Turnaround Management Journal
2st issue 2014
Dr. Christoph Lymbersky (editor)
Turnaround Management Society
Turnaround Management Journal
Turnaround Management Journal Issue 2, 2014 Dr. Christoph Lymbersky
Exclusive rights by the Management Laboratory and the respective authors of the articles in this publication. Published by the MLP Management Laboratory Press UG, a business unit of the Management Laboratory, Dr. Christoph Lymbersky, Luetkensallee 41, 22041 Hamburg and the TMS Turnaround Management Society. © 2013 by the Management Laboratory. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means or stored in a database or retrieval system , including but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning without the prior written consent of the Management Laboratory. Articles are prepared as the basis for discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of an administrative situation. Neither the Management Laboratory Press UG, the TMS Turnaround Management Society, Harvard Business Review, the authors, nor the editor are responsible for misleading information or any damages resulting from the use of the articles or the information contained in them. The articles are not meant as advice but as a basis for discussion.
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Turnaround Management Journal
A word from the editor
Dear valued readers, members, and friends,
Welcome to the 2nd issue of the Turnaround Management Journal in 2014 In this issue John M. Collard writes about the importance of incentive-based management compensation and how it serves the company as a whole. In our Short Notes we focus on bankruptcy and how a business failure can actually be a good thing. After all, must successful entrepreneurs and even Donald Trump failed numerous times before they became successful. Gary Jacobson and Andrew Rogerson discuss who to buy and sell a distressed business and what to watch out for. But we also have every interesting articles from Loretta Ritorto and Sen Bhaskar about organizational silos and maturity levels in organizations. I wish you all the best with and a lot of fun reading our newest publication.
Dr. Christoph Lymbersky
by Dr. Christoph Lymbersky
In this Issue
Turnaround Management Journal
Maturity Levels in Business Organizations
7 by Sen Bhaskar
Organizational Silos
5 Signs Your Company Has a Strategy Execution Problem
by Loretta Ritorto
19 by Richard Lepsinger