Plymouth May Day Programme 2013

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May Day

8 hours of live music in association with Column Acoustic

"The real deal when it comes to songwriting" Mike Harding, BBC Radio 2

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and many more...

The Plymouth May Day Festival has run for the past 15 years, celebrating International Workers Day and organising for workers rights.

The Plymouth Trades Union Council offers support, networking and solidarity to trade union branches, trade union members and progressive campaigns cross the City and beyond. Our anti-cuts campaign, Plymouth Fightback Against the Cuts, supports all fighting for peace with social justice. Plymouth TUC, PO Box 378 PL1 9BN 07803 620390

Organised by the Plymouth Trades Union Council


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Roandbb Johnson 8 hours in association w of live music ith Column Aco ustic

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Live Theatry e Shelley’s Mask of Anarch

Saturday 4th May

12 midday late evening

Devonport Guildhall

Kerr Street PL1 4EL

Free admission until 7pm, then £5 waged/£3 claimants

free including Reel News: latest campaign and trade union All day

news you never see in on the BBC!

Into Eternity: documentary on the hazards of 2:00pm

storing high-level nuclear waste

Spirit of ‘45: 3:30pm

with Professor Wendy Savage

National Chair, Keep our NHS Public! and debate in defence of Welfare Benefits

Trade Unions, Human Rights and Environmental campaigns for Social Justice

Plymouth Climate Council Fightback Against the Cuts Peace with Social Justice all day with local bands. Evening event with Robb Johnson and supporting acts from 7pm, £5/£3 entrance, hosted by Column Acoustic

“After the Second World War, never again, it was believed, would we allow poverty, unemployment and the rise of fascism to disfigure our lives. We had won the war together, together we could win the peace. If we could plan to wage military campaigns, could we not plan to build houses, create a health service, transport system and to make goods that we needed for reconstruction? The central idea was common ownership, where production and services were to benefit all. The few should not get rich to the detriment of everyone else. It was a noble idea, popular and acclaimed by the majority. It was the Spirit of 1945. Maybe it is time to remember it today.” Ken Loach, Director

Benefit Justice Summit Saturday 11th May 11am Central Hall, London SW1H 9NH South West Unite the Resistance! Conference, Bristol 8th June. Details: People’s Assembly: 22nd June, Central Hall, London SW1H 9NH Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival: “We will be Free” 19th-21st July, Dorset For transport from Plymouth go to

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