METAL Welding, cutting and forging mental MAPPING YOUR HEALTH WHEELS FLEX


METAL Welding, cutting and forging mental MAPPING YOUR HEALTH WHEELS FLEX
Us Aussies are a selfdeprecating bunch. It’s both a blessing and a curse.
Being able to take the mickey out of yourself or a tough situation is as True Blue as it is to ‘keep calm, and carry on’ for the British.
But when it comes to acknowledging hard work, we can be hesitant to pump our own tyres, so to speak.
Tradies once again find themselves a microcosm of this, rarely willing to stand up in front of a crowd and hold their heads high in accomplishment.
Many associations and organisations are looking to change this attitude, and give tradies a pat on the back when they go above an beyond.
The Tradie was lucky
to see this in action earlier this year at the Empowered Women in Trades (EWIT) Gala and Awards night.
Tradespeople from across Australia came down to Melbourne dressed to the nines to celebrate the major accomplishments many women tradies are making across the industry.
It might have something to do with the open bar, but to see tradies cheer and lift their awards high is a fantastic sight to see.
It was also amazing to see the generous side to tradies shine. It’s a side we all know is there, but to celebrate the time carpenters donated to helping renovate the home of wonderful Noreen. You can read more about that
throughout the magazine. This edition, we also welcome two new association partners joining our magazine.
Weld Australia is a massive body representing the nation’s welding population. When it comes to advocating for present and future welders, Weld Australia is at the forefront.
The National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) has also officially joined our magazine.
Whether its through events, awards or initiatives, NAWIC leads the charge in many
Carpentry Australia members came in droves to help renovate the home of Noreen in Epping to Melbourne’s north. Image: Prime Creative Media
spaces when it comes to pushing for equity in the building and construction industries.
You’ll find this edition of The Tradie teeming with content featuring both NAWIC and Weld Australia as well as our other valued partners Master Painters Victoria (and Tasmania), Carpentry Australia and EWIT.
Mightn’t look like much, but the things this chip can accomplish are amazing.
Image: Karlo Ramos / Red Bull Content Pool
SMALL BUT MIGHTY. That can be said about a lot of things … but in this case it’s very true.
This miniscule chip mightn’t look like much, but it’s the first step in revolutionising spinal cord injuries.
This is according to its developers at the University of Texas at Dallas.
Without trying to get too scientific on you, the chip is implanted in the neck where it sends electrical stimulation to the brain via the vagus nerve (the body’s ‘super nerve’).
As the body acclimatises to this, the brain learns to alter its circuits to release neurotransmitters back down the spine,
reconnecting with the spine… we think, science isn’t our strong suit.
“Spinal cord injuries can cause severe disabilities. With vagus stimulation, we strive to create new neural connections and restore the independence to those affected,” UT Dallas Biomedical Device Centre Executive Director and Chief Science Officer Dr Michael Kilgard said. Dr Kilgard and his team at UT Dallas aim to not only improve arm and leg movement in those with spinal injuries, but also fine motor skills.
According to them, about 250,000 new cases of spinal cord injuries are reported each year across the world.
Self feeding tip delivers extreme durability in wood with nails
Two-step cutting action for precise, clean holes in wood drilling applications
Dual cutting edge design for effortless, smooth hole drilling in nail-embedded wood
is urging the Federal Government to invest in a national network of Indigenous Welding Schools to help create real skills and real jobs for Indigenous Australians— and close the gap.
Now is the time to ensure Indigenous Australians have the skills needed to secure meaningful jobs. According to the Productivity Commission’s
recently released first review of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap, governments are not adequately delivering on their commitment to the agreement.
Despite some pockets of good practice, progress in implementing the agreement’s Priority Reforms has, for the most part, been weak and reflects tweaks to, or actions overlayed onto, business-as-usual approaches. The disparate actions and ad hoc changes have not led to improvements that are noticeable and meaningful for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
The Indigenous Welding Schools initiative not only aligns with the national socio-economic targets of the Closing the Gap agreement—enhancing education, employment, and community development for
Indigenous Australians— but also offers a tangible solution to the pressing need for skilled labour in the welding industry.
Over the past five years, Weld Australia has approached every government in a bid to secure funding to create a national network of Indigenous Welding Schools that use the latest augmented reality and advanced welding systems. We have been largely rebuffed by governments of all persuasions.
However, we know that the Albanese Government is genuinely committed to closing the gap for Indigenous Australians.
Weld Australia has written to the Albanese Government, urging it recognise the value and necessity of the Indigenous Welding Schools concept. It represents a strategic
investment in the future of industry and the empowerment of Indigenous communities, promising real skills for real jobs.
The Indigenous Welding Schools program would be predominantly run by Indigenous educators and trades people who would mesh the practical demands of the welding trade with a culturally appropriate curriculum, pastoral support and employment pathways to deliver gate-ready welders to industry. Students would graduate qualified and certified to the internationally recognised welding competency standard ISO 9606. The model and technology would be identical to that deployed by Weld Australia in its highly successful existing programs: the VET Centre of Excellence in seven Corrections Victoria prisons; and the NSW
Australia will need 70,000 welders in the next 10 years, and initiatives such as Indigenous Welding Schools would help achieve that target. Image: stetsko/ stock.adobe.com
Advanced Manufacturing Schools Outreach Program, implemented in over 65 schools.
Australia is facing a looming shortage of skilled welders—70,000 additional welders will be needed in the next 10 years. Demand is being driven by Defence, Infrastructure and Resource projects and exacerbated by supply chain issues promoting growth in local companies. The upcoming renewable energy boom will further overheat the market.
Welding-specific VET training and employment pathways for Indigenous Australians could help alleviate some of these skills shortages for industry and close the gap for Indigenous Australians.
big space for big things for a limited time, national fleet pricing is available for ABN holders1 maximise your workday with best in class driving range and the longest load length in its category, up to 4.15m available now renault.com.au
1Offer is available at participating Renault dealers on in stock new and demonstrator Renault Trafic and Renault Master Van vehicles only (“Eligible Vehicles”), purchased and delivered between 01/03/2024 and 30/06/2024. While stock lasts. During the offer period, all valid ABN holders will be eligible to access the National Fleet pricing (being the preferential pricing offered to Renault Australia’s fleet, government and rental buyers) for Eligible Vehicles, regardless of whether the National Fleet qualifying criteria is met. Not available with other offers. Renault may vary, extend or withdraw this offer.
SINCE THE 1800’S, lead was used as a major ingredient in paint. It was used as a drying agent, as colouring (tinters) and to protect iron from rusting.
Most Australian Houses built before 1970 contain lead paint. Some types of paint before 1970 contained up to 50 per cent lead. Lead paints made before 1970 were used on exterior and interior surfaces.
Many buildings may have lead-based paint covered
be informed when dealing with lead paint.
MPAV will always refer qualified and accredited contractors to handle lead paint. Images: MPAV
yourself kits are available at the Master Painters Association.
by more recently applied paint.
Lead paint becomes dangerous when it peels or chalks or breaks off the substrate. Large paint flakes can be eaten by children or pets. Also, fine lead dust particles can be breathed in or can contaminate the house and its contents. Testing for lead in paint is vital to protect the workers, occupants and any person or animal that has contact with a property. Do it
The person most at risk is the person removing lead-based paints or removing and working on substrates that have lead paint applied. Not only are painters and decorators dealing with lead paint substrates, but carpenters when removing old weatherboards or windows, electricians when cutting through substrates that contain lead paint when rewiring older homes and plasterers when removing old painted plasterboard. These are just a few examples that all trades people need to
Once lead is absorbed into the body, it can cause some serious health issues such as headaches, tiredness, constipation, nausea, stomach pains as well as kidney, nerve and brain damage.
Tradespeople need to protect themselves and their clients. Certain duties apply to employers if the work is defined as a lead process and additional duties apply if the lead process is a leadrisk job. It is important that all trades people adhere to the Australian Standard – Guide to Lead Paint Management AS 4361. The Master Painters Association only refers qualified lead accredited contractors who have completed the Apply Lead Paint and Asbestos Management course to consumers who may have lead paint present.
Check out the Industry Standard for the Surface Coatings Industry on our website or visit Worksafe website www.worksafe.vic. gov.au/managing-lead-based-paint-removal.
Learn more about MPAV and becoming a member at mpav.com.au
1800 924 637
IF WE HAVEN’T met already, I am Melinda Davis and I am the COO of Empowered Women in Trades (EWIT). If you don’t know EWIT – we are all about creating more opportunities for women to pick up the tools and take advantage of the fantastic opportunities in skilled trades that men have been enjoying since, well, forever. EWIT has only been around for a couple of years but last year 5,000 women took part in our activities.
Despite our efforts (and those of many other wonderful organisations like ours), it has been slow going for a long time. Currently, only 3 per cent of tradies are female and that number hasn’t changed in more than 20 years.
In the meantime, the government’s Skills Priority List indicates that 100 per cent of trades are short of skilled workers. This figure is only going to get worse as construction demand increases year on year. I doubt anyone would disagree that half the population is a great place to look for new workers, especially when they represent only 3 per cent of our current workforce.
I was pleased to see an
article recently which highlighted the number of female electricians increased by 97 per cent in the last ten years. It’s the right direction and a start, but it’s a small base to grow on (from 1,400 to 2,750) and it was a long time coming. That sort of glacial change isn’t going to make a dent in the 48 per cent of construction vacancies that went unfilled last year. What can we do as an industry to change the situation I hear you ask? There is no one fix to this. The industry is engaged, demonstrating a desire to create opportunities for female electricians, plumbers, carpenters, welders and more. Educational opportunities are on the rise, with organisations like EWIT, TAFEs, registered training organisations and pre-apprenticeship programs both already in existence and expanding in response to demand. The government is starting to provide incentives and programs supporting the development of a stronger female skilled trade workforce. As a community, we are becoming more open to the idea of girls and young women embracing this wonderful profession
and picking up the tools. However, to connect all these pieces effectively, we need to coordinate each stage of the career pathway and make it easy for women to walk.
Here are five things we can do to improve this situation:
1. Start at the beginning: Government, educators, parents and the industry must collectively support young women considering a career in construction. School-based programs, internships and work experience are part of the solution. According to an industry survey, only 3 per cent of women working in trades reported receiving any encouragement from school, TAFE or university to consider a skilled trade. You cannot be what you cannot see, so we need to do better to make trades accessible to all.
2. Flexible education offerings: Offer flexible training options for people wanting to undertake further studies but unable
to forego 12-16 weeks of income for a preapprenticeship course. Introduce evening or weekend classes that take longer but support those who need to earn an income in the process.
3. Change the way we recruit: An outdated job advertisement, featuring a checklist of skills required on employment marketplaces, will no longer suffice in attracting the best talent, particularly women. Research indicates that unless women feel competent in meeting 60-80 per cent of the job requirements in an advertisement, they won’t apply. Rather than fixating on specific skills, focus on the attributes needed for a role; after all, we can teach people almost anything.
4. Create a welcoming environment: The industry needs to make more of an effort to welcome and accommodate women. That can be as simple as locks on toilet and changing room doors, providing other women as mentors and offering flexibility options so that both men and women can manage their children’s lives. Currently, 90 per
Melinda Davis at the EWIT Gala & Awards night in February.
Image: Joni Anderson
cent of the parental load in Australia is still carried by women.
5. Provide career planning and progress: Ensure that your organisation provides opportunities for career advancement and progression. Offering upskilling opportunities, increasing knowledge through professional tickets and providing mentorship are all ways to keep people connected to their careers, making them feel valued while also benefiting the organisation.
This is all achievable and in the long term, it will ensure a thriving construction industry in Australia for the future.
At EWIT our aim is 30 by 30 – that is, 30 per cent women in skilled trades by 2030. We believe 30 by 30 is the solution the industry needs and will create a bright future for hundreds of thousands of women in the process.
If you would like to support our work, check out our website at www.ewitrades.com and get involved.
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Australia has had in 2024! To initiate the year, January saw us embark on an extraordinary journey across the west of Melbourne. Our dedicated crew celebrated the exceptional talent within the carpentry community, culminating in the Carpentry Australia Christmas giveaway—an initiative designed to recognise outstanding individuals in the trade.
Alex Rudzki, for significant apprentice contributions, claimed the first prize, while the second prize went to the remarkable Sarah Nibbs, a female carpenter making significant strides in the
If you want to understand how Carpentry Australia can support you, call us 1300 562 779 or visit carpentryaustralia.com.au
industry. This Christmas giveaway, conducted in collaboration with Empowered Women in Trades, underscored our commitment to diversity in the carpentry field.
Looking ahead to 2024, Carpentry Australia unfolds an extraordinary year with the launch of the Helping Hand Day National initiative, gaining support from Channel 7’s Sunrise and The Tradie magazine. Our inaugural Helping Hand Day featured Noreen Elliot, a volunteer with the St Vincent de Paul Society for 43 years, as the recipient. Channel 7’s Sunrise broadcasted specific stages of the event, highlighting the influence of collective community action. Generous sponsors contributed tools and resources, emphasising the strength of the community working together.
A crucial aspect of Helping Hand Day is the tremendous support from a range of generous sponsors, including Limitless Build, Canavan Constructions, Jenkinson Build, Habitat Carpenters, SMD Projects, Kraft Crew, Inspire Painting Group, Laurence Plumbing Group, SJ Carpentry, Coralie Landscapes, Precision Energy Electrical, Beaumade Builds, Tip Top Roofing, and Brad Candy Gardens. Suppliers like DeMar Timber and Hardware, EkoDeck, Nexteel, Tradie Wraps, Bendigo Bank – East Ivanhoe Community Branch, and King Gee reflect a diverse range of contributors supporting Carpentry Australia’s impactful mission. At the Empowered
Generous tradies from teams across Melbourne chipped in to help reno Noreen’s home
Women in Trades Gala in February, Carpentry Australia’s Ashley Belteky and Felicity Pettiford received awards, contributing significantly to a more inclusive industry. Carpentry Australia’s ongoing commitment to recognising excellence and giving back remains a priority.
On International Women’s Day - March 8Carpentry Australia took the opportunity to spotlight female stars like Hannah Keirl, Felicity Pettiford, Coralie Stuart, and Ashley Belteky. These individuals are highly valued members of the Carpentry Australia family.
With numerous new initiatives and opportunities launching to support our carpentry community, 2024 is indeed an auspicious time for Carpentry Australia. Stay tuned for some further exciting updates.
Noreen Elliot and the teams from Sunrise, St Vincent De Paul and Carpentry Australia standing atop a job well done
Tradie wellness coach Aaron Huey talks through some common issues tradies might encounter, but not want to talk about
to be on the other side. Be that dad, husband, brother, son or mate. Those at home don’t need to take on the stress of your job too.”
A: “Once you’re home, take five minutes before you go through the door to let go of everything that’s happened that day - the stress, the fights, the orders, the programmes, the deliveries whatever it is. Leave it at the door. Take five deep inhales and exhales let it all go. So once you go through that door, you are who you need yourself check
A: “Absolutely and downing five schooners a night isn’t it. That only adds to the stress the next day when you’re hungover and chasing
your tail. Three great tips that worked wonders for my time as a site manager.”
1. Notepad at the side of the bed for those 3am ‘to-do lists’ in your head, things to order, people to call, items to check onsite. Having somewhere to write down these thoughts gets them out of your head for that period and actually helps reduce the stress as well as gives you a productive checklist to tick off the next day.
2. Meditation: 5-10minutes a day, either in your truck, your site office or the dunny. No need to sit cross legged like a Buddha and burn some incense. There are plenty of apps to listen to guided meditation to help quiet down the noise in your head to help you think clearer. It’s a great what to release that pressure value building up in your body when everything feels like it’s creeping up on you.
3. Box breathing: similarly to the meditation can be done in the truck in traffic on the way to work (my favourite place to do it) so by the time you get to site all your cool, calm and have clarity in the day ahead. Box breathing is simply breathing in for a period of time normally 4-6 seconds. Hold the breath for the same period, exhale for the same period then hold the out breathe for the same period. Repeat
this 5-6 times. It will slow your heart rate, relax all the tension in your neck and shoulders and because your focusing on counting and holding the breathe the noise in your head should reduce.
All of these need to be done regularly to be fully affected.
You don’t need them every day. The aim is to get to a point where you have them to use if you need them.
A: “No, your employer has duty of care to ensure anything that’s disclosed regarding your mental health isn’t held against you and they should do their best to support you where possible, there is plenty of free services they can suggest for you to get help. They shouldn’t be holding it against you or threatening your job or
apprenticeship stability. If they don’t support or continue to use it against you then maybe this isn’t the place you want to continue working. There is plenty other sites and companies out there that do right by their boys.”
A: “Signs that stress may be more significant include persistent
feelings of anxiety or depression, difficulty sleeping, not wanting to get out of bed, significant changes in appetite or mood, withdrawal from social interactions, and increased reliance on substances like alcohol or drugs.”
You can find out more on Instagram @aaron_wd_huey
Lifeline: 13 11 14
GROWING UP on a farm in the Otway Ranges, in Victoria, Liv Thwaites was always bound to work with nature after spending hours in the garden with her mum. She became an Apprentice Gardener, working in Melbourne and vividly remembers her first work-issued uniform.
“On my first day of work, the workwear I was issued was hideous,” she said.
“It didn’t fit properly, the leg length was too short,
the crotch too long and chaffed the inside of my legs.
“And the styling…well, there was none! I felt like I didn’t belong and my identity as a woman was next to none.”
While her work experience and skills progressed, the comfort and practicality of the work wear did not. A decade later, Liv was still working in ill-fitting and unpractical gear. Working at the Royal Botanic Gardens as a curator, she even tried to get some custom-made pants made, however the cost at the time was exorbitant. A new adventure took
Liv and her husband to Bangkok where she became obsessed scouring the markets for fabric and manufactures and began designing new styles of work pants, shorts and shirts. Being in such a textile dominant marketplace meant Liv had the opportunity to connect
with amazing suppliers. While she didn’t have textile experience, she knew what the industry needed; clothing that allowed easy movement and comfort all at once and she was ready to take the bull by the horns. Green Hip was born in 2010.
These days, Green Hip provides women with work clothing that expresses their sense of worth and enhances their sense of identity. Designed by women, for women, its clothes are made with a light weight, cotton stretch fabric and each garment is uniquely designed to be flexible to the specific needs of the female body. Green Hip was the first women’s workwear company to launch with stretch fabric. The range is extensive, including gardening and farming, trade, hospitality, safety and lifestyle - the signature overalls and shortalls are proving to be huge crowd pleasers.
Green Hip wants to make
a lasting difference to the planet and has recently aligned itself with the Tree Project to plant thousands of trees each year. Their manufacturers are all certified for ethical clothing and all packages are shipped using compostable environmentally friendly packaging.
Green Hip can be found in over 100 large retail stores including and not limited to Mitre 10, Hip Pocket Workwear & Home Hardware. Liv has created a loyal customer base who loves the look, feel and practicality of the workwear. The Royal Botanic Garden staff are now sporting Green Hip workwear, something that makes Liv smile every day.
Check it out
Check it out
Check out greenhip.com.au or @greenhipworkwear to find out more
WHEN COMMONPLACE , traditional gloves simply won’t do, Ninja’s® range of premium gloves provide an aggressive approach to your hand protection challenges.
Ninja’s® new comfortable and tough range of gloves have been
New Foam Technology used in Ninja® provides wearers with a lightweight, durable feel as well as high-quality comfort.
Image: Bunzl Safety
Coated seamless gloves provide better movement, fit and comfort because there are no seams to irritate the hand.
Ninja® knit their gloves from a variety of highperformance fibres to obtain the physical properties required in a premium glove. Always on the cutting edge, Ninja® also use the strongest cutresistant yarns including Kevlar®, for 360-degree cut protection. These seamless liners are then dipped or flow-coated with various polymers such as nitrile, silicone, PVC plastisols or PU. This procedure provides improved protective properties resulting in increased degrees of grip, durability, flexibility, and moisture/ splash protection.
One such unique coating innovation by Ninja® is
the NFT or New Foam Technology, which is included on many of Ninja’s gloves, and offers the most advanced comfort, lightweight feel and durability that make the gloves act like a second skin.
Unmatched in protection, comfort and durability, the Ninja® Razr Slash-Tec range includes a premium Cut D glove (DA4), a more superior Cut F glove (FA6) as well as a Cut F glove that offers impact protection to the back of the hands (FA6-Impact).
The Ninja® Slash-Tec range are highly suited to a variety of trades and industries and are well known for their comfort, breathability, and lightweight nature, making them easy to wear for long periods of time.
scientifically designed with the latest advanced coatings and materials to ensure the very best in hand protection and comfort.
Jump online and visit bunzlsafety.com.au/ninja
All Ninja® cut protection gloves fulfil the specified requirements of EN388:2016 and AS/ NZ 2161.1:2020 Cut Standards and have been certified as occupational protective gloves.
It’s time to level up your wardrobe with Rainbird Workwear.
When it comes to Australian-made workwear for men and women, it’s hard to beat the performance and durability Rainbird offers.
With winter on its way, Rainbird has tradies covered with a massive range of high-quality jackets, fleeces, vests and accessories.
Rainbird Workwear
doesn’t just look good; it’s made to perform.
The brand puts all its fabrics through thorough testing, with each garment strictly tested to Australian and NZ standards for waterproofing and breathability.
Whatever the weather, tradies can trust Rainbird to keep them warm, dry and comfortable.
Rainbird Workwear
incorporates cutting-edge technology to make sure it stays ahead of the pack in terms of performance and functionality.
It also manufactures what’s needed and nothing more, to ensure wastage is kept to the absolute minimum.
The last thing tradies want is to be replacing outfits regularly.
Rainbird apparel is made to last, so workers can focus on the job at hand, and not on replacing their gear every season.
Rainbird doesn’t underdeliver when it comes to materials.
Its team selects only the best fabrics and finishes for its extensive range, ensuring durability and comfort for those long days on the job.
With more than 40 years of experience operating out of Melbourne, Rainbird Workwear knows the
Aussie climate inside out. Its local team of experts designs each product to blend performance, style, and functionality, so tradies can be ready for anything.
Safety is a massive part of what drives a tradie’s outfit choice that’s why all Rainbird workwear meets Australian and NZ compliancy safety standards, giving tradies peace of mind on the job knowing they are 100 per cent protected.
As if Rainbird wasn’t confident enough in its products, its three-year warranty across its range backs up its talk.
Rainbird is all about keeping tradespeople safe, happy and protected on the job.
With some Aussie customers coming back year after year, it’s clear that Rainbird Workwear isn’t just a purchase—it’s an investment in quality and reliability.
A fisherman's look through of planning trips and getting out into remote settings
I have been lucky enough to live and work in some of Australia’s very remote settings. With a focus mostly on coastal areas above the 18th parallel, which runs roughly from Townsville in the East to Broome in the West. There is still a lifetime’s worth of spots I will never
get the chance to visit but without aspiration there would be no accomplishment. Access opportunities will usually be determined through permissions and permits from traditional owners and landholders in most truly remote locations.
Words and Images: Tim O’Reilly
Nothing truly in the spirit of adventure ever comes easy. There is always risk and hardship involved. It’s what sorts out the mundane from the extraordinary. In the top end of Australia, hardship can take many forms. In fact, anywhere truly off-grid normally comes with a fair old set of obstacles. In this piece, let’s explore some of the basic and more obscure considerations when planning remote trips.
Avid fishers will know that feeling of anticipation when planning for a trip away. That restless, sleepless doldrum that accompanies an early morning start with adventure ahead. Depending on the type of tackle and preparation nut you are, nervous energy is turning into a lack of sleep and severe overpacking.
For serious fishers, the ‘what to take’ question is normally a compromise. My only method is to leave so little time for packing, that not too much makes it. Hopefully just enough. But I wouldn't be the first fisho guilty of taking 1000 lures and only using two. Start with what is most important and work backwards.
People mostly fit within travel categories based on personality and budget. Fisherman often let their imagination run free for their budgetary constraints, throwing every nickel and dime into the pursuit of finding that fishing Nirvana. While others prefer the suck-it-andsee approach of simply winging it with whatever they have on hand. Contrasting styles, techniques, fishing and camping pursuits all require their own planning and consideration.
For much of my adult life, I have been travelling in remote parts of the Kimberley, Cape York, the Torres Strait and Arnhem Land. I have never been a careful planner and would be the last person you want supplying tools for a road trip. However as with everyone living long enough in the far north, you make do with what you have! What I have developed, is a keen sense of what you actually need and the logistics behind getting to faraway places. Let’s start with the absolute basics. Regardless of any other thing you take on a trip, the consideration of water
There is always a little cove or remote beach to explore
Always be ready for adventure
and staying hydrated should be number one on the list. I have been both lucky and careful with water in remote situations and also had to drink some pretty lukewarm stuff over the years. Anyone who has lived to tell the tale will repeat you don’t want to die of thirst. An extra 20L drum of freshwater for good measure is prudent. Hunger by comparison takes far longer to take hold.
Taking food that doesn’t spoil and is easily containable should be a consideration. In my younger years, I was chastised by fishing partners for only packing a Vegemite sandwich and a carrot for a long day on the water. Not so much has changed, just the need for something cool to drink and relatively soft to sleep on. Despite our best intentions, we seem to crave slight improvements in comfort levels as we grow older.
Some of the improvements in light weight camping and adventure equipment has opened up a whole new world in terms of packing light and still meeting extended trip requirements. Rechargeable torches with a trillion light beams, battery packs, solar charging, tiny stoves and multi tools have become common place. Lightweight tape, cord, cable ties and tarps mean building a basic shelter cab be achieved in most places without too much fuss.
A small fan that runs off 12V or 24V is a godsend when camping up in the far north. The ability to have a gentle breeze blowing past your face will make up for extreme heat and intensely muggy weather. Anyone stuck in a tent up in these parts when humidity is at 80 per cent will understand all to well the message being told here. Find a way to either keep cool or to cool off as required. Managing your time in the heat of the sun plays a big part in how you feel afterwards.
Many travellers are utilising low voltage electric fridges and freezer units these days. Cars are equipped with
duel batteries and charging capabilities to run these units around the clock. An esky however is still most commonly used to despatch of and store fish. Freezing a bunch of plastic bottles filled with saltwater is a great way to cut costs and provide the necessary means of esky cooling for a day or two. Using clean freshwater won’t last as long, but it is drinkable which is a major point of difference to salt. Communication from remote settings is not what it once was. GPS and Satellite phones have largely filled in many of the gaps between civilisation and remote. Australia is very lucky to be a country where simply setting off an EPIRB means someone will actually risk their life to come and get you. But that shouldn’t mean careless planning. VHF radio in a marine environment and UHF radio on land provide a more direct means of talking to others within range.
Starlink internet and Garmin In Reach texting ability are just two of the leap forwards in remote Australian travel. Having a basic game plan and communicating it to a trusted person is very important when travelling remote. Having some contingencies and discussed plans will help keep this process realistic. What happens if? Who should you speak to and when? Clear communication is the greatest requirement for effective search and rescue efforts. Having a safety grab bag in a small boat is helpful when storing emergency equipment in a single place. Keeping equipment up to date is a struggle that is real, but ultimately beneficial.
Google Earth paired with modern day mapping software makes planning remote trips so much easier than it was 20 years ago. Understanding the terrain, river or
seascape you intend to visit can make all the difference both for a planning prospective and enjoyment of the outcome. Taking screenshots of set locations whilst you still have mobile signal will give you something to draw back on in a remote setting. Programs like Navionics and Active Captain are extremely useful to have loaded on a phone or tablet when off-grid. Plenty of modern GPS units have topographic mapping functionality. Always remember to record your start location when hiking!
Getting accurate tide and weather information for your intended area can be achieved with a good
Something magical about catching fish from a sand spit
Not much beats fresh mud crabs cooked on the coals
understanding of Australia’s weather bureau site. Just type tides in the search bar then click the map for your chosen locations. Some of the things I look at before any remote trips will start with the Marine and Ocean tab providing wind charts for the next seven days.
Rainfall forecast tab can give a reasonable prediction of expected precipitation over the next eight days. On the Maps tab, I like to look at the four day Mean Sea Level Pressure to show where high and low pressure systems are lining up. In summary, use all available digital information to inform planning.
Interestingly enough, Australia as a continent is
travelled far more extensively by a dedicated band of off-roaders and fishing enthusiasts. However, those truly remote destinations for the main part are less travelled, less accessed and more restrictive in nature then they were 20 years ago. Much of northern Australia is now devoted to national park, protected areas and Aboriginal freehold held under Native Title. This can put severe limitations on where you can and cannot go. It takes research, commitment and flexibility to work within these constraints.
Many people believe that more remote locations always fish better due to a lack of pressure and people. This
You know it's remote when the birds don't fly away
Permit are a difficult quarry in any setting
certainly isn’t always the case. Being involved in the charter game for a long time, I have seen time and time again clients with skewed expectations based on how remote the fishing location is. Far more important tends to be tide, time of day, season, moon phase and the tradition of fish around the giant viscous pool they live within. Biomass obviously counts for a lot and less pressured fish tend to bite a little easier. But please don’t be disappointed when getting remote doesn’t threefold your catch.
Try and be flexible with your approach to fishing in remote locations. Knowing where you want to catch a particular species in a set time and location can have severe limitations when things don’t go according to plan. Fly fishers are particularly susceptible this type of disappointment if conditions for sighting fish are poor or too windy for casting. Being flexible in your approach and willing to make adjustments will ensure remote trips are not seen as a failure.
One of the most crucial elements in planning off the beaten track journeys is to stay reasonably well fed. It adds a particular flavour to the days ending when the results of hunting throughout the day turn into a delicious meal at its conclusion. Being able to supplement fish with crustaceans such as crayfish, mud crabs or prawns can turn that next fire-cooked meal into something special. There are a thousand ways to cook fish, molluscs and crustaceans, using quite basic and primal methods. I like to experiment with burning down a pile of wood to hot coals as quickly as possible, placing scented leaves atop the coals and cooking seafood on top of the crackling leaves in a smoke-roasting process.
Packing plain white vinegar serves two pretty useful purposes. It can be used to neutralise box jellyfish and irrukanji stings and it can also be used to cure fish into a very simple cooked dish called numus. Chilled with the right mixture of sweet and sour ingredients, this can be a fantastic addition to food consumption and utilises less desirable table fish such as smaller trevally and queenfish. A lighter, some Alfoil, salt, pepper, a lemon, garlic and a can of coconut milk can produce some real masterpieces out in the field.
Anyone who believes the opportunity for true adventure and the ability to reach remote destinations in northern Australia has passed, obviously haven’t give it a real crack. As boat reliability, safety and communications all take a massive step forwards, the world can seem like a slightly smaller place. Until you take a giant leap out amongst it all and realise you are just a pin-prick in a vast blue realm of liquid goodness. The fish might be just a bonus on top of that feeling of witnessing things others are not privy to.
The Tradie asks Hook, Line and Sinker’s Andrew ‘Harty’ Hart now on his ninth Fishing Weapon – a Bar Crusher 780HT…
AFTER FILMING popular fishing show Hook, Line and Sinker out of several Fishing Weapons over nearly two decades, it’s no surprise Andrew ‘Harty’ Hart reckons Bar Crusher makes the ultimate fishing boats.
“Every boat is always going to be a compromise, but Bar Crushers tick a lot of boxes; they’re very user friendly with a great performing hull and easy to tow which means you can
chase the fish,” he said.
“Trying to film a TV show can be difficult, so we need boats that can handle whatever we throw at them and are set up for fishing. Every Bar Crusher performs straight out of the factory – they’re just so easy to use!”
A familiar face around Bar Crusher’s Melbourne based factory, Harty has driven and fished from more Fishing Weapons than just about anyone!
“We’ve had eight or nine Bar Crushers on Hook, Line and Sinker since the mid 2000s in hard top (HT), bow rider (BR) and centre console (XT) configurations. The 730XT was as close as any to the ultimate fishing boat for Australian waters... The fishability was out of this world: very comfortable on big ocean runs and then you had the ability to fish shallow flats,” Harty said.
“Though, being an open centre console design, the 730XT wasn’t the most practical boat for my home waters [of Tasmania] in winter.”
While Harty had the choice of any boat, he said he just couldn’t go past the 780HT for this season of Hook, Line and Sinker
“We’ve been filming closer to home this season and the current Hook, Line and Sinker boat, the 780HT, is perfect for Tassie – it’s an absolute offshore Fishing Weapon!
“The ultimate fishing boat should leave you with confidence in any conditions and Bar Crushers feel solid and very safe... They have the smooth riding performance of a deep-V boat, don’t broach, don’t slap and when at rest the water ballast system works really well, Harty said.
Harty’s always been a fan of Bar Crusher boats, including the 780HT which he said handled choppy Tasmanian waters like a pro. Image: Bar Crusher
“But I guess the ultimate fishing boat is one that gets you out and back... Safely! A tough, reliable and safe boat goes a long way to making the ultimate fishing boat. I can guarantee you Bar Crushers are built tough, we’ve even dropped one on the ramp!”
Watch Hook, Line and Sinker on the 7Plus app. For more on Bar Crusher boats, visit: barcrusher.com.au check it out check it out
is a trusty tool for tradies
is every tradie’s mantra. Whether they’re on the move or on site, having the right vehicle for the job is a must.
Enter Renault Trafic – a van that combines plentiful space and versatility with enough juice to keep a tradie’s productivity high. For a business owner who needs a few vehicles, Trafic’s features make it the ideal addition to any fleet.
Tradies love to have their tools and materials easily
accessible, and with Trafic, that’s a piece of cake.
The van sports a bestin-category load length of up to 4.15m giving tradies enough space to fit power tools, timber, fixings, boxes – you name it.
Should a tradie need to secure their goods there’s 14 anchoring points throughout the cargo area, as well as a 12v power socket should they need a power source.
This space doesn’t come at the cost of Trafic’s size, however, with a compact height of 1.97m making for a convenient fit.
Front, rear, and side parking sensors and a rear-view camera ensure parking Trafic is also a breeze.
Renault Trafic has tradies’ backs for when they need space off the tools as well.
It delivers the highest quality comfort up-front, with modular seating allowing tradies to make room for their team, or configure into a portable office.
The professional interiors don’t end with the seating either, with Trafic sporting the latest
in dash tech via wireless Apple CarPlay and Android Auto to keep tradies fully connected to their various devices.
When on the road, Renault Trafic is a dream come true. A turbo-charged 2.0L engine delivers 125kW of power and 380Nm of torque giving the van the oomph it needs to traverse worksites and roads alike. But all this power doesn’t come at the expense of efficiency, Trafic has a combined cycle fuel consumption of just 6.5L/100km with the EDC automatic gearbox. Pairing that with an 80L fuel tank and class-leading
1 year/30,000km service intervals means owners can rely on a van with bestin-class driving range. A core priority for Renault was to make Trafic as safe as possible, and it does so with 10 new driving assistance systems. Trafic is loaded with new safety tech such as adaptive cruise control, lane departure warning, and active emergency braking, as well as traffic sign recognition and blind spot warning.
Whether tradies are on the tools or off them, Renault Trafic is equipped to be the ultimate asset. Don’t miss out on
Renault’s latest offer: national fleet pricing is available for ABN holders for a limited time, must end June 30.
Renault Trafic starts from $49,000 before onroad costs.
Yamaha introduced its allnew WR450F – Australia’s best selling enduro bike – to media, dealers and staff recently. The two-day event was held at AORC Champion Josh Green’s private property at Stroud, NSW. Day one was reserved for media and journos who arrived from around the country – with veteran ISDE rider Jock MacLauchlan making the
longest journey from North Island New Zealand on behalf of Kiwi Rider. The bike is all-new from the ground up and heavily based around Yamaha’s new YZ450F which means its lighter, slimmer and easier to ride than before. Yamaha Motor Australia was keen to showcase the new model on a range of tracks both within the property and outside in the form of a
Motoonline rider Dylan Wills tackled obstacles like a champ in the WR450F
trail ride led by #1 enduro rider Josh Green. The tagline for the new model is ‘Master of all Trades’ due to its ability to tackle a wide variety of terrain and appeal to an equally wide variety of riders. The bike feels unlike previous WR450Fs in
that it is indeed slimmer and lighter and carries its weight lower due to a redesigned frame, engine and suspension. However, ground clearance is increased, while the seat height remains the same due to a flatter seat. So, the frame and engine are significantly more compact.
Thanks to a downpour the previous day and continued rain during the
test loop ride, conditions were challenging. But the WR450F handled everything thrown at it – helped no doubt by the engine’s new traction control feature.
You can select one of three settings using your smartphone and Yamaha’s Power Tuner app. Then you can also switch between two preset power maps on the fly - that can also
be personalised via the Power Tuner - using the blue button on the right side of the bars. The combination allowed the bike to hook up well in the mud.
Team ShopYamaha
riders Kyron Bacon and Will Dennett joined Team Manager AJ Roberts as sweep riders while Josh Green led nine journos around Stroud’s local tracks – which would
have been simple and fun in the dry but now were now technical and slippery. Typical enduro conditions that showed the competence of the new bike.
The next day Yamaha dealers and staff arrived at Stroud to sample the new WR450F and while the sun came out, Josh’s private tracks were rooted from the previous rain – so it was off in the local bush again to put them through their paces.
The consensus is that Yamaha has produced a more versatile bike that is easier to ride – both fast and slow. The Master of all Trades is perfectly positioned to once again claim the title Australia’s best selling enduro.
2024 WR450F
New fuel-injected
4 50cc engine is more compact and lighter
Model-specific ECU produces tractability at low speeds and full power at medium to high speeds
New Controlled Fill
aluminium bilateral beam frame is lower with WR450F-specific engine mounts
Yamaha’s WR450F is developed specifically for the Australian market, and has been since its launch in 1998. This is largely due to government restrictions on road registration in other territories –Australia is one of the few places where the WR450F can be road registered and features the full power ECU that can be easily tuned using your smartphone.
This is not the case in the US, which is the reason Australia sells four times more WRFs here.
Both WR250F and WR450F come fully ADR-compliant with a free off-road competition kit in a box that you can use to set your bike up for closed course or competition riding.
Current Team ShopYamaha members AJ Roberts and Josh Green
have been involved in the development of the current model, which is essentially an enduro version of the YZ450F motocross bike. Josh Green won the 2023 Australian Off Road Championship riding a race version of the current production WR450F.
All the new MY24 WR450F images you see around the world were shot in
AORC champ Josh Green played host to the WR450F, media and his fellow riders at his property in Stroud, NSW
Australia – in Kobble Creek, QLD to be precise. The introduction movie features QLD enduro legend ’King’ Kirk Hutton and his family – who all ride Yamahas. Kirk is a plumber when he’s not racing, so the Master of all Trades tagline is not just invented by marketing suits, the line is based on Kirk, who has been riding WRFs for as long as Yamaha has produced them.
Flatter seat with more rounded edges makes it easy to move about while riding
New air flow management system allows a more compact body including 50mm narrower shrouds
Lower centre of gravity assists in negotiating tight corners
Mass centralised fuel tank and muffler
New lighter clutch and revised wide ratio gearbox
Lighter rear wheel, hub and brake assembly
Industry leading K YB twin chamber speed sensitive fully adjustable forks and KYB fully adjustable rear shock absorber. Tuned for enduro.
New Power Tuner app enables simple smartphone tuning and traction control adjustment
New multi-function combined power map and kill switch
New full protection bashplate
New tool-free front fork compression damping adjusters
New rear fender with handy grab area
New water-resistant bar pad
Lighter Lithium-Ion battery, footpeg bracket, throttle wires and more
The dynamic PEUGEOT E-Partner offers tradies an exciting electric option, with the flexibility to meet and adapt to the needs of every business. Always looking to the future, the E-Partner is 100 per cent electric for a smooth, quiet and efficient drive.
Built on PEUGEOT’s EMP-2 modular multienergy platform, E-Partner works like a long-wheelbase van but drives with all the comfort and manoeuvrability of a premium SUV.
The intuitive PEUGEOT i-Cockpit™ has been designed from the driver’s
point of view and features a compact integrated control steering wheel, for a more relaxed arm position and a digital instrument panel.
Connect seamlessly to the office, suppliers or coworkers while you’re on the go, from the E-Partner cabin with Bluetooth® phone connectivity while also enjoying Apple CarPlay® and Android Auto™ connectivity1. A host of driver assist safety functions work together to support the driver, including Autonomous Emergency Braking, Stability Control and Lane Keep Assist. There is also a handy wide-view rear
Head over to peugeot.com.au to find out more!
camera that makes easy work of maneuvering and parking in tight spots.
The efficient PEUGEOT E-Partner is powered by a rapid charger compatible 50kWh battery, delivering 100kW of power and 260Nm of torque. Enjoy travelling both short and long distances in the 100 per cent electric PEUGEOT E-Partner with versatile Li-ion battery charging, with approximately 30 minutes rapid charge from 0 – 80 per cent capacity via a DC Current (100kW)
The E-Partner is ready for busy days zipping around town too, with a WLTP test range of 258km
What started as a school holidays gig for pocket money has led painter Jeremy Quinn down the rabbit hole into the wide world of painting
The Fitzroy Town Hall is one of many historical projects Jeremy’s team has worked on
Jeremy and Mitch
up to start Quinns Painting, and haven’t looked back since
Jeremy’s dip into the painting industry is a demonstration of just how wide-spanning the industry is.
He currently runs his own painting operation –Quinns Painting operating across Victoria on a number of projects, most notably touching up heritage buildings. However, Jeremy could never have envisaged his work in painting would go this far.
Growing up in the Sunbury area to Melbourne’s northwest, Jeremy spent his high school years painting during the holidays.
He knew he wanted to dabble in the trades, and his experience with the paintbrush made the
profession an obvious candidate.
“I didn’t really know what I wanted to do, I tried plumbing and carpentry among other things,” he said.
“But I eventually decided that painting was what I wanted to do. I left school in year 11 and started my apprenticeship.”
Whether it was the team around him, or the ability to flex his artistic muscles, there was something about painting Jeremy thoroughly enjoyed.
“I felt like painting had more of a team environment – when I’m working on-site with painters, you’re all working together on stuff rather than just by yourself on your own thing like other trades,” he said.
“That’s what really captured me at the start. I enjoyed being able to see a finished product, not just having it plastered over, framed or covered with a roof.
“I enjoy being able to make something nice and bright and be able to see what it looks like at the end.”
Once Jeremy had finished his apprenticeship, he did what all 20-something Aussies do and travelled across Europe on a gap year.
Upon his return Down Under, Jeremy found himself jobless, but somehow not lacking in actual work to do.
“I was scratching around thinking maybe I could work for a new company,” he said.
“But I started picking up a few jobs here and there, and before I knew it, Quinns Painting sort of started from default.
“It wasn’t so much that I couldn’t find another job, but the work started piling up that I realised I could keep going.”
He teamed up with mate Mitch, and before he knew it, Quinns Painting was off and running.
“I was 23 at the time, so the idea of starting a business hadn’t occurred to me,” Jeremy said.
“The business always grew organically in terms of getting new clients.”
Quinns Painting has grown to a team of about 25-30 staff across painters, admin, estimators and management.
It operates across Victoria, offering services including industrial, commercial and house painting as well as facility management and more
From his first few jobs to now, Jeremy and Quinns Painting have certainly grown their operation substantially
recently sandblasting.
“We’ve got a great team, everyone that works for us is fantastic,” Jeremy said.
“Each person is experience and capable which – hiring people like that always makes your job a lot easier.”
An area Jeremy is particularly proud of is his business’s entry into heritage work, which was about seven years ago.
What started as a job on buildings around the University of Melbourne and the Woolsheds in Footscray quickly grew to be a staple service of Quinns Painting.
“Getting those kinds of jobs under your belt; you learn a lot and you gain a tonne of experience through them,” Jeremy said.
“A client will want something we may not have done before, and we’ll give it a go.
“Then we become pretty good at it – with the heritage jobs, we knew what we were doing but it’s an entirely different beast. It put a bit of a different spin on things.”
As you can imagine, working on heritage buildings is another kettle of fish when it comes to painting.
“You have to work
closely with architects and suppliers – there’s a specialist for everything,” Jeremy said.
“You can’t deviate from that, you’re not trying to make anything look new, you’re trying to preserve the look of the place to make sure it lasts another 50-100 years.”
Something that’s benefitted Quinns Painting is the assistance it gets from the Master Painters Association of Victoria and
Tasmania (MPAV).
Between estimation help, business advice or health and safety expertise, MPAV has helped many a painter get their operations off to a flying start.
“They’ve got really good communication in terms of work relations, new rules and regulations,” he said.
“I also believe having a strong association like Master Painters is really important for the industry.
“From the first two years into my business, I joined Master Painters. The
As well as historic and commercial work, Quinns Painting does plenty of industrial jobs
team there has always been available to answer a question or have a solution for you, they’ve always been good to me.”
Find out more about Quinns Painting at quinnspainting.com.au or @quinnspainting
From Bespoke builds, to concrete creativity, chippy Dave Malone’s resume is teeming with top tier projects. But what’s the main thing for him and his team and SMD Projects is having fun
DAVE’S BEEN a carpenter in Melbourne for about 15 years. He started tradie life as a labourer, but saw the value in becoming qualified.
“One day, I saw the chippies were having fun,” Dave said.
“I liked the kind of work they were doing which was framing. I gave them a hand, and from there I decided to get an apprenticeship.”
Dave’s worked for himself for the last 10 years as a tradie, but his latest venture is something he’s
SMD Projects was one of the many companies contributing to Helping Hands – an initiative that involved tradies renovating the home of Noreen Eliot. The event was covered by Channel 7’s Sunrise as well as The Tradie See more on pages 16, 80-81
but only when the right job comes along,” Dave said.
really excited about.
SMD Projects works on high-end residential renovations and extensions.
“We do the odd new-build once every couple of years,
Dave’s full-time crew is small, but elite. It comprises of himself, Anthony ‘Trojan’ Cavanagh and Coralie Stuart.
Dave added that he’ll occasionally bring on other carpenters when needed. But between the trio,
there’s plenty of tradie talent.
Dave is a huge supporter of Carpentry Australia.
He first noticed their handywork on Insta, and decided he wanted a slice of what they were having.
“I saw they were showcasing a lot of
awesome work, and then I Googled them, became a member,” he said.
“Before I knew it, I was one of their Champions of the Industry, then I just saw the events they had.
“I just kept going to events and participating in those, all the guys there are absolutely awesome.”
Find out more about SMD Projects at smdprojects.com.au or @smd_projects
SMD Projects has a core team of three tradies, but Dave will often call up other chippies where needed
BITURBO Brushless power is known tradiewide for delivering great performance with power tools. Now tradies can expect that same power when cutting grass with Bosch’s BITURBO Brushless 460mm Lawnmower
WHEN CALLED UPON , tradies want a mower that’ll get the job done quickly and cleanly. Bosch delivers this in the compact – yet elite – form of its BITURBO Brushless 460mm Lawnmower. We met up with tradie Nebal Abilmona for this Tough Test while he was doing work on a site in south-east Melbourne.
This mower uses two of Bosch’s ProCORE18V batteries, adding another tool from your arsenal that uses Bosch 18V batteries.
Nebal loved being able to use his ProCORE18V batteries from his tools to power this lawnmower.
Once he had it set up, Nebal was off and running. He used the mower on about 50m2 of open lawn, however Bosch has tested this beast with 2 x 12.0ah batteries on 1000m2 of dry lawn on one battery cycle without issue.
“We’ve been playing with the mower – as well as mowing this 50m2 space – and we’re still on 3/5 bars of battery life,” Nebal said.
The cutting blade is 46cm in diameter, and housed in a durable metal deck. All up, the power and overall design of this mower results in a quick job every time.
“This was awesome to use on the lawn,” Nebal said.
“Battery-powered lawnmowers can draw in the sceptics, but I found that it glided through this grass.
“When you hit a thicker patch of grass with a petrol mower, it’ll die down before picking back up again.
“But I put this Bosch mower through thicker grass, and it didn’t cut out at all. It dropped in revs, but picked back up again.”
A lack of noise is a severely underrated benefit of an electric mower. The BITURBO Brushless 460mm Lawnmower keeps things relatively chill, topping at 94 dBA.
“At its full revs, I can speak at normal volume, and you can hear me just fine,” he said.
“It’s really not that loud.”
As well as being good on the ears, the ergonomics on this mower are impressive.
Its wheels have ball bearings making it easy to roll about, and a two-level adjustable handle.
“This was very easy to unpack and get out with a collapsible handle,” Nebal said.
“No matter whether you’re short or all, having the two-height setting is handy and easy.”
Nebal made quick work of the thick lawn thanks to the BITURBO Brushless 460mm Lawnmower. It proved battery-powered mowers can tackle large spaces of lawn quickly, effortlessly and comfortably for tradies.
Find out more by searching the new Bosch BITURBO Brushless 460mm Lawnmower online.
Tradies are always after clean cuts through metal time after time, so look no further thanks to Diablo’s Amped Carbide Thick Metal blades. These devilish accessories are designed to deliver quality cuts and endure plenty of use
THE RIGHT BLADE makes all the difference for tradies, especially when it comes to cutting metal.
Gone are the days of replacing a blade every few cuts due to bluntness or chipping.
Diablo has brought all its top-of-the-line innovations to develop a metal excellence – the Thick Metal AMPED Recip Blades.
Our builder mate Toby Spicer from Pillar Constructions needed to do some metal trimmings on his site at Beaumaris in Melbourne’s south-east.
We swung by with the blades, and he was amazed by the results.
Toby and his team got to work cutting through all kinds of steel on their site. Steel rods, trims and tubing between 5-15mm – the Amped Carbide blades cut through them like butter.
“We tested these on everything made of steel around here, and I’m thoroughly impressed,” Toby said.
Diablo has designed blades that cut down on vibration, increase impact resistance and the tipto-blade ratio has been perfected which results in extremely straight cuts.
“As I’m primarily a carpenter, I’d use these for all
my steel cutting jobs,” Toby said.
“The biggest thing for me is cutting through batten screws. When you’ve got a stripped baton screw that won’t come out, you’ve gotta cut ‘em.
“I genuinely couldn’t believe how easy it was to cut through batten screws with these blades. It’s usually a tough piece of metal to cut through, and the blade ate it.”
Toby wasn’t just left speechless by the Amped Carbide blade’s cutting power, but its durability too.
Diablo’s high performance carbide delivers up to 100x longer cutting life in metal applications ranging thickness from 5mm to 15mm, compared to standard bi-metal blades.
“These stand out to me not just because of their cuts, but just how well it holds up against metal,” Toby said.
“Most metal blades – even if you treat them well –you won’t get more than five or 10 cuts. With these ones, we cut about 20 times and it’s still going strong.”
The durability of these blades is further aided by their Black I.C.E coating. This specially-made formula reduces heat resistance, smoothens chip evacuation and ultimately leads to a longer life for the blade.
Toby said it was “ridiculous” how easily the blades chewed through every bit of steel we threw at them. Diablo has injected all the latest innovations into these pieces, and it shows through the quality cuts they produce.
You can find these blades both online at diablotools.com.au or in-store at Total Tools or Bunnings.
I’m thoroughly impressed
Images: Prime Creative Media
We cut about 20 times and it’s still going strong
Comprehensive coverage takes on a whole new meaning with Bosch’s GRL 300 HVG Professional. This rotational laser gives tradies complete analyses of their interiors without missing a beat
FOR CLEAR AND CONCISE measurements of large areas, the GRL 300 HVG is here to make tradies lives so much easier. This product from Bosch is designed to help tradies working on interior construction such as electrical and lighting, ceiling or wall installation get a clear picture of the area they’re working in.
We met up with Bosch superfan Dave Simpson for this test, while he was framing a residential build on the Mornington Peninsula.
Dave used the GRL 300 on the second floor of his build to gauge the datum level of all vertical beams.
He hooked the rotating laser up to its tripod and raised it to the desired level.
Since the second floor had no roof, Dave pulled out the LR 1G Professional receiver to get readings instead of the laser. From that high vantage point, the GRL 300 was able to clearly self-level and mark out the beams.
“This thing has come in clutch,” Dave said.
“I’ve never used a rotation laser like this before that can go up three metres for readings on a tripod.
“Our second floor is 2.7 metres high, so we just set this up at 2.7 and it shines green to make sure everything’s perfect.”
As far as simplicity goes, Dave said he had zero problems using the GRL 300
The tripod allows tradies to place the GRL 300 at the desired height, and control remotely
Dave then went downstairs to mark out some bulkheads. It was here the GRL 300’s bright green laser came to play.
“In shady interiors, this laser is vibrant,” Dave said.
“We also used the remote for it here which helps control where you want to measure a certain part of a room like we are with these bulkheads.”
The GRL 300 has a scanning diameter of 300m (150m with the LR 1G Professional receiver) .
Such an all-encompassing piece of tech must be hard to use, right? Wrong. The GRL 300’s interface is as simple as they come, allowing any tradie – including Dave – to easily set it up and level like a pro.
“Straight up, I love the handling of this tool,” he said.
“You’ve got the handles on the sides for handheld usage, there’s an attachment for mounting on walls, and of course you have the tripod.
“Of course, you avoid dropping your tools where possible, but you can tell this is sturdy and durable.”
As well as being tough, the GRL 300 is IP 54 resistant giving it a high level of water and dust protection.
When it comes to getting an encompassing and straightforward measurement, the GRL 300 is here to help.
This intelligent leveller can handle bucket loads of levelling tasks for interior work, and is designed to handle even the most complex layouts.
Dave could confidently and easily take readings with the GRL 300 whether he was with it or using it remotely.
“Everything about this tool makes life so much easier,” he said.
“Knowing I can get the right reading every time no matter the job is awesome.”
Find out more by searching the new Bosch GRL 300 HVG Professional laser levelling tool online.
Harrison knew welding would take him places in life, but he never imagined it would take him across the globe. The 20-year-old welding ace has been able to hone his talents thanks to the WorldSkills competitions
Making things with metal has been in Harrison’s blood since he was young. A proud Bathurst boy, he’s been surrounded by all the great things a good welder can create.
“I just enjoy making stuff and wanted to do more of that,” Harrison said.
“So I ended up in fabricating, welding and all that stuff.”
Harrison started his apprenticeship in 2020, working for a couple of companies before landing with A.OK Metal Fabrication in Bathurst.
“I do a fair bit of travelling to aquatic centres around NSW, doing handrails,” he said.
“I also do a lot of general fabrication like
As well as having plenty of WorldSkills success, Harrison was named Weld Australia’s Young Tradesperson of the Year NSW/ACT in 2023.
ute canopies, trays and structural steel.
“It’s always something different each day, which I enjoy.
“I’ve even got a couple of little race cars at home which I tinker with.”
Harrison’s talent for welding wasn’t truly realised until one of his TAFE teachers suggested he enter WorldSkills.
“I never really heard of it, my boss told me about it halfway through my first year,” he said.
“He told me I should have a crack at it when it comes around, and I’ve been involved ever since.”
In 2022, Harrison competed in welding at a regional level in NSW, winning the competition.
Following that, he went down to Melbourne where he took the national crown in welding in 2023.
From what started as a sparked curiosity,
Harrison finds himself training for the WorldSkills International Championships later this year in France.
This huge step in Harrison’s career also included a trip to the US where he participated in special training for the competition.
“I’d never been on a
bloody plane before I started this competition, so this is pretty cool,” he said.
Any skilled welder competing on an international scale doesn’t do so lightly. Harrison had to compete in some of the toughest
Harrison’s work during the WorldSkill National Championships in Melbourne last year. Each piece needed to be near-perfect will very little room for error
Move over Paris Olympics
2024. WorkSkills
2024 International Championships will bring talented skilled individuals from 86 countries to Lyon in France this September. Australia regularly competes in the biennial event, with the team comprising of the nation’s best Skillaroos.
Skillaroos are selected from a number of skilled trades, including:
• Bricklaying
• Welding
• Tiling
• Metalworking
• Cabinetmaking
• Mechanics
• Plumbing
• Carpentry
• Fashion
• Hairdressing
• Computing
• A nd more
Welding competitors at WorldSkills have the added pressure of being watched closely as they work
conditions in order to prove his product was the best.
“WorldSkills picks five steel welds for competitors to do,” he said.
“The judges X-rayed the work to see if you have full penetration and all the stuff on the inside.
“Then, we’ll do a stainless steel and aluminium project which they’ll measure and check for size to make sure everything’s perfect.
“We also do a steel pressure vessel. That has heaps of different welds on it, and at the end they fill it with water and pressure.
“If it holds, you get better marks and if it leaks, you lose marks.”
This kind of high-
The Skillaroo training team heading to Lyon in September, of which Harrison is a part of
pressure work has its benefits though, with Harrison stating its helped him forge a better skillset outside of WorldSkills.
“A lot of time goes into it to get things spot on,” he said.
“Some of the welds we’ve got a couple of millimetres in variation in width, so you have to be pretty dialled in for the whole time.”
Throughout his WordSkills work, Harrison has been supported by Weld Australia.
The peak association for Australian welders will sponsor his trip to France for the International Championships.
“They’ve really helped me out a lot with this, it’s been great having their support,” he said.
With Weld Australia, his A.Ok workmates and his family at his back, Harrison is eager to give WorldSkills welders everything he’s got in September.
“My coworkers and family have been loving it,” Harrison said.
“They’re all really supportive of me doing it.”
WOMEN IN INDUSTRY NOMINATIONS ARE NOW OPEN. Now is your chance to nominate an industry leader who you believe is advocating for positive change and deserves to be recognised.
Thurs 20 June, 2024
The Women in Industry Awards recognise outstanding women leaders from across Australia’s industrials sector.
Wagner has something special up its sleeve –introducing the SF21 Pro, the latest addition to Wagner’s SuperFinish Diaphragm pump lineup.
This powerhouse pump is designed to tackle those medium to large-scale painting projects with ease.
What sets the SF21 Pro apart? Well, for starters, it offers variable setups to suit your painting needs. You’ve got the hopper setup, ideal for doors and trims.
Then there’s the suction setup, perfect for those walls and ceilings. And let’s not forget the 2-in-1 option (comes with suction hose and hopper kit), which gives you the best of both worlds, all thanks
to Wagner’s patented diaphragm pump system.
Whether you’re an experienced painter, a new apprentice eager to learn the ropes, or even a serious DIY enthusiast, this machine promises an unparalleled painting experience.
It’s built tough, delivers top-notch performance, and handles both solvent and water-based paints like a dream.
With a maximum delivery rate of 2.1 litres per minute and a tip size of 0.021”, the SF21 Pro offers exceptional value for money.
With a maximum pressure rating of 3000psi, it’s compatible with all of Wagner’s HEA, TradeTip3, and Fine Finish tips, ensuring you get the perfect finish every time.
A standout feature of the SuperFinish range is diaphragm pump technology, which is included in the SF23 Pro and SF33 Pro models. This technology is all about efficiency and reliability. The diaphragm pump is not only economical, but it also reduces the need for maintenance. It ensures consistent pressure, resulting in a uniform, even spray pattern every time.
The highly-efficient and low-maintenance motor is purposefully designed to minimise electronics in the unit, protecting it against pesky voltage fluctuations. Running the pump dry? No worries – it won’t cause any issues.
Another major benefit of the SF21 Pro is its
High Efficiency Airless technology.
This innovative feature allows users to spray with the utmost control and performance, even under reduced system pressure.
This means less overspray – up to 55 per cent less, to be exact.
That’s right, reduced pressure leads to a softer, more controllable spray, giving you maximum control over your painting projects.
Plus, the slightly feathered edge ensures a better finish when overlapping spray patterns.
The SF21 Pro features many of Wagner’s latest innovations in painting.
Image: Wagner
With the SF21 Pro, say goodbye to the bounceback of the gun and lower trigger pull force. And here’s a bonus – the lower spraying pressure puts less stress on the system, leading to longer equipment life.
The SF21 Pro is backed by a 3+2 year warranty as well, giving you extra peace of mind.
So why wait? Step up your painting game with the SF21 Pro.
Find out more at wagneraustralia.com.au
With the change in weather and the end of financial year fast approaching, it’s time for eligible businesses and professionals to supercharge their kit and take advantage of a potential small-business tax break.
The STIHL range boasts
a number of professionalgrade battery-powered outdoor power tools to help commercial users complete their work safely and efficiently, no matter what the task. And for a limited time, commercial users can get two free professional-grade batteries with selected
STIHL battery tool bundles. Here are STIHL‘s top battery-powered tools for professionals and landowners this Autumn.
The MSA 220 C-B impresses with both power and endurance.
With its high chain speed of 24m/s, the MSA 220 C-B is perfect for felling smaller trees and for chopping up smaller pieces of wood.
The MSA 220 C-B comes standard with the STIHL exclusive 3/8″ Picco Super 3 (PS3) full chisel saw chain with a guide bar length of 40cm/16". The chain has a strong cut and a low kick-back, and its wider kerf also makes light work with the felling wedge.
The MSA 220 C-B also shines in terms of working comfort. The raised and printed felling line enables precise targeting and exact work when felling small-dimensioned wood. Thanks to the compact design and the rubberized soft handle, the tool lies
STIHL continues to break new ground when it comes to battery-powered chainsaws and other landscaping products
The MSA 300 C-O chainsaw ist he first to sport a full antivibration system
comfortably and securely in the user’s hand. Further practical details are the quick chain tensioner, which enable the chain to be retightened without tools, and the semitransparent oil tank, which allows the user to always keep an eye on the fill level.
Designed with professional users and arborists in mind, the new MSA 300 C-O sets a new benchmark in performance as the most powerful battery chainsaw in STIHL‘s growing battery range, making light work of felling and cross-cutting large trees.
The power behind the MSA 300 C-O is the AP 500 S, which was designed specifically to power the MSA 300 C-O. It’s the first battery in the AP
System to use laminated battery cells capable of delivering an impressive high-power output of 3kW – comparable in performance to STIHL’s popular MS 261 C-M, one of STIHL’s all-rounder petrol chainsaws. The MSA 300 C-O is the first batterypowered chainsaw to feature a full antivibration system, making it extremely comfortable to use. It has the lowest vibration figures across all STIHL’s battery and petrolpowered rear-handle chainsaws.
Our most popular battery powered blower, the BGA 86 has been designed for commercial users however it’s also extremely popular among property owners with larger areas to clear. This blower offers all of the innovative features that users have come to expect from STIHL tools, such as the single-hand multi-function handle so you have all the controls
With three speed settings, the FSA 135 trimmer is easy to control
in one hand allowing you to operate the device with your right or left hand, and the infinite variable speed control which can be used to precisely adjust the blowing force to suit the surface you are cleaning.
Featuring a powerful EC engine and compatible with a wide range of STIHL cutting tools, the FSA 135 R is perfect for maintaining and clearing dense areas of grass. The speed can be easily and continuously adjusted using the ergonomic control handle allowing the user to choose between three speed settings for the most efficient work possible while also being economical with energy. The power-saving mode is indicated by an LED and the air filter with metal grille provides optimum engine cooling whilst also being very easy to clean. The FSA 135 is also available with a loop handle.
The HTA 135 batterypowered pole pruner reaches up to five
metres in height allowing professionals and landowners to complete their work safely from the ground, saving plenty of time and reducing the risk of injury. The lightweight magnesium gearhead helps with maneuverability and balance, while the tough branch hook helps with the removal of loose cuttings from the tree.
The particularly rigid telescopic shaft of the HTA 135 enables quick length adjustment and exact positioning allowing precise cutting of tall trees. The telescopic shaft can be extended up to a length of 405cm, with the total length of the tool ranging from 285cm to 405cm.
Never worry about running out of charge again with the AL 301-4 mobile battery charger
The STIHL AL 301-4 is a gamechanger for professionals utilising STIHL’s commercial range of battery-powered tools. This mobile multibattery charger allows professionals to charge up to four STIHL AP or AR batteries sequentially, meaning they’ll never be without a full charge throughout their day. The AL 301-4 is specifically designed for use in
vehicles and on the go, therefore has a robust design as a result. The AL 301-4 is compatible with all AP batteries and is also capable of charging STIHL’s AR backpack batteries with a connecting cable and AP adapter.
Charge through autumn with battery power by STIHL. For a limited time, get two free pro batteries with selected AP battery system tool bundles.
Visit your local STIHL dealer to learn more today. Find yours at stihldealers.com.au.
IF YOU HADN’T already heard, Hot Devil has the hottest blow torches in town. And the HD032 Trade Map Twin Torch Kit is no exception. This torch kit includes two high quality burner tubes specifically designed to give you the ability to braze, silver solder, pre-heat metals for welding and other heat-based work, as well as complete soft soldering and other more delicate jobs, all with the one torch. A quick glance at the
solid brass internals on the hand piece and you know this torch has been built tough for the trades, and unlike some other torches with their under-sized handles, the longer handle featured on the HD032 Trade Map Twin Torch Kit allows you to say goodbye to hand-cramps forever! Not to mention the easystart auto ignition, which incorporates a clever “ignition lock on/off” switch and adjustable gas flow valve, which all means (yep,
you guessed it), using this torch makes any job a breeze. Both burner tubes can swivel up to 360° and feature brass tips for durability. The swirl flame burner tube presents a flame that can transfer heat up to 40 per cent faster than conventional blow torches, and the pin-point burner tube provides an incredibly precise flame for more delicate jobs like soft soldering.
Warren & Brown’s extensive chisel and scraper ranger includes the Quick Lock Razor Scraper (far right), sporting an ergonomic handle and a thick, durable blade.
Images: Prime Creative Media
WARREN & BROWN Tools presents a premium selection of hand tools and accessories tailored for automotive, industrial, and trade applications. Its inventory continues to expand, featuring Impact Scrapers, Bend Impact Scrapers, and Quick Lock Razor Scrapers in various sizes ranging from 20mm to 32mm. These tools are indispensable for professional work or
home DIY projects. Crafted from highquality stainless steel 420 J2, Warren & Brown’s scrapers excel in removing labels and decals from glass and windshields. The ergonomic handle ensures maximum grip and comfort during use. Each scraper comes with an additional heavyduty .020-inch razor blade, twice as thick as a standard one.
Explore Warren & Brown’s range of products including torque setting equipment, hand tools & accessories, soldering equipment, workshop, garage & service equipment, wheel torque setting equipment, and cylinder head reconditioning equipment. Enjoy fast delivery across Australia.
For further details, browse Warren & Brown’s product range or locate your nearest distributor at wbtools.com.au. Don’t forget to use Promo code TRADIE at checkout for a 10% discount on your next purchase! Offer valid until May 31, 2023.
Elevate your toolkit with Warren and Brown Tools – setting you apart with quality and innovation for over a century. Warren & Brown’s torque wrenches
are industry benchmarks, and Warren & Brown’s scrapers are unrivaled for label and decal removal from glass and windshields.
Chisel Impact Scraper: Crafted from robust 420 J2 stainless steel, these heavy-duty scrapers tackle various household and industrial tasks with ease. The 1.2mm thick blade of the chisel impact scraper effortlessly clears mixed debris, while the bend impact scraper’s 2.5mm thick blade is perfect for stubborn adhesives. Both scrapers feature comfortable handles for enhanced grip and can be used manually
or with a hammer or mallet.
Quick Lock Razor Scraper: Ideal for demanding jobs, the Quick Lock Razor Scraper boasts a 0.20-inch thick razor blade, double the thickness of a standard one. Its ergonomic handle ensures a secure grip, and it comes in short and long lengths to suit different requirements.
In addition to torque wrenches and scrapers, WB Tools offers an extensive range of hand tools, soldering equipment, workshop gear, wheel torque setting devices, and cylinder head reconditioning equipment.
Visit wbtools.com.au today to equip yourself with premium tools designed for excellence
surges, so does the need for precision tools to handle them effectively.
Diablo’s Composite Decking Saw Blades emerge as a gamechanger, providing unparalleled efficiency and quality in every cut. Whether you’re a seasoned tradie or a young apprentice, this blade is poised to revolutionise your decking projects.
Crafted with precision and
innovation, these blades boast excellence from design to performance. Engineered with a Modified Triple Chip Grind tooth design and featuring specially formulated TiCo™ Hi-Density carbide, these blades are tailored to maximise cutting life in composite decking materials and plastics. This means less stopping and starting with blade changes and more time getting down to business.
The important Modified Triple Chip Grind (MTCG) feature, ensures that
materials remain cool during cutting, resulting in melt-free cuts.
This innovation not only enhances the quality of the finish but also prolongs the life of the blade. Say goodbye to unwanted marks and hello to pristine, professional-grade cuts every time.
Complementing its cutting-edge design is the Perma-SHIELD Non-stick coating, which significantly reduces drag and shields the blade against heat, gumming, and corrosion. This ensures smooth
operation and maximises the lifetime of the blade, even in demanding conditions.
Furthermore, laser-cut stabiliser vents maintain blade integrity, keeping it straight and true throughout the cutting process. This feature not only guarantees superior quality cuts but also eliminates the risk of deviation or inaccuracies. Precision is a nonnegotiable with Diablo’s Composite Decking Blades.
The thin kerf design of these blades deserves special mention, as it requires less cutting power. This efficiency not only saves time but also reduces fatigue, allowing you to tackle your decking project with ease and confidence.
Diablo’s Composite Decking Blade is perfect for tradies working on Composite Deckings and Cellular PVC materials, delivering accurate and clean cuts. Image: Diablo
Diablo’s Composite Decking Saw Blades are tailor-made for fast, clean cuts in composite deckings and cellular PVC. Its unparalleled performance and quality make it a ‘must-have’ tool for tradies. With Diablo by their side, decking projects have never been more simple and satisfying. These blades set a new standard in the world of decking tools. Its innovative features, superior performance, and unmatched quality make it the go-to choice for those who demand nothing but the best.
Cement Australia’s PROStrength Rapid Set Conrete is set to hit stores in April. Image: Cement Australia
TRADIES NEEDING to save time and peace of mind can rest assured that Cement Australia’s latest mix will do both in spades.
Introducing the PROStrength Rapid Set
Concrete – designed to harden fast and deliver strong results. This latest offering combines the fast-setting of Cement Australia’s Rapid Set Concrete with the strong PROStrength formula.
PROStrength Rapid Set
Concrete is perfect for many load bearing tasks, including retaining walls, fencing, sign installation and larger posts.
This concrete moves quickly in hardening, hardening in just 30 minutes and load bearing after a day.
Not only does it set fast, it’s twice as strong as regular Rapid Set to the tune of 40MPa*. Its increased strength also makes it suitable for road furniture and is TMR MRTS14 approved. This allows tradies to pour and place everything quickly and get on with other jobs, before confidently being able to work on a firm surface within 24 hours.
The Cement Australia team has been making cement products for a long time. It’s not just a job for them, it’s a tradition. Since 1890, Cement Australia has been the top choice for Australians who want to build strong structures.
For commercial construction and certain load bearing needs,
Cement Australia’s PROStrength has tradies covered.
PLUMBERS, electricians or any other tradie needing to gauge temperatures can level up their tool box with Bosch’s GTC 600 C Professional Thermal Camera.
This device is a game-changer in the realm of temperature detection with its detailed visualisation capabilities.
This device allows tradies to swiftly identify temperature differences, whether indoors or outdoors, making it an indispensable tool for various applications.
Featuring a high thermal resolution and an extensive measuring range of up
to 600°C, the GTC 600 C delivers unparalleled precision, enabling tradespeople to pinpoint insulation problems and detect unwanted hot or cold spots with ease.
Its easy-to-use and teeming with features, including convenient voice notes and compatibility with the Bosch ThermalOn app. This app features Simple Exchange functionality for seamless data transfer. Tradies can collaborate and communicate findings efficiently, enhancing overall workflow efficiency and productivity.
All this streamlines the documentation process,
allowing tradies to get down to work fixing a problem they’ve detected.
Built to withstand the toughest job sites, the GTC 600 C sports a robust design with an IP54 protection rating, making it resistant to dust and water. Its durability is further underscored by its ability to endure falls from heights of up to two metres, ensuring reliable performance in even the most demanding conditions.
This thermal camera is campatible with our 12V battery platform, therefore offering outstanding runtime, ensuring
Whether indoors or out, the GTC 600 C provides an accurate thermal display of concealed areas.
Images: Bosch
uninterrupted operation throughout the workday. Additionally, its high accuracy of ±2.0°C* and wide temperature range of -20°C to +600°C make it suitable for a number of applications, from industrial inspections to residential assessments.
Need to detect a leak in a thick wall? The GTC 600 C should have no dramas telling you where it is.
Drop the guesswork and upgrade your operation with the GTC 600 C from Bosch.
Find out more at bosch-pt.com.au
Tradies, don’t risk what you don’t know with insurance
TRADIES ARE the experts at what they do on-site. Whether it’s building a home from the ground up, re-wiring a complex or fixing a burst pipe – tradies can get the job done.
One area they may not be so strong in, however, is making sure they’re covered with the right insurance.
Here’s a few big insurance policies tradies should be aware of when getting into the gig.
A worksite can be as safe and secure as can be, yet things can still go
wrong. From a loose wire to an incorrectly fastened tool – some accidents are waiting to happen.
For example†, a plumber forgot to take out the safety screws from a dryer when installing it.
When the homeowner turned it on, it rocked loose and caused the dryer to fall over.
A Public Liability policy can help keep tradies covered from thirdparty claims of property damage or injury. That plumber ended up being covered to the tune of $7,498 to replace the dryer, washing machine and joinery.
Tool theft remains a common problem that Aussie tradies face every day. Tools valued in the tens of thousands are regularly pinched from utes across the country. It’s a nightmare situation, but it can be even worse if tradies are left to foot the bill.
Portable Equipment cover can be included in your Business Insurance Pack to help keep your tools and stock protected when they are lost or damaged due to theft, fire or other covered events.
Injured during a footy game or banged your wrist
at work? A PA policy will cover you either way! This type of insurance can help tradies cover lost income should they not qualify for workers’ comp. Personal Accident insurance can cover up to 85 per cent of your salary for a set amount of time once signed off by a medical practitioner (subject to max limits and relevant waiting
periods, depending on the policy you choose). It offers financial peace of mind when income is compromised due to an accident or illness.
Tradies! Why wait for things to go pear-shaped? Bradley – a WA carpenter saved $400 on his Public Liability insurance with BizCover‡.
To compare quotes and get covered in minutes, check out bizcover.com.au and see how much you can save on your business insurance.
– you deserve to enjoy life, not just now, but down the road too.
Now what if you knew of a way to get off the tools early and continue enjoying the best things in life, knowing everything is taken care of for you behind the scenes?
Custodian is a firm believer in striking a balance with its motto: work hard, play hard.
But to truly secure your future, it’s crucial to incorporate another mantra: invest smart.
Making progress today and paving the way for early retirement doesn’t mean sacrificing the joys of the present.
With Custodian’s 7 Steps strategy, everything operates smoothly in the background, allowing you
to get out and about and live life to the fullest.
Australians are well known for their laid-back approach to life, but when it comes to finance, time has shown us that we need to do better.
One in five Australians retire on the pension today; it doesn’t have to be this way.
Tradies - you work hard for your money and deserve the Australian dream of owning a home. But it doesn’t stop there.
Navigating financial decisions can be daunting, but not doing anything is not the solution.
“If you’re standing still, you are going backward.”
Author and real estate avant-gardist, John Fitzgerald, identified
the common struggles Australians encounter, when it comes to their finances and has been on a mission to educate them through his book 7 Steps to Wealth and nationwide seminars.
This educational tool teaches individuals how to build a portfolio, leveraging the power of compound growth found in Real Estate.
Since its release, thousands of Australians have embraced this strategy, securing a brighter financial future for themselves, with many achieving early retirement without money worries.
The Fitzgerald family has been in the land business
for 42 years; they founded Custodian 25 years ago to take the 7 Steps to Wealth into every Australian household. It’s built on the belief that land is the foundation of all wealth and has been the best-performing asset in the last 50 years. Through webinars and masterclasses, Custodian delves into the numbers that most Australians are unaware of when it comes to land value, but also the key factors behind the growth, such as migration, infrastructures and major government expenditures.
John Fitzgerald – co-founder of Custodian - has been helping Aussies with their financials for 25 years. Image: Custodian
1. Pr ioritising when they did was a turning point in their life.
2. Realising investing does not affect your lifestyle today, was a relief.
3. K nowing the future is looking bright financially, with certainty.
If you’re looking to invest some time in education this month and are short in time, this one-hour event is the right place to start.
To find out more about the 7 Steps Strategy, see what our clients say or register for one of our events, visit custodian. com.au/tradiemag
Government reckons there is $20 to $30 billion in unpaid superannuation. Industry sources claim a further $5 billion is unpaid every year.
Superannuation legislation started in July 1992. In principle, anyone who operates as a sole trader (not a partnership or a company) and is paid more than $450 a month for their labour, must also have superannuation paid.
It doesn’t matter if you were a contractor-for the purposes of super you are
treated as an employee. Unpaid super also attracts interest at the rate of 10 per cent per year.
There is no time limit to claiming unpaid super, but there are some pitfalls. You must not have the right to engage/employ any other person (whether you do or not).
Kaizen’s first step is to assemble the documents to establish the claim.
When Kaizen have all the necessary documents, it makes a claim on the
employer. If the employer disputes the claim, Kaizen can lodge the claim with the Australian Tax Office (ATO). The ATO is a big bureaucracy and can take two to three years to finalise a claim.
Recently, Kaizen recovered $388,000 from Sydney Trains for a welder who worked there as a contractor for 17 years. It took nearly three years with the ATO to finalise the claim.
The ATO will not pursue a claim for monies due for more than five years unless you can provide invoices (if you issued invoices) and bank statements proving the amount of the claim.
The next pitfall is that
banks say they can only provide records going back seven years. On the surface this is true, but if you go into your branch where the account is held, they often can produce records going back much longer.
The penalties for non-payment of super are huge-200 per cent of the super, plus interest, plus losing the tax deduction for the super, plus potentially a fine and imprisonment. Some employers don’t
pay super because they don’t understand the rules, and other don’t because it reduces their labour costs by around 10 per cent and they rely on the ignorance of contractors.
Kaizen are experienced debt collectors, working ‘on results only’. No recovery no fee. It starts with a simple phone call or an email to discuss your situation then it goes from there if you have a valid claim. If you don’t, Kaizen will explain why. Check
Tradies, tax season will be here before we know it! With that in mind, check out the following tips on how you can make the most out of Financial New Year (FNY)
NOW IS THE TIME for tradies to be collecting their receipts and reviewing their debts before Financial New Year is upon us.
The team at Fergus - the job management software specialists – are ready to help tradies level up their cashflow.
Here’s a few of the top tips Fergus reckons will save you headaches this tax season.
If an invoice is issued June 30 or before, it’ll count towards your
accounts receivable and must be included in your tax return. Not only that, but tradies looking to get as much cash before the Financial New Year will want all invoices sent out. Invoicing can be a sluggish and tiresome process on the best of days, but tax time always seems to drag things out. So, how can tradies implement a smooth and simple way to produce invoices?
“Using Fergus has really helped streamline the way we do business, such as: integration with suppliers to import invoices directly into the software, customised price books, automated timesheets from job entries, and being able to create our
own forms for use in the field to name a few,” Prime Plumbing Director Robyn Shields said.
“We highly recommend Fergus for any trades business looking for a job management solution.”
Overdue invoices can be claimed as a tax deduction if they’re written off before June 30.
There’s nothing worse than having to pay tax for a job you haven’t seen a red cent from. Don’t get caught in no-man’s land and make sure you’re on the front foot.
Regularly reviewing debts, inventories and fixed assets can save tradies tonnes of stress. Fergus can help make invoicing fast and simple to help tradies limit outstanding debts.
Automated invoicing (including overdue
reminders) and calculating live cost/profit margins as jobs progress are just some of the ways in which Fergus can help keep admin legwork to a minimum.
Not only that, but Fergus offers portable and flexible payment options for tradie’s customers, allowing them to pay by card on-site. This saves businesses from having to chase customers, and gives an extra layer of peace of mind for owners.
“Everything goes through Fergus. They’ve all got the Fergus app on their phone and all of our (supplier) invoices get attached to the job,” Watersmith Plumbing and Gas owner Andrew Smith said.
“That then makes my life easier when it comes time to sending invoices.
“Customers love the convenience of Fergus Pay
[credit card payments], and pay twice as fast, compared to our customers who use back transfer to pay invoices.”
Following on from debt, maintaining an overall accurate record of your finances is a no-brainer.
This not only makes tax season simpler, but also helps ensure a tradie’s cashflow is the best it can be.
“We never miss a job and we never miss a product [cost] now. Everything gets billed out.
“So the difference in turnover and cash flow has been huge,” ATX Plumbing co-owner Tyler Sprunt said.
The ATO requires a profit/loss statement, so if a tradie already has these summaries on-the-go, submitting a financial year’s worth will be a cinch.
Fergus can also be integrated with accounting software such as Xero, QuickBooks and MYOB to help streamline financial reporting.
“The real driver for finding a job management solution was the integration with our accounting software,” Activ8 owner Shane Robertson said.
“We also needed a reliable and professional system to take us to
that next level within our business growth, a system that would grow and move with us.”
If you’ve got a few employees on your books, make sure your single touch payroll (STP) is up-to-date by July 14. Employees can’t process their returns without a group certificate from the financial year. Having the right business software can really help tradies here, as it makes generating payslips a lot simpler.
“We want people to know that we are a professional establishment from the get-go,” Outback Tradies
co-owner Sarah Bradford said.
“So we’ve just gone straight in, got our software sorted. I will happily spend money for the convenience of automation.
“Having that level of organisation makes life that much easier and gives us a solid foundation off
which we can grow down the track. If you’re looking to shift from pen and paper to software, just do it.
“Honestly it’s a life saver in business. You can automate everything in this day and age. Just automate as much as you possibly can, so you can spend your time on the things that matter.”
Don’t wait until after July to sort your taxes or your business! Get ahead with Fergus and see how its software can help your operations and cashflow.
Sign up for a free 14-day trial or find out more at fergus.com
Getting paid (37 per cent)
Prepping quotes (33 per cent)
Finding employees (33 per cent)
Payroll and taxes (29 per cent)
Admin (29 per cent)
When it comes to work on the tools, there’s no one better than tradies. However, when it comes to business savvy, there’s no harm in getting some help from experts such as Tyro
TRADIES TODAY are tackling more financial fodder than ever. From managing the increasing costs of materials, to maintaining healthy cashflow – running a business is becoming more and more complex.
Recent research published by hipages which was compiled using an EY Sweeney and LEK consulting report, outlined five key pain points for
tradies when it came to financials (see breakout above right).
While fixing a burst pipe is a piece of cake for some tradies, tightening up those pain points above might not be.
That’s where Tyro’s services can help.
Jason Curtis recently started his outdoor renovations business operating in the Melbourne area.
Between fencing, outdoor maintenance and patio work, there’s no shortage of work going around.
Coming from a construction background, Jason has seen how technology has evolved to allow for a plethora of payment options.
For this, he said he was lucky to have Tyro in his pocket, so to speak.
“I’ve found Tyro to be brilliant,” he said.
“Having a portable card reader makes me comfortable in securing payment for my jobs. With everything going digital these days, Tyro’s really handy.
“Back when I did construction … these options weren’t there – tradies didn’t use terminals. It wasn’t as accessible back then, but now it is.”
Tyro’s quick and easy payment solutions also allows tradies to email customers their receipts on-site, trimming wait times on both ends substantially.
What’s more, with Tyro’s payment solutions you can add multiple devices to the one account, so small teams can take payments on multiple jobs at once.
As well as payment portability, Tyro tightens up tradies’ overall cash and business management. The Tyro App helps keep track of day-to-day transaction reporting and reconciliation.
Having the payment process streamlined helps Jason get on with the job with the peace of mind that securing income wouldn’t be an issue.
Jason also uses the Tyro Bank Account – a
product which links to Xero Accounting Software to make reconciliation simple as.
Add to that the interest you earn, with no feesbanking for tradies has never been easier thanks to Tyro.
“I’m delighted with Tyro. It gives more confidence
and gives my business a more professional feel when dealing with customers,” Jason said.
“It just makes everything so much simpler.”
Tradies, now is the time to streamline your business for the digital age and keep cashflow tight and on the ups.
Find out more about how Tyro can benefit your business at tyro.com/trades-services/
Find more information about the hipages hipages.com.au/odte
Imagine starting not one, but two businesses, being a lady tradie in a bloke’s world, wading through sewage, and raising a kid. Well, Aimee Stanton has done all that and more
Aimee admitted she could be quite stubborn. Many decisions in her life have come after someone has dared to say she can’t be or do something.
“I remember someone saying ‘women can’t be tradies’,” she said.
“I’m pretty stubborn so I chirped up and said ‘yes they can’ so I went and did my pre-apprenticeship before applying for like 120 jobs.”
That moment launched Aimee’s career in the trades, but it was the start of something much more.
When it came to figuring out what trade Aimee wanted to train in, a particular childhood memory led the decision making.
Aimee’s dad – Peter is a builder, and when she was young he used to take her around on work trips.
When they stopped at the tuck shop, Peter jokingly told Aimee that Magnums were off-limits for mere builders, who could apparently only afford Frosty Fruits.
Magnums, you see, were reserved for plumbers.
“What’s this plumber gig? It sounds like a good gig,” Aimee said.
“Of course, you have to deal with excrement
and stuff, but I could have all the Magnums in the world.”
Plumbing can draw plenty of toilet-oriented stereotypes, but Aimee quickly learned there was much more to it.
“I didn’t realise all the avenues there were in plumbing – I thought it was just changing people’s toilets over,” she said.
“But I started off in roof plumbing then moved into mechanical plumbing such as industrial high-rise aircons.
“All my friends still think I’m handling poo, but I’m not often touching poo.
“I didn’t change a toilet until about five years ago – there’s so many types of plumbing and that’s why I like it.”
Aimee’s journey to where she is today wouldn’t be complete without a trial by fire.
However, her first week on the job may arguably be the worst ever.
“I had the worst first week you could have,” Aimee said.
“I got my head stuck in a scaffold, I crashed my car through the jobsite fence, I sat on a piece of metal stuck in my butt which had to be removed, then I fell on a guy through a roof while he was eating a sandwich.
“After that week, I thought maybe I couldn’t be a tradie.”
But she persevered, and eventually completed
her apprenticeship in plumbing.
Aimee was swimming in Magnums. A qualified plumber’s life had her living quite well.
But something was missing.
“I was 21 with a house and a mortgage with a new car, but I was unhappy,” Aimee said.
“I thought ‘nah’ there’s gotta be more. So I sold everything, broke up with the partner at the time, I got a pet pig called Constable Crackles because I could.
Aimee tried to be like her friends in high school and study beauty therapy, but she was expelled leading to her true calling as a tradie
“It looked like I was living the life, but then I decided I wanted to live the life for the experiences and not the materialistic stuff.”
So Aimee went on a journey of self-discovery across Australia, doing all kinds of gigs including appearing on reality TV.
Aimee and her brother – who had also quit his accounting job – decided to hop aboard the tiny home craze with Tiny Stays.
“We bought a trailer – no plans – we just started building one from the ground up,” she said.
“We rented some land off farmers and put it on Airbnb and it went really well.
“We build them, rent land in beautiful locations and rent them out.”
Workwear for women in trades is a struggle many experience when trying to get into the industry.
It’s something Aimee is all too familiar with, and again she saw a challenge to rise to.
“The more I went to women in trade events, the more I was told women weren’t happy with their workwear,” she said.
“Throughout my 10 years on the tools, I felt the same. No one was really addressing the issue, so I thought I’d give it a crack.
“I interviewed about 2000 women in construction about what they want.”
From the thousands of respondents, Aimee had her apparel business –Zadie Workwear – up and
running two years later, officially launching in late 2023.
“You obviously get treated different on site, but I don’t hold that against guys that look at you differently,” Aimee said.
“It’s more common now, but back 30 years ago you wouldn’t see a woman rock up on site in pink socks ready to give it a crack.
“The one thing I did want was to be comfortable in my clothes.
“I wanted to make a workwear brand that fit the hips, butts and thighs because those were the problem for women in the industry.”
While Aimee was venturing across Australia to prep stores for Zadie’s launch, she also had another major addition to her life along the way.
“When I found out I was pregnant, it all kind of rolled in together, travelling around Australia setting up stores with Zadie gear,” she said.
With young Delilah around, Aimee and husband (and plumber) Kayne have their hands full.
“You just make it work. I work while she sleeps, get up at ridiculous hours to work,” she said.
“The passion’s there, and the more I get feedback from women about having workwear that fits, the more I want to do it.
“I don’t need sleep, I’ll be fine.”
Aimee fits in well as a huge advocate for women in trades.
A member of Empowered Women in Trades (EWIT); she’s witnessed the shift in culture as more women take up the tools.
“We didn’t have
something like EWIT when we were younger – a way to see a path in the trades for women,” she said.
“To see where it’s come from in four years … what EWIT’s doing for women in construction, it’s on a completely different level.”
Aimee’s advice to women looking to get into trades?
Find the passion, and you’ll find the path.
“The main thing for me being a woman rocking up – you just have to do your best to relate to everyone,” she said.
“Show your passion, and no matter what you do –just give it a crack. So far, that’s worked out really well.
“You be a quota! And you be the best damn quota you can be.”
SYDNEY BUILD is set for its biggest edition yet with 500 exhibitors and 500 high-level speakers. These will be spread
and entertainment, and attract over 20,000 leading contractors, architects, developers, councils, government, civil
co-located with Digital Construction Australia and Australia HVACR Expo, this is the ultimate platform to establish
Sydney Build serves as a major chance for attendees to network and connect with likeminded stakeholders
leading experts across 15 conference stages, including Future Australia, Future Tech, AI and Robotics, HVACR, Architecture & Design stage, Digital Construction, Sustainability, Diversity, Inclusion & Reconciliation stage, and more. All sessions are informally and formally CPD accredited.
The expo will be held at ICC Sydney May 1-2.
SUBHEAD: Key Speakers include:
Sustainability will again be a major focus for Sydney Build
• Rajitha Herath, Technical Director at AECOM
• A lberto Sanchez, Head of Planning at Lendlease
• C arly Cosmo, Senior Manager Operations at TAFE NSW
• Harman Singh, Smart Cities and Places Lead at GHD Digital
• David Harding, Commission co-chair at Committee for Sydney
• Burak Turgutoglu, Director Design and Project at Fairfield City
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• 20,000+ attendees from leading contractors, architects, civil engineers, developers, councils, housebuilders and construction professionals
• 500+ inspiring speakers across 12 conference stages including Future of Construction, Architecture & Design, Digital Construction, Sustainability, D&I and more
• 500+ exhibitors showcasing the latest services, products and innovations transforming the industry
• CPD training workshops and accreditation
• Australia’s biggest Festival of Construction with DJs, musicians, live performances, celebrity guests, entertainment and competitions
• Meet the Buyers with Procurement Teams exhibiting from top contractors
• Architect’s Hub with project displays and 3D models of upcoming projects from leading architects
• Government Hub showcasing opportunities and planning across NSW
• E xclusive networking events co-hosted with leading industry bodies
• Australia’s largest networking events for Women in Construction and Diversity in Construction
• An inclusive Ambassador Programme supporting Women in Construction, Diversity in Construction and Mental Health in Construction
Carpentry Australia helps to change someone’s life
from across Melbourne came together recently to help someone who’s usually putting others above herself.
Carpentry Australia members ventured to Epping – to Melbourne’s north – to renovate the home of Noreen Elliot.
Noreen has dedicated more than 43 years of her life to supporting those in the community who need it most. Between Victoria and Canberra, Noreen has helped support families in distress, victims of natural disasters and the homeless.
Noreen’s patio and entry decking was redone as part of the reno
Carpentry Australia teamed up with the St Vincent de Paul Society for Helping Hand Day to give
Noreen’s home a revamp. From rebuilding the carport, to fixing up a new patio and fencing as
well as pressure cleaning the roof, everything was getting a touch-up.
“We love giving back and Carpentry Australia are really good at organising these events as well,” Limitless Build’s Cam Fraser – whose team was rebuilding the carport –said.
A few of the carpenters admiring the hard work being put into Noreen’s home
“Everyone’s been as busy as they can – I think we put in 6 hours of time in on Monday, but we got about 12 hours of usage out of the guys.”
Habitat Carpentry’s Brad Jones had four of his chippies on-site helping take down and build new fencing.
“I think all the people who enrol with Carpentry Australia share similar
values, so it’s super easy to rock up and work together as a team,” he said.
As well as Limitless Build and Habitat Carpentry, teams from SMD Projects, Beaumade Builds, SJ Carpentry Services, Initial Painting Group and Jenkinson Building among
other volunteered their time on the three-day project.
“My team’s mostly been working on the decking, but I’ve been involved with every crew and it’s been amazing,” Project manager and SMD Projects’ Dave Malone said.
“It’s just so good to see everyone come together for a great cause and work it out.”
Channel 7’s Sunrise was on-hand as things kicked off, and the initiative is supported by The Tradie: Talkin’ Tools and Toys and Prime Creative Media.
Chippies from a variety of businesses came by to help out on the project
As well as the groundwork, Noreen’s roof got a makeover
NAWIC IS EXCITED to be opening awards for female tradies for a second year in a row. The National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) has teamed up with Bunnings Trade for the second year in a row to create opportunities for women in trades through the Women in Apprenticeships Awards. The awards aim to actively support and empower women starting their trade careers, providing assistance that extends beyond just tools.
NAWIC and Bunnings Trade are dedicated to breaking these barriers and striving for a genderbalanced workforce. With over 1,700 applicants in 2023, we are anticipating this years awards to be bigger than ever before!
For apprentices this award is huge, offering a
range of rewards that can help them grow in their career:
• $ 5,000 worth of Bunnings Gift Cards
NAWIC Mentorship
• $ 1,500 Hard Yakka Gift Voucher
• $ 1,000 AEG Kit
• $1,000 Kincrome Product Pack
• $ 1,000 Irwin Product Pack
• $ 500 Full Boar Product Pack
• $ 230 Johnson Product Pack
• $ 175 NWS Product Pack
• $ 100 Vaughan Product Pack
Employers who support these apprentices also receiverecognition:
• $ 1000 worth of Bunnings Gift Cards
• $ 500 Hard Yakka Product Pack
Even though the construction industry
is the third-largest contributor to Australia’s economy, only 3 per cent of women work on the tools. Amidst a growing shortage of skilled labour workers, providing opportunities to women not only improves the construction sector, but also helps address the broader national challenge of meeting labour demands. Hiring female apprentices to join your team isn’t just about fairness - it’s also an opportunity to improve the diversity and strength of your workplace. By choosing to mentor and hire women in trade roles you’re not only contributing positively to the industry but also bringing in fresh perspectives, innovation, problem solving skills and a collaborative spirit to your team.
The National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) is an Australian notfor-profit organisation advocating for change and striving to help champion and empower women in the construction and related industries to reach their full potential. We offer mentorship, events and awards aimed at advancing women and providing equitable opportunities for our members, and all women. You can keep up with NAWIC through The Leaky Pipeline Podcast -a podcast for the change makers, across our social media platforms @nawicau and at our website nawic.com.au. Bunnings Trade is a major supplier to project builders, commercial tradespeople and the housing industry. It serves the trade industry through a network of more than 350
Apprentice Ruby Bennett, NAWIC’s Lisa Hogben and Bunning Trade Specialist
Veronica Henry are all hyped for this year’s awards. Image: Supplied by Bunnings Trade
locations including trade centres that save you time and money with:
• T he widest range of products for electrical, plumbing, landscaping and building jobs - just to name a few.
• Trade Centre locations in every state and territory.
• Rapid estimating and quoting services from an experienced, knowledgeable local team
• Frame and trusses, manufactured with world leading technology Delivery to your site, on time and in full
• End-to-end export services, including freight logistics services as needed.
Chick aka Felicity Pettiford was one of many women tradie champions to shine at the Empowered Women in Trades (EWIT) Gala and Awards night.
Hundreds of lady tradies and advocates for women in trades gathered at The Trust in Melbourne’s CBD to celebrate industry champions as well as boogie the night away.
“Words can’t describe how grateful I am to meet such an amazing group of woman and men in the industry,” Felicity said via Instagram.
“Last night was one of the best experiences that has ever happened to me within my career.”
Felicity has been a major advocate for trades
through both EWIT and Carpentry Australia, showcasing not only her path through the industry,
but also promoting and mentoring others on a similar path.
EWIT Founder and CEO Hacia Atherton said via EWIT’s monthly newsletter that the event was an immense success, thanks to the support and enthusiasm behind EWIT and its cause.
“Together, we created an evening filled with inspiration, empowerment, and celebration of women in the trades,” she said via the newsletter.
“From the heartwarming stories shared to the connections forged, each moment underscored the incredible strides we’ve made together.”
Here’s the full list of award winners:
• Tradie Lady of the Year: Felicity Pettiford
• A pprentice of the Year: Bonnie Inkster
• Tradie Trailblazer: Sarah Burton
• Industry Leader in Diversity and Inclusion: Anne Boyle
Felicity Pettiford accepting her award as Tradie Lady of the Year
• E xcellence in Human Skills Award: Bek Bishop
• Cultural Change Maker Award: Sarah Wright
• Exceptional Educator Award: Kirsti van der Zeil
Champions across the trade industry had a blast celebrating each other’s accomplishments