April 2022 Newsletter

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president’s message Hello fellow Priddis Greens members! Like me, I am sure that you are all eagerly awaiting the opening of our Club for the 2022 golf season. It looks like we will be off to a great start. Over the past few months, I have had several members ask what is happening at the Board of Directors level and requesting more information. We have heard you loud and clear. We are working on a communication plan to keep you, the members, better informed of what your Board and management teams are working on. This newsletter is the first piece of that plan. This past year the Board wanted to clearly define what our role was versus the role of our management team, so we engaged a professional facilitator to lead us through a strategic planning session. Those two days proved to be invaluable. Upon completion of the planning session, we are fully aligned with a clear understanding of our roles: the Board being focused on governance and management on operations. A new framework was also required for our committees at the Club. Governance committees will be chaired by a Board member and will be the Board’s primary focus. These committees include Membership, Long-range Planning (LRP) and Finance. These three committees are vital for the long-term success of our Club. Three other committees with a focus on operations will be chaired by a member of management, although each committee will have a board liaison. The Golf Committee will be chaired by Ron Laugher, Head Golf Professional, the House Committee will be chaired by Franck Trutet, Clubhouse Manager, and the Green Committee will be chaired by James Beebe, Golf Course Manager. All committees will still be


comprised of volunteer Club members as well as employees within their area of expertise. This will help with succession and employee growth as we move forward. In May, we will host our Annual General Meeting. For the last two years, we have held our AGM virtually due to the pandemic. This year, we are excited to have the membership attend once again in-person at the Club. At this meeting we will elect two new directors to the Board. We will also be presenting a summary of the Club’s finances with a report from David Donaldson, Finance Committee Chair. Board members and management will be on-hand to answer any questions you may have. The last couple of years have been hard on everyone, both at our Club and in our day-to-day lives. Your Board met repeatedly during this time to ensure the best plan of attack for the membership and the Club. Many decisions were made that, hopefully, we will not have to make again in our lifetime. Please remember that the Board, a group of volunteer members, give freely of their time with the goal of giving back to the Club while always asking the question “is this in the best interests of the membership”?. As a Board member for the past three years, I can assure you that we always welcome your feedback and comments. See you on the first tee.

Dave Gladney President


finance committee Priddis Greens is a special place all by itself and then made so much better by special people with special talents and a concern for others. Our members are warm and collaborative, we look to each other to make the Club all it can be and we deliver for each other. There is a sense of community about Golf at Priddis Greens, far more than there is a sense of a Golf Club… and yet we have the best of both in membership and courses to play on. This year the Membership Committee, management, and Board, each in their own way considered, and then the Board made the difficult decision to increase the annual dues for associate members in a substantial way. We considered the overall impact on “households” and to the “tee sheet” and to our “budget” in the context of a “future” golf season that may be enabled or disabled by the lingering pandemic. This was a classic multivariate problem searching for a singular solution … just the kind of thing we all want to tackle in our volunteer roles! (and I know you all have had these one way or another so each of you can relate- more on “you and this” later). We looked at costs per round per membership category. We worried that associate members might feel they were being “targeted”, other than simply what it is about, namely equity on fees and utilization. We considered fee alternatives such as tee time booking restrictions or number of rounds per week. We looked at overall costs of Primary membership and Associate membership. We looked into a Crystal Ball which turned out to be a Disco Ball Franck was trying to get Chad to add to the capital plan! We have 841 primary members and 277 associate members; dues decisions affect everyone but also everything, quite dramatically. The constituency of the membership making the recommendations and decisions mentioned above was representative and is large and all have bright and creative minds. Change often brings unintended consequences, and we all knew we weren’t trying to fix something that was broken, rather trying to address something that has been underfunded (total fees) and overwhelmed (the tee sheet and the courses) in the past couple of years. We chose to avoid unintended consequences and in this took the most straightforward and direct route. Back to your role in all of this. With great appreciation the Committees, Management and the Board would like to say thank you to our members for their acceptance and participation in this “boldish” initiative of the Associate dues increase. The community of members at Priddis Greens have overwhelmingly (almost better said, “without exception”) accepted our decision with their dues payments and therefore advocated again for each other, for access equity and best possible golf course conditions. The aggregate dues - now more evenly spread across all memberships - provide for target number of rounds and the needed tools for golf course, and pace of play, maintenance. Our membership, more than I have even seen elsewhere, look out for one another, so a special thanks to “you for this”.

David Donaldson Finance Committee Chair


membership committee The 2021 golf season is behind us and we are all looking forward to a more normal year for Priddis Greens in 2022. Golf was already on a growth trend before COVID-19 and accelerated during the pandemic as the popularity of golf grew due to it being an outdoor activity easily adapted to “social distancing”. Golf allowed players to stay active to boost their physical and mental health, our goal now will be to maintain this momentum, and continue to strengthen our membership base. The Club is seeing continued membership interest in all categories. The Corporate Associate and Sponsored Intermediate programs are fully subscribed, with additional applicants waitlisted. We anticipate our Associate subscription level to remain consistent with 2021 even after significant increases over the last two years. This will be our first full year of the southwest leg of the Stoney Trail Ring Road being fully opened, thereby providing easier access to the Club to a greater population. The net result has already been an increase in activity in membership transactions, which should continue into the start of the golf season. In 2021, Priddis Greens initiated an Ambassador Program to supplement the new members orientation program administered by Club Administration. Under this program, Membership Committee members reach out to willing new members and invite them for a round of golf or dining experience. Since a large group orientation was not possible last year, and one-on-one orientations are not feasible for our employees to manage, this was a great way for new members to meet existing members and have a personalized introduction to Priddis Greens. We had close to a dozen new members use this program with a great deal of success. The program will continue into 2022, and all of the Priddis Greens Ambassadors look forward to meeting new members. If you are interested in becoming a Priddis Greens Ambassador, please get in touch with myself or another Membership Committee member. The Membership Committee, along with the rest of the Board and Management are committed to creating a space for members to share the growth of golf, the spirit of competition, and reap the rewards of a game offering fun and camaraderie. Our goal remains to maximize the long-term value of membership at Priddis Greens, provide consistent and ever improving playing conditions and exceptional member experiences. The Membership Committee is available to listen to your concerns and work with the Board to make Priddis Greens the most sought-after membership in the Calgary area.

Darrell Danyluk Membership Committee Chair


long-range planning committee Most of us members normally tend to focus on the near term and what is happening today. The role of the Long-range Planning (LRP) Committee is to look further into the future, examine long-term trends and propose programs and projects that will keep Priddis Greens in the forefront of golf choices in the local area for years to come. To meet that objective, the committee has spent considerable time on strategic planning, recommending that the Board engage in a planning process and providing input to that process. The output from the Board’s planning session, that included revised Purpose, Mission, and Values statements, have been used to assist the committee in developing long-term plan proposals. The Committee also reviewed the results of the member survey from the fall of 2021, which provided great guidance for our deliberations. Of note was the popularity of the Raven’s Nest expansion, which will factor into our longer-term plans. Much of the Club’s infrastructure (clubhouse, turf care facilities, etc.) is 30 years old or more and is showing its age. Changes in member expectations as well as in turf care and other practices also require the Club to update its infrastructure and equipment to modern standards. The committee has toured all of the “back of house” facilities to gain a firsthand understanding of the challenges and opportunities ahead of us. We spent time in the fall of 2021 reviewing the 2022 Capital Plan and the 10 Year Capital Plan, as part of the 2022 Plans and Budget process, providing our recommendations to the Board of Directors. More recently, the Committee has been working on a roadmap for the long-term renovation and/or replacement of our main infrastructure facilities, including the clubhouse. This is being coupled with potential upgrades and renovations to our golf facilities, more specifically the golf courses and practice facilities. Feasibility studies for various options are underway but these are at an early stage. While much of actual work may not take place for several years, it is prudent the Club begin the planning now to ensure we have the facilities and programs our current and new members will be expecting in the years to come. It should be noted that the committee only provides recommendations to the Board of Directors and ultimately to the membership at large for their approval. The committee does not have any authority to approve projects on its own. A key role in the development of these proposals will be their communication to all stakeholders and you can expect to hear more on this soon.

Bas Wheeler LRP Committee Chair


board of directors

DAVE GLADNEY President Green Committee Chair

DAVID DONALDSON Vice-President Finance Committee Chair


BAS WHEELER Secretary Long-range Planning Chair

DARRELL DANYLUK Membership Committee Chair



KEN BARON Director

39th annual general meeting The 39th Annual General Meeting will be held at the Club on Thursday, May 19th at 7:00PM. Please register via the website or mobile app at least 48-hours prior to attend. The Board of Directors encourages you to read the materials now available on the website (Governance > AGM) and vote via Electronic Mail-in Ballot. Please contact Club Administration should you have any questions.


general manager’s message Dear Members, Hosting the Spring Meeting with over 175 members and employee orientation with over 150 team members has been such an uplifting and positive start to the year. It is truly a pleasure to get back to building relationships and creating memories; the intangibles that make being part of a Club so rewarding. The winter season is not only a time to reflect and refresh, but also our chance to make improvements and changes to elevate our products and services for the upcoming season. Opening day is just around the corner and we are more ready than ever to deliver an outstanding experience for our members and employees. Over the last 18 months, the Board, Committees, and Management have been working diligently on a variety of things to positively shape the future of the Club. This has included facilitated strategic planning sessions, adoption of the club governance model, committee restructuring and revitalization, redefining our purpose, mission, and core value statements, and ultimately aligning the leadership team at the club on who we are and where we need to go. The Club’s Purpose Statement has been redefined as – ENRICHING LIVES through golf. The simple statement provides a guiding light to our employees on why we are here; to have a positive impact on the lives of others every day with golf at our core. We have also redefined our core values – Excellence, Enjoyment & Respect. We feel strongly that everyone at the Club lives these values daily and our actions and attitudes form the basis for our Club’s culture. When speaking with new and existing members, a common sentiment is that our Club is friendly and full of great people – employees and members. Our culture is a key differentiator at Priddis Greens and ensuring that the leadership group at the Club is aligned as we lay the foundation for the future is vital.


We have spent a lot of time and energy providing training and support for our core team of employees this winter including mental health workshops and leadership training. All departments have revamped their standards of excellence to ensure consistent delivery of products and services as well as redefining operating procedures to improve our on-boarding, training, and mentorship. The main objective is to provide our team with the tools to achieve our new mission statements; CREATE exceptional experiences, FOSTER inclusivity, and EMBRACE continuous improvement. You will read about many of the new initiatives launching in 2022 as presented by various managers and committee chairs in this newsletter. Some key areas for improvement that we are focused on include: Back Shop experience (now called Outside Services), improved communication from the Board, Committees and Management, larger meal portion for member events, Club Administration access on weekends, pace of play monitoring and management, extended hours of operation for F&B outlets, and bunker consistency. As always, we welcome your feedback, and our restructured Operational Committees (Golf, House & Green) will serve as a conduit for two-way communication on operational matters. We are proud to be a part of this great Club at Priddis Greens, it is going to be a phenomenal year! On behalf of Management, we thank you for your support and loyalty. I look forward to seeing you out on the course very soon. Sincerely,

Chad Thomlinson General Manager & PGA Executive Professional


our team Starting May 4th, we will feature one of our employees in the weekly Member E-News. Our first feature will be our Executive Chef, Epifanio Tubbali, who was promoted from within this past winter. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our 2022 team of excellence:

club administration

CHAD THOMLINSON General Manager & PGA Executive Professional

MATT ENTWISTLE Club Operations Manager


TRACY DAVIS Accounting & Payroll Administrator

ASHLEY RUSNAK Member Services Administrator

DORIS GREGOR Building Operations Manager

AARON HORUDKO Building Operations Caretaker


MARY MCTIERNAN Executive Sous Chef

RODELIO RUIZ Executive Sous Chef

VICTOR NIKOLAOU Assistant Golf Professional

BRAD COOKE Golf Assistant

JIMMY FARRELL Outside Services Manager

food & beverage

FRANCK TRUTET Clubhouse Manager

DANETTE SKAKUN Asstistant Food & Beverage Manager

CATHERINE TRUTET Restaurant Manager

TATJANA MILLER Restaurant Supervisor

golf operations

RON LAUGHER Head Golf Professional

KEN STASIEWICH Head Associate Professional

JOHN WILSON Senior Associate Professional

JENNIFER HA Assistant Golf Professional

KAILEE LAUGHER Senior Retail Associate

WANDA MOFFATT Assistant Retail Associate

JAY MYREN Head Teaching Professional

ERIC LOCKE Teaching Professional


turf care

JAMES BEEBE Golf Course Manager

JORDAN EARL Raven Course Superintendent

CAMERON HUARD Hawk Course Superintendent

MATHEW GUY Assistant Superintendent

MERV LOVIE Equipment Manager

BRAD ALCOCK Assistant Mechanic

LESLIE KOHLMAN Assistant Equipment Technician

KERRY LOCKHART Horticulturist

LUTHER JURKE Assistant Superintendent

STEPHEN LOCKHART Irrigation Manager

GARY TAYLOR HR & Safety Manager

employee recognition Each spring the Club celebrates tenure milestones with our team. Employee engagement and satisfaction is an important part of our culture. Please join us in congratulating the team members listed below that were recognized for 5, 10, and 15 years of service with the Club. 5 Years: 10 Years: 15 Years: Tracy Davis, Club Administration

Kailee Laugher, Golf Operations

Matt Entwistle, Club Administration

Danette Skakun, Food & Beverage Robin Buell, Golf Operations

Thank you! welcome new members Please join us in welcoming the following Equity Members who joined the Club since last season: Megan Bufton Benjamin Chanyi Ryan Collinge David Colwell Real Cusson

Francois Cusson Marc Debiasio Jordan Eberle Edward Emmett Don Flowers


Matt Forbell Dean Gallacher Tobin Hayward Cory Kim David Leroux

Jason Longshaw Wayne Mcleish Richard Mulvale Gordon Neil John Peart

Todd Prescott Chad Rolstad Rick Schiller Akhil Vohra Kim Wiggins

events schedule We are excited to return to a full slate of member events in 2022 as well as hosting seven corporate tournaments and the Priddis Greens Charity Classic. Thank you to both the Men’s and Ladies’ Executive Committees for organizing and promoting the various events throughout the season. In addition to the events listed below are a host of leagues and match play competitions. To register and for more information please visit the website under event registration. All member events, excluding the three member guest tournaments, will utilize tee time starts. This decision was made considering a variety of factors including: • Maximizing course utilization to meet member demand (shotguns are less efficient than tee times) • Provide an exceptional F&B experience for event participants • Allow for fields larger than 128 (shotgun capacity) participants for maximum member participation • Improve golf course presentation consistency and quality Golf course demand and event success will be evaluated throughout the season. Management, along with the Men’s and Ladies’ Executives, will review the starting formats for social tournaments again at season’s end. May 15

Mixed Opening Day

July 24

Mixed Club Championship

May 26

Calgary Flames Alumni Corporate

July 26 - 28

Alberta Senior Ladies’ Championship

May 28

Ladies’ Spring Bloomers

July 30 - Aug 1

Men’s & Ladies’ Club Championship

May 28 - 29

Men’s Member Member

August 7

Condo Capers

May 30

Senior Men’s Opening Day

August 8 & 9

Junior Club Championship

June 2

Tourmaline Oil Corporate

August 10 & 11

Charity Classic

June 5

Parent Child

August 16

Banff Interclub

June 12

Mixed Member Member

August 17

Senior Member Guest

June 14

Lethbridge Interclub

August 18

BILD Calgary Foundation Corporate

June 16

Canadian Heavy Oil Corporate

August 19 - 21

Solheim Cup

June 18

Men’s & Ladies’ Greenkeeper Challenge

August 25

Foothills Society Corporate

June 23

Trotter & Morton Corporate

August 26 - 28

Priddis Cup

June 30

Junior Member Member

August 30

Junior Ryder Cup

July 7 & 8

Men’s Member Guest

September 6 & 7 Senior Priddis Cup

July 9

Foothills Junior Interclub

September 11

Mixed Fall Classic

July 11 & 12

Senior Men’s & Ladies’ Club Championship

September 14

Senior Men’s Fall Classic

July 14

Ladies’ Banff Interclub

September 15

MJT Fundraiser

July 16

Ladies’ Member Guest

September 17

Men’s & Ladies’ Fall Classic

July 18

Canmore Interclub

October 21

Hole-In-One Dinner

July 21

Westburne Corporate


men’s executive committee We are very excited to get the 2022 golfing season going! There are two great changes to this year’s events. The 2022 schedule will kick off with our Member Member tournament on May 28 & 29. This popular event had been cancelled the past two years but this year, the tournament will be expanded to a two-day event (day 1: net best ball; day 2: two-man scramble). So, line up your partner early for a fun filled two days. The second exciting change is a two-day Member Guest tournament on July 7 & 8. Your guest will have the opportunity to play both courses and Turf Care will do everything possible to present “August-like” championship conditions. This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your Club to a friend or colleague with best-in-class golf courses, superb food, great competition - don’t miss it, sign up early! Back by popular demand is the Greenkeeper Challenge on June 28. Turf Care again will present unique challenges followed by great food and beverages down at the Turf Care facilities. The Club Championship will be held on the August long weekend, always an exciting opportunity to test your game on championship conditioned golf courses. Don’t forget to sign-up for Priddis Cup qualifying (August 19, 20, and 21). Qualifying takes place every Saturday during men’s league play. The Saturday men’s league is the “Best of Priddis Greens” and provides a unique opportunity to meet new members and play fun-filled competitive golf every week. No need to book tee times or a foursome, just register on the website. A new mixed event this year will be the Member Member played on June 28th. Pick your partners and play as a foursome. Don’t forget to sign up for our match play events; both individual and team matches are available.

Gerry Stoddart Men’s Executive President

ladies’ executive committee Welcome back to another year of fantastic golf at Priddis Greens! The Priddis Greens Ladies Executive would like to extend a warm welcome to all returning and new lady members! We look forward to an exciting golf season in 2022. The Ladies Spring Flyer can be found online on the Events and Registration page. Upcoming events will be announced in the weekly newsletter and highlighted in the Ladies Spring Flyer. We look forward to seeing everyone out at the course!

Jodie Breadner Ladies’ Executive President

turf management To provide ideal course conditions throughout the season, a good start is essential. Overall, we are pleased with how the golf course has wintered and with some TLC during the first few weeks, we should have a great season once temperatures begin to warm up in May. Because the golf course was exposed to very cold temperatures throughout the winter with little to no snow cover and the cold April temperatures, the turf remains dormant (brown) and will be slow to wake up this spring. We will be cautious with our maintenance practices and limit traffic on the golf course until temperatures warm up and the turf is actively growing. To minimize damage, we will be using practice mats on the par 3’s and may be in a “cart path only” situation until the turf begins to actively grow. We are pleased to report that two common winter kill issues (snow mold & vole damage) were almost non-existent this spring, in large part due to the lack of snow cover. Please use Member Central as your hub for information with regular course condition updates and all things related to your on-course experience. Spring Projects Below are a few on course projects that will affect golfers this spring: • Driving Range Grass Tee Resurfacing: Every few years the tee must be re-surfaced to provide members with a grass hitting surface that replicates the standards for fairway turf on the golf courses.


• Practice Bunker Renovation: The practice bunker is an important feature for members and is very busy for private and group lessons. The renovation will improve the shape of the bunker to improve playability and will be rebuilt using the Better Billy Bunker® construction method, better emulating on-course bunker conditions. All green side bunkers rebuilt over the past six years have used this construction method and the Club intends to use this method moving forward on all green side bunker renovations for improved consistency in bunker playability. • Walking Paths: Two new rubberized walking paths will be installed this spring throughout the golf courses in areas that members have reported as challenging to navigate due to dangerous, slippery, and bumpy conditions. o Hawk #13 Hill: The short cut route up the hill from Hawk #13 green to #14 tee is difficult to navigate due to the steep incline, bumpy surface, and slippery when wet conditions. The installation of the rubber path, which has excellent grip properties, will not change the grade of the hill but should make the challenging walk safer and more enjoyable. o Raven #8: The path will be completed between Raven #8 green and the forward tee deck on #9 tee. The base for this path was completed in 2021 although due to supply chain management issues the rubber surface was unavailable. This path will be completed this spring and will be a welcome improvement to a slippery and potentially dangerous walkway. Slit Drainage & Irrigation Improvement The Club is in the process of developing a long-range drainage master plan to improve course playability and enhance turf conditions. A golf course drainage engineer will be on site this spring to perform a comprehensive drainage study and develop a long-range plan with cost estimates to install slit drainage on the Raven front-nine. The Club has also been working on plans to replace the outdated and ineffective irrigation system on the Raven front-nine which is currently scheduled for replacement in late summer/fall 2023. The irrigation system design and specifications have been completed and sent out for quotes to ensure accurate long-range plan budgeting is in place. Spruce Budworm Management For consecutive years, many spruce trees on the golf courses have been infested with an insect called Spruce Budworm. The infestation of Spruce Budworm has led to significant defoliation of spruce needles compromising tree health and, in many cases, there is a risk of tree mortality. The Club has been working with a forestry expert to assess the condition of our trees and to develop a management plan moving forward. The recommendation we received based on the severity of tree damage has been to treat the trees with an aerial application of a natural occurring soil bacterium called Bacillus Thuringiensis Kurstaki (BTK). BTK has been used for more than 30 years across North America to control outbreaks of Spruce Budworm and has been proven safe for all flora and fauna, has no toxic effects, and quickly biodegrades once applied. The two aerial applications of BTK required will be scheduled approximately five days apart sometime between mid-May and mid-June based on weather and an entomologist’s assessment of the insect’s larval stage. The aerial applications will take place in early morning and will be scheduled to have minimum impact on tee time access.

James Beebe Golf Course Manager


golf operations We are looking forward to another great golf season ahead at Priddis Greens. You will notice many changes in the Golf Operations department including some new team members. Victor Nikolaou, Associate Golf Professional - Victor joins our Club having worked the last four years at the Angus Glen Golf Club as their Member Coordinator and Golf Operations Manager. He will look after all Ladies’ tournaments and Wednesday Evening Men’s league. Jimmy Farrell, Outside Services Manager - With a renewed focus on the member experience, a new position has been created to elevate the Outside Services experience. Jimmy Farrell, Outside Services Manager, will lead what was formerly known as the ‘Back Shop’. Jimmy comes to us most recently from Pinebrook Golf & Country Club and previously Cabot Links Golf Club. Jimmy’s hands-on approach will improve our care and attention to all aspects of our Outside Services experience. Wanda Moffatt, Retail Assistant - Wanda has spent the last 36 years working in various retail operations for Sobeys Inc. and Canada Safeway. She is a passionate golfer who will help with our day-to-day merchandising requirements and inventory management Eric Locke has moved into a full-time teaching capacity at the Club and will oversee the Performance Centre operation and will spend most of his time custom fitting and teaching alongside Jay Myren. Eric has designed a new target layout for the driving range and also for wedge performance in front of the Performance Centre. Golf balls will once again be provided in the short game areas. Our driving range will have new mats, tees and golf balls this season. As many of you are aware, we implemented the Tagmarshal golf course intelligence system at Priddis Greens last season and through its use we have been able to obtain some excellent data that has not only helped improve our pace of play but also allowed us to become more efficient within our operations. For the 2022 season, we will be committed to 10-minute tee times on both golf courses throughout the season. Please click here to review the 2021 compiled data. Tagmarshal results throughout the season will be periodically communicated to members. The data also shows that the expected pace of play differs significantly depending on the day of the week and time of day. Expected timing for each round will be communicated to every group prior to teeing off by the Starter as a new standard. Members are responsible for knowing the expected pace of play and for ensuring the group they are in keeps up with the group in front. The Pro Shop will always have an employee monitoring pace on both courses to help with proactive pace management. The Club’s policy governing pace of play has been amended (Policy Statement #33: Pace of Play) to reflect the new expectations and supportive data. Should you be interested in further information on Tagmarshal, or you would like to know your personal pace of play relative to the average time, please contact John Wilson at john@priddisgreens.com.

Ron Laugher

John Wilson

Head Golf Professional

Senior Associate Professional


food & beverage Our goal is to deliver excellent levels of service to all members and guests by improving consistency. This year, our objective is to deliver on first impressions, team mentorship, social and culture development, and provide quality products at the best value in all areas of Food & Beverage. “Either properly or improperly, we are always striving for perfection. We might not reach it, but by trying, we generally improve.” The Grandview will introduce local Alberta breweries including Fahr, recent recipient of the World Beer Award from Turner Valley, along with Rapid Ascent, Canmore, Grizzly Paw, Blindman, and Cold Garden. Our wine list and cocktails will be regularly updated and offer excellent value for our members. The Grandview’s culinary team has been working on creating new dishes, planning bi-weekly features, and developing new share plates. Based on your feedback, we strive to ensure our menu includes your favourites, embraces the latest industry trends, and offers healthier, dairy and gluten free options. We will also ensure that portions are served consistent with your expectations. The on-course concessions, Raven’s Nest and Hawk Hideaway, will feature additional sandwich options with a new sealable peel-off packaging to improve overall freshness. Hawk will feature new beer on-tap along with the return of our Hawk #9 BBQ. Raven will also see the tent return this season on the event lawn and relocation of the BBQ to the rear of the concession for improved flow with additional furniture. To improve service and reduce wait times on BBQ days, we will be introducing a server who will take orders directly from the event lawn and patio. Once the golf course is open, the concessions will be open at 8:00am to 8:00pm, and extending hours from 6:30am to 9:00pm effective May 14th. The Grandview will be open 11:00am to 9:30pm weekdays, 10:00am to 9:30pm weekends, and extending our closing time to 10:30pm daily effective June 1st. Lastly, in part of our maintenance plan, we are thrilled to replace several on-course ice water coolers with water fountains.

Franck Trutet Clubhouse Manager


priddis greens golf & country club #1 Priddis Greens Drive | Priddis Greens, Alberta | T0L 1W3 403.931.3171 | www.priddisgreens.com

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