WildLand - January 2015

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WILDLAND Teken in en WEN groot






The most beautiful of them all By Craig Boddington


40 000 raampies per sekonde

Goue ring wys dis goue gehalte


A straight-pull marvel

Suid-Afrika se model-jagter


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06 were opgehang word 46 Lank voor ons ge-

Nood leer mens bid Deur Cobus Erasmus

.22-250 48 The Remington

Jan de Man vra:

58 Wat van duiwe?



PRECISION IN EVERY SITUATION Stalking. Mountain hunting. Moving hunt. Safari. Hide hunting. Every type of hunting is special, each of them appealing and exciting in their own way. You are equipped for any of these scenarios with the Z6(i). This masterpiece from SWAROVSKI OPTIK has revolutionised the way we use rifle scopes. It has a 6x zoom, thereby ensuring an impressive field of view at low magnification, as well as enabling you to recognise all the key details at high magnification. You can choose from eight different models, which all essentially combine uncompromising optics with all the necessary fine settings. Perfectly adapted and already tried and tested more than 100,000 times. When seconds are crucial – SWAROVSKI OPTIK.



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Indeks / Index RUBRIEKE / COLUMNS Uit die heup uit / From the hip Die Vuurwapenwet: Ons gaan nie sommer ons gewere ophang nie Wat, waar en wanneer Die luiperds van Shyamanzi Nyala facts


Hunting on Blanco in North-West Raising the alarm Nood leer bid... en ’n plan maak Craig Boddington hunts Africa’s prize animal, the nyala

34 42 46 52



Strasser the straight-pull marvel Vat die spoor van die sebra Hoëspoedfotografie: Wat maak jou Koeël binne-in die bok? Leupold: Goue ring, goue waarde Beeldskone jagter van Ellisras nou bekend op TV Practical cartridge basics: .22-250 Remington

08 16 18 36 40 48

Wildsfrikkadelle met bos-bessiesous en suurkool




Wild & Warm resepteboek bestelvorm

Foto: Hilton Kotze

The Strasser rifle is a “straight-pull marvel”, according to the expert Pierre van der Walt. This highly innovate design by Horst Blaser is making its mark on the market with a touch of flair.


KOMPETISIES / COMPETITIONS Kyk wat het ek gejag Teken in op Wildland en wen groot

28 44

Algemene navrae / General inquiries info@wildlandmag.co.za Posadres / Postal address Posbus 30541, Wonderboompoort, 0033 Redaksionele / Editorial staff Redakteur / Editor André van Dyk andre@wildlandmag.co.za T: 012 335 1140 C: 082 455 8707 Uitlegkunstenaar / Layout artist Quentin Nell Algemene navrae / General inquiries Rika van Dyk T: 012 335 1140 C: 079 892 0023 F: 086 208 0652

Bydraers / Contributers Cobus Erasmus Craig Boddington Deon Furstonburg Gareth Goons Jan de Man Jannie Parsons Paul Coetzee Pierre van der Walt Piet Eloff René Prinsloo Rudolph van der Westhuysen

Drukker / Printer Conti Print ruan@contiprint.co.za T: 011 334 1484 Adres / Address: Unit D7 Village Main Industrial Park 51 - 61 Rosettenville Road Village Main Johannesburg


Hoëspoed-fotografie wat teen 40 000 raampies per sekonde geneem is wys presies wat gebeur wanneer die koeël sy teiken tref. Dit stel die vervaardigers van jagkoeëls in staat om beter ontwerpe te doen.

Versprei deur: / Distributed by: Travis Moore T: 011 401 5778 travis.moore@onthedot.co.za Intekenare / Subscribers info@wildlandmag.co.za C: 079 892 0023 Member of/Lid van:

© Kopiereg Wildland. Alle inhoud in hierdie publikasie word deur kopiereg beskerm. Alle regte voorbehou. © Copyright Wildland. All content in this publication is copyright protected. All rights reserved. The editor reserves the right to change or shorten articles and letters. The editor, publisher and editorial staff accept no responsibility for the content of articles as well as the content of advertisements.


Craig Boddington, the well-known American writer, calls the nyala “Africa’s prize animal”. Read of his interesting experiences in Southern Africa while hunting nyala.

Januarie / January 2015



Uit die heup uit / From the hip

Eendrag maak mag

Unity is strength

Dis ’n nuwe jaar met nuwe geleenthede, nuwe moontlikhede The year ahead will present both opportunities and challenges en dalk ook nuwe moeilikheid. In hierdie verband verwys ek na to all of us in the sport shooting and hunting fraternity. On die aankondiging dat die owerhede besluit het om weer met ’n the challenges side - Amendments to the firearms law hit the vergrootglas na die Vuurwapenwet te kyk. Ek is nie iemand wat headlines recently after the fatal shooting of Bafana Bafana spoke opjaag nie en gaan dit ook nie in die toekoms doen nie, Captain Senzo Meyiwa. Although many of you might hang maar as daar al ooit ’n goeie tyd was om ’n verenigde front te your heads in despair, I see this as a golden opportunity for all vorm, is dit nou die tyd en die geleentheid. Alle belanghebbende hunting and sport shooting associations to work together from partye moet van die begin af saamwerk en saam die nodige the beginning to ensure that in the wake of insette gee en daardeur ’n sterk boodskap this latest challenge they are able to present aan die owerhede deurgee. Die foute wat a unified front and a solid argument to ons in die verlede gemaak het, moet onder Government to ensure that the firearms we geen omstandighede herhaal word nie, maar indien almal nie saamwerk nie, gaan use to pursue our favourite pastime will still daardie foute herhaal word. Dit is ’n feit wat be available to us. nie weggeredeneer kan word nie. Wildland has secured the services of Miskien is dit nie so erg as wat ons dink Rudolf van der Westhuysen, a well-known nie en ek gaan ook nie probeer om die lawyer who deals with issues around the situasie op te blaas en uit balans te ruk Firearms Control Act on a daily basis to nie. Al wat ek sê is: Wees voorbereid en keep us abreast of the situation and his staan saam. Onthou die ou leuse van ons first article appears on page 6. I feel that voorvaders: “Eendragt maakt magt.” Dit is if we follow the motto of our forefathers hierdie leuse wat ander mense in die verlede “Eendragt maakt magt”-“unity is strength”, baie suksesvol toegepas het en daardeur het our voices will be heard and we will prevail. hulle gekry wat hulle wou hê. André van Dyk by die nyala wat hy in 1988 naby Mkuse Wildland het die dienste van Rudolf van I wish for all of you that 2015 brings in Kwa-Zulu Natal gejag het. der Westhuysen, die bekende prokureur wat you interesting hunting and shooting daagliks met die Vuurwapenwet te doen experiences and that all the various types of het, bekom wat ons op ’n gereelde basis op hoogte gaan hou van firearms you require to carry out your favourite sport shooting die vordering van die proses. Die eerste artikel verskyn op and hunting activities will remain readily available to you. bladsy 6. Ek wens julle almal ’n voorspoedige 2015 toe. Mag julle jagpaaie interessant wees, julle skote reg geplant wees en mag elke jagter en sportskut genoeg skietysters hê om sy teikens suksesvol te tref! Reguit skiet

Straight shooting

en die Wildland-span

Ons wil graag die mening van ons lesers kry en dit in ‘n briewekolom publiseer. Stuur asseblief jul briewe aan info@wildlandmag.co.za

and the Wildland team

We want to publish the opinion of our readers. Please send your letters to info@wildlandmag.co.za


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Teken in op WILDLAND en staan ‘n kans om ‘n Savage Axis-geweer te WEN. Sien bl. 63 SMS “Wildland” na 45633 om in te teken (R1,50 per SMS) Subscribe to WILDLAND and stand a chance to WIN a Savage Axis rifle. See p. 63 SMS “Wildland” to 45633 to subscribe (R1,50 per SMS)

Januarie Januarie // January January 2015 2015

Ons gaan nie sommer ons gewere ophang nie Die meeste lesers het waarskynlik kennis geneem van die onlangse gefladder in die Wapenwet-duiwehok… Soos altyd, net voor Kersfees en met almal wat jaag om alles klaar te kry, het die nuutste voorgestelde Konsepwysiging van 2014 op die Wet op die Beheer van Vuurwapens, Wet 60 van 2000, ons bekruip en met skaars vier dae om daarop kommentaar te lewer, amper met die broek om die enkels gevang. Wapenbeheer is die wêreld oor niks nuuts nie en dit wil voorkom of die meeste lande op die een of ander tyd daarmee te doen kry. Rusland, Turkye, Duitsland, China, Brittanje, die VSA en Australië, om maar ’n paar te noem, gaan onder wapenbeheer gebuk. Die bevolking van Suid-Afrika het vanaf 1900 (1,4 miljoen) geweldig gegroei na vandag se ongeveer 45 miljoen en dit is noodsaaklik om die besit en gebruik van vuurwapens te beheer. Ons eie geskiedenis in hierdie verband is geen uitsondering nie en spreek boekdele. Kort na sy aankoms het Jan van Riebeeck besef dat die Kaap ’n baie gevaarlike plek was en dat die burgers vir hul eie veiligheid verantwoordelikheid moes neem. Leeus het gereeld in die Kompanjietuine hul opwagting gemaak en botsings met wilde diere was alledaags. In Mei 1659 gelas hy dat alle vryburgers (waarskynlik die wêreld se grootste groep onbeheerbare hardekoppe bymekaar) voortaan ’n vuurwapen moes besit, leer skiet en verplig was om te alle tye gewapen rond te gaan. Burgers wat nie ’n geweer kon bekostig nie, kon ’n vuurwapen by die Kompanjie se wapenkamer trek. Die binneland is verken en groepe jagters het ’n ryke bevolking van wild ontdek wat nog verder gelei het tot botsings met olifante en ander gevaarlike wild. Gedurende sy plasing het Van Riebeeck verskeie “Ordonnansies deur Plakkate” uitgevaardig wat onder meer aangedui het watter soort vuurwapens die burgers mag besit en ook beveel het dat burgers hul vuurwapens te alle tye veilig moes bewaar om diefstal te bekamp. Net so het sy opvolger, Simon van der Stel, kort na sy aankoms in die Kaap in 1679 burgers aangemoedig om gereeld met hul vuurwapens



Januarie Januarie // January January 2015 2015

te oefen, aan die jaarlikse papegaai-skiet deel te neem en lede te wees van skietverenigings. Hierdie plakkate was derhalwe die oorsprong van die oudste sportsoort in Suid-Afrika: skyfskiet. Misdaadvoorkoming was hoog op Van der Stel se prioriteitslys. Nie net het hy gelas dat vuurwapens behoorlik bewaar moes word nie, maar ook gebied dat die burgers die boonste gedeeltes van hul vuurwapens se snaphane moes afskroef en veilig op ’n ander plek bewaar wanneer dit nie in gebruik was nie. Landdroste het die wetgewing toegepas en het selfs later opgetree as agente waar nuwe gewere bestel en aangekoop kon word. Oortreders is beboet en op allerlei ongemaklike maniere gestraf wat vandag op growwe oortredings van enige menseregtehandves sou neerkom. Die gebruik dat elke burger moes verseker dat hy te alle tye ’n geweer, perd, saal en toom beskikbaar het, is tot die uitbreek van die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog in 1899 gehandhaaf. ’n Mens kan dus met sekerheid sê dat die besit, gebruik en berging van vuurwapens vanaf 1652 tot kort voor die uitbreek van die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog in 1899 volgens dié plakkate deur die staat gereguleer is. Na die ondertekening van die Vrede van Vereeniging op 31 Mei 1902 het die Britte die besit van vuurwapens deur die Boeremagte verbied en alle vuurwapens wat deur die Boere in die oorlog gebruik is, moes ingehandig word. Die verdrag het verder bepaal dat daar twee onafhanklike Boererepublieke, Transvaal en die Oranje-Vrystaat, tot stand sou kom. Die twee republieke tesame met die Kaap en Natal is later, op 31 Mei 1910, verenig en het voortaan as die Unie van Suid-Afrika bekend gestaan. Deurentyd is die besit van vuurwapens deur plaaslike landdroste gereguleer. In 1912 vind daar ’n rebellie plaas en in 1922 staak die mynwerkers aan die Rand en word dit duidelik vir die regering van die dag dat die beheer van vuurwapens in privaat besit noodsaaklik is ten einde die vrede te bewaar en stabiliteit te verseker. In 1937 vaardig die Unie van Suid-Afrika die Wapens en Ammunisiewet, Wet 28 van 1937, uit, waarin onder meer vereis word dat

Deur Rudolf van der Westhuysen Rudolf van der Westhuysen het aan Tukkies studeer en sy hoogste kwalifikasie is ’n LLM in maatskappye en bank reg. Hy praktiseer reeds sedert 1997 as prokureur. Hy is sedert 2001 gemoeid met wapenreg en verteenwoordig verskeie geakkrediteerde jag-, sportskiet- en versamelaarverenigings. Hy is self ’n Toegewyde Jagter, Sportman en kategorie B privaat versamelaar en dra die belange van elke vuurwapeneienaar op die hart. Kontak Rudolf by rkvdw@law.co.za ’n persoon voortaan aansoek moet doen vir die uitreiking van ’n vuurwapenlisensie by sy plaaslike landdros. Indien die landdros dit goed ag, sal die aansoeker ’n geskrewe “Vrye Lisensie om ’n Wapen te Besit” ontvang, teen betaling van die voorgeskrewe fooi. Vuurwapens en ammunisie wat in daardie stadium vryelik in die handel en bykans by alle winkels te koop aangebied is, kon voortaan net aangekoop word indien die koper ’n geldige vuurwapenlisensie kon toon. Ten spyte daarvan dat ons op 31 Mei 1961 ’n republiek geword het, het dié wet in werking gebly en is die oordrag van vuurwapens en die aankoop van ammunisie daardeur gereguleer totdat dit met die Wet of Vuurwapens en Ammunisie, Wet 75 van 1969, herroep en vervang is. Die Wet of Vuurwapens en Ammunisie, 75 van 1969, het ingrypende veranderinge meegebring vir die breë wapenpubliek. Elkeen wat voortaan ’n vuurwapen en ammunisie wou aanskaf, kon dit slegs doen by besighede wat in besit was van ’n Lisensie om in Vuurwapens en Ammunisie Handel te Dryf, wat deur die SAP uitgereik is. Boonop moes daar aansoek gedoen word by die Sentrale Vuurwapenregister vir die uitreiking van ’n lisensie om ’n vuurwapen te mag besit. Daar is onderskeid getref tussen die soorte wapens wat beskikbaar was, en waarvoor elkeen aangewend kon word. Die berging van vuurwapens in kluise is verpligtend gemaak, die aantal vuurwapens wat enige individu kon besit is gereguleer en die spesiale status van bona fide jagter, sportman of versamelaar is deur die Sentrale Vuurwapenregister aan suksesvolle aansoekers toegeken. Vervolg op bladsy 14

The all Austrian combination of Strasser and Swarovski is a formidable force.

Strasser RS05 a straight-pull marvel

By Pierre van der Walt

also Herbert, happened to meet Horst Blaser, the designer of the famous Blaser rifle and founder of that company. Horst HMS Präzisionstechnik GmbH, the manufacturer of the Strasser RS05 rifle, is Blaser, as we know, has a fascination with machinery and precision mass component a newcomer on the international firearm scene as it was only founded in 2004. The production and pioneered that concept in the sporting arms industry. Horst “HMS” represents the initials of Herbert Blaser was intrigued by the Strasser Strasser, the founder of the company. Machinenbau production facilities and HMS Präzisionstechnik developed after Blaser’s sale of his company, Blaser out of the main company of the Strasser family, Strasser Machinenbau GmbH. This and Strasser began working together. This resulted in the manufacturing of company was founded in Salzburg in 1947 the Sodia Super Light break-open rifle as a small parts manufacturer by Herbert for the Salzburg based Sodia Jagdwaffen Strasser. From these humble beginnings concern in 5,6x50mmR Magnum calibre. Strasser Machinenbau developed into This planted the seed with Strasser a high-tech and precision concern and Blaser to build hunting rifles and that manufactures specialized parts eventually led to the incorporation of internationally. These includes parts for HMS Präzisionstechnik in 2004 in the the satellites of ESA, the European Space Austrian town Eugendorf. Agency. Horst Blaser then designed a rifle It was probably inevitable that for the company and it became known Strasser Machinenbau eventually also as the Strasser RS05. The designation manufactured parts for hunting rifle indicates the first year of production manufacturers. It only constituted a and a prototype was first exhibited at small aspect of production, but gradually the IWA Show in Nüremberg, Germany, increased. In this process Herbert’s son, in 2005. The Strasser was well-received

Company history



Januarie Januarie // January January 2015 2015

and production launched in the same year. HMS Präzisionstechnik is a small company with less than 30 employees working for it and until two years ago focused on selling its rifles in central Europe. Two years ago it also began selling the Strasser RS05 rifles in Italy, New Zealand and Australia and since 2014 also in South Africa.

The Strasser RS05 rif le

Even a diehard traditionalist like me have to admit that the switch-barrel, straight-pull, calibre-interchanging Strasser RS05 is a fascinatingly impressive rifle and in a league of its own. For example, barrel clamping is hydraulic, but more about that later. Although I really, really dislike the looks of modern Germanic rifles such as the Blaser, Merkel, Sauer and Strasser with their metal side panels below the action that interrupt the stock, I have to concede that I admire their ingenuity and that overcomes my aesthetic objections.

My first acquaintance with the RS05 sold me on the Strasser concept. It must be one of the best, if not the best designs in this genre. Everything on the Strasser is ingenious, practical and extremely effective. The receiver body is unique in that it has two ejection ports on either side of a central integral riflescope base that connects the receiver ring and bridge. This feature provides the Strasser with the capability to ejection right or left, depending on the bolt used. It also employs a fantastically simple and effective method of riflescope mounting and removal which can be affect with one hand while on the move! The return to zero between riflescope removals and replacements in our case was one hundred percent. The bolt handle protrudes horizontally to the right as is the case with many straight-pull designs and that is the absolute only criticism I can raise against

this rifle. The distance required to move the shooting hand from the trigger to the bolt knob and back once cycled is much more than I am used to and like. However, it remains a lightning fast rifle to shoot, so my objection probably is more academic than constructive. The bolt proper has a safety on the very tail of the bolt shroud and it functions vertically. That is not only the most convenient place a safety can be situated for both right and left handers, but its function is perfect, silent and utterly reliable as it locks the firing pin directly. Very impressive. It also provides visual confirmation regarding the rifle’s state of battery and a red section is visible when the rifle is cocked. At the forward end of the bolt shaft sits the typical removable bolt head common to all interchangeable calibre rifles. The Strasser’s bolt head has four massive locking lugs (quadrants) which expand into the lug recesses in the rear

end of the barrel. It is an extremely sturdy system and it is for this reason that HMS Präzisionstechnik is already in a position to offer a wide range of dangerous game chamberings. The fact that locking takes place across the 360° spectrum means that bolt wobble is reduced, if not eliminated, and an accuracy contributing factor. Since these quadrants lock into the barrel, the RS05 transfers no strain to the receiver. The magazine is removed by cupping the hand under the floorplate and depressing the magazine release buttons on the side of the receiver. The magazine then drops into your hand. It is ergonomic, smooth and unobtrusively impressive. The magazine accommodates and feeds all the calibres currently on offer in the Strasser RS05. Mini and Standard calibre magazines hold three cartridges, while magnum magazines only hold two. One can however purchase large capacity

The RS05 bolt locks directly into the barrel breech end and it actually does not require an action for this.

The barrel of the RS05 locks hydraulically into the receiver by means of an Allen key.

The left side of this RS05 shows the additional ejection port on the left side which comes into play when a left hand bolt is inserted. Januarie / January 2015



The sling swivels on the RS05 also serve as tools for the assembly and dismantling of the RS05.

The barrel channel and underside of the RS05 are extremely neat.

The grip area of the RS05 is typically German and nor always to the taste of new world hunters.

magazines in which case the figures become six and five respectively. A feature of the Strasser RS05 I really liked and where it puts its competitors to shame was trigger adjustability. The modular RS05 trigger assembly can be removed without tools in a second. It then offers three hand-adjustable settings – light, medium and heavy. These settings are changed by simply changing the angle of the trigger support pillar in less than a second. The trigger pull can be further refined with the use of tools. No need to take the gun in to a few and far between brand dedicated gunsmith. The Strasser RS05 is unique in that the front sling swivel also serves as the Allen key with which your remove the forend

so that you can effect a barrel change. It is not necessary to carry any tools around to do so. It is all contained in the rifle. So is the Allen key required to change barrels; it is recessed inside the forend where it cannot be lost. I first fired the Strasser RS05 with open sights at a buffalo target placed at 25 metres. The rear sight is a standing pyramid with a square partridge cut atop florescent green vertical insert about 3 mm wide. The front sight is a flat-topped pillar with a round red bead on the face thereof. Both sights sit on reasonably elegant saddles. As I progressed through my fifties I began to suffer from hyperopia and I battle to see gun sights. Although it was blurry I was still able to offhand place

all my shots in the buffalo’s brain without wasting time aiming. A person with normal vision will find the sights very effective; but I have to say that I outshot the much younger Strasser rep and the two gunsmiths. No names no pack drill. To be fair; they probably are not as used as I am to a light rifle in 9,3x62mm calibre or a buffalo’s face. The Strasser undoubtedly has amongst the best ex-factory short-range iron sights on the market. Personally I am compelled to opt for a reflex sight for dangerous game use, or a riflescope for plains game hunting. My reflex sight choice undoubtedly is the Trijicon RMR RM08G with its green triangle. The most fascinating aspect of the

Whylo representative Liam Price with a blue wildebeest hunted with the RS05 near Groblersdal


Januarie Januarie // January January 2015 2015

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