Hairbiz Year 15 Issue 3

Page 95


THE SECRET TO WORKPLACE HAPPINESS When we started out in business the common mantra was taken from McDonalds “put the customer first” or “the customer is always right”. Although they wouldn’t serve me at the drive thru without a car! Next the buzz was from Virgin boss Richard Branson “your staff should be number 1 and your client’s number 2”. Look after your staff and they will look after you and your clients. Easy advice to offer when you own your own freaking Island. I’ve noticed someone got missed in these plans, the boss. Yes, my lovely workers my new mantra is make your boss happy. Try it, it just might work for you. You think your boss is a dick well maybe it’s you that’s making them a dick. The new age worker wants to work from home, set their own hours, chose their own tasks, work less and get more coin. I want it all or I’m leaving! Trouble is this is not working for you. You still want more; the boss wants more and has nothing more to give. The lemon has been squeezed dry. No wonder he/she is no fun to work for anymore. A happy boss is the key to a happy workplace. Stop fighting it and try these tips to make your boss happy. I guarantee a happy boss will make you a happy worker.

Turn Up

90% of success is turning up. Yes you get ten sick days a year, but your idea of sick is not always your bosses’ idea of sick. Remember it’s not use them or lose them. If you don’t use them all they roll over into the next year. Hopefully you won’t need them for a major illness or accident but if you do they will be there for you. Manage your lifestyle, rest and recover on your weekends. Sick days are not there to recover from big weekends.

Be Early

Don’t be fooled into thinking this means being on time. Arriving to work early is no harder than arriving late, it’s just an attitude. Be there early and be prepared. Your day will have a much better chance if it gets off to a smooth and organised start.


Switch On

Act like you want to be there. At least fake it till you make it. Smile it will make a big difference. People may even smile back and want to be around you. Bring some energy and you will get more back.

Go above and beyond

Working to rule or only doing what you consider is “your job” is the best way not to have one. Most tasks can easily and happily be done in the time it takes you to whinge that its not your responsibility and trying to find someone “below you” to do the job for you. Anybody I have employed that has let their pride stop them from doing a job has not had much to be proud of.

Listen and Learn

I have been lucky enough to have know and worked with some of the biggest names in hairdressing and watched the opportunities, skills and knowledge they have to pass on. I have seen those willing to sit down, shut up and learn prosper under their guidance and unfortunately seen others fumble and fail as they think they know better.

Stay to the end

Being the first in and the last to leave has many advantages. I’m guessing the bulk of staff reading this are thinking in your dreams mate and bosses are saying if only. Those who read my guide to being a good boss in the last issue are probably thinking that was weighted towards the employee and unrealistic for any management. That my dear reader is my point. To be a great asset in the working world THINK ABOUT THE OTHER PERSON. Work with generosity, honesty and respect no matter what your position in the pecking order is. If you want to get on don’t make it all about you. Hair Biz Year 15 Issue 3


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