Gelbvieh Guide Summer 2016

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Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2016 • Page 3

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In this issue...

President’s Report Office Memo Gelbvieh Association of AB/BC News Man/Sask Gelbvieh Assoc. News Sale Results Coming Events Advertiser Index

8 9 12 13 33 40 41

Feature articles... What is value added? Setting up and ET program Selecting the right antibiotic Battling the flies that bother beef cattle

10 16 29 30

Advertising Deadlines/Publication Dates Fall - September 1 / October 1 - Commercial Issue Spring - January 1 / February 1 - Herd Sire Issue Summer - May 1 / June 1 - Golden Pages

The official publication of the CANADIAN

t ture a o Pas Ranch, t t u O ove me D SK o s e n Lo ix, Ponte


5160 Skyline Way N.E., Calgary, Alberta T2E 6V1 Phone: (403) 250-8640 Fax: (403) 291-5624 Email:

Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2016 • Page 5

Provincial Association Representatives to the CGA Board of Directors Gelbvieh Association of Alberta/BC


President - Larry Fecho RR #2, Millet, AB T0C 1Z0 Phone: 780-718-5477


Man-Sask Gelbvieh Association

Lee Wirgau Box 25 Narcisse, MB R0C 2H0 Phone: 204-886-7588 Fax: 204-278-3255

Secretary: Lorna Okell Box 627, Duchess, AB T0J 0Z0 Phone: 403-378-4898

President - Ian Thackeray Box1002 Weyburn, SK S4H 2L2 Phone: 306-861-7687 Fax: 306-456-2554

Representative -Darcy Hrebeniuk Box 379 Hudson Bay, SK S0E 0Y0 Phone: 306-865-2929 Fax: 306-865-2860 Email:

Past President

Eastern Canadian Gelbvieh Association

Darcy Hrebeniuk Box 379, Hudson Bay, SK S0E 0Y0

Phone: 306-865-2929 Fax: 306-865-2860

Kert Ness

Representative -Jason Hurst 234439 Concession 2 WGR RR2, Durham. ON N0G 1R0 Phone: 519-881-7929

Secretary -Laurie Hurst 234439 Concession 2 WGR RR2, Durham. ON N0G 1R0 Phone: 519-369-1763

Box 8, Site 7, RR#1, Airdrie, AB T4B 2A3

Phone: 403-860-4634 Fax: 403-948-9236

Lon Carlson Box 86 Magrath, AB T0K 1J0 Phone: 403-894-3413

Blair Bentz Box 430 Punnichy, SK S0A 3C0

Phone/Fax: 306-835-2748

Neil Overby Box 180 St. Ros Du Lac, MB R0L 1S0 Phone: 431-233-3505

Aaron Birch Box 192 Lomond, AB T0L 1G0 Phone: 403-485-5518

Don’t Miss Out!

Keep in touch by reading the official Gelbvieh Magazine. The Gelbvieh Guide magazine is mailed FREE OF CHARGE for two years to purchasers of registered Gelbvieh cattle when the registration certificate is transferred into the purchaser's name. Ask the seller of the animal for a registration certificate when you purchase a Gelbvieh animal. Note, according to the Animal Pedigree Act (Chapter 13, Section 64(j), no person shall sell a purebred animal without providing to the buyer, within six (6) months after the sale, the animal's duly transferred certificate of registration. If you are not a CGA member and wish to continue to receive the GELBVIEH GUIDE or know of someone who should be on our mailing list, please clip out and send in this coupon and remit $20.00 Canadian and send to the Canadian Gelbvieh Association office.. For out of country subscribers, please fill out the Subscription Form, remit $50.00 Canadian, and send to the Canadian Gelbvieh Association office.

Name: Address: City: Postal Code Mail to:

Ryan Sommerfeld Box 7 Medstead, SK S0M 1W0 Phone: 306-342-4490

Page 6 • Summer 2016 • Gelbvieh guide

Prov/State Country

Canadian Gelbvieh Association 5160 Skyline Way NE T2E 6V1 Ph: (403) 250-8640 Fax: (403) 291-5624

❑ $21.00 Enclosed for Canadian subscription fee. ❑ $50.00 Enclosed for foreign subscription fee.

Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2016 • Page 7


Lee Wirgau


ello Folks!

Hope this finds everyone with the right amount of moisture you need to make it a prosperous year! I am glad to see Gaylene on the mend and returning to our office and wish her well. I would like to thank our members for their patience given to Myrna who helped us all through the issues that arise day to day at CGA office. Our board and Association are finally near a full release of our orange colored Gelbvieh stamped CCIA button for all your RFID needs. The process is very simple and will be available for fall. You will just order them from the CCIA, the same as you could any other tag and pay with your credit card once you have your account set up. Tag’em Gelbvieh. We are working on a revamp of our website also. Any ideas of what we need on it and what we don’t would be appreciated. Email them to the office and our committee will note them.

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See you down the road!

CGA Board of Directors Back l-r: Kert Ness, Blair Bentz, Lon Carlson (Vice-President) Front l-r: Lee Wirgau (President), Darcy Hrebeniuk (Past President), Aaron Birch. Missing: Ryan Sommerfeld and Neil Overby


Gaylene Groeneveld CEO


ummer has arrived, calves have been processed and cows are out to pasture. After such a mild winter and spring, areas across the prairies are very dry and a hot, dry summer is predicted by the weather man. What is mother nature throwing at us? Summer is the time to get out and visit your customers, attend fairs, field days and just spend some time enjoying some time off. After a very successful bull sale season, cattlemen are thinking of rebuilding their cow herds. It's a great time to search out new genetics. Remember to transfer your bulls to their new owners so they can receive the Gelbvieh Guide magazine. That is the only way their names get put on our commercial mailing list. The CGA is excited about introducing our new Gelbvieh branded CCIA tags. The "orange" RFID tags will be available for our members and commercial cattlemen who have purchased a Gelbvieh bull(s) in the past six years. One bag of tags (25) per bull is the commercial breeder allotment. The tags are manufactured by Allflex and are distinguished by their unique "orange" colored back with a "G" icon and Canadian maple leaf. Orders will be taken through the CCIA web store and kept

N•O•T•I•C•E Canadian Gelbvieh Association Annual General Meeting Tuessday, November 22, 2016 Agribition

Regina, SK 1. The CGA Constitution may be amended at any General meeting of the Association by affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present, but no amendment shall be valid until approved by the Minister of Agriculture of Canada and filed at the Department of Agriculture of Canada. 2. Notice of all proposed amendments shall be signed by two members in good standing and submitted to the Association at least forty five days in advance of a General Meeting and they shall be included in the Notice calling such meeting, otherwise the meeting shall have no power to deal with the same. 3. The Meeting has only power to deal with the Article and selection as stated in the Notice calling such Meeting. Members wishing to submit amendments to the Constitution are requested to forward some to the Association in accordance with the above. Please include addressed of mover and seconder. All amendments to the Constitution must reach the Association office by October 7, 2016 in order to be included in the Notice of Meeting. Copies of the Constitution are available from the CGA office on request.

pending for approval by the CGA. Orders will be shipped directly to the purchaser (about 3 days). Tags will be available some time in September. Just a reminder for members who have not completed your Total Herd for 2016, the charge now is $40 per cow. Please get your records up to date as soon as possible and get those calves registered. Registrations and transfers are included in the $40 per cow fee. The price per cow in 2017 will be $30 from January 1 until April 15, when the price increases to $40 per cow again. Also on DNA - all A.I. sires and donor dams MUST be Parent Verified with a Genomic Option #3 high density test - $100. If you have a walking herd sire who's calves will be registered, it is suggested that he have Genomic Option #1 low density test - $55. Both of these Options will provide you with parentage and EPDs. A profile only test will verify the sire and dam but won't provide you with any EPDs for an animal - $20. Contact the CGA office for details and DNA form if you don't have one. I always encourage members to take a hair sample from the tail switch of an animal when it's in the chute; put it in an envelope, label it and keep it in a dry place. You never know it you need it some day. As the Fall show and sale season approaches, be aware of the DNA requirements for some of the events. The National Sale at Agribition requires Parent Verification on all sale animals. The Wish List sale in Red Deer in December requires Parent Verification for their sale animals and the People's Choice Gelbvieh Bull Futurity also requires Parent Verification. I would suggest that these Futurity bulls complete at least a Genomic Option #1 test - they are afterall, the best of the best and will be going to work in herds across the country and the US. The People's Choice Bull Futurity will be held at Agribition this year in conjunction with their show and sale on November 23-24. The new prize payout is $20,000, so get those bulls ready for a great event. Please send in their DNA prior to October 1 to guarantee it is completed prior to the event. New this year, for the convenience of People's Choice members, you can pay your People's Choice membership with a credit card through the CGA. The CGA annual meeting will be held at Agribition on November 22. If any member has any amendments to the Constitution - it must be in writing and submitted to the CGA office prior to October 7, 2016. Summer office hours are now in effect. They are Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 4 pm. Have a great summer everyone, see you down the trail.

Why Gelbvieh? ... Because a good bottom line starts with a great cow herd! Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2016 • Page 9


t has been an interesting couple of months in the beef world, with markets changing rapidly and weather playing tricks. At the top of these headlines was the issue of Earl’s restaurant chain resorting to the use of US beef produced under a “certified humane” label. This created something of a furor in the industry and a fair bit of defensiveness amongst Canadian producers. While this is quite possibly justified, it also raises a bigger question about value added and what the consumer is looking for. The issue of “certified humane” is likely the tip of the iceberg but the implications of this type of marketing flow back through the chain, and it is not going away. Historically, for the seedstock sector value added has been adding pounds to calves or adding convenience such as calving ease. Some operations even stretched as far as employing ultrasound and working on carcass traits, and most have a very solid herd health program. Really successful programs always have tremendous customer service as a value add. This could include delivery, financing, or simply standing behind the product 100%. The challenge is that these are all producer to producer value adds. As we all work in the industry, the benefits are clearly obvious and the economic incentives are clear. If I sell you a bull that is sound, comes with a personal guarantee and adds 50 pounds of weaning weight to every calf, you can figure out the value. That is still important but may already be yesterday’s value add. With the advent of new technologies outside of the industry, such as social media, the supply chain has been flattened. People have always cared about where their food comes from, but in the past they either had a connection to a farm or had to dig to find information. Now it takes no time to find information or misinformation about all kinds of agriculture and people research their meals on their phones at the restaurant table. While the physical structures and processes of the supply chain may be the same/similar to what they were a few decades ago, the supply chain information is now flat, and not linear. In other words, the end user can easily figure out each step of the chain at any

point in time. This changes the game whether we are ready or not. As producers we are overwhelmingly doing the right things, and I believe we are improving more rapidly than ever; but, in the modern era we need some verification to prove it to a sceptical population that is increasingly disconnected from agriculture. In other words, the population no longer has an uncle or grandfather that farms or farmed, but they are interested in what we are doing. “Trust Me” is not a marketing program. This can be a threat or it can be an opening to tell our story and what we are doing right. So what does this mean for a seedstock supplier and/or their customer? Buckle up. This is the new norm so we had best get used to it and move ahead. The new era of value added will include everything we have always done, but it will also include verification of processes and farming operations. It will require more work, but also represents an opportunity. As a marketing example, look at the price of a knock off sports jersey ($20) versus a team sanctioned official jersey ($200). This will happen in the beef world whether we like it or not, so the challenge is to be the team sanctioned jersey. This may provide some unique opportunities for breeds or breeders as there is a base common tie between users of genetics that can be the basis for moving forward and marketing. Value added from a seedstock perspective may become breeders helping to coordinate health programs and marketing avenues for their customers and creating links to certification. The same technology that creates the Earl’s certified humane challenge is the technology that creates a marketing opportunity. The changes being worked on through the Verified Beef program to add some of these sustainability components can provide a platform to help provide a footing for marketing in a modern world, but it will still require on the ground efforts from producers. Value added may look like a seedstock provider playing quarterback for their customers in a Gelbvieh sanctioned team jersey.

Buckle up. This is the new norm so we had best get used to it and move ahead.

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Association News

By Larry Fecho, President, GAA/BC


s I write this update, we have the unbelievable destruction happening in and around Ft. McMurray, so my ramblings on cattle markets and desire for moisture for pastures seem trivial as reports of people losing their homes and literally running for their lives. Our thoughts and prayers go to those who are devastated by this event, and thank you to those who are chipping in with whatever means they can to help those in need. Your AB/BC board has been busy contacting people for feedback and planning for the upcoming 2016 Gelbvieh Wish List weekend, and we are excited about our plans. We have added some events that will make it a great couple of days for both purebred and commercial producers. The Wish List purebred sale will feature elite Gelbvieh and Balancer females as well the opportunity to offer embryo and flush candidates, and, we are pleased to announce that bulls will also be added to the sale offerings. A Gelbvieh Influenced open and bred heifer commercial sale

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will be incorporated into the weekend, offering commercial producers a chance to showcase their programs as well as an opportunity for cattleman to view and purchase Gelbvieh cross cattle. We are also showing our appreciation to all cattle enthusiasts by offering complimentary hot dogs, coffee and perhaps we can even scare up a few donuts. Display areas will also be available to profile herd bulls, upcoming sale bulls or display booths. During the bull selling season, some are unable to make all the sales and a chance to view a few of the offerings may certainly generate added interest. A Jack Pot Bull competition will also be included in the weekend, so keep your eyes on the herd to pull out those “special” ones. We would also like to especially invite Gelbvieh producers who would like to be involved, however haven’t quite gotten around to it. We have a group of members who would be very interested in helping out commercial and purebred enthusiasts who are not quite sure of the process. Please contact me and we will certainly help facilitate. We are also planning a Christmas party on the Friday, complete with great food and entertainment; a time to let loose and have some fun with fellow producers and catch up to what is happening. We hope we can have Gelbvieh enthusiasts from far and wide come on out to help us celebrate. Board member, Lorna Okell, has been busy with 4-H requests for members showing Gelbvieh influenced projects. If your club has members with Gelbvieh influence, Lorna is your go to person….she is also looking for more ideas on what sort of gifts members are interested in. If you have any ideas, please give Lorna a call. Should you have any questions, thoughts or ideas on how the AB/BC board can be more effective in spreading the virtues of the Gelbvieh breed, please don’t hesitate to give me a call. Stay safe and enjoy your summer.

Association News By Cynthia Wirgau


nother great winter has come to an end. A great calving season, great bull sales, and soon new herdsires will be sent to pasture. The Man/Sask Gelbvieh Association is once again preparing for its upcoming year. The Association Field Day will be held at Overby Stock Farms on August 20. They farm at Ste. Rose du Lac, Manitoba. Neil & Deanne will provide a tour of their herd in the heart of cattle country. The upcoming show season will include Manitoba Livestock Expo in Brandon - October 26-29 and Agribition November 20-26. The Association will again be awarding one purebred/commercial breeder in Manitoba and one in Saskatchewan. Nominations must be submitted by September 30, 2016 to

Secretary, Cynthia Wirgau, Box 25, Narcisse, MB R0C 2H0. T Bar C will be in contact with breeders for National Sale consignments. We will be looking for sponsors for Manitoba Livestock Expo and Agribition, contact Cynthia Wirgau, Shayla Jasper or Trevor Burks if you are interested. Your support is greatly appreciated. Please let us know of any youth in 4-H are showing a Gelbvieh influenced calf. The Association will be giving each member a token. The Sweetheart Classic will continue to be open to calves and bred heifers, but all will be judged together. Please contact Cynthia or Trevor to get your membership.

Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2016 • Page 13

Two Tier System LEVEL # 1 - $400 MEMBERSHIP LEVEL: This would provide members 1 voting card with the chance to win possession of the Futurity Champion Bull, and all draw down prize. Note: This would provide breeders who do not want semen to be part of the event and have the chances of winning sale credits or the Canadian Peoples Choice Champion Bull. LEVEL # 2 - $600 MEMBERSHIP LEVEL: Provides 1 bull entry, 10 units of semen from the Canadian People’s Choice Champion Bull, 1 voting card, a chance to win the bull and all draw down prizes. Also Level # 2 futurity members can purchase additional semen on the futurity champion for $40.00 per unit. Additional bull entry $200 - maximum 2 bulls per membership!

RULES - Eligible bulls must be born from April 1st from previous calendar year (2015) and all calendar year bulls. - Members entering bulls must be the registered owner of their futurity entries by August 1, 2016. - All bulls must be CGA or AGA registered PC88 or Purebred/Fullblood bulls. - All bulls must have complete parent verification on file with the CGA or AGA by Monday November 21, 2016 to compete (Futurity will guarantee results for all proper DNA samples submitted to CGA or AGA prior to October 1, 2016). All samples received after October 1, 2016 will not have guaranteed results. - All bulls must be Tattoo Checked, Weighed and Scrotal measured to compete. - All bulls will be videoed at the event facility previous to the start of futurity and made available on-line. - Exhibitor of the futurity champion will not be eligible to win their own bull. - Members receive 1 voting card per membership. - On-line voting will be available for members who are unable to attend the event, there will be no-proxy voting. - Clipping of futurity bulls is suggested and will be left at the discretion of each owner. The event will be a dry brush show, zero tolerance for glues and paints. - Futurity Champion will receive a $20,000 minimum payout. - All breeders entering bulls will be required to sign futurity contracts stating that the bulls are virgin bulls (never bred cows or been collected). In the event their bull wins they are willing to give up ownership (full possession and ½ semen interest) to the futurity. - Futurity members will fill out and sign a semen use contract that states they can not re-sell the semen and they will have the right of refusal of semen from futurity champions that don’t meet their breeding programs needs. This contract will be sent out via e-mail to all members after the event and will be required to be sent in by January 15, 2017. Also any additional semen purchase must be made official at this time on the contract and paid for in full. - Futurity champion will first collect the required 10 units per membership and semen will be released on the same date. Additional semen requirements will be met later, once all additional semen orders are met, semen will be released. (Note all additional semen orders will be paid to the futurity and profit after collection fees, will be split 50/50 with the exhibitor of the futurity champion bull). Page 14 • Summer 2016 • Gelbvieh guide

Prize Money to the Exhibitor of the Canadian People’s Choice Champion Bull!!! November 23-24, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

- Futurity champion will have until September 1, 2017 to fill the membership 10 units. If the Futurity Champion is unable to collect and freeze due to any reason (death, sickness, injury or infertility) the required membership semen, only Futurity members who requested semen will be given a semen credit (10 units) that can be applied to their choice of the next two Futurity Champions. All additional semen purchased will be refunded in full.) - The Draw Down winner of the Futurity Champion/Purchaser in the sale will also need to sign bull usage agreement contract in regards to zero semen sales for 3 years. - The Futurity will supply stall cards that must be displayed, all additional promotional information such as picture displays, will be the responsibility and left to the discretion of each entry.

Membership Form Name of Farm ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Owner(s) Name __________________________________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ph: (

) ___________________________________________ Fax: (

) _______________________________________

Email __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______ Tier #1 - $400 Membership ___________________________________________________ $ __________________ ______ Tier #2 - $600 Membership ___________________________________________________ $ __________________ Additional Bull Entry _______________________________________________________________ $___________________ Total Enclosed ……………………… $___________________ Mastcard


Card #___________________________________ EXP: _____________

Signature ________________________________ For further information contact: Rodney Hollman • Ph: 403-588-8620 • Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2016 • Page 15

This is a way to more quickly multiply the best genetics in the herd, creating more replacement females or bulls to sell, or embryos to sell. “You should be selecting donor cows of superior genetic quality, and a mating that will have marketability and economic worth. The sale of embryos is common today. We have clients who buy frozen embryos from other people, and we transfer those into their recipient cows,” he says.


n today’s cattle industry there are more and more purebred breeders using embryo transplants. Embryo transfers—from a donor cow to a recipient cow that serves as a surrogate mother to carry that pregnancy and raise the calf—have been a part of bovine reproduction options now for more than 50 years. Darrel DeGrofft, DVM, an embryologist in Loveland, Colorado (Colorado Genetics, Inc.) has been working with embryo transfers since 1973. He says the first embryo transfer (ET) calf was born in 1951. “ET has been used commercially in North America since the early 1970’s, with embryo freezing technology following during the 1980’s. The use of ET has several benefits as it allows the cattle breeder to more rapidly gain overall genetic quality in a herd. We can collect multiple embryos from a superior purebred cow, several times during the year, and greatly increase the number of offspring from that cow,” he says.

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NUTRITION AND MANAGEMENT OF DONOR AND RECIPIENTS – “Adequate energy, protein, minerals, etc. are crucial for these cows. We like to see the donor cows and recipient cows in a body condition score of about 5.5 to 6. We don’t like to see the donor too fat. If donor cows get up to a body condition score of 6.5 or higher, we see a decrease in viable embryos that can be collected from those cows,” DeGrofft says. “There is good reason for that; there is research data to show why fat cows tend to have reproductive problems. If cows get too fat they have hormonal problems, metabolic problems, and a decrease in reproduction (whether with AI, ET or bull bred).” Recipient selection and management is much the same as for donor cows. “We like to use early calvers that are at least 65 to 70 days post-partum before we consider using them as recipients. We prefer middle-aged cows, with good dispositions. The producer will have to put those cows through the chute to prepare them to receive an embryo, and may not want cattle that are difficult to handle. When they calve, a person also wants cows with good dispositions, making it much easier to handle the calf, ear tag it, etc.” he says. The recipient cow should be reproductively sound, with a good calving record. “We also want these cows to have adequate milking ability, and try to keep the nutrition the same as the donor cow before we transfer the embryos. We also use Multimin 90, the injectable trace mineral product, for all of our donors and our recipients, along with the mineral ration the rancher is currently using. We’ve been doing that for about 12 years and there is a data to show that this can result in an increase in embryo quality and pregnancy rate. We are involved in a research study this year, to further evaluate embryo quality and production with use of this trace mineral product,” says DeGrofft. From a nutrition standpoint, the recipients need an adequate diet. “We tell our clients that they need to maintain a very similar nutrition program after the embryos are transferred--for about 30 to 40 days, if possible--in order to maintain early preg-

INTERNATIONAL MARKET FOR EMBRYOS - Frozen embryos are a bio-secure method for exporting seedstock genetics. A person can ship embryos even when importations of live animals is prohibited. “We know of no known diseases that have been transmitted from the donor cows to the recipient cows by exporting embryos. There are strict regulations for preparing embryos for export and there is virtually no risk for disseminating disease,” DeGrofft says. Shipping embryos to other countries has advantages over sending live cattle, besides disease issues. “The embryo transfer calves are born and raised in the local environment so they are often much better adapted than any animals that could be sent to a foreign country,” he explains. nancies. This can decrease the possibility of early embryonic losses. Research has substantiated this factor,” he says. It is important to test the feed and water in order to balance the ration properly for minerals, protein and energy. “We find areas from ranch to ranch (and they may not be very far apart) that are too high in selenium or the rancher maybe be feeding something that’s high in nitrates or selenium, or the soil may be high in molybdenum which ties up copper. Even when people buy the same mineral ration their neighbor does, it still may not be the right balance for their own soils and feed,” he explains. “We have a consulting nutritionist who has worked with us for 15 years and we use her expertise when evaluating rations from information each client provides. Over the years, we’ve found a tremendous variability as we travel to do ET work, and big differences in some of these locations. If they don’t test the feed and water, they won’t know what they need,” he says. “We also ask that they have an adequate identification system for the recipient cows. Once in a while we run into some that don’t even have an ear tag. We suggest that they have two ear tags, one that they can identify when the embryos are being transferred into these cows, and another ear tag identifying the mating. It is very important to have at least two forms of ID,” he says. That way there’s no question about the genetics of the resulting calf.

they do,” he explains. Costs vary, for collection of embryos to be frozen or transferred immediately into the recipient, or whether they want to do IVF (in vitro fertilization) using sexed semen. Not as many people in the beef industry (compared to dairy) are using IVF or sexed semen for producing embryos. “The use of sexed semen creates a different scenario, as we have to use a specialized protocol in order to utilize sexed semen properly. It’s not the same as when using conventional semen, primarily because of the reduced number of sperm cells in a straw of sexed semen,” he says. Colorado Genetics does all of their reproductive work on the producer’s farm or ranch. “The producers therefore need to evaluate their facilities, and the labor to put the cows through the ET program and synchronize the recipients. Timing is very important, so it is crucial that they follow the superovulation protocol correctly. An experienced AI technician is also required for breeding the donor cows,” says DeGrofft.

PREGNANCIES - When collecting embryos from a donor cow, the average number is about 6 to 6.5 embryos per flush on a cow, and about 3 or 4 on a virgin heifer. “About 30% of the donor cows we flush do not produce viable embryos. Statistics indicate that about 70% of the embryos collected are from about one-third of the donor cows. Some donor cows produce embryos very well and some do not. The owner has to decide how long to continue working with a cow without acceptable results, or just put her back in the herd and let her raise just one calf each year, and select another individual to use as a donor cow,” he says. “People also ask about pregnancy rates. Over the past 30 to 40 years, the factor that most affects pregnancy rate is the quality and management of recipient cows. The donor cows are usually looked after very well and the embryos we freeze are very good quality; the freezing process has been the same for 30 to 40 years. We can show data (not only from our company but also from others) that the important factor is the recipient cow—her nutrition, age, reproductive soundness, and how she is managed. In a good herd, we should be getting a pregnancy rate of 55 to 65% depending on whether they are fresh or frozen embryos,” says DeGrofft. “Fresh embryos give a slightly higher pregnancy rate, 5 to 7% more than a frozen embryo pregnancy rate. We anticipate 55 to 65% but have had clients we’ve worked for over the years that get 65 to 70% because they understand the management of the donors and the recipients. Due to their good management, we get better results—not so much because of what we do, but because of what Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2016 • Page 17


january april may june september october november december

• Herd Assessment are available on online CGA registry system. • Paper copies will be mailed to those memberships that do not utilize the online registry system. • CGA and CJGA memerbships are due • Advertising deadline for the Gelbvieh Guide Spring issue • Final deadline for the annual herd assessments to be into the CGA. Cost is $30 per cow. • Herd assessment after this date will be assessed $10 extra per cow.

• Advertising deadline for the Gelbvieh Guide Summer "Golden Pages" issue

• Deadline for Canadian Junior Gelbvieh Association scholarship award

• Advertising deadline for the Gelbvieh Guide Fall issue • Deadline to submit DNA samples for Wish List Sale, National Sale and People's Choice Bull Futurity animals • Deadline for amendments to the Constitution must reach the CGA office to be included in the Notice of Meeting

• Gelbvieh Show at noon at Farmfair International, Edmonton, AB • Annual meeting of the Canadian Gelbvieh Association, Agribition, Regina, SK • Gelbvieh Show, National Sale, People's Choice Bull Futurity at Agribition in Regina, SK

• Wish List Sale and GAA/BC Annual Meeting, Red Deer, AB

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Abel Farm Murray Abel RR# 5 Lacombe, AB T4L 2N5 Phone: 403/782-1009, 403/872-0612 Prefix: AFL Adams, David & Janice Adamsgreen Gelbvieh Box 2344 High Prairie, AB T0G 1E0 Phone: 780/524-5382 Prefix: ADA

Anderson, ron & Gail Bar GR Cattle Box 1342 High Prairie, AB T0G 1E0 Phone: 780/523-2116, 780/523-8509 Fax: 780/523-2116 Prefix: GR Andruchow, Art & Marie Limestone Stock Farms Box 386 Andrew, AB T0B 0C0 Phone: 780/896-2352 Prefix: AM

Andruchow, Jessica Box 589 Calmar, AB T0C 0V0 Phone: 780/297-2352 Prefix: JNA

bahrynowski, Peter Duke Cattle Company Box 486 Wildwood, AB T0E 2M0 Phone: 780/325-2611, 780/542-8500 Prefix: DUKE

barnert, Jeremiah Pin To Point Gelbvieh Box 4, Site 1, RR# 1 Okotoks, AB T1S 1A1 Phone: 403/617-3985 Fax: 403/938-8168 Prefix: JAB

beamish, Calvin & Donna Beamish Land & Cattle Box 53 Jarvie, AB T0G 1H0 Phone: 780/954-2285, 780/307-4842 Fax: 780/954-2671 Prefix: BLC biggelaar, Jake Biggelaar Farms 5608 Line 34 Mitchell, ON N0K 1N0 Phone: 519/274/5262 birch, Aaron Box 192 Lomond, AB T0L 1G0 Phone: 403/485-5518 Prefix: AWB

birch, ron & Carol Twin Bridge Farms Ltd. Box 192 Lomond, AB T0L 1G0 Phone: 403/792-2123 Fax: 403/792-2123 Prefix: SA

Cahoon, Corey Black Is Gold 602 Blackfoot Terrace West Lethbridge, AB T1K 7X6 Phone: 403/393-3027 Prefix: BIG

brittain, Kelly & Colleen RR# 1 Falun, AB T0C 1H0 Phone: 780/352-0676, 780/387-6446 Fax: 780/352-0676 Prefix: CK

Carlson, lon t. Carlson Cattle Company Box 86 Magrath, AB T0K 1J0 Phone: 403/894-3413 Prefix: CCC

Page 20 Canadian Gelbvieh Association Membership Directory

Congdon, Cody Rocky Top Gelbvieh Box 366 Bashaw, AB T0B 0H0 Phone: 403/350-5791 Prefix: RTG

Davisson, ray & Anne LC Ranch Box 764 Stettler, AB T0C 2L0 Phone: 403/323-0233, 403/742-4427 Prefix: LCR

Dunford, Darren Dusty Rose Cattle Co. Box 22, Site 2, RR# 1 Dapp, AB T0G 0S0 Phone: 780/206-5918 Prefix: DR

Fecho, larry & lynne EYOT Valley Ranch RR# 2 Millet, AB T0C 1Z0 Phone: 780/986-9705, 780/718-5477 Fax: 780/986-9705 Prefix: EV

Gibson, Dr. Dale, Gail bower & ryder bower Ryder Ridge Cattle Company 50260 RR 234 Leduc County, AB T4X 0L6 Phone: 780/504-9267 Prefix: RRCC

Hickman, Darrell & leila Stone Gate Farm RR# 2 Vermilion, AB T9X 1Y7 Phone: 780/581-0077, 780/581-4510 Fax: 780/853-8704 Prefix: STON

Hoffman, ron Box 819 Carstairs, AB T0M 0N0 Prefix: RRR

Hollman, brad & Nicole BNH Livestock 35539 Rge Rd 270 Red Deer County, AB T4G 0M5 Phone: 403/352-0816, 403/896-8851 Fax: 403/886-2813 Prefix: NGC

Hollman, rodney & tanya Royal Western Gelbvieh 35347 Rge Rd 270 Red Deer County, AB T4G 0C9 Phone: 403/754-5499, 403/588-8620 Fax: 403/886-2813 Prefix: RWG Hollman, ryan c/o Royal Western Gelbvieh 35347 Rge Rd 270 Red Deer County, AB T4G 0C9 Phone: 403/588-8620 Fax: 403/886-2813 Prefix: RJH

Janzen, Jason & Agatha Janzen Gelbvieh Box 1433 LaCrete, AB T0H 2H0 Phone: 780/928-2044, 780/926-0156 Prefix: JAJ

Keeping, tom Keeya Creek Farms Inc. Site 16, Comp. 24, RR# 1 Didsbury, AB T0M 0W0 Phone: 403/335-4041, 403/586-4944 Prefix: KEE

Kulak, tom Hill Top Gelbvieh Stony Plain, AB T7Z 1C6 Phone: 780/722-2150

lightfoot, larry Triple L Gelbvieh 712037 Range Road 52 County of Grande Prairie NO.1, AB T8X 4A5 Phone: 780/532-6633, 780-402-9550 Prefix: LL

litchfield, linden & randee Box 1828 Cardston, AB T0K 0K0 Phone: 403/653-3919, 403/317-4163 Prefix: LCL

Marsman, Wanda Widowewa Holdings Ltd./Hillsdown Gelbvieh RR# 1 Delburne, AB T0M 0V0 Phone: 403/749-3075, 403-373-3075 Fax: 403/749-3056 Prefix: HDG Scott & Kristen Mason M Anchor Gelbvieh Box 1686 Valleyview, AB T0H 3N0 Phone: 780/524-4304 Fax: 780/524-4339 Prefix: SKM

Milne, Harold & bev. Milne's Gelbvieh Box 1573 Fairview, AB T0H 1L0 Phone: 780/835-2645, 780/855-0365 Fax: 780/835-2645 Prefix: GCC

Milne, John & Jean Dunvegan Cattle Co. Ltd. Box 1209 Fairview, AB T0H 1L0 Phone: 780/835-4518 Fax: 780/835-4518 Prefix: DCC

Milne, Olivia & Koziak, Chad Koziak Land & Cattle RR #1 Star, AB T0B 4E0 Phone: 780/835-0264 Prefix: ORM

Milne, tom Milne’s Livestock Box 1573 Fairview. AB T0H 1L0 Prefix: TOM

Muhlbach, Jason Jace Cattle Company Box 299 Botha, AB T0C 0N0 Phone: 403/740-2526 Fax: 403/574-2189 Prefix: JM

Murphy, Andrew & Susan Crump Red Dawn Ranch Box 59, Site 5, RR #4 Lacombe, AB T4L 2N4 Phone: 403/782-4713 Fax: 403/782-4713 Prefix: RDR

Neilson, tom Border Ridge Gelbvieh Box 1995 Cardston, AB T0K 0K0 Phone: 403/653-2122 Fax: 403/653/2867 Prefix: RTN

Nelson, Darrell & Duane Box 1144 Glenwood, AB T0K 2R0 Phone: 403/626-3279, 403/331-9086 Fax: 403/626-3036 Prefix: DDN

Ness, Joe Jonus Cattle #74, 115 Bergen Rd. NW Calgary, AB T3K 1P2 Phone: 403/852-7332 Prefix: JOE

Ness, Kert & Joe Keriness Cattle Company Ltd. Box 8, Site 7, RR# 1 Airdrie, AB T4B 2A3 Phone: 403/948-3282, 403/860-4634 Fax: 403/948-2236 Prefix: KCC

Canadian Gelbvieh Association Membership Directory Page 21

Nielsen, Adam RR #1, Site 2, Box 20 Sylvan Lake, AB T4S 1X6 Phone: 403/588-9281 Prefix: AJN Nielsen, Dan & Marilyn Dayspring Cattle RR #1, Site 2, Box 20 Sylvan Lake, AB T4S 1X6 Phone: 403/887-4971 Fax: 403/887-4971 Prefix: DSP Nish, ben & Jody Nish Gelbvieh Box 38 Aetna, AB T0K 1Y0 Phone: 403/653-1312 Prefix: NSH

Okell, Don W. & lorna Jen-Ty Gelbvieh Box 627 Duchess, AB T0J 0Z0 Phone: 403/378-4898, 403/793-4549 Fax: 403/378-4894 Prefix: DL

Pahl, Gary & Judy Towerview Ranch Box 331 Medicine Hat, AB T1A 7G1 Phone: 403/548-7150, 403-528-0886 Fax: 403/548-7139 Prefix: TVR

Pancoast, Vern & Vivienne V & V Farms Box 37 Redcliff, AB T0J 2P0 Phone: 403/548-6678, 403/580-9532 Fax: 403/548-6955 Prefix: VV

radomske, Dan Valley Gelbvieh 26569 Twp. Rd. 350 Red Deer County, AB T4G 0M4 Phone: 403/227-2105 Fax: 403/227-1207 Prefix: VG

roy, Henry M. HMR Gelbvieh A-54319 HWY 748 N Yellowhead County, AB T7E 3N6 Phone: 780/723-2361, 780/712-1295 Prefix: HMR

Sayer, roger D. & Kim Foursquare Gelbvieh Box 15, Site 6, RR #2 Carstairs, AB T0M 0N0 Phone: 403/337-5847, 403/875-8418 Fax: 403/337-5847 Prefix: FRSQ

Schiestel, Steve & lisa Silver Line Farm Box 371 Eckville, AB T0M 0X0 Phone: 403/358-8259, 403/318-7472 Prefix: SFL

Severtson, Scott & lisa Severtson Land & Cattle 29061 Twp. Rd.350 Red Deer County, AB T4G 0M6 Phone: 403/224-3756, 403/358-4676 Fax: 403/224-3756 Prefix: SLC

Smithers, Graydon Smithers Land & Livestock Box 1599, 250049 Twp. Rd. 314 Three Hills, AB T0M 2A0 Phone: 403/443-7737, 403/443-3303 Fax: 403/443-5280 Prefix: SLL

Page 22 Canadian Gelbvieh Association Membership Directory

thome, lorinda & rick RLT Farms Box 13, Site 3, RR# 1 Spirit River, AB T0H 3G0 Phone: 780/864-2961 Fax: 780/864-2785 Prefix: RLT

tuplin, Merv Henibrit Enterprises 4215 - 83rd Street NW Edmonton, AB T6K 1C8 Phone: 780/450-1280 Prefix: MJT

Unger, loren & Karen Unger Land & Livestock Box 14, Site 13, RR #1 Olds, AB T4H 1P2 Phone: 403/556-6499, 403/994-1211 Fax: 403/556-6499 Prefix: ULL

Vancuren, Darren Sunberry Valley Ranch Box 7, Site 16, RR# 2 Sundre, AB T0M 1X0 Phone: 403/638-4142, 403/507-5424 Prefix: SUN

Vander Velden, emylene Rainbow’s Edge Gelbvieh Box 5384 Lacombe, AB T4L 1X1 Phone: 403-506-9693 Fax: 403-782-6213 Prefix: EMY

Williams, Chuck & Jennifer Flatland Ranch Box 1086 Hanna, AB T0J 1P0 Phone: 403-854-6270 Prefix: FLR

Winder, Con & Gail Winder's Golden Gelbvieh R.R.# 2 Camrose, AB T4V 2N1 Phone: 780/672-9950 Fax: 780/672-9950 Prefix: WGG

britiSH COlUMbiA

Clint ellis & Cordy Cox Ellis Cattle Co./Dane Ranch P.O. Box 53 Tatla Lake, BC V0L 1V0 Phone: 250/476-1221, 250/709-8625 Fax: 250/476-1280 Prefix: RAC

Dawson, Joyce Gold Bar Gelbvieh Box 1616 Vanderhoof, BC V0J 3A0 Phone: 778/417-0045, 250/570-9179 Prefix: JLD Hogberg, ralf & Glenn Hogberg Ranch Box 29, Site 904, RR #1 Progress, BC V0C 2E0 Phone: 250/843-7653 Fax: 250/843-7653 Prefix: HG

Kelly, brenda 3400 Willowbrook Rd Oliver, BC V0H 1T5 Phone: 250/498-3432 Prefix: BPK

MacDougall, Steve & Ashley MacDougall Ranch Box 1333 Barriere, BC V0E 1E0 Phone: 250/672-9260 Prefix: SAM

Mader, barry & robin B & R Ranch RR #1, 2108 Duck Range Road Pritchard, BC V0E 2P0 Phone: 250/577-3486 Fax: 250/577-3486 b& Prefix: BRM

raven, Arne Raven Gelbvieh Box 344 Pritchard, BC V0E 2P0 Phone: 250/577-3486 b& Prefix: ARN

Grose, Patrick Bluff Island Stock Farm Box 126 Inwood, MB R0C 1P0 Phone: 204/278-3308, 204/886-7950 Prefix: BISF

Spence, Wayne & Charlotte Mountain Spring Farm 1636 Chase Falkland Road Chase, BC V0E 1M0 Phone: 250/679-3744 Fax: 250/679-3744 Prefix: MSF

Jasper, James & Shayla JSJ Gelbvieh Box 24 Hartney, MB R0M 0X0 Phone: 204/858-2476, 204/741-0763 Prefix: JSJ

Overby, Neil Overby Stock Farm Box 180 St. Ros Du Lac, MB R0L 1S0 Phone: 431-233-3505 Prefix: OSF

Stratuliak, brian Kiskatinaw Gelbvieh Site 13, Comp 16, RR #2 Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4E8 Phone: 250/759-4143 Fax: 250/759-4143 Prefix: BES

richardson, Alan & Gail Johnson A & G Richardson Box 301 Elm Creek, MB R0G 0N0 Phone: 204/436-2655, 204/745-7718 Prefix: AGR

tuchlinski, barbara Francois Lake Gelbvieh Box 1434 Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0 Phone: 250/695-6620 Fax: 250/695-6620 Prefix: TL


bonchuk, Amy AJB Livestock Box 239 Rossburn, MB R0J 1V0 Phone: 204/842-5231, 204/773-6140 Fax: 204/842-3706 Prefix: AJBG

Devonald, Matthew & Nikki Turtle River Gelbvieh Box 149 McCreary, MB R0J 1B0 Phone: 204/835-2467 Fax: 204/835-2467 Prefix: DEV

Wirgau, lee & Neal Maple Grove Gelbvieh Box 25 Narcisse, MB R0C 2H0 Phone: 204/278-3255, 204/886-7588 Fax: 204/278-3255 Prefix: MGF


biggelaar, Jake Biggelaar Farms 5608 Line 34 Mitchell, ON N0K 1N0 Phone: 519/274-5262

Duffin, Jim, Doug or Darcy Triple D Farm Enterprises 20627 Fairview Rd., RR# 2 Thorndale, ON N0M 2P0 Phone: 519/461-1377 Fax: 519/461-0369 Prefix: TDF Canadian Gelbvieh Association Membership Directory Page 23

Hurst, Jason 311 Auden Road Guelph, ON M1E 6S4 Phone: 519/881-7929 Prefix: JPH

Klages, Mike KLAtown Stock Farms RR# 2, 056289 Con 12 Desboro, ON N0H 1K0 Phone: 519/363-6307, 519/379-4603 Prefix: KLA linton, David & Susan Ward Killoran Creek Cattle Company RR# 1, 12135 County Road 45 Hastings, ON K0L 1Y0 Phone: 705/927-0373 Prefix: KC Williamson, John Memory Farm Gelbvieh RR 1, 4145 Holmes Rd. Inverary, ON K0H 1X0 Phone: 613/353-7335 Fax: 613/353-7335 Prefix: MFG


Whalen, ron O'Faelan Farms Inc. Avondale Cattle Company 165 Hermitage Road Vernon River, PE C0A 2E0 Phone: 902/651-2006 Prefix: OFI


budd, Kevin Katahdin View Gelbvieh 20 Ivey Road Limestone, NB E7N 2N2 Phone: 506/277-1082 Prefix: KVG


laroche, luc et Diane Ferme Ludi 2001, Rang Roberge Chesterville, QC G0P 1J0 Phone: 819/382-2679 Fax: 819/382-2679 Prefix: LUDI

Dufour, Serge et Gilles Ferme Dufour et Fils Enr. 226 St. Hermel Sud St. Alexis de’Matapedia, QC G0J 2E0 Phone: 418-299-1324 Fax: 418/299-3154 Prefix


bentz, blair & lorie Goodview Gelbvieh Box 430 Punnichy, SK S0A 3C0 Phone: 306/835-2748, 306/746-8037 Fax: 306/835-2748 Prefix: BLB

bilokreli, ron & Sons Vale Country Ranch Ltd. Box 14 Theodore, SK S0A 4C0 Phone: 306/647-2665, 306/521-2266 Fax: 306/647-2665 Prefix: VCR

burks, trevor & Amber Twisted T Gelbvieh Box 11 Parry, SK S0H 3L0 Phone: 306-715-7476 Prefix: TTG

Davidson, Angus & Marlene Box 385 Ponteix, SK S0N 1Z0 Phone: 306/785-4512 Prefix: AMD

Page 24 Canadian Gelbvieh Association Membership Directory

Davidson, ross & tara Lonesome Dove Ranch Box 147 Ponteix, SK S0N 1Z0 Phone: 306/625-3513, 306/625-7045 Fax: 306/625-3782 Prefix: DRT

Davidson, Vernon & eileen Davidson Gelbvieh Box 681 Ponteix, SK S0N 1Z0 Phone: 306/625-3755, 306/625-7863 Fax: 306/625-3524 Prefix: DVE

Davidson, Wade Box 385 Ponteix, SK S0N 1Z0 Phone: 306/785-4512 Fax: 306/785-4533 Prefix: WDE

Davisson, barry & Chris Deroo-Davisson LC Cattle Company Box 1443 Unity, SK S0K 4L0 Phone: 306/228-3048, 306/228-7793 Prefix: LCD

egan, Phillip & Wendy P-W Gelbvieh Box 503 Moose Jaw, SK S6H 4P1 Phone: 306/693-6096 Prefix: PW

Fladeland, Wayne, Delyle & Clinton Fladeland Livestock Box 70 Gladmar, SK S0C 1A0 Phone: 306/969-4829, 306/809-8123, 306/861-5654 Fax: 306/969-4834 Prefix: FLAD

Gardiner, Simon G. Gardiner Gelbvieh Box 133 Quill Lake, SK S0A 3E0 Phone: 306/383-2736 Fax: 306/383-2736 Prefix: SGG

Gavelin, David & Kim Deep Sands Livestock Box 149 Meyronne, SK S0H 3A0 Phone: 306/264-3635 Fax: 306/264-3665 Prefix: DSL

Hansen, Jeff & Jodi Double J Land & Cattle Company Box 529 Springside, SK S0A 3V0 Phone: 306/792-2042 Fax: 306/792-2042 Prefix: JJH

Hrebeniuk, Darcy Fir River Livestock Box 379 Hudson Bay, SK S0E 0Y0 Phone: 306/865-2929, 306/865-7859 Fax: 306/865-2860 Prefix: FRL

Hurlburt, Kirk & leigh Ann Hurlburt Livestock Ltd. Box 3, Site 206, RR# 2 Saskatoon, SK S7K 3J5 Phone: 306/931-2551, 306/222-8210 Fax: 306/931-2827 Prefix: HL

Knudson, James Knudson Farms Gelbvieh Box 386 Archerwill, SK S0E 0B0 Phone: 306/322/4682 Fax: 306/332-4682 Prefix: KFG

lawes, James & Judy Double JL Gelbvieh Box 355 Dinsmore, SK S0L 0T0 Phone: 306/846-4733, 306/846-2052 Fax: 306/846-4733 Prefix: JJL lawes, Jason & Kristie Box 83 Dinsmore, SK S0L 0T0 Phone: 306/846-2043 Fax: 306/846-4200 Prefix: JKL

lawes, Kevin & bonny Lawes Gelbvieh Box 176 Dinsmore, SK S0L 0T0 Phone: 306/846-0003, 306/831-7055 Fax: 306/846-0004 Prefix: KJL

little, Glen & Kim Little’s Country Farm Box 116 Hazlet, SK S0N 1E0 Phone: 306/678-2044 Fax: 306/678/4532 Prefix: LCF little, Henry Box 143 Hazlet, SK S0N 1E0

Selin, Wayne r. & lois Selin's Gelbvieh Box 97 Stockholm, SK S0A 3Y0 Phone: 306/793-4568 Fax: 306/793-4568 Prefix: WRS

Sommerfeld, raymond & Pauline RPS Gelbvieh Box 7 Medstead, SK S0M 1W0 Phone: 306/342-4490, 306/342-7259 Fax: 306/342-4490 , Prefix: RPS

Spray, brett & brian Triple S Cattle Company Box 796 Preeceville, SK S0A 3B0 Phone: 306/325-4515 Fax: 306/325-4540 Prefix: BJS

thackeray, ian Thackeray Gelbvieh Farms Box 1002 Weyburn, SK S4H 2L2 Phone: 306/456-2555, 306/861-7687 Fax: 306/456-2554 Prefix: TIP

Nicholas, Gary J. & Chad McCoy Cattle Company Ltd. Box 479 Milestone, SK S0G 3L0 Phone: 306/436-2086, 306/436-7300 Fax: 306/436-4613 Prefix: ZTM

Wick, Kendra-Shane Krazy Woman Ranch Box 133 Lake Alma, SK S0C 1M0 Phone: 306/447-4403, 306/869-6927 Prefix: KWR

Schrempp, Will Morgan Tau Gelbvieh Box 44, RR #1 Melville, SK S0A 2P0 Phone: 701/509-3737 Prefix: MTG

Canadian Gelbvieh Association Membership Directory Page 25


Adamsgreen Gelbvieh, David & Janice Green Abel Farm, Murray Abel A & G Richardson AJB Gelbvieh, Amy Bonchuck Adam Nielsen Limestone Stock Farms, Art & Marie Andruchow Angus & Marlene Davidson Arne Raven Aaron Birch Kiskatinaw Gelbvieh, Brian Stratuliak Cory Cahoon Bluff Island Stock Farms, Patrick Grose & Terry Bruce Triple S Cattle Company, Brett & Brian Spray Goodview Gelbvieh, Blair & Lorie Bentz Beamish Land & Cattle, Calvin & Donna Beamish Brenda Kelly B & R Ranch, Barry & Robin Mader Carlson Cattle Company, Lon Carlson T-Anchor Gelbvieh, Ted & Jo-Anne Cymbaluk Brittain Farms, Kelly & Colleen Brittain Dane Ranch, Dale Cox or Romacordelia Cox Crest View Farms, Barry & Vanessa Wiens Dunvegan Cattle Co. Ltd., John Milne Darrell & Duane Nelson Turtle River Gelbvieh, Matthew & Nikki Devonald Jen-Ty Gelbvieh, Don & Lorna Okell Dusty Rose Cattle Co., Darren Dunford Lonesome Dove Ranch, Ross & Tara Davidson Deep Sands Gelbvieh, David & Kim Gavelin Dayspring Cattle, Dan & Marilyn Nielsen Duke Cattle Company, Peter & Lisl Bahrynowski Davidson Gelbvieh, Vernon & Eileen Davidson Rainbow’s Edge Gelbvieh, Emylene Vander Velden EYOT Valley Ranch, Larry & Lynne Fecho Soperton Gelbvieh Farm, Ellery Wattie Ferme Dufour et Fils Enr., Serge et Gilles Dufour Fladeland Livestock, Wayne, Delyle & Clinton Fladeland Flatland Ranch, Chuck & Jennifer Williams Fir River Livestock, Darcy Hrebeniuk Foursquare Gelbvieh, Roger & Kim Sayer Milne’s Gelbvieh, Harold & Bev Milne Gofflot Bar 2 Ranch, Camile Gofflot Bar GR Cattle, Ron & Gail Anderson GSW Gelbvieh, Glynn Waterton Widowewa Holdings Ltd./Hillsdown Gelbvieh, Wanda Marsman Hogberg Ranch, Glenn & Ralf Hogberg Hurlburt Livestock Ltd., Kirk & Leigh Ann Hurlburt HMR Gelbvieh, Henry M. Roy Pin To Point Gelbvieh, Jeremiah Barnert Janzen Gelbvieh, Jason & Agatha Janzen Double J Land & Cattle Company, Jeff & Jodi Hansen Double JL Gelbvieh, James & Judy Lawes Jason & Kristie Lawes Gold Bar Gelbvieh, Joyce Dawson Jace Cattle Company, Jason Muhlbach Jessica Andruchow Jonus Cattle, Joe Ness Jason Hurst JSJ Gelbvieh, James & Shayla Jasper Killoran Creek Cattle Company, David Linton & Susan Ward

Page 26 Canadian Gelbvieh Association Membership Directory



Keriness Cattle Company Ltd., Kert & Joe Ness AB Keeya Creek Farms Inc., Tom Keeping AB Knudson Farms Gelbvieh, James Knudson SK Lawes Gelbvieh, Kevin & Bonny Lawes SK KLAtown Stock Farms, Mike Klages ON Katahdin View Gelbvieh NB Krazy Woman Ranch, Kendra-Shane Wick SK LC Cattle Company, Barry Davisson & Chris Deroo-Davisson SK Little’s Country Farm, Glen & Kim Little SK Litchfield, Linden & Randee AB LC Ranch, Ray & Anne Davisson AB Triple L Gelbvieh, Larry Lightfoot AB Lost N Found Livestock, Tim Unger AB Ferme Ludi, Luc et Diane Laroche QC Memory Farm Gelbvieh, John Williamson ON Maple Grove Gelbvieh, Lee & Neal Wirgau MB Henibrit Enterprises, Merv Tuplin AB Mountain Spring Farm, Wayne & Charlotte Spence BC Morgan Tau Gelbvieh, Will Schrempp SK BNH Livestock, Brad & Nicole Hollman AB Nish Gelbvieh, Ben & Jody Nish AB O'Faelan Farms Inc., Ron Whalen PE Koziak Land & Cattle, Olivia Milne & Chad Koziak AB Overby Stock Farms, Neil Overby MB P-W Gelbvieh, Phillip & Wendy Egan SK Ellis Cattle Co./Dane Ranch BC Red Dawn Ranch, Andrew Murphy & Susan Crump AB Hollman, Ryan AB RLT Farms, Lorinda & Rick Thome AB RPS Gelbvieh, Raymond & Pauline Sommerfeld SK Ryder Ridge Cattle Co, Dr. Dale Gibson, Gail Bower & Ryder Bower AB Ron Hoffman AB Rocky Top Gelbvieh, Cody Congdon AB Border Ridge Gelbvieh, Tom Neilson AB Royal Western Gelbvieh, Rodney & Tanya Hollman AB Twin Bridge Farms Ltd., Ron & Carol Birch AB MacDougall Ranch, Steve & Ashley MacDougall BC Silver Line Farm, Steve & Lisa Schiestel AB Gardiner Gelbvieh, Simon G. Gardiner SK M Anchor Gelbvieh, Scott & Kristen Mason AB Severtson Land & Cattle, Scott & Lisa Severtson AB Smithers Land & Livestock, Graydon Smithers AB Stone Gate Farm, Darrell & Leila Hickman AB Sunberry Valley Ranch, Darren Vancuren AB Triple D Farm Enterprises, Jim, Doug or Darcy Duffin ON Thackeray Gelbvieh Farms, Ian Thackeray SK Francois Lake Gelbvieh, Barbara Tuchlinski BC Milne’s Livestock, Tom Milne AB Twisted T Gelbvieh, Trevor & Amber Burks SK Towerview Ranch, Gary & Judy Pahl AB Unger Land & Livestock, Loren & Karen Unger AB Vale Country Ranch Ltd., Ron Bilokreli & Sons SK Valley Gelbvieh, Dan Radomske AB V & V Farms, Vern & Vivienne Pancoast AB Wade Davidson SK Winder’s Golden Gelbvieh, Con & Gail Winder AB Selin’s Gelbvieh, Wayne R. & Lois Selin SK McCoy Cattle Company Ltd., Gary J. & Chad Nicholas SK


The Canadian Gelbvieh Association invites you to be a part of the Association!

___________________________________________________________________________________ MEMBERSHIP NAME (Please Print)

Note: This is the name that will print on the registration certificates.

NAME OF OWNER(S):_________________________________________________________________________________________

________________________ PHONE

______________________________ ______________________________________________ FAX # EMAIL:

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STREET OR RURAL ADDRESS (Print) CITY/TOWN PROV. P-CODE I (We) hereby apply for:

_______ ANNUAL ($125.00 + Tax) Note: Includes membership to applicable Provincial Gelbvieh Association. _______ _______

JUNIOR (Under 21 years of age) Birth date: __________________ ($10.00 Annual Activity Fee + Tax ) HERD IDENTIFICATION LETTERS ($30.00 + Tax)

Please allot HERD IDENTIFICATION LETTERS - (1st choice) _________ (2nd choice) _________ (3rd choice) _________ for tattooing Gelbvieh Cattle. Herd letters can be two, three or four letter combinations: ie AB, ABC or ABCD. The correct method for Tattooing: first - Herd letters “ABC”, second - unique ID number of animal “24”, and last, - year of birth letter “B”. eg. Complete tattoo - “ABC 24B”. _______

HERD NAME ($25.00 + Tax)

Please register, _____________________________________________ as the Herd Name, for the exclusive use of this membership when naming animals. Please Note: The Herd Name must be acceptable to the CGA. I undersigned hereby applies for membership in the Canadian Gelbvieh Association, a non-profit corporation, with all rights and privileges and subject to the obligations thereof, as fully set forth in the By-Laws of the Association. I (We) agree to conform to the By-Laws and Regulations of the Canadian Gelbvieh Association. I (We) waive any claim against and grant an absolute release to the Canadian Gelbvieh Association, any member, employee or agent of the Association, for any act or omission in connection with the Association, including but not limited to, any enforcement of the rules and regulations presently in effect or hereafter adopted by the Association. I(We) further release any and all data submitted to the CGA for use in Breed Improvement Programs.

______I do not wish for the CGA to use my personal contact information for business purposes it deems necessary.

_______________________________________________ Applicants Sign Here

________________________________________________ Applicants Sign Here

_______________________________________________ Print Name Here

________________________________________________ Print Name Here

This application must be signed by the individual, all members of the partnership or signing officer in the organization applying for membership.

Canadian Gelbvieh Association, 5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 6V1 Phone: (403) 250-8640 • Fax: (403) 291-5624 • email: • Canadian Gelbvieh Association Membership Directory Page 27

Memberships are due on or before January 1st each year. Only memberships paid up as of April 1st are included in this directory.

Canadian Gelbvieh Association

5160 Skyline Way N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 6V1 Phone: (403) 250-8640 Fax: (403) 291-5624 email: Web Site:


ith most of the older antibiotics still available and several very effective long acting antibiotics in use the choice for the rancher or feedlot owner has never been greater. Albeit a few very effective drugs especially those in combinations have been removed from the marketplace over the years. The difficulty is with so many factors hinging on the outcome deciding which antibiotic to use or if one is necessary at all can be a very difficult decision. Hopefully after reading this the thought process will become clearer. One article cannot hope to clarify every possible combination but in the end work with your veterinarian to decide on a strategy and list of choices for at least the common diseases. Reading the label is always beneficial as diseases for which clearance has been granted are written on the label. This alone gives you a start as to what types of diseases and subsequently what organ systems the antibiotic will get into. The majority of antibiotics especially the new ones you need a prescription from your veterinarian in order to use. This insures you know what conditions it is used for, dosage, method of administration, withdrawal etc. You need a VCPR (veterinary client patient relationship) in order to purchase and use these drugs. Veterinarians make several decisions before we decide what is the appropriate course of treatment. First off are antibiotics even necessary or will convalescence be all that is necessary. If there is no bacterial infection present or expected in the future antibiotics may be unnecessary. On large mature cattle or feedlot animals the meat withdrawals definitely need to be considered. If a condition becomes chronic slaughter may be an option. We don’t want to burden ourselves and the critter with a long slaughter withdrawal. If daily care is better can we accomplish that or is the next best long acting product the way to go. Other considerations will be the syringability (especially important in winter) dosage amount, safety, means of administration (subcutaneous, oral, intravenous etc) and cost of the product per treatment day. The cost per day is really the way to truly compare treatment costs. The longer acting products will cost more because they last longer. The upside is less labor necessary and subsequently less stress on the cattle processing them. This may be nullified if other procedures or painkillers etc must be given on a daily basis anyways. Bottom-line is lots to consider. The main decision we as veterinarians and you as farmers make is what are the conditions, what organ system is primarily involved and the causative bacteria likely. From these three main things the most appropriate first second and third choice of treatment is made. These three choices might be made in different order on specific farms based on farmer preference, previous results or current research results. Veterinarians will even have different “fa-

vorites”. There is almost never a specific one choice. A few antibiotics are what we call broad spectrum meaning they work against a wide array of bacteria in different organ systems. The older sulphonimides as well as newer drugs like “Nuflor” “Resflor” or “Excenel” are fairly broad in their effect. O t h e r drugs are very specific for say treatment of pneumonia. The macrolide antibiotics are a class of drugs which specifically get into the lungs. Drugs such as Zuprevo, Draxxin, Zactran and Micotil are all macrolides and are used primarily for bacterial pneumonia and only a few other things. All are prescription antibiotics are excellent for pneumonia but only a few other things. Veterinarians on your behalf may prescribe them for real specific things such as seminal vesiculitis in young bulls. There will never be a label claim against these oddball infections. That is where the veterinarians experience will become invaluable and they make an extralabel prescription. There are two big classes of bacteria gram positive and gram negative. Clostridial infections such as blackleg or anthrax are caused by gram positive organisms. We were always told at veterinary school “P” for positive and “P” for penicillin. This older antibiotic is still quite effective against certain conditions and most veterinarians still use some. Diseases such as blackleg produce toxins and the animal succumbs quickly so prevention in the form of vaccination is the only effective way to prevent this disease. In order to be effective we must pick the right drug administer it in time and at the right dosage. Weight must be estimated correctly. These antibiotics have been formulated to be effective at the appropriate dosage. Twice as much as necessary will not be more effective and will only cost you more and result in an increased drug withdrawal. The safe rule is if you double the dosage you double the slaughter withdrawal. Always keep that in mind. I would be remiss here if I didn’t mention supplemental drugs to act as pain killers, anti-inflammatory’s, appetite stimulants etc. In specific disease entities they are often given in conjunction with antibiotics to quicken or improve the response. Again your veterinarian can advise what works best for them. The selection of the appropriate medication for the specific disease takes some thought. The biggest step saver is recording what products you use (record either the active ingredient or trade name) and list the diseases it is good against as well as the dosage. Have a first and second choice. This will go a long ways to making sure the appropriate product is given especially by new workers. Put up drug dosage charts that are available for most products by the chute. Have the slaughter withdrawal listed as well so drug residues don’t become an issue. This is all too much information to keep in ones head. Have epinephrine handy in case you get a drug reaction have the appropriate syringes and needles and your treatment kit will be complete. Make sure and have a working relationship with your herd veterinarian and together you can decide on the best course of action. Refrigerate the appropriate products and protect others from freezing. Doing all these things should maximize effectiveness of the products.

Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2016 • Page 29


he battle against flies is constant during warm weather, but there are several ways to reduce these pests. Different flies have different habits and behavior, so a combination of tactics is most effective. Houseflies and stable flies breed in rotting organic matter such as old hay, silage and other feeds, and bedding. Horn flies breed in fresh cattle manure. Horseflies/deerflies breed in swampy areas, and black flies breed in flowing water--often many miles away—so it’s impossible to control them at their breeding sites. In many operations, horn flies are the most irritating and costly parasite. Doug Colwell, PhD, FRES, Livestock Parasitologist, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge, Alberta says some producers are trying to use fewer chemicals and pesticides, but for fly control the non-chemical options are limited. “There are some fly traps that can help control horn flies; in one method the cattle walk through the chute/trap and the flies are rubbed off their backs and fly up into a light structure which drives them up and away from the cattle and into a catching device. They can’t get out of it, and die there. This kind of trap works best in a situation where the cattle have to walk through it to go to water, or set up in a pasture where the cattle have become accustomed to using it and find they get some relief from flies by walking through it. Some cattle are not amenable to that kind of approach, however; they are too suspicious to go through it,” he says. This is why many ranchers love insecticide Page 30 • Summer 2016 • Gelbvieh guide

ear tags. These can be installed before the cattle go out to summer pasture. Now, however, flies have become resistant to the chemicals in these popular tags. Most producers leave the tags in too long, and as their potency decreases in late summer, the tags only kill the most susceptible flies, leaving the resistant ones to reproduce. The next year’s crop of flies consists of resistant flies. “I was seduced by these tags, too. Even putting dual component tags (containing two different insecticides) doesn’t work for very long; they all create problems in the long run,” Colwell says.

“Some people are now applying fly products with the VetGun. This gun is designed for delivering insecticide to cattle and is made by AgriLabs. It shoots a ping-pong ball size ‘bullet’ of insecticide (called a VetCap), delivering an ounce or two of insecticide from a safe distance.” A person can walk among cattle while they are grazing or eating, and dose them from 15 to 30 feet away—eliminating the need to restrain or stress the cattle. “This is like shooting a paint ball, applying one ball per cow, and two per bull. If the cattle are used to you walking amongst them, and get used to the splatter of insecticide, you can walk into the herd and get rid of lots of flies. The VetGun was developed in Australia as an offshoot of the Texas idea of putting paint balls in a revolver—using balls of insecticide and popping away at the cattle. This method might work for a while, until the flies become resistant to the insecticide. Bulls attract more flies than do cows, and a person might be able to give them some relief using something like the VetGun. You could probably use it from horseback,” he says. Other tactics include the old methods of dust bags, back rubs and oilers to apply insecticide at certain times during summer when fly populations are high. “We recommend not using any insecticide until there are a certain number of flies; wait until early July when the populations are higher. Then you can knock them back with insecticide. The main argument involves how many flies are too many? A person can count/estimate the number of flies on the cattle; if you look at them the same time of day every day, you can tell if the fly numbers are increasing,” says Colwell. There aren’t many new insecticides on the horizon so we need to carefully use what we already have—and not overuse them,

GENETICALLY FLY-RESISTANT CATTLE Dayton Steelman, Emeritus Professor of Veterinary Entomology, University of ArkansasFayetteville, Arkansas has done research on the heritability of horn fly resistance, looking at various breeds and individuals. “There was a statistically significant difference among breeds, as well as among individuals within each of the breeds. We analyzed data we collected over 4 years and came up with 0.58 (58%) heritability estimate for horn fly resistance,” he says. Today cattle breeding/selection focuses on many things, but the heritability of fly resistance is often overlooked. “As you go through your herd, make note of which cattle have the most flies. If a high-producing cow has a really good calf every year, there’s no need to sell, but you can help her out by treating her individually. Instead of treating the whole herd, just treat those that you know have high fly numbers every year. The flies that are attracted to those cows will get killed,” he says. “All the animal breeders I’ve worked with say that horn fly resistance is a heritable trait in the bull that is expressed in his female offspring. If you are keeping replacement heifers, keep them from a bull that has as much fly resistance as you can get. If you are keeping bulls, select them from dams that don’t have many flies. If you have a cow that’s a high fly cow and she isn’t producing top calves, cull her and keep a young one that has more fly resistance. As you continue selecting, you can turn the herd toward more fly resistance,” he explains. A few cattle breeders have added horn fly resistance to their criteria for seedstock selection. One of the first to do this was Kit Pharo (Pharo Cattle Company, Cheyenne Wells, Colorado). He has been working on genetic resistance to parasites for a long time, and selecting for horn fly resistant cattle for 15 years. Pharo now offers “low fly” bulls that pass this genetic resistance to their offspring. He has been evaluating and scoring cattle from his breeding program for this trait, in 12 different states, for the past 9 years. Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2016 • Page 31

which merely increases the fly resistance. “Some people have nearly given up on trying to control them, and figure that they can just live with them,” he says. A few people are trying to select for breeding stock that have natural resistance to flies. “You can do this, but it takes time. There are always some individuals in the herd that are more attractive to flies, and some that are more resistant. About 80% of the flies are usually on 20% of the animals. If you go through your herd and pick out the cows that are heavily covered with flies, they are the ones that will usually be heavily affected next year, as well. If you get rid of those cattle, eventually you will select for individuals that have lower populations of flies,” he says. “There is no easy answer. When we had the first ear tags, we had an easy answer, but 5 years later people were having problems again. Unfortunately there are not very many choices today. For most ranchers, fly control is the lowest thing on their agenda. They can’t see the losses so they live with those losses,” he says. “If you could see the 14% (or more) that it will cost you to raise cattle with that many horn flies on them, you would be trying to do something, but since the rancher can’t see it, he may choose to not worry about it.” Different years (whether cool and wet or hot and dry) and different environments may make a difference in some of the fly numbers, but often the biggest difference is just the individual cattle and their resistance or lack of it. “I have watched the cattle at our place and our neighbor’s place. They had some cattle come onto their place with a bunch of flies and the flies were bad all summer long. The next year the cattle they brought in had no flies. They came with nothing, and had no flies all year long. I want to know why. The two years were relatively comparable weather-wise, yet the fly situation was completely different. They were a different kind of cattle and a different age class (heifers rather than cows, and they had a lot fewer flies than the cows did). Perhaps they didn’t bring enough flies with them to get a big population going, but I am hoping to find a way to test these things,” he says.

Page 32 • Summer 2016 • Gelbvieh guide

SALE RESULTS 79TH ANNUAL WILLIAMS LAKE BULL SALE APRIL 15, 2016, WILLIAMS LAKE, BC The 79th Annual Williams Lake, BC Bull Sale was held on April 15 and had a total for four Gel bvieh animals in its offering. The average was strong at $4,812.50. The high seller was offered by Barry & Robin Mader and sold to Tyson Krause of 150 Mile House, BC for $5,500. They also

had three others in the sale. The other Gelbvieh consignor was Raven Gelbvieh. Their animal sold to Harold Sample of Kamloops, BC for $4,500.


Average $5,254.17

Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Management: T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. High Selling Gelbvieh Bulls Lot 55 - BLB Goodview PLD Cruze 67C sired by SLC Out-

back 142X was purchased by Sweetwater Ranch, Jansen, SK for $7,000 Lot 57 -BLB Goodview PLD Cole 90C sired by BLB Goodview PLD Revolver 12Z was purchased by Sweetwater Ranch, Jansen, SK for $6,900 Lot 63 - BLB Goodview PLD Charcoal 75C sired by SLC Outback 142X was purchased by Circle C Ranch, Russell, MB for $6,000.

Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2016 • Page 33


Yearling Bulls Yearling Heifers

The Saskatoon Gelbvieh Bull and Female Sale once again offered an outstanding group of yearling bulls and females. The well attended sale attracted buyers from across Canada. The high selling bull was lot 9, Fir River Cobalt, an outstanding black bull who was a crowd favorite. Davidson Gelbvieh, Pon-

teix, SK was the final bidder at $19000. Another crowd favorite was lot 27, STON Crazy Bull, this outstanding red bull was purchased by Jace Cattle Co. for $11250. Volume buyer was Noreen Fenske with three bulls purchased. Many of the bulls purchased went to repeat buyers. Fir River Livestock, Stone Gate Farm and V & V Farms would like the thank all the buyers, bidders and all involved in the sale for making it a huge success.



Average - $5568 A good crowd was on hand March 16, 2016, for the First Annual Fladeland Livestock Bull Sale, held in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. The high selling bull, FLAD Fladeland Boogyman 28A ET, was purchased by Smithers Land & Livestock of Three Hills AB, for $24,000. Trevor, Kendra and Levi DeBruyne of Radville, SK. bought the high selling black bull, FLAD Fladeland Manhatten 70C, for $8000. Art Wheat of T Bone Cattle Company purchased FLAD Fladeland Gringo 64C for $7500 and FLAD Fladeland Chief 46C for $6750 for his ranch near Marwayne, AB.

Kelly & Coleen Brittain of Brittain Farms from Falun AB, and Brad and Nicole Hollman of B & H Livestock teamed up to purchase FLAD Fladeland Viper 18C for $6500. Volume buyers of the day were Cordel and Gaylen Frischholz of Frischholz Farms in Minton, SK, Art Wheat of T Bone Cattle Company from Marwayne, AB, Allan Amundrud from Craik, SK, Larry and Sheila Fishley from Bethune, SK, and Dean Bluhm from McCreary, MB, who all took home two bulls each. Fladeland Livestock would like to say thank you to all the buyers, bidders and all who attended.



92 Purebred Yearling Gelbvieh bulls averaged $5830. There was a full house and a great crowd in person and on-line for the 27th Annual Davidson Gelbvieh and Lonesome Dove Ranch Bull Sale on Saturday, March 5, 2016. The sale, hosted by Davidson Gelbvieh, Vernon and Eileen Davidson, and Lonesome Dove Ranch, Ross and Tara Davidson and their family, was held on the ranch south of Ponteix, Saskatchewan. Bulls sold across North America to make an impact on both purebred and commercial Gelbvieh cattle programs. Many repeat buyers as well as new customers purchased bulls for their commercial and purebred herds in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington, and Mexico. Strong local support was also noted, with over half of the bulls selling right in Saskatchewan to be used in commercial and purebred herds across the province.

Page 34 • Summer 2016 • Gelbvieh guide



Gross 38 Yearling Bulls $ 197,000 8 Yearling Heifers $ 25,100 15 Commercial Gelbvieh Heifers $ 27,000

Average $ 5,185 $ 3,138 $ 1,800

AUCTIONEER: Don Savage SALE MANAGER: Don Savage Auctions The Twin Bridge Farms and Guests 5th Annual Gelbvieh Bull & Female Sale enjoyed tremendous weather and an outstanding crowd to bid on a high quality offering of Gelbvieh genetics. The Birch Family, the Nesses and the Carlson’s did not disappoint with a number of bulls selling in the $6,000 plus range. New this year was the addition of commercial Gelbvieh cross heifers consigned by Hawkeye Ranches. The top selling bull was AWB BIRCH’S BOJANGLES 24C a stout, thick, low birth weight son of SLC TOUCHDOWN 116W and out of a V V YOICKS sired dam. He sold to Hawkeye Ranches of Cayley, AB for $9,250. Repeat customers – V & V Farms of Redcliff, AB – selected three bulls including SA BIRCH’S TYCOON 7C, a son of V V TIREE 150T and out of a FIR RIVER EXPOSURE sired dam for $8,500. Fairhaven Farms Ltd. – Stirling, AB purchased four bulls for their operation. Topping their list was SA BIRCH’S EXPLORER 3C for $8,250. He is a son of FIR RIVER EXPOSURE and out of an AWB BIRCH’S CAPTAIN sired dam. They also selected SA BIRCH’S DYNAMITE 136C at $7,250. 136C is a son of AWB BIRCH’S BLK POWDER and out of EGL PABST sired dam.

Thackeray Gelbvieh Farms – Weyburn, SK purchased SA BIRCH’S CENTER ICE 139C for $8,000. 139C is a son of FIR RIVER CROSBY and out of an Own Birch’s RICCO sired dam. Matthew Jacobsen – Arrowwood, AB selected two bulls for his commercial operation including AWB BIRCH’S CROSSBOW 47C, a son of SLC TOUCHDOWN 166W and out of a daughter of V V TIREE 150T for $8,000. Matthew also purchased KCC HEY COWBOY 57C for $7,000. 57C is a son of FIR RIVER RONNY RIG 652Z and out of an OAR MO-ROC PAYDAY sired dam. Lomond Grazing Association – Lomond, AB purchased three bulls for their pastures including SA BIRCH’S TOP GEAR 28C, a son of DCSF POST ROCK TOP BRASS and a daughter of LTC RIDGE STAR HOLMAN for $7,750. Ken MacDougall – Barriere, BC selected AWB BIRCH’S CANON 125C for $7,500 125C is a son of AWB BIRCH’S BLK POWDER and out of a V V WHAT’S UP LOU sired dam. Deep Sands Livestock, the Gavelin family – Meyronne, SK selected KCC 54C as their next herdsire for $7,000. 54C is a direct son of DRT LONESOME STETSON 60A and out of a daughter of ORM BUDWISER Covington Gelbvieh – Montrose, CO selected two heifers for their purebred program. The top selling heifer at $4,000 was AWB BIRCH’S AVIS 14C. The top group of commercial heifers were admired by all in attendance and sold for $1,800 each to Claude Durupt , Hays, AB. This exciting offering of Gelbvieh seedstock sold throughout Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Colorado.

GELBVIEH STOCK EXCHANGE BULL SALE MARCH 8TH, 2016, MEDICINE HAT ALBERTA Auctioneer : Darren Lutz Sales Consultant: Loren Unger It turned out to be another beautiful day which helped bring out a large crowd as well as a large viewing and bidding on line. Lead off bull, Lot 16 Jen-Ty Charlie Brown 52C sold to V&V Farms for $12,000 and they also purchased Lot 24 Jen-Ty Rum Flavor for $8,000, as well as one of Towerviews bulls, Lot 42 TVR Cordoba 512C for $7,100. We would like to thank Pancoast’s for their tremendous support of our sale. Lot 19 Jen-Ty G-Force sold to Allen Habich for $10,000. Lot 17 Jen-Ty High Roller 40C sold to Cody Springchief for $8,900.

Lot 7 Jen-Ty Chico 18C was purchased by Dar-Lin Ranching for $8,400 and they also purchased Lot 28 TVR C- Max 513C for $4,750. Lomond Grazing purchased 4 bulls - 2 from Jen-Ty for $14,200 and 2 from Towerview for $7,450. K&A Enterprises purchased Lot 12 and Lot 23 from Jen-Ty for $10,200. Lot 22 Jen-Ty Gunpowder 31C was bought by Zen-Ridge Holdings Ltd for $7,400. Towerview Ranch and Jen-Ty Gelbviehs would like to thank all or buyers and bidders that supported our sale.

Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2016 • Page 35

SALE RESULTS 2016 GELBVIEH ADVANTAGE BULL SALE MARCH 19, 2016 INNISFAIL AUCTION MART Yearling Bulls Long Yearlings Open Commercial Heifers

Average $4202 $4883 $1589

the bid and took home CK Construction 87C for $5200. CK Conform 57C sold to Henry Roy from Hinton, AB for $6750. The High selling long yearling from BNH Livestock sold to Harvey Goetz of Bluffton, AB for $5400. Volume buyer of the day was Darrel Nastead with 1 Bull and 3 heifers going to Stettler, AB and Glyn Evans won the bid on 3 bulls that will be going to Dawson Creek, BC. Don and Dianna Ewanicke of Drayton Valley, AB also took home 3 animals, 1 Bull and 2 Commercial heifers. The Brittains, Hollmans and Muhlbachs would like to thank all buyers for making the day a success.

Brittain Farms, BNH Livestock and Jace Cattle Company would like to thank all buyers, bidders and those who came out to support the 2016 Gelbvieh Advantage Bull Sale! We were very happy with the sale again this year and appreciate all of the support! The high selling bull, CK Concrete 77C sold to Con and Gail Winder of Camrose, AB for $7500. Con and Gail also won

PRAIRIE HILLS GELBVIEH BULL SALE FEBRUARY 13, 2016 37 Purebred Bulls 10 Purebred Open Heifers

Mandan, ND Lot 2. $7,500, PHG Candy Man C49, March 4, 2015, DVE Davidson Payday 59W x COLB Mr Xavier X812, Feist Gelbvieh, Ludlow, SD

Average $4,781 USD $3,800 USD

Auctioneer: Jay Elfeldt Sale Manager: Mitchell Marketing Services

TOP SELLING HEIFERS: Lot 42. $5,250, PHG Chiquita C67, March 9, 2015, JKGF LWHF Super Flex Z353 x COLB Mr Xavier X812, Fladeland Livestock, Gladmar, SK Lot 50. $4,900, PHG Cover Girl C61, March 8, 2015, RWG Yikes 1512 x DVE Davidson Payday 59W, McCarty Cattle Co., Parachute, CO

TOP SELLING BULLS: Lot 15. $9,500, PHG Crown Royal C57, March 6, 2015, DTKF Emotions Sucker Punch x PHG Womanizer W24, Jen-Ty Gelbvieh, Duchess, AB Lot 29. $8,500, PHG Caesar C25, February 25, 2015, RWG Yikes 1512 x DCH Hille T266 TYE, Chimney Butte Ranch,

SEVERTSON LAND & CATTLE BULL SALE MARCH 7, 2016 INNISFAIL ALBERTA Average 104 Bulls $7150 A large crowd was in attendance for the sale. Bulls sold into BC Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba and Nebraska. In the Gelbvieh division Lot 1 red Gelbveih bull brought $15,000 for half interest and sold to Sunberry Ranch. Lot 30 black Balancer bull bull sold to Swanson Cattle Company for

$11,000. Lot 29 black Balancer sold to Bose Ranch for $10,750 and lot 19 red Balancer bull sold to Kirk Hurlburt for $10,000. In the Red Angus division the high selling lot was lot 69 selling to Blairs Ag for $22,000. V&V Farms bought lot 58 for $16,000 and Lot 49 for $12,000. Alex Farming Co. bought lot 48 for $11,000. And in the Black Angus division Lot 97 sold for $15,500 to Daines Ranch

2016 Gelbvieh Feeder Calf Sales

WeDNeSDAy, OCt. 26, 2016 Pre-SOrt GelbVieH CrOSS CAlF SAle Medicine Hat Feeding Company, Medicine Hat, AB

To book calves or for further information on purchasing calves call 403-526-3129 OR 403-502-6417 Website: Page 36 • Summer 2016 • Gelbvieh guide

tHUrSDAy, OCtOber 27, 2016 9:30 AM Pre-SOrt GelbVieH CrOSS SAtellite CAlF SAle Heartland Livestock Yards, Swift Current, SK

To book calves or for further information on purchasing calves call Lee Crowley 306-773-3174




British Columbia

Commercial Cow/Calf Pine Hill ralph & Ulla Hogberg 21 Miles West of Dawson Creek on Hart Hwy. Ph: (250) 843-7230 2-1/4 Miles South on Rd. 259 Glenn, Ann, Jason, Progress, BC V0C 2E0 & Annette Hogberg E-mail: Canada Ph: (250) 843-7653

Barry & Robin Mader Tel: 250.577.3486

Fullblood • Purebred • Hybrid Bulls • Females


B. & R. Ranch

RR #1, 2108 Duck Range Rd. Pritchard, BC V0E 2P0 (1/2 hour east of Kamloops)

Email: b&


Brittain Farms Kelly & Coleen brittain Gary & Nicole Phone: 780-352-0676 Cell: 780-387-6446 RR #1, Falun, AB T0C 1H0

Purebred & Percentage Cattle Cattle


This could be your spot! Call the CGA today to book your Business Card Listing!

Auctioneers / Sales Management This could be your spot! Call the CGA today to book your Business Card Listing! This could be your spot! Call the CGA today to book your Business Card Listing!

Darrell & Leila Hickman

RR#2, Vermilion, AB T9X 1Y7 Ph/Fax: 780-581-0077

United States Breeders

Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2016 • Page 37

BUSINESS DIRECTORY Alberta This could be your spot! Call the CGA today to book your Business Card Listing!


Purebred Gelbvieh Ray & Anne Davisson

Box 764, Stettler, AB T0C 2L0

(403) 742-2524

Duane & Darrell Nelson Box 1144, Glenwood, Alberta T0K 2R0 Duane (403) 626-3279 • Darrell (403) 626-3643

“Raising Gelbvieh Cattle Since 1972!” Home of 18 Dams of Merit and 5 Dams of Distinction


Black & Tan Purebred & Commercial Gelbvieh

Larry, Lynne, Kate & Sarah FECHO

Don & Lorna Okell Box 627 Duchess, AB T0J 0Z0 403-378-4898 403-793-4549

Phone: (780) 954-2285 Fax: (780) 954-2671 Cell: (780) 307-4842 Box 53, Jarvie, AB T0G 1H0

RR #2 Millet, AB T0C 1Z0 Phone: (780) 986-9705 Cell: (780) 718-5477


PH (780)835-2645 (780) 835-0365



Lon Carlson & Lorraine Beaudin 403.894.3413 • 403.795.1143 Box 86, Magrath, AB T0K 1J0

Page 38 • Summer 2016 • Gelbvieh guide





rON & GAil ANDerSON Phone (780) 523-2116 Fax: (780) 523-3920

Box 1342 High Prairie, Alberta Canada , T0G 1E0

Saskatchewan This could be your spot! Call the CGA today to book your Business Card Listing!

Maple Grove Gelbvieh McCoy Cattle Co. thackeray Gelbvieh Farms Hurlburt livestock Selin's Gelbvieh

(204) 278-3255 Narcisse, Mb (306) 436-2086 Milestone, SK (306) 456-2555 Weyburn, SK (306) 931-2551 Saskatoon, SK (306) 793-4568 Stockholm, SK

Raymond & Pauline Sommerfeld Ryan & Michelle Sommerfeld Medstead, SK Phone: 306.342.4490 Phone: 306.342.2136

This could be your spot! Call the CGA today to book your Business Card Listing!

Manitoba This could be your spot! Call the CGA today to book your Business Card Listing!

the Wirgau’s

Box 25, Narcisse, MB R0C 2H0

Neal & Christine Lee & Cynthia (204) 981-5996 (204) 278-3255 World Class Cattle - First Class Service


Knudson Farms Gelbvieh “Breeding for Quality Polled Gelbvieh With the Commercial Man in Mind”

c/o James Knudson Ph/Fax: 306-322-4682




Box 386, Archerwill, SK S0E 0B0

This could be your spot! Call the CGA today to book your Business Card Listing! Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2016 • Page 39

COMING EVENTS A Complimentary Service Provided by the Canadian Gelbvieh Association July 15 - Deadline for Canadian Junior Gelbvieh Association Scholarship

November 24 - National Gelbvieh Sale, Agribition, Regina, SK

July 23 - Davidson Gelbvieh & Lonesome Dove Ranch Summer Pasture Tour & Open House, at the ranch Ponteix, SK.

December 1 - Photo contest deadline. December 2-3 - GAA/BC Wish List Sale Weekend

August 20 - Man/Sask Association Field Day at Overby Stock Farms, St. Rose de Lac, MB

December 2 - Customer Appreciation Day, Christmas Party, Commercial Heifer Pen show and Bull Pen displays

September 1 - Deadline for Fall Gelbvieh Guide magazine.

December 3 - GAA/BC Annual Meeting and Wish List Sale

October 1 - Deadline guarantee for DNA on Wish List Sale animals, People's Choice Futity Bulls and National Sale animals

2017 January 5 - Deadline for Winter Gelbvieh Guide magazine

October 26-29 - Manitoba Livestock Expo, Brandon, MB November 10 - Gelbvieh Show at noon at Farmfair International, Edmonton, AB

March 4 - Davidson Gelbvieh & Lonesome Dove Annual Bull Sale, at the Ranch, Ponteix, SK

November 22 - CGA Annual Meeting, Agribition, Regina, SK

March 6 - Severtson Land & Cattle Annual Bull Sale, at the Ranch, Red Deer County, AB

November 23 - Gelbvieh Show, Sweetheart Classic & People's Choice Gelbvieh Bull Futurity, Agribition, Regina, SK

May 1 - Deadline for the Summer issue of the Gelbvieh Guide magazine

Win a Free Ad! First Prize in Each Category

1/4 page advertisement in Summer 2017 Gelbvieh Guide 1. Cow/Calf 2. Scenic or Artistic


3. Bull(s) 4. Herd

1. Send or email unmarked colored print (3 1/2” X 5” or 4” X 6”) or digital file of each photograph entered. 2. All entries must be postmarked or emailed on or before Dec. 1/2016. Judging will take place before Jan. 15/2017. 3. Prizes must be accepted as awarded. 4. Winners will be notified and assistance given in setting up ads. Contest and prizes sponsored by the Canadian Gelbvieh Association

Please send only your best shots! The Canadian Gelbvieh Association reserves the right to use all photos entered in the contest Page 40 • Summer 2016 • Gelbvieh guide

Please send your photos to: Canadian Gelbvieh Association

5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary, AB T2E 6V1 or



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RPS Gelbvieh


BNH Livestock


Gelbvieh World


Rocky Top Gelbvieh


Bar GR


Goodview Gelbvieh


Royal Western Gelbvieh


Beamish Land & Cattle


Hogberg Ranch


Severtson Land & Cattle


Bow Valley Genetics Ltd.


Jen-Ty Gelbvieh


Smithers Land & Livestock


Keriness Cattle Co.


Stockmans Insurance

37 37

Brittain Farms

37, 45

Canadian Beef Conference


Knudson Farms


Stone Gate Farm

Carlson Cattle Company


LC Ranch


T-C Cattle Co.

Davidson, Wade


Lonesome Dove Ranch



Maple Grove Gelbvieh


Winders Golden Gelbvieh Wishlist Sale

Davidson Gelbvieh Dayspring Cattle


Milne’s Gelbvieh


Eyot Valley


Nelson Gelbvieh


Prairie Gelbvieh Alliance


Prairie Hills Gelbvieh


Fir River Livestock Fladeland Livestock

39, IBC 4, 39

Advertising Content The Gelbvieh Guide assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of submitted advertising copy, and has the right to refuse any ad copy or photos. Advertisers shall indemnify and hold harmless the Guide containing pedigrees or statements regarding performance must conform to records kept by the Canadian Gelbvieh Association. Copy deviating from official records may be changed as necessary without advertiser consent. Editorial Policy Opinions expressed are the writer’s and not necessarily those of Gelbvieh Guide or the Canadian Gelbvieh Association. Photographs are welcome, but no responsibility is assumed during transit or while in the office. Publisher’s Statement: All statements, including product claims, are those of the person or organization making the statement or claim. The publisher does not adopt any such statement or claim as its own, and any such statement or claim does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher.

Printed by: Westernlitho Printers Regina, SK, Canada Mailed under permit number 40012883 Postage paid at Calgary, AB Canadian Publication Agreement Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Canadian Gelbvieh Association 5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary AB T2E 6V1


Gaylene Groeneveld Phone: (403) 250-8640 Fax: (403) 291-5624 Email: (Gaylene)

Twin Bridge Farms

13, 37 3, 38 38 7

Member Advertising Rates Please send ads and make cheques payable to :

The Canadian Gelbvieh Association Full Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$850.00 Half Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$500.00 Quarter Page . . . . . . . . . . . .$300.00 Business Card . . . . . . . . . . . .$60.00 Classified (25 words) . . . . . . .$20.00 Contact the CGA to book advertising space or for rates on overruns, inserts, catalogues & mailing lists.

Electronic Composition

Kim Matthews Box 19, Site 5 RR#2, Olds, Alberta T4H 1P3

(403) 556-8836 (403) 556-8077 (Kim)

Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2016 • Page 41

Canadian Junior Gelbvieh Association Scholarship

All eligible juniors are encouraged to apply for the $500 Scholarship. Please complete the Scholarship Application Form and include a one page essay describing your involvement in the Gelbvieh breed. Please submit your application form and essay to Gaylene Groeneveld by email (, fax (403-291-5624), or mail (5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary, Alberta T2E 6V1). The deadline to apply is July 15, 2016. To be eligible you must be a current or previous member of the Canadian Junior Gelbvieh Association between the ages fifteen (15) and twenty five (25) as of January 1st of the current calendar year. Juniors are eligible to receive the award more than once. Scholarship recipients will be presented with a cheque upon proof of enrollment. Send an official class enrollment form or receipt of tuition payment to the Canadian Gelbvieh Association office no later than October 1, 2016. In the event that a circumstance arises that prevents the recipient from enrolling in the school of choice by the above deadline, the scholarship will be forfeited. To retain scholarship, the recipient must complete at least one semester of full enrollment. If the semester is not completed, money awarded must be refunded to the Canadian Junior Gelbvieh Association. Full Name:___________________________________________________________________________

Full Address:__________________________________________________________________________

Birth Date: _______________________________Place of Birth:__________________________________ Sex



Social Insurance Number:_____________________________________

Parent or Guardian Name(s):___________________________________________________________ Parent or Guardian Address:_______________________________________________________

High School Name:____________________________________________________________ High School Address:________________________________________________________ Graduation Date: _____________ Grade Point Average: ___________(example 3.5/4.0)

Estimated Percentage of Tuition Paid by Scholarships or grants during you last semester of post secondary education or for the upcoming semester?______________________

List any scholarships you have bee awarded:_________________________________


Career Goal:__________________________________________________________

If you are currently attending a Post Secondary Education facility, please complete the following: Name of Post Secondary Education Facility you have previously or are currently attending: ____________________________________________________________________

Major:_______________________________ Grade Point Average:_______________

If you are a graduating high school senior, please complete the following: Post Secondary education Facility you plan to attend: ____________________________________________________________________

Anticipated Major______________________________________________________

________________________________ Signature of Applicant Date Page 42 • Summer 2016 • Gelbvieh guide

________________________________ Signature of Parent/ Guardian Date

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