The STIHL BGA 300 is the first battery backpack blower from STIHL. For professional applications in noise-sensitive areas. Ideal for efficient clearing of large areas, even with wet and heavy leaves. Petrol-performance blowing force with a battery leaf blower.
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Time for an upgrade?
Image: Bill Keefrey / adobe.stock.comIdon’t rate myself as very mechanically capable.
There are a few engines I know really well and I’m comfortable removing the top end and dealing with most of what I find. I can generally strip and clean a carby without too much grief – although ensuring the carby on my last Victa two-stroke was in exactly the right horizontal plane was a pain in the float chamber – and mostly I can puzzle my way through simple problems.
But lately I’m finding the complexity of modern internal combustion engines and mechanical systems a trial – not the basic fuel, spark and compression components. It’s the emission- and noise-control gear that have me scratching my head and wondering what the hell they do, how they do it and what effect my messing with them will have on the repair I’m trying to make.
But still, I have to admit there are plenty of
times I’m left struggling with what turns out to be childishly simple solutions.
My trusty old ride-on threw its chain recently, and while I correctly diagnosed the problem, doing something about it was a different matter. The drive chain had somehow wrapped itself around the upper drive sprocket and the whole mess was jammed like office workers on a Tokyo commuter train.
And it was locked solid.
I wriggled, rocked, swore and threw things. I removed the wheels – a task in itself when those rear wheels haven’t been off for a year or two – but all that showed me was; ‘Yep. That’s an unholy mess with no freeplay in any direction.’
As usual, the guys at the local mower shop patiently listened to my sobbing and wailing over the phone and then suggested, “Can you see the joining link?”
The joining link!
A couple of gentle taps with a punch and I had the chain in my hands, as compliant and willing to please as a Labrador wanting its tummy rubbed. After a clean and lube, it was back in place and I drove away, ready to get on with my mowing day.
When it was time to do around the trees and fenceline, I grabbed the push mower, made sure the battery was charged, and quietly moved off into the clean, open air.
There’s no doubt in my mind the future is electric, but on days like that one, I can see the future might be a great deal closer than we think.
Tom Foster EditorToro has appointed Semco Equipment Sales as a dealer for Toro commercial equipment.
Toro commercial equipment is supplied to sportsfields and sportsgrounds across the greater Sydney, Canberra, southern and parts of western New South Wales regions.
The appointment of Semco follows a review by Toro that indicated a new distribution model in the region was the best approach to serve its customers moving forward.
Toro said Semco had delivered close to three decades of service excellence across Australia, and had been associated with the Toro Australia brand in the construction, consumer and residential landscape contractor equipment markets since 2010.
The Toro commercial distribution appointment was also influenced by Semco’s 100 per cent Australian ownership and management. It has four well established centres for sales, parts and service across NSW and the ACT, supported by multiple mobile servicing units.
Ben Cavanagh, National Sales Manager - Equipment & Irrigation, Toro Australia, said, “Semco’s proven track record will ensure unwavering focus on the customer experience – from pre-sales engagement to post purchase support.
Toro Australia marks an exciting phase, both agreeing that this transition will benefit our customers in this region. Semco’s sterling reputation for integrity across all facets of the operations, coupled with its comprehensive parts and service support, underscores their genuine dedication to customer assistance,” he said.
The distribution transition commenced in early December 2023. A seamless customer experience is being guaranteed, with Mark McAllister of Toro commercial equipment moving from Toro Australia to Semco to ensure continuity and a familiar point of
Contact details and phone number remain unchanged.
Toro will progressively transfer the Toro commercial business across to Semco over coming months as Semco builds further capacity and infrastructure.
For further information phone Mark McAllister on 0434 692 404,Steve Zivkovich at Semco on 02 9833 6064 or Ben Cavanagh, Toro Australia, on 0417 200 216.
A ladder set up incorrectly can put you and other workers at risk of serious injury. Image: Yeongsik Im/adobe.stock.com
The Australian community has decided the cost to the nation of accidents, injuries and deaths in the workplace is no longer acceptable. Accordingly, all levels of government have instigated one of the most stringent sets of laws and regulations governing workplace health and safety in the world. Marc Worner would like to see injuries no longer a sorry part of the working week.
In landscaping and construction the top three accidents are: falls, overexertion (resulting in musculoskeletal injuries –sprains and strains), and being struck by objects. There are also many other risks we need to mitigate: dehydration; machinery and tools handling; lifting; violence; bullying; and harassment.
Fatalities highlight the potential danger of familiar equipment like ladders and how a fall, even from a low height, can result in serious injuries and even death.
Falls from ladders represent the most common form of accidents in our construction industry.
A ladder set up incorrectly puts you and other workers at risk of serious injury. These are the key requirements for straight or extension ladders:
• Place the base of your ladder on a firm and level surface – make sure both feet are on
It takes more than a good toolbox meeting to create a safe work environment. This can be done by training workers, investigating accidents, and planning work to reduce risks. Image: Panumas / adobe.stock.com
the ground. Use leg levellers on uneven surfaces. On wet or unstable ground, brace the base to keep it in place
• Set up your ladder at the required angle –use the ‘4-to-1 Rule’: for every 1.2 metres up, place the base of your ladder 0.3
metres from the wall or upper support it rests against.
• Position and secure your ladder for safe access – if you’ll be getting off the top of your ladder to access your work area, your ladder’s side rails must extend at least one
Taking some time to focus on safety will help a company lower absenteeism Image: guitou60/adobe.stock.com
metre above the level or upper landing you are accessing. Tie off your ladder’s side rails at the top, and
• Place the top of your ladder against a stable surface – make sure both side rails are equally supported, unless your ladder is equipped with a single-support attachment. Now, checking your ladder is at the 4-to-1 angle: stand with your toes at the ladder’s base and extend your arms straight out. If your fingertips touch the rung nearest your shoulder level, your ladder should be at the 4-to-1 angle.
Good work, you’re safe!
Then there is the risk of a long duration of wage loss. There may be high health-care costs associated with workplace injuries, and ongoing serious medical conditions can result. These examples demonstrate the impact of
accidents and their ramifications:
• A young landscape apprentice fell from the roof of a house and became a paraplegic. It took three years for the Workers Compensation claim to settle. Meanwhile, the owner of the landscape company suffered a nervous breakdown that led to his early retirement and the close of his landscape business and the loss of six jobs.
• A worker was crushed and suffocated to death in a trench when the sides collapsed. There was no shoring erected. The employer was found guilty which caused the company to go into liquidation and for the owner and his wife to go bankrupt. The victim’s son, aged three at the time, will have to grow up fatherless whille his wife struggles to survive on welfare
• A worker was punched by a co-worker,
breaking his nose and fracturing his cheekbone. The co-worker was retrenched, found guilty of assault and the victim suffers ongoing medical problems that require his frequent absence from work
• A worker was installing a timber deck to an entertaining area when he fell one metre onto the concrete path below and fractured his spine in several places. The medical bills alone totalled nearly $280,000
• A landscaper was climbing a stepladder with a pneumatic nail gun, accidentally pressed the trigger; and it discharged two nails into his arm, severing some nerves. He had to be re-trained for another industry because of his subsequent disability, and
• During the mechanical removal of a tree stump, a natural gas line was ruptured, closing down operations for one day; but set back the landscape project by a week.
Taking some time to focus on safety will help a company lower absenteeism, maintain production, meet deadlines, stay within budget, improve work quality, and reduce musculoskeletal injuries like sprained ankles and strained backs.
The best way to reduce injuries and save money is to encourage positive attitudes toward health and safety in the workplace.
Show that you take safety seriously whether you are an employer or employee. It takes more than a good toolbox meeting to create a safe work environment. This can be done by training workers, investigating accidents, and planning work to reduce risks. It’s also good to instil a company culture which everyone is encouraged to:
• Embrace and promote safe work practices
• Set an excellent safety example for others, and
• Approach the boss or foreman at any time with safety problems and suggestions.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) should always be used on site to protect against common workplace hazards such as noise, manual and mechanical injury.
Insurance makes more than good sense. There may be high health-care costs associated with workplace injuries.
Image: Studio Romantic/adobe.stock.com
It’s important to wear hearing protection when exposed to noisy equipment.
Image: Rawf8/adobe.stock.com
Workers should not be allowed to start without such equipment.
Think about having the right tools for the job. It’s not always easy to select hand tools to get the best outcome. Things which need to be considered include grip, handle size, grip surfaces, weight and triggers.
Landscapers are often exposed to on-thejob noise which can permanently damage hearing. It’s important to wear hearing protection when exposed to blowers, skid steers, air guns, angle grinders, chainsaws, circular saws, concrete saws, screw guns and drills.
The employer is responsible for providing hearing protection (earmuffs or earplugs).
TIP: As communication with co-workers may be critical, hearing protectors that do not block out too much sound should be worn, for example custom-moulded earplugs with vents.
Knowing what underground facilities are buried in or near a dig jobsite is essential if deadly, dangerous, or destructive accidents are to be avoided.
Users must lodge an enquiry online outlining where and when dig is planned. It needs to done at least one business day before starting work, and the address to go to is byda.com.au/.
The only battery system for professional needs
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Take charge of your future and end your reliance on petrol forever at Kress.com.
Dehydration is another risk which needs to be mitigated. Image: JU.STOCKER/adobe.stock.com
The purpose of occupational first aid is to provide workers with prompt, easily accessible and appropriate first aid treatment, and to keep a record of each treatment for any future reference or claim.
Depending on the job site, providing one or all of the following needs to be considered:
• Having someone with a Senior First Aid Certificate on site
• First Aid kits with the appropriate types and quantities of supplies should be available
• There needs to be an effective means of communication between first-aid attendants and workers who may need their help, and
• A record-keeping system should be in place.
Undertake a WHS (Work Health Safety) team meeting for each new job and carry out that toolbox meeting each week on that same job site because conditions do change. New team members or visitors to site should also be informed of all hazards and sign off your appropriate WHS sheet.
If you’ve read this and decided that to achieve the best outcomes for your business you need help, it’s at hand. There are numerous government agencies in each State able to provide information, and there’s the Federal government’s website safeworkaustralia.gov.au.
Consultants such as sesa.com.au can
create comprehensive solutions tailored to your business needs, and Pinnacle Safety and Training is a nationwide industry leader in the provision of WHS training for all staff. See pinnaclesafety.com.au.
All the hard work is taken from you when you purchase Construction/Subcontractor WHS Management Systems containing policies, procedures and processes set up as manuals for Queensland, NSW, Tasmania, NT, South Australia, and the ACT from safetyculture.com.au.
Must have
Insurance makes more than good sense. It’s the law. Employers must have Workers Compensation Insurance.
Workers are eligible for compensation benefits if they suffer a work-related injury or disease. Insurance brokers work for you, the client; and the benefits are reduced premiums. Landscape contractors, designers and horticulturalists have used industry brokers such as fitzpatrick.com. au for many years because the company tailors all insurances to individual business needs and is proactive when it comes to providing free advice as the laws change for each type of insurance and the appropriate level of cover.
Far better to be SAFE and never have to claim.
Your health comes first second and third!
Image: Nattawit/adobe.stock.com
The aim of the site analysis is to ensure the renovation recognises, conserves, and enhances the characteristics that give places a valued identity and create a high-quality and distinctive landscape.
‘Old’ doesn’t mean ‘useless’. John Gabriele wants us to consider the value of old or used materials before automatically discarding them.
Everything has a finite life and that includes landscape installations which, by their very nature, are dynamic and under constant change due to the growth of plant material within them and the ongoing impact of time and climatic influences.
Landscapes and gardens are designed to engage users to interact with the landscape and its components and provide a sense of connection with nature that helps to shape and reshape our lives. While urban landscapes have become an instrumental part of modern-day living, there are those installations that have suffered over the course of time and no longer meet the functionality of the original design intent or reflect the modern narrative. Those landscape installations that are 20 years or 30 years old are now requiring a complete overhaul. They need the replacement of all components to bring them into line with modern urban design, or renovation to ensure they remain fit for purpose.
Whether it’s an urban residential
landscape or a utility landscape for public use, many older installations will at some stage require renovation to repair damaged hardscape components and remove certain components, including plant material, to allow for inclusion of more useable space. They may need a style change to meet modern lifestyle expectations.
Unfortunately, with the popularity of home renovation programs, there is a common belief that an old landscape should be ripped up holus-bolus and a completely new installation established.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
As with any approach to redesigning a space, a systematic method is required.
There are some basic steps to work through when dealing with a mature landscape before ripping up old paving or turning the first sod on a new planting. A complete site assessment should be the first step in the redesign process. Essential
starting points for good design go beyond the simple application and compliance with development controls. We need to analyse existing features of the site and look for interdependencies, opportunities, and constraints, as these will assist in the design of the new space. The aim of the site analysis is to ensure the renovation recognises, conserves, and enhances the characteristics that give places a valued identity and create a high-quality and distinctive landscape.
The typical considerations of a site analysis include:
• Aspect – determine the sun’s path and where shadows are cast throughout the day and over the year
• Wind – what is the dominant direction and where are the exposed areas of the site?
• Soil – what soil type is the landscape developed on? This will greatly influence any additional plant selection
• Topography – does the site have significant rises and falls? This can influence drainage
• Functional zones – are there zones
Transformed through evolution, the ultimate species delivers more power, productivity and precision than ever before.
within the landscape that serve a specific function: entertainment areas, play zones, water features?
• Views – are there existing views to be retained or views that require screening?
• Microclimate – what are the attributes of the space that differ from the surrounding areas climatic conditions? And,
• E xisting features – what hardscape features are currently in play? For instance, paving, retaining walls, pergolas, fencing, water features, decks, firepits, buildings and other structures.
A landscape SWOT analysis should follow on from the site analysis to assist in determining which aspects of the site may be retained and those features that may require removal or modification. It will assist in setting the objectives of the scope of works to be undertaken. Examples of what could be considered in a landscape SWOT analysis follow.
What hardscape features are currently in play? For instance, water features.
Image: Martin/adobe.stock.com
• Poor drainage on south-east corner of site from compacted soil.
• Sloping topography provides for good surface-water run-off
• Mature tree provides protection to existing understorey planting, summer shade and winter sun (deciduous trees) to property north side
• Soil pH and texture class provides for a wide selection of plants to be cultivated, and
• Surrounding buildings provide wind protection.
• Maximise level changes and incorporate steps and retaining walls.
• Loss of privacy from overlooking buildings
• Neighbouring vegetation restricting direct light to garden beds.
A well-defined SWOT analysis of any site will assist in identifying the strengths of the site, such as unique features, understanding
the weaknesses which may include lack of features, poor quality, lack of structural integrity, or other disadvantages. By assessing these factors, landscapers can develop a comprehensive understanding of what is necessary for the successful renovation of the site.
The beauty of working with an established landscape is that there will inevitably be some mature plants that form the basic structure of the planting as a focal point and provide an opportunity for a change in design to utilise the structure and framework that mature plants provide. Removal of mature plants from a landscape, particularly residential landscapes, can be a costly mistake. It is estimated that the removal of mature plantings can reduce the value of a property by up to 10 per cent, and in some instances even higher. Bear in mind that not all landscapes will contain plant material that is worthy of retention and there will be instances where replacement with a more appropriate species is warranted.
Hence the importance of a detailed SWOT analysis.
Retaining plant material in an existing landscape may cause some inconvenience to other stages of construction. Plant protection zones may be required to prevent mechanical damage to established tree trunks and root zones, and machinery and equipment access may be compromised to some degree and require reconfiguration to allow for the construction to proceed with minimal disruption to efficiency.
Apart from the obvious materials that have long been used in landscapes, from recycled materials such as timbers, masonry and aggregates, there are many other options for material reuse that won’t necessarily give the impression of being old or second hand,
which is a common criticism of reused or recycled products. Many products that have been recycled or repurposed may not even form part of the visual landscape to a great extent. This is evident when it comes to growing media substrates derived from recycled materials, some of which may be retained from the original site. Significant cost savings can be achieved through retaining loose materials and reusing them. It may require some modification to meet required standards, but the savings are more than just monetary: it is demonstrative of good environmental stewardship.
The benefits of retaining existing materials within a landscape avoids the costs associated with demolition, transportation,
and disposal of materials to landfill. Masonry components in landscapes are a case in point. They can be acid washed or cleaned with high-pressure water to breathe new life into them with little effort, thereby extending their life in an existing installation.
Materials used in landscapes are often seen as having a linear lifecycle, ie: they are produced from virgin materials and have a useable life expectancy. They move through the lifecycle once and then are disposed of.
If we look at materials differently in terms of their lifecycle being circular rather than linear, materials can be reused, recycled, or repurposed. This paradigm shift in thinking results in a more sustained approach to business practices.
Opportunity also exists for the
reclamation and reuse of site materials within any size construction site with thoughtful planning prior to site excavation and demolition activities. Effective incorporation of reused, recycled, or repurposed materials in landscapes requires considered planning and an integrated approach to landscape design. Collaboration is needed between designers, suppliers, and construction contractors to encourage adaptive resource management across all sectors of the landscape construction industry.
The use of recycled, reused, and repurposed materials in construction is setting the standard for more sustainable ecological landscape design. The time is right to consider the option to renovate, not detonate.
Green spaces that create inviting environments for residents, guests or customers are crucial whether you manage sporting fields, golf courses, parklands, facilities or private property.
Achieving the desired results is simple with Husqvarna by your side, and now with new EPOS technology it’s even easier to experience outstanding results, reliability and lower emissions. With virtual boundaries, the possibilities are endless.
For rapid growers like Leyland Cypress (x cuppressocyparis leylandii) planting 200mm - 300mm pot sizes is good. Larger plants will look more impressive in the beginning, but the younger ones will soon catch up. Image: dbvirago/adobe.stock.com
Jonathan Garner continues sharing his expertise on planting. This issue the focus is on hedges and screening plants.
Autumn at last!
I love autumn. Plants love autumn.
The warmish soil, cooler air temperatures and reducing daylight hours tell our green friends the time for rest is soon, and milder air temperatures encourage healthy root growth. Planting in Autumn will hold plants in good stead for exceptional performance in Spring.
Always aim to plant your advanced stock in Autumn. It’s a far more forgiving time. If you happen to miss a vital watering event, the tree will pardon you. If you must plant advanced stock during Spring and Summer, please factor in the extra resources necessary to ensure healthy establishment and the best long-term outcome.
We discussed general planting practices last issue, so this time I thought we’d cover a situation that benefits from adjusting our approach.
The aesthetic and functional advantages of growing hedges and screens within the
garden are numerous. These plantings should be best considered long-term assets within the landscape. Given the major intention of all hedges, be they large types for screening, windbreaks, privacy and aesthetic back drops, or low types to define borders, accentuate features, edge pathways and provide visual continuity, it’s paramount we invest our time and knowledge in ensuring the hedgerow remains healthy and grows in a consistent manner. Excluding steep grades and situations where access to the same amount of sunlight throughout the hedgerow is variable, if you select the appropriate plant for the location and follow these steps success is sure to follow. Consistent growth rates require consistent inputs.
1. Set out
Measure and mark the hedge line using stakes and a stringline to ensure a straight and uniformed row.
If you’re planting along an existing fence line or a narrow strip like the side of a house,
dig your trench and set your plants closer to the fence or structure. Aim to locate the plants as far back from the path as possible. By setting the trunk of the hedge closer to the wall or fence, you’ll have more space for the dense branch network to develop with less incidences of woody branches being located where the foliage should be.
2. Excavate
Dig a trench along the marked line. Obviously the depth and width of the trench will depend on what pot size is being planted. With rapid growers like Sweet Viburnum (V. odoratissimum), Leyland Cypress (x cuppressocyparis leylandii), non-invasive bamboos such as Slender Weavers Bamboo (Bambusa textilis) and so forth, I’m a fan of planting 200mm - 300mm pot sizes. Larger plants will obviously look more impressive in the beginning, but the younger ones will soon catch up and are likely to exceed the performance of the larger and more expensive models. If you excavate too much,
firm up the backfilled soil with your boots. You definitely don’t want hedging plants to sink.
The root flare needs to be sitting around 75mm higher than the surrounding ground level. Most importantly, the wider the trench the better opportunity to determine or discover hinderances that may affect consistencies in growth rates. Elements such as boulders, compacted layers, variations in soil textures, buried stumps and so on will all govern how consistent and successful the hedgerow will perform. By creating a trench system we’re preparing and providing identical soil conditions for the entire hedgerow. Most importantly, the trench approach encourages the roots of each plant to grow left and right towards their neighbouring relatives. In time the thousands of fine roots will grow into larger roots which eventually graft together to become one entire root system. The hedge row will essentially become one resilient plant where resources are shared equally through the hedge. You will notice that in time, growth rates will be consistent throughout the entire row.
Gaps in Buxus look crap, so plant densely and aim to use 150mm pot sizes. Image: OLAYOLA/adobe.stock.com
If you are relying on pressure-compensated drip irrigation, install the line so the spaced emitters are in direct contact with each root ball but not too close to the root flare. Image: Alin/adobe.stock.com
Desired eventual heights of the hedge will dictate the spacing.
Excluding bamboo varieties, If I’m growing a three-metre-tall hedge, I space most plants 600mm apart. Conversely, If I’m planting Leyland cypress as a 10-metre-tall screen, I’ll space them 90cm apart. With low hedges such as Buxus, I’m a fan of planting 150mm
pot sizes at six per metre or 200mm pots at five per metre. Planting 150mm pot sizes ensures you should eventually have no gaps along the base of your hedge. Planting 200mm pot-sized Buxus encourages gaps along the bottom of the hedge as the plants are already forming a vase shape. Gaps in Buxus look crap, so plant densely and aim to use 150mm models.
The aesthetic and functional advantages of growing hedges and screens within the garden are numerous.
Image: Александр Беспалый/adobe.stock.com
With closer spacing and the eventual shared root system, you will achieve a dense screen that can cope with occasional plant losses within the row. (Although this shouldn’t happen).
Losses within an established hedgerow are usually due to initial planting errors and irrigation or drainage inconsistencies. If you’re maintaining consistent resources through the hedge and you find a dead plant, check out the root flare. The death will likely be collar rot disease. This is from soil or decayed plant material accumulating around the trunk. Stop and think about the unnatural conditions we create when growing a hedge with woody plants. Nowhere in nature do you see an identical row of tightly clipped plants with foliage extending from the upper tips down to the soil level. Keep in mind the dense foliage close to the ground keeps the most sensitive section of the woody plant, its root flare, in conditions much like a dungeon. It’s dark, it’s damp, air movement is restricted and the millions of micro-organisms hungry to decay the falling leaves around the trunk are eagerly looking for anything woody (like root flares) to revert back to compost. This is
the reason I plant above the soil level. Always keep the root flare as dry as you can!
Drench your root balls as usual, remove the pots, place them out, tease the roots, obey your spacing, and ensure the majority of the lateral branches are facing left and right to maximise points of growth between each plant. Aim for the root flare to be 75mm above soil level, gently backfill, create the ring or a long mound of soil to retain water, mulch, and commence your establishment watering regime.
5. Irrigation
If you are relying on pressure-compensated drip irrigation, install the line so an emitter is in direct contact with each root ball but not too close to the root flare. Double up with your drip line with one line on each side of the hedge so each root ball has its own emitter. Create the situation where the drip line can be moved away from the trunks as the hedge matures. Program the system so it delivers sufficient water.
Let’s do a quick sum now and we’ll discuss
irritation later this year.
One emitter delivers two litres per hour. As a 200mm pot is 4.5 litres, we need to provide around one-third of the pot volume of water every event. This equates to 1.35 litres or 44 minutes of run time per event.
Don’t forget the frequency of this duration will be reduced as the weeks go on.
6. Training and pruning
Branch density close to the trunk is vital.
Pruning can commence once the plants have established. Depending on the season, location and species, approximately 12 to 18 weeks after planting, I prune the plant back by one- to two-thirds. This encourages a flush of growth close to the trunk. Once this growth recovers to the original size of the plant it’s time to start tip pruning. This can be done several times during the growing season, depending on the growth rate of your chosen plants. It’s often done in spring and early summer when the plants are actively growing. Having a dense branch network close to the trunk or stems will make for a durable, healthy and long-lived hedgerow.
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The Milwaukee MX FUEL™ Plate Compactor eliminates the headaches associated with petrol-powered light equipment while delivering the power and run-time users expect.
Images: Milwaukee
Reliable, ergonomic, and productive compaction.
One of the many new additions to the MX FUEL™ Equipment System*, the Milwaukee MX FUEL™ Plate Compactor eliminates the headaches associated with petrol-powered light equipment while delivering the power and run-time users expect.
Critical to job-site preparation, compaction increases ground density by removing air, increasing the ground’s strength, stability, and load-bearing capacity.
Ideal for compacting flatwork, foundations, and utility trenches, the MX FUEL™ Plate Compactor hits hard and travels fast without sacrificing compaction performance. The MX FUEL™ Plate Compactor has fast travel speeds, keeping users productive on the job regardless of the compaction material such as crushed rock and stone, road base, asphalt, or even patio pavers.
Plate Compactor provides instant power with no petrol headaches, requires no regular maintenance, and produces less noise and
The battery-powered plate compactor has the ability to go in both forward and reverse directions.
go in both forward and reverse directions, giving users greater control, while accessible push buttons on the handle control direction,
stand-by, and multiple speeds for precision manoeuvrability around forms.
The handle can easily fold down, creating a smaller footprint for safer transportation around the job site and more efficient storage, whether storing under shelving or in the bed of a truck.
The MX FUEL™ Plate Compactor has the run-time to get the job done. When paired with the MX FUEL™ REDLITHIUM™ FORGE™ 12.0Ah Battery, the plate compactor delivers up to 35 minutes of continuous runtime, or approximately 464 square metres of compaction per charge. The new MX FUEL™ Super Charger provides fast charging speeds for increased productivity and efficiency on the job site, charging the REDLITHIUM™ FORGE™ 12.0Ah Battery Pack in only 65 minutes to 100 per cent charge. The battery pack and new MX FUEL™ Super Charger are COOL-CYCLE™ capable, an Active Cooling System that provides high-speed cooling for less downtime, allowing users to stay productive when swapping batteries.
Accessible push buttons on the handle control direction, stand-by, and multiple speeds for precision manoeuvrability around forms.
Productive on the job regardless of the compaction material such as crushed rock and stone, road base, asphalt, or even patio pavers.
As an added benefit, ONE-KEY™**, provides the ability to track the plate compactor with community tracking and alerts, complete inventory management, and industry-leading smart equipment technology to secure the user’s investment.
Milwaukee Tool remains unwavering in its commitment to delivering disruptive innovation by working alongside trade professionals to identify challenges and provide solutions that are unparalleled in enhancing job site safety and productivity. With solutions that cover the concrete pour to finish process, Milwaukee Tool’s MX FUEL™ Equipment System is safe, reliable, and productive, going beyond the limitations of petrol and corded solutions.
For more information about the MX FUEL™ Equipment System, or to book a demo on site, please visit milwaukeetool.com.au/ system/mx-fuel/
MX FUEL™ Plate Compactor (tool only) (MXFPC50-0)
• Battery type: Lithium-ion
• Battery system: MX FUEL™
• Plate width: 19.7”
• Plate length: 22.6”
• Height (handle folded): 23”
• Weight (tool only): 150lbs
• Travel speed (ft/m): 86ft/m
• Compaction area: 9850sq.ft/hour
• Amplitude: 0.09”
• Centrifugal force: 3600lb/f
As long as there is an unimpeded sky view to ensure optimal technical conditions, Husqvarna’s sophisticated satellite technology, Husqvarna EPOS™, delivers centimetre-level accuracy in seconds.
Images: Husqvarna
Husqvarna’s EPOS™ (Exact Positioning Operating System) is a breakthrough technology for a new series of robotic lawn mowers which allows operation without boundary wires.
The satellite-based technology enables the mowers to work within virtual boundaries, making it an easy and flexible solution. It’s perfect for football pitches, golf courses, city parks, company real estates – and all other places that deal with changing circumstances and needs.
Also, the absence of physical boundary wires means problem-free aerating, scarifying and turf repair.
Once the Automower® is onsite and the reference station has been installed all you need is a smart phone and the Automower® Connect app.
Virtual boundaries can be created and set for the robotic mower using the phone in one or several work areas. As long as there is an unimpeded sky view to ensure optimal technical conditions, Husqvarna’s sophisticated satellite technology, Husqvarna EPOS™, delivers centimetre-level accuracy in seconds.
Combined with the reference station, the robotic mower can safely and efficiently mow any grass area.
Once a selection has been made from Husqvarna’s range of robotic lawn mowers you simply download the EPOS™ app for professionals or the Automower® Connect app for residential home owners, and you’re off to a great start.
The system consists of three parts: a charging station; a robotic mower; and a reference station.
The driver uses a mobile phone and the app to set up the installation and set virtual boundaries. The boundaries define work areas and stay-out zones, and are set by guiding the mower around the areas via the app. Boundary lengths are unlimited, allowing complex shapes for maximum flexibility. There are no physical wires to break or maintain, and different worksites with different names can be kept in either app and selected with a touch of the phone screen. And if a site changes, with a new fence or garden, for instance, the mower boundaries can be modified with a click of the app.
It’s a low-noise, no-direct-emissions set up ideally suited to professional propertymaintenance and landscaping contractors.
Using your smart phone, you’re able to activate and de-activate stay-out zones, and
thanks to the Husqvarna Fleet Services™ digital management tool, you’ll always know where the mower is, how much you’ve used it and when it needs to be serviced or replaced – and much more. All this updated information, easily accessible on your phone or tablet, helps ensure a hassle-free and productive business.
See the EPOS™ system in action and Husqvarna’s range of robotic mowers here:
Here are three examples from Husqvarna’s EPOS™ range:
• The 550 EPOS™ handles all types of lawns and manages steep slopes up to 45 per cent (24°) with perfect cutting results – even in rainy conditions. Remote Object Detection enables higher mowing speed and area capacity. Robust, thorough construction provides durability and reliability
• CEORA™ is a professional-level autonomous mowing solution that is easy to use and has a very large area capacity – there are two models of CEORA™ available, with a working capacity up to 75,000m2 . It’s also low in noise and direct-emissions-free when in use.
• Husqvarna Automower® 450X NERA is a high-performing robotic lawn mower, ideal for domestic use on lawns up to 5000m². Wireless installation via the Automower® Connect app and the Husqvarna EPOS™ Plug-in Kit results in customisable lawn maintenance by virtual boundaries – and no risk of wire breakage.
The ultimate in manoeuvrability and stability for on slopes of up to 25 degrees. Images: Cub Cadet
he Cub Cadet PRO Z Series was built with the commercial user in mind.
Maintenance-free spindles and EFI engine options amp up productivity, while a fully welded frame and commercial-grade decks are engineered to stand up to tough demands for years to come.
Add it to your crew and see the PRO Z difference for yourself.
Key features include:
• The ultimate in manoeuvrability –responsive steering gives a fast and professional cut as well as providing the
ultimate in manoeuvrability to cover acres up to 10 per cent faster than comparable lap bar units and delivers true zero-turn handling for less overlap and straighter, better presented lines
• Superior steep terrain handling – Cub Cadet’s Synchro-Steer™ with four-wheel steering helps eliminate turf damage, increases productivity, and delivers unmatched stability on slopes up to 25°
• Power and efficiency – Efficient Kohler EFI engines on Pro Z 148 and 154 models provide increased torque and can deliver
up to 25 per cent in fuel savings when compared to an equivalent carburettor engine, while powerful Kawasaki engines, ranging from 27HP to 35HP, are standard on Pro Z 500, 700 and 900 Series models.
Heavy-duty air filter and air-filtration systems ensure a longer engine life to keep cutting with confidence year after year.
Commercial-grade transmissions also allow cutting large areas efficiently, with forward speeds of up to 22kph and mowing of up to 10 acres per hour
• Heavy-duty construction – fully fabricated,
triple-plated steel decks with top and bottom reinforcements power through the rigours of a job, day in and day out, and decks range from 48" and 54" in the PRO Z 100 S Series. and up to 72" in the range. A three-position, easy adjust ROPS (Rollover Protection System) offers added protection for tough, hilly terrains for peace of mind, and Cub Cadet’s Triple Guard™ Corrosion Defense E-Coat Paint System delivers automotive-grade corrosion resistance against wear and tear. This defense system ensures protection of the machine’s painted surfaces, such as the chassis and deck, for years of reliable performance and an ongoing professional appearance.
• Warranty – the PRO Z 100 S Series Commercial Warranty is two years on the unit and three years on the engine, while the PRO Z 500 S/PRO Z 700 S/PRO Z 900 S Series offer three years on the unit and three years on the engine
• Ultimate Comfort – an adjustable steering column will suit all types of operators, and a roomy operator station, intuitive panel, and easy deck lift help reduce fatigue. Plus, high-back comfort seats with armrests with dial suspension and seatbelt come standard across the range, all helping to minimise operator fatigue.
To see more detail on the entire Cub Cadet range, log on to cubcadet.com.au.
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An adjustable steering column will suit all types of operators.
High-back comfort seats with arm rests for all-day comfort and standard ROPS gives added peace of mind.
Designed for the commercial landscaper. Images: Greenworks
Turn heads and make the competition jealous with performance, intelligence and innovative independence that they’ll wish they had. Here’s a couple of great GREENWORKS® mowers that’ll do that and more.
GREENWORKS 25" self-propelled lawnmower
The muscle of this mower flexes with its heavy duty 25" heavy-duty steel deck and with more intelligent power than any of its 160cc comparable petrol competitors. The 25" cut delivers superior cut quality with premium blade speed, ranging between 4000rpm and 4500rpm.
This mower features dual, counter-rotating mulching blades for the best quality cut, providing a 30 per cent better cut quality, and the large 25" deck gives the user a 20 per cent quicker cut time compared to 21" competitors. Runtime is a sure thing, up to 90 minutes on a single charge, with the dual battery ports and the powerfully tough
Designed to be quiet, at only 79dB, you can mow your lawns when the petrol guys can’t.
commercial grade motor allowing effortless manoeuverability, giving increased traction up hills and slopes, and cutting through the thickest challenges with ease. It also provides a higher lift for the best cut in any condition.
The single-lever height adjustment quickly raises or lowers the deck for different grass conditions, with seven positions for precise mowing, and the handle adjusts for the user’s height and folds down for easy storage.
Designed to be quiet, at only 79dB, mow your lawns when the petrol guys can’t. Forget the petrol, oil, sparkplug, fuel filter, and air filter. Enjoy fume- and emission-free mowing.
Features include:
• 160cc petrol-powered equivalent
• 25" commercial-grade 14-gauge steel deck
• Mow up to 1.5 acres on a single charge
• Commercial-grade brushless motor
• Two-in-1 cutting system
• Seven-position height-adjustment system
• Dual port system provides more power and doubles runtime, and
• Recommended retail: $1349 (skin only).
Featuring some of the best modern technological advances in outdoor power equipment, the GREENWORKS® 82V 30 self-propelled lawnmower is equipped with two independently controlled hub wheel motors and twin dual brushless cutting motors delivering more power than 200cc petrol mowers. The ETS (Easy Turn System) drive system automatically adjusts the power to compensate for sloped conditions and effortless control.
Runtime is a sure thing, up to 90 minutes on a single charge.
Constant power and torque is directed to the hub motors, providing faster cutting speeds and more torque than petrol units. It is also the first push lawnmower to have a reverse function to easily power out of tight areas.
Petrol units lack the technology to adapt to grass conditions on the fly and are limited to only 3600rpm on average, leading to uncut grass, clumping and inefficient bag collection. With independent brushless motors, GREENWORKS® mowers achieve higher blade-tip speeds and automatically increase power to maintain consistency throughout the cut. Our intelligent mowers never bog down, even in the tallest, thickest and wettest grass.
Designed for the commercial landscaper, the 82V 30” lawnmower boasts an extralarge grass bag that carries 12 per cent more clippings than comparable units, and has independently controlled wheels for optimised traction. It also includes a smart LCD screen that provides the status of the
lawnmower (battery status, speed control, blade speed and error codes), and a tri-port powerhead that holds three batteries for continuous runtime.
• 224cc petrol-powered equivalent
• 30" commercial-grade 12-gauge steel deck
• Mow up to two acres on a single charge
• Tri-port powerhead holds up to three batteries to deliver superior runtime
• Independently controlled wheel motors for optimised traction and manoeuverability
• High-visibility LED light for navigating in low-light conditions
• Dual sealed motors provide up to 16,000ft/ min blade-tip speed for best cutting performance
• $2999 (skin only).
Dual, counter-rotating mulching blades provide 30 per cent better cut quality.
While transitioning to electric equipment is appealing for many reasons, the upfront cost is often a deterrent for landscape and mowing contractors. But ‘going electric’ is not just better for the environment, but better for your bottom line, too. Leveraging the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) framework, which factors upfront costs in addition to the ongoing running and maintenance costs, helps build a practical business case to guide investment decisions.
TCO refers to the total cost of ownership of capital equipment, such as a commercial ride-on mower. It factors in all expenses related to owning and using the vehicle throughout its entire lifespan. TCO covers purchase, maintenance, fuel or running costs, replacement, and disposal costs.
Regardless of the scale of the operation and how the budget is structured, considering TCO for the entire life cycle – from purchase to ongoing operation and maintenance – supports a favourable business case for an electric fleet.
Case study: Delta FM
Delta FM is the facilities maintenance arm of Compass Group, which employs 30,000 people in Australia.
sustainability goals.
“We were looking at changing over to battery products by 2025.
switch to electric by comparing costs and looking at the total cost of ownership over a five-year period and taking depreciation
into account. After creating a lifecycle cost analysis sheet, Nick quickly discovered that over the five years, EcoTeq’s Rival mower would be $23,500 ahead of its dieselpowered counterpart even with the higher initial outlay to purchase the electric mower.
“We worked out that with the running and maintenance costs, we’d be saving $15.57 per hour with the electric Rival mower,” Nick outlined. “On average, our diesel mowers use 7.2 litres per hour. That’s $13.86 per hour. Multiply that figure by 16 hours and that’s a cost of $222 in diesel per week. And how much better is it to not be pumping all that diesel pollution into the air?”
“We didn’t need to budget for any infrastructure modifications, either. We didn’t have to install 3-phase or anything like that. We bolted an external charger to the wall which plugs into a regular socket,” Nick pointed out.
The less obvious cost benefits of going electric
While maintenance and running costs take centre stage in a TCO analysis, there are other factors often overlooked in the calculations:
1. Increased operational hours: noise complaints are a constant challenge, especially in residential areas. The quiet operation of electric mowers allows operators to work extended hours for enhanced productivity.
2. Reduced operator strain and injury: regular and frequent exposure to high levels of vibration – such as those produced by diesel mowers – can lead to permanent stain or even injury. Reduced exposure to vibration equals reduced downtime due to injury and minimises the risk of compensation claims.
3. Less downtime: electric equipment is seriously easy to maintain. With no internal combustion engine and no hydraulics, there are fewer points of failure, meaning greater uptime and productivity.
4. Greater operational efficiency: electric mowers deliver up to 30 per cent faster ground coverage through all grass conditions.
Let the numbers talk:
EcoTeq’s TCO Calculator
EcoTeq has developed an independently reviewed and easy-tofollow calculator to understand the TCO of electric and ICE mowers. Factoring maintenance costs, fuel costs, running costs, operational hours, and machine performance and output, realistic figures for your business case are available in just a few clicks.
Request a no-obligation TCO consultation to discover the long-term savings of ‘going electric’. Contact EcoTeq on 1800 100 150 or visit ecoteq.com.au.
Regardless of the scale of the operation and how the budget is structured, considering TCO for the entire life cycle supports a favourable business case for an electric fleet.
Backed by a comprehensive warranty and extensive specialist network, the Masport Contractor Mower series is designed for commercial operation and built to last. Images: Masport
The commercial-grade Masport Contractor® lawnmowers series come with the ability to catch, mulch, or rear discharge the grass clippings, while the use of high-quality materials provides extra durability and reliability. Additionally, the self-propelled models are equipped with commercial-grade three-speed transmission built for long-lasting performance.
Powered by a choice of three engines, the Masport Contractor mower fleet features the Briggs & Stratton 190cc OHV Series 850, used on both the heavy-duty steel self-propelled and aluminium push mower models. Additionally, a Kawasaki 179cc OHV Series FJ 180V and a Honda 160cc OHV Series GXV160 engine options are also available on the heavy-duty steel self-propelled models. The Hondapowered mower is specifically designed for commercial mowing, offering the additional feature of Blade Brake Clutch, allowing you to
Self-propelled models are equipped with a commercial-grade three-speed transmission built for long-lasting performance.
disengage the rotation of the blades without stopping the engine or losing drive.
The 3-in-1 functionality of the Contractor mowers support catch, mulch, or reardischarge options when cutting grass. This allows recycling of the grass in a variety of
ways, either feeding those nutrients back into the lawn, spreading the cut grass evenly or removing from the garden for a cleaner finish.
The robust chassis construction with front bumper guard provides protection to the cutting chassis, front axle and engine.
Professional grade, heavy-duty wheels and reinforced handles contribute to the mower’s long life.
Masport’s famous Quadcut 4 swing-back blade cutting system makes for superior catching due to increased airflow. The reardischarge chute steel flap is designed for safe discharge of grass when mowing without a catcher.
For the self-propelled models, a commercial three-speed transmission provides the perfect speed-to-job ratio demanded by contractors and homeowners with large yards.
A three-position handle height adjuster, a soft-grip handle and an ergonomic start position ensure an easier mow. The large, 80-litre catcher also allows for longer mowing and reduced running costs, while the mulch feature allows for recycling the cut grass.
Backed by a comprehensive warranty and extensive specialist network, the Masport Contractor Mower series is designed for
Honda understands the importance of a contractor having the right tools for the right job, which is why Honda stands in a class of its own when it comes to investing in the right mower for your business. The Honda Buffalo range includes some of Honda’s most advanced lawnmowers, assembled in Australia and built tough to withstand and handle harsh environments and conditions.
Contractors who own a Honda can mow with confidence knowing they will produce the perfect Honda finish while having outstanding warranty protection and the support of Honda’s 400+ nationwide dealer network.
Visit your local Honda dealer today or find out more at honda.com.au.
The HRU19 Buffalo Premium features the best cutting and mulching performance seen on a Honda mower. Featuring a GCV170 four-stroke engine, 19” cast aluminium deck, and weighing only 31kg means it is easy on the arms so you can go harder for longer. The 54-litre polymer catcher means less stopping and more mowing, with the swing-back blade cutting system delivering a beautiful professional finish while improving the quality of your customers lawn.
Built tough like the rest of the Honda Buffalo range, the HRU196 Buffalo Pro offers the options of an engine brake and blade brake push mower. Also featuring a 54-litre polymer catcher and 19” cast aluminium deck, the HRU196 Buffalo Pro is powered by a GXV160 four-stroke engine and will handle all environments with its cast-iron bore and ultimate engine durability.
The HRU196 Blade Brake features technology that stops the mower blades within three seconds of the operator releasing the handle, while the engine continues to run. Perfect for safely clearing away any obstacles, emptying the catcher, or taking a quick break without having to restart the engine.
HRU216 Buffalo Pro
The HRU216 Buffalo Pro is the mower of choice for those big jobs! This beauty features a GXV160 four-stroke engine with self-propelled operating three-speed gearbox that allows you to vary the speed as you go, making a massive difference when mowing large lawns. Also featuring the same Blade Blake technology as the HRU196, along with premium power and torque, ensuring you have best-in-market quality.
Best known for its high-quality compact earthmoving and construction machines, Bobcat now has a range of zero-turn mowers. Landscape Contractor Magazine spoke to a couple of very happy new owners.
Bobcat of Australia is offering six zero turns in its current range: the ZT2000, ZT3000, ZT3500, ZT6000, ZT6100 and ZT7000. The first two are offered for residential use while the ZT3500 is marked ‘entry-level commercial’. The last three are commercial.
The ZT2000 is the perfect zero-turn mower for those who want durability and a professional cut at an affordable price. Equipment includes a Kawasaki FR series engine for powerful, pro-grade performance, and innovative HydroGear ZT-2800 hydrostatic transaxles which deliver smooth and simple operation with heavy-duty output torque and ground speeds up to around 11kph.
A 1.5” x 2.5” steel-tubed frame is lightweight and rugged, and the 42”, 48” or 52” TufDeck cutting system has durable, steel-fabricated spindle assemblies to handle the toughest jobs, while a high-backed spring suspension seat keeps the driver comfortable.
An impact-resistant, 3.8-gallon fuel capacity keeps the machine at work.
The ZT3000 has dependable Kawasaki FT series engine matched with a commercialgrade transmission, and Hydro- Gear ZT-3100 hydrostatic transaxles provide reliability and speed to tackle turf faster.
The unit’s constructed with a lightweight, durable, 1.5” x 2.5” steel tubed frame, and the 48”, 52” or 61” TufDeck Pro cutting system features professional-grade, castaluminum or steel-fabricated spindles for maximum durability and high-quality results.
Convenient maintenance and all-day mowing comfort combine with a powerful Kawasaki FX series engine and durable Hydro-Gear ZT-3400 hydrostatic transaxles to give the ZT3500 superior all-day performance.
Other features include:
• Professional-grade, cast-aluminum or steel-fabricated spindle assemblies
• 23” drive tyres
• Optimal user comfort
• Dual fuel tanks, and
• Quick ground speeds.
Mark Hardes spends his weekdays slashing roadsides near Singleton in NSW. On weekends he’s a gun for hire, looking after lawns for some very fastidious property owners. His recent move to a ZT2000 has made a big impact on his lawn-maintenance work.
Is Mark happy with his new Bobcat?
“Mate! I love it,” he grinned.
“The build’s excellent. It’s all solid steel, which I was quite amazed with, ’cos when I first searched online I thought it was a pressed deck. But when I finally went and had a look, it has a fabricated steel deck.”
And it’s not just the quality of the build which impressed Mark.
“It’s knocked that much time off my work,” he continued. “I was using a 48” before I bought this 52” Bobcat, and it was taking between four and five hours to do one lawn.
The Bobcat’s knocked my time down to three hours.”
We pointed out the ZT2000 was a residential mower, but Mark wouldn’t hear about quibbles like that. As far as he’s concerned, the Bobcat is more than capable of doing the work he asks of it.
And not only do the work, but do it well.
“Quite a few of the lawns I do are three- or four-acre lawns. Most of them are manicured. The owners want their lawns looking nice –neat and tidy. The Bobcat leaves no wheel marks on any of their lawns,” he said, clearly in awe.
Mick Duncan’s close proximity to Bobcat dealer Clark Equipment prompted him to drop in and check out the new zero turns when he was shopping for a new mower to
keep his commercial property in good shape. Mike’s work history meant he knew what to look for.
“I went and looked at all the different mowers,” he explained. “I’m an ex-mechanic, so I probably over-analysed everything, but the Bobcats looked really well built. What other brands describe as their commercial spec tends to be entry-level spec on Bobcats. Bobcat’s chassis are a lot bigger and the frames look more solid.
“The other thing I wanted was a machine that had the ROPS on it, and I wanted a machine which could take a sun canopy as well.
“That was actually a bit of a consideration. That, and the 3500 has a serviceable transmission and a commercial motor.”
Is Mike happy with his choice of a ZT3500?
“Honestly, it’s unbelievable.
“Foot-long Kikuyu grass…it just mows through it and chucks it out, no problem.
“The old mower used to throw grass just outside of the chute. Any time you got in the big stuff it’d just block up and stall. I don’t know how many belts and clutches I broke on that thing. But the Bobcat throws grass a couple of metres out!” he said, amazed at the Bobcat’s performance, “And it spreads the clippings really evenly.”
Bobcat’s zero-turn mowers are obviously every bit as good as all the machinery in the Bobcat range. For lawn-care professionals and property-maintenance contractors that means excellent ROI.
Find out more about entire Bobcat range at bobcatofaustralia.com.au.
Zero exhaust emissions and notably reduced noise levels make the L25 Electric a perfect choice for within natural or sensitive surroundings. Images: Volvo CE
Volvo Construction Equipment has stepped up its focus towards sustainability and environmental responsibility.
The L25 wheel loader is a five-tonne wheel loader featuring a 40kWh, Lithium-ion 48V battery. This innovative power source underscores Volvo’s commitment to environmental sustainability and elevates operational efficiency.
“The L25 employs a dual electric motor concept for optimal energy efficiency,” explained Reid Gibson, Product Manager – Electric and Sustainable Technologies at CJD Equipment. “One electric motor is exclusively allocated for the working hydraulics and steering, with a peak power
of 32kW. Meanwhile, the second electric motor is dedicated solely to the driveline, directly linked to the rear axle via the gearbox.
“This configuration guarantees peak efficiency in the drivetrain, with the electric motor in the driveline delivering a maximum power of 36kW.”
The L25 is well-suited for transporting substantial loads or materials, featuring a 1.2m3 standard bucket, forklift, grapple,
or material handling arm. Its zero exhaust emissions and notably reduced noise levels make it a perfect choice for tasks near livestock or within natural surroundings.
“Due to the machine’s zero emissions, the L25 also operates seamlessly in indoor environments and emission-restricted zones, giving operators a choice for a cleaner, quieter work environment,” said Reid.
Its compact design further enhances its versatility, making it perfect for navigating confined, narrow spaces, and the L25
supports various Volvo attachments, providing adaptability for multiple tasks.
“The Volvo L25 also comes with a twoyear/2000-hour warranty with genuine Volvo parts, and the battery and electric components are covered for five years or 5000 hours, whichever occurs first,” added Reid.
The powertrain design of the L25 electric model imparts superior responsiveness and controllability compared to traditional diesel machines. Propelled by the electric motor intricately linked to the gearbox and rear axle, the electric system facilitates instantaneous torque control. This feature enables the loader to achieve maximum power output without the delay associated with waiting for RPM to build.
Furthermore, the electric powertrain is inherently more straightforward than its diesel counterpart. Characterised by fewer moving parts and a transmission system that efficiently modulates power and torque, this streamlined design translates to a more rapid and direct response. The reduction in transmission lag and throttle-response time enhances operational efficiency and elevates overall performance.
With impressive high lifting and breakout forces and superior roll-back and dump angles, the L25 electric loader stands out as an ideal machine for various bucket applications.
With impressive high lifting and breakout forces and superior roll-back and dump angles, the L25 electric loader stands out as an ideal machine for various bucket applications. Its robust, rigid planetary axles, featuring 100 per cent mechanical differential locks on both front and rear axles, offer maximum traction and contribute to minimal tyre wear.
Further augmenting its off-road capabilities and stability is the articulatingoscillating centre joint, making the L25 electric loader exceptionally well-suited for navigating confined and narrow spaces. This combination of features positions the L25 electric loader as a versatile and high-performing solution across various applications.
Streamlined maintenance
The maintenance of Volvo electric machinery is a primary advantage attributable to the inherently maintenancefree nature of the machine’s electrical components, batteries, and motors. In the case of the L25 Electric, its fully electric driveline significantly reduces the use of hydraulic oil by half, eliminating the necessity for engine maintenance.
traditional engines, such as engine oil, oil filters, and diesel particulate filters.
“Across the Volvo electric range, there is a significant reduction in maintenance costs vs diesel equivalent models. The Volvo L25 Electric Wheel Loader distinguishes itself with easily accessible lubrication and
explained Reid.
To facilitate machine monitoring, a new and improved Human-Machine Interface (HMI) has been implemented, allowing operators to navigate seamlessly through machine information and settings. These advancements underscore L25 Electric’s
commitment to streamlined operations and reduced maintenance demands.
The Volvo L25 Electric has a 40kWh LithiumIon 48V battery and an onboard charging system using a Type 2 automotive standard inlet.
The L25 onboard charger provides efficient charging capabilities. This charger comes with a charging cable, plug, and adapters,
ensuring seamless integration into various charging setups. With these charging accessories, operators can easily maintain the machine’s power levels, enhancing productivity on the job site.
“The onboard charge enables the machine to charge from 0 to 100 per cent in under six hours,” stated Reid.
The battery in the L25 loader allows fast charging at any State Of Charge (SOC), and it is theft-protected. It can charge from a wall
socket or wall box, and for applications requiring faster charging, optional fast offboard chargers are available for indoor and outdoor use.
Introducing Volvo’s electric motors in the L25 marks a significant shift in operational dynamics, notably in noise reduction and enhanced comfort. According to Reid, electric motors significantly reduce noise levels compared to traditional diesel engines. This improvement is complimented by a revamped hydraulic pump and the relocation of the main control valve, collectively contributing to a quieter operational environment.
Reid noted, “The reduced noise levels allow for easier communication on worksites and lead to a more comfortable and safe work environment.”
Moreover, the transition to electric power offers additional benefits beyond noise reduction. Notably, the absence of diesel engines reduces vibrations, addressing operator-fatigue concerns, particularly during extended operating periods.
Additionally, integrating innovative features such as the electric park brake with hill-hold functionality demonstrates Volvo’s dedication to advancing safety standards, particularly in challenging terrain.
The introduction of the Electric Machine Management App further augments operational efficiency by providing real-time insights into charging status, battery level and machine location.
In an era where reducing carbon footprints and embracing clean-energy solutions are paramount, Volvo’s innovative electric wheel loader emerges, setting new standards for efficiency, performance, and environmental stewardship.
For many years, CJD Equipment and Volvo CE have been supplying premium construction equipment tailored to the specific needs of Australia’s diverse industries. Their collaboration over 30 years has ensured the delivery of high productivity, fuel efficiency, and safety solutions, enabling machines to operate at peak performance.
CJD Equipment boasts an extensive national support network, guaranteeing comprehensive assistance regardless of location or time. For further details, please reach out to your local CJD branch at 1300 139 804 or visit cjd.com.au.
Unleash the future of farming with the revolutionary L25 Electric compact wheel loader from Volvo.
Zero exhaust emissions from use
Significantly lower noise levels
The Volvo L25 Electric delivers all the performance you would expect from a wheel loader in this size class, but with less noise and zero emissions. The integrated on-board charger allows the machine to charge from 0 to 100% in under 6 hours. Fast charging solutions are also available for both indoor and outdoor use.
Reduced energy costs
Premium warranty coverage
Hitachi’s commitment to delivering reliable and durable machines is evident in the robust ZW80-5B. Image: Hitachi CM
Designed and built with an emphasis on the environment, operator comfort and safety, the ZW80-5B wheel
loaders have been developed to perfection.
Hitachi Construction Machinery Australia Pty Ltd (HCA) has added a compact ZW80-5B wheel loader to its fleet.
“The strategic decision to introduce the compact ZW80-5B to the Australian market was driven by a thorough analysis of the evolving needs within the landscaping, agricultural and construction industries. Recognising the demand for a versatile and efficient solution, we aimed to provide customers with a compact yet powerful option,” stated David Gallina, HCA’s Product Manager of Wheel Loaders and BELL equipment.
Weighing in at 5465kgs, the ZW80 starts off strong with a robust 2.9lt diesel engine and hydrostatic drive, featuring a standard manually locking differential. Equipped to handle a Hook-On 0.9m3 GP bucket, the ZW80-5B boasts a 36.8kN breakout force,
ensuring the strength to efficiently scoop full loads. Additionally, with a top speed of 34kmph, it offers the speed required to move these loads swiftly.
With operator comfort and safety at the forefront, the ZW80 is equipped with a floor-to-ceiling tinted-glass front window, providing a 360° unobstructed view to the rear, along with LED working lights (front and rear). Sliding side windows and lock-back doors enable flow-through air ventilation, ensuring both the machine and the operator can maintain maximum productivity throughout the year.
The walk-through design provides convenient access from either the right or left, featuring safety handrails and large steps mounted on both sides. Daily maintenance is simplified with the wide-open engine cover and low-profile
counterweight. With a sound-insulated design, low-noise engine, and rubbermounted enclosure frame and hydraulics, it creates a secure and quiet work environment.
The loader’s adjustable suspension seat cushions against shocks and vibrations while providing an extra-wide seatbelt that adjusts for an exceptionally comfortable fit.
An oscillating axle allows handling irregular terrain and ensures a smooth ride and stable load-carrying capability, while a wrap-around counterweight creates a low centre of gravity, enhancing stability during both loading and travel.
Hitachi’s commitment to delivering reliable and durable machines is evident in the robust support structures and the use of large pins and bearings in the ZW80’s centre-pin area. The side-by-side
arrangement of the aluminium radiator and oil cooler allows for convenient access during routine maintenance and cleaning.
The HST control system facilitates easy manoeuvring between work modes and ensures a seamless transition between speed changes, providing smooth startups on slopes and excellent traction across all speed ranges.
The new auto-mode feature automatically engages and disengages the engine based on the machine’s travel speed, preventing unnecessary pitching and saving fuel. This is especially helpful during lighter work when frequent on-and-off cycles occur. The new Eco Mode reduces engine RPMs when full power is not required.
The ZW80 is the smallest machine in Hitachi’s wheel loader line to incorporate Eco Mode, cutting fuel consumption by approximately 10 per cent when full power is not necessary.
The ZW80’s controls incorporate a comprehensive set of audible and visual service alerts. The differential-lock switch is conveniently located alongside the
joystick, offering easy access to a power boost on demand. While the inching pedal enables the machine to decelerate while keeping the engine at higher RPMs and ensures positive braking at the bottom of the pedal stroke.
Tailored for demanding environments, the ZW80 is built with a focus on robust performance, making it well-suited for the challenges encountered in agricultural, landscaping, and construction industries. Equipped with a hook-type quick coupler as a standard feature, it enables effortless attachment switching directly from the cab. This functionality facilitates swift and smooth replacement of various working tools and buckets, enhancing efficiency in tasks across diverse applications.
In addition to providing adaptability across a range of industries, the ZW80 demonstrates HCA’s dedication to delivering innovative and personalised solutions to customers throughout diverse sectors in Australia. The Hitachi ZW80 ensures you receive all the essential features of a compact wheel loader and more!
Visit hitachicm.com.au for further details or call your nearest Hitachi dealer to organise a test drive today; 1300HITACHI.
Anything but ordinary.
Images: Wacker Neuson
Built to outlast, outwork and outdo
Wacker Neuson has a range of mini loaders, skid steers and compact track loaders that are the ideal fit for a variety of applications.
Today’s generation of Wacker Neuson mini loaders, skid steer and compact track loaders is anything but ordinary.
Designed and engineered to handle the tough stuff, these machines will exceed your expectations. All machines offer the latest in design and industry-leading service accessibility.
If you need to lift material to greater heights, the vertical-lift units give you a competitive edge when loading trucks and material bins. Our class-leading hinge pin height on vertical lift units offers maximum loading and unloading capabilities. The variable-speed cooling fan increases efficiency, improves fuel economy and assists in cold starts. An intuitively designed, high-visibility
cabin includes angled pedals and foot bed. In addition, conveniently located switches help reduce operator fatigue. A wide door offers easy access with no restrictive lap bar. Controls ensure operators with a variety of machine experience can efficiently work with the loaders. The best service access is provided with a cabin that fully tips forward with the arms down.
Versatility comes standard with every Wacker Neuson loader. The universal skidsteer attachment plate enables attachments to be switched out easily, accomplishing more in less time. Category-leading hydraulic horsepower is standard.
Wacker Neuson has created a cabin environment with operator comfort and convenience in mind. Access in and out
is easy, with the medium frame range there’s no restrictive lap bar and controls are intuitively placed. Selectable ElectricHydraulic options (ISO/H-Pattern) on certain models ensure operators with a variety of experience can efficiently operate these machines. Additionally, these machines offer the only one-piece pod-style cab that fully tilts forward with arms down, providing complete access to all maintenance components.
Wacker Neuson’s compact track loaders (ST models) include a selection of engine horsepower and radial or vertical lift machines. The Wacker Neuson range of compact track loaders and skid steer loaders need to be seen to believe how good they are.
Has the power and performance to take on the toughest jobs. Powered by 55kW regeneration-free T4F engine, and available with High Flow hydraulics, the SW21 maximises the performance of your hydraulic attachments.
auxiliary flow for improved performance with high-flow attachment applications like cold planning and brush clearing. Contact your local dealer for specific products and services for your landscaping or construction requirements.
Scan the QR code to view the full range of Wacker Neuson products
Matches the compact size of a medium frame with lift capacity of larger loaders. The vertical lift arm, 3.2-metre lift height and 55kW regeneration-free engine make the ST31 an accomplished material
At 1250mm wide with a 2.2t operating weight, ST11 is perfect for tight construction sites and landscaping. Powered by a 41hp Kubota diesel engine, ST11 has plenty of pushing power and 39L/min at the auxiliaries for a range of high-powered attachments.
Comfortable for operators with ergonomic joysticks and reference handles, plush padding, and a wide spring-suspension platform for added stability. The strong lift capacity and high hinge pin of the SM100 height allows for easy loading into high sided trucks and dumpsters. The heavy-duty undercarriage construction and fast travel speeds mean you can do more with less.
To find out more log on to wackerneuson.com/au
handler, perfect for use in a wide range of applications, from moving palletised material around a construction site to truck loading. The wide, double-steel reinforced tracks provide stability and reduced total cost of ownership.
1200mm wide with a 1.8t operating weight, the SW10 is perfect for tight construction sites and landscaping. Powered by a 25hp Kubota diesel engine, SW10 has plenty of pushing power and 32L/min at the auxiliaries for a range of high-powered attachments.
Cingo tracked carriers are versatile by design, adapting to a broad range of applications in various industry segments, to transport materials, move earth, drill, level, slash and perform maintenance in hard-toreach areas. With Merlo ingenuity, the Cingo tracked carriers will ‘exceed epectations’.
Cingo multifunction tracked carriers are designed to offer exceptional versatility, adaptable to confined spaces, making them the ideal machine for the construction and landscaping industries.
Supported by continuous research and decades of ingenious design by the Merlo Group, these machines represent a collaboration of technology, safety, versatility and manoeuvrability. With an extraordinary compact design, the Cingo foregoes accessrelated issues of bigger machines.
The versatility of the Cingo carriers is enhanced by the available range of
attachments, from a front-end load system to a hydraulic lift, telescopic boom, auger drive and other unique and specialised attachments.
The Cingo is a multi-tool carrier, offering a significant return on investment, maximising operational efficiency.
The manoeuvrability of the Cingo tracked carriers makes them extremely easy to operate. The ergonomically designed controls, combined with a precise and responsive steering system, allow operators to manoeuvre safely, even in a confinedspace environment, giving any project increased productivity and efficiency.
• Load capacity from 500kg to 1200kg. Material can be transported with a variety of attachments, including dumper bodies, and skip and fork manipulators
• An ergonomic control panel makes it easy to use throughout the working day, with simple and intuitive controls
• Cingos can be equipped with petrol or
diesel engines, or electric drive as required
• A huge range of attachments is available to further maximise versatility with an increased return on investment. A quickcoupling system is also available to speed up attachment changes
• Traction is ensured by tracks that allow operation on all surfaces, even uneven or very wet ground. They also reduce ground pressure
• There are three different types of transmission: hydrostatic transmission with variable displacement pumps and gear motors for the EVO models; hydraulic transmission with gear motors for the Transporter models; and purely electric transmission for the M600TDe model.
Cingo’s M500 and M700TD Transporters are manoeuvrable, extremely compact and safe mini-dumpers, offering high-class features. These vehicles boast a hydraulic transmission, a very low centre of gravity, and simple, intuitive controls. Depending on
the version, they can be equipped with hydraulic motors or hydraulic gear motors with dual speeds. The presence of an over-centre valve guarantees excellent performance and maximum safety when driving on slopes and allows precise speed control.
Changing attachments on the Cingo M500 and M700TD Transporters is made even easier by the possibility of positioning the attachments on the ground using four feet. This greatly simplifies the attachment change, allowing greater flexibility and speed in adapting the vehicle to different work requirements.
Overall, the Cingo Transporters combine excellent performance, maximum safety and ease of attachment change, offering a versatile and reliable option for transporting materials in confined spaces or difficult terrain.
The Cingo M8.3EVO – available in May, 2024 – and M12.3EVO offer unique versatility.
Both models are equipped with hydrostatic transmissions with gear motors and have an integrated parking brake and excellent dynamic braking, resulting in shorter stopping distances and increased safety. The hydraulic servo-assisted controls give excellent speed management, which can vary from a few metres per hour up to a maximum of 5kph, and control the trajectory with ease and millimetre precision.
The quick-coupling device for attachments, consisting of two robust steel arms, is patented and allows fast and easy replacement of attachments, so the Cingo can be quickly adapted to perform a multitude of different work tasks.
Overall, the Cingo system offers a combination of performance, safety and ease of use that makes it ideal for a wide range of work applications. And its versatility distinguishes it as an effective and reliable solution for multiple work requirements.
See the entire Cingo range at:
Material can be transported with a variety of attachments, including dumper bodies.
Cingos can be equipped with petrol or diesel engines, or electric drive as required. “ “
The low-maintenance 19kW engine offers easy serviceability with all touch points in one location. Images: JCB
The most comfortable compact telehandler on the market.
JCB’s is the world’s No.1 telehandler manufacturer, and has now brought out its smallest package ever, the 514-40 Loadall. And while the 514-40 is compact, it offers the largest cab in its class.
Sharing all the design quality DNA of the past 45 years of JCB Loadall development, the 514-40 is trailer towable, which makes it the most compact, most comfortable and most hassle-free telescopic handler currently on the market.
The 514-40 has been designed to go to places and get into spaces no other telehandler can, making it the ultimate telehandler for all applications.
Features include:
• Best-in-class lift capacity at full height (12 per cent over the competition)
• Small enough to fit through a 1.8m-high doorway
Ideal for yards, events, agriculture, construction and landscaping.
• Greater manoeuvrability for use on the smallest worksites
• The most compact and towable telehandler available, and
• Ideal for yards, events, agriculture, construction and landscaping.
Largest cab
With the largest cab in its class, there has been no compromise on cab comfort or safety. The full-width cab is an extra 200mm wider than competitors, with an easy and uncompromised access and exit, and offering
great visibility to all four wheels, giving operators complete confidence.
The 514-40 has been designed to have the smallest maintenance costs, making it an easy and affordable machine choice with greater uptime. The low-maintenance 19kW engine offers easy serviceability with all touch points in one location, no DPF for lower servicing costs, and the machine can be towed to site for convenience and reduced transport cost.
The JCB 514-40 Loadall telehandler
comes with the total peace of mind a global manufacturer brings. JCB’s customer support is unrivalled, allowing you to get on with working. JCB CEA has an excellent distribution and service network, extensive parts availability, a wide variety of available JCB attachments, and LiveLink telematics as standard, providing security and maintenance alerts.
For more information on the JCB 514-40 please contact your local CEA JCB dealer or call 1300 522 232.
No compromise on cab comfort or safety “ “
The JCB 514-40 has been designed to go to places and get into spaces no other telehandler can.
Standard features
• Stage V-compliant engine
• No complex aftertreatment or emission-control systems
• Permanent four-wheel drive
• Four-wheel steering as standard
• LiveLink telematics
• Variable hydrostatic transmission
• Wide range of carriage options available
• Ultra-compact design
• Maximum height: 1.8m
• Maximum length: 2.9m
• Width: 1.55m
The BGA 300 is the most powerful blower in STIHL’s growing range for professional users and is perfect for those working over long periods and in noise-sensitive areas. Images: STIHL
023 saw the launch of not one, but over 10 new battery-powered products, including the new BGA 300 Battery Backpack Blower, the first of its kind in the STIHL range.
The BGA 300 is the most powerful blower in STIHL’s growing range for professional users and is perfect for those working over long periods and in noise-sensitive areas such as parks, near schools, or in residential areas.
It is one of over 30 tools in STIHL’s AP battery system which has been purpose designed for those working over long periods and in large areas who demand nothing but the best.
The BGA 300 features four different power modes, so you can adjust it to suit the application. It also features a boost mode which is perfect for those piles of leaves and debris that are particularly hard to move,
especially when wet. The power level is easily visible and adjustable thanks to the LED display which sits on the trigger handle, and there is also the option to activate the cruise control – a welcome feature for those with a longer job ahead of them.
While it’s no secret battery-powered tools are much quieter than their petrol-powered equivalents, this particular blower features a specially designed noise-reduction system which significantly lowers the highpitched frequencies usually associated with battery-powered blowers. The innovative technology significantly reduces the volume (sound power level) for residents and passers-by. At the same time, disruptive frequencies are minimised to create a pleasant sound pattern. Sound emissions are reduced at the high-performance
turbine input in such a way that the leaf blower sounds equally quiet to nearby people on all four sides.
STIHL’s first dedicated backpack battery blower can clear wet, dense or heavy leaves and debris quickly and easily thanks to 26 newtons of blowing force – only two newtons less than STIHL’s popular BR 450 petrol-powered backpack blower, and a high maximum speed of 86 metres per second.
Like all models in STIHL’s growing professional range of battery powered tools, the BGA 300 has been designed with user comfort in mind, featuring padded shoulder straps and a hip belt that makes it comfortable to wear over longer periods. And thanks to its robust, yet compact, design, it’s easy for users to get into small
or tight spaces, such as between buildings, around cars, or near walls.
The BGA 300 is designed for use with STIHL’s range of AR backpack batteries and to give from 60 minutes to 140 minutes of use from a single charge or the AR 3000 L backpack battery using a mix of power levels 1-3 and boost mode respectively. It‘s also ready for use with Smart Connector 2 A, an intelligent hour meter that transmits useful data from the machine to the user’s phone, including the total runtime, the runtime history, and even a record of which power levels have been used. The BGA 300 is now available Australia wide from your local STIHL dealer.
Find your nearest dealer and see the STIHL range of outdoor power equipment at stihl.com.au.
Big enough to trust, small enough to care
The loyalty, commitment and ethics of the people behind CJD Equipment have helped shape the collective spirit of the company that has contributed to its growth and development for more than 50 years.
When Chamberlain John Deere sold off its dealerships around Australia in 1973 to focus on manufacturing, two enterprising sales executives within the company saw an opportunity too good to pass up.
Ron Rafferty and Rob Jowett – work colleagues who had spent their early careers with agricultural equipment maker Chamberlain Industries before John Deere took over – made the leap of faith to purchase the WA dealership and start up on their own.
The result was CJD Equipment, which began operations in February 1974. And the rest, as they say, is history.
Today, half a century on, CJD is regarded as one of the country’s leading distributors of construction equipment for the resources, civil, agriculture and forestry sectors. The portfolio includes world-class brands such as Volvo Construction Equipment (CE), SDLG, Kenworth, DAF Trucks, Isuzu and Fuso.
Still headquartered in WA, the company has spread its wings to 23 nationwide branches, many of which also serve as parts
and service support outlets for every product the company sells. It’s among the top 100 listed private companies in Australia.
To celebrate the milestone, CJD held a gala celebration at Perth’s Optus stadium in February, attended by more than 400 past and present staff, guests and representatives
of the core manufacturers of the equipment that fill the company’s display yards.
Proven over time
Ron, now CJD Executive Chairman, told of the pride he and Jowett had in building the business up from its humble origins.
“Our success can be attributed to three main factors: determined
the great lengths of time so many employees choose to stay with CJD.”
This connection is exemplified right from the top. Rob and Ron have been in partnership now for all those 50 years and been personal friends for more than 60. In 2008, they passed on the management reins to Alan Barnett, who first joined CJD in 2001, and remains at the helm today as Managing Director.
Rob reiterated that the company’s growth and achievements were “due to the quality of the people that we’ve employed”.
“We’ve been very lucky. We’ve had some wonderful people come along on this journey with us,” he said.
“And it has been a memorable journey. When we began, we were of course selling Chamberlain and John Deere equipment, before establishing farm equipment dealerships throughout Australia, while still continuing with this business in WA. And we were selling enough to make the business very successful.
“Very early on, we acquired the White Truck franchise for WA. When they went bankrupt, we were very fortunate to be able to pick up Kenworth trucks in WA, and a little while later we became the Australian distributor for Volvo Construction Equipment, where we are the importer, the wholesaler and the retailer.”
50 years on
Rob said the industry had seen a cavalcade of businesses come and go during the five decades.
“There isn’t one of those original truck and construction equipment businesses in existence in the way we used to know them. CJD is the exception,” he said. “We’ve always been at the same address, doing the same thing, all the while expanding our offerings and adding other locations.”
Ron said the future for CJD holds great promise.
“Not only do we have a great team of people, but we’re also very fortunate to represent some of the best world’s brands,” he said. “And with names like that, you can’t help but attract other good people to the company.
“As a company, we are always exploring opportunities to grow. Our longevity is testament to the principles and core values that have always driven us, underpinned by our people.
“We look forward to the next 50 years of CJD Equipment.”
The new man
Alan said he was privileged to be able to build on the very considerable foundations laid down by founders Rob Jowett and Ron Raffertyso many years before.
“I’ve been Managing Director for 15 years and the time has flown by,” he said.
“As we continue to grow, the key is to ensure that our people always feel part of the CJD family.
“We need to grow organically through improved performance and best practice. We need to grow by acquisition. We need to review our branch network continually to ensure we provide the highest levels of service to our customers. And we need to look for business opportunities that will enable the entire group to grow, not just for the company, but also the staff and their livelihoods.”
The Volvo connection
There’s no doubt CJD’s acquisition of the Volvo CE franchise in WA in 1992 has been a major stepping stone towards its climb to its current heights. Less than 10 years after the agreement, the company had taken over as national importer and distributor for the entire Volvo CE business in Australia.
Now, almost 32 years later, the working association is rock solid, with the partnership continuing to reap dividends for both parties.
Volvo CE Head of Region International, Joakim Arndorw, flew in from Sweden to visit several CJD branches throughout Australia, a trip culminating in the 50th anniversary celebrations in Perth.
“Volvo has been very happy with the relationship and that’s why it’s still continuing,” he said.
“We have always looked at Australia as a market where we can develop the product better, we are always after feedback to improve.
“The machines Volvo sells are tested for all the environments that they are being used in. Australian customers can be assured that the machines have been thoroughly trialled in local conditions.
“Australia has some of the harshest conditions in the world, from heat to remoteness to dust, and we regularly test our products so that customers know they’e cared for and thought of that way.
“We sell about 800 units in Australia annually – articulated haulers, crawler excavators, wheeled excavators, wheel loaders, road machinery – and we’re constantly improving our machines. I think we have the best in the business.
“And it’s important to have really good partners like CJD that take care of the machines when they are in the market being used by the customers. Because I think to be successful you need to have good products but also have good support.”
emissions,” Joakim said. “So our target is to sell 35 per cent electric machines by 2030 and we have taken the first step, here now in Australia, by launching electric compact excavators and electric compact wheel loaders which are being tested at the moment.”
Using them is relatively simple, Joakim said. “You can either charge with a fast charger or with a regular power socket for the smaller machines,” he said.
“There’s still a lot of development going on in this area when it comes to battery management and battery capacity, but this will happen fairly quickly.
“We’re moving to being solution providers: the days of just selling a product are changing. We’re trying to provide the complete solution to customers for them to
Volvo brand,” he said.
Alan said CJD worked well with Volvo because they shared the same goal and desire.
“Partnerships that have the same vision achieve greatness together. There’s always the ups and downs over the journey, and with Volvo, we built not just the working relationship, but friendships, and I think that’s the other thing that comes out of it,” he said.
“It becomes very personal. It’s not just a job. It’s not just a business. It’s not an e-mail relationship. That makes a difference because we care.
“We represent ourselves to the customers. We’re one together always. You know we can’t do it alone. And Volvo can’t. But together we can.”
The largest van in the Renault line up might’ve been designed and built with hardworking landscapers in mind.
Master Van is built with everyday driving in mind. After a tough day on site, practical elements such as the dusk-sensing headlights and rain-sensing wipers ensure a safe and comfortable drive home. Images: Renault
Transporting equipment and materials to a jobsite can be a challenge. Every job is a little different – sometimes a lot different – and time spent moving gear can be a frustrating exercise.
Choosing the right work vehicle can make a huge difference to work efficiency. Being able to choose an established and respected manufacturer in a variety of body shapes and capacities can make the time spent on the road productive.
Renault Master Van is an excellent example.
Ready for anything
Available in four lengths, three heights, front- or rear-wheel drive, and with a range that spans between eight to 17 cubic metres and up to 12 anchorage points in the cargo area, Renault’s Master Van is available in a configuration to suit any business. Rear doors that can be opened to 270 degrees and a cargo area which will accept a standard pallet mean big loads of turf, blocks or other raw materials can be loaded and unloaded by forklift with a minimum of time lost, and still leave plenty of room and easy access for extra tools and equipment.
those other bits and pieces that need to be taken to every job. And of course, with its fully integrated seven-inch touchscreen with MediaNav system, compatible with both Apple CarPlay® and Android Auto® smartphone replication, drive time can be effective office and communication time as well.
Master Van even has a fold-down centre seat with an integrated workstation designed for a laptop or tablet.
With tools and material safely secured in the rear of the van, driver comfort in the cabin is excellent.
Master Van is built with everyday driving in mind. After a tough day on site, practical elements such as the dusk-sensing headlights and rain-sensing wipers ensure a safe and comfortable drive home.
Master Van is also fitted with a suite of features which include:
• Blind-spot monitoring
• Automatic high/low beam headlights
• Hill-start assist
• Active emergency braking system
• Rear-view camera.
Driver and passenger front airbags and driver-side airbag are standard too, so those in the cabin are well protected in the event of a mishap.
Renault Master Van, like a good landscaper, embraces a beautiful finish, well-thoughtout design and a high level of endurance which will cope with the rough and tumble of day-to-day use, but still end up looking well cared for and ready for more. It’s a very good-looking vehicle which will present well in any corporate or worksite environment while setting the very highest standards of practicality.
It’s all part of the package.
On top of everything else, Renault Master’s fuel-efficient, powerful, turbo-charged diesel engine and large 100L fuel tank mean when there’s people, equipment and material to be moved, Master spends more time on the road and less time at the bowser.
Renault Master is a hard-working and very cost-effective part of any landscaping business.
Available in four lengths, three heights, front- or rearwheel drive, and with a range that spans between eight to 17 cubic metres and up to 12 anchorage points in the cargo area, Renault’s Master Van is available in a configuration to suit any business.
A new warehouse not only signifies A1 Rubber’s growth, but also underscores its commitment to forging strong partnerships within the local community.
A1 Rubber is excited to announce the opening of a new warehouse in Melbourne, Victoria, marking a significant expansion in its commitment to providing top-notch products and services, and complementing the ongoing commitment to NSW and Queensland customers, with the existing warehouses in the respective states. This strategic move reflects A1 Rubber’s dedication to supporting local contractors and businesses in Victoria, offering convenient access to its high-quality tyrederived products and innovative solutions. With a focus on delivering exceptional support and services, A1 Rubber looks forward to meeting the diverse needs of contractors in Victoria, reinforcing its position as a reliable and accessible resource for sustainable and quality solutions.
The disposal of end-of-life tyres poses a significant environmental challenge globally which is only increasing. Improper disposal can lead to a range of issues, including soil contamination, fire hazards, and the release of harmful chemicals. Recognising these challenges, Tyre Stewardship Australia (TSA) was established to take a proactive approach to tyre-waste management.
The TSA’s primary objective is to foster a circular economy within the tyre industry, where the life cycle of tyres is extended through reuse, recycling, and sustainable resource management. As the world grapples with the need for circular-economy models, TSA’s efforts stand out as a beacon of innovation and commitment towards creating a more sustainable future. A1 Rubber takes great pride in its distinguished position as a leading upcycler of tyre-derived products, championing sustainability and contributing significantly to the circular economy, and having that contribution recognised and acknowledged by TSA.
Seeing the environmental challenges posed by discarded tyres, A1 Rubber has embraced a pioneering role in repurposing these materials, thereby extending their life cycle and diverting them from landfills.
1. Resource conservation: recycling and reusing tyre materials reduces the demand for virgin resources, conserving valuable raw materials and energy
2. Reduced environmental impact: by diverting tyres from landfills and finding valuable uses for recycled materials, TSA helps mitigate the environmental impact of tyre waste
3. Innovation and collaboration: circular economy models encourage collaboration and innovation as stakeholders work together to find creative solutions to waste challenges.
As a key player in the circular economy, A1 Rubber not only mitigates the environmental impact of tyre waste, but actively fosters resource conservation and responsible production practices. Through innovative upcycling processes, A1 Rubber exemplifies how a commitment to sustainability can be seamlessly integrated into business operations, proving environmental stewardship and economic success can go hand in hand.
To learn more A1 Rubber, or contact one of its offices, log on to a1rubber.com.
The Ditch Witch C16X delivers better traction and manoeuvrability in a more compact design for tighter jobsites.
“ “
Ditch Witch’s exclusive CX Track design delivers better traction and manoeuvrability in a more compact design.
Ditch Witch’s C16X runs a reliable, electric-start, petrol Vanguard™ 16hp engine to deliver up to 100mm-150mm (4"-6") width trenches and 762m (30") of digging depth for efficient installation of pipe and cable.
A newly designed hydraulic system eliminates vertical shafts and belts, resulting in a simple, reliable unit with no linkages to adjust, and the Ditch Witch 35K digging system, specifically designed to work with Ditch Witch trenchers, optimises production.
Ditch Witch’s exclusive CX Track design delivers better traction and manoeuvrability in a more compact design for tighter job sites, with a nominal operating weight of 860kg and an overall width of 909mm.
Other features include:
• Reliable 16hp engine
• Up to 762mm (30") digging depth for efficient installation of pipe and cable
• A newly designed hydraulic system eliminates vertical shafts and belts. There are no linkages to adjust
• The Ditch Witch 35K digging system or the new OptiCut™ system, both specifically designed to work with Ditch Witch trenchers to optimise production
• E xclusive, patent-pending CX Track design puts more track on the ground for better traction while increasing stability
• The shorter left track on the CX Track design allows for a more compact piece of equipment than competitor’s designs, offering more manoeuvrability in much tighter spaces
• New, robust, straightforward pivot design
is maintenance-free and increases unit uptime
• Greaseless, sealed-bearing design with construction-grade seals
• No daily grease points – a Ditch Witch exclusive – means less hassle and prep
• Standard outboard bearing support stabilises the headshaft and auger for reliability, and
• Hydrostatic, skid-steer style steering provides easier operation.
An easy-to-operate backfill blade is available for the C16X which is much faster, less arduous, and less expensive than shovels.
See more of the Ditch Witch C16X at ditchwitchcea.com.au.
Kress is leading the charge in Outdoor Power Equipment (OPE), setting the standard for revolutionary lawn care. Through its cutting-edge battery-operated tool system, landscape professionals benefit from sustainable solutions and increased returns on investment (ROI).
Under the Positec group, Kress pioneers a powerhouse commercial range for professional landscapers. This range is the solution for maintaining green spaces and public grounds and shifting from using petrol. The Kress commercial range is equipped with the fast-charging 8-minute CyberSystem™, up to 10x the battery life and 2x the power output, spearheading its mission towards a zero-emission future for Australian households and professional landscapers.
Kress KC711.9 Commercial 60V 51cm Self-Propelled Lawn Mower
The Kress KC711.9 Commercial 60V 51cm
Self-Propelled Lawn Mower is a game changer in cordless commercial mowing. It is the first true cordless equipment for commercial use, making its mark in the industry. This walk-behind mower alleviates any need for petrol with its revolutionary battery and charging system. It comes with a Kress-built brushless motor that delivers a maximum torque of 9.5Nm.
Landscapers can now enjoy making what used to be challenging jobs convenient, which allows them to handle grass conditions of any type.
The mower comes with a high-cutting speed of 3300rpm, and a self-propelled speed of up to 6.4kph. With features like IPX4 resistance, deck wear plate and front bumper protection, plus a built-in LED control panel, the KC711.9 ensures optimal efficiency and durability in variable landscaping conditions.
KC500.9 Commercial 60V 35 N Backpack Blower
For professional clean up, you can’t go past the powerful Kress KC500.9 Commercial 60V 35 N Backpack Blower. Like the mower, it is the only battery commercial blower solution for professional use in its category. The blower exceeds the performance of petrol-
powered options with a remarkable air speed of 85mps and air force of 35N. Cleaning up lawns through the Kress QuietStorm™ technology allows landscapers to work without disturbing the public.
The KC500.9 blower comes with an ergonomic backpack design that can be adjusted and is air permeable. It prioritises convenience in use and lessens the impact of fatigue, especially during extensive cleaning operations. Its four-speed settings can be adjusted on the built-in LED control panel, and together with its cruise-control feature, the blower is a powerful and reliable tool under any weather condition.
The Kress Commercial 60V KC150.9 20cm Lawn Edger also captures battery edging for commercial use, delivering power equivalent to a 30cc petrol-powered unit. Not to be left behind by the rest of the Kress commercial range, the lawn edger also features the 8-minute CyberSystem™ for extended battery
As a part of the well-established Positec family of leading brands, Kress has built a reputation for advanced German engineering and has been recognised for designing and manufacturing electric motors for 93 years. Today, Kress is committed to ensure the commercial landscape maintenance industry a zero-emission future. Its unique CyberSystem™ battery technology makes the transition from petrol- to battery-powered OPE sustainable, with benefits for the environment and the users’ profitability as well.
The Kress KC711.9 Commercial 60V 51cm Self-Propelled Lawn Mower is a game changer in cordless commercial mowing.
No matter what size your business, if you quote off plans, you must use construction take-off software to do it. Anna Turner highlights how measuring off a paper copy of plans is fraught with danger, not to mention time consuming and clunky.
To help convince you to ditch the paper and go digital, here are some pitfalls of measuring from paper plans:
• Printer accuracy – printers can easily, and often do, distort plans, causing the measurements to be inaccurate. It is often hard to tell if the plan has been distorted, but such an error can cause you to underor overestimate quantities by a big margin
• Time to print – most plans must be printed on A1 or A2 paper, meaning a trip to Officeworks every time you get new plans through. That’s a massive waste of time and money for everyone!
• Time to measure – it takes a lot more time to manually measure a paper plan than it does online.
• Storage sucks – once the plans are printed they need to be stored. They take up a lot of physical space.
• Human error – measuring from paper plans exposes many more opportunities to make little mistakes that can be costly. For example, measuring in the wrong scale, incorrectly calculating the area or volume, incorrectly adding up all the quantities, or missing changes when new plans are issued.
Now I’ve scared you into to entertaining the idea of using take-off software, let me outline why it’s worth the time to learn it and the small annual subscription fee. The advantages include:
• Speed – once you learn how to use the software I guarantee it will be 10 times faster than manual measuring. Good take-off software will measure the area, perimeter, volume, and wall height all at the same time. Often the software will make all these calculations with a simple click. It will also collate all the same measurements, giving you a final measurement for each item. This makes it extremely quick to measure up for materials and rates.
• Accuracy – take-off software automatically snaps the mouse to lines, so the measurement is accurate. It scales to the scale listed on the plan and remembers
that scale, so each measurement is taken using the right scale.
• Collates quantities – one of the biggest advantages of using take-off software is it automatically collates quantities of each item. For example, it will collate all the areas and volume of all the garden beds on a plan, meaning you’ll never again miss one.
• Colour – I always colour my plans as I measure to help me visualise the layout, but it also ensures I haven’t missed measuring an item. I use the same colours to represent the same things, eg: orange for paving and brown for decking, so I can easily identify items when I reopen a plan.
• Historic evidence and version control –it’s very easy to save all measured plans so you can go back to them at any point. Good take-off software will also allow you to compare two plans for differences, allowing you to spot changes easily, and
• Collaboration – easily share your take-offs with colleagues, ensuring you are all on the same page, so to speak.
It won’t surprise anyone to read not all takeoff software is created equal. Be wary of take-off software embedded in estimating software. In my experience most of it is only a fraction as good as the standalone stuff. Here are the features that will save you time and money:
• Scale measure checking tool – sometimes the scale listed on the plans is incorrect, so
Measuring from paper plans exposes many more opportunities to make costly mistakes.
Image: Pixel-Shot/adobe.stock.com
checking it is important.
• Labels – allows you to label all measurements..
• Counting – allows you to court items like pots or steppers
• Collating measurements – collates all measurements automatically. Make sure the measurements can be exported to an Xcel or csv file for this.
• All-in-one measuring – allows measuring the perimeter, area, volume, and wall heights all at the same time, and
• Plan comparison – the software allows you to compare two plans. This is especially helpful when repricing a project based on revised drawings. The software should highlight the differences between the plans, allowing you to quickly make a judgement call on if the changes affect the price. And it prevents missing a change. I have heard horror stories about estimators missing changes that cost a lot of money!
The only drawback for take-off software is I am yet to find good take-off software that works well on a Mac. Most have been built to run on PC.
The workaround is to install Parallels on your Mac and run the take-off software through that.
Alternatively, you could purchase a cheap PC to run the software. This might sound like a pain for Mac users, but I promise it’s worth it.
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It can all happen so quickly – a customer catches their foot on a chair leg, or slips when coming in from the rain – but your business is left dealing with the legal
Every business has an exposure to slips, trips and falls. Make sure potential claimants are approached at the time of the fall. Image: sittinan/adobe.stock.com
Whether you have a restaurant, a shop, an office, working at a site or work from home – if a customer is on your premises, generally you’re responsible for their safety.
A trip here or a fall there could mean a claim is headed your way. Every business has an exposure to them, even home businesses.
Here are few steps to minimise the impact it can have on your business:
1. Make your site safe
2. Record your actions
3. Approach the potential claimant
4. Record the incident.
The reality is, slips and trips are common and the consequences can be significant.
There are two issues – there’s the compensation and the legal costs of defence and there can be a very large amount of money involved in both. Having an
appropriate public liability insurance policy in place can help your business meet these costs.
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The Landscape Show, Landscaping Victoria’s huge annual industry event, is set to reach new heights in 2024.
Expectations are high for the 2024 show, with over 100 exhibitors, live seminars and presentations, and huge networking opportunities. That’s on top of an expected roll up of over 1500 visitors. Image: LVML
The 2024 Landscape Show is shaping up to be the biggest and best yet, with partners and exhibitors jumping on-board in record numbers for Victoria’s top landscaping industry event.
It’s the premium opportunity in 2024 for suppliers to put their brands in front of their target market – that is, the professionals who design and install landscapes day-in and dayout across Victoria.
For contractors, it’s a wonderful chance to stay on top of new products and talk to suppliers about their offerings which are improving all the time, to help them build not just great landscapes but strong businesses too.
“This year will see some exciting new additions to the day, with guest speakers including Garry Lyon (former Melbourne Demons star, TV personality and keen hobby farmer), Fraser Gehrig (ex-AFL forward and landscaping industry professional) and Paul Guerra (CEO, Victorian Chamber of Commerce & Industry),” said association CEO, Ritchie Hinton. “Attendees will gain a huge advantage by accessing the latest products, innovations and advice in the one place!”
Expectations are high for the 2024 show, with over 100 exhibitors, live seminars and presentations, and huge networking opportunities. That’s on top of an expected
roll up of over 1500 visitors.
“Whether we’re sharing knowledge, figuring out new ways to solve challenges, or inventing new products, this belief is the core of our business. We couldn’t think of a better place for the industry coming together and exchanging ideas than The Landscape Show,” said March Jarvis, Head of Marketing at naming-rights partner, Arborgreen.
It’s free to attend The Landscape Show, and every attendee receives a showbag full of goodies, including a complimentary copy of Landscape Contractor Magazine!
How good is that!
Plan it now: Wednesday, May 22, 2024, at Ladbrokes Park (Sandown Racecourse).
There’s never been a better time to join Landscaping Victoria.
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Images: TLA
Lynne Testoni for The Landscape Association highlights an elegant and charming garden constructed to seamlessly integrate with the architecture of the home.
It can be difficult to construct a new garden to seem well established – building something that looks to have been in place for some time. This award-winning project, called ‘Waverley’, in Sydney’s eastern suburbs, has used clever planting and sympathetic construction techniques to create an elegant solution to this challenge.
As part of the build, Eloquent Landscapes incorporated mature trees, ornamental plants, ground covers, perennials, mature palms, and screening plants into the garden design.
The company won Residential Construction of the Year Award as well as Gold Medal and Best in Category for Waverley in the category of Residential Construction $150,000 to $350,000.
The judges commented that the garden was built to a very high standard of workmanship, executed and installed well, demonstrated by the health and vigour of the plants.
Many design elements were included in
Site challenge
The site posed unique constraints.
The original landscaping was very basic and was predominately turf in the backyard
with small garden beds, an unfinished pool and a front yard with one feature tree. The limited space available demanded careful consideration of material placement, machinery manoeuvring, and logistics planning. The Eloquent team worked with the layout, ensuring efficient movement of equipment and materials while maximising the use of available space. The topography of the land added an additional layer of complexity.
The team embraced the natural contours and slopes to create an engaging and visually stunning landscape. Through careful grading, terracing, and retaining walls, Eloquent transformed the challenging topography into an asset, crafting beautiful transitions and captivating focal points.
The garden is also located across the road from a local school, which added extra complexity to the build. The team had to orchestrate a road closure in collaboration with the council, traffic control authorities, and the NSW police to access the site.
1. Mature Trees: strategically placed mature trees provide shade, add a sense of maturity, and create a lush atmosphere within the garden
2. Architectural integration: the landscape design seamlessly connects to the architectural style of the home, complementing its aesthetic and enhancing the overall visual appeal
3. Barbecue area: a dedicated concrete bench houses the barbecue and fridge, incorporating functional features and materials that harmonise with the overall design
4. Paved areas: thoughtfully designed paved areas create pathways and connections between the indoor and outdoor spaces, ensuring smooth transitions and a cohesive design
5. Pool Integration: the existing pool was integrated into the landscape design, ensuring it blends well with the surrounding garden elements, such as plantings, paving, and seating areas
6. Ornamental plants, ground covers, and perennials: planting throughout adds colour, texture, and visual interest to the garden, creating a vibrant and dynamic atmosphere
7. Mature palms and cactus: the addition of mature plants contributes to the look of an established garden, evoking a sense of timelessness
8. Screening plants: strategic placement of screening plants provide privacy and
create natural barriers, enhancing the seclusion and intimacy of the outdoor spaces
9. Potted plants: balconies and elevated areas are enhanced with carefully chosen potted plants, adding a touch of greenery and beauty to these spaces
10. Fully automatic irrigation system: an efficient and fully automatic irrigation system was installed to ensure optimal watering of plants, conserving water and simplifying maintenance
11. Garden lighting: thoughtfully designed garden lighting illuminates key features, pathways, and seating areas, creating an enchanting ambience and extending the usability of the outdoor space into the evening hours
12. Outdoor entertainment: the design incorporates an outdoor TV and stereo system, providing a seamless integration of entertainment options and allowing the owners to enjoy their favourite shows, movies, and music while surrounded by the beauty of nature, and
13. Outdoor furniture: comfortable and stylish outdoor furniture was selected, offering the owners a space to relax, dine, and entertain while enjoying the beauty and tranquillity of their garden.
As well as winning Residential Construction of the Year Award, Gold Medal and Best in Category for ‘Waverley’ in the category Residential Construction $150,000 to $350,000, Eloquent Landscapes also won the following awards at the 2023 Landscape Excellence Awards for some of their other projects, including:
• Gold and Best in Category - Residential Construction $350,000 - $600,000
• 1 x Silver Medals - Residential Construction $100k-$150k
• 2 x Silver Medals - Residential Construction $150k - $350k
• 2 x Silver Medals - Residential Construction $350,000 - $600,000
• 1 x Silver Medal - Maintenance Residential Up to 1000m2
• 4 x Bronze Medals - Residential Design 80m2 to 200m2
• 1 x Bronze Medal - Maintenance Residential Up to 1000m2
• 1 x Bronze Medal - Residential Construction $150,000 to $350,000
The Landscape Associations (TLA’s) annual Landscape Excellence Awards celebrate the very highest standards and achievement in Landscape Construction, Design and Maintenance, both in the Residential and Commercial sectors. Recognising innovation, creativity and outstanding craftsmanship, the Awards are the highest accolades in the industry.
When Tony Fifield of Rural Landscaping Company joined the Landscape Industry Association of WA (LIAWA) a few years ago, he sought to connect with likeminded professionals, leveraging the LIAWA brand and connections to create a ‘shop front’ for the growth of his small yet burgeoning multifaceted landscaping business, focused on design and construction in a rural setting.
As the driving force behind the transformative endeavours of Rural Landscaping Company, Tony specialises in rural and semi-rural sites across Perth and country areas, with a focus on properties with substantial acreage. Tony and his compact team of three are dedicated to elevating the natural allure of the countryside while overcoming the distinctive challenges posed by expansive terrains.
“I was looking at potential customers in the hills or on rural properties in lifestyle situations and wanted to promote our capability. I noticed there weren’t a lot of people focused on landscaping acreage,” explained Tony.
Tony has just secured his multicombination heavy driver’s license, adding to his already impressive list of heavy-haulage truck, semi-trailer, and heavy-equipment licenses.
The genesis of a green odyssey
Tony Fifield’s journey into landscaping traces its roots back to a company called Busy Digger, where the emphasis was on hardscaping—installing retaining rock walls, undertaking earthworks, and transforming backyards. Rural Landscaping Company emerged in response to the growing demand in the Perth hills and rural locations on the outskirts of the city, catering to clients seeking comprehensive services with significant equipment and expertise. Operating from the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale, Rural Landscaping Company benefits from a nuanced understanding of diverse soil and ground conditions, ranging from the sandy coastal plains to the clays, granite and laterite of the Perth Hills.
Focused design for rural and semi-rural living
Specialising in the design, construction and installation of country or rustic-inspired outdoor garden and living spaces, Rural Landscaping Company employs a thoughtful
and functional landscaping lens. Tony emphasised, “With every design, we consider the practical use of the space and the effects of elements such as drainage, ground conditions, access and native wildlife and birds.
As Rural Landscaping Company continues to grow, Tony Fifield envisions a future where rural landscapes are not merely spaces, but living canvases that tell stories of sustainability and harmony.
“Our guiding principle for rural landscapes is simple: ‘function drives design.’”
Topography as a canvas
Tony’s approach involves working with the existing topography, aligning the design with his clients’ budgets and preserving existing trees.
“It works well with the clients’ budget, and if I don’t have to clear everything and leave existing trees, there are plenty of opportunities to incorporate slopes, dips, and valleys into the design,” he explained.
Tony recognises the pivotal role of mobility and logistics in addressing the challenges of expansive rural landscapes. This insight not only shapes his personal journey, but also becomes a cornerstone of the services provided by Rural Landscaping Company. While his focus is on hardscaping, Tony collaborates with other contractors who specialise in softscaping, turf, irrigation, electric gates, paving and other specialties. He is always on the lookout for the ‘Best in Class’ contractors to support his specialist work, tapping into the LIAWA membership to source the best professionals in the industry.
“Every piece of land has its own story and unique characteristics.
“Our job is not just to design and implement landscaping solutions but to weave a narrative that aligns with the natural flow of the environment,” he said.
As Tony drives towards new horizons, both literally and figuratively, the landscapes he touches bloom with life, telling a story of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. Tony and the Rural Landscaping Company are pleased to be specialist rural landscape members with LIAWA.
Belonging to an industry body such as LIAWA offers unparalleled networking, access to exclusive resources, and advocacy for members’ interests. It provides valuable insights into industry trends and fosters professional growth through learning opportunities, enhances credibility, and creates a supportive community for business success. Membership becomes a cornerstone for staying competitive and advancing within the dynamic market landscape.
For more LIAWA membership information, visit landscaping.net.au or contact Christine Stanton at liawaexec@landscaping.net.au.
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