Trenchless Australasia June 2023

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ISSUE 79 | JUNE 2023 THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AUSTRALASIAN SOCIETY FOR TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY ASTT welcomes familiar face | Interflow’s rising star in trenchless | Sneak peak into this year’s No-Dig Down Under | Adept Civil delivers on regional NSW greenfield project | Yarra Valley Water protects at risk maintenance holes ALMOST 30 YEARS IN THE MAKING  Customer support key to Jeff Trackson’s decades-long relationship with Vermeer Australia
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ISSUE 79 JUNE 2023

A dealer relationship almost 30 years in the making thanks to incomparable service

sustainable solution when it comes to


This magazine is the official journal of the Australasian Society for Trenchless Technology (ASTT) and is distributed to members and other interested parties throughout Australia and the Asia-

The publishers welcome editorial contributions from interested parties. However, neither the publishers nor the ASTT accept responsibility for the content of these contributions and the views contained therein are not necessarily the views of the publishers T. Neither the publishers nor the ASTT accept responsibility for any claims made by advertisers. All communications should be directed to the publishers.

Unless explicitly stated otherwise in writing, by providing editorial material to Prime Creative Media (PCM), including text and images, you are providing permission for that material to be subsequently used by PCM, whole or in part, edited or unchanged, alone or in combination with other material in any publication or format in print or online or howsoever distributed, whether produced by PCM and its agents and associates or another party to whom PCM has provided

Jeff Trackson shares his decades-long professional Page 18. Image: Vermeer Australia.

WESTERN AUSTRALIA WA Councillor Jiang Aizezi
14 Trenchless
sensitive locations 16
joins the ASTT
technology, the
DOWN UNDER 2023 Innovation set for No-Dig Down Under 20 Exhibition Floorplan 22 Meet the 2023 sponsors 24 Bigger and better: more equipment than ever before 26 Four reasons why this year’s event is unmissable 28 WOMEN IN INDUSTRY Celebrating the women of SECA 30 Verena Reid, a rising star in the trenchless universe 32 MICROTUNELLING AdaptX technology key to challenging railway pipeline project 34 Pezzimenti Trenchless boasts microtunnelling capabilities 36 Adept Civil delivers on regional NSW greenfield development 38 VACUUM & HYDRO EXCAVATION How sustainability is leading the way for KAISER 40 REHAB & REPAIR Smart Lock: A key factor in BlueLine Drains’ completed project 42 Yarra Valley Water protects at risk manholes 44 UTILITY LOCATION Understanding EMF locators and the importance of training 46 CCTV Drain inspection cameras capable for the toughest projects 48 SPIRAL WOUND LINING Spiral wound lining for pipe maintenance 50 SLIPLINING kwik-ZIP: The go-to solution when it comes to trenchless 52 HDD Ditch what you’re doing and learn more about the Ditch Witch JT24 54 REGULARS Editor’s letter 6 From the President 8 From the ASTT Secretary 10 News in brief 12 ASTT corporate members 56 People on the move 58

Excellence in tunneling for water, wastewater and energy infrastructure.

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John Murphy


Christine Clancy


Molly Hancock


Clemence Carayol


Vivien Topalovic


Nick Lovering


Michelle Weston


Blake Storey


Kerry Pert, Tom Anderson, Louis Romero


Trenchless Australasia is owned by Prime Creative Media and published by John Murphy. All material in Trenchless Australasia is copyright and no part may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means (graphic, electronic or mechanical including information and retrieval systems) without written permission of the publisher. The Editor welcomes contributions but reserves the right to accept or reject any material. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information, Prime Creative Media will not accept responsibility for errors or omissions or for any consequences arising from reliance on information published. The opinions expressed in Trenchless Australasia are not necessarily the opinions of, or endorsed by the publisher unless otherwise stated.

© Copyright Prime Creative Media, 2021


All articles submitted for publication become the property of the publisher. The Editor reserves the right to adjust any article to conform with the magazine format.

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Editor’s Letter

Clemence Carayol

As a woman in the industry, seeing women being put in the spotlight for the June edition of Trenchless Australasia is a bliss.

Here at Prime Creative Media, we acknowledge the exceptional women who have achieved success through their leadership, innovation and commitment to every sector we write about.

Prime Creative Media’s Women in Industry Awards recognises outstanding women from across a range of industrials sectors, for example those who work in mining, transport, manufacturing, engineering, logistics, bulk handling, waste management, rail and construction and infrastructure – all sectors that are traditionally male-dominated.

As I immersed myself in oil and gas, resources, and trenchless industries, which was extremely new to me a while ago, I couldn’t help but think that it was inherently masculine – which is partly true historically speaking.

I am beyond excited to see the ASTT introducing the category of Trenchless Woman of the Year for this years’ awards. More women are forging their career in this multi-faceted world. This edition is all about celebrating the rising stars of our industry and putting the spotlight on their skills and achievments.

communications managers or held managerial roles, and all were at the top of their games.

All have proven to me that I had been biased when I thought they were navigating in a world of men only, with women being the exceptions, the tick in a parity tab on an excel sheet somewhere.

Having women on board is a clear sign of intelligence. Inclusivity, which should be a given today, isn’t as popular as we think.

Having worked in numerous and diversified industries, most of them on the cultural and arty scope, the resource industry is among the ones which value women most.

The men in our industries have had the clear and indubitable intuition that women can be holding the same responsibilities and the same roles.

“Behind every great man, there’s a great woman” – this expression works the other way around too.

Happy reading!

Clemence Carayol Editor

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President: Ben Crosby

Secretary:Trevor Gosatti

Vice President: Blair Telfer


Western Australia: Jiang Aizezi

Queensland: Ben Crosby

New South Wales: Sudipta Basu

Victoria:Ash Hamer

South Australia: Shaun Melville

New Zealand: Blair Telfer

Northern Territory: Vacant

Tasmania: Vacant

President’s Message

The last 12 months have been a successful period for the ASTT. Membership is healthy and it is seeing small, yet positive growth.

There was an exciting Quarry Day held in Brisbane in May, being hosted by the ATS where the ASTT had two members showcasing their equipment which I’m sure was well received.

This edition of Trenchless Australasia is themed “Women in Industry” and I’m sure you will enjoy reading the articles focused on our overachieving female collaborators in this male dominated industry as we pivot to a more inclusive approach. At the ASTT, we see infrastructure pivoting to ensure we as a society achieve parity in the coming decades which will positively affect the trenchless services, manufacturing and projects.

We are pleased to introduce the category of Trenchless Woman of the Year for this years’ ASTT Awards. Trenchless technology has traditionally been a male-dominated industry however we are seeing more incredible women take charge within the sector and feel it is appropriate to recognise them accordingly. I look forward to celebrating these outstanding women, along with other industry stalwarts, at the ASTT Awards Gala Dinner in September.

In the last year Council’s efforts have been noticed with the positive promotion of trenchless technology across our many touch points.

Most notably our promotion of trenchless technology is seen readily at the conference in 2022, which will continue at 2023’s conference. Coupled with this is our activity in forums, the Trenchless Australasia magazine, our integration with WSAA, our activity in the special interest groups, and our partnerships with AusJet and the ATS.

Another key change with the Council Structure is the resignation and retirement of Jeff Pace, having been our Security and

Treasurer since our incorporation in 1991! Jeff has been an amazing asset to the ASTT over the 30+ years and he will be sadly missed. He hands over to another long-term industry supporter in Trevor Gosatti who will slot into the role having worked in the ASTT for over 20 years as either a Councillor or as our President.

Planning for this year’s Brisbane Conference in September is going well. The theme this year is “Better Outcomes Through Trenchless” and it is this theme we plan to stimulate the conversation and influence the papers, the exhibitors and the panel discussion on improving the service industry with better design, better method selection and better delivery to conclude improved overall trenchless solutions.

Given that the conference is three months away it is again shaping up to be a huge success, with the exhibition space now sold out.

This year we are seeing more than normal change with our Council, and I will take this opportunity to thank our outgoing Council members in Justin Shepperd and Matthew Boyle who both have been instrumental in helping our industry and the ASTT; we appreciate their efforts. Both Justin’s and Matt’s careers are turning away from trenchless and we support their desire to resign from Council and we wish them the best in the future.

With the old comes the new, and we are very excited to welcome our new Councillors in Ash Hamer and Jiang Aizezi. We welcome both Ash and Jiang as they are formally appointed at the recent AGM. Ash and Jiang are passionate about trenchless technologies and we are looking forward to working with them in some of the new initiatives that we are rolling out in the near future.

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Secretary’s Corner June 2023

New Members

On behalf of the ASTT, I extend a warm welcome to the following new members:

Silver Corporate Members – Australia

• Membership upgraded from Individual to Corporate by Alex Tao from Ausinland Pty Ltd

• Andrew Bilton from SLB-M-I SWACO

David Dunstan from Dunstans

• James Pickup from Australian Pipeline Management Pty Ltd

• GCE Contractors Pty Ltd

Individual Members – Australia

• Samuel Pearce from SRG Global

• Nick Lewis from NAL Project Management Services Pty Ltd

Jeff Pace

My first action as the new ASTT Secretary is to recognise and acknowledge the tremendous efforts of the outgoing Secretary, Jeff Pace.

Jeff was the inaugural ASTT Secretary when the society commenced in 1991 and has performed the role of Secretary and Treasurer since that time being 32 years. He has overseen the progression of the society from its small beginnings to be an efficient, financially stable and leading representative. Jeff has overseen the society:

• Publish 78 Trenchless Australasia magazines in partnership with Prime Creative Media (and Pipeline Publications Australia).

• Host 14 Australasian exhibition & conferences (No-Dig Down Under).

• Host three international exhibition & conferences (in collaboration with the International Society of Trenchless Technology)

• Grow membership to over 300 members.

• Grow the society finances to be in a safe and prudent position ready to assist the industry.

• Complete prudent governance and

strategic planning arrangements for the society.

• Be regarded as one of the most stable and efficient trenchless societies in the world.

Jeff also significantly represented the ASTT in its membership with the International Society of Trenchless Technology (ISTT) serving as the Society’s ISTT contact for many years and serving as an ISTT executive sub-committee (board) member for six years. He also assisted on several ISTT sub-committees over the years.

At the recent Annual General Meeting of the Society, the ASTT Council nominated and approved Jeff Pace to become a Life Member of the ASTT in recognition of his service. Jeff becomes the society’s second Life Member, joining his friend, the late Menno Henneveld as Life Members of the ASTT.

It is planned to recognise and present his Life Membership Award at the Brisbane No-Dig Down Under in September. Having worked closely with Jeff over many years in my previous roles as WA Councillor and Chairman of the ASTT, I am very aware of the dedication and commitment Jeff applied to the role of Secretary and Treasurer of the ASTT. I hope to emulate that as I step into the position.

Jeff should be proud of the position he leaves the ASTT in upon his “retirement”, and we wish him well in future endeavours.

I look forward to serving the Council and great members of the society as the ASTT Secretary. I hope to make contact with many of you at the No-Dig Down Under later in Brisbane.

No-Dig Down Under 2023 Brisbane Planning for the No-Dig Down Under 2023 to be held in Brisbane from the 12 to 15 September 2023 is progressing well. The exhibition space is sold out and sponsorships for the events are nearly all

taken with the event still several months away. This shows the strong support the trenchless technology industry has in attending these events and the benefits that can be provided to all industry stakeholders. If you have interest in supporting the event please contact Nick Lovering (nick.lovering@primecreative. or visit The Organising Committee is now considering and finalising the conference papers and program to ensure another tremendous exhibition & conference is delivered to the industry, with great social events and networking. Make sure that you are part of it!

ASTT Strategic Plan

Post the recent ASTT Annual General Meeting, the ASTT Council devoted time to review and update the ASTT Strategic Plan. While many actions within the Strategic Plan have been completed, there are still many intended plans and actions to be considered and put in place to be completed. With the pandemic conditions a thing of the past, the Council can look ahead to action items with less restrictions and impediments. The Council is committed to complete and action the Strategic Plan for the benefit of the ASTT members and industry.

State of the Industry Report

The ASTT has commissioned a State of the Industry Report to be produced providing up to date information on the trenchless industry. The ASTT Council is anticipating this report to be available soon for consideration and then be able to be provided to members for their information and use in their businesses. The ASTT has previously produced State of the Industry reports for the benefit of members and is one of the many benefits of membership of the ASTT.

JUNE 2023
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supplying water pipelines to contribute to the development of Townsville City.

Infrastructure Services Committee Chairperson Kurt Rehbein says council awarded the tender for the supply of approximately 16.25km of raw water pipeline as part of upcoming enabling infrastructure works. “Iplex demonstrated the best value for money proposition for the project and has experience in delivering large diameter pipe, with a proven track record locally for their work on the Haughton Pipeline Duplication project,” says Rehbein.

A second tender has also been released for the raw water pipeline install in preparation for works to start mid-2023.

The raw water pipeline connects to the existing 900 mm Ross River pipeline at a point near the junction of Haberecht Road, Mountview Drive and Major Creek Road, Majors Creek, and finishes in the Lansdown precinct.

Construction of the raw water pipeline to the Lansdown Eco-Industrial Precinct will allow early proponents access to raw water by December 2024.

Michael Doyle, National Business Manager – infrastructure and assets at Iplex, says the company was proud to be involved in this large-scale project.

“This significant project will encourage new industry and advanced manufacturing to settle in Townsville, which will create jobs,” he says.

Greater Western Water’s renewal project hits next stage

Greater Western Water’s (GWW) contractor Jaydo Construction has commenced works on stage 2 of Melbourne’s Victoria Street Main Renewal project.

Construction began in April, with stage 2 involving replacing 1.8 km of water mains down Rathdowne Street and along the southern side of Victoria Street, between Exhibition Street and William Street. It involves around 1.8 km of pipes across North Melbourne, Carlton and the inner city being removed and replaced with a new, larger diameter pipe. This is to be installed via open trenching, with sliplining under key intersections, Jaydo Construction is the contractor for this work.

GWW General Manager for Growth and Infrastructure Amanda Smith says that ageing infrastructure is the main reason behind this work as the current water main is at least 140 years old.

“The upgrade will create more capacity in the system and help ensure the water supply remains clean and reliable for our customers across North Melbourne, Carlton and the inner city,” Smith says. “It will also prevent water network faults, reducing disruptions and improving customer experience of our services into the future.” The project is due for completion late 2023.

North East Link taking shape in Watsonia

200-metre-long tunnel boring machine (TBM) launch area.

Four giant piling rigs have been hard at work digging 379 holes since last October, with each hole being reinforced with a steel cage and filled with concrete.

becoming a solid launch area for our two massive TBM, forming the beginning of the North East Link Tunnels,” the team says.

The North East Link Program has completed piling works within its site on the east side of Greensborough Road, Watsonia, forming the structural foundations of the 40-metre deep,

“About 7400 cubic metres of concrete was used for the box piles alone (almost 19 elephants’ worth) and if you stacked each pile end to end, it would be almost 7.2 km long,” the North East Link Program team shared. Once a pile is set, each one is cut to the required height – then a concrete capping beam is poured, connecting all the piles together, adding more stability to the structure to allow major excavation.

“Now complete, this area is on its way to

The North East Link Tunnels will take 15,000 trucks off local roads every day and reduce travel times by up to 35 minutes. This will be made possible thanks to longer tunnels of 6.5 km to Watsonia, simpler interchanges at Lower Plenty Road and Manningham Road. It will also include five MCGs of parklands along Banyule Creek at Borlase Reserve, a new 2 km tree-lined boulevard for Greensborough Road, a 2 hectare Yarra Link green bridge over Bulleen Road, and three new wetlands along the Yarra River and Koonung Creek in Bulleen and Balwyn North.

Iplex has partnered with Townsville City Council on the Townsville Lansdown eco-industrial project. Jaydo Construction commenced works on stage 2 of Melbourne’s Victoria Street Main Renewal project. With piling works complete, the structural foundations of Tunnel Boring Machine launch area is formed.



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WA Councillor Jiang Aizezi joins the ASTT

My name is Jiang Aizezi (Aziz for short) and I’m very excited to join the Australasian Society for Trenchless Technology (ASTT) as the Western Australia Council representative.

I have been proudly working in the tunnelling and trenchless industry for more than 13 years, and been involved and contributed to the successful delivery of trenchless projects. These projects have involved diverse trenchless techniques including: microtunnelling, pipe jacking, auger boring, pilot boring, and horizontal directional drilling.

I’ve been active in the ASTT space since 2013 and have presented at a number of papers in the No-Dig Down Under Conference, organising or

presenting in ASTT technical sessions, and contributed to the ASTT design and construction short courses (on trenchless technology).

I relocated to WA just before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 after eight years around the east coast. Since then, I have continued my passion on actively promoting tunnelling and trenchless technology in the WA market. While the east coast was buzzing with major road and rail tunnelling works, which in turn created tremendous opportunities in the trenchless field, WA has not been so lucky.

After the completion of the challenging Forrestfield Airport Link Tunnel project, the outlook for another major tunnelling

project looked to be very dim.

However, a suit of major public transport projects initiated by Metronet have brought the trenchless market to a new height in WA with significant utility/service relocation works utilising trenchless techniques.

Notably, BP KWOL pipeline relocation project stands out as the largest trenchless relocations in the brownfield environment (arguably nationally as well) among these works. 12.5 km of DN300 pipeline was relocated where 11.5 km by HDD, with 12 drill shots varying between 500 m up to 1.4 km , and the depth up to 25 m; 2 DN700 microtunnell railway crossings and remainder open trenched.

Utility asset owners continue to show interest and invest on the trenchless technology. Some major microtunnelling works were awarded last year by Water Corporation, namely the Quins Main Sewer project and Balmont Water Main (BWM) project.

QMS involved 1931 m of DN1800 sewer main (1167 m via microtunnelling) while BWM involved DN1000 watermain by microtunnelling crossing a highway and busy operational passenger railway operated by a public transport authority.

The mining sector north of WA continues to engage trenchless specialist constructors for rail, road and river crossings as well.

Overall, we see a healthy growth on the WA trenchless market. With the continuous commitment on the state and federal level in the transport sector, we expect this growth will continue for the years to come.

L–R: Sean Melville, Sudipta Basu, Jeff Pace, Trevor Gosatti, Ben Crosby, Justin Shepherd, Ash Hamer, Blair Telfer and Jiang Aizezi at the recent ASTT AGM.

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Trenchless technology, the sustainable solution when it comes to sensitive locations

Whether it be a culturally sensitive site, a heritage location, or simply an ageing infrastructure, working around the inherent challenges that come with these worksites can sometimes require very special care. Trenchless technology is all about mastering and making the most out of every aspect of these locations.

Tenchless Australasia takes a deep dive into Western Australia and how certain projects are prime examples of the versatility of trenchless technologies.

HDPE pipeline renovation in Cape Lambert and Paraburdoo

The benefits of trenchless technology for pipeline rehabilitation in culturally sensitive areas during two installations for one of the world’s leading mining companies has been illustrated in Cape Lambert and Paraburdoo.

The benefits of Primus Line were recently proven during two Rio Tinto projects using

the technology in areas of cultural heritage sensitivity in Western Australia.

The first project took place near Cape Lambert and included the renovation of a 1500m long high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipeline.

The second installation was in the outback near Paraburdoo where a 1000m of cementlined mild steel pipeline was rehabilitated. The liner comes pre-coiled on transport spools with a length up to 1000m or more and is inserted into the existing pipe.

Compared to traditional pipeline replacement, the carbon footprint in

construction is reduced by up to 90 per cent.

Trenchless methods are the perfect solution to overcome the challenges of pipeline works in areas of cultural significant importance and preserve them to traditional landowners, making sure that areas of cultural heritage sensitivity remain completely untouched.

Wastewater pipes refurbishment in the Merredin Shire

Merredin Shire’s authorised contractor Allpipe Technologies has commenced work to refurbish ageing wastewater pipes. This

Trenchless tech is big in Western Australia because of its versatility among others.

refurbishment work executed by Allpipe Technologies is set to be completed by late July 2023 and will take place across the town of Merredin.

Allpipe Technologies is working in both verges and/or roads, and in the boundary of private properties. Sewer relining uses trenchless technology to clean and refurbish existing wastewater pipes.

HDD boom in Fremantle

Recently Diversified has undertaken works with one of its long-time clients to replace the existing cast iron distribution network in Fremantle. The limestone rock ground conditions of this project presented several logistical challenges, but not insurmountable for Diversified with its newest Ditch Witch CEA machine – the AT32.

“The project involved 9000m of HDD installation and required a full turnkey solution. We undertook the installation of multiple HDPE conduits and manholes to house both fibre optic as well as earth grid network cables,” Diversified’s Managing Director, David Proctor says.

Released in 2022, the AT32 boasts increased drill pipe capacity, allowing 137.2m of all-terrain pipe or 182.9m of dirt pipe with reversible pipe box onboard,

boosting the productivity of any project.

It also features a patented ‘slide cartridge’ which provides back-up for the carriage rollers, allowing operators to complete a job without stopping to replace failed rollers. The drill’s 1200ft lbs of inner rotational torque allow for greater efficiency and better production in hard formations.

PST channels at Woodman Point

The Woodman Point Waste Water Treatment Plant in Munster, Perth, has experienced deterioration of the concrete structure around its channels due to a gas attack.

Fixing the damage was broken into two stages. McRobert Contracting Services (MCS) was brought in on the first stage of the project, which required the lining of a channel totalling 12 lineal metres.

The success of the first stage saw Woodman Point engaging MCS to continue the work on the second stage. This required work on a further 16 lineal metres of channel with similar damage and included both an ‘S’ bend and four launder channel entries on the PST channel.

MCS were called in to use its patented high-density polyethylene (HDPE) lining to restore the damaged infrastructure, which included the floors, walls, and roof of the

channel, up to the horizontal deck.

MCS used layers of 12mm HDPE striped to 25mm wide and fixed to the perimeter of the channel lining. The process allowed them to extend the lining, including pouring high strength grout behind the lining and existing concrete surfaces.

Twin crossings of Hume completed in Port Hedland

DJ MacCormick Contractors has completed the twin crossings of Humes 1000mm reinforced concrete jacking pipe in Port Hedland, Western Australia.

To complete the project, DJ MacCormick Contractors utilised the Iseki closed face slurry shield microtunnelling system. Ground conditions on site were in wet clay and at depths that ranged from 4m to 6m cover.

Of the six 1000mm drives completed, two drives of 46m were completed under Utah Road with an additional two drives of 152m under the BHP Rail also being completed. A further two drives of 80m under the FMG Rail line were also undertaken. A seventh drive of 1800mm was also completed 112.5m under the BHP Rail, located nearby the Iron Bridge mine site.

The total distance tunnelled for the project was approximately 668.5m.


A dealer relationship almost 30 years in the making thanks to incomparable service

Customer satisfaction is a key priority for any business, with customer loyalty a level above that. When it comes to customer loyalty, look no further than Jeff Trackson and his decades-long professional relationship with Vermeer Australia.

With his company, JR & LM Trackson Pty Ltd, specialising in directional drilling across the whole of Australia, Jeff bought his first Vermeer drill more than 26 years ago and since then has purchased 33 Vermeer drills, with the latest being the D100x140 S3. Plus, another 100plus pieces of ancillary equipment, including HDD locators, cable locators, mixing systems, cable ploughs, trenchers, recyclers, and more than 30 vacuum excavators.

For Jeff, his search for top quality, reliable equipment is what first led him to Vermeer Australia all those years ago. And just as important to Jeff as the equipment itself, is after sale care and service.

“I was looking for reliability, service and customer support,” he says.

Jeff says that alongside Vermeer Australia’s incomparable service and customer support is

Vermeer Australia Sales Manager Nigel Dobier and Jeff Trackson in 2012 at the The delivery of the D100x140 S3 in Townsville earlier this year. L R: Greg Clayton, Vermeer Asia-Pacific, Paul Southey, Vermeer Australia, Linda and Jeff Trackson, Steve Batchelor, Vermeer Australia, and Jake Schulz and Chris Quabba, JR & LM Trackson Pty Ltd.

“A lot of the guys have been there just as long as I’ve been buying gear, so 20-plus years. I can ring Steve in Adelaide and he’ll help me get through the problems that we might have with the machine,” he says.

“They’re very good, and very knowledgeable in the machines that they sell. There are some good guys there that live and breathe Vermeer.”

It’s a sentiment that is echoed by Vermeer product specialist, Steve Batchelor. Batchelor has been working at the company for 30 years and first encountered Jeff early in his career. Since then, he has worked hard to maintain a close working relationship.

“I got to meet him when he was a very small operator. I’ve had a lot of out-in-the-field experience with him. And basically, we have a great relationship with him,” he says.

“Every time he bought a drill, I’ve been there with the installation to train them, and make sure that machine ran properly.”

Together, with the rest of the team at Vermeer, Batchelor has kept abreast of Jeff’s expanding business and has guided him through the various equipment groups to help him grow his business.

Another Vermeer Australia team member that has worked closely with Jeff for more than a decade is Sales Manager, Nigel Dobier.

“I’ve been at the company for 14 years, and I’ve known Jeff basically ever since I started in the spare parts department back in 2008,” Dobier says.

Dobier understands the importance of prioritising customer support and satisfaction, and taking a hands-on approach to customer service, working to uphold this across the various roles he’s held over the years.

“Jeff trusts our company overall, and I’ve been that person, among others, that he trusts. So, we’ve always maintained the relationship no matter what position I’ve been in,” he says.

“It’s been an important thing for us to ensure that Jeff stays comfortable with us. He knows that he can pick up the phone to me or others within our business, and he’s going to be looked after.”

“We’re going to keep his gear running and keep the pipe going into the ground,” Dobier says.

“Because that’s how he feeds his family, and the families that are employed by the Trackson Group of Companies. And that goes for all Vermeer customers.”

Jeff has extended a very special thank you to Peter Pullan, previous co-owner and current Executive Director of RDO Equipment Pty Ltd, for the personal advice and support he has provided him over the last 26 years.

For more information visit


Innovation set for No-Dig Down Under

With the theme of “Better outcomes through trenchless”, No-Dig Down

Under 2023 is set to be a mustattend event for all trenchless industry professionals.

No-Dig Down Under is the southern hemisphere’s only large-scale conference and exhibition dedicated to trenchless technology.

Organised in partnership with the Australasian Society for Trenchless Technology (ASTT), the conference has grown to become the second largest no-dig technology event in the world.

The technical program invites and encourages speakers from around Australia and the globe to present papers covering case studies, new and emerging technologies, challenging projects and environments, industry skills and training, risk management and more.

This year’s conference, sponsored by Rob Carr as platinum sponsor, Vermeer Australia as gold sponsor, Interflow, Rockpecker and Vivax Metrotech as silver sponsors, and Monitor Lifts

and STEP Oiltools as bronze sponsors, will be held at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre from 12-14 September.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours can be claimed for attending the conference through Engineers Australia.

Tickets available now

Early bird tickets are now on sale for this year’s event until June 30, 2023.

Attendees can save up to $230 on each ticket, while ASTT members also receive further discounted tickets.

A full conference ticket includes the conference program, catering and all social functions including the Gala Dinner and ASTT Awards evening.

For all information about tickets, visit

Scholarships on offer

Once again, the ASTT is offering 10 utility and council scholarships for attendance at No-Dig Down Under 2023.

The scholarships allow key members of Australasian utilities and councils to attend the conference with reduced costs and aim to attract more employees from these organisations to the event, increasing their knowledge of trenchless technology.

To be eligible, applicants must be a full-time employee of an Australian or New Zealand utility or council.

All applications will be judged on various criteria including employment position and job title, membership record with the ASTT, participation in previous No-Dig events, knowledge of the trenchless industry and career goals within the sector.

No-Dig Down Under will be held at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre from 12-14 September.

A professional reference or testimonial from a colleague or industry contact must also be submitted.

Applications for ASTT utility and council scholarships close on Friday, 14 July 2023.

Training courses

Before the conference begins, a range of training courses will be available for attendees to build upon their knowledge of trenchless technologies.

Three courses will be featured at the 2023 event, with one focused on new installation methods, the second on horizontal directional drilling and the third on renovation of pipes by lining.

Registration for these one-day training courses is available from $515 for ASTT Members and $615 for non-members.

Members can also earn CPD points for the course attendance and completion.

ASTT Awards night

The prestigious ASTT awards are not to be missed, with the awards to be presented to the

winners at the ASTT Gala Dinner and Awards Evening on Thursday, 14 September.

Nominations can be made for the six awards, with nominations closing on Friday, 14 July 2023.

The award categories include: Rehabilitation Project of the Year

An award which recognises innovation and advancements across technology, environmental benefits and occupational health and safety benefits in rehabilitation projects.

New Installation Project of the Year

It recognises innovation, advancements in technology, environmental benefits and occupational health and safety benefits in new installation projects using trenchless technology.

New Technology: Machine, Tool, Material, System or Technique

Recognises a practical development of trenchless systems or equipment that results in benefits such as improved economy, accuracy, speed

of drive or replacement, ability to overcome difficult installations or similar.

Menno Henneveld Person of the Year

The award recognises an individual who has made major contributions to the trenchless industry in any area of activity. It will identify a contribution over and above the call of duty to grow, develop and promote the use of trenchless technology across Australasia.

Jeff Pace Young Person of the Year

This award recognises younger members of the Australasian trenchless community and the role they play in the growth of the industry.

Trenchless Woman of the Year

This new category recognises a woman who plays a leading role within the Australian trenchless technology industry who goes above and beyond their role within the sector.

ASTT President Ben Crosby says the ASTT was pleased to introduce this new category for this years’ awards.

“Trenchless technology has traditionally been a male-dominated industry, however we are seeing more and more incredible women take charge within the sector and feel it is appropriate to recognise them accordingly,” he says.

“I look forward to celebrating these outstanding women, along with other industry stalwarts, at the ASTT Awards Gala Dinner.”

For more information about this year’s No-Dig Down Under event, visit www.

At L&D Micro Tunnelling we specialize in laser guided boring. Our Tunnel bore machines use a vacuum extraction system where all spoil is sucked into interceptor tanks for easy disposal with no mess. All our heads are hydraulically driven and guided by a high accuracy laser to achieve precision over long distances.

47a Brunel Road, Seaford, VIC 3198 | | | 0401 754 929 | Unrivalled reliability – Accuracy Guaranteed
• Specialists in free boring, sleeve boring and pipe jacking Sizes ranging from 350mm > 600mm in most ground conditions
Drill up to 120 meters with a +/- 10mm tolerance 20 years experience in the drainage industry This year’s conference theme is “Better outcomes through trenchless”.

No-Dig Floor Plan


Stand No.Organisation

100Access Detection

30Acu-Tech Piping Systems

91Aqua Metro Service

28AT Boretec

44Aussie Trenchless Supplies

7 Austeck Pty Ltd

37 Australasian Society for Trenchless Technology



78 Bohrtec

94Boss Attachments

92 Cangzhou Great Drill Bits Co.,Ltd

75 CDE


14Channeline International Fiber Glass Manufacturing LLC

11CR Kennedy Survey Solutions

50DCS Manufacturing

102Denso Australia

49Derrick Corporation

96Detection Solutions

57 Digital Control Incorporated


103Drainco Australasia


67 Empire Infrastructure


97 F. Willich Australia

87 GCE Contractors

98Hebei GN Solids Control Co.,Ltd



19IMS Robotics Australia Pty Ltd

8 Inrock International

Coffee Hub Interflow Pty Ltd

82Iplex Pipelines

95 JB Trenchless

63 KAISER Technology Pty Ltd

60KOR Equipment Solutions

45KRE Engineering Services

46kwik-ZIP Spacers


104Lateral Repairs

10Leica Geosystems (Hexagon)


89Maxibor Australia

34MB Solutions Australia

Sponsors Exhibitors

99McBerns Innovative Solutions

35McRobert Contracting Services Pty Ltd

22Michels Trenchless Pty. Ltd.

88Monitor Lifts

18Mullane Trenchless

17No-Dig Depot


77Nukote Coating Systems International

84OptionX Group


90Pezzimenti Tunnelbore Pty Ltd

74 Pipe Core - Premium Pipe Relining Materials and Equipment

1 Pipe Couplings Australasia Pty Ltd

25Pipe Equipment Specialists

56Pipe Management Australia

76 Powell Industrial

4 Qenos



26RIDGID Australia

59Rob Carr Pty Ltd

71Rockpecker Limited

54RSM Lining Supplies Global Pty Ltd

9 RTi Asia Pacific

72 SAERTEX multiCom®

2 Safety Shovel

36Schauenburg MAB Asia

39Sewer Equipment Company (Aust)

86Shore Hire

47 Smart Lock Group Pty Ltd

58Spiecapag Australia Trading As Hdi Lucas

42STEP Civil

64TRACTO Australia

53Trenchless Advisor

52Trenchless Sales

52 (cont.)Trenchless Sales

24a Trio-Vision

6 Tunnel24 GmbH

16UHI Machinery

27 Universal Corrosion Coatings


51Vermeer Australia

31Vertical Horizonz Australia

93 Vinidex Pty Ltd

40Vivax Metrotech AUS

24 Wuxi Lushun Drilling Tools Co. Ltd

25aZhangzhou Anyue Advanced Materials Technology Co.



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Check out the range of equipment on display at this year’s No-Dig

No-Dig Down Under 2023 is the must-attend event for the trenchless industry, and with the theme of “Better outcomes through trenchless”, the equipment on show is set to be the best of new and emerging technologies.

Here’s a sneak peak of some of the equipment showcasing at this year’s conference.

The high-capacity system can also be utilised for cleaning of wet-wells, manholes, pits and culverts as well as for general cleaning and removal of any wet products.

“We are continuously striving to be at the fore front of design and user-friendly equipment for the Drain Cleaning and Hydro Excavation Industry,” the company says.

“There are exciting times ahead for this familyowned business with many positive changes being made that will benefit current and future cliental.”

Zealand,” the company says.

“We are also eager to share some new and innovative products in Gerotto, Falch, and Vanguard, whilst also having strong representation of Cappellotto, Schwarze and KEG. Come down and talk to a team that cares about you and your needs.”

Pipe Core

Pipe Core is showcasing various pieces of equipment at this year’s No-Dig Down Under including the Hächler Climbolino® E electric milling robot and Picote battery powered mini cleaner.

The Hächler Climbolino® E is a compact battery-powered milling robot which has been specifically developed for present-day conditions in sewer rehabilitation.

It features a powerful electric milling spindle, blending capabilities and multi-dimensional functionality – all with the benefits and technology of heavy milling machines.

Elsewhere, the Picote Mini Cleaner is a cordless battery-powered model that makes quick work of cleaning, descaling, root removal, cutting, reinstatements and coating in DN32-75 pipes.

It has a range of 16 m and also features an 8 mm shaft that allows working in smaller diameter pipes, multiple bends and p-traps as small as DN50.

DCS Manufacturing

The family-owned business, DCS Manufacturing, prides itself on being a local Australian-made manufacturer, based in Dandenong South.

This year at No-Dig Down Under, the company is showcasing its non-destructive digging unit (NDD) 8000 series hydro-excavation system.

CDE Group

The G:MAX has an integrated hopper for direct feeding, a split screen for separating products and a control panel on board.

The system be used to process a range of solid/ liquid wastes including road sweepings, gully waste, hydrovac waste and more.

The proven hydro-cyclone technology offers maximum grit recovery from wastewater –maximising product yield and minimising waste volumes to significantly reduce operational and disposal costs.


One of the leading industrial vacuum, non-destructive digging, dangerous goods, combination drain cleaning products, and industrial sweeper equipment companies, KOR, is exhibiting again at No-Dig Down Under this year, showcasing a multitude of equipment across its ranges.

“KOR are excited to be exhibiting again at No-Dig Down Under with increased capabilities within our national service centres including parts and accessories support and onsite mobile service vans across Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, and Hamilton New

Kaiser Technology Design, engineering, and manufacturing company Kaiser Technology is showcasing its Kaiser AquaStar III. The versatile vacuum and high-pressure jetting truck is capable of performing in sewer, stormwater, hydraulic, excavation, dry suction and industrial loading industries.

The system also has full recycling capabilities in both sewer and stormwater conditions.

Featuring Kaiser’s patented KWP liquid ring vacuum pump, a KDU pressure convertor water pump and single-stage RotoMax water recycling system, the AquaStar III has a payload of 7000 kg on Australian roads.

Other companies such as Rob Carr, KRE Engineering, IMS Robotics Australia, OptionX Group, SECA, Access Detection and RSM Lining Supplies will also be showcasing their innovative equipment at this year’s event.

To learn more about the exhibitor’s showcasing at No-Dig Down Under 2023, visit www.nodigdownunder. com/exhibitor-list The NDD 8000 series is a high-capacity hydro-excavation system. The Picote Mini Cleaner is now available as a cordless, battery powered model. The design of the Hächler Climbolino® E electric milling robot makes it the ideal tool for challenging construction sites and situations.
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Celebrating the women of SECA

In today’s rapidly evolving world, the achievements of women across various industries deserve recognition and admiration.

Within Sewer Equipment Company Australia (SECA), a dynamic and innovative organisation, a group of exceptional women are making their mark.

With their unique skills, dedication, and passion, these women are playing pivotal roles in driving the company’s success.

Trenchless Australasia takes a closer look at the remarkable women working at SECA, and the contributions they make every day.

Among the exceptional women at SECA, the influential presence of the female co-owner must be highlighted.

Nicola Enz Quealy is the co-owner and Strategic Programs Manager. She guides the company towards one big goal, excellence.

As a co-owner, Enz Quealy brings a wealth of experience, leadership, and a strong entrepreneurial spirit to the organisation.

Her vision and strategic direction has been instrumental in guiding the company’s growth and success.

Leesa Wright and Bernadette Bakulev are both Sales Support Coordinators and their skills empower the company from within.

Wright describes the trenchless industry as “helpful and inclusive”.

“Times have changed and it’s good to see women in trades,” she says.

As a woman in a male-dominated industry, Wright recommends others in the same case to “ask questions and don’t be shy to put yourself forward as a leader”.

Wright and Bakulev are the driving force behind the company’s sales operations.

With their exceptional communication skills and deep product knowledge, they effectively engage with customers, understand their requirements, and provide tailored solutions.

Their expertise ensures customer satisfaction fosters long-term relationships, and contributes to the company’s growth.

Sue Dawson, Key Accounts Manager, is all about nurturing strategic partnerships. Dawson plays a crucial role in maintaining and expanding SECA’s key customer relationships. All her working career has been in “the plumbing and trenchless industry”.

“I love every minute of it,” she says. “I have always found that the men I have worked with are happy to work alongside other hard workers, regardless of gender.”

Dawson says her biggest achievement was being the first female on road sales representative in the plumbing industry.

With her extensive experience and strategic mindset, she ensures that customer’s needs are met, expectations are exceeded, and partnerships are nurtured.

Dawson’s ability to understand market trends and identify opportunities has helped the company remain at the forefront of the industry.

Kristel Hudson, Marketing and Communications Lead knows the power of crafting a strong brand presence.

Hudson is responsible for creating and implementing effective marketing strategies.

“Being a woman in a male-dominated industry has certainly had its challenges, but it has also been incredibly empowering,” she says.

“I’ve used them as fuel to prove myself and showcase my abilities.

“Over time, I’ve gained respect and built strong relationships with my colleagues, and I’m proud to contribute to breaking down gender barriers.”

Hudson stumbled into the trenchless industry by chance seven years ago when she started as an administrative assistant and receptionist.

By working closely with accounts, she was able to progress and saw an opportunity to move into sales.

“I quickly became fascinated by the innovative technologies and solutions it offered, and gradually worked my way up to my current position as a marketing lead,” says Hudson.

Her creativity, analytical skills, and market insights has enabled her to develop compelling campaigns that highlight the company’s strengths and differentiate it from competitors.

Through her efforts, she enhances the brand’s visibility, increases market share, and drives business growth.

Hudson’s advice to other women looking to join the trenchless industry is to embrace their unique perspective and skills.

“Don’t be discouraged by the maledominated nature of the field; instead, let it motivate you to excel,” she says.

“Seek out mentorship and networking opportunities, and never underestimate the power of your voice. By staying true to yourself and continually learning and growing, you can make a remarkable impact in this industry and

L–R: Nicola Enz Quealy, Co-owner and Strategic Programs Manager and Jacqueline Alverez, People and Culture/Office Coordinator.

inspire others to follow in your footsteps.”

Office Coordinator knows how primordial it is to nurture a positive work environment.

detail and expertise in financial management.

As a result, Thi and Helen have ensured the company’s financial records are accurate and up to date.

Through their efforts, they contribute to SECA’s overall financial health and assist in making informed business decisions.

The women working at SECA play indispensable roles in various aspects of the organisation.

From driving sales and managing key accounts to crafting compelling marketing campaigns, and nurturing a positive work environment, these exceptional women are instrumental in the SECA’s success.

Their expertise, dedication, and commitment to excellence serve as an inspiration to their colleagues and contribute to SECA standing as

JUNE 2023
L–R: Helen Nguyen, Accounts Department, with Kristel Hudson, Marketing and Communications Lead. Bernadette Bakulev, Sales Support Coordinator at SECA. Sue Dawson, SECA Key Accounts Manager. L–R: Sue Dawson, Kristel Hudson, Thi Nguyen, Nicola Enz Quealy and Leesa Wright.

Verena Reid, a rising star in the trenchless universe

Trenchless Australasia chats with Verena Reid, a nominee in the Women in Industry Awards under the Rising Star category, a 26-year-old who started her career at Interflow three years ago.

After joining Interflow as a cadet in 2020, today Verena Reid is a highly capable Project Engineer and is on track to becoming a leader within her field. She shares with us how navigating in a historically masculine industry can be, at times, challenging, but also rewarding.

Would you say the trenchless industry is more feminine or masculine?

Our industry feels masculine in my opinion. I still feel like we’ve gotten a lot better in the last few years, or decade, with trying to get more

women in the industry but it is still extremely male dominated, especially in the field.

How does it feel to be a nominee in the Women in Industry awards?

It feels fantastic to be nominated. I actually didn’t know that my team put me forward for a nomination until I heard about it. It feels really good, and the work that I do is being recognised in some capacity, especially within my team, in the office as well as on the field. I am really grateful for the nomination.

What drew you to this industry?

This interest in the trenchless industry goes back to my final years of university when I graduated at the end of 2021. I did a lot of work in my final year thesis around water sensitive urban design and focussed on a sustainability angle when it comes to the water industry. And from then on, I was just fascinated by the water industry.

I wanted to work in it and get to know what it’s all about. I’m so glad that I made the jump into this field and started being interested by it ever since I was an undergrad.

Verena with the team at WIOA in Bendigo.

Since you’ve been in the industry, how has your career evolved?

I started working with Interflow as an intern in 2020. Obviously, because it was during peak lockdown here in Victoria, it was quite hard to adjust, especially with working remotely all the time. But I started off in the estimating team, where I was doing a lot of bid management.

Then I got to learn all the ins and outs of the products that our company uses and how we fit within the wider industry as well. And from then on, I made a transition into sewer operations, where my current Project Engineer role is.

A few major milestones for me would be when I was still an undergrad, I managed a solar panel installation project at our depot to try and reduce emissions that we are outputting at our warehouse.

Among the most notable projects that I’ve delivered so far would have been delivering sewer main relining ahead of the Epsom Road sewer renewal project.

I also manage the sewer component of a Metropolitan water authority’s network renewals contract so that is my day to day, delivering reticulation sewer renewals.

on some big projects in the middle of the CBD at night, as well as all across the western suburbs. I love it and I am very proud of these achievements so far.

What is your main professional goal at the moment?

I would like to manage some larger projects in the near future. I manage small packages of work for reticulation sewers, however I’ve recently had the opportunity to branch out into larger civil construction projects. This has included construction of an Emergency Relief Structure for another major Victorian water authority.

What are the main challenges you have faced as a woman in trenchless so far?

I would say the adjustment to working in a male-dominated environment, especially on site. This adjustment has taken me a little while, but today I have strong relationships with the people in the field. I think that my people skills have really helped me out.

I know there’s huge differences between myself and some of my longer-serving colleagues when it comes to experience.

I still consider myself quite inexperienced as I’ve only been working for almost three years now.

However I’m talking to people everyday on site who have been working in the same industry or the same field for 20 years.

My way of overcoming this gap was to tell myself that everyday holds a lesson. And I am learning from the people I work with.

I think that means a lot to them as well, as someone is listening to them, and learning from them.

Everybody has a lot to offer in this industry and there’s always opportunities to learn. I would encourage anybody to just get out there and see what it’s like.

What advice would you give other women?

I would say don’t be scared. Just go for it. You’ll never know what it’s like until you actually start working there.

There’s plenty of things to learn. There’s plenty of things to do within this industry. And everybody’s role is so important. The best advice would be: get in there and give it a go.

And I think that you might really surprise yourself at the end of the day.

What could make the trenchless industry better for women?

I think maybe more education or more campaigning around the fact that we really need to encourage more women in the field. We have a lot to offer. And it shouldn’t just be a maledominated-industry.

We should definitely have a lot more women working in all sections of this industry. I think education around that would be key and to try and really change the stigma or the mentality that this industry is male dominated when it really does not have to be.

What are the lessons you’ve learnt so far? Sometimes you’ve got to get out of your comfort zone, as much as you possibly can.

For me it was hard to adjust at the start, but I think what really helped me out quickly is just really stepping out of my comfort zone – talking to as many different people as I could, and finding some really good mentors.

Mentorship has really helped me and the progression within my career and this industry in general.

Also, another piece of advice to anyone entering a new field or industry is to find a really good support network. And don’t be afraid of talking to as many different people as you can, people working in different roles, different operations, different projects.

When I just started at Interflow, I was quite nervous and very keen to get a foot in the door.

Almost immediately I was very pleasantly surprised, because in this industry, everybody is willing to help.

I really value the helpfulness and selflessness of my industry peers.

To see the 2023 award winners visit

Verena Reid is Project Engineer at Interflow and a nominee for the “Rising Star” category of the 2023 Women in Industry Awards.

AdaptX technology key to challenging railway pipeline project

A week to finish a challenging tunnelling project may seem like an impossible task for some. But for Edge Underground, this proved that there is nothing too daunting for the microtunnelling company.

Edge Underground was contracted for the project, which involved a 750 mm bore under an existing live railway line for 50 m. And on top of it all, the stakes were high.

Failure to complete the job before the Easter break could have had significant repercussions for the overall project by impacting the pipelaying crews.

The Edge Underground team was called in at late notice as the previous contractor was not progressing as anticipated. The company agreed

to assist and took on the tight timelines. Due to further project constraints, the initial mobilisation was delayed applying more pressure to an already tight program.

The project required the team to bore through 240 megapascals (MPa) of rock, a particularly difficult material to work with, and with the project’s tight deadlines and high stakes involved, there was no room for error.

Despite the pressure and unexpected challenges on-site, including other

subcontractors encroaching on its time, Edge Underground rose to the occasion.

As part of OptionX Group, Edge Underground has access to Bournedrill and its workshop, and has recently implemented new drill rods primarily designed for the AdaptX machine.

These rods, which could also fit the existing AXIS machines owned by Edge Underground, made the machines three to four times more capable than the original drill rods.

The Edge Underground team pulled out all the stops to complete the job before Easter.

Founder of Edge Underground and CEO of OptionX Group, Stuart Harrison says a project of this nature wouldn’t have been possible just a few years ago.

“This was the sort of job that in the past, we would have allowed much more time for problems to come up,” Harrison says.

“But we had no time. The program was so tight that any problem would have meant we didn’t make the deadline.”

Harrison credits the success of this project to the modifications made to the AXIS machine, which included heavy-duty drill rods, geared reaming technology, and new rock reaming technology.

These modifications were originally developed and patented for OptionX Group’s AdaptX machine but were adapted to the existing AXIS machines with great success. The successful completion of this project is a testament to Edge Underground’s focus on operational efficiency and investment in advanced technology.

The innovations enabled the team to bore under a live railway line with tight deadlines and difficult material, while avoiding any disruption to the train schedule. The project has opened up new opportunities for Edge Underground, as it continues to take on difficult jobs.

With the support of OptionX Group and its ongoing investment in new technologies, Edge

Underground is ready to expand its capabilities and tackle whatever challenges come its way.

In the drilling, tunnelling, and boring industry, meeting tight deadlines is a significant challenge, often due to overcrowded programming, lack of support from suppliers, supply chain issues, and staffing problems.

However, Edge Underground has established measures to mitigate these issues and


ensure its projects are completed within the given timeframe.

Its recent success in the challenging railway pipeline project is a testament to its expertise and commitment to delivering exceptional results for its clients.

For more information visit

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The Edge Underground team has extensive experience working around live rail tracks.

Pezzimenti Trenchless boasts microtunnelling capabilities

Pezzimenti Trenchless continues to showcase its position as a leading trenchless specialist by completing works on two Victorian projects.

From tight residential streets, to managing households, pedestrians and traffic, the Mont Albert Level Crossing Removal and Korumburra Trunk Sewer projects were just some of the challenges Pezzimenti Trenchless faced.

Director Joe Pezzimenti tells Trenchless Australasia that while the project was completed by January 2023, and despite the above challenges, the team ensured the “works were executed diligently and efficiently”.

“We were working in a tight residential street, which meant we had to manage households, pedestrians and traffic,” he says.

“This also limited footwork, which suited our equipment.”

The scope of the Mont Albert Level Crossing Removal involved the installation of 245m of

the 324 mm OD Hobas GRP jacking pipes.

The Pezzimenti Trenchless method ensures all types of pipes are installed efficiently, with Hobas jacking pipes typically used for larger bores requiring continuous ground support.

For the Mont Albert Level Crossing Removal, as the railway was to be lowered at the location, a new sewer was required, which led to Harris Civil engaging Pezzimenti Trenchless to complete the pipe jacking works.

The lengths of the bores were 73m, 92m and 80m, installed at a depth from 5m to 8m through ground conditions of clay and siltstone.

Joe says for the Korumburra Trunk Sewer upgrade project for Harris Civil, Pezzimenti Trenchless was engaged by South Gippsland Water to complete various works.

Pezzimenti Trenchless continues to be at the forefront of the trenchless industry through its laser-guided microtunnelling system. Despite challenges in both projects, the Pezzimenti team completed the works diligently.

The overall project scope comprised of approximately 172m of 900m gravity sewer that required microtunnelling.

Pezzimenti Trenchless installed a 618mm OD Superlit GRP jacking pipe with the bores measuring 74m and 98m.

These were installed at a depth of 5m, through ground conditions of siltstone, which proved to be another challenge for the Pezzimenti team.

“The ground conditions of very hard siltstone were difficult to deal with, and ground water was encountered which required 24/7 dewatering,” Joe says.

“But we pride ourselves on maintaining the highest quality equipment and setting the standard for the industry when it comes to quality, care, and development.

“The dedication our team shows when it comes to completing a project, however big or small under any circumstance, in an efficient and effective manner, is why we’ve stood the test of time.”

It was through this dedication that enabled the Pezzimenti Trenchless team to complete the works within three weeks.

Since 1957, Pezzimenti Trenchless has positioned itself at the forefront of the trenchless industry through its laser-guided microtunnelling system.

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The Pezzimenti method ensures all types of pipes are installed efficiently.

Adept Civil delivers on crucial regional NSW greenfield development project

Adept Civil Group has showcased its position as a leading civil engineering contractor by delivering microtunnelling on a greenfield development project in Albury, New South Wales.

In the northern area of Albury suburb Thurgoona, lies Brooklyn Fields Estate – a sprawling 210-hectare parcel of greenfield land. The estate consists of 118 hectares of residential zoned land, with construction of the first two stages complete and third stage ongoing.

In particular, the $2.75 million extension of the sewer network at the estate will assist in continuing a high level of wastewater service delivery to existing development throughout northeast Thurgoona, while preparing for future growth in the area.

As trenchless technology involves minimal surface disruption, it plays an important role in

greenfield developments, with many companies within the industry providing their expertise across these projects, including Adept Civil.

The company was engaged by Longford Civil to microtunnell 1100 m of 472 GRP, using a 500 mm forward clay cutting head which was required for the complex geology in the area.

Adept Civil Business Development Manager Quentin Powell says the company’s reputation and history of taking on challenging projects while staying committed to safety was crucial in securing the contract.

“At Adept, we’re always willing to collaborate with our clients to ensure projects are completed safely and diligently,” Powell says.

Adept Civil continues to showcase its position as leading civil engineering contractor. Adept Civil’s reputation of taking on challenging projects while staying committed to safety helped secure the contract.

Longford Civil and Albury City Council meant we were right for the job.”

He says the Brooklyn Fields Estate project, located in NSW, came with its own set of challenges.

“The location of the trunk sewer main which began at the northern end of Kerr Road, crossing Woolshed Creek and travelling southwest adjacent to the Woolshed Creek alignment was challenging to work with,” Powell says.

Despite the challenges faced during the installation, the Adept team completed the job successfully using the company’s Vermeer Axis GB812 laser-guided boring system.

“The Axis boring system’s precise grade drilling capabilities and the vacuum extraction

Powell says.

Specialising in water and sewerage drainage pipelines, pump stations and associated services, Adept Civil has earned its reputation as a leading civil engineering contractor by delivering quality projects on time and within budget.

The contractor makes safety a priority on every project it works on, and it is currently working towards a goal of zero workplace injuries through its in-house training and careful site management strategies.

The company also has a strong focus on environmental management through its philosophies of education,

communication, continual improvement, and company involvement.

By working with these philosophies, Adept Civil aims to minimise pollution created during any works and continuously monitors its impacts on the environment through audits, reports, and inspections.

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To learn more about Adept Civil Group, visit
Maxibor is using its design and construct expertise to deliver better project outcomes to asset owners and principal contractors alike
Adept Civil was contracted by Longford Civil to microtunnell 1100 m of 472 GRP, using a 500 mm forward clay cutting head. Despite the challenges faced during the installation Adept Civil completed the job successfully.

How sustainability is leading the way for KAISER

One of the leading vehicle manufacturers, KAISER is making waves in Australia through its sewer cleaning vehicles and sustainability initiatives.

While the company is synonymous with innovative technological solutions such as its high-pressure jetting pumps, vacuum pumps, and recycling systems, it’s also focusing on a core aspect of the trenchless industry – sustainability.

For example, vehicles equipped with KAISER’s water recycling system saves over 24,000,000 litres, on average, of drinking water per year.

Most recently, the company has announced its going into serial production of one of the world’s first fully electric sewer cleaning vehicles with water recycling – the AquaStar Electric Vehicle (EV).

The EV version of the successful AquaStar has a battery capacity of up to 508 kilowatt hours (kWh) enabling the vehicle to operate

Customers who use the EV version of the vehicle still benefit from the conventional high pump performance, with the added value of reducing consumption and emissions values.

On average, the KAISER AquaStar EV saves 21,000 litres of diesel per year, and depending on the energy mix, it can reduce carbon emissions by up to 80 per cent over the entire lifecycle of the vehicle.

This makes the new electric sewer cleaner a key prospect for customers looking to prepare their operations for the future, by reducing carbon emissions.

Charging ahead in Australia

Based in Liechtenstein, KAISER is a familyowned business first founded from humble beginnings in 1913.

Since then, the company has evolved to become an international industrial leader with locations in Liechtenstein, Austria, Slovakia, Finland, Sweden, Norway, France, Italy, USA and Australia.

Across these sites, the company’s vehicles for sewer cleaning, pumps and components, and

Vehicles equipped with KAISER’s water recycling system save 24,000,000 liters, on average, of drinking water per year and vehicle.

gained more traction within Australia, as more customers utilise its products.

In addition to its own sales organisation, the company has also expanded its service capacities in Australia – through its own structures and partnerships.

KAISER Chief Executive Officer and Owner Markus Kaiser says the Australian market is high priority.

they are making sewer cleaning in Australia more efficient,” he says.

In September, KAISER will attend and present its equipment at No-Dig Down Under.

The company will present the KAISER AquaStar, a versatile vacuum and high-pressure jetting truck capable of performing in sewer, stormwater, hydraulic, excavation, dry suction and industrial loading industries.

> Bore diameters from 325mm up to 2800mm

> Specialists in ‘free bore’, sleeve boring and pipe jacking in all sizes

> Used for gravity sewers, water mains, storm water, gas and electrical conduits.

Unit 2 / 85 Heatherdale Road, Ringwood Vic 3134 | PO Box 2500, North Ringwood Vic 3134 P: (03) 9872 4596 | F: (03) 9872 3293 | E:
> Still the market leaders in laser guided microtunnelling
For more information about KAISER and its innovative solutions for the trenchless industry, visit
Next Generation in Trenchless Technology KAISER Chief Executive Officer Markus Kaiser.

Smart Lock: A key factor in BlueLine Drains’ project

Smart Lock technology has become a vital part of BlueLine Drains’ recent New Zealand project. From complex navigation challenges to accessing boundaries, a Smart Lock product was the answer to all.

underneath a neighbouring driveway, which was close to a large Pohutukawa tree. The other was underneath a neighbouring newly installed rear deck.

To resolve this challenge, there were two solutions in Gregory’s eyes, both of which would be suitable to solve its client’s problem. Both solutions involved Smart Lock’s valuable technology.

As Wellington Water needed to approve both repair methods, they requested more information. Blueline Drains forwarded its proposed solution, the installation of two Smart Locks with the option to revert to Smart Lock fiberglass patches if access is an issue and attached technical brochures for each option.

Alocal Wellington–based civil company, who has been one of BlueLine Drains’ clients for several years, installed a stormwater and wastewater system at a subdevelopment site in Plimmerton, Wellington, New Zealand.

BlueLine Drains General Manager Daniel Gregory says the project wouldn’t have been completed without Smart Lock’s DN150 Smart Lock sleeve and patch.

“Smart Lock is a key player in the trenchless industry,” he says. “Smart Lock is a structural and permanent fix, with a straightforward installation – a reliable product with competitive pricing to similar products.”

Gregory says the main reason the company used Smart Lock over its alternatives is due to it being a structural repair and the support available.

With easy and efficient service, its dedication to its clients is what BlueLine Drains appreciated.

“Ordering products and getting product information is always easy, and whenever we had issues onsite, Smart Lock always answered the phone straight away and sorted us out,” Gregory says.

“Knowing this support is just a phone call away is crucial to us when we are onsite trying to install.”

Gregory says the project was a challenging one. The civil company could find documentation for the cutting of the two laterals at the boundary, but couldn’t find a record of these being disconnected (capped) at the main as per its consent conditions.

This resulted in a “major dilemma” for the civil company. Unable to access the end of the laterals at the boundary as a new retaining wall, driveway and building had been built over the top of them.

The laterals where they enter the main also couldn’t be accessed as one was located

“Within 15 minutes the engineer responded advising he was happy with either system and granted formal approval to proceed,” he says.

Gregory says the rest was history with the successful installation of a Smart Lock DN150 mm and Smart Patch.

“Smart Lock allowed us to seal off the laterals permanently,” says Gregory.

“It was completed with ease when the alternative would have been a large and costly undertaking for the client and a major interference for the residents due to having to dig up and replace new concrete padding and decking.

“We were able to complete this with minor interference to the residents, so it was a win-win all round,” he says.

For more
information visit
Wetting out and preparation for the installation of a Smart Lock DN150 mm and Smart Patch. Successful installation of the DN150 Smart Lock sleeve and patch. Launching Smart Lock at the NZ project.



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The JT24 features a maximum carriage speed of 216 fpm, 5% faster than competitive machines.

Yarra Valley Water protects at-risk maintenance holes

New technology has contributed to M. Tucker & Sons’ recent success on a Yarra Valley Water project.

Darren Tucker, Director of M. Tucker & Sons says the collaboration represents progression of an industry, and its regulators commitment to embracing new technologies.

As part of the contract, the company, which specialises in drainage maintenance, completed corrosion protection installation works for Yarra Valley Water in Park Orchards,

Victoria, utilising UV maintenance hole rehabilitation technology.

“We thoroughly enjoyed the entire process,” Tucker says.

“From tender submission and post submission interview through to installation and completion, the communication was transparent with safety and environmental awareness being discussed throughout.”

The technical challenges of these maintenance hole rennovations were numerous as the four structures were located in environmentally sensitive areas.

Tucker says the team relined these four by utilising the BB2.5 vertical UV glass reinforced plastic (GRP) liner. The purpose of the liners was corrosion protection as the mainline was recording very high levels of hydrogen sulphide

M. Tucker & Sons using UV maintenance hole rehabilitation technology at a Yarra Valley Water project in Orchards.

gas (H2S) up to 400 ppm, as the line was being fed by pump wells that were installed as part of the Yarra Valley Water Community Sewer Program (CSP).

The liners were cured utilising a purposebuilt light source. Flow channels were relined via hand lamination of GRP glass sheet and resin, and exiting steel core steps replaced with GRP ladders.

For Tucker, the most challenging element throughout the delivery of this project were the weather conditions, with 60 mm of rain recorded for the week of installation some special care and consideration was required.

“Weather was the main challenge,” he says. “The expectation of the customer and the residents around impact to grassed surfaces was high. All equipment was moved around site on mud mats, and without building a temporary track of the mats, no shading of the grasses

occurred over the works period, as such all expectations set were achieved, in relation to protection of surrounding grassed areas and also the quality of the installations.”

As one of the largest Victorian governmentowned retail water corporations, Yarra Valley Water provides water and sewerages services to over two million people in Melbourne’s northern and eastern suburbs.

The Yarra Valley Water team commended M. Tucker & Sons professionalism and efficiency.

“The project was overall very successful in identifying a new technology in which has minimal impact to customers with a reduced footprint when compared to traditional relining works,” shares Yarra Valley Water.

Tucker says with the deepest maintenance hole being 5.5 m, the team needed to handle significant awkward loads in sensitive areas usual crane trucks were not an option.

This was achieved using the smallest possible crane, so the ground pressure was significantly reduced, and all expectations for Yarra Valley Water were met.

“As the built environment around us increases to encroach on the service areas, we find it’s much harder than in the past to dig out and replace infrastructure,” he says.

“Low footprint process like UV mainlines and maintenance hole relining technologies are important,” Tucker says. “The UV product was viewed favourably on this project, and we were able to safely access and work in these environments, while we reduced disruption to the user and public.”

For more information visit

M. Tucker & Sons installed BB2.5 vertical UV glass reinforced plastic liners. The liners were cured utilising a purpose-built light source. Four of the maintenance holes were located in environmentally sensitive areas.

Understanding EMF locators and the importance of training

A utility detection equipment specialist shares his expert tips on understanding electromagnetic field (EMF) locators, the importance of training, and how to work with manufacturers.

Access Detection Director Anthony Johnstone tells Trenchless Australasia about working with electromagnetic field (EMF) locators, following his 20 plus years of experience in the industry.

What makes a good EMF locator?

If you believe all the marketing hype from manufacturers, they will tell you that their locator is better because it has eight antennas or has a colourful screen, or easy to use and has more frequencies or modes.

None of these are truly important. This is because all modern professional locators perform well and can accurately locate without all the extras.

The key factor that lets most of these modern locators down, is the untrained operator behind the locator itself.

The most important aspect of a good locator is proper training from the manufacturer along with ongoing training from organisations that specialise in locator training, like Access Detection.

Why seek training from the manufacturer/ dealer first?

The manufacturers and their specialist dealers should have a good understanding of both the functions and operations of their machines.

I’m not talking about how to connect to the internet to do upgrades or showing the latest locate mode. I am talking about understanding the principles of locating and how the machine should be used and what modes to use and when. This builds the foundations of getting the best from your locator for professional training.

Proper training from the manufacturer is an important aspect of a good EMF locator. Access Detection supplies equipment and training to utility detection contractors and water leak contractors, including EMF locators.

What should a manufacturer/ dealer cover?

The manufacturer or dealer should cover the principles of locating, which should cover functions of the machine.

They should also teach when to use the different modes and why, how frequencies affect your location along with the basic connection and locate methods.

This should take anywhere from a half to a full day as a guide to allow you to get a good grasp of your locator.

Be aware some sales companies tell you that they do professional training, only to turn it into a sales marketing demonstration on their product.

So, the new operator who has just purchased there shiny new $10,000 locator comes away with incorrect knowledge that leads to incorrect locate techniques.

Why take further training from a dedicated locator training organisation?

It’s important to continue training and build on skills.

Dedicated locator training organisations normally have skilled trainers who have worked in the industry for years and have built up the knowledge and skills to teach affective locating techniques.

This along with the basics of BYDA

Process, safely managing a worksite and basic record keeping are crucial steps in the process to becoming a good locator.

Although it is great to receive an industry certificate, it is not as important as getting the right training.

It is important to do your research before selecting an RTO to do proper professional locator training. I have witnessed students who have received so called industry locator training and have come away with very limited knowledge on how to locate correctly.

SRP EXP Spiral Lining System

Quick and easy to install

The perfect rehabilitation solution for deteriorated sewer and storm water pipelines:


•An expandable tight fitting liner

•No issues with high infiltration

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•Small site foot print

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•SRP EXP pipe is made from factory produced PVC profile strip

•Profile is supplied on large steel drums which are collapsible for easy reuse

•The minimal wastage is recyclable

•For DN150 to DN1200 pipe lines

•Mechanical installation – no chemical curing or steam heating

•Easily removed if site issues encountered

+61 418 691 989

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PO Box 2386 Taren Point NSW 2229

Access Detection supplies equipment and training to utility detection contractors and water leak contractors.

The company’s product range includes EMF pipe and cable locators from Rycom, ground penetrating radar from Impulse Radar and water leak detection equipment from Sewerin.

To learn more, visit

Access Detection provides professional training for all of its products.

Drain inspection cameras capable for toughest trenchless projects

With a range of products on offer through ROTHENBERGER, RICO offers different types of cameras to assist the trenchless industry.

Founded in 1978, RICO first developed technology for testing welding seams of pipes, laser devices for measuring distances, and cameras for nuclear plants. RICO later focused on TV inspection of pipes and sewers.

In 1990, the company was sold to the ROTHENBERGER Group, residing in Kelkheim, Germany, before merging with the EAB, Kleinwalsertal, and later with RICO in Kempten in 1994. As a result, this created a company strong in development and able to operate worldwide.

Today, ROTHENBERGER has a special position among its competitors, with its flexibility and responsiveness, share-owning management, and financial power deriving from the group-membership.

With its specialised drain inspection cameras, RICO offers capabilities designed for some of the toughest conditions and applications.

“These cameras come with many standard features such as LED lighting, self-levelling camera heads, pan and tilt functions, and high-resolution video recording capabilities,” ROTHENBERGER Australia and New Zealand Managing Director Trent Carter says.

“In addition, RICO offers a range of inspection systems that include monitors,

recording devices, and other accessories that are used in conjunction with the cameras.”

With the use of RICO’s cameras, operators can quickly identify issues such as cracks, blockages and make informed decisions about the best course of action.

“This ultimately saves time and money while improving the overall quality of service provided to customers,” Carter says.

Throughout its extensive industry applications, RICO cameras are commonly used in industrial and commercial pipes inspections to visually inspect the condition

of pipes and identify any damage that may require repair or maintenance. Specifically, the crawler type camera is designed to traverse through larger diameter pipelines.

These cameras are often used for longer inspection runs in larger diameter pipes and can navigate easily through bends and turns.

“RICO crawler cameras typically have standard features, such as the ability to pan, tilt, and zoom the camera and may also be equipped with laser scanning capabilities for capturing 3D information about the pipe’s interior,” Carter says.

The laser scanner on RICO’s cameras can quickly and accurately measure the distance to points on the surface of the pipe. A RICO crawler camera.

“Both RICO push and crawler cameras are capable of capturing high-quality videos and images of the pipe’s interior and can be used to detect defects such as cracks, corrosion, or blockages.

“However, the choice between a push camera and crawler camera will depend on the specific requirements of the inspection, such as size and configuration of the pipe, the length of the inspection run and the desired level of detail and accuracy.”

Another effective aspect of RICO’s arsenal is laser scans.

Laser scanning is another useful tool for trenchless operators when inspecting drainpipes as it allows for the capture of 3D information about the interior of the pipe.

Laser scanning on RICO cameras can efficiently measure the distance to points on the surface of the pipe, creating a detailed 3D point cloud of the pipe’s interior.

This 3D information can be used to detect defects such as cracks or corrosion in the pipe’s surface that may not be visible to the naked eye or with traditional video inspection methods.

The 3D model can also help to identify the location and size of defects, which can aid in planning repairs or replacement of the pipe.

“Overall, using a RICO camera with laser scanning capabilities can help to provide a more accurate and detailed inspection of

pipes, potentially leading to more efficient and effective maintenance and repair efforts,” Carter says.

“As a ROTHENBERGER Group member, RICO receives financial backing

for development of the newest technologies and support from our company, too.”

For more information contact

Adept Civil Group specialise in Laser Guided Tunnel Boring. Bores that require accurate grades or When accuracy and reliability are important contact Adept Civil Group. T: (03) 9863 9530 or 0416087254 Email:
RICO Cross|Touch mobile inspection system.

Interflow’s spiral wound lining for sustainable pipe maintenance

Spiral wound lining is a sustainable method of pipe maintenance, allowing water authorities and councils to renew their critical infrastructure. Interflow is an expert in this field and has been pioneering new techniques for decades.

Spiral wound lining is a trenchless technology that uses a continuous plastic strip to form liners in gravity pipelines. This unique rehabilitation method originated in Australia and Japan during the 1980s. With four decades of installation history, the spiral wound method has been used on millions of metres of pipe across the globe. Like CIPP or slip lining, spiral wound liners provide a structural lining solution for fully deteriorated pipelines with minimal site disruption.

When it comes to Australia, spiral wound pipe technology is the most used product in the pipe renewal market.

It has been used in the majority of pipes lined across Australia. Interflow has become synonymous with the technology, having installed more than 95 per cent of all spiral wound liners across the country.

Expanda spiral wound liner

Expanda was developed in Australia by Rib Loc, Interflow’s technology partner, and released worldwide in 1990. Expanda has been installed throughout North America, Europe, and Asia.

Expanda was developed in Australia by Rib Loc, Interflow’s technology partner. Expanda being installed by the Interflow team.

Interflow has been installing Expanda to renew deteriorated sewers, storm drains, and culverts in Australia since 1991 and in New Zealand since 2005. To date, Interflow has lined over 1.5 million metres of pipe with the product.

Expanda produces a PVC liner in intimate contact with the host pipe. It restores the structural integrity, reliability and flow efficiency of ageing sewer and gravity pipelines. Expanda can provide communities with an additional 50 years or more of life out of their pipelines.

There is no need for heating or temporary softening of Expanda, which is installed with a mechanical process. This approach increases the range of applications where structural sewer lining can be implemented. The PVC liner is rigid, providing a smooth circular bore to restore the hydraulic efficiency of the pipe. The material of the pipe does not restrict Expanda.

Rotaloc spiral wound technology

Rotaloc is a Rib Loc development for larger sized pipes, released in 2000. It has been used to renew sewer and stormwater pipelines worldwide. Interflow has lined over 25,000 m of pipeline with Rotaloc throughout Australia and New Zealand. It can provide a structural liner for deteriorated pipelines. Rotaloc has been installed under difficult site conditions with minimal community disruption.

It is designed to bring back larger diameter deteriorated pipes and culverts to full service. There is no need to rely on the strength of the host pipe.

Rotaloc is installed by winding a continuous strip of interlocked PVC through the pipe using a custom winding machine. The machine moves through the pipe between access chambers or culvert openings and can adjust the diameter of the liner as it moves along the pipeline. It ensures the liner sits tightly against the host pipe, even if the diameter changes along its length. Once the liner is in place, the void between the liner and the host pipe can be filled with cementitious grout. This is typical in culvert applications to secure the liner in place.

Benefits of spiral wound lining

Some might question why have spiral wound pipes became so successful in this market.

First, spiral wound lining is made from a ribbed structure, giving it a high strengthto-weight ratio. That means less material is needed, making it a more cost-effective and sustainable solution.

Such strength saw the Victorian Department of Transport introduce steel reinforced Rotaloc for rehabilitating three road culverts under the Monash Freeway. Rotaloc was strong enough to rehabilitate the three culverts without relying on the integrity of the host pipe.

Spiral wound lining can be installed while liquids flow through pipes without bypassing the flow. It can be deployed in numerous situations without disrupting people’s lives. The installation of the Rotaloc lining meant that there were no road closures on one of the busiest roadways in Melbourne. This saved time for the Department of Transport and headaches for tens of thousands of commuters daily.

The other challenge of the Monash Freeway culvert example is that each had different diameters. The Rotaloc solution worked seamlessly. At its most fundamental, the technique remains the same, regardless of the diameter of the pipe.

By locking strips of lining together, the installation process is entirely mechanical. There is no need for any curing or heating to prepare the lining for the pipe. Given the variable nature of pipelines, this is an enormous advantage.

This was a suitable solution in Paraburdoo in remote Western Australia, where Interflow

installed more than two kilometres of sewers with Expanda spiral wound liners.

When looking at any infrastructure project, a key component is managing the community impacted by the works. Spiral wound lining installations tend to have small site footprints and minimise disruptions to residents. An example of this occurred as part of the Albert Street sewer relining, which was part of the Cross River Rail Project in Brisbane. Interflow utilised its Expanda product to reline trunk sewer mains while only operating during limited windows at night in the middle of the Brisbane CBD.

The evolution of spiral wound lining

Over the past 25 years, advances have extended spiral wound linings’ capabilities to larger sizes and greater load-carrying capacities. It has repeatedly been proven capable of renewing deteriorated sewers, storm drains and culverts. It can be utilised in applications where rehabilitation by lining would otherwise have been impossible.

Latest advances have seen many of the limitations of these liners overcome. It continues to extend the possibilities for structural rehabilitation of an ever-widening range of deteriorated conduit configurations under a broad range of conditions.

Investment is being made in further research and development. These results should see the possibilities extend further.

As with past advances, development is taking place with the support of Australian and New Zealand water authorities. They have always encouraged such development. It represents a willingness to incorporate innovative solutions that can be seen to offer mutual benefits.

For more information, visit

The spiral wound lining has a small site footprint. Rotaloc can be installed in culverts without disrupting traffic above.

kwik-ZIP: The go-to solution when it comes to trenchless projects

In the trenchless industry, kwik-ZIP’s large range of spacers has come to facilitate a variety of carrier and casing pipe size combinations, providing flexibility to deal with project alterations.

Kwik-ZIP HDXT-58W spacers with Kwik-ROLLER wheels on each alternate runner.

On a recent Water Main Project in Victoria, McConnell Dowell utilised the kwik-ZIP HDXT-58W spacers to enable the slip-lining of a 560mm HDPE carrier pipe over a 260m run.

“kwik-ZIP spacers were simple and quick to install, and any queries were promptly answered by the sales team,” Paul Pomfret, McConnell Dowell Senior Project Engineer tells Trenchless Australasia

For this project, kwik-ZIP HDXT-58W spacers were specified at 1.5 m intervals for this project as per Melbourne Water Retailer Agencies (MRWA) standards.

As the pipes would not be fully grouted after installation the spacers were required to support the pipe and water for the life of the installation (pipe weight – 83kg/m (empty) / 246kg/m (full)).

The HDXT’s unique load sharing design maximises the load bearing capacity of each runner and reduces point loading. The simple and efficient installation process does not require any special tools.

kwik-ZIP spacers have no metal parts and are made from kwik-ZIP’s engineered thermoplastic blend which is flexible, tough and has a low co-efficient of friction.

kwik-ZIP General Manager Paul Jeffreys says the HDXT-58W spacers can also accommodate the kwik-ROLLER® wheels, although they were

not utilised on this particular installation.

“kwik-ZIP HDXT-58W spacers are a unique product in the trenchless industry as they can be utilised as standard spacers with their low co-efficient of friction wear pads or they can also accommodate kwik-ROLLER wheels,” he says.

“These clip-on wheels are ideal for use in longer runs to minimise wear and to provide significantly reduced co-efficient of friction.”

The kwik-ROLLER wheels can be installed on each runner or on every alternate runner.

For further information on kwik-ZIP please contact the Kwik-ZIP team at or visit www.
McConnell Dowell used Kwik-ZIP HDXT-58W spacers to facilitate the slip-lining of a 560mm HDPE carrier pipe over a 260m run. Kwik-ZIP HDXT-58W spacers were specified at 1.5m intervals, as MRWA standards.

Ditch what you’re doing and learn more about the Ditch Witch JT24

This compact and efficient directional drill, available through Ditch Witch CEA, is one of the go-to

The machine has enabled Allan and his team to work through technical materials such as limestone without needing to change machines.

“Being able to change the rod packs means we can also do a drill shot a lot further,” he says.

“We can drill up to 200 m and the rod loading system of this machine is far superior to anything else really.”

Upgrading to the JT24 was a natural progression for Allan, after having used the JT20.

“The Ditch Witch JT24’s footprint is very similar to the JT20,” he says.

“Its operators can still get in those complex areas with the bonus of being able to drill that little bit further in harder grounds.”

The Ditch Witch JT24 is engineered for maximum efficiency, with a range of features that help to streamline the directional drilling process.

The Ditch Witch JT 24 at work. The Ditch Witch JT24 is engineered for maximum efficiency. Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre 13-14 SEPT 2023 TICKETS NOW ON SALE Discover how trenchless technology is helping to create better outcomes for: Installation | Maintenance | Relining Utility location Condition assesment Engineering and design | Training and education REGISTER YOUR ATTENDENCE NOW! #nodigdownunder PLATINUM SPONSOR GOLD SPONSOR SILVER SPONSORS BRONZE SPONSOR SUPPORTED BY CHARITY PARTNER OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER Australia

Corporate Members

Gold Corporate Members

Arcadis Australia Pacific Pty Ltd

Systra Bamser

Michels Trenchless Pty. Ltd.

Herrenknecht AG

Silver Corporate Members

Aaro Group

Abergeldie Rehabilitation Pty Ltd

Adept Drainage Pty Ltd

AECOM New Zealand Limited

Applied Felts

Aqua Assets

Aqua Metro Pty Ltd

Atteris Pty Ltd


Ausinland Pty Ltd

Aussie Drill Kings Pty Ltd

Aussie Trenchless Supplies Pty Ltd

Australian Pipeline Management Pty Ltd

Austunnel Pty Ltd

Ballarat Underroad Boring and Excavations Pty Ltd

BG Risk Solutions

Blick Group

Bortec Laser Bore Pty Ltd

BRP Corporation Pty Ltd

Bullseye Boring


D.J. Mac Cormick Contractors

DCS Manufacturing Pty Ltd

Denso (Australia) Pty Ltd.

Digital Control - Australia

Directhitt Trenchless Pty Ltd

Diversified Services Australia

DM Civil

Dormway Pty Ltd

Drillers World Australia



Edge Underground

ELB Equipment Pty Ltd

Empire Infrastructure

Fulton Hogan Construction Pty Ltd

Future-Proof Solutions

GCE Contractors Pty Ltd

GM Microtunnelling

Asset Owners

Auckland Council

Watercare Services Ltd

Greater Western Water

J&R Contracting Limited

Orion Consulting

WSP New Zealand Ltd


GN Solids Control


Hard Metals Australia Pty Limited

HDI Lucas

HEB Construction

Holcim (Australia) Pty Ltd

Hynds Pipe Systems Ltd


Independent Sewer Consulting Services Pty Ltd


Insituform Pacific Pty Ltd

Interflow Pty Ltd

Iplex Pipelines Australia

JB Trenchless Pty Ltd

KAISER Technology Pty Ltd

kwik-ZIP Spacers

L P Pipe Civil

LKL International Pty Ltd

M. Tucker & Sons Pty Ltd

March Cato Ltd


Maskell Productions Ltd

Maxibor Australia Pty Limited

McBerns Innovative Solutions

McConnell Dowell Constructors (Aust)

Pty Ltd

McElroy Manufacturing Inc.

McMillen Jacobs Associates (NZ)

Melbourne Water

Metrocorp Technologies


Mullane Trenchless Pipeline Solutions Pty Ltd

Nu Flow Technologies 2000 Pty Ltd

Pezzimenti Laserbore Pty Ltd

Pezzimenti Trenchless Pty Ltd

Pezzimenti Tunnelbore Pty Ltd.

Pipe Core Pty Ltd

Pipe Doctor Australia Pty Ltd

Pipe Insight Ltd

Pipe Tek

Pipeline Drillers Group


Prime Creative Media

Prime Horizontal Pty Ltd

Qalchek Pty Ltd

Qenos Pty Ltd

R & R McClure Excavations

Raedlinger Primus Line Pty Ltd

Ravago NZ Ltd

RBM Plumbing and Drainage Pty Ltd

Rob Carr Pty Ltd

Rose Atkins Rimmer (Infrastructure) Pty Ltd

RPC Pipe Systems

SA Water

SASTTI Joint Venture

Schauenburg MAB

SEKISUI Rib Loc Australia Pty Ltd

SEQ Trenchless

Sewer Equipment Company (Aust)

Sika Australia


Smythe Contractors Limited

Stiles Electrical


Sydney Water

TDG Environmental (NZ)

TDM Pipeline Solutions

TRACTO-TECHNIK Australia Pty Ltd

Trenchless Advisor Pty Ltd

UEA Pty Ltd

Vector Magnetics

Vermeer Australia

Vertical Horizonz Australia

Vinidex Pty Limited

Warren Smith & Partners

Wilmot Civil Pty Ltd

Wilmot Pipelining

Wilsons Pipeline Solutions

Yarra Valley Water

Knox City Council

Bowley Plumbing Services

EnviroPacific- SOLVE


About the ASTT

The Australasian Society of Trenchless Technology (ASTT) is a non-profit organisation comprising of members throughout Australia and New Zealand.

The successful establishment of the trenchless industry in Australasia has been supported and promoted by the peak industry organisation, the ASTT, since it was established in 1991.

The society works tirelessly to promote the use of trenchless technology in Australasia, lobbying government and client organisations to highlight the advantages of using trenchless technology and the benefits of training for industry.

Membership is open to all who are concerned with the provision of gas, water, sewerage, drainage, roads, telecommunications and electrical services.

ASTT membership provides trenchless professionals the tools and services they need to be better informed and better connected in this industry.

The ASTT is part of the International Society for Trenchless Technology (ISTT), an affiliation of societies in more than 30 countries worldwide.

Membership applications

The ASTT currently offers seven levels of membership available to all residents of

Australia and New Zealand or anyone who is also a financial member of an existing ISTT affiliated society.

The benefits of Membership depending upon category can include: Up to 10 people from your organisation may be included in your membership and are entitled to receive the below benefits:

• Acknowledgment of your company in every edition of the Trenchless Australasia magazine.

• An annual subscription to Trenchless Australasia magazine (four issues per year).

• An annual subscription to ISTT’s Trenchless Works

• A company listing Australasian Trenchless Directory (print and digital).

• Opportunity to promote your membership of the association by including the ASTT logo on your business communications and website.

• Access to guidelines and standards.

• Discount rates (normally 10 per cent) at national conferences and exhibitions.

• Discount rates (normally 10 per cent) at international conferences and exhibitions.

• Discount rates (normally 10 per cent) at trenchless forums.

• Opportunity to become involved in our Special Interest Groups which

are technical divisions of the ASTT representing specific trenchless sectors.

• Special offers and links with international organisations including the ISTT.

• Opportunity to nominate for ASTT and ISTT awards.

• Free access to ISTT past conference proceedings.

• A communication network to keep abreast of the advancement of the science and practices of trenchless technology throughout the world.

• Discounted rates at international No-Digs and national events including No-Dig Down Under.

How to apply

Visit the ASTT website on and check out the membership benefits that apply for each category.

Your membership request will be emailed directly to the ASTT for processing. You will receive an invoice based on the information you supply. Acceptance does not take effect until payment is received in full.

For more information visit or email

Membership Category 12 Month Membership Rates 24 Month Membership Rates Gold Corporate $945.00 $1,512.00 Silver Corporate $540.00 $864.00 Asset Owners $405.00 $648.00 Individual $135.00 N/A Young Professional $100.00 N/A Retired Individual $100.00 N/A Tertiary Education Institutions (Students) $40.00 N/A
(The rates shown above exclude GST)

People on the Move

Scott Jordan-Legg has recently been appointed General Manager - Operations and Service Delivery at ASG Industrial, a relatively new service provider in the water industry in Victoria focusing on servicing the metropolitan and regional water authorities and tier 1 contractors.

“Collaboration and partnership with clients is a key aspect of ASG’s delivery approach, the goal is to deliver value and efficiency by understanding their needs and objectives, and then devising clear servicing strategies and objectives that align with theirs. By doing so, ASG is seen as an embedded extension of their organisation rather than just a subcontractor,” says Jordan-Legg. He is looking forward to his new role at ASG, which “has achieved phenomenal growth over the past three years, doubling the size of its operations annually”.

“In the newly established role, I am committed to building a sustainable longterm foundation that will enable ASG to continue to thrive for many years to come.”

companies including Melbourne Water, Interflow, Comdain Infrastructure and Rangedale Drainage Services.

“While there are numerous consultants in Australia offering a multitude of specialist advice, there are very few setups solely servicing the Australian, New Zealand trenchless sector,” he says.

The industry is constantly evolving through new innovations and significant growth. Dodemaide encourages anyone seeking employment to consider the trenchless sector.

“Many authorities’ budgets are often doubling or tripling in this sector providing huge employment opportunities,” he says.

“It will challenge you in many ways but it’s an exciting industry to work in and things constantly change.”

and trenchless industry and waste management solutions and is an industryleading player in new the trenchless technology and innovation fields.

Hill’s new position revolves around “all parts of the business including maintaining and building new clients and keeping up supplier relationships.”

He has decades of experience under his belt, namely nine years at Plumbing Supplies and nearly 10 years at SECA. In this new role, Hill is very much looking forward to learning more about how trenchless technology from all over the world can better solve clients problems and to be part of the M. Tucker & Sons’ hands-on team and exciting new projects. His advice for trenchless professionals entering the industry is the following: “There is so much technology out there, don’t try to learn everything at once – it’s a massive industry but it’s a small world.”

In this new and regular column, Trenchless Australasia is tracking new appointments in Australia and New Zealand’s trenchless industries
If your company has recently employed a new person within your business you would like profiled in ‘People on the Move’, send details of the career news alongside a high-res photo to Editor Clemence Carayol at
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