The end-of-financial-year stress is behind us – hopefully.
Those who haven’t sorted 2021/22 bookwork will be feeling the pressure in a big way. But whether or not your tax and financials are in order, you should take a little time to thumb through the new issue of LCM. We’ve once again put together a cutting-edge snapshot of the Australian landscaping industry, and no matter where your business and accounting is up to, there’s plenty here you should see.
There’s hands-on testing, as always, and for this issue the list includes AEG’s 58volt, brushless, 21", self-propelled mower,
the EGO Z6 Zero-Turn Riding Mower, Wright’s ZK Stand-On zero turn and the Wacker Neuson SM100 Mini tracked loader. We’ve also grabbed a handful of skid steers and attachments and some mowing equipment and accessories to put through their paces.
So it’s a packed issue, as always.
But before you turn the page I just want to give a heads up that the Irrigation Australia International Conference and Exhibition is set for October 5 to October 7 at the Adelaide Convention Centre, and we’re all fairly excited about it. There’ll be huge representation from all facets of the irrigation industry and support for the event, which runs alongside the 24th International Congress, is huge. It’s billed as ‘The Greatest Irrigation Show On Earth’, and showcases the world’s leading irrigation products and technology.
It sure sounds impressive, and that’d be because it is. Irrigation and water management is a primary consideration for nearly every landscaping project, especially in Australia, so the presentations and product demonstrations at an international event of this calibre will be bread-and-butter information for us all. The reason I’m bringing it to your attention so early is because it’s an international event. You’ll need to get your attendance, accommodation and other logistical requirements in order early.
But don’t do it right now. Relax and have a read first. Get your thoughts straight, start some ideas flowing, then get on to the travel agent and begin planning.
Then you’d best sort out that bookwork, eh?
Cheers, Kurt Quambusch PublisherSep/Oct 2022 Deadline Aug 1, 2022
Nov/Dec 2022 Deadline Oct 1, 2022
Jan/Feb 2023 Deadline Dec 1, 2022
JOHN GABRIELE has more than 23 years’ experience in the horticulture industry. He is a member of the Nursery Garden Industry Association and the Horticulture Media Association. John has presented garden talkback radio at ABC 97.3FM and works as head teacher of Horticulture with TAFE NSW Illawarra Institute Yallah Campus.
ANNA TURNER is an expert in landscape construction, estimating and business management, with over 20 years’ experience in the industry, working in both the residential and commercial landscape sectors. Anna recently updated the LNA Rates Book.
Since 1990
Jonathan, has built his reputation as one of the industries most skilled gardeners and knowledgeable horticulturists and provides various horticultural services including onsite training, industry mentoring, and estate management to landscape contractors, designers, and garden owners. His professional integrity, enthusiasm, and respect from industry peers, saw him elected as AIH NSW President for five terms in 2010.
MARC WORNER started his own business in 1991, armed with a Diploma of Horticulture in Landscape Design and a structural landscape licence. Previously both the NSW and National President of the Australian Institute of Horticulture, Marc has been a consultant to the NSW state government, taught at TAFE, worked in TV and been a design consultant at retail garden centres.
TULLOCH has been involved in
industry for more than 20 years. He is a member of the Australian Institute of Landscape Designers and Managers.
Technically, an estimate is an ‘informed guess’ or an ‘approximation of the price’. You give the client an estimate of the cost of the work based on the information you have. If the work is well defined the client has a right to expect that the estimate be within 10% of the final sum you charge. If the parameters are not clearly defined (for example, you are asked to give an estimate for repairing a fence without knowing anything about the fence) the percentage can be greater.
When you give an ‘estimate’ it is a guide of the price when the client understands that it is a guide. If you make an offer to the client but call it an estimate, then it is actually a quote!
A quote is a formal offer you make to the client, which once accepted becomes a legally binding contract between you and the client.
What makes an ‘offer’ or quote?
When you formally offer to do work for the client in exchange for something (usually money). When this is accepted it forms a legally binding contract between you and the client.
To form a contract you must follow a few rules.
First, you must make a formal offer by sending the client a contract and have them accept it. If the client accepts the offer, you (the contractor) must honour it. It is legally binding and cannot be taken back,
so if you make a mistake you must wear it. This is one reason why you must have a ‘offer valid until’ date in your offer. Once the date has passed the offer is removed from the table and is no longer legally binding. This is especially important at the moment, with material prices increasing at a crazy rate. You do not want a contract to be accepted in 2 years when all the profit has been eaten by inflation!
The client may want to make changes to the offer (this is called a counteroffer), so you negotiate and finally settle on a contract you both agree to. Once you have both signed, the contract is legally binding (as long as you can prove ‘intent’, see below).
Verbal contracts are legal, however they are hard to prove and the onus is on the professional body (you) to prove the contract was agreed to. A licenced contractor (for example a builder or structural landscaper) must legally have a written contract with their client. Don’t rely on verbal contracts!
Second, you must show ‘intent’. This means you need to gather proof that the client wants to go ahead with the work. Just getting the client to sign the contract is not enough, you need to prove they read and understood the contract and intend to go through with it. A deposit is a good indicator of intent, however it does not prove the client read and understood the contract. It is good practice to go through the contract with the client in person, making sure they understand everything within it.
Once the contract is signed it cannot be changed unless a variation is issued and signed. A variation is essentially a change to the contract. It is extremely important that all variations are put in writing and formally accepted. If they are not the client can dispute them.
The following items should be included in a legally binding contract:
• The name, address and contact details of the contractor, the person making the offer.
• The name, address and contact details of the client, the person receiving the offer.
• The date the offer is being made.
• The date the offer expires.
• The site address.
• The scope of works.
• Works by others.
• The contract sum – The scope of works and contract sum are usually presented in a Bill of Quantities.
• Payment terms.
• Terms and conditions.
• Details of your Public Liability Insurance, Professional Indemnity Insurance, Workers Compensation Insurance, and Home Warranty Insurance if that is applicable.
If you make an offer to the client to do work in exchange for money, you have given the client a contract to agree to. That contract,
even if you make it verbal and call it an estimate, is legally binding. You are legally bound to do the work as agreed.
Make sure the client knows when you are giving them an estimate. Make sure they understand the work will be carried out on a cost-plus basis and the figure you gave them is an estimate of the cost, not the offer. The best way to do this is to draw up a cost-plus contract, so you have a legal contract based on costplus work.
My advice is to make the contract as detailed and clear as possible. Clearly state the extent of the work you intend to carry out. Clearly outline your inclusion and exclusions. Yes, the client may use your contract to shop around (it is worth noting that showing a contract to a third-party is illegal, however it is hard to prove and doesn’t stop them), but at least you are covered and the client understands what they are getting. Good contractors use their contracts as a selling point; they use it to give the client confidence in them.
JCB’s 48Z, 4 tonne excavator has been developed to exceed all expectations.
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With JCB, choosing your next mini excavator just got a whole lot easier.
During our last discussion, we touched on the first soil classification in AS 4419:2018, ‘Landscape soils on grade’. Now let’s take a look at low density soils designed for use on an artificial base such as planters, roof gardens and other locations where the blend is not in contact with natural soil.
Low density soils (on slab) should always possess an effective drainage system, which we’ll discuss later. They should always be installed at the correct depths and have similar physical characteristics to avoid potential layering problems. Incompatible soil layers result in poor drainage from water being held or ‘perched’ at the interfaces of the differing soil types. The layered horizon restricts water from filtering further down the soil profile.
Along with drainage, we’ll discuss the perils and nightmares of layered soils in a few months’ time.
Low density soils as the name suggests have low bulk density rates of somewhere between 300-800 kilograms to 1000 litres (m3). As you’ll note in the diagram, they are comprised of ‘B’ subsurface area (or B horizon) and ‘A’ surface area (A horizon). Australian standards avoid using the term
‘horizon’ within their classification because this has a specific technical meaning when applied to natural, undisturbed soil profiles. Let’s stick with using A and B terms because
this is common lingo in the trade. Low P meaning phosphorous content is for native and exotic phosphorous sensitive plants such as proteas and kin.
I hope you’re enjoying our conversation and finding my advice is assisting you on the journey towards achieving the design intent.
As you can see in the classification chart, ‘A’ horizon soils possess a significant quantity of organic matter. This ingredient is intended to create the structural framework along with improving the water and nutrient holding capacity. It is also there to reduce bulk density or weight of the media and to encourage air filled porosity within the top 30cm of the artificial soil profile. They must never be used at depths beyond 300mm.
As I mentioned during our last chat and for similar reasons, I’m just as wary of using high organic matter in low density soils as much as I am with soils on grade. Remember that when we incorporate high levels of organic matter into the soil profile, we are relying on a structurally unstable material around our root zone. Although plants can initially have astonishing growth rates, once the organic matter breaks down or decomposes, our soil volume can dramatically reduce. This results in surface slumping and exposed root balls. Unless the reduction in media is replenished, the initial bounty of growth is retarded due to the loss off surface roots to drought.
Other important considerations we need to have if we’re using high organic matter soil is the likelihood of compaction.
Here’s a common scenario: once the material has been blown, craned or carried in. We go about working on the media while we’re irrigating, backfilling, planting and mulching the planter or roof garden.
Much like we have talked about in previous conversations, when we compact it we are restricting precious oxygen diffusing through the soil profile. Alas, we are reducing vital gaseous exchange and here we go again, we’re creating the anaerobic conditions which are ideal for growth inhibition and diseases.
Yet another concern we should have for high levels of organic matter is hydrophobia (water repellence). I’m sure all of us have experienced irrigation failure once or many times in an artificial soil profile such as pots and planters. When organic matter dries completely, it is very difficult to rewet. Given that virtually all gardens now rely on drip irrigation, rehydrating a water repellent
media requires lashings of wetting agents, drenching with a sprinkler or better still, the nursery person’s weapon of choice, a dram watering wand. Bringing the soil back to readily absorbing water takes plenty of effort and can help to be avoided if we reduce such high levels of organic matter.
Given the problems I’ve just outlined with the highest or 3rd category of soil. If you are specified to employ such products within a project then I suggest you arm yourself with the comments above and urge the specifier to use the 2nd category of soil or as I prefer, just stick with the ‘B’ horizon soil throughout the entire planter profile.
B horizon soil is primarily mineral based, which is made from products such as sands, clay, volcanic rock and ash. It is intended to create a stable structural media that has very little organic matter so is not subject to decomposition and slumping. The product has excellent aeration and depending on the supply source and ingredients, it has a reasonably high water and nutrient holding capacity.
Air Filled Porosity
Water Holding Capacity
Organic Matter
Dispersibility (4419)
Large Particles < 2mm
Large particles 2-10 mm
Large particles 10-20 mm
Large particles 20-50 mm
Large particles > 50 mm
Saturated Bulk Density pH (1:5) H2O
pH (1:5) CaCl2
Electrical Conductivity (1:5) Chloride
Ammonium (NH4)
Ammonium (NH4)+Nitrate (NO3)
Nitrogen Drawdown Index Phosphorus (Colwell) Bioassay
Typical soil analysis report – note the high level of organic matter is due to the quantity of ash that is used in the blend. Image courtesy of Benedict Sand and Sydney Environmental Soil Laboratory.
Tel: 1300 30 40 80 Fax: 1300 64 46 89 Em: info@sesl.com.au Web: www.sesl.com.au Low % v/v ≥ 10 2.6
Engineered for power, versatility, stability and comfort, EcoTeq’s Zero Turn Electric Mowers are an excellent all-round choice for large scale, community spaces.
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EcoTeq are exclusive suppliers of Mean Green electric mowers in Australia.
If you’re unsure, all of these important qualities can be confirmed by checking the supplier’s independent soil analysis report.
Sticking with installing only B horizon can save a lot of immediate and longterm headaches. This can be particularly important when the soil is placed by blowing or crane services. Much like when concrete is delivered, things can get busy. We can be faced with time pressures from suppliers that want to get their product in place and leave as soon as possible, trucks are waiting and we may only have the crane for a limited amount of time.
Remember the troubles associated with installing A horizon at depths greater than 300mm? Now, consider the likely reality when you’re cut and dumping bulk bags of A and B horizons in situ or relying on a blowing contractor to fill areas with sufficient B horizon to accommodate the final 30cm topping of A horizon. Managing either of these exercises while also ensuring you have ordered sufficient quantities of the two blends is a hassle and could possibly deliver you with inconsistent growth rates due to the variation of the soil conditions.
I find that sticking with B horizon throughout the entire project and all soil profiles: 1. Reduces the headaches I’ve mentioned.
2. Provides better infiltration rates by avoiding layering.
3. Simplifies irrigation methods by having consistent water holding capacity.
4. Avoids compaction and probable phytotoxic conditions.
5. Delivers a mineral-based soil with a structural framework, which doesn’t slump or degrade over time.
6. Provides excellent aeration and drainage efficiency.
7. Is suitable for use beneath lawns and within planters.
8. With appropriate irrigation and nutrition, will deliver overall consistent growth rates of plants and turf.
So, I’ve argued and demonstrated the benefits of sticking with B horizon throughout the project.
Before we close this conversation, we need to consider plant nutrition of the soil we have installed.
Generally speaking, B horizon carries less nutrient and depending on the manufacturer, the soil may lack the ability to hold and release nutrients within the root zone. This is known as cationic (pronounced cat-ion) exchange capacity.
Nutrient holding ability can be solved by either blending horticultural zeolite at a rate of 500 grams per m² through the top 100-150mm of the soil profile or blending a
30-50mm thickness of compost through the top 200mm of soil.
Just briefly, Zeolite is a naturally occurring mineral with a highly porous atomic structure, which behaves in a similar manner to humus. The porous structure allows it to attract, hold and release water soluble nutrients to roots. We’ll discuss zeolite in more detail when we talk about growing media for turf. It’s amazing stuff.
The simplest method of delivering nutrients to the soil is by applying controlled release complete fertiliser such as Osmocote along with composted manures to stimulate biological activity
As I’m based within the Sydney basin, I am fortunate to have access to specialised soil and sand blends that are produced by companies such as Benedict Sands, Australian Native Landscapes and Scapeworks. I have no financial gain from commenting on these suppliers’ products, I’m just very impressed with the quality and consistency. I’ll leave it to you to source suppliers in your state of a similar calibre.
In case you’re thinking that I am against organic matter, I’m not. I just believe in my experiences and the science that we can use too much.
The next time we chat, we’ll look even deeper into AS 4419 and the specialised soil blends that are available to us.
In the front yard we are lucky if we have a garage for storage and the jet ski/pushbikes. Sometimes, we also have room for the boat/caravan. The lawn and driveway provide multiple car spaces and the lawn is ruined in the process.
Why lay a front lawn I hear you ask?
Councils require homebuilders/ homeowners/commercial sites to have certain percentage combinations of hardscape and softscape for each property under its jurisdiction. The good news is that landscapers can install plastic permeable grid pavers for homeowners which are incorporated
into grass so pedestrian and vehicular traffic can use it with little damage to the surface. Permeable grid pavers are designed to reinforce the ground they’re set into, giving the ground enough strength for it to be used as a driveway without incurring any damage from traffic.
They create cleaner urban spaces allowing rain and stormwater to infiltrate through infill gravel or grass to be detained below, reducing pollutants, promoting water quality, tree health and better urban environments.
The storm water passes through the load bearing surface and aggregate subbase
that is selected, based upon the intended application and required infiltration rate. Runoff is stored in the stone aggregate subbase course/storage layer and allowed to infiltrate into the surrounding soil (functioning like an infiltration basin). Similar systems have been used in Europe for over 40 years so they will last for decades, and the better ones are made from recycled plastics.
The effective infiltration rate for the watershed can be changed by trapping the water in differing permeable layers and effectively changing the time of concentration in the catchment area.
“I have a fleet of Renault Masters. I started my business in 2002 with 5 Renault Masters. I now have more than 40 across Australia. They look great on the road and they are great for business. There’s loads of storage throughout and tech keeps us connected. Both rear doors open and you can load a pallet straight in. We love the way our signage looks on the van. You can’t miss us on the road!”
it’s my business it’s my van
Peter, Cowan Restoration Services
“They look great on the road and they are great for business”
One such Australian manufacturer and supplier in Queensland of an American designed product is TRUEGRID (www. truegridpaver.com.au), which is a honeycombed 3D grid-cellular system, made of 100% recycled HDPE plastic.
Rural areas often have muddy horse stables, which can now be replaced with permeable grid paving. They allow urine to drain and keep stables from becoming muddy and rutted.
More good news… because landscapers offer discounts for large volume jobs, it’s an opportunity to quote for the backyard as well so that the homeowners’ kids and dogs can run and play on the grass anytime, especially in ongoing wet conditions like we have recently experienced in many parts of Australia. An added bonus it that permeable grid paving stabilises soil, which in turn contributes to the healthy growth of lawn provided we use a sandy soil loam mix.
Businesses are preferring this method of creating trafficable areas because they can increase their building footprint on land saved by eliminating or reducing detention pits/ponds/basins and get a 100 per cent
pervious drive-on surface with long-term, cost-effective benefits. Total costs are less than concrete and comparable with asphalt. Being able to park heavy vehicles, including coaches without damaging lawn, is hugely important for businesses wanting
to add to or change the layout of parking spaces. One-hundred and fifty tonne is the maximum load, which is more than sufficient for most uses. Snow melts faster on the grid and there is less ice build-up. It can be easily ploughed, snow-blown or shovelled.
Another phenomenon not often addressed is the Urban Heat Island Effect, which occurs in cities and industrial sites that have consistently higher temperatures than surrounding areas because of greater retention of heat. This retention of heat is due to buildings, concrete and asphalt. Permeable Grid paving filled with gravel or grass reduces the absorbability of solar rays and thus helps cool the natural environment.
Another Australian supplier of this technology is www.geohex.com.au. The company uses 100% recyclable plastic in its manufacture; the product is totally non-toxic to humans, animals and plants; it can be laid in any weather; it can be cut to size; each piece nests neatly for efficient storage and transportation; its non-reactive to solvents, oils, chemicals and water; installation of it markedly reduces any maintenance costs; and it lasts for decades.
It’s worth noting that many councils in each state require approximately 15 per cent of a commercial property to be softscape. Detention basins cost thousands of dollars, but when you don’t have runoff because of the absorption of a working grass or other type of pervious paving system, you do away with the need for this big expense.
TIP: Businesses could potentially get a credit for it from their local authority, which means they may be able to have a bigger building footprint. A win for council and a win for business, especially for those businesses in flood-prone areas.
A leading supplier in NSW is www.grassreinforcement.com.au. If configured efficiently, rain will infiltrate the surface at over 20m/hr and there is no runoff. Generally speaking, 3D grids of grass paving are suitable for slopes of less than 11 degrees in gradient.
A large supplier of concrete grass pavers called TURFGRID with numerous distribution points in SA is www.australianpaving.com.
Crucial to your choice of material is its ability to provide a stable and continuous load-bearing surface throughout parking/ pedestrian areas.
Permeable concrete paving blocks, which have been available for years, are an option and grass works well with them.
Please note: Permeable paving is not recommended for slopes. Why? Water will only fill the pavers to the lowest elevation of the surface, and on a slope it could exit the paver through the lower end.
DID YOU KNOW: Efflorescence (a crystalline salt deposit) is a natural occurrence in masonry products. Efflorescence does not affect the structural integrity or strength, but some may think the product is defective. Efflorescence will usually diminish and disappear in the course of time as the product is exposed to the elements.
So, we grade the proposed site, lay a gravel of a size and a subbase to a depth determined by the future load, compact it, in need, we install Geotech fabric for any water pollution issues, edging restraints and irrigation.
Next, we spread a 30mm – 50mm layer of root zone mix consisting of sandy topsoil (70% coarse sand to 30% screened topsoil) over the base course layer and screed to level, but do not compact. Then place down our grass pavers (in the chosen style) and backfill the grid with a sandy soil loam mix for grass or groundcovers, or aggregates for commercial sites to save on any maintenance costs for many years. Please note: any aggregate mix should be plate compacted before use.
If installing grass pavers fill the panels with the same root zone mix as used for the bedding layer to 10mm above the top of the panels for consolidation. Use a plate compactor to consolidate the filling material into the pavers. Fill any voids that show due to this process with more root zone mix and leave filling material flush with the panels.
Broadcast the grass seed and add a light top dressing to provide adequate germination conditions.
Hydro seeding the area is a good option if your site is an acreage property, has uneven slopes or will benefit from erosion, dust, and/ or weed control. The hydroseeding process is used to plant seeds in a slurry or wet mixture of mulch, fertiliser, water and other soil amendments which we normally wouldn’t bother with. Better still, the mulch used in hydroseeding is heavy enough to weigh down the grass seed and create a protective blanket for all seasons as they germinate.
Grass-Cel www.grasscel.com) has been manufacturing its weight bearing porous paving blocks in Australia for over 40 years and continues to distribute them to all states of Australia. More good news… it’s 100% Australian owned and manufactured, it is the only product of its kind certified by Good Environmental Choice Australia. The company’s mission is to become the go-to source for sustainable paving and driveway systems. Do yourself a favour and check out their projects. LC
At first, it may seem counterintuitive for a professional greenspace business to promote the use of robotic lawnmowers. After all, lawn maintenance is one of the core pillars of the industry.
Will these robotic mowers do a better job than the tried and tested ride-on? Also, won’t this mean that landscapers could lose profits? These are the two biggest questions that seem to concern landscape professionals in relation to the Husqvarna Automower®.
Rob Kerslake, landscaper and owner of Verduous Gardens says that the opposite is true. According to Rob, adding a Husqvarna Automower® is a “no-brainer” and goes the distance to support and facilitate his clients in making this addition to their properties.
“Speak to any experienced operator in the high-end greenspace world and they’ll tell you, it’s not clients that are hard to find, it’s good people,” Rob says. We can all relate to this, and now more than ever,
getting employees you can rely on can be a challenge. This has allowed Rob and his team to change the structure of their services and he notes, “By working with our clients to ensure they have an Automower® installed on their property we’ve been able to elevate the time our existing team spends on a client’s property creating higher-value, more visible work, such as high-end hedge maintenance and plant care.”
The change in approach around how Verduous Gardens run their business has
meant they have been able to provide employee development opportunities resulting in a more qualified, happier workforce, doing higher-value work for clients. This all adds up to a stronger business overall.
The landscape industry as a whole requires the highest level of finish. At the end of the day, clients are paying for a service that needs to be delivered at a high standard, or they’d do the work themselves. The balancing act when trying to achieve a quality finish on a lawn, really comes down to frequency of cut. The more consistent and regular a cut is, the more the lawn greens up.
This is another area where Automower® can really act as a value add to extend your business’ offering, rather than detract from it.
“It’s essentially impossible to compete with the finish Automower® can achieve, unless a client is looking to have their lawn cut multiple times every week,” Rob says. You would be hard-pressed to find clients willing to commit financially to such an extensive manual cutting schedule.
“Automower® will cut so finely, and with such a regular schedule, that the lawn will matt out and thicken up, which ensures there are no weeds and it doesn’t go to seed,” Rob says.
Bad weather is a common issue greenspace professionals face, particularly through winter or in some of the wetter conditions Australia has experienced recently. If you know that a client has a unit at their property, you don’t have to worry about the lawns getting out of control. Automower® will continue to operate through all conditions, allowing landscaping teams to really focus on plant care, hedging and edging.
If having the perfect cut 24/7 isn’t enough, a key selling point with many clients is that Automower® is a great way to reduce their carbon footprint. Using battery power to navigate around your lawn, Automower® not only trims to perfection, it uses no oil, no petrol and has no direct emissions.
Since launching Verduous Gardens back in the year 2000, Rob has seen how modern technology and automation have driven productivity, profitability and growth across the industry and goes as saying it’s the way of the future. “I wasn’t sold on it at first,” Rob says. “But once it frees you up to focus on topdressing, maintaining and developing the overall garden in more strategic ways, it really becomes clear how much value they add to high-end gardens.”
For more information on how to increase your productivity and efficiency with Husqvarna Automower®, speak to your local authorised Husqvarna Elite Automower® Dealer today, or visit www.husqvarna.com LC
We were pretty lucky to get our hands on the very first Wacker Neuson
in Australia and it didn’t disappoint. Serious power, great balance and extremely
controls – this machine is right up there with the best
It’s the ease of use and simple control configuration that is going to make it perfect for the rental industry and contractor fleet. Its sub 1m width (90.17cm) is going to provide the type of access that tradies require in residential projects.
This narrow footprint is all the more impressive when you experience the power of the SM100. Its lifting height and capacity are very impressive, making it ideal for dumping significant loads into trucks and skip bins.
Landscapers, plumbers, builders, stonemasons, and more are going to find this machine suitable to their onsite needs. The Yanmar turbo charged diesel engine powering the SM100 is also sure to impress. The machine offers a 453kg operating capacity at 35 per cent with a tipping load of 1295kg.
To give us an experienced landscaper’s perspective we had Kelly Burton from KBL Landscapes on hand to put the SM100 through its paces. Kelly was the perfect man for the job with over 25 years of onsite experience and thousands of hours operating loading machinery.
Wacker Neuson has done an impressive job designing an excellent machine to operate. Kelly had the following to say about his thoughts on the controls and operation of the SM100. He shared, “The first thing I noticed when stepping onto the SM100 and getting used to the machine was the straightforward controls. The layout is great with the left joystick control operating the steering and forward and reverse functions, while the right-hand operated the boom and bucket. I’ve used machines around this size in the past, which felt like you needed a degree to operate with levers and controls
everywhere. The simple yet extremely efficient and well laid-out controls here are both easy to use, while being precise and powerful. There is also a operator presence switch and auto idle on the operator’s platform. A simple press of the park break button deactivates the operator presence switch and has you operating in seconds.
“Hire companies will find their customers can hire this machine with little or no experience and safely operate it with confidence due to its great design and control set up.
Kelly continued, “Other tracked loaders I’ve operated felt like they were trying to
throw you off at times, but this SM100 is well balanced making it comfortable to operate. Rather than padding around the knee and leg area, the padding is more up around the pelvis and hip area, which allows you to really lean into it. It feels more like a natural fit, which supports you rather than padding when you bang into it.
When I watched Kelly operate the SM100 at Active Tree Services I must admit we were all pretty amazed at what it could do. The sections of tree it was lifting to full height was nothing short of impressive.
“Any tradie or contractor working on site needs their loader to be nimble on
the ground, while still having substantial lifting power and hydraulic capabilities for attachments. The SM100 ticks both of these boxes – its lifting capacity of over 2m will keep even the most demanding tradie or landscaper happy. In our testing it was lifting sections of pine tree trunks with ease, which I didn’t think it had a chance
of lifting to max height. We only had the standard bucket for our test, but I think the additional weight of the 4 in 1 bucket would even further improve the performance and handling of the SM100.
“With universal hydraulic fittings there will be a vast number of attachments, making this loader perfect for light site
work, grading, auguring, general material handling and much more,” said Kelly.
It’s the solid construction, high quality materials and clever design – like the sloped front end which provides a clear view to the bucket – that combine to make the Wacker
Neuson SM100 Mini Track Loader a wellrounded machine. The exhaust being built into the front end of the machine, which keeps both heat and fumes away from the operator, shows the depth of this impressive track loader. Wacker Neuson has done a great job on the SM100 and its set to achieve success here in the Australian market. LC
• Powerful 24.7hp Yanmar turbo diesel engine
• Double undercarriage with triple flanged roller
• Narrow access
• Fine-tuned forward angled joysticks
• Tipping capacity of 1295kg
• Perfect for landscaping projects
• Well suited to grading, auguring and material handling
Since becoming an industry icon with its innovative and distinctive undercarriage system more than 20 years ago, the ASV Posi-Track Loader range now encompasses 10 different models to suit virtually any operator and project.
A major factor in ASV’s renowned reputation in the Australian market is the premium level of comfort, control, power, reliability, serviceability, and warranty shared across every model. Patented intelligent suspension technology in the undercarriage, spacious and ergonomic cabs designed for long days on the job, premium motors and components throughout, and operability on virtually any type of terrain, combine to deliver what is widely regarded as Australia’s finest line-up of compact track loaders.
Landscapers and tight access site operators find the compact RT-25, RT-40 and RT-50 models the ideal mix of smaller size yet massive performance. Power-to-weight ratios are optimised, machine balancing is ideally centred, ground pressure is light to minimise terrain disturbance, and ground clearance is high to ensure access to challenging workspaces. ASV Posi-Track Loaders dominate the compact size classes for quality and performance, and are one of
Australia’s favourite compact construction machines.
In the mid-sized range, the RT-60 model remains an icon in the industry thanks to its excellent versatility. Comfortable, efficient, well-balanced and powerful with excellent traction and ground clearance for working on steep batters, the RT-60 is the ultimate jackof-all-trades. Hundreds of owners throughout Australia utilise their ASV RT-60 across a diverse range of projects – site clearing, landscaping, slashing, spreading, pallet shifting, and so much more.
The next step up in size are the RT-65, VT-70, RT-75 and RT-75HD models – all of which now include the all-new MAX-Series cabs. ASV have once again revolutionised the CTL market with the release of the MAX-Series cab, which offers 360-degree visibility around the machine, significantly more head, leg and shoulder room, an upgraded air conditioning system, a 7 inch touchscreen for greater machine control and monitoring, a state-of-the-art deluxe seat, and much more.
The smallest of the MAX-Series machines, the RT-65, offers similar versatility to the RT-60 models, but with greater torque and loading capabilities, plus an optional high flow hydraulic variant. For those operators who prefer an open cab, however, the RT-65 also comes in an OC variant.
The VT-70 Posi-Track is ASV’s only vertical lift loader and is ideal for operators needing extra lift and dump height in a mid-sized machine. In addition, the VT-70 is now available as the VT-70 High Output variant, which offers enhanced hydraulic performance compared to its predecessor.
Stepping up in size and capability further, the RT-75 and its even tougher Heavy-Duty brother are the largest models available in the MAX-Series range, and offer the ultimate performance in this size class. Ideal for large construction projects, major site cleans and operation in extremely challenging conditions, the RT-75 has become an industry icon. With the industry’s highest ground clearance, lowest ground pressure, longest track life and best traction on all types of surfaces for CTLs in its size range, ASV’s RT-75 is immensely impressive. The Heavy Duty (RT-75HD) variant also includes
forestry guarding to ensure maximum operator and machine safety against flying debris whilst mulching and slashing.
Finally, the largest and most powerful of the ASV Posi-Track range is the all-new RT-135 and its Forestry variant. When it comes to power, performance, comfort and serviceability, the RT-135 is simply unmatched in the industry – a 3.8-litre turbo engine packing 132 horsepower and 488Nm of torque, 2268kg rated operating capacity (50% tipping load), 189 litres per minute high flow hydraulics, 381mm ground clearance and a 196-litre fuel tank – plus the exceptional comfort, visibility and control offered by the new MAX-Series operator cab, just like its smaller siblings. So, if you want the biggest and the best compact track loader currently on the market, you simply can’t go past the ASV RT-135 construction and forestry Posi-Track models.
In summary, the 10-model range of ASV Posi-Track compact track loaders is sure to have the perfect machine – or machines –for even the most demanding projects and requirements. Furthermore, the ASV range is set to expand even further in 2023, so stay tuned to www.asvaus.com for additional product releases.
In addition to its premium performance, comfort and reliability, the entire range of ASV Posi-Track Loaders is backed by an industry-leading 2-year/2000-hour factory warranty – which even includes the industry’s first and only no-track-derailment guarantee.
The national network of ASV Posi-Track dealers, service agents and parts suppliers continues to expand, now offering more than 25 locations throughout Australia, including in all capital cities and major regional centres. Whatever your need, wherever you are in Australia, ASV has you covered.
As a result, the ASV Posi-Track network is better than ever, and expertly equipped to handle any sales, service or parts requirement. Minimising the downtime and maximising the return on investment for every single owner of an ASV Posi-Track is the ultimate focus of the national network, who are local and on-hand to support your every request.
To learn more about ASV Posi-Track Loaders, or to contact your nearest ASV dealer, visit www.asvaus.com
The Ditch Witch® SK600 mini skid steer is ideal for a variety of jobs including landscaping and irrigation.
With its compact design this machine is ideal for the most challenging jobs in those hard-to-reach spots. From its narrow footprint to its class-leading ‘power to attachment’, the SK600 is engineered to deliver more productivity and performance in a compact package.
With its narrow frame the SK600 mini skid steer provides better manoeuvrability in tight, compact spaces. This small, yet powerful machine delivers industry-leading power to the attachment for enhanced jobsite productivity and versatility.
The ergonomic design of the operator’s station with optimised hydraulics offers
the smoothest ride in the industry allowing operators to be comfortable and productive for long hours on the job. The best-in-class operator platform design gives more ground clearance than the competition and improves operator comfort and durability.
“All controls have been positioned for optimised comfort and efficiency,” said Ditch Witch CEA Brand Leader, Dean Cavanagh.
“The ergonomic operator’s station has standard dual-lever ground drive controls, with an optional single-lever joystick available, making it really easy to operate.”
Built for heavy-duty operation, the construction-grade design ensures machine durability, longevity and overall machine ROI. Featuring a two-way auxiliary control foot pedal the SK600 also allows the operator to maintain hydraulic flow to the attachment, freeing up hands to control depth and ground speed. Featuring an advanced attachment latching system the machine can quickly and simply secure connections.
Providing industry-leading power to the attachment for improved strength and performance the SK600 is the ideal machine for a variety of jobs.
To find out more visit your nearest Ditch Witch CEA branch today.
A Toyota Huski 5SDK8 skid steer loader is the engine behind an enrichment program for the Trail of the Elephants exhibit at Melbourne Zoo.
Zoos Victoria purchased the 5SDK8 to help move various materials around the endangered Asian elephants’ precinct, which encourages the elephants’ natural behaviours.
Zoos Victoria partnerships manager, Daniella Jong, said the work is part of an enrichment program at Zoos Victoria, which includes keeper Chris Lekos who is part of the passionate elephant team providing environmental changes for the elephants, both inside their night-barn and outside in their paddocks.
“Elephants are such intelligent creatures and Melbourne Zoo’s keepers are regularly making changes to their environment
to keep them physically and mentally stimulated,” said Ms Jong.
The Huski skid steer loader allows large volumes of enrichment materials to be moved in and out of the Trail of the Elephants.
For example, the Huski is used to regularly refurbish the elephants’ night-den by moving huge amounts of coarse sand into mounds, which the elephants love to play on.
Toyota Material Handling Australia (TMHA) Victorian area sales manager - Skid Steer, Thomas Machar, said he very-much enjoyed being able to provide a machine for such a noble purpose.
“It is an absolute pleasure to supply a new Toyota Huski to help build new enrichment at the Trail of the Elephants exhibit at Melbourne Zoo,” said Mr Machar.
“Elephants are, obviously, large animals, requiring both big and small enrichment activities and TMHA is proud to be able to be a part of their care within Zoos Victoria, an organisation that does so much to promote conservation efforts around the world.”
Mr Macher said the Zoo already had a Husky skid steer loader, but it is used for a different purpose on the other side of the Zoo.
“Melbourne Zoo exclusively uses Toyota Huski skid steer loaders but their
earlier model was used in the recycling section of the Zoo - they recycle all their food waste and compost it. This contributes significantly to them achieving the Zoo’s carbon neutrality - having a netzero carbon footprint.
“But if they wanted to use their older Huski in a different part of the Zoo, such as the elephant exhibit, they firstly had to wash it right down and then move it all the way across to the other side of the Zoo, do what was required, and then take it back again. So, it was much harder to utilise.”
With the additional Huski working mainly in the elephant exhibit it will get used every day, or every second day, and also be available to work in other sections of the Zoo without having to be cleaned down.
Mr Machar said that TMHA extended itself to the Zoo when first approached to assist: “The Zoo came to us and said: ‘this is our fixed budget’ and these are our requirements so we had to work quite hard to make it a reality.
“Basically, their budget only stretched to a base model but they needed a lot of extras
and that’s where we were able to find a solution to get the best deal possible for them.
“We went through all our suppliers and they really supported us. Everyone came together to make it happen, which was a great feeling of accomplishment.
“The Zoo needed an enclosed cabin with air-conditioning, heating and a HEPA filter fitted by Breathe-Safe, because of the dusty environment and OH&S considerations. A reverse camera is fitted for additional safety in tight operating areas. The 4-in-1 Bucket is from Norm Engineering and fitted with a straight cutting-edge, and a spare wheel was supplied by Bearcat Wheels and Tyres.
“All of our suppliers jumped at the chance to support Melbourne Zoo and play a small part in their great conservation efforts.”
Mr Machar emphasised that, on a personal note, he particularly enjoyed his involvement in the project.
“I’ve got a passion for animals that extends to their care in private and professional situations. So, it was great to be able to connect with the customer on a personal
level and help them help the elephantsit was a ripper job.
“I think it’s quite common for people to underestimate how highly intelligent elephants are. They are very curious, so it’s important that they are stimulated in different ways, every day.
“The Huski comes into play because everything to do with elephants is big and heavy. The 5SDK8 is ideal for creating fun and comforting objects for them. Their sleeping mounds, for example, are really important. The keepers use the Huski to build these big piles of sand and they play with them, and by the morning they’re all knocked down. They love doing that.
“Another one they love is dropping a big lump of clay with the Huski and wetting that down into a bog-hole. The elephants will play in that all day long.
“It was really cool to help such majestic animals, even indirectly.”
For more information
Freecall 1800 425 428 or visit huskiconstructionequipment.com.au
Wacker Neuson has a range of skid steers and compact track loaders that are the ideal fit for a variety of applications.
Today’s generation of Wacker Neuson skid steer and compact track loaders is anything but ordinary. Designed and engineered to handle the tough stuff, these machines will exceed your expectations. All machines offer the latest in cab design and industry-leading service accessibility.
If you need to lift material to greater heights, the vertical lift units give you a competitive edge when loading trucks and material bins. Our class-leading hinge pin height on vertical lift units offers you maximum loading and unloading capabilities. The variable speed cooling fan increases efficiency, improves fuel economy and assists in cold starts.
An intuitively designed, high-visibility cabin includes angled pedals and foot bed. In addition, conveniently located switches help reduce operator fatigue. A wide door offers easy access with no restrictive lap bar. Controls ensure that operators with a variety of machine experience can efficiently work with the loaders. The best service access is provided with a cabin that fully tips forward with the arms down.
Versatility comes standard with every Wacker Neuson loader. The universal skid
steer attachment plate enables attachments to be switched out easily, accomplishing more in less time. Category-leading hydraulic horsepower is standard.
Wacker Neuson has created a cabin environment with operator comfort and convenience in mind. Access in and out is easy, with their medium frame range there’s no restrictive lap bar and controls are intuitively placed. Selectable ElectricHydraulic options (ISO/H-Pattern) ensure operators with a variety of experience
can efficiently operate these machines. Additionally, these machines offer the only one-piece pod-style cab that fully tilts forward with arms down, providing complete access to all maintenance components.
Wacker Neuson’s compact track loaders (ST models) include a selection of engine horsepower and radial or vertical lift machines. The Wacker Neuson range of compact track loaders and skid steer loaders need to be seen to believe how good they are.
For more information on the Wacker Neuson range and Dealers visit www.wackerneuson.com
The all new JCB Teleskid is the first skid steer or compact tracked loader with a telescopic boom, making it an extremely versatile and robust machine. With a vertical reach of over 3.96m and a forward reach of 2.4m the JCB Teleskid is able to reach higher, further and deeper than any other skid steer on the market allowing it to access areas you wouldn’t have thought possible in a traditional skid steer.
The JCB Teleskids lift capacity can handle the heaviest of loads, and with its unique design ensures operators can quickly and easily load over obstacles or reach 914mm below ground allowing users to rip out trees and roots with ease. The JCB Teleskid is also the only skid steer loader/ compact track loader on the market with true bi-directional and extendable parallel lift, while its zero turning radius allowing operators to work in the tightest of spaces.
Easily transported between sites on a trailer the JCB Teleskid can do the work of four machines – a forklift, telescopic handler, compact loader and of course a skid steer, providing unbeatable productivity.
The JCB Teleskid offers 270 degrees of visibility from within the cabin thanks to its large front windshield, which can easily be removed for a quick exit in case of an emergency. While the recessed rear door gives increased protection from damage.
Its side door entry ensures there’s no clambering over a loaded bucket or a bulky attachment to get in to the machine.
Fitted with a proven JCB EcoMAX engine the JCB Teleskid provides increased performance at low engine speed for improved cycle times. With greater tractive force than a small telehandler or forklift the JCB Teleksid has greater pushing power, even in sticky conditions.
JCB’s Smoothride System ensures the JCB Teleskid offers greater load retention and operator comfort. While its impressive breakout force allows the machine to do the work of bigger machines in less time, and with no DPF there’s no regeneration or loss of productivity. The JCB Teleskids standard 2-speed transmission also helps achieve quicker travel and cycle times.
Providing 1.7m reach at full height, the JCB Teleskid allows operators to dump debris into a variety of hard-to-reach locations, while conventional skid steers struggle to attain similar heights. The Teleskids centralised lift and extension rams evenly distribute load stresses. The rams are held in place by keyhole castings ensuring structural integrity of the machine is not compromised.
Featuring a solid undercarriage with cast steel, triple flanged rollers the Teleskid provides excellent track retention.
The JCB telescopic boom has a proven track record on over 200,000 machines produced to date. JCB conducts an extreme testing program on all machines that includes prolonged high stress loading, cold climate testing and repeated transmission use over thousands of cycles. To ensure it is ready for the toughest of assignments the Teleskids boom is mounted on a single-piece fully welded chassis to maximise strength and minimise weight. Featuring high strength steel, the boom has reduced joints, stress points and a single piece u-pressed design.
A standard flow option of 24gpm on the JCB Teleskid allows users to operate attachments when fully extended. The SAE/ ISO quick hitch, flitted to the JCB Teleskid as standard, lets operators utilise any skid steer and compact track loader attachment. With single point quick hitch lock and unlock flag for increased visibility.
Available in both wheeled and tracked configurations the JCB Teleskid is available to order now through your local JCB CEA dealer.
To find out more visit www.jcbcea.com.au
Spring is approaching and with it comes the weeds. We all know they’re a pain, there’s no denying it. They ruin your presentation standards, they make it harder to keep your lawns healthy, and they either result in hard work, hand pulling, or exposure to hazardous chemicals. And what do you do when it just keeps raining?
There’s another choice – Satusteam™ by Weedtechnics.
In recent years, there has been an increasing concern over the use of chemicals for weed control. Studies have shown that the
repeated application of these chemicals can have harmful effects on both people and the environment. As a result, there is a growing movement towards ‘organic’ alternatives that are less toxic and more sustainable.
Jeremy Winer MD of Weedtechnics explains their solution: “Satusteam™ is highly
effective on all soft leaved and stemmed vegetation. Our unique methodology destroys this vegetation quickly and efficiently, and over time reduces weed management costs by controlling the seed bank. It’s also a very effective tool for outdoor sanitisation and cleaning of landscape
assets, removing moss and giving stone and wood surfaces a fresh look.
“That’s why Weedtechnics customers see a quick return on investment and that the benefits of reducing health and environmental hazards delivers them triple bottom line returns.”
Jeremy discusses some common misconceptions and mistakes: “So the biggest misconception we see when it comes to Satusteam™ is that it is slow and needs many applications in a season.
“When you get to the truth of the matter you realise that with each application the process is quicker, there’s fewer weeds, fewer species, the persistent weeds are weaker and the seed bank is being depleted, so costs drop and presentation improves.
“The most common mistake we see people make when it comes to thermal weed control is thinking it’s a process that only needs to be done when the weeds are established.
“The reason people make this mistake is because for chemicals to be applied efficiently the weeds need a lot of leaf surface, but what we are doing instead, with Satuteam™, is breaking the weed to seed cycle by treating it earlier in the plant’s life. This is quicker, more efficient and results in improved presentation.”
“Well to be frank, it’s all a matter of how much steam and for how long and what temperature. Satusteam™ is delivered at a rate of coverage of weeds in gardens and natural areas that would spread 10 litres over 2 – 6 sq.m a minute. The method is to get penetration into the growth point in the crown of the weeds, not to cook the roots and damage the rhizosphere where all the beneficial organisms are. The process only leaves water and decaying vegetation in the humus layer, which is then consumed by the soil organisms. Studies have shown a spike in microorganism activity after treatment,” said Jeremy.
“The current paradigm we’re taught as gardeners is that weed control is about spraying chemicals.
“However, that’s the wrong way of thinking about it. What we need to be doing instead is managing vegetation to build soil fertility, improve plant health and soil organism
biodiversity. This is effectively how we as landscape stewarts can sequester carbon in the soil.”
The team at Weedtechnics understand the unique challenges that municipalities and contractors face when it comes to weed management. Complaints about spraying chemicals in public spaces are costly and time consuming to respond to, and increasing WHS issues around the use of herbicides and manual labour have tangible costs that can be mitigated.
Clients, ratepayers and residents also expect high standards of presentation and want you to be addressing your impacts on climate change.
The Satusteam™ range and the methodologies of how they are used are designed to help you move beyond those problems
and achieve your desired outcomes. From consultation and training to product supply and application, Weedtechnics assist municipalities and contractors succeed in their non-chemical weed management programs.
Here’s two models from the range.
The Green Ninja Stealth is the perfect machine for the landscape contractor that wants a multi-purpose tool to add to their equipment and create new income streams. The Green Ninja Stealth is our smallest and quietest Satusteam™ machine, making it the perfect unit for residential areas.
Keeping your communities safe and maintaining presentation standards is a
tough job, but the Weedtechnics Council Trailer has all you need to get the job done. This heavy-duty rig is designed to give your team productivity with maximum efficiency and efficacy. It is the complete, ready-to-go turnkey package.
The Weedtechnics Council Trailer comes with everything you need to get started, including the Versitech 60 Cover Head (VCH 60), Versitech Open Head, pressure cleaning nozzles, up to 90m hose, and a cleaning lance. Plus, the remote auto-rewind hose reel is a game changer in efficiency. More steaming, less winding, so easy.
If you missed the Landscape Contractor Magazine test drive, look it up. This is what Jamie Gray had to say: “This is going to be an absolute standout for councils and contractors that need chemical-free weeding and cleaning. I’m loving it.”
Just imagine a system where your weed management is improving your presentation standards and your soil health, without
risk of chemical exposure, in a way where the costs reduce over time. Then you’ll know that you will have the ongoing enjoyment of having turned an ecologically and health
hazardous task into a seriously productive, safe and satisfying process.
If any of this resonates with you, contact Weedtechnics to start the conversation.
The Korean-made TYM T265 tractor already pushes, lifts and pulls more than its rivals. Now available with auto throttle, this compact tractor on steroids is an operator’s dream. Auto Throttle Control automatically increases the engine RPM (revs per minute) allowing the operator to have one hand on the tractor’s steering wheel and one hand on the loader joystick.
Inlon’s Sales & Marketing Manager, Gary Surman, explains the benefits of Auto Throttle Control. “Auto throttle links the HST pedals to the engine throttle to synchronise the tractor’s speed and engine RPM. Auto throttle means you can concentrate on the task at hand while the engine RPM is managed by pressing the HST foot pedal. This simplifies operation, helps increase productivity and reduces fuel consumption. Visibility of the front loader bucket is also enhanced with the sleek bonnet design.
“There’s plenty of oil flow for implements and attachments with two separate hydraulic systems. Thanks to the powerful hydraulics, the TYM T265 tractor can do many basic tasks while running at idle. This makes it safe to operate and puts less pressure on the tractor. Conversely, a tractor with under-powered hydraulics will need high engine RPM to raise, lower and operate a loader. Driving at high RPM when you really need fine control for manoeuvring is potentially a recipe for errors, collisions and damage for inexperienced operators. The TYM T265 engine produces its full power at only 2600 RPM.
“Push buttons on the dash panel make both PTO and cruise control easy to operate. Independent rear and mid PTO allow operation of rotary hoes, slashers and mid mount mowers.
“The TYM T265 has a strong 865kg dry weight to push, lift and pull more than sub compact tractors, while the 700kg linkage lifting capacity gives the tractor great versatility and attachment handling.”
Operators will enjoy the extremely quiet naturally aspirated 3-cylinder water-cooled diesel 1175cc engine. Other features include two-range hydrostatic transmission with two independent side-by-side HST pedals, brake assist turning, wide industrial tyres, excellent entry clearance from either side and a foldable two-post ROPS frame.
Distributed Australia-wide by Inlon, TYM tractors are renowned for high quality, well-designed products, backed by heavy research and development investment. The TYM T265 tractor has sleek styling and is packed with features, including a level-lift quick-hitch loader and 4-in-1 bucket.
For more information, please visit www.tym.ag/T265 or call Inlon on 1800 945 090.
Its patented low-pressure process combines hot water and biodegradable foam, made from natural plant oils and sugars, making it safe for use around people, animals and delicate environments. With the lance sets, it can also be used for chewing gum removal, pressure washing and general sanitation jobs too, making it a highly effective, all-round, green space and urban management system.
Committed to ensuring that we deliver the safest, most environmentally friendly products we can to our customers, our foams have been cleared for us as an organic, non-toxic, safe product by the following bodies:
+ Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority
+ Health Canada
+ Biogrow NZ
How does it work?
The active ingredient in the process is the heat in the hot water. The foam simply acts as an insulating blanket over the top of the hot water, ensuring heat is not lost to the atmosphere.
Using their industry-leading machinery, Foamstream is applied to vegetation at
low pressure and can be used in all weathers. Once it hits the vegetation and covers it, the foam creates a thermal blanket over the vegetation and the water.
Why is it so effective?
Just like the roof on your house, the foam stops the heat from the hot water escaping to the atmosphere, trapping it and holding it directly on the plant for an extended period of time.
The heat penetrates the leaf’s waxy outer layer, travels down the stem, and into the roots – killing or severely damaging the plant, causing it to die.
The longer a plant is kept in the kill zone (temperatures above 57˚C) the more effective the heat will be at killing the plant. By providing a layer of insulation on top of the water, Foamstream allows the heat in the hot water to be held within the kill zone for longer than any other alternative thermal method.
Foamstream provides the most effective way of killing vegetation, meaning fewer treatment cycles are needed per year compared to any other alternative thermal method of weed control. By needing fewer
Foamstream is the leading herbicide-free solution for controlling unwanted vegetation including weeds, moss and algae.
treatment cycles, less labour is needed over the course of the year, reducing overhead costs for customers.
In addition to killing the plant, Foamstream also sterilises surrounding seeds and spores that haven’t yet germinated, helping reduce future weed growth.
By combining the most effective method, the fewest treatment cycles per year and the ability to sterilise seeds and spore, Foamstream offers customers the lowest cost of ownership and operation cost in the alternative herbicide-free space. As Foamstream can also be used for so much more than just weed control, the commercial case for using Foamstream over alternatives comes highly attractive.
Foamstream is ideal for any company, contractor, council or organisation looking to reduce the use of herbicide from their practices and replace it with the most effective and efficient alternative. It is also for any organisation that needs to carry out a wide range of jobs to manage green and urban spaces, including management of artificial surfaces.
It can be used safely in public spaces, on utility sites, or in any space which requires an eco-friendly method of treatment, and poses no threat to people, animals, the environment or the operator. LC
Possessing the standout features of the PRO Z 900 Series with the addition of Cub Cadet’s self-levelling Air-Ride seat, the PRO Z 972 SDL will keep you in maximised and customised comfort all day, every day.
Engineered to dominate steep hills, the PRO Z 972 SDL is a dual-wheel commercial zero-turn with unmatched durability, stability and performance. With its heavy-duty maintenance-free deck, superior cutting performance and self-levelling Air-Ride comfort seat, the PRO Z 972 SDL is the ultimate mowing solution for municipalities, commercial operators and large properties with varied, challenging terrain.
The PRO Z 972 SDL commercial zero turn has been engineered with a unique drive system that includes four-wheel steering, as well as dual rear wheels, commanding the ability to mow on steeper slopes up to 25 degrees.
The unmatched hillside confidence starts with oversized dual rear wheels that provide greater stability and precision. It continues with the superior handling of Cub Cadet’s steering wheel-controlled Synchro-Steer™ Technology. Synchro-Steer™ offers fourwheel steering giving you hillside stability and control, eliminates turf damage for a professional cut and provides a better response for faster cutting on slopes of up to 25° or 46% grade.
With heavy-duty construction, the PRO Z 972 SDL is built tough. Stand up to the harshest conditions with the fully reinforced frame and tough 183cm (72”) fabricated deck. The PRO Z 900 Series commercial lawn mower range features a triple-7gauge steel fabricated deck complete with 7-gauge top and bottom reinforcements plus 1/4” leading edge and 5/16” sided reinforcements all designed to handle serious rigours of all day, every day commercial mowing. The three-position, easy adjust ROPS (Rollover Protection System) also offers added protection particularly on tough terrains for peace of mind.
Durability continues with Cub Cadet’s Triple Guard™ Corrosion Defence System that delivers automotive-grade corrosion resistance against wear and tear. This system ensures complete protection of
critical components for years of reliable performance and a lasting professional appearance.
No job is too big for the PRO Z 972 SDL. Power through the thickest grass in one pass with a commercial grade 16cc Parker HTG transmission and a massive 35hp Kawasaki® engine, capable of speeds of up to 20km/h for the ultimate in efficiency.
To complete the package, enjoy a smoother ride with complete comfort. The 972 SDL features an exclusive self-levelling Cub Cadet Air-Ride ISO suspension seat that reduces vibration as well as customisable seat firmness, lumbar support and angle adjustment. This self-levelling feature lets you operate
with up to 15° of self-levelling side-to-side as well as the ability to adjust seat firmness to your personal preference for the ultimate in stability and comfort. Add a roomy operator station, intuitive control panel and effortless electronic powered deck lift that saves time and effort for a zero-turn designed to minimise operator fatigue and maintain all-day comfort.
The PRO Z 972 SDL is available with a 35hp Kawasaki FX 1000 V-Twin OHV engine and a 183cm (72”) heavy-duty fabricated deck with Synchro-Steer for four-wheel steering. It also features a 3-year unit and engine commercial warranty for added peace of mind.
Book a Demo at your local Cub Cadet dealer today at www.cubcadet.com.au
“ I have never been more comfortable operating a mower on slopes than I was on the PRO Z 972 SDL”. Andrew Tulloch - March/April 2021 Edition Landscape Contractor Magazine.
Oversized dual rear wheels give greater stability & precision. Four-wheel steering allows you to comfortably mow a straight line, execute zero-degree turns & operate on hillsides of up to a 25° slope.
The easy to operate, single switch electronic powered deck lift requires less effort to lift or adjust the deck when compared to standard foot operated deck lifts saving you time and energy.
Today at your local Cub Cadet Dealer. www.cubcadet.com.au
With almost 70 years in the ride-on industry, COX have now launched their full range of Domestic and Commercial walk behind mowers.
Designed specifically for discerning lawn enthusiasts wanting a perfect cut every time, the new Professional series of Push and Drive mowers will deliver exceptionally smooth lawns for generations to enjoy.
The sizes on offer in the range include 18", 19" and 21" with the flexibility to choose from either alloy or steel bases. COX’s whole range is equipped with the Kohler XTX775 engine producing 173cc, which is more than enough power to tackle any job. To ensure COX have catered for everyone in the market they have also included two levels of self-propelled mowers – a 19"Domestic and 21" Commercial mowers.
Drive19 is a belt-driven machine with a single speed gearbox reaching 5km/h; coupled with a steel deck and Kohler engine, this is a perfect combination for households.
Drive21 self-propelled mower is tailored for large households and contractors looking at completing serious work. Equipped with the class-leading shaft driven gearbox, all alloy cutter housing, 230mm large ball bearing wheels and COX’s legendary swing back blades, they ensure a quality finish no matter what.
Other great features of this machine include 73-litre Darcon grass catcher, selective 3 speed gearbox with speeds including 3, 5 and 7km/h, with an extended cutting height range from 20mm to 80mm. These machines have been purpose built for a commercial setting and a front bumper bar has been installed to reduce the likelihood of damage occurring to surrounding obstacles.
One of the class leading features on this machine is the Kohler XTX engine, which has
Smart Choke, consistent cutting technology, easy pull recoil and the first Kohler engine which doesn’t require an oil change. This is achieved through the engine utilising a coolrunning overhead valve design and tough cast-iron cylinder bore, which in turn helps users minimise equipment downtime and costly repairs.
It’s safe to say a COX Drive21 selfpropelled mower will be able to handle anything in its path.
EcoTeq delivers without compromise.
Skyline Landscape Services is a national family-owned, end-to-end horticulture and landscape management company. They have tracked the development and implementation of electric and battery powered equipment internationally for years and now witness first-hand the rise and rise of electric, battery powered maintenance equipment, machines and
vehicles in Australia – such as those offered by EcoTeq Zero Emissions Solutions.
“We made a continuous improvement commitment to reducing emissions and improving recycling and our overall sustainability,” says Aaron Curtin, Skyline’s NSW State Manager. “Sustainability is
a big part of what we want to do and what we do.”
Skyline’s Marketing Manager, Chris Carter, agrees. “We’re trying to assist in any way we can to serve the community’s environmental goals and our company’s goals.”
Government tenders for landscape and maintenance services often ask service providers whether the work will be done using electric equipment, including machines and vehicles. Skyline is happy they can tick that box.
Aaron and Chris agree everyone wants to see battery-powered mowers these days. But initial cost is preventing some organisations, like body corporates, from choosing the greener option. However, these organisations are failing to recognise the long-term cost benefits compared to fossil fuel options.
“Everyone wants electric!” says Aaron. Governments of all levels in Australia have moved early to accept the cost of zero emissions maintenance services. “You
can see the government contracts are making the change first,” Aaron continues. “For government clients, it’s all about zero emissions and meeting net-zero targets.
“Tenders have specific questions about electric and what we’re doing to help serve the environment. Having an electric fleet is a huge point of difference for us,” states Chris.
This is where EcoTeq can assist, offering a range of robust electric commercial mowers and outdoor maintenance solutions that produce zero emissions; without compromise to productivity or performance.
“We started looking at different electric mower companies. A company we collaborate with in New Zealand, they recommended EcoTeq and another brand. We compared the two. EcoTeq had the longer run time and better battery life, so we chose the Rival mower,” says Aaron. Keeping the long-term cost benefits in mind
When considering EcoTeq’s Rival zero turn commercial electric mower, Skyline investigated the cost of running and ongoing maintenance. The ongoing cost of replacing parts was important, as was the overall life expectancy. They could definitely see the upfront expense was worth it
in the long-term, with low maintenance requirements and fuel costs equating to almost nothing. And with minimal moving parts, it would save precious downtime for repairs.
“So far so good. EcoTeq’s Rival rivals the diesel-powered mowers,” says Aaron.
Skyline’s operators are on board with EcoTeq’s Rival mower, too. Their operators say that it’s quick off the mark and makes hardly any noise, which is a welcome
change in their working conditions.
Skyline’s plan is to grow their fleet of electric mowers as they strive to help more government organisations and businesses achieve net-zero. EcoTeq is proud to support their transition.
Be at the forefront of the change increasingly demanded by landscaping contractor customers. To get started visit ecoteq.com.au, or call 1800 100 150 for a no-obligation demonstration.
The Honda HRU216 Buffalo Pro Self-Propelled mower is powerful, tough and ready for work.
Honda Mowers stand in a class of their own with exceptional quality, performance, reliability and durability that they are renowned for. From features that save you time and money to technology designed to make mowing easier, Honda mowers are a smart choice with details that make a difference.
The Honda Buffalo range includes the premium HRU216 Buffalo Pro Self-Propelled mower. Ideal for the serious contractor who needs to mow with confidence, knowing that Honda will have their back with outstanding warranty protection and a nationwide dealer network.
Like all mowers in the HRU range, the HRU216 Buffalo Pro is assembled in Australia and built tough to handle all environments and conditions. Recently, the Honda Buffalo Pro underwent product improvements to eliminate any drive issues to ensure that it delivers the experience Honda customers expect and rely on to keep their business moving.
The Mow-safe technology is one of the most important product features, as the Honda Buffalo Pro successfully bridges the gap between mowing efficiency and safety. Blade brake technology stops the mower blades within three seconds of the operator releasing the handle, with the engine continuing to run. This is a timesaver when it comes to clearing away obstacles, emptying the catcher or taking a quick break. All this can be done without the need to restart the engine while still delivering safety for the operator.
Honda understands the importance to contractors in saving both time and
energy when mowing large lawns. The Self-Propelled 3-speed gear box will allow you to adjust the mower’s speed between 2.5 – 5 km/h, making a huge difference to achieving a professional finish. Honda’s swing back blade system, paired with the use of the mulching function, ensures the lawn will be healthy and fertilised with a perfect Honda finish.
The legendary 4-Stroke engine runs on unleaded fuel, giving premium power and torque with the Honda reliability of a startsfirst-time engine. You’ll never find an engine easier to start than a Honda engine. The Honda Buffalo Pro is no exception when it comes to the extraordinary lengths that Honda takes to ensure best-in-market quality. The Buffalo Pro considers your business from every angle with each innovative feature designed to produce a Honda finish and to get the job done!
Honda are happy to inform that their customers can expect to see Buffalo Pro stock flowing through to dealers within the next month.
Visit your local dealer to secure one today or find out more honda.com.au
The new generation battery-powered mower that will make petrol mowers a thing of the past.
PELLENC is a French manufacturer that excels in battery-powered tools for maintaining green spaces and urban environments. Now, PELLENC presents its new, more efficient, and even quieter version of its fully battery-powered mower for professional use.
Very easy to handle with its tubular aluminium frame and two front swivel wheels, Rasion 2 mows with two high-strength counterrotating blades, which make the cut ultraprecise. Its automatic unblocking system allows for continuous mowing, while its highperformance lithium-ion batteries provide up to 5 hours of uninterrupted mowing.
The Rasion 2 electric mower runs with zero direct CO² emissions and a remarkably low level of noise. Its brand new direct-drive brushless rear wheel motor emits only 93 dB at maximum power. That means you can work in populated areas at any time of day without disturbing the peace and quiet of the people nearby.
Two versions to choose from:
• Rasion 2 “Easy”: self-propelled mower with manual cutting height adjustment.
• Rasion 2 “Smart”: self-propelled mower with automatic cutting height adjustment from the electronic control panel.
“When I started mowing lawns in 2017 I used the Honda 216 and Rover Procut mowers. After trialling a ‘Rasion 2 Easy’ for a week I was hooked.
“For us the Rasion 2 Easy lives up to its name. No more sore shoulders from pull starting a petrol mower. The battery lasts all day, which means one less thing to monitor.
It’s so quiet customers don’t even realise we are mowing the lawn. With a multiple year warranty I feel secure that we are covered if anything goes wrong. It is also faster than our petrol mowers because its cutting path is 30% wider. Of course, all these benefits come at a higher upfront cost but that extra cost has been easily offset by no breakdowns, getting more work done in the same amount of time, and removing our liquid fuel costs.
“We don’t have to wrestle with this mower, we just go with the flow.”
ROGER – JIM’S MOWING ROSTREVORFounded in 1973 by Roger Pellenc, the PELLENC Group is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of equipment for
commercial winegrowers, fruit growers, and professionals responsible for maintaining green spaces and urban environments.
PELLENC currently has 1917 employees, 20 subsidiaries, 7 manufacturing facilities in France and abroad, an R&D centre with nearly 200 engineers, nearly 2000 distributors, and more than 500,000 customers worldwide for a total turnover of €306 million in 2021.
The group continues to grow thanks to a policy of constant innovation, offering its professional customers high-performance machines at the cutting edge of technology. That strategy has led PELLENC to register more than 1300 patents.
PELLENC Australia is a wholly owned subsidiary of the PELLENC group.
PELLENC Australia is the first subsidiary of the group and was established more than 30 years ago on the 25th of November 1991. Today it has two sites; Regency Park in South Australia and Campbellfield in Victoria, along with a network of dealers in most Australian states.
Tough, reliable and highly durable mowing platform.
Built strong and made to last, the Masport 3-in-1 Professional Self-Propelled Mower features a commercial-grade 3-speed transmission with the ability to either catch, mulch or rear discharge. This mower really takes the hard work out of cutting grass.
Powered by the choice of three engines: Briggs & Stratton 190cc OHV Series 850, Kawasaki 179cc OHV Series FJ 180V or a Honda 160cc OHV Series GXV160, this mower is designed for commercial mowing. The Honda model offers the additional feature of Blade Brake Clutch, allowing you to disengage the rotation of the blades without stopping the engine or losing drive.
Manufactured from 2mm steel and able to withstand hard impacts, the robust chassis is hard-wearing and long-lasting. Combined with a generous tunnel and Masport’s famous Quadcut 4 swing back blade cutting system, the outcome is outstanding performance.
The die-cast aluminium wheels with rubber tyres are extremely tough. Bolt-in heavy-duty axles that feature 15mm steel axles provide a solid fix to the chassis. Large diameter and heavy gauge reinforced handles withstand the heavy forces applied during commercial mowing providing greater longevity.
Three position handle height, a soft-grip handle and an ergonomic start position ensure an easier mow. The large 80-litre catcher allows for longer mowing, reducing running costs while the mulch
When Husqvarna first launched its fully automatic lawn mower back in 1995 it created world news headlines. Today, Husqvarna’s Professional Automower® range continues to maintain a variety of commercial green spaces such as hotels, wineries, industrial parks, hospitals, shopping centres and sporting grounds across Australia delivering a high quality, consistent and repeatable result.
In 2022 Husqvarna expands their robotic lawn mower offering to include a satellite-based EPOS (Exact Positioning Operating System) Technology, heralding a range of EPOS Automower® units to Australia – bringing us into the age of finely controllable, wireless, autonomous lawn mowing.
Husqvarna EPOS is a high-precise satellite navigation system for Husqvarna’s robotic lawn mowers. Instead of using a traditional boundary wire laid along the edges of the lawn, the area where the machines can be used is virtually defined using satellite data.
For the special demands on public lawns, the professional Automower® 550 EPOS model can handle areas of up to 5000m² per unit and even mow slopes of up to 24° inclines.
Husqvarna Automower® ensures a consistently healthy lawn because it continuously cuts just a few millimetres off the lawn at regular intervals. The mower’s razor-sharp blades cut the grass cleanly allowing for healthy regrowth. The fine green clippings are left on the area as natural fertiliser ensuring the quality of the lawn. As a result, grass roots grow up to 25 per cent deeper, and important nutrients are not only returned to the lawn, but the fine grass mulch that results from the cutting also insulates the soil and roots which reduces evaporation.
Thanks to the random cutting pattern, all Husqvarna robotic lawn mower units achieve a constant cut without tracks. Smart features built into Automower® also automatically adjust the mowing frequency to the growth rate of the grass. In this way, weeds, wild grass, and moss can be reduced in the lawn and costs for fertilisers and other lawn care measures can be saved.
Meanwhile, complete control via the Husqvarna Automower® App means that scheduled care such as aerating, weeding, scarifying or sanding the lawn can be scheduled and changed at user discretion.
Husqvarna Automower® also makes
no compromises when it comes to safety. Features such as object detection, sensitive impact and lifting or tilting sensors stop the mower immediately if necessary.
After 27 years of innovation dedicated to the Automower®, Husqvarna ensures us that this is just the beginning of what these brilliant machines represent; particularly for us here in Australia.
For more information on how to increase your productivity and efficiency with Husqvarna Automower®, speak to your local authorised Husqvarna Elite Automower® Dealer today, or visit www.husqvarna.com
For five consecutive years, Victa has been honoured to be recognised as Australia’s Most Trusted Brand in the Lawn Mower category of the Reader’s Digest Trusted Brands Survey, and once again in 2022.
They have also placed as Highly Commended in the Garden Power Tools category. In an uncertain climate where consumers have been feeling overwhelmed with lots of changes, the biggest challenge is finding an authentic brand they can trust.
By taking the top spot as Australia’s Most Trusted Lawn Mower brand, Victa has established themselves as a reliable, loyal and iconic lawn care supplier in Australia.
Celebrating its 70-year anniversary, Victa’s outdoor power equipment range continues to impress the public with innovative, highperforming and durable products. Having already won multiple times previously in various categories, Victa continues to make advancements to its product range in response to the latest demands and trends in the lawn and garden care sector.
The award-winning Reader’s Digest Trusted Brands that are featured in the Reader’s Digest 23rd annual survey stand out among their competitors. During the hardest of times throughout the pandemic, winning brands like Victa have continued to build their customers’ trust, not only by consistently responding to their customers’ concerns, but also by expanding their services and product ranges to better meet the changing market demands.
Reader’s Digest Trusted Brands provides Australians with the list of the most reliable brands across more than 70 consumer categories. Trust is now one of the most valuable assets to any brand, with the Trusted Brand Logo now being one of the most recognised logos throughout Australia.
“Trust in consumer brands takes years of careful planning, execution and nurturing,”
says Reader’s Digest editor-in-chief, Louise Waterson. “But during challenging times, and the past year has been one of the most difficult on record, we’ve seen quality brands live up to their promises to their customers. These brands have been able to win and retain the trust of their customers.”
This independently commissioned poll looks at hundreds of different brands within each category. Having Victa recognised so highly by the participants in the survey as the most trusted brand in Lawn Mowers and Highly Commended in Garden Power Tools is a great achievement and further asserts them as a competitive Australian brand.
Victa products can be purchased at Bunnings stores nation-wide as well as recognised Victa Gold Dealers.
For more information visit www.victa.com and www.trustedbrands.com.au
The EGO brand has gained popularity
the commercial market
many contractors choosing
handheld landscape maintenance equipment and walk behind mowers. The new EGO Z6 Zero-Turn Riding Mower is the latest in the EGO line up and although it is designed for domestic use, I can see why it’s popular with contractors.
There are four independent 56V brushless motors to power the drive and cutting (two drive/two cutting) and the capability of powering them with six batteries. The Z6 will run on a minimum of two (15Ah total) of the 56V ARC lithium batteries – four are supplied with the machine but having six will ensure even longer runtimes. To my surprise a productive 2 acres can be cut on a single charge (40Ah) with four batteries and up to 3 acres with six 10.0Ah batteries. Also attractive is the fastest charge time in the industry with the 1600W fast charger taking only two hours for a complete replenishment of depleted batteries supplied. The fast charger plugs into a port on the side of the mower so the batteries don’t need to be removed, although they can be removed and charged separately if required. A weatherproof hinged hood lifts effortlessly to gain access to the batteries, which sit where the engine would be on a conventional zero-turn.
The EGO Z6’s power is comparable to a 22hp petrol machine and with this in mind, the 107cm (42-inch) cutting width is a good choice and pairs nicely; any larger cut would be too much in my opinion.
The 107cm (42-inch) pressed deck can side discharge, mulch (plug included) or catch with an optional extra rear bagger kit available.
Operator comfort is good with an adjustable air ride suspension seat, arm rests, and a handy weatherproof storage box with USB port is located to the left
of the operator. To the right is a phone holder, key, start button, blade engagement and the all-important large LED control panel, which is loaded with information and functions.
The EGO Z6 has three operation modes: Control, Standard and Sport, which can be changed with the press of a button. When the Control mode is activated, the manoeuvrability is slow and controlled, which is great for operators just starting out or for loading onto trailers, although when performing a tight turn the machine virtually stops for a second mid-turn. Standard mode steps it up a notch with more responsive and faster controls, similar to a conventional zero-turn. Sport mode changes the feel again with light and super responsive controls – this was my favourite once I was used to the machine’s
capabilities. Each mode has four drive speeds and four blade speeds so the operator can adjust accordingly to suit conditions, terrain, grass length and ability. With Sport mode activated and maximum drive and blade speed I was able to quickly cut reasonably long grass to a neat, even finish. Cutting like this will obviously reduce run times because there is a huge difference compared to the more conservative modes.
Cutting heights vary from 25mm-100mm over 10 positions with a one-handed adjustment lever that easily moved between positions, although I did find it difficult to see the desired height settings from the operators position without stretching a long way forward. It is worth noting that
the Australian delivered machines have been made with this 25mm low cut height to suit us, whereas the American delivered machines have a higher minimum cut height; nice to see EGO respecting the needs of the Australian market.
Front, side and rear LED lights, (32 in total) ensure the operator has excellent vision in low light situations as well as improving operator safety, ensuring the mower/ operator can be easily seen by others.
The EGO Z6 Zero-Turn Riding Mower performed well and is suited to small acreage domestic use and small light commercial use. Warranty varies with a 5-year tool/3-year battery warranty for domestic purchases and a 1-year tool and battery warranty for commercial purchases.
Wright is a well-respected American brand distributed here in Australia by our own well-known COX Mowers (COX Commercial). Now that standers are becoming increasingly popular here in Australia, especially the smaller ones, it was great to test the new flagship from Wright – a 72-inch dual rear-wheel beast!
This commercial machine is built to tackle steep slopes where conventional zero-turns could not safely access nor perform. Fortunately, I had access to a very steep site, which due to the recent wet weather in Sydney was overgrown and ideal to thoroughly see what the Wright ZK was capable of. Before I get into the performance and specifications of the ZK, I’d like to discuss “why stand when you can sit” because I hear this question a lot, although a bit less now than years ago when many of the big names in zero-turns unsuccessfully tried to introduce standers to Australia. Americans have been huge fans of standers for decades and rightly so, there are many advantages over conventional zero-turns. One of the biggest advantages is their compact size – a large cut machine can be almost half the size of traditional machines, which makes transport much easier and frees up valuable space on trailers or vehicles.
Back injuries are common in our industry and although this is my personal experience after having major back surgery many years ago, I can say that using a stander is much more forgiving on my back than sitting when operating these machines for prolonged periods. Standers also enable the operator to get into tighter spots, therefore reducing time spent trimming and increasing productivity. It is also much quicker to dismount the machine in order to move obstacles or litter and a lot safer for the operator if they have to exit the machine in a hurry. I also find you get a better view of the mowing area and can avoid any obstacles easy and even duck or lean out of the way of overhanging obstacles rather than driving around – all this makes the stander a much more efficient machine and is why they are now becoming extremely popular here in Australia. Unfortunately, it seems to take us a while to catch up to the Yanks in some instances!
At first glance the Wright ZK is an impressive looking machine. It is solidly built to handle the punishment of commercial applications, well powered with a 37hp fuel injected Vanguard commercial engine that combines with the separate pump
and wheel motors (16cc pumps and 15 cu/in wheel motors) to give ample power, drive and manoeuvrability. Dual rear wheels, a very low centre of gravity and the fuel injected engine ensure the ZK is perfectly suited for cutting steep slopes and uneven ground.
The 72-inch fabricated Aero-Core™ deck is constructed from hefty 7-gauge steel and has great access to the top for maintenance. Access for maintenance on
the engine is excellent and the operators leaning thigh pad hinges up to reveal access to the hydraulic pumps, lines and reservoirs as well as the under-dash electronics and control linkages. Flat free front castor wheels reduce maintenance and any downtime.
Comfort is paramount for operators because these machines are used for extended periods and often on challenging terrain. The ZK’s spring operator’s platform
has good grip and rubber dampeners underneath to absorb the shock on uneven ground ensuring comfort to the operator. Adding to this comfort is a well-padded thigh rest for the operator to snugly nestle into and brace themselves against.
One of the great advantages of standers in general, but particularly the ZK because it is designed for steep slopes, is that if you are in a dangerous situation you can just step off the machine and walk away in a second rather than opening the control levers, removing a seatbelt and attempting to jump out of a seat like you would have to do on a conventional zero-turn machine. With the engine and hydro pumps on the same platform of the deck to lower the centre of gravity, my concern was that lifting the deck would be a difficult task. To my surprise, changing heights and lifting the deck required only minimal effort even though you are lifting the engine and pumps as well as the deck. With this feature it increases the longevity out of the cutter belts compared to any other machine.
A game changing feature is that cutter belt stays level no matter at what height you are mowing at. This is through the deck and engine mounted to the same platform
and moving in tandem together, with this it allows the cutter belt to not come under additional strain and increases the longevity of the belt.
Height selection is a simple slide-in pin system located to the lower left of the operator’s platform. Cutting heights range from 1.5-5.5 inches in ¼ inch increments.
I don’t think I could have found more challenging ground or conditions to test the Wright ZK 72 stander with steep, wet and overgrown Kikuyu. I was extremely pleased with the way the ZK performed. It stuck to the slope incredibly well enabling me to confidently cut areas I would have thought I could not access. The long grass was cut well, mostly with just one pass even in its overgrown state with me cutting quite low and the cut grass was expelled at fast pace. The Wright Stander ZK Zero
Turn Mower is an impressive, capable and efficient machine and anyone tackling steep terrain should consider the stander with the dual wheel option when looking for a new machine.
Interested in a Wright mower? Contact your local Cox Industries dealer to find out more information.
The 58 volt 4.0Ah ULTIMATE batteries used in this test are another new release from AEG. However, if you already have 58-volt batteries they will be fine to use in the new self-propelled mower.
The new 58V ULTIMATE batteries, are the next generation batteries and are designed here in Australia by the AEG product team to suit our harsh conditions. They contain improved electronics with superior heat management capabilities compared to the
Generation 1 batteries. They also feature superior dust and moisture protection suited to extreme conditions and improved durability ensuring they can cope with contractor punishment. The features combine to deliver better performance and longevity.
Removal from the machine or charger is easy thanks to a secure cloth handle on the top of the battery. I also found it great for carrying, especially when you have multiple
batteries. The LED charge indicator lights inform the operator of charge levels at the push of a button and also indicate an overload or excessive temperature message. It is also worth noting these new batteries are the same configuration as their predecessors, so will operate in any existing 58V Commercial Series cordless outdoor power tools.
Powering the machine is AEG’s 58V outer rotor brushless motor. This proved to have
ample power on hefty Buffalo grass and when I encountered longer, thicker patches the engine automatically increased its speed to handle the situation.
Batteries are inserted into the front of the motor cowl, which features a hinged weatherproof visor for protection. The key is located in between the batteries under the same protective visor. Charge levels are visible, and batteries are removed using the cloth handle with the visor flipped up.
The motor sits on top of a solid 2mm steel deck with a 21-inch cutting capacity –this wide cut and solid base is well suited to contractors.
I was impressed with the height adjustment mechanism, which is a single handle, gripped with one hand and pulled up or pushed down to change the height. Marked height settings from 18–75mm over seven positions are easily viewed making selection a simple process, which is much better than many walk-behind mowers with individual wheel adjustments.
A mulch plug is supplied in the kit so you can catch or mulch. When mulching medium length buffalo grass, the cut was neat with a tiny bit of residue left on
the surface. The mulch plug is easy to install and fits in snugly; removal is just as easy. The catcher bag holds an impressive 70 litres and it filled tightly to capacity before leaving any residue. There is no rear discharge flap so installing and removing the catcher is quick and easy.
Quick fold handles enable the handles to be moved upright to 90 degrees for storage or folded completely down to rest on the base of the machine, with the upper handle also folding after unscrewing two knobs.
A solid-looking plastic bumper at the front protects the deck from knocks and it could also help to deter any debris from accumulating around the inside of the front wheels.
The self-propelled drive is adjustable with speed changed via a sliding button on the handle. It is easy to change speeds to suit the terrain or cutting material, even on the go. I found the speed scale from slow to fast to be adequate to suit most situations, although when driving up a steep grade a slightly faster pace would suit me better.
The AEG 58V Brushless 21" SelfPropelled Lawn Mower was nice to operate, light weight yet tough, and produced a neat, even cut whilst both catching and mulching. The kit includes the 58V mower, 58V smart charger and two 58V 4.0Ah ULTIMATE batteries for $1399, which is quite reasonable when you
consider the ULTIMATE batteries have a RRP of $299 each.
As always AEG offers impressive warranties – a 3-year battery and charger repair warranty and a 6-year machine warranty when registered through MY AEG online.
You can find this 58V Brushless 21" Self-Propelled Lawn Mower Kit along with the wider range of 58V Commercial Series outdoor power equipment at Bunnings or Tool Kit Depot, or you can call AEG Onsite on 1300 AEG ONSITE or book a site visit at www.aegonsite. com.au. The AEG Onsite team can come direct to your site; and even transact there too. LM
Like so many other events over the last two-and-a-half years, it has twice had to be rescheduled. But in October it is finally happening, and the organisers are expecting a great turnout from Australia and overseas.
The conference is being held in conjunction with the 24th International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage Congress and Executive Council Meeting at the Adelaide Convention Centre from
5 to 7 October. Its theme is ‘Irrigation for the future – challenges, innovations and opportunities’. Organisers have pored over many high-quality submissions and are now finalising the program, which will feature over 150 speakers.
The exhibition is free to attend. It will showcase new products, emerging technology and renewable energy from more than 100 leading irrigation suppliers from Australia and further afield, many of which service the landscape industry.
Consider registering for the conference too. This is a rare opportunity to hear presentations from industry leaders covering a range of topics, from irrigation efficiency, productivity and quality to automation and IT – and much more.
Of course, an essential part of any conference is the social program and extracurricular events. The organisers have put great thought into these aspects, with a welcome reception, the Irrigation Australia Outback Spectacular Dinner, and a range of interesting technical tours.
The conference and exhibition provide a unique opportunity to share ideas, knowledge and best practice between Australia and the world, and to meet likeminded people within the industry.
And what better place to do this than Adelaide, home of fine wine and food, in springtime?
Interested? Find out more and register here: https://www.icid2022.com.au/ iace-home/registration-iace/
There is an air of anticipation around this year’s Irrigation Australia International Conference and Exhibition.
DeWalt has recently launched a new electric pressure washer, DeWalt DXPW160WE, which delivers superior cleaning performance with a robust and durable design. “The new design is user friendly, reduces water usage, and allows for easy transportation with its rugged wheels and a telescopic handle. It makes tasks such as washing concrete slabs, decking or driveways quick, easy and hassle free,” says Matthew Tojic, DeWalt Pressure Washers Category Manager, Mayo Hardware.
Due to their versatility, pressure washers have become an increasingly popular option for tradespeople helping to save them time and effort on a job. “The new electric pressure washers are a user friendly
and cost-effective solution to the traditional petrol pressure washers,” adds Tojic.
When choosing the right washer for the job it’s important to make sure you choose a model that’s fit for purpose and consider its PSI, the flow rate, and the power availability onsite.
The DeWalt DXPW160WE comes with a pressure select dial, so the easy adjustment of pressure based on the desired cleaning application can be made. Also included is an 8m hose and three cleaning nozzles including a turbo nozzle, variable pressure nozzle and a water saving nozzle. It also has a foam sprayer for easy application of cleaning agents. The built-in hose storage reel and nozzle storage makes packing up easy, and with a 2320 rated PSI cleaning power to help tackle the toughest jobs with a 2500-watt high performance motor.
The DeWalt DXPW160WE 2320PSI, 8.5L Electric Pressure Washer is available from Bunnings Warehouse and is RRP $399.00.
From cleaning pathways, house or building exteriors to heavy machinery, pressure washers can help tackle a number of onsite jobs. Different pressure washers have a variety of functions and accessories to suit tradespeople, builders and those on construction sites.
By now you’re probably fully aware of the global computer chip shortage. Many companies and brands were heavily impacted, including AEG and their professional range of 58V Commercial Series Outdoor Power Equipment. Good news though, supply has been restored and they’re back with a full range of 58V cordless landscaping and gardening tools and batteries.
Speaking of batteries… AEG’s proud to announce the launch of its 58V 4.0Ah ULTIMATE Battery. These batteries use superior 18650 cells to deliver the heavyduty performance you need ‘out in the field’. They’re an Australian-led development, having been built from the ground up to suit the tough conditions only found in Australia and New Zealand. Kind of like putting premium fuel in your high-performance car.
They have improved overload and high temperature protection electronics that help protect the cells and prolong battery life. Also, the impact resistant polymer housing withstands heavy knocks and drops.
The same garage design as previous models ensures the batteries are secured to the tool even in high vibration applications, while the new sleek and lightweight design (ideal for handheld tools like line trimmers and blowers) has improved durability and lower impedance – and a carry handle.
These new batteries are perfectly suited to work with the innovative Brushless commercial range of 58V tools like the new 21" Self-Propelled Mower, the Line Trimmer, the 18" Lawn Mower, the 18" Chainsaw, the Backpack Blower, Brushcutter, Jet Blower, Hedge Trimmer and Backpack Sprayer.
The 21" Brushless Self-Propelled Mower has variable speed control, a steel deck and two active battery ports, so it will automatically swap between batteries when one runs out to effectively double your run time. It’s got a 70-litre lightweight catcher
that fills to capacity, too. Plus, one-touch height adjustment and fold down handles so you can store it vertically.
The 18" Brushless Lawn Mower has most of the same features, a side-throw option and a 50-litre catcher.
Featuring a well-balanced ergonomic design for reduced operator fatigue and a straight aluminium split-shaft that accepts other attachments, the 58V Brushless Line Trimmer has a 2-speed switch and variable speed trigger and a wide 43cm cutting path.
With its 650mm dual action blades, the 58V Brushless Hedge Trimmer has a 28mm cutting capacity and ultra quiet performance. Like the hedge trimmer, it’s well suited to the new and lighter 4.0Ah ULTIMATE battery. So is the 18" Brushless Chainsaw with its 21m/s chain speed, tooled chain tensioning system, chain brake, auto oil distribution, metal bucking spikes and on-board tool storage.
Cleaning up after mowing, trimming or using the chainsaw is easy with the 58V Backpack Blower. Its quieter brushless motor delivers 700CFM air volume at 260km/h to really get jobs done quickly and can run off one or two batteries for extended run times.
Or if you prefer the handheld unit, there’s a Brushless Jet Blower that delivers 545CFM at 230km/h to really send debris flying.
Another backpack unit is the 18V/58V Backpack Sprayer with its 15-litre tank, 6" opening, stainless steel wand and brass nozzle. Both backpack units have fully adjustable straps and harnesses for better user comfort.
We reckon it’s been worth the wait to get your hands on this range. All tools are available with the new 58V 4.0Ah ULTIMATE battery when purchased as a kit.
Get them delivered to your site with AEG Onsite – call 1300 AEG ONSITE or book a site visit now at www.aegonsite.com.au. Also available in store at Bunnings or Tool Kit Depot.
Safety eyewear has become an important and integral part of life.
It’s no surprise that over 60 per cent of eye injuries occur either at work or whilst participating in active sports. No matter whether you’re at work, home or play, the high number of risks causing eye injury reinforces the need to wear quality safety eyewear.
In the dark but not too distant past, eye protection was ugly, clumsy and uncomfortable… and don’t even think about prescription glasses – those clumsy
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It means rather than having to pay the total amount of the premium upfront, the business can pay it off in instalments, plus interest. The cost of the interest will usually be a tax deduction for the business.
Premium Funding involves borrowing an amount to cover the cost of the firm’s insurance premiums, in addition to interest payable on top of the amount borrowed.
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It may be an appropriate option for businesses that may not have the full amount for the total year’s insurance policy available now but have the ability to pay it off over time.
Premium funding is also an alternative to approaching a bank for funding. Premium funders typically won’t require collateral in the same way a bank may require security.
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Important note: This article provides information rather than financial product or other advice. The content of this article, including any information contained in it, has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs.
Premium Funding is a great way to smooth out your business insurance costs over the course of the year.
Matt says, “Over the past two years, multiple lockdowns have shown us just how important it is to have access to fresh air and nature. Backyards and outdoor living spaces have become private sanctuaries to unwind and relax in.
“However, not all homeowners that I speak to feel this way. For some, their garden has become a source of unhappiness and discontent. From bland and uninspiring lawns and small spaces to patios that make owners feel like they’re ‘on display’; some yards have lost their magic.
“Reclaiming how you use and feel about your garden can seem like a herculean task, but the devil is in the detail. One clever design element is often the key to transforming how you see and use your outdoor living spaces.”
It’s great to form a relationship with and feel close to your neighbours. However, you might be close to your neighbours in a different way. Perhaps close enough to hear them sneeze?
“With the proximity of city houses getting tighter and tighter, privacy is a garden design essential,” says Matt.
“We had one project recently where the home’s front entrance ran between two tall buildings. Dwarfed by the imposing walls and windows, the home’s owners and guests felt exposed each time they entered or left the property.
“The solution? We installed an arbour that ran down the front walkway. This guided the path to the front door, while keeping
are abarrier to getting the most out of outdoor spaces.
the eyeline lower and focused on where you’re going. The arbour was painted a dark charcoal colour, as to recede and not draw too much attention. Designed to encompass you as you walk to the front door, it drew focus away from the houses on either side.
“By bringing focus back to the immediate property, we were able to create the feeling of sanctuary within the owner’s home. This clever design detail seamlessly brought privacy back to the property,” notes Matt.
No outdoor space is too small “A common sentiment I hear from clients is the assumption that the space they have is too small to achieve the result they’ve been dreaming of,” says Matt. “Don’t feel limited by your acreage! Any outdoor space has potential with the right mindset and design thinking.”
“One previous Landart project in North Bondi had a notably small backyard. Although it packed a punch with a luxury plunge pool, relaxing lounge area and tall hedging that prioritised privacy, it easily could have felt boxed in by the limited spare space. By strategically placing mirrors on the stark white walls, the eyeline was guided beyond the edge of the space, creating an immediate sense of openness.”
Details to connect the indoors to the outside world “Creating cohesion and flow between the indoors and outdoors of your property is the ultimate end goal, but sometimes the two
can be completely disjointed and have a very different feel,” says Matt.
“Landart worked on a Turimetta property where the house sat very high in relation to the surrounding landscape, heavy materials. Part of this design was to soften the transition from the house to the lower yard with the use of inbuilt seating and tiering. To continue the distinct, stone paving into the garden would have been too harsh in contrast against the garden. In order to keep the space refined and inviting, the client wanted to seamlessly introduce natural elements.
“To achieve this goal and create an ideal flow and transition from built form to environment, mixed materials were experimented with,” Matt says.
“A set of steps were created that started off as a heavy stone and concrete (that could also play the dual role of a bench seat and retaining wall). They then transitioned into timber that was a more organic connection to the greenery and plantations of the garden.
“It was the detail of materials that solved the disjointed feeling between the house and the garden,” concludes Matt.
“The original” racks from the USA for over 30 years.
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The featherlight arm leverages your trimmer to ease joint pain and evenly distributes trimmer weight. It is constructed of lightweight aluminium and is easily rotated to switch between trimming and edging. The head is adjustable and rotates to suit left and right-handed users and the whole unit is detachable within a second for easy storage and quick use
The new backpack sprayer cage is quickly becoming hugely popular in the USA with many operators using expensive battery powered sprayers. The sprayer cage is adjustable to suit most backpack sprayers and locks your expensive tool with Greentouch’s proven spring-loaded locking mechanism. It fits open and enclosed trailers and vehicles, is constructed of heavy-duty steel and has a wand holder for easy storage.
Another popular addition to the Greentouch range is the Multi cage. As the name
suggests, this product stores and locks multiple tool types. It secures a handheld blower, a handheld hedge trimmer or a chainsaw. It has the same patented designed locking mechanism as the other Greentouch racks, it is fast and easy to use, easy to install and as with all Greentouch products it comes with all mounting hardware.
Imported & distributed by: A.R.T. Landscape Tools web: www.artlandscapetools.com.au email: andrew@artlandscapetools.com.au phone: 0477 772 050
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Honda have developed a generator that can be picked-up and used in endless scenarios with an easy-to-use interface, high output engine and lightweight design.
The world’s first ‘high-output’ generator
An impressive 3200 watts of power that can be relied upon remotely, in the case of blackouts or at professional events.
Easy to move. Simple to start No more trolley for transportation, at just 26.5kg the EU32i has forged ahead of its counterparts allowing you to pick it up and position it exactly where you need it. Honda have simplified the operating interface with the ability to start the engine in just 2 steps.
Powerfully efficient engine that Honda have proven can be both high-performing and remarkably efficient. The first ever generator of its kind to include built-in fuel-injection, which has allowed Honda engineers to increase fuel efficiency by over 30% compared to its predecessor (EU30i Handy). The Eco throttle will adjust the engine speed to produce the specific amount of power needed for the application in use.
Cleverly designed interface for easy use, the front panel clearly shows every element, from the on/off settings and status lights to the Eco throttle and circuit breakers.
The angular shaping is bold and an iconic representation of the intelligence and uniqueness it promises to deliver. Echoing the modern design styles across the Honda range, it is a generator like no other.
Allows users to pair the generator with iOS or Android smartphone dedicated apps that use Bluetooth connectivity to send maintenance alerts and key service information. The fuel gauge can be checked to see if levels are running low,
remote stop can be activated, and output power can be accessed. There is even the capability to swap between multiple generators allowing each power source to be uniquely named and monitored simultaneously.
You can trust this powerful and lightweight generator to provide a high-output power source that you can transport yourself and seamlessly run from an app. From caravaning and camping, construction workers, event organisers and home back up power, the EU32i is ideal for anyone seeking a reliable long-lasting power source that is highly dependable for their caravan or for use in the case of natural disasters and recurring blackouts.
A generator designed, like all Honda industrial products, with real life in mind.
The EU32i Generator is now available from Honda’s Authorised Dealer Network, with a RRP of $4199. See the full range at honda.com.au or visit your local Honda dealer today! LM
With the first half of the year already over, it is fair to say that 2022 has started with a bang for Landscaping Victoria Master Landscapers. With live networking activities all but extinct during the protracted lockdowns in Melbourne, it has been a joy to see LVML members coming together, and reconnecting as a community.
Here are some of the highlights from 2022 so far:
Like a fine wine, The Landscape Show just keeps getting better each year. And this year was no exception, with 90 exhibitors, and 1300+ members of the professional landscaping community arriving at Caulfield Racecourse on Wednesday 22nd June. After two years of intermittent lockdowns and online events, the atmosphere reflected a newly energised landscaping industry keen to get back to supporting its Victorian community. LVML would like to thank all the supporters of the event this year, and in particular major sponsors StrathAyr, Milwaukee Tools and SmartWater for backing what has become one of the standout events on the Victorian landscaping calendar.
LVML is committed to maintaining a sustainable stream of new landscaping talent, which means seeking opportunities to get in front of young people, and sharing insights about careers in landscaping.
This year, LVML participated in the inaugural The Trades Fit – Young Women in Trades and Tech expo, hosted by the Victorian Department of Education and Training. The expo showcases employment options within the trades and tech industries, introducing predominantly female students in years 9 and 10 to career pathways in traditionally male dominated industries.
The event was an occasion to bring together some talented young women working in the landscaping industry to connect with the students and share some of their own experiences as landscaping professionals. Feedback has been
exceptional, and LVML looks forward to promoting the benefits of a career in landscaping at future careers expos.
Recognising the need to support the mental health of its members, LVML is developing a strategic initiative aimed to support the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of its member community, and safeguard the psychological safety of all practitioners within the landscaping industry – from apprentices through to business owners.
Australian research has identified construction workers as being at risk of suicide. As a subset of the construction sector, landscaping professionals are also particularly vulnerable, as business owners and their workers battle the escalating pressures of staff shortages,
rising costs, and the persistently growing public demand for their services.
Working in collaboration with the mental health charity, the This Is A Conversation Starter program will respond to these challenges by making industry-specific support resources accessible to Members and their staff via an online Wellbeing Hub, as well as supporting members to introduce dedicated Wellbeing Ambassadors within their own businesses.
After almost four years in development, on the 16th April, the Victorian Minister for Training and Skills, Gayle Tierney, officially announced a $1.29 million investment to deliver the new Advanced Landscape Design and Construction course as part of the Workforce Training and Innovation
Fund, successfully granted to Landscaping Victoria Master Landscapers.
LVML has long been campaigning for the introduction of a recognised advanced skill set for landscape designers because there are currently no courses that offer a combination of extensive design and construction skills in the one qualification. At the moment, recent graduates face employment barriers due to their lack of knowledge, and more broadly even skilled Landscape Designers are limited in the services they can provide.
The Project will provide an innovative approach to upskilling currently qualified Landscape Designers who are working in the industry and need the skills and knowledge to meet industry standards and operate as registered practitioners in their field. The concept and grant application has been in the pipeline for a long time and its introduction heralds a step forward in LVML’s long-term plan to allow landscape designers to be recognised as approved providers and streamline the planning process by removing red-tape for council plans and permits.
Working alongside Holmesglen Institute of TAFE, Melbourne Polytechnic and
Swinburne University of Technology, the course will be developed with input by a broad array of industry experts and is designed to scaffold as an additional level of accreditation to existing Certificate IV and Diploma Landscape Design courses.
It is intended that the course will be ready to be delivered in pilot mode at the beginning of 2023 with 36 practicing landscapers undertaking the pilot program. Once complete, the course will then be open to enrolments through partner TAFE Colleges in 2024.
The New South Wales Southern Highlands area is known for its spectacular natural beauty, gorgeous historical towns and the lovely, cool, crisp weather perfect for grape growing. It’s a popular rural tourist region close to Sydney with large plots of land and it is here that husband and wife team, Josh and Sara Correia, run their thriving landscaping business, Tempest Landscapes.
It may then come as somewhat of a surprise that this powerhouse couple chose to enter, and won, the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show’s inaugural Ryman Healthcare Balcony Gardens Competition this year. Their winning balcony, ‘Eco Apartment Living’, had to be contained within a tiny 2.4 by 1.8 metres, a far cry from the big, lush plots they are used to working with and certainly the smallest space they had ever created.
There is clearly more to this intriguing couple than meets the eye. I spoke with TLA Members, Sara and Josh, to learn more about their booming business, their motivations and their ground-breaking win.
Josh Correia began Tempest Landscapes 25 years ago as a sole trader, driven by his passion to create exquisite outdoor spaces with the very highest standards of horticultural installation and precision hardscapes. Even now the business has grown considerably, his dedication leads him to oversee every aspect of the gardens Tempest build.
As recently as 2019, the couple took the plunge to work together, bringing Sara on board as Creative Director and Designer –and they haven’t looked back. The move has been not only natural and smooth, but it has pushed both Josh and Sara on to achieving even bigger and better things. Sara has a long list of design qualifications and experience, including teaching landscape design and sustainability at university, arts conferences and the like. Sara’s whole career reflects her greatest passions: artistic design, environmental sustainability and wellbeing/quality of life.
Josh and Sara’s decision to enter the Balcony Competition is a clear one when you consider their passions. Although used to working with larger plots, the couple are keen to promote the importance of sustainable choices in gardens of all sizes, as well as recognising the massive impact that even small gardens can have on our emotional and physical wellbeing. With rising housing densities around the world and increasing food scarcity, balconies, courtyards and other small spaces are becoming increasingly critical, and popular. Ryman Healthcare’s Balcony Competition suddenly seems like a natural addition to the Melbourne festival as well as an obvious exhibition goal for Sara and Josh. It is the perfect platform for their crucial message of
environmental sustainability and improved health and wellbeing.
What’s more, it is clear to see why they won. Every aspect of the design, construction and installation has been carefully considered and selected, not only for the aesthetics, but also for its environmental credentials. Sara told me that she found the most difficult aspect of the design was employing restraint to ensure the space did not become too cluttered. Her aim was to highlight the potential to make small spaces for relaxation and wellbeing, that fit into their landscape and add beauty to a home. And they have certainly succeeded.
With a natural bush palette and using sustainable materials in a contemporary raw state, the space has a distinctive Australian feel with a hint of modern coastal. Functional as well as beautiful, the environmentally responsible materials are similarly priced to other less sustainable options, demonstrating that environmentally conscious selections don’t have to lead to a compromise on quality or cost the earth.
The balcony features a curved screen made from specially engineered bamboo. When open, it provides an attractive natural backdrop with a soft line curve, but it also delightfully slides closed to provide a private balcony space or shade space
when required. The screen is a graceful and thoughtful unification of form and function ideal for modern apartments or shared-space living. The floor has been constructed from reclaimed bricks (with the reds removed), lime washed and white grouted to provide an earthy colour scheme. Solar copper lighting contrasts deliciously with dark matte black coloured walls and off-white coloured ceiling, both painted with lime-based paint containing no volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The copper is a rich, elegant choice that provides a touch of glamour. The lime paint leaves the walls looking textured with an almost sandy/velvety nap. It’s a delicate addition to the tactile aspects of the space and adds depth to the tight dimensions. The plants are low-maintenance varieties, chosen for their architectural forms and simple lines. Again, the foliage contrasts beautifully against the background without appearing stark or out of place, and the range of different sized pots are balanced with a clean, white, matte finish throughout. The whole area has been topped off with colorbond roofing, giving a sleek, modern effect, and the addition of a clean simple chair and table with soft furnishings make the place exceedingly inviting. Throughout the space, a use of vertical lines gives the space an air of harmony, allowing the eye to rest. The screen, the roofing, and the lines on the front pot all mirror one another but stop short of matching, providing plenty of visual interest without being overwhelming in the small space.
Sara and Josh were keen to dip their toes into the waters of small garden creations, and have certainly achieved a beautiful result. Even in the rural southern highlands they are beginning to see the growth of small space gardening and recognise that it plays a very large part in the future of the industry. There is a steady growth in requests for verandas and courtyards, as well as private spaces within retirement, aged care facilities and the like. Greenwalls and rooftop gardens continue to be sought after, especially in larger commercial facilities. Thoughtful design and construction in these smaller spaces can bring a myriad of wellbeing benefits to the growing numbers of people who don’t have access to large gardens. Sara always begins her designs by closely considering the needs and preferences of her clients for their space, she can then choose to
employ a range of features ideal for small spaces to create the kind of space her clients find best for their wellbeing. Anything from edible gardens, through to hanging plants, drought-resistance natives, low maintenance varieties and irrigation systems are all popular choices for smaller spaces. Self-declared competitive and passionate people, Sara and Josh, together with their excellent team, are always looking to challenge themselves. Earlier this year they opened their own designer outdoor living store attached to their studio in Bowral. Entering the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show, the largest event of its kind in the southern hemisphere, also pushed them creatively and took them out of their comfort zone. In December last year, their entrepreneurship and excellent quality work and service won them a local business award, Outstanding Specialised Business, Southern Highlands. They are also experimenting with
aquaponics systemsthey say will ultimately be suitable for use in even small spaces, such as balconies. It seems the world is their oyster, but they are not content to sit on their laurels. Despite a full workload they are keen to enter this year’s TLA Landscape Excellence Awards to further showcase their talents and push the envelope of quality landscape design and construction.
Congratulations again to Sara, Josh and the whole team at Tempest Landscapes and we wish you all the best for the Excellence Awards.
Entries for the TLA Landscape the Excellence Awards close Friday, 29 July 2022 and is open to all TLA members with categories for every aspect of the modern landscaping sector.
To learn more about membership or the awards visit our website at www.landscapeassociation.com.au
With the new financial year just on our doorstep, LIAWA can look back over the past 12 months with a great sense of achievement. Membership and sponsorship has recorded one of its strongest periods in years since LIAWA first opened its doors some 43 years ago.
LIAWA’s Executive Officer Matthew Lunn however believes its future growth will naturally come if its focus is centred on its culture and the development of a strong community base within the organisation.
“We see this right across the great businesses and sporting clubs of the world – if there is that strong inner belief and positive culture of everyone rowing in the same direction then aims and goals of organisations will come to fruition as part of a process.
“We are very lucky that we are in an industry which overall has a good feeling. Landscapers and designers get a great sense of achievement from being creative, and seeing their work come to life from a well-planned project is a very rewarding part of their work. On the whole we have hard working individuals who enjoy life and walk around with a smile on their face.”
LIAWA’s focus is just that, by building on a high level of customer service and making it an organisation that people trust and enjoy being a part of will bring such a positive culture. Those smiles will just keep coming.
“Now that we have the buy in and an increase in interest via word of mouth it is critical we continue to constantly monitor how we can do what we do well better, and either shelve or revaluate ideas and processes that have less impact.”
LIAWA’s next step is to address a strongly branded internal accreditation program and although still on the drawing board, ‘The Master Landscaper Program’ is going
to be critical in uniting the organisation further, but more importantly attracting new members who see value in building their level of professionalism.
“Building from the grass roots up from our students at TAFE to those who have entered the industry with no trade qualifications is all part of building that culture. It is critical we support those who are the new faces to the industry and guide them on a journey
that will not only help set their standards, but also the standards of the industry particularly in the residential space.”
LIAWA continues to set bold plans but to stay competitive in an already busy market of associations looking to get your membership. LIAWA knows it can stand out amongst the crowd and can be prosperous into the future knowing it has the backing of all those involved.
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