Executive Editor
Meanwhile, after the excitement of one of the world’s most challenging eventing fixtures, may we recommend a bit of a change of pace in the form of a sunny afternoon and a few glasses of wine at The Rutland Vineyard. This month you’ll enjoy bright sunflowers and vines heaving with grapes. Sit on the terrace overlooking 13,000 vines, and you can enjoy some really cracking English wine, some beautiful countryside and the really good company of owners Tim & Zoe Beaver and their team.
t’s back, and it’ll be bigger and better than ever. Stamford’s Land Rover Burghley Horse Trials returns for 2022 with lots to entertain visitors whether you’re a fan of eventing or just enjoy the countryside. Commensurate with such an important event, we’re speaking with those who hope to make this year’s event the best ever.
Our best wishes, for a great month! £4.50 £4.50
Elsewhere we’re enjoying a day of motorsport courtesy of Hambleton Hall, before returning to the hotel to enjoy its consistently excellent dining, and we’re meeting Alicia Kearns, MP for Rutland and Melton, as she reflects on a turbulent time for politics and speculates on who will replace outgoing Prime Minister Boris Johnson this month. With a super garden to enjoy in Braunston, plus a celebration of the best local schools and colleges, we hope everyone can find something of interest in this edition.
This month’s covers celebrate the late summer/early autumn season with a scene of sunflowers at sunset over The Rutland Vineyard and of course, a scene of Burghley bathed in sunlight. We’re always looking for scenes of Rutland and Stamford to feature on our covers and in the magazine. If you’re a budding photographer, email your pictures to the address above!

4 NEWSCONTENTS & EVENTS 08 NEWS The best ‘good news’ stories from across the county including Rutland’s impressive musical boast! 42 WHAT’S ON Live events, music and theatre productions this September. 46 LIVE AT KILWORTH An amazing season of live entertainment at Kilworth House in Leicestershire. HIGHLIGHTS 19 GRAPEVINES & SUNFLOWERS The story of Tim & Zoe’s adventure in viticulture, as we introduce you to The Rutland Vineyard. 28 ALICIA KEARNS MP After a turbulent few months for the government, local MP Alicia Kearns reveals why she’s ‘ready for Rishi’ in advance of the new Prime Minister being named. 35 THE RETURN OF BURGHLEY Land Rover Burghley Horse Trials returns for the first time since 2019. 49 SCHOOLS & COLLEGES The area’s best local education providers. FOOD & DRINK 58 DINING OUT Dining out at the consistently excellent Hambleton Hall. 64 RECIPES AND WINE Enjoy a thoroughly delicious september. HOMES & GARDENS 72 HOMES & INTERIORS A superb rectory in the country on the market with estate agency James Sellicks. 96 IN THE GARDEN Medieval parterres at Braunston’s Quaintree Hall. LIFESTYLE 104 WALKING A ramble in four counties. 108 MOTORSPORT Your invitation to a track day driving event in conjunction with Hambleton Hall. 115 HIGH LIFE Copthill’s summer soirée. 120 BEAUTY Healthy hair for late summer. 108 2846 19 58

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Recently, the financial news has been full of headlines about rising mortgage rates following the Bank of England’s recent increase of the base interest rate to the highest level for 13 years*. This, combined with big increases in energy costs and the general cost of living, has understandably been a cause for concern for many homeowners and those planning to take their first step on the property ladder. This is why now is a really good time to review your current mortgage arrangements and find out what other deals are available, and which might best suit your needs. For example, moving to a new fixed rate mortgage now could help you to avoid future interest rate rises, by locking in a lower rate for several years.
Image: Elli Dean.
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*Source: The Bank of England, June 2022 Choosing the right mortgage
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Enjoy Burghley, live from the sofa!
8 It’s back for 2022, bigger and better than ever before, but if you’re not able to make it to the Burghley Horse Trials in person, or if you’re planning to visit but can’t be in two different places at once, the launch of a new TV streaming service for the event will help! The new TV streaming service, Burghley TV, will cost £20/year and combine comprehensive livestream footage of the event with expert commentary, analysis and broadcasterfootagebehind-the-scenesandinterviews.PresentedbyracingRosieTapner and Nick Luck, the service will be a much more detailed and ambitious production than other ‘event livestreams,’ equally valuable to those watching the event from home or at Burghley, where so much goes on simultaneously. A comprehensive library of historic Land Rover Burghley Horse Trials footage, stretching back to 1990, will also be part of the Burghley TV package. Martyn Johnson, Event Director of Land Rover Burghley, said: “We’re really excited to be launching Burghley TV – this will be a comprehensive production of unprecedented quality which offers a wealth of content both in terms of live sport but also with superb expert commentators and presenters.
Rutlanders are the keenest people in the UK to learn musical instruments according to new research compiled by Musicversity, the online music resource. Data from the research shows more of Rutland’s population are looking to learn a musical instrument than any other county in the UK. People in Rutland made almost 60 times more searches per-capita than the national average for things to do with learning to play a musical instrument during the past year, indicating a high interest amongst its population for taking up music. And amongst the people of Rutland, the most popular musical instruments that people were showing interest in were the piano, guitar, and the also looked at the most popular instruments across the whole of the UK, and for each of the four UK nations to see which showed the most musical interest, plus the UK cities which had the highest and lowest percentage of their populations searching online to learn an instrument.
n See our feature in this edition.
n Pictured: Oakham Ukulele Club D’Ukes Of Rutland,
Musically gifted Rutland

STAMFORD Strictly star helps to HindsStamford’sopenjeweller
The Royal Philharmonic ROYAL PHILHARMONIC LIVE LATER THIS MONTH AT PETERBOROUGH CATHEDRAL Investment£3.9m STAMFORD focusingplaninvestmentmillion£3.9asubmittoisCouncilDistrictKestevenSouth developingandbusiness;localsupportingplace;andcommunitiesareas,prioritythreeitson Fund.ProsperitySharedUKGovernment’sthefromcomewillmoneyTheskills.andpeople n InNEWSLOCALBrief STAMFORD drinkfoodsummeritspreparesBurghleyforlateandevent admission.parkingwitheach10amopenMarketFinewhilstGardens,HousewillOpenandjams,breadcheesecream,goatincludingspecialtiesaward-winningregionalbeStallsFoodSummerfree-to-enterHouse,atCourtyardsandChestnutpicturesquestallswillproducersqualityMore19thfromFoodhostHouseBurghleywillitsFineMarket17th-August.than45foodsetupintheStableBurghleyfortheFineMarket.willsellingandmilkicecakes,andpluschutneymeat.asusualbetheandtheFoodisfromto4pmdayfreeand For details,
The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra will join forces with Peterborough Male Voice Choir and Peterborough Voices, to present a programmebreathtakingofmusiclater this month, featuring Mendelssohn, Brahms and Wagner, all in the spectacular setting of Peterborough Prideaux,ConductedCathedral.byWillandhostedaspart of Peterborough Cathedral’s Classics at the Cathedral programme, tickets are on sale now from £18-£36.50. Also running until 3rd September at the Cathedral is T.rex: The Killer Question, which considers one of the most fearsome predators in a new light with the help of life-sized models and animatronic wizardry. n See
Rutland County Council has approved the construction of a new shared cycleway and footway along Burley Road in Oakham this summer. It aims to encourage more sustainable and active modes of travel – reducing people’s impact on the environment and supporting health and wellbeing. It will also create a quick and easy link from the existing cycleway and footway along Oakham bypass. Work to build the new cycleway will be completed later in September, with traffic management in place for the duration of the works, which will ensure extra safety for the town’s cyclists. n OAKHAMNew cycleway for Oakham NEW CYCLE ROUTE ALONG BURLEY ROAD WILL BRING BETTER SAFETY FOR OAKHAM RIDERS Strictly star Craig Revel Horwood showed he’s really become part of the community since moving into the area. The celebrity helped to bring a bit of extra sparkle as he opened the newly renovated F Hinds jeweller on Stamford’s High Street recently. He’s pictured here with store manager Laura Smith. n

A recent event at Oakham Castle celebrated the successes of Rutland youngsters thanks to project set up by Ann Williams in 2014. Ann identified a need to improve the mental health and wellbeing of young people going to school in Rutland and spent the next few years working with a small team to put in a bid with the National Lottery Community Fund. From 2018 to the present Resilient Rutland has been working with schools and community groups to look after the area’s young people and their mental health, celebrating their success at an event held at Oakham Castle last month. n
OAKHAMRutland resilience celebrated RESILIENT RUTLAND CELEBRATES MENTAL HEALTH AND WELL-BEING PROJECT AT OAKHAM CASTLE 10 To celebrate National Children’s Gardening Week, Rutland housebuilder Allison Homes has donated £100 worth of gardening vouchers and a mixture of seeds to Rutland primary schools. Langham CofE Primary School received a £100 National Gardening voucher and a selection of seeds, including forget-me-nots, mixed summer flowers and a butterfly and bee friendly mixture. Diane Rowland, Headteacher at Langham CofE Primary School, said: “We are thrilled to have received this donation from Allison Homes. The children can’t wait to start planting the seeds that they’ve received, and we’re looking forward to purchasing new equipment and resources to encourage our pupils to get involved with gardening. “It’s important to us that our pupils receive a balanced and well-rounded education. National Children’s Gardening Week is one more way that our pupils can learn something new, and have some fun at the same time.”
Samantha Hart, of Allison Homes, said: “It was important to us at Allison Homes to get involved with National Children’s Gardening Week, have a bit of fun this week, and maybe spark a passion for gardening.” n Allison Homes is providing a selection of properties at Farriers Reach in Oakham. see
The Rutland Show will return in 2023, with a date of Sunday 4th June set for the event. The return of the show this year followed a two year break because of Covid. It delighted locals, and Pride’s photographs from the event appeared in last month’s edition, available to view online
Allison Homes funds youngsters’ growing HOUSEBUILDER

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A magnificent Grade II starred Georgian stone property has been exquisitely refurbished and now presents as a stunning six bedroom home with five reception rooms set over three floors perfect for a modern lifestyle yet retaining all the grandeur of such an elegant and majestic building. Inside, rooms are of fine proportions with high ceilings, large Georgian sash windows and flooded with natural light. The charming grounds have been creatively designed to provide different spaces to relax and an outbuilding beside a courtyard offers further potential (subject to planning). Located in the village of Peakirk within a conservation area, 10 miles east of Stamford and just 6 miles north of Peterborough, it is only a 15 minute drive to the station where fast trains to London take 46 minutes, making this is a superb country residence for a commuter.

225 offices across Great Britain Plus 75 offices globally
A fine, stone Victorian house stands in the heart of the town of Market Deeping, east of Stamford and north of Peterborough where fast trains to London take 45 minutes, making it an excellent property for a commuter. With notable origins, Stamford House displays high ceilings and wonderful original decorative features and has recently been completely renovated and modernised, now presenting in immaculate order, a masterful blend of period and contemporary style. The two front reception rooms benefit bays to the south, whilst the light and airy kitchen diner at the back has bi-folding doors onto the southwest terrace and garden. Upstairs, all five bedrooms are double; the master bedroom enjoys both an en suite and a walk-in dressing room. The gardens are divided into three sections: the front carriage drive; the lawned part on the west side of the property and the rear courtyard with access to the garage.

Stunning barn conversion providing stylish and well-proportioned accommodation equipped to an exceptional standard and situated next to the church in a much sought-after village close to the historic market town of Stamford. Sitting Room, Dining Kitchen, Cloakroom/WC, 3 Bedrooms, Master En-suite Shower Room and Bathroom. Single Garage, Picturesque Courtyard Garden. Energy Rating: C. UPPINGHAM £380,000
KETTON £610,000
Tastefully presented detached character cottage with a lovely courtyard garden, occupying an idyllic position on the fringe of Uppingham town centre. This beautiful property is predominantly stone built and provides a surprisingly well-proportioned accommodation with 2 Reception Rooms, Kitchen, Utility/Clkrm, Cellar, 3 Bedrooms and Bathroom. Energy Rating: E. NEW
Charming semi-detached period stone cottage set on a good-size plot in a tranquil Rutland village. Offering well-proportioned, extended accommodation, this slightly quirky property retains much of its inherent character and includes a Garage, original Wash House and delightful gardens which are almost completely shielded from view. 2 Rec. Rooms. Conservatory, Kitchen, 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bath/Shower Rooms, WC. Energy Rating: D.
A beautiful Arts & Crafts style residence with magnificent gardens and grounds extending to approx. 1.0 acre and set in one of most sought-after areas of Uppingham. The spacious, elegant accommodation is laid out to make the most of the views over the glorious surroundings. 2 Reception Rooms, Conservatory, Breakfast Kitchen, Utility, Clrkm/WC, 5 Dbl Bedrooms, 2 Bath/Shower Rooms, Garage, Parking. Energy Rating: E.
Substantial detached property with delightful gardens set on a large plot in the premium village of Manton, taking in panoramic views over gardens, adjoining fields and Rutland Water. Sitting Room, open-plan Living/Dining Room, Kitchen with AGA, Utility, Clkrm/WC, Studio/Garden Room, 3 Dbl Bedrooms, 2 Bath/Shower Rooms, Dbl Garage, Ample Parking. Energy Rating: TBC.
Fully refurbished and tastefully extended stone property situated in a picturesque village on a large plot with gardens and a grass paddock extending to approx. 1.9 A. The property has undergone an extensive, high-spec programme of building works with property offering today contemporary accommodation with a character of its own. Lounge, Study, open-plan Kitchen/Diner & Sitting Room, WC, Utility, 4 Dbl bedrooms, 3 Bath/Shower Rooms. Energy Rating: C.

Offers in Excess of £750,000 Clover House, Whissendine
Offered to the market for the first time since it was built 25 years ago, Harvard House is a substantial five-bedroom, three-bathroom detached home, located in the heart of the water-side village of Whitwell with stunning views to the rear over open countryside.
Offered to the market for the first time since it was built 25 years ago, Harvard House is a substantial five-bedroom, three-bathroom detached home, located in the heart of the water-side village of Whitwell with stunning views to the rear over open countryside.
Lower Leesthorpe Farm is a handsome, double-fronted, Georgian farmhouse with elegant proportions throughout, extensive accommodation, grounds and outbuildings, sitting in an elevated position with far-reaching views and paddock land available by separate negotiation.
Guide Price £1,200,000
Guide Price £1,200,000
Stapleford Road, Leesthorpe
Offers in Excess of £1,050,000
Harvard House, Whitwell
Charity House, Somerby
A substantial, five-bedroom, ironstone village home, oozing with character and sitting on a wonderful plot surrounded by its own gardens with stunning countryside views.

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Kate GarringtonVincent
Recent data suggests that as many as one in ten homes are currently being sold off-market.
With properties actively changing hands away from the open market buyers should be alert to the fact that there are potentially more properties to buy than can be seen on property portals. Why are homes sold off-market?
Good buying agents frequently hear about off-market properties first and can quite literally put their client at the front of the queue. As the first to view a property, you can also be the first to put in an offer, which, if backed up by good intelligence and a strong buying position, can also be the most successful. Garrington’s property consultants help buyers to find and purchase properties that meet their lifestyle requirements. Their local expertise and in-depth knowledge of the property market helps homebuyers to consider a wider choice of properties and purchase more effectively.
Selling off-market was long seen as the preserve of individuals in the public eye who didn’t want people peering at their décor on property portals, but this is no longer the case.
Kate Vincent from Garrington Property Finders discusses the rising trend of property being sold off-market and how to secure these hidden homes. the hidden property market...
If you are considering moving and would like informationmore about how to navigatebetteryour local property market, contact Kate Vincent to arrange Tel. 01780 408377. Email
Where once the decision to sell off-market was typically driven by the desire for discretion, now it’s likely to be about practicality as much as Althoughprivacy.itismuch easier to have an offer accepted on your next home if you’ve already agreed the sale of your current property, the scarcity of homes visibly for sale means that those with a good property to sell in a desirable location are likely to have a sale agreed very quickly and then feel under immense pressure to find somewhere to move to just as fast. Selling off-market can offer a solution to this dilemma, as it gives sellers more control over the pace of the sale, a longer window in which to make their dates align, not to mention the likelihood of a smoother sale. An increasing trend In the local Rutland market and surrounding areas, Garrington has seen a shift in the surging popularity of off-market sales. Historically off-market activity has been greatest in winter, but this year the winter peak has continued through spring and into summer. This shift in seasonality marks a trend that looks set to stay and Garrington expects offmarket transactions to continue to represent a significant proportion of sales moving forward. Whilst it is a method of sale most prevalent in the prime property markets, it is not limited to the most expensive homes, with properties of all shapes and sizes likely to be sold this way on an ongoing basis. How to find an off-market home to buy For those aiming to buy off-market, registering your interest with local estate agents as a serious and proceedable buyer is a good start, but to access the full range of the hidden market you need to engage a reputable and experienced buying agent who will have won the trust and confidence of a network of professional connections in addition to the estate agents. 5-8 The Mews • The George Hotel • Stamford • PE9 2LB Tuesday - Sunday from 11am to 5pm | 01780 480800 Carefully selected artists from the Royal Academy, Royal Institutes, Federations and Societies Also at Lees Yard • Holt • Norfolk | Monday - Saturday 10am - 4pm | 01263 713883 Please visit the website to view and purchase our artworks Graham Webber ROI IEA | Heading Home | 20” x 30” | Oil on Board 18

Words & Images: Rob Davis. This month we’ve discovered a stunning place to sit and take in the views. Tim & Zoe Beaver have created their Rutland vineyard near Ketton, and its tasting barn is a great place to relax and enjoy English wine, good coffee and homemade cakes!
Grapevines & Sunflowers at the

Above: Tim & Zoe have planted over 13,000 vines. I MAY HAVE DISCOVERED the happiest place in Rutland & Stamford... or possibly the happiest place in whole of Britain. On a fairly warm Saturday, late afternoon, I arrive at Ketton’s Rutland Vineyard and discover that I’m not alone in recognising the joy of sitting in the tasting barn, or on its terrace, enjoying a glass of English wine whilst looking out over a panorama of farmland.
Owners Tim & Zoe Beaver are no strangers to agriculture. Tim farms 1,400 acres. He’s a third generation farmer, and around har vest time, he’s usually to be found watching his cereal crops wheat and barley spilling out of a combine’s auger. Farming is a happy life but with the level of mechanisation and fewer people on the farm these days, it’s also a pretty lonesome pursuit, and in 2021, Tim fancied doing something a little more sociable. Attempting viticulture in Rutland is not without precedent. Local man John Atkinson had his ‘MW’ qualification officially conferred upon him by the Institute of Masters of Wine. A few years ago, he too attempted to produce grapes a short distance from today’s Rutland Vineyard. >>
“Tim & Zoe are no strangers to agriculture. Tim farms 1,400 acres. He’s a third generation farmer, and around harvest time, he’s usually busy harvesting his wheat and barley crops...”


Right: The Tasting Barn sells English wine, overlooking 13,000 vines, all heaving with grapes this month.
>> The land available to John at the time was a little closer to sea level, and so less suit able, for vines, but Tim’s land is pretty much perfect. So with Tim’s soil and John’s counsel, The Rutland Vineyard was planted in May 2021, some 13,500 vines with a further 3,000 waiting to be planted, stuck in a cold storage thanks to Brexit.
Tim used a power harrow to prepare the land, before some German specialists arrived with machinery to plant the vines in a single day, with GPS precision ensuring each vine is a metre apart, in rows 2.2 metres across. Rows 1-48 are Bacchus grapes; 49-75 are Pinot Noir for the vineyard’s sparkling wine; rows 76-93 are Ortega; rows 94-133 are Pinot Noir Precoce, with more planting to follow in 2023, and rows 134-151 and 152-169 are Pinot Meunier and Cabernet Noir. As is often the case in life and farming, the best things come to those who wait and Mother Nature refuses to be hurried. Grape vines must be established for about five years before they can yield decent wine. This year’s harvest won’t make wine, and so organic material will be put back into the land to provide nutrients. October 2023’s harvest will produce the vineyard’s first wine in 2024, but with only about 40% of yield. That’s not to say, though, that Tim & Zoe haven’t already created their own wine. >>
Tim can ‘annoy’ the vines sufficiently to make them force their roots down and really establish themselves. The farm’s position about 70 metres above sea level, on the edge of a south-facing slope also means that cold air runs off and down the vineyard, protecting the vines from frost.
Tim’s soil is 160,000,000 years old, although thanks to his conscientious farming practices, it’s in rude health for such a venerable age. Consisting of about half a metre of topsoil, digging down you soon reach the band of limestone Blisworth around Ketton which stretches from Lincoln right down to the ThisCotswolds.geologymeans
Above: The vineyard’s sunflowers will be a treat at a special charity weekend in late August.
“Tim’s soil is 160,000,000 years old, although thanks to his conscientious farming practices, it’s in rude health for such a venerable age...”


During our visit the wild flowers had peaked, but the sunflowers are just starting to come into their own. On Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th August, Tim & Zoe and the team will invite visitors to bring a picnic to the vineyard for a fee of £10, which will go to this year’s charity, Ketton Scouts. There’s a sunflower pickery too where you can pay £10 and take home some cheerful yellow flowers. Last year’s charity sunflower event at the vineyard raised £5,000 for Rutland Sailability, funding their new rigid inflatable rescue craft. To sit in the sunshine, enjoy English wine and raise money for a local charity...? Well, that’s something to which we can definitely bring ourselves to raise a glass! n “There’s a 1km walking trail, a nature trail, apiary and of course, somewhere to sit and enjoy good coffee and homemade cake or a glass of wine!”
Find Out More: The Rutland Vineyard is open Wednesday to Saturday, with a Picnic in the Vineyard and celebration of sunflowers on Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th August. You can also purchase wine from the tasting barn by the glass or to take home, visit Tasting Barn, Barrowden Road, Ketton, PE9 3RJ, see
>> In the tasting barn you can enjoy the vineyard’s white label wine with a choice of a Bacchus-based white, plus an unoaked Chardonnay, a rosé, a Pinot Noir-style red, and an English fizz which is Champagne in all but name thanks to the latter’s protected geographic status. English wine has become very good over the past decade or so, and whilst that’s something to be celebrated, it’s a slightly bittersweet boast since the reason is climate change. The climate of the Champagne region has moved northwards meaning English wines are benefiting from the slightly warmer weather. Conditions will soon suit the produc tions of light reds, hence why Tim is keen to established his Pinot Noir vines. Already the sale of English wines from the tasting barn, plus a 1km walking trail, Six Pack wildlife trail, apiary and the chance to sit and gaze over that gorgeous farmland and enjoy a drink is ensuring that The Rutland Vineyard is very busy. It opens Wednesday to Saturday with vineyard tours available, plus good coffee, homemade cakes and freshly made doughnuts all on offer. Take along the Saturday papers (or Pride), a good book or a good friend.
Above: The RutlandVineyard raised £5,000 in 2021 to fund Rutland Sailability’s new rescue boat.

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What happened? Last month we went from a nation laughing along with ebullient Boris to a country (hashtag) ‘Ready for Rishi…’ To cast some light on recent events and to look at the future of British politics through a local prism, we’ve asked Rutland MP Alicia Kearns for her perspective... Words: Alicia Kearns.
What has it been like as an MP recently?
As a rural community we are blessed to have access to beautiful nature and a way of life rooted in history, tradition and close com munity ties. I wouldn’t trade this for the world. However, our rurality also brings challenges, including increased costs for delivering services. That is why I have been focusing on getting a fairer funding deal and better services for Rutland and Melton.
The very worst of Westminster politics has dominated much of public discourse recently, but I think it’s important to stop and reflect on some of the positives of this year. As the Omicron variant spread at the end of last year there were serious discussions about a return to lockdown. At the time the models used had factored in Omicron’s increased transmissibility but not the fact it was less deadly than previous strains of COVID-19.
There is no quick solution, those proposals put forward before now would cost £4 billion pounds to make funding fairer, but I am work ing on some alternative models, and I’m pleased that the new UK Shared Prosperity Fund from Government includes rurality as a factor as a result of my lobbying, meaning Rut land will have a greater chance of succeeding when making an application for this fund.
The Prime Minister lost my confidence in January. Despite this I have taken no pleasure at all from the Prime Minister’s resignation, although I must admit to feeling some relief.
What challenges does our rural county face? Our farmers are the custodians of our rural heritage, following many generations of proud Rutlanders who have worked the land. Yet they are now facing the brunt of price rises sparked by global crisis such as the war in Ukraine and the Chinese Communist Party’s totalitarian lockdowns which have strangled international shipping.
I’ve recently secured and led a few debates on this issue, and made clear to the Government that the current funding formula does not fairly assess the needs of rural communities like ours.
I was able to secure a debate about supporting our farmers and food producers through the cost-of-living crisis. It is clear to me that there is a cross party appetite to support farmers and a growing appreciation of their importance and I will be working with the new Government in September to try and secure increased worker visas, a fertiliser price index and a national land strategy.>>
Having been one of the earliest Conserva tive MPs to withdraw my support it has been a difficult year so far. Over the seven months since January many others have reached the same conclusion as me, culminating in the mass of resignations that forced the Prime Minister to resign. Has that permanently damaged the party?
The events of recent weeks have moved at such a pace as to make time for reflection a luxury, but finally we have the opportunity to pause and reflect.
Having studied the data myself I felt it was unjustifiable to reimpose lockdown without a full and accurate assessment, which included data pointing to the new strain being less lethal. I made this view clear to the Government and working with other likeminded colleagues we were able to secure a re-assessment by the Government. Is Covid-19 finally over? With reduced lethality factored in, the case for a lockdown dissipated – and society was able to continue its tentative re-emergence from the deep winter of COVID-19.
I want rurality to be factored into any assessment as well as social mobility indexes. It is unfair that Rutlanders pay the highest council tax in the country, and we need a new approach to funding which no longer favours urban settings.
29 ALICIA KEARNS MP FOR RUTLAND AND MELTON Alicia Kearns on Britain’s Future:
What does that mean for Rutland & Melton?
Seeing Rutland, and indeed the whole country, bask in the summer sun is a reminder of how important our freedom is, and of the responsibility to protect it that comes with serving in Parliament. Whilst our ongoing emergence from COVID-19 has seen much joy return to our lives, it has also left many scars which will take time to heal.

What other challenges are there in Rutland? Rutland has challenges that need addressing but also huge opportunities on the horizon. Many readers will know that I have been campaigning for urgent action to address the lack of NHS dentistry provision in our county, and I will be working with the new Health Secretary for a resolution. Likewise, I will continue to push for another GP practice in Oakham, particularly if more housing developments are improved. An increase in population should always see an increase in service provision. Why is it important to back fibre broadband in a rural community? We’ve seen great progress is the roll-out of fibre broadband through the Digital Rutland partnership between Rutland County Council, Broadband Delivery UK, and BT. Phase one and two of the roll out saw over 10,000 homes connected to fast broadband, helping to address the imbal ance between coverage in cities and the countryside. Technological innovation and connectivity are vital if we are to keep Rutland competitive and thriving. Have Rutland and Melton’s communities rallied to offer their support to Ukraine? Yes. I’d certainly like to thank our commu nities for how they have stepped up to support our Ukrainian friends whose bravery has prevented war across Europe. Hundreds of Ukrainian families have now settled across Rutland and Melton, and I am so grateful to everyone who has helped by opening their homes or their hearts to them. I was proud that I was able to match so many families and the incredible welcome has truly showed the very best of Rutland.
Any final thoughts? Whilst the last few weeks have been tumul tuous, we have come a long way in the year since COVID-19 restrictions were finally lifted. As the sun shines and families enjoy well earnt time away from work and study, we should all reflect on the collective expe rience we went through in the pandemic and share a moment of gratitude for the freedoms we cherish. Now it is the time to renew our leadership and begin the process of restoring trust in politicians as people who can find serious solutions to the problems of our time. Let’s get to it! n
What else can we feel proud of in Rutland? This year has also seen the two exciting discoveries of a beautifully preserved Roman mosaic and our very own Rutland Sea Dragon, or Ichthyosaur in scientific terms. These two finds are priceless and add so much to our already rich heritage. I have been working with Rutland County Council and other interested parties, as well as in Parliament, to use these finds as the basis of a new tourism strategy. We all know how much our county has to offer, and with these two draws the opportunities are clear and the rewards plenty. Who wouldn’t want a trip to Rutland Water, a look at the Sea Dragon, some time in an ancient villa, and a stroll through our beautiful villages and towns? You supported Penny Mordaunt in her bid to lead the Conservative Party, why? I gave my full support to Penny Mordaunt to be the next Conservative Leader and Prime Minister because she has service to this nation in her blood and has demon strated integrity and honesty over a long and varied career. As the first female Defence Secretary she had a full understanding of what would be required if we are to support Ukraine in “Now it is the time to renew our leadership and begin restoring trust in politicians as people who can find serious solutions to the problems of our time.”
Find Out More: Alicia Kearns has served as MP for Rutland & Melton since 2019. Keep in touch with Alicia and follow her campaigns at
ALICIA KEARNS MP defeating Putin – and I know she would not have waivered in following through with this vital task. Penny had a detailed plan for Britain which addressed both current problems and laid out a vision for the future. Whilst Penny has been sadly unsuccessful in her bid, it’s imperative that as the contest reaches its conclusion, MPs can come together and focus on the serious business of administration and governance.
There will be trying times ahead, but our country has dealt with far worse in the past. For my part, I will continue to campaign in Parliament on issues such as fairer funding for rural areas, protection and promotion of agriculture, better planning legislation and increases in services to match increases in population. Why should be back Rishi as our next PM? After much consideration I have decided to give my support to Rishi Sunak for Leader of the Conservative Party and Prime Minister. We face immense challenges and Rishi has the experience and expertise necessary to address them. As Chancellor Rishi steered the economy through the storm of COVID-19, putting in place the world leading furlough system that saved 11.6 million jobs, including 50% of all employee jobs in Rutland and Melton.
As MP for a rural constituency Rishi under stands the challenges and opportunities of rural life, and I know that he would work with me to ensure that Rutland moves forward whilst preserving what makes it so special.
>> Considering this, I have drafted an amendment that would ban malicious activist groups from deliberately disrupting food supply chains, including at farms. It’s vital that we protect food from farm to fork – and I hope the Government will adopt my amendment and ensure farmers and producers are protected.
There are many positives we should focus on when promoting British food. For instance, I recently hosted an event in Parliament to promote British dairy which saw a vast array of products on display, from ice cream and milkshakes to famously delicious cheeses such as Cheddar, Wensleydale and of course, Rutland Red and Stilton.
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The Return of Burghley
This month we’re celebrating the return of Land Rover Burghley Horse Trials, the first event since 2019. The eventing competition is one of the most challenging in the world, says the two-time winner, Olympic medallist and local rider Andrew Hoy. This month we speak to Andrew, then to TV presenter Rosie Tapner who will cover this year’s event for the new Burghley TV service, and to Phillip & Guy Herbert who are hard at work constructing and managing this year’s fences...
Words: Rob Davis. Image: Pippa Funnell who won the 2019 event on Grafton Street.

“A team is only as strong and successful as its weakest element, so if I’m not personally enthusiastic about administration, having somebody who is enables me to concentrate on the part of the role that I do enjoy. We’ve an absolutely brilliant team, good people around us who understand, for example, nutrition, equine transportation, a really good vet and so on.”
“It’s like a working relationship between two human colleagues. If you’re both cooperating to deliver a presentation, you’ve got to both know and trust the other’s ability to fluently deliver a well-rehearsed pitch.”
“Competing in an event like Land Rover Burghley Horse Trials, both horse and rider need to be at the top of their game, but there also needs to be a true and complete partnership, both horse and rider need to calibrated to work together.”
Andrew started riding from the age of six and at just 20 years old, he won his first CCI4* competition. The sportsman has remained at the forefront of eventing since and has trained around 20 riders including his current protégé Isabel Finemore, who’s based at Hoy Team’s stables in Somerby near Grantham, Melton and Oakham. “I was born and raised over in Culcairn, Australia, between Sydney and Melbourne. I was competing in the World Championships in 1978, so my visit to the UK was for quarantine purposes, before travelling back home. It was supposed to be a six month stay but I liked the place so much I stuck around for two years!”
Local event rider and Olympian Andrew Hoy has claimed the silverware at Land Rover Burghley Horse Trials not just once, but twice, in 1979 and 2004. He also trains the next generation of five-star standard event riders, so who better to offer advice and insight for future talent?
“Initially, I stayed on the Gatcombe Park estate and I did work with the future Princess Royal but I was really more independent, and moved to the UK to settle in Somerby permanently in 1993.”
“When you really work well with a horse it’s a complete partnership, you communicate well and you’re able to anticipate one another’s thoughts and actions.”
“Bringing a horse on to compete at Burghley is usually a journey of about five years, any at every stage the most important aspect of that working relationship is to always work with the animal, to respect and understand their temperament and their physical well-being.”
“Technical knowledge take years to hone, but that’s essential for achieving the physical posture and skill to ensure you’re in balance, harmony and rhythm with the horse. When that happens you achieve the ability to make all of that effort look effortless.”
In addition to being a Land Rover Burghley Horse Trials winner on two occasions, Andrew has won three consecutive Olympic gold medals, a silver in the Olympics, four World Championship medals, and is the only Australian athlete to have competed in seven Olympic games.
Main: Based in Somerby, Andrew Hoy competed at the London Olympics on Rutherglen, shown here taking part in the crosscountry round. Andrew has won Burghley twice and will this month compete in the World Championships in Rome.
“You can never do anything with an animal using force, only good communication. That sounds like spiritual or philosophical advice, but it’s really not. Being in harmony with the horse can help you overcome the physical demands, like a ballet dancer lifting up their fellow dancer, the weight suddenly appears weightless because of the smoothness of the movement.”
“I’m having an office day,” says Andrew Hoy with absolutely no enthusiasm. “My skills are on a horse, not in an office!” Happily though, Andrew has a great team around him, including his wife and marketing lead Stefanie.
The Latest Land Rovers Land Rover has been the event’s title sponsor since 2005. This year, you’ll be able to see the brand new Defender 130, with best-in-class interior space for up to eight passengers plus peerless comfort and ability!off-road

“I’m looking forward to visiting the event though, we’re really lucky to have a world-class fixture so close by, and it’s always a really enjoyable spectacle for spectators who enjoy the very best talent that the sport of eventing has to offer.”
n n Land Rover Burghley Horse Trials has been held at Burghley since 1961. The event first came to Stamford following an outbreak of Foot & Mouth on the Harewood Estate, the location of the previous fixture. The 2020 and 2021 events were cancelled because of Covid, so the last event was in 2019.
“My current horse is Vasilly de Lassos, an Anglo Arab gelding of about 17hh. We’re not competing in this year’s Burghley Horse Trials as the FEI World Championships 2022 take place two weeks later.”
“During the cross-country round of the competition, you’re moving at about 540 metres every minute, about nine metres a second. Despite that, I never get off the horse experiencing any pain, because horse and rider are both in synergy with one another.”
n The event takes place in the Elizabethan parkland and covers 530 acres of the estate.
Eventing is the toughest equestrian challenge, but fundamentally, it’s designed to test the same thing in three different ways: harmony between horse and rider. The sport was popularised in the 1950s and its three elements evolved around the historic use of horses in the military, with dressage, cross-country and jumping disciplines designed to emulate parade duty, to replicate a soldier carrying a message back to their commanding officers and finally a jumping round to test that a horse hasn’t been overworked.
n Eventing fixtures comprise of dressage on Thursday and Friday, the cross-country round on Saturday and the showjumping round on Sunday.
n The event is both a world class sporting fixture and a country/lifestyle event beloved even by those who are less concerned about watching the competitors.
n The competition sees about 80 horse and rider combinations vying for a first prize of £100,000. Winning it, and two other events –the Land Rover Kentucky Three Day Event and the Badminton Trials – in succession constitutes the Rolex Grand Slam of eventing. n 170,000 visitors will enjoy Burghley. The event is worth £20m to the local economy.
n Eventing’s governing body, the Fédération Équestre Internationale (FEI), designates Burghley a five-star event, the most challenging level of competition, one of only six such fixtures in the world.

“Once the course designer has determined the obstacles, and their placement, we can begin their construction. In years gone by they were all permanent obstacles with posts in the ground and rails. From the late 1990s we began to use forklift trucks and now most obstacles are portable, removed and stored in our barns. They weigh anywhere from half a tonne to three tonnes, and usually, about a third of the course is different each year, allowing for new interest and a fresh challenge each year.”
A Word About The The Sponsors
Aside from title sponsor Land Rover, some other event sponsors include Joules, Bates Saddles, Le Mieux and Fairfax & Favor, who also have a shop in Stamford.
“Normally, creation of the course begins before the previous year’s Horse Trials has even taken place, but with Covid, this year’s course has been a little longer in the making,” says Philip, who works alongside his son, Guy.
“The skill of a course designer isn’t just the dimensions of the obstacles themselves, but where they’re positioned in relation to one another. It’s surprising but even the colour of an obstacle is given consideration when planning the course.”
Philip is based in Oundle, but his team also has a workshop and barn adjacent to Burghley Park Golf Club. The team is responsible for constructing and positioning 45 ‘jumping efforts’ which may comprise a single obstacle or several for this stage of the competition. “I work for a number of pony clubs, and for larger eventing fixtures like Thoresby Park formerly the Belton fixture but I’ve worked with Land Rover Burghley Horse Trials since 1981, firstly alongside Mark Phillips and now with Derek di Grazia.”
Sworn to secrecy, Philip Herbert and his team have been working hard for months to finesse the obstacles that this year’s Land Rover Burghley Horse Trials participants will face as they tackle the cross-country round of this year’s competition.
Working alongside Burghley’s cross-country course designer Derek di Grazia – it’s Philip Herbert’s job to construct the obstacles for one of the toughest equestrian challenges in the world...
“The FEI stipulates the maximum safe dimensions for an obstacle 1.2m high, up to 4m wide and up to 3m front to back.”
“Obstacles are brought out of storage, washed and then repainted before they’re moved into position and decorated with wood chips, greenery and props.”
Main: Burghley’s cross-country course is one of the most challenging for riders and the most thrilling for spectators. Its 45 obstacles have been created in workshops adjacent to Burghley Park Golf Club by Philip & Guy Herbert and their team.
“At one point, when Land Rover was making pick-up trucks, the vehicles were used as obstacles themselves, but their vehicles are a bit larger and more expensive to serve that purpose these days!”

Dog Agility
The Main Arena of this year’s Land Rover Burghley Horse Trials includes thrilling riding demonstrations beginning on Thursday with Yogi Breisner’s Educating the Racehorse. The former performance manager for British Eventing helped the team to secure four Olympic medals, so his advice is worth its weight in gold! Friday sees Carl Hester MBE delivering a dressage masterclass, as a competitor once ranked 12th in the world for dressage. Other riding displays include the Shetland Pony Grand National on Saturday, and Fell Pony Society display on Sunday. n
“It’s information like this which really leads us to work with Burghley’s course designer to create a five-star course which is as challenging a test of horse and rider as possible, whilst still ensuring it’s safe in the eyes of the technical delegate and ground jury. We design the course to be challenging, but safe, making it one of the most thrilling for competitors and spectators alike, and of course, making most of the fantastic Burghley parkland!” n
Future Stars Captain Mark Phillips, designer of Land Rover Burghley’s cross-country course for 30 years until 2019, will judge the final of the highly prestigious Dubarry Burghley Young Event Horse competition this year. The series, founded in 1990, is a leading showcase for future stars of top-level eventing. It has had a major ‘reboot’ for 2022 to keep pace with the modern sport. The prize-money on offer at the final, which takes place on Friday 2nd September, has been increased significantly with a first prize of £1,250. n“Much research has been conducted into a horse’s visual perception, and we know they can see white or blue more easily than green especially against a grass course so an obstacle covered in green foliage is more challenging. A horse’s vision is less acute immediately in front of them, too.”
The thrill of agility! A brand new event this year for dog-lovers, as Land Rover Burghley Horse Trials hosts a new ‘Have a Go, Dog Agility’ challenge in association with Joules. The Horse Trials sponsor will host the challenge in the Joules Marketplace, opposite World of the Horse. If you’re bringing your four-legged friend along, remember that Burghley also has a ‘dog crèche,’ where pup can be left, looked after, for up to two hours, whilst you have lunch, for example. Proceeds for the service are this year going to Samsalin Dog Rescue. n

This year’s Land Rover Burghley Horse Trials sees the launch of a brand new digital TV service hosted by Vogue cover model and eventing fan Rosie Tapner alongside fellow presenter Nick Luck...
“As someone who has watched Burghley as a spectator, it’s great to be able to get behind the scenes to really understand what goes into competing in a world-class eventing fixture. To be able to bring that to our audience, as well, is great.”
Land Rover Burghley’s Official Charity
n Refreshing: During the competition, 20,000 ice creams are consumed, plus 26 gallons of Pimm’s and 4,857 glasses of Champagne, especially Pol Roger as the Champagne house is a key sponsor.
FACTS & FIGURES: The Best Burghley Trivia... analysis, behind-the-scenes footage and interviews, as well as pre-recorded material. “You can watch the service from home, if you’re unable to be at the event in person, or live whilst you’re at the event and then you can it watch again after the competition has finished to see anything you might have missed,” says Rosie. Naturally covering an event like Land Rover Burghley Horse Trials necessitates expert knowledge. Rosie was raised in rural Hertfordshire and grew up with horses; her mother Alex was a keen eventer as well as a hacker and hunter. After completing a degree in Digital Media at Oxford Brookes, and after competing in the Magnolia Cup at Goodwood in 2018 and 2019 and at Ascot in 2018, Rosie worked with Racing TV to cover fixtures for The Jockey Club’s in-house TV service and presented Sky’s Racing League coverage in 2021. And did we also mention that Rosie’s media career follows her appearance as a Vogue cover model after being signed to the Storm agency for which she has also fronted campaigns for Balenciaga, Burberry, Sel fridges & Ralph Lauren.
Land Rover Burghley Horse Trials is a massive event, spanning more than 530 acres with lots happening simultaneously... so even if you’re there, seeing absolutely everything that’s going on is pretty tricky. Thankfully, this year, we’re delighted to report that there’s a brand new digital TV service created by organisers of the event and fronted by broadcasters Rosie Tapner and Nick Luck. The service will combine livestream footage of the event with expert commentary, plus
n Winner: The most recent winner of The Burghley Horse Trials was Pippa Funnell in 2019 on Grafton Street, achieving 180 points.
n Broadcasting: The Sound of Burghley is the event’s own radio station,which broadcasts to a radius of 10 miles on FM and online, with digital listeners in 78 countries. The event also has its own TV channel available to view via subscription for live coverage via the event’s,
“I’ve already completed pre-recorded inter views with people like William Fox-Pitt and Pippa Funnell for Burghley TV, which was amazing, and we’ll have a walk-through of this year’s cross-country course and insight with experts like Carl Hester and Yogi Breisner who are also hosting our riding demonstrations in the main arena so we really get behind the demands of each eventing discipline.”
“That was 10 years ago, and I really enjoyed it but now I’ve discovered a love of broadcasting, which also means I can get behind the scenes with all the peo ple I admired when we attended Burghley as a family when I was younger.”
The Household Cavalry Foundation is this year’s Horse Trials official charity. The Foundation provides charitable and pastoral support to serving soldiers, operational casualties, veterans and dependants.
“The service will cost £20/year, and it will offer everyone a richer, more in-depth way to enjoy unprecedented access to all of the drama and excitement of a CCI5* event!”
n Success: The most successful competitor in the competition is William Fox-Pitt, who won the title in 1994, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2008 and 2011. n Great Britain: Since 2001, a GB rider has won the competition nine times. A New Zealander has taken the title six times, an Australian three times and a German has won it once too.
n Subscribe to the new Burghley TV streaming service for £20/year at
n Shopping: There are over 600 trade stands including Joules, Musto and local businesses like Fairfax & Favor, The George of Stamford, Warner’s Gin and accountants and business advisors Duncan & Toplis. n Royalty: HRH The Princess Royal competed at the event in 1971, and presented the prizes in 2011, whilst Captain Mark Phillips served as course designer having won the trials himself in 1973. Zara Tindall competed most recently in 2019 and went head-to-head with Pippa Funnell in a nailbiting finale!

Find Out More: Land Rover Burghley Horse Trials takes place from 1st-4th Sept. Thursday/Friday/Sunday £22/adv, £24/on site. Saturday £38/£42. Car parking £12/day adv. Four day admission £92/adv, car parking £40/adv, membership from £265. See or call the box office on 0344 581 4980. n
Thursday 1st September 07.30 Gates Open. 09.00 – 17.30 Shops Open. 09.00 – 17.00 Main Arena: Dressage. 12.30 approx Main Arena: Yogi Breisner, Educating the Racehorse. 09.00 – 17.00 Ring 2: LeMieux Pony Club Team Jumping Competition. 18.00 Showground Closes. Friday 2nd September 07.30 Gates Open. 09.00 – 17.30 Shops Open. 09.00 – 17.00 Main Arena: Dressage. 12.30 Main Arena: Carl Hester Dressage Masterclass. 09.00 - 17.00 Ring 2: Dubarry Burghley Young Event Horse Final. 18.00 Showground Closes. Saturday 3rd September 07.30 Gates Open. 09.00 – 17.30 Shops Open. 10.30 approx Shetland Pony Grand National. 11.00 – 17.00 Cross Country. 18.00 Showground Closes. Sunday 4th September 07.30 Gates Open. 09.00 – 17.00 Shops Open. 09.00 Main Arena: Final Horse Inspection. 10.30 Main Arena: Showjumping. 12.00 Main Arena: The Fell Pony Society Display. 12.20 Main Arena: Racehorse to Riding Horse (HOYS) Qualifier. 13.55 Main Arena: Military Band. 14.30 Main Arena: Showjumping. 15.25 Main Arena: Parade of Hounds. 15.40 Main Arena: Presentation of Prizes. 09.00 – 17.00 Ring 2: BSPS Gold Cup Sports Pony Competition. 17.00 Showground Closes (no admittance to Burghley Park after 15.30). n

All Saints’ Church, Laxton will be holding a concert with harpist Eleanor Turner and soprano Caroline Trutz on Friday 16th September. Eleanor has earned a worldwide reputation for her recital, concerto and chamber music performances. Caroline studied singing in Paris and London, and sings regularly with the harpist Eleanor Turner with a repertoire of world folk, opera, Hildegard and contemporary. n For more details call 01780 479249 or OAKHAM SUNDAY 18th SEPTEMBER RUTLAND CELEBRATIONDAY & FOOD FESTIVAL
42 What’s On...
Activities in the grounds of Oakham Castle to celebrate Rutland Day with food, drink and craft stalls in the Castle, grounds and Market Place. n PETERBOROUGH THURSDAY 29th SEPT HORIZONS TOUR WITH BRIANPROFESSORCOX A 2021 Space Odyssey with Professor Brian Cox to take audiences on a dazzling cinematic journey. n From 7.30pm, tickets £51.70, East of England Showground, PE2, Live at Kilworth Events... WHOLE HOST OF AMAZING LIVE MUSIC EVENTS TAKE PLACE AS KILWORTH LIVE RETURNS THIS MONTH STAMFORD THURSDAY 1st SEPTEMBER - SUNDAY 4th SEPTEMBER LAND TRIALSBURGHLEYROVERHORSE2022 The world’s greatest five-star equestrian event acknowledged globally by leading riders as their ultimate competitive goal. A key event towards the end of the summer social season, Land Rover Burghley attracts fantastic crowds to witness exhilarating equestrian action alongside browsing the world renowned shopping avenues and enjoying the many other attractions and activities on offer in this truly stunning location. n Four day admission, £92; Sunday £22. Gates 7.30am. Box office 0344 581 4980 or see NEWS & EVENTS
LEICESTERSHIRE THROUGHOUT SEPTEMBER LIVE AT KILWORTH Beginning with My! My! - Abba the Concert on 1st September, then continuing to Bee Gees tribute Jive Talkin’ on 17th September. In between, don’t miss Calling Planet Earth to relive the 80s, Motown memories with How Sweet It Is, the hits of Rod Stewart with Some Guys Have All The Luck, and of course, the greatest feel-good classical music on The Last Night of the Proms. Music to suit everyone all month long. n Tickets £36-£42,

43 Send your press releases and events to: the Features Editor via RUTLAND SATURDAY & SUNDAYS THROUGH SEPTEMBER 10th/11th, 17th/18th, 24th/25th THE RUTLAND ART TRAIL 2022 Rutland Open Studios is a flourishing community of artists, crafts people and designer-makers working throughout Rutland and surrounding counties. The group’s aim is to help bring artists and local people together.Thismonth Rutland Open Studios will be holding their annual event this year over three consecutive weekends during the month of September. Their body of local artists will open up their studios to the general public for them to browse, buy, watch demonstrations and ask questions about what inspires the artists and their work. The group has 60 artists participating, including painting, somethingmore,photographyglassmaking,printmaking,sculpture,jewellery,ceramics,andmuchthereisliterallyforeveryone. n For details and details on individual artists’ The Rutland Art Trail 60 OF THE AREA’S MOST DIVERSE ARTISTS COME TOGETHER FOR THE 2022 RUTLAND ART TRAIL... GRANTHAM SATURDAY 10th SEPTEMBER - SUNDAY 11th SEPTEMBER FESTIVAL OF THE HORSE AT BELVOIR CASTLE Back by popular demand for its second year running, an even bigger, more spectacular Festival of the Horse held on the Belvoir Castle Parkland, for a weekend of equestrian entertainment suitable for all the family. The event promises to be more exciting than ever before, with foodalongsideselectionpackeddressagedisplaysacrossentertainmentexhilarating–nowhostedthreearenas.Headlineincludelibertyacts,andtrickriding.Awayfromtheactionarenas,animpressiveofshoppingstallsadeliciousarrayofanddrinkoutlets! n Belvoir Castle, NG32 1PE, £25/adults, £12/junior. LEICESTER THURSDAY 29th SEPT MARTIN BAYFIELD’S RUGBY LEGENDS Join former internationalEnglandandtrue giant of the game Martin Bayfield at Leicester Athena with Tigers legend and World Cup winner Ben Kay and former Rugby World Player of the Year and regular TV presenter & Pundit Brian Moore. Stories about games,internationallocalteamsandplayers. Tickets £30 or £95/VIP,Leicester0116Arena,3269700. LEICESTER SHOWMAN...’‘THE‘OTHELLO’‘MAMMASEPTEMBERMIA!’ANDGREATEST A bumper month with no fewer than three live productions to enjoy at Curve Leicester. Mamma Mia is Benny Anderson & Björn Ulvaeus’ Abba-fuelled comedy from Tuesday 13th to Saturday September.24th Othello has 1stSeptemberfromCurveco-producedbeenwithandtakesplaceMonday19thtoSaturdayOctober. Greatest Showman singalong Tuesday 27th September. n For details, call 0116 2423595 or Luckett.DennisImageBayfieldMartinLeft:by

44 Kilworth is the West End in rural Leicestershire, an extraordinary experience. In addition to producing its own spectacular musicals each season Kilworth House Open Air Theatre plays host to renowned musicians and leading tribute shows during our ‘Live at Kilworth’ festival. To enhance the whole experience, guests have the option of dining pre-show in the beautifully ornate Victorian Orangery of Kilworth House Hotel or taking a picnic to enjoy in the spectacular grounds of the estate. There’s so much to see! Half A Sixpence 19TH JULY – 28TH AUGUST A delightful musical comedy packed with exuberant choreography, a myriad of mirth and show-stopping numbers including ‘Flash, Bang, Wallop!’ and ‘Money to Burn’. ‘Half A Sixpence’ will delight audiences both young and old! Tickets £42 - £52 Live at Kilworth 16 NIGHTS OF POWERFUL LIVE MUSIC! 31ST AUGUST – 17 TH SEPTEMBER Returning to our outdoor theatre this TheseSeptember!arenights not to be missed! SEE THE FULL LINE UP ONLINE AT Tickets £36 - £42 BOX OFFICE 01858 881939 OPENING HOURS: MON-FRI, 9AM - 5.30PM OR BOOK ONLINE AT: 31ST AUGUST – 17TH SEPTEMBER 2022 at Kilworth Kilworth House Hotel & Theatre Lutterworth Road, North Kilworth Leicestershire LE17 6JE

CHRISTMSMAS MU V19 USUSICALNO JAN– 8 S SPECTCTTACUUULARRL DIRECTO CSET DESIGNEROLAI NIKFOSTEROR COSTUME ANDCOLIN RICHMOND CHAEL RACANNINPUPPET DESIGNER G Based upon the Classic Moti yrics by• LHaroldArlenMusic by and prourner Entertainment Co.Ticture owned byon P Andrew Lloyd W• Additional Music by. Harburg. DOUGPROJECTION DESIGNER E.Y MUSICAL SUPERVISOR AND MUSICAL EMI Mandarner Bros.Woduced with the permission of A• Adaption byTimRiceyrics byr • AdditionalLebbe OCASTING DIRECTGLAS’CONNELL O LIGHTINGGEORGEDYERORDIRECT The Really U• By arrangement withusic Publishing rom the• FJeremy Samsandebber GSON YCDGKMAOR BENCRACKNELLG DESIGNER ndrew Lloyd W A seful GroupL.FrankBaumLtdBook by

Taking place throughout September, Leicestershire based hotel and theatre Kilworth House presents a season of live music and entertainment...
September means a packed season of live entertainment at Leicestershire’s Kilworth House Theatre. Opening in 2007 in a wooded glade, the purpose-built theatre was the brainchild of Kilworth House’s former owner and producer Celia Mackay. The stunning open air venue hosts two flagship theatre productions each year including August’s Half a Sixpence, based on HG Wells’ novel.
Throughout September, there’s also a packed programme of live music events under the Live at Kilworth brand, with everything from classical music to Motown and celebrations of the most prestigious acts in pop music from Abba to Elvis, the Bee Gees to Rod Stewart. And of course, adjacent is the magnificent Kilworth House itself, Grade II listed, and dating back to 1881 with its first class dining and accommodation. n

HALF A SIXPENCE UNTIL 28th AUGUST HALF A SIXPENCE ‘Half A Sixpence’ is the delightful British musical comedy packed with exuberant choreography, a myriad of mirth, colourful costumes and show-stopping numbers including ‘Flash, Bang, Wallop!’, ‘Money to Burn’ and of course ‘Half A Sixpence.’ Arthur Kipps, an orphan and over-worked draper’s assistant at the turn of the last century, dreams of a better and more fulfilling world, beyond tape measures and sewing threads. This new award-winning stage version, of HG Wells’ semi-autobiographical book Kipps: The Story of a Simple Soul, is a completely fresh adaptation for the modern age and a charming tale with a happy ending. n 2.30pm/7.30pm, tickets £42-£52.
CHRISTMAS AT KILWORTH HOUSE Two spectacular festive events to celebrate the season beginning with That’s What Kilworth Calls Christmas, featuring the greatest singalong hits from the 1970s and 1980s. Meanwhile, The Music of the Musicals features the best of the West End, live on stage! Both events selected dates from 19th November-30th December. n Entertainment with dining £72-£82 person, call for details.
LIVE AT KILWORTH 2022 WEDNESDAY 31st AUGUST TO SATURDAY 17th SEPTEMBER 2022 LIVE AT WednesdayKILWORTH31stAugust: Rob Lamberti’s George Michael tribute. Friday 2nd September: Hello Again: Tribute to Neil Diamond. Saturday 3nd September: The Rod Stewart Story. Tuesday 6th September: The Roy Orbison & Travelling Wilburys. Wednesday 7th September: Walk Right Back: The Everly Brothers. Thursday 8th September: Talon: The Best of the Eagles. Friday 9th September: ELO Again: Electric Light Orchestra. Saturday 10th September: Elvis: The King’s Voice. Sunday 11th September: How Sweet It Is: Motown’s Greatest Hits. Tuesday 13th September: Walk Like A Man: The Four Seasons. Wednesday 14th September: The Bohemians, Queens tribute. Thursday 15th September: My My: Abba, the Concert. Friday 16th September: Calling Planet Earth: Relive the 80s. Saturday 17th September: Jive Talkin’: The Bee Gees. n
Tickets for Live At Kilworth events from £36-£40, taking place at Kilworth House Theatre, adjacent to the hotel. Dining and accommodation also available. For more information or to request a programme of theatre events, or for booking enquiries, call 01858 88 19 39 or see

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Words: Rob Davis. Lead Image: Brooke Priory student, by Elli Dean.
Schools & Colleges Here, we profile some of the best independent schools and colleges, across Stamford and Rutland, offering the very best education the region has to offer...

A leading independent day school, LJS is located in the beautiful market town of Oundle, Northamptonshire. In a caring and supportive environment, our children become exceptional, lifelong learners, who confidently embrace the thatandlinkedReceptionlearninganywhererecogniseAtforstrongestchild’spectationsinhibitions,EngagingtoThewithandopportunitieswide-rangingthatweofferareabletofacechallengesresilience.powerofplayiscentrallearningintheearlyyears.inplaywithoutlimitationsorex-isfundamentaltoahappinessandthepossiblefoundationalife-longloveoflearning.LaxtonJuniorSchool,wethat,morethanelseinschool,theenvironmentinisintrinsicallytoachild’sexperiencearedelightedtoannounceabrandnewearlyyears space will open in September. Its dynamic indoor and outdoor areas will give children the freedom to play and interact in a constant flow, moving from one activity to another, sometimes of their own will and sometimes guided by a teacher. If you are interested in finding out more about our innovative approach to play and child-led learning and would like to experience our new Reception space, we welcome you and your child to our Reception Family Day on Saturday 17th September. Alternatively, you can book an individual tour to see the school at a time that suits you and your family best. n Laxton Junior School (part of Oundle School). W: E: T: 01832 277275 Follow us on powerofplay_LJSInstagram: Laxton Junior School “Innovative approach to play & child-led learning”
50 Established in 1989, Brooke Priory is an childrenchildhooduniqueBrookeSchoolco-educationalindependentPreparatorybasedinOakham.Priorycreatesaenvironmentwhereischerishedandareencouraged‘to be the best they can be.’ Family pervades all we do within the school by valuing hard work and ensuring each day is special for every child. We teach children to become independent, reflective learners. We foster excellent relationships with our pupils who succeed and thrive in an environment of mutual respect. Our small class sizes promote a supportive culture in the classroom and whilst children remain competitive, they also celebrate and encourage each other’s success. Whilst academic distinctions are always a priority we focus on the ‘whole child’ in all aspects of school life. Sport is high profile at Brooke Priory, we offer a full and varied list developing a lifelong love of competitive sport. We have a thriving music and creative arts department, mindfulness activities and an unrivalled extra-curricular programme. We encourage a healthy mind and body promoting nutritious snacks and outdoor countryside pursuits via ‘Welly Days.’ We recognise that some children will require greater support to increase their emotional literacy than others. Children perform better if their emotional needs are addressed, we have an ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) programme and we also have our Emotional Support dog Elsie! n To find out more or to request a prospectus, contact Admissions on 01572 724778 or,email: Brooke Priory School “We’re encouraged to be the best we can be…”

Oakham School is a vibrant co-educational independent boarding and day school for pupils aged between 10 and 18. Founded in 1584, its uniquely structured population of 50:50 boarders and day pupils and 50:50 girls and boys create a genuinely inclusive school community. Set in the heart of rural England close to Rutland Water, Oakham offers board ing, weekly boarding and day options that fit around busy family Oakhamlife.aims to provide an education for children that recognises that these School years are precious and should be joyful, memorable and Thetransformative.Schoolcombines its exceptional pastoral care with academic excellence and outstanding co-curricular opportunities, underpinned by its core values, to enable its pupils to flourish at school and long into the future. The connected curriculum means each individual pupil is given the opportunity to excel in what they love the most and experience new things. Over many years, the School has received national recognition for its outstanding achievements in sport, music, drama and the Duke of Edinburgh Scheme. Above all, Oakham is a wel coming community that values learning and human relation ships, which are the bedrock of a successful and happy life. n A series of Open Events are being held across September, October and November. For more information and to book a place, please call the Admissions team on 01572 758758 or visit
A vibrant co-educational independent school... 51
The Schools are woven into the tapestry of the town... is given the highest priority; valuing and supporting each students individuality, encouraging personal resilience and equipping children with a toolkit to lead a healthy life. Children leave the schools a Stamfordian; happy, socially responsible, with a clear sense of self with skills for life and the right qualifications for their next steps, whatever they may be. n For further information about the schools or to register for the October 2022 open, please
Oakham School
Nestled within the heart of the picturesque town of Stamford in Lincolnshire are the Stamford Endowed Schools, day and boarding schools for boys and girls aged 2-18. The Schools currently operate as a ‘diamond model’ with mixed sex Nursery School, Junior Schools and Sixth Form, and boys and girls aged 11-16 taught separately. The 500year-old Schools are woven into the tapestry of the town, dotted across various sites with 60 acres of sports fields, gardens and grounds. In May 2022, the Governors of the Stamford Endowed Schools announced that Stamford will move from the ‘diamond’ model to a fully co-educational school at all stages. September 2023 will see the start of the transition with the move to become fully co-educational taking place over two years. The Schools take pride in developing active, engaged and independent learners. From their first day children are taught to learn from experience, form good habits of mind and understand how to make informed choices through independent learning
Stamford Endowed Schools

52 Celebrate... Contact our Admissionsfriendlyteam 01832 the wonder of discovery through the eyes of your child at our tailored Reception Family Day on Saturday 17th September. Meet and chat to our team of EYFS experts while your child is absorbed in a range of fun play activities, all created with pre-schoolers in mind. Follow us at powerofplay_LJS Call 07989 412603 for details of our courses, dates and gift vouchers WWW.LINCOLNSHIRECOOKERYSCHOOL.COM LEARN TO COOK LIKE A PROFESSIONAL AN ENJOYABLE EXPERIENCE FOR YOU... OR A GREAT GIFT IDEA FOR A LOVED ONE! Bread & Cakes Desserts & Puds Fish & Sushi Game Dishes Pork & Meat Pies & JuniorWorldSaucesPastryCuisineCourses ALSO AVAILABLE: COOKING PARTIES FOR UP TO 8 PEOPLE, FULL & HALF DAYS

The next Open Morning is on Friday 7th October from 9.00am - 11.00am (no need to book) as it’s an informal morning where the Copthill children, will show you their Copthill School. n Copthill Independent School for children age 2 - 11 Years, Barnack Road, Uffington, Stamford PE9 3AD Tel: 01780 757506 or visit
“I am proud to be the Headteacher of Stamford Welland Academy where every child is known, valued and supported to achieve above and beyond their potential, says Vicky Lloyd. “We com bine the best educational prac tices in our taught curriculum, with the LincolnshireStamford,students“Wepopularensureexceptionalandsummer,learning“Theanticipation.theandStamford“Thesebeyondthemourparallelopportunitiescharacter-buildingaffordedinourcurriculum,todevelopyoungpeopleandprepareforthefutureandlifeStamford.”areexcitingtimesforWellandAcademywearelookingforwardtojourneyaheadwithgreatimprovementtotheenvironmentoverthecoupledwithourrichvariedcurriculumandpastoralcare,allthatwehaveathriving,academy.”welcomevisitsfromneworfamiliesintheRutlandandarea.” Please call 01780 761000 to speak to a member of the admissions team or
farm with live animals, outdoor kitchens and any other number of other outdoor marvels. Academic attainment and Copthill’s indoor educational resources are of an extremely high standard too. There’s a fully kitted out laboratory for science, all the classrooms have state-ofthe-art digital teaching facilities, while music pods and a studio cater for the arts and of course, as you would expect at a school with such a strong health the dinner hall is a bastion of fresh, healthy eating.
There really isn’t another school like Copthill in the area. In an age where parents worry constantly about how much exercise their children are getting, or how addicted to their phones and iPads they are Copthill School, near Uffington, is a perfect solution to those concerns. It has the most amazing 300acre grounds, which hide the sorts of delights and challenges which will make any child forget Fortnite in an instant. Whether its building rafts on its gorgeous stretch of the Welland, learning about World War I in a purpose-built trench, or playing all sorts of sports on its astroturf pitch, Copthill provides opportunities for children that inspire their imaginations and kick-starts a passion for learning. But it’s not just about the Forest School, wooden fort, Copthill School, Stamford “Curiosity, excitement and desire for 50 years!”
Stamford Welland Academy joined the Meridian family of schools in 2014. In September 2021 we were inspected by Ofsted and judged to be ‘Good’ overall where ‘Leaders have high ambitions for what pupils can achieve.’
Stamford Welland Academy For children of all abilities and backgrounds...
We are an ever-expanding secondary school with admissions increasing in every year group each year. The confidence that the community has in our excellent pastoral care and quality of teaching means that we are growing at a rapid rate within the Stam ford community.

Lincolnshire Cookery School allows you to learn to cook like a professional, in a peaceful rural “We’, so we understand the fundamental idea of field to plate,” says founder Fiona Lucas. “Our experiences and location inspire us to produce quality, tasty and ‘want more’ dishes and it’s a joy to share them with our students.”
Lincolnshire Cookery School “An enjoyable experience or a great gift for a loved one!” 55
At Lincoln Minster School we are very proud of our school and welcome visitors to come and see our facilities at one of our Open Days. We are proudly non-selective, offering an all-through education in a nurturing and stimulating environment We aim to provide an environment that sets high expectations, facilitating stretch and challenge, where each child is stimulated to fulfil their potential in preparation for the next stage of their edu cation and future employment. Through an inspiring curriculum, exciting clubs, activities and trips, excellent academic and pastoral support, and dedicated and caring staff, we provide each and every one of our pupils with an ‘education for life.’
n For more information
Lincoln Minster School “Providing an inspiring education, for life...”
“Our cookery courses include a short demonstration followed by ‘hands-on’ cooking with tutoring to your own specific Therequirements.”school’scourses include courses for young people, world cuisine courses, pies, sauces, fish and fine dining, plus courses for those with a sweet tooth or specialist diets. Bread making courses and seasonal courses are also held, and online, you can see which courses are running month by Giftmonth.vouchers are available too, and the courses are a great way to spend time with a friend or family member.
n Call 07989 412603 or
“I’m a qualified Chef owning a Public House and Restaurant by the age of 34 when I then met my husband Mark (the farmer). I then had a slight change in my career and qualified as a Teacher through Hull University moving onto teach cookery in Young Offenders Prison & Pupil Referral Units in “IYorkshire.”haveover 35 years of experience in the catering and the eduction sector, so those who know me say I have a huge personality... they’ll also add that I’m very passionate about cooking and wine!”
Through encouraging active involvement in a wide variety of inclusive bookwebsiteorinterestedSeptemberOurofwhichbeyondofWeideasingandequally,Atcommunityengenderingengagedopportunitiesco-curricularpupilsareinschoollife,aspiritofandco-operation.LMSwevalueeveryonebuildingself-esteemself-respectbydemonstratrespectandcareforpeople,andourenvironment.recognisetheimportancethingsthatenrichlifematerialpossessions,contributetoasensewellbeingandfulfilmentnextOpenDayis222022forthoseinjoiningusin2023beyond.Pleasevisitourtofindoutmoreandyourplace.

56 Ot tr Sevocsi D D s’hgu H tSne dep epden InrSo foetsiltrohS df llI d e d or bo fooohcy SatraperP ut Nnpdeng inidae O6thayur enpOru o A l at lf r&ae Yeh thofh chS c lo ft eY .23 – 1ds arlid gns ay gnidraod bny aay, dy,resr erbotc y ay y Da a ro foae Yeh thofh cht Sne dep epden In tSnamr Sd f I d e d c l o f t e Y r f oo bstt ucatno e csaelP elephone:T office@st-hughs.lincEmail: g ngb lbe Wene deutS r&al o f t e Y d tW ll n ecalk a po

r do foam hguo hre tfeie lSe f f slenian a C Ob|O Independent Schools for boys and gir umtuau selfouryo and see omC y a 2202b rls aged 2-18 ut mn this orfo me Oct e f /oopen-day Sat 8Junior School|ed 5 OctWeSixth Form|Sat 1 OctSenior School 02erO cto bsy ayDnp en a W

Aaron leads a brigade of 16 chefs to create meticulous dishes which
Words: Rob Davis. Images: Dorte Kjærulff Photography, 07984 492 246,
1979 was a good year. In July, 42 years ago, Tim & Stefa Hart took on a former hunting lodge in Hambleton and set about transforming it into a hotel and restaurant. Meanwhile, just a couple of months later, Mr & Mrs Davis senior (now very senior) brought into the world a beautiful baby boy who would grow up to be a handsome and talented magazine editor. And 42 is a great age. I’m no longer compelled to pretend I’m cool, I don’t have to hold my belly in when a pretty girl walks past, I can dress for comfort, I can turn the volume of music down, leave a bar at 9pm and of course the agony of dating is well behind me thanks to my own very happy marriage. Hambleton Hall opened in 1980 and one might suggest that the stars have consistently aligned for the fortunes of the place ever since. Its interiors were designed by Stefa and colleague Nina Campbell; head chef Nick Gill brother of writer A A Gill took young protégé Aaron Patterson under his wing. Soon, Hambleton Hall’s team would grow to include restaurant director Graeme Matheson, sommelier Dominique Baduel and general manager Chris Hurst... oh, and speaking of stars, Hambleton was awarded its own in 1982, which it has retained since. But to attribute Hambleton Hall’s success to astrological phenomena would be quite disingenuous. The hotel and restaurant has earned and maintained its reputation not through mere luck or planets ascending, but through hard work, and a genuine desire to give guests the very best experience. In the kitchen is a brigade of 16 chefs. In any other kitchen that would be overkill, but with the complexity of Hambleton Hall’s dishes, and with guests of its 17 rooms and suites to care for, it’s about right for the place, and enables the creation of every thing in-house right down to ice creams, sorbets and petit fours. Only the bread is produced off site at sister company Hambleton Bakery, founded by Tim alongside former Hambleton Hall pastry chef Julian Carter in 2008. The bakery is a success story all of its own. It has just moved into new purpose-built facilities adjacent to the A1 to bake the quantity of bread required for the restaurants it supplies, and to stock its six shops.
Dining Out in Rutland at HAMBLETON HALL
Dining out in Rutland doesn’t get any better than enjoying dinner at Hambleton Hall, not simply because of the lovely setting or quality of dining, but thanks to the warmth of welcome the team provides, and a desire to really look after their guests...

Dining at Hambleton Hall might not be considered inexpensive but it is definitely good value, and its menus are fairly priced, given the ingredients and labour invested in each plate’s creation. That said, a Lunch for Less menu provides two courses for just £45 and a third course for £9.50, via a menu which offers two choices for each course. Also available during lunchtime service is the prix fixe lunch menu at £95/head, with a choice of four starters, four main courses and four desserts plus a cheese option.
Evening dining is priced at £95/head too and also offers four courses each, plus desserts and farmhouse cheeseboard option.
Desserts Cassis soufflé with star anise ice cream. Taste of Eccles with grape and Sauternes sorbet. Gariguette strawberries with elderflower chiboust, lemon curt and elderflower sorbet. Dark chocolate, frangelico and hazelnut ice cream. Selection of farmhouse cheeses with Hambleton Bakery bread, grapes and celery.
Tim and Dominique have curated a wine list with bottles from about £35 to some really rare or desirable options for oenophiles who really know their stuff. Whatever your level of expertise, Dominique is always >> Aaron and his colleagues, including Charlie Jones and James Stone, also curate a kitchen garden in which they grow as much fresh produce as possible.
NB: This is a sample menu, and featured dishes are subject to availability and change. on the MENU
“A new affiliation for Hambleton Hall is with Tim Appleton for a Restore & Rejuvenate offer which combines a birdwatching sortie with evening dining and an overnight stay...”
An additional Gourmet Corner area of the menu offers dishes which carry a supplement but offer something a little special. Examples include a Exmoor Baerii Caviar dish or a beef dish with Eryngii Mushrooms and Mooli.
Two additional mentions: firstly Hambleton Hall’s Sunday Lunch menu at £70/head, which includes the option of a traditional Sirloin of Beef, and Roast Fillet of Lamb among other dishes. Secondly, a dedicated vegetarian menu which comprises seven options, leaving those who favour a plantbased diet with plenty of choice.
Starters Slow cooked octopus with chorizo tortellino, lemongrass and ginger sauce. Paté of chicken liver with Valrhona dark chocolate, kumquat and blood orange. Tartlet of Cornish crab with lemongrass and ginger, crab bisque purée. Main Courses Loin of Launde Farm lamb with sweetbread, roast aubergine, goat’s curd tortellino and red pepper purée. Ribeye of pork with braised kohlrabi, apple and crackling. Pan fried fillet of seabass with kimchi, caramelised fennel and vanilla sauce. Merrifield Farm duck with hispi cabbage, green pepper and mandarin.

Beyond the dining room, Hambleton Hall is set within 17 acres of well-kept grounds gardening being another keen interest of Tim and Stefa and the view from the hotel’s terrace down to the reservoir over the formal gardens really are beautiful. One of the aspects of Hambleton Hall which has ensured guests return time and again, aside from the exceptional dining and accommodation, is its programme of events. This includes affiliations with Nevill Holt Opera, and Palmer Sport; see later in this edition. Next month will also see Hamble ton Hall’s annual Fungi Foray, foraging through local woodland accompanied by mycologist Paul Nichol followed by lunch.
61 happy to share his passion for good wine and make helpful suggestions.
Hambleton Hall is your luxurious home from home, renowned for impeccable service with elegantly-designed rooms and Michelin-starred cuisine.
Lunchtime Service: Monday to Saturday 12noon – 1.30pm. Sunday 12noon – 2.30pm. Evening Service: Monday to Saturday 7pm – 9pm.
Douglas Adams, who wrote The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy in 1979 the same year that Tim & Stefa purchased Hambleton Hall and that I came mewling into world reckoned that meaning of life, the universe and everything is ‘42.’ On the evidence of the contentment I now feel in my own self, and on Hambleton Hall’s provision of good times and great dining, we’d heartily agree. OUT
The latest affiliation is with Tim Appleton MBE for a Restore & Rejuvenate offer which combines a guided birdwatching sortie with evening dining and an overnight stay. On 8th November, for example, Gilles Dudognon will visit Aaron to join him in the kitchen. Gilles is from Limoge’s La Chapelle Saint Martin which, like Hambleton Hall, has a Michelin Star and is an affiliate of the Relais & Châteaux luxury hotel group.
Hambleton Hall Hambleton Hall, Ketton Road, Oakham, Rutland LE15 8TH. Call 01572 756991 or

62 PETWOOD HOTEL STIXWOULD ROAD, WOODHALL SPA, LINCOLNSHIRE LN10 6QG WWW.PETWOOD.CO.UK/BOOK-A-TABLE AA ROSETTE AWARD ENJOY SOME OF LINCOLNSHIRES FINEST DINING Indulge in AA Rosette Dining, or relax with Afternoon Tea and a G&T on the Terrace overlooking our stunning award-winning Peto gardens. Petwood is the perfect location for celebrations, commemorations and making memories that last. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Call us on 01526 352411 or email, DINE & RELAX


Finely chop two lemongrass stalks and mix in a large baking dish with the garlic, grapefruit zest and juice, fish and soy sauces, maple syrup and oil. Slash each chicken leg three times and add to the dish, turning in the marinade. Leave for at least 20 minutes, but ideally up to 12 hours (cover and chill in the fridge, regularly turning the chicken in the marinade). Preheat the oven to 200°C, gas mark 6. Bash the remaining 2 lemongrass stalks and add to the baking dish. Turn the chicken skin-side up and roast for 45 minutes, basting the legs in the juices halfway, until fully cooked, the juices run clear and there is no pink meat. Meanwhile, put the broccoli in a large bowl and cover with just-boiled water from the kettle; leave for 5 minutes, then drain. Lift the chicken from the dish and rest on a plate. Stir the rice and broccoli into the baking dish to soak up all the juices and return to the oven for 6-8 minutes until the rice is piping hot. Remove the dish from the oven, discard the whole lemongrass stalks and stir the salad onions and coriander through the rice. Divide between plates and top with the chicken to serve. n In the
Thousands of recipes can be found at
Preparation Time: 15 minutes + Marinating. Cooking Time: 55 minutes. Serves: Four. 4 lemongrass stalks • 4 cloves garlic, crushed • 1 pink grapefruit, zest and juice • 1 tbsp fish sauce 1 tbsp reduced salt soy sauce • 1 1⁄2 tbsp maple syrup • 1 tbsp sunflower oil • 4 British chicken legs 300g Tenderstem broccoli, trimmed and thicker stems halved lengthways 2 x 250g packs microwaveable Thai black rice 4 salad onions, finely chopped • 25g coriander, roughly chopped
Fragrant and delicious, this orientally-inspired dish is simple and flavoursome... great for summer afternoons!

The peaches in this recipe are poached in a spiced cider and maple syrup sauce. Top off this pudding with oat or coconut yogurt for a tasty vegan pudding...
Carefully lower in the peaches skin-side down. Cover with the lid and poach for five minutes, then turn and poach for another five minutes. Using a slotted spoon, lift out the peaches and set aside on a plate.
Preparation Time: Five minutes. Cooking Time: 25 minutes. Serves: Four. 50cl good quality cider, e.g.: Lincolnshire’s Skidbrooke Cyder • 2 tbsp maple syrup 1 Cinnamon stick • 1 star anise • 4 peaches, halved and stones removed 8 tbsp non-dairy yogurt alternative (such as coconut or oat)
Put the cider, maple syrup, cinnamon and star anise in a large casserole dish or sauté pan for which you have a lid. Bring to the boil, then lower to a gentle simmer.
Thousands of recipes can be found at
Turn up the heat under the pan and bubble the juices until reduced and syrupy. Serve the peaches and yogurt alternative with the warm syrup spooned over. This recipe would also work well with any other stone fruit you have to hand, such as plums, apricots and nectarines. n

68 The Avenue, Exton, Rutland LE15 8AH tel: 01572 • 46 ensuite bedrooms ~ singles, twins and doubles • Cosy sitting rooms • Beautiful self-catering Retreats • Delicious, fresh and local, award winning food • Private Dining • Courtyard and garden On the doorstep are independent boutiques, antique shops, numerous walking and cycle trails and water activities on Rutland Water. You are in the perfect surroundings to do as much or as little as you like. Your dog is welcome too! We are delighted to welcome our new head chef Marco Manner and sous chef Cedrik Rullier. Our menus will continue to feature dishes created with local, seasonal produce celebrating ‘Rutland ~ the County of Good Taste’ Set in the heart of beautiful countryside, Barnsdale Lodge and Rutland Retreats are located on the north shore of Rutland Water. Good AwardsFood If you’re a pub, a restaurant, or a café, advertise in our next edition to encourage our readers to vote for you...! Call our friendly sales team for details now on 01529 469977 or,OUR2022


BORDEAUX WINE MONTH: A trio born between the Garonne and Dordogne...
2. Our mid-market recommendation is a fine Merlot/Cabernet blend from Château l’Évangile, and aged for 15 months in two-year-old barrels, used by Lafite Rothschild, which gives great fruit intensity, £65 / 75cl / 14% ABV.
1. The most accessible of our trio of Bordeaux wines is this Puisseguin example, Merlot biased wine from the same home as many Grand Cru clarets. Lush, with ripe fruit, £14.99 / 75cl / 14% ABV.
It’s impossible not to recommend all of Belvoir Farm’s cordials and sparkling pressé drinks, from the farm’s newest range of non-alcoholic J&T, Peach Bellini and Passionfruit ‘Martini’ drinks, to its venerable elderflower cordial. On this occasion, we’re suggesting you try the producer’s cordial with a hint of rose, not just because of its fresh, light, summery flavour but because of its sheer versatility. Drink it with water, lemonade or Prosecco, or use it to flavour desserts from panna cotta to cheesecakes. £3.75 / 70cl / 0% ABV, from Waitrose, or
n Our featured wines are available from the best local independent wine merchants, supermarkets and online, prices are RRP and may vary from those stated.
The Wine Cellar
We’ve good cause to believe that the island of Capri is one of the most romantic places in the world this month... why? Just ask Pride’s Sales Manager Cydney, who married her fiancé Charlie on the island only a couple of weeks ago. As well as providing a great setting for romance, the island’s climate is ideal for viticulture, as evidenced by Capri Moonlight’s brut rosé awithlight,climateterroirandAglianicooffering.grapessandy,clayplusasuperyieldafreshwineredfruitandfinemousse.
3. And finally, a super-luxury option. This Cabernet/Merlot blend is produced by JeanHubert Delon and has rich cassis and blackberries on the palate with fine tannins, £270 / 75cl / 13.5% ABV.
The taste of autumn from Warner’s... Born in an orchard, distilled on a farm. Real apple & pear juice with hand-picked elderflower, makes this fruity gin a proper taste of the British countryside! As the last few weeks of summer give way to autumn, you’ll want to indulge in the sights, scent and flavour of orchards heaving with apples and pears, sunsets which creep closer and closer to bedtime and cooler evenings enjoying a drink outdoors. We can definitely recommend Warner’s apple and pear gin, with juniper and coriander, cardamom, apple and pear juice, orange and lemon peel, £38 / 70cl / 40% ABV, available from
Wine of the Month
71 Caprice Sparkling Brut Rosè, Capri, Italy £13.99 / 75cl / 12% ABV


Seeing the Light
When Sarah and Alan Stenson first saw their late 18th century former rectory, it was love at first sight. Upon employing lighter colours and clearing the grounds, the property was truly able to appear in a whole new light...
Words: Rob Davis.
When Sarah and Alan Stenson first saw their late 18th century former rectory, it was love at first employing lighter colours and clearing the grounds, the property was truly able to in a whole new light...
Seeing the Light

Rooms: Three receptions, arranged as living room, drawing room, and dining room. Study, entrance hall, Six bedrooms with one en suite. Guide Price: £1,250,000. Find Out More: James Sellicks Estate Agents, Market Place, Oakham LE15 6DT. Call 01572 724437 or
The Old Rectory at Saxby...
“IT’S A BIT LIKE AN EPISODE OF ESCAPE TO THE COUNTRY,” says Sarah Stenson, recalling the moment that she and husband Alan first saw their late-18th century rectory in the village of Saxby. “We moved from Buckinghamshire and were looking for a house adventure. We knew that we were taking on quite a property, but viewing it for the first time, we could see the potential. I’ve a sort of sixth sense for walking into a property and seeing what would suit the architecture, the interiors and how to use the light.”
Location: Nine miles from Oakham, 19 miles to Stamford.
Provenance: Georgian-era former rectory built in 1789 and standing in 1.4 acres.
Built in 1789 and carrying a Grade II listing, it’s easy to see why the couple fell head over heels with the property. There’s a distinctive look to The Old Rectory, and that’s because it replaced an older property on the site which is believed to have burned down. Its owner the Fourth Earl of Harborough commissioned architect George Richardson to create the new house, and instructed him to use domed brick ceilings and other architectural means to make it as fireproof as possible. Main/Right: Sarah has made good use of soft natural colours, taking inspiration from French chateaux chic.

To the rear of the property are the kitchen and dining room, perfectly placed side by side creating a more open feel for entertaining. A spacious utility room and downstairs cloakroom sit just off the rear hall.
The first and second floor comprise six large double bedrooms and two bathrooms. The first floor has four bedrooms, three facing south, one facing north, all with beautiful timber flooring and original fireplaces.
The property was originally designed in a ‘T’ shape with later additions in the 19th century, with a double-height entrance hall.
The property is approached through electric gates up a sweeping gravel driveway with ample parking. The gardens for The Old Rectory surround it on all sides with a mixture of woodland areas, lawns and rose Agardens.patiostretching the width of the property, approximately seventy feet wide, sits off the front of the property facing directly south, creating a wonderfully private and sunny space to enjoy and take in the beautiful surroundings.
The master bedroom is complemented by an incredible ensuite comprising a free-standing bath, separate shower, double hand basins and high flush lavatory. To the second floor there are two generously sized double bedrooms with a large storage cupboard.
There are three south-facing reception rooms sitting to the front of the property, all with wonderful coved ceilings, timber flooring and feature fireplaces. The reception rooms on each end have large sash windows allowing the southern light to flood in whilst the drawing room in the middle has double doors opening onto the patio.

>> To the east of the house and formal gardens there is a paddock extending to 1.4 acres. The grounds have been lovingly restored by Sarah and Alan, who reckon they’ve planted no fewer than 150 David Austen roses, with a second flush ensuring a spectacular display right up until October. The couple are especially pleased with the way their work in the garden has opened up the potential for more natural light.
“We’ve restored windows, ensured the roof is in sound condition and replaced the wiring and plumbing, so essentially all of the nasty jobs that can crop up in an older property have been taken care of.”
“Our daughter and son are in Manchester and Bristol respectively, so leaving the house is really just a geographical necessity. Otherwise we love the place. We’re really pleased with the decisions we’ve made and with the property’s look, its feel and its character.” n
“The grounds were definitely asserting themselves, with lots of dense, self-seeding saplings and shrubs. Whilst this gave the house a lovely hidden-away setting, you couldn’t see the fields beyond the curtilage, so by opening up the grounds we were able to take advantage of the perfect north/east, south/west orientation of the house, and really enjoy the morning sunrises.”

77 Beautifully refurbished and tastefully extended stone property with open plan kitchen/diner and sitting room, as well as four good-sized bedrooms and three bathrooms. Garden room studio plus workshop and 1.9 acres total grounds. n Main Street, Teigh OIEO: £1,100,000 A former Post Office Situated in the conservation village of Exton, with open plan kitchen diner and family room, as well as double-reception room and snug, and four bedrooms with three bathrooms. Rear garden with raised patio. n The Old Post Office, Exton OIEO: £1,000,000 A unique, Grade II listed, five bedroom family home brimming with original features and renovated to the highest quality, enjoying a south facing tiered terrace garden and private parking. n St. Peters Street, Stamford Guide Price: £2,050,000

78 Unique WEaudiobeautifulandvisualsystemsMAKETECHNOLOGYSIMPLE CINEMA ROOMS MULTI-ROOM AUDIO SYSTEMS INTELLIGENT LIGHTING ULTRA-HD VIDEO DISTRIBUTION BESPOKE SYSTEM DESIGN 01733 246 907 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL MARINE Working with home owners and interior designers to design and install easy to use home technology THE AREA’S LARGEST INDEPENDENT KITCHEN SHOWROOM The Maltings, Barnack Road, Stamford PE9 2NA T: 01780 756514 or 755855 E: Your local appointed Sheraton dealer and Neff Master Partner

79 Peterborough’s Premier Kitchen Design & Installation Specialists... 01733 894422 | Papyrus Road, Peterborough PE4 5BH JUST ALONG FROM THE BMW & AUDI MOTOR DEALERSHIPS 6 MARKET PLACE · UPPINGHAM · RUTLAND · LE15 9QH 01572 823389 •

80 Interior Design Service We offer a seamless interior design service with an extensive range of sampling to choose from, to suit your individual taste and budget. Whatever your needs, from decorating to flooring, to curtain-and blind-making (and fitting) and re-upholstery or new furniture, we can help make your home the best it can be for you. Call in for a chat and take a break at the Hayloft where we serve excellent coffee, delicious cakes, savoury light lunches and a pre-bookable Afternoon Tea. We look forward to welcoming you. Open Monday – Saturday, 9.00 am – 4.30 pm The Stables, Copthill Farm, Uffington, Stamford PE9 4TD Call 01780 Photo courtesy of Colefax and Fowler The Hayloft Terrace

FURNISHINGSHOME Extravagant, playful and eclectic... this month we’re previewing a brand new collection from Zoffany. Named Cotswolds Manor, they’ll bring a sense of opulence and bold designs right into your sitting room... COTSWOLDS MANOR Zoffany Launches This Page: Wall panels in French Marble and Avalonis Como Blue and Koi. Fabric Anar Trellis in Serpentine/Crimson.

Above/Right: Verdue wallpaper in Indigo colourway, £151/roll. Cushions in French Marble.
To make the best of these fabrics, seek out one of interiors...forandsoftcreatespecialistsinteriorcounty’stheleadingdesigntobespokefurnishingsdecorationyour 82
Top: French Marble velvet fabric in Serpentine (blue) and Malachite (green), £169/m, also seen in Empire Grey/White £109/m.
Right: Storks & Thrushes fabric in Tuscan Pink/Cobalt £149/m, wallpaper £199/roll, green wallpaper foreground Marsden's Palm Damask £109/roll, shown here in Pale Poisen and Blue Stone.

Nostell Priory wallpaper in Lazilu £108/roll, fabric is Phaedra Toile in Indigo. 83

Sarah Harding Interiors: Uppingham, 01572 823389,
Wallcoverings Chintz Lustre in Quartz Grey £189/roll; Grand Paisley in silver £579/three metre panel. Fabrics Avalonis in black gold £129/m. Stamford & Rutland Interiors: Broughtons: Leicester, 0116 2341888, Delcor Interiors: Stamford, 01780 762579, Elizabeth Stanhope Interiors: Oakham, 01572 722345,
H-Works: 01780 754605, Hunters of Stamford: 01780 757946,
Please note availability of brands and ranges at the above design studios subject to variation.

86 Pillings Rd, Oakham LE15 6QF 01572 490790 • Also in Melton Mowbray and Birstall • Established 1899 High Quality Contemporary & Traditional Kitchens by Symphony Appliances from Neff, Indesit and Smeg BUILDER’S MERCHANTS, TIMBER AND LANDSCAPING SUPPLIER High Quality Contemporary & Traditional Kitchens by Symphony Appliances from Neff, Indesit and Smeg BUILDER’S TIMBER AND LANDSCAPING SUPPLIER

The space features carefully chosen Sheraton Sterling shaker cabinets topped with white quartz worktops and light porcelain tiles underfoot, designed to bounce light around the room. A Quooker boiling water tap and graphite Neff appliances were fitted, includ ing those with slide and hide oven doors, to facilitate Kate’s culinary endeavours. A devoted preparation and cooking station was designed within the lustrous quartz island. The bronze finish sink is located adjacent to a large induction hob for easy cleaning, preparation and cooking. A discreet extractor fan was incorporated into the ceiling, allowing natural light to float around the room whilst Kate and Richard entertain guests at their breakfast bar. And the end result for Kate and Richard? All aspects of the space carefully designed around their needs and lifestyle, the kitchen becoming the centre of their home. >>
Nestled in the centre of Stamford, Kate and Richard are sat in the heart of their home: a combined living and kitchen area boasting a beautiful soft contrast of baby pink walls, indigo painted shaker cabinetry and Banaba white quartz surfaces. When Kate visited Andrew at QKS of Stamford, she was looking for a space which would facilitate her love of baking, cooking from scratch and entertaining friends and family, ensuring her ‘snug’ could be incor porated into the kitchen area and natural light dispersed throughout.
Words: Lauren Singer. Images: Sara Brandwood-Harris.
Quality Kitchens in Stamford
After understanding Kate and Richard’s lifestyle and space, QKS set to work identi fying key aspects which would maximise the room and tailor the kitchen to their needs.
Supported by Andrew’s 31 years of experi ence in kitchen design, Kate and Richard were guided through final interiors, layout and finishing touches. Complete management of the project and a friendly and professional installation team delivered their dream kitchen.
In the same way that the kitchen is the heart of the home, QKS is the heart of Stamford, a family firm that has been providing locals with their dream kitchen for the past 40 years...
Think large seamless worktops for preparing homemade dishes and an integrated seating area to entertain guests.

Malcolm Brandwood, QKS Kitchens, Stamford
“With more choice than ever, clever technology and infinite design possibilities available, there’s never been a stronger reason to be guided by a company that has 40-years experience producing quality kitchens. We project manage your job and coordinate the fitting, electrical, plumbing and decoration of your room for real peace of mind...”
Right: available2022fromPaintedSignaturekitchenSheraton’srangeatQKS.
LEFT/ABOVE: A cheerful look for a country kitchen taking advantage of lots of natural light, Caledonia’s in-frame kitchen is shown here in two-tone Cloudy Dawn and Summer Sky, with a solid timber insert on the island. Plenty of storage, and nice wide pan drawers for convenience.
BELOW: You can never have too much storage in a kitchen, and a larder unit like this from Caledonia is ideal for organising spices, sauces and baking ingredients. There’s space for appliances like mixers, too. A GREAT WAY to modernise a period property, this is a contemporary take on the bystyleItsnarrowerlinedbutshaker-styleclassickitchenmorestreamandwithaframe.contemporaryisunderwrittentheblushcolourway,oneof22coloursyoucanuseasasoloshadeorcombinewithanaccentcolour.

In addition to Sheraton and Chippendale ranges, QKS are introducing a new hand built and painted kitchen range, Caledonia Kitchens, in a comprehensive range of colours and finishes. Alternatively, the firm can colour match your cabinets to your favourite Farrow & Ball or Little Greene shades for a truly personalised kitchen. The new summer 2022 additions of Miele and De Dietrich to QKS adds to an already extensive list of kitchen appliance brands. Luxurious yet reliable appliances such as ovens, warming drawers & coffee machines – to name a few – can be readily incorporated into your space with reliable and fast supply chains. Family run company, De Dietrich, combines centuries of technological know-how with French culinary expertise to produce appliances which guarantee sophistication and excellence. Miele have been crafting appliances to new levels of performance and cutting edge innovation since 1899. Pioneering Miele appliances are designed to stand the test of time, having undergone significant endurance testing to simulate over 20 years of use and winning several Best Buy Awards. Addition of Miele appliances to the showroom is currently underway, whilst De Dietrich ovens are on display. n
Find Out More: QKS of Stamford is committed to complete delivery of personalised kitchens designed to suit your needs, lifestyle and space. For enquiries, guidance and consultation, call or visit the firm’s large 25 room setting showroom in Stamford for discussion with its designers. For recent projects, inspiration and testimonials, please visit
BELOW: QKS presents Deveron, a handleless design shown here painted in Caithness Slate colourway. An older property with a narrow Georgian kitchen is typical in Stamford, and this example’s tall larder cupboard maximises storage without sacrificing a large Aga-style range. The island’s rough-sawn pillars and the handleless design with copper inserts really update a classic property.
QKS of Stamford has been providing quality kitchens to the local area for over 40 years, boasting a trusted, friendly and professional service from consultation through to completion. Encompassing contemporary, traditional and handmade styles, QKS can offer complete solutions including design, supply, project management and installation of quality kitchens.
Quality Kitchens in Stamford...

92 BURGHLEY SECURITY Tel:01780 250000 CCTV ALARMS ACCESS CONTROL DATA RANDALL’SROOFING NEED EMERGENCY REPAIR? NEED SOMEONE YOU CAN TRUST? AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE? WE SPECIALISE IN - New roofs and all roof repairs - Tile & slate roofs - Gutter repairs - New UPVC fascia & guttering - Roof & gutter cleaning - Chimney stack repairs - Re-pointing & Bedding Ridges From a slipped tile to a new roof * CALL US TODAY * Stamford Bourne 01780 408560 01778 338222 EQUINE ESSENTIALS FOR ALL YOUR EQUINE AND RIDER ESSENTIALS VISIT US IN STORE AT BELTON, HORNCASTLE, SPILSBY, HOLBEACH & BARNACK NEW STYLES | NEW COLOURS

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95 GREDesignAVESAVAVIDAVDS DESIGNSER VISUAL LA 2D CONCE VICE PTNDSCAPE&3D dream garden a and 3D visual la DAVIDLookiGREAVESchieving the best for ou ndscape design service DESIGN offer a ngtoredesbespoktdoor living to create your e 2D signyourouconceptutdoorspace? .davidgreav1664823588w. ng to redes sign your ou utdoor spa 0t.852371873m.k

This month we’re enjoying a Rutland garden that has been beautifully curated from parterre to pickery. Caroline Lomas has lived in Braunston for 30 years, and her garden has layers upon layers of interest...
On the other hand, it was my very good fortune to be enjoying the very bright, colourful and beautifully curated borders and parterres of Braunston’s Quaintree Hall, which must be one of the most wellconsidered and lovingly curated gardens in QuaintreeRutland.
Commendably methodical in her approach to gardening, Caroline has a hand-drawn plan which shows how she has divided up the garden to ensure year-round interest.
To the front of the property is a parterre which replaced a patch of lawn, and wrapping around the front of the property is a spring border with a yellow and blue scheme colour scheme adjacent to the wall bordering the property plus a grey border closer to the house.
Words: Rob Davis.
OF ALL THE DAYS to enjoy a visit to a garden, my recent misfortune was to book an appointment on the very day forecasters were warning of apocalyptic 40°c heat.
A teacher of Classics at Oakham School, Caroline is to be found leading at least one lesson a day, Monday to Saturday. The rest of her time is dedicated to looking after the garden and spending time with her two daughters and year-old grandson.
Hall itself is rather spectacular: a medieval hall house dating back to 1297 in its oldest parts, with 13th century timber crucks securing the property a Grade II* listing, flanked architecturally by several Elizabethan and Georgian addition. Owner Caroline Lomas became custodian of the property in 1994 and saw the potential of its 1.5 acres, as a long-term labour of love. To the front of the property was a c.250 year old ceder of Lebanon which sadly needed removing for fear of the massive tree’s roots causing chaos.
It was one of 27 trees mostly young, self-seeding saplings which needed to be removed before new planting could be introduced.

“My other tip is the use of Strulch, a straw mulch of wheat straw. It was developed by the University of Leeds and it really improves the soil. Because it looks like bark, it’s fairly inconspicuous too, and I’d say it suppresses nearly all annual weeds. I order it by the pallet load and it’s fairly light so it’s easy to move around.”
It’s a garden that has been 725 years in the making, but undoubtedly, the last 30 years have proved its most transformative, thanks to Caroline and her abundance of talent! n
Even on the hottest day of the year, walking around the gardens of Quaintree Hall proves invigorating, as visitors can discover for themselves during the open garden event.
“Gardening is, to some degree, trial and error, but one tip I do find useful is to plant anything you’d like to trial in pots, enabling you to move them around and try different degrees of shade to see where they’ll thrive.”
Visiting Quaintree Hall: Caroline Lomas will open the gardens of Quaintree Hall for the NGS on Sunday 21st August from 12noon. See for details.
98 >> To the south of the house is an area of garden which stretches right back to the curtilage of the grounds. Adjacent to the house is the Spring Garden with a brace of yew trees and aged-looking but in fact recently installed stone steps snaking through some lovely shaded walkways. Through a little gate is the Round Garden, flanked by hostas and with red and yellow summer borders which will really come into their own during an upcoming NGS open day. To the end of the Round Garden is curved yew hedging planted here to provide a ‘reveal’ of the Long Garden beyond. Exhibiting rich summer colour which really comes into its own later in the season, the borders are complemented by a rose border on the southern edge of the Long Garden, and with a rose arbor in the corner. On the opposite side of the driveway to the three gardens is the property’s Tithe Barn, Long Barn and a garage, each facing a saxifrage/peony border. Along with the property itself, these enclose a central court yard with herb garden and conservatory, with a raised terrace and raised beds. Beyond is the tool shed and a pickery with a rear paddock, apple and pear arch, and a further paddock. “I work to a colour scheme everywhere but the courtyard,” says Caroline. “I also try to make sure that there’s something of interest all year round. I’m also keen on succession planting, for instance with dahlias replacing spring bulbs, then late-flowering bulbs.”
“Rather than fighting against conditions, I’m also a keen advocate of growing to a particular area’s conditions. Occasionally I do take the odd risk, like the planting of roses on the southern border of the Long Garden, but they seem happy enough.”

n The Kitchen Garden: Plant onion and shallot sets, sow hardy greens like kale, pak choi, broad beans and peas. Pick apples and pears before they fall, lift and store maincrop potatoes.
n Divide Perennials: Ensure healthy and vigorous growth by diving perennials like iris and hostas.
n Make an Investment: Now is also the time to clip hedges, but if you’re still relying on noisy, vibration-prone petrol equipment consider investing in a single battery system but with multiple appliances: mowers, hedge trimmers, strimmers and chainsaws. Brands like Stihl and Ryobi provide a wealth of tools that are quieter, easier and lighter.
n Plant Spring Bulbs: Now’s the time to plans crocus, daffodils, hyacinths, bluebells and snake’s head fritillaries, in pots or borders ready for spring 2023. n Autumn Interest: Use cyclamen, heathers, heucheras for autumn interest in borders and containers.
n Collecting Seeds: It’s simple, generally inexpensive and it’ll help to increase the number of plants already in your garden. When seed heads ripen, collect them before they disperse, set two months after flowering or as soon as the seeds ripen.
n Sow Hardy Annuals: Scabiosa, cornflowers and cerinths can all be sown in the ground now ready for flowers early next summer.
n Garden Maintenance: Rake up thatch or scarify to remove detritus in your lawn, capture fallen leaves over the coming months and compost to create mulch. Once you’ve completed the last cut, have your mower taken away for a good service and to have its fuel removed to prevent it going stale.
Think holly berries, catkins, poppy seeds, sweet pea pods and the winged seeds of acers and sycamores.

OUR HOMES & GARDENS are incredibly important, meaningful places and they influence how we think, feel and support how we want to live. Choosing what to put on the walls and floors is a huge decision, making tiles and flagstones the foundation of any project which are crucial to get right from the beginning. There’s a lot to consider, from which materials and textures work harmoniously with the property to what colours and patterns will be complementary – so if you’re in need of inspiration and expert advice, look no further than Foras.
An award-winning family-run business, Foras was founded in 2003 by Norfolk farmer John Wootton and consultant Claire Brutnall with the aim of producing an exclusive range of natural stone flagstones, porcelain tiles and garden accessories, directly sourced throughout the UK, Europe, and ProductsAsia. are cleverly displayed at the company’s home in Stowbridge, Norfolk, a unique browsing experience where the gardens are fully dressed and landscaped to provide plenty of inspiration and ideas. Inside the tiles and flagstones are laid on the walls and floors in large areas, with accent tiles available to mix and combine into ‘mood boards.’ Swatch samples are available to take away and full tile samples are available to purchase. Foras sets itself apart from the competition by importing their own unique blends of stones and finishes. The team personally sources their Foras Originals tile and flagstone range directly from the manufacturers, taking each product through a rigorous quality control process.
“My passion has always been to supply the finest tiles and flagstones fully ‘in house’ to ensure consistency throughout every batch,” says John. “It has taken years for us to build solid relationships with our quarries and factories and, by sourcing directly from them, we’ve been able to select our own unique tonal blends, exquisite finishes, and can produce bespoke items to order.”
Foras’ flagship stone is Moorland York F40, a fawn-coloured sandstone which has been extensively worked to give the appearance of an authentic aged York stone.
It has proven popular in both modern and traditional projects, including the prestigious Old Hall in Ely. The team at the Old Hall started working with Foras in 2008.
Since then, their business has grown along side Foras, expanding more and more. They are now one of the most beautiful wedding venues in Cambridgeshire, also offering hotel stays, fine dining, and exclusive party/event hire. The extensive terraces are laid with Moorland York F40 sandstone and have the perfect amount of character to complement the Jacobean manor house. The pathways are detailed with Moorland York F40 Setts.
As the Old Hall continues to expand, more terraces will be required, thanks to Foras’ commitment to consistency and colour selection new Moorland York F40 can be laid alongside older batches of the stone with little to no tonal variation. n
From landscaping to lifestyle, in your home and around your garden! Foras has a range of gorgeous products to express your creativity and individuality... and it’s a really enjoyable, beautifully landscaped place to find inspiration, too!
Beautiful Garden Products with
Main Image: Foras' spectacular show gardens in Stowbridge with over 50 running water features. Insert Images: The beautiful Old Hall, in Ely.

101 About Foras: Based at King’s Lynn, Foras provides unique quality products for the home and garden from luxury water features, benches, sculptures, lighting solutions and bird care, plus deckchairs, candles and much more besides! Tiles & Flagstones: For more details and information about Foras Tiles & Flagstones please Home & Garden: For spectacular Foras garden features please visit or visit the showroom at Stowbridge to see the Foras difference for yourself. Contact Details: Foras Ltd, West Head Road, Stowbridge, Kings Lynn, Norfolk PE34 3NJ. Telephone 01366 381069. n THE DETAILS Foras, Stowbridge

102 Garolla garage doors are expertly made to measure in our own UK factories, they’re strong and solidly built. The electric Garolla door rolls up vertically, taking up only 8 inches inside your garage, maximising valuable space. Give us a call today and we’ll come and measure up completely FREE of charge. WHAT’S INCLUDED WITH EVERY DOOR: • EXPERT MEASURING & FITTING • 2 REMOTE CONTROLS • ACOUSTIC & THERMAL INSULATION • FREE DISPOSAL OF YOUR OLD DOOR • AVAILABLE IN 21 COLOURS £8955 *Offer valid for openings up to 2.4m wide & including 2 remote controls, 55mm white slats, internal manual override.

Route: Courtesy of Leave the TIC, cross the road and turn left along St Mary’s Street. At the T-junction carry straight on and then cross the road at the pedestrian crossing and continue to walk in the same direction. Where the road bends to the right, continue straight on along Castle Street.
Just before the next bridge turn right and walk along the bank of the river. Continue across the meadows for approximately half a mile (one kilometre) to reach another footbridge (Broadeng Bridge). Cross the bridge and bear right to follow the river, now on your right. Continue alongside the river for approximately three quarters of a mile (1.2 kilometres), passing through a bridge arch under the A1, to reach a junction of paths and bridge into Tinwell village. Turn left onto the bridleway that runs along the field edge. After approximately 100m turn right along a track, with tall hedgerows on either side. Cross the railway line with great care and continue up the hill, along the track. At the top of the slope, just outside the village of Easton on the Hill and immedi ately before some allotments on the left, turn left along a wide track towards the church. On reaching a lane by the church, turn right. For the shorter walk: (for the longer walk see the end of point 11) turn left almost immediately to follow a public footpath across a parking area. At the field bear left, across the field corner, following way markers denoting long distance footpaths. Bear right across the corner of the next field, aiming just to the right of three telegraph poles. Go through a gap in a hedge and continue down the hill on a track along the field edge, with Stamford ahead. Pass through a wooded area and continue ahead across a large field, aiming for the way marker post in the distance. Follow the path through an area of scrub to reach the railway line on an embankment. Cross it with care and then bear right to cross the corner of another field. Cross a footbridge and go through the tunnel under the A1. Continue ahead to reach the Youriver.have now rejoined your outward route. Simply turn right and continue along the path by the river, now on your left, towards Broadeng Bridge and the Meadows. Walk back through the Meadows alongside the river to the junction with a surfaced path and bridge. Turn left, cross a bridge and continue straight ahead along Castle Dyke to Sheepmarket Square. Turn right along Castle Street and continue straight on along St Mary’s Street to return to the starting point. For the longer walk: Continue ahead along Church Street into Easton on the Hill. At the junction with High Street, marked by a stone war memorial, turn left and continue ahead to the junction with the A43.
Route: See map overleaf.
Distance: 3 or 6 miles / 4.5 or 9.5 km.
Starting Point: Tourist Information Centre St Mary’s Street, Stamford PE9 2DL. Information:
Two lovely circular walks taking in four counties! Though the start and finish of the walk are in Lincolnshire, you will also be walking in Rutland, Northamptonshire and Peterborough in Cambridgeshire...
At Sheepmarket Square turn left along Castle Dyke. At the end of the road continue straight on over the bridge and follow the surfaced path across the meadow.

>> Turn left here and walk along the pavement for approximately 100m. Take the bridleway to Wothorpe that goes off to the right, crossing the main road with extreme care. Walk through the woodland for approximately two thirds of a mile (one kilometre) to a junction of two bridleways. Turn left to walk around the remains of Wothorpe Towers. At a track and junction with a public footpath turn right and follow the path into a field and follow the fence line in front of the cottage. At the end of the fence continue ahead, aiming for the right hand corner of a barn in the corner of the field. At the barn turn left and follow the path under the A1. At the end of the tunnel turn right and walk alongside a hedge and parallel to the A1. At the corner of the field follow the path left to a stile in a field corner. Bear left across a small field to a stile and bridge. Cross the bridge and follow the path to a road. Follow the road to a T-junction. Cross the road and take the public footpath almost opposite to a field. Cross the field towards a gate in the corner. Bear right across a small bridge and follow the path to a road. Cross the road with care and walk along Wothorpe Road before bearing right along Church Lane. At the end of Church Lane turn right and at the T-junction turn Havingleft.crossed
the river, using the Town Bridge, turn right onto St Mary’s Place, still cobbled, between the Town Hall and St Mary’s Church. n Route courtesy of “The walk takes you along the banks of the River Welland and up onto higher ground at Easton on the Hill, where there are good views back over Stamford and to the Fens beyond. The longer walk goes through attractive woodland at Wothorpe and ends with a fine approach to the town...”

Wothorpe Towers.

It’s at the latter that the racing driver established PalmerSport in 1991. The com pany aims to offer an unrivalled motorsport experience for folk like you and I who still harbour dreams of becoming a racing driver.
The company has a fleet of over 100 vehicles, which it owns, operates and also maintains, providing the chance to try out dynamically different cars during a day of intense automotive thrills and spills.
What could be better than that? How about a partnership with Hambleton Hall this month which has created a package includ ing a dinner prepared by Aaron Patterson Life in the Fast Lane with
More haste, less speed? Not today! We’ll take an abundance of both, as Rutland & Stamford folk enjoy the opportunity to get behind the wheel of some of the most impressive sports cars on a proper racing circuit, followed by dinner at Hambleton Hall!
If you want to talk speed, talk to Jonathan Palmer. After working as a physician at London’s Guys Hospital, Jonathan became a Formula One driver, active from 1983 to 1989 driving for teams like Williams, winning at Brands Hatch in 1984, and Le Mans in 1985. We should also mention that he’s responsible for helping to develop McLaren’s F1 road car, and he drove it to establish a new speed record for production cars.
But Jonathan is also the majority share holder for MotorSport Vision which runs six UK racing circuits including Brands Hatch, Cadwell Park and Bedford Autodrome.
Words: Rob Davis.


Each year, Hambleton Hall hosts the event, which begins in Bedford with registration and breakfast from 7.45am. After a briefing, driving commences, pausing for lunch at 12.50pm before afternoon driving, and then refreshments and awards at 4.30pm for the fastest drivers. Guests depart and travel back to Hambleton Hall for apéritifs at 8pm followed by PalmerSport’sdinner.Formula
Bedford Autodrome consists of a 1m north circuit, a 0.7km track for the company’s Caterham Seven, and a West Circuit which covers 1.87 miles and allows the firm’s Formula 3000 and Palmer JP-LM cars to really stretch their legs.
A little more sedate but equally impressive, the day also includes the chance to step into the driver’s seat of a proper old Land Rover Defender to embark on an off-road sortie with rock-strewn paths, deep rivers and scary slopes that could only be traversed by a Great British motoring icon.
3,000 cars are single-seaters, as close as drivers can get to experiencing driving an F1 vehicle. They’re powered by a 3.0V6 Cosworth engine, delivering 250bhp at 6,500rpm, and achiev ing 60mph in 3.1 seconds. Other cars include a Palmer JP-LM Le Mans-style racer with a similar engine but two seats, renowned for its downforce and the ability to achieve seemingly-impossible speeds through corners. There’s also a chance to try out a Caterham with its pared-back, light driving dynamics and agility, and BMW’s M4 GTP, a perfor mance car based on the same model you’ll see in showrooms.
Find Out More: Hambleton Hall’s PalmerSport motor racing day takes place on Thursday 6th October, prices from £1,135 including racing, tuition, insurance, refreshments, plus dinner, overnight accommodation and breakfast at Hambleton Hall. For details call 01572 756 991 or see
Places are limited, so prompt booking is recommended, but if you’re seeking a once in a lifetime driving experience, we advise you to get on your marks, and get set for serious motoring excitement! n
HAMBLETON and the team, and hosted by Jonathan him self, with overnight accommodation too, and breakfast at the hotel the following morning?

Of course this is the 21st century, and both gender politics and automotive design have moved on considerably. A picture of a young girl’s naked bottom would be at least naff and more likely downright offensive today, and in the same way, Lamborghini’s sensibilities have evolved accordingly. As such the Countach is a hybrid, albeit one with a V12 combustion engine too, and it’s made of light 3D-printed carbon fibre.
The first showed a photograph of an 18-year old Fiona Butler on a tennis court with her backside hanging out. Athena used it in a 1977 Silver Jubilee calendar, before negotiating a license to distribute the image as a poster. It was purchased in that format from 1978 and sold over 2,000,000 copies. Next to Fiona? A poster of the automotive equivalent, Lamborghini’s Countach. First sold in 1974 as a replacement to the Miura, it was produced until 1990 that’s a really long lifespan for a car, even though only 1,983 examples were ever made and sold.
It’s a silly car. Overpowered and ludicrously expensive, with just 112 examples set to be made. Amazingly, by the time you read this, it’ll probably be sold out, and even those who purchase one will do so to stick it in storage and watch it appreciate, not to drive it. Even so, as a reinvention of an motoring icon, the new Countach is game, set and match! n
RETRO IN THE REBORN Lamborghini Countach
The Countach was and remains iconic, and now there’s a new model, rebooted for the 21st century. The new car is made by Lamborghini so it’s neither a restomod nor a pastiche, but a bona fide new model which the company insists is fit not just to claim hypercar status in the 21st century, but also to wear the namebadge of its forebear. From the bedroom wall poster of your youth to the digital 21st century, Lamborghini has reinvented the Countach for 2022, but that childhood dream doesn’t come cheap!
REMEMBER THIS MOTORING ICON? If you were a bachelor or you were dating a bachelor – in the late 1970s or early 1980s, you’ll be familiar with two de rigueur posters without which no bedroom would be complete.

113 Price: £1,700,000. Powertrain: 6.5 litre V12 engine plus 34bhp 48v electric motor, total 803bhp/531lb torque (est). Performance: 0-60mph: 2.8 secs. Top speed 221mph. Economy 14.5mpg (WLTP), 440g/km. Equipment: Four wheel drive, four wheel steer, four wheel active ‘magnetorheological’ suspension, leather, 8.4” touch screen infotainment with smartphone mirroring and navigation. n THE DETAILS CountachLamborghiniLPI800

-NETHE ALL -60A CXW MAZD earser ye4oviventGER FOR £499 | £RGGETET A HALF PRICE HOME CHAR Mazda has unveiled the all-new Mazda CX-60, our first Plug-in 8-speed automatic transmission, and a new range of driver-cen powerful road car Mazda has ever produced. With unmistakab elegant details and human-centric technologies, the Mazda CX unique needs for a perfect driving experience that will make y road forever. esance | 5.4% APR* Reprwinance Deposit Allo500 F Monthly Payment On The Road Price inc Metallic Mazda Deposit Contribution Customer Deposit Amount of Credit Interest FixedToTOptionalChargesFinalPaymentotalAmountPayableRateofInterest Hybrid which features an tric technologies. It is the most le Japanese craftsmanship, -60 meets and adapts to your ou want to stay on the Paint£44,700.00£4999..00£500.00£6,796.897£37,,403.11£6,195.897£199,,647..00£50,895.892.79%p.a4849months9,0007e 5.4%7..5p APR* The fuel-efficient Mazda CX providing up to 327ps. Whe emissions and savings at the corby d 01536 2 Cocker -60 has a powerful petrol engine p en in EV mode, you can drive up to e fuel pump ealership ell68991Road rushd John01933S aired with an electric motor, 39 miles, resulting in low CO2 the UK aler inda dezMa 2o.ed Nank den dealership den,Street357500Northants9NL R er and not a lenderit brok r. Mazda r Consumer (UK) Plc, trading as Mazda s will typically receive a fixed fee from the credit agreement. Mazda Motors and & Wales No: 4212655. Registered Mazda Personal Contract Purchase availhe vehicle or (iii) Return the vehicle. cial Services RH1 1SR. Channel Islands 2. T&C Apply2 y. Promotion covers olo 7Kive of a S Kww universal charger equested options over the standard ery. If you cancel your All-New Mazda r Mazda Dealership where the orders No of monthly payments Duration of Agreement Annual Mileage Excess Mileage Charge per mile % APR Representative Mazda Motors (UK) Limited is authorised and Motors (UK) Limited introduces customers to Financial Services, which is authorised and reg Mazda Financial Services for this introduction (UK) Limited does not receive any commissio ayOffice: Victory W y,, Crossways Business Park Retail sales only, subject to availability for vehi -60 models. Aable on all new Mazda CX Att the ther charFur rgges may be made subject to the and Isle of Man excluded. Not available in con ~Half Price Solo 7Kw tethered home charger standard installation of 1 X Solo 7Kw tethered t £499(RRP £949) also available a 9. specifiedbyMazdawillbepayablebythecusAdditional
DUNorthants NN10Rushd
reference number 312564 for credit broking and is a credi own right and who may introduce customers to Santander s a lender4rence number 44 327 a r. Our appointed dealer er does not impact the amount paid by a customer under t introduction. Mazda Motors (UK) Ltd is registered in Engla s. T&C apply31.12.22 at participating dealer y. *5.4% APR M e the vehicle. (ii) Pay the Optional Final Payment to own th 8s or overus, 1 r. Guarantee may be required. Mazda Financ 0907etween 01. 7..2022 and 30. 9..2022, registered by 31.12.20 99 through our nominated installer Pod-Point, with alternati survey or at point of installation, as well as any customer r red keeper and take place within 3 months of vehicle deliv the home charrgger and standard installation directly to your rt of your vehicle deposit until this is done. specified by Mazda, will be payable by the cust r. allation address must match that of the register erCX-60 order post installation of your home charg r,, you agree to immediately pay back the full cost of t al). Yolo 7Kwas placed, at £500 S Kww (tethered) / £450 Solo 7Kw (univers Yoour dealership may withhold par
regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under firm its appointed dealers which act as credit brokers in their ulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under firm refe n. Howeverr,, the amount of commission received by a deale n or other payment from Mazda Financial Services for the A2 6DTt, Dartfford, Kent D T. 0907cles ordered between 01. 7..22 and 30. 9..22, registered by end of the agreement there are 3 options: (i) Part exchang condition or mileage of the vehicle. Finance subject to stat njunction with any other offer unless specified. is available on all-new Mazda CX-60 Retail orders placed b home charger (RRP £999) at the discounted price of £49 charges for non-standard installation identified during the stomerr Installationaddressmustmatchthatoftheregister

115 THIS MONTH: COPTHILL SCHOOL’S SUMMER SOIRÉE IN UFFINGTON... To feature your event call 01529 469977. Our magazines are free to read online, so you can share the magazine with your friends. Visit

Organised by the Copthill School Parents’ Social Committee, over 130 attended the event in a marquee adjacent to the school’s playground, with canapés by Debs Pennell of the Canapé Cart, plus dancing and a silent auction.
Words & Images: Rob Davis.
Established over 50 years ago, it is now spread across a 300 acre site and incorporates a forest school too. n
Copthill School promises children from two to 11 years of age access to a broad curriculum, and the chance to be a part of a stimulating environment for education providing the opportunity for inspiration and exploration in a unique countryside school setting.
Celebrating the end of the school year at the Copthill Summer Soirée
THE END OF TERM was celebrated by parents and staff at Stamford’s Independent Nursery and Day School, Copthill School, based in Uffington.

Images: Alan Walters.
A Prosecco and canapé reception welcomed the guests before they enjoyed a sit-down meal with family-style sharing boards.
The band Shut Up and Dance provided an exciting set list for all to enjoy which was sure to get everybody up and dancing. The night was perfectly rounded off with a beautiful fireworks display, before the guests were given cheese toasties and bacon sandwiches for the road. n
School’s Out for Summer for Oakham School’s Leavers
OAKHAM SCHOOL’S Form 7 (Year 13) leavers have celebrated their time at the school in style with a ball. Hosted in a magnificent marquee on Doncaster Close, pupils, parents and staff came together to enjoy this special event that celebrated the friendships and memories made during pupils’ time at Oakham School. More than 500 pupils and parents were in attendance all dressed in stunning black-tie outfits and looking very glamorous.

119 Male Grooming & Haircare in the Heart of Stamford Book online at It’s easy, it’s convenient, it saves waiting around! St Mary’s Street Stamford PE9 2DS Mon - Wed: 8am - 6pm, Thur - Fri: 8am - 9pm, Sat: 7am - 4pm Toni & Guy trained, 24 years experience.Classic haircut £23, beard trim with shave £19, hot towel shave £50. ST,55 HIGH STREET ATWEAR |TTLEA HER FOO WTAAMFORD, PE9 2A THINGCCESSORIES | CLO DERMAL FILLERS • WRINKLE TREATMENT • PRESCRIPTION SKINCARE WRINKLE TREATMENT TWO AREAS 30 MINUTES • £190 WRINKLE TREATMENT THREE AREAS 30 MINUTES • £230 0.5ML LIP FILLER • 45 MINUTES • FROM £150 1ML LIP FILLER • 45 MINUTES • FROM £200 PRESCRIPTION SKINCARE CONSULTATION 30 MINUTES AND OVER • £30, CONSULTATION FEE REDEEMABLE AGAINST COST OF OBAGI SKINCARE PRODUCTS SANDLANDTAYLOR AESTHETICS AESTHETICS DOCTOR MBBS MSC PGCERT • NHS DOCTOR WITH 8 YEARS EXP., Call for an appointment on 07720 345236 or find us on Facebook or Instagram @sandlandtayloraesthetics

120 Floraïku presents Sleeping on the Roof, one of three scents within the perfume house’s Shadowing range. Each is a hair perfume created to revitalise and refresh your locks. All three are lightweight, alcoholfree formulations that provide a quick and easy way to add moisture into the hair. A gentle scent consists of floral, musky notes topped with citrus, designed to last all day long, £65/80ml. 1. Scent from above? A perfume for your hair... Virtue Split End Serum helps repair and seal broken ends while it protects against future fraying. Chock-full of the brand’s patented Alpha hair,vibrancythestate,itsrestoringendsfrayed,mendsprotein,Keratintheserumandsealsbrittleoncontact,hairtopre-damagedrestoringcolourandoffragile £40/50ml. 5. The end of split ends with the power of Virtue... FOR BEAUTY THAT SHINES THROUGH NATURAL HEALTH, WE’VE THIS MONTH SELECTED A RANGE OF PRODUCTS TO ENSURE YOUR HAIR GLOWS WITH VITALITY FROM ROOT TO TIP Colour Wow masque for super glossy, hair. This deep hydrating treatment is a favourite of celebrity hairstylist Chris Appleton, helping to strengthen, repair and renew suppleness with a weightless formula for all hair types, leaving hair smooth and glossy, £39.50/215ml. Sisley Soothing Cure treatment with its anti-dandruff properties is enriched with key plant-based ingredients to rebalance, soothe and purify the scalp. An Intense Rebalancing Complex boosts its rebalancing action leaving hair looking and feeling fantastic, £81/60ml. 4. Soothing Hair Care 3. Brilliant Shampoo Aveda’s Brilliant is a deeply cleansing, daily use shampoo. Removes product build up and debris without stripping the hair. Certified organic calendula, camellia and aloe work together to soothe your scalp and make combing your hair a breeze, £64.50/1.000ml. COSMETICS Healthy Hair 6. A professional dryer from a name you know 2. Hair Masque Heaven Get creative with this limited edition GHD Helios professional hair dryer, finished in pastel blue with metallic lilac details. Developed by GHD’s leading physicists, engineers and styling professionals, Helios delivers a highly concentrated, powerful airflow of 120kmh via a long-life, brushless motor for smooth hair and low sound levels when in use, £189. n All our beauty products are available from local independent stockists unless otherwise stated, please note prices stated are RRP.

.LLT t alers a natur oureyver in withor i on. AmLTEETH.CINGAentfRANCE t h our ouldn’tcellentlykehavingne. T’ our normale yeel and function likflook, esult delivThe end re.our engthenbity esy also prtheeeourth,tlling gaps in yo eat, smile and laugh agayllotwingou eeplacere a functional secur onsultatcoureefro book in yt ouch wit in t AMAGEDOST OR DL plantsOFPERMANENTLLYYREPLYOURSMILEBYAPPEVETHEarIMPRO e ntal implants, ge toothalignmentandcanevenstrellasfiswe.Aonfidenccth,aeemissingtDentalim ‘LPCONSUe looking smile, with implants that look en strvooth alignment and can e friendlytodaeamyttonsidering dentale cou’r t 3 Avenue Road, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG31 6TA Call 01476 594480 If y Recently finished implant treatment to replace a missing molar that I co get used to living without. The whole process was well explained and exc performed by Mr Sutton. Delighted with the outcome so far and it’s just li my original tooth back, I feel complete again and so glad I had it do Brittanic, Patient Quot

The Oc u Changing faces since f Hello! We are The Oculist, an independent lifeestyle opticians WestgatelocatedArcade. Since 2007 our Why–ofComebrandacliniciansWe‘ThecustomOculisaimtoapersonalnamandthesterefriendly,notco 2007...list! we have been mersmerswithwhatweliketocallprovidingwithwhatweliketocalltExperience’.marryagreatsetting,skilledndthelatestequipment,withserviceandworld-leadinges.experiencetheexactoppositeotypicalopticianexperienceprofessional,personalandfun.meandseeforyourself! m - 5pm in0ouch617on21.33555t , thenould enjw ouicians that ytoportfoe the sounds likhe Oculist sIf T Y1 1Pough, PEeterbor, Pentree Cgat, Queenscadee Ar4 W2 Book your personal consultation. Opening hours - Tuesday to Sat urday 10a

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Our selection of stylish outfits for the mother of the bride or groom Our selection stylish outfits for the mother of the bride or groom
Irresistible UK style,,

127 MOTHER OF THE BRIDE 1 2 4 3 5
1. Veromia Occasions style VO8131, www. Veni Infantino style 991902, John Charles style 28009B, Condici, 61016, Ispirato style ISH803,

“A bad fitting service would fail customers, and some womens’ bodies vary often in size and shape due to diet, menopause and so on. So, even those who have experienced a decent fitting should check their sizing at least once a year.”
“We do use tape measures, but we fit by eye. You have a rough idea of what looks right on you by the way it feels, but someone needs to stand back and walk right around you to really assess whether your bra fits correctly. It’s something done best by eye and by experience, not by a tape measure or an online video.”
According to Harpers Bazaar, over 80% of women are still wearing the wrong-sized bra despite being sometimes painfully aware of the irritation that an ill-fitting bra can often Coneyscause.Department Store can provide a personal, calm, friendly and empathetic professional fitting service, and that’s why the store’s womenswear team has created one of the best places in the area to find a proper professional fitting service.
“Even between manufacturers, sizes vary just like any other item of clothing, so buying a bra online is so hit and miss. There really is only one way to go, and that’s with a professional fitting service like the one we offer.”
“We also stock many ranges from a number of manufacturers like Fantasie, Freya, Wacoal, Triumph, Pretty Polly and Pour Moir, including Royce specialist mastectomy wear. All of our brands are chosen for their quality and comfort. They’re tried and trusted.”
“The internet is awash with advice but in reality, every body is different. It’s common to find people opting for bigger back sizes and smaller cup sizes. In fact, doing the opposite opting for a smaller back and bigger cup – will prove more comfortable.”
“Much of the support in a bra comes from the underband not the straps, so it should sit around the ribcage, level at front and back. There should be no squashing or bulging, and the back clasp should be flush against your back with just two fingers worth of space behind it.”
“Comfort isn’t a luxury; it’s a must. When we fit a customer, they’re usually overwhelmed by how much more comfortable they feel and surprised how a well-fitting bra can improve posture and appearance. That’s what makes the job so rewarding, so please do come in for some free advice or a no obligation fitting from our friendly team!” n Find Out More: Coneys Department Store is the new name for Hills in Spalding. The retailer specialises in the professional fitting of bras with hosiery, nightwear and ladies fashion. Visit Coneys Department Store on Broad Street, Spalding PE11 1TB. Call 01775 767155 or see
A professional bra fitting from a team combining expertise and empathy, calmness and knowledge will result in you looking and feeling better than ever before...
Finding a well-fitting bra isn’t just a matter of style. It can help you achieve a better look and feel, but it also alleviates any potential discomfort associated with an ill-fitting one.
“We tend to recommend a nude bra, a black one, and a pretty design, perhaps a strapless design too.”
Pretty Polly Trudi 32C-38D,non-wired,£18. Pour Moi Sofia, black padded, 32-40, D-J, £32.

Porsche Panamera 4 E-Hybrid Platinum Edition o cial WLTP weighted combined fuel consumption 113.0-141.2 mpg, WLTP weighted combined CO₂ emissions 48-57 g/km. Figures shown are for comparability purposes only and may not re ect real life driving conditions, which will depend upon a number of factors including any accessories tted, variations in weather, topography and road conditi ons, driving styles, vehicle load and condition, and state of battery charge.
The new Panamera Platinum Edition. Composed with passion.
Precious metal for the road. There is a reason people will notice the new Panamera Platinum Edition. A specially curated blend of the most desired comfort, technology and stylistic details, it’s composed with passion to be the ultimate symphony for the road.
Porsche Centre Leicester Fletton