Hazell Bros turned to Astec to upgrade its main plant.

DAY 2022 was marked
Reconciliation is beneficial for society and businesses.

As with all our wheel loaders, key components are manufactured by Komatsu to work together in an integrated package. The WA480-8 comes standard with our Komtrax remote monitoring and location system, backed by our Australia-wide service and support.

Call us today on 1300 566 287 to find out more.
Quality and performance, you can rely on

Welcome to the family
designed factory 5.5m3 bucket, in addition to new heavy duty axles, brake cooling package, larger counterweight, auto digging system and advanced joystick steering system (AJSS) as standard inclusions, Komatsu’s new WA480-8 continues the long tradition of being the industry’s ideal yard loader.
WA480-8 WithNewanewly

49 SEE US, BE US Q&A with Groundwork Plus environmental consultant Johannah Mannix.
A loader scale helps to optimise processes, avoid overloading, and keep track of all loads within a certain time frame.
2022 was marked by the launch of the IQA’s Diversity and Inclusion Development Day.
Komatsu’s brand-agnostic system takes real-time production data from loading and hauling machines.

QUARRY2022SEPTEMBERwww.quarrymagazine.com TASMANIAN QUARRY22 18 48 COVER ADVERTISER: Hazell Bros, partners with Astec to upgrade the plant at its Leslie Vale site. Turn to page 18 or visit astecindustries.com 2822 4026THE POWER RECONCILIATIONOF Reconciliation is beneficial for society and businesses. KOBELCO DOUBLES UP ON RELIABILITY Grampians Excavations invests in the SK500XDLC excavator. EC950E EXCAVATOR FOR RE:GROUP CJD supplied Re:Group with the Volvo EC950E excavator. SOILS PUT TO THE TEST Proficiency Testing Australia has conducted a soils proficiency testing program. FEATURES 04 FROM THE EDITOR 06 PRESIDENT’S REPORT 08 NEWS THIS MONTH 14 PRODUCT FOCUS 44 IQA NEWS 50 GEOLOGY TALK EVERY MONTH
Quarry September 2022 3

Better resource and market knowledge can have a big impact on your bottom line.
Astec Industries celebrates its 50th anniversary this year.
Art Director
e have a lot going on in this issue, specifically around achieving productivity and driving improvements across quarrying operations.Amajority of this comes down to having a deep understanding of the subject matter and having the right measures in place.
T: 03 9690 subscriptions@primecreative.com.au8766ThePublisherreservestherighttoalteroromitanyarticleoradvertisementsubmittedandrequiresindemnityfromtheadvertisersandcontributorsagainstdamagesorliabilitiesthatmayarisefrommaterialpublished.©Copyright–Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystemortransmittedinanymeanselectronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwisewithoutthepermissionofthepublisher.
We also dive deeper into D&I on page 22 and look at the power of reconciliation.Reconciliation holds many benefits for both society and businesses.
What this teaches us is that there is always room for improvement and reflection on how to streamline processes.Inlinewith this falls the management of a company’s greatest resource: people. Ensuring that your workforce feels appreciated, motivated and safe regardless of their background is imperative when it comes to running a successful business.
John john.murphy@primecreative.com.auMurphy
Maria maria.highland@primecreative.com.auHighland
Business Development Manager
Graphic Design
We would also like to congratulate our cover sponsor Astec on its 50th anniversary. Turn to page 28 to learn more.
Published by:
Client Success Co-ordinator
Les les.ilyefalvy@primecreative.com.auIlyefalvy
For example, when it comes to problem solving, having input from one perspective will result in only one type of solution.However, multiple people from a range of backgrounds will be able to bring their own individual perspective on a scenario. This leads to greater creativity, innovation, strategy, and decision making.TheIQA seeks to support D&I and has launched the Diversity and Inclusion Development Day to raise awareness round diversity and inclusion within the industry – you can read more about this one page 48.
T: 03 9690 8766 www.primecreativemedia.com.au
This leads to many different, innovative approaches on how to get things done.
Ben ben.griffiths@primecreative.com.auGriffiths
Likewise, Komatsu highlights that quickly identifying issues and bottlenecks, or areas where there may be a need to divert resources, is a sure-fire way to increase production and reduce operating costs (page 30).

4 Quarry September 2022 EDITORIAL
Kerry Pert, Aisling McComiskey
I am, of course, talking about diversity and inclusion (D&I).
Businesses that utilise input from a range of people who have broad range of experiences, skills, and perspectives are also getting the same range of
Michelle michelle.weston@primecreative.com.Westonau
For example, on page 32 Eltirus discusses how better resource and market knowledge can have a big impact on your bottom line in the long term.On
More specifically, reconciliation action plans help businesses to support First Nations self-determination and increase economic equity, as well as harness the benefits that come from having diverse workplace.Bydoing so, businesses are better positioned to address talent retention, innovation, and sustainability.
Maria Highland Editor

page 36 Position Partners explain that in order to gain maximum productivity from your quarry and equipment, businesses must ensure that they load correctly in the first place.
business input.
Design Production Manager
11-15 Buckhurst Street South Melbourne VIC 3205
Blake Storey
John Deere has an unrivalled reputation globally for dependable quality, proven reliability, outstanding durability, and strong performance. And now excavators designed, built, and backed by John Deere are available for you to put to work right here in Australia. Ergonomic automotive-quality styling, 7” touch-screen monitor, and intuitive controls deliver maximum productivity all day long. Together we’ll meet even the toughest demands. It’s a New Day and a New Deere. Scan to learn more

Chief Executive Officer
For example, I was in awe of Hanson quarry manager Trudy Linke’s talk about her life journey. Trudy spoke about a career in mining with her husband and how everything changed after his passing. Trudy found herself raising children, running a farm, and juggling a career.Tohear Trudy speak so passionately about her family, her team and where she is today, still growing and learning, is a wonderful success story after such a heartfelt journey of grit, determination, and compassion.
• Maximise outcomes for industry through education and sustainable practise.
PRESIDENT’S REPORT 6 Quarry September 2022
The IQA’s Strategic Plan 2020 to 2025 embodies the following vision, values and strategic priorities:
• Diversity and inclusion. Working development skills, careers and lifelong learning.

• A safe and sustainable environment.
For all education, member and branch enquires please email:admin@quarry.com.au.Educatingandconnectingourextractiveindustry
Vision: Educating and connecting the extractive and associated industries.
Strategic Priorities:
Kylie Fahey
Nominations for director roles will soon
SHANE InstitutePresidentBRADDYofQuarrying Australia
In New Zealand, maintaining competencies is mandatory, therefore there is strong attendance at their conferences. In Australia, state and territory regulatory requirements vary considerably, apart from NSW which has similarities to New Zealand’s competency requirements.Itwouldbegreat one day if sense would prevail and we had a national standard for qualifications and competencies for our sector.
Phone: 02 9484 0577 Email: admin@quarry.com.au
As always, I hope everyone is staying safe and looking after themselves and their families. Bring on the spring weather.
Not to sit back and do nothing, the IQA is actively working to establish national content including educational material and programmes. We hope that state governments will eventually support a national standard for qualifications and for maintaining competencies. This would enable our members who work in the essential construction materials sector to travel anywhere in Australia and have their qualifications recognised and continue maintenance of their competencies.Itishighlyunlikely that every state jurisdiction would come together to agree on a national approach, therefore the IQA is taking the lead in this space.
I’d like to say huge thanks to all the speakers including SA WIQ coordinator Mikayla Schwarz who did a magnificent job as MC. She is another great example of a young leader that’s passionate about what they do and the IQA.
Company Secretary Rod Lester

• Increase our relevance.
I attended the IQA Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Day on 6 July in Adelaide. It was an outstanding event and I thoroughly enjoyed the day, hearing from inspiring leaders talk about diversity and inclusion, what it means to them and to share their personal stories.
• A high performing and sustainable organisation.
e had the pleasure of attending the IQNZ conference in New Plymouth in New Zealand in July. The conference had an impressive turn out of over 500 delegates – the IQNZ conferences are allocated 16 hours of CPD points, which encourages operators, supervisors, quarry managers to attend, supported by their employers.
• Networking, connection, trust and communication.
I’m sure our CEO Kylie Fahey and her team would be interested to hear from anyone who has something to contribute to this discussion and national objective.
The IQA’s AGM will be held on 30 September in Perth followed by the IQA board meeting to formally elect the president and deputy president.
We believe this is the first time the IQA AGM has been held in WA at a branch event and not at our national conference.

be called and I encourage anyone who has a strong motivation and interest to contribute at the national level, to put themselves forward. Whether at branch or at board level, you won’t regret participating to support your peers and to help the IQA grow and transform.
After years of successful state branch D&I days, the IQA held its inaugural National D&I Development Day on 1 September 2022 to recognise and celebrate D&I in our sector on the one day. This is another step towards making sure that no matter your gender, who you are, where you come from, you are always welcome in the IQA family!
The Institute of AustraliaQuarrying quarry.com.au

Machine guidance services
+61 7 3051 0606 • L2, 127 George Street Brisbane Q 4000 Australia • eltirus.com KNOW WHAT’S IN THE GROUND | EXTRACT IT VIABLY | ENSURE COMPLIANCE
Drilling and blasting to a design RL and accurately excavating to it, can make a profound difference to your operations: reduced drill and blast costs and improved load and haul performance, not to mention minimisation of the amount of dust needed to level benches. Talk to us about how we can implement a machine guidance system in your quarry.

become the majority shareholder.
“Mitsui has also enabled collaborations for two of our key services: Tokara, construction site remote access and data transmission solution; and AllDayRTK, our national GPS
90 per cent circularity, halving CO2 emissions, approaching zero harm to people, and always doing the right thing.
The initiatives will help support Sandvik in achieving its 2030 sustainability goals as well as cement its status as a business leader within the fields of sustainability andSandvik’sDEI.
“We look forward to our insights into these areas with customers and the community and making a real difference in the years to come.”
Mitsui and Position Partners will work together to accelerate the deployment of digital and automated systems.
8 Quarry September 2022 NEWS
To ensure continuity, the existing Position Partners executive team remains. The Board will include three nominee directors from Mitsui.
Sandvik has also committed to set targets in the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), consistent with the Paris Agreement.Thecouncil has been made up of representatives from across the local organisation, including general manager for sustainability, marketing and communications Kate Bills.
Mitsui will help Position Partners improve productivity, safety and
Mitsui first invested in Position Partners in 2019 to hold a 20 per cent share in the company. Following Position Partners’ strong business performance, the company has
“Mitsui recognises that our ability to deploy solutions to sites with various types of machinery, systems and software is critical to realising the full potential of digital innovation in the construction, mining and geospatial industries,” Position Partners chief executive Martin Nix said.

Sandvik has formed a council to oversee sustainability and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in Australia and New Zealand.Thecouncil will help drive initiatives in a number of key areas, including climate change, circularity, championing people, and fair play.
In particular, Position Partner’s Southeast Asia and mining systems businesses will benefit from Mitsui’s strategic support, Nix noted.
“The idea of the council is to help keep sustainability and DEI front of mind across all the different parts of the business,”
Key system and product suppliers have endorsed the change.
sustainability in the construction, resources and geospatial sectors with the support of its networks.
Mitsui & Co has increased its investment to become the majority shareholder of Position Partners.
“Supportingnetwork. new growth opportunities and leveraging our capabilities will provide an even better experience for customers.”
“We believe being successful in business naturally goes hand in hand with being a leader in sustainability and diversity,” she continued.
The businesses will work together towards accelerating the deployment of digital and automated systems across all types of machines.
“Since 2019, we have launched initiatives that have been fostered through the Mitsui network, notably in our mining business,” Nix said.
Mitsui’s strategy to accelerate digital transformation across multiple sectors including construction, resources, transport, and logistics, aligns with Position Partners’ positioning systems and support expertise.
Global 2030 Sustainability goals includes achieving more than
“Bysaid.pointing out the challenges, providing suggestions for how they can be solved, and celebrating successes, we hope to drive change that will benefit our staff, customers and wider society.”
“Mitsui looks forward to building on the already strong collaborative relationship we enjoy with the Position Partners team, working together toward our shared strategic goals to accelerate digital transformation and contribute to sustainable futures,” Mitsui & Co operating officer, mobility business unit one Koichi (Marcos) Wakabayashi said. •
Free cash flow after leases was at CHF 275 million in the first half of 2022 versus CHF 814 million ($1,215 billion) compared to the previous year.
This places it on track to reach 10 million tons by Despite2025.volatile market conditions and geopolitical uncertainty, Holcim expects growth momentum to continue.
Holcim’s net sales for the first half of 2022 were up by 16.9 per cent in Swiss francs, driven by sales growth in all regions.
The solutions and products segment made up 18 per cent of the Group’s total net sales in H1, up from 8 per cent for 2020,

2022 HIRE FLEET OVERVIEW MAJOR OEM RELATIONSHIPS Delta Rent enjoys long standing relationships with all heavy machinery OEMs and operates Australia’s largest privately owned fleet of specialist construction plant and equipment. RIGID REAR DUMP TRUCKS + HD785 Komatsu Rigid Haul Trucks + 773 Series Rigid Caterpillar Haul Trucks + HD605 Komatsu 60t Rigid Haul Trucks EXCAVATORS + Hitachi & Komatsu 60t - 125t + Hitachi, Komatsu & Volvo 30t - 60t + Hitachi 8t - 30t WHEEL LOADERS + Hitachi, Komatsu & CAT Loaders ZW150 (up to) WA600 SITE & ROAD WATER TRUCKS + Bell & CAT Rigid & Articulated 24,000L - 40,000L + Fuso Road Registered 13,000L ARTICULATED REAR DUMP TRUCKS + Bell 30t | 40t | 45t Dump Trucks + Bell & Volvo 50t Dump Trucks DOZERS + CAT & Komatsu D6-D11 Dozers GRADERS + John Deere & CAT Graders 14-16m COMPACTORS + CAT 815 & 825 CONTACT US TODAY ON 1300 793 071

Holcim reported strong progress on its portfolio transformation with the continued expansion of roofing, insulation, and specialty building solutions and eight bolt-ons in the first half of 2022.
ECOPlanet green cement also achieved significant net sales growth and is now available in 16 markets.
Net sales in the second quarter were CHF 8,240 million ($12,305 million), which is a 13.6 per cent increase on a like-for-like basis compared to the previous year.
expected proceeds of above USD 7 billion ($10Holcim’sbillion).ECOPact green concrete reached 10 per cent of ready-mix concrete net sales in H1This2022.isin line with Holcim’s strategic target of 25 per cent of ready-mix sales by 2025.
Recurring EBIT was CHF 2,173 million ($3,244 million) for the first half of 2022, up 9.6 per cent in Swiss francs and 5.7 per cent on a like-for-like basis compared to the previous year.Recurring EBIT growth for the standalone second quarter was 7 per cent on a like-forlike basis, with strong price over cost.
Profitability of solutions and products also improved significantly, with a recurring EBIT margin of 15 per cent for Q2 2022, up from 8.8 per cent in the prior year.
Holcim has signed divestments for its businesses in India, Brazil, and Zimbabwe with

Driving circular construction, Holcim recycled 2.9 million tonnes of construction and demolition waste in its products in H1 2022.
According to Holcim, this is a record result, driven by robust improvement of profitability in the solutions and products segment and strong recurring EBIT margin expansion in NorthHolcim’sAmerica.netincome group share reached CHF 1,157 million ($1,727 million), up 38 per cent compared to the prior-year period.
“Our record results, from net sales to Recurring EBIT and earnings per share, are setting solid foundations to deliver our ‘Strategy 2025 – Accelerating Green Growth’,” Holcim chief executive Jan Jenisch said.•
Roofing and insulation businesses are on track to reach pro-forma net sales of CHF 3.5 billion in Specialty2022.building solutions pro-forma net sales are estimated to reach CHF 600 million.
All of the Mathers Group’s quarry and asphalt assets, including 80 employees, will become part of Holcim Group.
This streamlines spare parts handling and service for customers with several different operations.
Mathers Group is the largest crushed stone producer in Quebec. It is a familyowned company with a history of over 60 years of responsible operations.
Holcim has acquired the quarry and asphalt businesses of Mathers Group in Quebec, Canada, including Carrière StEustache quarry.
The SmartROC T35 E is equipped with both a battery and an electric cable, allowing for easy transportation in and between sites.
“I am excited about this acquisition that will expand our footprint in the exciting Quebec market and accelerate our circular construction offering,” Holcim
“A milestone has been reached and a new opportunity has come to reduce our climate impact,” Skanska Industrial Solutions project manager Johan Eliasson said.
The trial marks a significant milestone in the journey towards zero emissions drilling in surface mines and quarries all over the world.
SmartROC T35 surface drill rig and it draws on experience gained from the development of underground battery rigs.The rig comes with a range of smart features, options and enhanced automation solutions for high safety, reliability, and performance.
SmartRoc T35 E testing will commence in September 2022.
The acquisition will expand Holcim’s footprint in the Quebec market, where infrastructure investment is projected to drive high growth across the Eastern CanadaLikewise,region.theacquisition will help Holcim expand its offering of recycled concrete and asphalt, advancing its circular construction strategic goal to recycle 100 million tons of materials by 2030.
region head North America Toufic Tabbara said.“This bolt-on acquisition adds the largest crushed stone quarry in Quebec and expands our industry-leading position in the circular economy with recycled concrete and recycled asphalt production,” Tabbara explained.
“This new structure will provide our customers with a comprehensive aggregate and now asphalt solutions portfolio in the Montreal region – suitable for all construction projects.”
The batteries fitted on the surface drill rig are the same batteries and subcomponents used in all Epiroc underground battery solutions.
10 Quarry September 2022 NEWS
using the SmartROC T35 E will commence in September 2022 in one of Skanska Industrial Solution’s quarries in the Stockholm area.
This transaction is Holcim’s biggest aggregates acquisition in the region in over a decade.
the most suitable alternative for the location and occasion.
“Both companies have set bold environmental goals – this project really takes a great step towards Skanska’s goal of being completely climate neutral by 2045, which is an important part of our promise to build a better society,” he added.
“For many years we have been leading the development in lowering fuel consumption within tophammer drilling,” Epiroc surface division product manager tophammer drill rigs Ulf Gyllander said.
Users can choose to drill with

“With this new solution we are taking a giant leap in the low emissions field –we are practically removing emissions from the actual drilling process.”
Epiroc and Skanska will trial the first tophammer battery-electric rig at a quarry in Sweden – the SmartROC T35TestsE.
The SmartROC T35 E is designed to enhance the environmental standards of quarries and larger construction sites.The design is based on the Epiroc

“I’d like to pay tribute to Ricardo Garib for his outstanding contribution to our company and the mining industry over many years. His absolute focus on safety and unwavering dedication to serving our customers has been second to none,” Stanton said.
Neilson joined Weir in 2010 as head of strategy and then joined the group executive in 2014 as director of strategy and corporate affairs.
Garib was appointed president of Weir Minerals in 2016 and has led the division from strength to strength.
“With his strong track record of execution and delivery, I am sure he will lead Minerals to new heights.”
In 2017 he moved to the USA as finance director of minerals division, before taking on the role of chief integration officer to lead the integration of ESCO into Weir.
Andrew Neilson has been appointed Weir Minerals president, taking over from Ricardo Garib who will retire from 31 December 2022.

Andrew Neilson is currently president of Weir ESCO.
“(Neilson) knows Minerals inside out and has a wealth of experience from across our business,” Weir Group chief executive Jon Stanton said.
Garib and Neilson, together with Neilson’s successor, will work together in a transition period over the fourth quarter.
Andrew Neilson has been with Weir since 2010.


Andrew then led the Europe, North Africa, and Russia region for Minerals, before returning to the USA in July 2020 as president of ESCO.Inhis role he has successfully delivered the acquisition synergies, built the growth strategy, and improved ESCO’s safety and operational performance.
According to Weir Group, the process to identify Neilson’s successor is underway and details will be announced in due course.

The purchase of the low emission truck is supported by grants from the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), as part of California’s Proposition 1B Goods Movement Emission Reduction Programme.
CEMEX USA has added 38 low-emission natural gas-powered concrete trucks to its fleet in southern California.
The move is part of the company’s efforts to achieve carbon neutrality throughout its value chain by 2050.
The new fleet is expected to help CEMEX reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Southern California by approximately 24,000 pounds (910,886 kg) each year.
myKomatsu can be accessed 24/7 from any location.
The programme encourages the replacement of older, in-use diesel equipment with lower emission options.
Following the regular servicing requirements specified for Komatsu’s SMR hours ensures that customers’ earthmoving, quarrying, and mining equipment remains productive, reliable, safe, and Scheduledefficient.service parts included within Komatsu’s National Standard

• Nuts, bolts, washers, seals, and other small items.
“CEMEX is closely examining all of our operations to search for additional opportunities where we can cut emissions and continue to be part of the solution to prevent climate change,” CEMEX USA president Jaime Muguiro said.
The grants amount to $100,000 ($145,231) per truck.
• Hoses
to the customer’s actual machine –that contains the full range of parts required for the next SMR service interval,” Komatsu general manager –aftermarket David Small explained.
This “streamlines and speeds up the ordering process, so that the correct parts are supplied for the right machine every single time,” Small said.
•include:Filters, including fuel, oil, hydraulic, air, coolant, and brake fluid

“By using scheduled service parts based around the National Standard, customers are assured they are maintaining their machines using the right OEM parts – backed by full Komatsu warranty,” Small said.
“Komatsu’s National Service Standards specify which parts are required for each SMR service interval; these standards have been developed to build on and expand Komatsu’s factory standards,” Small said.
As per the grant conditions, CEMEX will retire and dismantle an equal number of older diesel-powered vehicles.
To make this process more efficient, customers can order their scheduled service parts through myKomatsu using pre-populated Bill of Material lists.“myKomatsu automatically creates a pre-populated list of scheduled-service parts – matched by serial number
“This helps ensure that a machine’s productivity and uptime is maintained, with unscheduled downtime far less likely to Orderingoccur.”through pre-populated lists also ensures customers’ orders contains all the parts and consumables required for a machine’s SMR service, so that it fully aligns with the company’s National Service Standards.
The new fleet includes 30 ready-mix and eight tractor Peterbilt trucks powered by low emission compressed natural gas (CNG) or renewable natural gas (RNG).
Komatsu has extended its online parts service myKomatsu to include scheduled service parts in response to customer demand and requests.
The myKomatsu online customer portal is available at my.komatsu.com. au and can be accessed by any webenabled device: desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone, 24/7 from any location.
The parts and consumables needed to carry out a scheduled service can vary depending on the machine and the relevant SMR service. This can be a time-consuming process as customers must ensure that all the parts required have been ordered.
“We are exploring the use of alternative and low-emission fuels throughout our value chain, so we can continue to create a positive impact for our communities and ourCEMEXworld.”is constructing a CNG/RNG filling station at the site that is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2022. •
• Fluids, including coolant, oils, and greases
• KOWA oil sample kits
Customers must be logged in to gain access to this new functionality. •
12 Quarry September 2022 NEWS
To improve your loading operations, visit goloadrite.com SmartTech Australia | 1800 655 860 | smarttechaustralia.com.au ON THE MONEY. EVERY TIME. When the pressure is on and customers are waiting, you need to perform faster without compromising accuracy and precision. The Loadrite L3180 SmartScale for loaders adjusts for rough terrain, technique, and movement so new and skilled operators can load with greater accuracy, precision and speed. FEATURES: ► Weighing intelligence for greater accuracy. ► In-cab performance KPIs helps to stay on daily target ► eTickets for contactless, paperless ticketing
The first SK1300DLC is due to arrive in Australia in mid-2023.
The SK1300DLC also feature operator comfort and safety with its automatic stops, interference position detection, and tip-over warning device.

“With the introduction of the SK1300DLC, Kobelco is now able to offer this ultra-high reach excavator to demolition contractors across Australia and New Zealand.”
projects that require a high reach of over 30m, but its Next Advance system, and high-capacity tool weight also makes it ideal for demolition work at ground level or subground,” Wolf said.
Kobelco is a company renowned for manufacturing machinery that is strong enough to demolish old structures and powerful enough to get the job done quickly.

The SK1300DLC has joined the ranks of Kobelco’s fleet of building demolition machines.Featuring an operating weight of 130 tonnes and a reach of up to 40m, the SK1300DLC is now the world’s largest OEM manufactured building demolition machine.
In keeping with its reputation of technologically advanced machines, Kobelco has added its Next Advance system to the SK1300DLC, meaning it can be adapted for multiple job site applications, from high elevation demolition to breaking up building foundations.
“We see that this versatility, and the fact that it is quick and easy to disassemble and transport, is of great benefit to demolition contractors working on multiple job sites.

The last several years have seen an increased demand for larger building demolition machines, and Kobelco has gone above and beyond with the SK1300DLC.
It is also quick and easy to disassemble, allowing for fast and easy transportation to different job sites.
The SK1300DLC was first introduced to the European market in March 2022 to high acclaim.Itcannow
“Despite its commanding size, at the heart of it, the SK1300DLC also has all of the same great high quality and performance that Kobelco is renowned for. •
“As the market leader in high reach demolition excavator sales in Japan, Kobelco’s expertise and reputation globally in the demolition industry is well established,” general manager of marketing and direct sales Chris Wolf said.
be ordered in Australia and New Zealand. The first sold unit is due to arrive on Australian shores in mid-2023.
“The SK1300DLC is ideal for demolition

machines that can distinguish between pedestrians and machines, warning machine operators when people are in close proximity to the machine or in the blind spots.
This is crucial for industrial applications where quality of detections and low false alert rate is required in a cost-effective solution.
14 Quarry September 2022
It also provides a broad range of general services, including plant and machinery service, repair and maintenance, along with speciality applications such as line boring, environmental services, and welding repair and fabrication.
DotNetix has been leading systemsintelligentdevelopmenttheofcollisionavoidanceforminingandconstructionsites.DotNetix’sSafeyepedestrianandmachinedetectionandwarningsystemreducestheriskoffatalitiesandinjuriesonanyindustrialsiteswhetherinmining,quarrying,construction,logisticsorforotherindustrialmachines.Itisalong-rangeintelligentmachinevisionsystemforindustrial
More information: Smartech, smarttechaustralia.com.au
The diamond-protected buttons give the drill bits a substantially longer service life than those with standard buttons and helps maximise drilling time.

The Powerbit X realises the full potential of remotely and automatically controlled drilling, enabling the operator to complete a single hole with only one drill bit, significantly improving productivity.
The Sandvik QA452 tracked mobile screen has been developed with uptime, productivity, and lower cost of ownership in mind. It is capable of producing large volumes of high specification products. It features two triple deck inline screen boxes that each provide 9m3/100 sq. ft of screening area. The primary screen performs as a fines extractor, whilst the secondary screen performs as a grader.
The QA452 has been designed with a number of new features for improved access, ease of operation and quicker set-up. It offers a more sustainable solution with lower emissions, reduced fuel consumption, extended service intervals, optimised hydraulics, and less operating noise.
More information: Epiroc, epiroc.com/en-au
J&B Excavations is dedicated to providing quality services with strong customer focus, taking pride in the safe and proficient completion of every job. It specialises in long reach excavation, dredge pumps for dam and channel cleaning.
DotNetix is the leading provider of advanced deep learning technologies and products, offering scalable solutions for companies that requires new methods and technologies to solve industrialproblems.safety

Epiroc’s Powerbit X drill features diamond-protected buttons which results in more uptime, improved safety, and lower CO2 emissions.
More information: Sandvik, rockprocessing.sandvik/en/products
The Powerbit X’s extremely hard surface makes it possible to reduce the amount of CO2 emissions by up to 90 per cent compared to standard drill bits.

As the tool has a long bit life, less energy and resources are consumed. Regrinding is also avoided, as the bit is recyclable once it wears out.
Safeye also features deep learning technology for improved performance over other systems on detection accuracy and reliability.
J&B Excavations offers a variety of quarrying equipment such as trucks, loaders, excavators, and processing equipment.
The result is a consistent tool that users can rely on, with a focus on safety, efficiency, and sustainability.
The longer life span of the drill also means that replacement intervals are prolonged, reducing overall risks associated with bit changes.
Customers across Australia are pleased with the results they achieve using Puma Bitumen’s products. “We have used Puma Bitumen Precoat 306 twice now and have found it to be excellent – the service to get it to us has been spot on,” Champion Contracting (Stonehenge Quarry) director Julie Champion said. “As for the product, we have found it to be very easy to use - flows well and the colour is perfect,” she continued. “Lastly the price - very competitive and an easy company to deal with. A1 for me.”
More information: Loadrite, goloadrite.com
Rostrevor Group is a privately owned company based in Victoria, established in 2019, to service the recycling, quarrying, construction and mining industries with crushing and screening services.
To submit new product and equipment releases, email: les.ilyefalvy@primecreative.com.au
More information: Xylem, xylem.com/au
Ultimately, the stone retention provided by Precoat 306 improves the quality, longevity and overall performance of the road surface.
Rostrevor Group takes pride in being a unique specialist in supplying a large range of crushing and screening service on a contract basis throughout Victoria. It uses the latest in high production equipment, manned by experienced personnel. It is proud to say its team maintains an outstanding safety record.
This means that by using the services of Rostrevor Group Crushing & Screening you gain a fully independent crushing and screening service that is safe and dependable.
More information: Rostrevor Group, call 0409 847 079 or email daisy@rostrevorgroup.com.au
Puma Bitumen’s Precoat 306 has been specifically formulated to pretreat aggregate used in sprayed seal road surface applications. The product ensures optimal stone retention by creating a durable bond between the binder and aggregate.
Xylem’s Field Smart Technology (FST) is an advanced telemetry and cloud-based system enabling monitoring and control of your diesel pump sets anywhere in the FSTworld.integrates with pumps and engine controllers, and provides invaluable control and information about your equipment, meaning unforeseen events like storms won’t stop you from keeping tabs on your pump conditions.
Further, Xylem provides flexible subscriptions and 24–7 customer support to ensure downtime is reduced.
The technology has a broad range of functions, including monitoring of key engine and pump parameters, receiving alarms and notifications, remote start and stop and speed change, service and maintenance diagnostics, and geo-location tracking.
More information: Puma, pumaenergy.com/bitumen
It has set out to be the safest and a reliable contract crushing company with a focus on the highest standards of quality, and to grow into a company with the widest range of capabilities of any crushing contractor in Victoria.

Loadrite has rebranded its Insight analytics product as InsightHQ. In May, Trimble sold the Loadrite business. The sale provided the newly independent Loadrite company with the opportunity to leverage the existing brand value of InsightHQ and to simplify the product line.
Quarry September 2022 15
These have all proved useful in critical applications where unplanned downtime is not an option.

Analytics and insights are at the core of Loadrite’s strategic direction, and this commitment is seen in the increased investment into InsightHQ. Loadrite InsightHQ helps customers put that payload data into context by providing meaningful insights into their business operations. As quarries increasingly rely on digital technology, Loadrite continues to provide innovative solutions.

Being an independent privately owned company, Newcastle Sand prides itself on being responsive, attentive, and focused at meeting customer requirements, and are committed to running a compliant Newcastleoperation.
Newcastle Sand is the operator of an independent and privately owned 3.25 million tonne sand quarry in Williamtown, NSW.

The Shell Rimula R4 range allows construction operators to plan for engine maintenance cycles with confidence that the highest quality lubricants are being used to optimise engine performance in line with OEM Businessesrequirements.seeking

Established in Victoria since 2005, Delta Rent understands that the deployment of heavy plant and equipment is high risk and capital intensive. It also requires specialist skills and operating licences. That’s why it is a trusted partner for the rental of late model machines, as well as for 24/7 qualified support and personnel.
The quarry specialises in high-quality concrete and asphalt sand, glass/industrial sand, and landscape sand.
while producing lower vehicle emissions. The Rimula R4 L is versatile enough to provide the convenience of a single oil and suitable for most heavy-duty engines, while reducing engine emissions.
Delta Rent operates one of the largest rental fleets of specialised, high performance heavy plant in Australia. It is regularly upgraded and meticulously maintained to exacting OEM, regulatory and requirements.client
Newcastle Sand’s sole aim is to extract, process and supply sand products more efficiently than its competitors.
More information: Shell, vivaenergy.com.au
Sand uses new plant and equipment, ensuring quality and efficiency and offers guaranteed turnaround times for booked loads, reducing haulage costs.
Sophisticated and NHVR compliant GPS transport, logistical and scale systems track the movements, utilisation and loads of more than 350 late model, new generation machines Australia wide.
Delta Rent is a key division of Delta Group – one of the largest diversified contractors of its type in the world today.

More information: Delta Rent, deltarent.com.au
Ritchie Bros. has entered into an agreement to deliver excess mining equipment dispersal services to independent mining equipment rental business EMECO. The companies will collaborate to deliver competitive integrated sales and marketing solutions to the dispersal of heavy earthmoving equipment.

With this joint agreement, EMECO has received a dedicated storefront on Ritchie Bros. IronPlanet, a custom branded seller page that includes EMECO listings for sale. Ritchie Bros. is uniquely positioned to deliver EMECO with substantial resources, industry expertise and extensive buyer database to maximise the return on sale of surplus EMECO assets. Assets will either be sold via both Marketplace-E and IronPlanet auctions with the approach tailored to deliver the optimal result. This multichannel sales approach will enable EMECO to sell equipment when, how, and where it chooses.
To submit new product and equipment releases, email: les.ilyefalvy@primecreative.com.au
real time support can receive a free consult on what lubricant is optimal for their engine through the Viva Energy technical helpdesk (Shell lubricant specialists). Call 1300 134 205 or email technicalhelpdesk@vivaenergy.com.au.
More information: Ritchie Bros., rbauction.com.au, ironplanet.com.au
More information: Newcastle Sand, newcastlesand.com.au
This is achieved through the implementation of streamlined materials handling processes combined with Newcastle Sand’s guaranteed loading dispatch times to ensure fast turnaround times with minimal onsite delays.
16 Quarry September 2022

“It’s a lot more than we were anticipating.”
“And that’s when it was being run in. So as it goes on, we’d expect the throughput to pick up even a bit more.”
on the site to 500 tonnes per hour, the new plant is already exceeding expectations.
CRUSHING 18 Quarry September 2022
Tasmanian aggregate supplier, Hazell Bros, partners with Astec to upgrade the plant at its Leslie Vale site.
Australia’s infrastructure construction boom has created unprecedented demand for materials across a wide range of industries.
In response, Hazell Bros – already Tasmania’s largest supplier of quarry products for the building and construction industry – has more than doubled capacity at one of its major sites.
According to Hazell Bros executive general manager – quarries, Luke Donohue, “the new crushing plant has allowed us to increase throughput by an extra 200 tonnes an hour on top of that.
To help them deliver the expansion project, Hazell Bros turned to long-term partner, Astec.“We’ve had a good relationship with Astec over the years,” Donohue said.
“They work with us in providing solutions to problems and really stand by their equipment.”Likehiscustomer, Astec’s business line manager – material solutions, Adam Gordon, is delighted with the performance of the new plant.“When it was started up on commissioning, the plant was delivering over 600 tonnes an hour,” Gordon explained.
The addition of a new crushing plant at Hazell Bros’ Leslie Vale quarry, 20 kilometres west of Hobart, has transformed the operation. Originally designed to increase throughput

earthmoving and, eventually, in the 1970s, into civil construction.
“It’s 1.1 metres deep, by 1.3 metres wide – that’s nearly the size of a mini car – and then, if you throw that mini into it, it will break it down into sizes between watermelons and rockmelons – about 150mm to 250mm –and all the way down to nothing,” Gordon explained.“Thenthis primary crushed material will go up into a surge pile because the production between the jaw crusher goes up and down depending on the size of the rocks and their geological properties.
The new processing plant at Leslie Vale is made up exclusively of Astec equipment. It includes a 50x20 primary feeder, 71-2D488 scalper screen, MBS12 boom system and two PF4272 solid pan feeders.
Before long the brothers moved into
Quarry September 2022 19
It began as a transport business based in southern Tasmania.
Leslie Vale is one of Hazell Bros’ five hard rock quarries across Tasmania. The others are at Raeburn, Long Hill, Tunbridge and Mangalore.Thecompany also operates a sand quarry at Beauty Point.
It remains a family-owned and run business, with second generation brothers Geoffrey and Robert Hazell heading up operations.LikeHazell Bros, Astec has enjoyed a long and successful history.
“Then from the surge pile is where the secondary crushers claim that material back and send it into other crushers that then reduce it down into smaller fractions, like 20mm, 14mm, 10mm and so forth, that are used in concrete and asphalt,” he said.
But the real power is delivered by Astec’s 46-tonne 4450 jaw crusher. This jaw crusher is the third largest of Astec’s range and is the first to be supplied inInAustralia.particular Astec’s 4450 Jaw Crusher is known for its size and sheer power.

Hazell Bros’ Leslie Vale site consists of three extractive operations that supply source rock to a single, fixed crushing and screening plant.The quarry produces around 900,000 tonnes of crushed dolerite a year, in various aggregate sizes, as well as engineered pavement materials and landscaping stone.
What followed was a period of significant growth as Hazell Bros continued to diversify itsTheoperations.company has expanded into South Australia and Queensland, and Hazell Bros today employs more than 700 people around the country.
Established in 1972, Astec Industries is in its 50th year of Headquarteredoperation.inTennessee, USA, the company has a global reach.
It comprises 16 brands, offering specialised equipment for asphalt road building, aggregate processing, and concrete production.
Established in 1944 by brothers Donald and Rowley Hazell, the company has operated for almost 80 years.
As a brand, Astec has built its reputation on high-quality equipment and first-class customer service, and that has been the
The new primary plant, designed specifically to double throughput, is already exceeding expectations.
“We bought our first piece of equipment from Astec,” Donohue explained.
“So, we went with the Astec 4450 Jaw crusher and the other Astec equipment and ended up with a really good crushing plant that’s exceeding our expectations and producing at higher levels than planned,” Donohue said.
“A new plant will deliver big productivity
It’s a strategy Hazell Bros supports.
“In addition to that, Astec provided us with a very competitive price and a great solution for what we wanted to achieve.
“Astec are extremely responsive when it comes to support and aftercare, too,” Donohue
20 Quarry September 2022 CRUSHING
“We’ve continued to purchase from them over the years.
“A lot of equipment can look the same,” Gordon pointed out, “but in regard to steel, the composition will make a world of difference.“Takecrushing gear, for example. It has to be“Ifrobust.you’ve got cheap 250 grade steel in the build, it’ll just get destroyed, especially with high quality material.
Gordon agreed with Donohue’s assessment of the relationship between the two companies.“We’vedeveloped a good partnership with Hazell Bros over the years – they’re a great company. We’re a good fit for each other.”
Luke Donohue has no doubt his company’s investment in the Leslie Vale expansion project will deliver not only immediate results in terms of increased output, but also longterm support for the continued growth of the business.•

“If there’s ever any issue, they take care of it.
“It was the suitability and availability of the Astec equipment we needed for this project,” Donohue said.
“Customers’ needs, and the market itself, are totally different now.”
“I’d had some previous experience with
Gordon pointed out the benefits of investing in new“Thisequipment.wasaplant replacement project brought about by the age and fatiguing of the original plant,” he explained.
According to Gordon, it is also crucial to invest in high-quality plant and equipment. “If your equipment is going to last for up to 40 years, you want to make sure you’re getting the most out of it through all those years.
“Our equipment is built to last.”
“At Astec, we use 400 grade steel, which is 50 per cent stronger for the same thickness, and that’s going to take a much greater load,” Gordon explained.
“In return, they’ve really looked after us and have always been there to provide support. And they stand by their equipment.
the big Astec jaw crushers and knew they performed very well.
gains today, then when the time comes, we can bring in the next upgrade, and then the next one after that, and so on.”
foundation of the strong partnership between Astec and Hazell Bros.
“So we think about not only where the market is today, but where it’s going to be in ten, 20, 30 years’ time – and we build a plant that will meet those needs as well.
Hazell Bros specifically chose Astec for all the crushing and screening equipment in the new plant due to the performance of existing Astec equipment.

Visit astecindustries.com for more information.
On top of that ‘good fit’, Donoghue explained that his company’s decision to go with Astec for the new processing plant was also based on the reliable performance of their existing Astec equipment.
“But it also created an opportunity because things have changed a lot from when the original plant was built 40 years ago.
“The benefit of starting with a clean sheet is that we can look to the future,” he continued.
“They’veadded.evenpulled parts off new stock equipment for us. They just provide us with really good service.”
3 main points that make a good product - availability, product and price. We have used the Puma Bitumen twice now and have found it to be excellent - the service to get

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To minimise the loss of stones in sprayed seal applications, Puma has developed Bitumen Precoat 306. The product is available from Puma Bitumen terminals in Queensland. Puma Energy Bitumen+61 491 696 Anet.Prinsloo@pumaenergy.com764 pumaenergy.com/en/web/bitumen/

With Puma Bitumen Precoat 306 - registered with TMR at highest performance level

“There are it spot to well
Building Roads That Last

“For example, greater historical acceptance of the wrongs done to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples can lead to improved race relations, which in turn leads to greater equality and equity,” it explained.
“It is a time to build strong foundations and relationships, ensuring sustainable, thoughtful, and impactful RAP outcomes into the future.
RAPs enable businesses to take meaningful action to advance reconciliation, support First Nations self-determination and increase economic equity.
RECONCILIATION 22 Quarry September 2022
Three Sisters, Blue Mountains, NSW.

The Reconciliation Action Plan program was first launched 15 years ago. Today is it a network of over 2000 organisations.
One example of a company that has shared its RAP is construction company Hanson Australia.Itshared its Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan for November 2021 – November 2023 in line with NAIDOC week running from 3-10 July.

“These five dimensions do not exist in isolation, but are interrelated,” Reconciliation Australia said on its website.
ccording to organisation Reconciliation Australia, reconciliation is about strengthening relationships between the First Nations peoples of Australia and non-Indigenous people, for the benefit of all society.Reconciliation comes under five key areas: race relations, equality and equity, institutional integrity, unity, and historical acceptance.
THE POWER OF RECONCILIATIONInAustraliareconciliationholdsmanybenefits
The four RAP frameworks specified by Reconciliation Australia are Reflect, Innovate, Stretch and Elevate. Each framework is designed for organisations at different stages in their reconciliation journey.
For businesses that join the RAP program,
“Reconciliation cannot be seen as a single issue or agenda; the contemporary definition of reconciliation must weave all of these threads together.
for society as a whole. Businesses can play their part by introducing reconciliation action plans into their operations.
“Commencing an Innovate RAP is a crucial and rewarding period in an organisation’s reconciliation journey,” Reconciliation Australia chief executive officer Karen Mundine said in Hanson’s RAP.
“An Innovate RAP is the time to strengthen and develop the connections that form the lifeblood of all RAP commitments,” she said.
it is step towards change on an institutional level.AsReconciliation Australia co-chair, professor Tom Calma AO said in his speech at Reconciliation Australia’s 2022 RAP Conference in June:
For example, Hanson’s Innovate RAP outlines 15 actions across the four key areas
Based on these key areas, reconciliation means maintaining focus on making tangible changes such as: overcoming racism; renewing focus on closing the gap so that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians participate equally and equitably in all areas of life; achieving a process to recognise Australia’s First Peoples in the constitution; and by acknowledging Australia’s past through education and understanding.Anotherkeyaction outlined by Reconciliation Australia to address institutional integrity is to “capitalise on the Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Program to create a wider range of opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.”Thisisone of the ways that businesses can ensure they are taking steps towards reconciliation and maintaining accountability within operations.
“You are not just a network of organisations with RAPs. You are part of a much larger movement driving change at grassroots, local, state, national and corporate levels.”
Skid Mounted 13’ Fisher Air Separator with variable speed drive. Processes 150pth crusher dust to concrete specification manufactured sand, process data available. As new 2020 Model. Supplying The Hunter and Sydney Regions with Washed Sand, Screened Sand & White Sand newcastlesand.com.au Murray Towndrow 0429 875 355 FOR SALE OR HIRE FISHER AIR SEPARATOR

For example, “implementing an Innovate RAP signals Hanson Australia’s readiness to develop and strengthen relationships, engage staff and stakeholders in reconciliation, and pilot innovative strategies to ensure effective outcomes,” she said.
To help achieve its goals, Hanson has partnered with BC Consulting – a consultancy focused on helping organisations to understand and become more aware of the tenets and beliefs of First Australian Peoples.
By fostering diversity within the workplace, businesses open the floor to a wide variety of talented people that may not have previously considered a career in the field.
Hanson has already commenced improving outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff through the inclusion of policies such as “sorry leave”.

“The RAP program’s framework of relationships, respect, and opportunities emphasises not only the importance of fostering consultation and collaboration with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities, but also empowering and enabling staff to contribute to this process, as well,” Mundine pointed out.
For example, having a RAP in place can help address talent retention as well as
“By promoting diversity, we are opening opportunities for Aboriginal people to apply knowing full well that they will feel comfortable,” Petrovski said in Hanson’s RAP.
Promoting a sense of unity amongst the workforce will help to make everyone feel seen and heard as everyone works towards a common goal. •
Actions 1 to 4 are related to building relationships and include goals to maintain relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders and organisations, and to drive positive race relations through antidiscrimination strategies.
The SX5 Group highlighted that the act of rehabilitating the land has grown in significance over recent years.
SX5 Group of companies. It is a partnership between Eastern Guruma group director and senior elder Kenzie Smith and SX5 Group directors Ralph and Cherie Keller.
Hanson business improvement manger Melissa Petrovski and proud Aboriginal woman from the Bundjalung nation pointed out that increasing diversity helps businesses to deal with different nuances within the market.
Hanson will also increase community investment and supplier diversity.
Reconciliation is about strengthening relationships between the First Nations peoples of Australia and nonIndigenous people.
24 Quarry September 2022 RECONCILIATION
“In repairing Country, we’re helping repair the trust and relationships with the region’s Traditional Owners.”
Actions 9 to 11 aim to create more opportunities for First Nations peoples by increasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander recruitment, retention, and professional development.
“BC Consulting also viewed and amended, where required, organisational policies and procedures, particularly in relation to our People and Culture department, which is responsible for recruitment and the well-being of employees,” the RAP said.
It is therefore essential that quarry and mine operators, including their suppliers and service providers, understand the importance of working with the Traditional Owners on whose country they operate.
helping to open up the talent pool.
Actions 12 to 15 address governance outcomes. Hanson will provide appropriate support for effective implementation of RAP commitments.Thecompany will also build accountability and transparency through reporting RAP achievements, challenges, and learnings both internally and externally.
Likewise, the partnership BC Consulting has helped to ensuring that over 85 per cent of Hanson employees are guided through cultural awareness training.
By drawing on the values outlined in a RAP, such as increasing community investment and supplier diversity, businesses open the door to collaborating with a much more diverse range of businesses.
of relationships, respect, opportunities, and governance to be achieved by 2023.
Actions 5 to 8 are related to respect and aim to increase understanding, value and recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories, knowledge, and rights through cultural learning.
“Increasing our diversity would make our workplace more accommodating to other cultures, especially Aboriginal cultures.
Doing so can help transform operations as Traditional Owners have the knowledge, skills, and expertise on how to navigate extractive operations in a way that offers continual improvement in environmental and social and governance outcomes.
Working with First Nations businesses, including suppliers, contractors and service providers is instrumental when it comes to taking steps towards reconciliation and sustainability.Forexample, indigenous contracting business Civil Road & Rail SX5 has taken delivery of a Cat D10T2 dozer for mine rehabilitation services in the Pilbara, WA from WesTrac.CivilRoad & Rail SX5 is part of the broader
Finally, working towards RAP goals can help bring a business together and foster a space diversity and inclusivity across the board.
“We’re making things green again, making Country feel better,” SX5 Group director Ralph Keller said.

This includes demonstrating respect towards First Nations peoples by supporting the protection and preservation of environments of cultural significance.
Driving diversity creates numerous business advantages such as talent retention, innovation, and sustainability.
“The world needs miners to supply the mineral resources required for a more sustainable future, and that means we need to support sustainable mining initiatives,” WesTrac general manager Cameron Callaway agreed.“Drawing on the knowledge of Traditional Owners and the expertise of knowledgeable, experienced indigenous organisations such as SX5 is a key aspect of that.”
Having proven itself in the most extreme conditions, the SK850LC also boasts the highest fuel efficiency in the 85-tonne class, offering unbeatable levels of productivity and delivering more to your bottom line.
kobelco.com.au | 1300 562 352@kobelcoaustralia
Introducing the new SK850LC-10, Kobelco’s largest excavator ever. Featuring superior power for class-leading performance and Kobelco’s cutting-edge fuel saving technology, this 85-tonne powerhouse rules the work site and takes productivity to the next level.
The SK850LC has been engineered to deliver Kobelco’s legendary reliability. With over 150 units delivered globally, the SK850LC has undergone extensive development while being put to the test in the most demanding quarry and mining applications around the world.

26 Quarry September 2022 EXCAVATORS
Former end-to-end civil equipment hire and labour company AK Evans reborn as Re:Group partnered with CJD Equipment to supply the industry with the innovative Volvo EC950E excavator.

“CJD have been right by our side, they have come on this journey with us and believe in what we are doing, which they’ve clearly done, and really supported us through the transition.”
Re:Group is a company with three key offerings to the resources sector including: a full-service civil construction, mining, equipment and labour resource; a heavy haulage and transport resource with experienced, safety-first operators; a renewables resource providing site preparation, construction and installation services for large-scale solar and wind farm projects across Australia.
In terms of equipment hire Re:Group has an extensive fleet of excavators including, 35 tonne, 48 tonne and 95 tonne Volvo machines supplied by CJD.
It has a broad product portfolio consisting of familiar industry brands including, Volvo, SDLG, Kenworth and many more.
In addition to the excavators Re:Group has a fleet of Volvo wheel loaders also supplied by CJD, including the smaller L90H loader through to the highly versatile and fuel-
The strategic decision was made to complete a re-branding and, in doing so, commence a new journey in the life of the business. From late-July the former AK Evans is now Re:GroupRe:Groupisanew company with a new identity. It has re-established itself to its loyal clients and the broader mining industry as a dynamic, full-service, civil construction, mining, labour resourcing and equipment hire company.Akeypartner in this period of transition was CJD Equipment. Founded in 1974, CJD Equipment is a highly regarded and long-standing national distributor of civil construction equipment and trucks.
“All the way up to their managing director, Alan Barnett, who has taken the time to really understand our business, the transition we’ve been going through, but then supporting our growth.”Re:Group’s growth phase has been significant. “We’re doubling and tripling our business,” Still said.
“They have been incredibly accommodating as far as ensuring product support is there for us, parts support is there for us, that the new fleet that we’ve been acquiring over the last 12 months is delivered on time and in full.”
fter servicing the civil construction industry for some 15 years AK Evans was acquired last year by Michael Still, who had been involved with the business for some time, leading to a period of significant change for the company.
“CJD really came alongside myself personally through the transition, as we acquired AK Evans and as we’ve gone through some pretty substantial change, including the rebranding,” Re:Group managing director Michael Still told Quarry.
With CJD representing Volvo CE for so many years, it has placed the company at the very front of manufacturer technology
CJD have also supplied the company with its fleet of Volvo articulated haulers, including A40G and A60H machines which are reliable, durable and fuel efficient.
CJD has maintained a 30-year relationship with Volvo which has allowed the company to offer a strong product range and be regarded within the industry as a reliable, authorised dealer of Volvo machinery.
“We’re keen to partner with OEMs such as Volvo that push what we believe is possible, and bring that to life in their products.”
“We felt that the hydraulic system on the EC950E meant that we would have faster cycle times, essentially load more haulers on any given day,” Still said.
The Volvo EC950E excavator has a heavy duty design, robust operator protection and features wear-resistant components.
Quarry September 2022 27
The machine has a heavy-duty design, robust operator protection, reliability, stability and features wear-resistant components with easy service access, including ground level servicing and grouped grease banks, which ensure safety and minimal downtime while on-site.Theupper area of the EC950E is easy to access, with handrails and footsteps ideally positioned to provide secure three-point contact, resulting in increased safety and
At Re:Group, the major excavator of choice is the mighty Volvo EC950E, the largest model in Volvo’s range of excavators.
efficient L150H loader.
for five years as a minimum and so we really needed to find an excavator that was going to be versatile with the capacity to do more as the mine project developed,” Still said.

As Re:Group continues to grow its strong ongoing partnerships with CJD and Volvo,
“We chose Volvo CE because as a brand, they’re very innovative and I find that Volvo has a strong focus on innovation.
Introduced into the market in 2016, the EC950E is powered by the Volvo D16 6-cylinder diesel engine, producing 446kw at 1800 RPM power and 2650 Nm of torque at 1350 RPM.
It produces high torque at low engine RPM, translating into good fuel economy and excellent productivity.
“We’re a significant purchaser of Volvo CE in Australia, due to our buying power and the size of our fleet, so we get really good support from CJD and Volvo at all levels.”
“The other reason is that the operation that we placed the EC950E into is free dig, it’s not a drill and blast operation, so the excavator with its superior breakout force – in comparison to other products by other equipment manufacturers in the 100-tonne excavator category – was why we chose the EC950E,” Still added.
“We really felt with the EC950E that it provides capacity both now and into the future, that the EC950E was capable of handling extra load further and further into the project.”Therewere many reasons why Still and his team believed the EC950E offered the best long-term solution for the client.
Volvo CE’s corporate core values are safety, environment, and operator comfort.
of use and durability, successfully offsetting unplanned repairs and maintenance.
“Our fleet is a full complement of Volvo excavators, Volvo loaders, and Volvo haulers,” Still said.
Grampians Excavations looks for reliability from both a supplier and its equipment, and Kobelco offers just that with the SK500XDLC excavator.

“These services are deployed across a number of sectors but primarily in the infrastructure, construction and quarrying industries.”Behindevery successful business operation is reliable equipment, backed by a strong partnership. Achieving a good working relationship has benefits for both the
“We have a diverse pool of equipment and people that work in conjunction with our clients to assist them in a multitude of ways such as plant hire, engineering support,
labour hire and lump sum contracting,” Grampians Excavations assets and development manager Kurt Lewis told Quarry.
It is for these very reasons that Grampians Excavations and Kobelco have enjoyed a 22year long relationship.
For Grampians Excavations, “the level of service we receive from the Melbourne/
The SK500XDLC has 183 kN slew torque, and bucket breakout force of 292 kN.
Contracting and plant hire business Grampians Excavations is all about working side-by-side with clients to find ways to solve complex challenges. With extensive plant and equipment ready to deploy, it tailors services to diverse construction and quarry projects.
28 Quarry September 2022 EXCAVATORS
customer and the supplier.
Long standing relationships ensure that suppliers know their customer’s needs inside out and the customer is assured that they will receive high-quality service and reliability each and every time.
Ballarat Tractors team is second to none with both Mark Henry and Shaun Pollard heading this up,” Lewis said.
In particular, the SK500XDLC’s ability to perform in heavy-duty environments was a key consideration for Grampians Excavations.
“We have had great success with our existing SK500s, they have been reliable and efficient, so it just made sense to continue down the same path with our most recent acquisition,” Lewis explained.
In addition to the SK500XDLC’s rugged build, the excavator features Kobelco’s advanced hydraulic technology to deliver fuel efficiency without comprising on performance.Theexcavator features a new arm interflow system that controls hydraulic fluid flow more efficiently. As a result, cycle times are faster, delivering improved digging performance, and hydraulic efficiency is optimised.
“As we have come to expect, the performance of this machine has been sensational, with lower running cost and great reliability,” Lewis said.
This results in improved fuel efficiency, with the SK500XD averaging under 30 L/ hr fuel consumption, even in heavy digging conditions.Inlinewith this, Grampians Excavations
has already been experiencing benefits from using the SK500XDLC.
“The support we get out of Melbourne Tractors plays a pivotal role in our dealings with them,” Lewis said.
The excavator has a safe working load of over 6000kg and features an extreme duty 7m boom and 3.45m arm. This enables it to reach dig depths of 7.81m as well as maximum digging reach of 12.04m.
“We work in a busy, rather time sensitive environment and knowing that we have outstanding support on should things not go to plan is comforting.” • more
The SK500XDLC excavator will be used in Grampians Excavations’ plant hire fleet.
It will be put to work on a quarry for mass excavation of road-based material, to be used in a large roads and infrastructure project.TheXD series is purpose-built for extreme heavy-duty work environments, making it ideal for working on tough and demanding work sites like quarries or mines.
“Their management team have been nothing short of sensational, also in assisting us in growth by providing the level of support we expect and deliver to our customers.”
cost of ownership, running cost and dealer support,” Lewis explained.
Having had great success with its existing Kobelco machines, Grampians Excavations found itself reaching for a new addition to its fleet – the Kobelco SK500XDLC excavator.

The SK500XDLC features a robust machine body and substantial additional reinforcements to all key areas of stress and wear across the boom, arm, underbody, and undercarriage.Notonlyisthe SK500XDLC heavy duty, but it is also powerful. Kobelco claims that the K500XDLC delivers top of class performance specifications, with 183 kN slew torque, and bucket breakout force of 292 kN.
According to Lewis, Grampian Excavations was particularly impressed with the fuel burn, heavy duty undercarriage combined with the reinforced boom and stick on the Kobelco SK500XDLC.“Whencomparing new equipment some of the factors we consider is suitability to task,
“With those things considered, the SK500XDLC was a clear winner,” he said.
Another major consideration was the support Grampian Excavations gets from Melbourne tractors.
Visit kobelco.com.au for
opportunity and bucketload information; operating parameters such as machine travel speed and fuel consumption; and any potential machine health issues like overheating or excessive oil or fuel consumption.
uarries and large civil construction projects are always looking for opportunities to increase production and reduce operating costs.
30 Quarry September 2022
“All the data captured by Komatsu iSite is centralised, so it can be viewed by all key site and management personnel – from operators through to site managers to senior management – through real-time visualisation and reporting,” Marsh said.
Komatsu iSite has been designed from the ground up as a brand-agnostic holistic visualisation solution that allows all levels of site management to have an ongoing overview of every machine.
The Komatsu iSite version 1.1 provides site and project management personnel with at-aglance production visualisation of any quarry or civil construction site, giving a real-time animated overview of every movement of production machines, as well as the material they’re extracting, shifting or placing.
Komatsu’s brand-agnostic system takes real-time production data from loading and hauling machines.

The system uses cloud technology to allow users to monitor an entire site – or multiple sites – whether on-premises or remotely.
Data from a machine’s standard equipment monitoring system is captured using a plug-in onboard dashboard device that transmits the data to a centralised cloud, giving full site visualisation to the operator and management.
Data captured includes payload, payload
brands that don’t have highlevel monitoring capabilities, the Komatsu iSite dashboard device can capture required data via a CANbus connection.
“This mesh network facility allows Komatsu iSite to measure load and dump production on a constant 24–7 basis,” Marsh said.
automatic truck-to-loader pairing, and true vehicle ground speeds.
“In our current version 1.1, Komatsu iSite determines payload from the truck’s payload measuring system. In version 1.2, due for release later in 2022, it will integrate to payload systems fitted on loading tools, such as loaders and excavators, for instances where production trucks don’t have their own telematic payload measuring system.
“It includes automatic truck payload capture,
Up to 50 machine operating parameters can be captured by the Komatsu iSite dashboard device.Formachine
Data can also be shared between machines using peer-to-peer connected mesh network.
“Material types can also be set up automatically – for example, in stockpile operations – or selected and changed by operators as they move to different areas of the site,” Marsh continued.
“And so long as Komatsu iSite is installed on both trucks and loading tools, and the trucks are fitted with payload-measuring systems, loader production can be linked to each truck.”
This type of production visualisation is a major step forward in quarry and project management.“KomatsuiSite makes use of industry-leading dashboards, so easy access to real-time data is now a reality,” Marsh said.

Komatu’s iSite solution provides a real-time overview of the movements of production machines on a site.
Komatsu iSite is a fully brand-agnostic solution so it’s not restricted to Komatsu-only fleets and Accordingoperations.toKomatsu national product and solutions manager Aaron Marsh, Komatsu iSite uses data provided by a site’s mobile equipment to give management a complete view of all machines on a site, including their payloads and production rates.
“This allows site supervisors and managers to make real-time decisions across all aspects
If a machine is in an area without connectivity, data is automatically uploaded when one of the mobile machines is back in range.
One of the best ways to achieve this goal is by quickly identifying issues and bottlenecks, or areas where there may be a need to divert resources.Komatsu has developed a complete fleetmanagement solution for quarry operations and civil construction projects that focuses on five key areas: site management, production, machine health, maintenance, and safety.
Features include: Daily electronic prestart, linked to operator IDs, and including auto reporting functions; fault events linked to original equipment manufacturer (OEM) controllers; fuel consumption on fleets and individual machines, automatic service meter readings (SMRs); automatic machine utilisation measuring; idle analysis; and access through the myKomatsu online customer parts portal
for parts and service kits, as well as oil analysis kits and Komatsureports.iSite’s inclusion of operator prestart ensured all machine pre-starts are completed, with easy reporting and reviewing.
“This gives an unrivalled opportunity to increase production and reduce operating costs by quickly identifying issues and bottlenecks, or where there may be a need to divertKomatsuresources.”iSiteversion 1.1 also provides integrated machine health and maintenance reporting across an entire fleet, regardless of how many different brands it may include.

“In addition, Komatsu iSite pres-tart’s autoreporting capability – specific to each machine – alerts key site personnel by email and SMS if an unserviceable item is detected, allowing for immediate action on any shift. And it’s based onThisseverity.”reporting function also allows for auditing and maintenance review at any time.
Komatsu iSite can also provide in-cab alerts to operators on overspeed and overload events, helping improve site and operator safety.Thisinformation is also provided to site supervisors to help monitor and maintain a site’s safety procedures.
“Komatsu iSite has applications in any quarry site that uses more than two or three production units, as well as any fairly large civil construction project with significant production components.”“Webelieveit has the potential to make a huge contribution to any quarry’s bottom line, production rates and cost reductions,”Marsh said.Once Komatsu iSite has been rolled out in Australia and New Zealand, Komatsu will be looking to offer it to quarry operations around the“It’llworld.beavailable as a selectable first-fit for new production machines, as well as an aftermarket option,” Marsh said. •
Visit komatsu.com.au for more information.
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“And if an incident occurs, Komatsu iSite can replay all machine movements leading up to the incident, allowing site management to cycle back and review and audit events, and the potential causes leading up to it,” Marsh said.
“Because it’s tied to operator ID, it ensures that pre-starts are correctly carried out, every day,” Marsh said.
“Key stakeholders can see immediately at a glance just what’s happening across their site and have the option of immediately diving deeper if they need to.
of a quarry or project.
competitive position and market attractiveness rating.
esource optimisation is key to determining the optimal extraction boundary and extraction sequence for quarry operations to maximise value net present value (NPV).

A key input to this process is a comprehensive market assessment.
The next step is to build market overview for each end use. This includes looking at standard outputs by market size, market shares of suppliers and producers, selfsupply overview, and basic market ratings in terms of consolidation and free market.
This can include major project sites and at facilities such as ready mixed concrete, asphalt, precast plants, etc.
Further factors that determine the consumption center are logistics constraints, logistic modes (truck, rail, barge, etc.) and any borders that need special consideration.
“It is nearly impossible to know each fixed plant consumption, however, it is acceptable to make assumptions on volumes if the assumption you make is based on some sort of fact.
“We then ascertain (to the best of our ability), where each of the fixed plants (concrete, asphalt, precast, etc.) source their sands and aggregates,” Georgi continued.
STRATEGY 32 Quarry September 2022
More specifically, this entails gaining an understanding of what the market will buy, what the volumes are and how the site is placed in relation to competitors.
With this knowledge operators can determine (based on resource and extraction cost knowledge) what is available for sale, when and in what quantity to maximise NPV.

“The team from TKB sets about determining the actual market to be analysed based on what we call “consumption center(s),” she explained.According to Georgi, this process includes three key steps.
Good information to have includes logistic access, permit constraints, capacity, vertical integration, supply contracts, plant type and any competitive advantage to be had.
First, gathering critical supply and demand data on the market boundary. This includes took at supply site location, sales volumes, production split, and reserves lifetime; demand sites location, production volumes, suppliers (including self-supply), as well as vertical integration and partnerships.
Eltirus founder Steve Franklin and TKB co-founder Julia Georgi explore how the intersection between better resource and market knowledge can have a big impact on your bottom line.
The intersection between thorough resource and market knowledge can bring substantial bottom line gains and is well worth understanding.WhenEltirusneeds a market assessment conducted, it turns to partner specialist software and consulting group TKB International.TKBco-founder Julia Georgi explained that market assessments are done by utilising both local knowledge and purpose-built
software such as Market Bee.
“As we are trying to ascertain appropriate go-to-market strategies, we need to consider where construction materials will be used,” Georgi said.
Doing so will help establish a market
The last step is to evaluate market content for each end use. This means looking at overall market factors and key issues regarding demand growth, raw material requirements and players strategy.
With the “consumption center” fully populated with potential customers, competitors, and future projects, TKB uses local knowledge and data/data analysis
to look for opportunities to move into new markets and improve rates.
“Because they have these data points, factbased assumptions and “filling in the blanks” is simpler than it may seem.
“Throughout our experience of completing market assessments, we continuously see companies learn a lot about their own potential or destroy some of the myths that might exist in relation to these.”
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Apart from hard data, local knowledge plays a part in forming a strategy or plan from the information gathered for the consumption center.
“The same logic would allow you to calculate the tonnage of asphalt produced if you knew the volume of binder purchased at a given plant,” she said.


By doing so several factors became immediately apparent.
The real value in studying the consumption center on a map (excluding for the purposes of mergers and acquisitions) is to study and quantify the supply and demand situation in the“Typically,area. when we are doing a market assessment, the client is already producing and selling into that market (consumption center),” Georgi noted.
In this example, expert local knowledge was supplied by the Eltirus team, and the software and methodology were supplied by TKB.
For example, results showed that the company was a much larger player in their market than was initially thought.
“A simple equation will enable you to calculate that the balance of the volume of aggregates will be sand.
“For example, if you know that a concrete plant makes 40,000 cubic meters of concrete per annum, and producer X supplies 24,000 tons of coarse aggregates.
And when it comes to identifying information on competitors, this includes looking at their annual production capacity, reserves/resource situation, any product pricing information, information on vertically integrated or captive supply (contracts in place), their logistic mode capability, permit conditions – inducing hours of operation, and geology.
Likewise, whilst similar, different sites served two different market segments and due to a 24-hour permit for operation at one site, this operation could service a different consumption center than others within the group.Thelargest material end use was dominated by companies self-supplying, resulting in low margins, making this area only moderately attractive.
Given that the company already supplied 50 per cent of the free market (meaning no vertical integration or supply contract), further volume increases were less likely.
A suggestion was also made to construct drainage pads to supply drier concrete sands.Acombination
Using data to enable decision making in sales is a new concept for our industry, but one that can show significant increases in profitability. •
Identifying opportunities
34 Quarry September 2022 STRATEGY
Up to date data on your market is critical to ensure you maximize your profitability. TKB recommend that you refresh your market data annually to ensure opportunities that arise can be taken advantage of.
Typical buy-sell hierarchy.
This included liaising with quarry technical staff to ensure that there was a clear idea of what products would be available, when and in what Confidencequantity.gained in this area would ensure that market opportunities for higher valuable products could be approached with moreNextcertainty.wastostop selling products out of balance. Doing so would result in more effective quarry planning and the ability to value-add existing products.
Several opportunities were identified to drive actionable results.
long-term revenue growth by reinforcing relationships with large concrete producers.
One site particularly was being sold “out of balance”, meaning that the supply of just one product (without) a significantly large market for the other products was driving up costs, reducing viability and causing extraction headaches.Therewas also significant pricing scatter through lack of pricing discipline.
The market assessment identified that a lack of certainty of supply (due to previously poor resource understanding) was driving otherwise loyal customers to competitors.
Likewise, the need to put commercial process tools in place was identified. This ensures that product price indexing (the value that measures the impact of price alone on the top and bottom line of the financial result) and jobs won/lost are accurately tracked, and that pricing scatter wasFurtherreduced.opportunities were identified such as creating an online sales channel to directly take orders and deliver to high value niche customers, as well as an automated order processing and delivery monitoring platform. Additionally, creating a true key account management approach would achieve
of these opportunities was used to drive up revenue through a better understanding of the market and improved relationships with customers due to certainty of material supply.

Typically, when a company assesses a market, it is done in an informal manner, and the results are usually skewed to align with gut feelings and best-guess assumptions.
Some materials were being bought by resellers at a relatively low cost and a significant margin was being realised by their re-sale as a “specialty product”.
In some instances, the company was one of the very few remaining suppliers of a specific high value product but were not extracting a premium margin from this position.
Visit eltirus.com for more information.
Value ows freely in both directions Typical buy-sell hierarchy CommodityStatusVendor The only buying criteria Still important Customer will pay a premium for increased quality Premiums are common Premiums are justi ed High Preferred Supplier: ProductsubstitutesdifferentiationDependsDifferentiationon& Preferred Supplier: Service & Quality Depends on service & quality differentiation Begins to develop Planning Partner Very low High with relationshipdynamic Trusted Advisor Almost organizationalMaximumnon-existentwithsynergies Value Price Competition Loyalty Strategic BuyersTransactional Buyers Reactive Tactical Proactive Strategic Make an important contributionJust sell product
In one instance alone, better market understanding allowed a key product line price to be increased approximately 30 per cent, dramatically improving site viability
the buy-sell hierarchy and what the options might be to move from primarily transactional buyers to more strategic buyers.
High value segments were “controlled” by brokers and resellers such as landscaping yards with over 25 per cent of this market and focused on segments such as specialty products and small clients.
Taking the new knowledge about the consumption centers, market conditions and understanding the significant impact of brokers or resellers, a review was done to determine where the company fit within
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With a growing emphasis on Chain of Responsibility legislation and improving productivity, access to accurate weight information and keeping track of loads has never been more important.
The key benefits of the Loadmaster Alpha 100 loader scale solution are its ease of use and that it can be configured to be a basic scale or a fully featured load management
“Purchasing a Loadmaster is an investment
The Loadmaster Alpha 100 loader scale solution can work for you to ensure that you are not overloading your vehicles and the load record keeping feature of this loader scale means that you can keep track of all your loads within a certain time period. This data is then on hand if you need to prove that you did not overload a vehicle.
The Loadmaster also improves the efficiency of operators by removing manual inputs with GPS, barcode reader and RF tag
“Prior to implementing Loadmaster Alpha 100 loader scales, quarry managers would be relying on the operators to manually record load data, opening up the risk of human error in relation to weights, truck cycles and what went where,” Position Partners customer success manager weighing Chris Nussey said.
The Loadmaster Alpha 100 loader scale has a range of stand-out features that set it apart
Using a loader scale such as the Position Partners’ Loadmaster Alpha 100 loader scale helps to optimise processes, avoid overloading, and keep track of all loads within a certain time frame.

“Along with increased logging ability of jobs – to be able to recall one particular truck load loaded in the past, say six months, to prove no overload or just the weight loaded if an accident happened is invaluable.”
Its user interface is straight forward which ensures that new users can be trained to use these loader scales in a very short amount
36 Quarry September 2022 LOADER SCALES
These attachments allow the operator to automatically select products, trucks, and
One way to do this is to ensure that they’re loading it right the first-time around.
The Loadmaster loader scale was the first loader scale in Australia to gain a patent approval to allow it to be used for trade purposes.Thisloader scale can help quarry managers overcome challenges such as load record keeping, Chain of Responsibility legislation, underutilisation of plant, and equipment matching for productivity.
captured data anywhere in the world.
n the ever-changing marketplace, quarry managers need to ensure that they’re focused on generating the maximum productivity from their quarry and equipment.
The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator has introduced the Chain of Responsibility legislation to ensure that anyone, not just the driver or operator of the heavy vehicle, that has control over the transport task can be held responsible for breaches of road laws and may be legally liable.
In its basic form, the Loadmaster Alpha 100 loader scale from Position Partners is a tool to indicate the weight lifted by the loader and

“Loadmaster also has the ability to be controlled from any computer in the world with an internet connection,” Nussey added.
to managing your quarry’s productivity and efficiency. •
The team at Position Partners recognises the important part they can play in ensuring the successful and efficient implementation of new technology, such as the Loadmaster Alpha 100 loader scales, on your site.

“From basic telephone, on-site and remote,
Partnering with a company that can provide robust support and keep your loader scales running with minimal downtime is crucial
Visit positionpartners.com.au for more information. Loadmaster
Likewise, the Loadmaster’s integrated reverse camera improves safety on the site while improving efficiency.
Alpha 100 can be used as a basic scale or a fully featured load management recording tool.
ongoing support and training is not far away.”
“Support is critical and with Position Partners branches in each state we are well positioned to assist,” Nussey said.
“The Position Partners support team is always just a ‘click’ away too.”
locations without touching the screen.
0409 847 079 daisy@rostrevorgroup.com.au SAFE & CRUSHINGRELIABLEANDSCREENING Rostrevor Group, established in 2019, to service the recycling and Quarry industry with crushing and screening services. • Modern fleet of Crusher, Screens & Excavators • Highly skilled team of employee and contractors • Specializing in Recycling - 1. Asphalt 2. Concrete 3. Bricks The

“Position Partners can supply after sales support and training packages depending on customers’ requirements.
Astec today is a fully-integrated, highlyrespected manufacturer of state-of-the-art construction, engineering and industrial equipment for customers around the world.
From its beginnings, Astec was focussed on providing innovative design solutions to industries not often exposed to specialist technical and operational knowledge.
This ensures experienced local Astec team members, with an intimate understanding of the local market including standards, regulations, logistics and environmental conditions, can more readily assist customers, especially when they are undertaking projects in remote areas.
Astec Industries founder Dr. Don Brock.

In June 1986, Astec Industries listed on the NASDAQ exchange, raising $12 million in the initial public offering. The move led to further growth in the US and expansion into overseas markets.
products, and enhanced operator safety. These objectives remain enshrined in Astec’s core values of safety, integrity, devotion, respect, and innovation.
Major supplier of high-quality equipment Astec Industries is celebrating 50 years of connecting people, processes, and products from Rock to Road.
38 Quarry September 2022 ASTEC
leverage growth via brand acquisitions.
At the heart of the company’s ethos were three key objectives: an unwavering
Through the OneASTEC business model, the company has established an operations hub at the centre of every region, in the same time zone as its customers.
Operating under OneASTEC has led to development of a company-wide common purpose, delivering greater efficiencies and value for all stakeholders.
Astec continues to evolve to meet the changing needs of its customers through investment in systems that streamline operations, accelerate innovation and technology platforms, and lead the market from Rock to Road.
n the 9th of August 1972, Dr Don Brock and four friends gathered around a kitchen table in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Their goal was to develop a plan for a company that would deliver creative design solutions into traditional construction industries. On that day, 50 years ago, Astec Industries was born.
In September 2021 Astec announced a major restructure and the OneASTEC model, incorporating a new business structure, was deployed across the company’s global operations.Withtheimplementation of OneASTEC, the company has reinforced its commitment to
In Australia, Astec is a leading supplier of equipment to the mining, quarrying and civil engineering sectors.
With its updated corporate branding – the streamlined grey and blue ‘A’ – Astec’s expanded product line is highly visible on projects across the country.

“This means where one rock might shatter beautifully inside the jaw crusher, another rock, because it’s much harder or has no inherent faults or bedding planes, could shoot itself out of the crusher.
Visit astecindustries.com for more information.
“We’ve got a long history, some of our brands go back over 100 years,” Astec Australia business line manager – materials solutions, Adam Gordon told Quarry.
“You could have a 100 million tonne deposit and every single tonne is slightly different.”
“In particular, our recycling line of equipment is vertically integrated, so we can go from Rock to Road in delivering the asphalt, then recovering it, and recycling it to put it back onto the road or for other uses,” he added.
Proficiency Testing Australia (PTA) offers scheduled and customised proficiency testing programs for construction materials testing laboratories: • Coarse and aggregatefine•Rocks • Soils • Concrete • Cement www.pta.asn.au For more information, please contact PTA at ptaenquiry@pta.asn.au
“So you’ve got different varieties of material as well as different performances and different yields. Astec equipment accounts for those differences and delivers, regardless of the situation,” Gordon said.Astec also provides assistance and advice in the form of extensive customer support and reliable supply of parts.
“Then at the end of its life, we’ve got profiling machines that come and dig up that section of road, and recycling machines to recycle and reuse that material,” Gordon explained.
The company designs, manufactures, and services an extensive range of material handling systems and mobile equipment for infrastructure projects including asphalt plant, pavers, material transfer vehicles, screeds, cold planers, cold in place recyclers, road brooms, stabilisers, and reclaimers.
“And with that long history and wide reach, we can take care of our customers’ crushing, screening, or sizing needs – start to finish.”
“We also provide the shuttle buggy to transfer the asphalt material into a paver and then the paver that spreads it on the road, ensuring a uniform temperature of material.
“Crushing gear, for example, has to be especially robust,” Gordon said. He explained that rock geology is unpredictable.

“Sometimes there are hiccups – every OEM has hiccups – and when it happens, we’re there straight away. We just get in and fix it,” Gordon said.Astec prides itself on the breadth of its capability. From a single part or a one-off machine for a customer, to product upgrades for an existing project, or equipment and advice in establishing a new operation – Astec is able to draw on 50 years of experience and expertise.•
In terms of quarrying operations, Astec provides turnkey fixed plant or individual equipment with a range of machinery from jaw and cone crushers, impactors, screens, washing and classifying equipment as well as bulk material handling systems.
Astec has a reputation of providing equipment that is tough, durable, and built to the highest standards.
“We make the individual components that can stand alone, or go together to form, say, an Astec crushing and screening plant or an Astec asphalt plant.
Astec is also a well-respected supplier to the mining industry, providing a line of specialist equipment that includes fixed rockbreaker boom systems, feeders, crushers, conveyors, and underground vehicles.
Each laboratory was provided with a sample of around 7kg of soil.
A total of 70 construction materials laboratories participated soils proficiency testing program.
It was developed in the 1930s by the California Department of Transportation and has since been modified into various standards internationally.
In this round, sixty-nine of the seventy participating laboratories were in Australia, with one overseas participant in Kenya.
Each laboratory was allocated a unique code number for the program to ensure
A standard proficiency testing program compares the measuring results of different laboratories on identical samples.
Prior to sample distribution, pre-testing and homogeneity testing was performed on the sample material.
The pre-testing was performed to determine the maximum dry density (MDD) and optimum moisture content (OMC) of the material.
The most common methods used in construction materials testing laboratories within Australia currently are “AS 1289.6.1.1:2014 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes – Soil strength and consolidation tests – Determination of the California Bearing Ratio of a Soil –Standard laboratory method for a remoulded specimen” and “Q113C:2021 California Bearing Ratio of soil at nominated levels of dry density and moisture content”.
The program is approved by International Accreditation New Zealand and was organised with the technical assistance and sample supply of Douglas Partners laboratory quality manager David Evans in New South Wales.
roficiency testing is a means of determining the performance of individual laboratories for specific tests or measurement and represents an external audit of their quality control procedures.
All but four of the laboratories submitted their results by the due date.
Once established, these assigned values were included in the Instructions to participants.Anumberof randomly selected samples
The CBR is a penetration test used for evaluating the mechanical strength of soil.

Proficiency Testing Australia has completed the 31st round of a soils proficiency testing program on the determination of California Bearing Ratio (CBR) in soil.
Proficiency testing represents an external audit of a business’ quality control procedures.
40 Quarry September 2022 RESEARCH

Proficiency Testing Australia (PTA) is one of Australia’s largest proficiency testing providers, services the construction materials industry. It offers proficiency testing programs for aggregate, soils, concrete, rocks, cement, asphalt, and bitumen.
PTA has recently coordinated and analysed the results from its thirty-first Soils Proficiency Testing Program, for the determination of the California bearing ratio (CBR) of a soil.
PTA’s Soils CBR program was designed to cover the two methods outlined.
The aim of the program was to assess the laboratories abilities to competently perform the prescribed analyses.
confidentiality of results.
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• The target standard deviation (target SD) is calculated as the target CV multiplied by the median
• The normalised interquartile range of the results (normalised IQR)
There were 18 outliers (or 4.2 per cent) from the 430 results analysed across the 70 laboratories.Alllaboratories with outliers or an absolute z-score between 2.0 and 3.0 have been encouraged to review their procedures.
• The uncertainty of the median; a robust estimate of the standard deviation of the median
CBR 2.5 mm uncorrected AS (nearest 1%) 62 22.0 8.3
CBR 2.5 mm corrected Q (nearest 1%) 7 27.7 10.4
CBR 5.0 mm corrected Q (nearest 1%) 7 37.6 6.8

• The robust coefficient of variation, expressed as a percentage (robust CV); i.e., 100 x normalised IQR/median
This suggests a possible software calculation issue or misinterpretation of the standard among some participants.
Besides CBR, in the AS group one outlier was also identified in the results for achieved moisture content, with the recorded value exceeding the limit described in the standard.
Therefore, a target coefficient of variation (CV) was used in this round to calculate z-scores.Mostof the CBR outliers in the AS group (Method AS 1289.6.1.1) were identified in the 2.5 mm uncorrected results, followed by the 2.5 mm corrected and 5.0 mm corrected.
Table A: Summary statistics. Note: Q = TMR Queensland method. AS = Australian Standard or equivalent.
A list of summary statistics appeared at the bottom of each of the tables of results and consisted of:
Z-scores measure how far a result is from the median consensus value and create a “score” for each result relative to the others in the group.
PTA used a robust statistical approach to assess the laboratories’ testing performance.
Achieving high accuracy in CBR is difficult and therefore high variability in results is expected.Inthisround, there was high variability observed in all CBR results, except for those for CBR 5 mm corrected Q (Q113C method).
CBR 5.0 mm uncorrected AS (nearest 1%) 65 31.0 10.4
It should be noted that for the type of material provided, a penetration correction would be expected, though it is dependent on the However,curve.it was observed that some laboratories did not record a penetration correction value, despite a curve correction beingParticipantsapplied.have been recommended to investigate whether the correction was applied per the requirements of the standard, and in future to submit the value of the penetration correction applied.
• The target coefficient of variation (target CV) is a fixed value used to calculate the z-score when the spread of results is too large or too small. Its value is determined based on previous rounds of the program
CBR 2.5 mm results using method AS 1289.6.1.1.
• The number of results for that test/sample (No. of results)
CBR outliers identified were more evenly distributed among the given tests.
According to AS 1289.6.1.1 the achieved moisture content should not differ by more than the 0.5 per cent of the target moisture content (SOMC).
• The median of these results, i.e., the middle value (median)
Once receiving their samples, laboratories were requested to perform the tests as per PTA instructions and to record their findings on a PTA-supplied results sheet.
CBR 2.5 mm uncorrected Q (nearest 1%) 6 25.6 13.1
• The minimum and maximum laboratory results
A z-score close to zero indicates the result is in agreeance with those from other laboratories.Az-scorewith an absolute value greater than or equal to 3.0 is considered an outlier and is marked by the symbol §.
CBR 2.5 mm corrected AS (nearest 1%) 59 30.0 8.4
On the ordered z-score charts, each laboratory’s robust z-score was shown in order of magnitude and marked with its code number.Fromthese charts, each laboratory can compare its performance relative to its peers. Table A summarises the results submitted by the program participants (see above).
were analysed for homogeneity and based on the results of this testing; the homogeneity of the samples was established.
• The range (maximum - minimum).
Several laboratories were also observed to have lower values for corrected results than the uncorrected, which should not be possible once the correction has been applied.
42 Quarry September 2022 RESEARCH
In the Queensland method group,
CBR 5.0 mm corrected AS (nearest 1%) 62 35.5 10.9
CBR 5.0 mm uncorrected Q (nearest 1%) 6 37.1 11.9
• Calibration of equipment
Participants should take care when recording results and note the units and calculations when testing the samples.
• Software program for CBR
• Calculations, especially units of measurements, examination of application to any correction applied to penetration graph
The final program report for Soils Round 31 can be found on the PTA website: pta.asn.au. Round 34 of the Soils Proficiency Testing Program (California Bearing Ratio) is scheduled for December 2022, registration will commence 2-3 months prior to sample dispatch. •
Laboratories seeking to improve their scores in future rounds were advised to take note of the advice below.
For example, one laboratory reported a value as low as 2.4 for the CBR uncorrected 2.5 mm AS test, where the median for the test wasOverall,22.0. a satisfactory level of performance was achieved in Soils Round 31.
Sandvik surface top hammer drill rigs are renowned for their exceptional reliability even in the toughest conditions.

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For more information about the program and to register contact PTA on ptaenquiry@pta.asn.au.
Other possible sources of error that might
have affected the outcome of the proficiency testing program included but were not limited to:
• Seating load at time of penetration
• Thickness of each layer
• Reporting and training.
A few laboratories submitted results that were considered extreme, and these results were therefore excluded from statistical analysis.
• Compaction patterns and procedures
• Tester competence
CBR 2.5 results Q113C

Dinner at the Mittagong RSL had all the trimmings of a festive feast. Santa’s elf helper made an appearance, too. They dragged a function trolley brimming with all sorts of gifts that were duly picked as participants
CDE area sales manager James Murphy was a guest presenter for the evening.
“The conference has built a strong reputation amongst members and suppliers as having a high calibre of presenters and topics and this year was the same.”
The conference is strongly supported annually by sponsors which helps make it a success.TheWIQ initiative promotes networking within the quarrying industry and aims to be an inclusive space to create opportunities for personal and professional development.
“I look forward to watching the WIQ initiative progress in future years and these IQA events
WIQ CELEBRATING DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION AT THE RECENT CONFERENCE IN SA The Institute of Quarrying Australia (IQA) recently held its third Women in Quarrying (WIQ) Conference in South Australia with the theme being ‘Building Stronger Foundations’.

Sponsors with their certificates of appreciation.
are a fantastic component for us to connect amongst the industry,” Schwarz said.

WIQ SA coordinator Mikayla Schwarz said “it was wonderful to finally be able to deliver this event due to it having been cancelled twice previously to Covid.
Membership is about connecting you to the industry, offering networking opportunities and access to education and information. We look forward to supporting you and the industry in the next 12 months.
The conference attracted attendees from a diverse range of sectors within the industry, and in particular, it was fantastic to see a number of young people attending the event.
In height of all of the dramatic change we have experienced within the last few years, it was great for everyone to come together to reflect and rebuild, which ties in with the conference theme of building stronger and more durable foundations.
IQA president Shane Braddy attended the event and presented SA Branch chair Andrew Wilson with a certificate in recognition of his role as a director on the Board from 2011 to 2022.Andrew has been a very active member of the IQA since February 2005 and has been the SA Branch Chair from 2013 to current.
IQA membership is due for renewal for the 2022–23 period. Please ensure your contact details are up to date and you or your company has paid your membership invoice, which can be done by logging into your member profile on the IQA website.
medallist Katrina Webb, Hanson weighbridge operator Trudy Linke, UniSA Business School lecturer Dr Sanjeewa Perera, Groundwork Plus director Tegan Smith, Oz Minerals manager studies Kate Hobbs and Groundprobe vice-president of technology Fernanda Carrea.
The CDE presentation introduced the attendees to the company, its history and various sand and washing plant structures that have been installed across many sites andMurphystates.also elaborated on the CDE delivery model to get a customer from a solution through to the end state of asset care, and parts and servicing. Their approach is very tailored to the site-specific brief.
An online interactive session by Click Colours proved to be a great way for attendees to mix and mingle whilst discovering why they work better with some people than others.
The conference attracted over 75 delegates from a number of quarries, suppliers, and the Department for Energy & Mining.
The conference had a strong focus on diversity and inclusion with keynote presentations from triple paralympic gold
The attendees had the opportunity to learn from several presentations including misconceptions of the quarrying industry, blasting technology and the latest research on diversity and inclusion within the workplace.

It was that time of the year again: the southern NSW greater crew were drawn to Mittagong for their festive ‘Christmas in July’ Dinner Meeting on 28 July 2022.
The guest presenter for the evening was CDE area sales manager James Murph who was by joined by CDE business development manager Mark Malone.
44 Quarry September 2022

The industry enjoyed a great round of golf at the Rockhampton golf club.
The networking dinner sponsor Craig Tickner from Controlled Engineering Solutions (CES) and Safety Compliance Resources (SCR) presented a detailed examination into the electrical systems for the quarry industry.

Email admin@quarry.com.au to advertise a job and follow the IQA on LinkedIn for industry updates.

Dressler closed out the meeting thanking Tickner and his team for their support, Bolton for his quarry managers certification pathways, and VGT and Westrac for the drink sponsorship.
The Hunter meeting was held on July 21 at Club Macquarie in Argenton, NSW
NSW Mines principal inspector small mines Dan Bolton spoke about quarry managers supervision and certificate requirements.
• SA November Dinner Meeting – 4 November (Norwood)
He explained that domestic electricians may not be able to assess and fixing large quarry plant.
The camaraderie and friendship of the IQA’s networking events has been very well received as the industry moves past Covid and finds ways to respond to meet demand.
• D&I Development Day – 1st September 2022 (Brisbane)
Bolton reflected also on the sometimesforgotten staff members in the quarry, the supervisors.Hehighlighted that sites with these people always stand out during Bolton’s inspections, therefore it is crucial to “train, support and empower your supervisors”.
a sobering reflection of how quickly the deadlines are coming for managers to get their certificates, and how many have not achieved that.
IQA Hunter sub-branch chair Greg Dressler welcomed everyone and announced the sad news that long-time quarry colleague Peter Andrews, who worked for Hanson and Premier Drill and Blast, after many hardfought bouts of cancer passed the month before. Rest easy Pete.
The IQA is part of WorkSafe Tasmania Month in October this year
• Tasmania Technical & Social Weekend – 25 to 27 November 2022 (Devonport)
Dressler walked everyone through the upcoming IQA events and training packages,
The branch cannot believe how busy the quarry industry has been in the Hunter over the last six months and does not look like it will be slowing down.
Craig Tickner from CES and SCR examined the electrical systems for the quarry industry.
The IQA Jobs Board is a great way to reach people in the industry who may be looking for a new opportunity. IQA members can advertise vacancies for free. The advertisement will be published for three weeks and, if the role is not filled in that time, you will be able to request the advertisement stay live for a further three weeks.
• Nth Qld 24th Annual Golf Day – 2 September (Townsville)
The event bought the industry together to network and share a laugh.
The Illawarra Sub-Branch is back to full activities with their next function scheduled on 7 September 2022 in Marulan. This will include a RCS workshop held at Holcim’s Lynwood Quarry followed by a dinner meeting in Goulburn, NSW.

46 Quarry September 2022
For a full list of all branch events please visit the IQA website.
WorkSafe Month is a time for employers and workers to focus on improving work health, safety, wellbeing and return to work; and reducing work-related injury, illness, and death.Every October, workers and employers are encouraged to take part in the many free events and activities provided virtually and in-person, to advance their skills and knowledge.Thisyear’s theme is ‘Safe Bodies, Safe Minds: Working together to ensure workers return home safe and well every day’
supporting the festivities of the evening.
• Quarry Products Technical Training – 25 October 2022 (virtual workshop)
Visit quarry.com.au for up-to-date scheduling of courses in your state. If a course is not listed, please contact admin@ quarry.com.au to discuss your training needs.
• Quarry Products Technical Training – more dates coming soon
• Respirable Crystalline Silica – more dates
coming soon
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The IQA will feature in Worksafe’s program and deliver two training courses:
For information on Worksafe month events/month.worksafe.tas.gov.au/topics/services-and-visit
• Plant and Equipment: Safety, Compliance and Best Practice

• Introduction to Quarrying – 6 September 2022 (virtual workshop)

• Slope Stability – September 13 2022 (virtual workshop)
• Slope Stability for Operators – 3 November 2022 (virtual workshop)
• Supervising for Safety
• Slope Stability
Annual Quarrying & Mining Safety & Health Conferences 2022. Co-hosted by the Institute of Quarrying Australia (IQA) and Cement Concrete & Aggregates Australia (CCAA) the annual NSW S&H conference will be held Western Sydney Wednesday 19 October 2022 at West HQ Rooty Hill.
Face-to-face training is back. Following a very disrupted calendar, the IQA has scheduled several new courses that are being offered in-person, including:
Save the date for the Construction Materials Industry Conference (CMIC). CIMC23 will be held in Brisbane from Wednesday 15 March 2023 to Friday 17 March 2023. This event is not to be missed and more details will be released by the CCAA and the IQA shortly.•
• NSW Quarries and Concrete Health & Safety Conference – 19 October 2022 (Rooty Hill)

• Plant & Equipment Workshop –13 September 2022 (Brisbane)
Safety management systems: The Introduction to Safety Management Systems webinar has been designed to provide participants with an introduction to safety and health management systems (SHMS) for small quarries.
The course will cover: General WHS and duty of care requirements under legislation; overview of state specific mining and WHS legislation; key components of effective systems for managing health and safety in a small operation; benefits of managing safety in a systematic way; strategies for practical implementation.RespirableCrystalline Silica: The workshop will provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of silica and current compliance requirements.
• Respirable Crystalline Silica
This theme will be presented in conjunction with the IQA’s ongoing campaign See Us, Be UsThe(#seeusbeus).campaignis focused on promoting diversity in the extractive and associated industries with the aim of encouraging more people to consider the industry as a career path.Likewise, See Us, Be Us aims to change the perceptions around the extractive industry and showcase the talented women, young people, and people from all walks of life working in the industry.
2022 was marked by the launched of the IQA’s Diversity and Inclusion Development Day to raise awareness around diversity and inclusion within the industry.
When a company employs people diverse backgrounds, it opens the door to a broad range of experiences, skills, and perspectives.Likewise,drawing on a broader range of voices helps businesses make more informed decisions. In the long run, this also helps increase“Diversityprofits.improves all parts of a business,” IQA chief executive Kylie Fahey said.

Over the coming years the IQA Board hopes the day will grow to include local activities right across Australia, and even internationally.
“This is where we will see improvement happiness, wellbeing and importantly psychological safety that is so vital to creating a safe workplace,” she said.
By doing so, the IQA hopes to promote the opportunities on offer to segments of the community who may never have thought of working in the industry.
he Institute of Quarrying Australia (IQA) held its Inaugural IQA Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Development Day on 1 September in Chermside, Qld.
Likewise, D&I can also help drive creativity, innovation and faster problem solving.
The launch event was hosted by the Queensland Branch in Brisbane.
Chaired by Queensland WIQ coordinator Jenny Krasny, the IQA Diversity and Inclusion Development Day built on the previous WIQ conferences.Theeventbrough together a range of people from the industry such as quarry site personnel, contractors, equipment manufacturers and suppliers, consultants, students and academics, as well as associated roles such as human resources, finance, administration, safety environment, planning, logistics and sales.
The D&I Development Day started with a welcome from Texcel marketing manager
The D&I Development Day is also dedicated to coordinating planning that can support engagement in branch and local activity, regardless of geographic location.
When people feel valued and seen in a workplace, they feel more connected to the company.Thisnot only has a positive impact the individual but also for the company.
Primarily this improves employee engagement but also helps address talent retention – when people feel valued, they are less likely to look for other opportunities.
It seeks to promote the valuable contribution of people from all walks of life within the extractives industry and externally.
“By ensuring there is diversity of thought and input businesses have greater success, innovation, productivity, and profitability. But the rubber hits the road when we genuinely include all staff.
Nick Lahman and Caterpillar operational risk consultant and Qld WIQ coordinator Jenny Krasny.Following this, a number of sessions dedicated to D&I were presented by industry experts.IQAchief executive Kylie Fahey spoke about the See Us, Be Us initiative and professional development.“SeeUs,Be Us has multiple layers. Firstly, to see our industry and the positive role the extractive industry plays in our society,” Fahey said.“Secondly, to see the numerous careers and opportunities that the industry has to offer.
A fuller program of activities will be planned for 2023 as the IQA looks to continue the work of Women in Quarrying and broaden its focus on D&I.
48 Quarry September 2022 DIVERSITY & INCLUSION
The IQA Board launched the initiative to increase understanding and commitment to diversity and inclusion by all parts of the industry and build on the momentum of the Women in Quarrying and Young Member Network programs.
D&I helps a business stand out as a prospective employer as well as having a positive impact on its bottom line.
In particular, the IQA is focusing on improving the gender balance within the industry and increasing the number of younger people joining the industry.
Groundwork Plus environmental consultant Johannah Mannix.
Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give yourself in your first week in the industry?
After the networking lunch, the D&I Development Day continued with another interactive workshop session on ‘Achieving Focus in a Highly Distractive World’.
How long have you been in the industry?
What’s your current job role and what does this involve?
“Thirdly, to see and profile the wonderful people working in our industry.
Therefore, according to Ambrose, a successful organisation is one that creates a culture that clearly reflects its beliefs,
the aviation industry share insights and experiences applicable to our industry.,” Fahey said.
In being a field officer initially, many of my challenges were more practical based. Any I encountered just needed a calm head and some problem solving/outside of the box thinking to work through and find the best possible outcome for the business/client.
“Boag-Hodgson’s presentation was an insightful analysis on the role human factors play when it comes to diversity and inclusion, especially relating to safety. It was fantastic to see such an accomplished leader in
Can you share a challenging moment and tell us how you worked through it?
The workshop was led by Hanson Australia talent development specialist Katie Roberts. Roberts is a registered psychologist with a background in organisational psychology. She is passionate to creating amazing places toRobertswork. uses evidenced-based practical solutions to address complex and large-scale organisational issues.
Quarry September 2022 49
“By profiling women, younger people, technicians, operators and more, we can demonstrate that there is a role for everyone and encourage people to be involved,” Fahey explained.“Thisvisibility of the industry and the people may encourage greater depth in our talent pool.”Next, head of discipline, school of engineering and built environment – Aviation at Griffith University Dr Christine BoagHodgson gave a presentation on diversity and inclusion: safety and human factors.
None that I can think of, I have loved every step of my journey in this industry so far and am excited for what the future has to bring. Granted, some steps have been harder than others, but they have all been educational and I have learnt and grown so much in the past two years.
roundwork Plus environmental consultant Johannah Mannix has loved every step of her journey in the extractives industry.

over 30 years of experience of working in senior management roles in the global resources and construction materials sector.Ambrose has found that businesses with higher workforce engagement are safer, more customer focused and profitable.
I love being organised and having a plan of attack, which makes me very good at managing the workflow for the team. I also love to problem solve to create the best outcomes for us as a business, and our clients. This role is able to deliver on both these fronts, as well as giving me the opportunity to connect and learn from others in the industry. I love getting out and about and seeing different sites and how they work.
What do you enjoy most about your role?
When people feel valued and connected to the organisation’s performance their engagement with their roles rises, leading to more discretionary effort.

To finish off the day, Caterpillar operational risk consultant and Queensland WIQ Chair Jenny Krasny did a conference wrap up and invited everyone to join the networking drinks sponsored by Texcel. •
How do you maintain a work-life balance?
A bit over two years, with 10 years in veterinary nursing beforehand.
Jump in and give it a go. There are so many people to learn from, and the worst that could happen is you develop some new skills!
The day also included an interactive workshop led by executive coach Peter Ambrose.Peterhas
behaviours, goals and how people engage both internally and externally.
I try and stick to set working hours and try not to let it intrude on my home life (and vice versa). These work hours can sometimes fluctuate over the week depending on the level of field work that may be required, so can sometimes be a bit of give and take. As mentioned previously, I love to plan and schedule my time, so always aim to have a plan of attack in my head if I know a week is going to be busy to keep a balance.
Do you have any regrets?
Environmental consultant at Groundwork Plus. I assist the senior environmental consultant with compliance matters and reporting, as well as get out in the field for sampling when required. I also manage the day-to-day scheduling for the environmental team.
What advice would you give women who may never have thought about the extractive industry?
Just dive in and don’t be afraid, get out of your comfort zone and keep working hard, people recognize hard work. Everyone in this industry is so friendly and will all aim to help you if you ask for it.
This long-held assumption was never scientifically tested – until the recent identification of a calcite-alabaster quarry in the Te’omim cave, Israel.
unequivocally quarried in Israel and not in Egypt, as we would have expected due to the high quality of the stone, was a particular surprise because that means that Herod the Great used local produce, and that the calcite-alabaster industry in Judea in the second half of the first century BC was sufficiently developed and of high enough quality to serve the luxurious standards of Herod, one of the finest builders among the kings of that period,” said Professor Aren Maeir.
The results of the study demonstrated a sound distinction between calcite-alabaster originating in Israel from that originating in Egypt, indicating that calcite-alabaster objects, such as Herod the Great’s alabaster bathtubs, were quarried in Israel rather than Egypt.
“The fact that both bathtubs were
This research is presented in a study published in the Nature Journal Scientific Reports, “Sourcing Herod the Great’s calcite alabaster bathtubs by a multi analytic approach” by Ayala Amir as part of her MA thesis at the Martin (Szusz) Department of Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology at Bar-Ilan University in Israel.
Located on the western slopes of the Jerusalem hills (near modern-day Beit
King Herod’s personal bathtubs were made from calcite-alabaster.
The aqueduct built during the reign of Herod the Great.

From the Middle Bronze Age, Egypt played a crucial role in the appearance of calcite-alabaster artifacts in Israel, and the development of the local gypsum-alabaster industry.Theabsence of ancient calcite-alabaster quarries in the Southern Levant (modern day Israel and Palestine) led to the assumption that all calcite-alabaster vessels found in the Levant originated from Egypt, while poorer quality vessels made of gypsum were local products.

Amir’s research is also a steppingstone to helping identify further archaeological artifacts in the future.
“The multidisciplinary approach adopted in this study provides information concerning both the composition and crystalline structure of calcite-alabaster and is significant for understanding and interpreting archaeological findings,” Amir noted.“Combining analytic methods with archaeological studies may provide new and fascinating information that could not be obtained by traditional archaeological techniques and enable us to determine the origin of other calcite-alabaster artifacts with much greater confidence.”•
Shemesh, Israel), the quarry was the key to proving that calcite-alabaster objects were quarried in Israel rather than Egypt.
Amir analysed calcite-alabaster samples from Te’omim cave quarry and ancient Egyptian quarries and compared them to Herodian bathtub samples using four analytic methods.
“All four analytical methods applied in the study provided consistent results, clearly distinguishing the Israeli from the Egyptian calcite-alabaster for the first time,” said Professor Albeck.
In fact, it is samples from two of his personal calcite alabaster bathtubs that were used to scientifically test the longheld assumption that all calcite-alabaster objects of the time were quarried Egypt.
50 Quarry September 2022 GEOLOGY TALK
He was fond of Roman cultural norms, such as Roman bathing culture, and sought to incorporate them into his realm.
erod “the Great” was a Jewish Roman king that ruled Judea in the second half of the first century BC.
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