Tom Berthold P’01 Lakshmi Bethu & Suresh Puppala P’21 Krishna Bhakar Vinod & Vinod Soman P’20 Madhuvanti & Shreeram Bhide P’21 Stephanie Bielanski-Fehr & Scott Fehr P’19 ’21 Tammy & Doug Bieter P’21 Jeanne Brashear ’81 & Erick Bigelow P’17 Ann & Richard Blach P’16 Margie & Mike Blach P’06 ’08 ’10 Peggy & Donald Blach P’14 ’16 ’20 Kara & Richard Blazier P’16 Mary & Howard Blevins P’17 Mona-Lisa Moran ‘87 & David Blouin P’16 Shelli Bodnar & David Cohen P’21 Gayle & Frank Boitano P’00 ’95 Kristen & Anthony Bowden P’21 Cathy Bonacorsi ’82 & Gus Bozzo P’12 Stacy Braslau-Schneck & David Schneck P’21 Laura Cali ‘97 & Al Breiten P’15 Mona Breslin P’10 ’14 Jerry Brickley P’94 ’01 Denise & Dennis Bridgeman P’05 Pamela Brotherton ’76 & Eddie Sedano P’15 ’17 Karen Ann Yalong ’95 & Ivan Brouwer P’21 ’25 Colleen & Joseph Brown P’21 Willy & Fred Brown P’04 ’09

Emily & Robert Browne P’19 Melissa & Joe Brush P’21 Patt & Barney Brust P’88 Janine & Richard Buellesbach P’21 Suzanne Bui P’21 Jennifer & Joseph Burch P’19 Kelly Ryan ’83 & James Burns P’13 Susan & John Busco P’17 Laura & David Bustamante P’18 Lisa & Steven Butler P’15 Samantha & Michael Butler P’21 Ron Cali P’97 ’01 Linda & John Callan P’91 Denise & Patrick Callinan P’13 Dina Cannizzaro ’81 P’14 Maria Baron ’76 & Rick Cannon P’08 Nolwenn & Peter Carcione P’20 Barbara & Eli Cardenas P’12 Thomas Cardoso P’21 Shelley Mangini ’80 Carr P’13 Karen & Ranjit Castelino P’20 Ginabeth Castillo P’17 Robyn & Mike Catelani P’17 Kathy & Robert Cazale P’00 Saritha & Sreenivasa Chadalavada P’21 Kulwant & Paul Chahal P’97 Betty Chan & Khang Dao P’21 Mary & Mario Chan P’14 Kimberly & Gregory Chang P’19 ’22 Sherry Chapman P’21 Trina Chau & Hung Vo P’15 ’23 Virginia & Paul Cheesman P’97 ’00 Mandy Chen & Michael Yang P’21 ’23 Anna & Laurence Chivers P’16 ’19 Jade & Robert Chubb P’01 ’04 Liza & Sam Chuck P’18 Margaret Chung P’20 ’14 Beatrice Clark P’84 Maureen Curran ’66 & Michael Clark P’03 Bob Collins P’09 ’10 Barbara & Robert Colyar P’02 Nadja & John Conway P’19 ’22 Rosa Cooper P’20 Sandra Cordero P’21 Maribel & Jesus Correa P’21 Kathleen Cote & Timothy Guarnieri P’15 Anne & Dave Cowell P’15 ’18 ’21 Carolyn & Matthew Bentzel P’21

Philanthropy Report on Giving 2020-2021

Erin & Michael Craig P’19 Pegge Crisham P’78 Diane & Richard Cristina P’95 Katherine & Thomas Cronan P’09 ’13 Connie & Joe Cronin P’93 Doris & Ed Cronin P’80 Nanci Jo & Mark Crowley P’04 Denise & John Csubak P’21 Rebecca Cullen & Stephen Craig P’21 Kirsten & Philip Cunningham P’19 Susan & Paul Curtin P’18 ’20 Mirally & Joey Custodio P’21 Deborah & Gregor Cuzner P’13 Wendy Carpenter ’88 & Derek Dal Ponte P’21 Lisa & Fred Dalton P’09 Sujata & Shirish Pal P’20 Erica & Mark Davied P’19 ’21 Holly & Thomas Davies P’04 Jane & Raymond Davilla, Jr. P’94 ’96 ’00 Wendy & Bud Davis P’15 ’17 Maria & Hugo De La Torre P’16 ’19 Sylvie & Donal Delaney P’20 Juli & Leo Delfino P’12 ‘24 Lisa DeMotta P’21 Timothy Dempsey P’21 Felicitas Depante P’20 Priya & Shrinivas Deshpande P’20 Sandi & Russell di Bari P’05 Sandra Di Vita P’21 Dominga Diaz & Roberto Leon P’21 Gretchen Nicoletti ’83 & Matt DiNapoli P’10 Julie Kenter ‘74 & Rick DiNapoli P’03 ’07 Mynna Dinh & Kien Do P’21 ’24 Marilyn & Paul Dion P’05 ’09 Anne & John DiPalermo P’93 ’96 ’99 ’01 Becky Divinski & Frank Throckmorton P’21 Hien Do & Dong Nguyenphan P’20 Tuuyen Do & Fred Tan P’21 April & John Dodds P’21 Mari & Mark Donnelly P’09 ’09 Bigildis & Simplicio Gabriel Dosdos P’16 ’20 Victoria & Michael Dove P’02 ’08 Sheila & John Dowd P’21 Teresa Downing ’83 P’13 ’19 Cindy Willer ’69 & Ron Dunn P’96 ’03 ’08 Helen & Nicholas Dunn P’20 Lori Campanella ’91 Durand P’20 ’25 Julie Dutton-Logie & Stewart Logie P’21 Patricia Dvorak P’87 Kazuko & John Eames P’20 Julie & Scott Edson P’19 Melissa & Benjamin Egge P’21 Mary Ehuan-Robbins & Hugo Ehuan P’20 Agape & Konstantinos Eleftheriadis P’20

Pui Endo P’18 ’24 Cheryl Revels ’84 & Christopher Engelstad P’20 ’22 Kelly Hartigan ’89 & Edward Engler P’21 Michelle & Robert Eramo P’14 Julie & Octavio Espinoza P’20 Missy & Paul Estrade P’11 ’14 Jane & Henry Evans P’11 Heather Fagundes P’15 ’17 ’23 Patsy & Neil Fanoe P’82 ’83 ’84 ’85 Nancy & Michael Fauria P’12 Mary Fay-Zenk & Joseph Zenk P’97 Sandra & Dennis Fernandez P’19 ’21 Dina & Jeffrey Ferrari P’21 Joan & Stephen Ferrari P’14 Misty & Steve Ferrari P’17 Nanet & Mike Fisher P’07 Ann Fitzsimons P’06 Sheila & Christopher Flanagan P’01 ’05 Beth & Fabiano Fontana P’17 Dianne & David Foote P’09 Karen & Stephen Franchetti P’17 Marnie & Richard Francisco P’21 Teena & Noel Francisco P’21 Grace & Mark Franz P’21 Karen & Bill Frederick P’08 Yvette Frojelin ’86 & Tom Pereira P’17 ’25 Patricia & Bryan Fujii P’19 ’24 Lisa Gray ’87 & Peter Fuqua P ’14 ’17 ’19 ’21 Linda Furtado P’06 Laurie & Jeff Galdes P’13 ’15 Maricela & Paul Gallarate P’21 Diana & Ed Galvan P’14 ’20 ’23 Audrey & Christopher Galy P’21 Barbara & Ron Garcia P’97 ’02 Marianela Garcia & Antonio Fontan P’19 Sandra & Federico Garcia P’16 ’18 ’22 Isela & Alejandro Gasca P’17 ’19 ’25 Vandana & Prateek Gattani P’21 Mary & David Genochio P’02 Nerissa & Francis Gerodias P’19 Moni & Sunondo Ghosh P’20 Marcia & Ernie Giachetti P’94 Sue & Gary Giannini P’83 ’85 Michele & Dana Gill P’19 ’21 Sondra & Timothy Gill P’12 ’15 Kim & Greg Gillas P’18 ’22 Terry & Rick Giorgetti P’92 ’95 Panna & Vishwajeet Girase P’21 Judy & Rick Giraudo P’05 ’08 Jeanne Glad P’96 Pauline Golitz P’94 Sherri & Joe Gomes P’10 ’18 Lydia Gomez P’20

Elizabeth Gong-Landess P’17 ’21 Elvira Gonzalez & Jose Rodriguez P’21 Libier Gonzalez & Martin Lopez P’21 Nancy & Glenn Gonzalez P’21 Paul Goodison P’21 Melissa & Scott Gorin P’21 ’23 Renee & Todd Gorth P’21 Ann & Bon Gotuaco P’11 ’13 ’22 Lenore & Lloyd Grant P’16 ’19 Paula Grant & James Keith P’04 ’07 ’11 Romy & Jeffrey Grau P’17 ’19 ’23 Sue Salamida ’85 & John Greene P’18 Lorraine & Mike Greenwood P’21 Barbara & Sam Gregory P’01 ’03 Judith & David Gremer P’96 ’01 Sally Grenfell & Andrew Mrizek P’06 Jennifer & David Griffith P’12 Leticia & Tony Grizelj P’21 North & Dennis Grueskin P’19 Sue Miner ’83 & Rick Guarino P’12 Chinh & Peter Guastaferro P’21 Jane & Mike Guerra P’90 ’93 Marti & Dale Guidoux P’12 ’15 Diana & Paul Gunsky P’18 ’20 Preeti & Vivek Gupta P’20 Mini & Anil Guptan P’20 Elva Gutierrez & Alonso Ochoa P’21 ’25 Kathy & Mike Gutto P’99 ’01 ’04 JoAnn & Craig Hall P’18 ’20 Kim & Butch Hamann P’96 Judy & Kenny Handkammer P’20 Kristen & Michael Hansen P’20 Michelle & John Hansen P’10 Carlee Harder-Brown & Richard Brown P’98 ’99 Esther & Anthony Hare P’21 Debbie Hargadon P’09 ’14 Patricia Harrington P’88 ’89 ’95 ’01 Denise & James Hartfield P’21 Gigi & Jonathan Harvey P’21 Barbara & Bill Heil P’09 ’13 Nancy & David Heine P’20 Carolyn & David Helms P’18 ’21 Kelly Alves ‘93 & Mark Helsing P’21 Shannon Gilligan ’84 & Jason Hemphill P’21 Doris & Bob Hencken P’11 Eileen & William Hennessey P’14 ’16 ’20 JoElle & Joe Hernandez P’17 Kimberley & John Hernandez P’21 Maria & Ramon Hernandez P’21 Joanna & Christopher Hersey P’21 Jill & Scott Higgins P’19 ’23 Andrea & Wayne Hineman P’18 ’21 Hoainam Ho & Binh Hoang P’18 ’20 Debra & John Hoffman P’11 Winter 2022 | 23

Philanthropy Report on Giving 2020-2021

Ora & David Hoover P’76 Ashley Hopkins & Christopher Pass P’10 Dorothy & Stanley House P’75 ’80 ’82 Irene & Ken Howell P’12 Bin Hu & Fan Ni P’20 Susan & Kevin Huber P’10 ’15 Kathy Hull & Bill Gisvold P’86 ’88 ’93 ’02 Sally Hunt P’01 Joelle & Michael Hurlston P’15 JoAnn & Phil Iatomase P’10 Katja Iburg P’21 Michael Iburg P’21 Adriana Ifanger Medeiros & Janos Veres P’20 Hank Imwalle P’83 ’84 Lorena & Roberto Iniguez P’20 ’23 Sheryl & Gerald Ireland P’00 Cecilia O’Brien ’84 & Hugh Jackson P’99 ’21 ’21 Katie Fanoe ’83 & Winston Jaeb P’16 Johanna & David Jaffer P’10 ’18 Subha Jaganathan & Jaganathan Eswaran P’20 Priya Jagasia & Aswini Chowdappa P’20 ’22 Meenakshi Jain & Vimalaraj Rajagopal P’21 Shaloo Jain & Pramod Gupta P’16 ’21 Sandya & Vijay Janapaty P’20 Cathy & DJ Jelic P’18 ’22 Jayanti & Suhas Joshi P’21 Valerie Junger & Eric Prior P’19 ’21 Betsy Fanoe ’84 & Sam Kais P’16 ’17 Julie & Scott Kaiser P’20 Lynn Kaiser P’20 Karen Kane ’73 & Gerhard Foempe P’11 Pauline & Matthew Kanter P’20 Vidya & Vinod Kasturi P’20 Amarjeet Kaur Virdi & Rajvinder Klair P’20 Darina & Paul Kavanagh P’15 ’18 ’20 Kris Giannini ’83 & John Kelly P’15 Laurie Kelm P’10 John Kennedy P’85 Lisamarie Kerley P’13 ’20 Rodney Kerley P’13 ’20 Mary & Richard Kerslake P’21 Shari & Ray Khasrovi P’11 Katie Khera & Wilbert van de Pieterman P’20 Oggie Kim & Kurt Kuhlmann P’11 ’20 Joanne & Jim Kirwan P’19 Laura & Kenneth Klask P’12 Valerie Knafelc-Riener & Timothy Riener P’20 Rebecca Knapp P’21 Regina & Jim Koepf P’20 Priya Kothandaraman & 24 | Presentation High School

Shankar Muthan P’20 Ilona Krukova & Alex Krukov P’20 Neeba Kurian & Raju Varghese P’21 Heather & Bob La France P’21 Julie Labosky P’20 Georgia & Thomas Ladd P’05 Lynn & Roop Lakkaraju P’21 Tien Lam & Con Phan P’18 ’22 Gaye Landau-Leonard & Fred Leonard P’11 Terry Langlais P’15 Gretchen & Jeffrey Larese P’12 Tricia Buelna ’89 & Eric Launder P’19 Janice & David LaVelle P’07 Madeleine & Christopher Layam P’14 ’20 ’23 Deirdre & Jack Lazar P’19 Mary Rose & Felicito Lazaro P’21 Katie Le & Andrew Ngo P’21 Donna & Scott Leahy P’07 Ivana LeBaron P’99 ’02 ’06 Jane Lee & Joseph Choe P’21 Aileen & Andrew Lee P’07 ’10 Andrea & William Lee P’17 ’20 Eileen & Todd Leffler P’18 ’20 ’24 Denise Sortino ’68 & Allan Lehman P’02 Cindy & Mark Lemma P’08 ’10 Katy & Dave Lemon P’00 ’02 Jennifer & Martin Lepird P’21 Anna & Eric Leung P’20 Kara Liebig & Mike Furlong P’19 ’22 Shaw-Shya & Chung-Han Lin P’08 Karen & Richard Linthicum P’21 Hong Liu & Wei Wang P’21 Kerry Loftus & Sunil Frida P’21 Annette & Scott Logsdon P’15 Sharon Lohbeck P’20 Sally DiSalvo ’66 & Bob Longinetti P’94 ’96 ’00 Maureen & Joseph Longwello P’21 Jo & John Lopez P’18 Jill & Andrew Lore P’21 ’25 Erica & Brice Lovett P’19 Stephanie & Arthur Lucchesi P’21 Patricia & Michael Lum P’19 ’21 Sheila Lunny P’87 Kristina & Larry Luscher P’19 ’21 Judi Jeffrey ‘79 & Alex MacDonell P’15 ’13 Jean MacDougall ’90 & John Donovan P’20 Cheri Machado ’81 & Douglas Knapp P’18 Danielle Macias & George Henry P’20 Sue Stair ’75 & Pat Madden P’06 Ellen & Bob Maguire P’07 Holly & Fred Maguire P’16 Maureen & Paul Mahoney P’20 ’24

Patricia & Stephen Maier P’21 Lisa & George Maillo P’21 Stephanie & Roy Malatesta P’21 ’23 Mary & Edward Malysz P’15 Mary Margherone ’70 & Mark Mammini P’95 Anna Dee & Rossanno Manalad P’21 Kathleen Manalili P’21 Kathy & Max Mancini P’13 Jenny & Salvatore Mandracchia P’14 Kris Mangano P’13 Maricel & Kenneth Manglona P’21 ’22 Vicki & Mike Maniglia P’12 Erin Matalone ’79 & James Mansuetto P’21 ‘23 Barbara Marchini-Ellis & Ford Ellis P’16 Gina Marciano-Siewit & Richard Siewit P’08 ’13 Josiane & Jim Mariscal P’21 Geri Abaya ’86 & Dan Markey P’17 ’21 Sharon Firato ’70 & Michael Marlatt P’00 Constance Marleau & Douglas S. Campbell P’12 ’15 ’23 Claire & Tom Martell P’13 Celeste & Joe Melehan P’03 Aida & Jose Martin P’21 Caroline & William Martin P’18 Danielle Wulftange ’87 & Christopher Martin P’21 Jenni Martin & Andrea Mackenzie P’20 Keli & David Martin P’12 ’21 Dolores & Danny Martinez P’09 April & Ron Mason P’17 Rebecca & Gary Mason P’90 Georganne Fulhorst ’83 Matarangas P’20 Brita & Bruce Matesso P’21 Shiney & Sam Mathew P’21 Malena & Ralph Matlack P’21 Lisa & William Matthews P’16 Theresa DiVittorio ’84 & Edward Mattson P’10 ’13 Regina Murphy ’83 & David Maurantonio P’16 Dawn Guerreiro ’90 McCale P’18 Lynn & Kevin McConnell P’20 Mary & Patrick McCullough P’00 Jennifer & Butch McGrew P’09 ’14 Lisa Normandin ’77 & Harlan McHugh P’04 ’09 Christine & Michael McKinley P’98 Catherine & Michael Medal P’21 Carole & Tom Medica P’01 Cindy & Dennis Meister P’09 Cheri & Steven Mendoza P’20

Philanthropy Report on Giving 2020-2021

Becky & Martin Menne P’14 ’17 ’17 Virginia Meraza-Santos P’12 ’21 Michelle Kelly & Steven Mesita P’19 ‘23 Cathy & Tom Messier P’95 ’99† Barbara Meyer P’17 Patti & Phil Micciche P’09 Michelle & Mike Mifsud P’17 Kerry Miller & Nat Maple P’21 Laura & John Miller P’09 Rhina & Douglas Miller P’11 Seline & Kurt Miller P’21 Tracy & Pat Mitchell P’16 ’19 Carolyne Moe & James Delgrosso P’20 Terri & Louis Molinaro P’21 Gillian & John Montgomery P’18 ’23 Jacqueline Moreno & Mario Cendejas P’21 Trish & Steve Morgan P’18 Josephine & Remi Morle P’21 Emily & Craig Morris P’03 ’05 ’07 Jeremy Morris P’21 Joanne & Wayne Morris P’21 Michelle Morris P’21 Becky & Steve Morrisey P’00 Kim Josefson ’83 & Rick Moyano P’05 Jennifer Moyen-Logan & Luc Moyen P’05 ’07 Christine Muduryan P’20 Kimberly & Michael Mulcahy P’16 Jeanne & Jeffery Mullins P’13 ’15 Joyce & Derek Munoz P’20 Laurie & Carlos Munoz P’20 Diana Murphy & Daniel Dwyer P’06 Charlene & Patrick Murray P’05 Sushma & Dayanand Murthy P’20 ’25 Paula & Dan Myers P’17 Judy & Jerome Nadler P’02 ’07 Tracy & Wade Nakamura P’21 Anne & Rob Naragon P’15 ’16 Lauren & Bret Nash P’09 ’12 Pam & Jagbir Natt P’14 ’21 Ashwini & Umesh Nawathe P’20 ’20 Alicia & Eric Nequist P’20 ’24 Darlene & Wayne Newton P’96 Patricia Ngo & Peter Dinh P’20 Chau Nguyen & Andrew Ton P’21 Lan Nguyen & Gordon Jackson P’21 Linh & Loc Nguyen P’17 ’21 Mayra Nguyen & Mario Ventura Aguilar P’21 Tuyet Nguyen P’20 Xuan Huong & Peter Nguyen P’21 Kelly & Timothy Nicholson P’17 Tracey & Chris Nicol P’20 Hari Nidumolu & Murthy Jayanthi P’21


Martha & Julian Nino P’21 Erna & Bob Nishime P’19 ’20 ’23 Alicia & Brian Niskanen P’07 ’11 Celarin & Albert Nobal P’19 Julie & Mark Normandin P’14 Peggy & Lon Normandin P’74 ’77 ’83 Michele & Donald Novotney P’21 ’23 Shivaun Nurre & Sam Polverino P’21 Mary Russell ’91 & Bobby Nuttall P’15 Gwyne O’Dwyer & Thomas Grubb P’20 Alice O’Neill P’87 Sonia & David Ocampo P’18 Kim Rademakers ’86 Odgers P’21 Linda & Ken Okenquist P’96 Margot Olsen P’17 Josephine & Kehinde Olugbode P’21 Katia Ordaz & Cesar Virgen P’21 Sophia Ortiz P’11 Melanie & Daniel Ovanezian P’21 Marina Pace P’12 ’20 Joan & Charles Packer P’15 Mallika & Mridul Pal P’13 ’22 Indrajanti & Sreekanth Pallikala P’20 ’25 Paula & Michael Parish P’21 Hyemin Park & Naekwon Jung P’21 Linda & Marc Parkinson P’00† Anne & Larry Parks P’11 ’13 ’17 Kathy & David Pasek P’05 ’08 Monica & Paul Pashby P’13 Tisha & Robert Pastega P’13 ’18 ’22 Shital & Devesh Patel P’21 Elizabeth & Paul Patterson P’21 Vasundhara Pawar & Rahul Yadav P’21 Angelena & Donald Paxton P’20 Maggie & Joseph Pecoraro P’11 ’16 Stephanie & Greg Pedone P’21 Cindy & John Pena P’21 Teresa & Antonio Pereira P’09 ’22 Marina & Myron Peskar P’97 ’01 Judy Allen ’75 & Michael Pfaff P’09 ’13 Linda Bruni ’67 & Joe Pfahnl P’97 ’05 Victoria Pham & Hoang Tong P’19 ’21 Debbie Phillips & Loyd Nesbitt P’04 Karen Pike & Peter Mullen P’18 ’21 Susan & John Pinheiro P’09 Diane & David Pinn P’93 Malathi Pinnamaneni & Panchanadham Talasila P’16 ’21 Kimberly Pitts-Davis & Anthony Davis P’14 ’18 Diane & Ron Piziali P’88 Amy & Clement Po P’21 Megan & Scott Polhemus P’20 Vicki & Mike Pope P’08 Vishakha & Sudhir Prasad P’21 Kimberly Premo P’16 ’20 Patrick Premo P’16 ’20 Stacy & Michael Proost P’18 ’20

Tess Pulido-Rios & Art Rios P’16 ’24 Ty Quach P’21 Maria Quinones & Michael Maloney P’21 ’22 Julie Raak P’12 ’15 ’23 Parthavi & Vamsi Rachapudi P’21 Maria Brunetti ’86 Ramacciotti P’21 ’23 Padma & Krish Ramakrishnan P’11 Vasudha Ramanarasiah & Satheesh Kuppurao P’21 Mary Ann & Joseph Ramirez P’03 ’05 Maria & Richard Randazzo P’00 ’04 Shikha Rani & Manish Kumar P’20 Shweta Rao & Sridhar Ramakrishna P’20 Supriya & Suraj Rao P’19 ’22 Veena Rao & Sudhir Kasargod P’21 Nancy & Rob Redding P’93 Mary Kay Redmond & John Duffy P’15 Adrienne & Ludwig Renner P’99 ’02 Jackie McCall ’92 & Nino Repetti P’20 Paula Berry ’89 & David Reynolds P’19 ’21 ’23 Marlise & Joe Ricci P’09 Sherry & Chris Riordan P’20 Marilyn & John Ritchie P’16 ’18 Yesenia Rivas-Bejarano & Ernesto Bejarano P’21 ’23 Dana & Mark Rizzo P’21 Noreen & Harry Robertson Kimberley & Miguel Rocha P’20 Maria & Dave Rodrigues P’94 Caroline & Dan Rodriguez P’08 Kerrie Romanow P’21 Lilian & Matthew Romo P’12 ’17 ’23 Stephanie Schiro ’79 Ronco P’06 ’11 Denise & Sean Rooney P’18 Amy & Michael Rose P’20 Kathy Rosendin ’75 P’04 Bill Roth P’13 ’17 Mary Roth P’13 ’17 Patti & Steve Rottjakob P’09 ’11 Deborah Ruiz & James Earle P’20 Julie & Michael Ruppert P’18 Ana Maria Bruni ’77 Russo P’05 Linda & Dan Russo P’03 Missy Ryan P’83 ’84 Kathryn Sager P’21 Bala & Neeraj Sahejpal P’18 ’23 Lubna Salmaan & Salmaan Hameed P’16 Mahnoosh Samani & Masoud Bashi P’20 Elizabeth & Dean Samara-Rubio P’21 Maria & Armando Sanchez P’20 Sree Sankar & Senthil Arunachalam P’21 Christine Santelli & Richard Fruin P’21 Mariquit & Dennis Santiago P’21 Jean-Pierre Santos P’12 ’21 Janette Martig ’85 & Nino Saso P’09 ’12 Cindi & Jean-Dominique Savelli P’16 Winter 2022 | 25

Philanthropy Report on Giving 2020-2021

Susan & Mark Scalzo P’94 ’96 ’97 Dawn & Stephen Schaniel P’11 ’17 TJ & Mark Scheig P’12 ’13 ’21 Marge & Mark Scheitrum P’04 Carol & Anthony Schiavone P’03 Shirlee DiNapoli Schiro P’73 ’78 ’79 ’81 Muriel Schlichting P’78 ’79 Vera & Francis Schmidt P’20 Carole & Mark Schmitt P’10 Margaret Schneck ’83 & Scott Henderson P’11 Patricia & Thomas Schneck P’83 ’87 ’88 ’97 Leah & Sean Schnoor P’17 Brooke Schwartz & Jeff Miller P’21 Annette Schweitzer & Steve Kehayan P’20 Diane Seadler P’06 Deneen & Scott Sedlack P’21 ’21 ’24 Maria Segoviano & Jose Escamilla P’20 Neha & Samit Shah P’20 Purvi & Sujal Shah P’16 ’21 Jennifer & Steven Shaw P’21 Kelly & Brooke Shaw P’21 Peggy Cirone ’85 & James Shaw P’17 ’14 Carie Shigemasa & Darrin Stobaugh P’20 Shyamala & Sridhar Sikha P’20 Teresa & Peter Silva P’06 ’19 Moira & Jim Simunovich P’00 ’06 Jo-Anne Sinclair & Bryan Mekechuk P’21 Marcela & Irwin Sioxson P’09 ’11 ’24 Lori Hoskins ‘83 & Christopher Skotz P’17 ’19 Stu Slack P’19 ’21 Leslie & David Smearden P’21 Kathleen & Rodney Smedt P’21 MaryAnn & Gregory Smith P’99 Dede & Roger Smullen P’18 Tiffany & Weston Sousa P’17 ’23 Tara & Stewart Speed P’21 Barbara Hefte ’74 & Mike Spencer P’02 Stacey Teague ’85 & Michael Stebbins P’21 Anne Cronin ’93 & David Stenseth P’21 Tricia Chico ’86 & Keith Stephens P’17 Joan & Jim Stoelker P’93 Judi & Karl-Heinz Strass P’19 ‘21 Lisa & Jeffrey Stump P’21 Christie Carrizosa ’86 & Greg Styer P’21 Shuba Subramaniam & Sreenivasan Balasubramanian P’21 Jill & Gary Sullivan P’14 ’16 Dina & Vincent Sunzeri P’08 ’11 26 | Presentation High School

Makiko & Shingo Suzuki P’18 Michelle & Stephen Szluk P’20 Jane & Reza Taheri P’01 ’03 Merofe & Robinson Tamarra P’20 Lauri & Mike Taylor P’11 ’17 Nancy Boehner ’89 & Donald Taylor P’18 ’20 Angela Telerski & Michael Trent P’21 ’24 Christina & John Temple P’19 ’21 Angie & Milton Thomas P’77 Caroline Thomas & Don Schreiber P’82 Heidi & John Thomas P’13 Michelle Tieu & Thien Khong P’20 Mary Schneck ’87 & Brad Tips P’21 ’22 ’24 Guillermina Tiscareño-Kennedy & Stephen Kennedy P’12 ’21 Thien-Huong To & Vu Pham P’21 ’22 ’24 Mollie & Richard Tobias P’07 ’09 ’11 ’14 Meredith & Zachary Towner P’20 Dai Tran & Rolando Suba P’20 Mai & Thua Tran P’21 Tram Anh Tran & Thuong Duong P’19 ’24 Leilani & Erwinn Tuazon P’20 Linda & Chris Turkstra P’18 ’23 Christina & Stephen Turner P’21 Nirubama Ulaganathan & Ulaganathan Sriramulu P’21 Maria Ulloa & Oscar Diaz Infante P’17 ’21 Molly & Craig Urban P’16 ’19 Ilene & Kazuya Uyesugi P’11 Dora Valdes & Jose Barrientos P’20 ’22 Janice & Gary Valenzuela P’02 Thuy Van & John Tran P’10 ’12 Ishi & Sunil Varandani P’15 Cheryl & Mario Vargas P’06 ’08 Margarita Vargas & Roberto Luna P’20 Nohora & Jose Vargas P’18 Rohini & Rajesh Vashist P’20 Joey & Jim Vaudagna P’74 ’75 Lucia & David Velez P’96 ’98 Lisa & Stephen Vierra P’21 ’25 Divya Vijayaraghavan & Arvind Kamath P’20 Margie & Javier Villarreal P’01 Richelle & James Villavert P’20 Jeanne & Arturo Villegas P’20 Linda Vinopal & Robert Fodor P’06 ’08 Stephanie & Guillaume Vives P’18 ’21 Karen Vogel & Raymond Hayes P’19 Laurie & Nathan Vogel P’19 Maria & Arnie von Massenhausen P’13 ’15 Susie & Dmitry Vosky P’21 Katrina & Jess Votaw P’20 Dennis Wagner P’97 ’98 Tara Martines ‘94 & Gary Wallichs P’21 Kathy & Larry Wan P’05 ’10 Bo Wang & Jianwen Pi P’21

Yeepeng Wang & Tony Yu P’20 Katie & Jason Weaver P’21 Helene & Robert Weil P’88 Ina Wester-Krieg & Peter Krieg P’19 Danielle ’80 & Brian Wheatley P’08 Lissa Whelan P’03 ’07 Carrie & Christian Whitaker P’21 Maris & John Whitney P’18 Pearl & John Wiedlin P’00 Jennifer & Thomas Wilcox P’19 Ladye Wilkinson & James Christman P’21 ’24 Kay & Jack Williams P’88 ’96 ’97 Valerie Williamson & Randy Reedy P’97 Margaret & Mike Wilson P’00 ’07 Soraya & Jeff Winter P’19 ’22 Jennifer Fanoe ’82 & Gregory Wolf P’11 ’13 Beth & Michael Woyak P’06 Melissa & Nathan Wu P’21 Virginia & Tainyule Wu P’17 Wen Xing & Fernando Villamar P’21 ’22 Vidula Yadav & Madhukar Pawar P’21 Lilia & Elpidio Yalong P’95 Janet & Jason Yamada P’19 Violet & Michael Yang P’19 ’22 Yi-Shan Yang & Erich Tzou P’19 ’22 Linda & Jon Yap P’96 Michelle & John Yeider P’08 ’11 Kelly & Alpay Yilmaz P’19 Mayumi Yoshida & David Iacobacci P’14 Jean & Martin Yue P’21 ’24 Stella Yun & Raghava Kondepudy P’21 ’25 Kerryann & Jason Zafiropoulo P’21 Barbara & Richard Zahner P’87 ’89 Eileen & Jeff Zanardi P’08 Nusheen Zarnegar & Harris Hall P’20 Lisette Zarzalejo & Napoleon Leoni P’21 Fanny & Jose Zeledon, Jr. P’07 ’08 ’13 Jennifer Zenk P’21 Karen Zhang & David Taylor P’21 Donna & Jeff Zontos P’21 Ron Zraick P’11

Philanthropy Report on Giving 2020-2021

CURRENT PARENT DONORS Anonymous Maria Aberin-Nguyen & Han Nguyen P’17 ’23 Birgitta & Matt Ackley P’17 ’20 ’23 Chantal Adam & Christian Dumont P’23 Lien & Osman Addo P’23 Shalini Aggarwal & Prabhat Raman P’23 Natasha Ahmed & Shaukat Khalil P’24 Janice & Ed Ajlouny P’20 ’25 Maria & Jeffrey Ajlouny P’23 ’25 Sandra Raquel Alvarez & Brian Rivera P’23 Laleh & Alireza Amin P’17 ’23 James Amlicke P’22 Monique & David Anthus P’21 ’23 Catherine Aquino ’87 & Tim Enney P’22 Jessica Araiza P’22 Jennie & Aaron Arasato P’22 Karen Ariaudo ’87 & Anthony Leal P’22 Vipra Arora & Vishal Anand P’23 Amna & Muhammad Aslam P’22 ’23 ’24 Erika & Dario Avalos P’24 Cheradee Babaran P’22 Lisa & Jason Babcock P’24 Dana & Jeffery Baicher P’24 Shauna & Jim Barker P’24 Elisa Robertson ’90 & Stephen Baroni P’18 ’20 ’23 Jill Bauman & Jason Plater P’24 Teja & Shishu Bedi P’21 ’25 Caroline & Eric Begg P’23 Elizabeth Beken & Michael Cortezano P’22 Nicole & Jeff Bell P’23 ’24 Suneetha & Gopinath Bendigeri P’22 Stacy Benedict ’96 P’22 Bernadette & Edward Tam P’24 Charlotte & Olivier Bernard P’24 Angela Bernhard & Robert Ashcom P’21 ’23 Chalana Bezawada & Ajay Kanagala P’23 Vaishali Bhavsar & Chetan Randeri P’24 Rhonda Biddle P’22 Brooke & Matthew Blecher P’24 Anna & Philip Boken P’22 Janet & David Borrison P’23 Labiba Boyd P’23 Karen Ann Yalong ’95 & Ivan Brouwer P’21 ’25 Elisa Cabrera P’23 ’25 Lingyan Cai P’23 ’24 Michele & Christian Calhoun P’23

Joan Neiderer ’86 & David Campbell P’23 Catherine & Cory Caouette P’24 Thomas Carmody P’22 Erika & Fidel Carrasco P’23 Georgette Cayabyab-Clark P’23 Mildred & Jerry Cayabyab P’22 Valerie Chan P’24 Kimberly & Gregory Chang P’19 ’22 Deepa Chari & Karthik Janakiraman P’23 Trina Chau & Hung Vo P’15 ‘23 Karampal & Rajinder Cheema P’22 Mandy Chen & Michael Yang P’21 ’23 Maxine Chicoine ’76 & Mark Bagoye P’22 Stephanie & Mark Christierson P’23 Renee & Marc Churnin P’22 Lisa Ciardella P’24 Marissa & Nick Ciardella P’24 Claudia & Kelly Coffey P’23 William Colvert P’22 Sonia & Thomas Connors P’22 Nadja & John Conway P’19 ’22 Pam & Christopher Crone P’22 ’24 Amy & Matthew Dale P’22 Anu & Sandeep Dalmia P’22 Nazy & Ali Dastgah P’24 Vian & Mike Davis P’23 Oscar de la Torre P’22 Adrienne DeFanti ’96 & Gregg Carlson P’23 Tracy & Gregory Del Carlo P’22 Juli & Leo Delfino P’12 ’24 Swetal & Nirav Dharia P’22 Jagdeep & Dhanjit Dhillon P’22 Kanchan Dilip & Brinda Balagopal P’22 Mynna Dinh & Kien Do P’21 ’24 Madeleine & Michael Disanto P’24 Urvashi & Parag Diwe P’23 Anitha & Anand Dixit P’22 Thuy Doan & Tuoi Le P’22 Irma & Bryan Dombrowsky P’24 Melissa & Nathan Donahoe P’24 Jennifer & Mike Donahue P’24 Burcu & Bahadir Dora P’23 Alifya & Nitin Duggal P’24 Teresa Duran P’23 Lori Campanella ’91 Durand P’20 ’25 Lakshmi & Sree Durbha P’23 Cara Einschlag & Jinsong Wang P’24 Pui Endo P’18 ’24

Cheryl Revels ’84 & Christopher Engelstad P’20 ’22 Amanda & Vince Ernani P’23 Magda & Jorge Escalante P’23 Grace & Henry Estrada P’24 Malini Eswarachandra & Amar Sharanappa P’23 Tanja & Chris Evans P’23 ’24 Heather Fagundes P’15 ‘17 ’23 Rochelle & Joel Fernandes P’23 Shannon & Joel Fiock P’24 Norma Flores & Edgar Paz-Martinez P’22 Michelle & Bradley Foote P’23 Christina & Dale Ford P’25 Jami Ford & Paul Phipps P’22 Jennifer & Jason Ford P’22 Ann Marie Fors P’22 Christine & Joshua Fradenburg P’24 Tina & Andy Franklin P’22 Yvette Frojelin ’86 & Tom Pereira P’17 ’25 Jing Fu & Jianfei Xu P’22 Patricia & Bryan Fujii P’19 ’24 Karen & Andrew Gabudao P’22 Shilpa & Rajesh Gadre P’22 Kim & Alexander Gallego P’23 Diana & Ed Galvan P’14 ’20 ’23 Jyothi Gandla & Suresh Dussa P’24 Lorena Garcia & Pablo Escobedo P’22 Luz & Silvino Garcia P’24 Sandra & Federico Garcia P’16 ’18 ’22 Isela & Alejandro Gasca P’17 ’19 ’25 Marah & Robert Gebala P’23 Kim & Greg Gillas P’18 ’22 Colleen Gleason & Greg Baicher P’23 Robin Goffney P’22 Lynn & Tom Golbetz P’22 Nivedita & Shravan Goli P’22 Mariana & Jaime Gomez P’23 Mirta Isabel & Alejandro Gomez P’23 Sharon Gonzales P’22 Angela & Antonio Gonzalez P’24 Kristen Good & Lawrence McGovern P’23 Bindu Gopal & Manikandan Kesavan P’23 Melissa & Scott Gorin P’21 ’23 Swathi Gottimukkula & Srinivasa Reddy P’24 Ann & Bon Gotuaco P’11 ’13 ’22 Srini Gowthaman P’22 Winter 2022 | 27

Philanthropy Report on Giving 2020-2021

Thili Gowthaman P’22 Romy & Jeffrey Grau P’17 ’19 ’23 Stacie Gray-Walker & J. Scott Walker P’22 Jamie & Christopher Grumbos P’24 Sunitha Gubba & Shyam Pabbathi P’22 Rosa & Jose Guerrero P’22 Teresita & Nau Guerrero P’23 Anjali & Manish Gupta P’22 ’23 Ramadevi Gurijala & Mallu Venkatesh P’24 Elva Gutierrez & Alonso Ochoa P’21 ’25 Si Gutierrez P’22 Fatosh & Hakan Hacigumus P’23 Guiying Han & Kun Zhang P’22 Georgina & Paul Hardy P’24 Michelle Gatto ’95 & Ryan Harrison P’23 ’25 Maheshwari & Veerabhushan Hatte P’22 Jill & Scott Higgins P’19 ’23 Natasha Hoady & David Conti P’23 ’25 Uyen & Minh Hoang P’23 David Hollis P’23 Ann & Joseph Horowitz P’23 Jennifer & Rubaiyat Hossain P’22 Cirenia Huerta & Matthew Navarro P’22 Rati Hukku & Alok Shivpuri P’23 Connie Huynh & Hung Nguyen P’24 Son Huynh P’23 Benito Infantino P’23 Lorena & Roberto Iniguez P’20 ’23 Sharon & Lionel Iorgulescu P’23 Erlinda & Melbert Ismael P’22 Atsuko & Hideki Itakura P’22 Maria Pilar & David Ivanov P’22 Priya Jagasia & Aswini Chowdappa P’20 ’22 Meenakshi & Sanjay Jain P’24 Jocelyn Jamir-Long & Jeff Long P’22 Jacqueline & Paul Jarvis P’22 Cathy & DJ Jelic P’18 ’22 Virginia Bynum ’93 & Mark Jennings P’24 Maggie Jin & Jon T. Kelly P’23 Lale & Reed Johnston P’23 Shannon Judd & Richard Guerra P’24 Deepa & Manish Kackar P’22 Florinda & Christian Kaiser P’24 Zohra Karimi & Najmuddin Jamali P’23 Shanthi Karunakaran & Arun Gopalakrishnan P’22 AnnMarie Novak ’90 & Scott Kelly P’22 Veronika & Matthew Kelly P’24 Tuyen & Jeffrey Kemp P’23 Natalie Kessler & Arthur Boudeville P’22 Puja & Vivek Khandelwal P’22 ’25 Carol & Bradley Kimura P’23 Dolly Kochhar & Raul Martin P’22 Prudence Steacy ’94 & Paul Kolano P’24 28 | Presentation High School

Shirisha & Venkat Kondapally P’23 Karen & John Korinetz P’23 Kris & Christopher Kovarik P’23 Elizabeth & Kenneth Kowalski P’24 ’25 Bhuvana Krishnamurthy & Venkat Thanvantri P’22 Sudha Krishnaswami & Ramprasad Krishnan P’24 Lily & Garrett Kubota P’23 ’25 Shruti & Amol Kulkarni P’22 Thao Lai & Ha Pham P’23 Subbu Lakshmi & Nij Dorairaj P’22 Tien Lam & Con Phan P’18 ’22 Faith Langlois-Dul P’22 Jennifer & John Lapava P’22 Cori Mott ’99 & Paul Latala P’23 Mary & Dennis Laughlin P’22 Cory Cochrane ’96 & Rob Laurence P’22 Madeleine & Christopher Layam P’14 ’20 ’23 Diem Le & Khoi Hoang P’24 Quynn Le P’22 Eileen & Todd Leffler P’18 ’20 ’24 Cheri Leonard & Nabil Rabbani P’24 Denise & David Lewinski P’23 Kara Liebig & Mike Furlong P’19 ’22 Allison Lim & Tak Eng P’23 ’25 Peishih Lin & Weiche Chang P’24 Felisha Lindsey & Geddy Ly P’22 Rama & Sridhar Lingam P’22 Faviola Loera & Olergario Sanchez P’22 Leela & Vijay Lolabattu P’22 Eileen & Eljas Long P’24 Jill & Andrew Lore P’21 ’25 Amanda Ly & Tuan Dinh P’24 Karri & John MacInnis P’22 Jill Maggi & Kevin Dyche P’23 Maureen & Paul Mahoney P’20 ’24 Stephanie & Roy Malatesta P’21 ’23 Melina & Alix Maldonado P’24 Jayne & Vikram Malhi P’23 Maricel & Kenneth Manglona P’21 ‘22 Erin Matalone ’79 & James Mansuetto P’21 ’23 Constance Marleau & Douglas S. Campbell P’12 ’15 ’23 Kristin & Richard Marshall P’24 Amy Martin & Michael Maffeo P’25 Julie & John Martini P’24 Amy Martorello & Michael Privitt P’23 Lorena & Anthony Mata P’23 Toony Mathew & Biju Joseph P’24 Jennifer & Michael McLane P’22 Sandra & Daniel McSweeney P’24 Jabeen Mehar & Shanawaz Kareem P’22

Claire Newton ’96 & Matthew Mellin P’22 Michelle Kelly & Steven Mesita P’19 ’23 Elizabeth & Anthony Montalbano P’22 Maria & Abelardo Montes P’22 Gillian & John Montgomery P’18 ’23 J. Alex Morales P’23 Madhu Mujoo & Rohit Jately P’23 Allison & Ben Mull P’23 Madhuri Murnal & Neeraj Purandare P’22 Sushma & Dayanand Murthy P’20 ’25 Deborah Mussomeli ’87 P’23 Chitra Nagaraj & Ashok Venkatachala P’23 Venkataramana Nalluri & Ramakrishna Chilukuri P’22 Anuradha & Vasudev Nambakam P’23 Nicole & Robert Napiltonia P’23 Shobana Narasimhan & Girish Venkitachalam P’23 Gowri Narayan & Sundaresan Ramamoorthy P’23 Esmeralda & Enrique† Navarro P’23 Olivia & Ruben Navarro P’23 Vidalina Necochea & Constantino Lara P’22 Alicia & Eric Nequist P’20 ’24 Hang Nguyen & Jiann Wang P’22 Hien Nguyen P’22 Kristy & Paul Nguyen P’23 Phuong & Long Nguyen P’22 Erna & Bob Nishime P’19 ’20 ’23 Chrisan Nisio & Michael Ngo P’22 Madhavi Nori & Giridhar Chodavarapu P’22 Michele & Donald Novotney P’21 ’23 Maria Nunez & David Valenzuela P’22 Beletech Nurga & Menberu Buli P’23 Michelle & Peter O’Hara P’22 Kerri Dunn ‘96 & Michael O’Shea P’24 Jennifer & Todd† Overbo P’23 Mallika & Mridul Pal P’13 ’22 Indrajanti & Sreekanth Pallikala P’20 ’25 Michelle & Christopher Palmer P’23 Sree Gouri & Lakshmana Pamarthy P’24 Ramya Parasuram P’23 Sapna & Ketan Parekh P’24 Hae Won & Brian Park P’24 Jill & Kirk Parrish P’22 Tisha & Robert Pastega P’13 ’18 ’22 Hemal & Hemil Patel P’22 Veronica Patino P’23 Meghann & Josh Paul P’22 Marnie Gannon ’88 & John Pearl P’22 Shelley Peralta & Francisco Leyva P’23 †deceased

Philanthropy Report on Giving 2020-2021

Teresa & Antonio Pereira P’09 ’22 Michelle Perry P’22 Anu & Charly Perumattam P’23 Kathleen & Mark Peters P’22 Michelle & Scott Pettitt P’23 Hang Pham & Nghiem Bui P’22 Indrani & Sreenu Pillutla P’24 Kara Pinn ’93 Indelli P’23 Victoria & Christian Pisani P’23 Cherry Pong & Melvin Li P’23 Stephanie & Charl Porter P’23 Terri & Nick Possley P’22 Sakunrat & Michael Powers P’22 Chitra Prabhakara & Nagendra Prahalad P’22 Binitha Prasad & Saji Nair P’22 Shuchi & Mukul Prasad P’23 Nanci Price & Daryl Monk P’22 Mary Procaccio-Flowers & Stephen Flowers P’24 Tess Pulido-Rios & Art Rios P’16 ’24 Jacintha Quinny & Ahmed Shoeb P’22 Maria Quinones & Michael Maloney P’21 ’22 Julie Raak P’12 ‘15 ‘23 Shobhita Rai & Samant Kumar P’24 Maria Brunetti ’86 Ramacciotti P’21 ’23 Sangeeta Ramakrishnan & Ramanathan Jagadeesan P’24 Sharmila Ramamurthy & Sridharan Arunachalam P’22 Arti & Rajeev Raman P’23 Lavanya Ramanathan & Ramanathan Avudaiappan P’24 Geetha Rangarajan & Chander V. Sharma P’24 Supriya & Suraj Rao P’19 ’22 Padmini Rayadurgam & Mahesh Chellappa P’23 Ranjani Renganathan & Pavan Bharathapudi P’24 Paula Berry ’89 & David Reynolds P’19 ’21 ’23 Terry & Byron Rifenburg P’23 Yesenia Rivas-Bejarano & Ernesto Bejarano P’21 ’23 Christine & Bill Robbins P’22 Smita & Richard Rodrigues P’22 ’25 Esther Rodriguez & Jose Gonzalez P’24 Karina & Oscar Rodriguez P’23 Lilian & Matthew Romo P’12 ’17 ’23 Miriam & Rafael Romo P’24 Diane Fiock ’94 & Gene Rosenthal P’24 Olga & Michael Rosito P’24 Esperanza & Magelli Roxas P’22 Karen & Fred Rudell P’24 Dina Saah ’94 P’24 Bronwyn & Salvatore Saglimbeni P’24

Bala & Neeraj Sahejpal P’18 ’23 Flora & Mark Salcedo P’22 Susana Salcedo & Ricardo Garciduenas P’22 Jayasri Sangu & Ragutam Bommareddy P’22 Rosemary & Brian Santor P’22 Sofia Santos & Silvano Francisco P’23 Caroline Sarpolio P’22 Sandhya Satya Narayan & Shankar Venkataraman P’24 Sherri & Craig Sciuto P’24 Deneen & Scott Sedlack P’21 ’21 ’24 Debra & Robert Seminario P’24 Somedutta & Samrat Sengupta P’22 Judy & Chad Seps P’22 Asha Shabanam & Mohamed Anees P’24 Purvi & Ashish Shah P’22 ’24 Trusha Shah & Vimal Dodhia P’22 Neda & Shawn S. Sharafkah P’25 Archana & Suman Sharma P’22 Shweta Sharma & Mayur Misra P’24 Jong-Soon Shin & Yun Yang P’24 Keiko & Jun Shinagawa P’22 Jamie Shkolnick & Eric Carlson P’24 Anju & Rajeev Shukla P’24 Navdeep & Preet Sibia P’24 Amanpreet Sidhu & Monty Gill P’23 Nina & Jeff Silvas P’24 Cathy Masciarelli ’89 & Mark Simon P’23 Christina Scalzo ’94 & Jim Simpkins P’24 Priya & Ramesh Singh P’24 Radhika & Harbir Singh P’23 Upinder Singh & Sandeep Jaggi P’23 Urvashi & Vivek Singh P’23 Shweta & Prafull Singhal P’22 Marcela & Irwin Sioxson P’09 ’11 ’24 Yazalmozli & Vasudevan Sivakumar P’24 Dhanalakshmi Sivashamugam & Manickavasagan Jayaraman P’22 Sherri Smith P’23 Petra & Peter Smrdeli P’22 Hyehyun & Daechul Sohn P’22 Reyna Solis & Pedro Soberano P’23 Mika Son & Will Mori P’22 Rodrigo Sotelo P’24 Tiffany & Weston Sousa P’17 ’23 Navamy Srikanth & Srikanth Guruvaiah P’24 Mark Stewart P’22 ’22 Sheila & Kevin Stout P’25 Lakshmi Subramania Sharma & Subramania Sharma Thandaveswaran P’24 Veronica & Brian Sullivan P’22

Mayura Suryanarayan & Raghava Viswanathaiah P’22 Sau Tam & Stephen Inoue P’22 Kirti Tamhane & Sumant Bapat P’25 Deepa & Mohan Taneja P’24 Laura & Christopher Taylor P’23 Myla & Craig Taylor P’23 Angela Telerski & Michael Trent P’21 ‘24 Isabel Tello & Abraham Lemus P’22 Michele & John David Testa P’23 Debbie & Tadd Thomas P’23 Mary Schneck ’87 & Brad Tips P’21 ’22 ’24 Thien-Huong To & Vu Pham P’21 ’22 ’24 Joanne & Alex Todd P’22 Irma Tomas Paneda & Heriberto Alcantar Hernandez P’23 ’25 AnhThu Tran-Le & Minh Le P’22 Hang Tran & Phuong Nguyen P’22 Hoa Tran & Loc Nguyen P’23 Kim-Nguyen Tran & Tuan Ha P’22 Thuy Tran P’22 Tram Anh Tran & Thuong Duong P’19 ’24 Abigail & Brian Trenchak P’24 Rajalakshmi Trichur Seetharaman & Sitaraman Iyer P’24 Shashi & Sunil Tripathy P’22 Diana Tsai & David Yeh P’24 Victoria Tsang ’89 & Thomas Hau P’25 Yoko & Kyle Tsukamoto P’23 Renee & Jacint Tumacder P’23 ’25 Linda & Chris Turkstra P’18 ’23 Julie & Michael Turner P’22 Dora Valdes & Jose Barrientos P’20 ’22 Jenny & Daniel Valdez P’23 Heather Vaughan P’23 Colleen & Daniel Vega P’23 Sai Velamakotha & Suveen Nadipalli P’23 Natalya & Eric Venzon P’24 Lisa & Stephen Vierra P’21 ’25 Karla Villalobos P’23 Kelly & Joel Vincent P’24 Sharda Vishwanath P’24 Nunzia Vitarelli ’92 & Benedetto Nicosia P’22 Thien Vu & Toan Do P’24 Lindsey Wagle P’24 Diane & Mark Warneke P’22 ’24 Chun-Yu Wen & Yen-Fu Lin P’24 Dana Longinetti ’96 & Benjamin White P’23 Nicole & Jason M. Whitney P’24 Eileen & Bryan Wiens P’25 Winter 2022 | 29

Philanthropy Report on Giving 2020-2021

Belinda Wilder & Howard Solovei P’22 Ladye Wilkinson & James Christman P’21 ’24 Michael Williams P’23 Lori Williamson ’87 Carmody P’22 Soraya & Jeff Winter P’19 ’22 Wen Xing & Fernando Villamar P’21 ’22 Jianying Yan & Weijia Sun P’24 Violet & Michael Yang P’19 ’22

Yi-Shan Yang & Erich Tzou P’19 ’22 Shanthi Yellapregada & Sridhar Sharma P’24 Leinaala Young ’94 P’23 Caroline & Charles Yu P’22 Xin Yuan & Neil Lu P’23 Jean & Martin Yue P’21 ’24 Stella Yun & Raghava Kondepudy P’21 ’25

Lizbeth & Santos Zaragoza P’23 Jun Zhao & Jie Hu P’25 Shauna Van Breen ’96 Zimmerman P’22 Sonya Zimmermann ’81 & Iman Lalehparvar P’22 ’24

GRANDPARENT DONORS Kathleen & Ken Alongi P’93 ’96 Barbara & Robert Aquino P’87 ’88 Judy & Jim Babcock Louise Bannan S. Michael Bernhard Diana Berry P’87 ’89 Elda & Douglas Bielanski Glenn Blohowwiak Patt & Barney Brust P’88 Ron Cali P’97 ’01 Judy & Greg Carlson Richard Caron Cynthia Colvert Connie & Joe Cronin P’93 Doris & Ed Cronin P’80 Madonna Dombrowsky Patricia Dvorak P’87 Patsy & Neil Fanoe P’82 ’83 ’84 ’85 Richard Ferrari Marion Flandrena Sue & Gary Giannini P’83 ’85 Kathy & Bernie Glienke Elizabeth Grandey Sabina & Dana Grau Mary & Fran Harvey Gail Hehir Howard Hochman Ora & David Hoover P’76 30 | Presentation High School

Dorothy & Stanley House P’75 ’80 ’82 Jay Huntington Sharon Johe Kay & Dennis King Diane La France Carolyn & Jack Lewis Sidne Long & Hank Delevati Sally DiSalvo ’66 & Bob Longinetti P’94 ’96 ’00 Susan & Michael Maggi Ann & Rodney Martin Rebecca & Gary Mason P’90 Phyllis & Russ Matesso Jan & Gaylord Moulds Francoise Mulligan Carol Myers Darlene & Wayne Newton P’96 Peggy & Lon Normandin P’74 ’77 ’83 Carolyn Olsen Janis Patellaro Helen Dorcich ’67 & Andrew Pavicich Dolores Penner Guadalupe Perez Genevieve & Donald Perrucci Polly Peters Irene & Jerome Pierce Diane & Ron Piziali P’88 Michelle Porter

Fran & Ron Reynolds Norma Rhodes Barbara Robinson Julie & Michael Ruppert P’18 Missy Ryan P’83 ’84 Susan & Mark Scalzo P’94 ’96 ’97 Shirlee DiNapoli Schiro P’73 ’78 ’79 ’81 Francis Schmidt Patricia & Thomas Schneck P’83 ’87 ’88 ’97 Elaine & Roy Stanley Donna & Jim Stewart Debra Stohlman Sue & David Taylor II Connie & Rhett Thompson Marjorie Trant Marta Vaughan Welcolm Weisel Janice & James White David Whitney Dennis Wills Lilia & Elpidio Yalong P’95 Linda & Jon Yap P’96 Linda & Ben Yates Germaine Zenk Kathryn & Philip Zimmerman

Philanthropy Report on Giving 2020-2021

CURRENT PHS FACULTY & STAFF DONORS Chelsea Althouse Catherine Aquino ’87 & Tim Enney P'22 Julia Asada Elisa Robertson ’90 & Stephen Baroni P’18 ’20 ’23 Grace Bernal ’17 Mary Clare Bernal ’10 Mairead Brodie Lisa Brunolli & Michael Targgart Lisa Randazzo ’78 Bunnell Crystal Catalan Suzanne & Brent Colvin Heidi Contreras Lisa & Fred Dalton P’09 Kim Dang & Hanh Nguyen Alyssa & Shaun Dickey Holly & David Elkins Kathryn Fauria ’12 Amy Fields Shannon & Joel Fiock P’24 Yvette Frojelin ’86 & Tom Pereira P’17 ’25 Sara & Dave Fugate Lisa Gray ’87 & Peter Fuqua P’14 ’17 ’19 ’21 Catherine Furtado ’06 Katherine & Ilian Georgiev Timothy Goodman

Naomi Hartwig Tracy & Prys Hughes Jo-Anne Hurlston Sharon & Lionel Iorgulescu P’23 AnnMarie Novak ’90 & Scott Kelly P’22 Wendy Kennedy Sue Kent Katy & Dave Lemon P’00 ’02 Sierra Maestas ’15 Carole & Tom Medica P’01 Missy Meighan Andrea Morris Jeanne & Jeffery Mullins P’13 ’15 Siobhán Ippolito ’91 & Thomas O'Byrne Eve Okamura Angelena & Donald Paxton P’20 Liliana & Eric Poppen Sherrie Raposa & Eric Buell Krista Rentschler

Denise & Sean Rooney P’18 Jenna Saso ’09 Rosati Diane Fiock ’94 & Gene Rosenthal P’24 Linda & Dan Russo P’03 Caroline Shearin ’02 Stefanie Silva & Sean Donoho Errin Smith Chérie Somavia Monica & Kevin Stampfl Stacey Teague ’85 & Michael Stebbins P’21 Sarah & Gabriel Thomas Tam Tran Melissa & James Ursin Nohora & Jose Vargas P’18 Lindsay Velez Laura Gutto ’04 & Jaime Zepeda

Winter 2022 | 31

Philanthropy Report on Giving 2020-2021

FRIENDS OF PRESENTATION Ellie Adamo David Adams Joy & Dennis Africa Julie Albanese Mari & Bill Albanese Mary Sue Albanese Mary & Stephen Almassy Anna Almejo Casey Anderson Kent Anderson Anonymous Deborah Apodaca Alexandra Asp Sherra Avila Cathie & Al Bacosa Ramiro Bejinez Andria & Eric Bengtson Arlene Bondy Catherine Bonnici Kimberly Bovone Cherie Britt Carole Brum Carol & Bob Buchser Kate Buenrostro Patricia & David Burney Charlene Burns Joshua Burroughs Jennifer & John Callan Kim & Timothy Carey Andrea & Timothy Case Pamela Castaneda Linda Chin Conchita & George Clark Liz & Patrick Clifford Julia & Bill Colvin Theresa Conefrey & Aritomo Shinozaki Shannon Connelly Suzanne & Robert Couch Nancy Couper David Cralle Chantal Crawley Katie & John Cunningham Duncan Curry Toni & Dan D'ali Claire Darling & Martin Dunn Tiffany & Robin Davis Annabelle de Asis & Steve Lee Shevlin de la Roza Kristen Del Biaggio & Mike Heffernan Bill Del Biaggio† 32 | Presentation High School

Renee & Mark Dewhirst Mary Anne Dijak Jennifer & J. Philip DiNapoli Theresa Doan Jennifer Doane Jocelyn Dumont Andrea & Keith Duwel Viktoria & Ted Earle Cindy Elkins Dolores & Michael Elkins Michelle Elliott Mark Escobar Molly & Rick Fezell Gary Filizetti Brian Fox Kristine & Mike Gagliardi James Galvin Silvana & Joe Gentzkow Cyndie & Bert George Linda & Steve Gera Andy Ghiggeri Bill Giannini JoAnna Gistand Beverly & Ron Gorshe Erin Graziosi Jennifer & Gary Grellman Sandy & Matt Gruwell Jennifer & Anthony Gudeli Jericca & Xavier Gutierrez Pat & Andrew Haines Leslie & Don Harris Adam Heard Gloria & Mani Hernandez Lynn & Richard Hillebrecht Ralph Hipps Marietta & William Hipskind Linh Hoang & Peter Pham Susan & Erich Hoelzer A.J. Hostak George Houston Stephen Howard Sheryl & Bret Hydorn Eleanor Jackson Catherine & Steven Jacob Sandy & Ralph Jacob Sue & Michael James Steve Johnston Jessie Jones Jonathan Kaye Amy & Marc Kocher Sue Kupka Jeannette & Butch Kyles

Nicole & Joseph Lamano Katie Laughlin Patrick Laughlin Denise & Gerald Leto Liz Levy Susan & Jim Lewis Linda Liu & Steve Elich Bernard Lopez† Zohre Lowry Meagan McKee Rosemary Menard Mark Minnihan James Morgan Danielle & Scott Murcray Maria & David Nash Maeve Naughton Stephanie & Joseph Loguidice Vidya Neerkundar Katie Nelson Jill Osato Penny & Jeff Osorio Linda & Mark Pasion Bina & Prakash Patel Joy Pauley Jennifer & Mike Peckham Julietta Perez Jennifer Pershall Martha & Tony Piazza Carol Plette Chaitanya Polavarapu Barb & David Purdy Danni RaBon Sadie Randle Dee Rentschler David Richards Melanie & Thomas Richardson Allison Rix Gary Rummelhoff Norene & Jeff Rusteen Kevin Saldivar

Grace Sanfilippo Ed Sauceda Diane Schoenrock Peggy Schrader Beth & Ronald Smith Julia & Ian Smith Timi & John M. Sobrato Bill Spigler Mattie & Brendan Spillane Elisa Springmeyer Ramya Sridharan Karen Strobach Kathi & Craig Sue Cathie & Joe Swoboda Robert Taccini Sandy Tarango Rebekah Temple Patty & Alex Tennant Nupur Thakur & Manish Mukherjee Gokila Thirumoorthy Maria Thompson Jennifer Tran ThanhVan Tran Thuy Tran Lauren Trent Megan Twiddy Arlene Vaccaro Mary Jane Vitkovich Kenneth Wadors Jordan Wang Katie & Matt Weaver Pam & David Wilder Brian Winter Jon Witkin Steve Wymer Yan Yan Katie Zazueta


Philanthropy Report on Giving 2020-2021


The Nano Nagle Legacy Society was established to recognize and honor donors who have designated gifts to Presentation High School in their wills or estate plans. Leaving a legacy gift to Presentation as part of your planned giving ensures the continued education of fearless and faithful leaders. There are many options for designating a planned gift— speak with your legal or financial advisors about how you can make a lasting impact on Pres. Anonymous Manuel & Mari Alba Chuck Berger Frank & Gayle Boitano Fred & Willy Brown Ron Cali Dennise McNulty ’69 Carter Margie Chiechi ’68 Ray & Jane Davilla Larry & Judy Ford ’78 Davis Patricia Duran Heidi Knapp ’88 Egelston Thomas & Elizabeth Fedyna Rick & Terry Giorgetti Staff & Peg Grady Robert & Karen Howell Jennifer Hunt ’90 Andrew & Nena Duran ’82 Lehane John & Shari Levitt Jack & Carolyn Lewis Dave & Susan McBride

Marilyn Moreno ’68 McCarthy Matt & Ellen Medeiros Martin & Becky Menne Keith & Lindsay Meyer Thomas & Jayne Rose ’72 Miller Mary Miller ’72 Marlene Mirassou ’66 Lon & Peggy Normandin Ron Pine Joe & Marti Rao Gary Neustadter & Patty Rauch Ludwig & Adrienne Renner Stephanie Schiro ’79 Ronco Jonathan & Michelle Sanchez Philip S. Sanfilippo QTIP Trust Terry & Paulette Scheffer Dan & Linda Sisto Mike & Barbara Hefte ’74 Spencer Marian Stuckey Alice Dewhirst ’78 Ursano Roxanne Vane

Become a Partner in Nano Nagle's Legacy If you have remembered Presentation High School in your estate planning or if you have questions about the Nano Nagle Legacy Society, please contact the Office of Development & Engagement at (408) 264-5110.

Winter 2022 | 33

Philanthropy Report on Giving 2020-2021


We are blessed by generous business supporters, both inside the classrooms and out. Donations of goods, services, time, money and more help our programs thrive. In gratitude for their contributions, we kindly ask that you help us return the favor and patronize our donors as much as possible. 20Twenty Cheese Bar Abbott Adelita’s Taqueria & Restaurant Adobe Allstate John Lozon Agency Am Slav Men’s Club Apple Applied Materials Aqui Cal-Mex Auris Health, Inc. Bacosa Photography Bellarmine Alumni Mothers Extended Network Bellarmine Mother’s Guild Boeing Brandenburg Family Foundation Broadcom CBIZ Benefits & Insurance Services Chan Zuckerberg Chubb Cisco Corinthian International Parking Services Coyote Valley Sporting Clays Daughters of Charity Foundation Devcon Construction, Inc. Dog and Pony Show Dolce Spazio Gelato Dropbox eBay Farrington Historical Foundation Fidelity FIRST First Eagle Investment Management

First Tech Federal Credit Union Gap Genentech Geoffrey’s Diamonds Global Respiratory Systems Google Higgins Properties Hopkins & Carley Howell Electric IBM Intero Real Estate - Ana Maria Russo Intuit Joe Escobar Diamonds Joseph George Wines Joseph J. Albanese, Inc. Jostens JS Higgins Properties Junior League of San Jose Juniper Kendra Scott KLA-Tencor Foundation Lam Research Landmark Builders Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation Lexus of Stevens Creek Lockheed Luna Mexican Kitchen Medtronic Meredith Corporation Michael Merrill Design Studio Microsoft My College Hunt, LLC Normandin Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram

FIAT Nvidia OneHope Pavicich Companies Pfahnl & Hunt Accountancy Co. Pfizer PG&E Pieri Living Trust Presentation LAMP Prudential Reflections Elegante Fine Art Gallery Rossi, Hamerslough, Reischl & Chuck Sacred Heart Nativity Schools Samsung Santa Clara University Sign Gypsies San Jose Sisters of the Presentation Stella B. Gross Charitable Trust Stephen Rottjakob, D.D.S. Symantec The Party Helpers The Screen Shop The Wine Affairs Twanda Foundation Uyesugi Dental Viasat Visa VMware Wells Fargo Workday Xilinx

It's easy to increase your donation to Pres through a matching gift donation from your employer. Many employers offer a 1:1 match on philanthropic gifts, but some match at 2:1, 3:1 or even 4:1! Contact your employer's HR department to find out if your company matches. Then send them confirmation of your donation to initiate the match. For more information, contact the Development & Engagement Department at (408) 264-5110. 37 | Presentation High School

Philanthropy Report on Giving 2020-2021


Endowments provide perpetual funding for financial aid and co-curricular programs, and are a critical component in keeping tuition costs as affordable as possible. Endowments give students who would otherwise be unable to attend Presentation the resources needed to fully participate in all areas of school life. Manuel & Mari Alba Family Endowment Harvey & Nola Armstrong Family Endowment Randy & Patti Blair Family Endowment Gina Bonnici Endowment Richard & Carlee Harder-Brown Family Endowment Ronald & Marcia Cali Family Endowment Robert & Kate Chimenti Family Endowment Dance Endowment Davilla Family Endowment (In Memory of Raymond & June Moless Davilla) Gretchen Nicoletti ’83 DiNapoli Endowment Holly & David Elkins Family Endowment Neil & Patsy Fanoe Family Endowment Bill & Karen Frederick Family Endowment Gary & Sue Giannini Family Endowment S.O. Glad Family Endowment Sr. Adele Hancock, PBVM Endowment

Robert & Sally Longinetti Family Endowment Bernard J. Lopez Endowment Matthew & Ellen Medeiros Family Endowment Fr. Al Miller Endowment Lon & Peggy Normandin Family Endowment Lindsay Parkinson Endowment Yvonne Macie Pine Endowment Ron & Diane Piziali Family Endowment Michael & Vicki Pope Family Endowment Krish & Padma Ramakrishnan Family Endowment Jim Reilly Endowment Grace A. Sanfilippo Endowment Marian Stuckey Endowment Gary & Janice Valenzuela Family Endowment Vintage ’62 Endowment Anna Marie Brassill ’38 Zabala Endowment


A memorial gift to Presentation can help perpetuate the values that guided a loved one’s life. Gifts may also honor a person during his or her lifetime, or commemorate a significant event. Your thoughtful gift becomes a living memorial that touches the lives of our students. In Memory of Christina Asbury ’05

In Memory of Eyda Giachetti

In Memory of Zehra Attari P’96 ’03

In Memory of Debra Faraone ’68 Hodges

In Memory of Noel Blair ’91

In Memory of Kathryn Imfeld P’67

In Memory of Suzi Brickley

In Memory of Alice Valdivia ’73 James

In Memory of Claire Buchser

In Memory of Jennifer Martin P’16 ’18

In Memory of Mike Chiechi

In Memory of Alyssa Messier ’99

In Memory of Barbara Comey ’06

In Memory of Affi Panahi

In Memory of Sr. Thecla Cronin, PBVM

In Memory of Lindsay Parkinson ’00

In Memory of Raymond & June Moless Davilla

In Memory of Alison Smith ’96

In Memory of Bill Del Biaggio

In Memory of Charles Steed

In Memory of Marilyn Cimino ’78 Enos

In Memory of Carmel Vaudagna

Winter 2022 | 35

Philanthropy Report on Giving 2020-2021


The Lantern League is a women’s giving circle – a group of like-minded, dedicated women who raise money, pool resources and grant money. The Lantern League works to break down barriers that would exclude young women from educational and developmental opportunities – particularly, financial barriers. Specifically, the Lantern League funds programs that improve the quality of life for women and girls within the greater Bay Area. Loreli Alba ’08 Alanis Mari Alba P’05 ’08 Monica Alba ’05 Mary Sue Albanese Linda Antonopoulos P’02 ’08 Diane Normandin ’83 Azevedo P’10 ’12 Elisa Robertson ’90 Baroni P’18 ’23 Maureen Basile P’95 ’97 Janice Berthold P’01 Margie Blach P’06 ’08 ’10 Mona-Lisa Moran ’87 Blouin P’16 Shelli Bodnar P’21 Gayle Boitano P’95 ’00 Catherine Bonnici Patt Brust P’88 Kelly Ryan ’83 Burns P’13 Kathleen Cazale P’00 Suzanne Colvin Kim Dang Dolores Davison ’85 Mari Donnelly P’09 ’09 Holly Elkins Patsy Fanoe P’82 ’83 ’84 ’85 Karen Frederick P’08 Natawnee Fritz ’02 Katherine Georgiev Jacqueline Gill ’12 Kristin Gill ’15 Sondra Gill ’12 ’15 Terry Giorgetti P’92 ’95 Tracy Giorgetti ’92 Kathy Gutto P’99 ’01 ’04 Tracy Hughes Cecilia O'Brien ’84 Jackson P’99 ’21 ’21 Grace Jackson ’21 Paige Jackson ’21 Katie Fanoe ’83 Jaeb P’16 Megan Jaeb ’16 Jennifer Kaefer ’02 Betsy Fanoe ’84 Kais P’16 ’17 Laurie Kelm P’10 Wendy Kennedy

36 | Presentation High School

Grace Lattyak ’99 Lynn Wilson ’07 Lee Carolyn Lewis Susan Lewis Aimee Longinetti ’94 Elena Longinetti ’00 Sally DiSalvo ’66 Longinetti P’94 ’96 ’00 Dawn Guerreiro ’90 McCale P’18 Jennifer Moyen-Logan P’05 ’07 Carson Myers ’17 Paula Myers P’17 Anne Naragon P’15 ’16 Kim Rademakers ’86 Odgers P’21 Margot Olsen P’17 Monica Pashby P’13 Angie Paxton P’20 Lauren Pinheiro ’09 Susan Pinheiro P’09 Vicki Pope P’08 Padma Ramakrishnan P’11 Sherrie Raposa

Jillian Ritchie ’18 Marilyn Ritchie P’16 ’18 Megan Ritchie ’16 Amy Rose P’20 Anna Roth ’17 Emma Roth ’13 Mary Roth P’13 ’17 Patti Rottjakob P’09 ’11 Missy Ryan P’83 ’84 Kathryn Sager P’21 Kristin Cooke ’90 Schneider Dede Smullen P’18 Gabrielle Smullen ’18 Kiley Stephens Tricia Chico ’86 Stephens P’17 ’20 Katie Weaver P’21 Dana Longinetti ’96 White P’23 Gianna White ’23 Jennifer Fanoe ’82 Wolf P’11 ’13 Amy Wong ’02 Linda Yap P’96


Class Highlights




Pres alumnae continue achieving special milestones, advancing their careers and making a difference in the world!





'90 Winter 2022 | 37

Class Highlights

Danielle Morgan '01 Acosta



Danielle Morgan ’01 Acosta became the President of ACPA-College Student Educators International in March. The higher education association has more than 6,000 members focused on college student education, learning and development and is grounded in racial justice and decolonization of higher education systems and processes. Danielle serves as the Associate Dean of Students at Clark University and has been an active member of the association since 2007.

Julie Heyburn '73 Keller Julie works as a Family Physician at University Family Medicine in Cleveland and is starting to think about retirement. Julie is also working to become certified in Culinary Medicine and volunteers at a Migrant Health Care Clinic. Life is good!


Danielle Cartier '09 Danielle had a solo exhibition, How to Be Heard, at the Merion Gallery within St. Joseph’s University from November 2021 through January 2022. Her portfolio includes mixed media paintings and public mural projects within South Jersey. She is currently an Adjunct Professor of Art at Stockton University.

Katie Ramos '06 Cummins Katie was back on campus as she continued her tradition of giving back to the annual Pres Turkey Drive, supporting Sacred Heart Community Service.

'97 Jennifer Sousa '97 Jennifer has been crowned the new Ms. California Petite for 2022. Her platform will focus on Autism Awareness, something near and dear to her since her daughter’s diagnosis in 2017. 38 | Presentation High School


Class Highlights


Prior to our Feast of the Presentation Mass and Faculty Follies, alumnae moms joined their Presentation students and alumnae faculty members for breakfast in the Courtyard.

WANT TO BE FEATURED? We are eager to hear about your families, careers, achievements and milestones! Email updates and photos at any time to We can't wait to hear from you!

Jenna Saso ’09 Rosati, Gianna White ’23, Dana Longinetti ’96 White

Winter 2022 | 39

Madelyn Benzo

In Memoriam

Mother of Diane Benzo ’75 Gatto and Grandmother of Dianna Gatto ’95 Guzman

Carl Bucher

Father of Julie Bucher ’77 Harris, Betsy Bucher ’78 Daniels and Joanne Bucher ’84 King

Armond Conti Grandfather of Anabelle Conti ’23 and Gianna Conti ’25

Patricia Dellamano

Marilyn Landgraf

Grandmother of Megan Landgraf ’00 Annis

Robert Lockwood

Father of Amy Lockwood ’93

Enrique Navarro

Father of Izabella Navarro ’23

Frank Pichay

Father of Jennifer Pichay ’99 Madrilejos

Grandmother of Maggie Dellamano ’96 Meyer and Monica Dellamano ’03

Tina Qura '95

Albert Dierckes, Jr.

Joseph (Rick) Rechenmacher

Grandfather of Catherine Sager ’21


Grandmother of Valeska Victorio ’25

Father of Heidi Rechenmacher ’67 and Laura Rechenmacher ’68 Gonzales, Grandfather of Valerie Rechenmacher ’01, Kathryn Rechenmacher ’05 and Stephanie Rechenmacher ’11

Janice Duggan

Marie Russo

Isidora Granda Duenas

Mother of AnnMarie Novak ’90 Kelly and Grandmother of Gabriella Kelly ’22

Margret Estrada

Grandmother of Ariana Estrada ’24

Angelina Fagiano

Grandmother of Julia Randazzo ’00 and Vanessa Randazzo ’04 Teixeira

Mother of Diane Russo ’71 Fontaine

Manaucher Saffarnia

Grandfather of Leila Sharafkah ’25

Antonia Sanchez Rivas

Grandmother of Citlalli Bejarano ’21 and Xochitl Bejarano ’23

Helen Filice

Marion Solovei

Lilia Frojelin

Eduardo Soto

Grandmother of Gianna Filice ’99 and Annette Filice ’03

Grandfather of Talia Solovei ’22

Mother of Yvette Frojelin ’86 and Grandmother of Janelle Pereira ’17 and Tiffany Pereira ’25

Father of Maria Soto ’85 Thomas, Sandra Soto ’86 Ramos and Adriana Soto ’87

Jemma Jack

Loraine Whitney

Mother of Ashley Rayfield ’02

Grandmother of Lillian Whitney ’24

Emmanuel Kalisse

Pat Woolsey

Grandfather of Kalisse Ajlouny ’20 and Sophie Ajlouny ’25

Cathy Kovarik

Grandmother of Zoe Kovarik ’23 40 | Presentation High School

Mother of Colleen Woolsey ’69

Presentation High School Fashion Show

April 9, 2022

at Presentation High School

Tickets available at: Winter 2022 | 41

Presentation High School 2281 Plummer Avenue San Jose, CA 95125

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