Sophomore Class Officer Election Booklet

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Vote for 7 class officer candidates. Voting rooms are only open at lunch from 12:30-1:15. You must have your ID to vote.


Freshmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Room 4


Probationary members have attended fewer than 5 workshops. Bronze members have attended 5-9 workshops. Silver members have attended all 10 workshops. Gold members have completed all workshops and a Capstone Project.


To be a member in good standing Panther Pride members must: • Attend all meetings • Attend 2 games/sports that aren’t spirit-point games • Join a sub-committee • Meet fundraising quota • Attend two A-Day Smackdowns per semester • Members may have 2 unexcused absences and 1 excused absence from all Panther Pride events including but not limited to games, meetings and A-Day Smackdowns before being contacted by a moderator. White members meet requirements Silver members exceed game requirements for two seasons Gold members exceed three requirements and participate in a Panther Pride community service activity.





Presentation leadership positions Freshman Homeroom Representative Presentation involvement Guys and Dolls 2014-2015 Father Daughter Dance Committee 2014-2015 Presentation Clubs PAC ITS Healthy Habits CSF Community service I am part of a charity organization called NCL. Through this organization, I have completed many philanthropic activities including: working at the JW House, making blankets for Project Linus, making heart pillows for the JW House, shopping for Sunday Friends Christmas activity, and baking cookies for the Georgia Travis Center. Additional comments This year I actively participated in many student council events. During Mag Drive, I was an active seller. I also organized prizes for my homeroom if they brought in receipts proving they sold magazines. This encouraged them to be active sellers as well. I was one of the two freshman Homeroom Representatives to be in charge of Food Drive. I stapled flyers to bags many times, dropped off bags and brought in cans. I also organized a raffle for this drive with my homeroom partner. We made three grand prizes and then raffled them off to people who had brought in cans. For toy drive, I brought in many toys to help not only the freshman class but also the kids who would not have otherwise received toys for Christmas. It warmed my heart to take part in drive where we were making kids Christmas dreams come true. My homeroom partner and I created a secret box for our homeroom to dump their coins in. I also brought in cash to dump on the seniors. During Hall Decorating, I went many times after school to help create what ended up being the winning hall. I also participated in tearing down the hall. During Spirit Week, I dressed up everyday with great enthusiasm while also trying to convince my classmates to participate as well. For Pan Pan, I choreographed some of the dance and helped teach the dance to the rest of the girls. Finally, for Mission Drive, I have been buying food from the freshman class as well as actively communicating with my homeroom’s Mission Drive Representatives.




Presentation leadership positions Freshman Homeroom Representative Presentation involvement Stage Door 2015 Field Hockey 2014 Presentation Clubs Women’s Advocacy Club CI Community service New Mexico Mission Trip: Over ski week break, I had the opportunity to go to a Navajo Reservation in New Mexico with my church. I was honored to be able to work with and serve with the people there in preparing houses for painting, working on building a new community center, playing with the children, and worshipping God with all of them. They taught me great things about loving life with all of its trials and responding in faith. Freshman Day of Service: I was able to serve my community with my fellow Presentation classmates, and I am so grateful for the opportunity. We went to Sacred Heart Community Services and sorted food and then went to Church of the Chimes to talk with the people there and serve them dinner. Wake Up With Service: During first semester, I was able to go with some of my fellow student council members to Sacred Heart to serve bagels and coffee to the people waiting in line to sign up for holiday services this year. Volunteering at Sacred Heart: Around Thanksgiving, I went on a service trip to Sacred Heart with Presentation and got to load boxes with food from the pantry and make sure that everyone got relatively the same thing. Additional comments Hall Decorating: I came for four days and helped in painting, cleaning, drawing, making sure everyone had a job, and gathering ideas from all Freshmen present to put into our hallway. I loved hall decorating because it taught me the importance of involving everyone and listening to everyone’s ideas in order to make sure that everyone has a good time and we are able to create the best hallway possible. Spirit Week: I dressed up everyday to help boost the Freshmen to spirit point glory. Food Drive: I got to go out three times to help leaflet the neighborhood. I also brought in food cans myself. Toy, and Penny Drive: I worked closely with Sacred Heart to obtain pictures and information that I then turned into a promotional video featuring the different aspects of Sacred Heart Community Services. I was also able to participate in bringing in toys and change, and loading up the vans for Sacred Heart. Pan Pan: Along with the rest of my fellow student council members, I was excited to dance in Pan Pan. Mag Drive: I worked selling my own magazines and encouraging my homeroom to participate. I am so grateful for the opportunity to work in all of these activities because they taught me how to be a better leader; to me, that means to be able to take different ideas that people give me and use them to make everyone’s experiences at Presentation High School the absolute best possible.




Presentation leadership positions Freshman Homeroom Representative Presentation involvement Swim Team 2014-2015 Presentation Clubs DECA Robotics PAC CI Community service I have volunteered at RAFT (Resource Area For Teachers) many times this past year. I have also helped with many fundraisers for my out-of-school ice hockey team. Additional comments Mag Drive - I feel that Mag Drive was a positively motivating force for me. I sold over $240 in magazines. Hall Decorating - I have a passion for arts, and I feel that I contributed a lot to the Hall Decorating. I have been decorating the hall for every day that it was active, staying from the beginning to the end. Spirit Week has just begun, but I know it will be amazing! Since I am currently a class officer, I will be performing in the Pan Pan dance and helping with our class-level games. Food Drive - Thinking about bringing in food for the less fortunate motivates me. For the food drive, I brought in cans almost every single day and I brought many push items.




Presentation leadership positions Freshman Homeroom Representative Presentation involvement Track and Field 2014-2015 Soccer 2014-2015 Lector 2014-2015 Presentation Clubs CI PAC CSF Red Cross Club Community service Every Wednesday during the summer, I volunteer at my parish’s, Most Holy Trinity, pantry. Every third Saturday of the month, I also volunteer at Second Harvest Food Bank. Additional comments Well, as only being a freshman, I have been fortunate to have participated in many schoolwide events. I was part of the dance for magazine drive and I with my fellow homeroom representative, led our homeroom to quota. I was also part of the PANPAN dance so I have experience with making dance routines. For Hall Decorating, I helped out for a total of about 10 hours so I was doing whatever the point people told me to do and I helped others stay on task also. Another great experience I was fortunate to partake in was the Wake Up With Service, I was not in charge of it but I truly believe I made a difference to those waiting in line for just giving them a muffin, coffee, and a smile and good morning.




Presentation leadership positions Freshman Homeroom Representative Presentation involvement Junior Varsity Water Polo 2014 Swim 2015 Presentation Clubs PAC Community service I have worked in elementary school classrooms tutoring kids and helping teachers. Additional comments Magazine Drive: My Homeroom raised over 7,000 dollars. Hall decorating: I worked on the hall four times. Penny Drive Chair, and was in Pan Pan and Mag drive dance.




Presentation leadership positions Freshman Homeroom Representative Presentation involvement Track & Field 2015 Tech theater for #Headcase 2015 Presentation Clubs Speech & Debate PAC Community service This year I briefly served as a tutor for elementary kids looking to further their reading skills at a nearby middle school after being a similar tutor in a tutoring program in my community that catered to multilingual children. I chose to do these because I strongly value education and want to spread the love of reading I had as an elementary student that has led to my success in English throughout middle and high school. Additional comments You might remember me as the Joker in the Mag Drive dance being pushed off the stage, or you might have seen accidentally painting myself during Hall Decorating or wearing Elvis sideburns during Spirit Week. I love being involved and spirited and am looking forward to spending the next three years bonding with my classmates, and of course, leading us towards victory for the Spirit Trophy!




Presentation leadership positions Freshman Homeroom Representative Presentation involvement Concert for Community Swimming and Diving 2014-2015 Coin Drive point person Presentation Clubs PAC CI ITS CSF Community service I went to City Team with my brother and we cooked food for homeless people and we served it to them. I also serve at my parish. Additional comments I went over my quota for mag drive, I was a Point person for coin drive, I helped choreograph a little but of the pan pan dance and I helped choose the music. Also, helped out a lot during hall decorating, and I stayed for as long as I could.




Presentation leadership positions Freshman Homeroom Representative Presentation involvement Swim Team 2014-2015 Presentation Clubs Peer tutoring Debate CSF Community service This year I had the amazing opportunity to help clean up a beautiful city park in Atlanta, where my eyes were opened to the amount of people who are homeless and the environments they are forced to live in as well as the damage we as humans are doing to nature by littering. Additional comments Throughout Pan Pan I, along with a partner, choreographed the dance and participated actively in hall decorating. I strove to inspire those in my homeroom as well as those around me to help with spirit week in order to make the freshman class victorious meanwhile making fun memories with their presentation sisters. I love to help out in any student council event to the best of my ability whether it is providing snacks and baked goods, or signing up for multiple jobs and brainstorming ideas. So far this year, I have truly enjoyed every drive or fundraiser student council has put on and look forward to making the freshmen victorious in the ones to come.




Presentation leadership positions Freshman Homeroom Representative Presentation involvement Freshmen Soccer Team 2014-2015 Presentation Clubs PAC Community service I have volunteered at my middle and elementary school. Additional comments Food Drive: point person and avid volunteer Spirit Week: helped plan and dressed up Magazine Drive: brought in over $300 Hall Decorating: avid volunteer




Leadership Academy Status: Bronze Presentation leadership positions Freshman Homeroom Representative Presentation involvement Robotics 2014-2015 Presentation Clubs Women’s Advocacy Club PAC CI Community service I volunteered at Sacred Heart Community Service multiple times. I helped run the clothes closet, and I also set up the Toy Box during the holiday season. On Freshmen Day of Service I sorted the pantry at Sacred Heart Community Services, and I helped prepare dinner at the Church of the Chimes. Additional comments Magazine Drive: I brought in cookies for my homeroom to encourage them to sell magazines. Food Drive: I set up a raffle prize in my homeroom as an incentive to bring in items for donation. I went leafleting 3 times, and I helped sort and group the donated items. Hall Decorating: I came to Hall Decorating each day to help build and design the hall. On Halls Up day, I cleaned up the Center after we put the hall together, and I took the cardboard to the recycling bin. Spirit Week: As a homeroom representative, I was part of the Freshmen Dance at Pan Pan. Black and White: I helped paint decorations for Black and White.




Presentation leadership positions Freshman Homeroom Representative Presentation involvement Theater Stage Crew 2015 Presentation Clubs PAC ITS CI Speech & Debate Community service I am looking to volunteer on March 16 at Holy Spirit School. The type of volunteering is helping with the kids and helping teachers grade things. I like working with kids. I also babysit for free sometimes and I have good reviews. Additional comments Mag Drive: I encouraged my homeroom and we raised the most money out of all the freshmen homerooms. Hall Decorating: I was one of the leaders for decorating the hall (out of 2) and we ended up having the best hall. I also came up with some of the designs (like the dragon scales with people’s name, the pandas, etc.). Spirit Week: I threw raffles for best outfit in my homeroom and brought prizes that people enjoyed, encouraged people to dress up so they could get a prize and earn spirit points.




Panther Pride Member Status: White

Presentation involvement Field Hockey: Varsity 2014 Track and Field: Pole Vaulting 2015 Presentation Clubs PAC Panther Pride Cooking Club Community service I assistant coached a 7th grade girls basketball team at my middle school, St. Christopher’s. I also hope to help coach St. Christopher’s field hockey team this spring. Additional comments I was involved in Magazine Drive, Hall Decorating, Spirit Week, Food Drive, and Penny Drive by participating and donating. I hoped to be involved in Mission Drive this spring too.

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