THE GREAT ESCAPE Kinder discusses processes to control the exposure of dust in quarrying operations.
HEART OF AUSTRALIA The importance of health surveillance for quarry and mining workers.
THE ROAD TO SUCCESS Puma Energy is committed to developing high-quality, sustainable solutions.

1300 566 287 | Smart Construction technologies are creating lucrative business opportunities for quarries through integrated connectivity solutions. Komatsu’s Smart Construction is a complete digital transformation package, encompassing everything from intelligent machines, to drone data, fleet management solutions and a whole suite of applications, aftermarket solutions and services. Call us today on 1300 566 287 to find out how Komatsu’s Smart Construction can help your site. Complete site integration and information Smart Construction Technology Image is for illustration purposes only

IN THIS ISSUE AUGUST 2022 VOLUME 30, ISSUE 07 Quarry August 2022 3 24 GOING ABOVE AND BEYOND When looking for high-quality, reliable suppliers, ToThink Engineering doesn’t need to look further than Oli Vibrators. GROWING OPERATIONS Butlers Yarwun Quarries has improved operations with the Kleemann MS 802 mobile scalping screen plant. MOISTURE MEASUREMENT OF SAND Installing a sensor for continuous moisture measurement can help achieve more efficient operations. 34 USHERING IN A NEW ERA The VEGAPULS 6X offers one solution for all your needs. 36 BULK2022 IS BACK The 2022 Australian Bulk Handing Expo will take place in Melbourne on 24–26 August. 40 BETTER LUBRICATION MEANS BETTER OPERATIONS Sucessful quarry operations depend on equipment running efficiently and reliably. 42 TWO QUARRIES FOR SALE Corndale Quarry, NSW and Onesand Quarry, Qld are up for private sale. 48 SEE ME, BE ME Groundwork Plus Data Systems Manager Catherine Young talks challenges, perks, and gives advice regarding a career in the extractive industry. 28 20 38 COVER ADVERTISER: With over 50 years of experience in washing, Terex Washing Systems has come a long way –but it still has more to do. Turn to page 30 or visit 2820 3822HEART OF AUSTRALIA The importance of health surveillance for quarry and mining workers. THE GREAT ESCAPE Kinder discusses processes to control the exposure of dust in quarrying operations. KOBELCO SK380XD The SK380XD excavator is built for durability, operating in the harshest conditions. THE ROAD TO SUCCESS Puma Energy is committed to developing high-quality, sustainable solutions. FEATURES 04 FROM THE EDITOR 06 FROM THE PRESIDENT 08 NEWS THIS MONTH 16 PRODUCT FOCUS 44 IQA NEWS 50 GEOLOGY TALK EVERY MONTH

4 Quarry August 2022 EDITORIAL Published by: 11-15 Buckhurst Street South Melbourne VIC 3205 T: 03 9690 8766 Publisher John Editor Maria Business Development Manager Les Client Success Co-ordinator Ben Design Production Manager Michelle Art Director Blake Storey Graphic Design Kerry Pert, Aisling McComiskey Subscriptions T: 03 9690©Copyright–Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystemortransmittedinanymeanselectronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwisewithoutthepermissionofthepublisher. OFHAVEOTHERCOIN.SIDEHEALTH“MONITORINGISONEOFTHEONTHESIDE,WEREDUCTIONRISKS.” It’s been a successful month for the industry with new appointments at Sandvik and Boral, and new product launches such as Holcim’s recycled clinker (page 10). It seems every day the industry gets one step closer to its sustainability goals. In line with this, we can see that key industry players are also taking steps towards achieving equality and diversity. For example, Metso Outotec has invested $3.1 million to correct genderrelated pay gaps and companies like Weir Group are highlighting the importance of allyship and changing biases (page 8). Weir Pride Alliance Affinity Group steering committee member Yesenia Meraz-Torres shared an excellent analogy:“Sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression are part of someone’s identity – just like the colour of one’s skin. Some aspects of our identities are visible, while others are not. “This is part of why I choose to be an ally. To help everyone feel safe, comfortable, and respected whatever their identity. I encourage others to do the same,” she said. I hope to see many more businesses joining the fight for equality, equity and inclusion.Moving onto the rest of the issue, this month we have taken a closer look a different type of safety: occupational health and safety. Quarry spoke to Heart of Australia head of operations and business development Ewan Wylie about the importance health surveillance for quarry and mining workers (page 20). Wylie pointed out that aside from obvious instantaneous risks like working with machinery, other hazards can take years to show up. Therefore, monitoring worker health and identifying hazards is of upmost importance.Ontheother side, we have reduction of risks. In line with this, Kinder mechanical engineer Jack Cain highlighted the importance of controlling dust exposure – whether that is coal or silica dust. He shared various tips on what to watch out for and ways to reduce exposure to dust (page 28). In this issue we will also look at equipment in action. On page 22 we look at how Kobelco’s new SK380XD excavator is helping Clarence Sands Quarry improve operations. And on page 26 you can read about how Kleemann MSS802 Screen is doing wonders at Butlers Yarwun Quarries. Quarry also had the chance to speak with Puma Energy about its company values, products and it is investing in the environment for a more sustainable future.Wealso want to congratulate our cover advertiser Terex Washing Systems as it celebrates over 50 years of operations. You can read more about its humble beginnings on page 30. The IQA has had a busy month and therefore this month’s issue features a bigger IQA news section to reflect that. Turn to page 44 to see what the branches and sub-branches have been up Happyto. reading. Maria Highland Editor HELLO AND WELCOME TO ANOTHER ISSUE OF QUARRY.

WHEN THINGS GET REALLY TOUGH. THE NEW MCO 110 PRO CONE CRUSHER A WIRTGEN GROUP COMPANY WHEN THINGS GET REALLY TOUGH, YOU NEED A RESILIENT TEAM PLAYER. The new mobile MCO 110 PRO cone crusher is distinguished by an extremely sturdy design, very high performance and favourable consumption figures. As a downstream crusher linked to a mobile jaw crusher, it proves its worth as a true workhorse and impresses in tough stone quarrying operations. Efficient and strong – the perfect team player. MOBICONE MCO 110 PRO WIRTGEN AUSTRALIA PTY LTD · National Ben Lefroy +61 448 030 420 · WA Greg Lewis +61 448 033 441 · QLD/NT David Dixon +61 459 031 778 · NSW Linn Smith + 61 418 276 649 · VIC/SA/TAS Kyle Fredericks +61 447 539 302 · ·

he Institute of Quarrying Australia’s (IQA) strategic plan vision, values, and strategic priorities remain clearly in focus, and we are now in position to grow and transform after building a strong foundation following two and a half years in a relative defensive mode due to the pandemic. We are in a sound financial position, and we have progressed several important transformational programs that will help deliver our strategic priorities i.e., maximise outcomes for the industry through education and sustainable practice, increase our relevance and a high performing and sustainable organisation. The strategic priorities underpin our transformational programmes that were identified following an extensive survey of our members and the wider quarrying sector.Thesurvey addressed several key areas, such as what type of training and education the quarrying sector requires, the type of networking that members value, the flexibility and ease of access to relevant and/or mandatory training and education our members and their employers need. We asked our members to provide input into what company requirements, specific operator skill and professional development requirements such as leadership, management, and supervisory skills, would compel members to attend events to fulfil their obligation to their employers. We also asked members and the wider construction materials sector about what national standardisation of practices they’d like to see to support small and medium sized quarrying organisations, and equally as important, how we support the sectors regulators and their requirements. The underlying principle for our transformation programmes is that we cannot stand still, and we must deliver increased value for our members, sponsors, and the construction materials sector partners if we want to protect our history and be around for the future. A number of these programmes are multi-year and will require support and commitment from successive boards and our members. After the IQA’s AIQEF and Audit committees rigorous review and support for the recommendations, at the June 2022 meeting, the IQA Board resolved to support the recommendations from CEO Kylie Fahey, and the resources required to deliver these key strategic transformational imperatives. Funding is now approved in the FY22/23 budget. Exciting times ahead. We have briefed branch chairs and we will need ongoing input and support from all branches to ensure the various projects succeed. You will be hearing and reading about the details in the coming months as the projects take shape. I encourage you to where possible get involved, your input is valued and would be very much appreciated. Afterall, this is your Institute, and we want the same thing, not to stand still, to greatly improve member value and implement a pathway for a sustainable future for many, many years to come. As I near the end of my three-year term as president, I look forward to witnessing and experiencing how these transformational programmes increase our relevance for our members and the wider quarrying sector. As always, I hope you and your families are staying healthy and no doubt we are all looking forward to welcoming the warmer Spring weather ahead.
The Institute of AustraliaQuarrying The IQA’s Strategic Plan 2020 to 2025 embodies the following vision, values and strategic priorities: Vision: Educating and connecting the extractive and associated industries. • A safe and sustainable environment. Diversity and inclusion. Working development skills, careers and lifelong learning. Networking, connection, trust and communication. Priorities: Maximise outcomes for industry through education and sustainable practise. Increase our relevance. A high performing and sustainable organisation. Phone: 02 9484 0577 Email: Chief Executive Officer Kylie Fahey Company Secretary Rod Lester all education, member and branch please email: TIMES AHEAD T
SHANE InstitutePresidentBRADDYofQuarrying Australia
PRESIDENT’S REPORT 6 Quarry August 2022

Sustainability improvement services There are three specific areas where CO2 emissions can be reduced in a quarry operation. We work with sites to help them identify the opportunities for improvement, implement them and monitor the results, resulting in reduced emissions and lower cost per tonne. Talk to us about how we can help you meet your sustainability targets. +61 7 3051 0606 • L2, 127 George Street Brisbane Q 4000 Australia • KNOW WHAT’S IN THE GROUND | EXTRACT IT VIABLY | ENSURE COMPLIANCE

Meraz-Torres said she recently heard a great analogy that that helped her understand the difference between choice and identity: “Sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression are part of someone’s identity – just like the colour of one’s skin. Some aspects of our identities are visible, while others are not,” she explained. “This is part of why I choose to be an ally. To help everyone feel safe, comfortable, and respected whatever their identity. I encourage others to do theWeirsame.”Pride Alliance Affinity Group aims to play in helping achieve inclusion, diversity, and equity priorities at Weir Group.
“The Global Weir Women’s Network (GWWN) is dedicated to the attraction, retention, and continued development of women in Weir,” she said.
“And the Weir Pride Alliance (WPA) that creates opportunities to network, educate and advocate for our LGBTQ+ community and its allies.”•
Liebherr will present the new plant series at the Bauma trade fair held in Munich, Germany on October 24–30, 2022.
Liebherr uses its own twin-shaft or ringpanOutputmixers.rates of 100 to 210 m³ of compacted fresh concrete per hour are possible.Themobile design of the new Betomix mixing plant generation is marketed under the name of Mobilmix, which will also be available in Customers2023.willbe able to decide to what extent the mixing plant should be mobile.
“We can be the voice of our colleagues and advocates when they aren’t in the room,” Meraz-Torres said. “Regardless of where we are in our ally journey, being supportive, accepting and open to all will help make Weir an even better place to work.”Likewise, ensuring that people feel like they belong will also help them to do their best for their company. To achieve this there needs to be a sense of urgency, and businesses need to actively “help move the needle in the right direction faster,” Meraz-Torres said. “We need to be open-minded around conversations about the LGBTQ+ community... and keep learning how to be a better ally.”
Weir Group believes that LGBTQIA+ allies play a pivotal role in ensuring its workplace is inclusive for everyone. Affinity groups help identify gaps in knowledge or understanding that might be due to unconscious bias or lack of insight of the matters at hand, Weir Pride Alliance Affinity Group steering committee member Yesenia Meraz-Torres (she/her) explained in a blogpost.Therefore, allies play a critical role in helping address these gaps or biases.
8 Quarry August 2022 NEWS
“We should look out for bias and be brave enough to step-up when it’s appropriate,” she said.
“The Inclusion, Diversity & Equity Steering Committee (I,D&E) works to foster an inclusive and diverse environment – one that is fair, honest, transparent and authentic,” MerazTorres said.
Meraz-Torres also highlighted the
Allies play a critical role in helping address gaps in knowledge or biases.
Liebherr’s new Betomix and Mobilmix modular design mixing plant series will replace several predecessor series. The new mixing plant series can be combined using prefabricated modules. Individual modules can be planned and manufactured independently of each other and combined with other modules. Customers will benefit from more freedom when configuring plants, shorter delivery times, faster assembly, and increased parts availability. Improvements to the drive will also reduce current consumption by up to 30 per cent and increase weighing accuracy – this means that up to 7.5 kg of cement can be saved per cubic metre of concrete.Likewise, hybrid mixing processes and shorter mixing times are easy to implement, avoiding power peaks. The modules pre-wired and fully assembled at Liebherr. They feature a folding concept and plug connections so they can be quickly and efficiently assembled and put into operation at the construction site. Depending on the customer’s requirements and use, mixer systems can be installed in the same basic system.
importance of challenging biases.

Building Roads That Last With Puma Bitumen Precoat 306 - registered with TMR at highest performance level To minimise the loss of stones in sprayed seal applications, Puma has developed Bitumen Precoat 306. The product is available from Puma Bitumen terminals in Queensland. Puma Energy Bitumen+61 491 696 Anet.Prinsloo@pumaenergy.com764 “There are 3 main points that make a good product - availability, product and price. We have used the Puma Bitumen twice now and have found it to be excellent - the service to get it to us has been spot on. We have found the product to be very easy to use, it flows well and the colour is perfect. Lastly the price - very competitive and an easy company to deal with. A1 for me.” Non precoated stones for sprayed seal application Stones with Puma Bitumen Precoat 306 Puma Bitumen Precoat 306: • Provides durable bond between binder and precoated aggregate • Neutralises the effect of dust and fines • Excellent priming (wetting) of the aggregate Julie Champion - Stonehenge Quarry

Producing clinker from 100 per cent recycled materials involved finding the appropriate waste streams and designing the best physical configuration to reorganise clinker production.Therefore, the Altkirch trial used alternative raw materials, ranging from wood ash to mineral processing waste, largely from local sources.
10 Quarry August 2022 NEWS
Holcim has produced clinker made entirely of recycled materials at its factory in Altkirch, France, demonstrating an important step in circular construction.
The recycled clinker will be used to produce 100 per cent recycled cement.
The clinker was developed at Altkirch during a trial conducted by global research and development centre based in Isle d’Abeau.
The recycled clinker is fully compliant with European standards and will be used to produce 100 per cent recycled cement. Combining recycled cement production with recycled water, recycled reinforcements, and other recycled components, will enable 100 per cent recycled concrete to be
A research team from the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), part of the Institute of Concrete Science and Technology (ICITECH), is studying various samples of volcanic ash for the manufacture of cement and concrete. The samples studied are from the Cumbre Vieja volcano, on the island of La Palma.Sofar, the results obtained by the UPV team has shown volcanic ashes to be sufficiently reactive to be applied in the manufacture of cements with additions (type II) or pozzolanic cements (type IV). The ashes show a good homogeneity, considering the different origins of the samplesPhysical,collected.chemical, mineralogical and mechanical tests have found that the volcanic ashes meet the regulatory requirements for use as a mineral addition in“Thesecement.volcanic ashes should be considered as natural waste, as it is a material that has occupied or is occupying spaces that correspond to infrastructures, industries, roads, farmland and housing,” GIQUIMA-ICITECH team member María Victoria Borrachero said. “To recover part of the social and economic activity, and to preserve the environment, it is necessary to recover the use of the several million tonnes of this ash that may be available,” GIQUIMAICITECH team member Lourdes Soriano said.“And, in view of the first results of our study, cement-based materials are a great alternative for the management of this large volume of waste material,” he added.Themain objective of the GIQUIMAICITECH team at the Universitat Politècnica de València is to give value to this ash in the field of civil engineering, by means of collection, management, conditioning and application through a cement or construction company.
“We are now analysing projects in which the results of the research can be applied,” GIQUIMA-ICITECH team member José Monzó said. Next, the team will focus on evaluating the behaviour of these cements in the long term and on optimising the dosage in the composition of the new cements with ashes from Cumbre Vieja. •
“This breakthrough shows what is possible when you combine Holcim’s unique expertise in recycling with its leading position in cement production,” Holcim Innovation Center director Edelio Bermejo said.
“Developing 100 per cent recycled clinker takes us one step further in our quest for circular construction to decarbonise the built environment.” Holcim is accelerating its contribution to circular construction as part of its net-zero journey to decarbonise the built environment. To support this, Holcim has recycled 54 million tons of materials across its global operations in 2021 and plans to double that rate to 100 million tons new from old, Holcim is stepping up the recycling of construction and demolition waste into new building materials, with the goal of reaching 10 million tons by 2025. In 2021, the company recycled 6.6 million tons of construction waste and demolition material.•


Metso Outotec follows the progress of its diversity and inclusion agenda via engagement surveys, where the topic is one of the KPIs. “Going forward, more actions will follow,” Metso Outotec vice president, talent and inclusion Marjut Kumpulampi-Santos said. “In 2022, we continue increasing awareness inside the organization and providing inclusion and psychological safety trainings for all employees. “We are developing inclusive recruitment practices and looking at ways to remove barriers and bias from our processes,” Kumpulampi-Santos said.•
Metso Outotec has invested EUR 2.2 million ($3.1 million) to correct gender-related pay gaps following a company-wide analysis. This year, Metso Outotec did a global fair pay analysis to review pay practices across more than 50 countries that it operates in. According to Metso Outotec, results confirmed that existing policies and practices at the company provide a solid foundation and that typically the salary of an employee develops in an unbiased manner.
Metso Outotec will continue to strengthen the recruitment process to ensure unbiased salary decisions are made for all people joining Metso Outotec across the globe.
Sandvik Mobile Crushers and Screens has welcomed Peter Unelind as its new businesses division president whilst Sandvik Rock Processing Solutions president of business area Anders Svensson has left the company. Unelind has been selected as president for businesses division at Sandvik Mobile Crushers and Screens, effective 1 June. Unelind has taken over from outgoing president Andy McCullock. Prior to this, Unelind was vice president, operations at stationary crushing & screening division. He joined the company in 2013. The company believes Unelind’s execution capabilities, strong leadership and focus on collaboration will help enable the business to Make the Shift strategy and maximise uptime across its range of Meanwhile,machinery.Sandvik Rock Processing Solutions president of business area Anders Svensson will leave the company no later than November. Svensson has taken up the position of chief executive at lifting equipment and services provider Konecranes.
become more aware of potential biases in the salary setting.
“Building an inclusive culture is a priority at Metso Outotec and acting on the gender-related pay gap findings was only one concrete action for 2022,” Metso Outotec chief executive Pekka Vauramo. “We continue building awareness and capabilities globally and ensure that there are good processes in place to support equal treatment of our employees across the organization.”
Svensson has been with Sandvik since 2008 and has been president of Sandvik Rock Processing Solutions since 2021. Prior to this, he was president of the crushing and screening division.
Metso Outotec has made a one-time investment of $3.1m to correct gender-related pay gaps.
While not present in all countries, the analysis also identified gender-related payAccordinggaps. to Metso Outotec, these salary differences originated mostly to decision made at-hire. Therefore, it has made a one-time investment of EUR 2.2 million ($3.1 million) to correct gender-related pay gaps.These exceptional increases were made to some 500 employees in around 20 countries, the company said.The increases were approved as part of a global salary review process, and consequently managers have
12 Quarry August 2022 NEWS
“Svensson has led Sandvik Rock Processing Solutions in a very good way since the business area was formed in 2021 and made excellent contributions during his years at Sandvik,” Sandvik president and chief executive Stefan Widing said. “He has been a highly appreciated member of the Group Executive Management.”Thecompany will now find a successor.• | 1300 562 352@kobelcoaustralia
The new XD Series is engineered for the most demanding applications. Built on Kobelco’s rock-solid reputation for quality and reliability, these extreme duty machines feature a rugged machine body with comprehensive additional reinforcement where it matters most. These machines take strength and durability to an all new level – delivering increased performance across even the harshest work sites. Built for power. Built for reliability. Built to last. The new Kobelco XD Series.

The CCAA believes the construction materials sector will be a key partner in the delivery of these signature initiatives.
Vik Bansal has been appointed Boral chief executive officer and managing director, effective Monday 5 December 2022. Bansal will replace current Boral chief executive Zlatko Todorcevski, who will remain in the role until the transition is complete. Bansal has more than 30 years of leadership experience in managing complex industrial organisations. He has demonstrated the ability to guide organisations through significant growth, transition, and improvement.
“This includes providing essential construction materials such as sand, stone, gravel, cement and concrete for the building of new hospitals,” CCAA chief executive Ken Slattery said. Such materials – which are sourced from local quarries, concrete plants, and cement facilities – will be used for roads and transport infrastructure, schools and social housing, Slattery pointed out. However, demand for additional social and economic infrastructure underlines the need for policy reforms across key sectors delivering these projects.
“The State’s Government continued focus on infrastructure is welcome, though highlights the need for improvements with quarry approvals, regulatory efficiency, supply chains, energy costs and skills and labour,” CCAA state director, Queensland Aaron Johnstone said. “Like other sectors, our industry is currently facing enormous supply chain challenges – despite the increased materials’ demand from population growth and new infrastructure,” he said. •
“(Bansal) is a seasoned leader with extensive experience and has a track record of instilling discipline and efficiency in complex businesses to create value for all stakeholders,” Stokes“(Bansal)said.has the passion, commitment and strategic leadership skills required to drive a performance orientated culture with a focus on productivity, stakeholders and leveraging Boral’s competitive advantages.”Stokesthanked Mr Todorcevski for his contribution to the business and for continuing to lead the company during the“Overtransition.thelast two years, (Todorcevski) has overseen significant change, including a roadmap for the company’s transformation, the successful sale of non-core assets and the return of proceeds to investors,” Stokes said.•
Bansal is currently the chief executive of InfraBuild where he delivered improvements across financial and operational metrics in a short period of time. Prior to this, Bansal worked at Cleanaway from 2015 and 2021. At Cleanaway he implemented the Footprint 2025 strategy, embedding strong financial and operational discipline. Bansal developed a network of prized infrastructure whilst simultaneously improving safety and prioritising customer service. Bansal is delighted to join Boral as chief executive and managing director, and to support Boral to reach its potential and return value for shareholders. VITAL TO QLD, SAYS CCAA
The 2022 Queensland Budget will allocate $59.13b over four years to develop infrastructure; $7.3b to develop transport infrastructure in 2022–23; $441.3m in 2022–23 to deliver new social homes and upgrades. Likewise, $9.785b over six years will be allocated to healthcare and four new schools will open in 2025 as part of a $3b Building Future Schools Program.
14 Quarry August 2022 NEWS
The Boral board is confident in Bansal’s ability to lead Boral, said Boral chairman Ryan Stokes.
“Boral is an iconic and compelling business with great assets and a wellrespected and motivated workforce,” Bansal said. “I am excited to be part of Boral’s next phase of creating value for all its stakeholders through a culture of safety, and focus on service, sustainability and simplification.”
The Cement Concrete and Aggregates Australia (CCAA) believes the construction materials sector will play a key role in supporting the vision outlined in the Queensland State Budget.

Currently, mineral reserves being sold and consumed at a faster rate than they are being replaced, which has been an ongoing issue for “well over ten years,” the MPA said. Likewise, “it can typically take 10 to 15 years to identify and prove resources, secure land and rights, prepare and submit planning applications, and for these to be determined and permissions issued,” the MPA said. Due to this, the implications of the 2042 deadline will start to become significant in around five years’ time, it asserted.
• Highly skilled team of employee and contractors
In response to this, the Mineral Products Association (MPA) released a briefing stressing the importance of maintaining productive capacity up to and beyond 2042. It asserted that while some operations will have exhausted their reserves by then, many sites may still contain commercially viable reserves, and may still be producing essential minerals. Making the most of these reserves is vital due to a shortage of mineral reserves.
• Modern fleet of Crusher, Screens & Excavators
“Given the essential nature of mineral supply to the delivery of national ambitions for infrastructure and housing, whilst increasing our resilience to climate change and delivering the roadmap to net-zero, it is vital that the issue of transitioning to 2042 and beyond whilst replenishing supply is addressed now,” the MPA said. 847 079
• 0409
Rostrevor Group, established in 2019, to service the recycling and Quarry industry with crushing and screening services.
• Specializing in Recycling - 1. Asphalt 2. Concrete 3. Bricks Mineral reserves being sold and consumed at a faster rate than they are being replaced.
The MPA will explore feasible legal routes that can be taken to continue to work resources where appropriate. It recommended that “in the meantime, central and devolved government, mineral planning authorities and where appropriate Aggregate Working Parties and Regional AWPs need to be aware of the potential for a supply crunch, especially for crushed rock, beyond 2042,” the MPA said.
A significant number of mineral planning permissions in the UK are due to expire on the same day in 2042. The 1981 Town & Country Planning (Minerals) Act imposed an end-date on all historic planning permissions for mineral working across the UK that were granted permission before 22 February 1982 without an end-date, 60 years after the power came intoThiseffect.deadline applies to sand, gravel and crushed rock used to support construction activity, as well as minerals that support cement production, building stone, silica sand, industrial clays, and industrial lime.

Promoting flexibility of design and manufacture to suit each customer’s individual needs, Hawk Machinery is a global name in quarrying machinery.
Pinnacle Hire is an agile hire business that focusses on supporting the completion of construction and maintenance projects. From pumping and water storage and management to water treatment plants and equipment, Pinnacle Hire can source any piece of equipment needed to get the job done. The company partners with several leading brands in the quarrying and mining industry, such as Atlas Copco, Sulzer, and Selwood. Its commitment to only partnering with the best means that its customers can expect to receive a high level of service and professionalism.
More information: Hawk Machinery,
Powered by Cat C-15 engine and IFM control system, designed and setup in our Brisbane factory, this unit is built for Australian conditions including heavy duty belts and triple seal conveyor bearings.
More information: Pinnacle Hire,
Pinnacle Hire has a particularly long list of dewatering pumps from Atlas Copco, which has over 140 years’ experience with global construction. The next time you’re in the market for water pumping or storage equipment, turn to Pinnacle Hire for professionalism and service you can trust.
PRODUCT FOCUS 16 Quarry August 2022
A particular speciality area for J&B Excavators is quarrying equipment such as trucks, augers, hydraulic hammers, loaders or excavators.
More information: Precisionscreen, equipment-sales/crushers/precisionscreen-trackcrush-pv350-vsi/
Hawk Machinery is an Australian-owned company that has been focussed on providing its customers with exactly what they want since 1988. Its bread and butter are in manufacturing and supplying crushing, screening, feeding, and conveying equipment to the extractive industry. Hawk Machinery has over 800 machines in use around the country and globally, including South Africa, Thailand, Singapore, and Indonesia. The varied Hawk range includes vibrating screens for mining and quarrying applications, de-watering screens, vibrating grizzly feeders, and horizontal screens among many others. The company also focusses on plant layout and turnkey projects.
More information: J&B Excavators,
The Precisionscreen Trackcrush PV350 VSI provides the solution for stage four aggregate crushing. As many contractors are finding, the shape of the aggregate is the key to success. The VSI crusher like most uses a rock lining spinning rotor to accelerate material, which is then impacted in a highly energised rock lined crushing chamber. Likewise, the Australian designed VSI crusher has hydraulically variable/ adjustable crusher drive, dedicating 350Kw drive to the rotor itself.
J&B Excavators is a company that specialises in long reach excavation and dam and channel distilling and cleaning. Its general services include truck service, repair and maintenance along with speciality applications such as line boring, environmental services, and welding repair and fabrication. Those in need of site preparation services can also look to J&B, as it can provide land clearing, trenching, levelling, and landfill amongothers.

Most energy efficient rig in its class
United. Inspired. SmartROC T45 We want to maximise your productivity and save you money, whilst keeping the environmental impact as low as possible. The key to its incredible fuel efficiency is a rig that only uses the amount of energy the work demands. The SmartROC T45 will set the standard for future drilling, thanks to the intuitive design.

The FM Pentium range is a static sand and aggregate washing unit. On a single chassis it can produce one sand and one aggregate. The FM Pentium takes the success of the Fines Master range and builds upon it with its increased production and versatility. The range combines a collection tank, centrifugal slurry pump, hydrocyclone(s) and a dewatering screen. With a feed rate of up to 150tph of pre-screened material the FM Pentium can produce up to 120tph washed sand.
Ritchie Bros has sold two pieces of equipment: A 2010 BELL B50D articulated dump truck for $162,500 and a Caterpillar D7R Series II crawler tractor for $255,000. The BELL B50D articulated dump truck meter reads 10997 Hr. The dump truck features air conditioner, fire suppression system, e-stops, 2008 US EPA label, auto-lube, fast fuel fill, and 875/65R29 tires. CAT D7R Series II meter reads 8009 Hr. The tractor features enclosed cab, air conditioner, pre-wired for grade control, powershift transmission with ripper.cylindershoessinglewithwideEPAsteering,differential2006USLabel,3500mmsemi-ubladesingletilt,600mmgrousertrackandfour-multi-shank
18 Quarry August 2022 PRODUCT FOCUS To submit new product and equipment releases, email:
SANDVIK’S BB5440 BREAKER BOOM IS THE ULTIMATE IN QUARRY BOOMS Sandvik BB5440 breaker boom is typically used in quarries and mines to improve the productivity of stationary crushers by feeding material into the crusher and by raking the hopper area. Designed to withstand tough duty cycles, the BB5440 boasts a robust triangular boom design and a circular pedestal to optimise stress distribution and foundation structures. The boom is both durable and protective and can provide a 7.2-meter maximum reach, along with a 170° swing, promoting optimal flexibility. With an increased service life, a heat-treated conical expander and Sandvik’s full electrification, the BB5440 is one of Sandvik’s ultimate breaker booms for quarrying applications. More information: Sandvik, range/bb5440-breaker-boom/breakers-demolition-tools-and-booms/breaker-booms/
Pit and quarry operators can look forward to more intelligent ways READY FOR TOUGH CONDITIONS Move material across challenging, adverse terrain with the HM400-5 articulated truck. For job sites where roads may not exist or are not well established, this machine is designed and equipped to deliver productive, consistent performance. The HM400-5 has 40-tonne capacity and features Komatsu’s advanced truck transmission system, along with exclusive hydraulic braking and retarder systems for unrivalled traction, braking power and safety in all applications; and it comes standard with Komtrax remote monitoring and location system, backed by Komatsu’s Australia-wide service and support network. Enjoy benefits such as excellent manoeuvrability, automated powertrain features, customer-approved ride comfort and design that ensures durability. For more information: Komatsu, or call 1300 287566 THE HAMMER BROS SELLS TWO KEY PIECES OF EQUIPMENT FOR $417,500
Wash one grade of sand and one aggregate on a single chassis with the Terex Washing FM Pentium.

THREE INTRINSIC VALUES: ACCURACY, RELIABILITY AND EASE OF USE. THE 6X ®. OUT NOW! Admittedly, at first glance, you can’t tell what’s inside the new VEGAPULS 6X radar sensor: A high-precision level instrument that doesn’t care if its measuring liquids or bulk solids. Only its colour gives you a hint that it’s going to be great to use. VEGA. HOME OF VALUES.

“It is important that we continue to learn from safety incidents and improve workplace hazard controls until we no longer have any preventable workplace injuries.”
“Heart of Australia’s mission is to reduce the burden of distance when it comes to healthcare services for those in these communities,” Heart of Australia head of operations Ewan Wylie told Quarry. “Heart of Australia aims to reduce the inequality of accessible specialist services and improve patient outcomes for those living in rural and remote communities.”
HEART OF AUSTRALIA To ensure the health of those working in mining and quarrying, Heart of Australia launched its newest mobile clinic Heart 5 in February 2022. It is a joint initiative with the Queensland Government to provide increased accessibility to lung checks for current and former mine and quarry workers in rural and remote Queensland.“Heart5,our latest mobile health clinic, was funded by Resource Safety Health Queensland (RSHQ) to support the screening and early identification of mine dust lung diseases (MDLD),” Wylie said. He explained that “given the resource industry in Queensland typically operates in rural and remote areas, Heart of Australia was excited by the opportunity to expand the services we were already delivering. “We wanted to build a mobile service that would not only improve accessibility to high quality screening services, but also the equipment and specialists needed to investigate abnormal results in a timely manner.”Themobile medical imaging clinic includes X-ray and CT scanner equipment to assist in the screening and early detection of mine dust lung diseases, such as black lung and silicosis.“Heart 5 has been set up as a “one-stopshop” and is able to deliver chest x-rays, spirometry and physical examinations but is also able to complete the further investigations of HRCT, laboratory lung function and respiratory specialist consults typically needed to confirm or exclude a diagnosis of MDLD,” Wylie“Theexplained.truckisa RSHQ approved spirometry and radiology clinic, and the service is operated by RSHQ approved doctors.
Heart of Australia is a mobile medical program delivering specialist services to rural and remote communities in Queensland.Itslatesttruck to be launched, Heart 5, was on display at the recent IQA Quarrying & Mining Safety & Health Conference in Townsville, Qld where Heart of Australia head of operations Ewan Wylie presented the truck’s healthcare capabilities and CT scanning technology.
Heart of Australia was founded by cardiologist Dr Rolf Gomes in 2014 with the launch of Heart 1 – a mobile health clinic.
HEALTH RISKS WITHIN MINING AND QUARRYING Wylie explained that “mining and quarrying activities have many associated health risks such as human interactions with large plant and equipment, noise, vibration, heat, uneven and wet ground, and dust to name a few. “Most of the hazards on a mine or quarry site pose an immediate safety risk, but for dust, the consequences of excessive exposure are unlikely to be evident until many years after the exposure/s occurred.” Therefore, it is important to monitor respiratory health consistently and identify hazards before they cause harm. “Respiratory health surveillance is extremely important for mine and quarry workers as we need to diagnose as early as possible those affected by respiratory hazards in the workplace so that any further harm can be minimised,” Wylie said. “Early detection has been proven to improve health outcomes,” he noted. “It is also important that we identify when workplace controls may have failed or been
Heart of Australia head of operations Ewan Wylie spoke to Quarry about the importance of health surveillance for quarry and mining workers.
According to Wylie, Heart of Australia’s fleet has now expanded to five mobile health
20 Quarry August 2022 HEALTH AND SAFETY

Visit us online for more info P: +61 3 8805 0500 E: Available in: NSW • VIC • QLD • SA • TAS GET PUMPED! DEWATERING • SEWER BYPASS • WATER SUPPLY • POLYMER & BENTONITE
“Additionally, to the standard examination, we are also able to provide audiometry, visual acuity, bloods and urinalysis, stress tests and functional assessments through the truck.”
Since its launch, Heart 5 has “travelled over 22,000kms and delivered over 950 respiratory health examinations for coal and mineral mine workers, silica exposed workers, and former mine and quarry workers,” Wylie said. “Heart 5 has screened former/retired mine and quarry workers in Gladstone, Biloela, Rockhampton, Mackay, Collinsville, Moranbah, Cairns, and Mount Isa,” he added.
By providing workers with access to health care on-site, Heart 5 minimises the travel and time off work required to complete respiratory health surveillance. “The battery technology we have designed and built in Queensland to power the CT scanner means with Heart 5, we can do a CT parked on a mine site – and that is a world first,” Heart of Australia founder Dr Rolf Gomes said in a press release. “Heart 5 breaks down the barriers of distance, so if you do have a lung disease, we can find it early and quickly,” he added. Heart 5 also features the world’s first battery powered CT Scanner, meaning that diagnostics can happen in an efficient and timely manner if required. “By being a one-stop-shop, we are able to complete all the required investigations in one appointment,” Wylie said. “As well as an efficient examination process, our patient management system helps sites manage on-boarding their workforce data as well as meet reporting obligations,” he continued.“Ourprograms meet all privacy and confidentiality requirements for managing workers health data and are designed to enable learnings from the data we collect so that we can support safer workplaces today and into the future.”
• For more information, call 07 3162 5310 or email
Heart of Australia delivers specialist services to regional and remote communities in Queensland.

The SK380XD delivers an average fuel consumption of under 20 L/hr in typical The SK380XD has thicker triple plated reinforcement in all key areas of mechanical stress.
22 Quarry August 2022 EXCAVATORS
The SK380XD excavator is built for extreme durability and is engineered to operate in the harshest conditions, making it ideal for quarry operations.
As with any quarry operation, excavators often wait idle between dump truck rotations. Therefore, Clarence Sands Quarry required an excavator that could offer fuel economy as well as reliability. “(For) sitting idle and waiting between dump trucks, Kobelco’s fuel economy was really appealing,” Urus said. “Hence why it made a bit of sense to go for the machine that had the better fuel economy waiting for dump trucks in between to load.”
The Kobelco SK380XD excavator is the heaviest in its class at 37,700 kg and promises unbeatable fuel efficiency, delivering industry leading productivity to the most demanding worksites.
Australian Civil Management Group director Michael Urus spoke to Quarry about the new excavators. According to Urus, the quarry initially purchased one Kobelco SK350 excavator, which “did the first four months in production without missing a beat. “Hence, we went and bought two more.” The initial machine was traded in for the SK380XD. Likewise, the quarry was increasing production, therefore the decision was made to invest in two SK380XD excavators to keep up with“Thedemand.SK350 got up to about two and a half thousand hours and the new SK380XD was more spec’d for a quarry,” Urus said. “The arm was slightly beefier, and Kobelco had made some changes to the machine that looked very interesting and more useful for the application, hence why we went for the heavier specification new model that had come out.”
The SK380XD is purpose-built, featuring a robust machine body and substantial additional reinforcements to all key areas of stress and wear across the boom, arm, underbody, and undercarriage. It also has thicker triple plated reinforcement in all key areas of mechanical stress, for unbeatable durability and longevity. This ensures that the SK380XD can last in the harshest of applications. Likewise, the arm foot boss shape has also been modified and improved to efficiently distribute loading, delivering increased strength for demanding tasks, like rock ripping and quarry mineral extraction. A specially designed full-length rock guard is installed on the inside of the dipper arm on top of additional steel plating. The Kobelco features a bucket breakout force of 244 kN and arm tearout force of 180 kN, as well as a powerful slew torque of 120 kN which ensures maximum productivity levels.
THE SK380XD IN ACTION It was the SK380XD’s innovative technology, Japanese quality and reliability and fuel efficiency that made it an attractive choice for production at Australian Civil Management Group’s Clarence Sands Quarry in the Blue Mountains, NSW. Currently, the quarry operates two Kobelco SK380XD excavators for production work. “Clarence Sands is in its third year of operation,” Sydney Trucks & Machinery (STM) sales manager Mark Morris said. “The SK380XDLC-10 was the obvious choice when they decided to replace their 2020 SK350LC-10. The key attributers to the purchase decision included: no breakdowns, nil downtime, fuel savings, fast dig cycle times, and reduced cost of ownership.”
“The SK380XDLC-10 excavator is ideal for quarry applications, with its strengthened extreme duty boom and dipper,” STM area manager, north Sydney Peter Moore added. “Being purpose built for handling repeated large capacity loads, adding extra durability to a long-life machine. The undercarriage was also built up with extra strengthening ribs, more track guides, and highly durable chains, also boosting durability in severe working conditions,” he said.

Australian heavy digging conditions.
“Kobelco excavators have long held a reputation of power, speed, and fast cycle times,” Moore said. All this, with excellent fuel efficiency, Kobelco’s matching of modern engines to compliment excellent hydraulic performance which results in less fuel burned while still retaining class leading performance.”
• Visit for more information.
According to Urus, in addition to fuel economy, the Kobelco excavators are very reliable machines. “It’s certainly been a very reliable machine. We’ve never had to contact anybody for after service. I’m sure they’ve got very good service backup (but we’ve) never had to contact them,” Urus said. “It’s doing a great job doing production,” he added.Australian Civil Management Group has a strong relationship with Caterpillar, which provides a large portion of its equipment but after a business partner recommended Kobelco, they thought they would invest.
The boom to arm hydraulic regeneration system improves fuel efficiency while reducing cycle times and boosting productivity.TheSK380XD has three work modes which allows the operator to select the best mode for the job at hand: heavy, standard and an ECO-mode which automatically optimises digging efficiency, delivering a 24 per cent reduction in fuel consumption.
Likewise, “the SK380XD’s mechanicals, developed from previous models, have had a long history of minimum downtime, excellent reliability, and economic serviceability. This leads to lower costs per hour for the owners.”
The partner “pointed out the benefits of using a Kobelco and we thought we’d give it a crack with them,” said Urus. “We are certainly impressed with how the Kobelco has performed,” he added.
For more information contact us today: E. T. +61
481 229 Wash one grade of sand and one aggregate on a single chassis Two washed products from one machine Compact footprint with quick installation Easily integrated into Terex Washing Systems Aquaclear Water Treatment range fm pentiumTM new
The SK380XDLC-10 excavator is ideal for quarry applications, with its strengthened heavy-duty boom and dipper. 447

24 Quarry August 2022 MOTORS
ToThink Engineering specifically uses Oli Vibrator motors on its own “ToThink” brand of machines built in Australia. With Oli Vibrators, ToThink Engineering has a “reliable, available, and broad range of vibrator motors to engineer into our own equipment as well as into existing machines that others have manufactured,” Toth said. “We are confident to use Oli products and so are our customers.” More specifically, Oli Vibrators has been supplying ToThink Engineering with industrial vibrator motors predominately from its range of electric vibrating motors (MVE). “The motors supplied have ranged from 300 kg force, which were used to aid bulk material flow in product bins, up to 22000 kg force, used on large vibrating screens,” Toth said. “Some motors have been supplied to replace existing motors on a like-for-like basis where replacement has taken place without modification to any part of the equipment,” he explained.“Othershave been supplied with other key components (e.g., drive beams, motor mounting frames, etc.) necessary to replace other makes of vibrator motors that have a different mounting interface but where Oli Vibrators has been the preferred replacement.”OliVibrators is ToThink Engineering’s “preferred supplier of vibrator motors because they provide a high-quality, reasonably priced product range that is well supported by the Oli Australia team and well stocked in Oli’s Melbourne warehouse,” Toth said. “For these reasons we, and our customers, feel like we are getting great value and can be confident whenever we put Oli products intoForservice.”example, “the two biggest highlights (of our relationship with Oli Vibrators) have involved four of the largest motors we have sold so far,” Toth noted. “One pair of MVE22000/1 vibrator motors were supplied with one of our large dewatering screens to a sand quarry in Eastern Victoria,” he recalled.
SUPPORT WHEN YOU NEED IT Toth believes that the partnership ToThink Engineering has with Oli Vibrators works well because it extends well beyond great value, quality products.
ToThink Engineering is a Melbourne based business providing equipment such as screens and feeders, engineered solutions and various hardware items to the quarry, recycling and mining industries.Duetothe demands of the industries it services, ToThink requires “high quality, reliable suppliers in order to achieve the best long-term results for our customers,” ToThink Engineering director Darren Toth explained. For ToThink, Oli Vibrators fits the bill. In fact, Oli Vibrators has been ToThink Engineering’s choice of supplier since it first began operating.“Soonafter ToThink Engineering (Australia) began in 2016, Oli and ToThink realised the benefit that a close, long-term relationship would bring to both companies,” Toth said. “This relationship continues to grow along with a steady increase in the volume of business between the two businesses.”
When looking for high-quality, reliable suppliers, ToThink Engineering doesn’t need to look further than Oli Vibrators.
“In addition to supplying the Oli motors for this project we also redesigned the frame onto which the vibrator motors are mounted and were able to improve the performance of the screen as well as its reliability,” continued Toth.“Ayear has now passed, and the machine continues to run reliably,” he added.
“Not only do the Oli Australia team provide us with fantastic backup and support but we are also able to liaise with members of the Oli team in Italy,” he said. Toth pointed out that “as a mechanical engineer and equipment designer I need to also be able to engage with technical people,
“The other large pair of motors were MVE19500/1 vibrator motors that replaced motors of a different make (on a heavyduty screen manufactured by one of our competitors) that were failing approximately every 12 weeks for a number of years.”

The MVE22000/1 Oli vibrator motor is the largest motor ToThink Engineering has used to date.
Actionable Insights
“We don’t just sell, we engineer,” he stated.
Likewise, Oli Vibrators’ Australia presence ensures reliability and continues to build trust with ToThink Engineering and its customers. Toth explained that “there are many vibrator motors in service on equipment across Australia for which there is no replacement on the ground within Australia.” Therefore, “when purchasing vibrating equipment that uses vibrator motors it is strongly advised that you investigate where a replacement motor would come from should a failure occur, how long it would take to get to you and what it would cost to do so.”
Visit for more information.
AcTionAble inSighTS | DAShboArDS | noTificATionS for Loadrite Scales within our supply network, and work with them to develop new products and explore different applications.”
“This is what sets ToThink Engineering apart from many of its competitors and the technical support we receive from the Oli team helps to cement the “engineering culture” within our business.”
“This has brought comfort to our customer knowing that, if anything should cause a motor to fail there is a replacement available here in “Therefore,Australia.nolong wait and no expensive air freight bill,” he concluded. •
To learn more visit SmartTech Australia | 1800 655 860 |
For example, over the last six years, ToThink Engineering has “supplied several “changeover” packages to replace vibrator motor models that are either no longer made or are extremely expensive. “These packages consisted of a pair of Oli Vibrator motors and a replacement drive beam/frame onto which the motors are mounted,” Toth explained.
InsightHQ provides real-time operations visibility to improve performance and productivity. See target vs. actual production, delays, downtime and more, so you have the confidence to make more informed decisions. InsightHQ supports a mixed fleet of all your loaders, excavators, haul trucks, and conveyor belts to track productivity from the pit to stockpile.

Butlers Yarwun Quarries has added its delivery of the Kleemann MSS 802 EVO mobile scalping screen plant to the growing list of highlights of its four-year relationship with Wirtgen.
Butlers Yarwun Quarries is a familyowned business that has been operational since 1986. “We produce road bases, aggregates for concrete and asphalt, etc., for heavy industry,” Butlers Yarwun Quarries SSE/ manager John Sherburd told Quarry Helping Butlers Yarwun Quarries achieve its targets is equipment supplier Wirtgen Group. “What we get with them is reliable equipment,” Sherburd said. Butlers Yarwun Quarries has purchased three Wirtgen screens in the last two years, including the Kleemann Mobiscreen MSC 953 EVO triple deck screening plant and a Kleemann MS 21 Z mobile double-deck scalping screen plant. The third screen, and the most recent addition to the line-up, is the Kleemann MSS 802 EVO mobile scalping screen plant. “We needed to buy an additional screen for a contract that we have so we can double production and meet some pretty significant targets at the same time,” Sherburd said. Butlers Yarwun Quarries chose the MSS 802 EVO for several reasons. Firstly, Butlers Yarwun Quarries felt that in comparisons with the alternatives from other companies, the MSS 802 EVO was a lot better suited to its needs. “(We) went through advantages and disadvantages of a couple of competitors with what we needed and the MSS 802 EVO came out on top,” Sherburd said. Likewise, “being the been the newest one that Wirtgen made; I was pretty keen (to get it).“Plus, we’ve got two others here, so you’ve got continuity of parts,” he added. Sherburd was initially drawn to the MSS 802 EVO as it boasted a new design which offered higher quality build and improved safety.“Quality is good with the new (MSS 802 EVO),” Sherburd said.
26 Quarry August 2022 SCREENING

The new design of the MSS 802 EVO also means that it was stronger, more powerful, and productive – which is exactly what Butlers Yarwun Quarries needed to achieve its targets.
“It helped us achieve the targets because it’s a new machine; it’s a lot stronger than the older ones,” Sherburd said. “Things run better because of the configuration of the pumps, with the conveyors. (There’s) less downtime with blockages.
“They’ve improved the quality; the safety aspects are a lot different as“So,well.for me, in the new machine, it would be, I think 50 per cent better than the old ones,” Sherburd noted.
“It’s been significant in helping us over the last couple of months here,” he explained. In particular, Sherburd praised the MSS 802 EVO its enhanced safety that offers. “The main reason that we went for (theMSS 802 EVO) was due to a new safety aspect on that screen that the other screens don’t have.” This “makes for ease of changing screens, accessibility for working on it,” he said. For example, the MSS 802 EVO features good quality walkways for people to ensure workers’ safety when doing maintenance work, Sherburd noted. “Also, the screen is better than the older ones in the fact that each conveyor has a standard line pump system for it,” he continued. This means that “they have more power, don’t get blocked as much and you can put more weight over them. “So, that’s one of the reasons we went with that one,” Sherburd said. “Actually, we purposely blocked it to see how easy it is to unblock than the old ones,” Sherburd added. With the MSS 802 EVO, “you can drop down flat, and the conveyor becomes like a walkway as well, so it’s a lot easier to get round, a lot easier to change safely,” Sherburd explained. Another major plus for Butlers Yarwun Quarries is the availability of the“Availabilityscreen. was a big thing. And (the MSS 802 EVO) was readily available. There was no waiting time on it,” Sherburd said. He explained that other companies often have a six to eight month wait for However,equipment.withWirtgen, “we were able to get it and get it to work straight away. (This) was the main advantage of it,” Sherburd said. When considering a new purchase, a business’s customer service plays a key role. “The relationship we’ve got there with the people was (another) main one to consider,” Sherburd said. Sherburd sees Butlers Yarwun Quarries relationship with Wirtgen continuing.“Therelationship I’ve developed with certain parts of Wirtgen has been really good over the last four years. I would buy another,” he said.Infact, “we’re talking about other equipment at the moment,” SherburdCurrently,added.Sherburd is most impressed with the delivery of the MSS 802 EVO and considers it a highlight of Butlers Yarwun Quarries’ relationship with Wirtgen. “It’s a lot different than what the old ones were. It was a highlight getting the MSS 802 EVO and seeing it running,” he said.
• Visit for more information. 1300 363 163 DRY SOLID SOLUTIONSFLOW • Powder • Dust • Granules • High Temperature • High Pressure • Powder • Dust • Granules • Bins • Powder • Dust • Granules • Bins • Powder • Dust • Granules FLOW MEASUREMENT FOR DRY BULK SOLIDS MAXXFLOW HTC M-SENSE AIRFLOW3 P AIRSAFE SWR ENGINEERING BINTECH SYSTEMS ONLINE MOISTURE & PROCESS TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT WITH FLOW DETECTION SENSOR FOR VOLUME MEASUREMENTFLOWCONTINUOUSAMBIENT AIR DUST MONITORING DETECTION OF SILICA DUST NEW • Feeders • Conveyers • Mixers • Feeders • Conveyers • Mixers • High Temperature • High Pressure • Non Contact

Dust fineness is measured based on particulate matter (PM) size. Fine particles (PM2.5) are smaller than 2.5 μm (1 μm = 0.001mm), coarse particles (PM10) are sized between 2.5 μm and 10 μm and “larger than PM10” is for all particles with a diameter of 10 μm or greater. The occupational exposure limits of respirable dust and respirable crystalline silica is 3.0mg/m3 and 0.05mg/m3, respectively across an eight-hour shift. This includes 10mg/m3 of inhalable dust. It is important exposure to dust is maintained within stated exposure standards to mitigate any risks.
Despite the numerous risks associated with dust particles, there are certainly ways reduce exposure.“Thankfully, when it comes to mitigating exposure to dust, modern conveyor solutions provide quite the arsenal,” Cain said. “Take the transfer, for example, likely the dustiest place on any conveyor.”
According to Cain, skirting is one of the most effective methods of keeping material from spilling out of transfer the moment it touches the“Ideallybelt. you would want skirts that provide some sort of contact seal, but when the diameter of dust is measured in microns, even a 1mm gap is enough for millions of particles to escape,” he said. “So, a proper seal needs this belt contact to be effective, and contact means wear so a skirt needs a way to combat wear,” Cain explained. “A self-adjusting skirt, that maintains full effectiveness for its entire lifecycle without the need for direct maintenance is incredibly costeffective.“These self-adjusting skirts are typically quite soft to allow for them to conform to the belt unhindered.”Cainexplained that this softness leaves the skirts vulnerable to the harshness of the material stream, which can cause damage as it flows by. “So, typically a hard internal skirt that stops just short of the belt is used to keep the material at bay, while the soft skirt picks up the slack and completes the contact seal in relative safety,” he said.
28 Quarry August 2022 DUST
Cain recommends contactless external skirts “if the wear and tear of contact systems rubs you the wrong way”. “While they do tend to hit a higher price point in the short term, these marvellous devices tend to make up for it with their almost nonexistent maintenance costs,” he pointed out.
“Using their unique geometry to manipulate the power of airflow, a continuous suction effect is created to keep dust in.
“These contactless skirts still require the support of an internal hard skirt to make sure they don’t clog up with the larger product, but their overall effectiveness is impressive. “Of course, with all this skirting it’s imperative that your belt profile is well supported to maintain consistency and prevent gaps, even more so with contactless skirting which requires a very particular spacing for the proper suction flow to be possible,” Cain explained.According to Cain, how you support your belt will depend on the conditions of your transfer point.“Systems that experience low impact from a Contactless external skirt and static rail system.
Kinder mechanical engineer Jack Cain discusses processes to control the exposure of dust in quarrying operations. The dust that comes from mineral production, crushing or even from handling aggregates requires management. Luckily there are a number of measures that business can take to reduce dust level exposure to workers and the environment.Accordingto Kinder mechanical engineer Jack Cain, the formation of this dust is not entirely unwelcome. “In some cases, the dust is the intended product,” he said. “So efforts to negate it are rarely required, nor are they entirely plausible. “Therefore, the more auspicious approach is to control the spread of this by-product by removing any possible avenues of emission into the environment and exposure to workers..”Dusttends to gather in transfer points. If it is discharged into open air, can end up in stockpiles rather than in sealed chutes or hoppers.Andifthe product is exposed to environmental factors such as wind, it can disperse the top layers. “In any areas where vibration is common, where this jolting movement can bounce the material around, it can cause unsettled particles to wander off the conveyor,” Cain said.“The movement of the belt starting, stopping or even just when travelling at high speeds can be all that’s needed to disturb the top layers of material.”

Eliminating dust from becoming airborne through higher level controls is critical.
• Visit for more information.
Quarry August 2022 29 a large structure with flexible rubber rails that alleviate some of the impact force from the belt.“For situations where severe impacts are common, a dynamic bed may be required,” he continued.“Theseutilise a trough panel suspended by spring elements to support the belt, while the static outer rails maintain the edge profile.
“These systems all tend to utilise low frictions rails (typically < 0.3 static coefficient of friction) on the wings to create a consistent surface for the belt to move across. “However, this is still an increase in friction over most rollers.
Mitigating dust cannot be solved solely at the transfer and needs to be managed across the rest of the “Comparedconveyor.tothe transfer point, the run of the belt typically has far less structure to encase the product and protect it from the open elements,” Cain said. This requires special equipment adapted to such“Beltconstraints.coversare physical barriers that attach to the stringers and almost completely enclose the belt, preventing the influence of wind and trapping dust that is disturbed by vibration and belt movement,” Cain said. “Belt covers typically are made from rigid materials such as steel or reinforced plastics, Water sprays can also be used as an effective dust-suppression tool, though they are not without their drawbacks.
“The resultant water saturation is undesirable for a lot of products and the wastewater must be delt with, limiting their desirability for numerous applications,” Cain said. Likewise, extraction fans can be effective when run across the belt length, but filters must be replaced to maintain effectiveness.
“Unlike the belt run, discharge points can usually be encased in structure with dust curtains to prevent any dust spreading, but when material is being discharged into open space, an extendable loading chute is more appropriate as it can be used to guide the material down to the stockpile without excessive dust being thrown during the fall,”
Cain said. PREVENTION IS KEY “Controlling and containing dust is simple and affordable with an abundance of modern products,” Cain said. Cain recommends operators evaluate their conveyor and determine any locations that are a source of dust, so a solution can be applied.“Operators who would prefer evaluations confirmed or would prefer professional input on the severity of issues can seek conveyor inspections from the numerous available conveyor solutions providers,” Cain concluded.
“While these rails typically quite resistant to abrasion, they will eventually require replacement as well,” Cain said.

TWS is a division of Terex Corporation and was established in 2012 as sole provider of washing solutions within Terex. In this time, it has continued to commit time and resources to developing and investing in R&D to bring the latest technologies and systems to the wet processing world. All this hard work is demonstrated by the strength and depth TWS has across its product portfolio of end-to-end washing solutions. This includes its AquaClear water management solutions and GreenLine engineered recycling solutions. In fact, these solutions have a history that dates back to the 1960’s – starting with the Finlay and Powerscreen product lines. The mid-60’s saw the development of the very first washing plants and the following decade saw the launch of the MK1 and MK11 Rinser range. It wasn’t long before Powerscreen and Finlay began to realise the crucial need and potential opening in the market. They knew that the natural sand and gravel supply would soon be exhausted, especially with stricter building and construction specifications being written for aggregate usage.Astechnology started to advance in the late 70’s, the sand saver de-waterers soon phased out and were replaced by more sophisticated and modernised screw recovery de-waterers, later to be called the Trident range. In the 90’s Finlay and Powerscreen both set up dedicated washing departments. But by the noughties the demand for washing was expansive that TWS was established as the sole provider of washing solutions within Terex in 2012. Having started from humble beginnings, TWS continues build on its existing legacy and continues to refine its craft in the wet processing industry. It is thanks to all the learnings, continuous TWS washing plant. TWS AquaClear water treatment solution.
30 Quarry August 2022 WASHING
With over 50 years of experience in washing, Terex Washing Systems has come a long way – but it still has more to do. Backed by over half a century of experience and a proactive research and development (R&D) team that never stands still, Terex Washing Systems (TWS), is more than proud of its history and heritage.

• For more information, visit
OLI is the world’s top selling manufacturer of electric and pneumatic vibrators. The high level of customer service, guaranteed by 18 trading subsidiaries worldwide, and long-lasting and performing products make us always ahead. Our vibrators are designed for industrial applications in all sectors, from the most extreme environments such as quarries, mines and foundries to the food and pharmaceutical.
OLI Vibrators Pty Ltd. 7 Jellico Drive, Scoresby Vic 3179, Australia - Phone: +61 3 9764 9988 - Mail: -
The tailored, packaged solutions are designed to deal with recycling segment material such as muck-away, trommel fines, construction, and demolition waste, across differing capacity and investment levels.
TWS’s goal is to be a single source partner for full solutions and aims to deliver end-toend solutions that match customers’ front end-equipment needs.
The TWS front-end processing products are packaged with TWS’s back-end AquaClear water management solutions alongside its patented specialist units.
TWS’s GreenLine engineered recycling solutions brings together the company’s expertise in a packaged suite of end-to-end washing equipment offerings.
Designed for industrial sectors INDUSTRIAL VIBRATORS
GOING THE EXTRA MILE For TWS, the work is never over – it is aiming to go Correspondingly,further.
A GLOBAL REACH While its roots are firmly established locally in County Tyrone, Ireland TWS enjoys a reach that is truly global thanks to a dealer network of over 70 dealers. Whilst TWS continues to navigate through unprecedented times, now more than ever its global dealer network has been fundamental in providing local and regional support to TWS customers across the world. In Australia’s eastern and southern states, TWS product is distributed through Terex Jaques’ branch network in Brisbane, Qld, Sydney, NSW and Melbourne, Vic. Local support has become even more important in allowing TWS customers to continue operations, installations, start-ups, andThiscommissioning.localsupportis backed by quick access to all the engineering and product support expertise and data available at TWS’s Ireland headquarters. It is this unrivalled local support that sets TWS apart from competitors.
TWS’s equipment and its expertise in fixed solutions for various materials from 60tph right through to 300tph, coupled with an outof-the-box approach (whilst maintaining the ability to easily tailor for particularly specialist applications) demystifies the seemingly complex world of wash recycling.
TWS has spent several years developing its portfolio of accompanying AquaClear water treatment solutions and products.
The units will be launching in the coming months, making it the perfect time for them to simplify the wash recycling market.
THE WORLDWIDE LEADER IN VIBRATION TECHNOLOGY and product expansion over the decades that TWS is where it is today. TWS also acknowledges the hard yards put in by engineers, channel partners, and the consistent partnership approach with customers that have shaped its businesses.

The German cement manufacturer installed the M-Sens 3 directly on the conveyor belt with a shuttle to continuously monitor the moisture content of the sand. The work required to take samples and check moisture levels in the laboratory is no longer necessary, saving time and costs. On a conveyor belt system, the M-Sens 3 can measure moisture of the solids and allow operators to react in real-time if material is too humid or dry, helping prevent plugging of aggregates.Additionally, when mounted at a bin’s outlet, the sensor can take advantage of the constant bulk density and almost unchanging measuring field for monitoring residual moisture.Thishelps operators stop material that is too damp from reaching the next production level. The system itself has been designed for easy installation and calibration. All an operator needs to do to calibrate the sensor is press a button and enter the referenced moisture content. Measured fluctuations in bulk density and temperature are automatically compensated by an internal filter function.
• Visit for more information.
Manually checking moisture in the laboratory can be a slow process. However, installing a sensor for continuous moisture measurement can be just the solution. To produce cement, a German manufacturer required sand taken either from internal storage facilities or delivered by ship. It found that the material had a much higher moisture level when it was transferred across the water. The company previously checked the material moisture manually in the laboratory, but this was a slow process. It was therefore looking for a continuous moisture monitoring system for the sand transportation.Tosolvethisissue, the company installed SWR Engineering’s M-Sens 3, a microwave sensor specifically designed for continuous moisture measurement of solids during batching.Thesensor monitors product flow for its moisture content and temperature, which can be used to detect the efficiency of the product stream.Dusts, powders, granulate and other bulk solids are constantly analysed to identify process failures, such as a defective screw or material clogging. The M-Sens 3 sensor functionality is based on precise high-frequency measurement and direct digitalisation of measured values, which results in a high resolution. The use of up to three sensors, connected to a MSE 300 evaluation unit, means induced measurement inaccuracies caused by the materials inhomogeneity can be reduced. The influence of bulk density variations, which normally exist over the whole measurement zone, are also reduced by an internal filter function.Thesensor does this by monitoring the material’s surface and capillary moisture, which influences the specific conductive capacity of a material. This can then be compared to a averaged bulk density to determine if investigation is required.Intheevent of a material process failure or caking around the sensor, an alarm can be sounded to ensure the validity of the measurements is always high. Temperature variations are also compensated automatically by the sensor. The temperature measurement is calibrated in-factory and doesn’t need any additional operation from use.
M-Sens 3 is specifically designed for continuous moisture measurement of solids during batching.
32 Quarry August 2022 SAND

Skid Mounted 13’ Fisher Air Separator with variable speed drive. Processes 150pth crusher dust to concrete specification manufactured sand, process data available. As new 2020 Model. Sean Pennell 0499 770 848 | Williamtown NSW FOR SALE OR HIRE FISHER AIR SEPARATOR

How do you optimise a level sensor that already has so much? The best focusing, highest accuracy, simple operation, universal communication.
34 Quarry August 2022 SENSORS
Ushering in a new level era with the VEGAPULS 6X.
What sounds like an obvious question has led VEGA to create much more than just an even better sensor. When using the new VEGAPULS 6X, it’s not just the sensor that counts, but what can be achieved with it in the application: Simply better processes. The search for a suitable radar sensor traditionally begins with the question, which frequency would work best for this application?Thisisfollowed by thoughts about the properties of the media and how it could influence the measurement, as well as the specific installation environment. Furthermore, the temperature range or the presence of aggressive chemicals may give cause for concern. Will a standard process fitting be sufficient, or would special materials that meet the highest requirements be the right choice, if only because the user is not completely sure and wants to be on the safe side? And what else should be considered if the sensor is to measure great distances or be exposed to wind and weather all year round? These and countless other questions make one thing clear: with such a wide choice, you also must make the right choice. The areas of application are becoming more multi-faceted and processes more complex. Therefore, the buyer needs a good understanding and overview of what the market has to offer. It takes the right know-how, experience, and time to avoid making costly bad investments and get a reliable measuring system.
A NEW CERTAINTY: ‘ONE FOR EVERYTHING’ Choosing an instrument is usually a laborious process and often involves a lot of questions and research. VEGA wants to turn this process inside out with its new VEGAPULS 6X, one sensor for all applications. “Ultimately, it’s not the sensor that counts, but what the users can achieve with it in their individual applications,” VEGA international product manager Florian Burgert said. “Just knowing that they’ve chosen the best possible instrument solution, and that they’ll reach their goal faster with it, makes a big difference in their everyday operations.”
Selecting the right frequency or determining the (dielectric constant) DK value of the medium are no longer obstacles; the new configurator asks for the type of application and then quickly determines which sensor version is required. The entire procedure consists of just a few mouse clicks. That said, an advisory discussion with a VEGA radar specialist is still a good alternative to the configurator. Either way, the result is simplicity for users and a measurement solution that delivers results independently of the media properties, process conditions, vessel shapes and internal installations.

The actual task of level sensors is to help users and make it easier for them to monitor their industrial processes. They often make processes more controllable and efficient, but even if they are basically easy to use, the process of selecting the right one for an application can still be Skowaisadifficult.sums up in two words the strategy VEGA is pursuing with VEGAPULS 6X: “maximum simplification.” “Until now, there were many different sensors that could be used for an application, but today, with VEGAPULS 6X, there is one sensor for all applications,” he said. Even setup and commissioning has been reduced to a minimum, requiring just a few clicks and the input of basic data. “Our customers can even order a sensor that has been factory-calibrated, customerspecific down to the last detail, that only has to be installed and connected. It doesn’t get any easier than that,” Skowaisa said.
VEGAPULS 6X also offers decisive technical innovations.Acomprehensive safety concept means functional safety is guaranteed, the company said, as it conforms with all the requirements of safety integrity level (SIL). The certified sensor has strong SIL characteristics and provides the necessary operational safety to minimise risks in safety-related applications. Another increasingly important focus is cybersecurity. In this regard the VEGAPULS 6X conforms to IEC 61511, which fulfils the strictest requirements for security of system access and communication control. It thus guarantees comprehensive process security, right through to the control system. An important third aspect of the sensor’s safety features is its self-diagnosis system, which continuously monitors the function of the sensor and recognises if it has been impaired in any way, thus contributing significantly to higher plant availability and sensorCentralperformance.totheseimportant features is a new, second-generation radar chip directly from VEGA.Because there was no chip available on the market that would have met all requirements, the research and development team set to work to design one itself. “The result pretty much consolidates our entire radar experience from three decades,” VEGA product manager Jürgen Skowaisa said. “In its scope and functionality, the chip is unique in the whole world.”
RADAR MADE FOR PEOPLE With VEGAPULS 6X, VEGA has rounded out its radar measurement technology with four important innovations: More safety and self-diagnosis, new radar chip technology, new application possibilities, and simpler adjustment.“Furthermore, our technology has reached such a high level today that reliable function is no longer the issue,” Skowaisa said. “The only risk now is choosing the wrong sensor.”
Quarry August 2022 35
The chip is especially characterised by its low energy consumption, high sensitivity, scalable architecture and universal applicability. The radar antenna system and the chip are directly connected to each other, without any cable, for maximum performance. Beside the technical highlights, the VEGA radar team addressed questions that, from the very beginning, went far beyond product design.Whatwill be the long-term impact of this technology on the people who use it? How can their work be simplified? What future goals of industry can be realised with the new technology?Bycarefully considering the users and the process conditions of their applications, other points came into focus. These included the challenges in using measuring instruments, such as complicated adjustment procedures, the constant pressure to increase efficiency, and time constraints in general.
VEGAPULS 6X: one sensor for all applications.
Thanks to the new approach with VEGAPULS 6X, VEGA now provides the tools to get right sensor version for the application in 99 per cent of all cases, while keeping experienced application engineers on standby to help with the special, more difficult applications. “In the future, the user will no longer have to worry about the technology, frequency or instrument version – the measurement will simply work,” Skowaisa said. • Visit for more information.

The expo is co-located with MEGATRANS, which integrates intrinsically with the logistics and multimodal freight sector. Tickets are now available for BULK2022, which will kick off at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre on Wednesday 24 August and run for three days.
Close to 100 exhibitors will display their latest and greatest, while the BULK2022 conference, held in partnership with the Australian Society for Bulk Solids Handling (ASBSH), starts on Thursday 25 August and will run for two days. Day one of the conference will look at the future of the industry. The future workforce, industry sustainability and emissions reduction will be Conferencediscussed.sponsor, LEAP Australia, will delve into a case study with client Onyx, focusing on the use of its Rocky DEM software. Vega Australia and ifm Australia will discuss the importance of embracing Industry 4.0 and how utilising technology will bring tangible benefits to bulk solids handling operations. And CSIRO research director Dr Ewan Sellers will look at how the industry can work towards reducing overall emissions. Day one will also feature technical presentations on a variety of topics, including advanced automation for centralised stockyard operations, using mobile devices to manage compliance and maintenance in the bulk solids handling industry and pneumatic conveying operating conditions. Day two will address incident mitigation and response, with technical presentations continuing in the afternoon. Security Consulting Group senior security risk consultant Spencer Wakelam will examine how to prepare for, and respond to, security-related disruptions of bulk handling systems. Kinder Australia, Premier Tech and Aspec Engineering will also form a panel to look at onsite safety for employees in a range of industryTechnicalsettings.sessions will look at optimising a wet screening operation using computational modelling tools, using dynamic simulations to predict the phenomenon of silo quaking, and recent advances in industrial applications of DEM in bulk materials handling.
36 Quarry August 2022 EVENTS
The 2022 Australian Bulk Handing Expo will take place in Melbourne from 24–26 August.
• Excellence in Transport and/or Conveying Award – recognises a piece of equipment or technology that moves bulk solids materials from one location to another.
• Visit for more information and for tickets.
• Excellence in the Application of Gears, Motors or Drives Award – recognises a component or piece of equipment that provides a benefit to bulk solids handling operations.
The Thursday evening will also feature the Australian Bulk Handling and Mercury Awards GalaTheDinner.Australian Bulk Handling Awards are sponsored by Sew Eurodrive, VEGA, Bonfiglioli and the ASBSH. With Covid-19 forcing the delay of the awards in 2020 and 2021, this year’s combined program will celebrate the best of the industry atAllBULK2022.2020and 2021 finalists have been carried across and the winners will be determined from the combined finalists’ list.
BULK2022 is set to be Australia’s largest dedicated bulk handling expo in over a decade, with exhibitors and attendees from a broad range of markets.
• Dust Control Technology, Application or Practice Award – recognises a project that helps to keep dust creation in the bulk solids handling process to a minimum.
• Best Practice in Safety Award – recognises a project or program that emphasises and upholds industry safety standards.
The 2022 Australian Bulk Handing Expo (BULK2022) is back on the calendar and set to debut in August.
• Supplier of the Year Award – recognises a supplier that is excelling in the bulk solids handling sector.
• Innovative Technology Award – recognises a technology designed to enhance bulk solids handling and processing.
Presented by Australian Bulk Handling Review, the exhibition will feature suppliers showcasing the latest innovative bulk handling technology, equipment, and services best suited to the needs of bulk commodity manufacturers and producers.
• Bulk Handling Facility of the Year Award –recognises an outstanding facility that is for the processing of bulk solids materials, or manufacture of materials using bulk solids BULK2022goods. is backed by platinum sponsor VEGA Australia, supporting sponsors Premier Tech and PROK, and conference sponsor LEAP Australia. It is also supported by the ASBSH.


Puma Bitumen has six terminals across Australia.
Puma Bitumen is committed to developing sustainable solutions without compromising quality.
One product that has demonstrated proven quality and performance is the Puma Bitumen Precoat 306, which has been specifically formulated to pre-treat aggregate used in sprayed seal road surface applications.Whenconstructing sprayed seal roads, working with aggregate that is dry and free from dust is crucial. Puma Bitumen Precoat 306 creates a durable bond between the binder and precoated aggregate. This provides excellent priming of the aggregate, ensuring optimal stone retention, and works to neutralise the effect of dust and fines.Athin film of Precoat 306 is enough to promote superior adhesion of the binder to each aggregate particle for the life span of theAsroad.aresult, overall road surface performance is improved as stone loss is reduced, helping improve road quality and promoteCustomerslongevity.across Australia are pleased with the results Puma products helps them achieve.Inparticular, Champion Contracting (Stonehenge Quarry) director Julie Champion praised Puma Bitumen Precoat 306. “We have used the product twice now and have found it to be excellent,” Champion said.She believes that “there are three main points that make a good product –availability, product and price” – and Precoat 306 fits the bill. Firstly, “the service to get it to us has been spot on. Having a quarry in central Queensland isn’t always easy when it comes Puma Bitumen offers a range of spray sealed binders.
Puma Energy Bitumen is one of the largest global suppliers of high-quality bituminous road binders.
The company has more than half a million tonnes of global bitumen storage capacity and owns the largest bulk bitumen shipping fleet in the world, making it one of the strongest suppliers in this space. It continues to increase the capacity across its shipping fleet, network of storage terminals and manufacturing facilities. With an extensive supply chain, rigorous quality management and high-performing products, Puma Bitumen supports its partners and customers across Australia and the globe to deliver better performing roads. with the Puma Energy Global Bitumen Technology Centre in Melbourne Australia as its hub. This global technical expertise ensures that Puma Bitumen is always adding the maximum value to its customers’ projects. In Australia, Puma Bitumen products meet and, in many cases, exceed all Australian specification requirements. Its products can be relied upon to perform under the most diverse and demanding road conditions in Australia. “The combination of our assets, expertise and global footprint ensures we are the strongest end-to-end supplier of top-quality bitumen into the Australian industry,” Puma Energy Australia bitumen sales manager Anet Prinsloo told Quarry. This is thanks to its innovative product technology, comprehensive quality assurance programmes, and sophisticated production process – which is supported by its highly skilled and experienced staff. The company’s “team of technical specialists are dedicated to ensuring our products are thoroughly tested at every stage – from the selection of crude oil at the start of the production process, right through to customer supply,” Prinsloo said. These rigorous quality management practices reflect Puma Bitumen’s commitment to delivering the highest quality road performance products, which is further backed by its Australian Standard AS/NZS 9001 accreditation.
38 Quarry August 2022 ASPHALT

Puma Bitumen’s emphasis on R&D, innovation, and sustainability ensures that it can stay at the forefront of industry developments to ensure it fulfils both the current and future needs of its customers.
The product also features reduced risk of sedimentation and has excellent early stone retention.
Puma Bitumen is continuing extensive research and development work to continue on its sustainability journey for better performing roads.
Puma is the largest bitumen shipowner in the world by carrying capacity of 342.5k dead weight tonnes.
Another product to be added to the Puma Bitumen line up is the OLEXOBIT S45RLV crumb rubber modified seal binder manufactured from Australian sourced waste tyres.The S45R-LV is the successor to the company’s sprayed seal binder OLEXOBIT S45R, also made from waste tyre rubber. According to Puma, every tonne of OLEXOBIT S45R repurposes the equivalent of 23 passenger vehicle tyres. The S45R-LV crumb rubber offers a low viscosity alternative to regular crumb rubber sprayed seal binders. As such, the S45R-LV reduces the need for cutter, meaning that less hydrocarbons end up in the environment, further helping companies to address sustainability goals. It can be used in extreme stress seal applications and can be applied to alleviate the reflection of cracks on existing cracked surfaces where the cracks are active. “Puma’s S45R-LV offers much improved ease of handling and application benefits, whilst providing the same trusted field performance as conventional S45R,” Prinsloo said. She explained that one of the main application benefits of S45R LV over conventional S45R is that is it easier to spray, providing improved circulation and faster loading of sprayers, helping to improve overall operational efficiency.
Quarry August 2022 39 to freight, so to get this product delivered on time is a big plus,” Champion said. “As for the product, we have found it to be very easy to use – it flows well, and the colour is perfect,” she continued. “We are not a blue metal quarry, so our rock is lighter in colour – we require a product that is a lot darker than normal, and this fits the bill“Lastlyperfectly.the price – very competitive and an easy company to deal with. A1 for me,” Champion concluded.
It aims to provide an uninterrupted supply of quality bituminous binders for roads to ensure they remains efficient and reliable for years to“ the changing needs of our customer and communities and to play our part in addressing the world’s most important challenges – from climate change to resource management – we are focusing wholeheartedly on sustainability in bitumen,” Prinsloo explained. For example, “asphalt is 100 per cent reusable and we are well on our way to achieving the goal of a truly circular economy in the sector. “But more remains to be done to improve the sustainability of road surfacing – and Puma is committed to playing its part.”
• Visit for more information.

Likewise, Shell’s Tellus hydraulic fluid offers increased productivity, with extended oil life and outstanding system efficiency.
Selecting a less effective lubricant may not result in immediate equipment failure but can lead to increased maintenance expenses overBusinessestime. seeking real time support can receive a free consult on what lubricant is optimal for their machine through the Viva Energy Technical Help Desk line (Shell business specialists).• For more information, email technicalhelpdesk@ or call 1300 134 205
40 Quarry August 2022 MAINTENANCE
Finally, Shell’s Gadus grease provides excellent lasting protection and consistent performance over longer periods. Shell’s driveline products meet the appropriate specifications, approvals, and recommendations from many of the industry standard and leading sector OEM’s including ACEA, Allison, API, Bosch, CNH, John Deere, Massey Fergusson, Caterpillar, Cummins, Deutz, Scania, Volvo and ZF.
The Shell product range helps operators get more from every part.
Shell Lubricants believes that the success of a quarrying, mining or construction business depends on its ability to ensure equipment runs efficiently andWhetherreliably.the project involves earthmoving, transporting loads, levelling, compacting, or digging, a business relies on its equipment and accompanying lubricated components. Equipment breakdowns can severely compromise project schedules and prevent a company from earning revenue. Shell understands that businesses, whether its construction, quarrying or mining, are constantly striving to meet deadlines and lower operating costs. According to the 2019 Shell Global Construction Industry Report, 43 per cent of construction companies said they often experience breakdowns because of ineffective lubrication – and 72 per cent agreed that their maintenance teams needed moreExcavationtraining.and construction equipment can be tough and operate in a range of harsh environments. Therefore, it’s important to use the right combination of lubricants to get the most out of your engines, transmissions, hydraulic systems, and greased components. Using the right combination of lubricants together can improve vehicle and equipment productivity.Likewise,lubricant costs can be as little as 1-2 per cent of total maintenance costs whilst optimising lubricant use across all operations can save 30 per cent of operating costs, according to Shell’s Industry Report. Businesses need a simplified lubricant portfolio that works harder, for longer –helping increase uptime, minimise downtime and extend equipment life. Shell Lubricants for Driveline are a suite of high-performing lubricants that adds up to more than the sum of its parts – making equipment more efficient, productive, and competitive.Shell’smacro distributor Viva Energy Australia works to support customers to optimise their lubricant portfolio and provide advice on the best lubricant for their equipment.“Ourlocal Technical Helpdesk is available to answer your questions and provide expert equipment lubricant recommendations, as well as advice on rationalisation and lubricant storage,” Viva Energy lubricants technical advisor Silvana Farrugia said. “We make sure we recommend products with approved specifications and are the best fit for your quarrying, mining or construction equipment.”TheShellDriveline lubricant product suite is designed to meet the needs of the whole machine. The Shell product range helps operators get more from every part. For example, Shell Rimula engine oil features the latest generation technology to deliver significantly improved resistance to wear, deposits, and oxidation. It is versatile enough to bring you the convenience of a single oil, suitable for virtually all engine ages and vehicle Transmissiontypes.and axle fluids such as Shell Spirax offers greater reliability for less downtime and enhanced wear protection. Recognised by leading equipment manufacturers, it enables a smooth and noise-free operation.

No matter what sector of construction you’re in, you’ll leave CONEXPO-CON/AGG with new ideas, new relationships, and new opportunities to grow your business, and your place within the industry. This isn’t just North America’s largest construction trade show, it’s taking construction to the next level. LEARN MORE AT CONEXPOCONAGG.COM 2.7M square feet of exhibits / 130,000 attendees / 1,800 exhibitors / 150 education sessions TAKING CONSTRUCTION TO THE NEXT LEVEL.2020AttendeeBritton Lawson, Veit and Company, Inc. MARCH 14-18 / 2023 / LAS VEGAS / NEVADA

The Onesand Quarry, located at 20 Mooloolah Connection Road in Glenview, Qld is 45.96 Ha and has an operating range of up to 100km. approximately 20 years, providing a wide range of products for infrastructure projects, subdivisions, and future significant development projects in Sunshine Coast and Hinterland. workshop/igloo, weighbridge facilities, and storage sheds are included in the sale. 10x8 jacking pump, five shipping containers, a trommel and belt conveyors are also included. Likewise, a comprehensive range of mobile plant and equipment such as suction cutter sand dredge, three excavators, Extec S4 screening plant, Volvo 180F front-end loader, Mercedes Benz 6x4 water truck, Mack 6x4 prime mover, Hamlex tandem axle alloy tipper, and much more are also included in the sale.
The quarry also features a 9.29 Ha rural property. This consists of a four-bedroom brick home with two bathrooms, a swimming pool and 800 macadamia trees on a harvest management arrangement. Whilst the current quarry approval remains active, the rural property cannot be sold separately from the quarry until the consent has formally lapsed and the site has been rehabilitated.Detailsofpermits, licenses, and approvals for both quarries are available upon request.
Corndale Quarry also boasts a great location. It’s located very close to Lismore, NSW, and it’s close to the likes of Ballina, Byron Bay and Bangalow. It’s been a fully operational quarry as well, and all the permits and licences are in place to operate,” Messer said. “The quarry itself also has a rural property with a four-bedroom home.”
And Onesand Quarry “has all the extractive industry approvals in place, as well as all the operating equipment,” he pointed out.
Graham Messer Industrial Auctioneers and Valuers and Morgan Bennett Machinery are offering two quarries for private sale: Corndale Quarry, with adjoining rural property, in Corndale, New South Wales and Onesand Quarry in Glenview, Queensland. Both quarries are in excellent locations and have all the necessary permits and licenses to operate. Onesand Quarry offers a great location, Graham Messer Industrial Auctioneers and Valuers director Graham Messer said. “It’s very close to the Sunshine Coast and it’s in a growth area. Sand is a sought-after commodity, however approvals to operate a sand quarry in Queensland are difficult to obtain,” Messer explained.
Corndale Quarry with adjoining rural property is private contractors. The quarry has crushing and screening approval to 126000 TPA and all extractive industry approvals are in place. Fixed plant and established infrastructure forms part of the quarry sale. This includes haul roads, transportable buildings, office, workshop/igloo, and weighbridge facilities. Fixed equipment included is an office generator, southern cross water pump, 3 x 20’ shipping containers and a Mitsubishi quarry water truck. The crushing and screening plant includes mobile crushing equipment, mobile screening equipment, excavators, forklift, wheel loader, and a service truck. This can be purchased separately.
• Call Graham Messer on 0417 771 642 or Morgan Bennett on 0439 175 999 for more information. Onesand Quarry.
42 Quarry August 2022 FOR SALE

MHD Supply Chain Solutions 25 AUGUST MELBOURNE2022

Since last month’s issue of Quarry the IQA has held two very successful safety and health conferences in Queensland: • Brisbane, in partnership with the CCAA and Resources Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ)
44 Quarry August 2022 IQA NEWS
•Winners:1stplace – Norm Engineering: Scott Rixon, Anthony Yarrow, Braden Schiller, Todd Mitchell
The project overview was well received by all and the effort from Rusty and Ashbrook was greatlySpecialappreciated.mention:A long-standing committee member, Wayne Kelly, was also recognised for his service to the Illawarra sub-branch and greater quarrying arena. Kelly is looking at easing off after 25 years and, on behalf of the IQA, previous committees and members thank him for the effort.
A (literal) boatload of brave people gathered on the southern break wall area where Rusty provided detail on the holistic precinct. Despite the gusty wind trying to push the boat to Auckland, the boat held fast. It was noted that the project and walls looked swish and the well aligned armour group also spotted two distinct rock colours (particularly on the northern seawall end). On quizzing Rusty about the contrast, he simply stated that they had basically exhausted the local and greater surrounding area rock supply, so granite from Moruya was approved for use to ensure all stakeholders came to a mutually agreed finish point. To escape the high winds and continue the project overview, the group convened for dinner and networking at Club Windang.
The principal contractor was a wellestablished local outfit, Coastwide Civil (CWC), and the event was hosted by the company’s director Craig ‘Rusty’ Rodgers.
Rusty presented some pictorial evidence of the project progression, and his presentation was very detailed and highly regarded by everyone. To also put a spin on the blast side of the extraction, Rusty introduced Paul Ashbrook from Precision Drill and Blast. areas, discussing reworking the blasting ‘bang’ and where and why particular ‘detonators and specialised explosives’ were chosen.Generally, we tend to think of blasting as lifting and moving the raw feed away from the face as an example, but Ashbrook explained that this situation required a more refined ‘popping’ approach so the respective diggers could then load out the material.
CWC director Craig Rodgers gave a talk southern break wall area at the Shell Cove Marina project. Wayne Kelly was recognised for his service to the Illawarra sub-branch and greater quarrying arena.
ILLAWARRA SUB-BRANCH TOUR AND DINNER MEETING After the recent – and very successful – IQA National Conference, it was time for the Illawarra sub-branch to visit the Shell Cove Marina project on Thursday 9 June.
Co-hosted by the IQA, CCAA, and in collaboration with the state regulator, the NSW conference is a one-day interactive program addressing current safety and health issues relevant to the quarrying and mining industries.
• Townsville, in conjunction with the RSHQ A fantastic array of speakers presented on critical areas of health and safety. Both conferences were opened by Kate du Preez, Queensland’s Commissioner for RSHQ. The upcoming NSW Safety and Health Conference will be held on Wednesday 19 October at the West HQ Rooty Hill in Western Sydney.
The weather put on another beautiful far north Queensland day for this year’s IQA Cairns Golf Day on Friday 3 June. With a great mix of people across all levels of the quarrying industry, there were plenty of laughs and a great opportunity for those in this very busy industry to take a few well-deserved hours out for some fun and networking.

NOTE: The agents and the Principals for whom they act give notice that whilst every care has been taken in the preparation of this material it is given without any responsibility being accepted and intending purchasers should satisfy themselves as to the truth and accuracy of all information in these particulars by their own searches, inspections, enquiries, advices or as otherwise necessary. Graham Messer Industrial Auctioneers & Valuers Pty Ltd Graham Messer: Mobile 0417 771 642 Email: Mobile 0439 175 999 Email: For further information and photographs visit TO VIEW ONESAND QUARRY VIDEO CLICK ON: The Freehold Quarry together with the adjoining Rural Property is being offered For Private Sale with Fixed Assets Detailed Information Memorandums are available from the marketing agents: Total Area: 45.96 Hectares Lot 6 SP 278708 Local Authority: • Sunshine Coast Regional Council All Extractive Industry Approvals in Place GRAHAM MESSER AUCTIONEERSINDUSTRIAL&VALUERSPTYLTD ONESAND LEASEHOLD SAND QUARRY 20 Mooloolah Connection Road, Glenview, Sunshine Coast Queensland 4553 Under instructions from MSG Operations Pty Ltd The Leasehold Quarry is being offered For Sale on a “Walk In Walk Out Basis” All Necessary Infrastructure in Place • Weighbridge • Access Roads • Office • Lunchroom • Igloo Workshops • Storage Sheds & Containers Equipment includes: • Three Sand Wash Plants • Suction Cutter Dredge • Trommel • Poly Pipe • Pumps • Cyclones • Screens • Maintenance Equipment Mobile Plant includes: • Excavators • Loader • Extec Screening Plant • Water Truck Location: • 15klm west of Caloundra • 26klm south of Nambour • 87klm north of Brisbane Location:QUARRYLEASEHOLD1.SAND 4klm west of Clunes / 13klm east of regional centre of Lismore Total Area: 24.76Hectares 2 Titles Lot 31: 15.47 Ha 422 James Gibson Road (Quarry Operation) Lot 32: 9.29 Ha 368 James Gibson Road (Rural Classification) • Crushing & Screening Approval to 126,000 TPA • All Extractive Industry Approvals in Place Resource: Basalt Existing Contracts • With Byron Shire Council & Lismore City Council All Necessary Infrastructure in Place • Weighbridge • Access Roads • Office • Lunchroom • Igloo • Storage Containers (Mobile Crushing Plant Does Not Form Part of the Sale) (Mobile Crushing Plant Can Be Purchased Separately) • RURAL PROPERTY Purchased For Potential Quarry Expansion 368 James Gibson Rd Corndale via Lismore NSW • Lot 32: 9.29 Hectares Rural Classification 4 Bedroom Brick Home • Two Bathrooms • Swimming Pool 800 Macadamia Trees on a Harvest Management Arrangement TWO QUARRIES FOR SALETWO QUARRIES FOR SALE CORNDALE FREEHOLD QUARRY 422 James Gibson Road, Corndale via Lismore NSW Under instructions from Smith Hire Service (Casino) Pty Ltd APPROVED2.FREEHOLDBASALTQUARRY TO VIEW CORNDALE QUARRY VIDEO CLICK ON:

After heavy rain in May, the 28th Queensland Annual Golf Day went ahead on a pictureperfect day for golf on Friday 17 June. With 90 players ready to go, the event IQA membership is due for renewal for the 2022–23 period. Please ensure your contact details are up to date and you or your company has paid your membership invoice, which can be done by logging into your member profile on the IQA website. Membership is about connecting you to the industry, offering networking opportunities and access to education and information. We look forward to supporting you and the industry in the next 12 months.
MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL Golf day winners Norm Engineering. The Northern NSW sub-branch got a chance to tour the WesTrac Tamworth facility.
The FNQ FNQ Cairns Golf Day was a success.
46 Quarry August 2022 IQA NEWS • 2nd place – Komatsu team two: Peter Hayward, Sam Pao, Craig Winterbottom, Ricky Donnelly • 3rd place – Top End Trucks, Geoff Pemberton, Stephen Krsticevich, Mick Swenson, Robert Kingdom • NAGA last place – Bolwarra Enterprises: Keoni Kidner, Ian Kidner, Glenn Blinco, Kevin Rayner. A special thanks to our sponsors, without whom the day could not go ahead: • Komatsu – drink cart • Orica – lunch and post-game drinks • Hastings Deering – hole 1 • Pioneer NQ – hole 5 • Zappala Quarries – hole 6 • Ritchie Bros. – hole 9 • Astec Industries – hole 10 • Construction Science – hole 13 • Motion – hole 18 • Tuff Tyres – holes 2 and 17, and nearest the pin • Bolwarra Enterprises – putting competition.
As part of an initiative to re-invigorate our membership in the New England area, the sub-branch hosted site tours and a networking dinner in Tamworth on Wednesday 15 June. The group toured the WesTrac Tamworth facility, including the workshop and warehouse.Delegates then climbed aboard a minibus bound for the Graymont Attunga Limestone quarry, with sub-branch chairman Chris Brown behind the wheel. CAT 980-wheel loader was waiting at Attunga. WesTrac’s Paul Andronicus gave a live demonstration, and the group also had and the opportunity to try the new machine. Graymont then explained some of the key differences between a lime and limestone operation and that of a typical hard rock quarry.Wethen treated to a walk through the lime kilns, where limestone is converted to quicklime by heating the rock up to approximately 900°C. These visits were followed up with a networking dinner, where it was great to connect with new and old industry acquaintances. WesTrac’s Gavin Handley presented to the group on some of the latest innovations to CAT equipment.

WA SITE TOUR OF OCEAN REEF MARINA PROJECT The WA branch hosted a highly successful site tour of the ocean reef marina (OCERM) project on Tuesday 28 June.
• Respirable Crystalline Silica
Principal coastal engineer Clint Doak explained the architecture, planning and engineering of the project, explaining it has been built to withstand 5m waves across of lifetime of 100 years before any major reconstruction is required.
• NQLD 24th Annual Golf Day | Townsville – 2 September QLD Plant & Equipment Workshop | Brisbane – 13 September
• Supervising for Safety
• Learning from Disasters (virtual workshop)
Networking and sundowners were enjoyed at the Ocean Reef Sea Sports Club, and WA branch chair Tinus Nagel provided an update on the IQA, benefits of membership and education.
Quarry August 2022 47 IQA NEWS sponsored breakfast and some networking before teeing off for 18 holes. Thanks to everyone for making the Annual Golf Day such an enjoyable event. This year’s
• Introduction to Quarrying (virtual workshop)
• Slope Stability
• SA Branch Dinner Meeting – 4 November CMIC23 – BRISBANE Save the date for the Construction Materials Industry Conference 2023 (CMIC23), to be held in Brisbane from Wednesday 15 March to Friday 17 March 2023. This event is not to be missed and more details will soon be released by the Cement Concrete and Aggregates Australia (CCAA) and the IQA.
WA Limestone project manager James Della Bona spoke about the construction and the volume of limestone that has been used in the project. Delegates were then bused onto the south breakwater where they disembarked to view both walls.
• Face-to-face training is back. Following a very disrupted calendar, the IQA has scheduled several new courses that are being offered in-person, including.
• Slope Stability – more dates coming soon
• Quarry Products Technical Training Visit for up-to-date scheduling of courses in your state. If a course is not listed, please contact the IQA at and we can discuss your training needs.
VICTORIAN LUNCH AND SITE TOUR, HOSTED BY WIQ Women in Quarrying Coordinator Jo Murray and the Victorian branch hosted the 2022 IQA Women in Quarrying luncheon on Friday 17 June. The event started with a Welcome to The Country smoking ceremony. Hanson Australia Lysterfield Quarry hosted the site tour. The IQA would like to thank Nick James, Andrew Ritchie and all the staff onsite for their professionalism and hospitality. The IQA is focusing on expanding the dialogue from gender to one of greater diversity and inclusion. Following a networking lunch, delegates presentations from Hanson country operations manager Sarah Bellman, developmental psychologist Julia Parsonson and Astec Australia. This event was part of the WIQ calendar and supported the #seemebeme campaign.
• Plant and Equipment: Safety, Compliance and Best Practice
The IQA Jobs Board is a great way to reach people in the industry who may be looking for a new opportunity. IQA members can advertise vacancies for free. The advertisement will be published for three weeks and, if the role is not filled in that time, you will be able to request the advertisement stay live for a further three weeks. Email to advertise a job and follow the IQA on LinkedIn for industry updates. JOB NOTICE BOARD 2022 IQA Women in Quarrying luncheon.
• Central Qld Annual Golf Day | Rockhampton – 5 August SA Branch Dinner & AGM – 19 August
• NSW 2022 Quarries & Concrete Health & Safety Conference | Sydney – 19 October

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What’s your current role and what does this involve? I am currently working to develop and implement an online system to assist in management of sites including environmental compliance, health and safety, employee and contractor management, plant and equipment management and site document management and auditing. How long have been in the industry? I’ve been in the industry for nearly 14 years, where I have worked in various roles from admin assistant, environmental scientist and now data systems manager. What do you enjoy about your role? The challenge and the new skills that I am learning along the way. I also love that I can bring my science background and creative spirit together for a useful purpose.
Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give yourself in your first week in the industry? I think I would tell younger me to enjoy it and reap the benefits of working in an industry like this. It is so wide ranging and there are so many training courses, seminars, functions, onsite learnings, etc. to broaden your knowledge in so many varied areas. Can you share a challenging moment and how you worked through it? I can think of so many challenging moments, most of which include mud (and cars suck in it): can’t find bores, heat, snakes, cattle on the loose, malfunctioning equipment and rain events (where every site in Queensland needs you there yesterday). You have just got to take a breath and work through it step-by-step. Do you have any regrets? No, no time in life for regrets. You “can’t be what you can’t see”, so what advice would you give women who may never have thought about the extractive industry? It’s just like any other industry so why not work in it. Its varied and its productive and has a very important place in our communities. •
roundwork Plus Data Systems Manager Catherine Young talks challenges, perks, and advice regarding a career in the extractive industry.


The researchers say the evidence discovered indicates the quarry was used in two primary periods. During the first period (approximately 12,840 years ago), the quarry was mined for red ochre and equipment to produce and repair weapons. After a hiatus of a century or more, the site was again used to mine red ochre, but also to deposit artifacts in the quarry pit.“Further excavation of the estimated 800-square-meter remainder of the site will certainly reveal complexity not captured by our sample,” the researchers said.Pelton nominated the Powars II site to the National Register of Historic Places in 2021.•
The mine is said to have been used by humans to produce red ochre. Found at Sunrise in Platte County, the Powars II site is the oldest documented red ochre mine – and likely the oldest known mine of any sort – in all North and SouthFamedAmerica.archaeologist George Frison began theorising on the existence of the red ochre mine in 1986, and the excavations were completed shortly before his death in 2020. The findings appear in the paper: In situ evidence for Paleoindian hematite quarrying at the Powars II site (48PL330), Wyoming.Thepaper’s lead author is Wyoming State Archaeologist Spencer Pelton, who became involved in the Powars II project in 2016 when he was a UW doctoral student. “We have unequivocal evidence for use of this site by early Paleoindians as long as 12,840 years ago and continuing by early Americans for about 1,000 years,” Pelton said.“It’s gratifying that we were finally able to confirm the significance of the Powars II site after decades of work by so many, including Dr. Frison, who learned of the site in the early 1980s and was involved in the research until his death.” In a nod to his tireless work in the years before and during the project, Frison is listed as a co-author of the new paper.
Other contributors were George Zeimens, executive director of the Sunrise Historic and Prehistoric Preservation Society; Erin Kelley, a UW graduate and Office of the Wyoming State Archaeologist staff member; and UW Ph.D. students Sarah Allaun, Alexander Craib, Chase Mahan and Charles Koenig. Red ochre, also known as hematite, fulfilled a wide range of functions in Paleoindian societies, including as a pigment in rituals. Red ochre, also known as hematite, fulfilled a wide range of functions in Paleoindian societies.
The animal bones and antlers were used to extract the red ochre in the quarry during its use. The projectile points come from numerous locations in the region, including from as far away as the Edwards Plateau in Texas. That makes it likely that red ochre found at archaeological sites throughout the American midcontinent came from the Powars II “Beyondquarry.itsstatus as a quarry, the Powars II artifact assemblage is itself one of the densest and most diverse of any thus far discovered in the early Paleoindian record of the Americas,” Pelton said. “The site contains over 30 chipped stone tools per square meter, some of the oldest canid remains from an American archaeological site and rare or unique artifacts, among other distinctions.”
It has been found at ancient graves, caches, campsites and kill sites in the Great Plains, the Rocky Mountains and beyond.Among the artifacts previously discovered at the Powars II site are Clovis points- believed to be from the first inhabitants of North America – along with other projectile points, tools, and shell beads.The2017-2020 excavation led by Pelton yielded several thousand more Paleoindian artifacts, along with many well-preserved animal bones and antlers.
50 Quarry August 2022
While modern quarrying is a hot topic, University of Wyoming researchers and Wyoming’s state archaeologist have looked 13,000 years into the past to discover an ancient mine in the eastern part of the state.


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