Jeanne d'Arc Living Magazine - ISSUE 5 (2015) Wonderful flower beds

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magazine 5th issue 2015 US $13.95 € 9,95


Wonderful flower beds - create them in your garden

• Decorate your home with beautiful, intoxicating ballet treasures. • French or Nordic at the office? • Invite friends over for five o'clock tea or serve delicious food with wild herbs. • Make your own potting bench or create some beautiful pictures for your walls.

summer homes COZY


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Dear Reader

It’s been great fun preparing many of the features for this edition of the magazine! Long time ago I had the idea of creating some nice garden beds from scratch: I wanted to p lan exactly which plants and colors to use, and I wanted to ask our talented graphic d e s i g n e r a n d a r t i s t He l l e Ro u t h e t o m a k e s o m e b e a u t i f u l b e d d r a w i n g s w i t h w a t e rc o l o r s . L o n n i e i s ve r y g o o d i n t h e g a rd e n but I’m not so I really enjoyed getting some help along the way. I’d like to pass on these ideas to you. It’s impressive to watch a small grass area turn into the wildest and most beautiful garden b e d s t h a t yo u c a n p o s s i b l y i m a g i n e w i t h i n a f e w m o n t h s , a n d t h e y l o o k l i k e t h e y’ve a l w a y s b e e n t h e re . A n i c e s i d e b e n e f i t always included in our planning procedure is that you can pick t h e s e f l owe r s a n d u s e t h e m t o m a k e yo u r ow n b o u q u e t s . Bu t a l t h o u g h t h i s m a g a z i n e i s f u l l o f g a rd e n b e d s a n d f l ow e r s – that’s not all. Of course this edition also presents some exciting h o m e s , i n s p i r i n g d o - i t - yo u r s e l f f e a t u re s a n d g o o d f o o d – a n d ever ything is inspired by summer. I par ticular ly like the feature on English afternoon tea. Perhaps it’s because we borrowed my grandmother’s old flowered china that reminds me of old times when the summers were always warm and we’d sit in the garden amongst blossoming fr uit trees. Just the thought of those trees m a k e s m e s m e l l t h e m a g a i n . C o f f e e w a s s e r ve d i n w a f e r - t h i n c o f f e e c u p s a n d a c c o m p a n i e d by l o t s o f h o m e m a d e c a k e s . We definitely recommend baking your own cakes and laying a nice table with a tablecloth and a nice bouquet of flowers from the garden or from the local flower shop. Even if it’s just afternoon tea on a normal Sunday afternoon or on a weekday – why not make it something special? Enjoy!

Lonnie & Vivian


Nr. 5 · 2015

Published by Jeanne d’Arc Living

Lonnie Würtz Jensen

Cover photo: Lonnie Würtz Jensen.

Vivian Christensen

Chief Editors: Vivian Christensen · Mail: Lonnie Würtz Jensen · Mail: Editorial Office:: Jeanne d’Arc Living ApS Houmarksvej 92, Kondrup · 8920 Randers NV · Danmark · Tlf: +45 36932010 Mail: · · Graphics & Layout: Flower Arrangers: Photos & Styling: Food, Text & Styling: Proofreading: Handyman: Advertising Director:

Rikke Daugaard Thiel

Lonnie Würtz Jensen & Helle Routhe Lonnie Würtz Jensen & Dorthe Hviid Lonnie Würtz Jensen & Dorte Palsgaard Vivian Christensen, Rikke Vinter, Dorthe Hviid, Rikke Daugaard Thiel Vera Jensen Ole Sørensen Mail:

Dorte Palsgaard Translation into Swedish, English, Dutch, German, Finnish & French: Translation into Norwegian: Linda Rønsholm.

Rikke Vinter

Dorthe Hviid

The editorial office disclaims all liability for possible errors. Likewise, the company is not liable for errors in recipes, instructions, etc. Since the magazine is sold in many countries throughout the world, the editorial office accepts no responsibility for the applicable laws and regulations of said countries. The reader is solely responsible for consulting with local authorities. Articles and pictures in the Jeanne d’Arc Living Magazine may not be used in sales activities without prior permission. Lending and renting of the magazine for profit is prohibited. The editorial office accepts no responsibility for content, articles and other materials which are submitted without invitation. Distribution: The magazine is sold through arts and crafts, flower and lifestyle shops. A list of our retailers can be found on our website under the ”magazine” tab. If you wish to sell the magazine in your shop, please contact

Helle Routhe


If you have questions, comments or ideas, please write to our editorial staff or find us on our blog - or on facebook: www.facebook. com/jeannedarcliving - Here you can get an idea of life behind the scenes at Jeanne d’Arc Living.


4. The blue thread

Page 14. Wild food in May Page 20. Potting bench Page 26. Past meets present Page 42. Create the style Page 43. THEME – create natural wilderness Page 44. Symmetric beds in front of the pavilion Page 49. Pink dreams Page 55. A narrow garden bed in shades of violet Page 60. A magnificent mixture Page 66. Five o'clock tea Page 74. Religious pictures Page 80. Wonderful Oriental poppies Page 86. Terrific colors Page 96. Do it yourself – vintage pictures Page 102. The column Page 104. Beautiful ballet Page 114. Create the style Page 115. French or Nordic Page 124 Commune with nature 5 Photos: Ton Bouwer. Text: Monique van der Pauw. Edited by: Rikke V.

The blue thread


The favorite color is blue; the st yle is coz y and inviting. Here at Willy and Nick ’s home in Hilversum, Netherlands, you re ally fe el welc ome . T he home is ador ne d with collec tions from a whole lifetime nicely combined with various kinds of old handicraf t. Willy has always been a c olle c tor a nd a n enthusia s tic fle a ma r ket visitor. Whenever she needed something for her home, she’d find it at one of the loc al flea markets. She likes things with histor y : she knows where most of the couple’s things are from, she bonds with her things and she doesn’t like p a r ting f r om a ny thing . D on’t we all k now that feeling ? Most of us are cra z y about these wonder ful, old things and we keep them for years. When we’ve finally encountered a treasure, we don’t want to par t from it just like that. Tip: P a in t a p i e c e o f f u r n i t u r e t o h ig h lig h t a c e r t a in atmosphere. Nex t to the dining area is a large cupboard f ull of china . It doesn’t look big and clumsy bec ause it’s been painted white. Tr y to imagine this cupboard in raw wood – it would add a completely dif ferent feel to the room and “take up” much more space. But bec ause it’s been painted, it underlines the bright, air y, Nordic atmosphere that Willy likes so much.


The home is full of small, neat arrangements featuring all the wonder ful, old things that Willy and Nick have collec ted throughout the years, including baskets, old c ans, glasses and beautiful china . Willy has furnished the home with many dif ferent styles and things so in order to make a red thread run through the furnishings, she uses the colors blue, white, cream and beige a lot. This creates a calm impression and adds coherence to the whole house as by magic . Now and again she paints a piece of furniture to arrive at the desired ef fec t. She also has a sof t spot for pinewood a nd le ave s ma ny of thos e items with their or iginal expression. This adds warmth and personalit y to the interior design. Tip: P la c e s m a ll c olle c tio n s o n a t r ay o r in a b ox a n d exhibit them. You and your visitors c an admire these wonder f ul a r r a ngements a nd it ’s much b et ter tha n hiding ever y thing in drawers and cupboards.


The blue thread


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