Vacvator has launched the largest vacuum truck in its range

Driving towards sustainability | Redefining relining in Wodonga | Elevating HDD operations | The next generation of trenchless | Revolutionising underground solutions
We’re keeping communities connected through elegant culvert solutions

supplies a holistic service in the for reliability and excellence.
John Murphy
Christine Clancy christine.clancy@primecreative.com.au
Molly Hancock molly.hancock@primecreative.com.au
Clemence Carayol clemence.carayol@primecreative.com.au
Vivien Topalovic vivien.topalovic@primecreative.com.au
Nick Lovering nick.lovering@primecreative.com.au
Michelle Weston michelle.weston@primecreative.com.au
Blake Storey blake.storey@primecreative.com.au
Blake Storey
Trenchless Australasia is owned by Prime Creative Media and published by John Murphy. All material in Trenchless Australasia is copyright and no part may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means (graphic, electronic or mechanical including information and retrieval systems) without written permission of the publisher.
The Editor welcomes contributions but reserves the right to accept or reject any material. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information, Prime Creative Media will not accept responsibility for errors or omissions or for any consequences arising from reliance on information published. The opinions expressed in Trenchless Australasia are not necessarily the opinions of, or endorsed by the publisher unless otherwise stated.
Copyright Prime Creative Media, 2021

As the voice of the trenchless industry, it’s imperative that we address the pressing issue of emissions reduction. Our industry plays a crucial role in modern infrastructure development, rehabilitation of ageing assets and upgrading projects with trenchless technology.
Over the years, the trenchless industry has made significant strides in innovation and efficiency. This can be seen through utilities using more trenchless methods to complete its operations.
Recently, SA Water trialled a trenchless fix for the first time in its metropolitan sewer network to avoid unnecessary disruption to businesses and the community.
SA Water Senior Manager of Infrastructure Planning and Strategy Daniel Hoefel said South Australia needs to keep challenging itself to explore different ways of maintaining assets to ensure it is minimising any impact on the surrounding community from its work.
If SA Water had used traditional repair methods it would have involved removing pavers in Rundle Mall and excavating down to get access to the pipe, causing disruption to the community and local traders, along with impacting the area’s amenity.
However, but using this trenchless method, the utility only needed to access one of its nearby sewer chambers for repairs, and after one of the team was safely lowered inside the chamber, SA Water used a combination of ropes and steel rods –guided by a CCTV camera – to push the sleeve to the impacted section of pipe.
Similarly, Rob Carr has addressed how it is working towards sustainable solutions to decrease its ecological footprint.
Rob Carr is committed to limiting its environmental impact and reducing its carbon dioxide emissions by 40

per cent by 2030, an ambitious target.
From utilising recycled materials to incorporating renewable energy sources like solar panels, among others, these practices are significantly lowering carbon emissions associated with Rob Carr’s construction projects.
Most construction companies, like Rob Carr, need cement, concrete, steel, and fuel to carry out its projects.
However, these resources generate significant carbon dioxide emissions which impact operations and, ultimately, the environment.
To address this challenge, we are seeing more and more companies in the industry allocate resources towards developing cleaner and more energy-efficient technologies, provide comprehensive training programs for industry professionals to promote best practices for emissions reduction, and foster partnerships with environmental organisations, government agencies, and other stakeholders to advocate for policies that support emissions reduction in the industry.
There has also been an increase in establishing transparent monitoring systems to track progress towards emissions reduction goals.
By taking proactive steps to reduce emissions, the industry is not only safeguarding the environment for future generations but also positioning trenchless technology as a driving force for future project works.
As an industry that is already adaptable and willing to embrace emerging technologies, it is exciting to see what other sustainable solutions are on the horizon.
Happy reading!
Molly Hancock Managing Editor molly.hancock@primecreative.com.au
Discover the future with Bothar, a global trenchless construction expert with over 30 years’ experience underground. Bothar ensures safe, sustainable, and successful project delivery by offering a comprehensive range of trenchless solutions alongside expertise in shaft construction and civil capabilities.
Bothar is the perfect partner in the delivery of complex infrastructure projects.
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ABN 43 893 870 966
18 Frinton Place
Greenwood, WA 6024
President: Ben Crosby
Secretary: Trevor Gosatti
Vice President: Blair Telfer
Western Australia: Aizezi Jiang
Queensland: Ben Crosby
New South Wales: Sudipta Basu
Victoria: Ash Hamer
South Australia: Shaun Melville
New Zealand: Blair Telfer
Northern Territory: Vacant
Tasmania: Vacant
President’s message
Welcome to the latest edition of Trenchless Australasia. This edition explores trenchless’ role in the energy transition, and how the industry’s technology is helping reduce emissions from pipeline construction, rehabilitation, inspection, and maintenance.
The issue contains content focusing on environmental benefits of no-dig methods, as well as the new technology which is already part of the energy transition. It is a time in the industry where utilities and projects can really benefit from trenchless technology as it is already a low impact on the environment form of work.
In an exciting development, the Australasian Society for Trenchless Technology (ASTT) has announced the members of the inaugural Young Trenchless Professionals (YTP) Committee.
With Victorian Councillor Ash Hamer leading the committee, the ASTT hopes to achieve its mission and strategic objective through improving member awareness and engagement, organising trenchless forums, and providing input to council on industry trends and changes.
The annual general meeting (AGM) is just around the corner, and we invite everyone to join us at Prime Creative

Media’s Mornington Boardroom on Tuesday April 30, 2024.
The AGM will commence at 10am and will feature reports myself and Secretary Trevor Gosatti. The meeting will also discuss the 2024 council structure, the role of special interest groups and the strategic plan.
As part of the changes to the 2024 council structure, we have welcomed Andrea Edney and Amy Farrugia to the board.
A relatively new approach from the council, this move means the new members will help promote specific areas such as training, standards, and education, rather than representing a particular state or territory within Australia.
I express a big welcome to both Andrea and Amy and look forward to working with you both on this new venture.
It is hard to believe we are already in April. Before we know it, it will be 2025 and No-Dig Down Under will be back on everyone’s calendars. This is your reminder to book your booth for the event which will be taking place in Melbourne.
Crosby ASTT President

Secretary’s corner April 2024
New members
On behalf of the ASTT, I extend a warm welcome to the following new members:
Individual Members – Australia
Marc Peril from South East Water
Patrick Tunnah from Stantec
Luke Woodward from Mullane Trenchless
Individual Members
– New Zealand
Nigel Lee from Marley (transferred from Corporate to Individual)
ASTT annual general meeting
I advise that notice was given to all members that the 32nd combined Council and annual general meeting (AGM) will be held in the Mornington Boardroom at Prime Creative Media at 379 Docklands Drive, Docklands, Melbourne on Tuesday April 30, 2024, commencing at 10am.
All financial members are welcome to attend. The meeting is scheduled in conjunction with the timing of the AWA OzWater Conference in Melbourne.
Any changes to the ASTT Council will be announced at the AGM.
ASTT Young Trenchless Professionals Committee
A special interest group (SIG) has been established with the ASTT Young Trenchless Professionals (YTP) Committee. YTP are members 35 years and younger who are keen to be engaged in the trenchless industry further.
Under the guidance of the ASTT Victorian Councillor, Ash Hamer, this group has been established and plans to meet on a
regular basis.
The YTP committee will focus assisting to ASTT achieve its mission and strategic objectives with a focus on areas, such as:
• improving member engagement and awareness
• organise or coordinate trenchless forums
• advise council on focus areas for training and education
• provide input to council on best practice guidelines and industry standards
• assist with ensuring a sustainable society by providing advice to council on emerging trends and changes in industry. The benefits of the YTP Group to the ASTT include:
• increased engagement from young professionals to support development and growth of the society
• added support to council to achieve strategic objectives
• development of the next generation of ASTT leaders
• mentoring and coaching of young professionals.
The ASTT Council strongly supports this group. It is planned to hold a forum and a function for the YTP around the timing of the ASTT AGM and the OzWater conference.
No-Dig Down Under 2025 & 2026
As touched upon in the last issue of Trenchless Australasia, the ASTT Council will continue to work together with our media partners, Prime Creative Media, to bring more high-quality events for 2025 in Melbourne and then the ASTT

hosted ISTT International No-Dig to be held in Auckland, New Zealand in September 2026.
If you haven’t already, put these events in your planning calendar to be a participant as both events will provide great value for your businesses and the trenchless technology industry in our region.
ISTT administrative changes
After the recent resignation of the ISTT Executive Director Peter Smeallie, I was honoured to be appointed to the Executive Director position effective from March 1 2024 on a part time basis.
In coming into the role, I acknowledge the excellent contribution of the outgoing ED in Peter Smeallie and thank him for his service to the organisation over a seven-year period including a difficult time during the pandemic. On behalf of the ISTT I thank him for his service.
By accepting the position as Executive Director, I join the full time ISTT Program Director, Kyoko Kondo in the administration of the ISTT for the foreseeable future.
The new part time role is not expected to affect my current position as the Secretary and Treasurer of the ASTT. In fact, there are many synergies between the roles that may complement both organisations going forward.
Trevor Gosatti ASTT Secretary

Excellence in tunneling for water, wastewater and energy infrastructure.
With a focus on safety, innovation and collaborative delivery over the last 35 years, Rob Carr has achieved outstanding outcomes in water, wastewater and energy infrastructure projects in both Australia and overseas.
Rob Carr is part of Soletanche Bachy a world leader in foundation and soil technologies and subsidiary of VINCI, a global player in construction across more than 100 countries. With outstanding capabilities to manage the complexities of any project, Rob Carr has the people, knowledge and experience to deliver success.
Tunnel boring to begin on North East Link

The North East Link in Victoria is making progress, with segments of the first tunnel boring machine (TBM) to dig the twin tunnels lowered into the ground.
At the Watsonia site for the North East Link, two of the largest TBMs in the southern hemisphere will start digging the 6.5km tunnels in mid 2024.
The first pieces of the machines were lowered into the ground by a 550-tonne gantry crane. When assembled, each 4000 tonne TBM will be 90m long and more than 15m wide.
The TBMs will soon work their way south from Watsonia toward Bulleen, while crews begin installing tunnel walls made of almost 44,000 individual concrete segments.
Across the north-east, a significant level of work is underway to prepare for tunnelling. A 200-metre-long TBM launch box in Watsonia has been completed, and work has started on the underground box structures near Lower Plenty Road and Manningham Road where the TBMs will excavate into on their journey south.
Melbourne Water to commence relining works
Melbourne Water is set to commence relining works on the North Yarra Main Sewer, a sewer that transports sewage from Melbourne’s north-east to the Western Treatment Plant.
The works are scheduled to start on Wednesday 3 April and are expected to take five to six weeks to complete. Works will be completed as part of night works between 7pm to 6am, Sunday to Thursday.
Melbourne Water will use relining as it will allow the utility to reline the inside of the existing sewer with new plastic sleeving, ensure that disruptions are kept to a minimum, allow upgrade works to be completed more quickly and efficiently and ensure the structural integrity of the sewer is maintained for decades to come.
The North Yarra Main Sewer was first constructed in the early 1900s with some sections now coming to the end of their working life.
In October 2023, Melbourne Water began major construction works to rehabilitate the upper section of the sewer.
The lower section of the North Yarra Main Sewer from Yarra Flats Park, Ivanhoe East to Farm Rd, Alphington will be relined as part of a later project, which is planned for 2024 or 2025.

Rob Carr celebrates safety excellence
The Rob Carr Monthly Safety Awards celebrated the company’s representation of its commitment to workplace safety.
There were 392 submissions on the Rob Carr’s platform last year, with 73 individual contributions for best practice alone.
The company’s workforce continued to address potential unsafe situations, which built upon the positive reporting culture embedded within the company.
There were also a further 111 improvement suggestions, showcasing the workforce’s efforts in shaping a safer work environment.
The awards honoured outstanding workers for their proactive approach and dedication to safety with 26 award winners across various categories throughout the year.
The company celebrated this achievement with a statement on LinkedIn.
“But beyond the numbers, the core of our approach is developing a strong culture of transparency and reporting,” the company said.

TRACTO delivers first GRUNDODRILL ACS300 in Australia
TRACTO Australia has delivered the first Australian GRUNDODRILL ACS300 to one of its longstanding partners, R&R McClure in Victoria.
Based in Castlemaine, Bendigo and Mildura, VIC, R&R McClure specialises in the installation of underground power, water and
communication for utilities, government and private businesses.
Looking to expand their horizontal directional drilling capabilities, especially in harder ground conditions, the company looked to its longstanding partner in TRACTO Australia. “Always at the forefront when applying
the latest trenchless technologies, the ACS300 will ensure that they can continue to increase capacity in rock drilling and digital technology,” the company said.
“Thanks again to Tim McClure and Kelly McClure for your continued support and we wish you all the best your new machine.”

Sliplining on display in Parkville

Greater Western Water (GWW) has upgraded a 134-year-old water main in Parkville, VIC through the use of sliplining.
GWW began the Royal Parade Upgrade project in May 2023 in partnership with Fulton Hogan, which involved replacing the existing water main with two kilometres of new pipeline.
Construction utilised sliplining technology to insert a new 560mm diameter inside the existing 750mm diameter wrought iron main. Sliplining was used as it helped limit disruption to local businesses, limit water supply interruptions and pressure and ensure construction was safer and more time efficient.
GWW Acting General Manager Growth and Infrastructure Bri George said the upgrade was a high priority due to the water main’s condition.
“The Royal Parade water main is a critical asset and has been providing the Parkville community with reliable water services since 1889, that’s more than 130 years of ongoing use,” she said.

Transforming South Australia with trenchless
SA Water has taken trenchless technology across South Australia in rehabilitation, maintenance and installation projects.
SA Water replaces under-track pipes in Mount Barker
SA Water used horizontal directional drilling (HDD) to replace 55m of water mains in Mount Barker.
e utility company chose HDD to minimise the environmental and community impacts of the work and drilled at a depth of 2.4m underneath Mount Barker’s heritage SteamRanger tracks.
e section of pipe is critical to the water service in Mt Barker and surrounds.
SA Water General Manager of Sustainable Infrastructure Amanda Lewry said that HDD is considered to be safer and more e cient for the project.
“ ese works are part of our e orts to continually improve water services for our customers, with this section of pipe critical to transporting water to residents and businesses in and around Mount Barker,” she said.
HDD to help Monarto pipeline project
SA Water used HDD to assist in installing a section of pipe underneath the Melbourne to Adelaide rail corridor.
“Our crews have been operating a horizontal directional drill to bore a 60-metre-long tunnel under the track for the pipe to be pulled through via a trench on the other side at the fringes of Monarto Safari Park, where they’re currently wrapping up the nal section within the park,” SA Water Senior Manager of Capital Delivery Peter Seltsikas said at the time.
“Rather than lay PVC pipes like we’re using elsewhere for the project, we’re using highdensity poly pipes, due to their increased exibility to withstand ground movement and their ability to be welded together and pulled through the tunnel.”
CCTV use in Adelaide
SA Water employed CCTV cameras for two rail sewer chambers, as part of its rehabilitation program.
e two chambers located under the Keswick
Bridge carries tra c on Anzac Highway over rail tracks and provides access to a sewer main that transfers sewerage to the Bolivar Wastewater Treatment plant.
SA Water Senior Manager and Infrastructure Planning and Strategy Dr Daniel Hoefel said $1 million will be invested to rehabilitate around 40 concrete sewer chambers across the state.
“ is type of work is vital to sustaining the structural integrity of these assets and involves using CCTV cameras to inspect the condition of the chambers – allowing the entire structure to be assessed in detail to prioritise those that require refurbishment, with these two in the rail corridor identi ed as a priority,” Hoefel said.
“Working across the weekend during the temporary line closure, our contract partner, Inter ow, cleaned inside the chambers beneath the Keswick Bridge with a high-pressure hose to remove any debris or fat from the walls, before applying a protective coating to the concrete.”
SA Water completes extensive sewer scrub
Over a six-month period, SA Water cleaned and inspected more than 130km of sewer pipes across Australia.
Hoefel said the program plays an important role within the sewer network.
“Typically, the foothills experience more blockages due to the presence of thirsty tree roots, which break into sewer pipes looking for water and continue to grow, blocking the ow of sewage,” Hoefel said.
“In Adelaide’s west, the soil composition is rather loose and sandy which makes it easier for this material to nd its way into our pipes and build up over time.
“To put this into perspective, we recently removed more than 110 tonnes of silt from a 1900–metre-long section of one of our large sewer mains in Birkenhead.”
To cut through blockages, the SA Water team used a vacuum truck equipped with a jet rodder, to work their way through the pipe and remove any unwanted material.
“Given sewage is actually 99.9 per cent water, all of the water we remove from the sewer
network is recycled and supplies the jet rodder, as the truck is designed to separate liquids and solid matter,” Hoefel said.
Trenchless to form desalination plant SA Water will use trenchless technology to implement design changes for its proposed Billy Lights Point desalination plant.
e small-scale plant will provide longterm water security for the people of the Eyre Peninsula and ensure the health of the Uley South Basin.
e design changes include a trenchless construction method for the installation of the plant’s intake and outfall pipes, and the placement of the pipes o the coast of Billy Lights Point.
“We will need to conduct additional geotechnical studies to re ne the scope of the trenchless construction method, and from early next month, we will use a barge and small drill rig o the coast of our existing nearby wastewater treatment plant to collect soil and rock samples from the ocean oor,” Seltsikas said.
“ is will enable a better understanding the site’s geology, to determine the exact type of construction method, which could include directional drilling or tunnelling.”
e geotechnical work is expected to take several weeks, and the results will inform a detailed concept design.
“ e Uley South Basin is the primary source of drinking water for Port Lincoln and the lower Eyre Peninsula, but the Basin is under stress, so a desalination plant is essential to augment supply,” Seltsikas said.
“A combination of long-term lower groundwater recharging of the Basin and ongoing extraction rates to meet community demand mean the aquifer’s water levels are likely to reach historically low levels by the mid-2020s.
“We need to build the desalination plant at Billy Lights Point to protect the health of the Basin and provide an alternative climateindependent water source to deliver drinking water to the local community.”

Putting the ‘power’ in powerhouse
Meticulously engineered in-line with its core values, Vacvator has released the TMC90-500BPJ, the latest vacuum truck in its range.
As the largest unit in its range to date, the TMC90-500BPJ is a powerhouse solution designed to deliver robust performance, reliability, pro tability for the customer and unmatched versatility.
It addresses the productivity needs long sought after by the industrial, mining and civil sectors. Mine spec ready, this unit will con dently hydro excavate, high-pressure jetting or dry excavate utilising high-pressure air and Vacvator’s proven reverse pulse lter cleaning technology.
In the world of industrial vacuum trucks, the Vacvator TMC90-500BPJ will challenge the competition as a formidable powerhouse, loaded with state-of-the-art features. e truck is capable of non-destructive digging (NDD), high-pressure jetting and dry vacuum excavation, and is able to handle large volumes of ne dry material with unparalleled performance.
is unit is designed to tackle a wide range of vacuum excavation tasks without any restrictions.
In Vacvator’s search for performance, the company collaborated closely with Volvo Australia to select a cab chassis that delivers both horsepower and agility. e FMX10x4,
equipped with a liftable steerable tag axle, o ers an impressive 540HP, meeting Vacvator’s exacting standards.
Powerful vacuum excavation capability
At the heart of the TMC90-500BPJ lies the Jurop Helix 1500 blower, boasting an impressive suction capacity of 8495m3/h (5000cfm) and up to -28Hg of vacuum at a mere 82dBa.
Paired with dual Dynaset Pumps, which generate an impressive 250Bar at a water ow of 30lpm, this combination ensures consistent performance and e ciency in every hydro excavation task.
Operators can handle tasks with precision and speed, tackling even the most challenging of projects. To support this, the unit boasts a 9000L spoil tank and a 5000L water tank.
Unrivalled high-pressure jetting performance
e TMC90-500BPJ sets a new standard for high-pressure jetting where performance, ease of use and reliability were the key criteria for the system design.
is system pumps out an impressive 344lpm at 169Bar and is complemented by
a jetting reel, housing 180m of 1 1/4 jetting hose. With these features, operators can tackle large diameter jetting projects with ease.
Vacvator’s Autec belly pack remote enables the operator to safely operate and control the jetting process via a digital display which provides pressure, ow and location at the jetting head.
Dry vacuum excavation
e TMC90-500BPJ stands out with its ability to dry excavate.
At the push of a button, the unit is capable of switching from traditional NDD using highpressure water, to high pressure air excavation. is easy, fast, cost-saving alternative, uses air to dislodge friable soil matter to then be collected into the tank as dry material.
e compressed air is delivered by a screw compressor delivering a solid 300cfm through a high-pressure air lance, regulated to deliver 225cfm for swift and e cient excavation.
Vacvator’s innovative reverse pulse ltration system with automated lter cleaning ensures the bank of dual 15 element lter houses stay clean.
Additionally, the unit o ers an automated independent cyclone and ltration purge

to tank system, that takes the excess ltered material, and delivers it back to the spoil tank, ensures e cient operation and waste removal.
An intelligent operating system
To ensure the highest of standard, the TMC90500BPJ continues to incorporate Vacvator’s integrated CAN Bus system which is a standard
feature on all Vacvator units.
e system not only makes Vacvator a market leader in operator integration with intuitive control systems, but also incorporates safety features to protect the unit and more importantly, ensures the truck is safe to operate on and o the road. Vacvator’s primary goal is to ensure its units are both safe for the operator and
pro table for the owner.
e rst thing the operator experiences is the seamless start-up procedure from the control panel simplifying the process for the operator.
e system has been programmed to always manage all functions on the unit, giving the operator the complete control of the unit.

e on-board scales are linked to the CAN Bus system on the unit, which is a standard safety feature Vacvator has built in and will stop vacuum pump once the truck is at its legal road weight limit.
is protects the operator from being ned for overweight, protects the unit owner from potential liability and limits any chance of road accidents from being overloaded.
Other functions also include limiting water pressure to the required safe operating pressures set by utility owners.
e CAN Bus system also maintains Vacvator’s ongoing commitment to customer support, allowing its technicians access to the system to be able to provide remote support to the customer.
It can also be used by the operator and the unit owner to visualise productivity, maintenance and safety data.
Why choose the TMC90-500BPJ?
e Vacvator TMC90-500BPJ exempli es Vacvator’s commitment to delivering top-quality solutions in vacuum excavation.
is unit is the product of years of collaborative work listening to its customers, providing solutions for the complex nature of the projects encountered by the industrial, mining and civil industries.
For more information, visit vacvator.com.au

Driving towards sustainability
A wave of innovation is changing the scene, with Rob Carr actively working towards sustainable solutions to decrease its ecological footprint.
In a time when environmental concerns are the focus of discussions, industries are being pushed to change their practices and limit their impact on the planet.
Construction and engineering companies have shifted their priorities beyond just pro t.
Today, many prominent companies acknowledge that sustainability is not solely a moral duty, but also a key business strategy.
One example is Rob Carr, which is not only reducing its ecological impact but also gaining a competitive edge by integrating sustainable practices into its operations.
“As part of the Soletanche Bachy group, the world leader in foundations and soil technologies, Rob Carr has implemented the “Green is Great” awareness initiative to encourage sta to do their part in joining
the company’s e orts in reducing its carbon dioxide emissions,” Rob Carr General Manager Angelo Soumboulidis said.
Within the group’s strong environmental approach, Rob Carr is committed to limiting its environmental impact and reducing its carbon dioxide emissions by 40 per cent by 2030, an ambitious target.
From utilising recycled materials to incorporating renewable energy sources like solar panels, among others, these practices are signi cantly lowering carbon emissions associated with Rob Carr’s construction projects.
Like most construction companies, Rob Carr needs cement, concrete, steel, and fuel to carry out its projects. ese resources generate signi cant carbon dioxide emissions
which impact operations and, ultimately, the environment.
Reducing carbon emissions is a focal point for Rob Carr in its commitment to achieving long term sustainable operations by employing a mix of strategies and in its e orts for reasoned and sustainable growth, the company is relying on a pragmatic environmental action plan focussing on key areas.
Three key areas:
• Energy – reducing carbon footprint by 40 per cent by 2030 by reducing fuel and electricity consumption
• Cement – reduce indirect carbon dioxide emission by 20 per cent by 2030 through reducing cement consumption using less concrete, using alternative binders

and bespoke cements with lower carbon footprints
• Waste – minimising the generation of onsite waste and maximising recycling and recovery of materials by using specialised vendors who reuse construction waste and materials to generate new reusable products.
To ensure sustainable operations, Rob Carr has implemented a stringent emissions tracking framework for its projects and the business as a whole.
e framework, developed in-house, includes the detailed calculation of carbon emissions for any o ering made to a client at tender stage.
Ultimately, this development has enabled the company to compare the carbon dioxide impact of a basic solution with that of a variant during the tendering phase, in order to promote, wherever possible, the solution that has the least impact on the environment.
e framework is in template form and incorporates detailed calculations within Rob Carr’s estimating software, ensuring that the requisite detail and accuracy of information are available for any developed project solution.
If successful, the Rob Carr project team receives this information and progressively tracks the project’s carbon dioxide emissions
throughout its lifecycle.
“ e aim for the project team is to innovate and implement new processes or solutions or supply alternative materials, which will help to further lessen the projects’ overall carbon dioxide emissions and ultimately the company’s overall ecological footprint,” Soumboulidis said.
e project reporting merges and tracks several environmental indicators against a B0 scenario, such as total fuel consumption, electricity, gas, water, concrete, steel, and other materials in a monthly report, thus allowing for continual improvement.
Integrating renewable energy systems into construction projects is becoming increasingly prevalent.
From incorporating solar panels into its site facilities to lessen the need for power generation using fuel, through to looking into machine electri cation using electric power packs to reduce energy consumption, Rob Carr is at the forefront of o setting carbon emissions in the trenchless space contributing substantially to the sustainability of the built environment.
Further breakthroughs in materials science are driving the creation of environmentally friendly substitutes for standard construction

materials, further decreasing the ecological footprint of the business.
rough the group, Rob Carr has access to EXEGY, a low carbon concrete alternative made exclusively by Soletanche Bachy.
“EXEGY is a package of materials and group services which provide group companies such as Rob Carr and ultimately clients, the most suitable low-carbon footprint concrete or grout for any project,” Soumboulidis said.
Ultimately, the sustainability of any construction project relies on collaboration within the supply chain. By collaborating closely with the group, other group companies, suppliers and subcontractors, Rob Carr enforces strict environmental standards and encourages the adoption of sustainable materials and practices in its operations.
With climate change becoming a rm reality, construction and engineering companies will play a bigger role in fostering sustainability.
By embracing innovation, and prioritising carbon dioxide reduction strategies, Rob Carr will not only minimise its environmental impact but also drive positive change across the trenchless industry.
For more information, visit robcarr.com.au
Sustainable outcomes through collaboration
Partnering with some of the world’s leading suppliers of trenchless technology solutions, Pipe Core is collaborating to support sustainable outcomes across the Australian and New Zealand industries.
In an industry inherently driven to minimise environmental impact, Pipe Core is leading the way with innovative trenchless pipe rehabilitation technology. is mission is supported by the company’s international suppliers who are independently taking further steps to adopt sustainable practices.
Pipe Core has one of Australia and New Zealand’s most comprehensive list of supply partnerships, including some of the world’s leading suppliers of trenchless technology. is includes machinery and equipment covering the entire project delivery ecosystem from inspection, cleaning, repairing, maintenance, and renewal of utility and councilowned underground infrastructure.
Pipe Core’s suppliers align with key sustainability themes, such as elimination of single-use plastics, energy consumption,
carbon reduction and social impact, contributing signi cantly to environmental and social responsibility.
Reducing packaging waste
One supplier that has made meaningful adjustments to its packaging with the reduction of plastic is Renssi.
“ is move represents a crucial stride towards a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future,” Renssi Chief Executive O cer Jouni Savonen said.
While others are focusing resources to further improve and revolutionise their environmentally responsible practices.
Lowering carbon emissions
As part of the Trelleborg Group, the Trelleborg Seals & Pro les division, which creates cured-

in-pipe place (CIPP) materials and trenchless equipment, works toward the same set of sustainability goals.
e Group climate target is to halve direct and indirect CO2 emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2) by the end of 2030 compared with the base year 2021, and, during the same period, reduce emissions along the value chain (Scope 3) by 25 per cent.
“Trelleborg is currently investigating ways to increase the share of recycled or bio-based raw material in the product portfolio and reduce the amount of CO2 released during the whole manufacturing process,” Trelleborg Product Manager Consumables Matthias Peppel said.
“One example of actions that are already in place, is the manufacturing process of the liners.
“All energy used in our European facility, comes from renewable sources, mostly wind energy.”
Another company taking steps to decarbonise and reduce emissions is SAERTEX multiCom® GmbH, in which Pipe Core is the exclusive distributor of its products in Australia and New Zealand.
e company, which supplies UV-cured lining solutions for the trenchless rehabilitation of wastewater, pressure, and potable water lines, has the goal of protecting natural resources

and creating sustainable solutions with low environmental impact.
In cooperation with an independent engineering o ce, SAERTEX multiCom has developed a tool that calculates potential greenhouse gas emissions on a project-speci c basis, from the production of raw material, to the manufacturing process.
e company has also recognised many e ciency gains from using the range of UV cured liners.
“Our liners have yielded substantial e ciency gains on various projects including operational savings in time, labor, costs and general disruptions,” SAERTEX multiCom Business Development Manager Katharina Helming said.
SAERTEX multiCom has further improved its transportation conditions for a larger range of SAERTEX-LINER® MULTI so that it no longer needs to be temperature controlled, which has seen huge energy savings.
e company is also proud to work with Ledder Werkstätten, a social institution that deploys people with disabilities to produce the crates used for the transportation of the SAEREX-LINERs.
Social responsibility
UK manufacturer Scanprobe is dedicated to supporting the trenchless industry with its range of CCTV pipeline inspection cameras.
ese innovative solutions allow users to make informed decisions about renewal options instead of pipe replacement.
CCTV drain inspection minimises the need for unnecessary and potentially harmful excavation work and plays a vital role in preventing pollution, and risks to local ecosystems and wildlife.
is inspection process is also a key step in preventative pipe maintenance as it helps to identify potential blockages, leaks, or damage early and helps facilitate e cient and targeted repairs, reducing materials and resources

required on the job.
CCTV can work hand in hand with smoke detection techniques from another of Pipe Core’s suppliers, ROM bv, which is responsible for a comprehensive list of products for sewer cleaning and toilet servicing.
e ROM eSTEAM smoke machine helps users locate faulty sewer and rainwater drainage connections which overload the main line and cost the community more in water treatment and potential repairs.
Pipe Core has expanded its o ering of batteryoperated solutions, including the Climbolino E Milling Robot from Hächler GmbH. is innovative robot operates with minimal noise emissions and a small worksite footprint. It also has 90 per cent energy saving compared to conventional milling robots.
e new battery range from Picote Solutions includes the Battery Powered Mini Miller and Battery Powered Mini Cleaner which can
operate independently of a power outlet.
ese units eliminate leads and potential trip hazards, as well as minimising disruption to homeowners, reducing the overall worksite footprints and allowing renovation to take place in a sustainably responsible way.
Vertiliner, also available through Pipe Core, is another sustainable alternative to excavation and manhole renovation.
e system is a proven UV-cured structural CIPP liner manufactured in Germany to the exact size and shape of each maintenance hole.
rough Pipe Core’s diverse range of suppliers o ering more sustainable solutions across both consumable goods and equipment, it highlights its progressive approach towards minimising environmental impact in an industry that is a frontrunner in sustainable practices.

Elevating HDD operations
TRACTO Australia has announced the successful delivery of a GRUNDODRILL 15XPT to prominent drilling contractor Nurich, marking a milestone for both companies.
Based on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Nurich is a privately-owned business that has worked across the civil construction and telecommunications sector.
With a combined 70 years of experience within horizontal directional drilling (HDD), the company looked to advance its capabilities by leveraging cutting-edge technology with the GRUNDODRILL 15XPT.
“Over the space of three years, we’ve grown from one drill now to ve, with this one being the fth drill we’ve bought, but our rst TRACTO machine,” Nurich Managing Director Richie Nugent said.
“We’re winning a lot of work within this space, and we believe this machine will help us elevate these operations.”
Nugent expressed con dence in the capabilities of the rig and its potential to enhance Nurich’s drilling operations signi cantly.
“TRACTO has a great reputation with its drills,” Nugent said.
“ e company has always been reliable with their communication and support.
“ at’s something that was missing for us previously so, we’re very happy to have that support from TRACTO.”
With a focus on maintaining loyal relationships with its suppliers and subcontractors, Nurich recognises the importance of collaboration within the civil industry.
“We believe that achieving market leadership guarantees our clients the highest quality, performance and service,” Nugent said.
“We bought this drill to keep up with our current workload and to build upon our reliability.
“It’s de nitely going to keep our clients extremely happy.”
An ‘all-rounder’ HDD rig, the GRUNDODRILL 15XPT emphasises power, all while remaining a compact dirt drill.
With 180 drill rods on board, the rig’s bentonite mud pump delivers 320L per minute
for maximum productivity and quick drilling progress, even with large upsizing diameters.
It also has a rotating cabin, which allows for optimal positioning in respect to what the job requires. e cabin itself is user-friendly, clearly arranged and has an air sprung seat with automatic air conditioning.
e GRUNDODRILL 15XPT also has a touchscreen display with access to all performance data. is also includes drilling data

acquisition, which allows the operator to record and have direct access to drilling data.
Paired with the full functionality of the remote service, the GRUNDODRILL 15XPT has minimal down-time and low consumption of resources and costs, making it a exible and economic rig from its very rst use and onwards.
TRACTO Australia Sales Manager Daniel Toms emphasised the shared commitment with Nurich to drive innovation within the HDD space.
“TRACTO Australia prides itself in delivering high-quality tailored HDD solutions to meet the evolving needs of our clients,” Toms said.
“We are more than a supplier and are always there for our clients, from the rst stage of purchase, right through to after sales.
“ is partnership between TRACTO Australia and Nurich serves as a testament to our commitment to innovation for the drilling industry.”
For Nugent and the Nurich team, the GRUNDODRILL 15XPT will enable them to achieve greater productivity.
“With this new drill now, we’ve got our eyes set on becoming a major player within this space,” he said.
“We’re thankful to TRACTO for helping us get there.”
For more information, visit tracto.com/AU

Reducing the job site squeeze
In utility installations, there is no one-size-fits-all job and as such there needs to be a variety of equipment available for contractors to utilise. Companies that offer a range of equipment that effectively service a variety of job sites can help boost a contractor’s abilities, accessibility, and sustainability.
Utility installation projects often mean large, sprawling job sites, encompassing vast areas, and requiring large-scale equipment, but there are instances when work will need to take place in tighter, more con ned spaces.
Fitting the bulky equipment necessary for utility installations into such compact areas could require land clearing and additional works to remove obstructions. is unnecessary excavation and clearing can result in lengthy project delays and can also tarnish a job’s sustainability credentials.
Boosting sustainability credentials
Environmental, social and governance is increasingly becoming a key focus for contractors and there are a range of ways that workers can bring more sustainable practices to utility installation job sites.
Sustainable practices on utility installation jobs can take on a variety of forms including reusing and recycling materials onsite and minimising environmental disturbance. In restricted and compact job sites it can also mean employing smaller, compact equipment to help get the job done in favour of excavating to give site access to large equipment.
e restrictions that these compact sites impose on equipment can mean the di erence between accepting a job or rejecting it. Understanding the varying job sites means o ering a complete range of equipment, including machinery that can be used in compact, con ned job sites.
Making the inaccessible accessible Vermeer’s Pedestrian Trenchers are the perfect solution for small-diameter utility installation, particularly when job site access is restricted.
e slender pro les of Vermeer’s Pedestrian Trencher units mean they can comfortably access tight spaces, including passing through standard backyard gates.
e strength of Vermeer Pedestrian Trenchers does not come at the expense of their smaller size, with the three units in the range o ering high torque digging and delivering optimal power to job sites.
Di cult terrain on job sites is no hurdle for Vermeer’s Pedestrian Trenchers, with highmount track design o ering excellent traction and minimising ground disturbance. Further underscoring the adaptability of the range, the machines give operators the option to use tracks or tyres – allowing workers to unlock maximum productivity and performance in spite of varying

surface conditions.
e removal of the tail wheel on Pedestrian Trencher track units o ers depth-control in uneven ground conditions and gives operators increased convenience to navigate through tight spaces. On top of this, the range’s outboard bearing support feature gives the head shaft additional protection when trenching in di cult conditions.
With Vermeer’s range of Pedestrian Trenchers, serviceability is not a problem; the engine cover design enables a quick service turnaround by o ering virtually ‘no-tool’ access to all daily and weekly service points. e hydraulic hoses and hard-line design further contribute to convenient service and maintenance, meaning less equipment downtime and mitigating project delays.
Backed by Vermeer Australia’s local support network
Customers can rest assured with the backing of Vermeer Australia’s network of 10 branches across Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, and Tasmania. Our experienced and knowledgeable service, parts and product support experts are here to help, when and where you need them.
For more information, visit vermeeraustralia.com.au or call 1300 VERMEER

Manufacturing Quality PE100 Pipes
Since 2004, Australian Custom Pipes (ACP) has been providing conventional piping systems, custom pipes, injection moulding and fabrication to the Gas, Water, Fire, Electrical and Communications pipeline construction industries
If it’s quality products and service you’re after give ACP the opportunity to impress.

A master in customised pipes
Australian Custom Pipes no longer needs an introduction. The independent, Australian-owned polyethylene pipe manufacturer has been making waves for more than 20 years.
The company’s quality polyethylene (PE) pipes have supported countless projects around the country and have continually proven to be compatible with trenchless methods of construction.
Australian Custom Pipes (ACP) is committed to providing high-quality PE pipe, complemented by dedicated customer service and support.
e company can provide bore pipe in white or orange, in large coils and in lengths up to 20m, or customised to suit any project, helping clients save money by getting more pipes laid each day and minimising waste from o cuts.
In addition to a reliable product, ACP always delivers as promised.
e company knows how important it is for deliveries to be on time, as nobody wants to keep their crew on standby waiting around for a truck to arrive.
ACP keeps its delivery date promises and works closely with clients to coordinate the best outcomes.
A natural trenchless fit
With the rapid take up of solar as the most cost-e ective build and generation of power, ACP have been involved in the supply of conduit to major projects in regional Victoria, western New South Wales and southeast Queensland.
During this initial avalanche of solar installations, a major challenge arose in running conduits, as power was coming in from all directions from numerous arrays of panels over a widely spread area.
To overcome these issues, the speci cation moved to trenchless technology, speci cally horizontal directional drilling (HDD), to
allow conduits to come in and transverse many obstacles on their way to sub stations.
ACP was able to provide a 315mm PE orange conduit in place, capable of handling the heavy-duty cables involved, meeting the UV stability required and with little disruption to the major works underway.
ACP has developed all its PE pipes to

meet AS2053 for conduit applications.
is allows client project works to move away from the older methods (gluing PVC/ welding steel pipes) and towards the use of HDPE coils using trenchless options like HDD or pipe bursting.
is has been of great bene t when clients are looking to install pipes over great distances and has been particularly bene cial and e ective on major projects like airports, subdivisions, highway construction, infrastructure builds involving water, sewer, power, communications, re, gas, river crossings and more.
Ticking all the boxes
ACP is recognised in the market for costcompetitive quality products and service. e company is dedicated to employing ever-increasing modern machinery and rigid inspections procedures throughout its manufacturing processes to ensure a high standard of accuracy with pipes, ttings, and fabrications.
ACP also prides itself on its quick turnaround times, both in customer service and manufacturing, and its products are approved to supply water authorities from Adelaide to Southeast Queensland.
ese pipes support projects in regional and remote areas, with PE pipes up to 315mm in the colour, stripe, jacket, or even internal jacket to meet all speci cations.
Even if the required pipe is uncommon or not in stock, ACP is capable of manufacturing and delivering the necessary products in a short timeframe.
For more information, visit acpipes.com.au

DN 100 and up
DN 150 and up (relined) (depending on the system)

Redefining relining in Wodonga
In a step towards enhancing stormwater infrastructure, M. Tucker & Sons recently completed a challenging relining project for the Wodonga City Council.
The relining project, commissioned by the Wodonga City Council in Victoria, aimed to rehabilitate an ageing stormwater line.
e asset in question was deteriorating, and compromised by signi gant tree roots to such a state that all previous e orts by other parties had failed to address the issue.
As such presenting potential risks to public health and the environment,
M. Tucker & Sons’ experience and enginuity was crucial in ensuring the seamless execution of the project.
Speci cally, the company mobilised a Melbourne based team to remove the roots and other hard intusions, followed by the installation of 98l/m of IMPREG DN225 GRP liner, to structurally rehabilitate the asset and guarantee its service life, free from roots and further damages for the next 100 years.
is undertaking not only showcased the company’s expertise, but also highlighted its commitment to delivering solutions in demanding environments.
“In addition to 4000psi water cutting robotic works to remove the root knuckles at joints, some larger displacements were also robotically re-shaped to ensure minimum disruption to the hydraulic performance of the line as these joint joints were unable to be dug up and re-aligned,” M. Tucker & Sons Trenchless Supervisor Matt Kershaw said.
Within the fully deteriorated asset, navigating the complex nature of the large displacements and intrusions, the job required meticulous planning and execution to ensure the relining process was carried out e ectively.
Despite the complexity of the challenges, the company showcased its suite of services tailored to suit the clients budget and scenario, resulting in a plan of action that was de nitive and cost e ective, with no open cut works to reinstate.
“ e asset was prepared in the days prior to installation which included CCTV, drain cleaning, robotic concrete grinding works

and high pressure water cutting to ensure the smoothest possible process during installation,” Kershaw said.
“ e liner was installed and 11 property connections reinstated, returning the drain to a structurally sound state and extending its serviceable design life for another 100 years” e large taproots were the most challenging aspect, according to Kershaw, as they exceeded the limitations for plain root cutting or any basic cleaning nozzles.
“Using our high prtessure water cutting technology on the cutter system, allowed us to position a robotic crawler at the defect and cut very presisely with a high-pressure water nozzle,” Kershaw said.
“By utlitising this methodology you can target the areas you need to address and monitor progress in realtime on the screen in the van.”
Despite encountering unforeseen obstacles, M. Tucker & Sons’ team remained agile to keep the project on track.
is included e ective communication and collaboration with the Wodonga City Council, which played a crucial role, according to Kershaw.
“ e initial site appraisal meeting and communication throughout the whole project was key, including CCTV inspections

in the site appraisal,” Kershaw said.
“ is allows our teams to gain clarity on the requirement of the project and we are able to in turn pass that clarity on to the client when discussing the project and setting timeline expectations.
“It is crucial to keep the client informed as works progresses, not only so as they can address stakeholder enquiries, and track progress against construction programs, but it also gave the council the con dence that we could and would deliver what we promised.”
Now, the rehabilitated stormwater line is poised to serve the community reliably for years to come, ensuring the continued sustainability of Wodonga’s infrastructure. is successful relining project is a testament to M. Tucker & Sons’ commitment to excellence and innovation in the eld of civil and trenchless solutions and the industry as a whole.
rough delivering the project, the company has not only strengthened stormwater infrastructure, but also contributed to the sustainability of the community it serves.
For more information, visit mtuckerandsons.com

Delivering streams of innovation with Interflow
Mostly unseen, culverts allow waterways to flow while acting as a bridge in supporting roads and rail networks. These culverts are now ripe for attention as increasing adverse weather events, along with ageing structures, highlight the essential role they play in regional and metro infrastructure.
Recently a major Australian international airport conducted a regular condition assessment of its stormwater assets and found that one of the stormwater pipes running under a taxiway showed some emerging defects.
Inter ow Business Development Manager Stephen McGowan said the taxiway was closed as any potential risk of it collapsing as an aircraft travelled overhead was unacceptable.
“Closing down any critical infrastructure at a major airport has a very high daily cost, and they asked if we could provide a solution, and how quickly could we mobilise,” he said.
“We came up with a solution, veri ed by our in-house chartered engineers, and had the works completed just weeks after they rst approached us.”
Inter ow delivered the site works over three days and was awarded the contract on the basis of its competence and their trust in the company’s ability to meet the client’s high standards.
is case study is valuable in demonstrating two important points, one is that culverts can be found in many situations that are vital to the performance and safety of the land and infrastructure around them.
e other is that there are highly e ective maintenance and renewal solutions available to asset owners with outcomes that don’t involve the digging of trenches, the closure of roads or runways or requirements of costly and timeconsuming stakeholder issues.

Why choose culverts now
Once culverts are installed, they don’t receive a great deal of attention.
McGowan said that has been because of the cost to the organisation responsible for their management and that they don’t attract a revenue stream, unlike wastewater and potable water.
Another is because it was assumed these assets would have a 100-year service life, which McGowan said “is proving wildly incorrect in most cases”.
As a result of factors including increased tra c loads, more frequent major weather events, and assumptions around materials and coatings,

many culverts are showing signs of failure in less than half that time.
Some materials in place, such as zinc coated corrugated metal pipes, are deteriorating much earlier that assumed.
For many culvert asset owners in local council, rail, and arterial roads, that’s right about now.
“ ere’s research initiated by V-Line’s Principal Structures Engineer, Ali Chaboki, that presents ndings regarding the remaining life in buried corrugated steel culverts at particular service life stages,” McGowan said.
“ at research is vital to V-Line, which relies on 5000 culverts and 1200 bridges on the Victorian regional rail network, but information contained in the report can also be extrapolated out to other culvert applications.”
Data from this research and other similar studies can be used by infrastructure managers to re-assess the performance life of their own culverts.
Inter ow culvert experts regularly discuss such insights with infrastructure managers and can devise trenchless solutions for culverts that are reaching or have gone beyond their end of functional life.
Remote-controlled culvert renewal
e safety of its people is a fundamental component of how Inter ow operates. In instances where it’s di cult or dangerous for people to go in, Inter ow o ers non-personentry options.
“ at’s something unique that we o er,” McGowan said.
“It means that no one has to go into particular
culverts, and that’s a major safety improvement. When a culvert is close to collapse, that’s a far better option.”
For every customer a unique solution is designed after a deep dive into their speci c needs and the needs of their stakeholders.
“We have two of Australia’s top pipe rehabilitation thought leaders in our business, with over 65 years of experience between them,” McGowan said.
“ at’s why I mention comfort and con dence.
“Every engineer wants to know they’re making the very best choices for the future of the infrastructure they manage.”
According to McGowan, the company’s
experts leave a legacy through their work.
“At Inter ow we strive to be the very best at what we do, and in doing so we create better legacy,” he said.
Reducing disruption while shoring up infrastructure
An example of a project that involved innovation, a customised solution that required an enormous level of experience and insight, was one in Victoria, for the Department of Transport and a tier-one civil engineering contractor. e contractor was responsible for the rehabilitation of 11 bridge structures, one of them had a culvert made up of three cells using
RCP pipes that were each 1.8m in diameter. ey were a signi cant size and channelled water under a major high-tra c arterial road.
e culvert pipes, installed in 1992, had begun to fail, threatening the physical security of the road overhead.
e design of the original solution involved diverting tra c and digging up the road to lay new pipes.
Inter ow instead recommended a trenchless x, removing any need for detours and delays for road users and delivered the project in 12 days.
For more information, visit interflow.com.au

» Quality and collaborative HDD design and construct services
» Expertise to advise at the right time in the project delivery cycle
» Gas, water and sewer, rail, road, power, telecommunications, mining, residential development, renewables and hydrogen
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» Building a future we all look forward to Maxibor

Improving trenchless installations with Riteline
Riteline spacers have been successfully appraised by the Water Services Association of Australia, providing a new option for pipeline installations that complies with WSA PS-324 for casing spacers.
Riteline Centralisers are an innovative solution designed to revolutionise the accuracy of trenchless installations by providing unparalleled support to the carrier pipe, ensuring its xed position relative to the bored hole or encasement pipe.
Designed for the industry
Parent company OptionX Group Chief Executive O cer Stuart Harrison said
Riteline was developed to overcome a number of limitations of traditional spacers that increased risk on pipeline projects, and he is excited that they are now o cially recognised by the industry.
“One of the limitations of traditional casing spacers was that they needed to be purchased in speci c sizes and couldn’t be adapted on-site to meet changing needs,” Harrison said.
“ is resulted in time, money and stock wastage.”
Riteline Centralisers can accommodate pipes from 100mm in diameter, with no upper limit, and can be adjusted to di erent heights, ranging from 30mm up to 125mm.
Incremental adjustments can be made to the existing centralisers rather than requiring new centralisers of a di erent size.
Typically, centralisers are made to either slot together to fully surround the pipe or
must be designed in a size that completely surrounds the pipe.
Regardless of the weight or load requirements, the maximum number of centralisers is called for.
Riteline overcomes this limitation as the centralisers can be attached to the pipe as needed, with the number of spacers required based solely on the load, providing a tailored and e cient solution.
is unique feature minimises the use of excess product and reduces costs and environmental impact.
“As each centraliser is individually attached to the pipe, the risk of catastrophic failure is reduced,” Harrison said.

“Traditional centralisers that surround the pipe can fail when they snag on an obstacle in the bore, which can cause an entire ring of centralisers to move, compromising the installation.”
Enhanced adaptability and precision
Riteline Centralisers come in both Rigid and Flex Series depending on the project requirements.
e Flex Series is distinguished by its ability to ex around bore imperfections due to its unique spring-like design that allows for tension adjustment and enables elastic deformation around obstacles to prevent

jamming and ensure a smooth work ow.
Another bene t of Riteline Centralisers is their low-pro le design, which allows grout to ow easily around them, preventing grouting failure, and ensuring secure and accurate installation all the time.
“Riteline reduces potential issues with grouting because it is tensioned on the centreline,” Harrison said.
“ is means if any air pockets do happen to form, the pipe is already tensioned in the right position.
ey are also designed with very high-bond adhesive strips that prevent slippage to ensure accuracy is maintained and eliminate the need for pre-wrapping or treating the pipe.”
Industry recognised, Australian owned and manufactured
Riteline Centralisers were recognised at the 2023 Australasian Society for Trenchless Technology awards as a nalist for the ‘New Technology’ category.
“Riteline Centralisers are Australian owned and manufactured, developed over the course of almost ten years,” Harrison said.
“It is fantastic to see them recognised as an innovative and game-changing product.”
Riteline Centralisers are now available on the wider market. Visit riteline.com.au for more information or to place an order.
For more information, visit riteline.com.au
Bothar’s cutting head innovation
The trenchless industry in Australia continues to grow and the need to provide customised solutions becomes vital for a leading subsurface contractor.
Recognising the need for advanced solutions to meet the growing demands of modern infrastructure projects, Bothar Boring has led the way in the innovation department with its vast eet of in-house designed and fabricated ‘Bothar Built’ equipment.
Now, the company is breaking new ground with its latest specialist-built cutting head.
Bothar has an exceptional team of industry leading experts and equipment manufacturing
specialists that turn ideas and concepts into cutting-edge solutions to overcome limitations of conventional methods.
In recent times, Bothar has experienced an increase in requests for installations where there is an inability to provide a retrieval shaft.
Bothar refers to this practice as ‘blind boring’ and it had been an obstacle on the company’s radar for some time.

When the company was approached for advice on providing a suitable method to install 19 x 102m canopy tubes under a live railway without the ability to use a retrieval shaft, the team was con dent they could deliver.

ere are limited trenchless methods which could deliver accuracy over such lengths.
As such, Bothar embarked on a mission to develop an innovative solution to directly install the required 500mm steel case, in rock up to 60Mpa without an exit shaft, with pinpoint accuracy, while ensuring the ground was always supported.
e result was a custom designed specialised bi-directional retractable cutting head which hadn’t been utilised on this size of installation.
Using Bothar’s in-house design and fabrication facilities, the cutting head was designed, built, and tested within a matter of weeks.
e experimental cutting head was deployed to site and proved to be extremely e ective.
e tight program constraints meant that Bothar had to install two canopy tubes at a time, adding additional complexity to the delivery.

Bothar successfully completed the canopy tube installation and was able to accelerate the pace of the project with its bespoke cutting head.
e unique cutting head consists of three 13 ¾-inch and three 9-inch tri-cone type TCI cutters on a 50mm backing plate with water portability and outer cutters spring loaded on a 40mm greaseable solid bar hinge.
A laser guided vacuum system was used to achieve tight design tolerances at signi cant lengths.
e modi ed head was developed to ensure the tunnel is always supported by the installation of steel casing in the unlikely but possible case of ground movement.
e cutting head has since been used successfully on several projects in adverse, mixed ground conditions up to 200Mpa.
Furthermore, tackling other obstacles such as ‘blind boring’ into service manholes is now no problem with the use of this cutting head, changing the landscape of underground construction.
Bothar’s ability to utilise its vast trenchless experience to innovate such a design is backed by its inhouse workshop facility. is gives Bothar Boring an additional advantage in the ever-evolving trenchless arena for future works.
For more information, visit botharboring.com

Adept Civil shines on Mount Duneed project
Renowned contractor Adept Civil recently concluded microtunnelling works on the Surfcoast Highway Mount Duneed Outfall Sewer Main project.
The Surfcoast Highway Mount Duneed Outfall Sewer Main project, located in Geelong, Victoria, was rst initiated with the aim of upgrading the existing sewer network to meet the growing demands of the fast-growing residential developments in the surrounding area.
A hallmark of trenchless technology is the minimal surface disruption, ideal for projects like this that requires management of tra c and residents.
With many companies within the industry providing their expertise across these projects, Adept Civil rose to the occasion, employing its Axis GB812 laser guided boring system.
e company was engaged by Drapers Civil Contracting to complete the microtunnelling works on the Surfcoast Highway Mount Duneed Outfall Sewer Main project.
Within the scope, Adept Civil microtunnelled with its 350mm rock tricone cutting head and installed approximately 200m of 272mm GRP and 80m of 225mm PVC.
e works presented numerous challenges, including navigating varying soil conditions, mitigating environmental impacts, and ensuring minimal disruption to surrounding communities.
Adept Civil Business Development Manager
Quentin Powell said the company’s highly skilled personnel and advanced equipment was crucial for the works.
“ ere was a mix of ground conditions, which consisted of weathered rock and clay,” Powell said.
“With the Axis’ fully enclosed drilling caissons, we were able to have a fully supported bore at all times which prevented any potential collapsing of the bore.”
Paired with the company’s reputation of strong collaboration, commitment to safety and quality, Adept Civil completed its scope e ciently.
“At Adept, we always work well to collaborate with our clients to ensure projects are completed safely and e ciently,” Powell said.
“To ensure we maintained a safe environment, rigorous safety protocols were implemented to safeguard both our workers and the surrounding community.
“Our willingness to work closely with Draper’s Civil Contracting meant we were right for the job.”
e company also implemented stringent quality control measures to ensure the delivery of a durable and reliable sewer system.
“With our strong focus on environmental
management, we also ensured measures were in place to minimise the project’s ecological footprint and preserve natural habitats,” Powell said.
“ rough our philosophies of education, communication, continual improvement, and company involvement, we continue to aim to minimise pollution created during any works and continuously monitor its impacts on the environment.”
e project marks a signi cant milestone in enhancing the region’s sewer network and underscores the pro ciency in Adept Civil and its microtunnelling techniques.
“As communities continue to evolve, the importance of reliable and resilient infrastructure also continues grow,” Powell said.
“At Adept, we aim to meet this challenge with a dedication to excellence, innovation and client satisfaction.”
With the Surfcoast Highway Mount Duneed Outfall Sewer Main project serving as a testament to its capabilities as a civil contractor, Adept Civil stands ready to contribute to the advancement of infrastructure development across Victoria.
For more information, visit adeptcivilgroup.com.au

Gone are the days of complex installations and disruptive excavations. Quick-Lock revolutionises pipe repair with its rapid and hassle-free installation process.
Crafted from premium stainless-steel sleeve and durable rubber jacket, Quick-Lock ensures long-lasting performance. Its innovative design allows for effortless installation using a crawler or robotic system, paired with a compressor and Quick-Lock offset packer.
Here’s why Quick-Lock stands out:
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Choose Quick-Lock for a seamless pipe repair solution that’s efficient, effective, and environmentally friendly.
Talk to the experts

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On the job in Perth
kwik-ZIP shares the details of a project in Western Australia where its spacers were installed to facilitate the slip-lining of a wastewater pressure main.
kwik-ZIP’s products DNA is made up of versatility, simple installation and ease of use for contractors. It was these traits in which Rob Carr turned to kwik-ZIP for its project in Gosnells, Western Australia.
e kwik-ZIP HDXT-103 spacers were installed to facilitate the slip-lining of a mild steel cement mortar lined (MSCL) wastewater pressure main into a RC Jacking pipe, running under a rail line for the Gosnells Main Pumping Station Wastewater Pressure Main Realignment project.
Rob Carr Project Manager Marie Piette saluted kwik-ZIP’s and its innovative spacers. “ e MSCL pipes insertion is making good progress despite a challenging environment, with production e ciency notably enhanced by the simplicity of installation of the KwikZip spacers,” she said.
e simple and e cient installation process did not require any special tools or any requirement to pre-wrap the pipe.
kwik-ZIP spacers have no metal parts and are made from the company’s engineered thermoplastic blend with high exural strength, high temperature resistance, low co-e cient of friction, abrasion resistance and outstanding chemical resistance.
Integrated rubber grip pads under collars to help prevent slippage as well as kwik-ZIP’s spacers load sharing suspension system allow heavy loads to be shared across multiple runners reducing point loading and increasing the overall load capacity of the spacer.
kwik-ZIP’s series of spacers caters to a range of carrier and casing pipe size combinations. It also provides contractors and installers exibility to deal with project alterations.
In Australia, kwik-ZIP’s HDXT and HDX Series spacers have been appraised by the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) against the requirements of WSAA product speci cation number PS-324 (casing spacers).
e WSA PS-324 product speci cation prescribes casings spacer requirements for correct protection of carrier pipes when installed inside casings.
e spacer and centraliser manufacturer and supplier was established in 2000 following the development of the industry’s rst patented non-metallic plastic bow spring centralisers.
Since then kwik-ZIP spacers have been making waves in the industry, and the company has been producing and marketing centraliser and spacer products for wider use.
Over the years, the kwik-ZIP team has

developed and been awarded patents on various other centraliser and spacer products for applications in many industries including production drilling, trenchless pipeline installations and ground engineering just to name a few.
Today, kwik-ZIP manufactures and supplies a centraliser and spacer system for a wide range of industry sectors including production well drilling, trenchless pipeline, horizontal directional drilling, ground engineering and the general civil and construction markets.
Like all of kwik-ZIP’s products, the HDX/ HDXT spacer system series are aligned with the company’s ethos to provide simple, coste ective, and high-quality solutions.
kwik-ZIP General Manager Paul Je reys said that it was an honor for the company to be part of such major projects.
“kwik-ZIP is proud to be supplying products to such a well-respected Australian business in Rob Carr, who are considered one of the pioneers in microtunnelling in Australia and a leader in utilities infrastructure construction,” he said.
For more information, visit kwikzip.com

Introducing the IBAK Australia team
Since 2014, IBAK Australia has continuously supported the German manufacturer’s clientele with unwavering commitment.

Despite working in unseen underground, IBAK systems have visible success. e sewer inspection and rehabilitation systems are used all over the world, including in Australia.
e company o ers a wide range of products including portable and truck mounted CCTV and cutter systems as well as pushrods. All necessary spare parts are available locally to ensure a fast and exible response to customer requirements.
With its very own subsidiary in Sydney, IBAK ensures the high standard of its service and quality can be directly supplied to customers in Australia and New Zealand.
e close-knit IBAK team in Australia has stayed together since its inception. e team’s proactive contributions have been instrumental in enhancing the reputation of the IBAK brand and ensuring customer satisfaction within this market segment.
Over the years, IBAK has built a solid and strong business partnership with the Australian market.
rough continuous e orts, the company has established an extensive network of IBAK users in this market. is partnership is based on shared values, a clear understanding of the needs and requirements of the market and a consistent focus on quality and customer satisfaction.
rough training, support and continuous product development, the IBAK team has helped ensure that customers in Australia can access quality technology and achieve their business goals.
IBAK’s Australian team consists of three important pillars – Sales, Sales O ce, and Service Centre, with all three important parts building one strong unit.
USB AUS/IBAK Sales Manager Shannon Moroney is the newest team member, but not at all new to the industry.
With 14 years of industry experience, he joined IBAK in early 2023. He services all of Australia showcasing the best tools and technology in the industry, and provides customers with technical support, from product demonstrations to time critical events.
“ e best part of my role is building connections and helping customers experience the

capabilities of IBAK products.” Moroney said.
For him it is essential to be on the road to present the IBAK products in real life environment, where they perform best.
IBAK’s Service Centre is located in Silverwater, New South Wales. e company’s technicians make a signi cant contribution to the quality of the products and play a key role in providing customers with high-quality services and technical support.
IBAK Technician Paul Le, who has been with IBAK for many years, said he has developed a deep familiarity with the company’s products.
“Over the years I have developed a deep a nity with our products and always aim to keep my knowledge of the entire IBAK product portfolio

up to date,” Le said. “ ere is nothing better than being a reliable partner to our customers.”
IBAK Australia Head Technician and Service Manager Ibrahim Keranovic or “Ibbi”, as he is known to the company and its customers, has seen IBAK Australia grow over the years from day one.
He is passionate about the products and o ers a wealth of industry experience and technical expertise.
Supported by Le, who is also the company’s ILSA software and WinCan specialist, the IBAK service team ensures that repairs are completed e ciently, and any damaged equipment is back in the pipe in no time.
Another valuable member of the IBAK

Australia team is O ce Manager and Sales Admin Adina Stamm, who has worked at the company since 2015.
She ensures everything runs smoothly behind the scenes and liaises closely with the parent company in Germany. A master of multitasking and wearing many hats, especially when running an o ce, where the main company sits on the other side of the planet.
IBAK is proud of its achievements and looks forward to continuing to expand and deepen its activities in Australia in the future.
For more information, visit ibak-australia.com.au
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Revolutionising underground solutions with SECA
SECA has unveiled a game-changing trenchless repair innovation with Quick-Lock.

Positioned at the forefront of innovation, Sewer Equipment Company (AUST) or better known as SECA, introduces Quick-Lock, a groundbreaking solution rede ning trenchless repair methodology.
Engineered with precision and expertise, Quick-Lock promises unparalleled e ciency and durability, revolutionising underground infrastructure maintenance.
Insight into Quick-Lock
Crafted with heavy-gauge 316 stainless steel and featuring an EPDM rubber gasket, QuickLock o ers structural, trenchless pipe repair with uncompromising quality.
From in ltration abatement to addressing longitudinal cracks, circumferential cracks, and root intrusion, Quick-Lock emerges as the ultimate solution for diverse underground challenges.
Discovering the solution
Melbourne company Leading Civil is one customer utilising the innovative solution.
“We discovered SECA through meticulous industry research and networking,” Leading Civil Managing Director Peter Ados said.
“At the time, we were seeking a solution to streamline our environmental compliance processes. SECA’s solution of utilising QuickLock emerged as the perfect t.”
For him, there are many advantages to using Quick-Lock.
“ e speed, the ability to rinse and repeat the process easily,” Ados said, highlighting the primary advantages of Quick-Lock.
With seamless execution and swift turnaround times, Quick-Lock elevates operational e ciency to unprecedented levels.
Quick-Lock demonstrates exceptional
chemical resistance to sewage, thinned acids, lye, aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons, ensuring environmental safety.
Moreover, its chemical-free (no need for resins) installation process enhances its ecofriendliness, making Quick-Lock suitable even for potable water pipes.
Unparalleled support
For Ados and the Leading Civil team, collaborating with SECA has been instrumental in expanding the company’s trenchless capability.
“ e support and training provided have been invaluable, especially during equipment breakdowns,” he said.
Quick-Lock’s versatility extends beyond conventional repairs. With sleeves available in a range of diameters and lengths, and specialised seals catering to diverse repair needs, Quick-Lock ensures tailored solutions for every project.
Whether addressing separated joints, o set joints, or abandoned laterals, QuickLock delivers unmatched structural integrity and longevity.
Leading Civil’s embrace of QuickLock underscores a commitment to innovation and excellence in underground infrastructure maintenance.
Together with SECA, Leading Civil continues to pioneer positive change, setting new standards in the realm of trenchless repair methodologies.
SECA provides comprehensive training in Quick-Lock installation, ensuring that professionals are equipped with the necessary skills to implement this innovative solution e ectively.
For inquiries or further information, visit seca.com.au

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Tunnelling milestones for Sydney Metro West
Sydney Metro West has already hit multiple breakthroughs in 2024, with five stations fully tunnelled so far.
Six tunnel boring machines (TBMs) will carve out the Sydney Metro West line between the Sydney CBD and Westmead, New South Wales.
So far, four TBMs have begun their journeys commencing major tunnelling for the project.
TBMs Daphne and Beatrice were launched from e Bays Station site in Rozelle in 2023 and have tunnelled more than 4.3km towards Sydney Olympic Park.
Both TBMs achieved the rst two breakthroughs for the project. Daphne broke through rst before Beatrice, after building the section for seven months.
is led to the TBMs claiming the title as the rst in the southern hemisphere to complete a double breakthrough.
To date, the TBMS have excavated a total of 437,463 tonnes of material each and installed around 30,732 concrete segments to line the new tunnel walls.
Meanwhile, TBMs Betty and Dorothy were launched from the Clyde Stabling and Maintenance Facility site in the second half of 2023 and are also making their way towards Sydney Olympic Park.
Daphne, Beatrice, Betty, and Dorothy are expected to reach Sydney Olympic Park in 2024.
Over at e Bays Station, the site is being prepared of the project’s two remaining TBMs that will be launched towards Hunter Street.
e two TBMs will carve out the 3.5km twin tunnels from e Bays, to Hunter Street in the Sydney CBD.
Construction of the twin metro tunnels from e Bays to Sydney Olympic Park is part of the Central Tunnelling Package awarded in July 2021 to the Acciona Ferrovial joint venture.
In a move to train the next generation of tunnelling workers, the project opened a new tunnelling and infrastructure academy.
e training facility is located in Western Sydney and is managed by Sydney Metro West delivery partners Gamuda and Laing O’Rourke Consortium, who are building the tunnels from Westmead to Sydney Olympic Park.
e custom-designed facility specialises in the delivery of training in civil construction, safety, and tunnelling.
It is also designed to help upskill existing and incoming workers to the industry by building capabilities and placing them in entry-level roles on the Sydney Metro project.
Some of the training activities include

virtual reality simulators, which showcase underground tunnelling operations, and a decommissioned TBM to present a handson experience.
e training facility is accessible to workers across the industry and to members of the Western Sydney community who can access a curriculum of national accredited training forming part of the Australia Quali cations Framework.
It is expected up to 10,000 people will bene t from the training programs on o er

at the facility, with 260 people currently participating across 19 programs.
e Sydney Metro West project will double rail capacity between Parramatta and the Sydney CBD.
Stations have been con rmed at Westmead, Parramatta, Sydney Olympic Park, North Strath eld, Burwood North, Five Dock, e Bays, Pyrmont, and Hunter Street in the Sydney CBD.
e target opening date for Sydney Metro West is 2032.

The next generation of trenchless revealed
The Australasian Society for Trenchless Technology has announced the members of the inaugural Young Trenchless Professionals Committee.

The Young Trenchless Professionals (YTP) Committee will assist the Australasian Society for Trenchless Technology (ASTT) achieve its mission and strategic objective through improving member awareness and engagement, organising trenchless forums and providing input to council on industry trends and changes.
“ e ASTT understands the importance young trenchless professionals play in leading trenchless technology into the future,” ASTT Victorian Councillor Ash Hamer said.
“ is new committee will enable us access new ideas and innovation through the next generation.”
YTP Committee Members:
• Ananthakrishna Nagesh
• Andrew Smith
• Bilal Abdullah
• Cameron Balemi
• Dillon Van Heer
• Fawaaz Farook
• James Holland
• John Rutherford
• Lachlan Curren
• Lachlan Horlyck
• Marc Luksch
• Mohit Soni
• Ozge Aslan
e committee formation was led by Hamer who rst joined the industry over 15 years ago through his graduate role at
Baulderstone on Melbourne Water’s Water Resources Alliance.
“I still remember my rst day walking into the Kodak Building on Victoria Parade not knowing what to expect and I’ve been in the water industry ever since, and it’s a big reminder to me that we all start somewhere and the importance of engaging with the younger generation and future leaders of the ASTT” he said.
Currently, Hamer leads the Asset Delivery Division at Yarra Valley Water.
“I’ve been lucky to work on some amazing trenchless projects like the Lockerbie and Epping Main Sewers that have all demonstrated how critical trenchless technology is to the water industry,” he said.
“ e water industry has a knack of making you love it, so I’m well invested in it. And it’s an exciting time for trenchless technology given the growth in the industry”.
Hamer commended the members for putting their hands up for the committee.
“I’ve been really impressed by the level of enthusiasm and passion that each of these amazing individuals have shown for leading and promoting trenchless technology, and looking forward to seeing what the group can accomplish,” he said.
Hamer said the committee will work collectively with the ASTT to generate new and innovative ideas to setup for a successfu future.
“ e committee will work on strategies and initiatives to advocate and support the leadership of trenchless technology,” he said.
“ is could look like organising networking events or trenchless forums.
“Ultimately it will be up to the committee with where they want to focus on, which is an exciting opportunity to a part of.”
In return, members will bene t from a wealth of opportunities such as professional development, networking opportunities, knowledge sharing, mentoring and coaching opportunities.
Over the coming months, the YTP Committee will come together to work on key focus areas for the ASTT. is will commence with a strategy session in April and engaging with AWA’s Young Water Professionals who will provide insights into how an established committee operates.
If you have any suggestions or ideas for the YTP to explore, reach out to the committee.
For more information, visit astt.com.au

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Meet the newest members of the ASTT Council
Trenchless Australasia sat down with Andrea Edney and Amy Farrugia to discuss their careers and goals in joining the Australasian Society for Trenchless Technology Council.

With an aim to increase participation, the Australasian Society for Trenchless Technology (ASTT) invited Systra Bamser Associate Director Andrea Edney and Trenchless Engineering Australia Consultant Amy Farrugia to join the council.
A relatively new approach from the council, the move will bring the new members in to promote speci c areas such as training, standards, and education, rather than representing a particular state or territory within Australia.
For Edney, raising the pro le of women and opportunities for them is a goal.
“I think it’s a good opportunity to not just represent women in the industry, but also to get involved more in the industry,” Edney said.
“I’m looking forward to being more involved
in shaping the industry going forward.”
A similar sentiment shared by Farrugia, who looks forward to the knowledge sharing between members of the industry.
“I think it’s always important to be a part of the industry that you’re in,” Farrugia said.
“Not only just from a social aspect, but from sharing lessons learned, new methods, technologies, and risk management strategies.
“With the trenchless industry being relatively niche, it’s important to distribute information about trenchless methods and promote them.”
Career paths
Both Edney and Farrugia have extensive careers across the trenchless industry, both working in companies such as Spiecapag and Leighton Contractors.
Edney began her career in tunnelling through university and worked across projects such as the M5 East and Clem 7 tunnels.
Eventually, she moved into the microtunnelling space with Tunnel Corp before being contacted by a recruiter looking for a project manager to supervise a microtunnelling project.
“I met Ben Crosby in my interview, and he said he really needed someone in the trenchless division, and I left the interview with the job working in the trenchless team at Systra Bamser,” Edney said.
“I liked the opportunity that working in trenchless gave me to be a little bit more exible. at was a big plus for me.”
Farrugia, on the other hand, began her career in the pipeline industry.
“From there, I moved into some of the horizontal directional drilling projects, which I found to be very interesting,” Farrugia said.
“I enjoy the problem-solving aspect of the trenchless industry, balancing the project constraints, di erent construction methods and engineering.”
When it came to joining the ASTT Council, Farrugia said she had begun to be involved in the production of Australian standards.
“As part of that process, I will be representing ASTT as a nominating organisation within Australian Standards committees,” she said.
“For me, that speaks back to wanting to share information about the industry and helping promote it.”
For Edney, who was the inaugural
Trenchless Woman of the Year at the 2023 ASTT Awards, saw an opportunity for raising the pro le of women within the industry.
“Someone said to me, ‘We want to increase the number of women in engineering’ and I thought even if you increase the number of women in engineering, they’re still a minority in the eld.
“Whereas if you think about increasing the numbers across the board, such as women in labour, plant operation, trades, planning and supervision roles, then it makes it easier for the engineers to feel more comfortable and more con dent in their roles.”
The state of the industry
When it comes to current challenges and opportunities for the trenchless industry, both Farrugia and Edney are adamant: education is a must.
“ e trenchless technology umbrella covers a very wide range of di erent methods,” Farrugia said.
“Communicating and understanding this range of methods, the risks and opportunities, is important for industry growth.
“ e use of trenchless methods does have a lot of exibility in how you can address particular sections on a project or potentially the entire project.”
Edney agrees noting there are bene ts for both clients and the industry.
She believes that the more clients understand what the industry can do for them, then the more work the industry will have.
“But also, in terms of educating the client, understanding what the key factors are in delivering projects and getting trenchless involved can really make a signi cant di erence to like project delivery,” she said.
As education increases, so too will the use of the methods across many applications, according to Farrugia.
“As our cities and infrastructure requirements continue to grow, the underlying services are becoming more congested and easements as well as working areas are becoming more constricted,” she said, “subsequently, the number of projects involving trenchless crossings are increasing.

“In addition to method adoption across the greater pipeline industry, they are also reaching into new applications as well.”
As infrastructure continues to develop with growing populations, the trenchless industry
“Someone said to me, ‘We want to increase the number of women in engineering’ and I thought even if you increase the number of women in engineering, they’re still a minority in the field.
“Whereas if you think about increasing the numbers across the board, such as women in labour, plant operation, trades, planning and supervision roles, then it makes it easier for the engineers to feel more comfortable and more confident in their roles.”
has an opportunity to be at the forefront. Edney said most councils are looking at upgrading stormwater, sewer, and water infrastructure.
“It’s not just installing new stu , it’s rehabilitation of the older services, as well as replacement and rehabilitation,” she said.
“ ere’s just so much happening at the moment in that space, and there’s a real need for it as well.”

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Trenchless Australasia publisher first to use paper-wrapping mailing machine
Prime Creative Media is Australia’s first publisher to send paper wrapped magazines at scale, in partnership with its printing and mailing supplier FSG.
Based in Bayswater, Victoria, FSG purchased the country’s rst ever paperwrapping mailing machine in January this year. Imported from UK supplier Norpak, the machine’s ability to wrap publications in paper will eliminate plastic wrapping for several Prime Creative Media titles.
“It’s the evolution of the mailing industry to abolish the use of single-use plastics in mailing
magazines,” FSG Mailing Owner and Director Michael Murphy said.
“ is follows the government’s move to get disposable plastics out of our Australian systems.”
Up until this technology was in place, the only alternative option to plastics for publishers was paper envelopes.
Murphy noted this was cost prohibitive for

many clients, because the price of producing and printing the envelopes was high, in addition to the labour of either hand inserting magazines into the envelopes or using very expensive equipment to insert into the envelopes and seal them.
is added a signi cant increase to mailing costs.
Mailing houses like FSG have experimented over the years with bioplastics, and recyclable plastics, but Murphy said the technology never quite worked out.
“We tried to use bioplastics but the settings on the machines – which use heat to seal them – make it very di cult,” he said.
“Even for those companies who worked out how to mail them, it was a challenge for consumers to separate the plastics at the end of the process or nd appropriate disposal. Eventually, we saw that the only real option was paper.”
Murphy came across this technology through his supplier UK company Norpak, who previously supplied his plastic wrapping machine.
“ ey introduced us to the idea because they saw what was happening in the European Union with the phase out of single-used plastics,” Murphy said.
“With the Australian government making similar moves towards a full phase out of single-use plastics, we think that this machine

will be the catalyst to push the movement along in the mailing industry.”
Murphy noted that in Europe, where it was put into commercial use 18 months ago, it has already taken o .
“ e rst person to use the machine really took a leap in the dark. Now he has 13 of these machines, and those plastic wrapping machines are sitting there not being used – they are becoming museum pieces,” Murphy said.
“ at will be the future in Australia now that this machine has arrived.”
An additional environmental bene t to the machine is that because the addresses are printed directly onto the paper wrapping, it eliminates the need for ysheets – the paper that lists the addresses and is placed onto a magazine.
is improves e ciency, as it limits the printing and transportation of ysheets. It also means that only a small amount of more paper is being used in with the new system, once you take into account the paper used in ysheet printing. And of course, this opens up
a vast array of options in using recycled and sustainable paper products.
e only drawback, Murphy noted, is that the paper is less weather-proof. In Europe many people live in apartments instead of houses, and magazines are delivered in post boxes or through slits in doors.
He said it’ll be interesting to see how the paper stands up to Australia’s climate, but con dent it will work well. at being said, he noted the price of an occasional damp magazine is one worth paying to save thousands of tonnes of plastic wrapping from going to land ll every year.
Prime Creative Media COO Christine Clancy was on site at FSG in Bayswater to witness the rst publications being sent out in paper-wrapping.
“It’s such an honour to watch history in the making, to see our publications make this rst step in reducing single use plastics in our environment,” Clancy said.
She noted that the company has long been involved in supporting the growth of the waste
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management industry, through its publications Inside Waste and Waste Management Review, along with its annual Waste Awards.
“After years of reporting on the challenges of single-use plastics in the waste industry, it’s so wonderful for us to play a proactive part in it by reducing our own use,” Clancy said.
“We’re fortunate to have FSG as a partner to help make this happen.”
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Women In Industry unveils new award category
The premier industry event has just inaugured a new award, adding to its long list of recognition for the women who makes the industry diverse and unique.
The Women in Industry Awards recognises outstanding women from a range of industrial sectors.
Brace yourselves for the Women in Industry’s brand new award, aptly named ‘Excellence in Energy’.
is category recognises an individual who has made a positive contribution to the renewables, pipeline or oil and gas industries. is is a unique opportunity to nominate women who have contributed to the energy sector, both at a company level and wider industry level.
To be worthy of this prestigious award, the candidate will have driven initiatives and championed changes, as well as demonstrated leadership across the renewables, pipeline or oil and gas industries.
With this new award, the premier event now comprises of 12 categories, including: Business Development Success of the Year, Excellence in Construction, Excellence in Energy, Excellence in Engineering, Excellence in Manufacturing Excellence in Mining, Excellence in Transport, Industry Advocacy Award, Mentor of the Year, Rising Star of the Year, Safety Advocacy Award, and last but not least, Woman of the Year.
Business Development Success of the Year
is category recognises an individual who has created new growth opportunities that
has allowed their organisation to expand and generate greater revenue.
Excellence in Construction is prestigious category singles out an individual who has made a positive contribution to one of the many facets of the construction industry.
Excellence in Engineering is category recognises an individual who has shown leadership in engineering, technological excellence and innovation.
Excellence in Energy is award puts the spotlight on an individual who has made a positive contribution to the renewables, pipeline or oil and gas industries.
Excellence in Manufacturing is award is about recognising an individual who has thought ‘outside the box’ to implement an outstanding personal contribution to their manufacturing business and the wider manufacturing community.
Excellence in Mining is award singles out an individual who has made a positive contribution to one of the many facets of the mining industry.
Image by Prime Creative Media

Excellence in Transport is award is all about recognising an individual who has gone above and beyond to improve and positively impact the Australian transport industry.
Industry Advocacy Award is category is about singling out an individual who has helped shape a positive view of their industry and/or helped to create a policy change that bene ts those working in the sector.
Mentor of the Year
e industry wouldn’t be the same without mentorship, which is about guidance and sharing knowledge.
Rising Star of the Year is is about recognising an individual who has shown signi cant promise within their chosen industry or who has reached new goals at the start of their career.
Safety Advocacy Award
Better safe than sorry. is category recognises an individual working actively to improve safety for their industry.
Woman of the Year
We are seeing more incredible women take charge within the sector and feel it is appropriate to recognise them accordingly. is prestigious award is about them, and how our industry is changing for the best thanks to their contribution.
Nominations are ongoing until April 19th, 2024. Seize the opportunity to nominate yourself or someone else. Submit your nomination now and don’t miss out! is year’s event will be hosted in Sydney on ursday, 20 June.
Seven sponsors have been con rmed for the 2024 awards including Atlas Copco, COG Advertising, Fulton Hogan, Komatsu, PACCAR Australia, SEW EURODRIVE and Kenter.
With 12 categories available for sponsorship, there are numerous bene ts to securing sponsorships.

For more information, visit womeninindustry.com.au

The Australasian Society for Trenchless Technology is a non-profit organisation. Corporate or individual membership is open to all who are concerned with the provision of gas, water, sewage, drainage, telecommunications and electrical services.
Corporate and Individual Memberships are available and benefits include:
• Annual subscription to Trenchless Australasia magazine and the Australasian Trenchless Directory
• Discount rates at national conferences and exhibitions, and ISTT International No-Dig exhibitions
• A communication network to keep abreast of the advancement of the science and practices of Trenchless Technology throughout the world.
Visit www.astt.com.au/membership for more information.
Corporate Members
Gold Corporate Members
DirectBor Australia
Herrenknecht AG
J&R Contracting Limited
Kellogg Brown & Root
Silver Corporate Members
Aaro Group
Abergeldie Rehabilitation Pty Ltd
ACP Australian Custom Pipes
Adept Drainage Pty Ltd
AECOM New Zealand Limited
AHD Trenchless
Applied Felts
Aqua Assets
Aqua Metro Pty Ltd
AQUATEK Fluid Systems
Atteris Pty Ltd
Ausinland Pty Ltd
Aussie Drill Kings Pty Ltd
Aussie Trenchless Supplies Pty Ltd
Australian Pipeline Management Pty Ltd
Austunnel Pty Ltd
Ballarat Underroad Boring and Excavations Pty Ltd
BG Risk Solutions
Blick Group
Bortec Laser Bore Pty Ltd
BRP Corporation Pty Ltd
Bullseye Boring
CC Group
CDS New Zealand Ltd
Channeline International
D.J. Mac Cormick Contractors
DCS Manufacturing Pty Ltd
Derby Rubber Products
Digital Control - Australia
Directhitt Trenchless Pty Ltd
Diversified Services Australia
DM Civil
Dormway Pty Ltd
Draintech Solutions
Drillers World Australia
Edge Underground
ELB Equipment Pty Ltd
Empire Infrastructure
Asset Owners
Auckland Council
Watercare Services Ltd
Greater Western Water
Michels Trenchless Pty. Ltd.
OptionX Group
Orion Consulting
Rangedale Rehabilitation and Renewals Pty Ltd
Fulton Hogan
Fulton Hogan Construction Pty Ltd
Future-Proof Solutions
GCE Contractors Pty Ltd
GN Solids Control
Hard Metals Australia Pty Limited
HDI Lucas
HEB Construction
Holcim (Australia) Pty Ltd
Hynds Pipe Systems Ltd
Independent Sewer Consulting Services
Pty Ltd
Insituform Pacific Pty Ltd
Interflow Pty Ltd
Iplex Pipelines Australia
JB Trenchless Pty Ltd
KAISER Technology Pty Ltd
kwik-ZIP Spacers
L P Pipe Civil
LKL International Pty Ltd
M. Tucker & Sons Pty Ltd
March Cato Ltd
Maskell Productions Ltd
Matamata Directional Drilling
Maxibor Australia Pty Limited
McBerns Innovative Solutions
McConnell Dowell Constructors (Aust) Pty Ltd
McElroy Manufacturing Inc.
McMillen Jacobs Associates (NZ)
Melbourne Water
Metrocorp Technologies
Mullane Trenchless Pipeline Solutions Pty Ltd
NEWest Alliance
NordiTube AUS Pty Ltd
Nu Flow Technologies 2000 Pty Ltd
Pezzimenti Laserbore Pty Ltd
Pezzimenti Trenchless Pty Ltd
Knox City Council
Bowley Plumbing Services
EnviroPacific- SOLVE
Systra Bamser
WSP New Zealand Ltd
Water Corporation
Pezzimenti Tunnelbore Pty Ltd.
Pipe Core Pty Ltd
Pipe Doctor Australia Pty Ltd
Pipe Tek
Pipeline Drillers Group
Pipe Pro Drilling
Prime Creative Media
Prime Horizontal Pty Ltd
Qalchek Pty Ltd
Qenos Pty Ltd
R & R McClure Excavations
Raedlinger Primus Line Pty Ltd
Ravago NZ Ltd
RBM Plumbing and Drainage Pty Ltd
Rob Carr Pty Ltd
Rose Atkins Rimmer (Infrastructure) Pty Ltd
RPC Pipe Systems
SA Water
SASTTI Joint Venture
Schauenburg MAB
SEKISUI Rib Loc Australia Pty Ltd
SEQ Trenchless
Sewer Equipment Company (Aust)
Sika Australia
Smythe Contractors Limited
Sydney Water
TDG Environmental (NZ)
TDM Pipeline Solutions
TRACTO-TECHNIK Australia Pty Ltd
Trenchless Advisor Pty Ltd
UEA Pty Ltd
Vector Magnetics
Vermeer Australia
Vertical Horizonz Australia
Veolia (NZ)
Vinidex Pty Limited
Warren Smith & Partners
Yarra Valley Water
Zhangzhou Anyue Advanced Materials
Technology Co. Ltd
About the ASTT
The Australasian Society of Trenchless Technology (ASTT) is a non-pro t organisation comprising of members throughout Australia and New Zealand. e successful establishment of the trenchless industry in Australasia has been supported and promoted by the peak industry organisation, the ASTT, since it was established in 1991.
e society works tirelessly to promote the use of trenchless technology in Australasia, lobbying government and client organisations to highlight the advantages of using trenchless technology and the bene ts of training for industry.
Membership is open to all who are concerned with the provision of gas, water, sewerage, drainage, roads, telecommunications and electrical services.
ASTT membership provides trenchless professionals the tools and services they need to be better informed and better connected in this industry.
e ASTT is part of the International Society for Trenchless Technology (ISTT), an a liation of societies in more than 30 countries worldwide.
Membership applications
e ASTT currently o ers seven levels of membership available to all residents of
Australia and New Zealand or anyone who is also a nancial member of an existing ISTT a liated society.
The benefits of Membership depending upon category can include: Up to 10 people from your organisation may be included in your membership and are entitled to receive the below bene ts:
• Acknowledgment of your company in every edition of the Trenchless Australasia magazine.
• An annual subscription to Trenchless Australasia magazine (six issues per year).
• An annual subscription to ISTT’s Trenchless Works
• A company listing Australasian Trenchless Directory (print and digital).
• Opportunity to promote your membership of the association by including the ASTT logo on your business communications and website.
• Access to guidelines and standards.
• Discount rates (normally 10 per cent) at national conferences and exhibitions.
• Discount rates (normally 10 per cent) at international conferences and exhibitions.
• Discount rates (normally 10 per cent) at trenchless forums.
• Opportunity to become involved in our Special Interest Groups which
are technical divisions of the ASTT representing speci c trenchless sectors.
• Special o ers and links with international organisations including the ISTT.
• Opportunity to nominate for ASTT and ISTT awards.
• Free access to ISTT past conference proceedings.
• A communication network to keep abreast of the advancement of the science and practices of trenchless technology throughout the world.
• Discounted rates at international No-Digs and national events including No-Dig Down Under.
How to apply
Visit the ASTT website on www.astt.com.au and check out the membership bene ts that apply for each category.
Your membership request will be emailed directly to the ASTT for processing. You will receive an invoice based on the information you supply. Acceptance does not take e ect until payment is received in full.
For more information, visit astt.com.au or email secretary@astt.com.au
People on the Move
Trenchless Australasia is tracking new appointments in Australia and New Zealand’s trenchless industries.
Read the latest people moves below.

Gosatti – Executive Director –International Society for Trenchless TechnologyThe International Society for Trenchless Technology (ISTT) has announced Trevor Gosatti as its new Executive Director. He has been appointed on a part-time basis, for an inital term of six months, in conjunction with his current role as Secretary for the Australasian Society for Trenchless Technology (ASTT).
“I am honoured to have the opportunity to be the Executive Director of the ISTT and I look forward to serving the Board and the members of the ISTT going forward,” Gosatti said.
“In coming into the role, I acknowledge the excellent contribution of the outgoing ED in Peter Smeallie and thank him for his service to the organisation over a seven year period including a difficult time during the pandemic.”
ISTT Chairman Keh-Jian (Albert) Shou welcomed Gosatti in this new position. “We look forward to Trevor contributing to make the ISTT more financially sustainable and actioning the objectives of the Society for the advancement of trenchless technology,” he said.

Dominic Nagel – Head of Internal Sales – RelineEurope
Dominic Nagel has joined RelineEurope as its new Head of Internal Sales, where he will oversee a team responsible for providing support to the company’s sales agents and customers worldwide.
Founded in 2009, RelineEurope is a leading manufacturer of innovative trenchless pipeline rehabilitation solutions. “In a time when water is becoming increasingly scarce, the protection and sustainable use of this vital resource are of crucial importance,” Nagel said. “RelineEurope takes on this challenge and aims to contribute to the protection of the crucial water networks worldwide.”
Nagel holds over 15 years of industry experience and previously worked as Deputy Head of Sales at Brandenburger Group.
“The innovative power of relining technology is remarkable,” he said. “Particularly in terms of sustainability and environmental protection, the industry will continue to gain importance. I am excited to shape this future together with RelineEurope, our global sales agents, and customers.”

Franck Leriche – Chief Financial Officer – Systra Anz
Franck Leriche has joined Systra Anz as its new Chief Financial Officer.
With over 20 years’ experience, Leriche joins the business with expertise in financial leadership, management, and analysis.
“I look forward to working with Alana, the leadership team and the finance group to ensure we hit our key targets and be a leader in the mass transit, rail and renchless markets here, like we do abroad,” Leriche said.
This feeling was reciprocated by Systra Anz Chief Executive Officer Alana Newbrook.
“Joining Systra Anz, Leriche’s expertise of project management, funds management, corporate finance, operations, and public contract negotiations are set to help the team grow while managing its productivity and delivering the best outcomes to clients,” she said.
“Franck will be responsible for implementing new systems to set us up for long-term success and further expansions via acquisitions such as our recent successful acquisition of Bamser.”
If your company has recently employed a new person within your business you would like profiled in ‘People on the Move’, send details of the career news alongside a high-res photo to Assistant Editor Vivien Topalovic at vivien.topalovic@primecreative.com.au

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