THE FIRST PRIORITY FOR AUSTRALIA’S MINING INDUSTRY ISSUE 21 - SEP-OCT 2022 Remote operation Infection control On-site communications Bulk Handling Expo OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNERS Mitigating mine-site dust exposure Particulate solutions



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Dust aside
To put it simply, dust can be a major health and safety risk on a mine site. Dust particles can be released in any number of ways, from drilling rock and crushing of material, to untreated dust flying up on unsealed haul roads.
In this issue we shine a light on the innovations, products and services that are helping keep dust at bay, from air filtration systems to new solutions that eliminate the need for water in limiting dust on unsealed roads.

Paul Hayes M anaging Editor

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JOURNALIST DESIGN PRODUCTION MANAGER Michelle Weston ART DIRECTOR Blake Storey GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Kerry Pert, Louis Romero SUBSCRIPTION RATES Australia (surface mail) $140.00 (incl GST) New Zealand A$148.00 Overseas A$156.00 For subscriptions enquiries please call 03 9690 8766 PRIME CREATIVE MEDIA 11-15 Buckhurst St South Melbourne, VIC 3205 AllM©,2016rightsreserved.Nopartof the publication may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher. FRONT COVER Image: Erizon SAFETOWORK.COM.AU 3 SEP-OCT 2022
We examine a new product designed to remove harmful chemicals from the process of painting machinery. This can seem like a relatively straightforward area, but painting equipment can come with its risks to workers, as many paints contain harmful chemicals such as isocyanates.Elsewherein this issue, we look at the often-difficult nature of fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) work.
Mining and quarrying companies – and their workers – will benefit significantly by making the decision to invest in equipment that helps to mitigate exposure to dust.
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(03) 9690 8766
R espiratory health issues like silicosis have been in the news a lot lately.
We also discuss the nature of vulnerability on a job site, with the experts who recently participated in a Gold Industry Group panel at the Diggers & Dealers conference in Kalgoorlie, discussing the need for resources companies to
embrace that vulnerability as a virtue.Andwith in-person events now well and truly back on the calendar, we provide a preview of the upcoming WA Mining Conference and Exhibition, where suppliers, engineers and thought leaders will come together to showcase some of the best technical and digital innovations the industry has to offer.
of the Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists, who reminds us that doing more than the minimum when it comes to safety controls – particularly in dust suppression – is the best way to keep workers safe.
We chat with author Kiara Ellis whose new book, FIFO & Me, is designed to help kids better understand the nature of their parent’s work, as well is the mining industry itself.
We also sit down for a oneon-one chat with the president
The potential dangers of dust are becoming more and more known across industries – as is the importance of investing in dust-suppression technology that will help to ensure the safety of workers throughout the resources sector.

SmartTech offers a complete solution for the provision of clean air with Freshfilter, its advanced cabin air filtration system.
24 Keeping it fresh for machine operators
26 42


Armed with a better understanding of potential health risks, A&I Coatings has a new solution that removes harmful chemicals from the process of painting machinery.

the new standard Experts recently participated in a Gold Industry Group panel discussion, acknowledging the need for resource companies to embrace

The 2022 WA Mining Conference and Exhibition is back in Perth in October with an expanded conference program.

50 Prevention is better than cure

professionals head west

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• e nsure they adhere to Hastings Deering Customer Information Bulletin
• e nsure an exclusion zone should be implemented when performing maintenance activities, and that coal mine workers are not in close proximity
Coal mine workers must:
• e nsure they never strike a plug prior to attempting to loosen it, and that the use of an impact wrench is not recommended
Queensland chief inspector of coal mines Peter Newman authorised a number of recommendations.
A bolt projectile incident has resulted in key recommendations for people undertaking maintenance.
“This equipment will make a meaningful difference to our emergency response capabilities in Queensland and will be housed at our Dysart headquarters in the heart of the Bowen Basin.”
capability and support, and we are pleased to have been able to support them in turn, by providing this vital and potentially life-saving equipment,” Kirsten said.
• e nsure the mine site has access to and has actioned Hastings Deering Customer Information Bulletin –HDCIB 2022 Bulletin 09 Revision 1 Defective Material Plugs
Bolt projectile incident at Queensland coal mine
A $2.3 million funding commitment from Anglo American has enabled the Queensland Miners Rescue Service (QMRS) to purchase the SRS.
Head of safety and health at Anglo American’s steelmaking coal business Marc Kirsten said the company was pleased to support QMRS in delivering the SRS for all those who work underground in the Queensland mining industry.
• e nsure the mine site has access to and has actioned Hastings Deering Customer Information Bulletin –HDCIB 2022 Bulletin 09 Revision 1 Defective Material Plugs. Supervisors must:
• e nsure that all defective plugs are identified and replaced as soon as possible
The Resources Safety and Health Queensland Coal Inspectorate identified defective magnetic plugs in some final drives and has been working to identify the part numbers and communicate the information to the industry.
The key recommendation from the incident is to treat all plugs as suspect, especially if it has been replaced with a new magnet since January 2021.
“The Shaft Rescue System will improve emergency response capabilities across all underground mines in the Queensland mining industry, and it was important to us to make this investment in industry safety.”
“The SRS lowers interchangeable cages into mine shafts to rescue trapped miners and is equipped with a world’s first intrinsically safe directional WiFi communications system that can be used safely underground,”

– HDCIB 2022 Bulletin 09 Revision 1 Defective Material Plugs
Anglo American operates five steelmaking coal mines in the Bowen Basin, and has additional joint venture interests in steelmaking coal and manganese, as well as copper exploration projects underway in Queensland and Western Australia.
The magnet in the defective plugs can separate from the plug body due to insufficient crimping during their manufacture. If the magnet separates when installed it can cause extensive component damage, which may cause the planetary retaining bolts to shear and become projectiles.
New emergency rescue equipment for coal mines
QMRS chief executive officer David Carey said.
• e nsure that under no circumstances are plugs struck prior to be loosened, and that the use of an impact wrench is not recommended.
Specifically tailored to assist with underground rescues, the Shaft Rescue System (SRS) is a firstof-its kind mobile truck-mounted emergency system designed to assist in underground rescues.
“QMRS supports our industry with leading-edge emergency response
Two bolt heads sheared off from the outer casing of a final drive and became projectiles during routine servicing of a Caterpillar D11T dozer at a Queensland coal mine.
“The Wi-Fi enables radio communications from the rescue cages to the surface, captures and shares real-time video and sends data from a gas-monitoring system.
Site senior executives (SSEs) must:
• e nsure they remain within the established exclusion zone, out of the line of fire, as a mitigating critical control measure.
Improve safety with fewer drill bit changes
diamonds with the new Powerbit X technology
Drill bits where the buttons are coated with diamond protect your people, your productivity and the environment. The technology is called PCD (polycrystalline diamond) and is used in our Powerbit X range. The diamond protective layer of Powerbit X gives the drill bits longer service life, which means fewer changes and less exposure to danger for operators.

Eleven members had zero fatalities, including Alcoa, BHP, Boliden, Hydro, JX Nippon Mining & Metals, Minera San Cristobal, Minsur, MMG, Newcrest, Newmont and Rio Tinto.
“The department clearly recognises that workplaces can impact on mental health,” Roberts said. “Behaviours such as bullying, harassment, unreasonable demands and excessive control are totally unacceptable, and we will continue to work with industry and the community to minimise … risks and improve workplace culture.”
to assist companies develop internal capabilities to drive change in the mental health space across the WA mining industry. Further information on the Mentally Healthy Workplaces Grant program can be found online.

Twelve of the fatalities in 2021 were related to mobile equipment and transportation, and eight were caused by “fall of ground” incidents. The continent with the highest number of fatalities was Africa, accounting for 63% of the total fatalities. Company member operations in South Africa had the highest number of fatalities with 27, accounting for 51 per cent of the total fatalities across ICMM members.

Since 2012, ICMM has measured and disclosed the safety performance of its members with the aim of benchmarking progress in their goal of eliminating fatalities.
ICMM members represent a third of the global resources industry and include major Australian miners BHP, Newcrest and Rio Tinto.
Ongoing analysis of incidents and their associated root causes will continue to inform innovative and impactful approaches to improving safety performance across the industry.
Dr Ivor Roberts, DMIRS executive director regulatory support, said the Mentally Healthy Workplaces Grant program offered applicants $175,000 per year for up to four years.
our members and therefore any year with even a single fatality is unacceptable,” ICMM president and chief executive officer Rohitesh Dhawan said.
The International Council on Mining and Minerals (ICMM) has released a report benchmarking the 2021 safety performances of its members.
The Mentally Healthy Workplaces Grant program, a collaborative project aimed at providing financial and peer support for WA mining workers affected by negative mental health, is accepting applications. The Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS), the Chamber of Minerals and Energy, and WA Lifeline have come together to launch the Resourceful Mind program. This program was one of two mining initiatives that received funding under the State Government’s $8.4 million Mental Awareness, Respect and Safety (MARS) program.
A multi-agency collaboration between DMIRS, the Mental Health Commission, Department of Communities and the Equal Opportunity Commission, the MARS program aims to boost responses to mental health, workplace culture and safety in WA’s mining sector. Also receiving funding was a joint project between the Australian Institute of health & Safety and PerMentis (FIFO Focus), which seeks
Only one recorded fatality occurred within the Oceania region.
By collating ICMM company member data using a consistent reporting period (calendar-based versus various financial years) and unifying it under a common set of indicators, the ICMM can present the information in a more straightforward way.
The current report analyses fatalities from ICMM based on the cause (or hazard) and provides safety performance metrics country by country. It found that 43 fatalities occurred across ICMM company members in 2021, compared to 44 in 2020 and 287 in 2019.
Mental health grants available for WA miners
The program is currently accepting applications.
The data continues to play an important role in leadership decisions and health and safety strategy.
ICMM releases latest safety report
“The health and safety of workers is of paramount importance to

“We are delighted and incredibly grateful ... for this funding opportunity,” Plint said.

The director of UQ’s Sustainable Minerals Institute, Professor Neville Plint, said the funding would make a huge difference.
The University of Queensland will receive $1.5 million to collaborate with the Chicago School of Public Health at the University of Illinois to research early detection, prevention, and progression of mineral dustrelated lung diseases.
The grants were part of an election commitment to fund $5 million for medical research examining the impact of occupational dust lung diseases, particularly on coal mine workers, pneumoconiosis (black lung) and “Thesilicosis.Palaszczuk Government is proud of our strong record to protect the health and safety of Queensland workers, but we always want to do more,” Grace said.
“These lung diseases are preventable and have limited treatment options, particularly where a worker has advanced “Theredisease.are three very worthy recipients with different research projects, ranging from screening methods to analysis of exposure scenarios.”
Queensland’s Industrial Relations Minister Grace Grace has announced more than $3 million in research grants for occupational dust lung disease.

“This international research partnership, supported by the Queensland Office of Industrial Relations, combines deep knowledge and experience spanning the domains of mining engineering, mineralogy, epidemiology,occupationalpulmonary pathology and toxicology, and clinical pulmonary medicine.”
Millions for dust lung research
More than $3 million in research grants has been allocated for occupational dust lung disease.

Maintain comms even in dusty environments Sepura radios expel dust, dirt and water to keep staff safe For further information visit

• T he load sense stand-by pressure had been set at 35bar, with the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) specifying 60bar
The WA Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety made several recommendations, including to review risk assessment for mine workers being in the open or operating vehicles during an electrical storm, a control of the hazards and risks related to electrical storms and lightning strikes, a review of procedures related to working in the open or operating vehicles, and a requirement to provide mine workers with sufficient warning of a potential lightning event and allow time to take shelter.
Six key issues were highlighted:
• T he accumulator on the hydraulic circuit had failed
• e nsure tests are conducted to confirm system functionality

Lightning strikes a hazard for WA mine workers
Coalstandards.mineworkers must:
The WA Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety has made a number of recommendations to combat the risks associated with lightning Electricalstrikes.storms occur year-round in WA. They are typically episodic and highly variable in nature, with lightning strikes posing a hazard for mine workers. These incidents have highlighted several contributory factors and resulted in a number of recommendations for workers on WA mines, which the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and safety sets out in its Mines Safety Bulletin.
A lightning strike on a vehicle may cause pyrolysis within the tyre, where
A lightning strike on a moving vehicle may introduce other hazards to workers, including short-circuiting batteries, tyres and flammable material; arc strike causing temporary blindness; and failure of electric assisted braking and steering.
• T he main hydraulic system pressure gauge was illegible
• e nsure adequate stocks of appropriate spare parts.
Supervisors must:
• understand and comply with sitespecific procedures for the safe use and maintenance of graders and other mobile plant.
Under certain temperature, pressure and concentration conditions, this volatile combination of air and fuel can become an explosive mixture and ignite. Pyrolysis may result in tyres exploding unexpectedly, with this type of catastrophic failure possibly occurring after a delay of several hours, placing workers at a significant risk of serious or fatal injury.
• T he hydraulic schematic diagram listed incorrect pressure settings, and the OEM training for maintainers on the grader had been Queenslandminimalchief inspector of coal mines Peter Newman authorised a number of recommendations following the incident to encourage better safety practices at coal mines. Senior site executives must:
• identify that maintenance work has been conducted to the required
heating of the rubber (inner liner) releases gaseous, volatile organic compounds into the tyre’s air chamber.

• review and update the maintenance strategy for safety systems on underground graders, particularly brake systems
Regular maintenance inspections failed to identify a dragging park brake that resulted in an underground grader moving approximately 2m before coming to a halt at a Queensland coal mine, according to inspector of mines Mick Scully.
Unplanned movement of underground grader at coal mine
WA mining operators have experienced several incidents of vehicles being struck by lightning over the past three years.
• e nsure site maintenance strategies for the plant are implemented and followed
The incident has highlighted a number of issues and resulted in several recommendations for people working on Queensland coal mines.
• T here was inadequate detail in the preventive maintenance service sheets for park brake pressure checks
• e nsure technical documentation is accurate, up to date and available to maintainers
after intrusive maintenance
• provide maintainers with specialist training from OEMs to be competent on safety critical systems
While it is safer to take shelter in a vehicle during an electrical storm, many mine vehicles, including haul trucks and other heavy vehicles, are not designed to protect operators from the potential effects of a lightning strike or to be a Faraday cage. Vehicles in exposed locations may even serve to attract lightning.

Demand Manager is a trusted partner in the Australian energy saving sector, with 17 years’ experience helping companies access financial incentives.

The Cool Lights 150W LED High Bay has been tested and approved for use in hazardous areas that present an explosive risk.

The product is eligible for substantial rebates in NSW, Victoria and South LEDAustralia.HighBays
significantly reduce energy consumption for lighting and have longer lifespans, saving on maintenance costs.
The remote operator control centre is similar to a simulator, with all of the in-cab controls replicated. Rio Tinto’s also incorporates a vision kit, making use of four cameras on board each dozer and relaying machine information and visuals in real-time via a Wi-Fi network.
The DustBoss DB-60 Surge features water propelled at high velocity from a centre nozzle, combined with the industryproven fan and misting ring system.
Version 10 of the HxGN MineProtect Collision Avoidance System –known as CAS 10 – protects drivers and equipment with 360° operator awareness for vehicles, assets and operators in open-pit mines.

Besides collision avoidance, MineProtect integrates systems for operator alertness, object detection, personal protection and vehicle intervention by sharing the same hardware.
The powerful cannon, which is designed to fight dust with maximum efficiency, was developed in response to the needs of customers in areas with variable winds.
For WesTrac, Rio Tinto and Caterpillar, this new tele-remote dozing system (TDS) at Rio’s iron ore operations in Western Australia is wholly focused on operator safety.

Hexagon Mining has introduced a significantly improved version of its collision avoidance system, consolidating powerful technology into just two hardware components: a smart antenna and a five-inch LCD display.
A new advancement in industrial dust suppression has been introduced by BossTek, a leader in atomised mist technology.
With three remote-controlled stages and precision oscillation for optimum command over water volume and coverage area, the cannon uses high-powered jets that surge through the wind for over 76.2m to suppress both surface and airborne dust. The result is effective and versatile dust mitigation in challenging weather for outdoor operations ranging from demolition to bulk material processing and storage.

The smart antenna integrates GPS, RF, Wi-Fi, LTE and ultra-wide band time of flight technology, and the in-cabin touch-screen display features modern UI/UX consistent with Hexagon’s other on-board solutions. This creates a better driving experience, reduced deployment and training time, less supply-chain complexity, and increased operator adoption.
The solution utilises the Cat MineStar Command for Dozing technology and a dedicated operator control centre, allowing for non-line-of site operation of dozers working in high-risk areas. There is also an over-the-shoulder console that allows operators to work within visual range, typically used for temporary or one-off movements of machines.
Epiroc is leading the charge towards sustainable mining with the Boltec M, a fully mechanised bolting rig with battery driveline. Capable of handling most bolt types between 1.5m and 3.5m, including friction, inflatable, mechanically anchored and rebar bolts, the Boltec M is among the most advanced and productive fully mechanised rock bolting machine in its size class.

The standard and optional features of the Boltec M ensures operator safety, comfort and a job well done, while the battery driveline reduces environmental footprint and creates a healthier work environment.
Vitrethane 650IF is a premium quality two-pack isocyanate-free polyurethane topcoat. Utilising full polyurethane technology and curing without the use of isocyanates makes Vitrethane 650IF a safer, better, and more durable coating than conventional isocyanate-free coatings.
ifm’s O3M sensor is a 3D vision sensor that can be applied for rear, forward and side detection to improve the overall functionality and safety around mobile machinery and plants. The O3M is designed for use in outdoor environments where there is high shock, vibration and environmental resistance. The sensor is also capable of overcoming challenges regarding visibility, proving itself especially useful where there are difficult ambient light situations, such as sunlight or materials with reflective characteristics.
The optimised bolting unit with reduced feed length enables reduced drive sizes while retaining the same bolt lengths used previously.
The Boltec M series machines share a common four-wheeldrive articulated carrier design with their Simba mining and exploration (M&E) and Boomer M&E stablemates, which ensures easy maintenance due to an open service architecture.

Installed on loaders, mining machinery, automated guided vehicles, or other machines and vehicles, the sensor’s automatic object-detection feature allows it to emit a warning or interact with the control system to apply vehicle brakes. This makes the O3M sensor highly useful for collision warning and avoidance.

Vitrethane 650IF is a high-gloss, versatile polyurethane topcoat with exceptional durability and weathering performance, improved impact resistance and abrasion resistance.
With an increased awareness around workplace health and safety when using protective coatings, A&I Coatings, an Australian-owned industrial coatings manufacturing company, is continually looking for ways to reduce the risk of exposure to harmful chemicals, such as isocyanates in paint. Exposure to isocyanates is known to cause respiratory illness and skin irritation, such as allergic contact dermatitis. Utilising leading technology has led to a breakthrough in polyurethane coatings, with A&I Coatings formulating the first true isocyanate-free polyurethane coating available in Australia – Vitrethane 650IF.
Containing the by-products of ore separation – in either a liquid, solid, or as a collection of fine particles, depending on the operation – the tailings may be harmful and a danger to personal health and the environment if proper risk management is not applied to the dam.
As safety is its number-one priority, Erizon has the tools and knowledge to deal with dust created from tailings storage facilities, as national manager Ed Marshall told Safe to Work.
dust-suppression technology that can adequately handle to the size of the operation they are running.

“Tailings storage facilities have the potential to be a significant source of dust,” Marshall said. “This dust can then cause issues for on-site personnel, equipment, the environment and local communities, which is why at Erizon we have dust-suppression solutions that help operations to continue operating as safely and responsibly as possible.
“Measures should be taken to address immediate concerns, as well as long-term plans put in place to mitigate challenges caused by weather events. Due to the size of some storage facilities, such events can leave tailings surfaces at risk until a solution is organised.”
Combining new technology with traditional methods
In the case of tailings storage facilities, dust is a very prevalent issue. Miners need to ensure they have
All of Erizon’s dust-suppression solutions come within a ‘Supply, Apply, Guarantee’ framework.
Dust suppression
hen it comes to tailings and other excess waste from mining operations, it’s vital to ensure appropriate control measures are in place to help mitigate impacts associated with the storage of these materials.Anysolutions need to address potential issues for the surrounding environment, staff members and associated equipment, and local communities that may be affected.
Focusing on minimising the disruption to facility operations while treating at-risk areas, Erizon has engineered a range of specialised tracked HydroRigs and HydroTrailers that can access areas traditional equipment can’t, while also negating the need for aerial application.
“Every measure is taken to ensure the safety of the spray technicians who operate the equipment, and the environment. Pulled by the modified snow groomer, the HydroTrailer has a PSI of 4.8 and utilises its state-of-theart track system that carries a 15,000L tank. It’s capable of spraying up to 100m using its high-powered dual cannons or localised using spray bar.”
Supplying solutions beyond dustsuppression, with the ability to provide additional support in areas such as
“All Erizon-owned vehicles are fully mine-spec-compliant, and the snow groomer is no exception,” Marshall said.
With an in-depth knowledge of the industry, as well as an understanding that every tailings storage facility will be faced with its own unique challenges, Erizon has a customer-focused partnership approach to administering its dustsuppression solutions.
“Natural events such as heavy rainfall and extreme wind contribute to failing dust-suppression solutions, as they can physically disrupt the barrier that has been put in place,” Marshall said.
These solutions enable mining companies to ensure their dustsuppression solutions are comprehensive and maintained in the event of an unforeseen circumstance, like unpredictable weather.
The versatile HydroRig can access areas traditional equipment can’t.
Soil analyses are used in tandem with survey data taken from the area to ensure the suitability of the Erizon product applied, and to help ensure the tailings will not compromise or react negatively with the applied dust
“The snow groomer is a very powerful and capable machine that produces a PSI (pounds per square inch) of under one it its application of solution. No other vehicle we know can deliver the same level of land access to hydraulically apply dust-suppression solutions this effectively.”
“Another often-overlooked problem is the chemical reaction the tailings can have with specific solutions.
“These vehicles are safer, more affordable and more accurate than conventional application methods,” Marshall said. “Safety is a catalyst for innovation with Erizon and the most
recent development with regards to dust-suppression technology is our modified snow groomer and HydroTrailer.
“These variables acting in tandem can dramatically shorten the functional longevity of the solution.”
However, and environmental events can still have an impact when it comes to dustsuppression solutions, disturbing the barrier between the tailings and the air.

“Our modified snow groomer was born from the need to access some of the most demanding surfaces in Australia safely and efficiently. Initially built for extremely harsh environments and minimal compaction, we have adapted the technology to suit the Australian climate.
The equipment and vehicles must be equipped to deal with unique – and often harsh – challenges that are faced at mining operations.
Erizon has extensive experience in the resources industry and understands the fact there is no dust-suppression solution that is the absolute best for all mining environments, due to seasonality and location factors playing a role in what will work best for a specific site.
“FibreLoc is a product with similar benefits, but it contains wood fibre mulch and heavy-duty binders for use in locations prone to extreme weather
“Our dust-suppression solutions allow mining to continue without disruption to local communities that would otherwise seek to halt operations or future expansion.

Erizon also provides support and tools to manage its solutions, so customers’ efforts to properly manage their tailings storage facilities are maintainable and long-lasting.

“HydroBond, for example, is a product we developed for when immediate dust suppression is needed in the short-term but revegetation is the long-term goal, as HydroBond can be applied directly to existing vegetation without any adverse effects.”
“Areas treated by our dustsuppression solutions will immediately reduce dust lift-off risk by 99.9 per cent,” Marshall said.
“Long-term revegetation is the best solution for sustainable erosion and dust control,” Marshall said.
“And our solutions protect on-site personnel and their machines, which means better workplace health and safety and more extended periods between vehicle maintenance.”
Acting in accordance with its ‘Supply, Apply, Guarantee’ framework, the company is able to deliver reliably via its highly trained technicians who work to promise the solutions’ effectiveness and functional consciousErizon’slongevity.environmentally-natureenablesitto help customers in the mining customers achieve their environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals.
erosion control and revegetation projects, Erizon has the ability to offer a custom approach that caters to the unique short- and long-term objectives of a mining operation.
“As fundamentally an environmental company, we help multiple industries, including mining, act on various environmental issues affecting their ESG performance,” Marshall said.
“The required functional longevity of a solution varies from three to 12 months, depending on site requirements and conditions. In some instances, we offer ongoing dust management plans and are actively onsite on a permanent basis to allow for maximum protection and the ability to react immediately if required.
“A dust-management plan, including real-time dust monitoring and alerts, will help identify minor risk changes to any environment, which in turn allows the client to maintain a low-level risk over extensiveRemovingperiods.”theneed for expensive maintenance and further use water for dust suppression, the effective tailings management provided by Erizon ensures operational benefits and provides the peace of mind that the risk generated by dust is effectively mitigated.
With multiple products and application techniques, Erizon works to deliver greater levels of environmental compliance, decreased liability, a reduced effect on neighbouring communities, and an overall decrease in environmental impact.
Dust suppression
“We help mining companies reduce precious water resources by up to 90 per cent compared to traditional water cart operations.
Erizon’s dust-suppression solutions are designed to limit the impact on surrounding environments.
“Bothconditions.solutionscan be tailored with a native or pasture seed mix and fertiliser to achieve long-term vegetation growth.”

Contact us today on 1800 819 585 or View the range at A&I Coatings, Engineers of High Performance Coatings ISOCYANATES Safer, Better, 2VITRETHANETougher.PremiumQualityPackIsocyanateFreePolyurethaneCoatingsNowAvailableAustraliaWide Minimising the risk of exposure to Isocyanates in the workplace when using Polyurethane coatings ZERO EXPOSURE

Dust suppression
he Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists (AIOH) is a member-based organisation open to professional occupational hygienists and those interested in promoting health protection.
What is the main role of occupational hygienists in the workplace?
Prioritising worker health protection and a healthier work environment in many industries, the AIOH facilitates events, training and awareness of health practices in order to increase safety outcomes all across the workforce.
The primary purpose of professional occupational hygienists is fundamentally to prevent illness and disease in the workplace.
As a heavily science-based field, we have a broad range of occupational hazards to understand and deal with. It’s not just dealing with a singular hazard
How do members and businesses benefit by liaising with the AIOH? We first and foremost represent professional occupational hygienists in Australia which, by extension, means that we run the only certification scheme for occupational hygienists within Australia.
In terms of working with companies, occupational hygienists are either employed by a company that has the means to have dedicated occupational hygienists as staff, or employed on a consultant basis for specialist and/or routine advice. And that fixed-state or consultancy-type employment typically depends on the size of the employer and what they are able to or willing to pay to have comprehensive solutions and advice to keep workers safe.
Hygiene and safety in the mining industry
An AIOH survey found that mining does better than comparable industries in limiting harmful dust exposure.

AIOH president Kate Cole says occupational hygienists’ fundamental job is to prevent illness and disease in the workplace.

To get a greater insight into how the AIOH operates and how its practices and knowledge can help the health and safety of the mining industry, Safe to Work sat down with president Kate Cole.
group, it’s dealing with each individual chemical that may be present at a site, for Soexample.tooffer our services to businesses, we first need to be experts in that industry and understand what they are dealing with on a day-to-day basis so we can offer health advice based on that.
industry and provide quality care and recommendations.Additionally,with the broad array of hazards to deal with, especially in the mining industry, the AIOH facilitates a community amongst occupational hygienists so that experts in specific fields can be contacted and information can be shared for the overall betterment of the industry.
Additionally, the AIOH Annual Scientific Conference and Exhibition, to be held at Sofitel Brisbane Central in December, has a number of panels and keynote speakers with topics that impact the wider mining industry.
the way to see where the hierarchy of safety controls failed and how that step can be improved.
Two of the biggest findings in terms of barriers to preventing exposure were a lack of management commitment to limiting exposure, and financial resources to come into actually make those changes, whether that’s buying dustsuppression equipment, or it is too costly to work around respirable hazards.
Mining as a whole featured quite well in the survey, as the standards and regulations in place tend to be quite uniform nationwide.
We recently surveyed all of our occupational hygienists at the institute about their experiences on managing crystalline silica in Australian workplaces, and over 70 per cent of our members have said that over-exposure to silica dust is a cause for concern.

The way in which silica dust is controlled and managed is highly variable Australia-wide and between industries, so we focused on three key industry areas of high exposure: mining and quarrying, engineered stone and construction, and tunnelling.
Looking at the hierarchy of controls in providing safety to workers, it’s imperative that the systems put in place to protect workers are ones that the employer has put in to mitigate risk, not ones which are reliant on workers.
control measure, with all the steps along
An employee wearing a mask in a hazardous environment is going to
The AIOH has a swath of events and webinars to aid occupational hygienists and safety consultants stay on top of the field which impacts the mining industry, with the illicit drugs and drug contamination course run by the AIOH nationwide across September having relevance to FIFO operations.
But the key findings from the survey were that we need to have improved regulation, we need to have more inspectors, and we need a national approach to ensure standards are represented equally across all industries and all mining operations.
Is the mining industry doing enough to mitigate exposure and ensure the safety of workers in regard to silica dust?
In that process is where the value of occupational hygienists really comes into play, in that by making it our profession to review these control systems and understanding causation between control measures and incidents, we can greatly increase the health and safety of any environment.
From an occupational hygienist’s perspective, how well is exposure to silica dust and other respirable materials managed?
What are fundamental steps employers need to take in ensuring workers’ on-site health and safety?
Engineered stone and construction is among the professions most commonly exposed to silica dust.
acceptable levels of silica dust unless the air is Themonitored.amountof dust monitoring in industries is really different, but we’ve found it was done the best in mining and arguably that is because the mining industry has been dealing with the issue of coal dust and respirable crystalline silica for the longest. They have mature systems in place, they have routines for exposure-monitoring programs in place and, as a whole, have the highest level of employer awareness around silica dust and exposure.
The only way to tell if everything that has been put into place to protect workers from silicosis is working, is if you conduct regular air monitoring. You can have dust suppression, you can have ventilation, and you can limit exposure times, but you don’t know if workers are being exposed to low, safe and
When her son revealed he thought his dad lived at the airport for a week at a time, Ellis realised she’d need to help himSheunderstand.initiallyhunted for books to help explain the situation but couldn’t find what she was after. There were lots of books to be found on big emotions, but little in the way of answering a child’s favourite question: why?
And it is precisely this remoteness that makes for such a significant fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) worker population within the country’s resources sector, especially in Western Australia.
when much of the world shut down over the COVID-19 pandemic, she found an illustrator and an editor.
FIFO work is a way of life for more than 60,000 people across WA mine sites.
“There’s a purpose for their parent leaving home”
Having been together for 12 years, Ellis is accustomed to her husband’s time away from home. But when the couple had their first child, it eventually became clear she’d have to help her son comprehend this way of life, too.
The state is home to truly vast reserves of precious resources, including the largest supplies of iron ore and gold in Australia, as well as equally vast reserves of people directly employed in the mining sector – more than 20,000 people across 125 operating projects, in fact.
ustralia is, quite famously, a truly huge place, home to some of the most remote residential and commercial outposts on the entire planet.

Perth-based Kiara Ellis’ husband is one of over 60,000 FIFO workers who catch a flight to one of WA’s mining operations. For around a week or so at a time, the site will become his base – he will sleep, eat, and work there, before heading home for a well-deserved week off with his family.
“I felt like we needed something tangible to educate them a bit on mining, and to show them that there’s a purpose for their parent leaving home for a bit,” Ellis, who is now a mother of two, said.
And just like that, the idea for Me was born.
The book was written over four and a half years, with a break when Ellis had her second child. While her newborn daughter slept, Ellis would write and,
Kiara Ellis wrote her book to help her son understand the nature of his dad’s work.
But, of course, not all of those people live close to the mine sites and are consequently FIFO workers.
The country’s resources sector is perhaps the best example of this remoteness, with so many of Australia’s mining operations in extremely far-flung locations.
“My son loved going to pick his dad up from the airport,” Ellis said. “But he started asking us questions in the car on the way home like, ‘where do you sleep?’ and ‘what do you do at the airport all week?’”

The book is in full colour, with a rhyming prose that keeps kids engaged and entertained. Ellis tested the manuscript out on families with and without a FIFO parent, to ensure all kids would enjoy the book.
After a family day at her husband’s work, Ellis saw first-hand how many women were working in mining and wanted to ensure all children could benefit from her books, regardless of which parent was the FIFO worker.
In the future, she hopes to write more children’s books about the resources industry, incorporating the many different elements that are mined in Australia.
their parent helps to mine are used in things they utilise every day, from bikes to refrigerators.Similarly,the book shows the pit-toport process of the mined materials, starting with blasting and moving right through to crushing and exportation. There is also a page on the personal protective equipment (PPE) used by the workers.
“Even when we were newly married and didn’t have kids yet, we were taking holidays in his time off, and that wasForamazing.”theEllis family, FIFO – and the broader mining sector in general – is an integral part of their lives.
Visit for more information on FIFO & Me and FIFO & Me: Mum edition.
“My husband sacrifices a lot, but FIFO life, like anything, has its benefits, too,” Ellis said.
The book is also designed to help kids understand the nature of work at a mine site.
“A pivotal moment in the book is when the parent is in the donga (a temporary dwelling used by FIFO workers) and talking to the kids on FaceTime. This is literally what families do every night when a parent is away, so it was important to me to capture real moments like that.”
Although just launched, the books have already gotten the Australian FIFO community talking. Many kids have been gifted the book on the day their parent flies out, and Ellis has enjoyed hearing about families reading the book together.
“It’s important that it’s written in a language that kids understand,” she said.
“I think we can get a lot more women in the mining sector by taking a grassroots approach,” Ellis said.
The FIFO life can be tough on the worker and their family.
However, one study likened the experience of FIFO kids to that of a
“I really wanted to create this connection and this tangibility so kids could understand and see what’s happening,” Ellis said.
grieving cycle, which really resonated with Ellis. She hopes the books will give children an understanding that their parent isn’t gone for good, but rather that they’re off to do an important job and will be back soon.
“He gets amazing quality time with the kids where he can go to school drop-off and pick-up and school events. He goes to their after-school activities.
Another important consideration when Ellis was writing FIFO & Me was inclusivity. The book features a range of illustrated characters with different genders and ethnicities to celebrate the diversity of the Australian mining sector.

And this led to the development of the second edition of the book, FIFO & Me: Mum edition
unachievable. Women deserve to be celebrated for their work.”
“We should start talking to kids now and showing them that this is not
“I wanted to make sure that just because you’re not a FIFO child doesn’t mean that it’s not something that you can read, because it has a lot of education in and behind it.”
As such, featuring a reclaimer on the front cover of the book was no accident. This was an intentional design decision by Ellis to show the little girls reading her book that they could do anything in the mining sector, from operating heavy machinery to climbing the ladder to become a CEO.
Multiple studies have been conducted on the impact this type of work can have on a worker’s mental health, and even the worker’s partner, but not a lot has been done on the impact on children.
they experience on-site, particularly in the quarry, mining, and wastemanagement sectors, or in tunnel construction operations, where there’s a lot of silica dust in the atmosphere,” SmartTech sales manager, safety portfolio Brendan Villiers told Safe to Work
Sitting comfortably at the forefront of providing the mining, quarrying, industrial and wastemanagement sectors with robust

company quickly growing since 2017 to offer a wide range of advanced air filtration solutions, tailored advice, and extensive customer service.
Dust suppression
that utilises high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters, with digital instrumentation and controls able to monitor a range of environmental settings, including cabin pressure, CO2 andDuehydrocarbons.toadifference in air pressure, the Freshfilter overpressure unit, often
Keeping it fresh for
The FF Multibox XS is a robust unit designed for machines operating in harsh mining environments.
There are three Freshfilter units:
SmartTech continues to make a strong commitment to providing tailored air filtration solutions across a range of potentially hazardous operating environments.“It’sthedust you can’t see that’s the problem, and we have proven solutions to mitigate that risk, ensuring machinery operators are working in the safest possible way,” Villiers said.

“A pressurised filtration unit which has multiple layers of filters, including HEPA filters – which is the only product that prevents respirable dust, pressurises the operator’s cabin, be it a wheel loader, or excavator, or bulldozer, any environment surrounded by lots of dust – stops dust getting in, while at the same time ejecting dust out of any gaps that are left around door seals or other points around the cabin,” Villiers said.
• FF Multibox XS – a robust unit designed for wheel loaders, excavators, bulldozers, and dump trucks operating in harsh mining environmentsNotallmachines are prepared for the use of overpressure filter systems, so SmartTech also supplies self-developed fitting pieces for most machines.
“The cabin is 90 per cent sealed, so that you do achieve airflow, and at the same time the positive pressure in the cabin stops the entry of dust.”
• F20 – a compact unit with high filtration capacity for use on machines from three to 100 tonnes
the Queensland resources sector.
The Freshfilter 3000 series control system is the standard choice in controllers for Freshfilter cabin air filtration systems. This system dynamically regulates air flow to maintain cabin air pressure, has audible and visual monitoring, and can be upgraded with a hydrocarbon sensor.
“You can add a myriad of sensors onto the controller in relation to the operating environment,” Villiers said. “For instance, if you’re working on a site with a lot of sulphur dioxide you can create a custom sensor to monitor specifically for this gas.”
“As soon as an operator turns on a machine, the Freshfilter unit is connected to ignition power, the cabin pressure will begin to ramp up, achieving 115 pascals, which is above the minimum requirement for Australian industry standards,
Both controllers feature capacity for up to three filter types to be detected displayed on the control panel, and can be operated with four sturdy buttons. They allow overpressure value to be read on the digital screen, and an optical and acoustic alarm is perceptible during an emergency.
The Freshfilter 6000 series control system is the advanced option in controllers. As with the 3000, the series controller dynamically regulates air flow to maintain cabin air pressure. It has audible and visual monitoring, as well as an option to be upgraded with a CO2 monitor and hydrocarbon sensor.
All Freshfilter systems have been designed to comply with a number of international and local standards including, international standards ISO 10263 & ISO 23875, the Queensland mining safety recognised standard 20 (RS20), the HEPA filter international standards EN1822/29463, and the active carbon filters international standards EN14387. They also meet all relevant standards for the quarry sector and Australian industry.
“Our Freshfilter units are being utilised on machinery across many sites Australia-wide, as companies realise that this technology not only adheres to the relevant standards, but in most instances exceeds the standards,” Villiers said.
The filtration units, often situated on the top of the machine, are designed to safeguard against toxic gasses and silica dusts.
The housing of the control systems is made of stainless steel, and the signalling components are just as robust as the pressure systems.
contaminated air from outside flows into the cabin only after it has passed through the filtration unit.
The F20 is a compact unit with high filtration capacity.
• F33-R – a universal unit designed to safeguard against toxic gasses and silica dusts

Being able to breath quality air when operating machinery is one of the most vital safety aspects on a mine site.
aintaining cabin air quality is essential for keeping machine operators safe, comfortable, and productive.
Protecting operators from exposure to respirable particulate such as silica, asbestos, and diesel particulate matter is a high priority for Australia’s mining,
Dust suppression
demolition, quarrying, and metal or mineral processors.

Additionally, international mining companies with operations in Australia have updated machine tenders to include ISO 23875 compliance for machine cabins, citing the cabin air quality standard as a defined approach to protecting operator air quality inside of enclosures.
This was made evident by Safe Work Australia’s recent request for recommendations to inform the creation of a regulation impact statement on how to best manage respirable crystalline silica dust exposure in the workplace.
Filter technology to meet ISO requirements and provide longer life
extreme environments with a highefficiency filter with improved airflow.
• Fresh air and recirculation system (maxof25matterMaximumrequirements:respirableparticulateconcentrationlessthanmicrogramspercubicmetreairatstart/endofdecaytest120-seconddecaytime).
Sy-Klone filters find a balance between standard compliance of airborne particulate filtration and air filtration for cabin operators.
• filter testing and labelling
around the world,” Jeff Moredock, international project lead for ISO 23875, told Safe to Work
• recirculation air system efficiency
One now recommends filter efficiency greater than 94 per cent efficient at 0.3 microns, while also meeting the required intake air leakage test and particle decay tests outlined in the“Thestandard.amended filter efficiency recommendation clarifies the filter and labelling requirements so that the standard can be consistently and readily implemented, supporting mine sites’ industrial hygienists in their efforts to reduce occupational exposure to airborne contaminants,” Moredock said.
• defined cabin pressurisation levels
“The working group included strong Australian representation, including industrial hygienists, mining companies, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), and Australia’s Earth Moving Equipment Safety Round Table“The(EMESRT).working group was committed to creating a practical life-cycle standard which is easy to implement and to maintain over the life of the machine. The goal was continuous operatorAmendmentprotection.”Oneto the standard’s filtration criteria was published in June 2022, and it includes a performance recommendation as opposed to a specific filter rating requirement. ISO 23875 Amendment
In step with the new ISO 23875 filter efficiency recommendations, SyKlone International recently launched a new line of high-efficiency, lowrestriction filters for its RESPA Cabin Air Quality Sy-Klone’sSystems.efficient particulate air (EPA) filters are 99 per cent efficient at 0.3 microns. The filter media is specifically designed to meet the demands of mine sites and other
• real-time cabin monitoring
ISO 23875 cabin air requirements
• Max CO2 level: First alarm threshold ambient CO2 level plus 400 parts per million (PPM) and second alarm threshold of 2500 PPM.
“Based on customer feedback, we engineered a new filter to bring industrial hygiene and maintenance
• Real-time monitoring: Monitor must include an audible alarm for CO2 and pressurisation to alert the operator when levels exceed the permissible pressure and CO2 thresholds.
• Cabin pressurisation levels: Operator enclosures must maintain a minimum of 20 Pa with key on and HVAC blower turned off.
“The need to protect machine operator air quality is a high-level strategic goal for mine operators, but the efficacy of health and safety programs is only as good as the ability to consistently implement and maintain the controls in the field.”
• defined levels of CO2
“Our team has worked with mining stakeholders, including health and safety and maintenance teams, for decades,” Sy-Klone International vice president for sales and marketing Austin Browne said.
The success of a cabin air quality program is closely tied to the ability to introduce and maintain the program without undue burden.
The new filter media is engineered to protect worker air quality by arresting microscopic airborne contaminants, while having better airflow than traditional HEPA filters, extending filter life and supporting better air conditioning system performance.

• Updated filter efficiency requirements (amended June 2022): Filtration that exceeds 94 per cent efficiency at 0.3 microns is recommended. Filters must pass the required air intake leakage and particle decay tests.
ISO 23875 provides a consistent approach to the design, testing, operation, and maintenance of air quality systems in operator enclosures.
“ISOrequirements.23875hasbeen very well received in Australia and
The standard, published in February 2021 and amended in June 2022, specifies performance and engineering requirements, which include:
Sy-Klone’s RESPA precleaner, pressuriser and high-efficiency
Amy Rice emphasised the company’s focus on delivering innovations that solve complex air quality challenges.
Dust suppression
With the addition of EPA filters, Sy-Klone offers a complete line of interchangeable filtration options.
mind, supporting exposure reduction efforts to keep workers safer and more productive,” she said. “Sy-Klone’s new EPA filters are an example of our team’s ability to translate end user air quality needs into new technology.
“Sy-Klone has a longstanding history in the Australian market, working closely with our local distribution partners to supply propriety air quality solutions that protect machine operators, as well as machine engines.
filtration system allows end users to change filters based on the specific occupational exposure being addressed. The Sy-Klone filter line includes particulate filters, with multiple high-efficiency options, including Merv 16, EPA, and HEPA, as well as carbon odour filters and gas-specific, activated carbon gas Sy-Klone’sfilters.chief executive officer
“Sy-Klone is committed to protecting worker air quality in the most extreme and demanding environments. Our clean air solutions provide mine site operators peace of
“Reducing downtime events while increasing air quality protection delivers mine operators a double win.”

teams a combo solution – a filter that advances health and safety programs and keeps machines running longer,” Browne“Sy-Klone’ssaid. EPA filters provide the protection of a high-efficiency filter, with improved airflow that supports longer filter life, optimal air conditioning performance, and a machine’s ability to meet planned maintenance intervals.
“We look forward to extending our partnerships throughout Australia’s mining community to address critical air quality challenges for many years to come.”
Dust flying up on unsealed roads is one of the most common ways particulates are released on a mine site.
artin provides the most innovative bulk material control components in the industry. Self-adjusting skirting, wear liners and dust curtains effectively seal belts. Support cradles eliminate belt sagging and pinch points. Engineered transfer chutes are designed for optimal dust containment and air flow management.

Our components reduce harmful conditions for workers and equipment, decrease maintenance and insurance costs, and increase overall productivity. Got dirt? Martin can help clean up your act.
Keep the dust out of the air and fugitive material off the ground with Martin skirting, curtains, cradles and more For service, training and sales call 1300 627 364. For more information, visit Martin Engineering Australia Pty Ltd, 20 Em Harley Drive, Burleigh Heads, QLD, 4220 Martin Engineering Perth, 50 Vigilant Terrace, Ocean Reef, WA, 6027

“On mine sites, whether it’s operators in air-conditioned cabs, production and maintenance teams, or nearby
“By treating roads with our dustsuppression product, it means that you don’t have to water them as frequently, reducing the potential for uncontrolled vehicle movement,” Hoskin said.
ffective dust management is an important operational consideration for Australia’s large and complex resources and construction industries.
“The industry encounters a lot of musculoskeletal injuries from vehicle operators moving across poorlymaintained road surfaces,” Hoskin said.
Dust suppression
The company has developed an extensive range of dust-control products employed across road transportation networks, including haul roads and access roads, as well as engaging in the design, manufacture, installation, commissioning and maintenance of bespoke dustsuppression systems within material handling and preparation plants.
“The company has a focus on mining, heavy industry, large civil construction
“However,said. wet roads create other dangers, including vehicle instability and slippage, especially for large haulage trucks.”Bytreating the road with a dust suppressant comprising binder properties, the requirement to routinely re-water the road is removed, which helps mitigate uncontrolled vehicle movement as a water-soaked road maintains less friction than a dry road.
Additional health and safety benefits flow from Dust-A-Side’s roadmanagement solutions.

Dust-A-Side specialises in dustcontrol management beyond simply applying water to a road surface.
“With our effective road-management solutions, where we can stabilise the road with a proven chemical bond, we can produce smoother surfaces and reduce these types of injuries.”
Dust-A-Side is also a member of Austmine, a large network of diverse Australian companies involved in the mining equipment, technology and services sector.
In addition to the clear safety advantages associated with this type of technology, other operational benefits include productivity improvements and cost-efficiencies. Road surface improvements and dust suppression lead directly to reductions in unplanned vehicle downtime as a result of repairs andOthermaintenance.thanroads, Dust-A-Side undertakes vital dust management on mining operations, civil construction sites, quarries and ports, where material handling requires an integrated solution.
The product, manufactured in Australia under licence by Dust-ASide’s parent company COLAS Group, assists in controlling fugitive dust and stabilises the wearing course layer on permanent haul roads.

Dust control or suppression has a direct link to the health and safety of on-site workers and the general public, positively impacts the productivity and cost-efficiency of industry, and plays a significant role in protecting theForenvironment.almost50 years, Dust-A-Side has been at the forefront of providing sitespecific dust control, road management and erosion control systems for multiple industry applications.
Dust-A-Side’s DAS product is a bespoke dust-suppression response especially designed for the mining industry, utilising proprietary bitumen emulsion technology.
A withapproachcustomer-focusedtodealingdust
Dust-A-Side specialises in dustcontrol management systems that move beyond simply applying water to the road surface.
and infrastructure projects,” Neil Hoskin, Dust-A-Side chief operating officer for the Asia-Pacific region, told Safe to Work
“On most mine sites or heavy construction sites, the standard method of dust suppression is to utilise water,” Hoskin
“High dust levels can also have an impact on the environment, and this can be very impactful if it is not identified and effectively managed.”
communities, we’re engaged in dust reduction and reducing the respirable dust that people are exposed to on the ground,” said Hoskin.
Dust-A-Side operates in a holistic manner by delivering custom management service to its customers aiming to deliver measurable results through the most appropriate use of product, application method and equipment.

specific tailored solutions for the customer based on their requirements.”

the project. We provide a form of active supervision to ensure our technologies are being implemented correctly, as well as manage the ongoing operation through various reporting methods.
“Whether it’s in the roads or the materials handling space, we go in and examine the specific project,” Hoskin said.
“We make sure our product technologies are the right fit for the conditions, and that they are used correctly by our customers in order to get the best Dust-A-Sideresults.”hasa service-orientated approach that differentiates it in the market and has led to long-standing client relationships in Australia and overseas.Thecompany is proud of its external accreditation for haul-road and dustcontrol management services to ISO 9001 quality management, ISO 14001 environmental management and ISO 45001 health and safety.
Beyond the bitumen emulsion DAS product that is applied to road surfaces, Dust-A-Side achieves substantial operational dust reductions via a range of site-specific products.

“We have a full-service model, where we can come in and provide a turnkey solution for our clients and we take ownership and accountability, and the client can measure us on their KPIs (key performance indicators), be it dust levels or productivity gains.
“We don’t just sell dust-suppression products and technologies; we offer service and know-how,” Hoskin said.

“Our managed service model is where our customer wants to undertake

“If it was a road project, we would test the soil, test the water, we would seek to understand the nature of the construction, and we would formulate

Mining trucks kick up dust.

Sepura’s devices are able to repel dust from their speakers, while also being IP67-rated, which means they can be submerged under water or held under a running tap for cleaning.
Sepura’s TETRA radios are designed to be fit-for-purpose for mining organisations working in dusty, wet or dirty environments. The company’s range of accessories is a key part of its overall solution, providing flexible options for users in a variety of environments with multiple needs.

The value of communicationscritical
Dust that lands on electronic devices can sneak into small recesses and cavities, eventually reducing performance and affecting durability.
Sepura’s design teams have incorporated a number of intelligent features to help protect radio users, ensuring reliable, trusted communication that is ‘always on’. Vitally for mining users, this includes both dust suppression and water porting, which means the radios and accessories can maintain loud, clear audio when it’s needed most.
Having the ability to repel dust and water is vital, as many mines use water to dampen down roads and other on-site facilities in order to reduce the amount of dust thrown up in the air.
he threat of dust or dirt ingress into devices on a mine site is a significant risk, potentially causing stalled operations, lost revenue and immediate danger to staff on-site.
This Sepura radio and audio accessory, which operate with clarity despite accumulated dust, can be washed under a running tap.
Dust suppression
The units will be available for work straight away after cleaning and do not need to be dried.
sRSM fitted with the additional dust guard.
they can also continue to work during heavy downpours that can be a feature of outdoor work.
Anlocation.enlarged lip is also built around the buttons, meaning impacts are absorbed by the case of the device rather than the more delicate button, and dust ingress is further prevented.
Sepura’s mechanical testing labs ensure products are fit-for-purpose when released to the market.

Water drains away from the device and is expelled from the speakers by
To make sure capabilities such as dust suppression work, Sepura does extensive validation tests in its labs in the UK. This even includes a rain chamber that was built specially to replicate heavy monsoon-type rain. The company also performs mining organisations, so it can replicate

The dust guard adheres to the front of the product, covering the speaker
A number of features have been added to the sRSM, which Sepura completed after extensive consultation with mining users. These include bigger push-to-talk buttons, the relocation of the emergency button to the top of the device where it can intuitively be found in a crisis, and flexible clips and cables to work with the user’s size and use

Hon Bill Johnston MLA WA Minister for Mines and Petroleum, Energy, Corrective Services and Industrial Relations
WA Mining is the ultimate event for mining and engineering professionals. The high-calibre conference will explore the technological advancements in mine operations and how critical minerals and sustainability will drive the WA mining industry forward. Alongside the conference will be an expanded exhibition featuring over 100 leading suppliers where you can see first-hand the latest equipment and innovation shaping the sector.
Dr Jacqui AmiraCEOCoombesGlobal

Michelle Ash TechnologyLeadExecutive Oz Minerals

Dr Ross Lambie Chief MineralsEconomistCouncilofAustralia

“With the insertion of a high-strength stainless steel security mesh we’ve
Steel mesh guarding fabricated onsite is typically heavy and bulky. This presents safety issues and time delays, as removing it from conveyor systems to conduct repairs and maintenance often requires two or more workers.
While standard steel mesh guards can weigh in excess of 30kg, one of Diacon’s plastic mesh guards tops out at 16kg. Diacon’s alternative to steel mesh guarding has proven popular in many mine sites, keeping workers safe while conveyor belt systems are in operation.
Continual refinements to fabrication processes, coupled with improvements to plastics they utilise, has allowed Diacon to produce site-specific applications.
The fabrication of the lightweight plastic guarding takes place at Diacon’s facility in Mackay, where the company continues to innovate with cost-efficiency, durability and safety in mind.
Conveyor safety
All Diacon products are produced on a special-order basis, with customisable sizes and lengths. The company adopts state-of-the-art methodologies in the manufacturing and distribution of its products, incorporating a regime of rigorous product testing to support customers’ expectations for excellence.
Diacon is adaptive to customer needs and seeks to consistently meet their requirements. The company monitors user feedback to enhance its products and develop specific conveyor belt safety systems for individual customer needs.
From initially servicing the sugar industry in Mackay, Queensland, Diacon’s plastic guarding is now found in mine sites across Australia, as well as overseas in places like Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, New Caledonia and the UK.

Diacon’s ability to complete 3D scans of conveyor belts is useful in accurately designing and manufacturing plastic mesh guarding. On manufacturing the guarding, Diacon can conduct onsite installation, or provide advice to customers who plan their own installation.
This new product will sit comfortably alongside Diacon’s existing range, including the conveyor guard, the hungry board and the safety panel.
Using Diacon Australia’s plastic mesh guarding helps to offset scheduled or unplanned downtime by keeping workers safe when they need to undertake conveyor belt maintenance and repairs.
Diacon’s plastic guarding is now found in mine sites across Australia.
The company is currently trialling a new high-visibility conveyor belt guard utilising stainless steel mesh.
iacon Australia has been designing and manufacturing cutting-edge plastic mesh guarding to significantly enhance the operational safety of conveyor belts since 2010.
“Diacon’s safety guards exceed the expectations of end-users due to their very lightweight and robust construction,” Diacon managing director of consolidated engineering plastics products Brendan Refalo told Safe to Work. “The guards are simple to install. They mount on custommade bosses attached to brackets, and they have a unique slide-lock system that locks the guard – in accordance with Australian safety standards – into position with the use of a tool.
The company identified a need for improvements in the areas of conveyor safety, machinery guarding, work area demarcation and fall-protection.
“The slide-lock mechanism is captive within the guard, so it can’t get lost or come free and fall, as conveyor belts are often high above ground.
“Old conveyors without guarding and only narrow walkways that do not comply to Australian safety standards place operators very close to the moving conveyor, leading to errors of judgement and accidents,” Refalo explained.
managed to keep the price cost-effective, yet greatly improve the overall visibility through the guard,” Refalo said.
Working to revolutionise conveyor guards
“When the guards are removed from the mounting system, they actually can be hung on a nearby handrail. When most workers see this for the first time, they think, what a great idea, and it keeps the guard off the ground ensuring it doesn’t become a trip hazard.”

ver since the inception of underground mining, the danger of falling drill rods has been present.
The SafetySpear acts as an answer to a problem that has been around since the beginning of mechanical mining. Inserted into the holes bored by drills, the SafetySpear is able to catch the falling drill assembly and rapidly slow its descent, before stopping the drill assembly and locking it in place.
The first defence against falling drill assemblies
“The SafetySpear will set a new benchmark in uphole drilling risk management in our industry,” Ion Hann (left), VP Agnico Eagle Mines, Fosterville Gold Mine, Victoria, said.

“The SafetySpear is made up of two components, both made of different plastics and with different functions, to work together to stop the drill assemblies,” Sutton said.

This potential danger is what drove director of RattleJack Innovations Leigh Sutton to begin the process of developing and manufacturing the SafetySpear.
“We’vehole.moved away from the traditional measures, in that everything has to be made out of durable metals, because high-density steel wasn’t able to do what we need the SafetySpear to do to prevent an accident.
“We developed the SafetySpear out of the lack of controls in place for this type of accident,” Sutton told Safe to “ThereWork.are a lot of mines we visit that don’t realise falling drill assemblies are such a problem and, in turn, we’re able to say to them that we can effectively and safely remove that danger for them.
Engineered from high-impact plastic and polyurethane, the SafetySpear is a heavy-duty and yet light-to-handle solution that is effective in stopping
These drill assemblies are necessary to the process of underground mining, but when left abandoned within blast holes they exist as constant risks to operators and equipment within the space above which they sit.
Due to their construction, the drilling assemblies have the capacity to fall down following unforeseen potential system failure, resulting in a high-weight and high-speed object falling and impacting onto an area potentially populated by workers.
RattleJack Innovations director Leigh Sutton in front of surface test rig.
high-weight loads, while also being easy to transport and install.
“It’s quite a hard problem to solve, but we’ve found a reliable and easy to use solution to stop that incredibly sharp, high-energy impact.”
Underground safety
“Traditional methods like a groundsupport system and cement to block the drill holes have been used for years, but they aren’t suitable for preventing the accident, so they are only used because there previously was no
“Thealternative.beautyofthe SafetySpear is that it is designed for the high-impact loads of the drilling assemblies, unlike concrete and the support system, which are designed for gradual load.
“The strong high-impact plastic is the triggering mechanism and the polyurethane operates with a braking effect, in that it slows the descent of the drilling assembly, containing it within the blast
Underground testing at the Fosterville Gold Mine 2018: drill assemblies are necessary to the process of underground mining, but represent a potential hazard.
“It takes about two-and-a-half minutes to install the SafetySpear, which is incredible when compared to set-up and drying times of previous solutions and incredibly more efficient than the reclamation process of a potentially lost drill assembly.
Due to the makeup of the SafetySpear, it can be easily installed and operators can be confident that it will still be protecting their safety years down the track.
we go to has a story about a close call or an error when it comes to managing safety around drill assemblies,” Sutton said.
“Thesafety.high-impact safety system is able to protect underground miners, and though they might not hear the falling hazard coming at them or the SafetySpear stopping that hazard in its tracks, it will have gone about its business quietly to save someone’s life.” Sutton
“We have experience on these sites and with these operations, so we designed the SafetySpear with these experiences in mind.
“Accidentssaid. leave a trail behind in the end. Good safety systems don’t.”
“And that works for us – knowing that we can keep people safe at work and get them home to their families is what we set out to achieve and it is what the SafetySpear is successful at achieving.”
“Through making the safety measure quick and effective, it becomes a more attractive solution to businesses, which then guarantees the safety of their workers.”
Exemplifying innovation through creation of a safety solution that previously did not exist, the SafetySpear has been in use at the Fosterville Gold Mine in Victoria and WA’s Byrnecut Mining Australia operations, where the ‘catch, control to stop’ design saw success

“The benefits exist outside of the effectiveness of the SafetySpear in preventing the incursion of the drill assemblies, in that they are also lowweight due to being made of plastic and durable because they won’t corrode.”
Requiring only one machine to install, the SafetySpear effectively saves on time and money by allowing operators to continue with their workflow after installing the device, reducing operational costs and preventing unnecessary downtime.
Leigh Sutton after a successful test drop of the SafetySpear.
Promoting safer and more efficient underground mining operations, the SafetySpear has been nominated in the Excellence in Mine Safety, OH&S and Innovation Mining Solution categories of the Australian Mining
“With the SafetySpear, we aim to provide an effective solution that eliminates those risks and fits into the workflow to avoid instances where the wrong blast hole is covered.
“It can withstand these harsh punishments and still work as well as the day it was Additionally,installed.RattleJack Innovations has a focus on usability when it comes to the SafetySpear, designing it to be easy and time-efficient to install.
“We utilise the existing machinery that drills these holes to then install the SafetySpear, so no additional
“The SafetySpear’s cuttingedge materials ensure it can tolerate either hot or cold environments and rusting will not affect its functionality,” Sutton said.
in a variety of tests and practical applications.“Everymine
machinery is required to get the lifesaving protection in,” Sutton said.
“We’ve done the hard yards with our extensive Australia-wide battle testing and had the feedback from the operations that have trialled the SafetySpear to know that it does work and that it works well. You could be working underneath a blast hole and the SafetySpear engages to stop a falling assembly and you wouldn’t know, the sound is muffled due to the design.

The SafetySpear is one-of-akind, managing to be lightweight, durable and effective at filling a gap in mining
Falling drill assemblies constitute a low-probability, high-consequence event: they are not common, but the potential danger is ever-present and represents a life-threatening situation for workers in the area.
Panellists at the Gold Industry Group’s Leadership Breakfast, facilitated by Cannings Purple director Peter Klinger, highlighted the need for industry to look forward and work towards solutions that ensure psychologically safe workplaces, free of prejudice, are the minimum standard.
“We need to stop patting ourselves on the back for how much we have done and moveTheforward.”firststep is to acknowledge and accept the need for authentic change, according to Evolution Mining executive chairman Jake Klein, who also applauded Rio Tinto for its honesty in the Broderick report.
undreds attended the open and honest discussion held by the Gold Industry Group at the Kalgoorlie Town Hall during the recent 2022 Diggers & Dealers conference. Guests were told of the critical need for people in the contemporary workplace to be allowed to live their values as their authentic selves, and people working within all facets of the mining industry must be empowered to speak up and call out unacceptable behaviour when they encounter it.
“We must stop saying we are so much better than we were 30 years ago. That is not good enough,” she said.
“Boards need to accept that the levels of incidents will go up. You are asking people to report, there are ugly truths to be brought to the surface.
“There has been a change in the standards of what is
business leaders have to facilitate work environments where people feel empowered to be their best selves, starting with accountability of the individual to call out inappropriate behaviour.“Wetalk about unlocking the potential of our assets, but this starts with unlocking the potential in our people,” she said.
Prejudice-free workplaces are the new standard
“Leadersacceptable.haveasignificant role to play here, to hold people to account for theirFreshstandards.”offleading West Coast Fever to their maiden Super Netball League premiership, head coach Dan Ryan brought an industry outsiders’ perspective to the discussion, drawing parallels between managing the culture in a high-performing sporting team to seeking similar outcomes in a highperformance workplace.
“If you see something and don’t say something you are part of the problem,” Ryan said. “We are all responsible for holding each other to account.
“It is the responsibility for everyone to play their part. Everyone is just
The consensus among Northern Star Resources’ Sharon Warburton, Evolution Mining’s Jake Klein, Gold Fields’ Karen Bradshaw, and West Coast Fever’s Dan Ryan was that real change was needed across the gold mining sector.
Workplace challenges are playing out across the whole of corporate Australia,

and the business community must come together to affect real workplace change, noted Northern Star Resources’ nonexecutive director Sharon Warburton.
The first step in improving workplaces is to acknowledge and accept the need for authentic change, the panel said.
“We have had a reality check in this industry,” he said. “We have an obligation to accept that this is the reality. We need to deal with it, to recognise it is real.
“I see an opportunity for genuine and positiveAccordingchange.”toGold Fields’ vice president, people and engagement (Australasia) Karen Bradshaw,
“One of the things we know is people are uncomfortable speaking up,” Bradshaw said.
“Our influential diversity debates and leadership forums are driving important discussions on key issues, and our support of women’s sport and education is highlighted through our landmark partnership with West Coast Fever, Netball WA and Shooting Stars, empowering Aboriginal girls and women.”

L–R: Peter Klinger, Kelly Carter, Jake Klein, Sharon Warburton, Karen Bradshaw, and Dan Ryan.
“Between mining and other sectors, the level of conversation does not differ, but the starting point of where we are and where we need to go is different.
For Bradshaw, one of the biggest hurdles in achieving a respectful and inclusive workplace a reluctance to speak up about incidents as they occur. She said leaders must be more observant and hold people to account for psychological safety.
“Not all resources companies have the same level of resources. The bigger companies sharing with the juniors is important,” Warburton said.
to consider careers in the gold industry, as does our gold jobs platform, and our communications profile women in the industry across a range of roles.

Warburton suggested education would play an important role and help with establishing best practice.
“We need to look across all of Australia for the Theresolutions.”isnowan invaluable opportunity for the sector to reposition itself and further leverage the work of the Gold Industry Group via its capacity to champion long-term industry initiatives, noted its chair Kelly Carter.
“Diversity and inclusion have long been at the core of the Gold Industry Group’s role. This has also included activities that continue to strengthen the reputation of the gold sector with our stakeholders,” she said.
“Reflected across everything we do nationally, our perception-changing National Gold Education Program continues to inspire thousands of students
as important. If the buck stops with one person, the change doesn’t necessarily come.”
“There must be different pathways for raising issues. People must feel comfortable with their reporting avenues.”

In relation to hose reels, JSG’s three
Through incidents of wear, abrasions and kinking, or being caught in machinery or affected by vehicle movement, hose damage leads to costly repairs, unplanned downtime, and lost efficiency.
“If the hose is not being used, they need to be wound and stored correctly.
JSG provides reels that are designed to safely rewind and be correctly stored away from hazardous locations, including service vehicles and machinery sites.
Rolling out reel safety and productivity
Priding itself on being able to work with suppliers, JSG shares technical information and makes continual improvements to manufacturing processes to maintain a competitive advantage.

Workplace safety is another key consideration, with problems arising from improperly stored hoses.
“The whole purpose of a hose reel is to ensure hoses are properly stored. Hose reels revolve around safety, they are designed to eliminate any trip hazards that are on the workshop floor or in the immediate are of a service vehicle,” JSG Industrial Systems flow product manager James Slowgrove told Safe to Work
SG Industrial Systems is in the business of providing robust, functional, and practical hose management solutions.
“We are reducing our operator time lost to injury through safely storing hoses.”
With more than 50 years’ experience, JSG understands the implications of poor hose management, especially in and around reciprocating or moving machinery, often resulting in ruptures and damage.
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Australian Resources & Investment is the country’s premier journal dedicated to providing cutting-edge insights into resource developments in Australia and around the world. Special feature articles include the best minds in the industry and examine investment, exploration and extraction, recruitment, engineering and mine management.


“There are also generalisations in the industry – such as ‘you don’t have to stop the conveyor to clean around it’ or ‘dust
is just a fact of life’ – that are accepted as truisms in conveyor operations, when in fact many efficiency and safety issues have been addressed by modern equipment designs and procedures.
One of the issues facing conveyor operations is the expertise and
While the loss of communal industry knowledge is an issue, it also creates an opportunity to improve operations through expert third-party Factory-trainedtraining.specialists who focus on overall conveyor performance and safety, rather than solely component function, can deliver thorough and objective instruction that’s unaffected by potential biases present within a company.
s with many types of industrial equipment, one of the most important elements of safe and efficient conveyor operation is properBulktraining.handling conveyors are typically massive, powerful systems that can move tonnes of material per hour, often in complex networks and over long distances, minimising costs while performing work that would otherwise create labour and logistical nightmares.
“Most conveyor education comes from vendors of systems and components, as suppliers can train very well on how their products should be maintained and installed and what problems they can solve,” Martin Engineering training manager Jerad Heitzler said.
Safety training
knowledge leaving many industries when experienced staff members retire. And this lack of skills retention is compounded by many operations lacking qualified conveyor trainers.
“But much of this type of training is done from the vendor’s or manufacturer’s own point of view. Rarely is training available that addresses the plant or mine personnel’s perspective.
Best practice: Bulk handling specialists conduct a site-specific analysis before any training sessions.
However, the size, speed and power of bulk handling conveyors also present the risk of a major injury that can occur in the blink of an eye.
“It’s easy to perpetuate bad habits unless operations personnel have solid, real-world knowledge in bulk material handling and can make educated decisions when addressing problems.”
Conveyor training: Key to
“ training can be incredibly costly to a plant, with direct and indirect costs from every accident,” Swinderman said.
“When plants ensure workers have sufficient training on particular risks, the risks and costs are minimised.
Case studies revealing the positive relationships between safety and productivity are backed up by organisations that gather global statistics on accidents and incidents. The joint benefit generated through increased safety and productivity affects operations in a way that isn’t typically seen by workers
Successful trainers in the industry develop a site-specific curriculum that relates directly to the individual facility. They are also are adept at delivering information that not only educates but motivates learners to change behaviours.
“Most are not bulk handling specialists, and even among those that focus on conveyors, their offerings are rarelyTheplant-specific.”nuancesofan individual facility and its equipment cannot be suitably addressed by a generic program presented to all bulk handlers, as Heitzler highlights with the pitfalls of generalised training that are “often piecemeal, with little follow-up to evaluate progress toward plant-specific goals and spotty access to industry experts”.
Optimising a conveyor system requires an advanced understanding of how fugitive material relates to safety and an awareness of the newest technologies to control dust and spillage, as well as the ability to accommodate changing production demands and use existing designs to meet those demands.
advantages over the competition.
“Indirect costs are harder to understand, and often the return on investment is unclear to personnel at the plant
In contrast, Martin Engineering advocates for reputable educators with a specific focus on expert conveyor training who will guide personnel along a path of best practices and continuous learning.
An effective approach to training examines a plant’s specific conveyor challenges and enables companies to run cleaner, safer and more productive operations by treating the root causes of itsWhenproblems.workers and management are able to understand why certain actions are important, as well as the cascading effects that result from improper training, they are put in a better position to adjust behaviours and see benefits.
“While the goal of many training efforts is to maximise productivity, a key element in achieving this objective is improving safety, minimising injuries and the associated repercussions.”
Most operations personnel are expected to know the basics of how conveyors operate, but they may not be fully aware of their limits, safety protocols and best maintenance practices.

“Expertlevel. training helps bridge that gap, and instead of simply teaching workers how to maintain a conveyor system, educators must also help students understand the consequences of not performing adequate maintenance.”
critical for making informed operating and repair decisions, and conveyor operators and maintenance personnel are increasingly in need of a deeper understanding of the entire system.
Some companies continuously focus on an effective training culture, thereby improving safety from the top down. Organisations that embrace this approach show significant performance
“All of these factors indicate a need for training that is specifically tailored to individual sites and operations,” Heitzler said. “The one-size-fits-all approach is becoming less attractive – and less effective – with each passing year.”
Bad habit: Factory-trained specialists will help operators avoid risky behaviours.
“The proof is reflected in safety, productivity and environmental records, along with above-industry-average financial returns and share prices,” Martin Engineering president and chief operating officer emeritus Todd Swinderman said.
“Some plants lack a deeper understanding of equipment limitations, which encourages workers to treat symptoms such as fugitive material by
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The BOApod is a fit-for-purpose mobile hose repair and maintenance facility.


“Demand Manager effectively buys the rights to the carbon credits off the mine, so they don’t have to worry about the compliance and financial complexity of the carbon credits,” Bye said.
“That market of carbon credits is foreign to 99 per cent of businesses in Australia. They don’t understand how many credits, what the credits are worth, what’s the trading market for those certificates, what’s the legislative and compliance regimes, which is all very
Demand Manager recently secured a contract with a gold mine in WA installing a one-megawatt (MW) solar system. The mine received an upfront rebate of $150,000 and is in the process of pricing an additional 5MW for the site.
Energy solutions
“We now work across Australia predominantly on the provision of environmental certificates, essentially a range of varying carbon credits that are designed to encourage both individuals and business to do the right thing for the environment through clean energy upgrades,” Bye told Safe to Work
avigating the complexities of Australia’s energymethodologiesenergytradingin-depthingenerouselectricityachievereliable,years,andsolutionsreliableexperienced,meansenergy-savingmultipleschemesorganisationsrequireknowledgeableandadvice.DemandManagerhasprovidedenergytoresidential,commercialindustrycustomersovermanyofferinganarrayofresponsible,andprovenapproachesthatemissionreductionsandreduceexpenditure–oftenwitharebate.JeffByefoundedDemandManger2005withtheaimofleveraginghisknowledgeandexpertiseincarboncreditsacrossmultiplemarketstodeveloptailoredforserviceprovidersandcustomers.
“If a business in Sydney, Melbourne or Adelaide – for instance, a factory or industrial complex – wishes to remove
“Over the last 17 years we have grown to become a big creator and trader in carbon credits. That’s our core business.”
There are many opportunities for funding energy-efficiency and emissionsreduction projects. Demand Manager can navigate regulatory requirements and the verification processes, and assist with advice relating to installation and financing options.
Lighting the way for energy-saving businesses
Modern and efficient lighting solutions are becoming increasingly essential in all types of industries in Australia.

“In Western Australia there are mines that have installed large solar power arrays, and when you install a big system you’re achieving two things in one: you’re getting kilowatt hours of electricity generated on-site and not sourced from the grid or diesel generators, and you are also creating a stream of income from the renewal energy credits.
inefficient lighting and install modern LED lighting, the governments in those jurisdictions have set up energy-saving schemes that offer financial incentives that we have the expertise in accessing, so as to reduce capital expenditure, improve cost-efficiencies and reduce energy consumption,” Bye said.
“Andcomplex.that’s where Demand Manager steps in to provide advice and guidance.”
The target supports small-scale solar installations – for example, rooftop solar – through the issue of Small Technology Certificates (STCs). It also supports larger scale solar and wind power projects through the issuing of Large Generation Certificates (LGCs).
Australian businesses that want to install modern LED lighting are often eligible for financial incentives.
“For companies in the mining sector that are looking for a high-performing and incredibly safe light, this product is for them. It’s a plug-and-play lighting solution that we believe is an ideal solution for extreme operating environments.
Demand Manager works closely with customers to explore specific energy solutions under a collection of energy schemes across Australia, including the NSW Energy Savings Scheme (ESS), the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target (VEET) and the South Australian Retail Energy Productivity Scheme (REPS), and the Federal Government’s Renewable Energy Target (RET).
(MWh) of energy savings. Customers can receive a rebate for their activities through the ESS.
This unit is a 150W industrial light designed for extreme operating conditions such as those found in the mining, heavy industry, and civil engineering sectors.
“In essence, we pay an upfront sum and then we own the rights to those certificates up until the conclusion of the scheme. In this way, the mine has certainty in the value of their certificates, and they can use that certainty to upgrade to a larger solar system or defray their upfront costs.
The ESS issues ESCs for activities that reduce electricity consumption, such as LED lighting upgrades. One ESC represents one megawatt per hour
Eligible carbon abatement projects can claim ACCUs through the Federal Government’s Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF), which is the only national scheme facilitating technologyagnostic emissions reduction incentives, or sell them on the private market to corporate clients looking to offset their emissions.
The SA Government’s REPS is slightly different to the NSW and Victorian programs in that there are no certificates, rather a rebate per gigajoule of energy savings.
The VEET operates by placing a liability on large energy retailers in Victoria to surrender a specified number of energy efficiency certificates every year. Each certificate represents a tonne of greenhouse gas abated and is known as a Victorian Energy Efficiency CertificateDemand(VEEC).Manager is accredited to create VEECs for commercial lighting upgrades and can assist in with the intricacies of certificate trading.
A LIGHTING SOLUTION Demand Manager can supply significant numbers of its technologically advanced and extremely safe LED high bay lamp.
Demand Manager is also accredited to provide Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates (EECs) for projects under the VEET.
On the renewable side of the sector, the RET is a federal scheme designed to increase the proportion of renewable energy in Australia.
“There are very strict requirements around the type of products that are suitable for energy schemes and our LED high bay light fully matches these stringent safety requirements.”

One LGC represents 1MWh of renewable electricity being generated; for example, a mine that installs largescale solar could be eligible for one LGC for every 1MWh of generation, and this is the stream of certificates that Demand Manager offers to pay upfront for customers or other hedgingAustralianoptions.Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) represent another way the Federal Government supports carbon reduction for activities such as avoided deforestation, methane abatement and soil carbon capture.
Demand Manager is one of the largest creators of Energy Saving Certificates (ESC) for NSW projects under the ESS.
“We provide a tailored solution for the customer, so they’ve got greater certainty around the value of those renewable energy credits.”
The high bay light is certified to operate in Zone 20, 21 and 22 locations, and is immediately available for purchase from Demand Manager. It also comes with a potential financial incentive.
“This light has been extensively tested and certified to operate in explosive environments, as well as meeting all of the requirements and certification for access to all of the state and federal government energy grants,” Bye said
“If a mining operation in New South Wales, Victoria or South Australia wanted to install our high bay light, then there’s a very good chance they would attract a rebate, which could be a substantial amount of the upfront installation costs, perhaps as much as 90 per cent,” Bye said.
Mining and professionalsengineeringheadwest
“We’re in an exciting place postCOVID – while there are certainly difficult things to contemplate like digital risk and the rising importance of ESG, there’s also the bright potential of technology, data science and new research to illuminate the way Colemanforward.”islooking forward to presenting on the innovation opportunities for the industry. She said the conference and idoba’s goals were very similar: bringing together technology, process and people to cocreate sustainable solutions for a better future.“The world is fast changing and increasingly more turbulent,” she said.
The conference’s themes cover critical minerals, digital and autonomous systems, decarbonisation and ESG.

Industry events
“Epiroc continues to live our motto, ‘dare to think new’, in an industry with rapidly evolving technologies to bring about higher levels of safety, efficiencies and sustainability for our customers,” he said. “Partnering with WA Mining is just one way that we can help bring technology to the forefront of operations.”WAMining’s conference program features a line-up of more than 40 speakers, including conference chair Ric
O for mining and engineering professionals is back, with the WA Mining Conference and Exhibition taking place on October 12–13.Tobe held at the Perth Conference and Exhibition Centre, the WA Mining Conference and Exhibition showcases technical and digital innovation, bringing together suppliers, engineers and thought leaders for a two-day event. This year’s expanded exhibition will showcase the latest tech and digital solutions across the entire mining value chain.The conference will bring together experts, industry and academia to illustrate the technical and digital evolution transforming the mining industry in Western Australia, while showcasing the economic importance
sector makes to state and federal economies.Platinum partner Epiroc encourages industry, technology experts and site personnel to attend, with national sales manager capital equipment Rod Hermann saying that technology in particular helps to move the needle in a number of key areas.
“The problems and challenges we are facing have too many variables to
The conference’s themes cover critical minerals, digital and autonomous systems, decarbonisation and environmental, social and governance (ESG), and an industry outlook, presented by leaders in government, research, the Minerals Council of Australia, and the private sector.
Gros and tech trailblazer Sarah Coleman, chief executive officer of idoba.
Gros said it was an honour to chair the conference, which highlights some of the biggest challenges facing the mining industry in WA and across the country.“WAMining is an important milestone for the state’s resources sector, as it’s never been more important to share our knowledge for a successful future,” he said.
An expanded exhibition will showcase the latest technology and digital solutions across the entire mining value chain.

revolution drive by fundamental societal and market shifts across environmental, social and governance.

The conference is complemented by the free-to-attend exhibition, which features technology demonstrations and workshop sessions presented by leading technology companies. More than 90 suppliers will be on display, including Epiroc, Acubis Technologies, Control
“Events like the WA Mining Conference and Exhibition are valuable opportunities for us to come together, because no one individual or organisation has the solution to address these complex problems.
“Change is no longer a choice for industries, especially mining – an industry already grappling with digital evolution, while simultaneously navigating the
Systems Technology, Atlas Copco, Emesent, Schlam, ifm efector and SageExhibitionAutomation.director Samantha Martin said the team was excited to bring the WA Mining Conference and Exhibition back to Perth after two years of COVID disruptions putting the event on hold.
“It takes diverse perspectives and skills to challenge the status quo, break down the traditional ways of thinking and the outdated approach to hierarchies so that we can make sense of the issues and adaptively respond to them.”
consider and we’re finding ourselves, our systems and our traditional problemsolving approaches ineffective in dealing with the depth of these complexities.

“There’s so much on offer, particularly for site personnel, technology leads and engineers who are interested in integrating technology to work in a safer or smarter way,” she said. “The technologies that are presented are extraordinarily eye-opening and certainly industry-leading.“We’reproudto make WA Mining Conference and Exhibition an event that really makes attendees think, whether that’s in the conference’s thoughtleadership sessions or the expo’s technological attractions.”

Mining equipment goes through a lot of unseen wear and tear and the right coat of paint can go a long way in lengthening its lifespan. But it’s not as simple as one might think.
“This leads to a premature failure, exposing the equipment to corrosion attacks, an early onset of decay and a decrease in its ability to perform as it should.”Anditis exactly these concerns that Vitrethane 650 is designed to address. The isocyanate-free polyurethane topcoat has been engineered to resist adverse impacts on a mine site, all while reducing worker harm.
Mining haul trucks are a classic example of machinery where the machines bodies are subject to impact.
These risks can include long-term respiratory illnesses, allergic contact dermatitis, or skin and respiratory sensitisation.
“We have engineered the optimum formula that is suited to the harsh environment of the mining industry.”
Many companies currently use coatings like enamels, catalysed acrylics, or modified epoxies to reduce worker harm, but these materials can be brittle and often have poor impact-resistance.
Vitrethane 650 is a premium-quality two-pack isocyanate-free polyurethane topcoat. By utilising full polyurethane technology, it is able to cure without the use of harmful chemicals, ensuring a safer and more durable coating.
These coatings are also said to be less able to withstand atmospheric elements like acid rain, salt sulphates, or ultraviolet (UV) exposure, all of which can lead to an early breakdown of the coating and, in turn, expose the machinery to corrosion. In some cases, this may lead to a shortened machine lifecycle or a reduction in its ability to function properly.“Asthese coatings break down, the integrity of the paint and the substrate is affected,” Chesterfield said.
site can be an unforgiving environment for people and machineryCorrosionalike.isa constant threat to machinery in the Australian resources sector, especially from the often-harsh climate and chemicals that come with being underground.

Painting the machinery can come with its own risk to workers, as many paints contain harmful chemicals such as isocyanates.Isocyanates have been commonly used as a catalyst for polyurethane paints since 1952; however, the health risks associated with exposure have only recently become clear.
“Vitrethaneexplained.650’sresistance to adverse damages such as reverse impact is critical to achieving the best value from
Luckily, globally recognised Australian industrial coating manufacturer A&I Coatings has come up with a solution.
The greatest risk to workers’ safety comes from direct exposure through physical contact or inhalation to isocyanates.Thepropertraining, supervision, and personal protective equipment can limit risk. But, as the saying goes, prevention is better than cure and removing the harmful chemical altogether is best.
“Commonly used coatings such as modified epoxy and catalysed acrylics have poor reverse impact (resistance), often shattering and delaminating on the outsides of the machine bodies from the impact of rock or other hard material falling into the tray,” Chesterfield

But the benefits of Vitrethane 650 don’t stop at being less harmful to those working with it. The new topcoat is also designed to be more sustainable and more durable than traditional products.
A&I Coatings has developed the first isocyanate-free polyurethane coating for painting machinery.
Chemical safety
Prevention is better than cure
“For the last 12 months, our research and development team have been working on the first isocyanatefree polyurethane coating, called Vitrethane 650,” A&I Coatings business development and customer satisfaction manager Bill Chesterfield said.
the haul truck and the truck body.”
JSG Industrial Systems offering of hose reels are designed with rugged serviceability and durability in mind. Built to last, the comprehensive range of reels are engineered for various industries ranging from the Mining & Heavy Industrial applications through to the specialised applications often found in the food and beverage industry. In addition, the hose reel range reduces OH&S risks by providing safe products with various drive types available to suit every installation.
Our strength comes from high-quality distribution partners who manage installation, service, technical support & training nationwide.
Many machinery paints contain toxic chemicals that can harm a worker’s health.
In addition, Vitrethane 650 has a very low odour, which helps to reduce the concentration of contaminates in the air, further reducing the impact on air quality.
Users of Vitrethane 650 can expect the topcoat to function like any high-performing polyurethane, from chemical-, abrasion- and adhesion-

for a specific application and withstand adverse effects or damages.”
“Now companies can be assured that they can safety use a polyurethane coating and not have to compromise in the quality, while knowing that there is no risk of exposure to harmful chemicals,” Chesterfield said. PERFORMANCE MATTERS

JSG Industrial Systems | | 1300 277 454 Quality Engineered Systems Lubrication Management | Flow Management | Fire Suppression
“By displaying the desired balance of mechanical properties, such as flexibility, impact-resistance, surface hardness, toughness and adhesion, Vitrethane 650 can go above the service requirements
“It also reduces workplace risks and negative health side-effects.”

resistance to weathering performance and flexibility, all without endangering the workers’Polyurethanehealth.
Not only does Vitrethane 650’s durability help to ensure equipment longevity and worker health, it allows mine sites to continue to function at peak productivity, avoiding higher levels of downtime that come with continuously re-painting machinery. Similarly, a machine needing to be taken off-site to be repaired due to corrosion would incur more“Wecosts.saw there was a need in the market for a high-performing and extremely durable coating that could withstand the harsh environment and did not contain isocyanates,” Chesterfield said.
coatings are popular the mining, and Vitrethane 650 means this can stay the case – but in a safer way.

To ensure Vitrethane 650 works for all applications, the topcoat is available in an unlimited colour range, with colour, gloss retention and chemical resistance equal to that of a high-quality polyurethane.“Vitrethane 650 is creating a pathway to a sustainable future for both the workplace and environment,” Chesterfield said.

The company’s Avetta One is a supply chain risk management (SCRM) software platform that gives businesses the ability to measure and remediate ESG compliance issues as well as fulfilling other supplier qualification requirements.

An increased demand from investors and shareholders for greater corporate disclosure, along with confirmation of regulatory performance, has amplified attention on organisations’ ability of to demonstrate their ESG credentials.
Avetta chief product officer Taylor Allis.
Avetta understands organisations operating in an interconnected world are only as strong as their network of suppliers.
ecent years have seen environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria become a fundamental set of standards when measuring and assessing the behaviour of companies and their supply chain.
This type of solution is especially valuable in the mining industry, which has a long tradition of engaging with mandated regulatory and compliance regimes, as highlighted by Avetta
As supply chains recover from the global pandemic, any organisation operating in today’s deeply interconnected world is only as strong as its network of suppliers. Progress, however, brings many complexities and new risk factors abound, ensuring that organisations are constantly monitoring and mitigating threats to their ESG and sustainability practices and processes.
Under these circumstances, the absence of effective ESG and sustainability control measures may lead to a prevalence of negative extremal processes and events, giving rise to risks in the form of unethical work practices, forced labour, corruption, slavery, climate crisis and other serious outcomes.
As the world’s largest supply chain risk compliance network, Avetta understands that every supply chain is unique and has a diverse range of risk factors, leading the company to design and implement a holistic compliance framework for businesses.
senior vice president of APAC Adam“TheBoyle.mining industry maintains a very solid understanding of ESG and sustainability, and has done so over a long time,” Boyle told Safe to Work

The growth in demand for business and supply-chain transparency, positive societal changes, and reductions in negative environment practices is all being driven by new
Keeping supply-chain ESG links strong
legislation and consumer pressure.
“Mining companies have long monitored and managed ESG factors but, increasingly, the impact downstream with the supply base has become critical.
Up to 90 per cent of an organisation’s ESG footprint is in its supply chain, yet it is not easy to determine what sustainability measures are material to the hiring client and what goals make sense for each“Whatsupplier.isnew in the ESG and sustainability space is both the terminology and the manner in which companies measure, report and remediate ESG compliance issues, especially when extending this regime to suppliers,” Avetta chief product officer Taylor Allis told Safe to Work
It also enables automated and standardised evaluation of suppliers, enabling a company to qualify suppliers via auto-scored ESG evaluations based on a broad spectrum of universal standards.
“The software is very sophisticated and accounts for the growing regulatory landscape, currently driven by Germany and the United States, delivering actionable information based upon all these new industry regulations and standards.
“Today, companies need to report on what percentage of their suppliers are meeting diversity goals or are maintaining appropriate greenhouse gas or carbon reduction programs and many requirements, and they are measuring these criteria against global or local standards to be disclosed to shareholders or made available in public
“When you manage compliance in the supply chain, you need to remove confusion around these programs and our data-driven platform is designed to remove the guess work.”
A supplier ESG index is generated against standards, regulations and codes of conduct, with the platform providing a collaborative way for companies and suppliers to remediate gaps, optimise resource allocation, and enable stakeholder awareness of ESG and sustainability progress.
Avetta One assists organisations in mapping suppliers’ relevant ESG requirements, with all applicable suppliers guided through the registration process until an evaluation is complete.
“Avetta’s software collects a company’s ESG and sustainability information and, importantly, the information of its suppliers, and stores it in a single, accessible database,” Allis said.

The Avetta platform allows a company to access a centralised SCRM hub in order to obtain a holistic view and to manage ESG and sustainability risks and perform diligence checks across all supplier tiers.

“We customise our assessments based on the type of supplier, so that we’re not asking questions regarding ESG in areas that the customer doesn’t need to track,” Allis said.
Companies receive a tailored, dynamic evaluation for all types of suppliers based on supplier
“This is the role Avetta plays in developing solutions for clients to measure and record not only their own ESG and sustainability results, but those of their suppliers, so that they may be fully informed of their performance standards.”
classification and specific clientOnerequirements.ofthekeyaspects of the platform is its ability for companies to evaluate and improve the ESG and sustainability maturity of their suppliers.Theability to track a supplier’s progress over time using incremental evaluations, as well as suggested actions to grow a supplier’s ESG score and sustainability program, is a powerful dimension of the Avetta OneWithplatform.afocus on customer-driven solutions, the Avetta One framework allows companies to drive growth within their own business, increasing market awareness and promoting employee development based on easily digestible exposure to targets.
in our software is all these various local and global industry regulations, which enables companies to measure their analytics and data against the appropriate standard.”
“Based on our initial research and survey of the company, we cater the questions and dialogue with that company to be focused solely on the standards and metrics that they have to track, enabling them to get the most out of our services.”
Avetta One assists organisations in mapping suppliers’ relevant ESG requirements.
• underground-operators/
The likes of BHP, Newcrest Mining, Agnico Eagle and Core Lithium will be presenting, along with original equipment manufacturers such as Caterpillar, Epiroc and FLSmidth.
By sharing and disseminating the knowledge gained from operations in Australia and around the world, AusIMM can assist in the provision of the raw materials needed.
For those who registered for the previous event dates, the tickets will have automatically transferred to the new dates.
The eighth IMARC comes to Sydney from November 2–4 after being relocated from Melbourne.
Taking place in Perth in 2022, the Australian Mining Prospect Awards are a great opportunity to recognise and acknowledge the people and companies in the mining sector for their outstanding work.
Offering a hybrid format that allows delegates to attend the conference either
in-person in Melbourne or online from anywhere in the world, AusRock 2022 follows on from earlier conferences that have successfully covered the various aspects of geotechnical engineering servicing the mining industry and shared best BHP,practices.Jennmar, DSI Underground and GSS have confirmed their support, with exhibitions set to be held by Rocscience, Minova, MineGeoTech and DSI AusRock2022Underground. will focus on new technologies and developments, industry needs, operational problem solving, and practical case studies which will be required for the future.
Major conference sponsor BHP will be in attendance, as well as a host of keynote speakers and exhibitors who will be announced closer to the event.
Having recently celebrated the 2021 Prospect Awards winners, nominations are now open for 2022, with awards honouring categories such as Indigenous and Community Engagement, Mine Project Success of the Year, Outstanding Mine Performance, Sustainability Project of the Year, Discovery of the Year and more. Some of the 2021 award winners included Roy Hill for Australian Mine of the Year and Hard Rock Mine of the Year, Mader Group for Contract Miner of the Year, and Metso Outotec for Minerals Processing of the Year. This year will be the first time the awards will be held in Western Australia in appreciation of the vibrancy and importance of the state’s thriving mining industry.
Hosted in partnership with AusIMM and UNSW Sydney, AusRock 2022 will be held in conjunction with the International Society of Rock Mechanics Regional Symposium from the end of November to the beginning of December.
Bringing together mining engineers, mine operators, technical service managers and consultants, this conference sets the benchmark for sharing underground operational experiences and industry best practice.
With deposits getting deeper or lower in grade, there is increased pressure to find smarter and more cost-effective ways to extract orebodies. To address this demand, key discussion topics for 2023 will centre around the evolution of digital technologies, automation and artificial intelligence, and how these innovations are making it possible to mine at greater depths and lower grades.
Learn from more than 450 mining leaders and resource experts throughout six concurrent conferences with a program covering the entire mining value chain.
The conference organising committee aims to provide an opportunity to present these developments so the industry can benefit from this collective knowledge and will call on expertise from industry, academia, researchers and regulators to bring about the 12th in a series of ventilation •
The Australian Mine Ventilation Conference 2022 will provide an opportunity to promote safe ventilation practices to improve the productivity and safety of mines.

Coupled with this is the re-emergence of pneumoconiosis in mine workers. These and other factors should provide the incentive for all underground operations to contribute strongly to this conference. Significant developments in practice and research over recent years have helped ensure we maintain and improve levels of safety within our underground mining sector.
The Underground Operators Conference is a flagship event on the AusIMM calendar and is set to return in 2023.
A vivid showcase of all the elements that make the mining industry great, IMARC is where the most influential people in the sector come together to share ideas and inspiration, with groundbreaking technology and world-class content on display.
The message remains that ventilation controls form many of the effective management of core risk activities in mines. This recognition has brought about the requirement of the position of statutory ventilation officers in the coal and metalliferous mining sectors in Australia.





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