Primo Fashions USA Magazine Issue #4

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Fashio Fashion Lover Owned Since 2015 Sept. 2015 - Issue 3

Chasing A.D.A.M. Meet Simply Tina Fall Fashion Primo Model Agency Jay Royal Primo Fashions USA Model Showcase

Fall is here and we have you covered?




Issue 4 - Oct. 2015 - Primo Fashion USA |

Fashions PRIMO

Fashion Lover Owned Since 2015

The new fashion hub for models photographers designers make-up artist alike to share the real stories and feeling about the fashion industry.


10 Seasonal Tips

7 Vykie Venus 8 Service With A Smile 13 What does your personality say 15 Primo Model Agency Model 16 Jay Royal 26 3 T i p s f o r h o l i d a y j o y.


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4 | Primo Fashion USA - Issue 4 - Oct. 2015

10 Seasonal Tips: Simple ways to save time and enjoy the holidays (BPT) - It may be the most wonderful time of year, but at times, it can also feel like the most stressful. This holiday season, take a fresh approach to your "to-do's list" to save time and energy so you can be merry and bright. These 10 tips and tricks will help you relax, unwind and enjoy all the best parts of the holidays. Wrap while shopping It's a given that shopping early avoids the lastminute frenzy, but you can save even more time and stress by getting gifts wrapped while out and about. Many department stores offer gift wrap services, all you need to do is ask. Streamline holiday cards Sending cards is a holiday

tradition, but it shouldn't cause unneeded stress. No need to worry about a dated address book - an easy trick is to cut return address labels from each card you receive and place in an envelope. Now it's easy to send cards to loved ones and update your address book without hassle. Use baking hacks Using premade foods is one of the simplest (yet yummy) ways to create holiday bakery delights. Check out www.facebook. com/entenmanns for simple, amazing recipes like Entenmann's Dreamy Chocolate Bars that feature crumbled Rich Frosted Donuts as the secret ingredient. While you're baking, double the batch to have an extra on hand

Published By: 3Macs & A Nerd Production 2015

for a hostess gift. Go tech free Smartphones ringing, emails beeping, texts buzzing - technology is time consuming. Avoid feeling overwhelmed by designating tech-free times for your family each day. Use this time (1-2 hours) to relax and focus on each other, perhaps with a hot cup of cocoa - the emails and messages will still be there later. Schedule a salon visit With a long holiday to-do list, it's hard to find time for you. That's why treating yourself to a haircut or manicure can do wonders for your holiday spirit. Plus, you'll look and feel fantastic when you attend all those festive gettogethers.

Issue 4 - Oct. 2015 - Primo Fashion USA |

10 Seasonal Tips: Simple ways to save time and enjoy the holidays Opt for an open house Having a holiday gathering adds to the season's merriment, but where will everyone fit and how will you feed them? Instead of a formal dinner, opt for an open house with hors d'oeuvres. You'll have less work and more time to spend with love ones as they come and go.

a dark brown matte shadow to the outer corners of the eyes to give them a little more dimension.

Embrace holiday breakfasts Start every day off right by enjoying a delicious breakfast with your family. No need to spend hours in the kitchen cooking; instead include iconic breakfast classics that you and the kids love. For example, scrumptious Entenmann's Donuts are undeniable when paired with fresh fruit for a quick breakfast delight. Find more breakfast inspiration at Entenmanns.

Step 9. Apply one to two coats of your favorite mas- Step 4. Repeat steps two cara. and three on the other Step 10. Take a sheer side of your part. peachy nude lip gloss and dab it on your lips for a Step 5. Lift the crown of natural, glossy appear- your hair and back comb ance. lightly underneath with a smoothing detangler "Pull your entire look to- brush. This will create gether with an easy breezy volume so the bobby pins hairstyle," says celebrity have texture to grip onto. hairstylist Symonds. "My beautifully twisted style Step 6. One by one, secure complements your bril- the twists to the back of liant face while keeping your head with bobby your hair out of the way pins. Overlap the sections in the heat." for a finished look.

Step 6. For the eyes, all you'll need is a flat eye shading and fluffy eye blending brush. Dip the flat brush in the bronzer you used for your face and place this color all over your eyelids.

Step 8. For more defini tion, use an angled liner brush to apply black gel eyeliner to the lash line to slightly darken it up.

Playful Summer Twist Step 1. Blow dry your hair for body and movement and part in your desired area.

Twist the 2 sections around each other tightly until you reach the ends and secure with a hair tie. Once you release the twist, it will loosen but not unwind completely. Step 3. Grab another 3-inch section next to the first twist, create another twist and secure with a hair tie.

Step 7. Complete the look by removing the hair ties and pulling out any front pieces if desired. For more makeup and hair inspiration, Step 2. Grab a 3-inch sec- visit tion of hair on one side Step 7. Next, using the of the part and split it in fluffy blending brush, aply two.


Issue 4 - Oct. 2015 - Primo Fashion USA |


8 | Primo Fashion USA - Issue 4 - Oct. 2015

Moisture concerns: How to spot the good and the bad before it gets ugly. (BPT) - From creams and differ from place to place on hybrid areas such as our gels to serums and oils, our bodies?

underarms, where the skin

moisturizers are often at the A: Fundamentally, all skin is is fine like on our neck, but forefront of a woman's beau- made up of the same build- also has more sweat glands ty routine. However, mois- ing blocks, but different and hair follicles. ture can also be regarded for characteristics such as thick- Q: With so many characthe negative effects it can ness, pigmentation, hair fol- teristics, does all skin need have on skin, as in the case licles and sweat glands all moisture? of sweat and surface wetness

A: Absolutely. The

that can lead to a range of

skin is an intricate

various conditions. These

protective layer of

quintessential examples of

cells that requires

"good moisture" and "bad

adequate hydration

moisture" demonstrate that

to stay healthy and

we should consider both

looking its best. A

when it comes to a compre-

lack of moisture can

hensive skin care routine. Dove Dermatologist Dr. Ellen Marmur shares the difference



and the bad, while offering her tips for achieving softer, smoother skin from head to toe. Q: First, how does our skin

factor into how we care for different parts of the body. For example, the skin on our neck and face is very fine, while the skin on our arms and legs have more sweat glands and hair follicles. There are also unique

Published By: 3Macs & A Nerd Production 2015

weaen the stratum corneum (our outermost epidermal layer), which helps protect



from bacteria and enzymes. In addition, moisture contributes to the overall softness and smoothness of skin and can help reduce itchy

Issue 4 - Oct. 2015 - Primo Fashion USA |

dryness, uncomfortable ir- behind salt, enzymes and Q: What products can you ritation and visible redness. odor-causing bacteria or it recommend to help? Throughout the day, our can come from prolonged A: I always try to recomskin loses moisture due to a exposure to water (e.g., a mend multitasking products range of factors - from fab- day in the pool, a long, hot to streamline and simplify rics we wear to various cli- shower) that can actually my patients' daily routine. mate conditions - and that cause the skin to crack and Dove Advanced Care Antimoisture needs to be replen- fissure.

Perspirant/Deodorant is a

ished in order to maintain Q: How do we address the great option for underarms the skin's overall balance.

good and the bad? A: Be because it provides 48-hour

Q: What is the difference sure to drink plenty of wa- odor and wetness protecbetween good and bad mois- ter every day - it's a golden tion and is formulated with ture?

rule for a reason. Have your moisturizing humectants to

A: "Good moisture" is an fun in the pool and enjoy provide the added benefit of important element of proper your luxurious showers, but softer, smoother skin. I also skin care. It refers to ap- try to keep water exposure recommend finding a multiplying topical moisturizers to around 15 minutes at a tasking daily facial moisturthat are formulated to draw time. Lastly, we often think izer that has an SPF of 30 or moisture into the outer layer of places like our face, neck, higher with built-in UVA/ of our skin to replenish hy- hands and legs when it UVB protection. Another dration lost throughout the comes to moisturizing, but great tip is to wear moisday. "Bad moisture" refers don't forget those hybrid ture-wicking technical fabto surface moisture that can parts of the body like your rics that will not only keep disrupt the skin's healthy underarms where you need you cool, but also prevent barrier. It can come in the to apply "good moisture" sweat and bacteria from reform of sweat that leaves and ward off "bad moisture." maining on your skin.


Issue 4 - Oct. 2015 - Primo Fashion USA |

MIND YOUR BUSINESS By: CHASITY D’ CHAPEL If you a returning, audience member from last month’s issue, “Mind Your Business”, welcome back. If not, welcome to ongoing articles about starting and maintaining your own “entrepreneurial craft.” Last issue, (in case you missed it) I discussed how I got into my specific line of business, which is a little bit of everything. I have been a business owner for the past 6 years. It may or may not seem that long to you, but let me say this. I have been reading up on the field of #startup for a while, In all of the materials I have read, one thing was definitely agreed upon. The years that will definitely make or break your business is within the first five years. The only way you would really be “into” this section is you have to some form of a business mind frame. Last issue, I asked these two particular questions:

Article finished on next page.

• Do you own metology is your friend. your own business? If you love sports, you could • Are you employed? become a fitness instructor. If you are confused, alThis issue, I am going low me to help you build to ask you a few more…. your business (self-promo) • What is your passion? email: • Do you a pos- Whatever you love, make it sess a “boss” mentality? your own people. This is the • Are you absolutely hap- time for business building. py with your job/profession? Don’t work your entire life If your anser was yes to making someone else’s dream number two, and no to come true. (unless you are number three, keep read- me and get paid for it), but ing, if not, don’t waste we will get to that later…… your time……….. I’ll wait…… Even if you needed help, getOk, I thrive on helping oth- ting the ball rolling, you can ers tap into themselves and do one or all of three things” pull out their business al- • Email me at luter ego. I am a firm be- v 3 m a c @ g m a i l . c o m liever that you can make a and allow me to help. business out of anything. • Log on and subIf you like to sew, scribe to http://whynotthat is fashion design l u v u r c i ty. b l o g s p o t . c o m / If you love animals, you can • Continue to stay intune open up a doggy daycare with every issue of http://paIf you love children, you can open up a daycare i d = e 0 9 b 3 d 7 0 - 4 0 3 6 If you like to do hair, cos- 1 1 e 5 - 8 3 0 b - 0 c c 4 7 a 0 d 1 6 0 9


12 | Primo Fashion USA - Issue 4 - Oct. 2015


Story BY TERRELLE SMITH Model : Logan

Image says a lot about Proper make-up applica- simple and elegant, little your


Proper tion for women speaks a lot goes a long way. There is an

grooming is vital to main- about Image as well. Wear- old clique that says "less is taining a healthy Image. ing make-up that is too more" that is true in some One may think that Im- heavy is not a good look es- aspects. This would not age only consists of what pecially if you're going on apply to certain clothing. you have on, but Image is more than that. Grooming of the nails is one aspect of Image, keeping the nails short and clean is a healthy part of grooming. Keeping the hair clean of oil and debris is also a proper form of grooming. Maintaining a regiment of cleanliness is very important. Shampooing the hair with a clarifying shampoo as well as a moisturizing shampoo is one of many steps to maintain clean hair and scalp.

an interview or attending This is the mindset of a lot a function that is cooper- of people in today's society ate .Bright lipsticks should when it comes to clothing. not be worn to Job Inter- Putting on little clothing views or Business meetings. does not send a profesThere are always excep- sional Image to someone tions to the rules in some that may be looking to hire cases. Make-up should be you or someone that maybe

Published By: 3Macs & A Nerd Production 2015

Issue 4 - Oct. 2015 - Primo Fashion USA |

interested in you as well. limits in Fashion/Image. It depends on what makes Don’t get me wrong, Im- When it deals with Im- you comfortable. When it age is a wonderful thing. age, each one of us has our comes to Image, it really In today’s society, there own view on what we like speaks on what your perare various types of styles to see ourselves in. For in- sonality is. Whatever your that would express one’s stance, one may want to Image says, let it speaks personal taste. I believe the dress more colorful. One Confidence more creative you are, the may want to dress more more of a risk-taker you conservative;



would be on pushing the want to dress more artsy.




14 | Primo Fashion USA - Issue 4 - Oct. 2015

Join newly single, twenty something, Evie on a series of first-date (mis) adventures in an effort to find her A.D.A.M. (A downright amazing man!)

Chasing A.D.A.M. Evie and John were having a great time together. The last few weeks have been amazing. They took interesting day-trips and have thought-provoking outings. Evie was enamored… well, almost. John is a highly insightful man. He’s intelligent, well-mannered, and patient. He knows how to act in public. However, John is, well, a bit boring. Yes, he’s a cultured man; interested in theatre, the opera and museums, but Evie needs more. She and John were sitting on the beach, discussing existential theories, when this rush of boredom swept over her. ‘This is what every woman dreams of. We all want a dangerously handsome man to sweep us off of our feet. So why am I so dissatisfied?’ It was at that moment Evie decided to take her relationship with John to the next level. He’d been so patient with her. He barely ever tried anything; especially since Evie was so adamant that she would not put out. But tonight would be different, she thought to herself. After dinner that evening, John drove Evie home, pulling up in front of the building to walk her to the door just as he

By: Rheadrea’ Monet

had done in the 7 weeks before. “Maybe tonight you could come inside,” Evie said shyly. John questioned if she was sure and she nodded, looking deeply into his eyes. They kissed their way up the stairs to her fourth story apartment. Once inside, Evie removed her dress, revealing a pink lace set of bra and panties. John looked at her, taking in her milk chocolate skin. He slowly walked over to her standing in the doorway to her bedroom. He kissed her deeply. Evie could feel every drip of passion from his tongue. THIS is what she was looking for; that feeling of relief when being touched by him. John ran his fingers all over Evie’s body. She moaned in delight as he kissed her in places that she’d almost forgotten about. She was so ready. She had been thinking about this moment for six weeks and it was finally here. She took John by the hand and led him into the bedroom. She lit a few candles and played a few slow jams before disappearing into the kitchen and returning with two glasses of white wine. Evie handed the glass to John, but instead he took both glasses and sat them on the nightstand. He pulled down on the bed beside him and kissed her. John rolled his body on top of Evie and took total control of the show…for all of seven minutes. Evie was underwhelmed to say the least. After he was done, John rolled over and fell fast asleep. Evie stared at John for a few minutes in awe. She couldn’t believe him! She waited all of this time, saving herself for what, someone who couldn’t even satisfy her? As Evie headed off to the bathroom with her toy, she thought ‘maybe I made him wait too long. He was excited. I’ll give him one more chance in the morning.’ She took care of herself then returned to bed and went to sleep. The next morning, Evie awoke to the smell of bacon in the kitchen. John brought her breakfast in bed and they talked for a while. He said he wanted to make up for last night, so they tried going at it again. Unfortunately, their morning romp produced the same results as the night before and Evie knew she wouldn’t be seeing John ever again.

Published By: 3Macs & A Nerd Production 2015

Issue 4 - Oct. 2015 - Primo Fashion USA |


Jay Royal

Issue 4 - Oct. 2015 - Primo Fashion USA |

I Jaydaleace Ramos Known As (Ms.Royalty), wanted to be a model at a young age. I would watch "Americas Next Top Model " Everytime It came on. The Woman looked so Strong an Bold and Beautifully Poised when they took there pics. Also I love taking pictures!!!!! Everywhere...At different scenes, Poses,creativity and Modeling is Live Art!!!! We are building our own Canvases Through our pictures. Im known for being bubbly, out going , very stylish , versatile, efficient, hard workin with positive attitude, excellant stamina and communication skills, knowledge of makeup process applications. I know I have what it takes in this modeling industry also with various other talents gospel rapping and singing

Primo Model Agency Model

Jay Royal


18 | Primo Fashion USA - Issue 4 - Oct. 2015

The 5 worst times to be your own photographer (BPT) - Sometimes taking your own photos can be a lot of fun, but sometimes it's also the surest way to ruin a once-in-alifetime moment. The amateur treatment isn't going to be good enough for truly special events like a wedding, family reunion or your newborn's first portraits.

skills, artistry and experience to get a great shot every time. What's more, they have all the equipment they need, backup equipment in case the first set malfunctions, backup plans if a location becomes unusable, and liability insurance if something goes wrong. To see a video of recent newlyweds discussing the role photogra"Unfortunately, technology has made it phy played in their weddings, visit www. easier than ever for anyone to take pic- tures and get pretty good results, so it's understandable that some people think they might never need the services of a professional photographer," says Michael Timmons, president of Professional Photographers of America. "But when it's time to remember life's really important events, a professional is sure to be prepared and equipped to capture the moment in "The challenges (of newborn portraits) a unique, memorable and touching way." are quite specific," says renowned newborn photographer Anne Geddes. "It reHere are five times when you just don't quires incredible reserves of energy and want to risk messing up your photos: focus, particularly with the very young ones. Very special considerations need to be in place. The less handling the better is a good rule and I always have a creative plan in place for the image before the baby arrives at the studio. It goes without saying that the studio environment Having a relative or friend take your wed- should be hygienic and comfortable ... ding pictures may seem like a great way and temperature control is also essential." to cut corners on your big day's overall budget - until you learn that he or she Geddes, who has created some of the shot the whole wedding and reception out most iconic and widely recognized newof focus! While amateurs can take good born portraits, adds, "It's imperative parphotos every now and then, your wed- ents do their research in order to find a ding is no time to gamble. Professional professional photographer whose portfolio photographers bring peace of mind and they admire, and meet beforehand. The quality because they have the technical best images are ones that you can look at

2. Your newborn's first portraits

1. Your wedding

Published By: 3Macs & A Nerd Production 2015

Issue 4 - Oct. 2015 - Primo Fashion USA |

for a long, long time." To see a video of families talking about how a professional photographer captured their families' unique personalities, visit www. www.

3. A milestone wedding anniversary If grandma and grandpa make it to their 50th wedding anniversary, they deserve the professional treatment. Anniversary portraits will be as much a gift for them as for their family. Taking portraits of active seniors requires a special touch. A milestone anniversary is a celebration of a couple's successful marriage, and photos of their special day should capture the strength and beauty of their commitment. Older folks may not be used to having their picture taken, and a professional photographer will be able to suggest poses and settings least tiring for seniors who may have health or mobility issues, choose the most flattering lighting and bring an element of creativity.

4. Your teen's senior portraits High school senior portraits are a chance to preserve a moment in time that will never come again - your child's official transition from student to adult. The best senior portraits capture the essence of who the young subject is at that point in time, and professional photographers know how to incorporate your child's interests and personality to create memo-

rable images. For more insight into how a professional can help capture a high school senior's personality, visit www.

5. The big family reunion Photographing a large group of people the size group you typically find at a family reunion - can be a challenge, and an amateur photographer may leave someone out or fail to capture facial expressions that depict the warmth and happiness of the moment. A professional photographer will know how to manage a large group of people, get candid images that capture the spirit of the reunion, control the light and space, and take group shots that everyone will want to frame. You can find PPA photographers in your area at www.FindAPhotographer. com. Before you choose a photographer for your special occasion, make sure you visit their website to view portfolios, read client testimonials and get a better sense of the photographer's personality.


20 | Primo Fashion USA - Issue 4 - Oct. 2015


Published By: 3Macs & A Nerd Production 2015

Photography By Jermaine Supa Jackson


Issue 4 - Oct. 2015 - Primo Fashion USA |

Simply Tina ( Cartina

hers. She started older she is pur-

Henry ) was b orn and


raised in Jacksonville,












d e a r l y.

grade, and love for mo dfor

scho ol.

her eling


A t Ya h h h ! !




intro duced to the el



She is a strong and in-




dep endent

She put modeling ING




in suing her passion






this time she was currently











well. M

behind her tempo- CY







dren, two b oys and one

rarily to focus on J a c k s o n v i l l e ,

girl. Modeling has al-


ways b een a dream of

now that they are she


and Florida loves

and it!!!

22 | Primo Fashion USA - Issue 4 - Oct. 2015

Published By: 3Macs & A Nerd Production 2015

Issue 4 - Oct. 2015 - Primo Fashion USA |


Born Christopher T. Johnson in Cleveland, Ohio too Antonio Solomon & Debra Johnson. By the age of two his family moved to Canton, Ohio later moving down south at the age of five to a small town called Dublin, GA. where he first began to sing that same year (age five 5). Knowing in his head that he one day wanted to become a singer, as many kids dream. Inspired by such artists as Boyz II Men, Avant (who happens to be his cousin), Usher , Luther V and Gerald Levert just to name a few.

Feeling the vibe of R&B Christopher started his career. At the age of 12 he started writing and soon after he begin to record. Recording his first of many songs named “One More Chance” followed by another hot track “I Apologize” under the name of CJ. Learning as he could, while always writing looking for the way in Christopher joined a group in Dublin, GA. in 2007.While having great success in his small town Christopher began building his personal fan base. Opening for artists

such as: Gorilla Zoe, Young L.A, Young Ralph, R. Kelly, Tank & Young Jeezy just to name a few. In this days Chris Knite have a new single call BETTER MAN along with the video for it, he is working on his Single and his new EP. He is constantly in the studio and he is available for collaborations with DJ's and other artists, radio interviews, opening shows besides doing his own. He is working closely with his team to bring his fans the quality of music that his fans expect from this phenomenal artist.


24 | Primo Fashion USA - Issue 4 - Oct. 2015

Published By: 3Macs & A Nerd Production 2015

Issue 4 - Oct. 2015 - Primo Fashion USA |


w w w . s t y l e s e a t . c o m / r e a l b e a t s b y r e l l e



out the SPIRIT in s t y l e s e a t . c o m /

around the corner! Let

you! Check out her r e a l b e a t s b y r e l l e

lo cal freelance makeup

work on ig @real_ r e a l b e a t s b y r e l l e Â

a r t i s t C h e r r e l l e Fa n t a c






known by



real bring


app oint-

ment through www.

26 | Primo Fashion USA - Issue 4 - Oct. 2015

3 ways to bring a touch of nostalgia to modern holiday celebrations (BPT) - Fond memories of best things about bygone candolier bubble lights for a holidays past are one of the many gifts of the seasons, and it turns out a bit of nostalgia is good for you. It can make you feel less lonely, bored or anxious, and more generous, tolerant and happy, according to a New York Times report on nostalgia research. You don't need research to know that remembering good times makes you feel good. This holiday season, why not foster a sense of nostalgia? Here are three ways to bring some of the

holidays back into modern holiday celebrations.

Decorating with a touch of yesteryear It's easy to evoke a sense of nostalgia with holiday decor. Retail and specialty stores carry a variety of decorations that evoke the look of past decades, from the roaring '20s to the sparkly '70s and beyond. Choose light strands with larger bulbs to mimic the look your grandparents enjoyed in the 1950s, or

Published By: 3Macs & A Nerd Production 2015

'60s or '70s flare. Glass ornaments in intricate shapes also recall an older era, as do tabletop ceramic trees with mini lights. A simple online search will yield many nostalgic decorating options, or you can often find vintage pieces at yard sales and flea markets. The important thing is to look for items that remind you of a favorite holiday memory.

Issue 4 - Oct. 2015 - Primo Fashion USA |

Finding nostalgia in favorite holiday foods Everyone has that timehonored family recipe that is the showpiece of holiday feasting. Certain foods and flavors, like peppermint candy canes, turkey with all the trimmings, pineapple-topped ham, and frosted sugar cookies are delicious musts for holiday celebrations. If it's been a while since you made your family favorite, dust off the recipe this year. Or, you can try something that's both new and nostalgic at the same time, like this recipe for Goji Ginger Popcorn Balls from Frontier Co-op: Goji Ginger Popcorn Balls 2 tablespoons coconut oil 1/3 cup organic popcorn kernels 1/2 cup Frontier Organic Crystalized Ginger, diced into small pieces

1/2 cup Frontier Goji Berries 1/2 cup brown rice syrup 1/2 cup sunflower seed butter Directions: In a large stockpot over medium-high heat, heat coconut oil until melted. Add popcorn kernels and cover pot with lid. Heat popcorn, shaking the pot occasionally, for about 3-5 minutes, until popping slows and the majority of the kernels are popped. Remove from heat. Pour popcorn into a large bowl, removing un-popped kernels. Add crystalized ginger and goji berries. In a small saucepan over medium-low heat, combine brown rice syrup and sunflower seed butter, stirring occasionally. Continue to heat mixture for about 3-4 minutes, until contents are well combined and easily pourable. Pour mixture over popcorn and, using a wooden spoon or your hands, coat popcorn. Lightly wet your hands and form popcorn into 18 3-inch balls. Serve as soon as possible. If desired, substitute nonsweetened or sweetened sunflower seed butter for

the unmodified sunflower seed butter, but expect a slightly different consistency and taste. Reliving memories with music What holiday party would be complete without festive music playing in the background? While you may love modern holiday tunes, vintage music is a great way to create nostalgia during the holidays. Whether you're a fan of traditional carols or favor rock reinventions of traditional tunes, music is a great way to create nostalgia at the holidays. Technology has made it easier than ever to find and enjoy music from every era. Why not put together a play list of holiday music that was popular during some of the happiest holiday seasons you remember? Can't recall what was playing the year you finally got that skateboard you dreamed of? Check with your parents - your mom probably remembers! And even if she doesn't, you'll have a good time reminiscing together.


28 | Primo Fashion USA - Issue 4 - Oct. 2015

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Published By: 3Macs & A Nerd Production 2015

Issue 4 - Oct. 2015 - Primo Fashion USA | IBO# 5405951

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Issue 4 - Oct. 2015 - Primo Fashion USA |


Fashion s PRIMO


Fashion Lover Owned Since 2015

Editor Notes Mr Jermaine Jackson Editor-in-Chief Primo Fashion USA Magazine

First let me say Thank you for reading our publication. I have enjoyed every moment of put this issue together. Working with Primo Model Agency Models and other alike. Primo Fashions USA magazine has been formed to give voice to the untold stories of the fashion industry. To keep you up on upcoming trends and those to stay away from. As a Multi-Media specialist it was only natural for me to get in to the Fashion magazine business. Photography, Video, Music and graphics just to name a few of my talents. After this issue you can look forward to plenty more inter action with the magazine. The models are available for booking and I myself am as well. Stay locked in for more upcoming issues and thanks again for your time now go and share the good news of Primo Fashion USA Magazine.

For our Daily Blog Mag go to Primo Fashions USA Primo Fashion USA Jacksonville, Fl, USA 904-802-2577

Fashion PRIMO


Fashion Lover Owned Since 2015

Join Us Online For Even More Great Recipes, Models & Fashion Tips.

Primo Fashion USA: 55 Main Street, Jacksonville, Fl, USA 904.802.2577

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