6 minute read
How To Win When You Feel Like You’re Losing By Robyn McAlpine
I’ve had one of those weeks where I feel like I’m fighting a losing battle with skin. Some client’s results aren’t what I expected and a couple of cases haven’t responded quite like I thought they would.
There’s nothing worse than that sunken feeling when a client comes in to express their concerns over their skin not responding to treatments. I know first-hand that it can shake your confidence and have you questioning everything you ever thought you understood about skin.

Now don’t get me wrong, if skin needs ‘a-fixin’ I’m your go-to gal. If a client has multiple failed attempts on their journey before, I know that I am going to be their last first kiss when it comes to having one last attempt at finding skin answers. But sometimes even I doubt my process during those times when I am juggling multiple clients who are collectively in the rocky patch of the skin recovery road.
So, what do you do? How do you manage less than amazing results and help your clients navigate their way to glowing, healthy skin?
If like me, you’ve had a melt-down wondering, is it them? Is it you? Is it your product? Should you bow out of the skin saving game and make a quiet exit out the back door?
Before you tip toe away and let the client go believing this isn’t the right fit and maybe their skin doesn’t like your products, it’s really important that you first ensure you’re not backing down from a battle that is almost won!
What do I mean by that?
Ever heard that story about the girl who bought land thinking she’d mine for gold? Well, she dug and dug and dug. She digs here, digs there, digs deep, digs shallow, doesn’t find a single sparkly rock anywhere! Thinking she just isn’t cut out for gold mining, she gives up, believing her land is barren and she’s wasted her time. She sells the land off cheap and gives up her dream of finding the gold. The new buyer comes in, sees the all holes and decides to dig just a few inches deeper and a few feet wider. What do you know! GOLD!
Often times when it comes to treating skin, it’s like we’ve been digging for gold but coming up with nothing. And so many times I see therapists and clients give up moments before reaching the golden jackpot.
So, what do you do about it? Do you go back to the drawing board? Is it you? Is it the client? Have you made a mistake? Is the client just being a pain the a$$? How do you know what role you play as the treating therapist?
When a client comes in disappointed, feeling let down, exasperated and stressed out by their skin what do we do? What if when a client is losing heart with the journey, we go back to the drawing board? But this time we take a metal detector and a shovel, or better yet, we use all of our treatments, tools, knowledge and experience to find out exactly where to dig?
Instead of turning the client away and quitting skin therapy for good, here are my 5 things you need to check to ensure you and your client see success.
One: Listen to hear
Now is not the time to staunchly defend your products or take personal offence to a client baring their fears and doubts. It can be hard for a client to verbalise their complaint and disappointment in a treatment plan especially when it feels like things are getting worse before they get better. Really listening and hearing how they are feeling, then empathising is the salve to the sore spot. We are the venting space because a client trusts us to listen. Now is not the time to find fault in your client or put the blame back on them to take the spotlight off you.
Two: Whoa Nelly!
Don’t jump to a conclusion or be quick to switch up the regime. Often. I see clients start on a new skin care regime and within a week or so, things are taking a less than desirable turn and the therapist is very quick to change prescription or add something new and when that doesn’t show fast results, change it up again.
Now is not the time to panic and throw everything you have at it.
If you’ve nailed your consult, this little glitch is not necessarily because the prescribed products are incorrect. Sometimes it’s simply part of the journey? Purging in is not to be feared.
Whilst you can make an educated guess based on your consultation findings, every skin is unique, how long this process lasts will vary for everyone. And as much as I searched, there’s no crystal ball to tell you what, how long, why and how a skin will respond. Tweak slowly and give skin time to adjust. You’re about to strike gold. Now is not the time to give up or lose hope!
Three: Clarity and confidence
Have a clear and supported way through to the other side. When a client is in a dark patch on the journey, when their skin is unhappy and its taking its toll, it’s important that you can confidently hold space for that client as they walk through with trepidation. It’s here where your experience, confidence and authority as a skin expert is most tested (and often where the self-doubt creeps in) You’ve taken this step with the client and it’s your role to lead them through the wilderness, holding enough confidence for the both of you during in this time. It’s not a matter of telling a client “suck it up buttercup, see you on the other side” and only swooping back in at the end to claim the credits when you finally strike gold.
Four: Check yourself
When things are bumpy when they should be smooth, it’s important that you go over your prescription and consultation with a fine toothed comb. Was there something you missed? Were you both on the same page when it came to setting expectations? Did you promise the world within a week and now its biting you on the bum? If you know that your acne plan involves things getting worse before they get better, it’s really important to communicate that with your client.
Having a real and raw conversation during your consultation helps means you know what the client is expecting and what can realistically be achieved. Setting these expectations from the get go is really important. Building trust and being honest about the process is crucial when dealing with an unhappy client.
Five: Skincare, you’re doing it wrong.
Understanding how a client is using their products can help you figure out a way forward. If a client is seeing sub-par results it’s time to gently investigate how they are using their skin care at home. Perhaps they’re using the right products, but in the wrong order. Or maybe your client is using too much or not enough of the products. My most regular skin issues arise when a client has “supplemented or substituted” their regime with other skin care products that are undermining the work we are doing. Gently investigating how your clients are using their skin care can highlight where things may be going off course and also a great opportunity to re-evaluate your delivery of instructions in a way that your clients can clearly understand.
Before you throw in the towel, hang up your apron and feel like a failure when your clients hit a bump on the skin recovery, first take a moment to check you’ve done everything in your professional power to help them reach the other side without losing heart and hope.
Start with the skin consultation and collaborate with your client each step of the way to support them in their journey.
Keep going, the gold is right around the corner!