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Majors come together to create safer workplaces
There is little doubt working in the mining industry can have its challenges.
Harsh conditions, time away from family, long hours, labour-intensive work, physical isolation. There’s a reason people in the mining industry are on average among the most well paid in Australia.
But when you add something as insidious as sexual harassment – or bullying and racism – into that equation, the situation will often become untenable and a higher-than-average salary is not going to be enough to keep someone in the industry.
It would be disingenuous to suggest any workplace is 100 per cent immune to these types of disrespectful behaviours, but recent inquiries and studies have shown people working in the mining industry, especially women, are at risk of being on the receiving end of poor conduct.
“It is no secret that mining is a tough industry, exacerbated by the practice of ‘fly-in, fly-out’ (FIFO) common across the industry,” researchers wrote in the Western Australian Government’s 2022 report, Enough is enough: Sexual harassment against women in the FIFO mining industry
“People have for decades been required to work and live in remote places, where the difference between work and recreation is blurred, and where companies have an unusually high level of control over what people do.”
The WA Government was compelled to initiate the report following a series of reports of sexual assault and harassment in FIFO workplaces, “when the prevalence of sexual harassment across industries and sectors was becoming increasingly apparent”.
The final report made for some confronting reading.
“The shocking conclusion we had to draw was that sexual harassment has long been and continues to be prevalent across the industry,” the researchers wrote.
This inquiry, and many others like it, may have been the shock the industry needed to make changes.
The results of the recent fifth national survey on sexual harassment in Australian workplaces reflect the extensive efforts the mining industry is taking to address the issue.
According to the survey, reported rates of sexual harassment in the Australian mining industry have decreased from 40 per cent to 32 per cent since 2018, below the national incidence rate of 33 per cent.
The survey showed that 62 per cent of women in mining experienced sexual harassment in the past five years (74 per cent in the 2018 survey) and 25 per cent of men (32 per cent in 2018) in the industry.
A pilot program that was recently launched by Rio Tinto, BHP and
Fortescue is another example of efforts towards change.
The Building Safe and Respectful Workplaces program comes after the major miners formed a partnership in October last year as part of their response to reports of sexual harassment in the mining industry.
The three companies have worked together with leading experts to design and develop the industry-first program aimed at educating new entrants to the sector.
“The launch of this pilot is a key milestone in our broader commitment to create a workplace culture that is safe, respectful and inclusive,” Rio Tinto iron ore chief executive, Simon Trott said.
“Building awareness through education on how we can create safer work environments through the prevention and elimination of sexual harassment, bullying and racism is vital to ensuring those joining our industry feel safe.
“We’re proud to be collaborating with experts in this field, in partnership with industry leaders, and we look forward to the findings from the pilot and the opportunity to share with broader industry for the benefit of all Australians.”
The evidence-based program will educate participants about the impact of sexual harassment, bullying and racism, including how to recognise and report these behaviours.
“Programs such as this help educate the next generation of workers to ensure our workplaces are safe, respectful and inclusive,” BHP WA Iron Ore asset president Brandon Craig said.
“While we know there is more to do, this pilot is part of our redoubled efforts to eliminate sexual harassment and is in addition to a range of other measures, including improved security at accommodation villages, additional public disclosures, specialised resources and company-wide training.
“We’re proud to be working with leading industry partners to deliver this important program as we work together to eliminate disrespectful behaviours from our industry.”
The Building Safe and Respectful Workplaces pilot program, managed by the Australian Minerals and Energy Skills Alliance (AUSMESA), will be completed by 30 volunteers who are currently undertaking apprenticeships or traineeships with the three companies.
The results of the pilot will be evaluated and feedback from the participants will be used to finalise the learning program. It is intended the program will be delivered from early 2023.
As part of the ongoing commitment to educate about respectful behaviour, Rio Tinto, BHP and Fortescue will engage across industry and education providers on how to broaden the reach of the program.
“At Fortescue, safety is our first priority and we have zero tolerance for inappropriate behaviour,” Fortescue chief operating officer iron ore Dino Otranto said.
“We remain firmly committed to ensuring that Fortescue has safe and inclusive workplaces, and that the mining industry as a whole is a safe and welcoming place for everyone who works within it.
“We’re pleased to be working with our industry peers towards the common goal of ensuring that sexual harassment, bullying and other inappropriate behaviours do not occur in the mining industry.”
It is anticipated the training course will be made available to other industries in the future through a range of education pathways.

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• austmineconference.com.au/
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• ausimm.com/conferences-and-events/ mineral-resource-estimation/
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WMC events have set the scene for international agreements and high-level discussions that have influenced mining practices and the resource industry for decades.
Join senior mining industry owners, investors, national and international government representatives, researchers, educators, regulators, suppliers and operators from around the world in Brisbane for this genuine opportunity to demonstrate real leadership and presence on a world stage.
• wmc2023.org
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• ausimm.com/conferences-and-events/ mine-waste-and-tailings/