Presentation Magazine Summer 2014

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Presentation magazine HIGH SCHOOL

Graduation Edition Summer 2014

SUMMER 2014 | 1

Letter from the Principal Dear friends of Presentation High School, Each year I have the privilege of reflecting with the graduating class on their education at Pres. I begin the commencement ceremony by asking, “What kind of woman are you as a result of being here?” It really is the core “final” question. Of course, they will be going to college; but we really wanted to educate them for life. They are intellectually competent — the natural result of hard work and being held to very high standards. Academic indicators and anecdotal stories from alumnae tell us they do well after Pres. But what is most important to us is the quality of their moral character. Ultimately, Presentation’s impact will take years to unfold and will be judged by a life well-led. Pres girls are encouraged to believe in themselves and take pride in being a woman. Consistently, our seniors tell us in exit interviews that the No. 1 lesson learned here is self-confidence. That is all well and good, but it is empty unless that self-assurance is used to advance the welfare of others. Martin Luther King, Jr. challenged us to ponder this: “Every [person] must decide whether [she] will walk in the light of creative altruism or the darkness of destructive selfishness. This is the judgment. Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?” “Not Words, But Deeds” remains not just our school motto but a call to action and to service, and I believe the Class of 2014 embraced this spirit. For the vast majority, volunteerism is not a requirement (Pres does not mandate volunteerism) but a part of their life. But service without some core motivation can be somewhat lacking; so we have tried to impress upon our students that true motivation is faith. We serve because our faith demands it; we are our “brother’s keeper,” and much is required of those who have been given so much. In four years Pres has tried to give our recent graduates a vision of life and an education that will help them live it well — to be independent thinkers; to make a difference in their communities; to be compassionate, faith-filled, confident women; to see God in all things. Along with their parents, we have planted seeds; the rest is up to them. I know the Class of 2014 will go make a difference! And we also celebrate a woman who has a made a difference at Pres for over 30 years! It has been one of my greatest pleasures to work with her and learn from her. Thank you, dear friend, for leaving this place better than you found it! Blessings to all of you. Have a wonderful summer!

Mary Miller, Principal Class of 1972

Presentation magazine HIGH SCHOOL


Graduation Edition Summer 2014

Presentation High School 2281 Plummer Avenue, San Jose, CA, 95125 | 408-264-1664 Facebook: Twitter: Presentation Magazine is published twice a year for parents, alumnae and friends of Presentation High School. For address changes or questions, contact Amy Pizarro at 408-264-1664, ext. 2420, or e-mail apizarro@

14 STEM at Pres

19 Coming soon: iPads at Pres


2 Faculty farewell: Charles Schmuck 4 Faculty farewell: Pauline Newton 7 Human trafficking 10 Surprising solutions to stress 12 Excerpts from The Voice 20 Semester in review 30 Administrative awards

16 Away we go: spring trips

24 Here’s to the Class of 2014!

34 Academic awards 36 College decisions 37 College sports 38 Alumnae features 46 Golf Tournament 48 Fashion Show 51 Memoriam

2013-2014 Board of Trustees Manuel Alba Mari Alba Sr. Paula Baker, PBVM Chuck Berger Fred Crary Gretchen Nicoletti ’83 DiNapoli Neil Fanoe Bill Frederick Barbara Gentzkow Marlaine Griffin Bill Heil Bob Hencken Beth Keifer ’69 Gaye Landau-Leonard David LaVelle Lon Normandin Linda Okenquist Marc Parkinson Suneil Parulekar Ron Piziali Vicki Pope Beth Gutto ’99 Rhodes Sr. Joan Riordan, PBVM Marian Stuckey Brian Walsh Lissa Whelan Associates Linda Antonopoulos Harvey Armstrong Lou Basile Ernie Giachetti Gary Giannini Bob Longinetti Lisa Normandin ’77 McHugh Becky Menne Bob Miller Sr. Claude Power, PBVM Garrett Rajkovich Donna Teresi Richard Zahner Administration Mary Miller ’72, Principal Katherine Cobarrubia, Vice Principal of Student Activities Julie Edson, Vice Principal of Academics Susan Ferrari ’86 Mikacich, Vice Principal of Student Services Editor Amy Pizarro Graphic Designer Krista Anderson ’03 Thomas Photographers Bacosa Photography Karen Santos ’06 Meg Perotti ’02 SUMMER 2014 | 1

Teacher, mentor, comedian, friend Charlie Schmuck, who is retiring after teaching at Presentation for a decade, came to this school after a long and successful career in the magazine publishing industry. He has become an integral part of this community. As a beloved member of the Social Studies Department, Charlie has taught World History and U.S. History and designed a course entitled California Contemporary Issues. The energy and enthusiasm he brings to the classroom was recognized in 2011 when students named him Outstanding Teacher of the Year. As moderator of the Students for Political Action club, he has encouraged students to be active and informed citizens. He has also been instrumental in organizing an impressive roster of guest speakers, including Congressional Representatives Zoe Lofgren and Mike Honda as well as Stanford Professor Dr. David Kennedy. His impact on Presentation has been far and wide, and he will be greatly missed.

“...Pres will not be the same without him, he has truly left his mark....� 2 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

By Jessica Steinbach, Class of 2012

Thinking back to my four years at Presentation, some of my favorite memories stemmed from my mentoring class. Starting high school was a scary experience, but mentoring served as a sort of “family” on campus, one that met weekly for four years. I remember meeting Mr. Schmuck and the giggles when he introduced himself and stated that his last name was not a joke. He made the transition into high school less intimidating and taught us how to make the best out of our time at Pres. He often gave us inspirational quotes to get us through the day and brought us donuts during finals week to ease the stress. Mr. Schmuck was the closest thing we all had to a parent when we stepped foot onto campus every day. If we needed to cry, he was there; if we needed to laugh, he was there; and if we needed advice from someone who had a lot of amazing experiences, he was there. His obvious support extended beyond academics, and I would often see him cheering hard at as many games, performances and competitions as he could get to. I will always remember Mr. Schmuck as a truly inspirational man who is constantly working to help others. He organized small groups from our mentoring class to volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House each month. He would talk to us passionately and frequently about the Peninsula College Fund scholarship program, which he founded in order to help low-income, firstgeneration college students. He often went on service trips with Presentation’s Community Involvement program and always returned raving about those amazing experiences. Besides being one of the most giving people I have ever met, Mr. Schmuck is truly hysterical. My favorite memory of him is from senior year when he came to mentoring dressed up in his Santa Clara cheer uniform because we all got our conduct agreements signed on time. He would often have us cracking up in our ten minutes with him as he joked about his age or shared some joke he heard the night before. Mr. Schmuck always said that we were the best mentoring group at the school, and he credited our intelligence and drive, but truly we were the best because we had him as our mentor. Though Pres will not be the same without him, he has truly left his mark, and will always be a loved and honored member of the community as well as one of my favorite teachers ever. ■

SUMMER 2014 | 3

Doin’ the right



Pauline Newton is retiring after 33 years of teaching at Presentation High School. Pauline earned her Bachelor and Master of Arts degrees in Business Education from San Jose State University as well as a certificate in Spanish from the University of Mexico in Mexico City. Before joining the Presentation faculty, Pauline began her teaching career at Cupertino High School and in conjunction taught various business courses at Foothill College, West Valley College and San Jose State University. Over the years at Presentation, Pauline has served as business department chair, class-level moderator, director of admissions, moderator of the Presentation Ambassador Club, choir director, homeroom teacher and DECA club moderator. She has coordinated faculty entertainment for Feast Day, chaperoned many dances, written many songs, and traveled many thousands of miles showing students how to explore the world. By Siobhan Ippolito ’91 O’Byrne

Bling. This seems to be the word that best sums up Pauline Newton. She wears bling. She lives bling. And she brings bling wherever she goes. Being asked to write this article, and trying to summarize the contributions of a woman with so much bling in her step, is an intimidating venture. I will try my best, but you should know that what I capture in these few words will be a mere shadow of what her presence has meant to Presentation High School. Pauline Newton was my typing teacher. Sadly I must report that I was never a good typist, but that being said, I’m not looking at the keys as I type this article. I know where the home row is (I can find it in the dark). And the echoes of Mrs. Newton dictating the letters we were to type, “a... w... the... cat... cat... the... ” still resonate in my head. As a member of the Class of 1991, I was one of the last classes to learn how to type on the electric typewriters in Room 14. In the back of the room were six or eight Commodore 64 computers where we learned DOS programing. Black screens with a solitary flashing cursor. No mouse. The discs were 5½ inches wide. Pauline was on the cutting edge then, and she has remained so for over 30 years. It’s just that now she computes with top-of-the-line computers using software once only imagined in science fiction movies, and she is creating new curriculum for the 21st century. But Pauline is not just a business teacher – she is a teacher of young women whom she helps to empower. “The reason I’m here now is because of Newton!” said Krista Anderson ’03 Thomas, who went on to get her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design from San Jose State and is now Presentation’s full-time graphic designer. “When I took Desktop Publishing my senior year, I loved the class so much, and she was the first person to tell me that I was pretty good at it, and I should major in graphic design in college.” SUMMER 2014 | 5

Now Pauline and I are colleagues. At one point we teamtaught a Business Economics course. Lesson planning with Pauline was like trying to hold the reins of a Clydesdale. Once she got an idea of what we were going to do in the next unit, the lessons were typed up, printed and copied so fast it made my head spin. Pauline never frets over decisions. She makes them, acts on them and moves on to the next task. That may be why she has accomplished so much at Presentation. This impulsivity has sometimes led her down the garden path. One year on April 1, a notice was posted on the faculty board stating that salaries would now be tied directly to Student Perception Surveys. The notice helpfully ranked the entire faculty into five categories, with pay distributed accordingly. It was then “signed” by Mary Miller. The legend goes that a sputtering-mad Pauline flew into Mary’s office, notice in hand, pointing and waving but largely speechless. (Pauline, speechless!?)

This knowledge of business may have been what saved Presentation from the fate of so many Catholic Schools. In the 1980s Catholic schools were closing across the country. Presentation High School Berkeley closed in 1988 and Presentation High School San Francisco closed in 1991. Why did the San Jose school not suffer the same fate? There are number of reasons, and one of them is the Presentation Ambassadors Club, better known as PAC. After arriving here in 1981, Pauline realized that Presentation needed to advertise. So she established PAC, which utilized current students to reach out to prospective students in middle school. In an era when most schools believed “if you build it, they will come,” Pauline had the foresight to know that Catholic schools needed to do more. PAC is still in existence today and is a major component of our successful admissions strategies.

Pauline and I have also been travel companions to Italy, Ireland, England, China, Australia and New Zealand. When Pauline travels, it’s not to enjoy a peaceful, relaxing break; it’s a full-throttle adventure. See as much as you can, learn as much as you can, meet as many people as you can, and you will rest when you get home. Kristin Cooke ’90 Schneider recalls arriving in Beijing in 1997 on an alumna trip. “I remember us dropping our bags, freshening up a bit and heading out to check out the town – only to find Newt already settled in at a restaurant making friends with everyone there and finding out the best places to go,” Schneider said. “She can make friends with anyone in the world, and her love of travel and ease at getting comfortable in a new country so quickly have always been an inspiration to me.” Pauline has schooled hundreds, if not thousands, of students on how to travel, leading trips to Spain, Italy, France, Ireland and England just to name a few. And she has seen just about every shenanigan that a student could possibly dream up – and gotten them out of trouble a time or two. I know for certain that Pauline – armed only with Dianne Lagana, both donning their nightdresses – once protected Pres girls from Irish boys willing to scale hotel walls to woo American girls! Pauline’s don’t-stop-till-you-drop attitude perhaps comes from her past as a Formula 4 racecar owner and driver (yep) and her entrepreneurial spirit as a former owner of a hardware store. This has translated into a passion for business, and more specifically, women in business.


Perhaps former faculty member Sharon Bouska summarizes Pauline best: “Want to put more passion in your life? Spend time with Pauline. Want to learn how to see the world while dragging students around behind you and keeping a smile on your face? Travel with Newt. Want to learn how to adapt from a typewriter to the world of computers? Sit in on one of her classes. Want to learn how the word ‘bling’ was brought to fashion? Check out Newt’s wardrobe. Want to learn how to motivate gangly teenage girls into a top-selling homeroom mag drive machine? Sit in her room for 10 minutes a day. Want to learn the latest dance moves? Just join Pauline’s ‘Over 50’ faculty and staff group and perform at the Feast of the Presentation. Want more passion in life? Try – just try – to follow in the footsteps of this incredible woman.” Pauline Newton is the strongest woman I know. She can hold the weight of the world on her shoulders, and no one (except maybe Lagana, her partner in crime) would know. Earlier I said that working with Pauline was like trying to control a Clydesdale. Pauline can handle just about any workload, but like the horses, she does it with grace and a hell of a lot of bling. ■

Human trafficking: a contemporary issue By Sister Stephanie Still, PBVM

Twelve Years a Slave recently garnered attention from moviegoers and the Academy of Motion Pictures while generally opening up conversation regarding two centuries of slavery in the United States before the Civil War and the Constitutional freeing of all slaves. The remark I heard most often from people who saw the movie was that it was unbelievable to them that such conditions and actions ever existed in our country. The horrifying truth is that such conditions exist in our country today because of human trafficking. It is illegal and often hidden, but it exists. Human trafficking, or modernday slavery, is defined as “the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for commercial sex, labor or services through the use of force, fraud or coercion, for the purpose of subjecting that person to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage or slavery.” In other words, human trafficking is the enslavement of men, women and children for sexual or economic purposes. Presentation High School focused on human trafficking at a Student Development Day in April. The Sisters of the Presentation are greatly appreciative that the school took on this serious issue, as it is one in which we are also engaged. The Sisters work with the Diocese of San Jose Anti Human Trafficking Network, the Bay Area Catholic Sisters Coalition, a coalition of women religious known as Stop Trafficking!, and other advocacy groups to educate, work for systemic change and give direct aid to victims rescued from trafficking. During Nano Nagle’s lifetime, a similar concern existed with indentured servitude. This was a different form of human bondage, prevalent in the settlement of the European colonies in the Americas and Australia. Nano trained young men to travel to the West Indies to care spiritually and physically for the Irish who were indentured servants. So this commitment to those in bondage of any kind runs deep within our Presentation history and current concerns. One activity in which Presentation Sisters participate is meeting with the staff of inns, motels and hotels to educate them about human trafficking and to help them prevent and report to local police any such activity that may occur in their business.

Recently, Sister Gloria Loya, PBVM, was interviewed by Celina Rodriguez for her Spanish radio program on KZSF-AM, La Kaliente 1370, in San Jose. While Sister Gloria spoke about the efforts of the Sisters of the Presentation, the greater purpose of the interview was to provide up-to-date information for the local Hispanic community about human trafficking.

“Human trafficking is a crime against humanity.” -Pope Francis While this is an issue that is being taken up by many governments, advocacy groups and non-governmental organizations, it is certainly a Catholic issue as human trafficking violates Gospel values and Catholic social teaching. The Committee on Migration for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops issued On Human Trafficking in 2004, a definitive statement of Church teaching on the subject: “Human trafficking is a horrific crime against the basic dignity and rights of the human person. All efforts must be expended to end it.” Unbelievably, 27 million people are enslaved around the world today, with 80 percent of the people trafficked through international borders being women and girls. According to the California Attorney General’s office, “Human trafficking is the world’s fastest growing criminal enterprise and is an estimated $32 billion-a-year global industry. After drug trafficking, human trafficking is the world’s second-most profitable criminal enterprise, a status it shares with illegal arms trafficking. Like drug and arms trafficking, the United States is one of the top destination countries for trafficking in persons. California – a populous border state with a significant immigrant population and the world’s ninth largest economy – is one of the nation’s top four destination states for trafficking human beings.” “Human trafficking is a crime against humanity,” Pope Francis has said. “We must unite our efforts to free victims and stop this crime that’s become ever more aggressive, that threatens not just individuals, but the foundational values of society.” ■ SUMMER 2014 | 7

A sobering day at Pres A stunning rise in human-trafficking crimes around the world and in the Bay Area prompted Presentation High School to set aside regular classwork for a day in April to focus on the topic. The Student Development Day was devoted to guest speakers, insightful documentary films and local organizations that educated the Presentation community about this alarming trend.

There are more slaves now than at any other point in human history. Globally the industry of human trafficking annually generates

$32 BILLION For every one victim of sex trafficking, there are eight victims in labor trafficking

A typical price for a person being sold is


$90 people around the world are current victims of human trafficking

In the United States human trafficking victims currently number 8 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL


The mood was somber as students took in startling facts about “the fastest-growing crime on our planet,” according to Betty Ann Boeving, founder of the Bay Area Anti-Trafficking Coalition. Statistics show that more than 40 percent of international trafficking victims enter California through the Bay Area, and that it happens in all types of places – residential brothels, massage parlors, restaurants and nail salons. “Every type of human trafficking that has ever happened in the United States has occurred here in San Jose,” she said. But the problem is as domestic as it is international. Boeving shared tales of teenage girls being lured to California from the Midwest with promises of sunshine and swimsuits. This has helped spur the BAATC to conduct trainings at airports in San Jose and Oakland, where flight attendants and other airline employees see upwards of 1 million people per year. “It would be easy to get bolted to our chairs in despair,” she said. “But we just have to break down the issue. We have to send the message to traffickers that they cannot do business in the Bay Area.” Students also heard from San Jose Police Officer Kyle Oki and FBI Special Agent Ann Trombetta who work together to combat human trafficking in the Bay Area. Oki explained that human trafficking didn’t become law until 2006, and law enforcement agencies are still scrambling to catch up. By July every officer in the San Jose Police Department will have undergone special training. Oki said a very difficult part of trying to help victims is getting them to trust law enforcement. “Human trafficking victims often don’t know or believe they are victims,” he said. “They think they got themselves into this situation. It’s hard for them to be truthful with us.” At lunchtime, students mingled with representatives from 17 local agencies that fight human trafficking and provide related human services. “It is a common myth that human trafficking only happens to those of low socioeconomic status or people in foreign countries,” said junior Kimberly Lozano. “It is very important that students know that unfortunately this can happen to anyone, and we have to become aware and informed so that we can not only prevent it from happening to ourselves, but prevent it from happening altogether.” ■

Guest speaker Betty Ann Boeving, founder of the Bay Area Anti-Trafficking Coalition

Join the fight against human trafficking by taking one or more of these simple actions: • Ask your daughters what the Presentation High School community is doing and visit the Sisters of the Presentation website at • Learn more about what the United States Bishops are calling Catholics to do on their website at • Find out what your parish is doing to stop human trafficking. • Report suspicions of human trafficking to The National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888. Program this number into your phone and call it if you suspect that you know a victim of human trafficking or want to ask a question. You can also text INFO or HELP to BeFree (233733).

• Be a socially conscious consumer. Visit to find out how many slaves “work” for your household. • Follow headlines and read books about modern-day slavery.

Learn more about this issue by visiting the following websites: • Bay Area Anti-Trafficking Coalition • California Against Slavery • The Polaris Project SUMMER 2014 | 9



l r i G s e Pr ESS I R T












Surprising Solutions to Stress


By Peg Schrader Dean of Students, Counselor

Anyone who knows me knows I love Starbucks. My daily fix is a venti black iced tea, unsweetened. I connect often with Laurent at the store on Plummer and Foxworthy avenues, which is the very store frequented by our students and staff. You’ve probably seen Laurent, the store manager: big guy, big smile and large biceps. He has a wife and kids and manages a busy chain. What impresses me about Laurent is not the great service, good vibe, or perfectly shaken drink, but his attitude. Every time I see him I ask how he is doing, and his answer is always an emphatic “Fantastic!” I’m sure not every day is fantastic for him, but he makes me believe it and makes himself believe it, too. My Uncle John was the same kind of optimist. Despite poor health and a stressful job, when anyone asked how he was doing he would always respond “Never had a bad day.” He loved family gatherings and found parties life-giving and energizing. This year a point of discussion and concern at Presentation High School – and many other high schools in the state, the nation and even the world – has been student stress. In 10 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

preparing to write this article, I conducted a small survey with my junior mentoring group about stress. I asked about current stressors, and predictably a third of the responses were school-focused: homework, projects, critical research papers, deadlines, grades, tests, quizzes, and Honors and AP classes. Other stressors included college, the future, relationships with family, friends, significant others, weight and body image, money, personal problems, extracurricular activities, lack of sleep and mental stability. Responses to the next question – “What do you do to handle stressful situations, and how do you cope?” – were encouraging. Most suggested positive coping strategies, such as talking to family and friends, listening to music, crying, prayer and meditation, exercise, writing in a journal, watching funny videos or simply giving themselves permission to have fun. Some suggested the ever-helpful power nap, looking for the positive, avoiding procrastination and just powering through it. One student who seems particularly well-balanced and calm said, “I know it will eventually end, and I will get through it.” Some coping strategies were not so positive: anger, freaking out, binge eating, avoidance, procrastination, staying up late and giving up. What do students need to better manage stress? Overwhelmingly, the answer was “less.” Less homework, less academic pressure, less busy work (and workload in general). Less procrastination, fewer activities, less pressure from family, friends and self, and fewer distractions. Yet others needed “more.” More organization and time. More fun events, exercise, space to breathe and prayer. One student commented, “I really need to let go and pray.” A handful of students had absolutely no clue how to manage their stress. Responses to the last question were most concerning. Over half said they do not manage their stress well. Some said they don’t know how to handle it. Others said that they yell or snap at family and friends. Still others “shut down and have a breakdown.” Some gain or lose weight, have jaw problems, cry, or “get really anxious.” One student said “I should use the stress to motivate me to work harder.” In a 2013 TED Talk, Kelly McGonigal suggests a similar notion. She is a health psychologist who previously viewed stress as the enemy – something that can make us sick. She told her audiences to avoid stress at all cost (and we all know how easy

that is.) As a result of three recent studies about stress, she has changed her perspective. One study found that people who believed stress was harmful experienced negative symptoms and outcomes. Conversely, those who embraced stress as “helpful” had a more positive reaction to the stressful event. Another study looked at the stress hormone oxytocin. It is also called the “cuddle hormone” because it is the neurohormone released when you hug someone. According to McGonigal, “it motivates us to seek people, to tell someone how we feel.” Oxytocin is also released during a stressful event. The heart rate elevates, and the lining of the blood vessels constricts. Oxytocin protects the cardiovascular system and helps the heart valves to regenerate and heal. “Your stress response has a built-in mechanism for stress resilience,” McGonigal said, “and that mechanism is human connection.” The third study looked at the subject’s care for others and their ability to manage stress. It asked participants how much they had helped friends, family and members of their community. The study showed that people who had caring connections with others had better coping skills. “Caring creates resilience,” McGonigal said. “When you choose to view your stress response as helpful, you create the biology of courage. When you choose to connect with others under stress, you can create resilience.” So, what is the takeaway for our students? There’s no quick fix obviously. But there are some built-in solutions, both in terms of biology as well as the Presentation community. If you know the Pres culture, you know that it’s “Not Words, But Deeds.” It’s about the community, about hugs, about connections, about bonding in a special way. It’s about being empowered, articulate women who care for others and each other. It’s about being women of faith, intellectually competent, dedicated to personal growth and working for others. With all that in our collective toolbox, we have a pretty good shot at helping our students better manage their stress and create this biology of courage and resilience. This spring Presentation administration created a Student Wellness Committee composed of faculty, counselors, staff and administrators who will examine this issue from all angles and suggest strategies to be implemented next year and beyond. So get out there, get connected and make stress your “friend.” Let’s help our young women put a positive spin on stress rather than using it as the default mode. Encourage healthy coping skills, especially talking face to face and human touch. And the next time you go to Starbucks, say hi to Laurent – you too will feel “fantastic” and begin to look at your own stress a little differently. ■ SUMMER 2014 | 11

the voice Excerpts from...


New Year, New Uniform By Taylor Allen (April 17, 2014)

An alarm clock rings and a Pres girl is awoken. She gets out of bed, ready to start her day at school, only to find that it is a cold, dreary day outside. The student contemplates her outfit choices – a plaid skirt, which seems a bit unsuitable for the day’s weather, or the dreaded sweats uniform. Despite the fact that she knows she will be cold throughout the day, she avoids the sweats at all costs. To start, the “bullet-proof shield,” or crest, on the sweatshirt is not only uncomfortable, but unflattering. The sweats are worn and the color has faded, and the matching blue polo only makes her resemble a blueberry. While these uniform problems may resonate with many girls at Pres, they are no longer going to be an issue. Starting next year, a new sweats uniform will make its debut. … Rest assured, the proposed uniforms are most definitely an improvement from our current ones. Thus far, they have decided on blue sweatpants made from a thicker material. They will no longer have the elastic band around the ankles, but will instead flare out. I felt the material, and I can assure you that it felt much softer and warmer. The jacket is no longer a navy crew neck sweatshirt with a bullet-proof shield on the front, but instead a grey fleece zip-up jacket, either a half zip or quarter zip (still undecided), with a much smaller crest in the top left corner. With these improvements, we Pres girls will no longer look like walking bulletproof blueberries during the cold winter months.

Going to Prom Alone

By Ankita Bhanot (April 17, 2014) It’s prom night. The night you’ve been waiting for. The perfect dress? Check. The perfect shoes to match? Check. Flawless hair and makeup? Check. Date? Not necessarily. Although it is more common to have a date to prom, the reality is that you don’t need one to have fun. Sure, prom can be about the cute “promposals” and going with someone you really like, but it can also be about just having a good time solo. You don’t need a date to dance, eat good food and take pictures. It is just as enjoyable to go with a group of your closest friends. Plus, how good will it feel to throw your hands up to Beyonce’s “Single Ladies”?


When you’re with a date, the whole night becomes centered around you and that person. You dance with your date, take pictures with your date and sit next to your date. It can be fun when you’re with the right person. But if you’re more comfortable just chilling with your closest gal pals, don’t fret if you don’t have someone to take! With your friends, you’re not with one person the whole night. “I don’t really like how prom is associated with bringing a date,” said senior Jenny Pershon. “Why not just have fun? I just want to dress nicely, go out with my friends and not even worry about who’s bringing who and who’s wearing what.”

The Voice Interviews Angelina By Alexandra Gray (May 22, 2014)

Senior Angelina Maciel is by far one of the most inspiring members of the Class of 2014. Diagnosed with Friedreich’s Ataxia at age nine, Maciel has persevered through any of the life challenges that came her way. The Voice was lucky enough to get a chance to sit down and talk with her. The Voice: What are your plans for next year? AM: Next year, my mom and I are selling our house and moving to Ventura. My brother lives about ten minutes from there, and he just had a baby so my mom is like, “Yay, Grandson!” I will be going to Ventura Community College and then transferring after two years. The Voice: What attracted you to that specific college? AM: It’s really close to where we are going to live. I have also always wanted to live in Southern California because I want to go into film, and Hollywood is down there. The Voice: What do you want to do with your study of film? AM: I want to go into production or directing, I’m not exactly sure. I just know that film is what I want to do. The Voice: How do you deal with the challenges of Friedreich’s disease? AM: It’s definitely hard. I mean, all my friends can walk, everyone here can walk and jump around, and I can’t. I watch everyone do things that I so badly want to but I just physically can’t. But everyone’s pretty supportive – my mom is definitely supportive; without her I don’t know what I would do. She takes care of me, and that definitely makes it easier. The Voice: What has Pres done to help you through everything? AM: I went to Willow Glen Middle School, and coming here was extremely different. I got bullied a lot in middle school, and then I come here and everyone’s like “Hey, what’s up.” It’s refreshing and nice that people are doing their own thing and don’t really care enough to go out of their way to bully you. It feels like “Hey, you’re one of us, you’re cool.” The teachers are also really great about homework, and it feels like everyone is like “Go Angelina!” and I feel like I can do it.

Helping Students De-Stress By Ria Parab (May 22, 2014)

Dear Nano Monthly Advice Column By Kate Menne (May 22, 2014)

This year, 25 faculty and staff members joined forces to establish the Student Wellness Committee – a group that hopes to provide a supportive and responsive environment for students who are facing stress and are having difficulty coping with various pressures. “We have seen a trend in which students are having a difficult time coping with all sorts of pressures that range from academic, extracurricular, peer, parental, college or self-imposed,” said Susan Mikacich, who is spearheading the process as Vice Principal of Student Services. The committee will be conducting a survey of students and their parents in the fall, and will cover a range of topics from physical health and sleep to parents’ expectations. Based on the survey results, the committee will form a “comprehensive plan to provide ongoing information, education and conversation with students, parents and faculty on student wellness,” Mikacich said in an email. Over this summer and the upcoming school year, the committee hopes to develop a curriculum plan in conjunction with survey results. “I’m glad that Pres is making an effort to address stress-related problems that students struggle with within the community. It’s definitely an important issue that needs more attention in schools throughout the nation,” said senior Anisha Patel.

Pope Francis: Washing Away Old Traditions By Marissa Asercion (May 22, 2014)

Recently, there has been debate about the Pope’s decision to wash the feet of women, non-Christians, people with disabilities and young detainees. The washing of the feet is a traditional practice of the church, recalling the time when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples before the Last Supper as a symbol of servanthood and respect. For many years, the Pope practiced this ritual on Holy Thursday, but only by washing the feet of priests. And then came Pope Francis. While some view the Pope’s break from tradition as a sacrilege, I believe that his actions, though nonconventional, truly manifest the work of God. As stated earlier, the washing of the feet symbolizes servanthood, charity and humility, and by washing the feet of a wider variety of people, Pope Francis is spreading these values. Delia Gallagher, reporter for CNN, said, “By eschewing traditional practice, Pope Francis is emphasizing the spirit rather than the letter of the law – something Jesus himself did by breaking with Jewish tradition in washing his disciples’ feet.” Oftentimes in The Holy Bible we see Jesus embracing, loving and catering to the pariahs of his time, and Pope Francis continues to demonstrate this same love to the outcasts in today’s society. In both instances we see the laws of man being broken, but the laws of humanity and God being closely followed.

Dear Nano... DEAR NANO: I’m a senior, and I am TERRIFIED for college. I don’t know anyone going to my school, and it’s not close to home. How will I survive? Help! – Scared Sarah DEAR SCARED SARAH: Whoa, child, breathe. This is your chance to reinvent yourself. Did you want to be the hipster girl who knows all the up-and-coming bands? You can be that girl now. View this as an opportunity instead of a struggle and you will be golden. DEAR NANO: I don’t know what to do over summer. I always say that I am going to do fun things, but then I just sit at home and watch TV. What should I do? – Bored Betsy DEAR BORED BETSY: Alright, this idea is straight from Pinterest (Yes, Nano is on Pinterest). Take a jar in the beginning of the year, and anytime you think of a fun activity, write it down and put it in the jar. Now, anytime you want to do something, just stick your hand in your fun-jar and, voila! Instant idea. Start out with an easy one: Take some friends and go to the beach for a day! Once you get the ball rolling, use the Internet to look up some fun and cheap ideas. DEAR NANO: My best friend is not coming back to school next year. She has been my best friend since kindergarten, and I don’t have friends as close as we were. How do I start fresh when I am a junior? – Lonesome Lucy DEAR LONESOME LUCY: I’m sorry about your friend moving. It’s difficult to lose a friend during the middle of high school. But this is your chance to make new friends. Join a club that you are interested in. If you come to love the club, you will meet other people who have the same interests as you. It’s an easy way to broaden your friend group while still learning new things. Come to school with an open mind about who you want to be friends with, be friendly in class, and don’t forget to have fun! SUMMER 2014 | 13

At Pres, STEM is front and center By Serena Natt ’14, Public Relations Intern

Every day – in classrooms and laboratories, study sessions and research projects – Presentation High School is delivering a loud and clear blow to the underrepresentation of women in STEM fields. It’s not just coursework, although our curriculum and AP offerings are unparalleled. But education in science, technology, engineering and math also comes in the form of clubs, competitions and a fascinating colloquium series that spotlights professionals and experts of all kinds. All of this provides a framework that allows students to flourish in these subjects. For example, this year the Robotics Team was part of a winning alliance at the FIRST Robotics Central Regional in Madera – the first such victory in seven years of the program’s existence.

offense side of the game. We only lost one match, which was in the final rounds, but we won in the end.” Each year FIRST rolls out a new game, and this year’s competition was called “Aerial Assist.” It involved high-flying objects and lots of teamwork as a ball was passed down a field from robot to robot, over obstacles and into a goal more than 6 feet high or one that is low to the ground. “Robotics allows us to apply what we learn in math and science to the real world,” said the team’s public relations director, junior Amy Tran. “It also teaches versatility – all the girls on the team know how to do multiple tasks, even if some of them are specialized.” Also this year, nine students won awards at the annual Synopsis Science Fair Competition, and two winners presented at the inaugural Student Research Colloquium at Presentation in April. Sophomore Maya Varma spoke about the low-cost spirometer she built to help patients diagnose respiratory issues without the assistance of a qualified health care professional. Junior Parvathy Menon spoke about a clever, time-saving interface she developed to help house-hunters run real-estate searches that factor in considerations such as crime rate and the quality of public schools. Yes, young women thrive in STEM fields at Pres – even as news headlines reflect a concerning underrepresentation in the professional world. Here they are allowed and encouraged to pursue their passion in memorable, hands-on ways. For example, students in the Integrated Science and Technology Seminar went on numerous field trips this year, including Exatron (a local machine shop), Electronic Arts, Inc. (a video game company) and The Garfield Center for Innovation (Kaiser’s research center where they prototype hospital rooms and test out new procedures).

Presentation entered the March competition as a low seed. But competitions with FIRST (which stands for For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) have great emphasis on teamwork. And as the top seed, Bellarmine College Prep was allowed to select its two partner schools. Having faced off three times in qualifying matches, Bellarmine knew what Presentation could bring to the table and selected the Panthers for its alliance along with Atascadero High School. “Bellarmine had been scouting and looking for a team that could match their strategy, and Atascadero and our team were perfect matches,” said Presentation junior Neha Tibrewal, who is the team’s vice president of machine shop and pit crew. “As an alliance we were incredibly strong on both the defense and 14 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

“Our goal is to try and teach the girls how to make connections between the different sciences and then throw in a little engineering to pull all the theoretical knowledge into something practical,” said science teacher Jordan Wang. “We also try to teach them practical skills such as changing a car tire, motor oil, jumpstarting a car, and soldering. Presentation also offers a monthly colloquium series of speakers who come to campus and introduce students to various STEMrelated careers. One colloquium featured Ann Majewicz, a Ph.D. candidate at Stanford University whose talk was titled “Healing Robots: Improving Healthcare Through Engineering.” She discussed her thesis research on robotic needle steering and gave students a closer look at mechanical engineering. “In high school, I think it’s important to be exposed to lots of different career paths,” Majewicz said. “Seeing women who have already done what you hope to do is a powerful motivator.”

Indeed it is – just ask Presentation senior Sienna Mann, who this year started a new school club called Women in Computer Science. The club is already hard at work on a major project – building a website devoted to human-trafficking awareness. “I wouldn’t have developed an interest in computer science had I not attended a colloquium at Pres,” Mann said. “I even kept in contact with one of the speakers, and she connected me to a Stanford organization that was all about girls teaching other girls to code.” Other topics explored in the 2013-2014 series include stemcell research and using mathematics to solve crime, as well as broader topics such as grant-writing.

Nicole Odell, moderator for the Math and Science Academy that hosts the colloquiums, said “colloquiums provide students with career perspectives. They learn that if you like writing, you don’t have to be a hard scientist. You can be a science writer for a magazine or textbook. It opens their eyes and shows them that there is more out there.” Today, this statement could not be more true. By expanding the opportunities on campus, Pres has helped students develop a skill set to pursue their career interests in STEM – whether it’s designing a medical device, creating a statistical program to help the world, building a robot that wins competitions, or just learning more about yourself and your love of science. ■

STEM STEM at at Pres Pres by by the the numbers numbers By Ria Parab ’14, Public Relations Intern

48 48

Number of students who attended the “Super Review” – devoting NumberSaturday of students who attended the five hours to calculus problems on a “Super Saturday Review” – devoting weekend prepare for the AP five hours –totocalculus problems on a Calculus exam. weekendBC – to prepare for the AP Calculus BC exam.

7 7

4 4

Number of times Anna Thomas ’14 Number of times has Annaqualified Thomas to ’14 the has California qualified to State Science Fair the California State Science Fair

19 19 Number of adult mentors help Number who of adult the Robotics mentors who Team help to build the robot andto the Robotics Team run buildthetheprogram. robot and run the program.

40 40

The number of science, Themath, number engineering of math, science, and psychology engineering projects presented and psychology at the inaugural projects presented Student Research at the inaugural Colloquium Student Research in April. Colloquium in April.

6 6 4,300 4,300 4, 300

Number of California Number ofMath League contests California Math won this contests year by League Maya Varma won this year ’16 by – marking the first Maya Varma ’16 – time in a the decade marking first that time ain single a decade student has won that a single every of studentcontest has won the year. every contest of the year.

Miles traveled by the Presentation robot this year Miles traveled by the Presentation robot this year

Members of the Robotics Team, a record the Members of thefor Robotics Presentation program. Team, a record for the Presentation program.

74 74

Number of Presentation students who tookofthe AP Calculusstudents BC Number Presentation exam – a the record high. BC who took AP Calculus exam – a record high.

SUMMER 2014 | 15

Away we go: spring trips Bella Voce in New York City By Daniela Curiel ’14

At 4:15 in the morning, there could only be one reason why a group of girls stuck in a bus would be excited: New York City. This April, Presentation High School’s women’s chorale, Bella Voce, was fortunate enough to participate in Choirs of America, one of the biggest competitions in the United States. To be eligible, a choir has to send in an audition and be selected by the committee for the competition. From the many choirs that applied, Bella Voce was one of 17 choirs selected. In this program, each choir is adjudicated, gets an opportunity to work with accredited conductors from around the nation, and performs at the one and only Carnegie Hall. After many checkpoints, waiting periods and a long plane ride, Bella Voce finally made it to New York. After we settled in, we walked around the city and spent time in Rockefeller Center. Tired and jetlagged, we go back to the hotel to rest up for the big day: our adjudication. Bright and early at 7 the next morning, we donned our bright blue dresses and loaded up onto a bus to go perform at the amazingly beautiful Christ Church United Methodist in Manhattan. After a couple warm-ups, we entered the main building to sing our repertoire before three accredited university conductors. Our performance consisted of Mon Cour se Recommande a Vous, a French piece about love and longing; Salmo 150, a Brazilian piece in Latin based on the Psalms 150; Gloria, another Latin piece;


Famine Song, which tells of the story of the famine in Africa during the 1980s; and Ev’ry Time I Feel the Spirit, an African spiritual. Our performance went very well, and our adjudicators awarded us three “Excellents,” which is very good for our first national competition! After our adjudication, we traveled to the Broadway District for a workshop with a musical composer and an actor who is currently in the production of Chicago, which we saw that night. They helped us learn to sing We Both Reached for the Gun, and while the piece is very difficult, it was a lot of fun to learn, and the room was bursting with laughter by the end of the session. The next day was full of workshops and rehearsals at Queens College, as we joined with seven other choirs to learn Z. Randall Stroope’s newest composition, Soulspeak, whose worldpremiere performance we would deliver at Carnegie Hall. This was one of the best parts of the trip as we met kids from so many different places, and yet we can all come together to make beautiful music. After another rehearsal the next morning, we made time to visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art to enjoy some of the most famous artwork. Then we had a quick and early dinner before heading to Carnegie Hall! Singing in Carnegie Hall is a huge honor for anyone who is a performer, and to be part of a world premiere is extraordinary. All of our hard work and months of preparation paid off, and the performance – which featured

a total of 17 choirs! – went very well. New York held a lot of memories and experiences that I know Bella Voce members will hold onto forever. We grew closer as a group and as a family, and I valued every moment of it. We are so proud of our accomplishments so far and can only wait anxiously as we see where this success will take Bella Voce next!

Students in Appalachia By Crystal Catalan Community Involvement Moderator

This year’s spring break was a “vacation” of service for seven students and two faculty members who traveled to a place called Nazareth Farm in Doddridge County, West Virginia. Nazareth Farm is a service-based organization that provides home repair at low costs to homeowners who are in need of construction services ranging from re-installing flooring to building porches. The farm operates on four cornerstones: prayer, simplicity, community and service, and these tenets are very much interwoven into daily life at the farm and in the communities it serves. As a Catholic organization, the principles of Catholic Social Teaching are impressed upon the volunteers and guide their daily activities. The Presentation students were joined by groups from Serra High School and Notre Dame Belmont, and it was amazing to see high school volunteers dedicate their break to prayer and service. And for many of them, this was their first experience using power tools! Each day volunteers started with prayer to put their experiences into perspective, had breakfast, then were warmly sent off with hugs to their individual work sites. Once the home repair groups returned from their work sites in the evening, the “home crew” had spent the day at the farm. They tidied up sleeping areas, cleaned the communal space and prepared dinner for volunteers who spent their day hammering, sawing and clearing bushes and shrubs. Each group then presented a vignette “drama” of how they spent their work day. It was a creative way to share their experiences with the different homeowners and to

laugh and re-group! The evenings concluded with evening prayer and community-building activities facilitated by the staff members at Nazareth Farm. Each evening, we as a Presentation community had the opportunity to gather and reflect as a group on the experiences we had throughout the week. Since we were not all together at all times, this was a beautiful chance to share with one another what challenges and joys we faced during the day. This also presented us with the opportunity to pray together and laugh together too! For many students, it had not been so appealing in preparation for the trip to hear about “bucket showers” and no electronics for the week. But at the end of the experience, many of them had expressed how much they enjoyed the bucket showers, and how not having electronics and cell phones was very freeing!

Our immersion trip to Appalachia educated us on the issue of fracking and other environmental justice issues that face the region and challenged each one of us to be conscious of our effects on natural resources. An open mind and flexibility were two attributes that were very much alive in our group, and we left the farm with smiles on our faces and memories to truly last a lifetime!

SUMMER 2014 | 17

Faculty in New Orleans By Dan Meyer Speech and Debate Program Director

While most members of the Presentation family were relaxing on sandy beaches, in the mountains, or on their couches, 12 intrepid members of the faculty and staff ventured to New Orleans for a week filled with faith and service. Most days we left for our Habitat for Humanity work site at 7:15 a.m. where we were greeted by Eric, a soft-spoken AmeriCorps member whose placement was with Habitat. He quickly put us to work. Early tasks included putting up baffles to help with interior air circulation. This process saw math teacher Sharon Goldau crawling up into the tiniest of spaces to do some serious hammernail work. Others were asked to fix up some of the interior framing issues before an expected inspection and before the insulation and internal walls went up. This task also called for some awkward crawling, laddering and hammering. Once we were done with the interior jobs, we shifted outside, where one group put up siding, which required cutting siding to length (and appropriate angles!), carrying it up a 20-30 foot ladder, and hammering the siding onto the house. The rest of the group got to digging. Lots and lots of digging. First we dug out a level space for the driveway. But flood waters had altered the soil, making it almost claylike, so it wasn’t until expert handyman Juan Covarrubias found a pick-axe that we started making progress. He dug up big chunks as a shovel-wielding team followed behind to clear the drive. We repeated the task in miniature form,


digging out the front walkway and digging post holes for the front porch stair railings. Then we were split into two teams to put up soffit. After being told what soffit is (a material used to cover the exposed overhang of the roof) and how the heck to put it up, we again divided into teams. One group worked to measure and cut (with power tools!) while the other got back up on the ladders to nail track and soffit into place around the perimeter of the house. Each day after quitting time, we explored part of New Orleans. First we visited the Lower 9th Ward to see the remaining Katrina damage as well as exciting new developments. Back at the bunkhouse, everyone cleaned up for a trip into the French Quarter for dinner at the historic Napoleon House. After dinner, we walked around the back of the St. Louis Cathedral to enjoy the shadow thrown onto the Cathedral by the large statue of Jesus. Some headed out for beignets to cap off the night while others headed back for some well-deserved rest. On the second day, we enjoyed dinner at the famed Commander’s Palace in the historic Garden District, and while we waited for our reservation, we toured historical sites in the neighborhood. After a tremendous meal, we enjoyed the amazing music of the Preservation Hall Jazz Band. On day three, we returned the hospitality that the Presentation Sisters

showed us by taking them out to dinner at their new favorite restaurant, Mondo. While we all enjoyed an international spin on New Orleans cuisine, the Sisters shared stories of their NOLA adventures, the struggles they’ve dealt with through Katrina and its recovery, and the selfless effort and love they pour into their clients at their drop-in center, Lantern Light. Our final day was spent at Lantern Light, a mission of the Presentation Sisters. The Lantern provides services for less fortunate citizens of New Orleans. Locals who need a little extra help can come get a shower, lunch or groceries, receive mail, see a doctor or a social worker, receive shelter from the weather for a few hours, or find a friendly ear. We helped spruce up the center, spending time gardening and cleaning all of their benches, doors and windows. Afterwards we headed to the kitchen to help prepare lunch. We were lucky enough to have time to talk to some of the clients who were waiting in line for lunch, and they opened up and shared their inspiring stories with us. By the time we left, each of us had been touched and inspired by the clients and the selflessness and time the Sisters give.

Coming Soon: iPads at Pres By Kyle Brumbaugh Educational Technology Coordinator

appeared to understand the content more deeply than students in other classes.

This fall will mark the start of a transformative year at Presentation High School, which will launch a 1:1 digital device program.

Early this spring, school administrators decided we would move to 1:1 digital device program for all students starting with the 2014-2015 school year. They also chose a tablet over a laptop/ convertible device. Tablet devices provide a greater number of learning opportunities, including the ability to read and annotate novels and textbooks; create and edit audio, video and still images; and access, create and edit documents in many different formats.

This move was preceded by an exciting yearlong technology pilot program that was completed in the spring. The 1:1 pilots – which were conducted side-by-side with two digital devices and two classes of freshmen – had an immediate impact in classrooms. Students realized it was difficult for a dog to eat a digital copy of their homework! They also learned the value of being organized and how to use a specific workflow to manage classwork. They learned that there are ways for teachers to discover how well they absorbed the material beyond writing a paper or answering questions on a test. Another valuable lesson was the strength of collaboration and peer review. Digital tools allowed students to work together on papers, videos and other projects, whether they were in the same room or several miles apart. Teachers were able to design new learning strategies and assignments while also being able to clearly see a student’s individual contribution to a group assignment. Teachers could also provide feedback in a variety of new ways, including voice and video comments. At the end of the fall semester, we surveyed students, teachers and parents in the program and identified several benefits. First, parents saw in an increased level of engagement toward school work. They could see their daughters creating images and video related to content being taught in class. The ability of students to construct their own learning became one of the most popular aspects of the program. Teachers reported that students were more engaged in classroom activities and

After evaluating several devices, Presentation decided to issue all students a 32GB iPad Air. A variety of factors went into this choice. One was that students wished to use the device to access some, if not all, of their textbooks. While not all textbooks or novels are currently available in a digital format, we will do our best to identify those that are. Another factor was the ability for students and teachers to create content (images/audio/ video) and work collaboratively. The use of the digital device as a content-creation tool, as well as a content-consumption tool, was seen as a major benefit based upon school visits, observations and surveys during the pilot process. It was also important that Presentation make these devices available without increasing of tuition. The only cost for families will be a $50 annual fee to cover apps and other incidental charges. The week before school starts in August, we will hold mandatory two-hour introductory iPad sessions for all students. This will allow Presentation to provide specific training on the iPad and ensure that all students have a usable device on the first day of school. This will also provide families time to purchase digital copies of textbooks. We are excited to implement our new program and all the benefits to learning it can provide. ■ SUMMER 2014 | 19

Semester in Review Academics

Presentation High School had a spectacular showing at the Synopsis Science Fair, led by sophomore Maya Varma’s multiple awards for her engineering project, “A Novel Wireless Microcontroller-Based Pulmonary Function Analyzer for Early Detection of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).” Her awards included honorable mention in the engineering category; 3rd place student award and certificate of achievement from the American Vacuum Society’s Northern California Chapter; a certificate of achievement, medallion and letter from the United States Public Health Service, and the Award for Electro-Technology from the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. Nine students placed at the Synopsis Science Fair, including the following 2nd-place category awards: • Jacqueline Duong (engineering, “Getting to the Pointe”) • Marissa Patterson and Chandler Sutherland (behavioral/social, “The Effect of Subliminal Messages on Hunger and Thirst”) • Anna Thomas (bioinformatics, “Automating Biomedical Image Segmentation with Random Forests”) Sophomore U.S. History classes were honored to host Jimi and Eiko Yamaichi (right), who spoke about living in Japanese internment camps. The two spent four years as teenage internees during World War II, and have since been committed to promoting understanding between various ethnic groups, along with civil liberties. At the ages of 91 and 89, they are dedicated to educating and sharing their stories across the country.

For the 2014 National Spanish Exam, 22 Presentation students (above) were chosen by their teachers to compete with 150,000 students nationwide. Maia Lwin, Krista Blazier, Julia Botkin and Vanuyen Pham all scored at or above the 97th percentile and earned a ranking of Gold for their respective divisions. All French students took the 2014 Le Grand Concourse, an annual competition sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of French. Dorothy Nguyen and Samhita Krishnan scored in the top 10% nationally for Level 1 and in the native speaker category, Kathleen Langlais placed 7th in the chapter and 15th nationally. The Presentation Robotics Team (below) won the FIRST Robotics Central Valley Regional and qualified for the World Championships in St. Louis.

Eesha Patel has been accepted into the highly competitive Summer COSMOS program at UC San Diego and will be working with Engineering Design and Control of Kinetic Sculptures. Nikita Srinivasan received a 3rd place award in the Northern California Youth Art Month Show for her acrylic shoe painting, “Worse than a Shaving Cut.” Anna Thomas advanced to the final round of the 2014 Presidential Scholars competition. From nearly 3.2 million graduating high school seniors, more than 4,000 students were identified as candidates in the program, and 565 semifinalists were selected from across the country. She was also named a semifinalist in both the Siemens Competition in Math, Science and Technology and the Intel Science Talent Search. Maya Varma won one of 10 national research grants from the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth, and she was a national semifinalist for the National Center for Women in Technology Aspirations Award. 20 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL


The varsity track and field team had two home victories versus Sacred Heart Cathedral and Notre Dame-Belmont. Senior pole vault star Taylore Jaques won the West Catholic Athletic League title for a league-record fourth consecutive time. She qualified for the Central Coast Section track and field championships.

Also at the WCAL meet: • Hannah Wood was the varsity 1,600-meter champion and a CCS qualifier. • Taylore Jaques (right) finished 5th in long jump. • Sophomore Sydney Jaques took 2nd place in pole vault to qualify for the CCS meet, and she finished 10th in high jump. • Caitlyn Opulencia placed 5th in the varsity 100 meter hurdles. • Casey Morris took 5th in varsity long jump and 9th in varsity high jump. The varsity swimming and diving team won four out of five home meets, and 13 girls qualified for the Central Coast Section championships. With more than 130 participants, Presentation’s swimming and diving team is the largest in the nation! The Panthers also had 38 West Catholic Athletic League finalists who scored in the top 16 of their event – our highest numbers since 2001. The varsity team went 5-2 and finished third at the league meet, where seven performances broke into the varsity “top 5 of all time” and Chloe Isleta set three All-American automatic qualifying times, earned two individual WCAL titles and set a WCAL record and team record. Some of the highlights of the CCS meet, where the varsity team finished 12th: • Chloe Isleta took 3rd in the 100 backstroke and 4th in the 200 individual medley. • The 200 medley relay team of Mackenzie Kirk, Grace Leonis, Chloe Isleta and Audrey Berner placed 4th with an All-American consideration time standard. • The 200 freestyle relay team of Mackenzie Kirk, Emma Malysz, Audrey Berner and Chloe Isleta placed 9th. • Mackenzie Kirk took 13th in the 200 IM and 15th in the 100 backstroke. • Grace Leonis placed 14th in the 100 breaststroke and 38th in the 50 freestyle.

The varsity softball team finished in 3rd place in the West Catholic Athletic League, going 7-5 in league and 21-7 overall. The Panthers won the Michael De Jesus Memorial Tournament in Milpitas and have been consistently ranked in the Top 10 in the Central Coast Section. A never-give-up attitude helped them come from behind in 7 of their 21 wins this season, earning them the nickname “The Cardiac Kids.” Presentation had one of the most feared offensive teams around, leading the powerhouse WCAL in batting average (.346) and stolen bases (61) while also scoring 199 runs. The varsity softball team earned the No. 6 seed for the CCS tournament and beat Branham 10-4 in the first-round game. WCAL All-League honors went to Grace Hargadon and Lorena Ukanwa (first team); Lauren Blach and Nina Mandracchia (second team) and Elizabeth Skotz (honorable mention).

Student Activities

The Speech and Debate Team took 2nd place in Debate and 5th place overall in the Coast Forensic League! Additionally, the team earned national recognition with their performance at the State, Tournament of Champions and National Championship Tournaments: • At the State Tournament, freshman Kaitlyn Sierra finished in 10th place in Expository Speaking. Juniors Sweta Sridhar and Nikitha Jagadish took 5th place in Public Forum Debate. And juniors Ayya Elzarka and Pranathi Gutala tied for 10th in Public Forum Debate. • Amy Elzarka and Anna Waters (right) took 9th place in Public Forum at the Tournament of Champions and were knockedout by the eventual tournament champions. • The team qualified several members to the National Speech and Debate Association’s Championship Tournament this summer! In Lincoln Douglas debate, Sakthi Ponnuswamy is the second alternate, and in International Extemporaneous, Sanika Kulkarni is the first alternate. This is the best performance by any Presentation extemporaneous competitor in team history! Anna Waters and Amy Elzarka won their qualifying round in Public Forum and are going to the Championship Tournament. Members of the Women in Computer Science Club visited major tech companies in Silicon Valley, including the campus of Facebook. Club officer Sara Stith was selected to be one of only three high school liaisons for Stanford University’s Girls Teaching Girls to Code program. Fashion Club students’ original dress designs were featured in Presentation’s Fashion Show for the 2nd year. The Fashion Club also helped raise money for Presentation’s financial aid program by hosting its first “My Sister’s Closet” event in April at which Presentation students donated clothing that was then sold to the rest of the student body. SUMMER 2014 | 21

Panther Pride hosted the first annual Dunk for Nuns, a basketball game between teachers and students, and raised over $1,000 for Mission Drive! In just its second year as a club at Presentation, DECA qualified three students, Teja Bhravabholta, Kripa Stiaraman and Divya Balchander to the International Career Development Conference. The club sent 23 girls to compete against over 3,000 students, and these students placed at state: • Teja Bhravabhotla and Kripa Sitaraman placed 2nd in Business Law & Ethics Team Decision Making • Divya Balchander placed 3rd in Hospitality & Tourism Professional Selling • Nandhini Namasivayam placed 5th in Automotive Service Marketing Series & Plan • Alison Pham placed 7th in the Professional Selling Event • Akila Namasivayam placed 9th in Human Resource Management Series Spontaneous Combustion, Presentation’s Improv Team, placed 3rd in the Comedy Sportz High School League Tournament. The International Cultures Club hosted Culture Shock at lunch in May, which featured students performing traditional dances and songs from cultures around the world while the rest of the student body enjoyed an international buffet of food and treats. The Presentation chapter of the International Thespian Club produced “Disney Snip-ITS,” an evening of scenes and songs from Disney films and musicals. They also produced a Freshman Snip-ITS which featured the stars of tomorrow in dramatic and musical scenes.

In February, seven students and two teachers traveled to the Mexican border, Los Angeles and Tipton, for our California Immigration Immersion Trip. Participants worked alongside our Presentation Sisters and learned about the issues surrounding immigration. The students taught English as a Second Language classes to recent immigrants, shared meals and heard stories about the struggles that immigrants face once they enter the United States. The Presentation High School community spent six weeks of Lent baking and selling treats, attending special events and ultimately raising money to support our Presentation Sisters in Nicaragua and Guatemala. The annual Mission Drive raised a record $16,000 this year that will all go toward the schools and health clinics run by the Sisters. The Community Involvement office is proud of its student participants who logged more than 2,500 service hours at local non-profit organizations this semester. Nine peer ministers performed a silent interpretation of the Passion Narrative for our student body during Holy Week.

SEAS hosted Earth Week, which featured events daily to raise awareness on issues such as food waste, energy conservation and ozone depletion.

Faith and Service

The San Francisco Urban Plunge was held in March, when seven students and two teachers visited the Tenderloin District to learn about homelessness and poverty. While in the Tenderloin, students served breakfast, taught English as a Second Language classes, led BINGO at a homeless senior citizen center, and much more. Most importantly they saw a side to the popular tourist city that seems invisible to most visitors.


In May, 70 juniors and seniors were fully initiated into the Catholic Church in a beautiful Confirmation ceremony overseen by Bishop Thomas Daly.

Performing Arts

Presentation High School’s mainstage play was “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” a unique interpretation of the tale set in feudal Japan that featured 30 student actors and technicians. Samurai swordplay, beautiful kimonos and a magical bamboo forest dazzled audiences who were treated to a classic tale influenced by traditions of Japanese theater, including Noh, Kabuki and Bunraku puppetry.

The Blue Plaid Players produced a patriotic salute to the troops, performing a USO-inspired revue called “All Hands on Deck” that delighted audiences and celebrated the many veterans who attended. In May, the Presentation High School choral music department presented the spring concert, New York, New York, featuring Bella Voce, Cantabile, and our soloists from the Class of 2014. A full house at the Valenzuela Theater was treated to a variety of music, including traditional choral repertoire, a bit of jazz, a hint of Broadway, and some popular favorites.

The Theater and Arts Development Association – better known as TADA! – produced “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee,” a crowd-pleasing fundraiser performed by six current faculty and supported by parents and alumnae who not only provided an entertaining evening of theater but raised money for our program.

In May, Bella Voce took part in the California Music Educators Association Ensemble Festival in San Jose and received a Unanimous Superior. This is the highest rating achievable by any performing ensemble and is the second year in a row that Bella Voce has received the honor.

In March, 16 vocal music students took part in the CMEA Solo and Ensemble Music Festival at San Jose State University. All participants enjoyed a successful experience preparing and performing their pieces for an adjudicator, and particularly Paige Trevisan and Amy Tran, who received a rating known as “Command Performance” for their performance of the duet Pie Jesu by Andrew Lloyd Weber.

The Dance Team wrapped up its best competition season in school history. At the National Contest of Champions in Orlando, Fla., Presentation took three first-place and three second-place awards, and it placed in the top 10 highest-scoring teams for the entire competition, receiving two outstanding choreography awards for our lyrical and X-small routines. Additionally, the X-small routine was invited to perform in the showcase, a selection of the judges’ favorite routines of the entire competition, as well as perform their routine again for a huge audience. Captain Lindsey Sandri took fourth place in her solo.

The Presentation High School women’s chorale, Bella Voce, embarked on a trip to New York City, enjoying the sights and sounds of the city, a Broadway classroom experience and a Broadway show. They also experienced an adjudication session, master classes, and choral exchanges with high-level high school choral programs from across the nation. But the highlight was performing at Carnegie Hall as part of the Grandioso Choir (composed of eight different choirs) as well as the massed festival choir (17 high school choirs) which performed a world premier piece titled Soulspeak written by composer Z. Randall Stroope. SUMMER 2014 | 23

Congratulations, Class of 2014! Lindsay Allen Marissa Asercion Jazmin Barba Iniguez Kayla Barker Brianna Barnes Elise Barsch Arbelina Bebla Christine Bernal Sharvari Bhide Tejasvi Bhyravabhotla Nora Bitar Catherine (Kate) Blach Jessica Boling Regan Borges-Burr Haleigh Boss Katie Brown Allison Bruner Lisa Brunger Marie Burhenne Callie Camacho-Light Sarah Carter Lizette Castaneda Sana Chadda Gabriela Chan Lieza Chan Anandita Choudhary Kendra Chow Ria Chuapoco Claudia Chung Phoebe Coffin Madison Collier Sasha Coughlin Daniela Curiel Alexis Cvitkovich Kathryn Daugherty Danielle Davis Hannah de Jong Shannon DeLurio Carolyn DiLoreto Sofia Dobrushin Alexandra Drechsler Alexis Dulin Kelly Eaton Lena Egbert Emily Ekman Rylie Ellis 24 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

Stephanie Eramo Adrienne Estrade Marisa Ferrari Monica Flynn Margaret Forbes Abagail Ford-Stille Jamie Frank Caroline Fukawa Olivia Fuqua Laetitia (Titi) Galeazzi Madelaine Galvan Kendall Garald Cassidy Garrett Emily Gigantino Danielle Gilday Amreen Gill Arielle Glumac Caitlyn Gonzalez Alexandra Gray Melissa Gugale Eimer Hannon Grace Hargadon Natalie Hazrati Alexandra Healey Rachel Hennessey Jacqueline Hoang Taylor Hubert Elise Hudson Jessica Huerta Christina Huynh Nicolle Iacobacci Annika Jackson Taylore Jaques Nayha Kamboj Sonia Kapoor Katie Keifer Margot Kenter Kristina Kheyfets Christine Kim Ellen Kingery Angela Kiriakopoulos Mackenzie Kirk Giana Kischmischian Aleksandra Konrad Sanika Kulkarni Jessica Kwok

Faith Lawrence Krizia-Elleise Layam Courtney Leahey Stephanie Lee Amanda Lewis Sarah Lipscomb Erica Lomotan Marisa Lopez Micah Lownsbery Angelina Maciel Sarah Magana Shreeya Majmudar Nina Mandracchia Sienna Mann Caitlin McGrew Caroline (Cai) McNamara Grace McNamara Michelle (Mimi) McNamara Vanessa Mendoza Katherine (Kate) Menne Ashley Merritt Hadley Monin Julianna Moura Marilese Mowen Malvika Nair Akila Namasivayam Cibelle Nassif Serena Natt Elaine Nguyen Michelle Nguyen Nicole Normandin Alyssa Nowlen Sela Obot Julia O’Brien Molly O’Flaherty Misha Omaleki Shelby Ovrom Michelle Pagnon Elizabeth Panella Ria Parab Anisha Patel Rohini Paul Jennifer Pershon Erika Peterson Alison Pham Vanuyen Pham

MaryJane Proffitt Natalie Quintanilla Sahar Rahgozar Shreya Ramesh Becky Rangel Kaylee Rodrigues Taylor Rogers Monique Romanowsky Cinthia Salazar Natalie Samson Sharika Saraf Monica Schon Sophia Scutero Andrea Selvog Jocelyn Serrano Neerali Shah Kiruthika Shanmugam Briana Shaw Caterina Shaw Selena Siadat Debra Simontacchi Zoe Singh Kripa Sitaraman Sara Sloan Angela So Gurpreet Sokhi Mathilda Stauss Kayla Stubblefield Katie Sullivan Anna Thomas Christina Tobias Julianne Torres Andrea Turnlund Audrey Vaughan Minhvy Vu Richa Wadekar Maile Washington Anna Waters Eileen Watson Taliah West Savanna Wilkinson Hannah Wood Kat Wreaks Alice Young Isabelle Zirbes

Our hearts are ever grateful For memories we love Of Presentation High School Named for our Queen above Our gratitude we give you Our promise to be true To you our Alma Mater Our dearest Gold and Blue Not Words, But Deeds Our motto ever And loyalty in each endeavor We’ll not forget what ere our call The friends we’ve made within your walls The Presentation honor Instilled within our souls Will guide us on our pathway To our eternal goal All Hail to Blue and Gold!

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Valedictorian Vanuyen Pham Vanuyen Pham took multiple AP and Honors courses while filling her transcript with nothing but A’s and A+’s. She was a key leader in the leadership group for our Peer Ministry program and a big supporter of our annual Mission Drive, which raises funds for needy communities in Nicaragua and Guatemala. This summer she went on a school immersion trip to Nicaragua where she was actually able to meet the recipients of this support. Vanuyen volunteers weekly for a bookmobile that visits a local jail and senior centers, and she tutors at Our Lady of Guadalupe School. She was also selected as one of eight Holocaust History Fellows through Jewish Family and Children’s Services in San Francisco. This semester, she attended seminars, participated in community events, heard from local Holocaust survivors, developed a paper and film project, and wrote a thesis on a topic of interest at the conclusion of the fellowship. This fall Vanuyen will attend Stanford University. An excerpt of Vanuyen’s valedictory address to the Class of 2014 on Saturday, May 31: “To my lovely classmates, the Class of 2014: we’re a fairly small class. But it’s amazing that within our class, we have accomplished so much in so many different ways. We’ve danced our way to nationals, sang at Carnegie Hall, won countless games and set records at meets, wrote insightful articles, planned beautiful liturgies and retreats, acted our hearts out on stage, won speech and debate tournaments, started clubs, placed at science fairs, won a regional championship in robotics, led our peers with tons of spirit, produced weekly broadcasts to showcase all of these accomplishments, and much more. … “We all come from different backgrounds and different faith traditions, but over the years, we’ve come together, united as a community. When we face difficult times in our lives, we know that we are blessed to receive the support and prayers of our peers. We’ve bonded through retreats, strengthening our spiritual life, while at the same time learning that it’s okay if we’re on a different spiritual journey from the person sitting next to us, because that’s part of the personal growth we will continue to experience throughout our lives. “We are women of faith, and we know that even though saying goodbye is hard, it’s time for us to embrace the unique and incredible journeys that are ahead of each of us. Now, after four years of Scantrons and essay questions, we face the true test: To put what we have learned into action.”

Teacher of the Year Dr. Andrea Duwel, Social Studies

“Many students never had an interest in social studies before taking classes from her, but after taking her courses, they now love the subject. She is known for her helpful acronyms and passion for campaigning and voting. She wants everyone to perform their civic duty and vote once they are 18, and even though she is not an official moderator of SPA, she can still be found at every meeting and event. … She goes above and beyond to make sure students fully comprehend their lessons, and even the hardest of material is presented in a way that is enjoyable. Her cheery personality – and color coordination – have made us proud to have been her students.” – Christina Tobias ’14, in remarks to the student body

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Nano Nagle Award Rylie Ellis

The Nano Nagle Award, which is named for the foundress of the Sisters of the Presentation, is the school’s highest honor. It is given to a student who exemplifies the best in a Presentation graduate: She is intellectually competent, dedicated to serving others, committed to her own personal growth and a woman of faith. Rylie Ellis volunteered every week at Saint Mary School in Gilroy, helping first- and second-graders with reading, math and spelling. She was also a member of the Presentation Ambassadors Club where she helps with admissions events, and she was an active participant in the school’s Peer Ministry program, helping to plan and lead class-level retreats and school liturgies. “Yes, Rylie has earned good grades, but what makes her stand out is not her GPA but her love of learning,” said Principal Mary Miller. “She is intellectually curious, loves to discuss new ideas and actively contributes in her classes. She seems to be everywhere and is always the most positive person in the room. “Compassion for others just seems to be in her DNA, and her courage in facing life’s difficulties is grounded in her faith. She can cope well because she never feels alone — she gains strength from her solid relationships with God, her family and her friends.” This fall Ellis will attend Creighton University.

Presentation Leadership Award Marissa Asercion and Lindsay Allen The Presentation Leadership Award recognizes the contributions of a student who has demonstrated exceptional leadership in school activities This award is not given every year; it is only awarded when a worthy student emerges. As captain of the swimming and diving team and president of Speech and Debate, Lindsay Allen (right) directly led more than 300 students in campus activities this year alone. Much of her work is behind the scenes, coordinating volunteers, determining tournament logistics, and managing the day-to-day operations of her team. But she has an amazing ability to build, manage and motivate those she leads with integrity and in a way that earns respect from students and adults alike. Marissa Asercion (left) was a four-year member of the Leadership Academy and Student Council. As an ASB Officer her senior year, she led the Student Council Service Committee with passion and creativity, resulting in Student Council completing more service activities this year than ever before. In her own time, she’s also an avid volunteer, serving weekly as a Service Ambassador for Kaiser Permanente. She also represented Presentation students proudly at the San Jose City’s Planning Commission meeting where she advocated for our new building plans. 30 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

Carmel Vaudagna Memorial Scholarship Vanuyen Pham The Carmel Vaudagna Memorial Scholarship was established by friends and family of Carmel, a dedicated parent of alumnae who passed away in 1977. This award is given to a student who truly lives the motto “Not Words, But Deeds” despite getting little recognition for all she does. Vanuyen Pham, who is also this year’s valedictorian, tutors young children in reading and math 15 hours each week during the summer, photographs babies as the newborn photographer at Washington Hospital, and processes donated books as a bookmobile volunteer. “Vanuyen does all of this because to her, service is a way to show gratitude for the many blessings in her own life,” said vice principal Julie Edson. “She is always ready to lend a helping hand with a bright smile and a compassionate heart.” Pham will attend Stanford University in the fall.

Christina Asbury Memorial Scholarship Angelina Maciel The Christina Asbury Memorial Scholarship was established by friends and family of this much-loved member of the Class of 2005, although the award was Christina’s idea. Christina succumbed to cancer the year after she graduated but is remembered with great admiration for the passionate way she lived, even in the midst of her battle. Angelina Maciel, who was diagnosed with Friedreich’s Ataxia at age 9, has faced challenges many adults would not face in their lifetime, and she has done so as only she could – with a smile on her face and a determination to never let anything stop her from accomplishing her goals. She was a member of the summer PresRep program before she started her freshman year, and has not strayed very far from our stage since as she became an integral part of our Improv team, Spontaneous Combustion. “I cannot believe how much this young woman has accomplished in these past four years,” said college counselor MaryLynne Rodriguez. “For those who have taught and interacted with her, her strength, grace, and occasional stubbornness have left a lasting impression on us, and will, long after she graduates from Presentation.” SUMMER 2014 | 31

Sister Thecla Scholarship Audrey Vaughan The Sr. Thecla Memorial Scholarship honors Sr. Thecla Cronin, who was a Presentation Sister for nearly 75 years and a teacher at Presentation for 23 years. She is remembered for her genuine love and concern for others. This award is given to a senior who shares these qualities and plans to pursue a career in education. Audrey Vaughan, who has wanted to become a teacher since 8th grade, was a regular volunteer at her elementary school’s homework club. For the past three summers, she has organized and ran her own summer camp out of her house for students in 3rd to 5th grade, and through this process she learned about curriculum planning, marketing and budgeting. She also went on the immersion trip to Nicaragua and saw firsthand how important education is for all children. “She loves working with children and has demonstrated endless patience and care for them,” said vice principal Susan Mikacich. “Her peers describe this year’s recipient as intelligent, selfless, kind, patient, and takes a genuine interest in others, all of which are qualities that make a great teacher.”

Lindsay Parkinson Memorial Scholarship Kate Blach The Lindsay Parkinson Memorial Scholarship honors a spirited member of the Class of 2000 who lost her life in a car accident during her first year at college. The award is given to a student who shares Lindsay’s commitment to intellectual growth, deep personal faith and strong family ties. Kate Blach came to Presentation as a three-sport athlete, but during her sophomore year, doctors told her she may never be able to participate in sports again. But Kate is not one to sit idle, and she became very involved in school spirit and leadership, joining Student Council, and then becoming a Panther Pride officer. Throughout her Panther Pride tenure, she bravely attended a multitude of varsity sports events wearing the somewhat smelly Presentation Panther mascot suit. “Now as one of the most visible leaders on campus, her organization skills and self-confidence, which made her successful as an athlete, have contributed to her success as a campus leader,” said counselor Jocelyn Penner. Happily, Kate recently received medical clearance and started swimming again, even qualifying for the Central Coast Section championships. 32 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

Alyssa Messier Memorial Scholarship Alexandra Healey The Alyssa Messier Memorial Scholarship honors a beloved member of the Class of 1999 who coped with the debilitating disease of epilepsy until her death in 2000. Alyssa inspired those around her by showing an enthusiasm for life and sports that made it difficult to remember her private burden. Alexandra Healey participated in swimming, basketball, field hockey and cross country at Presentation, even winning four consecutive “most inspirational” team member awards. She has not allowed her own health challenges to define her, and she meets them with determination, grace, hope and humor, inspiring those around her. “She is a contributing, compassionate and positive presence,” said counselor Jean Meyer. “Her teachers comment on her strength as a student and her ability to see all sides of an issue.” She makes time for her community through involvement in the Presentation Ambassadors Club, volunteering at Holy Spirit and her temple, and serving as a regional representative for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. She will attend Occidental College in the fall.

Alison E. Smith Memorial Scholarship Carolyn DiLoreto The Alison E. Smith Memorial Scholarship honors a beloved member of the Class of 1996 who learned she had an inoperable tumor during her sophomore year. Alison fought bravely for a year and half before succumbing to cancer in 1995, and the grace and dignity with which she handled her illness were an inspiration to all who knew her. Carolyn DiLoreto has shown courage, determination and a positive attitude both in and outside the classroom. She is a strong student who took numerous honors and AP classes. “Most notable to me, she began her college search with a variety of majors under consideration – not due to a lack of focus but more a sincere interest in an array of subjects ranging from computer science to film to business to musical theatre to digital media and production,” said college counselor Mary Connolly. During her senior year, as she tended to class work, college apps, and time-intensive school activities, she was dealing with health issues that resulted in numerous absences. Through this, she stayed connected and positive, continuing to support her classmates and teammates in activities that, while she couldn’t always participate, she could attend. SUMMER 2014 | 33

Academic Awards At the end of each school year, Presentation High School salutes students who have excelled academically. These honorees were selected by each department for outstanding work in their subject areas.

Computer Technology

Outstanding Computer Technology Student Anna Thomas achieved a 4.75 GPA in her Computer Tech electives, the highest mark in this department in school history. She is known for designing simple yet elegant solutions to complex problems, and her teachers admire that she thinks on her feet and doesn’t back down from intimidating work.


Outstanding English Student Richa Wadekar revels in books, and her instructors agree that she has a penetrating way of drawing connections between literature and life. She has an incredible curiosity, insight and genuine excitement about literature.


Fearless Leaders in Journalism

Ria Parab (left (left left)) and Sharika Saraf, co-managing editors of The Voice student newspaper, regularly rallied a group of active, opinionated, verbose, usually hungry and occasionally cranky student journalists to perform at their best. They were often the last to leave during deadline and did not put the paper to bed until every “i” was dotted and every “t” was crossed.


Outstanding Math Students


Outstanding Writer

Since her freshman year, Vanuyen Pham has displayed incredible insight and versatility in her writing. Her high-level analysis and impressive command of the English language only flourished in her upper-division English classes.


Lena Egbert (left (left left)) and Vanuyen Pham received nothing lower than an A+ in honors math courses every semester through AP Calculus BC, AP Statistics or Multi-Variable Calculus.

Modern Language

Outstanding Spanish Student Vanuyen Pham had not even taken a Spanish class before coming to Presentation. Now her skills include navigating phone conversations and emails, delivering two-minute impromptu cultural comparisons, and composing 40-minute essays that combine, organize and synthesize material from multiple sources. She embodies the department outcome that matters most: “She demonstrates respect and appreciation for other peoples, cultures, and for the dignity of all human beings.”

Performing Arts

Ella Fitzgerald Award

Religious Studies

Daniela Curiel is a four-year member of the Presentation choir who is hard-working and kind while also possessing beautiful singing abilities. She is a role model and a leader who strives for high quality performances from both herself and the entire group.

Outstanding Religious Studies Student Rohini Paul demonstrated academic excellence in the field of Religious Studies. She shows a persistent willingness to embrace the Gospel message as it applies to both personal and social realities.


Outstanding Science Student Lena Egbert has demonstrated the very highest level of academic achievement in science. She took an equivalent of five years of science – including three AP classes and the rest honors classes – and earned an A+ in every class for an overall GPA of a 5.0.

Social Studies

Outstanding Social Studies Student Anna Thomas finished Presentation having taken eight full semesters in the department with a cumulative 5.0 GPA in Social Studies courses. She has a passion for independent social science research. She was also the copresident of the Students for Political Action club for two years.

Visual and Performing Arts

Editorial Leadership in Graphic Publications Alexandra Drechsler is a four-year member of the yearbook staff, and she is known for possessing a vision for the yearbook and good organization and communication skills, and she is detail-oriented and a team player.

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Class of 2014 College Decisions University of California Berkeley Davis Irvine Los Angeles San Diego Santa Barbara Santa Cruz California State University Cal Poly, Pomona Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo Channel Islands Chico Long Beach Monterey Bay Sacramento San Diego San Francisco San Marcos San Jose Sonoma Private Colleges in California Chapman University Dominican University Loyola Marymount University Notre Dame de Namur University Occidental College Saint Mary’s College Santa Clara University Scripps College Stanford University 36 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

University of University of University of University of University of

the Pacific Redlands San Diego San Francisco Southern California

Out-of-State Private Institutions Baylor University Boston University Brown University Bryant University Case Western Reserve University Columbia University Cornell University Creighton University Drury University Duke University Emerson College Emmanuel College Georgetown University Gonzaga University Johns Hopkins University Loyola University, Chicago Loyola University, New Orleans Marymount Manhattan University New York University Northwestern University Regis University Saint Joseph’s University Seattle Pacific University Seattle University Skidmore College Southern Methodist University

Syracuse University University of Notre Dame University of Portland University of Tampa Washington University in St. Louis Out-of-State Public Institutions Arizona State University Indiana University Pennsylvania State University, University Park Purdue University Texas A&M University University of Alabama University of Arizona University of Colorado, Boulder University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign University of Iowa University of Kansas University of Maryland, College Park University of Michigan University of Nevada, Reno University of Oregon University of South Carolina University of Virginia University of Washington Western Washington University Two-Year Institutions De Anza College San Jose City College Ventura College West Valley College

College Sports Presentation High School is proud of the following members of the Class of 2014 who will play their sport at the collegiate level: Hannah de Jong University of San Diego Rowing

Nina Mandracchia Columbia University Softball

Grace Hargadon Drury University Softball

Michelle Pagnon Washington University Volleyball

Taylore Jaques Stanford University Track and field

Christina Tobias Syracuse University Rowing

Katie Keifer San Diego State University Water polo

Andrea Turnlund Cal Poly Pomona Volleyball

Christine Kim Brown University Golf

Hannah Wood Santa Clara University Cross country Track and field

Mackenzie Kirk Bryant University Swimming

Andrea Turnlund

Hannah Wood

Katie Keifer

Michelle Pagnon

Grace Hargadon

Christine Kim SUMMER 2014 | 37

Alumnae One of the favorite features in the Presentation Magazine – so popular that we had to expand it to include every magazine – is our alumnae section. You’ve gone on exciting adventures with longtime friends. You’ve launched new businesses – and new babies! Your life is unfolding a little more with each passing year, and we’re proud to feature your news, achievements and milestones in our magazine. A bonus in this edition: Please enjoy the shoutouts on the following pages! These fun messages were sponsored by alums who contributed to our Alumnae Scholarship Fund this year. Enjoy the memories and the love!

Help a


This spring Presentation High School held a fundraising drive for 13 students whose educations are being funded by our generous alumnae. The three-day campaign, called “Help a Sister Out,” raised more than $15,000 that will support alumnae scholarships. We are so grateful! Please enjoy the donor shout-outs to their favorite “Pres girls” on this page. For more information, visit Maureen Curran Clark, Class of 1966 In honor of Sister Mary Paschal, PBVM, still influencing others at 100+; for my daughter Jackie; and for all the friendships created at PHS. Diana Wheatley, Class of 1967 Happy 101st birthday to Sister Paschal! Dennise McNulty Carter, Class of 1969 Just keeping the spirit of the 1969 Flames alive! Michelle LoMonaco O’Neal, Class of 1970 A huge thanks to my parents, who are still alive and well! They gave me the gift of PHS ... which changed my life! I have wonderful memories of high school. And still connect with many friends from 45 years ago ... amazing! Someday, when I retire from real estate, I will give back to Pres, to be around the unique and fabulous energy that permeates the campus through all the staff and students there! Kudos to Mary Miller, et. al., for such an ongoing, always evolving academic contribution to our young people, community ... and the world! Jayne Rose Miller, Class of 1972 In honor of my mom, Mary Brisbois Rose, who taught me so much while encouraging me to believe in myself! Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! I am proud of the lessons I learned and the volunteer spirit you engendered. Your spiritual life shows me the power of prayer and the value of service. Thanks, Mom ... I am grateful to be your daughter! Pam Brotherton Sedano, Class of 1976 To my daughters – Sophie Sedano, Class of 2015, and Ani Sedano, Class of 2017.

Marian Sinclair Viets, Class of 1977 Forever Sparkling, Evelyn Sinclair ’75 December 31, 1956-January 31, 2000 Tracy Gullick Medal, Class of 1979 Presentation and my fellow Pres girls made such an impact on my young life when I really needed it and helped to make me who I am today. Loved those years. Danielle Wheatley, Class of 1980 To my sisters, my nieces, and most of all, my daughter, Julia. All hail to blue and gold! Julia Prodis Sulek, Class of 1981 A shout-out to English teacher extraordinaire Marcy Ray, who inspired my love of writing. Kris Giannini Kelly, Class of 1983 To all the good girls in plaid and the amazing women we’ve all become ... especially the class of ’83! Katherine Fanoe Jaeb, Class of 1983 To Jennifer, Betsy, Tricia, Julie, Kris, Kelly, Mollie, Regina and Bernadette – my Presentation sisters and lifelong friends. Michelle Miner Folsom, Class of 1983 Congratulation to all past, present and future Presentation ladies! Melinda Alongi, Class of 1986 Thanks so much first and foremost to Mary Miller for all you have done for so many years for Pres! I will never forget our fun trip to Hawaii after my Magazine Drive victory! Here’s also a shout-out to my Pres friends from the class of ’86 – Theresa, Lanette, Keli, Kelly, Myra, Babes, Gillian and so many more! Thank you gals for all the great high school memories! :) SUMMER 2014 | 39

Yvette Frojelin, Class of 1986 To my daughter, Janelle Pereira – I’m so proud of you. Noelle O’Neill Bates, Class of 1987 Here’s to all of the memories and laughter shared by the Class of 1987! Lisa Gray Fuqua, Class of 1987 My sister Tanya Gray Reinhardt ’89. My 3 faves from ’87– Debbie McMahon Flora, Connie Kais Ajlouni and Kirsten Hagebusch Johnson. And Kristen Wall Nigh ’85. Jennifer Hunt, Class of 1990 SHOUT-OUTS! First and foremost, Mary Miller. You are wonderful. I can’t thank you enough for all you have done for me. You will forever be an inspiration. My 1990 class makes my heart happy. Some of you I’ve known since 1st grade: Rachel, Dawn, Courtney, Jennifer, AnnMarie, Rebecca, and Lisa. Some I had the honor of meeting at Pres: Lelanya, Kelly (Baughn and Bryan), Deanna, Naomi, Mel, Brigid, Cyndee, Kristin (Cooke and Long), Kristen, Jo, Becky, Lucia, Alexa, Kari, Kris and Julie! You all enriched my life. Thank you! I’ve known Jennifer Nicoletti Beckus since 1st grade. Even our moms went to the same high school. I treasure my friendship with Jen because of her kindness, humor, style, spirit, and faith. She is always there for me! I know Pres encourages us to be “sisters.” I’m an only child, but if I had a “real” sister, I’d want one just like Jen! Kristin Cooke ’90 Schneider, Class of 1990 To the fabulous class of 1990! Stephanie Roloff Pisani, Class of 1991 Thank you, Mary Miller, for the inspiration and encouragement you gave so generously during my years at Pres! Marilyn McIver, Class of 1972 Thanks to my parents who sacrificed to send me to PHS, the teachers who changed my life, the lifelong friends who have supported me then and forever... you all allowed me to become the silly, sentimental, sassy woman that I am today and I love you for it! 40 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

Adrianne Yamaki, Class of 1993 A big thanks to my mom, Lorna, to whom I am eternally grateful for “making” me attend Presentation, which was one of the best experiences of my life. And a huge thanks to Mary Miller for taking a chance on me 24 years ago and welcoming me into the Pres community. It will always be with me.

Tara Martines Wallichs, Class of 1994 I would like to thank Mary Miller and my parents for giving me the wonderful opportunity and eternal memories that Pres has given me. Angela Pasquinelli, Class of 1994 Thank you, Marcy Ray, for inspiring me to become an English teacher. I hope to have even half the impact on my students that you had on me. Heidi Knapp, Class of 1998 To all my classmates from the Class of 1988. Theresa Flanagan, Class of 2001 A shout-out to Pres, where I met the best friends that I still have today – Emily Currie ’01, Christine Schisano ’01, Jane Austen, John Steinbeck, Albert Camus, Emily Bronte... Chandani Patel, Class of 2001 Congratulations on being teacher of the year and my forever bestie, Mrs. Ralston! You never fail to amaze me. You make a sister proud! Elizabeth McInnis, Class of 2006 I’d like to give a shout-out to my mom, Ann, and my sister, Ali, two amazing women. Kelly Coble, Class of 2007 It is because of my experiences at Pres – great teachers, mentors and friends – that I followed my dream of becoming a high school teacher! Thank you for the support and inspiration! Jessica Gordon, Class of 2007 A shout-out to all of the fabulous educators at Pres! Past and present! Casey Larson, Class of 2007 For my confirmation sponsor and fellow Pres alumna, I follow the “WWJD” lesson every day...“What Would Jeanne Do?”

Class Notes 1960s

’66 Jane Hancock ’66, after a career as teacher and photographer in Santa Cruz, is currently living in the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan. In 2008, she cofounded the Music of Bhutan Research Center ( which is dedicated to preserving and archiving the traditional music and dance of Bhutan through audio, video, and publications. The first book on the traditional music of Bhutan was published by the center. Jane also has a second mission to introduce the Bhutanese to the traditional classical music of the West. She teaches music in the schools in Thimphu, helps to produce classical concerts for the general public, and hosts a weekly classical music program. On the invitation of the Austrian government, this September and October, she will be leading a group of Bhutanese musicians and dancers to tour throughout Austria and Germany, sharing the music and dance culture of Bhutan. Currently she is practicing Buddhism and meditation. She hopes that all of her classmates from 1966 are healthy and happy!


Kim Josefson ’83 Moyano, is a long-distance runner (also known as an “ultra runner”), and she writes, “Last summer I convinced my daughter to do this crazy multiday run in the Colorado Rockies with me called the TransRockies Run. It was six days, 120 total miles, with elevation gains of 20,000 feet. Every day we ran at an elevation of anywhere from 7,000 to ’83 ’05 12,000 feet, with tons of major climbs and descents. The shortest day was 13 miles, the longest day was 24. It was the most incredible experience I have ever had, and it was even more special doing it with my daughter. The Colorado Rockies are absolutely beautiful, and although the event was incredibly hard both physically and mentally, we truly enjoyed ourselves. It was an experience of a lifetime, and I am blessed to have been able to do it with Jennifer Moyano ’05.” Carol Marotta ’84 Wert got remarried in May 2010. Her daughter Valerie, 25, is married and has a degree and career in marketing, and her son Paul, 29, works as head beer buyer for Whole Foods Market. Carol’s husband, Steve Wert, is a manager at a vitamin supply company. Carol is retired from the same company, where she was an office manager/warehouse manager. Due to arthritis from injuries from past auto accidents and hereditary disk degeneration, she no longer works outside the home and manages the household. Rachel E. Haas ’87, has a new job as an administrative assistant at Tucker Engineering in Campbell.

’89 Kathleen Hogan ’89 and her husband Darren welcomed their beautiful daughter, Gina Marie Fanelli, on October 29. She was 6 pounds, 5 ounces, and 19 inches long. SUMMER 2014 | 41


Karen Evans ’92 and her husband Jamie welcomed a son, Milo Jairus Epstein Pierce, on July 12.

’92 Adrianne Yamaki ’93 and Rick Sanders welcomed their daughter, Elizabeth Emiko Sanders, on June 12. “She has kept her parents very busy, hence the one-year delay of this announcement!” Adrianne wrote. “Big sis Audrey loves her new sibling.”


Jennifer Lozzio ’95 Villarreal and Tino Villarreal have a baby girl, Tatiana Lynne Lozzio Villarreal, who turned 1 on Feb. 19. “Tatiana is a future Pres girl,” Jennifer writes, “with her sights set on joining the Dance Team with her smooth moves!”

Anya Luke-Killam ’95 has worked at the Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle for nine years, and she is currently a technical editor for a research group in the Public Health Sciences Division. Anya also facilitates online courses in critical thinking and digital literacy for adult learners. After completing undergraduate and graduate degrees in linguistics, Anya received a Master of Science in technical communication from the University of Washington in 2010. She recently completed an Educational Specialist degree through an online program at Florida State University. Anya is now a part-time graduate student at the University of Calgary where she is working toward a doctorate degree in educational research. Her husband, Roger, is a systems engineer at Microsoft. Anya and Roger celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary in March. Kelly Schneider ’95 Battcher with Erin Sutfin ’95 De Baets, Erin’s daughter, and Kelly’s son at a Giants game.

’93 Two years ago, the father of Lori Pignati ’94 was diagnosed with a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (PNET). This is a rare cancer that is often misdiagnosed, or by the time it is diagnosed, it has already metastasized. This was the case with her dad, Nic, and it resulted in numerous tumors to the liver. He underwent an extensive surgery, having the primary tumor in the pancreas removed and a few of the liver tumors resected. Today he is doing very well, and he continues to manage the remaining tumors in his liver. Lori wants to raise awareness about this health issue and has put together a charity bike ride and 5k run/walk on Sunday, Aug. 3, in Palo Alto. For details, visit 42 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

’95 Lindsey Neilsson ’97 Angelats has a new role as senior program officer at the UniHealth Foundation in Los Angeles, a private grantmaking foundation that supports health-care innovation in non-profit hospitals and community clinics in Southern California. She recently was accepted to the executive doctoral program in Public Health at the University of North Carolina (Class of 2015).

Danielle Slaton ’98 and Aly Wagner ’98 are being inducted into the Santa Clara University Athletic Hall of Fame. Danielle and Aly played soccer for Santa Clara and were on the team that won the NCAA championship in 2001.





Kathleen Booth ’02, a Signal Officer and a Captain in the Army, took command of the 341st Military Police Company in Mountain View in November. Kathleen and her husband Ben Hultin have been married nine years and relocated to California in December 2011 with their children, Michael, 4, and Elizabeth, 2.


Briana Di Bari ’01 married Neil Schachter on October 13 at Kohl Mansion in Burlingame. In attendance were (from left) Shana Bliss ’04, Catrina Bliss ’01 Pak, Erin O’Neil ’01 Coleman, Shauna Di Bari ’05, Rachael Fairbairn ’01, and Lindsay Chaves ’02. The couple met in law school in Washington, D.C., and currently reside in New York City.

’03 Dana Doolin ’03 married Sean Emadzadeh on August 24 at Mercy High School’s Kohl Mansion in Burlingame. Elisabeth Russo ’03 Hutchinson is currently clerking for Judge John R. Webb of the Colorado Court of Appeals. When her clerkship concludes this August, she will begin a one-year clerkship with Justice William W. Hood, III, of the Colorado Supreme Court.



Danielle Morgan ’01 was married June 6 to Alan Acosta. Courtney Morgan ’07 (left) and Veronica Sohnlein ’01 (middle) were in the wedding. Danielle serves as associate director of student affairs at Florida State University and recently began the Ph.D. program for public policy in higher education.

Ashley Howell ’04, who earned her MBA from Santa Clara University, launched a company called The Givve Collection in March. Givve is an online marketplace that exclusively features charitable fashion products. “I founded Givve with the belief that people can make daily acts for good through their purchases,” Ashley said. “They just needed a platform to make it happen. So I created one.” Givve features over 50 brands and new brands and pieces are added daily. Howell also designed an interactive user experience that allows customers to curate lists of their favorite items. Howell also volunteers as a board member and vice president of community projects for the Junior League of San Jose, and in March, Givve served as a fashion partner in JLSJ’s High Stakes Haute Couture Fashion Show. Howell and Jackie Gandenberger ’03 modeled in Givve’s segment. For more information, visit

We are eager to hear about your families, careers, achievements and milestones! You may email updates and photos at any time to Alumnae Director Kristin Cooke ’90 Schneider at We can’t wait to hear from you! SUMMER 2014 | 43

’04 Gina Yacoub ’04 Mogannam married Anthony Mogannam on July 27.

After receiving her teaching credential, Christina O’Keefe ’05 has spent two years teaching secondary school at a boarding school in Nambia. While teaching a full load of English courses, Christina coordinated a campus beautification project, started yoga classes, served as the president of ’05 the diversity committee, and created a welcome guide for new teachers. She also coordinated donations to help ship 12 boxes of books from the Bay Area to her school so they could update their library. Kristine Daub ’07 married Eric Michelsen. Casey Larson ’07 graduated in May with a Master of Fine Arts from the University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts.

’05 Kirian Ishizaki ’05 graduated from the University of Miami’s Miller School of Medicine. She received her Doctorate in Physical Therapy in May. Kirian has returned to the Bay Area and will work in a private practice in Los Gatos. “Our family truly thanks Presentation High School from the bottom of our hearts for its role in initially shaping our daughter into the successful, confident young lady she is today,” said Kirian’s mom, Carrie Ishizaki.

’07 Jordan Wolf ’07 graduated from San Francisco State in December 2012 with a civil engineering degree, took the engineer in training licensing exam and received her EIT license in September. She is now on the hunt for an amazing engineering job. “I have moved back to San Jose and I’m living with my grandma, and every Wednesday I get together with other Pres girls I’ve kept up being best friends with, and we always have our Wednesday nights to stay involved in everyone’s life!” she said. “Last Wednesday we went to a farmers market and bought tasty local produce – good company with my best friends from Pres! Nothing compares to the lifelong bonds I’ve made with my old classmates.”

Jennifer Moyano ’05 completed her first 50-mile run on April 5, the day she turned 27.



Yvonne Yurek ’07 married Matthew Beltramo in December in Anaheim at the Disneyland Hotel.

Upcoming Alumnae Events Mark your calendars!

’07 2010s

Nicole Gomes ’10 graduated magna cum laude in May from Saint Mary’s College of California with a Bachelor of Science in accounting and a minor in business administration. She was also inducted into Sigma Beta Delta, the International Honor Society for Business, Management and Administration. Jessie Walsh ’11 attends Santa Clara University and recently spent three months studying and working in London and traveling throughout Europe and the United Kingdom. She ’11 traveled to six countries, experiencing Carnivale in Venice and St. Patrick’s Day in Dublin, exploring the Highlands of Scotland, viewing the ancient stones of Stonehenge, eating pretzels in Frankfurt and beignets in Paris, along with many other experiences. “It may sound cliché, but the biggest lesson I learned was that I could do anything I set my mind to. I have said that I wanted to travel for as long as I can remember, but until this winter, I had only explored the West Coast. And I had only been away from my family for a week at a time. Even going to school I only traveled about 10 miles. This was a big step in my life that I was determined to make. This trip was in no way easy for me, but I would do it again in a heartbeat and recommend it to anyone who asks. In light of all the oppression in the world, I have grown to realize how lucky I am to have been given the many opportunities I have had. I am overwhelmingly appreciative of everyone who made this experience possible. For without my parents, friends, and the incredibly supportive Pres community backing me, I would never have been able to fulfill this lifelong dream. Next stop: Africa with my fellow Pres alum Kennedy Chelberg ’11!”

Tuesday, July 15

Swirls for Girls Saturday, August 23

Reunions for Class of 2004 and 2009 Saturday, September 27

Reunions for Classes of 1979, 1984, 1989 and 1994 Saturday, October 11

East Coast Regional Luncheon in Boston, Mass. Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Career Day Saturday, February 18, 2015

San Francisco Regional Luncheon Saturday, March 28, 2015

Alumnae Day of Service SUMMER 2014 | 45

Dave Stanton and John Vigliecca

Ron Reynolds, Jim Vaudagna

Golf Tournament Mike Polini, Carlos Azevedo, Scott Brunello, Harlan McHugh

Perfect weather, unique “pit stops,” a full field of participants, and an exciting evening program with a raffle and live auction all contributed to a great event for Presentation High School – the annual Golf Tournament. Novice and pro golfers alike enjoyed the fun atmosphere of this tournament while playing alongside many faculty members, alumnae and friends. All proceeds for this event will benefit our students in areas tuition does not cover, such as co-curricular programs.

Susan Mikacich

Matt Sunzeri, Joan Arzino, Alice Dewhirst ’78 Ursano, Frank Sunseri


Becky Menne

Rob Naragon

Sam Chuck

Join us and make a difference... Over $1 million has been gifted since our founding in 2006, including the following organizations: • Freedom House • Our Lady of Grace Nativity School • Peninsula College Fund • San Francisco Safe House • Girls Scouts/Daughters of Farm Workers For more information, please contact Cathy Cioth at

A Women’s Giving Circle

“We might not all be individually wealthy, but we hold great wealth in common.”

Presentation Fashion Show Save the Date! Friday, April 24, 2015


Emily Gigantino and Kendall Garald

Fashion Show The Dream in Style Fashion Show on March 23 was a great success. Both audiences at the lunch and dinner shows enjoyed seeing over 150 models including alumnae, faculty and the Class of 2014. Fashion Club students were featured in their own special segment with 20 participating designers hand-crafting their looks for the runway. All proceeds from this event will benefit the endowment for financial aid at Presentation. We thank the many volunteers who were part of making this event such a success and look forward to new fashion creations and styles at next year’s show on Friday, April 24.

Steve Pustelnik and Abby Ford-Stille

Jessica Kwok

Suzanne Colvin and Raj Singh


The Presentation Dance Team

Christina Tobias

The 2014 Fashion Show Executive Board

A look back in time... August

Upcoming Events at Pres Aug. 14 First day of School


Aug. 15 Opening Liturgy Oct. 9-12 Alumnae Regional Trip Boston, Mass.

Class of 1968


Oct. 25 Presentation Auction Villa Ragusa, Campbell Nov. 1-Nov. 16 (select dates) “Guys and Dolls” Valenzuela Theater Nov. 2 Open House Nov. 10-25 Food Drive Nov. 21 Feast of the Presentation Nov. 26-28 Thanksgiving Break December

Class of 1988

Dec. 1-5 Penny Drive Dec. 8-12 Toy Drive


Dec. 22-Jan. 2 Christmas Break

Class of 1991

Feb. 7 Crab and Pasta Feed Feb. 28 Alumnae Day of Service SUMMER 2014 | 49

The Nano Nagle Legacy Society

is made up of a philanthropic group of people who have remembered Presentation High School in their estate planning. This combination of generosity, thoughtful planning and a love of Presentation High School will help build support for our endowment that will last far beyond a lifetime.



A robust endowment is key to the long-term stability of any educational institution. By supporting our endowment with planned giving, you will help fund financial aid, student programs, educational technology and more. We hope you will consider how, by making Presentation a beneficiary in your estate plan, you can not only reduce the estate taxes you may pay to the government or avoid other severe tax implications – you can help perpetuate our distinguished academic tradition whose roots go back to the courage and dedication of Nano Nagle.


About Nano Nagle

Here are some ways to remember Presentation High School while significantly reducing the estate taxes you might pay to the government. As always, please consult with your attorney, accountant and/or estate planner for financial advice.

In the 1700s, a woman named Nano Nagle, the daughter of wealthy Irish parents, risked imprisonment and disgrace by fighting the oppression of children in her country. The penal code at the time prohibited the education of Irish Catholic children, but Nano made the courageous decision to defy the rule. She secretly rented rooms in the city of Cork and began holding classes. Soon she had seven schools containing 400 children – five schools for girls and two for boys. Nano’s dedication to the poor reached far beyond school walls. At night, she traveled the narrow streets and visited the sick and destitute to share with them God’s love. In 1775, Nano joined several other women in founding a new society that would go on to become the Sisters of the Presentation.

Bequest This gift is designated in your will or living trust and is the most common form of planned giving. You can set aside a certain dollar amount, leave a percentage of your estate, or leave a “residuary” bequest after providing for your family.

Charitable Remainder Trust This charitable contribution is designed to provide you with income for life or a term of years, after which Presentation High School receives the property that funded the income stream. You get the income tax deduction and income now; Presentation High School gets the property later.

Beneficiary Designation You can name Presentation High School as the beneficiary of a paid-in-full life insurance policy or retirement account. The potential tax burden on retirement plan distributions to heirs could be significant; by designating a charity as the beneficiary, you can preserve more of your estate for your family without affecting the amount going to Presentation High School.

Contact Us

Nano’s personal example of sacrifice and the success of her schools inspired others to assist her education ministry through financial contributions, and by the time of her death in 1784, she had established a powerful legacy that lives on today. Members of the Nano Nagle Legacy Society are proud to continue Nano’s spirit of generosity and love by supporting Presentation High School.

If you have remembered Presentation High School in your estate planning, or if you have questions about the Nano Nagle Legacy Society, please contact the Office of Advancement at 408-264-5110.

Become a partner in Nano Nagle’s legacy P resen tation Hig h S c hool 50 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

In Memoriam Patricia Alpers Grandmother of Megan Alpers ’02

Gayle Leonardelli Mother of Cristina Leonardelli ’08

Irma Agnoletti Mother of Susan Agnoletti ’70 Battaille

Virginia Randazzo Manning Grandmother of Brittany Adams ’08 and aunt of Julia Randazzo ’00 and Vanessa Randazzo ’04

Kristine Bardin Grandmother of Megan Tallman ’17 Tom Brown Grandfather of Lindsay Brown ’98 DeMaestri and Cheyenne Brown ’99 Neukomm Elva Bumb Mother-in-law of Theresa Arias ’78 Bumb and grandmother of Theresa Bumb ’97 Superior Court Judge Thomas Cain Father of Alessandra Cain ’10 Shayne Callahan Sister-in-law of Sandi Maida ’74 Callahan and aunt of Brianna Callahan ’00 Oronoz Robert Stanley Carey Grandfather of Stephanie Schaniel ’11 and Stacie Schaniel ’17 Josina Chimenti Grandmother of Megan Chimenti ’01 O’Connor and Claire Chimenti ’02 Tran Anthony Condos Grandfather of Danae Condos ’07 and Elly Condos ’06

Barbara Marleau Grandmother of Alexandra Campbell ’15 and Victoria Campbell ’12 Donald Moore Grandfather of Nicole Capobianco ’13 and Victoria Capobianco ’16 Anna Oanh Nguyen Grandmother of Brianna Hoang ’15 Lupe O’Malley Mother of Mara O’Malley ’92 Boord, Patricia O’Malley ’88 Kirsch, Susan O’Malley ’95 and Sharon O’Malley ’00 Dolores (Kitty) Randazzo Grandmother of Julia Randazzo ’00 and Vanessa Randazzo ’04 Harry Rasmussen Grandfather of Alison LaVelle ’07 Nabiha (Nancy) Yasmine Shaheen Grandmother of Melissa Kahoush ’03 and Ashley Kahoush ’07 Phyllis Tresa Sloan Great-grandmother of Sara Sloan ’14

Nina Cressio Mother of Kelly Cressio ’86 Moeller

Virginia Sortino Grandmother of Jordan Sortino ’16

Grace Faraone Mother of Debbie Faraone ’68 Hodges

Lorita (Rita) Suits Grandmother of Erika Suits ’13 and Nicole Suits ’15

Shirley Graton Mother of Paula Graton ’69 Burgett (deceased) and Natalie Graton ’71 Tolutau

Kathryn Wilkinson Grandmother of Jessica Lind ’11 and Kristina Lind ’08

Freda Hansen Grandmother of Katie Hansen ’00 Ugarte SUMMER 2014 | 51

“I say this again and again, but if it were not for you, I would not have had the opportunity to do everything that I have accomplished here at Presentation. It is because of you that I was able to get confirmed alongside friends I now call sisters. Because of your moral and financial support, I will be graduating from Pres in just a few days. … I really hope that I get the opportunity to change someone’s life in the future, just as you have changed mine.” – Class of 2014 graduate, in a letter to her benefactors


Supporting Presentation Your support makes learning possible. Making a donation to Presentation means you are empowering the next generation of smart leaders, creative thinkers and global citizens. Donations to the young women of Presentation can come in many forms. A gift to the Annual Giving Program or Direct Aid has an immediate impact. Or you may contribute to our Endowment for a gift that lasts for generations. We also hope to see you at our memorable fundraisers. Your investment of money and time is invaluable.

How to Give Online Go to and click the “Donate Today” button.

Annual Giving Program Directly supports academic programs, co-curricular activities and other important needs of the school.

By phone Call Advancement Director Alice Dewhirst ’78 Ursano at 408-264-5110 ext. 2447 to make a pledge.

Direct Aid Scholarship Program Provides immediate funding for tuition and other expenses, ensuring that any qualified student may receive a Presentation education regardless of her family’s ability to pay tuition.

Mail or drop off a check Presentation High School Office of Advancement 2281 Plummer Ave. San Jose, CA 95125

Endowment Endowment gifts are held, and only the interest earned is used to assist the operating budget and the financial aid program. Wishbook Each year teachers submit requests for specific items that support classroom learning and school programs. eScrip There is no cost for this easy fundraiser – just register your grocery and credit cards, and shop as you normally would, and a percentage is given back to the school. Company matching Do you want your gift to make a bigger impact? Look into your company matching program! For more information on these and other opportunities, visit or contact Advancement Director Alice Dewhirst ’78 Ursano at 408-264-5110 ext. 2447 or

Presentation High School 2281 Plummer Avenue San Jose, CA 95125

Save the Date r ti o n s p o n s o c u a n a e m B e co s ta r o n o u r r u o y t e g d e! an wa lk of fa m d o o w y ll o H


Saturday, Oct. 25 Villa Ragusa For mo re infor m a tion a nd to be com e a s pons or v i s i t W W W . P R E S E N TAT I O N H S . O R G / A U C T I O N

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