Prince FROG
The fully amphibious all-terrain Tinger Armor 8x8 ST is the perfect mix of overengineered durability and no-nonsense functionality >> Page 14

The fully amphibious all-terrain Tinger Armor 8x8 ST is the perfect mix of overengineered durability and no-nonsense functionality >> Page 14
25 A n automatic setup from JSG Industrial Systems means one Queensland cane farmer’s machine lubrication needs are sorted
38 Maxam has added new VF tyres to its range in response to changing agricultural needs
52 Claas announces high-horsepower Xerion 12 series tractor
53 Pöttinger launches Novacat V8400 and Novacat V9200 mowers
54 PFG Australia adds two new brands to lineup
56 M iller Sprayers joins Ballarat Tractors
4 Editor’s note
loader during AgQuip
6 China’s scrapping of barley tariff welcomed by grain producers
6 Meat chickens and rice production research recognised
8 Camera network to enhance bushfire protection
8 Pests targeted in new horticulture research program
10 Transformation planned for Australian Grains Genebank
22 Nutrien Ag Solutions says planning is key to gains and farming success
30 Farmgard grader blades have stood the test of time since the company’s origin more than 40 years ago
36 TYM’s T503 tractor is punching above its weight for a New South Wales nut farmer
Editor Lincoln Bertelli
Journalist Will Krawczuk
Contributors Trevor Whittington, Ash Santilla, Gary Northover, Charlie Suriano
Art Director Daz Woolley
Managing Editor Andrew Hobbs
ISSN 1449-6399
33 Dieci Australia’s new facility in Sydney is helping the business step into a new era
41 Motion Australia has opened its digital front door by launching a new website
44 WAFarmers CEO Trevor Whittington says drought funding is better allocated to science projects rather than individuals
46 Tractor sales fell across the nation in July, the first month after a government scheme to boost sales ended, TMA’s Gary Northover says
48 Kuhn showcases new mower conditioners and baler wrapper during expo in Toowoomba
Advertising Business Development Manager Charlie Fryda 0409 138 604 Subscriptions
50 Calendar of upcoming events
87 List your item for sale!
Crightons Rural Engineering has kept on growing for over 40 years - and there’s more to come
77 Absolute Power
LK Diesel has solid generator suggestions for this fire season
This time of year has become one of my favourites on the agricultural calendar.
After the period where the community could not gather due to COVID-19 restrictions, it is truly special to be back at full-scale field days.
While major field days are dotted throughout the year, the AugustSeptember period is definitely a busy time with the likes of Dowerin and AgQuip.
I was able to attend the latter again last month and love the energy, atmosphere, and sheer scale which this event provides.
With visitors from around the country, AgQuip is a perfect opportunity for manufacturers to launch their newest products alongside the existing range they can showcase.
We have brought you a taste of what was released at this year’s AgQuip from Case IH and New Holland in this edition, with a full event wrap to follow in next month’s Farms & Farm Machinery, along with news of other machinery releases from Gunnedah..
The action has not been limited to the field day circuit though.
Kuhn held an expo in Queensland for its dealers and customers, and we bring you news of the new machinery which was being demonstrated during that event.
Dieci Australia has moved into a new facility in Sydney and we learn about
how this is helping the company’s growth plan.
Maxam Tyres has added to its agricultural range, with the goal of increasing efficiency and reducing soil compaction, while we look in depth at Farmgard’s full line of grader blades, plus highlight Nutrien Ag Solutions.
Part of the Farms & Farm Machinery relaunch includes a look at how you can get the most out of your farm – and what better way to do this than with customer testimonials.
We hear from a TYM tractor customer, plus a cane farmer who purchased an automatic lubrication system from JSG Industrial Systems.
Then there is our review – and what a unique one it is.
We have tested a Tinger Armor ATV, which our reviewer described as being a mix of a supersized quad bike and a miniature army tank. That says it all.
There is also plenty of industry news, some changes of brand representation around Australia, and other new products
Australia’s most important barley buyer is back in the market,
China will lift anti-dumping and antisubsidy tariffs on Australian barley, in a move welcomed by some of the 23,000 producers affected.
The tariffs were imposed in 2020, significantly impacting a barley trade which previously accounted for approximately 60–70 per cent of Australia’s barley exports, worth around $916 million in 2018-19.
Federal Trade Minister Don Farrell and Agriculture Minister Murray Watt said in a joint statement that exporters CBH Grain and Louis Dreyfus Company Grains
Australia (previously Emerald Grain Australia) would be able to re-commence trade immediately.
The tariffs, which included 80.5 per cent anti-dumping and countervailing duties, were part of a series of trade restrictions imposed on Australian commodities in 2020 – with restrictions on Australian wine, beef and lobster still in place.
The Australian farming sector has always viewed there was no justification for these duties and that it was in both the countries’ best interest for all trade impediments to be removed.
Research into meat chickens and rice production has been recognised by research and development corporation AgriFutures
An automated system for monitoring farmed chickens has won the AgriFutures Research Award 2023, with its developer now exploring ways to bring it to the market.
Dr Cheryl McCarthy, a mechatronics engineer at the University of Southern Queensland’s Centre for Agriculture Engineering, won the award for her Novel Detection of Chicken Welfare Using Machine Vision project.
The project aims to develop a proof-ofconcept system for monitoring chickens and their behaviour in chicken sheds, providing instant remote notifications to the
affecting flock welfare.
McCarthy says the automated system will revolutionise the chicken meat industry – reducing animal stress and providing more accurate data for the farmer.
“Improved and continual monitoring of housed chickens, with real-time analysis and notifications, will enable optimal and efficient animal management,” she says.
“Through using remote monitoring and image analysis, producers will be able to monitor animal weight and quickly identify behaviours such as grouping, and implement management techniques to reduce the impact of those behaviours resulting in
Barley exports to China can begin immediately
Western Australian agriculture and food minister Jackie Jarvis said she welcomed the reinvigoration of the trade relationship and congratulated the Federal government in its efforts to get the tariffs removed.
Prior to the suspension in 2019-20, China was WA’s largest market for barley exports, purchasing 53 per cent of the State’s production, valued at $409 million.
“WA malting barley has always had a strong reputation and is desired in China for its high-quality characteristics,” she says.
“Our government continues to work closely with Australian Government trade delegates and in market activations to secure opportunities for WA agriculture exports.”
McCarthy is now working with AgriFutures and a commercial partner to conduct extended field trials, with the aim of developing an ‘off the shelf’ system that can be installed in sheds across Australia.
“We believe it’s feasible that this technology could be up and running on poultry farms within two years, which gives us a fantastic story to share, demonstrating that animal welfare is front and centre,” she says.
University of Queensland associate professor Jaquie Mitchell was runner-up for the award, recognised for her work on enhancing rice genotypes and ensuring sustainable development in the rice industry in New South Wales’ Riverina region.
“In southern NSW, we need rice varieties adapted to aerobic growing conditions to conserve water and tackle rising irrigation costs,” she says.
“Our pre-breeding project developed screening methods and linked genetics to traits, maximising productivity of rice in a reduced water input system while ensuring cold tolerance in varieties.”
“Assuming an underlying cold tolerance in combination with appropriate agronomy, this will lead to opportunities for commercial aerobic production and improvement in water productivity at the farm level.”
Pest trapping and consistent data collection are the targets of a new eight-year horticulture research program
Numerous stakeholders are joining forces to help reduce the impact of pests on Australian horticulture production in what some are calling the industry’s most ambitious trade initiative.
To run over eight years, the $130 million Fresh and Secure Trade Alliance (FASTA) will boost biosecurity initiatives to solidify Australia’s reputation in pest-management and as a responsible trading partner for years to come.
FASTA’s research program will see state and territory governments work together to standardise their approach to collecting phytosanitary data – information on pest and disease management.
The standard approach will help ensure data is provided in a timely fashion and to ensure the impact of phytosanitary treatments on produce is limited.
In addition, a multi-discipline, multi-organisational research team of over 70 scientists across Australia will be established to test new technologies for tracking and trapping tests.
It is hoped that both projects will improve access to existing trade partners as well as opening the doors to new ones.
Federal Agriculture Minister Murray Watt says the research will be able to be used by Australia’s Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry in
The Green Triangle (an area spanning south east South Australia and south west Victoria) will soon be home to Australia’s largest camera bushfire detection network.
US-based company Pano AI won a South Australian government tender to provide a camera-based fire detection system as part of an upgrade of fire detection towers across the region.
The system combines information from the high-definition cameras with data from satellite feeds, artificial intelligence and modern cloud software to detect and
pinpoint new ignitions and alert fire professionals within minutes.
Pano AI chief commercial officer Arvind Satyam says his company team is made up former fire professionals as well as world class technologists.
“When Pano detects a fire threat through an AI algorithm, our 24/7 human intelligence centre confirms the fire and sends an alert within minutes, helping customers and authorities by rapidly sharing real-time intelligence to their extended and remote teams, enabling a fast, safe and coordinated response,” he says.
international trade negotiations, and also by states and territories in supporting domestic trade.
“This initiative will reduce the impact of endemic pests on sustainable horticulture crop production, improve Australia’s preparedness for future exotic pest incursions and facilitate a national, industry-driven and coordinated approach to research activity supporting horticultural market access and improvements,” he says.
The project will be delivered through federal horticulture research and development corporation Hort Innovation and be led by the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, with contributions from state governments, universities, the Australian Blueberry Growers’ Association and GreenSkin Avocados.
Installation work on the system is expected to commence soon and be in place in time for the 2023-24 fire season.
South Australian Primary Industries Minister Clare Scriven says the new system continues the forest industry’s legacy of embracing cutting-edge technology in fire prevention.
“Unfortunately, fire doesn’t recognise boundaries so this collaborative State Government/industry initiative in utilising this ground-breaking technology helps us to ensure the best fire management tools are at our disposal.”
The project is being implemented in partnership with the Green Triangle Forest Industries Hub (GTFIH), with members including include Australian Bluegum Plantations, AKD Softwoods, Borg Manufacturing, Green Triangle Forest Products, HVP Plantations, New Forests, NF McDonnell & Sons, OneFortyOne and Timberlink Australia.
GTIFH chair Cameron MacDonald says using leading technology is a priority for the group.
“This tool from Pano AI provides us with the best opportunity to detect ignitions early so we can extinguish threats before they threaten lives, property and our industry,” he says.
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Cereal, oilseed, and pulse crop improvements are set to be fasttracked by a collaboration that will transform the Australian Grains Genebank (AGG) into a more accessible database by 2027
A $30 million co-investment between the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) and the Victorian government will give researchers access to a wider range of genes which aims to boost productivity and profitability in grain crops.
“Making sure that industry can easily get the seeds they need for plant genetic resources will be essential to tackle future challenges related to climate and food security,” Victorian agriculture minister Gayle Tierney says.
“The digital transformation of the Australian Grains Genebank will fast track research and production of more resilient
Victorian and Australian grain growers.”
Located at Agriculture Victoria’s Horsham SmartFarm, the AGG is the national centre for grain crop genetic resources in Australia.
Traditionally it has been challenging for researchers to identify desirable genes within national and international genebanks. The new investment has the potential to make the plant genetic resources conserved within the AGG more accessible and valuable to the Australian grains industry.
This investment aims to better connect the AGG to international genebanks and link plant genetic resources to research and breeding knowledge – allowing better crop varieties in grower’s paddocks sooner.
“This new $15 million GRDC investment will connect the AGG with plant genetic
faster identification and location of genetic material, which will contribute to the faster development of new grain varieties in Australia,” GRDC chairman John Woods says.
“New and improved genetics are key to developing crop varieties that will cope with increased climatic challenges and deliver consistent, profitable yields for Australian grain growers.”
Research supported by the AGG should see high-yielding, adaptable and profitable grain crop varieties developed faster, ensuring Australia’s $40 billion grains industry is more climate change resilient and continues to thrive.
The announcement coincides with the completion of a $1.8 million seed multiplication facility that uses new technology to enable rapid production and distribution of seed for plant genetic resources stored
With John Deere oils, excellence is what matters. It’s not just an ingredient. It’s the result of relentless hard work, much like our hardworking machines. Developed by our experts for those who demand the best, you’ll experience unparalleled performance that delivers optimal machine longevity, saving you time and money. Unleash the excellence of John Deere lubricants.
The fully amphibious all-terrain Tinger Armor 8x8 ST is the perfect mix of overengineered durability and no-nonsense functionality
Words Ash Santilla Images Charlie Suriano
I caught up with Jeff Gibbon from Tinger ATV Australia to test it out and get an idea of how this awesome all-terrain vehicle (ATV) is riding high in its class.
On first impression the Tinger Armor ST looks like a mix of a supersized quad bike and an eight-wheeled miniature army tank. Sometimes first impressions aren’t far off the mark.
It’s clear from the start that the whole aim of the game here is to get you where you want to go, whatever the terrain.
The machines are Russian designed and are manufactured to perform as well in the freezing northern winters as they do in scorching summer environments.
The machines have been in high demand in the agricultural sector, as they offer farmers the ability to get to parts of their properties where other vehicles simply can’t go.
Whether it is spraying country that can’t be driven on by either self-propelled units or heavy tractors and machinery or being able to fit neatly between rows to spray grape vines, the possibilities for customising the Tinger Armor are almost endless.
The Tinger Armor ST operates essentially like a skid steer machine which is operated by handlebars inside the cab of the unit.
Because all wheels are essentially diff-locked it will turn in a circle on itself, meaning it can manoeuvre in extremely close quarters without difficulty. And after taking the machine for a test run, trust me, it will turn in a circle without a worry in the world.
The Tinger Armor ST isn’t all grunt and no flair. Equipped with a ROPS certified
roof frame and front bucket seats with seat belts, safety is of paramount importance. It also comes with accessories which may be classed as extras in other units, including a steel Bull bar with electric winch and steel frame with hard top – both powder coated – as well as a windshield and electric wipers, side mirrors, high and low beam headlights and brake lights.
Handlebar controls on the Tinger Armor ST
Its motorbike style controls are easy to use
Bucket seats with seatbelts as standard
Its CVT transmission helps it reach 42 km/h
The Armor has a 57hp Chery SQR engine
Brake lights and headlights are installed
An electric winch helps the unit operate in deep water and climb steep hills.
A tow bar with ball, bilge pump, double row drive chain, 12V DC outlet and a 9mm full length under belly skid plate help complete the package.
In all, though, this machine is not your family SUV designed for a quiet drive around country bitumen roads and the occasional trip to the city... for one thing, this ATV can swim.
The Tinger Armor 8x8 ST is fully amphibious with sealed bearings all round and can travel at about 5km/h in water.
“No matter how deep the water is, you can just drive straight into a dam or a river and come out the other side,” Gibbon says.
The functionality of the vehicle is quite simple and not overthought, and it is clear from the start upon viewing and driving the Tinger that despite its size, it’s built to move.
This Tinger unit is powered by a powerful and reliable 3-cylinder fuel injected 57 horsepower (42.5kW) liquid cooled motor. The gearbox is a commercial grade, 3 speed transmission with high, low, and reverse gear.
“These are commercial grade transmissions, and in the thousands we’ve sold we have never had any issues – they are literally tough as nails,” Gibbon says.
At the heart of the Tinger Armor’s performance is the constant 8-wheel drive, allowing it to crawl or barge its way through or over obstacles impassable by a traditional 4x4 vehicle.
Though it has a top speed of 42km/h, included is a great carrying capacity of up to 500kg and a towing/pull capacity of 1,000kg, not to mention rubber tracks can be added for extra traction if one really wants to get serious.
Another feature is the very low ground pressure to weight ratio, as the weight is spread over all eight wheels and has over 300mm ground clearance.
This is not only a positive attribute environmentally but from an agricultural perspective it causes less damage to crop
You can just drive into a dam or river
and pastured country where heavy machinery would make a mess in wet conditions.
Whether it is property repair work, rounding up stock, delivering feed and water, vegetation management and spraying, hunting, or transporting fuel and equipment to remote locations, it’s easily navigated by the Tinger Armor ST.
In heavy mud, wet or swampy conditions, deep scrub and bush land, rocky or hilly terrain, soft sand – even over snow the Armor ST is unstoppable.
This adaptability and durability in harsh environments has made the Tinger Armor a sought-after exploratory vehicle for mining applications, with some groups retrofitting smaller drilling rigs to the rear of the machine to work in hard to get to environments.
In recent times the units have been recommended and used as an emergency response vehicle, transporting injured people out of areas where standard emergency vehicles are unable to gain access.
The passenger seat is often taken out and replaced with a medical stretcher bed which is easily accessed from the rear bench seat.
Another destination for the Tinger Armor ST is the hunting and recreational market. As we have stated, the machine will go almost anywhere driving over most obstacles and terrain.
It will climb up to 40-degree gradient, navigate up to 30-degree side slopes and overcome obstacles up to 40cm high – covering country from waterlogged paddocks to creek crossings and it can
even take a joy ride through the lake.
Quite possibly the most impressive feature that stounds out upon investigating further into the attributes of the Tinger Armor ST, must be its ability to be adapted to suit such a range of applications, scenarios, and environmental situations.
Sure, it’s a simple enough machine on first appearance, a no-frills workhorse. But when have you been able to put a tiller steer outboard motor on the back of your four-wheel drive and go fishing in that perfect spot you could never even drive to in the first place?
Now we’re talking not only functionality but well… fun.
Check out Tinger’s full range at
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Case IH has added to its baler range, launching the RB6
Manufacturer Case IH has introduced a new round baler series which can produce larger bales than its predecessor model.
The new RB6 HD Pro Series variable chamber round balers produce bales up to 165cm (the RB 456) or 190cm (RB 466) in diameter, depending on the model.
Both sizes are larger than the bales produced by Case IH’s current RB5 Series models and both are available as either a rotor feed or a 25-knife rotor cut version.
“As well as larger bales, the RB6 HD Pro Series has been designed for high frequency use, offering increased durability and heavier components to suit those customers who produce a high annual bale count like contractors and larger hay producers,” Case IH product specialist Andrew Wood says.
“It’s actually about a tonne heavier than its current RB5 series sibling and is basically a completely new baler.”
One new feature is the driveline, described as having been redesigned “from the ground up” and offering a heavy-duty T type gearbox that delivers power to both sides of the baler, reducing complexity and transmitting power more evenly for better balance and smoother operation.
A larger 520mm rotor also helps increase the baler’s overall capacity.
at AgQuip
on the floor roller to aid in extending the life of the belts,” Wood said.
“The four belts used by the RB6 HD Pro series balers are deflected only 10 times as they rotate through the machine, reducing belt stress and increasing their service life, with most of the bale weight carried
Another new feature is the active drop floor which automatically moves to allow heavy crop flow to pass and avoid plugging.
The RB6 HD Pro Series only requires
two sets of hydraulic remotes on the tractor due to a new hydraulic valve bank on the baler, with hydraulic function selections chosen through the display.
A reduced number of components plus a new belt path and roller configuration help to minimise maintenance and create a compact core-forming chamber, ensuring tight bale core formation is achieved quickly.
The rollers are larger, as well as bearings, chains and sprockets, for added durability, while the five-bar pick-up has been revised from the current RB5 Series.
The revision means a change to the pick-up mount, increasing the forward angle to allow for an even smoother crop flow as it transitions between the pick-up and the rotor.
Inside the cabin, a new user interface delivers sharp graphics with a clear layout and easy-to-use set-up menus.
Operators also have the option to configure the baler to operate with ISOBUS Class 3-compatible tractors to control several tractor and baler functions without any operator input.
LED lighting under the side shields
raft of new features to appeal to a range of farming and contracting businesses look-
ing for that next level machine,” Wood says.
remarkable speed and efficiency, and with an emphasis on ease of operation and maintenance.”
Shantui SG21-B6 IN STOCK
Shantui SD13F IN STOCK
19 tonne (including front blade and rear rippers) with Cummins 160kW engine (Cummins Australia warranty), ZF type powershift
Shantui SG21-B6 IN STOCK
transmission - 6 forward / 3 reverse, transmission guarding, no-spin self-locking differential, 17.5x25 tyres, 14 ft blade, front blade, rear rippers, air-conditioned cabin with ROPS, suspension seat, and radio.
$218,000 plus GST = $239,800*
19 tonne (including front blade and rear rippers) with Cummins 160kW engine (Cummins Australia warranty), ZF type powershift transmission - 6 forward / 3 reverse, transmission guarding, no-spin self-locking differential, 17.5x25 tyres, 14 ft blade, front blade, rear rippers, air-conditioned cabin with ROPS, suspension seat, and radio.
$218,000 plus GST = $239,800*
1.8 tonne with Kubota D902 11.8kW (15.82hp) 2300rpm Tier 4 engine, attachment piping, pull pin quick hitch, general purpose excavating bucket, mud/batter bucket, certified ROPS canopy.
$27,200 plus GST = $29,920
1.8 tonne with Kubota D902 11.8kW (15.82hp) 2300rpm Tier 4 engine, attachment piping, pull pin quick hitch, general purpose excavating bucket, mud/batter bucket, certified ROPS canopy.
Also in stock SE25SR 2.68 tonne units.
$27,200 plus GST = $29,920
All new Shantui equipment is sold with parts and labour warranties.
Also in stock SE25SR 2.68 tonne units.
All new Shantui equipment is sold with parts and labour warranties.
Shantui SD13F IN STOCK
14.2 tonne (approx. with forestry) bulldozer with Cummins 108kw engine (Cummins Australia warranty), powershift transmission
- 3 forward / 3 reverse, straight tilt blade, three-shank rear rippers, 460mm wide track shoes, engine side guards, air-conditioned cabin with ROPs, forestry protection, suspension seat, and radio.
$165,000 plus GST = $181,500*
14.2 tonne (approx. with forestry) bulldozer with Cummins 108kw engine (Cummins Australia warranty), powershift transmission - 3 forward / 3 reverse, straight tilt blade, three-shank rear rippers, 460mm wide track shoes, engine side guards, air-conditioned cabin with ROPs, forestry protection, suspension seat, and radio.
$165,000 plus GST = $181,500*
New Holland used AgQuip to introduce the public to its newest and biggest compact track loader.
First launched in the USA in late 2021, the first C362 unit to arrive Down Under had a lot of interest during its Gunnedah appearance last month.
“It’s New Holland’s biggest track loader and It borrows a lot from the from the small dozers,” New Holland Construction product manager Jim Pike said during AgQuip.
“It’s somewhat of a hybrid between your traditional track loader and a small dozer.
“We’ve had a lot of interest from customers who have old dozers on their farm and see this as something that can replace that and give them the versatility of a track
loader with the pushing power of a small dozer.
“We think it’s got a pretty bright future.”
The C362 has 114 horsepower (85kW) at 2,500rpm, peak torque of 460Nm at 1,400rpm and weighs in at a powerful 7,311kg.
It has a 2,811kg-rated operating load at 50 per cent capacity and breakout forces of
5,481kg and 5,855kg on the lift and bucket cylinders respectively.
It is fitted with rubber tracks as standard, but also has a steel track option which Pike says particularly appeals to customers already running small dozers.
Another standout feature, Pike says, is the Super Boom vertical lift which offers increased height and reach.
Making plans to have a successful farming operation is not a new concept, however in today’s economy – it’s essential.
With a presence in around 700 locations across Australia, Nutrien Ag Solutions provides farm inputs and professional services to the agricultural industry. Their team works with farmers to solve the myriad of challenges that come with growing food and fibre.
agriculture and
services sector will continue to play an important role in boosting crop yields.
“We are focused on supporting the industry to reach its full potential and there is still a lot of work to do if we want to get closer to the National Farmers’ Federation’s ambition of $100 billion in farm gate output by 2030,” he says.
“It’s not as simple as planting more because we know cropped areas are almost at capacity in Australia.
“That’s why we need to think innovatively and farm smarter.”
Alderman is encouraging farmers to have early conversations with their agronomist or ag advisor to make the most of the 2024 season.
“Being organised for summer activities
is critical, from soil testing to determine appropriate rates for lime or gypsum programs, to knowing what summer fallow herbicides you can utilise to allow you to plant the intended crop,” he says.
“All your weed, pest and disease problems that are present in paddocks now are a good indicator of what you will need to deal with next year through rotation and management.
“Procurement time frames for products in the complex international supply chain means that early planning helps your retailer supply what you need when you need it.
“There is now excellent genetic potential available in many of our crop species, so choosing good varieties suited to your environment can play a big role in maximising your yield potential, ensuring you can procure the seed, or keep, grade and treat enough, is critical to success.”
Alderman says regardless of size or location, Nutrien Ag Solutions works hard to deliver a valuable and personalised service to every customer.
“There will never be one single product, research paper or service that will
fit every individual farm or business,” he says.
“That’s where we rely on our team of agronomists across the country who can take the big picture information, the global research and all the new products available, and tailor this to a local level.”
Whether you are running a small urban hobby-farm, a vast outback cattle station, or a farm somewhere in between, Nutrien Ag Solutions has the knowledge, services and products you need to be more productive, sustainable and profitable.
“Talk to your agronomist about the things you are considering implementing to improve your productivity next season and be on the front foot before the header rolls into the paddock,” Alderman says.
With specialists in agronomy, rural merchandise, livestock, finance, insurance, real estate, water and wool, Nutrien Ag Solutions can help take your business further.
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Ensuring every point of a machine is properly greased is a vital part of daily maintenance for many agricultural contractors.
It is not an especially glamorous task but both the reliability benefits of doing it correctly and the consequences of not doing so can be significant.
This means incorporating proper machinery lubrication into processes can easily be overlooked.
But North Queensland sugar cane farmer and contractor John Muscat has found an easy solution – in the form of a Lincoln Quicklub system from JSG Industrial Systems.
This automated system means the lubrication of Muscat’s harvester takes care of itself, resulting in both reduced maintenance at the end of a long working day, and a much more cost-effective and simpler regular machine service.
Muscat estimates he puts about 1,200 hours per year on the harvester, and when the time came to invest in a new machine – it was also time to invest in its longevity.
“This is the first machine I have bought
with a greasing system on it,” Muscat says.
“We decided to go with the Lincoln system, and very happy that we did.
“I know that through the day while the machine is working, all the points that need grease are being greased at the right time.
“We spend 10 to 12 hours a day in the machine and at the end of the day servicing is so much quicker.”
Muscat bought his new system through JSG Industrial Systems and dealt with Emmanuel Sasi throughout the process, including regular check-ins after the purchase.
It was on Sasi’s suggestion that Muscat opted for an automatic system, which was a concept the cane farmer only had “some idea about” before receiving some demonstration kits.
Seeing it in action prompted Muscat’s move from manual to automatic lubrication – and JSG was able to provide something perfectly suited to his needs.
“It is a 100 per cent customised and highly engineered product,” Sasi says.
“Depending on the machines and the
models, we modify options for each customer. “Customer preference is the main thing – they are the one paying the money, and every farmer has knowledge about their machines and which areas they want to concentrate on.”
Sasi says Muscat is a good case study in the benefits of properly lubricating expensive machinery.
“Often operators are very tired at the end of a shift, and they can sometimes defer their greasing for the next day,” he says.
“At the end of the season they incur significant costs to change all the bushes and bearings.
“John saved lots of time every day with the automatic system and after the season, one year later, they went for a service and it showed most of the bushes and bearings are in a perfect condition with no need to change them.”
Beyond the problems associated with not greasing machinery, Sasi says that manual greasing can result in overgreasing, which creates its own issues.
“Some people overgrease until they see
the grease come through the cavities,” he says.
“They keep greasing until it is packed with the grease, and when it runs for a couple of hours it can overheat and damage bearings.
“This greasing system is giving a precise volume of grease at a timely interval.”
Another important aspect of Muscat’s new system is the way it has been installed.
It is “tucked out of the way”, he says, which also means there is no risk of cane rubbing against the side of his harvester and potentially knocking the Lincoln system off.
This is one of the many reasons why he is happy with the decision to purchase an automatic system – and is considering adding similar systems to other farm machinery.
“I’m very happy with how the guys installed everything. It’s very neat, very professional,” he says.
“There was no welding carried out at all on the machine. It was just a few holes were drilled and tapped.
“I haven’t had a fault so far and I’m happy
we went ahead and made the investment.
“We’ve got a few more implements and tractors on our farm that we might go ahead and do as well, just for peace of mind. It’s something that would be worth looking at if you’re deciding to make large investments on machinery, just to make
sure everything is lubricated and greased at the right time.”
The new H-Series wheel loaders offer extremely reliable yet simple operation, low maintenance, and outstanding value.
SDLG is a member of the Volvo Group with over 50 years of manufacturing expertise SDLG wheel loaders are renowned for their reliability and versatility and are an ideal choice for farming operations.
The new models include:
L936HLA: 11,925kg | 105kW | 1.8m 3 bucket
L938H: 11,750kg | 105kW | 2.1m 3 bucket
L946H: 13,455kg | 129kW | 2.3m 3 bucket
Spacious air-conditioned cab with pillarless windscreen for ultimate visibility, ergonomic controls, low-noise and vibration technology, and fully certified ROPS-FOPS rollover protection.
High torque, fuel efficient Weichai engine for powerful performance, superior reliability, and low maintenance, with a hydraulic quick hitch to easily accommodate a variety of attachments.
SDLG machinery includes a 3-year / 6,000-hour warranty backed by almost 50 years of expertise from CJD Equipment’s national branch and SDLG dealer network and 24/7 product support.
Farmgard might be an importer and distributor of many wellknown machinery brands, but tracing the company back to its origins also reveals a staple product which has stood the test of time
The origins of Farmgard can be traced back more than 40 years to a little workshop underneath the founder’s house in New Zealand.
More than 40 years later, that founder’s grandson Scott Capper is managing director of a company which now boasts four generations of family involvement.
The product that began the Farmgard story was a grader blade, something which still forms the company’s bread and butter today.
“The thing that makes the blade great is that it’s based on its original design by the Capper family, which has been with Farmgard since its inception,” Farmgard’s business development manager Luke Rowney says.
“It has proven to be a robust, heavy-duty grader blade, specifically designed and built for the Australian and New Zealand markets.”
The blades are a reliable product which has been perfected over time to guarantee it continues to meet customer needs.
Evidence of this reliability comes in the form of a lifetime warranty on all units, proving that Farmgard has complete faith in every blade it produces.
This faith is understandable, given how hands-on the company is and how much local production is involved with each unit.
“We procure the raw materials from overseas manufacturing, bring those materials to Australia and then complete the full quality control checks,” Rowney says.
“There is a huge amount of Australian and New Zealand labour and IP (intellectual property) going into the machines, depending on which country we’re selling it to.
“We send each component out to be powder coated locally, then they come back to our factory to be completed.
“Everything else on the machine is done locally to guarantee quality and precision before they are released to the market.”
Build quality and durability are important aspects of any farm implement, but just as important is ensuring the final product has a wide appeal and is suitable for a variety of farmers.
Farmgard does this by creating its grader blade in a variety of different models, each offering different cutting widths and overall size, meaning farmers with tractors of all sizes can find their perfect blade.
Common features across the range include 40 degrees of angle movement, 27 degrees of tilt movement, and 35 degrees of offset – plus or minus.
Each blade also has tough manganese steel cutting edges with 85 per cent of the blade weight bearing down on them, helping to deliver strong performance.
There is also an array of options from either full manual adjustment through to three-way full hydraulic adjustment, which can be selected as required, plus the ability to add a rear adjustable levelling wheel.
Farmgard’s blade range starts with the Midi 120, which has a 1.5m (5-foot) blade width, weighs in at 120kg, and is suitable for smaller tractors up to 40 horsepower.
At the opposite end of the spectrum is the big Bulldozer 900 which weighs 900kg, has a 3m (10-foot) blade width and can operate with tractors up to 200hp.
In between these bookends are several other models which offer alternative widths and suitability for different tractor sizes.
After the Midi 120, the next step up is to the Agricultural 260-6 and 260-7.
These offer 1.8m and 2.1m (6-foot and 7-foot) blade widths respectively and have total weights of 260kg and 280kg. Both are designed for tractors up to 60hp.
The Agricultural blade, and all larger models in Farmgard’s range, also come with a reversible bolt-on cutting edge that helps to lengthen the blade’s life.
“When you wear it out, you can replace it, or when you wear it out on one side, you can turn it over and have a clean cutting edge on the other side,” Rowney says.
“When it’s completely worn out, you can
buy a new one and put a new cutting edge on the blade rather than wearing off the bottom of the blade.”
Next up after the Agricultural blades is the Industrial blade range.
This offers a 2.1m blade width, weighs 450kg and suits tractors up to 100hp.
Farmgard then offers the Contractor 560 and 600 blades, which have 2.4m (8-foot) and 2.7m (9-foot) blade widths respectively.
The Contractor 560 and 600 are so named for their overall weights in kilo-
grams, while they are suited to tractors up to 125hp and 130hp respectively.
At the top end are Farmgard’s Bulldozer units – which also offers an 820 model in addition to the aforementioned 900.
As the name suggests, the Bulldozer 820 weighs 820kg, and it offers a 2.7m (9-foot) blade width and suits tractors up to 150hp.
This wide variety of models to suit all tractors, plus a design which has been a Farmgard speciality for more than four decades, means customers can be assured of a reliable product which is well suited to any individual needs.
“Around Australia, they are used anywhere from track maintenance, road and driveway maintenance, all the way through to topping up banks or rebuilding banks, and utilised in some irrigation work applications, wash out repair, erosion repair work - anything that you need to do with a blade,” Rowney says.
“It’s a high quality, locally designed and predominantly locally engineered machine assembled here in Australia, before being powder coat finished for longevity and appearance.
“It is built to high standards which ena-
ble us to provide a lifetime warranty on the machine.
“Given that it’s a three-way adjustable and has the flexibility to move from manual control to hydraulic control, it offers up
everything that anyone could want in a blade.”
Farmgard’s full grader blade range can be viewed at
Dieci Australia’s brand-new facility in New South Wales shows a business ready to step into a new era as it celebrates a milestone in the local market
Italian equipment manufacturer Dieci is celebrating 25 years in the Australian market.
The milestone couldn’t have come at a better time, with Dieci Australia having just opened its new flagship facility in the western Sydney suburb of Prestons.
“Compared to the rest of the world, Australia is a small market in the construction machinery space. So, for a business to be here for 25 years is something to be proud of,” Dieci Australia CEO Pat Italiano says.
He says the combination of Dieci’s milestone and the Prestons facility represents a step into a new era for the company – one centred around a renewed focus on reliable service and backup support customers can trust.
When Pat and his team came on board in April 2019 – rebranding the business to Dieci Australia in the process – he
understood the quality represented by Dieci’s range of Italian-made telehandlers, dumpers, and mixer trucks.
Beyond this, he also saw Dieci’s manufacturing location as an opportunity to
elevate the brand’s reputation in the local market, along with providing a positive experience to customers beyond just when they purchase a machine.
“The Dieci product is manufactured in
the same region as Ferrari, so you know you’re going to get a premium machine,” Italiano says.
“But selling a quality piece of equipment is the easy part for a business – it’s the aftersales service and support that makes the biggest difference and separates you from your competitors.
“We want to make sure people know that when they buy from Dieci Australia, they’ll get a quality machine, and they’ll also get that next level of service and support as well.”
Pat says there are plenty of businesses in Australia that will sell a cheaper machine, but longevity and ongoing service and support are never guaranteed.
“There’s a lot of new entrants coming into the market, and there will always be people who are happy to just buy based on price,” he says.
“However, if you believe in the quality of the product you represent and the service you provide, customers will generally see that price is not always the deciding factor.”
This, Pat says, is why Dieci Australia has committed to providing not just
tough and reliable telehandlers, but an overall premium customer experience.
“For us, it’s about how the equipment is supported,” he says.
“We want our customers to think: ‘that’s why I want to buy a Dieci’, because they can see what sits behind the name.
“This new Prestons facility shows that we are really moving in the right direction on that front.”
more productive with the FAE MTH multitask head for 300-500 hp tractors. Rock grinder, stone crusher, asphalt shredder, and stabilizer all in one. Experience top performance, made possible with the innovative variable geometry mixing and grinding chamber that allows you to work the soil with extreme precision and efficiency.The range includes the powerful Dieci Hercules 210.10 telehandler
With 20 hectares, a lot of time is spent harvesting nuts and maintaining the property.
Will relies on his Korean-made TYM T503 HST tractor for just about every job around the farm, with the 50hp workhorse having amassed over 5,400 tractor hours since 2010.
“The TYM T503 tractor is both very universal and also a great orchard tractor,” Will says.
“With its low centre of gravity and small turning circle, it manoeuvres brilliantly around the orchard rows and in between the branches.
“HST transmission means that I can go back and forth in the orchard, using the pedals without wasting time changing gears.
“It’s easy to adjust the speed incrementally so I have complete control, which increases my productivity.”
As with all tractors, the choice of implements is important to ensure it is best suited to individual farming operations.
perfectly in tandem with what Will requires to efficiently harvest the macadamias and pecans.
“During harvest time, I put the harvester on the front, the mulcher on the back, and I can harvest nuts and cut the grass at the same time, so the ground is ready for the next batch,” he says.
“It’s important to keep a well-maintained orchard so the nuts can be picked up properly.
“I have lots of attachments and also use forks on the front and a half-tonne megabin.
“Wide industrial tyres are an option, and I chose these because they have less
ground compression and don’t damage the orchard surface.”
It is not just in direct orchard work that Will’s TYM tractor excels, having also benefited him while completing necessary maintenance around the farm.
“As well as orchard work, I’ve used the TYM T503 to clear around the edge of the farm, snig logs, make roads with gravel in the bucket, put in a couple of dams, expand the dams and clean them,” he says.
“It’s very balanced in 4WD and can go most places. The flat operator’s platform makes getting on and off the tractor very easy.”
Will also has a TYM T1003 tractor, which he uses for chipping, pruning and heavier mulching jobs around the property, but the TYM T503 is his go-to tractor.
“What I love about the TYM T503 is that it’s doing the work you’d expect out of a higher horsepower tractor but with the advantages of a more compact tractor,” he says.
“It has all the power I need and has been very reliable, working over 5,400 hours since 2010 and with a lot more to come.”
The TYM T503 tractor is available with
either manual or HST transmissions, folding ROPS or cabin versions and is powered by a quiet, four-cylinder Perkins diesel engine.
TYM tractors are distributed by Inlon dealers across Australia. For more information, call 1800 945 090 or visit
Maxam has added new Very High Flexion tyres to its range in response to changing agricultural needs, while also increasing the load carrying capacities of existing models
In Maxam’s world, the tyres are a-changing.
The manufacturer is increasing its offering to Australian farmers by adding three new sizes to its Very High Flexion (VF) range, while also adding significant load index increases to several of its existing tyre models.
“The dynamic Maxam range continues to evolve to suit the Australian farmer,” Maxam Australia spokesman Eric Harrington says.
“VF tyres are a hot topic in the tyre industry at the moment, hence why we’re adding more to the range.
“A lot of machines now are requiring VF tyres because of issues around soil compaction, and even existing machines are benefiting from using VF tyres.”
Very High Flexion means the tyre can either carry a 40 per cent higher load at
the same pressure – therefore increasing the overall capacity – or it can carry the same load at 40 per cent lower pressure, which reduces the soil compaction.
The development of these new VF tyres has been a major project for Maxam, which is headquartered in North America, and is not just a mere change of name or simple cosmetic facelift.
“There has been a major change to the construction of the tyre’s casing to achieve this,” Harrington says.
“To carry more weight at the same pressure, or to allow the tyre to carry the same weight at a lower pressure, there are major redesigns required and changes in the specification of the tyre.
“We’re really coming to the party with the market requirement for significant changes in tyre specifications.”
The new VF sizes relate to Maxam’s
MS951R-patterned Agrixtra XL tyre, which is an agriculture-specific tyre designed for high horsepower tractors.
Maxam’s three new sizes are VF600/70R30 165D, VF710/70R42 179D, and VF710/75R42 181D.
It means farmers will now have the choice of a Maxam Very High Flexion tyre in 600mm, 720mm and 730mm section widths and with overall diameters between 1,600mm and 2,115mm.
These complement the existing VF380/90R46 173D tyre, which forms part of Maxam’s smaller and narrower Agrixtra N range.
Harrington says the new tyres are scheduled to arrive in Australia in October and November, with Maxam also planning to introduce more VF sizes in the coming years.
Another recent change for Maxam has
Tyres with load rating increase:
• 4 80/70R30 TL MS951R Agrixtra 70 Series
• 4 80/70R34 TL MS951R Agrixtra 70 Series
• 6 50/65R38 TL MS951R Agrixtra 65 Series
• 620/70R42 TL MS951R Agrixtra 70 Series
• 520/85R42 TL MS951R Agrixtra 85 Series
• 6 50/65R42 TL MS951R Agrixtra 65 Series
• V F380/90R46 TL MS951R Agrixtra N Series
• 4 80/80R50 TL MS951R Agrixtra 85 Series
been an increase in the load index rating on several tyres with the MS951R pattern.
These cover different sizes across the Agrixtra 65, 70 and 85 Series’, plus the narrow Agrixtra N Series.
The tyres which have received a load rating increase are shown in the table above.
“This increase in load carrying capacity allows the tyre to cover a bigger range of operator requirements,” Harrington says.
“The agricultural tyre market contin ues to evolve rapidly and Maxam continues to evolve and upgrade the range to meet these changes.”
Motion, a leading distributor of MRO (maintenance, repair, operation) replacement parts, and a premier provider of industrial solutions has launched a new online store and industry Knowledge Hub.
Online at, the platform has been designed to cater to the diverse needs of customers across major industries including agriculture, transforming their digital experience.
Motion’s executive general manager of sales Nick Kerwin and head of eCommerce Zac Gray have hailed the platform’s launch as a significant milestone in the company’s ongoing commitment to delivering unparalleled convenience, easy-toaccess product information and search features and comprehensive industry knowledge and support.
“The site enhances our branch network by allowing customers to seamlessly shop around the clock, and connects them closer than ever to their local branch through live pricing and availability,” Gray says.
“It has been designed from the ground
up with the customer in mind, ensuring it’s user-friendly and makes it easy to navigate Motion’s vast range of products.”
The new platform represents a significant upgrade from the previous digital offering, featuring a sleek and highly intuitive user interface that is designed to provide customers with an unmatched online experience.
“The new online store and Knowledge Hub represent a major step forward for Motion, enabling us to engage with our customers through our online channels and open a digital front door to them,” Kerwin says.
Kerwin and Gray have both played active roles in bringing the project to life over two years of meticulous planning and execution, saying the development of Motion’s innovative online platform is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the entire Motion team.
The team underwent extensive training to ensure smooth site navigation, demonstrating Motion’s commitment to
providing a seamless and user-friendly experience to its customers.
Kerwin and Gray acknowledge their colleagues’ tireless work to ensure that the new online store and Knowledge Hub ticks all the boxes.
Motion’s latest platform has been designed with businesses of all sizes and industries in mind, providing a convenient online experience for customers from the comfort of their devices.
Customers can effortlessly navigate the extensive catalogue of MRO replacement parts, which includes a range of products such as bearings, power transmission components, hydraulic and industrial hoses, safety products and material handling equipment from any device.
With just a few clicks, customers can also conveniently access their account information, view their order history and invoices, and check the pricing and availability of products based on their location, making the ordering process swift and stress-free.
In addition to the online store, Motion’s new platform also includes an industry Knowledge Hub, bringing various useful features together in one convenient place.
“The fact that the Knowledge Hub is available for customers displaying features like the keyword search, for instance, lets them really focus on what’s important, which is a great benefit,” Kerwin says.
“They don’t have to try and look at a whole suite of products, services, engineering solutions and wonder, how do I navigate my way through there?
“Customers from any industry will be able to access case studies where Motion has visited manufacturers or processing plants around Australia and provided support, so the ability to have instant access to all that knowledge is a real benefit for businesses.”
Motion will be unveiling its new online store and industry Knowledge Hub over the next month.
By providing a streamlined and efficient way for customers to access the necessary information they need, these
Drought funding is better allocated to game changing science projects rather than propping up individuals, WAFarmers chief executive Trevor Whittington says.
Cast your minds back to 2018, when the Morrison government flagged its answer to the last big drought – a $5 billion Future Drought Fund.
It was a belated response, but the fund would spin off $100m a year, every year, from 2020 to support eight research hubs across the nation setting out to help Australia develop drought resilience.
This was the federal government’s attempt to once and for all wean farmers off the handout mentality when the rainfall gets down to the decile 1 and 2 levels.
Mind you, Western Australian farmers have long been off the drip – as back in the 1990s their state governmentt told them there was no such thing as drought, there were just high rainfall years and low rainfall years – and to get out if they could not manage the variation.
It’s amazing how people stop hanging around the tap when it is disconnected.
That’s something that the federal government fails to understand when it panders to the endless number of groups demanding government support.
Farmers can’t complain about wasted government funding for renewables, indigenous groups or anything else if they keep demanding to be propped up themselves for natural cycles in the weather.
We can hardly call out other nations for subsidising their farmers if we’re also being a rent seeker – it weakens our global trade credibility.
But back to my story.
With $100m on the table every year for drought projects, the stampede to pile into the trough was something only institutions skilled in rent seeking could accomplish with such finesse.
Not surprisingly, too much money does not necessarily lead to great outcomes – unless you think that a grant of $45k to develop the concept of ‘farm sitting’ (think ‘house sitting’) is value for money. Imagine expecting unpaid people to keep 3,000 sheep alive in Goondiwindi – it’s not quite the same as housesitting three cats in Glebe.
There are one or two good projects like the Water Smart Dams – Making Dams Work Again, but overall, most of the $200m committed to date won’t move the dial on drought preparation.
What would focus minds is if the state and federal governments came out and simply said they would no longer hand out grants when the rains don’t fall. Instead, they can say to Australian farmers ‘after two good years you are on your own’.
But that’s unlikely to happen. The alternative is to fund some big gamechanging projects – not the rats and mice ones that won’t move the dial.
Now the federal agriculture minister, Murray Watt, has gone part way down this route by swiping $38m from the Drought Fund to fund six long-term 6-year trials, real science-based research projects with peer-reviewed papers at the end.
They were announced last month, and all
the projects look solid – to be led by Charles Sturt Uni ($6.2m), CRC Soils ($3.93m), NQ Dry Topics ($4.3m), Flinders University ($8m), the University of Melbourne ($7.2m) and Deakin University ($8m).
Only problem is WA missed out, but then maybe that state is paying the penalty for being all grown up when it comes to drought management. You don’t need it because you have learnt to manage the weather risks of farming.
I bet the 6,000 farmers in WA would take a cheque of $1,000 each = $6m as their share of the next round of projects.
In fact, I bet Australia’s 100,000 farmers would take $1,000 each a year = $100m rather than fund any drought projects at all.
Can you imagine that? Payments of $1,000 a year to never come back to the government when the rains stop coming.
Now I wonder if the same formula could be applied to other groups that are forever demanding government fix their problems.
It’s time for all Australians to get off the drip, starting with farmers.
Tractor sales fell across Australia in July, the first month after a government scheme to boost sales ended
July saw a significant fall in tractor sales across the nation, which is evidence that some sales were brought forward to June to take advantage of the government’s temporary full expensing program before its closure.
Normally a quiet month, there were only around 750 tractors delivered in July.
This is around 250 units - or 36 per cent - fewer than the previous July and means the year-to-date figure is 18 per cent behind the same period in 2022.
Sales around the nation were well down across the board, with Victoria off 32 per cent on the same month last year to be 25 per cent behind on the year to date.
Queensland was down 38 per cent in July and is now 14 per cent behind on year to date, while New South Wales was down 35 per cent for the month to be 19 per cent down on year to date.
July sales in Western Australia reported a drop of 49 per cent and remain 18 per cent behind last year. South Australia recorded a 22 per cent decline for the month and now sales sit 8 per cent behind on the year to date.
Tasmania was off 58 per cent for the month to be 25 per cent down on the year to date, while sales in the Northern Territory were down 9 per cent for both July and the year to date.
Looking at individual machine categories, the under-40 hp (30kw) category – which is the category most likely to be affected by interest rates - was down by 45 per cent for the month and is now 20 per cent behind year to date.
The 40 to 100hp (30-75kw) range was down by 34 per cent in July and is now 19 per cent behind year to date.
The 100 to 200hp (75-150 kw) category was down, this time by 27 per cent, and remains 21 per cent behind on the year to date.
Finally, the 200hp plus (150kw plus) range slipped by 44 per cent in July and remains 10 per cent behind last year.
Sales of combine harvesters continue to gather pace with more than 350 units delivered in the year so far.
This puts sales well ahead of the same time last year, up by 75 per cent in fact, and expectations are for an outstanding year ahead.
Baler sales enjoyed a small rise and are now 12 per cent ahead on a year-to-date basis, while sales of out-front mowers enjoyed another strong month and are up 45 per cent on the same time last year.
The agricultural machinery sales industry is experiencing some significant headwinds at present. Firstly, machinery prices are high and look like they will remain so.
Recent interest rate rises are impacting the cost of finance and the expectations of a drier summer have caused some farmers to reconsider their machinery purchases.
Despite this, the TMA remains optimistic that we will see more of a ‘soft’ landing as conditions continue to normalise after what has been an amazing two-year period.
Finally, the annual TMA conference was held in Sydney in July and was a tremendous success with all sponsorships and tickets sold out.
The day saw an exciting range of speakers but undoubtedly, those in attendance thoroughly enjoyed the networking opportunity the event provided.
The TMA conference is the must-attend event for all manufacturers, dealers and suppliers to the industry and we look forward to a bigger and better event again next year.
French manufacturer Kuhn used its expo in Toowoomba to display several new machines to the Australian market for the first time.
The expo was held over two days in July at a local property and gave Kuhn the opportunity to showcase its product range to more than 350 registered attendees, with both customers and dealers.
Product demonstrations were a key part of the expo, along with displays, workshops, and presentations.
provide industry and factory insights to the numerous people attending the event from across Australia.
Kuhn Australia managing director Bruno Fetiveau says this year’s expo, which was the first to be held in Queensland, was a “tremendous success”.
“Bringing dealers and customers together every few years to network and showcase our vast range of machinery is the highlight of our calendar,” he says.
“The expo is an opportunity for us
“We welcomed attendees from across Australia to learn about Kuhn’s innovative farm technology, and we’re excited to see what the future has in store for the next expo.”
One of the showpiece machines was the VBP 7190 round baler wrapper combo, which was on display for the first time in Australia.
This had previously been named 2023 Machine of the Year for its category at the SIMA Expo in France and was described by Kuhn as a “crowd favourite” during the expo.
One major feature of the VBP 7190 is its use of Kuhn’s patented i-Dense density regulation system.
This provides optimal bale start and baling pressure, the manufacturer says, which gives the highest densities for straw bales.
The VBP 7190 also offers a three-tine integral rotor intake system, plus a fast tailgate and bale transfer to ensure excellent productivity.
It can also produce a range of bale sizes from 80cm to 185cm in diameter.
Kuhn’s twin-reel film binding system is also an optional extra on the VBP 7190.
It has been built for maximum durability, Kuhn says, and this is evidenced by a heavy-duty bale chamber, rollers and drive components, plus its reinforced frame and extra-large tandem axle and tyres.
Two other machines being displayed for the first time during the expo were the FC 13460 RA and FC 9330 RA mower conditioners.
It has been designed with soil compaction in mind, offering what the manufacturer says is perfect load distribution, limited weight and low-pressure tyres – all of which prevent the soil structure from being degraded, even in wet conditions.
The FC 13460 RA can form a swath between 1.8m and 3m wide, while its telescopic axle makes it suitable for controlled traffic farming and increases the clearance.
An ISOBUS control interface allows operators to connect with CCI 800 or CCI 1200 terminals.
Lift-Control suspension can adjust the ground pressure through ISOBUS control, protecting the plant cover and ensuring a good ground following.
The mower also features a pivoting steel finger conditioner, while the rotors are driven by a selector lever gearbox that allows operators to adapt their conditioning depending on the type of forage.
The FC 9330 RA, meanwhile, has been designed to adapt its swath delivery between 1.8m and 3.6m.
Its adaptability means it suits a variety of balers, particularly those with wide
pickups where the forage density is high.
A CCI A3 joystick handle controls most of the common actions, while an integrated inclinometer controls the belt speed. Limiting the weight and stress on the tractor components were priorities during the development of the machine, Kuhn says.
These goals have been achieved by adding a completely new frame and support arm concept of the mower-regrouping units.
Like the FC 13460 RA, the FC 9330 RA is fitted with Kuhn’s Optidisc Elite cutter bar,
ISOBUS control interface and Lift-Control suspension.
Kuhn’s expo also allowed the manufacturer to showcase its existing product range across the hay and forage, tillage, spraying, spreading, and feed mixing sectors.
It also featured a silent auction of the demonstration machinery, with a portion of proceeds going to charity, plus a dealer dinner.
The manufacturer’s full range can be viewed at
Jadan offers high-performance hay handling systems that are specifically designed for the farming market in Australia. These simple and robust machines create efficient and faster hay handling systems that take the sweat out of handling bales.
Here are upcoming field day and agricultural events for 2023. Information was current as of going to press
The South Gippsland Dairy Expo provides an opportunity for members of the dairying fraternity to be able to showcase the latest in dairy innovation and technology to local farmers. This event that is organised and run by volunteers, each year enthusiastic parents and volunteers from the Poowong Kindergarten organise the catering for all attendees. This year’s event can be viewed online, so visit the website and enjoy from the comfort of your own home.
When: September 6-7, 2023
More info:
Held at one of the most attractive showgrounds in NSW, the Berry Small Farm Field Days is one of the cutest field days on the Australian calendar. With equipment and machinery displays, demonstrations and farm animals galore, the Berry Small Farm Field Days is an event for everyone!
When: September 8-9, 2023
More info:
Held over a two day period, the Riverland Field Days are a staple in the region. With over 350 exhibitors and approximately 30 caterers, there is something for the whole family. The field days include the latest in agricultural machinery, equipment and services, demonstrations, information sessions, activities, entertainment, tastings, trade exhibits and more.
When: September 15–16, 2023
More info:
Located in the heart of southern NSW, Henty attracts the best of the best when
it comes to farm machinery, agribusiness and rural living. More than 60,000 people flock to Henty Machinery Field Days each year and for good reason – book this one in your calendar.
When: September 19-21, 2023
More info:
The Royal Melbourne Show is Victoria’s largest showcase of agriculture and is conducted annually by The Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria (RASV). Visitors to the Royal Melbourne Show will be entertained all day with a huge range of all-inclusive, interactive and fun activities and attractions.
When: September 21–October 1, 2023
More info:
The Perth Royal Show is an annual agricultural show held in Perth, Western Australia at the Claremont Showground. It features informational exhibits, agricultural competitions and display animals, a fairground and rides, and showbags.
When: September 23-30, 2023
More info:
The three day biennial event has a major focus on agriculture and the future with extensive displays of the latest agriculture machinery and equipment, technology, information and services on a 30 hectare static display site area. With 700 exhibitors, guest speakers and family entertainment, the event provides a wide variety of quality display and demonstrations designed to be of interest and appeal to both rural and urban families.
When: September 26–28, 2023
More info:
World Dairy Expo serves as a forum for dairy producers, companies, organisations and other dairy enthusiasts to come together to compete, and to exchange ideas, knowledge, technology and commerce.
When: October 1-6, 2023
More info:
From humble beginnings in 1964, Elmore Field Days has gained recognition as
one of Australia’s premier agricultural Field Days. Elmore Field Days is focused on providing an unbiased service to agriculture and community with flow on economic benefit to regional areas.
When: October 3-5, 2023
More info:
Running since 1899, the Shepparton Agricultural Show is a family-focused event with animal shows, arts and crafts, horticulture, competitions and more.
When: October 13-14, 2023
More info:
Wandin Silvan Field Days’ focus is showcasing horticultural and agricultural
producers and their products and services. This enables visitors to have direct contact with the local growers and producers of this region.
When: October 13-14, 2023
More info:
The Royal Geelong Show is the region’s largest four-day show and boasts being the event that brings the country to the city. The event is jam packed full of blueribbon competitions, vintage machinery displays, live entertainment, nightly arena entertainment, Harry’s Farmyard where the kids can get up close and personal with the animals, thrill seeker rides, showbags and more.
When: October 19–22, 2023
More info: For the full year’s calendar of events:
The latest tractor release from Claas – the Xerion 12 series – is the latest evidence of its ambition to tackle the high horsepower market, the manufacturer says.
Designed for the biggest broadacre farmers, the Xerion 12 offers an efficient 653 horsepower engine, 914mm tracks, a new deluxe cabin with four-point suspension and what Claas describes as industry-leading hydraulics.
The Xerion 12, which is powered by the same 15.6L six-cylinder Mercedes-Benz OM473 engine found in the manufacturer’s Lexion combine harvesters and Jaguar forage harvesters, is also available in a 585hp model.
Due to anticipated demand in North America and Europe, the Xerion 12 is not expected to reach Australia until 2025.
Barratt also says the new Xerion series is the result of six years of research and development, plus 10,000 hours of field testing across five countries.
“Xerion 12 is all about performance, comfort and productivity – and it delivers all three in spades,” he says.
“With a maximum power output of 653hp and 3100Nm of torque at just 1300rpm, this is most powerful four-wheeldrive tracked tractor on the market, plus it’s the only one equipped with a continuously variable transmission as standard.
per hour is 8 to 10 per cent less than other tractors in this category.
It will be available either as a wheeled tractor, or with Claas’ Terra Trac concept.
All models can be configured with up to eight double-acting control spool valves and three load-sensing hydraulic pumps that deliver a combined flow rate of 537 litres per minute.
“This means that even the biggest air seeders with a continuously high oil demand can be operated more efficiently at reduced engine speed,” Barratt says.
Manufacturer Pöttinger has launched new Novacat V8400 and Novacat V9200 mowers.
These combine a powerful performance with maximum working widths of 8.4m and 9.2m to create a compact yet powerful design.
The sleek and angled booms on both the V8400 and V9200 create room for a small headstock to increase overall manoeuvrability and lower the vehicles’ centre of gravity.
Both mowers strive for versatility and are capable of being run with four-cylinder tractors.
With a 4cm height and 28cm depth, the mower combination’s cutter bar is designed to increase ground flow and optimum crop flow.
The mowers’ centre pivot mounting unit and hydraulic weight alleviation provide accurate floating travel as well as uniform
The Nonstop Lift hydraulic collision safety device provides protection of the cutter bar to efficiently avoid obstacles by simultaneously folding backwards and raising the boom. This prevents damage to both the mower unit and the obstacle even at high speeds.
The mower combinations are easy to operate due to the Basicline preselect system used in all standard vehicles, while the ISOBUS-compatible Selectline preselect control system is also available.
On both systems, mower units can be lifted separately using one spool valve,
With the Selectline preselect control system, the automatic individual lift system makes it easy to mow wedge-shaped fields. For easy road transportation, the mower can be hydraulically folded vertically through 92 degrees and then locked in transport position.
When attaching and detaching the mower combination, the retractable front guard provides plenty of space between the tractor tyres and the mower.
Both mower combinations are available with swath formers, ED tine-type conditioners or RC roller conditioners.
Machinery distributor PFG Australia continues to grow, adding two new brands to its lineup
PFG Australia has announced it will become the distributor for two additional overseas brands.
The independent agriculture dealer will add Solis tractors to its stable along with United States-manufactured Bad Boy Mowers.
Solis tractors already has a strong global footprint, combining Japanese Yanmar technology with the manufacturing scale of India’s ITL.
Over 25 years of manufacturing, it has become India’s number one farm machinery exporter, PFG says, while adding that one of its units – the Solis 26 – was the most sold tractor in Germany last year.
PFG says it plans to expand the Solis footprint across Australia in the coming months.
The partnership with Bad Boy Mowers
jor global export market for the American zero-turn mowers.
“It’s a real privilege that Bad Boy Mowers has chosen PFG Australia to be their first ever major export partner,” PFG Australia CEO Justin Whitfield says.
“In just 20 years of operation, they’ve managed to become an iconic mowing brand in the US, and our growing dealer
Bad Boy Mowers were first shown to the Australian public earlier this year and made an appearance at Farm World in Victoria.
The mowers are designed for both residential owners such as hobby farmers and commercial owners such as contractors and golf courses.
• Super deep ripper! Rips down to 60cm (24 inches)
• One pass operation to super deep rip, mix clay and incorporate lime that also packs the surface for an excellent seed bed.
• The most economical way to transform poor to average sandplain into highly productive country in one pass!
• Medium to heavy country is also responding with great results!
• Special aggressive A-discs, produce the best stubble cutting and mixing action.
• Excellent for incorporating lime and stubble at depth and levelling the paddock.
• Kills weeds and leaves an impressive seedbed with the moisture locked in by the V-ring packer!
• Fixes your seeding trash flow problems in one pass!
AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT ORDER NOW TO SECURE DELIVERYBad Boy Mowers were first showcased by PFG earlier this year
Sprayer manufacturer Miller has joined the stable of Ballarat Tractors
Ballarat Tractors, already known for its range of agricultural machinery including New Holland, has added another brand to its offering.
It will now become part of the Miller sprayers dealer network for a catchment area within about a 150km radius of the Victorian city.
Miller sprayers are distributed in Australia by McIntosh Distribution, which already has a strong relationship with Melbourne Tractors Group – of which Ballarat Tractors is part.
Miller’s latest sprayer is the self-propelled Nitro 7000 Series, which has introduced more power, torque, and fuel efficiency, as well as an improved driver experience.
It also offers spray options including green-on-green spot spray technology, and its multi-use benefit includes the option of a swather kit for crop windrowing.
“It is an industry-leading sprayer,’’ Ballarat Tractors sales manager Sam Risbey says.
“Windrowing plays a big role in cropping programs in this area because our seasons are not always suitable for direct heading.”
A further benefit of the partnership for Ballarat Tractors customers will be the ability for Miller sprayers with the latest Intelligence consoles to link with New Holland’s Precision Land Management software, along with the Advanced Farming Systems from fellow CNH Industrial brand Case IH.
Ballarat Tractors is aiming to provide a complete ‘seeding to harvest’ machinery offering for customers, Risbey says, particularly as broadacre cropping begins to increase within the region.
John Hill from McIntosh Distribution says Ballarat Tractors is an ideal partner as the dealership looks to grow its market share by moving into self-propelled sprayers.
“The business is confident in its direction with service and parts backup, and it appreciates the value service brings to its customers, so we are looking forward to extending this relationship with Miller customers,’’ he says.
“The South West Victoria region is moving away from mixed farming and livestock to more broadacre cropping and this is bringing a greater focus onto broadacre operations and the use of these types of machines.’’
Ballarat Tractors’ range includes New Holland agricultural equipment, plus other agricultural and construction machinery including telehandlers, seeding equipment and other implements across a variety of brands.
EZEE-ON3550 2003,40'@10".AS822. TADPLIn107338. $53,900
2005,poultrypro,hydro, aircond',6.3metrex2.8tonne,3676hours.AS1477.
FLEXICOIL2640 2009,quadcastor,260bu/ 9000L,auger.AS1564. TA1168172.
1992,(EeezeOn),5tonne2 bintrailedtrike,SSB,auger..AS1178. TA357690. $16,500
IHC 3588 Snoopy, 167hp, 4800hrs
JCB 155-65 FASTRAC, 150hp, 3PL, 5500hrs
JCB 155-65 FASTRAC, 150hp, 3PL, 7300hrs
JCB 155-65 FASTRAC, 150hp, 3PL, 8000hrs
JCB 185-65 FASTRAC, 185hp, 3PL, 4900hrs
JCB 185-65 FASTRAC, 185hp, 8000hrs
JCB 3185-65 FASTRAC, 185hp, 3PL, 8700hrs
JCB 3220-65 FASTRAC, 220hp, 3M Track, 3PL, 6990hrs
JCB 3220-80 FASTRAC/SPREADER, 220hp, 11200hrs
JCB 3230-65 FASTRAC/SPREADER, 230hp, 5825hrs
JCB 3230-80 FASTRAC/SPREADER, 230hp, 11000hrs
IHC 5088, 150hp, 4750hrs
CASE IH MX170, 161hp, Fr & Rr 3PL – pto, 9500hrs
CASE IH MX200, 200hp, 3PL, 8750hrs
FORD 6640SLE, 85hp, 3PL, 5100hrs
FORD 7710, 100hp, 3PL, 8650hrs
JOHN DEERE 6210 / FEL, 90hp, 3PL, 6700hrs
BLIGHTY ENG’ 30’ Rubber tyre Roller
BROONS Combination Roller
BURDER 9000 FEL Kit – JCB 8250
CASE 480E Loader, a/c, 10000hrs
CASE 580E Backhoe Loader
CIH MX 460/85R42 dual kit (80% tyres)
JCB 3CX-2WD Backhoe Loader 7900hrs
JCB 3CX-2WD Backhoe Loader, 12745hrs
NEWHOLLANDSC180 1998,180bushel/6343 litre,2bin,castorquad,auger.AS1355. TA739946.
SIMPLICITY4000DTR 1991,5700litre,2bin,tow behind.AS1382. TA984613.
JCB 531-70CE, a/c, 7200hrs, 7m x 3.1t
JCB 531-70CS, a/c, 6850hrs, 7m x 3.1t
JCB 535-95, a/c, 4500hrs, 9.5m x 3.5t
JCB 535-95C, a/c, 3850hrs, 9.5m x 3.5t
JCB 434S 2.4M3 Wheeled Loader, a/c, 8865hrs
JCB 8018CTS Excavator, 1.6T, 1100hrs
JCB 8025ZTS Excavator, 2.6T, 705hrs
JCB 55Z-1 Excavator, a/c, 5.5T, 2150hrs
KOMATSU PC78MR-6 Excavator, 7T, 3600hrs
KOMATSU WA300-3E Wheeled Loader, 16000hrs
SIMPLICITY Small Seeds Box suit 8200TB3
VICTORY VL200 Wheeled Loader, 1385hrs
WCM 30 Wheeled Loader, 2800hrs
CONNOR SHEA 14 Row Pasture Drill, coulters, roller Bars
GASON 50’@10” Scaritill, Kelly rotary harrows
HORWOOD 20’ Scaribar, 10.5”
JANKE F500 UDD Planter, 40’@12”, coulters, p/wheels
JOHN DEERE 735, 40’@10”, p/wheels
SIMPLICITY 10M ALLROUNDER, 9”, I/F p/wheels, banding
SHEARER (EEZE ON) 2175, 5T Trike, SSB, auger
SIMPLICITY 9000TQC3, auger
JCB 531-70 AGRI, a/c, 3350hrs, 7m x 3.1t
JCB 531-70 AGRI, a/c, 3800hrs, 7m x 3.1t
JCB 531-70 AGRI, a/c, 4200hrs, 7m x 3.1t
JCB 531-70 AGRI, a/c, 4500hrs, 7m x 3.1t
JCB 531-70 AGRI, a/c, 4900hrs, 7m x 3.1t
JCB 531-70 AGRI, a/c, 4900hrs, 7m x 3.1t
JCB 531-70 AGRI, a/c, 5600hrs, 7m x 3.1t
JCB 531-70 AGRI, a/c, 6300hrs, 7m x 3.1t
JCB 531-70 AGRI, a/c, 8300hrs, 7m x 3.1t
JCB 531-70 AGRI, a/c, 11600hrs, 7m x 3.1t
JCB 531-70 AGRI, a/c, srs, 6300hrs, 7m x 3.1t
JCB 531-70 AGRI SUPER, a/c, srs, 3400hrs, 7m x 3.1t
JCB 531-70 AGRI SUPER, a/c, srs, 4370hrs, 7m x 3.1t
JCB 531-70 AGRI SUPER, a/c, srs, 4770hrs, 7m x 3.1t
JCB 531-70 AGRI SUPER, a/c, srs, 5430hrs, 7m x 3.1t
JCB 531-70 AGRI SUPER, a/c, srs, 6000hrs, 7m x 3.1t
JCB 531-70 AGRI SUPER, a/c, srs, 6940hrs, 7m x 3.1t
JCB 531-70 AGRI SUPER, a/c, srs, 7000hrs, 7m x 3.1t
JCB 531-70 AGRI SUPER, a/c, srs, 7100hrs, 7m x 3.1t
JCB 531-70 AGRI SUPER, a/c, srs, 7160hrs, 7m x 3.1t
JCB 531-70 AGRI SUPER, a/c, srs, 7200hrs, 7m x 3.1t
JCB 531-70 AGRI SUPER, a/c, srs, 9800hrs, 7m x 3.1t
JCB 531-70 T4f AGRI PRO, a/c, srs, 3200hrs, 7m x 3.1t
JCB 531-70 T4i AGRI SUPER, a/c, srs, 4750hrs, 7m x 3.1t
JCB 535-95 AGRI SUPER, a/c, srs, 6700hrs, 9.5m x 3.5t
JCB 536-70 T4i AGRI SUPER, a/c, srs, 6240hrs, 7m x 3.6t
JCB 540-70FS SUPER, a/c, srs, 2000hrs, 7m x 4t
JCB 540-70FS SUPER, a/c, srs, 6300hrs, 7m x 4t
JCB 541-70 AGRI SUPER, a/c, srs, 3050hrs, 7m x 4.1t
JCB 541-70 AGRI SUPER, a/c, srs, 4400hrs, 7m x 4.1t
JCB 541-70 AGRI SUPER, a/c, srs, 5200hrs, 7m x 4.1t
JCB 541-70 AGRI SUPER, a/c, srs, 5700hrs, 7m x 4.1t
JCB 541-70 AGRI SUPER, a/c, srs, 6100hrs, 7m x 4.1t
JCB 541-70 AGRI SUPER, a/c, srs, 7250hrs, 7m x 4.1t JCB 541-70 AGRI SUPER, a/c, srs, 8100hrs, 7m x 4.1t
JCB 541-70 AGRI SUPER, a/c, srs, 8900hrs, 7m x 4.1t
JCB 541-70 T4i AGRI SUPER, a/c, srs, 3900hrs, 7m x 4.1t
JCB 541-70 T4i AGRI SUPER, a/c, srs, 5500hrs, 7m x 4.1t
JCB 541-70 T4i AGRI SUPER, a/c,
7m x 3t JCB 530-70FS SUPER, a/c, srs, 5500hrs, 7m x 3t JCB 530-70FS SUPER, a/c, srs, 6000hrs, 7m x 3t JCB 531-70CE, a/c, 5900hrs, 7m x 3.1t
JCB 531-70 T4i AGRI SUPER, a/c, srs, 7200hrs, 7m x 3.1t
JCB 531-70 T4i AGRI XTRA, a/c, srs, 4300hrs, 7m x 3.1t
JCB 532-70 AGRI-FS, a/c, srs, 650hrs, 7m x 3.2t
JCB 532-70 AGRI-FS, a/c, srs, 2550hrs, 7m x 3.2t
2021,likenewinimmaculate condition, low hours,brand newtires, ready forwork, 1L06120MTMX985043.NSW.
CLOVERAGRIVMZ220 heavy dutymulcher,hydraulicside shift,VMZ220.QLD. DIY1172986. 0412 036 858.
CROSSFIRE400GT 23HP enginewithelectronicfuel injectionandliquidcooling capacityis352cc,automatic CVTshaftdriven transmission,.. NSW. DIY1130342. 02 8783 8411.
KRONE COMPRIMACV 150XC 150XC combinationround balerwrapper,one owner,lowbale count.Inexcellent condition.S45.
TA1103402. POA
MASSEY FERGUSON2270 XDTCBALER 3X4cutterwith tandemaxles.Late modelwith segmentedrotor androlloutknife rack.Oneowner. Fullyworkshop serviced.S48.
FERGUSON 2270 XDTC 3X4 rotor cut tandem axle one owner fully serviced POA
MASSEY FERGUSON 190 4X4 going through workshop has 2190 crank and reduced height chamber. POA
NEW HOLLAND 1210 3x4 Square Bale POA
MF 185 3x3 Square Baler POA
CASE 8580, 4x4 Square Baler POA
2009,forceFTZboom, upgrade464pump, 6sectionEFCfluid system,filteredfresh
HC5500controller, 60litrechemicalhopper 20.8-42Tryes.1002779.
Enghours3267,sep hours2750,4speed transmission,traw spreader,14"auger, Cyclonchaffspreader.
102744. TA1141289. $104,500
735 terra trac
4XLauger,13,500Lgraintank CEMOSauto
Sep,clean,cropflow,cruise pilot
2017MACDONFD7545' w/trailer
102819. TA1168771. POA
45metreboom,5 sectionsonsinglenozzle bodies
12VSoterachemical pump
2023.102844. TA1171712. $70,000
**HeaderOnly** Cursor13Tier2
12,300Lgraintank AFS Pro 700
600/70R28steertyres 620/70R42driveduals Chaffdecknotincluded COMINGSOON.102825. TA1178603. $297,000
2017,635mm Terra TracSystem CEBISIISystemwith8.4"Screen CEBISyieldmapping
CEMOSAutoCruisePilot C-MotionJoystick
V8Mercedesengine,16Lair compressor
13.7m/45ftflexdraper(no trailer).102830-102831. - - -
2014,2279eng,1926rot,dual620/70r4290%, nav,372receiver,pro700,leddrivelightsandlightbarfolding $330,000+GST
CASEIH6088 header,SK#83526,YAG003499,baseunitonly with5,539enginehrs,4,187 rot hrs.800/65R32fronttyres& 540/65R30steertyres. Pro 600display,UHF,AM/FMradio.
HORSCHSPRINTER12NTANDSW17003 with17003tow behindcart10inchsSpacing,doublesshoot,DickyJohnseed flowmonitorand48xseedflowsensors,ISOBUSandHorsch
CASEIHUNKNOWNMaxxum135 Tier4Bmulticontroller Ultimatespectractorwithapprox.800hours&thetractoris stillwithsomewarranty.480/65R28fronttyresat90%& 600/65R38reartyres. TA1184273. $192,500inclGST
CROPLANDSPEGASUS5000LT5028 2009,MT-3405-11 controllernonsectioncontrol,5section28mBargamboom, hydraulicfold&lift,60ltchemmixhopper,handwashtank, Airmix110-02nozzles,Ar185pumpPTOdrivenwith compressor,airbagsuspension. TA1181288. $33,000inclGST
CROPLANDSPEGASUS603630hw/1002 BA7000controller nonsectioncontrol,7section30mbargamboom,hydfold,lift &tilt,60ltchemmix,handwashtank,airmix110-02nozzles, AR185pumpPTOdriven,series500compressor,airbag suspension,20.8-42tyres70%. TA1168472. $62,000+GST
BOGBALLEL1PLUS 3plspreader,approx.1000lthomemade extension,540pto,A3TLVanes.LocatedinTemora. TA1179374.
JETSTREAMOVERSEER3000LTR60 3000LT,60FT,3section controlbox,inasiscondition,Temora. TA1151080. $9,000
nearnewtracks,approximately42horsepower,serialno: 38835, operatingweightapproximately4tonne,3buckets,1ripper&1 hydraulicpostholedigger&auger,verygoodconditionallround. 7252.
2wheeldrive, newtyresallround,extrahydraulicpump,powersteering,45 horsepowerapproximately,newroof.6893.
NEWHOLLANDTN55DTRACTORWITHBURDERFRONTENDLOADER 4 in1bucket,4wheeldrive,3cylinderdiesel,withremotes,aircab, approximately1,466hoursasindicated,engineno: 8035.05B-229-629111,diamondtreadtyresreplacedwithnewlugtyres allround,60horsepowerapproximately,verygoodcondition,withnew frontQuickreleasehayforkattachment.7249.
ONCE,serialno:12087770,2.5-3tonne,allhydraulicdrive,2x hydraulicspinners,beltfeed,spreadwidthto24m.7114. TA1149867.
withJohnDeereself levellingfrontendloader,4.1bucket,yearapproximately2005-2008,4 wheeldrive,ROPS&Roof,91horsepowerapproximately,PTO,withfront weightframe(noweights),approximately1,968hoursindicated,3point linkage,2newfronttyres.7073.
yearapprox. 2005-2008,4wheeldrive,frontendloader,ROPS&roof,91horsepower approximately,PTO,withfrontweightframe(noweights),approx.1,900 hoursindicated,3pointlinkage.7089.
TA1150886. $39,850INCLGST
4 wheeldrive,mowervinno:1TC1585DLGR020134,diesel,air conditioningcab,72"mowerdeck,yearapproximately2016,deckserial no:1TC7295XJJT290181,1,497hoursasindicated,excellentunit,ready togo.7116.
2 OF
HYUNDAIROBEX55-7EXCAVATOR,4CYLINDERDIESEL newrubber tracks,exGovt,approximately2,356hoursindicated,serialno: M801123265,5.5tonneapproximately,airconditioning/radio(working), verygoodcondition.7148.
2wheeldrive,8 speed,rollframe&roof,45horsepowerapproximately,asnewtyresall round,mechanicallyexcellent,readytogo.6899.
KUBOTAK008-3MINIEXCAVATOR(08)83238795 serialno: 40940, engineno:4EW899,productidentificationno: JKUK0081J01H40940, 1,800hoursapproximately,3cylinderdiesel,2xbuckets:-450mm GP, 900mmtiltingmudbucket,SWL65kg,folddownrollframe,hydraulic trackadjustment,newrubbertracks,goodtightmachine,excellent condition,readytogo.7062.
JCB3CX4TL02264998.7135. TA1159450.
JCB3CXBACKHOELOADER,4CYLINDERDIESEL engine no:SB3240344U1538214,approx.2,589genuinehoursindicated,rear extenderboom,3xbuckets,nooilleaks,serialno:
MASSEYFERGUSON65MKIITRACTOR 2wheeldrive,rollframe,diesel, 203engine,approximately58horsepower,3pointlinkage,nearnew tyresallround,mechanicallyexcellent,hasbeenthroughworkshop, readytogo.7110. TA1147470. $9,500INCLGST
2 OF
JOHNDEERETURFUTILITYVEHICLE/SPRAYERPROGATOR2030A 2016, diesel,yearapproximately2016,vinno:1TC200GXJHT090114, approximately1,663hoursindicated.7118. TA1151064.
FORD5610TRACTOR 4x4,frontendloaderwithforks,rops,roof, windscreen,72horsepowerapproximately,immaculate(front
articulated,42horsepower approximately,4cylinderinjectiondiesel,vinno: YMRV4Y6YEAYY61084, 4.1bucket,4X4,1,300hoursapproximately.7133. TA1159444.
CASECX90TRACTOR(3OF)WRECKINGPARTSONLY 1withfront forklift&postrammer.7196. TA1170476.
PARTSONLY latemodelcab.7256.
JOHNDEERETYRES(NEW)ALLFRONT,SOMEWITHRIMS&CENTRES allnewtyres,somewithrimsandcentres.7254.
DAVIDBROWN1210TRACTOR,MOTORGOODWRECKINGPARTSONLY motorgood(2OF).Manyothermodeslinstock.7192.
TA1190213. $12,500INCLGST
TORO228-DGROUNDSMASTERFRONTDECKMOWER sidedischargeor reardischarge,excellentcondition.7261.
4wheeldrive,QuickReleasefrontendloader,forks&bucket,roll frame&roof,approximately1,600hours/60horsepower,immaculate, withbooks.7262.
TA1162870. $13,250INCL
UNKNOWNSLASHER3POINTLINKAGE slasher,2.5widex1.7long,3 pointlinkage,2rotors,front&rearchains.7146.
4wheeldrive,selflevellingfrontendloaderQuickRelease,forks &bucket,100horsepowerapproximately,airconcab,tyres90%all round,frontMudguards,approximately1,594hours,immaculate, with books.7260. TA1190209.
6,8,10,13,15,20and30KVA generators,singleand3-phase, poweredbywater-cooledPerkins heavydutydieselengines,keyor remotestart,fueltankbase,full engineprotection,500hours serviceintervalsIdealbackupor primepowerCall for yourspecial price!.AW54939-ST190912.
Tinytach for dieselenginesgives adigitalRPMreadingregardless ofthenumberofcylinders.A transducertakesapulsereading fromtheinjectorlineSimplybolt thetransducertotheinjectorline, supplya12-24VDCsupplyand awayyougo!Itevenhasa built-inhourmeter,service functionandmaxrpmrange.
S22. DPLIn27532. $264
Partsavailable for small Japanesediesels. AW54939-FM077-060-07. DPLIn27496.
To fit smallJapanesetractors. From$8.80eachincGST. AW54939-FM077-060-08. DPLIn27497. $9
*New 4” self-priming pump with S/H Kubota 12 hp diesel, 100,000 lt/hr to 15mt head ....................$4,890 inc GST
*65 bpz bare shaft, 55 mt head ....................................$380
*80 bpz bare shaft, 65 mt head ....................................$560
All engines are low hours, fan-flywheel, 3 months limited warranty
*Kubota Z600, 12hp, 2 cylinder ....................................$1,710
*Kubota D600, 15hp, 3 cylinder ..................................$1,683
*Kubota D850, 18hp, 3 cylinder ................................ $2,040
*Kubota D950, 20hp, 3 cylinder ................................$2,233
*Kubota V1200, 28hp, 4 cylinder ...............................$2,562
*Kubota V1405, 30hp, 4 cylinder...............................$2,750
*Isuzu 3AF1, 22hp, 3 cylinder...................................... $2,057
*Isuzu 3AE1, 30hp, 3 cylinder .....................................$2,376
*Isuzu 3AD1, 34hp, 3 cylinder .....................................$2,557
*Yanmar 2HS66, 11hp, 2 cylinder ................................$1,155
*Yanmar 2HS80, 19hp, 2 cylinder...............................$1,765
*Yanmar 3TNA86, 15hp, 3 cylinder ........................... $1,770
*Yanmar 3TNA68, 16hp, 3 cylinder ...........................$1,870
*Yanmar 3TNA72, 20hp, 3 cylinder ..........................$2,035
*Yanmar 3TNA75, 23hp, 3 cylinder ..........................$2,075
*Yanmar 3TNA82, 25hp, 3 cylinder..........................$2,629
*Mitsubishi CA700, 15hp ...............................................$2,075
*Mitsubishi K3D, 21hp, 3 cylinder .............................$1,980 WE ALSO BUILD POWER PACKS INCLUDING RADIATOR, MUFFLER, STUB SHAFT, IGNITION, FILTERS, BASE FRAMES.
*Large range of new and second hand diesel engines, 8hp to 100hp, 3 months warranty
.............................................................................From $1,500 inc GST TRANSPORT ARRANGED AUSTRALIA WIDE
Ask for a quote
fittings,includesoutrigger bearingArealworkhorse.S21.
powerpackNewradiator, muffler,hoses,filters,35mm keyedshaft.PM045-072-03.
KUBOTASOUTHERNCROSS HELICALPUMP Kubota-SouthernCrossHelical Rotorpump. From$4,950. VelSSS420. TA226460. $5,850+GST
SOUTHERNCROSS80X50-315 Isuzu3AE1,30hpdiesel,15litres persecondat80metrehead. AW54939-FM077-112-02. DPLIn27518. $7,850+GST
SOUTHERNCROSS80X50X250 NissanTD27,48hpdiesel,20 litrespersecondat80metre headEngineshutdownincluded. S23. DPLIn27505. $8,270
VARIOUSELECTRICPUMPS SINGLE+3PHASE elecpu9582. TA206433. $4,2604260
SOUTHERNCROSS100X65-315 PUMPSET withNissanQD32(65hp),skid fueltank,oil-temp,hi/lotimer watchdogandforkliftroof. Vel67912. TA11060. $13,750
PONTOONPUMPELECTRIC Pontoonwithelectricpump. xzdef19652. TA206427. $14,910
UNKNOWNPTOGENERATOR 50KVA-ThreePhase-3point linkagewithheavydutyjack stands.VEL4156. TA10931. $8,710
CUMMINS66KVA 6cylinderdieselgenerator.S19. DPLIn27568. $13,387
PUMPSET newpumpdirectdrivecoupledto secondhand6cylNissandiesel withnewtandemtrailerwithVin. S33. TA750753. $18,810+GST
PISTONPUMPXF404 WithDEK4.7hpdiesel,4,000 litresperhour60metrehead. S24. DPLIn27531. $3,300
585, 595, 685, 695, 800, 830, 832, 870
2WD, 885, 895, 900, 930, 932, 956, 970, 1030, 1032, 1070, 1194, 1270, 1370, 1390, 1394, 1594, 1690, 2090, 2094, 2096, 2290, 2290, 2294, 2390, 2394, 2470, 2590, 2594, 2670, 2870, 3394, 3594, 4230, 4496, 4694, 4994, 7110, 7210, CVX 170, CX60, MAGNUM
275, MAGNUM 290, MAGNUM 305, MX80C, MX255, MX285, PUMA, STX 375 QUADTRACK, STX425, STX440
1896, 4690, 4890, 4894, 5120, 5130, 5140, 5150, 7120, 7130, 7140, 7150, 7220, 7230, 7240, 7250, 8910, 8920, 8930, 8940, 8950, 9130, 9150, 9170, 9180, 9250, 9260, 9280, 9350, 9370
QUADTRACK, 9380 QUADTRACK, 9390, MX90, MX130, MX135, MX150, MX230, MX240, MX200, MX220, MXM175, MX270, MXM190, STX375, STX440, STX480
CHALLENGER SERIES – 35, 45, 55, 65, 65C, 75, 75C, 75E, 85C, 85D, 95E, 65E TRACK MACHINE, MT765D, MT765C, MT865C
3000, 3610, 4000, 4600, 4610, 5000, 5610, 5640, 6000, 6600, 6610, 6700, 6810, 7000, 7600, 7700, 7710, 7840, 8000, 8210, 8230, 8340, 8401, 8600, 8700, 9000, 9600, 9700,, TW5, TW10, TW15, TW20, TW25, TW30
385, 414, 434, 444, 484, 514, 554, 564, 574, 585, 624, 660, 674, 686, 696, 706, 756,766, 786, 856, 866, 885, 886, 956, 976, 986, 1056, 1066, 1086, 1256, 1466, 1468, 1486, 1566, 1568, 1586, 3288, 3388, 3588, 3688, 3788, 4166, 4186, 4366, 4386, 4568, 4586, 4786, 5088,
KP525, KP 1350, KP1325, KP1400, BEARCAT 3 & 4, COUGAR 2 & 4 CM250, PANTHER 2, PANTHER 3 ST310 & ST325, PANTHER 4 CM325, TIGER ST470,
500, 700, 800, 835, 836, 855, 875, 895, 900, 935, 945, 946, 950, 956, 975, 976, 1150, 1156
9410R, 9420T, 9430T
7840, 8430, 8560, 8870, 8970, 9482, 9682, 9860, 9880, 9882, 9482, 9484, G210, G240, L85, L95, T6020, T7030, TG230, TG235, TG255, TG285, TJ375, TJ425, TJ450, TL70, TL90, TM125, TM135, TM195, TN55D, TN95F, TS100, TS100A, TS110A, TS125A, T9060
Follow us on Facebook to keep up to date with new stock that’s regularly coming in @ruralwrecking
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grain gristers. From $595
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2nd hand tractor tyres, belt pulleys, PTO From $195
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2023,H/Dconstruction,doubleorsinglesidelinkage, optionalhydraulicsideshift,sizesfrom1.5to4mtr
H/DAustralianmade.3mmor5mmfloor.Custombuild. Chassismodifications.Newandusedtrucksavailable. S360. TA1025472.
H/Dbuild. Onepiecesides,2waygate.Optionalwell hoistortwinunderbody.Optionaldropsides.Custom build.Colourofchoice.Sandblastedandfinishedin
2022,MadeinUSA,heavydutybuild Hydraulicliftwheels,hydraulicangleadjustment 1800mmto3600mm.S363. TA1025493.
SAMMUTSPREADKING5000ORCHARD/VINEYARD SPREADER 2020,H/DAustralianbuild,frontorreardelivery.Sizes from2m3to18m3,optionaltelescopicconveyor, optionalendrotororendspinner,custombuilttosuit
2020,Buydirectfromthemanufacturerandsave.We havebeenmanufacturingmowersinAustralia for over 25years!Australianmade,onepiecestainlessdeck, fullgeardrive,stainlessdeck,75HPgearboxes,3plor trailing,sizesfrom1.5mtrto12mtr,suitable for Turf farms,golfcourses,councils,contractorsandmore. S364. TA1025498.
SAMMUTMILLMUDSPREADERS,AUSTRALIAN MADE 2020,H/DAustralianmade Fullhydraulicdrive,singleor3row Frontfeed,Singleordoubleaxle,optionalrear spinners Sizesfrom8m3to30m3.S365. TA1025500. Pricefrom$28,000+GST
2020,H/DAustralianmade,fullhydraulicdrive Wecancustombuild.Optionalfrontfeed Optionalsidedelivery.Chainorbeltfloor Sizesfrom2m3to30m3.S367. TA1025524.
2020,Hardenedbinandfloor,H/DComerItalian gearboxes,sizesfrom3m3to30m3,scales,incab controls,ptionalfoldingconveyorwithoptionallength, reductionbox.S371. TA1025537. From$25,000+GST
2020,Extraheavyduty Hydraulicliftroller,geardrive Anti-panblades 2200mmto3200mm.S369. TA1025532.
2022,Buydirectfromtheimporterandsave! Heavyduty,Hydraulicliftcrumbleroller,560mmdiscs ,3plandtrailing,2.5mtrto6mtr(trailing).S368. TA1025525.
2022,BuyDirectfromtheimporterandsave!From5 toneto30tone,heavyDutyconveyorchain,slurrydoor, incabcontrols,twinverticalbeaterswithbottom spinner,suitable for allyourhardtospreadproducts etcWetcowmanure,mulch,greenwasteetc,18TONE MACHINE(ASPICTURED).S373. TA1025543. From$69,000+GST
With more than 40 specialised years in building, maintaining and supporting irrigation systems, Crightons Rural Engineering has aged like ne wine.
The business was founded by Frank and Rhonda Crighton in 1982, with Frank’s mechanically gi ed mind and gentlemanly nature, combined with Rhonda’s drive, decision-making and ambitious energy helping Crightons to grow into the reliable company it is today.
In the face of emerging El Niño conditions in the early 2000s, Crightons sought out municipal, horticultural and commercial works, surviving the drought and growing the business against all odds.
New control system all but guarantees a smooth nish
With the country’s dreaded bush re season drawing closer, the Kubota GL9000 is one of the many options that LK Diesel o ers to prepare backup power for both everyday usage and critical situations.
Family-owned since 1970, LK Diesel’s managing director Bernard Kuhlwind has nothing but praise for Kubota’s products.
“Kubota generators are high performing, e cient and reliable,” he says.
“The generators provide reliable power when you need it most and are built for tough Aussie conditions.”
As a recent recipient of Kubota’s ‘Dealer Excellence Award’, LK Diesel not only delivers high-quality Kubota generators to its customers but provides energy solutions around Melbourne and beyond.
The Kubota GL9000 generator is a
Now well into the 2020’s, Crightons has not only survived, but grown with the times. Frank and Rhonda’s children now stand beside him to keep the dream of a family business for the people alive.
“Work is Frank’s happy place and purpose; you can’t wipe the smile and pride o his face each day when he consistently turns up to work,” Frank and Rhonda’s daughter Keryl Crighton says.
“Frank always guided sta to get the best out of themselves, loved sharing his knowledge while giving them space to grow and learn in an encouraging environment.”
“He allowed people to build their con dence without judgement. Mistakes were always looked at as an opportunity to learn.”
With Frank’s son Jasen now managing Crightons, the NSW-based business has grown from two people working out of a 100 square metre shed, to 31 members with a new 3,500 square metre facility and a 600 square metre o ce complex.
“As a result of Frank and Rhonda’s small, humble beginnings, Jasen has taken the
two-pole, silent-type, direct-coupled, single-phase diesel generator with a capacity of 8.8kVA at 3000rpm, supplying 33.3 amps at 240 volts.
The generators are powered by Kubota’s D722 fuel-e cient, water-cooled diesel engines, which incorporate a TVCS combustion system to help improve the air/fuel mixture, resulting in cleaner emissions and a more reliable power supply with minimum power loss.
The generator has an average running range time of 8.5 hours at full load and utilises single sided access for quick inspection and easy maintenance.
The Kubota GL9000 diesel generator is ideally used for o -grid and solar back-up for homes and businesses, mobile businesses like food vans and pop-up shops and hire or rental companies.
This machine also features a remote two-wire auto start for solar back-ups and the GL Series comes with fork pockets and li bar as standard for ease of transport and manoeuvrability.
Both the fork pockets and li bar can be removed if required when the generator is in its nal location for easy transport.
business from four people to 31 and still moving,” Keryl says.
“Crightons has now become a major player in the irrigation industry Australia-wide. Jasen had the key, he had the perfect balance, belief, and vision.”
“He analysed and worked hard to build a business with ethics, purpose, and real grit,” she says.
“We really do it for the people.”
As organic development continued to thrive, Crighton’s management team has started to look towards scalability and its need to restructure as a result of continuous growth.
It was at this time that the third generation of the Crighton family became a part of the business, with Toby and Jock joining the team full-time and Hughie commencing a school-based apprenticeship with the company.
With Frank 89 years young, his passion for both his family and the business is written in the proud smile he greets life with.
“Relationships are the key in all aspects of life and business. Jasen has that gi , which he is now passing down to his children who are now learning and growing within the business,” Keryl says.
And what would a young man be without his toys – “Frank loves operating his 2.2.T digger,” Keryl adds with a satis ed smirk. “It’s his pride and joy!”
For LK Diesel’s full Kubota generator range, visit products/generators/kubota/ or speak with Bernard and the LK Diesel team in-store at 52 Woodlands Drive Braeside, VIC, 3195.
QLD 4172
KALMAR(NEW)DRU450 SOLD-Another available.Reachstackerfromglobalindustry leadingporthandlingequipment manufacturer.S89. TA1081384.
KALMARDRT450-65S 2013,Stacksladen 20x40containers5high.CumminsQSM11 dieselengine.Dana15.5HR36000 transmission.Fullyenclosedairconditioned cab.H10300280. TA1153805.
KALMARDRF450-60S5M 2012,Stacksladen 20x40containers5high.CumminsQSM11 dieselengine.Dana15.7TE32xmsn.Axletech driveaxlewithwetdiscbrakes.ACcab.S99.
HYSTERH18.00XM-12 2008,stacks12,000kg highcube20'&40'4high.ELME55820x40 spreaderwithtopentrytwistlocks.Frontline unitready for immediatedelivery.R3547.
HYSTERH18.00XM-12 2008,18,000kg highcube20'containers3highwith2440forks +forkpositioningsideshift.Option14,000kg withELME558Sidelift for 20'and40' highcube.R3282. TA511086.
HYSTERH18.00XM-12 withforkpositioning sideshiftcarriage,2440mmforks,Cummins engine,fullyenclosedairconditionedcabOption20x40sideliftcont.frame.R3632.
TA1124211. POA
HYSTERH20.00F 2009,Smallestinthisfamily ofmostrobust20tonto32tonforklifts.Can landtransportfullyassembledready for work Cumminsengine,sideshiftandfork positioning2440mmforks.E008E02372G.
HYSTERH16.00XM-6 2010,canstack20' highcubecontainers2highcirca11,000kgat 1200mm.Cumminsdieselengine.2440mm forks,sideshiftandforkpositioningcarrige A/Ccab.S100.
CATERPILLARDP160N 2009,hassideshift withforkpositioningand2440mmlongforks. Fullyenclosedairconditionedcab,powershift transmission.Easymastontransportready for workwith4500mmliftheightabletostack20' highcubecontainers2high.T40A10068.
CLARKC500Y650D 1983,stacks28,000kg20' highcubes3high.Hassideshift&fork positioningplus8'forks.Cummins6CTdiesel, ClarkHurth28000powershiftxmsn.Easy staircaseaccesstohighviscab. 084AUFL4890. TA1153864.
GoodRunnerataffordableprice$55,000 FreeCall1800688788
MOBICON33T loadunloadandtravel 33,000kg20'and40'shippingcontainers.For sale&wanted.R3299. TA148664.
KONECRANESSMVSL32-1200B 2011,rated 32,000kgat1200mmloadcentre,canstack highcube20'containers2high.Road transportwithoutdemobe.R3376. TA1038152.
FIATALLISM100C Justinfordismantling,Allis10,000 seriesengine,wetengineclutch,transmissioningood order,Moldboardpitchcylinders,allpartsavailable, PhoneBrendan0267624466.S175. TA1162783. POA
ALLISCHALMERSHD16DC Justinfordismantling, swiveltynepacificrippers,nearnewlatestyle undercarriageallround,Allis16,000engine,finaldrives rebuilt,bulltiltblade,allpartsavailable,PhoneBrendan orPeteon0267624466.S173. TA1153539. POA
2244, 200, 300, 3366, 400, 500, L400C, L600C, D600D Super, D700C
JOHN DEERE : 1010C, 850
ALLIS-CHALMERS: TL12D, TL14, TL20, 545, 605B, 645, 745B,C FIAT: FR20B
LD3, LD5, LD7 & LD9 Scoopmobile
HANOMAG/MASSEY 22,33C,44, 55, CL55C,66C-D, 77
ALLIS-CHALMERS: D, DD, M65, 65B, AD30-40, 45, 145, M100A, B, FG95
DRMCO/CHAMPION 562, 600, 720, 740
JOHN DEERE 570, 570A, 670A, 770, 770A, 772A
AC D17, D19, D21, XT190, 7000, 7010, 7020, 7040, 7060, 7080, 8010, 8050, 8070, 7580, 8550, 440 ALSO AVAILABLE Track Chains, Rollers, Idlers, Sprockets Various 4-1 Buckets, POA
JOHNDEERE670 justinfordismantling,startsrunsand drives,6414Tengine,8speedpowershifttransmission, rearrippersandscarifiers,12footmoldboardwithnew edges,goodrubberallround,allpartsavailable,phone
FIATALLISHD16B Justinfordismantling,Standen rippers,immaculateundercarriageallround,bulltilt blade,fulllengthQLDcanopy,17,000seriesAllisengine, powershift,segmentedsprockets,allpartsavailable. PhoneBrendanorPeteon0267624466.S174. TA1153541. POA
The Australian Bulk Handling Expo is returning 18-19 September 2024
The Australian Bulk Handling Expo is designed for businesses who are bulk commodity producers and require the use of equipment for the movement of bulk goods, either domestically or internationally. The exhibition will feature suppliers showcasing innovative technology, equipment or services to bulk commodity manufacturers and producers.
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Max Speed: 40km/h
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