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The Benefits of Positioning Yourself As the EXPERT
By Jessica Kidner
The number one way people are finding momentum in business right now is by stepping into the influencer role online. I’m guessing you have seen the type I’m referring to. People that have a particle interest of offering in an area and they are soaring online with followers or sales.
The main reason for their success is they are positioning themselves as an expert in an area of interest to themselves and then “niching” down on their ideal follower. The industry has been moving in this direction for some time now, and it’s proving to be very successful. If you’re not doing it in your business right now, let this be the gentle push to get you focused on what it is you really want to do, and start positioning yourself as the expert in that field.

How do you do it?
I believe business should be something you love doing and lights you up, with the added benefit of making a profit. Isn’t that why you started a beauty business? Your business should inspire you. You should enjoy going to work every day. And you should be confident to know you don’t have to be everything to everyone. But the word ‘niche’ often scares people in business, especially new business owners. I mean, how can you possibly only offer 1 or 2 services in the beauty industry and build a viable business, right? Why would you want to cut out other services and lose out on potential clients? Is it crazy to position yourself as an expert in the beauty industry? Not at all! Let’s explore. You want to know in-depth who you are talking to in all marketing because it will make everything else easier inside your business. That person is now called your “ideal client.”
Finding your ‘ideal client’ for your business I know I’ve just told you about niching your business, and yes, now I’m going to reveal why you should also have ‘ideal clients’. I’m not saying you need to eliminate clients who don’t fall into your ideal client category. But, how amazing would it be if you could book out your time with the clients you love working with? Clients who book in regularly. Clients who get the results they love and can’t get enough of your service.
When you know who you’re marketing to, you’ll find you can create offers and content they want. You’ll find you start getting more successful as your posts are hitting the market you want. And the more your content is shared by those who have come to know you, the more trust you’ll build your business online. And what’s comes with being seen as the expert? You guessed it... More interest in your business and sales. When people want to know about your area of expertise or have a question, they’ll come to you to book your service. Your name will get mentioned more and more online, and people will notice what you do. “ the more your content is shared by those who have come to know you, the more trust you’ll build your business online” Still unsure about positioning yourself as the expert? Here are the top 5 benefits of positioning yourself as an expert.
1. Referrals
Referrals are the best form of ‘non-monetary’ marketing you’ve got available. Ask most people how they met their beauty specialist (eyelashes, nails, hair etc.), and they’ll tell you it was from a referral.
All it takes is for one friend, colleague or even the person serving in a shop to say, ‘Wow, your nails are gorgeous, where did you get them done?’, for your client to pass on your details.
2. Authority
People know they can come to you as you’re an expert. You’ve got the skills, knowledge, and training. And it helps to find superstar staff members who share the same high-quality vision and passion for your niche. They know that working for you means superior training with a brilliant work environment and clients.
3. You create sure-fire strategies
If you want business growth, you’re going to need to put a marketing strategy in place. Use platforms like your website and socials to drive people into your email marketing funnels. From there, you can set up a series of targeted emailers to connect with your audience, get to know them, and draw them into buying from you.
4. Opportunities
Once you’ve positioned yourself as an expert and you’re seen as a successful CEO of a business, you’ll find people coming to you with opportunities. From guest blogging to presenting at industry events, you’ll be a sought-after expert. This is another way you can add revenue to your business, start employing others and doing more than just the beauty service itself.
5. Offers
Once you’ve niched and know your audience, you’ll find that you can create exceptional offers that your audience can’t refuse. The offers you put together will prove how you solve their issues, and they’ll lap them up. The beauty of offers is that you start to charge more and quickly justify the cost due to the results you get for your clients. And there you have it. It is possible to niche your beauty business and build it up to be a wildly successful venture.
I’m a former nail tech/beauty therapist who, without any knowledge of the business world or a fancy marketing degree, grew my salon into a multiple 6-figure business before I sold it for nearly 10x what I paid for it!