Presentation Magazine Winter 2014

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Presentation magazine HIGH SCHOOL

Annual Report Edition | Winter 2014

WINTER 2014 | 1

Letter from the Principal Dear friends of Presentation, The annual report in this magazine is not just a list of names but a celebration of all the members of the Presentation community who have done so much for our school. I want to thank you from my heart for your generosity and faithful support of the young women who attend Pres. So many of you have remained loyal and committed to this school over many years. Some of you have been involved in every major building project; others have walked these halls and left a legacy of academic excellence, sharing your talent and immense spirit; many have given so others may have the gift of a Presentation education. Some of you are first-time donors. But all of you are stakeholders in the rich tradition and the promising future of our high school. I am truly grateful that you have chosen to share your resources with Presentation. In one of my favorite books, The Soul of Money, Lynne Twist draws a comparison between money and water. “Money flows through all our lives, sometimes like a rushing river and sometimes like a trickle. When it is flowing, it can purify, cleanse, create growth and nourish. When it is blocked or held too long, it can grow stagnant and toxic to those withholding or hoarding it.” I have come to believe there are two kinds of people in this world: those who see a life of scarcity and those who see a life of abundance. It has very little to do with economic reality; it has everything to do with attitude. For those who embrace the doctrine of scarcity, no amount of money will ever be enough. They will always feel financially insecure, always feeling they need more. They will always be resistant to giving away their money. For those who adopt the attitude of abundance, money is like water; it needs to keep flowing. They are secure in knowing their life is blessed; they know they have more than enough; they respond to the needs of others. They answer Martin Luther King’s persistent question of “What are you doing for others?” with generosity that makes a difference. Your financial support of Presentation indicates what kind of person you are. It communicates what you value and care about. With all the requests you have for donations, you chose Pres, and we are so grateful. That choice makes all the difference here; it changes lives! May God continue to bless you and your families in 2014. Gratefully,

Mary Miller, Principal Class of 1972

Presentation magazine HIGH SCHOOL

Annual Report Edition Winter 2014

Presentation High School 2281 Plummer Avenue, San Jose, CA, 95125 | 408-264-1664




The Venerable Nano Nagle, and Why it Matters

Corbin Bleu Knows the Way to San Jose


Annual Report 2013


Annual Report 2013 Excerpts From The Voice

A Salute to Donors

Semester in Review Tribute to Mani and Gloria Hernandez School Gets a “Smart Roof ” Teaching Liturgy in High School Alumnae Class Notes

2013-2014 Board of Trustees Manuel Alba Mari Alba Sr. Paula Baker, PBVM Chuck Berger Fred Crary Gretchen Nicoletti ’83 DiNapoli Neil Fanoe Bill Frederick Barbara Gentzkow Marlaine Griffin Bill Heil Bob Hencken Beth Keifer ’69 Gaye Landau-Leonard David LaVelle Lon Normandin Linda Okenquist Marc Parkinson Suneil Parulekar Ron Piziali Vicki Pope Beth Gutto ’99 Rhodes Sr. Joan Riordan, PBVM Marian Stuckey Brian Walsh Lissa Whelan Associates Linda Antonopoulos Harvey Armstrong Lou Basile Ernie Giachetti Gary Giannini Bob Longinetti Lisa Normandin ’77 McHugh Becky Menne Bob Miller Sr. Claude Power, PBVM Garrett Rajkovich Donna Teresi Richard Zahner Administration Katherine Cobarrubia Julie Edson Susan Ferrari ’86 Mikacich Mary Miller ’72

Contents 2 8 10 12 34

Presentation Magazine is published twice a year for parents, alumnae and friends of Presentation High School. For address changes or questions, contact Amy Pizarro at 408-264-1664, ext. 2420, or e-mail

38 40 41 42 44

Presentation Auction Circle Dinner Scholarship Luncheon Memoriam Giving to Presentation

Magazine Editor Amy Pizarro Magazine Designer Krista Anderson ’03 Thomas Photographers Bacosa Photography Karen Santos ’06 Meg Perotti ’02 WINTER 2014 | 1


Athletics • Cross country runner Hannah Wood took fifth place in the Central Coast Section Champions, qualifying for a spot in the CIF State Championship. • Five seniors committed to play their sport at the collegiate level and were honored at a Signing Day Ceremony in November. Congratulations to Hannah de Jong (University of San Diego rowing), Mackenzie Kirk (Bryant University swimming), Nina Mandracchia (Columbia University softball), Christina Tobias (Syracuse University rowing) and Andrea Turnlund (Cal Poly Pomona volleyball).

Featured in the San Jose Mercury News

Academics • Twenty students are working on science projects and technical papers for the Synopsis Science Fair in March, tackling topics like the effects of sleep deprivation on the endocrine system; bioinfromatics, or comparing proteins/ biomarkers between similar cancers; and whether everyday foods contain genetically modified organisms that can negatively impact human health. • More than 400 students attended the colloquium series this fall to hear guest speakers discuss topics such as: “Healing Robots: Improving Healthcare Through Engineering” presented by Ann Majewicz of Stanford University; “Stem Cells and Grant Writing” presented by Dr. Lila Collins of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine and Dr. Jill Helms of the Stanford University School of Medicine; and “Geology, Computer Science, and Biology Intersection” presented by Heather White of ICF International. • Sophomore Maya Varma is continuing her strong showing in school math contests (she was the overall winner last year) taking first place in both the November and December contests. She and Anna Thomas shared first place for the October contests. Over 280 students participated in these fun contests this fall. • Students in the Integrated Science and Technology Seminar took a field trip to Exatron, a San Jose machine shop where they learned about custom-machine construction and were able to fabricate candleholders from a block of aluminum. They also went to Thermo-Fisher, which creates instruments and equipment for research labs. 2 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

• The water polo team qualified for the Central Coast Section championships and made it to the semifinals for the third consecutive year. • The varsity golf team finished in second place in the West Catholic Athletic League and qualified for the Central Coast Section championships where it finished in fifth place. • Varsity soccer team captain Maile Washington organized a special effort for the November food drive, with her club soccer team donating more than 50 frozen turkeys to Sacred Heart Community Service.

Student Activities • Community Involvement lived the school’s motto of “Not Words, But Deeds” by serving a total of 2,068 hours with local non-profit organizations.

• The Red Cross Club held a successful fundraiser to support typhoon relief efforts in the Philippines and re-stocked emergency supply kits in classrooms to help maintain campus disaster preparedness. • Students Against Destructive Decisions hosted SADD Awareness Week in October to educate the student body on making healthy decisions and the dangers of reckless activities.

• The Cooking Club served up delicious dishes for the holidays, including creepy sweets, Thanksgiving sides and gingerbread houses with warm spicy drinks! • DECA sent 30 members to the Silicon Valley DECA Leadership Development and Competitive Conference where students listened to the motivational speeches of Food Network star Chef Jeff and technology entrepreneur Karl Mehta. • The Healthy Habits Club held an Alzheimer’s walk and sold vegan popcorn balls as candy alternatives in October, shared healthy twists on Thanksgiving favorites and a scientifically proven 7-minute workout in November, and hosted a 20-minute yoga session to channel some positive energy before final exams in December.

• The Students for Environmental Action Society coordinated school-wide participation in Teens Turning Green’s Project Green Challenge, which encourages students across the globe to think about how they can live more sustainably. Presentation was the No. 1 school in terms of participation and the second-highest scoring school in the world! • Nearly 50 Speech and Debate students earned awards at 16 tournaments the team attended this fall. Among those awards are five bids to the Tournament of Champions and eight wildcards for the State Qualifying Tournament. • Student Council volunteered at Sacred Heart Community Service for its second annual “Wake Up with Service” day.

• The Leadership Academy held two workshops for more than 100 students and hosted guest speaker Mary Carouba, the author of“Women at Ground Zero,” a book that highlights the role of women on 9/11. • Microfinance members raised over $300 for micro loans this semester with their popular Psycho Donuts fundraisers and individual donations. • The Presentation Ambassadors Club is all about high numbers this year, as membership has now reached more than 400 students who will host over 600 shadow visitors by March and greeted over 500 families at Open House. These record highs are a clear reflection of Presentation’s overall success and the wonderful hospitality of PAC members!

• Women in Computer Science members participated in Week to learn simple coding, attended the Professional Business Women of California’s Young Women’s Conference, and learned about careers in computer science during a video conference with Google programmers in Boston. WINTER 2014 | 3


Campus Ministry • Our Parish Day event in September featured 19 parishes from around the diocese to share faith and fellowship with students at Presentation. • Nearly 60 sophomores attended a day-long retreat and 64 juniors attended an overnight retreat at the Presentation Center in the Santa Cruz Mountains. From the Class of 2014, 55 students attended senior retreat at the Jesuit Retreat Center in Los Altos. • 75 students are enrolled in this year’s confirmation program.

• The Feast of the Presentation in November was a special way to honor the Sisters of the Presentation, who renewed their vows as the student body looked on. “In the Gospel, Jesus talks about the woman and her lost coin. He asks ‘What woman having ten coins and losing one would not light a lamp and sweep the house, searching carefully until she finds it?’ senior Audrey Vaughan said at the liturgy. “This is the dedication our Sisters demonstrate. They show us how to search out the lost, and to extend love to our neighbor.…On behalf of our entire Presentation community, I thank you for being leaders of justice, models of faith to us here at Pres, and for shining your light to the world around us.”

By Sister Stephanie Still, PBVM President, Sisters of the Presentation

The Presentation community around the world received very special news in October. Nano Nagle, foundress and spiritual mother of Presentation communities everywhere, was named Venerable by the Roman Catholic Church. She is now two steps away from official sainthood. For those of us who participate in the Roman Catholic Church culture, this is a wonderful and very exciting event. For other people not connected to the Church, this might seem like an arcane practice that doesn’t make a lot of sense in our world. 4 | PRESENTATION HIGH HIGH S HI SC SCHOOL SCHO CHO HOO H OOL OO

One person said to me, “So what?”


I believe there are three answers to that “so what.”

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Nano Nagle is being honored by the official church. Her life of faith and service is being acknowledged and celebrated. She is remembered in Irish history as the Lady with the Lantern, who saved Irish culture and the Catholic faith in that country. In the millennium, she was voted by the people of Ireland as the most important person in their history from 1000 to 2000 AD. So, by objective standards here is someone deserving of honor. The issues and social concerns that were so important to Nano Nagle’s formation as a woman of the Church and a woman of her society are clearly just as important today – a concern for those made poor and marginalized by the economic and political systems of the times. Nano believed and staked her life on the belief that education was an act of justice. She believed that through education people could be raised up to participate more fully in society and politics and improve their economic status. We certainly see that in the history of the United States where the immigrants of the past were educated by women religious. Those generations of immigrants became the middle class that is such a hallmark of American society. This is a call for all of us Presentation people to recommit ourselves to a vision of the world not voiced originally by Nano Nagle but certainly whole-heartedly lived by her. It is the vision of Jesus the Christ – to love one another, to heal the broken-hearted and broken in body, to be people of compassion, mercy and justice.

We see this commitment to the Gospel and Nano’s particular expression of the Gospel in the policies, practices, programs and preferences lived out every day at Presentation High School. Presentation High School does not stand alone in doing so, as the high school is connected to local, national and international Presentation organizations and partnerships. In North America through the Conference of Presentation Sisters and globally through the International Presentation Association, Presentation Sisters, Associates and co-ministers partner, give voice and take action around these justice concerns: • Sustainability of the planet • Those made poor and those marginalized • Trafficking of men, women and children • Comprehensive immigration reform • Issues related to women and children

Nano Nagle, the Lady of the Lantern

Through the International Presentation Association, all of us are represented daily at the United Nations through nongovernmental organization status. Our current United Nations representative is Sister Elsa Muttathu, a Presentation Sister from India. She works on United Nations committees and is able to supply information gleaned from the worldwide Presentation justice network. I don’t imagine that Nano Nagle cares about being named a saint. That was certainly never the motivation for her years of ministry with the people of Cork, Ireland. It was not the impetus for Sisters of the Presentation to go forth to all parts of the world in the past and continue to do so today. Nano calls upon us all “to spend ourselves for the poor” and her call is a resonant echo of Jesus’. During the Feast of the Presentation liturgy in November, I heard several times from the girls who spoke that there is a Presentation sisterhood – they weren’t referring to religious life, they were referring to the solidarity and consciousness that emanates from students and alumnae committed to the charism of Nano and the spirituality behind the motto “Not Words, But Deeds.” Let us give thanks for one great woman, Nano Nagle, and all the women she has inspired for over 200 years. They have changed their worlds – our girls in plaid fit right in! ■ WINTER 2014 | 5


Performing Arts • The cast and crew of our fall musical In the Heights wowed audiences in November with spot-on characters, amazing vocal performances and highenergy hip-hop choreography. Seniors Carolyn DiLoretto and Alyssa Nowlen were superb leaders of the cast, and our stage manager, senior Eimer Hannon, kept us all going through rehearsals and performances. Our students (including our all-girl set crew!) exceeded expectations and presented a spectacular production!

• Spontaneous Combustion, Presentation’s improv comedy team, performed at its annual winter show in December, an evening full of laughter and impromptu scenes which was complete with a professional referee from ComedySportz. • The International Thespian Society performed its annual production of Snip-ITS, an evening of scenes and short plays, as well as its annual fundraising concert. This year’s show, A Concert for Veterans, raised funds to benefit the Wounded Warrior Project. • Presentation’s top performing choir, Bella Voce, was chosen to take part in the Visiting Choir Series at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph in October. In December they staged a sold-out Winter Concert that included Presentation’s Cantabile choir and 24 participants from our Middle School Workshop. Students from Piano I, Instrumental I and Voice I courses also performed in a recital in December.

CORBIN BLEU KNOWS THE WAY TO SAN JOSE Former High School Musical star Corbin Bleu had a whirlwind 24-hour visit to the Bay Area in November when he attended Presentation High School’s performance of In the Heights.

• The dance department had an exciting performance in December performing for a sold-out audience at the Dance Cabaret, which featured students from 3rd and 4th period dance as well as the competition Dance Team. 6 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

Bleu – who resides in New York City but was in Los Angeles to film Dancing with the Stars – came to San Jose at the invitation of Natalie Stevens, whose son was a cast member in the show. Logan, a Bellarmine College Prep sophomore, played the role of Usnavi – the same role Bleu had when he performed on Broadway’s In the Heights in 2010.

The thrilling visit began when Bleu, 24, arrived backstage at the Valenzuela Theater a half-hour before the show. He admired the set, shook the hand of every beaming member of the cast and crew, and then shared some lessons he’s learned about a career in the performing arts. He cautioned the actors to always set aside personal differences or problems once the curtain goes up. “When you connect with each other on stage, when you love each other, they can feel it,” he said, motioning to the theater seats. Bleu also urged students to learn more than one aspect of theater. “You may consider yourself a dancer, or a singer, or tech,” he said. “But you can do all of it. That’s important in this business. If you want a career in this, you have to bring more to the table. Hone in on all the different parts.” At showtime, Performing Arts Director Jim Houle brought Bleu on stage where a packed theater greeted him with wild applause – which only grew louder after Bleu led the room in the famed Wildcats cheer from High School Musical. Bleu and girlfriend Sasha Clements then made their way to their seats, where they watched the cast and crew deliver a superb performance of the show. Bleu was the most enthusiastic fan in the house, the first to clap after every number and the first to come to his feet for a standing ovation at the end. He then spent more than two hours signing autographs and posing for pictures as a line of fans wound back to the chapel. Presentation senior Alyssa Nowlen, whose brilliant portrayal of Daniela drew uproarious laughter from the audience, had an unforgettable conversation with the actor.

Corbin Bleu and senior Alyssa Nowlen

He was so nice that it was just like having a friend in the audience – a super-famous friend.

“The experience will remain as one of the most memorable nights of my life,” Nowlen said. “He told me, ‘You were hilarious. You had me laughing hard.’ And I think my heart may have skipped a beat. I told him I wanted to be on Saturday Night Live when I got older, and he was supportive and encouraging telling me to go to L.A., get an agent and manager, and make it happen because he believed in me. I was just beside myself to hear his faith in me.” Nowlen said any jitters she had about performing in front of her childhood hero were calmed after meeting him backstage before the show. “He was so nice that it was just like having a friend in the audience – a super-famous friend,” she said. “I was guilty of always looking at him in the audience, trying to convince myself that he was really there. But every time I looked at his seat, I always saw a giant smile on his face.” ■ WINTER 2014 | 7

A tribute to Mani and Gloria Hernandez

Once a panther, always a panther By Serena Natt ’14 Public Relations Intern

The smiling people sitting beside each other on their couch were a portrait of calm. This husband and wife spoke of a life in retirement devoted to long walks, travel and a leisurely daily schedule. They’re so relaxed you’d almost never guess they spent a collective 54 years as ferocious engines of growth and prosperity at Presentation High School. Mani and Gloria Hernandez retired in the spring of 2013. During their careers – he as a Spanish teacher and soccer coach, she as an English teacher and administrator – they were witnesses to much growth and change at Pres. Gloria’s first job at Presentation was Director of Student Activities, which she took on in 1990. Three years later she was promoted to Vice Principal of Student Activities, a role she held until 2011. She was a champion of student activities, helping the school’s co-curricular offerings grow to include speech and debate, robotics, film and media and a student newspaper. She is particularly fond of athletics, which during her tenure expanded to include water polo, golf and field hockey. “There was never anyone cheering louder in the stands than Mrs. Hernandez,” said Alumnae Director Kristin Cooke ’90 Schneider. “It didn’t matter what sport, what day or even what the score was – she had 100 percent passion about supporting our student athletes.” Gloria is grateful for a career spent serving the students of Pres. “Presentation provides just a wonderful education for young women,” she said. “It’s been nice to have a career where you are working on something that you think is tremendously valuable and important. That’s very gratifying and satisfying.” 8 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

Mani had two passions that he held close to his heart: Spanish and soccer. He moved to the United States from his native Spain during high school, after which he played soccer for San Jose State University. He went on to play for the San Jose Earthquakes and represented Team USA in the 1972 Summer Olympics. He joined Presentation as a teacher in 1982, the same year he launched Presentation’s winningest sports program – the soccer team has since racked up 21 league and section titles. And many of his players have gone on to play in college, including Aly Wagner and Danielle Slaton who also played for the U.S. Women’s National Team. His storied career and dedication to the sport were honored in 1994 when Presentation’s new soccer field was dedicated to him – the man who started it all. “The rich tradition of Presentation soccer exists because of Mani and his dedication to the sport and Presentation,” said Stacey Mallison, athletic director and soccer coach. Now the Hernandezes are enjoying retirement, but their absence here has not gone unnoticed. Two sets of shoes that can never really be filled in the same way again – there’s no doubt that Mrs. and “Señor” Hernandez are truly missed. But they can’t help but feel giddy about having time for themselves. “Everything you do revolves around the rhythms of the school year and that timing,” Gloria said. “To be able to sort of march to our own drummer now is wonderful.” But an ache of missing Presentation lingers. “I think we both bleed blue and gold,” Gloria said. “It’ll always be a part of us.”

Memories from alumnae

My favorite memory of Mrs. Hernandez was my freshman year when I found out she knew my name and I played both soccer and golf; she stopped me in the hallway to ask how my season was going. The personal connection Mrs. Hernandez built with all of the students brought a unique charm to the Presentation faculty. Mr. Hernandez will always be dear to my heart, for he taught me Spanish for three years. I will never forget hearing the socialite walk down the hallway: “Que pasa? Que pasa, chica? Que pasa?” I will also remember him explaining that “no problem” is NOT grammatically correct; “It’s no problema, chicas, ayy!

– Ramey Parks ’11

I had Señor Hernandez’s class my freshman year, and during the rest of my time at Pres, he would always take the time to say hi. Also, he knew how to make us laugh. One year during the Feast of the Presentation skits, he came out dressed in a Superman costume with a wig on for a Soulja Boy song. He was great! While a Spirit Squad Officer for Panther Pride, I saw Mrs. Hernandez when I’d drop off point sign-ups. She always had a smile.

– Nicole Gomes ’10

I was fortunate to work with Gloria as a Sports Activity Commissioner and Mani as un maestro español. But my most valuable memories of the Hernandez team are away from these direct contacts. Both Gloria and Mani were huge supporters of Pres athletics, all athletics – not just soccer! Every game, match or meet you went to, the Hernandezes did their best to meet you there. They also did their best to stay in contact with alums and their families like myself. Their caring personalities influenced the lives of so many ladies. Mani and Gloria, we are blessed to have been part of your career. Congratulations on your well-earned retirements.

– Kari Burke ’00 Haravitch


to members of the Presentation faculty and staff who this spring will be recognized for their years of service to the school.

5 Years

Eric Buell Katherine Cobarrubia Claire Foley Nicole Odell Amy Pizarro

10 Years

Juan Covarrubias Sharon Goldau Brenda Welles

15 Years Cary Atkinson Annalora Calin

20 Years

Catherine Aquino ’87 Susan Ferrari ’86 Mikacich Adrienne Renner

WINTER 2014 | 9

New "Smart Roof"

It’s kind of the Rolls Royce of heating/air conditioners.

By Ria Parab, Class of 2014 Public Relations Intern

main office had to be housed somewhere, and we had to clean the building before students returned.”

This fall students and faculty were welcomed back to school with a newer, smarter and more efficient ventilation system in the main building – the result of a $2.1 million summer construction project that included a new “smart roof ” and HVAC system.

Now that the construction chaos is in the rear-view mirror, it’s easier to appreciate the sophisticated new system. The “smart roof ” deflects some of the sun’s rays to cool things naturally and is insulated – a feature the old roof lacked. It also uses less power because the materials are better insulators, which allows for cost savings.

The project was a long time coming. In years past when temperatures climbed to a certain uncomfortable degree, some classrooms became hot as ovens while others were far too cool. “We’ve been quite aware, for many years, that the heating and cooling climate control at Pres was less than desirable,” said Principal Mary Miller. The construction project was the result of years of strategic planning and budgeting, though the work itself had to be conducted in a relatively short window over the summer of 2013. With this in mind, finding reliable commercial contractors who could make a deadline was a priority. “Environmental Systems Inc. came to us with a bid, and we took it because they came to us with a schedule,” said Lou Basile, chairman of the Building Committee on the Board of Trustees. And the company lived up to its word – renovations did not interfere greatly with summer school classes and the work was completed on time. That doesn’t mean preparing for the summer was easy. “It was a nightmare, to be perfectly honest,” Miller said. “We had to figure out a way to hold summer school, the school 10 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

There is also an energy-monitoring system that allows temperatures in individual classrooms to be set at a specific range that can be quickly adjusted by building staff when they are off campus. With the click of a mouse it is easier than ever to monitor and adjust airflows throughout the building. “It’s kind of the Rolls Royce of heating/air conditioners,” Miller said. The new system is also more environmentally friendly. Instead of using the air conditioner to cool the building while students are away, the system gathers and circulates the cool night air that flows from the San Francisco Bay so that temperatures drop naturally. “This is energy efficiency, which is proper stewardship of the Earth,” Basile said. So far, the new improvements have proven to be valuable, with the heating and cooling problems being solved in a financially sound and more sustainable way. And a big sigh of relief was heaved by all involved. “The project was extremely ambitious,” said Fred Crary, the chair of the Board of Trustees Finance Committee. “Trying to do a roof and an HVAC system over one summer while summer school was going on? The board had a lot of discussions about that – could we really pull it off ? We took some risks, but it really worked out great.” ■

Keep it K Burning Bright Memories of Presentation High School’s spectacular 50th anniversary celebration are starting to fade, but thanks to the generosity of the 2012-2013 Board of Trustees, the school has a lasting way to remember the milestone. This fall, two beautiful gifts were installed at the entrance of the main building. Next time you walk through those double doors, take a moment to look up and admire the gorgeous 3-foot iron lantern that hangs from a sturdy linked chain. The lantern – which glows only at night – is a gorgeous tribute to Nano Nagle, foundress of the Sisters of the Presentation. Nano devoted her life to educating children and helping the sick and destitute, and because she used a lantern to light her way during nighttime visits, she became known as “The Lady of the Lantern.”

The Board also commissioned a piece of artwork, a bronze bas relief by local sculptor Jerry Smith, whose work has been shown all over California and in Washington, D.C. The piece portrays Nano Nagle looking lovingly over a group of high school graduates, and the reminder to “Keep it burning bright.” “I am honored to have been chosen to cast this work of art,” Smith said. “It is a reminder to each of us of the love and service to each other and by Nano Nagle. It is also a challenge to us to continue our own education, and to help others less fortunate.” ■

Presentation High School is grateful to the members of the 2012-2013 Board of Trustees who bestowed upon the school two beautiful gifts to commemorate the 50th anniversary: Manuel Alba Mari Alba Lou Basile Chuck Berger Fred Crary Rick DiNapoli Neil Fanoe Barbara Gentzkow Gary Giannini Marlaine Griffin Bob Hencken Gaye Landau-Leonard David LaVelle Sr. Gloria Loya, PBVM Keith Meyer Lon Normandin Linda Okenquist Suneil Parulekar Ron Piziali Vicki Pope Sr. Joan Riordan, PBVM Marian Stuckey Donna Teresi Brian Walsh Lissa Whelan Vanessa Zecher ’80

Thank you! WINTER 2014 | 11

Father Rick Rodoni and Bishop Patrick J. McGrath


By Eric Buell Religious Studies Department Chair

There is a wonderful scene in the movie Hook where an adult Peter Pan sits down for dinner after a long day of trying to relearn how to fly, crow, and swordfight. The table is set and the steam rises from all of the dishes as the Lost Boys gather around for the big feast. When the covers on the food are removed, despite the steam and aroma – there is nothing there. The disappointment on Peter’s face is palpable. As I walk through the halls of Presentation High School, I notice every morning the plethora of photos that are attached to the lockers of students. It is apparent that these young women record every significant moment in their life and then look back on it immediately to reminisce about the good times. This experience is helped by the availability of digital cameras and smart phones that allow us immediate access to our memories. I recently played off of this idea in class when I asked my students to recall their favorite experiences and remember those experiences by trying to bring to mind any sights, smells, sounds, tastes or touches that accompanied the experience. The point of this exercise was to engage students in a moment of anamnesis, the deepest way to remember an event even to the point of making it real again. I described an experience I once had of getting sick from eating too many Fruity Pebbles as a child. My parents had left me in the charge of my 12-year-old brother who had no interest in feeding me breakfast. I took it upon my 5-year-old self to consume an entire box of this multi-colored sugar-coated puffed rice. The results were tragic. But even to this day, every time I smell or taste a box of this cereal I get a feeling of nausea. I have encountered this re-living in many other food-borne ways: the smell of a roasting turkey at Nana’s house for Thanksgiving or the taste of chocolate chip cookies on a hot summer day after swimming in a pool for hours. When we remember these experiences, we do not only recall something true about ourselves but, in a way, relive the moment.

Eucharistic memorial were occurring in its earliest stages. The framework for Eucharistic celebration in the Gospels and these other writings is the cornerstone of our Tradition. Without the Eucharist, the question of Catholic identity is bizarre and unanswerable. It would be unfortunate to gloss over the word “do” in Jesus’ command. It is our responsibility as teachers and parents to “do” an engaging celebration of liturgy. Jesus did not recline at the Last Supper and say “do not worry about doing anything while you remember, I will take care of it.” It is not God’s action and our reception, it is our collective action. In order “to do” what Jesus asks of us, we must engage the faith that has been passed down to all of us. The teachers in our department strive to set high standards and expectations when it comes to “doing” and learning the work of the Gospel. As parents, I encourage you to take time to re-engage your daughter and yourself in the faith.

Without the Eucharist, the question of Catholic identity is bizarre and unanswerable.

The point of all of this Peter Pan babble and memory stories is engagement. People who continue to attend Church need to be engaged. Four years in Catholic school are perhaps the best chance the Church has to engage teens in the foundational identifying mark of a Catholic. This means putting effort into crafting meaningful and engaging moments that young people can delve deeper into; we need to craft an intimate anamnesis moment so the memories our students are taking away from the Church are not ones of boredom and meaningless motions or a cacophony of noise and extravagance.

And so there Peter sat in front of a table full of empty bowls while everyone around him was eating. The kids looked at him wondering why he did not enjoy the feast. Exasperated but willing to try what the kids were saying, Peter Pan had to remember who he truly was before he could join in the feast. Once recalled, the food came alive and he could now participate fully in the meal.

The best way to teach liturgy to high school students mirrors the best practices of teaching anyone about liturgy. The one thing we all have in common is a desire to be understood, to be welcomed, and to craft meaningful memories for their lives. This is the responsibility of the priest to craft a sermon that actually speaks to a 15-year-old girl. It is the task of the musician to seek out and practice music that can be sung and expressed by people who have no understanding of music. It is the task of a teacher to explain and draw meaningful analogies and conclusions. It is our task to not turn off or zone out during Mass.

This is the same type of memory that Jesus demands: do this in memory of me. It is a memory to relive your baptism, your own participation in the Paschal Mystery. The ‘this’ and the ‘in memory’ are pretty straight forward. I take comfort in the letters of St. Paul and the Didache when episodes of

These things do not need to happen to make liturgy work. But it is our work to make liturgy happen, and if each liturgy is not our best effort to engage the true spirit of this memorial, than the memories we are leaving in the hearts of our young people will soon be forgotten. ■ WINTER 2014 | 13

How Do You Say Your Name? Excerpts from...


Farewell, Panther By Kate Menne (Sept. 17, 2013) Panther, the school’s feline mascot who lived on campus, died last week. He was 21. Panther, formerly known as “Buddy,” was a domestic cat from a neighborhood home who arrived on campus in 1996. Glenna McVey, former assistant to principal Mary Miller, would feed the cat when he walked onto campus. Soon enough, he started to show up every day and soon became a part of the MLIP (My Life Is Plaid) lifestyle and Pres community. A favorite spot of his was the couch in math teacher Sherrie Raposa’s room; but he was also known to show up at family events in the chapel and even on stage during school plays. Math teacher Sharon Goldau shared a special bond with Panther. Goldau said in an email interview, “I feel myself with a heavy heart. Panther was a wonderful furry friend of mine on campus. I’m really going to miss him.”

By Isabel Ibarra (Sept. 17, 2013) Presentation is full of uncommon, unique, and interestinglyspelled names. While some students love being distinctive and different, many can find it annoying and frustrating. Senior Kiruthika Shanmugan (Kiki Shan) relates to this frustration of mispronunciation. “I personally hate the first day of anything just because I have to go through teachers trying to butcher my name,” she said. “I do get a little annoyed but I get over it soon.” Still, some students are proud of their unique names. “I don’t get angry when people can’t pronounce it right,” said freshman Aryanna Gasca. “It is cool ... because hardly anyone has it.” Looking on the bright side, a unique name creates something very distinctive and interesting about you, rather than being one of many with the same name. Gasca added, “If you look me up on Google, all my information pops up before anything else. That is saying something, seeing how I don’t have any accounts such as Instagram or anything like that. All my rosters from teams I played on, my old school, and even two PowerPoints I made pop up.” Sanjana Garg, freshman, agreed on the positive part of a unique name. She said, “I think it’s a part of me, and I don’t want to change that. I love my name because it’s so unique. It gives me a sense of pride that I’m not like everyone else.”

Papal Love By Serena Natt (Oct. 17, 2013) Pope Francis I may be the most controversial Pope ever, but it is clear that the he is certainly changing the focus of the Church. Unlike his predecessors, Pope Francis does not dance around the issues, and he has been trying to realign the focus of the Catholic Church. Clearly, Pope Francis gives his opinion on key social issues and frankly, he’s totally awesome because of it. … Pope Francis is extending his love and support to everyone. By being more liberal, Pope Francis wants to break away from the stringent, extremely conservative ideals of the Church. It’s clear that Pope Francis wants to make the Catholic Church a place for everyone. He doesn’t want issues such as homosexuality to cause division in the Church. While Pope Francis may be breaking from tradition, he is actually representing the core ideals of Catholicism in the best way possible. 14 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

It’s G-Day: Grandparents Visit Pres By Maddie Galvan (Oct. 17, 2013) They’re the ones who give us money for no reason, feed us until we think we might explode, and sometimes even help us side against our parents – they’re our grandparents, and this year on Oct. 7 they were invited to enjoy a meaningful day with us at Presentation. Every two years, Pres hosts a very special event known as Grandparents Day, a 12 year-old tradition that provides a unique opportunity for students to share their high school experiences with these very important relatives.

Pres Students Choose the Military By Katie Cowell (Nov. 12, 2013) With college app turn-ins just around the corner, everyone at Pres is talking about schools and majors such as business, engineering and nursing. One option not heard too often is joining the military. Here at Pres we have two seniors, Brianna Martin and Cassidy Garrett, who are looking to join. Martin is planning on joining the Navy and specializing in Master at Arms, a position that specializes in security, law enforcement, and protection against terrorism. They do their job both on land and at sea. Garrett is planning on doing Army ROTC in college and getting a degree in nursing so she can be commissioned as an army nurse after college graduation. … Both Garrett and Martin said this decision took some convincing – not for themselves, but their families. Although both have family members who have served in the military, it was hard for their parents and siblings to accept. Martin said, “It took my family a while to accept my choice, but since they know I have wanted to join since I was in the sixth grade, they slowly came around and are now very supportive.” Garrett’s family was similar she said, “ My mom and dad took a very long time to warm up to the idea that I actually was interested in joining the Army when I was older. Now that they understand why I am choosing this path, they are very supportive of my choice.”

Senior Night By Rachel Hennessey (Nov. 12, 2013) It’s the last home game of the year. CCS and WCALS are approaching. The crowd is going wild. Faces are painted blue and gold. Signs and pictures of players are posted everywhere. Friends, families, students and faculty fill the gym as senior athletes are being recognized for their role on the team. This could only mean one thing: It’s Senior Night. Senior Night is a Pres tradition where senior athletes are honored for their accomplishments and participation in their varsity sport. This event usually happens during the last home game of the regular season, and students, families and friends are welcomed to celebrate this special night for our seniors. Although each sport has a different way of commemorating it, it still holds a lot of sentimental value for the senior athletes. A lot of effort goes into making these nights memorable. Athletic Director Stacey Mallison said, “Usually we get the girls flowers and work with the coach, talking about what the ceremony actually is because each sport is a little bit different.

And then before the ceremony, we figure out who the seniors are and who are the seniors from the other team because we always honor the seniors from the visiting team.” Mallison went on to mention that Pres has been doing Senior Nights for at least ten years, longer than she has been working here. Mallison said, “It’s important to recognize our seniors who have been playing their sport, most of them for all four years, and take a moment to honor them and thank them for all that they have given to their school and team. We need to let them know how much we appreciate their hard work and effort, as well as their dedication.”

Dear Nano Monthly Advice Column By Shelby Tindall (Oct. 20, 2013) Dear Nano, I need to raise my grades!!!!! What are some tips on studying? Also, how can I prepare for college? I need to stand out! Love, Stressed Girl in Plaid Girl, first off – calm down. Grades are not your life. You want to know who’s going to care about your high school grades when you’re all grown up? Nobody, that’s who. No matter what your grades are, there is a college out there for you that you will get into. Even if it’s not your first choice, there is a college for YOU. Just you. But let’s get real – you don’t really care about pretty words of wisdom. You want to do better because colleges are ridiculous nowadays and expect you to have perfect grades as well as be on the varsity team and be the president of every club. Sorry, admissions directors, we are just human. Now I know I may not be the best person to talk about grades – I mean, I was a bit of a party girl myself – but girl, I got you covered. Easiest ways to raise your grades: do your homework. No joke. You can fail every test, but if you do all the homework, you’re pretty much guaranteed to pass the class. And homework is way easier to do than a test. But I’m guessing you don’t want just a C. Standards these days are crazy. Now you have to focus on studying. Trust me I know what you’re going to say, I hated studying too. You spend 8 hours a day in school, just to go home and basically do more school. But it’s what you have to do. The Voice is the award-winning student-run newspaper of Presentation High School. We are also perhaps the only institution on campus that sometimes doesn’t follow the school motto “Not Words, But Deeds.” See, it’s our job to tell the world all about our amazing school community – eight times per year in our print version and online at

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Why I Give Oona Huber ’87 Smith and Freshman Feliza Dao

By Oona Huber ’87 Smith

When I was asked to write about why it’s important to give back to Presentation – and specifically why I give – I thought it would be a simple answer. But it took me some time to shape the words. After some reflection, I realized it had to do with the life lessons I learned while here. 16 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

They were not easy lessons. In fact, two of them stung quite a bit. But I was blessed to be in an environment that allowed me to take time to absorb them, regroup and march forward.

There are three that stand out: • From Ms. Ray, I learned that it’s not the mistake that matters – it’s how you correct and recover from the mistake. • From Ms. Miller, I learned that there will be disappointments in life, but there is a strong community at Presentation that supports you – no matter what. • And my favorite from Ms. Stuckey: Sometimes, it’s OK to break the rules. Can you think of the life lessons you learned at Presentation? Be brave. Take risks. Be comfortable in your own skin. This leads to a great experience I recently had, when I met some of the vibrant young women who are receiving scholarships funded by alums. I was overwhelmed by their sincerity and passion for Presentation. I met Feliza, who wants to be a family doctor. She represented the better future we are creating. She was also kind enough to flip through the 1987 yearbook with me and agreed that there were a lot of bad hair styles back then. She was already exhibiting excellent bedside manner. I also met Olivia. Olivia represented the progress that Presentation has made and will continue to make. She was delightfully excited about an upcoming Robotics competition, and described how unusual it is to see an all-female team at such events. At that moment, I was proud of all of us. By just offering a Robotics club, Presentation is changing how the world views women. Both of these extraordinary women will make the world a better place. What is next? I’m not sure, and I can’t wait to find out. What I do know is that by making a donation to Presentation, we will make the future happen. So please consider making a gift today. Our donations do make a difference. ■

Can you think of the life lessons you learned at Presentation? Be brave. Take risks. Be comfortable in your own skin. WINTER 2014 | 17

Presentation High School College Acceptances for 2012 and 2013

Academy of Art American Jewish University American Musical and Dramatic Academy American University Amherst College Arizona State University* Auburn University Azusa Pacific University Baylor University Boise State University Boston College Boston University* Brandeis University Brown University Bryant University Cal Poly, Pomona Cal Poly, SLO* California Baptist University California Lutheran University Canisius College Carnegie Mellon University Carroll College Case Western Reserve University Catholic University of America Champlain College Chapman University* Chicago State University Clark University Clemson University College of St. Benedict College of William & Mary Colorado State University* Columbia College Columbia University Concordia University Connecticut College Cornell University Cornish College of the Arts Creighton University CSU, Bakersfield CSU, Channel Islands CSU, Chico* CSU, Dominguez Hills CSU, East Bay CSU, Fresno CSU, Fullerton CSU, Humboldt CSU, Long Beach CSU, Los Angeles CSU, Monterey Bay CSU, Northridge CSU, Sacramento CSU, San Marcos CSU, Stanislaus Curry College Dartmouth College DePaul University Dominican University* Drexel University Duke University Eastern Michigan University Eastern Washington University Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Emerson College Emmanuel College


Emory University Fairfield University Fashion Inst. of Design and Merchandising Florida Institute of Technology Florida State University Fordham University Fort Hays State University Fort Lewis College Franciscan University of Steubenville Franklin & Marshall College George Mason University George Washington University Georgetown University Georgia Institute of Technology Georgian Court University Gonzaga University* Harvard College Hawaii Pacific University High Point University Hillsdale College Hofstra University Howard University Indiana University Iona College Ithaca College James Madison University John Carroll University John Hopkins University Johnson & Wales University Kansas Wesleyan University Lewis & Clark College Lewis University Linfield College London Metropolitan University Long Island University Loyola Marymount University* Loyola University, Chicago Loyola University, Maryland Loyola University, New Orleans Marist College Marquette University Marymount College Marymount Manhattan College Marymount University Massachusetts Institute of Technology Menlo College Mercy College Merrimack College Miami University of Ohio Midway College Mills College Mississippi State University Molloy College Montana State University Mt. St. Mary’s College Musician’s Institute National Hispanic University New Mexico State University

New York University Niagara University Northeastern University Northern Arizona University Northwestern University Notre Dame de Namur University Nyack College Occidental College Oklahoma City University Oregon State University Pace University Pacific Lutheran University Pacific University Pennsylvania State University Pepperdine University Philadelphia University Pitzer College Point Loma Nazarene University Point Park University Polytechnic Institute of NYU Pomona College Portland State University Pratt Institute Princeton University Providence College Purdue University Queens University Regis University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rice University Rochester Institute of Technology Rutgers University Saint Michael’s College San Diego State University* San Francisco State University* San Jose State University* Santa Clara University* Savannah College of Art and Design Scripps College Seattle Pacific University Seattle University* Seton Hall University Sonoma State University* Southern Methodist University Southern Oregon University St. Andrew’s Presbyterian College St. Bonaventure University St. Edward’s University St. John’s University, Queens St. Joseph’s University St. Lawrence University St. Louis University St. Martin’s University St. Mary’s College of California* St. Olaf College Stanford University Suffolk University SUNY Morrisville State College

Syracuse University Tennessee State University Texas A&M University Texas Christian University The Art Institute Trevecca Nazarene University Tufts University Tulane University UC Berkeley UC Davis* UC Irvine* UC Los Angeles* UC Merced UC Riverside UC San Diego* UC Santa Barbara* UC Santa Cruz* University of Alabama University of Arizona* University of British Columbia University of Chicago University of Cincinnati University of Colorado, Boulder* University of Connecticut University of Dayton University of Delaware University of Denver University of Findlay University of Hartford University of Hawaii University of Hawaii Maui College University of Idaho University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign University of Iowa University of Kansas University of Kentucky University of Louisville University of Maine University of Maryland University of Miami University of Michigan University of Minnesota University of Mississippi University of Missouri University of Montana University of Nevada, Reno* University of New Hampshire University of New Mexico University of North Carolina University of Northern Colorado University of Notre Dame University of Oklahoma University of Oregon* University of Pacific* University of Pennsylvania University of Philippines University of Pittsburgh University of Portland* University of Puget Sound University of Redlands University of Richmond University of Rochester University of San Diego* University of San Francisco* University of Scranton University of Southern California University of St. Thomas University of Tampa University of Tennessee University of the Pacific University of Utah University of Washington University of Wisconsin University of Wyoming Ursinus College Utah State University Vassar College Villanova University Virginia Commonwealth University Washington State University Washington University in St. Louis Wesleyan University West Texas A&M University West Virginia University Western Oregon University Western Washington University Westminster College Westmont College Wheaton College Whitman College Whittier College Widener University Willamette University William Woods University Woodbury University *More than 25 Presentation students accepted in the past two years. Presentation High School is a member of WACAC and NACAC.

Annual Report 2013

A Salute to our Donors There’s no better way to illustrate our liturgical theme this year – “A People of Hope” – than this printed tribute to the generous donors of Presentation High School. The Annual Report recognizes individuals, families and businesses who supported our school during the 2013 calendar year. Whether this is the first time your name appears in these listings or you’re a longtime supporter, all of you are a part of the rich tradition and bright future of this institution. Thank you for fostering the spirit of giving that makes Presentation such a special place.

Annual Report 2013 • Lifetime Giving Benefactors . . . . . . .20 • Individual and Family Giving . . . . . .21 • Alumnae Giving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 • Platinum Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 • Presentation Circle . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 • Business Giving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 • In Memory and In Honor. . . . . . . . .32 • Family Endowment . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 • Nano Nagle Legacy Society . . . . . . .33

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Annual Report 2013

Lifetime Giving Benefactors “Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.” - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Our deepest gratitude to the following donors, whose lifetime contributions to Presentation qualify them for this special new giving category. Since 1962, Presentation High School has inspired intellectual discovery and growth while also cultivating in our students a moral sense of what it means to be a good citizen of the world. It is loyal donors like these who keep these waters flowing, and our hearts are ever grateful for this support.


Manuel & Mari Alba John Ambroseo & Jeanette LaCorte Harvey & Nola Armstrong Chuck & Melissa Berger Richard Brown & Carlee Harder-Brown Ron & Marcia Cali Matthew & Gretchen Nicoletti ’83 DiNapoli John & Shari Levitt Matt & Ellen Medeiros Lon & Peggy Normandin David & Diane Pinn Krish & Padma Ramakrishnan Dale & Anne Shipley Keith & Tricia Chico ’86 Stephens Gary & Janice Valenzuela Jim & Joey Vaudagna


$100,000 - $249,999

Lou & Maureen Basile Randy & Patti Blair Fred & Willy Brown Chris & Katie Burke Robert & Kate Chimenti Robert Craig & Julia Woods Fred & Kim Crary Jeff & Edie Fisher Bill & Karen Frederick Charles & Julie Geiger Paul & Barbara Gentzkow Gary & Sue Giannini Rick & Terry Giorgetti Jeanne Glad Mike Glad Bob & Sally DiSalvo ’66 Longinetti Joe & Anne Madruga Ken & Linda Okenquist Andrew & Maria Pecota John & Susan Pinheiro Michael & Vicki Pope Shirlee DiNapoli Schiro Dan & Linda Sisto Bob & Donna Teresi Lissa Whelan Peggy Zabala

Annual Report 2013

Individual and Family Giving

The Presentation education, programs and services that allow our students to thrive are made possible through the generosity of the following people who donated to our Annual Giving Program, the Direct Aid Scholarship Program and much more. Cheralynn Cooper ’90 Abbott Stephen & Denise Abely Katherine Abihider ’07 Allison Able ’05 Mark & Colleen Able Stacey Aboujudom ’02 Gibbo Abrahamse & Mariette Meijaard Stephanie Abreu ’13 Matt & Birgitta Ackley Alexandra Adams ’13 Karen Bryan ’81 Adams Danilo Advincula Dan & Alice Affourtit David & Stephanie Affourtit Sanjay & Parul Agarwal Louis & Catherine Agelson Leon & Irma Agnoletti Anisha Agrawal ’13 Kaushal & Anita Agrawal John & Donna Urata ’66 Agresta Matt & Keriann Agresta Juan Agudelo & Jan Maulhardt Aracely Aguilar ’13 Serrina Aguirre ’02 Mimi Ahern Nepheli Aji ’13 Mark Ajlouni & Connie Kais-Ajlouni ’87 Carmen Alba ’05 Loreli Alba ’08 Manuel & Mari Alba Jacquelyn Alderete Junn & Lottie Alfelor Jhale Ali ’04 Gerry & Anna Corral ’79 Alkema Brian & Lisa Allen Nancy Allen ’74 William & Linda Allen Carolyn Allen ’72 Samavarchian Katy Allred Stephen & Mary Almassy Ken & Kathleen Alongi Melinda Alongi ’86 Patrick & Terre Alongi Megan Alpers ’02 Lillian Alvarez Murphy ’13 Jim & Malinda Alves Chris & Denise Ching ’92 Ambrose John Ambroseo & Jeanette LaCorte Richard & Lucy Amico Arezoo Agharokh ’87 Amiri Winston & Praveena Anand-Kumar Gina Anastasi ’72 Bruce & Jennifer Anderson David & Carolyn Anderson David & Eileen Anderson Eric & Jasmine McMillan ’96 Anderson Gregg & Jeanine Anderson Jeff Anderson Jeffrey & Marybeth Anderson Leslie Anderson ’72 Mark & Diana Anderson Stephen & Marie Anderson Mark & Anne Andrews Kashi & Nirvana Anoosheh George & Clara Antone Nick & Linda Antonopoulos Terry & Lisa Aoki Robert & Barbara Aquino Julio & Queta Aragon Steven & Terri Aragones Debbie Cetani ’78 Arambula Karen Ariaudo ’87 Toni Nails ’71 Armann Harvey & Nola Armstrong Jorge & Martha Carranza ’78 Artiles Richard & Joan Arzino Raymond & Arnette Asbury Michael & Camille Asercion Ann-Mary Astrinos ’03 Tasadduq Attari

David & Liz Fernandez ’78 Aurelio Joseph & Mirna Awad Alisha Azevedo ’10 Carlos & Diane Normandin ’83 Azevedo Natasha Azevedo ’12 Brad & Johannah Spencer ’02 Baccaglio Martin & Vickie Baccaglio Donald Bacci Paul & Catherine Baguley Brian & Barbara Bailey Jim & Lynn Bailey Krista Baird Robert & Susan Baird Kimberly Baker Fred & Staci Balanay Steve & Beverly Balash Robert & Jo Ann Balesano Barbara Balestrieri Dorothy Banker Soumya Banna ’13 Ajay & Anju Bansal Charles & Patricia Barker Ingrid Barker Jim & Teri Rebello ’80 Barnett Edward & Ann Barnidge Steve & Elisa Robertson ’90 Baroni Beverly Barry Michael & Michelle Campisi ’82 Barsanti Thomas & Mary Barsch Michelle Canevaro ’86 Bartell Steven & Patricia Bartholic Lou & Maureen Basile Mary Beth Basile ’95 Carl Basilio & M. Elizabeth Estrella-Basilio Kerry Baz William & Julie Beadell Colleen Beall ’69 Sharlamaine Beard-Hayes Melissa Beaver ’81 Ashour & Gladys Bebla Steve & Rita Becerra James & Eileen Beckley Lisa Bedard ’94 Eric & Maria Bellafronto Frank & Anita Belluomini Russell & Gina Jones ’81 Bence Eric & Andria Bengtson Walter Bennett Lynne Bentley Madelyn Benzo Andrei Berar Connie Berar John & Diana Bergen Sarah Bergen ’17 Chuck & Melissa Berger R.J. & Arla Berlin Matthew & Susan Bernal Paul & Mary Carol Bernal Robert & Nancy Bernal

William & Virginia Berner Kim Bert & Derek Ehrsam Arlene Bertellotti Thomas & Janice Berthold Vincent & Lois Bertolacci Paul & Katie Bertoldo Lee Besse & Stefania Pietraszek Rajendra Bhadra & Irene Dalao Anisha Bhagat ’02 Rakesh & Nidhi Bhatia Parag & Sonal Bhide Joseph & Barbara Biafore Erick & Jeanne Brashear ’81 Bigelow James & Gina Billings Heinz & Theresia Binder Ben & Katherine Bingaman Ronald Bispo Sudipto & Bidisha Biswas Roger & JoAnn Ghiggeri ’67 Bjornstad Catherine Blach ’06 Donald & Peggy Blach Michael & Margaret Blach Richard & Ann Blach William & Kellie Blach Iain & Sandra Black Diego Blanc & Maria Zoco Stephen & Marie Blankley Ken & Allie Blase Richard & Kara Blazier John & Dina Blazing Howard & Mary Blevins Ken & Cathy Bliss David & Mona-Lisa Moran ’87 Blouin James & Nicolette Blum Ed & Lorrie Blythe Wallace & Rosemary Boe Michael & Katie Ryan ’84 Boennighausen Diane Boher Jeffrey & Tina Bohn Frank & Gayle Boitano Corinne Bolasna ’93 Kevin & Suzanne Bolden Lance & Barbara Boling John & JoAnn Bonacorsi Griffin & Sarah Bonini Julie Bonner Catherine Bonnici Martha Bonnici Francesca Angela Bordon ’13 Victor & Monica Borello Camille Borja ’13 Sarah Borrelli ’13 Debbie Bosch Rick Bose, Jr. & Carol Attanasio-Bose Misha & Lauren Levitt ’03 Bosin

Peter & Terri Machado ’79 Boskovich Donald & Marianne Boss Jeffrey & Donna Boss David & Lee Anna Botkin Eric & Whitney Buss ’84 Bouck Val Bovone Victoria Bowesmok Gus & Cathy Bonacorsi ’82 Bozzo John & Nancy Bozzo Kathleen Bozzo ’12 Peggy Bradshaw Patrick & Cindy Brahney Aldo & Diane Branch David & Kelly Brandon Mark & Wendy Brannan Rosa Bravo Albert & Laura Cali ’97 Breiten Lillian Brennan Mona Breslin Kelly Baughn ’90 Brewer Gerald Brickley Dennis & Denise Bridgeman Terry Briggs & Robin Love Annette Brindley Kathleen Brink Courtney Broderick ’13 Caroline Brodersen James & Terri Brooks Marjorie Brooks Alexandra Brown Dan & Gia Brown David & Jenny Brown Fred & Willy Brown Kathleen Brown Kay Brown Michael & Hollister Brown Paul & Barbara Brown Richard Brown & Carlee Harder-Brown Robert Brown & Kathryn Krueger-Brown Jeanette Turner ’75 Browne Robb & Emily Browne Jennifer Bruce ’85 Penny Bruce ’87 Annie Brunello ’13 Scott & Natalie Brunello Scott & Shannon Bruner Richard Bruni Eric & Rebecca Bruno Barney & Pat Brust Michael & Christine Mignosa ’86 Bryan Bob & Carol Buchser Shane & Ita Buckley Eric Buell & Sherrie Raposa Thien & Linh Bui Richard & Kathleen Bullene Brian & Theresa Arias ’78 Bumb Lisa Randazzo ’78 Bunnell Robert Burd & Cheryl Macaraeg

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Annual Report 2013 Rick & Debra Burdsall Catharine Burhenne Mark & Roseann Burhenne Chris & Katie Burke Leocadia Burke Caitlin Burns ’13 James & Kelly Ryan ’83 Burns Mark Burr & Suzanne Borges Jeff & Kimberly Burrill Darin & Cindy Buscaglia Gianna Buscaglia John & Susan Busco Steven & Lisa Butler Susan Butler-Graham Deila Caballero ’01 Heraclio Caballero Elizabeth Cabrera Paul & Lisa Nicole Pignati ’90 Cahalan Karen Calcagno Mark & Jeannette Calderone John & Kristin Calhoun Riley Calhoun ’13 Ron & Marcia Cali Neil Callahan & Sandi Maida-Callahan ’74 John & Linda Callan Patrick & Denise Callinan Christopher Calomeni Elaine Calomeni Edward Calvello Callie Camacho-Light ’14 Cindy Campbell Douglas Campbell & Constance Marleau Ballan & Dina Campeau Dion & Linda Campisi Art & Elaine Campoy Chris & Jennifer Osganian ’92 Canfield Dina Cannizzaro ’81 Walter & Maria Baron ’76 Cannon Analisa Canton James & Jeanine Capobianco Dan Caputo Stephen & Caroline Caracciolo Carlo & Marie Caralli Deb Cardella Leonor Cardenas Lucy Ann Pizzo ’66 Carlton Robert & Dana Piziali ’88 Carollo Samantha Caron ’13 Shelly Campagna ’83 Caron Barry & Sheila Carpenter Jamie Carr ’13 Shelley Mangini ’80 Carr Ronald & Jill Buonaccorsi ’72 Carroll Sharon Carroll Kim Carsten Kapono Carter & Leslie Tung Kathy Grim ’71 Carter Helena Morales ’80 Cary Roberto & Alicia Casareto Juan Carlos & Patricia Casas Chris & Kara Doolin ’05 Caselas Arthur & Mary Casey Rick & Sharon Cast Ginabeth Castillo Judy Castillo ’92 Sergio Castillo & Xochitl Curiel-Castillo Rosie Castro Crystal Catalan Michael & Robyn Catelani Gabrielle Catipon ’13 James & Sharon Caviglia Robert & Kathleen Cazale Larry Cebull Dorina Cereghino Dino & Mary Certa Leonard & Alice Ceruzzi MaryAnn Guidace ’84 Cervelli Jon & Emily Aquino ’88 Cervino Alan Cezar & Jill Anderson Michael & Marie Chack Paul & Kulwant Chahal Jeff & Leslie Chamberlain Mario & Mary Chan Ravi & Suman Chandra David Chapman & Coty Casareto-Chapman Jim Chapman John & Alvira Chargin 22 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

Kristy Charron ’13 Steve & Cari Charron Susan Chavez Kennedy Chelberg ’11 Mark & Anne Chellino Joel & Sunmi Kang ’89 Chew Raylene Chew ’13 Mark Chiavetta Elisabeth Chicoine ’73 Margie Chiechi ’68 Mike & Evelyn Chiechi Linda Chin David & Alice Ching Katy Chiswell ’13 Paul & Karen Chiswell Kathleen Bruno ’69 Chittick Russell & Kathleen Chiu Laurence & Anna Chivers Omprakash & Alkesh Choudhary Kenton & Teri Chow Edward & Carissa Raymundo ’00 Chu Francis Chu & Tiffany Wong Michael Chu & Pamela Ohara Steven Chu & Hosanna Ho Robert & Jade Chubb Margaret Chung Stephen & Theresa Ciari Mark & Cynthia Ciccarello Gregory & Cathy Caputo ’84 Cioth Katie Cioth ’17 Robert & Marian Ciraulo Richard & Corinne Cirone Steve & Amy Cisowski Caitlin Clancey ’06 Anthony Clark Michael & Maureen Curran ’66 Clark Richard & Machell Silva ’83 Clark Susan Clary Eric Claussen Katherine Cobarrubia Winifred Burke ’68 Codde Sue Coffaro Jeffrey & Erin Coffin William & Diane Gould ’76 Colangelo Brian & Elizabeth Taft ’77 Colella Devin Collins ’13 Brent & Suzanne Colvin Craig & Suzanne Colvin Lauren Colvin ’13 Kristin Colyar ’95 Robert & Barbara Colyar Jay & Maureen Conlin Thomas & Michelle Connelly Joseph & Mary Connolly Martha Conway Dennis & Mary Cook George Cooke & Pat Graaff Daniel & Donna Coonan Doug & Winnie Cooper Madeline Cooper ’13 Paul & Monique Cooper Mike & Judith Ruffo ’82 Cordano Julie Cordova ’80 Stacey Cornelius Ramon & Marites Corpuz Marino & Jackie Cosentino Franck & Sara Werner ’00 Costa Kimberly Costas ’89 John & Kate Cottingham Robert & Suzanne Couch Dick Coughlin & Liz Stroh-Coughlin Sasha Coughlin ’14 Todd & Jacqueline Cottingham ’81 Courtney Paul & Kimberly Avila ’00 Coutts Dave & Anne Cowell Chris & Marisa Watts ’94 Cozort Michelle McNally ’92 Cramp Fred & Kim Crary Jordan Crary ’05 Taylor Crary ’02 Dena Dawson ’89 Crawford Patrick Crema & Nourse Rhonda Ted Cribari & Patricia Colter Pegge Crisham Richard & Diane Cristina Richard & Theresa Cronin ’80 Crocker Allison Cronan ’13

Megan Cronan ’09 Thomas & Katherine Cronan Ed & Doris Cronin Cristine Crooks ’69 Lyn Stair ’80 Crowell Mark & Nanci Jo Crowley Andrea Garcia ’90 Cruz Sophia Pannthay ’96 Cruz Holly Cunningham ’13 Jeremy Cunningham Hector & Patricia Curiel Kathleen Curran ’68 Emily Cuzner ’13 Gregor & Deborah Cuzner Ariana Cvitanic ’13 Mark Cvitkovich John D’Ambrosio Duffy & Yvonne Benoit ’70 D’Angelo Dan & Toni Daly Bill & Mary Dalzochio Sanjay & Rupal Dandia Luan & Thuy-Linh Dang Sandra Kim Dang Betsy Bucher ’78 Daniels Courtney Danna ’13 Dee Danna James & Grace Danna Minh Dao & Giao Tran Gavin Daprile Olivia Daprile ’13 Susan DaRos Kathryn Daugherty ’14 Scott Daugherty Eliseo & Anicia Dauz Mark & Erica Davied Morgan Davies ’04 Thomas & Holly Davies Ray & Jane Davilla Anthony Davis & Kimberly Pitts-Davis Bud & Wendy Davis The Davis Family Ed Davis Kelli Gott ’80 Davis Larry & Judy Ford ’78 Davis Dolores Davison ’85 Don Juan & Kelly De Guzman Shevlin de la Roza Hugo & Maria De La Torre Troy & Kristin Deacon Mary Dean Tom, Carol & Aaron Dean Frank DeCarlo Joseph & Laura Decker Theodore & Patricia Deffinger Bill & Helen Del Biaggio Brianna Del Pozzo Ron & Corina Del Pozzo Christopher Del Signore & Katherine Mullins Donna Delaney Frank & Michelyn Delgado Dario & Theresa Della Maggiore Mark & Ruby Dellamano Jennifer Butler ’00 DeMartini James & Susan DeMedeiros Jennifer DeMedeiros ’13 Mark Denny & Kathleen Casquinha Peter & Doreen Denny Daniel & Lacy Derringer Ruchi Desai ’13 Philip & Sheri Simpson ’78 DeSimone Peter & Kristin Dessau Sanjay & Shalini Dhar Russell & Sandi di Bari Shauna di Bari ’05 Joel & Monica Dibble John & Jeanette DiBene Dean DiBenedetto & Kristina Rose Ken & Kristin Monahan ’72 Dickens Paul & Blanca Dickson Jackie DieBold ’13 Thomas & Diana DieBold Steve & Jan Difu John & Donna DiLoreto Matthew & Gretchen Nicoletti ’83 DiNapoli J. Philip & Jennifer DiNapoli Jason DiNapoli John & Melinda DiNapoli

Rick & Julie Kenter ’74 DiNapoli Dennis & Carol Aiassa ’72 Diodate Rosanne Diodate ’04 John & Anne DiPalermo Lorraine DiPaolo Jennifer DiVittorio ’09 Roy & Adrienne DiVittorio Alexander & Carmen Dobrushin Maury Domengeaux Chris & Anne Dominion Mark & Mari Donnelly Connie Donovan Marina Donovan Peggy Dooley David & Linda Doolin Keith & Kathy Griffin ’74 Dorsa Gabriel & Bigildis Dosdos Steve & Lisa Doughty Brielle Douglas ’15 Tobin & Lisa Douglas Vanessa Dove ’02 Virginia Drake William & Sharon Drake Linda Hand ’78 Drumright Jason Dufenhorst John Duffy & Mary Kay Redmond Thomas & Pauline Gowen ’81 Duffy John & Lori Mazzuca ’78 Duggan David & Denise Dulin Barry & Angela Piazza ’84 Duncan Amanda Dung ’12 Ron & Cindy Willer ’69 Dunn Natalie Duong ’13 Rachel Dupuy Victoria Dupuy Lindsay Myrback ’00 Duquette Jaisimha Durgam & Sudha Kalyan William & Laura Durica Delorie Dutcher ’87 Pradipta & Sudipta Dutta Scott & Sue Dvorak Daniel Dwyer & Diana Murphy Michael & Judith Dziuba Colleen Eagleson ’90 Jennifer Earley ’13 Patrick & Kimberly Earnshaw Chris Eaton & Michele Healey Scott & Julie Edson Randy & Yolanda Edwards Dottie Eichorn Katie Eklund ’05 Rabih El Bitar & Hiyam Bitar Maha El-Sheikh ’96 Greg & Pita Elder Michael & Susan Ellenberger David & Debra Ellis Ford Ellis & Barbara Marchini-Ellis Kathleen Brust ’88 Ellis Alexandra Schmid ’04 Ellsworth Clarissa Enany ’98 Elenita Endrina Michael & Kathi Endris Ed & Kelly Hartigan ’89 Engler Lisa Engstrom Abigail Enney Tim Enney & Catherine Aquino ’87 Len & Kay Enriquez Roman & Suzanna Enriquez Robert & Michelle Eramo Tom & Kathleen Ereno Enrique & Maria Espana Diego & Emely Espanol Emily Espinosa ’13 Rey & Tricia Essex Paul & Missy Estrade John & June Estruth Shanna Etchison ’13 Tom & Patty Evans David & Rosemari Ewell Ann Fabrizio Nicole-Lourdes Fader ’13 Rolando & Rita Rose Fader The Fagiano Family Daniel & Heather Fagundes Michael & Lisa Aiassa ’77 Fahey Pete & Joanne Fallico Salvatore & Patricia Fanciullo

Annual Report 2013 Neil & Patsy Fanoe Richard & Karla Fargo Mark & Sheri Farley Polad & Sayeh Fazeli Chloe Ysabel Federe ’13 Robert & Estrella Federe Michael & Carolyn Fehr Jean Feifarek ’78 George & Della Felicetta John & Beth Fensterwald Robert & Shirley Ferguson Al & Carolyn Ferrari Stephen & Joan Ferrari Steve & Misty Ferrari Ray & Maile Figone John & Rosann Cirigliano ’71 Filice Mike & Carol Filice Joseph & Bernadette Fincutter Steven & Diana Finucane Marcel & Beverly Fiore Armeda Fischer Elise Fisher ’09 Jeff & Edie Fisher Kurt & Claudia Fisher Stephen & Lynn Fisher Denise Fitzgerald ’89 Donald & Katherine Fitzpatrick Ann Fitzsimons Christopher & Sheila Flanagan Ann Flatley ’88 John & Mary Flatley John & Anne Flemmer Bill & Dina Flora Chuck & Deborah McMahon ’87 Flora Daniel Flynn James & Karen Flynn John Flynn Robert Fodor & Linda Vinopal Gerhard Foempe & Karen Kane-Foempe ’73 Maureen Folan ’80 Claire Foley Rick & Diane Russo ’71 Fontaine Fabiano & Beth Fontana David & Gretchen Freeman ’77 Forbes Peggy Ford ’79 Brandt & Jennifer Foreman Maureen Formico Michelle Castro ’84 Foster Stephen Fowler Dennis Fox Leon Fox & Vanessa Zecher ’80 Madeleine Fox ’17 Michael & Mary Ellen Fox Monica Fox Andrew & Alicia Franaszek Arun & Anne Michelle Paris ’96 Frances Stephen & Karen Franchetti Mark & Alycia Frank Christine Frazier Bill & Karen Frederick James Free Stan & Lindy Freeman Liza Freiberger Denise Freitas Michael & Kathy Fritz Natawnee Fritz ’02 Keith & Kathleen Frost Paul & Fran Fuhrman Kyra Fukawa ’13 Michael & Arlene Fukawa Mark & Nancy Fuller Peter & Lisa Gray ’87 Fuqua Barry & Linda Furtado Catherine Furtado ’06 Steven & Mary Anne Gabay Stephen & Kelly Callan ’91 Gaffaney Hemali Gajaria Murali & Bhavani Gala Jeff & Laurie Galdes Megan Galdes ’13 Cal & Deirdre Gallagher Alice Gallo Julia Gallo ’13 Nicole Gallo ’13 Mary Gallo-Murphy Joan Gamache Ali & Cindy Crisham ’78 Ganjtomari

Ron & Elena Becerra ’84 Garald Dave Garbo Edward & Sandra Garcia Federico & Sandra Garcia Ron & Barbara Garcia Hank Gardner Mary Gardner Alexi Garofalo ’13 Cassidy Garrett ’14 Craig Garrett David & Candace Garrett Alejandro & Isela Gasca Myra Gasmin ’03 Arthur Gatesy & Theresa Wright Brian & Aimee Longinetti ’94 Geddie Charles & Julie Geiger Paul & Barbara Gentzkow Bert & Cyndie George Liliya George Michael & Carrie Georgette Steve Gera Brian & Jennifer Geranen Leon & Lorrie Gervin Judith Lawrence ’81 Ghera Ernie & Marcia Giachetti Gary & Sue Giannini Nicole Pray ’87 Gibson Jennifer Javernick ’00 Giese Joe & Christine Gigantino Lindsey Gil ’13 Walter Gil Kevin & Lisa Gilday Timothy & Sondra Gill David & Kathy Gillespie Chuck & Tiffiny Gillingham Matthew & Ann Scapini ’76 Giluso Rick & Terry Giorgetti Tracy Giorgetti ’92 Penny Giovanetti ’69 John & Kathy Giovanola Mary Girard ’74 Rick & Judy Giraudo William Gisvold & Kathy Hull John & Kassie Giubileo Rebecca Giubileo ’13 Jeanne Glad Mike Glad Dani Gnibus ’13 Wendell & Deborah Goesling Jack & Audrey Going Jack & Mary Kay Gurries ’81 Going Dennis Golden Robert & Daniela Goldsmith Roger & Pauline Golitz Pat Gollott John & Kathleen Gomes Joseph & Sherri Gomes Jose Gomez & Anna Christy Barrera Patricia Gomez Stephen Gomez & Shannon Hare ’80 Gilbert & Franziska Gong David Gonzales Francine Gonzalez Gonzalo & Raquel Gonzalez Manuel & Zenaida Gonzalez Marco Gonzalez Hagelsieb & Teresa Lomeli Pulido Suzanne Goodner ’00 Leonard & Doree Goscila David & Cathy Gottwals Bon & Ann Gotuaco Leslie Gotuaco ’13 Michael & Heidi Granath ’78 Gough Lloyd & Lenore Grant Marisa Lenzi ’84 Gratny Dana & Sabina Grau Jeffery & Romy Grau Mike & Andrea Fine ’80 Gravelle Andrew & Carolyn Campbell ’80 Graven Mark & Gabrielle Gervase ’83 Gray Robert & Jean Gray Robert & Olivia Gray Richard & Pauline Green David & Karri Greenfield Adam & Elena Longinetti ’00 Greer David & Judith Gremer Paul & Judy Griep

Richard & Marlaine Griffin Christine Griffith David & Jennifer Griffith Paul & Maria Griffiths Bob & Sharon Kelly ’66 Grover Anna Maria Ramirez ’79 Grune Timothy Guarnieri & Kathleen Cote Guarnieri Brian & Terri Bedard ’81 Guastaferro Jennifer Guastaferro ’08 Katherine Guercio ’07 John & Terry Guerra Mike & Jane Guerra Gene & Rose Guido Michael & Carolyn Guido Dale & Marti Guidoux Julian & Cynthia Guillermo Paul & Diana Gunsky Pramod Gupta & Shaloo Jain Laura Gurries ’69 Krista Gustafson ’13 Steve & Patricia Gustafson Ravi & Ramasree Gutala Joan Schlichting ’79 Guthrie Jenna Morris ’03 Gutierrez Michael & Kathleen Gutto Mark & Valerie Haaland Tony & Arlene Hahn Andrew & Pat Haines Douglas & Michele Nelson ’74 Halbert Dan & Denise Hall Dan Hall & Michelle Marchant ’76 Victoria Hall ’13 Aimee Hallgrimson Matt & Ellen Hamamoto Butch & Kim Hamann Salmaan Hameed & Lubna Salmaan Mark & Joanne Hames Chuck Hammers Kerry Blythe ’91 Hananouchi Leland & Beverly Hancock Seema Handa Terence & Maeve Hannon Anne Hansen ’82 John & Michelle Hansen Thomas & Sheree LaBarbera ’79 Hanson Cynthia Hara ’13 Kevin & Yukiko Hara Luke & Kari Burke ’00 Haravitch Debbie Hargadon Daniel & Patricia Harrington Victoria Harrington ’13 Barry Harris Lynn & Leah Harris Bill & Sally Harrison Lisa Small ’87 Harrison Scarlett Hartmann ’16 William & Patty Hartmann Michael & Anne Hartung Linda Hatcher Roger & Michele Haupt Kathy Hausler ’78 Randy Hays & Robyn Cerutti Bimal & Baishakhi Hazarika George & Denise Heeg Gail Hehir Bill & Barbara Heil Julia Heil ’13 Kris Heil David & Cheryl Heiman Jake Heimburger Joe & Sharon Hein Dave & Nancy Heine Tom & Mary Colla ’79 Helmers Emil & Jean Hembrooke Bob & Doris Hencken Scott Henderson & Margaret Schneck ’83 Starr & Donna Henderson David Hendrickson William & Eileen Hennessey Kurt & Terri Henry Marissa Henry ’13 Haley Henson ’13 John & Maryann Herlihy Jacob & Debbie Hernandez Joe & JoElle Hernandez Mani & Gloria Hernandez John & Linda Herschbach

Richard & Heidi Herz Jim & Margot Hessling Renee Hessling ’02 Brian & Teresa Hester Bruce & Lucia Heylman Joan Hickman Brittany Higashi ’13 Nick & Margaret Hilje Rocky & Aurelia Hill Richard & Lynn Hillebrecht Linda Delaney ’71 Hitchcock Christie Ho ’13 Dien Hoang & Maihuong Nguyen Tuan Hoang & Kim Pham-Hoang Edward & Krista Hein ’87 Hochstatter Nicole Hockenbury ’91 Dennis & Arlene Hodges John & Debra Hoffman Louis & Heather Hoffman Jan Hogan Philip & Julia Holenstein Bob & Rina Holman Ellen Bezore ’77 Holmes Kathy O’Donnell ’77 Holmes Pete & Suzanne Sawochka ’84 Hooper David & Ora Hoover Jon & Bernadette Lynch ’96 Hornig Stephen Houlihan & Marlene Mirassou ’66 Stanley & Dorothy House Charlie & Mary Howe Ken & Irene Howell Michael & Jennifer Hubbert Kevin & Susan Huber Ruth Huber Michael & Lizette Hubert Mark & Pam Hudson Douglas & Diane Hughes Erin Hughes ’13 Prys & Tracy Hughes William & Sandra Hughes James & Elenore Hull T. Gordon & Rosalyn Hum Lii Jye Hung & Hueih Fang Weng Nancy Hunt Daniel & Debra Hunter Melissa Hunter ’02 Sylvia Hunter George & Sharon Hurley Michael & Joelle Hurlston Susan Carey ’69 Hurrell Gumaro & Silvina Hurtado John & Elisabeth Russo ’03 Hutchinson Andy Huynh & Cindy Nguyen David Iacobacci & Mayumi Yoshida Rora Iacobacci Marina Iatomase ’10 Philip & JoAnn Iatomase Richard & Ingegerd Ibarra Magnus & Val ibn Ale Nilbert Ilumin & Joy Reyes-Ilumin Sam & Cindy Imelli Tom Inokuchi Lionel & Sharon Iorgulescu Diane Ireland ’00 Gerald & Sheryl Ireland Czsarina Dawn Marie Isleta ’13 Helen Jackson Hugh & Cecilia O’Brien ’84 Jackson Todd & Greta Jackson Megan Jaeb ’16 Winston & Katie Fanoe ’83 Jaeb David & Johanna Jaffer Elena Jaffer ’10 Puttanna & Madhavi Jagadish Kristine Jakovcevic Francisco & Rose Rosales SF ’72 Jao Warren & Cheryl Jaques Clif & Julie Ferrari ’76 Jarvis Michaelyn Jenkins Douglas & April Jenner Eleanor Jenner ’13 Eric & Magdalena Jennings Julie Oreglia ’05 Jensen William & Norma Jeung Marek & Angra Jez Jane Jeziorski Jeff & Jennifer Jeziorski WINTER 2014 | 23

Annual Report 2013 Brendan & Kirsten Hagabusch ’87 Johnson Carol Johnson James & Allison Johnson Jerri & Betty Anne Johnson Mark & Mary Taft ’79 Johnson David & Jody Joines Troy & Kara Jones Lynne Marie Jorgensen Danica Joseph ’86 Daniel & Kim Kacir Nicole Kacir ’13 Juan & Alia Kadah Jennifer Kaefer ’02 Joseph Kafka & Deborah Siebrandt Sam & Betsy Fanoe ’84 Kais Leah Kaltsas Neeraj & Ashu Kamboj Ellen Kamei ’02 Yasmeen Kamel ’13 Frank & Julia Kane Kelly Kane Mark & Maureen Crowley ’79 Kane Katja Kane-Foempe ’11 Louis & Susan Katen Frank Kaul & Maria Chavez-Kaul Maya Kaul ’13 Sanjiv & Sudha Kaul John & Mairead Kavanagh Paul & Darina Kavanagh Jamil & Zeina Kawa Patricia Kays William & Kristie Kayser Thomas Patrick & Paula Mulcahy ’78 Keane Beth Keifer ’69 Kevin & Danna Keifer Mary Elaine Keifer Kenneth & Kristine Keller Catherine Gowen ’85 Kelliher Jeffrey Kelly John & Kris Giannini ’83 Kelly Kevin & Chris Kelly Madlyn Kelly ’13 Mary Kelly ’15 Richard & Suzanne Kelly John & Laurie Kelm Kristin Kennedy ’84 Stephen Kennedy & Guillermina Tiscareno-Kennedy Mark & Andrea Kenter David & Nancy Kenyon Heather Kenyon ’05 Lesley Kerley ’13 Brian & Karen Kerr Larry Kettmann Tim & Mary Kettmann Janet Keys Ray & Shari Khasrovi Jaclyn Khayat ’13 Rame Khayat Jeno Khelghati & Fariba Mehran Konstantin & Victoria Kheyfets Lina Khurshid ’13 Dennis & Michelle Kim Julie Kim Lynn Kim ’13 Todd & Joan Kingery Harry Kiriakopoulos Patrick & Eleanore Kirk Randall & Donna Kirk Gene Kischmischian Roman & Anna Kisin Marcia Larsen ’74 Kitchell John & Margaret Klask Katarina Klask ’12 Kenneth & Laura Klask Nancy Kleshinski Doug & Mary Kline Mary Kobsa ’78 Kline Robyn Klitgaard Charles & Helen Klotz Doug Knapp & Cheri Machado-Knapp ’81 Heidi Knapp ’88 Daniel & Mary Knappenberger Alison Corral ’78 Kneeland Jason & Jill Knickerbocker Tarryn Knight ’98 Michael & Tina Kobetsky 24 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

Ann Kobsa ’79 Robin Simpson ’78 Koenig Robert & Coleen Kohtz Chuck & Robin Konrad Joy Kovaleski ’74 Charlotte Kozinets ’13 Ed & Noreen Krall Karen Krouse ’01 Jessica Beaumont ’00 Kubota James & Joan Kuczma Jane Kuczma David & Debbie Mariant ’81 Kuhs Vijay & Gauri Kulkarni Naresh Kumar & Sonica Sharma Alex & Amour Kwok Austin & Jeannette Kyles Angelo & Kathleen La Scola Philip & Deanna LaBarbera Armand Labrucherie Jack & Beverly Ladd Dianne Lagana ’69 Sridhar Lakshmikanthan & Sumati Natarajan Wayne & Yvonne Laliberte Dilip & Renuka Lalwani Phuc & Janelle Lam Henry & Katherine Lambert Tim & Lisa Lambert Richard & Saundra Lambie Libbe Landau James & Elizabeth Landess Ann Heyburn ’82 Lane Jennafer Lane ’09 Karen Langeman David & Terry Langlais Andrew & Jennifer Lanier McKenzie Lanier ’13 Amanda Lanoie ’09 Dean & Terri Smith ’82 Lanoie Katherine Lanoie ’15 Sarah Lanoie ’11 Roger & Sally LaPierre Brent Larson Jacquelyn Larson ’02 Kelly Larson ’09 Paula Larson Scott & Karen Ruiz ’77 Larson Grace Lattyak ’99 Jo Ann Willcoxon ’71 Lauer Rob & Corinne Cochrane ’96 Laurence Robert & Fran Lauridsen Alison LaVelle ’07 David & Janice LaVelle Wing & Georgia Law Bob & Mary Lou Lawrence Diane Lawrence Kathleen Ryan ’74 Lawrence Paul & Maria Luisa Lazar Diana Le ’13 Son Le & Thi Nguyen Patrick & Robin Leahey Alfonse & Betty Jean Leal Adriana LeBaron ’02 Clyde & Ivana LeBaron Danielle LeBaron ’99 Francesca LeBaron ’06 Katie LeBlanc ’95 Craig & Kathleen Mullen ’84 Leclair Caroline Ledna ’13 Matthew & Constance Ledna Breyon Payne ’95 LeDuff Andrew & Aileen Lee Edward & Rosemarie Lee Francis Lee & Christine Yip Harry Lee & Debbie Lehr-Lee William Lee & Andrea Johnson-Lee Kathryn Alderete ’91 Leehane John & Geraldine Leggio Lynn Lehmann Larry & Chris Leikind Mark & Cindy Lemma Dave & Katy Lemon Glenn & Michele Lenker Jose Leon & Marie Pham Frederick Leonard & Gaye Landau-Leonard James & Sue Ann Leonard Jamie Leonard ’11 William & Nancy Leonard

Joseph & Myra Leone Raegan Leong ’13 Robert & Dina Leonis Alexia Morici ’94 Lerner Stephanie Leupp ’98 John & Shari Levitt Cecilia Carranza ’79 Lewis Jack & Carolyn Lewis Robert & Michelle Lewis Rolwin & Bernadette Lewis Daniel & Mary Zimmer ’69 Lezotte Frank & Dolly Lico Linda Lico ’73 Meg Liggett Chung-Han & Shaw-Shya Lin Eric & Kathy Pivk ’90 Lindblom Amy Linehan ’13 Richard & Cheryl Linquist Michael & Gina Bouska ’96 Livingston Margaret LoBue Elise Locke ’13 Jaqueline Locke ’13 Scott & Annette Logsdon Mark & Sharon Lohbeck Ron & Betty Lohbeck Cathie Klose ’74 Lohr David Lok & Helen Shum Bob & Valerie Long Jennifer Long ’91 John & Lisa Long Bob & Sally DiSalvo ’66 Longinetti Charles Longwello Mary Lonich ’74 John Lopez Lawrence Lopez & Martha Torres Victor & Elena Lopez Michael & Sandra Lorion Stephen & Catherine Lowney Steve & Candice Lownsbery Phillip & Shellie Lozano Art & Agnieszka Lund James & Sheila Lunny Mark & Jennifer Lupo James & Kelly Lynch Jim & Laura M’Guinness Gary & Beth Maasberg Christopher MacArt & Jane Roberts-MacArt Kenneth & Karen Kobata ’82 MacDonald Alex & Judi Jeffrey ’79 MacDonell Jean MacDougall ’90 Denise Maciel Mary MacLellan ’00 Kerry MacLennan Bruce & Linda Bertolucci ’82 MacLeod Pol & Vicky Madamba Barbara Madden Bindu & Nirmala Madhava Joe & Anne Madruga Kristin Maestas Richard & Marie Maestas Manoosh Maesumi ’13 William Maffini Fred & Holly Maguire Robert & Ellen Maguire Stephen & Patricia Maier Michael & Carrie Maietta Jim & Gretchen Mair Deepan & Poonam Majmudar Richard Maldonado Stephen & Michele Maliesky John & Joan Malloy Edward & Mary Malysz Edward & Patricia Malysz Gennaro & Marilyn Malzone Cassandra Mancini ’13 Massimiliano & Kathryn Mancini Kris Mangano Marisa Mangano ’13 Mark Mangano Al & Cassie Mangini Michael & Vicki Maniglia James Mann Sahib & Harkirat Mann Scott & Amy Mannina Fred & Missy Manriquez Erin Matalone ’79 Mansuetto Andrea & Wendy Mantovani

Emma Manzano ’13 Sheila Manzano Dwayne & Dana Maragoni Russel & Stephanie Maridon Bianka Mariles ’13 Daniel & Geraldine Abaya ’86 Markey Neil & Pamela Marks Michael & Sharon Firato ’70 Marlatt Kortney Marr ’13 Michael & Holly Marr Jim & Carol Marshall Jacqueline Martell ’13 Thomas & Claire Martell Bill & Carline Martin Brian Martin & Colleen Burns Craig & Joan Martin David & Keli Martin George Martin Jeffrey Martin Judie Martin Martha Martin Stacy & Jody Martin Brenda Martinez ’13 Danielle Martinez ’05 Danny & Dolores Martinez Shelley Martinez ’13 Susan Marvin Jim & Barbara Mason Ron & April Mason Joseph Massolo Caitlin Matalone ’03 James & Elaine Matalone Keith & Diana Matasci George & Mary Mathew Sarah Mathiasen John Mathieson & Laura Cannestra Roland & Anett Matian Dean & Lynnda Matsuo Morgan Matsuo ’13 William & Lisa Matthews Andrew & Margaret Mattos Edward & Theresa DiVittorio ’84 Mattson Gabrielle Mattson ’13 David & Regina Murphy ’83 Maurantonio Scott & Marcie May David Mayekawa Valerie Mazzoncini Debbie Mazzulla Jim & Kimberly McArthur Sean & Dawn Guerreiro ’90 McCale Emma-Claire McCarthy ’13 Emmet & Suzanne McCarthy John & Teresa McCarthy Mari McCarthy ’74 Michael & Molly McCarthy Rob McCarthy Angelina Downing ’96 McClellan Dennis & Maggie D’Angelo ’74 McClenahan Mike & Brooke McClimans Ben & Kaecey Smith ’95 McCormick Kieva McCullough ’06 Lara Dorjath ’96 McCullough Kevin & Bertha McDermott John & Marie McEnery Mimi McGarey Lawrence & Lynn McGovern Butch & Jennifer McGrew Colleen McGuire Harlan & Lisa Normandin ’77 McHugh Marilyn McIver ’72 Bridget McKay ’70 Kirsten McKay ’07 Melissa McKeever ’01 Greg & Lisa McKenna Michael & Christine McKinley Jim & Marilyn McMahon John & Jan McMahon Timothy & Lisa McMahon John & Debbie Wilson ’76 McManus Lynne McManus & Cindy Bevan Molly McNamara ’94 Gordon & Anne Marie Freeman ’89 McNeill Benton & Shirley McRay Dave & Glenna McVey Joe & Tracy Gullick ’79 Medal Amanda Medeiros ’13 Andrew & Denise Medeiros

Annual Report 2013 Matt & Ellen Medeiros Ruchi Shrivastava ’97 Medhekar Valerie Mein Judi Meinhalt Dennis & Cynthia Meister Alma Melahn Jim & Trish Melehan Joe Melehan & Celeste Martin Melehan Edward & Catherine Mellera Claire Newton ’96 Mellin Mike & Laura Riopel ’86 Mendelson Manuel & Christine Mendible Jose & Anella Mendoza Lucinda Mendoza ’87 Tony & Raquel Carranza ’88 Mendoza Martin & Becky Menne Vinod & Raji Menon Robert & Dana Nunamaker ’78 Merritt Robert & Yolanda Merritt Steven & Michelle Mesita Tom & Cathy Messier Carol Boitano ’78 Meyer Jean Meyer Keith & Lindsay Meyer Mike & Maggie Dellamano ’96 Meyer Randall & Diane Meyer Robert & Laura Meyer Terry Meyer Dan Meyers Phil & Patti Micciche Nancy Michaels Anne Middleton ’67 Max Mifsud Monica Mifsud Chuck & Eileen Mignosa Jim & Susan Ferrari ’86 Mikacich Mark & Amy Dedinsky ’79 Milani Michael & Stephanie Milburn Lee & Sheryl Milde Cathy Miller Douglas & Rhina Miller Kira Shaughnessy ’84 Miller Mary Miller ’72 Rich & Sue Miller Lewis & Lorene Milligan Shawn & Nancy Milligan Mark Mingione Rita Minnis Ann Kim Minnium Richard & Ann Minnium Henry & Susan Miranda Robert & Martha Miroyan James & Eileen Barrett ’67 Mitchell Larry Mitchell Pat & Tracy Mitchell Anurag & Malini Mittal Melissa Piker ’86 Mocker Frederick & Shannon Model Nishit & Neeta Modi Estate of Fred & Gail Mollerus Philippe Monin Mike & Delena Montgomery Al & Joanne Moore Leigh Ann Moore Robledo Michael & Margie Mora Frank & Jane Morales Danielle Morgan ’01 Trish Morgan Marty Morici Peter & Elizabeth Morin Scott & Judy Morrella Craig & Emily Morris Matthew & Monica Morris Steve & Becky Morrisey Jeff Morrison & Yvonne Collier David & Leili Mortaz Dan & Heather Stanton ’81 Mosley John & Esther Mote Rick & Kim Josefson ’83 Moyano Luc Moyen & Jennifer Moyen-Logan Carolyn Moyer Brian Mulcahy Michael & Kimberly Mulcahy Lynn Betando ’81 Mulhern Jeffery & Jeanne Mullins Currie & Claudia Munce Cristina Munoz ’03

Eduardo & Maria Munoz Rebeca Munoz ’06 Alfred & Kathleen Murabito Bernie & Jackie Murphy Dan & Kelly Murphy Mary Murphy ’80 Paul & Michele Markey ’79 Murphy Caroline Murray Shanmugam Murugesan & Vennila Shanmugam Madeline Muscha ’13 Richard & Jennifer Muscha Daniel & Paula Myers Ronald & Judith Myers Randall & Jeanette Nagashima Alisha Nagendran ’13 Uday & Saritha Nagendran Nirmal & Jaya Nair Danielle Najmeh ’01 Samir & Julie Najmeh Wade Nakamura Lewis & Joanne Nance Richard & Judy Naragon Robert & Anne Naragon William Navarre George & Frances Navarro Adel & Gadah Nazzal Aaron & Lorien Neargarder Dinesh & Rohini Neelavar Rebecca Neimeyer ’13 Rob & Lulu Gutierrez ’80 Neimeyer Sannette Nel Mary Nellis Greg Nelson Nadene Nelson Gary Neustadter & Patty Rauch-Neustadter Craig & Janet New Pauline Newton Christine Nguyen ’13 Crystal Nguyen ’13 Frank & Marianne Nguyen Hanh Nguyen & Kim Dang Jackie Nguyen ’13 John & Tuong-Vy Nguyen Tam Nguyen & Hanh Doan Thinh & Sherilyn Nguyen Paul & Katie Nhieu Timothy & Kelly Nicholson David Nickel Erica Nickel ’13 Gayle Nickel Sarento & Jennifer Nickolas Cathy Niemiller ’76 Mimi Niemiller ’77 Patti Nishimura Brian & Alicia Niskanen Anne Noack ’13 Claire Noack ’13 Richard & Sue Noack Susan Voth ’78 Noda Caren Normandin ’74 Lon & Peggy Normandin Mark & Julie Normandin Paul Normandin Anthony & Jennifer Norton David & Linda Nowlen Taylor Numann ’05 William & Mary Beth Numann Frank & Corinne Nunez Rich & Deanna Nurge Bobby & Mary Russell ’91 Nuttall Kenneth & Rita O’Brien Anna O’Connor William & Kelly Katen ’86 O’Connor Brendan & Jeanette O’Flaherty Cassidy & Lisa Bonnici ’85 O’Hara Madison O’Hara ’13 Peyton O’Hara William & Jo Ann O’Hara Thomas & Kathryn Haggerty ’01 O’Keefe Conor & Carol O’Mahony Rod & Michelle LoMonaco ’70 O’Neal Michael & Martha O’Rourke Terrence & Pamela O’Rourke Dave & Margaret Obenour Gary & Cindy Oberman Adolph & Margaret Obilor Tiffanie Obilor ’13

Mike & Kim Obot Russel & Nicole Odell Kim Rademakers ’86 Odgers Matthew & Aira Offutt Julie Ognoskie Ken & Linda Okenquist Dave & Joan Okun Jose Valentino & Jasmin Oliva David & Sally Olivieri Barry Olsen Carolyn Olsen Don & Susan Olsen Margot Olsen Morgana Omaleki ’13 Valerie Onorato Theresa Nunez ’00 Opp Anatolio Opulencia, Jr. & Palmyra de la Paz-Opulencia John & Diane Ordaz Sabrina Orendain ’13 Thomas & Melanie Osborne Pat Osganian Audrey Osler Donald & Marinela Ostheimer Melissa Overoye ’96 Allan Ovrom Alejandra Pacheco ’13 Charles & Joan Packer Robert & Gloria Padilla Jason & Tami Paez Andrew & Vickie Pagnon Ritika Pai ’13 Catrina Bliss ’01 Pak Felix Palaganas & Marvie Viado Dominic & Barbara Panella Chuck & Janie Paone Angie Papangellin Nitin & Vaishali Parab Mary Ann Freeman ’66 Parker Jack Parkinson Marc & Linda Parkinson Larry & Anne Parks Meryl Parks ’13 Shawn Parola ’87 JoAnn Parrott Suneil & Rohini Parulekar Lesa Pascali ’74 David & Kathy Pasek Laura Pasek ’05 Gene Pashby Paul & Monica Pashby Angela Pasquinelli ’94 Christopher & Ashley Pass Daniel & Julie Passalacqua Rob & Tisha Pastega Gabriella Pastera ’13 Dilip Patel & Asha Patidar Naresh & Hina Patel ’84 Prakash & Bina Patel Deirdre Patterson Douglas & Teresa Patterson Mary Patterson Somnath & Ria Paul Andrew & Helen Dorcich ’67 Pavicich Gwendolyn Pavicich K. Peake Michael & Susan Peck Jack & Gayanne Peckham Marisa Peckham ’13 Joseph & Margaret Pecoraro Andrew & Maria Pecota Nick & Deanna Pelinga Javier & Alison Wan ’05 Perez Pamela Perisho Michael Perkins & Theresa Sullivan Alina Perotin ’13 Jeff & Cathy Perrone Alex Perroots ’13 James & Sue Pershon Grace Persons Myron & Marina Peskar James & Margaret Peters John & Jill Fiscalini ’79 Peters Lauren Peters ’13 Michael & Connie Peters Mike & Josephine Peterson Cristina Facundo ’86 Petre

Kristin Pfaff ’13 Michael & Judy Allen ’75 Pfaff Joseph & Linda Bruni ’67 Pfahnl Christina Pham ’13 Dennis Pham & Hanh Ha Minh Pham Peter Pham & Tuyetnga Tran Son Pham & Dixie Nguyen Tien & Kim-Hang Pham Bryan Phan & Lily Tran Andrew & Mary Ann Phillips Sarah Phillips ’04 Walt & Patti Phillips Joe & Elizabeth Piazza Tony & Martha Piazza Michael & Lisa Picazo Selena Picazo ’13 Sudarsana Piduri & Madhavi Sudarsana Ron & Betty Pieracci Nic & Pola Pignati Jeffrey & Mollie Edminster ’83 Pine Ron Pine Caroline Pineda Manuel & Ruth Pineda John & Susan Pinheiro Lauren Pinheiro ’09 David & Diane Pinn Daniel Pinna Lisa Pioli ’97 Thomas Pistole Sal & Amy Pizarro Ron & Diane Piziali Steve & Carol Lucia ’73 Poizner Jon & Lindarae Polaha Max Poletto & Kara O’Keefe ’90 Michael & Dana Polini Isabelle Polito ’13 Margo Ponce ’86 Ponce Diaz Gregory & Danielle Poncetta Linda Poncetta Frank & Ann Ponikvar Senthil & Bhuvana Ponnuswamy Kathleen Pope ’08 Michael & Vicki Pope John & Donette Popylisen Johnny & Schantal Posada Douglas & Lisa Post Ken & Louisa Postier Anthony Powers & Cecilia Sullivan-Powers ’84 Kristal Belcastro ’00 Powers Katherine Premo Patrick & Kimberly Premo Mike & Susan Price Vince Prietto & Laura Johnston John & Dianne Barulich SF ’65 Prindiville Connie Proctor Pierre & Carol Prodis Norman & Jane Proffitt Denise Purvis Erin Purvis ’13 Jim & Barbara Pusateri Roger & Cathy Quinlan Courtney Quinn ’10 Kelly Quinn ’12 Jairo Quintana & Clara Bohórquez Roger & Angela Quintanilla Kevin & Julie Raak Nick & Jennifer Giachetti ’94 Raby Brad & Mary Kenter ’77 Raffanti Rob & Corinne Raffanti Garrett Rajkovich Jesse & Nicole Chubb ’01 Ralston Krish & Padma Ramakrishnan Asokan Ramdas & Shanthi Asokan Daniel Ramirez Joseph & Mary Ann Ramirez Kari Ramirez ’03 Renee Ramirez ’05 Jolene Ramm Erica Escobar ’04 Ramsay Alexandra Randazzo ’15 Gregory & Margaret Randazzo Jeanne Randazzo Richard & Maria Randazzo Alan & Cheryl Rando Edward & Carrie Rangel David & Dianna Rao WINTER 2014 | 25

Annual Report 2013 Thomas Rasmussen & Candice Ruthig-Rasmussen Marcy Ray Raul & Sofi Ray Bernice Raymond Lisa-Marie Raymundo ’03 Hans & Kathy Rechenmacher Paul & Usa Rechkemmer Kathleen Redd Rob & Nancy Redding Rita Redfern Morrett Joanne Pinheiro ’77 Redmond Vineza Reduta ’13 Lawrence & Frances Reed Kevin & Mary McKenzie ’87 Rees Monica Refy ’08 Rob & Trudi Reid Chris & Gabrielle Elmidolan ’94 Reilly Robert & Stephanie Reinhardt Jacqueline Remmel ’13 Stephen Remmel Georgiana Remollo Raymond & Jana Rendon Jim & Wendy Renwick Tim Resudek & Meghan Perotti ’02 Donald & Felicia Reuter Larry & Jeanette Reuter Mark & Cindy Reuter Francis Reyes Orozco ’13 John & Stephanie Filice ’87 Reynolds Ron & Fran Reynolds Beau & Elizabeth Gutto ’99 Rhodes Jeff & Ann Ricci Joe & Marlise Ricci Stephen & Katherine Ricossa Phil Ringenberg James & Jean Riparbelli John & Marilyn Ritchie Eric & Mandy Reyes ’01 Rivas Meghan Laskowski ’02 Rivera Michelle Del Real ’99 Rivera George & Barbara Rix Nancy Roberts-Collins Ben & Sue Robinson Paul & Christine Rodgers Carlos & Nalini Rodrigues Monica Rodrigues ’84 Dan & Caroline Rodriguez Maria Esther Carranza ’80 Rodriguez Robert & Elaine Drummond ’74 Roe Wolfgang & Martina Roethig Pete & Sue Rogers Phil & Janice Roloff George & Carla Romanowsky Matthew & Lilian Romo Elizabeth Ronco ’06 Stephanie Schiro ’79 Ronco Kathy Rosendin ’75 Gene & Diane Fiock ’94 Rosenthal Sean Rositano & Pat Schill Michael & Shannon Brickley ’94 Rossi Sonia Rossi Bill Roth Mary Roth Steve & Patti Rottjakob Rachel Rovetto ’13 Ranjit & Sheri Rozario James & Marie Ruane Ahmed & Zainab Rubaie Doug & Cindy Rubi Damir Rubic & Giselle Stancic Sabrina Rusnak-Carlson ’97 Bob & Kathy Russell Jane Russell Jim & Christine Shyba ’67 Russell Paul Russell & Maryellen Dyer Dan & Linda Russo Joseph & Connie Russo Paul & Ana Maria Bruni ’77 Russo Jeffrey & Norene Rusteen Dan & Barbara Ruthig Bredan & Mona Ryan Don & Missy Ryan Kathy Ryan Jake & Julia Lemon ’00 Saber Dave Sachs Patricia Mullin Berkeley ’47 Sahadi Yuri Saito 26 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

Steven Saling & Michele Spinney Julia Salisbury ’13 Robert & Patricia Salvador Nanoo Salvato Eric & Madeleine Samson Natalie Samson ’14 Wilfred & Marianna Samson Mario & Barbara Graciano ’78 Sancen Nicolas Sancen Julian & Laura Sanchez Nycole Sanchez ’02 Paula Sanchez Deborah Piker ’85 Sanders Kuldeep & Rita Sandhu Sareen Sandhu ’10 Lance & Michelle Sandri Joseph & Anne Sanfilippo Roy & Nancy Sanfilippo Israel & Evangelina Santillan Mandy Santos Shailendhar & Purnima Saraf Curtis & Cosie Sasaki Jenna Saso ’09 Nino & Janette Martig ’85 Saso David Saucedo & An Le Jean-Dominique & Cindi Savelli Ana Melissa Sayoc Mark & Susan Scalzo Briana di Bari ’01 Schachter Lauren Jaques ’00 Schafer Mark Scheig & T.J. Locke-Scheig Anthony & Carol Schiavone Shirlee DiNapoli Schiro Dave Schlessinger & Karin Cooke ’92 Fred & Muriel Schlichting Mary Schlichting ’78 Steve & Tami Schmalz Charles Schmuck Thomas & Patricia Schneck Casey & Kristin Cooke ’90 Schneider Hannah Schneider Jeanelle Schneider ’13 Kathleen Schneider ’97 Sean & Leah Schnoor Lisa Schon Peggy Schrader Gregory & Barbara Schroeder Janet Schultz Taylor Schultz ’13 Robert & Joanne Geraci ’78 Schwartz Cathy Bandy ’90 Schwarz Kevin Scott Robert & Leslie Scott John Seadler Edward & Pamela Brotherton ’76 Sedano Casey & Julia Ruiz ’98 Selfridge Mark & Jackie Sellers Michael Sellitti Carla Sendig Sarah Sendig ’09 Vijay & Bhuvana Seshadri Micheal & Lisa Shamblin George & Carroll Shannon Arlene Shaw James & Peggy Cirone ’85 Shaw Lori Pignati ’94 Shaw James & Patricia Shea Donald Shearer Jerry Sheehan & Julie Heyburn ’73 Steven & Gertrude Sheffield Alexandra Sheredy ’13 Ted & Dee Sherman Charol Sherrod John & Lynn Davilla ’78 Shields Ed & Ruth Shikada Bill & Joanne Sholes Daniel & Patricia Showalter Kevin & Crystal Showalter James & Joanne DeRose ’70 Shurter Antoine & Mahyad Siadat Judy Ann Cottingham ’78 Sieber Julia Siewit ’13 Cynthia Sigman David & Monica Masini ’87 Silva Ray & Carolyn Silva Rick & Lupe Simoes Cesar & Evangeline Simon

Mike & Patti Simone Richard & Julianne Simone Natalie Kloes ’00 Simoneau James Simoni John & Miya Simontacchi James & Moira Simunovich Edward & Dorothy Sinclair Baldev & Sangeeta Singh Carlos & Beverly Singh Lynette Singh Raj & Melissa Singh Chuck & Renee Sins Edward Sins Dan & Linda Sisto Arun & Priya Sitaraman Sally Skapinsky Charles & Diane Skinner Michelle Sklar Christopher & Lori Hoskins ’83 Skotz Edward & Mary Pat Slate Alastair & Vladimira Slattery Brian & Sylvia Smick Cin Smith Derrik & Oona Huber ’87 Smith George & Maria Smith Gregory & MaryAnn Smith Jack & Siana Smith Karyn Crandall ’68 Smith Kathryn Smith Michael & Adrienne Smith Norman & Kelly Matalone ’81 Smith Ted & Bobbie Smith Wenyi Song & Li Wang Michele Sordal Joseph & Connie Sorrentino Bill & Debra Sousa Weston & Tiffany Sousa Bryan & Lisa Southard Marcie Spano Michael & Vicki Pfeifer ’72 Sparks Ana Spear Stephen Speciale Mike & Barbara Hefte ’74 Spencer Ernest Speno Peter Spitters Sean & Kimberly Splaine Briana Sprague ’87 Rick & Kate Spring Steve & Julie Smith ’79 Springer Donald & Barbara Springett Shea Springett ’13 John & Barbara Squeri Murali & Ganga Srinivasan Fred & Karen Stahl Bev Stair Pam Stair ’73 Michael & Heather Quint ’94 Stalions Kevin & Monica Stampfl Robert & Michelle Stanley Dave & Wendy Courtney ’87 Stanton Stephanie Stapleton ’03 Gerald & Jacqueline Starek Linda Starek Matthew & Elisabeth Stauble Eric Stauss Dominick & Ann Bernal ’82 Stea Lisa Steele David & Lorilynne Steenfott Robert & Erin Mulcahy ’73 Stein David & Anne Cronin ’93 Stenseth Keith & Tricia Chico ’86 Stephens Nichole Stephenson ’01 Logan Stevens Natalie Stevens Fran Concannon ’66 Stewart Laurie Gaffaney ’74 Stewart Phillip & Diana Morrisey ’00 Stewart Timothy & Sharon Stewart Victoria Stewart Victoria Stewart ’96 Davis Andrea Baron ’78 Stilger Paul Stith & Marina Cerin-Stith Victoria Straubinger Jon & Catherine Stewart ’77 Strauss Karen Strobach Ronald & Mary Lou Strong Jenna Stroup ’13

William & Bruna Stroup John & Teresa Strube Patricia Stuart Marian Stuckey Tim Stuckey Madison Stukan ’13 Nicholas & Beth Stukan Butch & Janis Marianelli ’67 Stumhoffer James Stump Jun Su & Nanping Li Dorothy Suarez Rajesh & Jaya Subramanian Carlos & Celia Suez James & Charlene Suits Christopher & Julia Prodis ’81 Sulek Gary & Jill Sullivan Luisa Oliveira ’86 Sunderland John & Janice Sung Jaclyn Sunzeri ’08 Vincent & Dina Sunzeri Miranda Surjadi ’92 William & Merrill Sutherland Michael & Tania Swain Ashok Swaminathan & Parvati Ashok Shruti Swaminathan ’13 Bob & Sheila Swanson Gary & Lea Swenson Pam Swett Lindsay Swoboda Joan Taft Reza & Jane Taheri Panchanadham Talasila & Malathi Pinnamaneni Lauren Tallerico ’06 Valerie Tallerico ’02 Shivali Tandon ’13 Doug & Carol Scilacci ’71 Tanner Brent Taylor & Mary Jane Perryman Don & Nancy Boehner ’89 Taylor Michael & Lauri Ann Taylor Richard & Diane Taylor Michael Teague Bruce & Julie Rubino ’78 Tenenbaum R. Alexander & Patricia Tennant Bob & Donna Teresi Dan Teresi Charles & Patricia Territo Thomas & Joan Thamann Barry & Loretta Thomas Gabriel & Sarah Thomas Jacob & Tesline Thomas John & Heidi Thomas Sarah Thomas ’13 Tom & Tish Murphy ’72 Thomas Mark & Michele Thomason Sanjay Tibrewal & Anshu Agarwal Ernesto & Adora Tigmo Nicholas & Laura Tindall Bradley & Mary Schneck ’87 Tips Sara Tiscareno-Kennedy ’12 Claire Twomey ’87 Tiscornia Richard & Mollie Tobias Garrett Tom & Emi Kestner-Tom Thomas & Alisa Tomlinson Roseanna Torretto Leon & Margaret Sharon ’67 Torrey Anthony & Kimthanh Tran John Tran & Thuy Van Juliena Tran ’13 Kimberly Tran ’13 David Trevisan Paige Trevisan ’16 Cuong Trinh & Thanhquy Lisa Nguyen Jamyson Tritch ’12 Aileen Murphy ’79 Troquato James & Mary True Victoria Tsang ’89 Yolanda Tseng ’99 Emi Tsutsumi Kent Tu Elmer & Maria Tuazon Kathleen Tubera ’13 Connie Turner Mike & Karen Turnlund Geri Tuso Dianna Tuyor Robert & Nancy Ubaldi Frank & Lynn Ubhaus

Annual Report 2013 Alexander & Maria Ukanwa Sharon Ukanwa Jack & Doris Urata Craig & Molly Urban Frank & Alice Dewhirst ’78 Ursano James & Melissa Ursin Kazuya & Ilene Uyesugi Luis & Lilia Vaca Jenna Vaccaro ’13 Lynelle Vaccaro Gail Valenzuela Gary & Janice Valenzuela Ernesto & Peggy Vallecilla Monica Vallecilla ’15 Cindy Vallis Dominique van den Dries ’13 Greg & Laura van den Dries Paul & Emily Van Hoorickx Jim & Susan Vanderhoof Nila Patel ’85 Vanmali Kerry Greene ’69 VanStockum Sunil & Ishi Varandani Anujan & Sobha Varma Dennis & Kathleen Varni Ann Vaudagna ’74 Jim & Joey Vaudagna Lynn Vaudagna ’75 Matthew & Belinda Vaughan Lindsay Vaughn-Luma ’97 Eddie & Valerie Velez Manasa Vemuri ’15 Lito & Elena Verano Mae-Richelle Verano ’13 Becky Golitz ’94 Verdugo Scott & Kerry Vermeer Al & Jeanne Vernon Brooke Veronda ’13 Daniel & Rinda Battu ’80 Veronda James Vertin Mary, Teri & Kathy Vetere Wesley & Marian Sinclair ’77 Viets Antonette Viscomi Chandrashekhar & Sima Vishwakarma Venkatesan Viswanathan & Sandhya Bala Hung Vo & Trina Chau Gary & Bonnie Vogel Ronald & Stacie Vogt Arnie & Maria von Massenhausen Maggie von Massenhausen ’13 Sara vonDohren ’13 Toni vonDohren Lauren Vroom Kim Vu ’96 Luc Vu & Chau Tran Nancy Vu ’13 Manoj & Hemangi Wadekar Bas & Ingrid Wafelbakker Art & Mary Jean Wagner Dennis Wagner Joe & Rejane Wahler Pat & Monica Wahler Craig & Elise Beckley ’01 Wallace William & Cecille Waller Brian & Michelle Walsh Dennis & Nicole Arigoni ’89 Walsh Jessica Walsh ’11 Dave & Dianna Walters Larry & Kathy Wan Stephanie Wan ’10 Liz Wehner ’69 Warde Robert Wardell Jason & Jodi Washington Jeffrey & Melissa Waters Robert Watson Carey & Kellie Weatherholt William & Shelley Webb Richard & Beth Weger Nadine Weil ’88 Robert & Helene Weil John & Carol Weller Scott & Theresa Taft ’86 Wells Anthony & Theresa Wessels Scott Westlake Shanon Westlake Ronald & Carolyn Westphal Denise Weyl Herb & Roselee Weyl

Brian & Danielle Wheatley ’80 Diana Wheatley ’67 Lissa Whelan Ben & Dana Longinetti ’96 White Daniel & Elizabeth White Joshua & Shirley Micek ’96 White Mark White & Jennifer Hunt ’90 Ron White & Linden Skjeie Steve White & Nancy Regalado-White Steven & Katherina White Rosemary Mengo ’72 Whitecar Paul Whitlock Jane Wiard Regina Wiedemann David & Chona Wigant Clancy & Nanci Wilborn Steven Wilhelm & Carole Wunderlich ’80 Jenna Wilkerson ’13 Kendall Wilkerson ’13 Michael & April Wilkerson Patrick Wilkinson Jack & Kay Williams Jeff & Shari Williams John Willoughby Dennis & Lyn Wills James & Tracy Enochs ’85 Wingrove Laura Winter Patricia Wittekind Catherine Wolf ’13 Gregory & Jennifer Fanoe ’82 Wolf Amy Wong ’02 Samuel & Trina Wong Jennifer Woo ’13 Matt & Christine Tabaco ’84 Woo Randey & Anna Woo Laurie Wood Policarpo & Jacqueline Wood Brian & Elysia Alvarez ’01 Woodworth Steven & Madlyn Workman John Wozniak & Dana Thalmann Randy & Janet Gaffaney ’70 Wright Tainyule & Virginia Wu Eric & Nanette Wylde Ninoos & Julie Yadegar Elpidio & Lilia Yalong Jimi & Eiko Yamaichi Adrianne Yamaki ’93 Kelly & Deborah Yank Jon & Linda Yap Mohammad & Nadia Yaseen Oscar Yatco Lizabeth Yee Barbara Young Dennis Young & Patricia Biscay Young Eddy & Evelyn Yu Peter Yuen & Stephanie Wong Sarah Zajac ’13 Magdi Zakher & Vinita Pinto-Zakher Jeff & Eileen Zanardi Luis Zavala Jose & Fanny Zeledon Jeffrey & Michelle Zellmer Michael Zellner & Susan Gentile James Zelony & Dotty Stewart Zelony Jessica Zenk ’97 Joseph Zenk & Mary Fay-Zenk Jian & Sandy Zhou Krista Zimmermann Thomas Zirbes John & Nina Zoria Ronald Zraick

Alumnae Giving

Presentation is blessed with a proud alumnae community whose generous contributions touch every area of school life. These women are shining examples that our school motto, “Not Words, But Deeds,” lives on in their hearts long after leaving Presentation. Class of 1966 Fran Concannon Stewart Maureen Curran Clark Sally DiSalvo Longinetti Mary Ann Freeman Parker Sharon Kelly Grover Marlene Mirassou Donna Urata Agresta Class of 1967 Eileen Barrett Mitchell Linda Bruni Pfahnl Helen Dorcich Pavicich JoAnn Ghiggeri Bjornstad Janis Marianelli Stumhoffer Anne Middleton Margaret Sharon Torrey Christine Shyba Russell Diana Wheatley Class of 1968 Winifred Burke Codde Margie Chiechi Karyn Crandall Smith Kathleen Curran Class of 1969 Colleen Beall Kathleen Bruno Chittick Susan Carey Hurrell Cristine Crooks Penny Giovanetti Kerry Greene VanStockum Laura Gurries Beth Keifer Dianne Lagana Liz Wehner Warde Cindy Willer Dunn Mary Zimmer Lezotte Class of 1970 Yvonne Benoit D’Angelo Joanne DeRose Shurter Sharon Firato Marlatt Janet Gaffaney Wright Michelle LoMonaco O’Neal Bridget McKay Class of 1971 Rosann Cirigliano Filice Linda Delaney Hitchcock Kathy Grim Carter Toni Nails Armann Diane Russo Fontaine Carol Scilacci Tanner Jo Ann Willcoxon Lauer Class of 1972 Carol Aiassa Diodate Carolyn Allen-Samavarchian Gina Anastasi Leslie Anderson Jill Buonaccorsi Carroll Marilyn McIver Rosemary Mengo Whitecar Mary Miller Kristin Monahan Dickens Tish Murphy Thomas Vicki Pfeifer Sparks Class of 1973 Elisabeth Chicoine Julie Heyburn Karen Kane-Foempe Linda Lico Carol Lucia Poizner Erin Mulcahy Stein Pam Stair

Class of 1974 Nancy Allen Maggie D’Angelo McClenahan Elaine Drummond Roe Laurie Gaffaney Stewart Mary Girard Kathy Griffin Dorsa Barbara Hefte Spencer Julie Kenter DiNapoli Cathie Klose Lohr Joy Kovaleski Marcia Larsen Kitchell Mary Lonich Sandi Maida-Callahan Mari McCarthy Michele Nelson Halbert Caren Normandin Lesa Pascali Kathleen Ryan Lawrence Ann Vaudagna Class of 1975 Judy Allen Pfaff Kathy Rosendin Jeanette Turner Browne Lynn Vaudagna Class of 1976 Maria Baron Cannon Pamela Brotherton-Sedano Julie Ferrari Jarvis Diane Gould Colangelo Michelle Marchant Cathy Niemiller Ann Scapini Giluso Debbie Wilson McManus Class of 1977 Lisa Aiassa Fahey Ellen Bezore Holmes Ana Maria Bruni Russo Gretchen Freeman Forbes Mary Kenter-Raffanti Mimi Niemiller Lisa Normandin McHugh Kathy O’Donnell Holmes Joanne Pinheiro Redmond Karen Ruiz Larson Marian Sinclair Viets Elizabeth Taft Colella Class of 1978 Theresa Arias Bumb Andrea Baron Stilger Carol Boitano Meyer Betsy Bucher Daniels Martha Carranza Artiles Debbie Cetani Arambula Alison Corral Kneeland Judy Ann Cottingham Sieber Cindy Crisham Ganjtomari Lynn Davilla Shields Alice Dewhirst Ursano Jean Feifarek Liz Fernandez Aurelio Judy Ford Davis Joanne Geraci Schwartz Barbara Graciano Sancen Heidi Granath Gough Linda Hand Drumright Kathy Hausler Mary Kobsa Kline Lori Mazzuca Duggan Paula Mulcahy Keane Dana Nunamaker Merritt Lisa Randazzo Bunnell Julie Rubino Tenenbaum Mary Schlichting Sheri Simpson DeSimone Robin Simpson Koenig Susan Voth Noda WINTER 2014 | 27

Annual Report 2013 Class of 1979 Cecilia Carranza Lewis Mary Colla Helmers Anna Corral Alkema Maureen Crowley Kane Amy Dedinsky Milani Jill Fiscalini Peters Peggy Ford Tracy Gullick Medal Judi Jeffrey MacDonell Ann Kobsa Sheree LaBarbera Hanson Terri Machado Boskovich Michele Markey Murphy Erin Matalone Mansuetto Aileen Murphy Troquato Anna Maria Ramirez Grune Stephanie Schiro Ronco Joan Schlichting Guthrie Julie Smith Springer Mary Taft Johnson Class of 1980 Rinda Battu Veronda Carolyn Campbell Graven Maria Esther Carranza Rodriguez Julie Cordova Theresa Cronin Crocker Andrea Fine Gravelle Maureen Folan Kelli Gott Davis Lulu Gutierrez Neimeyer Shannon Hare Shelley Mangini Carr Helena Morales Cary Mary Murphy Teri Rebello Barnett Lyn Stair Crowell Danielle Wheatley Carole Wunderlich Vanessa Zecher Class of 1981 Melissa Beaver Terri Bedard Guastaferro Lynn Betando Mulhern Jeanne Brashear Bigelow Karen Bryan Adams Dina Cannizzaro Jacqueline Cottingham Courtney Pauline Gowen Duffy Mary Kay Gurries Going Gina Jones Bence Judith Lawrence Ghera Cheri Machado-Knapp Debbie Mariant Kuhs Kelly Matalone-Smith Julia Prodis Sulek Heather Stanton Mosley Class of 1982 Ann Bernal Stea Linda Bertolucci Macleod Cathy Bonacorsi Bozzo Michelle Campisi Barsanti Jennifer Fanoe Wolf Anne Hansen Ann Heyburn Lane Karen Kobata MacDonald Judith Ruffo Cordano Terri Smith Lanoie Class of 1983 Lori Hoskins Skotz Shelly Campagna Caron Mollie Edminster Pine Katie Fanoe Jaeb Gabrielle Gervase Gray Kris Giannini Kelly Kim Josefson Moyano Regina Murphy Maurantonio Gretchen Nicoletti DiNapoli Diane Normandin Azevedo Kelly Ryan Burns Margaret Schneck Machell Silva Clark Class of 1984 Elena Becerra Garald Whitney Buss Bouck Cathy Caputo Cioth Michelle Castro Foster Theresa DiVittorio Mattson 28 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

Betsy Fanoe Kais MaryAnn Guidace Cervelli Kristin Kennedy Marisa Lenzi Gratny Kathleen Mullen Leclair Cecilia O’Brien Jackson Hina Patel Angela Piazza Duncan Monica Rodrigues Katie Ryan Boennighausen Suzanne Sawochka Hooper Kira Shaughnessy Miller Cecilia Sullivan-Powers Christine Tabaco Woo Class of 1985 Lisa Bonnici O’Hara Jennifer Bruce Peggy Cirone Shaw Dolores Davison Tracy Enochs Wingrove Catherine Gowen Kelliher Janette Martig Saso Nila Patel Vanmali Deborah Piker Sanders Class of 1986 Geraldine Abaya Markey Melinda Alongi Michelle Canevaro Bartell Tricia Chico Stephens Cristina Facundo Petre Susan Ferrari Mikacich Danica Joseph Kelly Katen O’Connor Christine Mignosa Bryan Luisa Oliveira Sunderland Melissa Piker Mocker Margo Ponce Diaz Kim Rademakers Odgers Laura Riopel Mendelson Theresa Taft Wells Class of 1987 Arezoo Agharokh Amiri Catherine Aquino Karen Ariaudo Penny Bruce Wendy Courtney Stanton Delorie Dutcher Stephanie Filice Reynolds Lisa Gray Fuqua Kirsten Hagabusch Johnson Krista Hein Hochstatter Oona Huber Smith Connie Kais-Ajlouni Monica Masini Silva Mary McKenzie Rees Deborah McMahon Flora Lucinda Mendoza Mona-Lisa Moran Blouin Shawn Parola Nicole Pray Gibson Mary Schneck Tips Lisa Small Harrison Briana Sprague Claire Twomey Tiscornia Class of 1988 Emily Aquino Cervino Kathleen Brust Ellis Raquel Carranza Mendoza Ann Flatley Heidi Knapp Dana Piziali Carollo Nadine Weil Class of 1989 Nicole Arigoni Walsh Nancy Boehner Taylor Kimberly Costas Dena Dawson Crawford Anne Marie Freeman McNeill Kelly Hartigan Engler Sunmi Kang Chew Victoria Tsang Class of 1990 Cathy Bandy Schwarz Kelly Baughn Brewer Kristin Cooke Schneider Cheralynn Cooper Abbott Colleen Eagleson

Andrea Garcia Cruz Dawn Guerreiro McCale Jennifer Hunt Jean MacDougall Kara O’Keefe Lisa Pignati Cahalan Kathy Pivk Lindblom Elisa Robertson Baroni Class of 1991 Kathryn Alderete Leehane Kerry Blythe Hananouchi Kelly Callan Gaffaney Nicole Hockenbury Jennifer Long Mary Russell Nuttall Class of 1992 Judy Castillo Denise Ching Ambrose Karin Cooke Tracy Giorgetti Michelle McNally Cramp Jennifer Osganian Canfield Miranda Surjadi Class of 1993 Corinne Bolasna Anne Cronin Stenseth Adrianne Yamaki Class of 1994 Lisa Bedard Shannon Brickley Rossi Gabrielle Elmidolan Reilly Diane Fiock Rosenthal Jennifer Giachetti Raby Becky Golitz Verdugo Aimee Longinetti Geddie Molly McNamara Alexia Morici Lerner Angela Pasquinelli Lori Pignati Shaw Heather Quint Stalions Marisa Watts Cozort Class of 1995 Mary Beth Basile Kristin Colyar Katie LeBlanc Breyon Payne LeDuff Kaecey Smith McCormick Class of 1996 Gina Bouska Livingston Corinne Cochrane Laurence Maggie Dellamano Meyer Lara Dorjath McCullough Angelina Downing McClellan Maha El-Sheikh Dana Longinetti White Bernadette Lynch Hornig Jasmine McMillan Anderson Shirley Micek White Claire Newton Mellin Melissa Overoye Sophia Pannthay Cruz Anne Michelle Paris Frances Victoria Stewart Davis Kim Vu Class of 1997 Laura Cali Breiten Lisa Pioli Sabrina Rusnak-Carlson Kathleen Schneider Ruchi Shrivastava Medhekar Lindsay Vaughn-Luma Jessica Zenk Class of 1998 Clarissa Enany Tarryn Knight Stephanie Leupp Julia Ruiz Selfridge Class of 1999 Michelle Del Real Rivera Elizabeth Gutto Rhodes Grace Lattyak Danielle LeBaron Yolanda Tseng

Class of 2000 Kimberly Avila Coutts Jessica Beaumont Kubota Kristal Belcastro Powers Kari Burke Haravitch Jennifer Butler DeMartini Suzanne Goodner Diane Ireland Lauren Jaques Schafer Jennifer Javernick Giese Natalie Kloes Simoneau Julia Lemon Saber Elena Longinetti Greer Mary MacLellan Diana Morrisey Stewart Lindsay Myrback Duquette Theresa Nunez Opp Carissa Raymundo Chu Sara Werner Costa Class of 2001 Elysia Alvarez Woodworth Elise Beckley Wallace Catrina Bliss Pak Deila Caballero Nicole Chubb Ralston Briana di Bari Schachter Kathryn Haggerty O’Keefe Karen Krouse Melissa McKeever Danielle Morgan Danielle Najmeh Mandy Reyes Rivas Nichole Stephenson Class of 2002 Stacey Aboujudom Serrina Aguirre Megan Alpers Anisha Bhagat Taylor Crary Vanessa Dove Natawnee Fritz Renee Hessling Melissa Hunter Jennifer Kaefer Ellen Kamei Jacquelyn Larson Meghan Laskowski Rivera Adriana LeBaron Meghan Perotti Nycole Sanchez Johannah Spencer Baccaglio Valerie Tallerico Amy Wong Class of 2003 Ann-Mary Astrinos Myra Gasmin Lauren Levitt Bosin Caitlin Matalone Jenna Morris Gutierrez Cristina Munoz Kari Ramirez Lisa-Marie Raymundo Elisabeth Russo Hutchinson Stephanie Stapleton Class of 2004 Jhale Ali Morgan Davies Rosanne Diodate Erica Escobar Ramsay Sarah Phillips Alexandra Schmid Ellsworth Class of 2005 Allison Able Carmen Alba Jordan Crary Shauna di Bari Kara Doolin Caselas Katie Eklund Heather Kenyon Danielle Martinez Taylor Numann Julie Oreglia Jensen Laura Pasek Renee Ramirez Alison Wan Perez

Annual Report 2013 Class of 2006 Catherine Blach Caitlin Clancey Catherine Furtado Francesca LeBaron Kieva McCullough Rebeca Munoz Elizabeth Ronco Lauren Tallerico Class of 2007 Katherine Abihider Katherine Guercio Alison LaVelle Kirsten McKay Class of 2008 Loreli Alba Jennifer Guastaferro Kathleen Pope Monica Refy Jaclyn Sunzeri Class of 2009 Megan Cronan Jennifer DiVittorio Elise Fisher Jennafer Lane Amanda Lanoie Kelly Larson Lauren Pinheiro Jenna Saso Sarah Sendig Class of 2010 Alisha Azevedo Marina Iatomase Elena Jaffer Courtney Quinn Sareen Sandhu Stephanie Wan Class of 2011 Kennedy Chelberg Katja Kane-Foempe Sarah Lanoie Jamie Leonard Jessica Walsh Class of 2012 Natasha Azevedo Kathleen Bozzo Amanda Dung Katarina Klask Kelly Quinn Sara Tiscareno-Kennedy Jamyson Tritch Class of 2013 Stephanie Abreu Alexandra Adams Anisha Agrawal Aracely Aguilar Nepheli Aji Lillian Alvarez Murphy Soumya Banna Francesca Angela Bordon Camille Borja Sarah Borrelli Courtney Broderick Annie Brunello Caitlin Burns Riley Calhoun Samantha Caron Jamie Carr Gabrielle Catipon Kristy Charron Raylene Chew Katy Chiswell Devin Collins Lauren Colvin Madeline Cooper Allison Cronan Holly Cunningham Emily Cuzner Ariana Cvitanic Courtney Danna Olivia Daprile Jennifer DeMedeiros Ruchi Desai Jackie DieBold Natalie Duong

Jennifer Earley Emily Espinosa Shanna Etchison Nicole-Lourdes Fader Chloe Ysabel Federe Kyra Fukawa Megan Galdes Julia Gallo Nicole Gallo Alexi Garofalo Lindsey Gil Rebecca Giubileo Dani Gnibus Leslie Gotuaco Krista Gustafson Victoria Hall Cynthia Hara Victoria Harrington Julia Heil Marissa Henry Haley Henson Brittany Higashi Christie Ho Erin Hughes Czsarina Dawn Marie Isleta Eleanor Jenner Nicole Kacir Yasmeen Kamel Maya Kaul Madlyn Kelly Lesley Kerley Jaclyn Khayat Lina Khurshid Lynn Kim Charlotte Kozinets McKenzie Lanier Diana Le Caroline Ledna Raegan Leong Amy Linehan Elise Locke Taylor Locke Manoosh Maesumi Cassandra Mancini Marisa Mangano Emma Manzano Bianka Mariles Kortney Marr Jacqueline Martell Brenda Martinez Shelley Martinez Morgan Matsuo Gabrielle Mattson Emma-Claire McCarthy Amanda Medeiros Madeline Muscha Alisha Nagendran Rebecca Neimeyer Christine Nguyen Crystal Nguyen Jackie Nguyen Erica Nickel Anne Noack Claire Noack Madison O’Hara Tiffanie Obilor Morgana Omaleki Sabrina Orendain Alejandra Pacheco Ritika Pai Meryl Parks Gabriella Pastera Marisa Peckham Alina Perotin Alex Perroots Lauren Peters Kristin Pfaff Christina Pham Selena Picazo Isabelle Polito Erin Purvis Vineza Reduta Jacqueline Remmel Francis Reyes Orozco Rachel Rovetto Julia Salisbury Jeanelle Schneider Taylor Schultz Alexandra Sheredy Julia Siewit Shea Springett Jenna Stroup

Madison Stukan Shruti Swaminathan Shivali Tandon Sarah Thomas Juliena Tran Kimberly Tran Kathleen Tubera Jenna Vaccaro Dominique van den Dries Mae-Richelle Verano Brooke Veronda Maggie von Massenhausen Sara vonDohren Nancy Vu Jenna Wilkerson Kendall Wilkerson Catherine Wolf Jennifer Woo Sarah Zajac

Alumnae from Berkeley and San Francisco Dianne Barulich Prindiville Patricia Mullin Sahadi

Platinum Club

This recognition is bestowed upon donors whose gifts totaled $5,000 or more between Jan. 1, 2013 and Dec. 31, 2013. David & Stephanie Affourtit Manuel & Mari Alba John Ambroseo & Jeanette LaCorte Anonymous Harvey & Nola Armstrong Lou & Maureen Basile Madelyn Benzo Chuck & Melissa Berger Michael & Margaret Blach Frank & Gayle Boitano Peggy Bradshaw Fred & Willy Brown Chris & Katie Burke Ron & Marcia Cali Walter & Maria Baron ’76 Cannon Judy Castillo ’92 Ravi & Suman Chandra Gregory & Cathy Caputo ’84 Cioth Richard & Machell Silva ’83 Clark Richard & Diane Cristina Larry & Judy Ford ’78 Davis Joseph & Laura Decker J. Philip & Jennifer DiNapoli John & Melinda DiNapoli Matthew & Gretchen Nicoletti ’83 DiNapoli Tobin & Lisa Douglas John & Lori Mazzuca ’78 Duggan Ford Ellis & Barbara Marchini-Ellis Rey & Tricia Essex Daniel & Heather Fagundes Neil & Patsy Fanoe Robert & Shirley Ferguson Jeff & Edie Fisher Leon & Vanessa Zecher ’80 Fox Michael & Mary Ellen Fox Ron & Elena Becerra ’84 Garald David & Candace Garrett Charles & Julie Geiger Paul & Barbara Gentzkow Bert & Cyndie George Ernie & Marcia Giachetti Gary & Sue Giannini Jeanne Glad Mike Glad Bill & Barbara Heil Pete & Suzanne Sawochka ’84 Hooper Daniel & Debra Hunter Philip & JoAnn Iatomase Todd & Greta Jackson Winston & Katie Fanoe ’83 Jaeb Tim & Mary Kettmann Austin & Jeannette Kyles Clyde & Ivana LeBaron Fred Leonard & Gaye Landau-Leonard

Mark & Sharon Lohbeck Ron & Betty Lohbeck Bob & Sally DiSalvo ’66 Longinetti Fred & Holly Maguire Michael & Vicki Maniglia Thomas & Claire Martell David & Keli Martin Jeffrey & Melanie Martin Danny & Dolores Martinez Harlan & Lisa Normandin ’77 McHugh Matt & Ellen Medeiros Martin & Becky Menne Mark & Amy Dedinsky ’79 Milani Mary Miller ’72 Rita Minnis James & Barbara Fitzgerald ’78 Mulholland Jeffery & Jeanne Mullins Lon & Peggy Normandin Cassidy & Lisa Bonnici ’85 O’Hara Suneil & Rohini Parulekar David & Kathy Pasek Ron Pine Caroline Pineda John & Susan Pinheiro Ron & Diane Piziali Michael & Vicki Pope Krish & Padma Ramakrishnan Joseph & Mary Ann Ramirez Marcy Ray Mark & Cindy Reuter Ron & Fran Reynolds Stephanie Schiro ’79 Ronco Sean Rositano & Pat Schill Salas O’Brien Mark & Jackie Sellers Mike & Patti Simone Sisters of the Presentation Dan & Linda Sisto Michael & Adrienne Smith John M. Sobrato Keith & Tricia Chico ’86 Stephens Karen Strobach Marian Stuckey Bob & Sheila Swanson Reza & Jane Taheri Brent Taylor & Mary Jane Perryman Bob & Donna Teresi Jim & Joey Vaudagna Brian & Michelle Walsh Lissa Whelan Steven & Katherina White Gregory & Jennifer Fanoe ’82 Wolf Jon & Linda Yap

WINTER 2014 | 29

Annual Report 2013

Presentation Circle

We are honored to welcome 58 new families into the Presentation Circle this year. Membership in the Circle is awarded to those whose gifts were $1,500 or more from Oct. 1, 2012-Oct. 31, 2013. Stephen & Denise Abely Mark & Colleen Able David & Stephanie Affourtit Manuel & Mari Alba Junn & Lottie Alfelor Brian & Lisa Allen John Ambroseo & Jeanette LaCorte Nick & Linda Antonopoulos Harvey & Nola Armstrong Raymond & Arnette Asbury Carlos & Diane Normandin ’83 Azevedo Martin & Vickie Baccaglio Brad & Johannah Spencer ’02 Baccaglio Charles & Patricia Barker Steve & Elisa Robertson ’90 Baroni Lou & Maureen Basile Mary Beth Basile ’95 James & Eileen Beckley Lisa Bedard ’94 Eric & Maria Bellafronto Madelyn Benzo Chuck & Melissa Berger Robert & Nancy Bernal Matthew & Susan Bernal Ben & Katherine Bingaman Rabih El Bitar & Hiyam Bitar Donald & Peggy Blach Michael & Margaret Blach William & Kellie Blach Rooney Blach Diego Blanc & Maria Zoco Stephen & Marie Blankley Richard & Kara Blazier John & Dina Blazing Howard & Mary Blevins Ken & Cathy Bliss Ed & Lorrie Blythe Michael & Katie Ryan ’84 Boennighausen Frank & Gayle Boitano Catherine Bonnici Debbie Bosch Jeffrey & Donna Boss Eric & Whitney Buss ’84 Bouck Peggy Bradshaw Fred & Willy Brown Robert & Kathy Brown Bob & Carol Buchser Eric Buell & Sherrie Raposa Mark & Roseann Burhenne Chris & Katie Burke James & Kelly Ryan ’83 Burns Jeff & Kimberly Burrill John & Susan Busco Steven & Lisa Butler Paul & Lisa Pignati ’90 Cahalan Ron & Marcia Cali Neil & Sandi Maida-Callahan ’74 Dina Cannizzaro ’81 Walter & Maria Baron ’76 Cannon James & Jeanine Capobianco Robert & Dana Piziali ’88 Carollo Kapono Carter & Leslie Tung Judy Castillo ’92 Michael & Robyn Catelani James & Sharon Caviglia Alan Cezar & Jill Anderson Michael & Marie Chack Ravi & Suman Chandra Kenton & Teri Chow Stephen & Theresa Ciari Gregory & Cathy Caputo ’84 Cioth Richard & Machell Silva ’83 Clark Katherine Cobarrubia Brent & Suzanne Colvin Craig & Suzanne Colvin Thomas & Michelle Connelly Dick Coughlin & Liz Stroh-Coughlin Todd & Jacqueline Cottingham ’81 Courtney Chris & Marisa Watts ’94 Cozort Fred & Kim Crary Pegge Crisham Richard & Diane Cristina Thomas & Katherine Cronan Mark & Nanci Jo Crowley Dan & Toni Daly 30 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

John D’Ambrosio Duffy & Yvonne Benoit ’70 D’Angelo Bud & Wendy Davis Larry & Judy Ford ’78 Davis Hugo & Maria De La Torre Troy & Kristin Deacon Joseph & Laura Decker Bill & Helen Del Biaggio Ron & Corina Del Pozzo Donna Delaney Christopher Del Signore & Katherine Mullins Mark Denny & Kathleen Casquinha John & Jeanette DiBene John & Melinda DiNapoli Matthew & Gretchen Nicoletti ’83 DiNapoli J. Philip & Jennifer DiNapoli Rick & Julie Kenter ’74 DiNapoli John & Anne DiPalermo Mark & Mari Donnelly David & Linda Doolin Tobin & Lisa Douglas William & Sharon Drake John Duffy & Mary Kay Redmond John & Lori Mazzuca ’78 Duggan Victoria Dupuy Patrick & Kimberly Earnshaw Scott & Julie Edson Dottie Eichorn Ford Ellis & Barbara Marchini-Ellis Tim Enney & Catherine Aquino ’87 Rey & Tricia Essex Daniel & Heather Fagundes Pete & Joanne Fallico Neil & Patsy Fanoe Mark & Sheri Farley Robert & Shirley Ferguson Stephen & Joan Ferrari Steven & Diana Finucane Jeff & Edie Fisher Brandt & Jennifer Foreman Monica Fox Michael & Mary Ellen Fox Leon Fox & Vanessa Zecher ’80 Bill & Karen Frederick Michael & Arlene Fukawa Stephen & Kelly Callan ’91 Gaffaney Cal & Deirdre Gallagher Ron & Elena Becerra ’84 Garald David & Candace Garrett Charles & Julie Geiger Paul & Barbara Gentzkow Bert & Cyndie George Ernie & Marcia Giachetti Gary & Sue Giannini Timothy & Sondra Gill Rick & Terry Giorgetti William & Kathy Gisvold Mike Glad Jeanne Glad Bon & Ann Gotuaco Richard & Marlaine Griffin Mike & Jane Guerra Michael & Kathleen Gutto Dan & Denise Hall Butch & Kim Hamann Terence & Maeve Hannon John & Michelle Hansen Tom Hansen Bill & Barbara Heil William & Eileen Hennessey Richard & Heidi Herz Rocky & Aurelia Hill Pete & Suzanne Sawochka ’84 Hooper Ken & Irene Howell Mark & Pam Hudson Douglas & Diane Hughes William & Sandra Hughes Daniel & Debra Hunter David Iacobacci & Mayumi Yoshida Philip & JoAnn Iatomase Todd & Greta Jackson Winston & Katie Fanoe ’83 Jaeb David & Johanna Jaffer Danica Joseph ’86 Sam & Betsy Fanoe ’84 Kais

Sanjiv & Sudha Kaul Paul & Darina Kavanagh Beth Keifer ’69 John & Kris Giannini ’83 Kelly John & Laurie Kelm Mark & Andrea Kenter Brian & Karen Kerr Tim & Mary Kettmann Ray & Shari Khasrovi Dennis & Michelle Kim Daniel & Mary Knappenberger Austin & Jeannette Kyles Henry & Katherine Lambert Richard & Saundra Lambie David & Terry Langlais Dean & Terri Smith ’82 Lanoie Roger & Sally LaPierre Paula Larson David & Janice LaVelle Clyde & Ivana LeBaron Harry Lee & Debbie Lehr-Lee Mark & Cindy Lemma Frederick Leonard & Gaye Landau-Leonard John & Shari Levitt Robert & Michelle Lewis Mark & Sharon Lohbeck Ron & Betty Lohbeck Bob & Sally DiSalvo ’66 Longinetti Art & Agnieszka Lund Pol & Vicky Madamba Fred & Holly Maguire Robert & Ellen Maguire Edward & Mary Malysz Michael & Vicki Maniglia David & Keli Martin Jeff & Melanie Martin Danny & Dolores Martinez Keith & Diana Matasci Dean & Lynnda Matsuo William & Lisa Matthews John & Teresa McCarthy Harlan & Lisa Normandin ’77 McHugh Gordon & Anne Marie Freeman ’89 McNeill Matthew & Ellen Medeiros Joe Melehan & Celeste Martin Melehan Martin & Becky Menne Tom & Cathy Messier Jim & Susan Ferrari ’86 Mikacich Mark & Amy Dedinsky ’79 Milani Mary Miller ’72 Rita Minnis Robert & Martha Miroyan Larry Mitchell Nishit & Neeta Modi Craig & Emily Morris Michael & Kimberly Mulcahy Barbara Fitzgerald ’78 Mulholland Jeffery & Jeanne Mullins Currie & Claudia Munce Daniel & Paula Myers Hanh Nguyen & Kim Dang Paul & Katie Nhieu Patti Nishimura Lon & Peggy Normandin Mark & Julie Normandin William & Mary Beth Numann Kim Rademakers ’86 Odgers Cassidy & Lisa Bonnici ’85 O’Hara Ken & Linda Okenquist Andrew & Vickie Pagnon Marc & Linda Parkinson Larry & Anne Parks Suneil & Rohini Parulekar David & Kathy Pasek Paul & Monica Pashby Jack & Gayanne Peckham Jeff & Cathy Perrone Joseph & Linda Bruni ’67 Pfahnl Dennis Pham & Hanh Ha Sudarsana Piduri & Madhavi Sudarsana Ron Pine Caroline Pineda John & Susan Pinheiro David & Diane Pinn Ron & Diane Piziali

Michael & Dana Polini Frank & Ann Ponikvar Michael & Vicki Pope Patrick & Kimberly Premo John & Dianne Barulich SF ’65 Prindiville Roger & Cathy Quinlan Garrett Rajkovich Jesse & Nicole Chubb ’01 Ralston Krish & Padma Ramakrishnan Joseph & Mary Ann Ramirez Gregory & Margaret Randazzo Marcy Ray Jim & Wendy Renwick Mark & Cindy Reuter Ron & Fran Reynolds Jeff & Ann Ricci John & Marilyn Ritchie Stephanie Schiro ’79 Ronco Gene & Diane Fiock ’94 Rosenthal Mary Roth Steve & Patti Rottjakob James & Marie Ruane Ahmed & Zainab Rubaie Doug & Cindy Rubi Jim & Christine Shyba ’67 Russell Dan & Linda Russo Wilfred & Marianna Samson Joseph & Anne Sanfilippo Andrew & Stephanie Savage Mark & Susan Scalzo Shirlee DiNapoli Schiro Dave Schlessinger & Karin Cooke ’92 Thomas & Patricia Schneck Casey & Kristin Cooke ’90 Schneider Mark & Jackie Sellers Carla Sendig Vijay & Bhuvana Seshadri Mike & Patti Simone James & Moira Simunovich Raj & Melissa Singh Sisters of the Presentation Dan & Linda Sisto Derrik & Oona Huber ’87 Smith Gregory & MaryAnn Smith William Snyder John Sobrato Weston & Tiffany Sousa Marcie Spano Mike & Barbara Hefte ’74 Spencer Peter Spitters Fred & Karen Stahl Keith & Tricia Chico ’86 Stephens Karen Strobach Marian Stuckey Rajesh & Jaya Subramanian Gary & Jill Sullivan Vincent & Dina Sunzeri William & Merrill Sutherland Bob & Sheila Swanson Joan Taft Reza & Jane Taheri Richard & Diane Taylor Bruce & Julie Rubino ’78 Tenenbaum Bob & Donna Teresi Ernesto & Adora Tigmo Thomas & Alisa Tomlinson Alexander & Maria Ukanwa Craig & Molly Urban Luis & Lilia Vaca Gary & Janice Valenzuela Greg & Laura van den Dries Jim & Joey Vaudagna Arnie & Maria von Massenhausen Toni vonDohren Pat & Monica Wahler Brian & Michelle Walsh Robert Watson William & Shelley Webb Shanon Westlake Lissa Whelan Gregory & Jennifer Fanoe ’82 Wolf Jonathan & Linda Yap Jeffrey & Michelle Zellmer Michael Zellner & Susan Gentile Thomas Zirbes

Annual Report 2013

Business Giving

We are blessed by generous business supporters both inside the classroom and out. Donations of goods, services, time, money and more help our programs thrive. In gratitude for their contributions, we kindly ask that you help us return the favor and patronize our donors as much as possible. 101 Loan - Rob McCarthy A Catered Affair - Bob Changras Abbott Laboratories Acme Boiler & Water Heating Company Adobe Systems, Inc. Aldo’s Ristorante & Bar Aleza Photography Almaden Golf & Country Club Almaden Valley Aesthetics Almaden Valley Athletic Club Almaden Yoga American Legion Auxiliary Mayfair Post 791 Amici’s East Coast Pizzeria Ancient Faces - Daniel Pinna Annie Glass Antoine’s Cookie Shop Applied Materials Aqui Cal-Mex Audi Stevens Creek - Anthony Newell Bacosa Photography Bank of America Bargetto Winery Bedlam Beauty & Barber Bella James Women’s Boutique Bellarmine High School Benefit Boutique BentPeter Band - Mike Morgan Bertucelli’s La Villa Delicatessen Better Business Bureau Bill’s Café Biscuits Dog Boutique Bits & Pieces Bakery Blach Construction Company Blackbird Tavern Bliss Industries, Inc. Blue Rock BBQ Bombshell Boutique Breathe Yoga Studio Bridge Bank - Peggy Bradshaw Britannia Arms Almaden Buca di Beppo Byington Vineyard & Winery Cache - Valley Fair Cali Financial Management Co. California Association of DECA California Partners, Inc. California’s Great America Calypso St. Barth - Santana Row Camp Elle Campus Insurance Service Campus Pathway LLC Canzam Electric, Inc. Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce Capers Carden Academy of Almaden Carl Gellert & Celia Berta Gellert Foundation CBIZ Benefits & Insurance Services - Fred Maguire Charlie’s Cheesecake Works Chicago Steak & Fish Children’s Musical Theater of San Jose Ciano’s Ciari Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Cinnabar Hills Golf Club Cisco Systems Citi Private Bank Citti’s Florist Civic Club of San Jose Classic Car Wash - Hamilton Classic Instruments Colliers International - Ed Hofer Colliers International - Scott Daugherty Colombo Charitable Trust Cooper-Garrod Estate Vineyards Costco - Almaden Costco - Gilroy Costco - Senter Country Gourmet American Bistro Country Inn Café - Almaden Creekview Vineyards - Sherman Cellars Crepevine CYW Photography Dan Caputo Co. - Phil Rolla De Mattei Construction Inc.

Debut Salon - Lindsey Wagle Debut Salon - Maryam Liebmann Deloitte United Way Denny’s Details Clothing Co. Deutsche Bank Diane N. Azevedo, M.A., LMFT Dick’s Bakery Diocese of San Jose DMJ Distributors - Mark & Cindy Reuter Doerr Studios Dolce Spazio Gelato Donald L. Goudy, Jr. DDS Double D’s Sports Grille DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel San Jose Douglas Landscape Construction Dustin David Salon Edible Arrangements - Chari Angeles Edible Arrangements - Los Gatos El Guapos Elephant Bar Eli Thomas for Men Elite Collision Center Enterprise Trust & Investment Compay Entrees Unlimited eScrip EZ Cut Products - John & Lisa Long Fidelity Investments Filice Insurance - Cassidy O’Hara Fit Vibe Focus Business Bank Fox Racing - Santa Clara Fox Racing, Inc. Free People Frontier Ford Frontier Infiniti - Harlan McHugh Fulfillment Systems - Restaurant Division Gardino Ristorante Italiano Gartner Gary’s Rods & Restorations Genesis Photography George Chiala Farms, Inc. Giannotti, Inc. Gioia Company - Kathy Winkelman Giorgio’s Italian Food & Pizzeria GlaxoSmithKline Google Great American Opportunities GreenWaste Recovery, Inc. - Rich Cristina Guglielmo Winery Gustine Gun Club Hands in Motion - Kerry Adams Happy Hollow Park & Zoo Harris Precision Sheet Metal - Barry Harris Henry’s Hi-Life Heritage Bank of Commerce Hewlett Packard Hicklebee’s Higashioka & Yap, LLP Hobee’s California Restaurants Honda of Morgan Hill - Ted Stevens Hotel Valencia - Santana Row Howell Electric Hyland Family Bicycles Ibiss IBM Il Fornaio Industrial Metal Recycling - Jeff Brown ITque, Inc. J. Jill Jack’s Bar & Lounge Jake’s Restaurant Group Jen’s Cakes Jimbo’s Ice Cream John M. & Abby Sobrato Fund John’s of Willow Glen Johnny Was Johnson & Johnson Jordan Ashley, Hair Stylist & Colorist Joseph George Fine Wines JP DiNapoli Companies Inc. JP Morgan Chase Kaiser Permanente

Kelly & Associates - Michael Kelly Ketchum Integration - Steve Anderson KLA Tencor Kristina Rust Photography Kyoto Palace La Baguette - Scott Brunello Lagunitas Brewing Company Lam Research Corporation LAMP Landmark Builders Lash Lounge Los Gatos Lauridsen Associates Lautze & Lautze CPAs & Financial Advisors LB Steak LCL Machining - David Long Learning Plus Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation Let’s Go Vending Linda Krakow Eaman Photography Los Gatos Brewing Co. Los Gatos Café Lou’s Village Lunardi’s - Meridian Ave. MacArthur Place Inn & Spa Magpie Mandis Marchese Family Properties Marinello Schools of Beauty Mark E. Gray, D.C. - Chiro Sport Marriott San Jose Martha E. Sanfilippo Foundation Martin’s Computer Networks Matthew J. Bernal, D.D.S. Mentor Graphics Merry Mart Uniforms, Inc. Mezcal Restaurant Michael Merrill Design Studio Micron Technology Moreno & Associates Inc. - Tom Zipse Morgan Stanley Morgan, Franich, Fredkin & Marsh Douglas Morgan Morgan, Franich, Fredkin & Marsh - Mark Franich MorganStanley SmithBarney - Timothy Dixon Moss Adams LLP MP Construction Company Murray Window & Door, Inc. New York Life Normandin Chrysler Jeep Dodge Northwestern Mutual - Michael Kearns Nothing Bundt Cakes Nvidia O’Flaherty’s Irish Pub Oakley Oil Changers Olympic Recognition Products One Family Fund Opera San Jose Optimum Results Oracle Corporation Origami Owl - Lulu Neimeyer Our Lady of Grace Nativity School Palazzi Salon - Brianna Miller Palazzi Salon - Kelsey Hammil Paolo’s Restaurant Pet People Los Gatos Peter J. Rutti, M.D. Pfahnl & Hunt Accountancy Corp. PHS International Club Powell’s Sweet Shoppe of Willow Glen Princeton Capital - Arnie von Massenhausen ProTemp Accounting Solutions, Inc. R. Lang Company R.P.M. Exterminators - Keith & Rae Reuter Raley’s Supermarkets Reviresco Design Richard Coughlin, M.D. Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Museum Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery Roma Bakery Inc. - Steve Pera Rose Garden Auto Care Rosy’s at the Beach Round Table Pizza

Safeway - Almaden Safeway - Almaden/Cherry Safeway - Hamilton Salas O’Brien San Jose Giants Baseball Club San Jose Harley Davidson San Juan Oaks Golf Club SanDisk Santa Clara University Athletics SAP Saratoga Chocolates Save Mart School of Rock San Jose Scrambl’z SDS NexGen Partners Shadowbrook & Crow’s Nest Restaurants Sheldon of Los Altos Sheraton Palo Alto Hotel Silcon Valley Water Polo Corp Silicon Valley Community Newspapers Silver Creek Valley Country Club Sisters of the Presentation Small World Foundation Snow, Bittleston & Company Speedway Motorsports Sonoma St. Christopher School Stella B. Gross Charitable Trust Strada Salon & Day Spa Streamline Circuits - Gary Sullivan Summit Uniforms Sunnyvale Veterinary Clinic Super Silver SLO Superdry Sushi Confidential - Randy Musterer Sweet Christine’s Sweets by Design Swim South Bay Sylvan Learning Center Symantec Synopsys Foundation The Blues Jean Bar The Cake Man The Cheesecake Factory The Edge on Golf The Fish Market The Ford Store Morgan Hill The Golf Club at Boulder Ridge The Lexington House The North Face The Party Helpers The Screen Shop The Tech Museum of Innovation The Yoga Studio Timothy A. Gill, Attorney at Law Tip N’ Toe Salon Tomato Thyme - John & Holly Smith Toss Designs, Inc. Trader Joe’s - Campbell Trim Tech Construction Underground Boutique V.O. Smith Family Foundation Valley Images Varian Medical Systems Vera Bradley - Santana Row Vintage Wine Merchants Visa Vito’s New York Trattoria VMware Wells Fargo West Valley Charter Lines, Inc. Whatnots & Dodads White House/Black Market Whole Foods Campbell Willow Glen Diamond Company Willow Glen Home & Garden Willow Glen Yoga Winter Lodge Outdoor Ice Skating Xilinx Yahoo You Say Tomato Zanotto’s Market - Willow Glen

WINTER 2014 | 31

Annual Report 2013

In Memory and In Honor

A memorial gift to Presentation can help perpetuate the values that guided a loved one’s life. Gifts may also honor a person during his or her lifetime, or commemorate a significant event. Your thoughtful gift becomes a living memorial that touches the lives of our students. In Honor In Honor of Morgan Davies ’04 Thomas & Holly Davies In Honor of Shirlee DiNapoli Schiro Jason DiNapoli In Honor of Emily Fodor ’06 Robert Fodor & Linda Vinopal In Honor of Paige Fodor ’08 Robert Fodor & Linda Vinopal In Honor of Katherine Guercio ’07 Mimi McGarey In Honor of Michael Mulcahy Jason DiNapoli In Honor of Julia Offutt Junn & Lottie Alfelor In Memory In Memory of Christina Asbury ’05 Mark & Colleen Able Manuel & Mari Alba Raymond & Arnette Asbury Russell & Sandi di Bari Douglas & Diane Hughes T. Gordon & Rosalyn Hum Richard & Saundra Lambie PHS International Club In Memory of Zehra Attari Tasadduq Attari In Memory of Barbara Bennetti Ernie & Marcia Giachetti In Memory of Alfred Benzo Madelyn Benzo In Memory of Joan Berger Chuck & Melissa Berger In Memory of Noel Blair ’91 John & Linda Callan Kerry Blythe ’91 Hananouchi Nicole Hockenbury ’91 In Memory of Gina Bonnici ’87 Martha Bonnici Lisa Small ’87 Harrison Cassidy & Lisa Bonnici ’85 O’Hara In Memory of Suzi Brickley Lisa Bedard ’94 Gerald Brickley Reza & Jane Taheri In Memory of Rick Browne Connie Turner In Memory of Claire Buchser Bob & Carol Buchser In Memory of Nick & Melina Chiechi Mike & Evelyn Chiechi In Memory of Fedele Citti The Citti Family In Memory of Barbara Comey ’06 Ann Fitzsimons In Memory of Nancy Cooke Larry Cebull George Cooke & Pat Graaff Dave Schlessinger & Karin Cooke ’92 In Memory of Sr. Thecla Cronin, PBVM Ed & Doris Cronin In Memory of Ray & June Moless Davilla Ray & Jane Davilla 32 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

In Memory of Anthony Diodate Philip & Deanna LaBarbera

In Memory of James R. Mills Larry & Anne Parks

In Memory of Dean Dupuy Mike & Barbara Hefte ’74 Spencer

In Memory of Donald Mirassou Jack & Doris Urata

In Memory of Dollie K. Fukawa Patti Nishimura

In Memory of Jere K. Morgan Trish Morgan

In Memory of Raymond Iacobacci Rora Iacobacci

In Memory of Affi Panahi Ray & Shari Khasrovi

In Memory of Debra Lambert ’74 Mary Lonich ’74

In Memory of Lindsay Parkinson ’00 Richard Brown & Carlee Harder-Brown James & Elenore Hull Jack Parkinson Marc & Linda Parkinson

In Memory of Lois Mallison Mike & Barbara Hefte ’74 Spencer In Memory of Jennifer Martin Victoria Stewart ’96 Davis Robert & Michelle Eramo Douglas & Diane Hughes Michael & Gina Bouska ’96 Livingston Dave & Glenna McVey Dennis & Lyn Wills

In Memory of Raymond Picone Mike & Evelyn Chiechi Mike & Barbara Hefte ’74 Spencer

In Memory of Alyssa Messier ’99 Anthony Clark Tom & Cathy Messier

In Memory of Phil Ringenberg Ed & Lorrie Blythe John & Linda Herschbach Richard & Cheryl Linquist Gary & Cindy Oberman Charles & Patricia Territo

In Memory of Frances Miller Nick & Linda Antonopoulos Heinz & Theresia Binder Ed & Lorrie Blythe Michael & Hollister Brown Darin & Cindy Buscaglia Shelley Mangini ’80 Carr Kathy Grim ’71 Carter Ronald & Jill Buonaccorsi ’72 Carroll Dino & Mary Certa Susan Clary Brian & Elizabeth Taft ’77 Colella Dee Danna Donna Delaney David & Linda Doolin William & Sharon Drake Paul & Fran Fuhrman Barry & Linda Furtado Cal & Deirdre Gallagher Paul & Barbara Gentzkow Gary & Sue Giannini Bon & Ann Gotuaco Mani & Gloria Hernandez Stanley & Dorothy House Douglas & Diane Hughes Mark & Mary Taft ’79 Johnson Dianne Lagana ’69 Ann Heyburn ’82 Lane Jennafer Lane ’09 Lautze & Lautze CPAs & Financial Advisors Daniel & Mary Zimmer ’69 Lezotte Richard & Cheryl Linquist Bob & Sally DiSalvo ’66 Longinetti Al & Cassie Mangini Jeffrey Martin Dave & Glenna McVey Randall & Diane Meyer Steve & Becky Morrisey Lon & Peggy Normandin Jeanne Randazzo Ron & Fran Reynolds Phil Ringenberg Dan & Linda Russo Mark Scheig & T.J. Locke-Scheig Shirlee DiNapoli Schiro Sisters of the Presentation Mike & Barbara Hefte ’74 Spencer Bev Stair Marian Stuckey Joan Taft R. Alexander & Patricia Tennant Charles & Patricia Territo Scott & Theresa Taft ’86 Wells Jane Wiard

In Memory of Pat Scapini ’77 Quevedo Matthew & Ann Scapini ’76 Giluso Harlan & Lisa Normandin ’77 McHugh

In Memory of Steve Ronco Our Lady of Grace Nativity School In Memory of Mildred Russo Mike & Evelyn Chiechi In Memory of John Salamida Leon & Irma Agnoletti Jacquelyn Alderete Gerry & Anna Corral ’79 Alkema Richard & Lucy Amico Donald Bacci Barbara Balestrieri Jim & Teri Rebello ’80 Barnett Michael & Michelle Campisi ’82 Barsanti Walter Bennett Arlene Bertellotti Vincent & Lois Bertolacci Better Business Bureau Ken & Allie Blase Edward Calvello Dion & Linda Campisi Dan Caputo Stephen & Caroline Caracciolo Carlo & Marie Caralli Kathy Grim ’71 Carter Dorina Cereghino Jeff & Leslie Chamberlain John & Alvira Chargin Robert & Marian Ciraulo Civic Club of San Jose Marino & Jackie Cosentino Ted Cribari & Patricia Colter Bill & Mary Dalzochio Tom, Carol & Aaron Dean Frank DeCarlo Theodore & Patricia Deffinger Dario & Theresa Della Maggiore Steve & Jan Difu The Fagiano Family Salvatore & Patricia Fanciullo Al & Carolyn Ferrari Mike & Carol Filice Keith & Kathleen Frost Alice Gallo Mary Gallo-Murphy Bert & Cyndie George Brian & Jennifer Geranen Leon & Lorrie Gervin Gary & Sue Giannini Dennis Golden David & Cathy Gottwals

John & Terry Guerra Gene & Rose Guido Paul & Diana Gunsky Gustine Gun Club Matt & Ellen Hamamoto Leland & Beverly Hancock Thomas & Sheree LaBarbera ’79 Hanson Starr & Donna Henderson Heritage Bank of Commerce Bob & Rina Holman George & Sharon Hurley Tom Inokuchi Michaelyn Jenkins Angelo & Kathleen La Scola Philip & Deanna LaBarbera Armand Labrucherie Larry & Chris Leikind Frank & Dolly Lico Richard & Cheryl Linquist Charles Longwello John & Joan Malloy Gennaro & Marilyn Malzone Chris & Lisa Marchese Russel & Stephanie Maridon Susan Marvin Joseph Massolo Bridget McKay ’70 Cathy Miller Larry Mitchell Al & Joanne Moore Adel & Gadah Nazzal Craig & Janet New Dave & Margaret Obenour Edward & Helen Owen Nick & Deanna Pelinga Walt & Patti Phillips Ron & Betty Pieracci Ken & Louisa Postier R. Lang Company Ron & Fran Reynolds Stephen & Katherine Ricossa Ben & Sue Robinson Joseph & Connie Russo Peter J. Rutti, M.D. Yuri Saito Nanoo Salvato Steven & Gertrude Sheffield Dan & Linda Sisto Snow, Bittleston & Company Bill & Debra Sousa Ernest Speno Dan Teresi Charles & Patricia Territo Roseanna Torretto James & Mary True Emi Tsutsumi Vito’s New York Trattoria James Vertin Gary & Bonnie Vogel Patricia Wittekind Jimi & Eiko Yamaichi John & Nina Zoria In Memory of Nick Salamida Charles & Patricia Territo In Memory of William Scheler III Lorraine DiPaolo In Memory of Louise Selman Valerie Mazzoncini In Memory of Alison Smith ’96 Ben & Kaecey Smith ’95 McCormick Gregory & MaryAnn Smith In Memory of Pavan Subramanian Rajesh & Jaya Subramanian In Memory of Frank Turner Connie Turner In Memory of Belton Wolf Gary & Sue Giannini

Annual Report 2013

Family Endowment

The endowment provides permanent funding for financial aid and co-curricular programs, and it is a critical component in keeping tuition costs as affordable as possible. It gives students who would otherwise be unable to attend Presentation the resources needed to fully participate in all areas of school life. Manuel & Mari Alba Family Endowment Manuel & Mari Alba Harvey & Nola Armstrong Family Endowment Harvey & Nola Armstrong Randy & Patti Blair Family Endowment Richard & Carlee Harder-Brown Family Endowment Ronald & Marcia Cali Family Endowment Ronald & Marcia Cali Robert & Kate Chimenti Family Endowment Raymond, James & Lynn Davilla Family Endowment Raymond & Jane Davilla Gretchen Nicoletti ’83 DiNapoli Endowment Matthew & Gretchen Nicoletti ’83 DiNapoli

Nano Nagle Legacy Society

This society was established to recognize donors who remember Presentation High School in their will or estate plan. You may also qualify for membership by making Presentation the beneficiary of your life insurance policy, charitable remainder or lead trust. Such generosity allows your legacy to live on in the bright futures of our students! Manuel & Mari Alba Frank & Gayle Boitano Ron & Marcia Cali Margie Chiechi ’68 Ray & Jane Davilla Larry & Judy Ford ’78 Davis Patricia Duran Thomas & Elizabeth Fedyna John Fernandez Rick & Terry Giorgetti Staff & Peg Grady Andrew & Nena Duran ’82 Lehane John & Shari Levitt Dave & Susan McBride Matt & Ellen Medeiros Martin & Becky Menne Keith & Lindsay Meyer Thomas & Jayne Rose ’72 Miller

Marlene Mirassou ’66 Estate of Mollerus Gary & Patty Neustadter Delores Niemiller Lon & Peggy Normandin Ron Pine Joe & Marti Rao Ludwig & Adrienne Renner Stephanie Schiro ’79 Ronco Jonathan & Michelle Sanchez Philip Sanfilippo QTIP Trust Dan & Linda Sisto Mike & Barbara Hefte ’74 Spencer Marian Stuckey Jacqueline Tinney Frank & Alice Dewhirst ’78 Ursano Roxanne Vane

Neil & Patsy Fanoe Family Endowment Neil & Patsy Fanoe Winston & Katie Fanoe ’83 Jaeb Bill & Karen Frederick Family Endowment S.O. Glad Family Endowment Mike Glad Jeanne Glad Sr. Adele Hancock, PBVM Endowment Sisters of the Presentation Robert & Sally Longinetti Family Endowment Robert & Sally DiSalvo ’66 Longinetti Matthew & Ellen Medeiros Family Endowment Fr. Al Miller Endowment David & Linda Doolin Mary Miller ’72 Lon & Peggy Normandin Family Endowment Caren Normandin ’74 Carlos & Diane Normandin ’83 Azevedo Harlan & Lisa Normandin ’77 McHugh Lon & Peggy Normandin Yvonne Macie Pine Endowment Ron Pine Ron & Diane Piziali Family Endowment Ron & Diane Piziali Michael & Vicki Pope Family Endowment Michael & Vicki Pope Krish & Padma Ramakrishnan Family Endowment Marian Stuckey Endowment Penny Giovanetti ’69 Tim Stuckey Gary & Janice Valenzuela Family Endowment Vintage ’62 Endowment Gregory & Cathy Caputo ’84 Cioth Bud & Wendy Davis Fred & Holly Maguire Craig & Molly Urban Pat & Monica Wahler Anna Marie Brassill ’38 Zabala PHS-SF Endowment

WINTER 2014 | 33

Class Notes 1980s

1960s Maureen Wade ’67 Hennessey is living and working in Portland, Ore., and she is a new grandmother to Daisy Faye, born in August. “I love life in the Northwest, even the rain!” she said. “Love to all my classmates from ’67.”

Shannon Gilligan ’84 Hemphill (below) had a starring role in Cell Talk: 1410, a play about two remarkable women in Medieval England, which ran for a month and culminated in October at St. Francis Episcopal in Willow Glen. Shannon played the lead role of Margery Kempe, who visits the wellknown mystic Julian of Norwich in her cell to discuss her own mystical conversations with Jesus. Shannon got her start in drama at high school, in Arsenic and Old Lace at Presentation and MacBeth at Bellarmine. She lives in Los Gatos with her husband and daughter and works as a consulting accountant.

’68 From the Class of 1968 (above): Front row: Camille Huber Ryan, Mary Cowell Mitchell, Carol Viehweger Meyers, Marilyn Gurries Matulich. Back row: Kathy Schettino Sattler and Margie Chiechi.

1970s Michelle Marchant ’76 and Anne Murphy ’76 Kent climbed Mt. Rainier in September. In June they climbed Mt. Whitney with Louise Strutner ’76.

’74 From the Class of 1974 (above): Caren Normandin, Barbara Hefte Spencer, Lesa Pascali, Annie Vaudagna, Nancy Allen, Cathie Klose Lohr, Barbara Raaymakers Smith and Donna Sanfillippo Schreiber. 34 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL


1990s Monica Celli ’90 Vega and Rod Vega welcomed into the world their new baby, Sullivan Vega. Siobhan Ippolito ’91 O’Byrne and husband Thomas O’Byrne gave birth to their new daughter, Aine Mai O’Byrne (below).

Paula Moreno ’95 was recently named to the 40 Under 40 list put out by the Silicon Valley Business Journal. Paula is the managing partner at Lankford Crawford Moreno LLP law firm. Susan Pivk ’93 and Tim Connolly welcomed into the world their son, Liam Patrick Connolly. Jenn Sousa ’97 and Juan Martinez had a new baby, Jagger James Sousa Martinez (below).

’91 Cynthia Lucero-Obusan ’93 and her husband Oliver joyfully announce the birth of their daughter, Lizelle Ivanna Obusan (below), who was born on Sept. 14. She weighed 6 lbs. 12 oz. and was 18.9 inches long. Cynthia enjoyed serving as reunion chair for the Class of 1993’s 20th reunion this year. She and her husband both continue to work at the VA hospital in Palo Alto, and they recently formed a young adult ministry at their local parish, St. Martin of Tours. They invite Pres alums in the San Jose area to join their young adult activities. For more information, visit or find the St. Martin of Tours Young Adult group on Facebook.

’97 Heather Roddick ’98 Blass has been living in Modesto for six years and is in her third year as Coordinator for the MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group at Big Valley Grace Community Church. This year has been really exciting as the group grew to include 100 moms. “My time at Presentation definitely grew and developed my leadership abilities that I am using now, to support and reach mommies for Jesus!” said Heather, who celebrated her 11th wedding anniversary to her husband, Jake, and has three daughters, in preschool, 3rd and 4th grade.

’93 WINTER 2014 | 35

Julia Ruiz ’98 Selfridge and her husband Casey welcomed her second daughter, Cameron Marie (below), on July 12. “We are thrilled that our oldest daughter Josie will now have a sister, and that we will be able to raise two confident and strong women (in the Presentation spirit!)” Julia earned her Master’s degree in Child, Couple and Family Therapy and is working in Admissions at an independent school specializing in highly capable education. Her husband also works in education as a high school science teacher and head football coach. They love living in the Pacific Northwest, but make frequent trips to San Jose to visit family and friends, many of whom attended Pres.

’97 ’98 ’01 From left, Jessica Zenk ’97, holding her daughter, Miriam Armstrong (future Pres girl, Class of 2029!), Becky Hartman ’98, Clarissa Enany ’98 and Julie Alves ’01 Brosnan. Beth Gutto ’99 Rhodes and Beau Rhodes had a new baby girl, Olive Rhodes.

’98 Clarissa Enany ’98 was married to Ryan Fowler (below).

2000s Mary Ann Brown ’00 was married to Ben D’Antonio. Lindsay Hills ’00 recently accepted a call as the Associate Rector at the Episcopal Church of St. Matthew in San Mateo and is excited to be back in the Bay Area after two years in New England.

’01 ’04 From the Class of 2001 (above): Michelle Cole ’01 Clark, Brooke Rose ’01 Hammel, Nicole Chubb ’01 Ralston, Chandani Patel ’01 and Charlene Chubb ’04 Sigler. Catrina Bliss ’01 and Nicholas Pak welcomed a new daughter, Kinsley Louise Pak.


Bri di Bari ’01 was married to Neil Schachter.

Chandani Patel ’01 graduated from Golden Gate University Schools of Law and Business in 2012. After passing the California Bar Exam and accepting a contract attorney position at Pandora Media, Inc., she recently joined PopSugar, a global technology company focusing on women’s lifestyle media and commerce. As corporate counsel and interim head of legal at PopSugar, she greatly enjoys living only 12 minutes away from the office in San Francisco.


Roxy Kamal ’06 played for Columbia on the United States Women’s National Futsal Team in the Futsal World Cup. Jenna Zellmer ’06 passed the Massachusetts Bar Exam. She graduated from Boston University Law School in May and from Boston College in 2010. Casey Larson ’07 is in her third and final year of pursuing a Master’s degree at the University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts.

’09 Kelly Larson ’09 (above, far left) graduated from Loyola Marymount and is now a production assistant in the writers room for The Vampire Diaries. Danielle Marchell ’09 has accepted a position with Sharks Sports and Entertainment as a public relations assistant.

2010s Angelia Tran ’10 is applying for a scholarship to earn her Master’s degree in public policy at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin. Kaitlyn Dahl ’11 is a junior at the University of San Francisco.

We are eager to hear about your families, careers, achievements and milestones! You may email updates and photos at any time to Alumnae Director Kristin Cooke ’90 Schneider at We can’t wait to hear from you!

Whenever a group of Pres alums get together, the stories start. There’s the one about how they smuggled that freshman to McDonald’s in the trunk of their car. And that time they won the state championship in volleyball. And wasn’t there something about a dead mink in a Pres skirt hanging in a bathroom stall? So many stories abounded that someone could have written a book. And so someone did. That someone was Julia Prodis Sulek from the Class of 1981 — and what a book it is. Dearest Gold and Blue is a gorgeous, full-color tribute to the 50 years of women who have made Presentation what it is today. The book was released in November 2012 to great acclaim. Dozens of alumnae attending a launch party paged through the sections on academics, sports, service, and traditions and exclaimed over the memories contained within. The book also features the name of every single graduate from the first 50 years, plus the names of faculty and staff members, sports champions, valedictorians and Nano Nagle award recipients, volunteers of the year and much more. The book — along with other commemorative anniversary jewelry and apparel — may be purchased at WINTER 2014 | 37

Auction 2013:


Guests at our 2013 Auction thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful new venue at Villa Ragusa, which was transformed in true Venetian style. All proceeds directly benefited student programs at Presentation High School.

Paul and Fran Fuhrman

Michael and Liz Brown

Mario Ronco


Brian and Lisa Allen, Mairead and John Kavanagh

Sister Stephanie Still, PBVM, and Marian Stuckey

Vicki and Mike Pope

Alice Dewhirst ’78 Ursano, Tricia Chico ’86 Stephens and Keith Stephens

Sherrie Raposa and Eric Buell

Lissa Whelan and Sal Pizarro

Joe Antuzzi, Susan Walsh, Brian Walsh, Trish Stapleton and Sue Antuzzi

Aurelia Hill, David and Kathy Gillespie WINTER 2014 | 39

Circle Dinner

The annual Circle Dinner is an exquisite tribute to our generous donors and volunteers of the year, made festive by performances from the dance team and choirs.

Mary Miller ’72, Lissa Whelan, Linda Okenquist and Susan Ferrari ’86 Mikacich

Marlaine and Richard Griffin

Sharon and Jim Cavliglia, Alisa and Thomas Tomlinson

Paula Myers, Mary Roth and Dan Myers

Volunteers of the Year:

Karen Daniels and Alice Dewhirst ’78 Ursano 40 | PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL

Karen Daniels, Arlene Fukawa, Lisa Gilday

Lisa Gilday, Jane Jeziorski and Arlene Fukawa

Scholarship Luncheon

Last November, 157 students and Presentation supporters shared a luncheon together in the Marian Stuckey Center. The donors delighted in meeting the young women whose educations they are helping to provide.

Peggy Normandin and Kate M’Guiness

Back row (L to R): Yaxcha Mariles, Micah Lownsbery, Renee Cooper, Debra Simontacchi, Gretchen Nicoletti ’83 Di Napoli. Front row: Angelina Maciel, Tricia Chico ’86 Stephens, Keith Stephens, Matt DiNapoli

Back row (L to R): Frinneth Rueda, Marissa Jacobo, Mayli Diaz Infante. Front row: Sheila Swanson, Juritzi Torres, Sabrina Slattery, Cathy Caputo ’84 Cioth, Judy Ford ’78 Davis.

Jeff Mullins

Back row (L to R): Zahira Trejo, Alexandra Drechsler, DeAnna Berar, Hailey Dollar, Shelby Tindall, Claire Dominion. Front row: Marilese Mowen, John Sobrato, Maria Estrada, Ron Pine

Back row (L to R): Yvonne Bellido, Olivia Lechuga-Aguilar. Front row: RoseMarie Matchak, Elizabeth Villa, Stephanie Schiro ’79 Ronco, Elisa Robertson ’90 Baroni, Monica Pashby

Alexandra Drechsler WINTER 2014 | 41


Richard Bowers Grandfather of Ginnie Sutfin ’94, Cara Drumm ’94 and Erin Sutfin ’95 DeBaets JoAnn Carminito Mother of Rosalind Carminito ’66 Daley (deceased), Linda Carminito ’68 Kellogg, Joni Carminito ’71, Theresa Carminito ’75 Sorich, DeeDee Carminito ’77 Nollenberger, Annette Carminito ’78 Heredia and Marie Carminito ’79 Roark

Robert Alves Mello Grandfather of Alexis Dulin ’14 William Mifsud Grandfather of Monica Misfud Joan Mull Grandmother of Eve Bostick ’06

Sr. Mary Roberta Connolly, PBVM

Marilyn “Lynne” Stasburger Murphy Grandmother of Kathleen Dwyer ’06

Katherine Gomez ’82 Crooker Sister of Christine Gomez ’80 Perez (deceased)

Raymond Brendan O’Flaherty Grandfather of Molly O’Flaherty ’14 and Anya O’Flaherty ’17

Bill Crowley Father of Maureen Crowley ’79 Kane and Sheila Crowley ’75 Albers

Victor C. Pfeiffer Jr. Grandfather of Amie Pfeiffer ’01 and father-in-law of Linda De Mattei ’71 Pfeiffer

Daisy Dinapoli Grandmother of Jennifer DiVittorio ’09, Danielle DiVittorio ’11 and Olivia DiVittorio ’16

Jorge Rivera Father of Liliana Poppen, faculty member

Dean Dupuy Father of Jordan Dupuy ’15

Marilyn Romanello Grandmother of Danielle Polini ’04 and Christina Polini ’07

Martina Buehler ’86 Durham

John Rovinske Father-in-law of Angelle Poirier ’96 Rovinske

Pat Earley Father of Jennifer Earley ’13

Shardaben Shah Grandmother of Neerali Shah ’14

Jasbir Gill Grandmother of Amreen Gill ’14

Brendan Gerard Staveley Father of Jennifer Staveley ’87

Gary Gratny Husband of Marisa Lenzi ’84 Gratny, father of Hanna Gratny ’15

Inez Tiernan Mother of Sharon Tiernan ’66 Ulrickson, Marleen Tiernan ’70 Trujillo and Nancy Tiernan ’75 Kraw; grandmother of Julianne Tiernan ’93 DeBernardo

France Jazzar Great-grandmother of Amanda Antone ’16 Nancy Ann Keran Grandmother of Amy Templeton ’97 Smith

Mille Russo Grandmother of Elizabeth Russo ’03 Hutchinson

Sister Mary Thomas Magee, PBVM

Jagdish Virdi Grandfather of Gurpreet Sokhi ’14

Celedonia Mangilaya Great-grandmother of Sabrina Ilumin ’15

Francis Whalen Grandfather of Nina Mandracchia ’14

Ruth Ann McFarlane Grandmother of Jamie Hamann ’96 and Katie Ravizza ’99 Velasco Pushpa Mehta Grandmother of Bhasi Mehta ’14


A look back in time...


Upcoming Events at Pres March 15-16, 20-23 Spring Drama, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” Valenzuela Theater

April Circa late 1960s, the student newspaper staff excitedly reads their latest issue.

April 5-6, 11-13 Blue Plaid Players Musical, “All Hands on Deck” Valenzuela Theater


March 28 Fashion Show Santa Clara Convention Center

May 1 May Day Prayer Service Courtyard May 2 Spring Choir Concert Valenzuela Theater May 7-8 Dance Concert Valenzuela Theater May 9 Golf Tournament Cinnabar Hills May 19 Confirmation Miller Athletic Complex May 30 Class Day Liturgy

The Guitar Club at Presentation moderated by Sister Jessica was one of the more popular clubs in the early 1970s.

May 31 Graduation

WINTER 2014 | 43

Giving can change your life Opening your wallet for a worthy cause – few decisions are as generous, or as personal. For alum Tricia Chico ’86 Stephens, now a mother of three daughters, the choice was easy because of what she knows about Presentation High School – that it shapes girls into strong, independent women who are prepared to handle anything that comes their way. For her husband Keith the decision stemmed from a childhood shadowed by financial struggle, with his parents forced to worry more about putting food on the table than investing in education. Three years ago, the couple made a big decision: to sponsor students at Presentation via the Direct Aid program. When they wrote their check, they hoped it would change the lives of students. What they didn’t know is that it would also change their own. Recently Keith was visiting the Spartan Ticket Office at San Jose State University, and while there he struck up a conversation with a staff member in which he described how gratifying it felt to donate to a worthy cause like Presentation. As Keith was leaving, a woman in the office rushed out to catch him in the parking lot and asked if he was the one who donated to the Presentation scholarship program. Keith said yes, and the woman began to cry. “Did I do something wrong?” Keith asked as he gave her a hug. No, quite the opposite. The woman said that with her job in office administration, there was no way she could afford private school. But because of people like Keith, her daughter was able to attend Presentation on a scholarship. The powerful moment made Keith realize that their donations make a very real difference. 44 | PRESENTATION PRES PRES RESENT E ENT ATION ATI O HIGH ON HIGH SCHOOL SCHO SCHO CH OL O

Keith and Tricia Stephens, and their daughters (from left: Ashley, Jamie and Kiley)

This fall, Tricia and Keith attended a luncheon at which they met students who benefit from their donation. That’s when they realized that their gift to Pres was also a gift to themselves. “We loved meeting these students,” Tricia said. “They are so appreciative of this education and truly love to participate fully in the school, taking full advantage of all opportunities and making the most out of their high school experience. To hear their personal stories and see how hard they are working in school really inspires me.” Tricia knows that even after these girls graduate, they will be part of something bigger than themselves. “I’m touched to already see that special Pres-girl bond that I myself still treasure 27 years later. You can meet someone and feel instantly connected, only to find out that they were a Pres girl, too.” Now Tricia and Keith have made a donation that will have a huge impact – they have made a contribution to our new building project. In addition to providing scholarships, they want to help ensure that Presentation can continue offering a rich Catholic education and top-notch student programs. “It actually has been a gift to us to be able to help out and support Presentation,” Tricia said. “Investing in future generations by enabling the school to continue to offer more programs was an easy choice. “After personally knowing the impact Pres had on my life and then seeing its impact on current students in the scholarship program, we welcomed the opportunity to give. I encourage all alumnae to get involved. I like to imagine what it would be like if everyone gave something.”

Supporting Presentation High School Your support makes learning possible. Making a donation to Presentation means you are empowering the next generation of smart leaders, creative thinkers and global citizens. Donations to the young women of Presentation can come in many forms. A gift to the Annual Giving Program or Direct Aid has an immediate impact. Or you may contribute to our Endowment for a gift that lasts for generations. We also hope to see you at our memorable fundraisers. Your investment of money and time is invaluable.

How to Give Online: Go to and click the “Donate Today” button.

Endowment Endowment gifts are held and only the interest earned is used to assist the operating budget and the financial aid program.

By phone: Call Office of Advancement Director Alice Dewhirst ’78 Ursano at 408-264-5110 ext. 2447 to make a pledge.

Wishbook Each year teachers submit requests for specific items that support classroom learning and school programs.

Mail or drop off a check to: Presentation High School Office of Advancement 2281 Plummer Ave. San Jose, CA 95125

eScrip There is no cost for this easy fundraiser – just register your grocery and credit cards, and shop as you normally would, and a percentage is given back to the school.

Direct Aid Scholarship Program Direct Aid provides immediate funding for tuition and other expenses, ensuring that any qualified student may receive a Presentation education regardless of her family’s ability to pay tuition.

Company matching Do you want your gift to make a bigger impact? Look into your company matching program!

For more information on these and other opportunities, visit or contact Office of Advancement Director Alice Dewhirst ’78 Ursano at 408-264-5110 ext. 2447 or via email:

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Presentation High School 2281 Plummer Avenue San Jose, CA 95125


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