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7 Ways Your Business Can Cut Through The Online Noise By Nicola Moras
When COVID-19 hit our shores, there was a very fast move by existing businesses to increase (or start) their presence online in order to survive. To add to that, more people have been starting side hustles with some even transitioning a side hustle to their main hustle. The fight to be seen is huge. The game of standing out online has become a lot harder than it was just a few short months ago, with everyone competing for their share of the newsfeed.
The good news for you, is there are things you can do right now to make sure that you can cut through the noise and stand out with what you do. Here are seven ways you can start right now.
Articulating your point of difference can trip up a lot of people. Yet, you all have something that sets you apart from everyone else in your industry. It could be the fact that you’re brand new to the industry and you have a fresh vibe. Alternately, perhaps you’ve been in the industry for some time bringing experience and wisdom to the way you do things. Don’t make it ‘clever’! Keep it simple and then own it.

Consumers these days have a very refined BS detector that goes off at the even the tiniest whiff of disingenuity, so it’s important you’re ‘real’ online. This means sharing your face, your thoughts and why you’re doing what you’re doing. This is relevant for both product and service providers. People want to see the people behind the ‘brand’. Let them see you so they can get to know who you are. This helps you to stand out, because many are unwilling to do this.
When it comes to social media and standing out, the things that you least expect to cut through the noise are often the ones that work. When you’re creating content for your social media profiles, make sure you share a mix of ‘business’ posts and more ‘personal’ posts. For instance, share some photos of you doing your work as well as photos of your product or service.
Something that will help you stand out to the right people (your potential customers) is creating content that will help your audience. Every single one of your potential clients and customers have a problem that you can help solve. The content you create should help them with this.
For instance, if you’re a graphic designer and you know your audience struggle with colour pallets, you could educate them on how colours work together and how to choose.
Far too many people online are trying to play it safe and appeal to everyone. The more you practice sharing your opinions online about both professional and personal matters, the easier it becomes. Many people shy away from these for fear of being judged or the fear of losing fans and or followers. Those that leave because you’ve shared your opinions would likely have left anyway. There are more than enough people who will love that you stand up for yourself and share your opinions. These are the kinds of people who will also buy from you. You can start with something simple such as “morning person or night owl” and share your opinion on that. As you build the ‘opinion muscle’ you can start to share your opinion on issues that may have deeper meaning. give them a way to do that. Original imagery is the fastest way to cut through the newsfeed and create an impact. This also helps you to be remembered.
The biggest thing that will help you cut through the noise and stand out, is to post consistently and in a way that is on message for your business. Post at least twice a day or more, so that your audience knows when they go to your page, that they have many ways to connect and be inspired by you and what you do.