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November 2023 | VOLUME 8 | ISSUE 11
VOLUME 9 October-November 2023
Sharing Good News with Families in Del Mar and Solana Beach
See Page 4-5
Mom Made
So many of us have walked our young children dressed in their favorite Halloween costumes to the front door of a spooky home so they could ask, “Trick or Treat?” As their little hand turned clammy and they held on tighter, we helped them through the scary process of getting that delicious piece of candy. Let’s you and I walk up the creepy and curvy path of our local 92127 real estate market. This information is believed to be accurate but is not guaranteed. This image is not to scale and is only for reference purposes.
Seeon Page See “Spooked by the Housing Market?” page152
Call Ray Shay! Direct : 858-449-4970
*All information in this publication is believed to be accurate but not guaranteed, if your home is currently listed with another REALTOR this is not a solicitation
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| VOLUME 9 OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2023 A Publication of Local Umbrella Media
The Four Temperaments Music: Paul Hindemith
Donizetti Variations Music: Gaetano Donizetti
Photos by Chelsea Penyak and Dale Stokes © The George Balanchine Trust
Serenade Music: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Balanchine Extravaganza
Three 20th Century Masterworks by George Balanchine November 4 & 5 • Balboa Theatre, Downtown San Diego 858-272-8663 • www.cityballet.org
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20, I set up antake online • Seek a therapist to assist with a license you on the 8 | VOLUME 7 | ISSUEhotline 1 3 A Publication of Local Umbrella Media VOLUME 9 | OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2023 | ng form and the emotional aspects of the ibility and risk as an ownpublic website whereItERASE attack. Shouldn’t Hurt to Go Home HATE SAN DIEGO er. can report a suspected • Learn the names of the • Sexual orientation names, addresses and telephone Does the contractor Ithave • Gender numbers. shouldn’t hurt to go home, month San isDiego County • Disability • Write down as many facts butThis the grim reality thatpolice home me they witnessed in officers and prosecutors is participating in the statewide • Victim’s association with any about the incident as you can is not a safe place for many. Every ess card? Does the name of United Against Hate Week camabove group remember. year there about 17,000 domesgo County. The tool was working the and keep in ego paign, an anti-hate awareness In 2020, Ion set up an online case • Seek a therapist to assist with violence incidents reported to efon you are dealing ticpolice with fort to call for action reporting form and hotline the emotional aspects of the across Sanlocal Diegocivic County. In to stop the hate and biases that on our public website where attack. n response to reports touch with them. honor of Domestic Violence Awarepose a dangerous threat to the anyone can report a suspected • Learn the names of the month, we are spreading the he name associatedness with safety and civility of neighborhate crime they witnessed in police officers and prosecutors message far and wide that if you are related incidents aimed • Get copies of police reports hoods, towns, and cities. UnforSan Diego County. The tool was working on the case and keep in in an abusive relationship, there is nse number? tunately, hate crimes have inpartly in response to reports touch with them. help. Remember domestic violence creased across our nation, state, check of hate-related them incidents aimedfor• Get copies of police reports Asian community across and accuracy. refers to violence/harm committed and region. By learning about at the Asian community across and check them for accuracy. Check the personnelbymeans, list an intimate partner which often hate crimes and how to stand the nation in the wake of the • Attend necessary court heara boyfriend or husband, on in the wake of the • Attend necessary court hearion against them and report them, COVID-19 pandemic. The onings, whether you are subpoealthough anyone of any gender can icense for additional qualwe can make everyone safer. line reporting tool, email and naed, including arraignment, be a victim of domestic violence. For those who don’t already number are available for bail review and sentencing. -19 pandemic. The onings, whether you are subpoeOn average 13 people are killed phone know, prosecuting and preventreporting of any type of suspect• If possible, make a statement mployees. Is the address of per year by an intimate partner. ing hate crimes is a priority ed hate crime. in court to the judge about Last year, the figure was naed, 10, but orting tool, email and including arraignment, for me as District Attorney. In We know that people often threats, direct or indirect, and it’s still 10 too many. In San Distruction business local? recent years, we’ve tripled the don’t report hate crimes bepossible fears. ego County, we are fighting every number are available for number oflives hatefrom crimes proseand sentencing. cause of fear or shame, and we The public can find the DA’s day to save thebail destruc- review cutions, sending an unwaverwanted to provide a direct aveonline reporting form by If there is a discrepancy betive cycles of domestic violence. ing message that hate crimes nue to encourage victims or witsearching for hate crimes at We do this through education• and ng of any type of suspectIf possible, make a statement will not be tolerated. Last year nesses to hate crimes to report. www.SanDiegoDA.com. The awareness, victim services, law he business card, invoice, alone, we prosecuted 30 hate People can and should continue Hate Crimes email address is enforcement response and prosefrom seeing friends or family mem- placing their hands around your crime. in court to the judge about crimes cases, up from 21 in to report hate crimes to their hatecrimes@sdcda.org and the cution. bers throat and the CSLB’s webpage, 2020. local police departments and phone number 619-515-8805. A point of pride in this area is • Embarrassing or shaming you My office has isa Family Protection We recognize the distincSheriff ’s Department. This adOne Safe Place: The Norththreats, County with put-downs Division dedicated toand prosecuting now that people often direct or indirect, tive fear and Center, stress suffered by ditional reporting Family Justice which pro• Controlling everymechanism penny spent family violence cases from intimate business number listed victims of hate crimes, includwill act as a safety vides free support services under in the household net and help partner homicide to child abuse port hate crimes bepossible fears. ingroof the to potential for reprisal, ensure reports are reviewed and eport one anyone who has expe• Taking your money or refusing and elder abuse. Prosecutors and inCSLB page to confirm all escalation violence, the shared by law enforcement. rienced childofabuse, sexualand assault, to give you money for expenses vestigators in this unit work closely far-reaching negative conse-The If you have victim domestic violence, hate crime, elder • Looking at been you ora acting inofways with countywide enforcement fare fear or shame, and we public can find the lawDA’s quences that trafficking, hate crimes have hate crime, here are tips on abuse, human violent that scare you and community groups to stop the known to each other. on our community. to do: who you see, where loss, family violence, or other abuse what • Controlling violence, to make victims safer, and to provide a direct aveonline byaccountable. A hate incident is an act, • If you seriously or victimization. Since opening you go,reporting orare what you do injured, form to hold abusers A con artist will frequently which is bias-motivated, but call 911 or get to the hospital over a year ago, we have served • Preventing you from making Remember, domestic violence does notwitrise the level of immediately. more than 3,200topeople and have your own decisions tears families apartat and is the single encourage victims or searching for hate crimes a hatenearly crime.100 Forvictims example, •• Whether orthat notyou youare area inhelped with Telling you bad greatest cause of injury to women me similar to a reputable if someone uses a racial jured, the crime. tools to prevent them fromslur being parent report or threatening to harm or in the United States. If you or someo hate crimes to report. www.SanDiegoDA.com. 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Victims of unscrupuy,do: joint venture or new lilous contractors rarely recoup areask seriously injured, fuso, how much experi- their financial losses from the get to the e or contractor hashospital with your criminals and always wish they ately. had spent more time researching ther orget nota you are in-of Always minimum their contractor. eport the job. crime. ds for any If the quote These crimes are not rare in Calelp to yourself, is importSeniors ood be true,itask why. ifornia, the CSLB Military even& maintains a o at the least some of be the do Will contractor “Most Wanted” list. If you suspect gng: alone or have employees? you have been the victim of conaare doctor to treat andto see struction fraud or an unlicensed employees check By District Attorney Summer Stephan By District Attorney Summer Stephan
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| VOLUME 9 OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2023 A Publication of Local Umbrella Media
Coronado Island Film Festival Announces 2023 Program Slate
Just across the sweeping blue bridge from downtown San Diego, The Coronado Island Film Festival [CIFF] is back for its 8th season! Independent films alongside studio premieres, engaging panels, parties, and of course the signature event, the Leonard Maltin Industry Tribute Awards Gala will be held over 5 days from November 8-12, 2023. For over a 100 years, Hollywood film-
documentary SUSAN FENIGER. FORKED, a verité style film by award-winning filmmaker Liz Lachman as she captures the raw, behind-the-scenes moments and the impactful career of her life partner: iconic culinary artist, author, entrepreneur and James Beard award-winner, Susan Feniger. Susan has cooked for everyone from Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to Oprah and
A special Vans and Wahoo’s pre-party with Steven Van Doren, Vans’ Vice President of Marketing and Special Events and son of the Vans’ founder and Wing Lam, Co-Founder of Wahoo’s will be hosted on Sunday, November 12 ahead of the screening of HUMANITY STOKED. The documentary features Pro Skateboarders Tony Alva, Lizzie Armanto, and San Diegan
about the beauty in overcoming fear and other challenges facing humanity as seen by icons of pro skating, science, art, music, activism, and education, all of whom share experiences and perspectives shaped by their love of skateboarding. A Q&A will follow the film with Director Michael len Cohen, Lizzie Armanto, and Tony Alva focusing on understanding fear, depression, addiction,
Tony Hawk, among others. The film is
education, activism, philanthropy, racism, sexism, homophobia, and the environment. Other featured films include PAST LIVES, written and directed by Celine Song in her feature directorial debut. Starring Greta Lee, Teo Yoo, and John Magaro, the film follows Nora and Hae Sung, two deeply connected childhood friends who are wrested apart after Nora’s family emigrates from South Korea. Twenty years later, they are reunited for one fateful week as they confront notions of love and destiny; ISLE OF HOPE, a film that follows Victoria (Mary Stuart Masterson), a university professor with a grudge against her self-absorbed mother, the famed actress Carmen Crawford (Diane Ladd), for crushing her dreams of becoming a playwright. When Carmen suffers a life-threatening stroke and wakes up thinking she is living 15 years in the past, Victoria is given a unique opportunity to figure out where her life went off track and reconcile her relationship with her mother. Diane Ladd will be in attendance and will participate in a Q&A following the film moderated by Leonard Maltin; THE NANA PROJECT
makers, celebrities, producers have flocked to Coronado to film, work, play and be inspired. CIFF is proud to be part of the Island’s cinematic legacy and is ready to roll out the red carpet for another year of films from every genre selected by the Artistic Director and programming team. The films are made with passion and persistence by filmmakers at every level of the craft; from film students to indie filmmakers to Academy Award® winners who take part in panels, workshops, special presentations and more. Red Carpet Films and San Diego premieres include the Centerpiece Feature, MAXINE’S BABY: THE TYLER PERRY STORY. A nod to his mother’s love, the Amazon Studios and Bekele Films documentary is a tender and intimate portrait of visionary and innovator Tyler Perry, following his harrowing but faithful road to the top of an industry that didn’t always include him. One of the featured Closing Night films, COMMON GROUND, narrated by
Laura Dern, is a sweeping and uplifting story of the pioneers of the “Regenerative Movement” who are forgoing the toxic seeds and sprays pushed by Big Ag in order to produce tremendous quantities of nutritionally dense food while bringing our entire ecosystem back to life. A Culinary Cinema series will be held on Friday, November 10 featuring the
Lady Gaga. Following the film, there will be a demo and tastings from Susan and her famed restaurant Border Grill. A second Culinary event focuses on sustainability with a screening of Shannon Morrell’s compelling short SPEAR. SPATULA. SUBMARINE. A Q+A discussion will follow the film with Amy Steward, Founder of Emerald Keepers and Meghan McKee, head chef at the Coronado Yacht Club.
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A Publication of Local Umbrella Media VOLUME 9 | OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2023 |
from Director Robin Givens (Riverdale, Batwoman TV Series) is set in the competitive world of chess following Nana’s (Academy Award® Winner Mercedes Ruehl) journey in a heartwarming feel-good comedy about reuniting her grandsons and supporting her retirement community. CIFF will host the annual ShortsFest, this year featuring 12 creative, provocative and entertaining shorts tracks. The Shorts kick off on Thursday morning with a LOCAL SPOTLIGHT featuring local personalities, filmmakers, and compelling stories. Hosted over Veterans Day weekend, it is tradition for the festival to honor our military heroes with an annual Salute to Veterans program. This year, CIFF will host a special presentation screening of THE GIFT, the story of Medal of Honor recipient, Corporal Jason L. Dunham and the Marines of Kilo Company, 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines on November 10th. It is a story of courage, sacrifice and love. Additionally, a profound and moving Vietnam Wings Tribute Sculpture will also be on display throughout the festival weekend in the lobby of the Coronado Performing Arts Center courtesy of CJ Machado/Purple Foxes. Various Special Engagements will take place including historian Tim Reid’s discussion of the historic Hollywood and Coronado connection through actress Olivia de Havilland. Local Coronadan, Christian Esquevin, will host a presentation of his new book, Designing Hollywood: How the Studio Wardrobe Department Created the Image of Golden Age Movie Stars. The book showcases the designers who dressed Hollywood’s stars from the late 1910s through the 1960s and the unique symbiosis they developed with their studios in creating iconic looks. Studio by studio, Esquevin details the careers of designers like Vera West, who worked on Universal productions such as Phantom of the Opera (1925), Dracula (1931), and Bride of Frankenstein (1931); William Travilla, the talent behind Marilyn Monroe’s dresses in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) and The Seven Year Itch (1955); and Walter Plunkett, the Oscar-winning designer for film classics like Gone with the Wind (1939) and An American in Paris (1951). Featured Panels include a War Photojournalist panel discussing what it means
hoping to enter the industry. CIFF’s programming team and the festival’s CEO & Artistic Director since 2019, Merridee Book, have selected films from every genre that will be showcased throughout the festival. Studio and independent films, student and indie films, engaging panels, parties, and of course the premiere event, the Leonard Maltin Industry Awards Gala, hosted this year at Loews Coronado Bay Resort & Spa’s Commodore Ballroom, will take place over the 5 day festival. Prior to her work with CIFF, Merridee served as the Vice President of a Development with the San Diego International Film Festival and has a storied career that spans the entertainment industry, publishing and producing. She is a strong supporter of the Arts and currently sits on the Board of Directors for the Patrons of the Prado. CIFF first launched in 2016 and was founded by Coronado native, Doug St. Dennis. Doug was partially raised in Coronado, born into a distinguished Navy family that spans six generations. It was there she took dance lessons, was a member of Junior Theater and acted and painted sets at the original Coronado Playhouse on the Strand. Throughout her life, she moved around a bit before finding herself back in Coronado as a Navy wife with three young children in the 60s, all the while she continued acting professionally and staying connected and involved in the arts throughout the Island and San Diego.
to be on the frontlines behind a camera lens and the harsh realities of what they witness, personally process and report back to the world. The Women on the Move Panel will highlight the influence and impact of women in the industry and how it continues to reshape, redefine, and reimagine the industry. The Representation Rising Panel will take apart the misconceptions of people with disabilities, and the importance of representation whether it be race, gender, or protected status, on the creative and
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innovative contributions to the entertainment industry. The Embracing Change - The Future of Entertainment Panel will feature industry experts discussing the state of the entertainment industry; from shifts in audience viewing habits, emerging technologies, representation, and sustainable productions, to making room for the next generation of filmmakers. The panel will be followed by a guided Q&A and a candid breakout session for an honest exchange between the panelists, filmmakers in the audience, and those @LocalUmbrellaMedia
Tickets for the Kick-Off BASH and the Tribute Award Gala are on sale now, along with the festival’s all-inclusive Emerald Badge. The Emerald Badge is the best way to experience the festival as it includes pre-public early reservations for films, events, parties, priority entry line, the Kick-off BASH - Taste of the Festival, Opening Night Film + After Party, Jury Awards, panels, Culinary Cinema Series, and access to the Hospitality Lounge, as well as a discount on Gala tickets if purchased at the time of Badge purchase. Individual tickets are also on sale now. All events and screenings require a reservation on a first-come basis. Don’t miss out - grab your passes now at www.festival.coronadofilmfest.com/
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| VOLUME 9 OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2023 A Publication of Local Umbrella Media
All Ashore for National Seafood Month
By Frank Sabatini Jr.
Ah, the virtues of seafood. Where do we even begin in listing off the myriad flavor sensations and health benefits given to us by the sea? The possibilities for enjoying the ocean’s bounty are endless as we celebrate National Seafood Month every October. Local fish mongers and national distributors abound in supplying San Diego restaurants and grocers with a wide array of sustainable choices. We’ve fished out some our favorites to get you started on seafood-eating expedition not only for this month, but for year round as well.
mousse also offers smoked seafood medleys, Pacific oysters, porcini-dusted brazino and a whole lot more on their land-and-sea menu.
Crab cake perfection in Coronado (Blue Water Grill)
dish is accented with piquillo peppers and petite peas. From the “fish of the day” section, you can potentially encounter species such as Norwegian salmon, Pacific mahi mahi, and rainbow trout from Idaho. Blue Water Grill also has a location in Carlsbad at 417 Carlsbad Village Drive. Fresh oysters at Ironside in Little Italy (Facebook)
Ironside Fish & Oyster Pete DeCoste jumps into the busy scene at his North Park eatery (By Frank Sabatini Jr.)
Pete’s Seafood and Sandwich 3382 30th St., North Park 619-255-8940; bostonpetes.com Boston native Peter DeCoste brings to San Diego a taste of New England with his authentic lobster rolls made with claw meat imported from Maine. He sources the rolls from a backEast bakery, grills them with butter, and allows only a tad of mayo to cloak the chunked meat. This well-established casual eatery slings other back-East favorites such as fried shrimp, fish and chips using fresh Atlantic cod, and coveted Ipswich clams.
1654 India St., Little Italy 619-269-3033; ironsidefishandoyster.com No roundup of places to score good seafood in San Diego would be fair without the inclusion of Ironside Fish & Oyster, a hip and fiercely popular destination where $1 oysters during happy hour is only part of the draw. The nautical theme restaurant is also known for its seafood platters featuring enough crab legs, grilled shrimp, ceviche and assorted oysters to share among four people. Hearty clam chowder and buttery lobster rolls are also among our go-to items.
Seafood boils rule the day at Shrimp Heads (Courtesy photo)
Shrimp Heads 2832 El Cajon Blvd., North Park 619-738-8184; shrimpheadssd.com Restaurateur Shirley Ng brings her love of Cajun seafood to these North Park digs, which greets with a casual, friendly atmosphere and a variety of “boils” featuring lobster tails, clams, crawfish, whole dungeness crab and more. Assorted fried seafood baskets can also be found. No matter what you order, the essence of Cajun cooking comes to the fore.
Crawfish galore shows up at a smorgasbord in Mission Valley (Seafood Buffet)
100s Seafood Grill Buffet 2828 Camino del Rio South, Mission Valley 619-314-6398; 100sbuffet.com
Lobster cargot at Pamplemousse (By Jodi Strauss)
Pamplemousse Grille 514 Via De La Valle, #100, Solana Beach 858-792-9090; pgrille.com
Scads of fresh seafood mingle with grilled meats at this giant buffet reminiscent of those in Las Vegas. Looking for snow crab? The place has you covered. Same goes for mussels, tuna, large shrimp, salmon, crawfish and more. On Thursdays, the dinner buffet features all-you-can eat lobster, which naturally comes with its fair share of competitiveness among eager customers. But whenever you visit, be ready to indulge more than you would at a sit-down restaurant.
All the flavor supporters of escargot are present in chef Jeffrey Strauss’ “lobster cargot,” which honors the exact same recipe used by chef Miguel Biaz from the former Truluck’s in La Jolla. Offered only as a special for now, the recipe replaces escargot with lobster, but keeps all the buttery, garlicky elements of the dish, which is the perfect come-on to crostini for mopping up the sumptuous sauce. The long-running upscale Pample-
Blue Water Grill
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1701 Strand Way, Coronado 619-435-0155; bluewatergrill.com If you’re on the hunt for commendable oysters Rockefeller, you’ve come to right place. We’re also fans of the Valencia-style paella brimming with shrimp, clams, mussels, chorizo and chicken. The @LocalUmbrellaMedia
Water Grill’s sensational oyster bar (By Frank Sabatini Jr.)
Water Grill 615 J St., Gaslamp Quarter 619-717-6992; watergrill.com/sandiego Consider Water Grill in downtown San Diego among the Cadillac of seafood restaurants. It’s where seafood towers and a large variety of oysters feed into the upscale elan of the place, which was launched some years ago by King’s Seafood Company. Open for lunch and dinner, expect to find everything from wild Spanish octopus and smoked hamachi nachos to red sea urchin, New Zealand pink bream and Maryland softshell crabs. ADVERTISE | Press@LocalUmbrella.com
A Publication of Local Umbrella Media VOLUME 9 | OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2023 |
Sustainably caught seafood by local fishermen rule the day at Mitch’s, a San Diego waterfront restaurant established by three families 15 years ago. Lunch or dinner here potentially starts with dungeness crab cocktail before progressing to a shrimp Caesar salad, fried calamari, grilled fish of the day and an order of streamed clams in white wine broth. Those with a taste for breaded and fried should look no further than the shrimp basket and fish-and-chips.
Head here for Mexican-style seafood dishes. (Yelp/Google Images)
A spacious, eye-catching interior awaits at Fisher’s. (Alternative Strategies)
an coast, fresh northern salmon served carpaccio style, and other oceanic delights such as snails, oysters and tuna steaks.
South of Nick’s Del Mar 3387 Del Mar Road, Carmel Valley 858-465-7145; nicksrestaurants.com Situated at a far end of One Paseo, the restaurant’s casual-industrial vibe sets the stage for Mexican-inspired fare that features a small but focused “pescado” menu for seafood lovers. Particularly noteworthy are the “scallops divorciadas” accented with mole and poblano-cream sauces. You’ll also find chile rellenos stuffed with both lobster and shrimp; lobster enchiladas; and shrimp taquitos.
The BLTA with swordfish at Bay Park Seafood Company (By Frank Sabatini Jr.)
Bay Park Fish Company 4121 Ashton St., Bay Park 619-276-3474; bayparkfishcompany.com
Fisher’s 555 W. Beech St., Little Italy 619-915-4823; fishers-sandiego.com Since making its splashy American debut earlier this year, the Mexican-based Fisher’s has been expanding globally with seafood sourced from the various locales it operates. Here in San Diego, the menu offers a vast array of seafood that includes prized octopus shipped from the Yucat-
Caesar salad with locally trawled shrimp (Mitch’s Seafood)
Mitch’s Seafood 1403 Scott St., Point Loma 619-222-8787; mitchsseafood.com
Customers swoon over the restaurant’s colorful variety of seafood dishes that range from casual to classic. The BLTA (bacon, lettuce, tomato and avocado) becomes a winner with its inclusion of swordfish steak. The grilled local halibut and salmon beurre blanc entrees are also big draws is this welcoming nautical-themed hot spot that was founded by two fishing buddies in 2005. In regards to fish tacos, don’t overlook the ones here with fish that is panko-crusted, blackened or grilled.
What’s cooking with Chef Hanis Cavin!
When looking at events on Facebook I was glad to see Chef Hanis was having a cookout event here in San Diego. It was the same time as my book signing so I called to give my apologies for being busy and asked to meet for an interview. Funny thing, we both had each other’s numbers in our phones from way back in the Dakota Grill days in the Gaslamp 2000 or so. We have been in some of the same chef circles and I was curious to see what’s new and learn a bit more of his journey. He’s been living and working in Amboy, Washington, a peaceful place a bit different from urban San Diego, and was here for the cookout at Carnitas Snack Shack. How did he decide to become a chef ? In high school in University City he took home economics. When they had projects he easily managed the schedules and team, and very much enjoyed it. He followed that with Culinary Arts at College of the Desert. Followed by the program at the New England Culinary LOCAL NEWS | LocalUmbrellaNews.com
Institute in Vermont. Hanis’ Career Path: Hanis’ first position in 1992 was at American Seasons on the island of Nantucket. 1993 he returned home to his beloved San Diego and worked at Top of the Market. Hanis’ first Executive Chef position was in 1994 opening Moon Doggies, La Jolla. Continuing on, Hanis ran the helm at the following well known restaurants: 2000-2004 Dakota Grill 2004 Hilton Gaslamp 2004-2006 Pacific Coast Grill 2006-2010 Kensington Grill Awards: 2009 Chef of the Year 2011-2018 Owner / Co-founder: Carnitas Snack Shack 2018-2020 Partner / Co-founder: Pioneer BBQ with Cohn Restaurant Group With the pandemic, Hanis headed to Spo/LocalUmbrellaMedia
kane to work with the Chad White Hospitality Group as well as the Eat Good Group where he oversaw multiple restaurants and mentored the Chefs. With restaurants reopening, I asked Hanis about the future of dining: “Food is coming back,” he said. “Many people now in the industry are without professional training, so it is up to the experienced Chefs to teach the young cooks/ chefs.” Hanis’ desire is to pay forward his knowledge and skills to better the dining experience to all San Diegans. Hanis is now consulting to help restaurants to continue the growth of their businesses. Hanis is bringing back his love of cooking and sharing his passion at such places as North Park Famer’s Market on Thursdays. Stay tuned for more exciting developments on where Hanis will be cooking through-out our wonderful city of San Diego. ADVERTISE | Press@LocalUmbrella.com
| VOLUME 9 OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2023 A Publication of Local Umbrella Media
yte is a unit of digital information, and while most agree that San Diego does not bite -check the weather, the scenery, the seasons – we do rely on bytes here.
“Great customer service! Awesome decor!!” — George T. Another thing customers of SD Bytes would all agree on is that Shannon has a unique style. His curated collection of antique tools, typewriters, signage, and even a Wurlitzer jukebox, makes visiting SD Bytes a cultural experience, like a visit to a museum exhibit or a cool diner.
San Diegans’s use of computer devices is as ubiquitous as our car culture. And like our cars, our data-driving machines sometimes break down. That’s when we scramble for a reliable and honest mechanic. “People rely on their computers every day and some people feel lost without them,” says Shannon Isselhardt, owner of SD Bytes computer repair in Grantville. “So I try to turn them around as fast as I can while keeping customers in the loop so they know what’s going on.” Located near the crossroads of Mission Gorge and I-8, at 10433 Friars Road, those who bring their computer-repair needs to SD Bytes eventually square up with similar five-star Google reviews: “Shannon went above and beyond our expectations.” — Gil A. “The owner of SD Bytes is skilled, talented, honest, and ethical.” — Bruce L. “I have had the opportunity to use Shannon for both personal and business computer issues ... I highly recommend [him]. He is extremely reliable and, most importantly, honest.” — Stacey B.
“I designed my shop to be like an old ’50s garage,” said Isselhardt. “My thinking was to have a computer garage with old tools and art mixed in with new technology. I wanted to stand out from all the other computer repair shops, and it just so happens that this is also what I’m interested in hot rods and antiques.” How interested? Every year, Isselhardt packs up his five-window Chevy pickup and heads to Nevada for the Viva Las Vegas meetup event to celebrate all things cool. It’s an annual analog tribute to the classic character of the post-war era. Back in today’s digital era, Isselhardt has gone all-out to make his very own tribute to Americana, decking the walls of SD Bytes with lovingly selected art and hand-me-downs from his own family. In a way, Isselhardt has become a high-tech grease monkey. “My dad influenced my aesthetic taste by way of his music, which was Johnny Cash, older country
music, and 1950s rock ‘n’ roll,” Isselhardt said. “And my aunt and uncle always had old hot rods and taught me how to work on my car.” Isselhardt’s passion for such rockabilly sensibilities is matched only by his work ethic. And excellent customer service is only part of it. In fact, his computer troubleshooting experience goes back a few decades. “This wasn’t my first job. When I was 19 years old and working for a professional photographer, I had to build a Windows machine to test the digital download from the new digital Nikon camera,” he said. “I believe NASA used the same camera model on the first space shuttle expedition.” Since then, Isselhardt has positioned himself among the dozens of San Diego repair shops with a reputation for honesty and integrity. He also has become an expert on fixing everything from cracked phone screens to liquid damaged laptops and saving otherwise lost files on bad hard drives. “There isn’t any computer-related repair that I haven’t been able to fix,” Isselhardt said. “The only reason something wouldn’t get repaired is if the customer declined repairs due to the cost of the parts or I suggested that it wasn’t worth it. Interestingly, building custom hot rods isn’t much different from another specialty of Isselhardt’s. Custom gaming machines, water cooled like so many V-8s, have become very popular. Building these demanding computers is an emerging hobby,
10433 Friars Road, Suite B San Diego, CA 92120
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10433 Friars Rd San Diego, CA 92120 (619) 255-2867 @TheStudioDoor
“I have had the opportunity to use Shannon for both personal and business computer issues ... I highly recommend ... He is extremely reliable and, most importantly, honest.” — Stacey B.
Owners: and many local gamers have found SD Bytes to be their go-to resource for fair and reasonable service.
Shannon Isselhardt
“There are a lot of companies who build custom PCs but they overcharge everyone and upsell hardware the customers typically don’t ever use,” said Isselhardt.
“We can work with just about any budget and will never sell them something they won’t use or need. If you’re a basic gamer who plays on the weekends, you don’t need a $6,000 PC. We can make you a custom machine that will more than fit your needs and save you money in the long run.”
Address: 10433 Friars Road, Suite B San Diego, CA 92120
Interest in the community is another Isselhardt virtue. Owing much to his own daughters’ involvement in school and scouting, SD Bytes gives a lot back to the youth around him.
Store Hours:
“I have two girls (ages 7 and 10) and both are in the Girl Scouts. That is how I opened my doors to them and learned that the scouts have a computer badge they can earn. I have always enjoyed helping others, almost to a fault sometimes. Sometimes, I feel I do more free work than paid projects out of my shop,” he added.
M-F 9am-6pm SAT 10am-2pm
Isselhardt concludes, “I keep my prices at a very competitive rate as the majority of my customers don’t have a lot of money to just go out and buy a new computer. So I try to be as fair as possible with everyone. And all of my customer reviews on yelp and on Google are great testimonials to my work.”
10433 Friars Road, Suite B San Diego, CA 92120
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| VOLUME 9 OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2023 A Publication of Local Umbrella Media
October 18-22
Balboa Park and Westfield UTC sdfilmfest.com San Diego International Film Festival offers never before seen releases from the greatest independent films. Also a full array of events and parties with the filmmakers.
Oct. 22, 2023 Dia de los Muertos in Downtown Oceanside will have altars, arts & crafts, por siempre car show, a chalk cemetery and more!
October 21 (10:30am-11:45am)
1343 Sunset Cliffs Boulevard Join us for a magical donation-based yoga & sound healing class at the most beautiful spot in San Diego and leave calm & bliss.
October 21
Oct. 28, 2023 Stroll along Third Avenue and take in the ofrendas (offerings), tastes and music as we celebrate our inaugural Día de los Muertos Celebration in the heart of Chula Vista.
Thorn Street Brewery 3176 Thorn St, San Diego Join us for an artist led painting session at Thorn Street Brewery. ArtReach artists will guide us through a Halloween-themed painting project while we indulge in some of Thorn’s finest fall brews.
Oct. 28 - Nov. 2, 2023 It's the time of the year where we reunite the living and the dead. The tradition of Día de los Muertos continues in Old Town this year, with a Mercado del arte and Procesión to the Cemetery.
November 8-12
Embarcadero Marina Park North sandiegowineclassic.com Check out hundreds of international and domestic wineries, craft beer and spirits and dozens of events that include famous chefs and culinary delights. LOCAL NEWS | LocalUmbrellaNews.com
Oct. 29, 2023 This annual family-friendly "Day of the Dead" festival will include continuous performances by some of the best Latin talent in San Diego, plus art-making workshops, artist demonstrations, student exhibitions, live Mariachi and other musical performances, as well as food trucks, opportunity drawings, vendors and giveaways. @LocalUmbrellaMedia
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A Publication of Local Umbrella Media VOLUME 9 | OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2023 |
Our Genetic Legacy Prepares Groundbreaking Workforce Development Program Empowering BIPOC Teen Girls in Historic Preservation Through Drone Technology for Historic Trip to Africa Our Genetic Legacy, a pioneer in technology and historic preservation, is thrilled to announce that their groundbreaking initiative, the DRONe Project, is gearing up for a transformative event. The program, designed to empower BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) teen girls as Digital Historic Preservationists by becoming FAA-certified drone pilots, is set to make history as they prepare to go to Africa for an international mapping event. In partnership with the Ghana Girls Guide Association and Soko Aerial, this program will bring together girls from San Diego, CA, and Accra, Ghana, fostering collaboration at the intersection of technology, historic preservation, and cultural exchange.
Key Highlights: International Collaboration: As participants in cohort two, BIPOC San Diego teen girls are gearing up for an unprecedented international collaboration. Partnering with the Ghana Girls Guide Association and Soko Aerial, this program transcends borders, creating a global community of aspiring Digital Historic Preservationists. Focus on Transatlantic Slave Trade: This cohort’s special focus on the triangle of the transatlantic slave trade aligns with the broader mission of expanding narratives around this historical atrocity. Utilizing drones and traditional research methods, participants will contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of this pivotal chapter in history. Cutting-Edge Applications of Drone Technology: The collaboration will showcase the cutting-edge applications of drone technology in historic preservation and research efforts. From capturing high-resolution imagery to mapping historical sites, these young Digital Historic Preservationists will redefine how we document and preserve our shared heritage. Week-Long Collaboration in Accra: During the immersive week-long collaboration in Accra, girls from San Diego and Ghana will work together, combining their expertise and perspectives. This experience is designed to cultivate
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lasting connections and inspire a new generation of tech-savvy preservationists. Learn More: Our Genetic Legacy invites media representatives, educators, community leaders, and the public to discover more about this innovative intersection of technology, historic preservation, and cultural exchange. Witness the power of
diversity, collaboration, and cutting-edge technology in rewriting the narrative of our shared history. Contact: Shellie Baxter, Executive Director Email: Shellie@OurGeneticLegacy.org Phone: 619.889.4263
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| VOLUME 9 | OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2023 A Publication of Local Umbrella Media
The Nice Guys announce Sandra R den Uijl as the recipient of the 2023 Nice Guy of the Year Award! The San Diego Nice Guys (NG) will be honoring Uijl at this year’s Nice Guy of the Year (NGOY).
The San Diego Nice Guys (NG), a local non-profit 501(c)3 organization, will honor Uijl at their 43rd annual major fundraising gala. The event will be held at the Marriott Marquis in downtown San Diego on Saturday, October 21, 2023. Each year, the NG recognize a local community leader who has given their time, money, and support to help San Diegans improve their lives. The NGOY event is also a fundraiser for NG’s charities. This year, at the request of Uijl, part of the funds raised will go to the Rancho Santa Fe Tea3 Foundation . The foundation’s efforts are focused on local organizations dedicated to helping children, the military, and animals. The remainder of the funds will be used for individual San Diegans who need a “one time” helping hand up to get their lives back on track. The NG’s Charity Committee identifies these cases throughout the year. “Every single dollar we raise goes to needy San Diegans,” said Brian Henry, this year’s NGOY Committee Chair. Founded in 1979, the NGs is an all-volunteer nonprofit 501(c)3 organization of more than 160 men and women. In 2022, they provided more than $472,000 to underserved San Diegans and military families. Their total charitable distributions now exceed $23 million, with 100% of every dollar raised going to needy recipients. There is no paid staff, and all operating costs are paid by its members. “We are privileged to be honoring Sandra R den Uijl this year,” said NG’s President, John McAvoy. “Her achievements in her industry as a CPA, her community activism, and her generosity exemplify what the NG’s organization is all about.” Born in Texas and raised in Guadalajara Jalisco Mexico, Uijl began her professional career as a Certified Public Accountant more than thirty years ago. After successfully completing her MBA in Mexican Taxation from Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara, she became a professor of Accounting and Taxation at her Alma Mater. She left her career in Guadalajara to marry her husband Henny and they moved their blended family to San Diego. After completing a second MBA in Global Management, she developed a successful career in corporate America. Additionally, she and her husband, Henny, established and grew their own marketing company. After several years, she decided to establish more balance between family life and work. Her children were grown so she could now dedicate more of her time to community work. Uijl spent the next nine years as a volunteer and fundraiser for Rady Children’s Hospital through the Rancho Santa Fe Auxiliary. Wanting to do more, she got together with friends and started a new foundation called Rancho Santa Fe Tea3 Foundation. The group wanted to create a bigger impact in their community and decided to do project-based work with other organizations whose efforts focus on helping children, the military, and animals. The Tea3 Foundation believed this would provide better accountability for their donors. With her “can do” attitude and positive outlook on life, she feels blessed to be able to provide a supportive role in making a difference within the community she loves so dearly. She lives in Rancho Santa Fe with LOCAL NEWS | LocalUmbrellaNews.com
Sandra R den Uijl
her husband, Henny. Together, they have four children: Edgar, Christopher, Corey, and Kellan. Past recipients of the “Nice Guy of the Year” award include: 1980 John Helmer 1981 Frank Rhodes 1982 George A. Scott 1983 Mac Hudson & Joe Bauer 1984 Police Chief Bill Kolender 1985 Tawfig Khoury 1986 Sheriff John Duffy 1987 John Carlson 1988 Clair Burgener 1989 Ron Blair 1990 Father Joe Carroll 1991 Dr. Jack Fisher 1992 Ernest Hahn 1993 Gayle Wilson 1994 Gene Luth 1995 Frankie Laine 1996 Malin Burnham 1997 Ron Fowler 1998 John T. Lynch 1999 Bob Breitbard 2000 John Moores 2001 Billy Casper 2002 Robert Horsman 2003 William D. Lynch 2004 Lou Ferrero /LocalUmbrellaMedia
2005 Terry Brown 2006 Dan Mulvihill 2007 Dan Spinazzola 2008 Jeffrey Strauss 2009 Conrad Prebys 2010 Peter Farrell 2011 Ted Rossin 2012 Ernest Rady 2013 Doug Manchester 2014 T. Denny Sanford 2015 Douglas Allred 2016 Mike McKinnon 2017 Peter Seidler 2018 Debra Reed 2019 Joe Harper 2021 Jon & Dee Ammon 2022 Steve Fisher To find out more about the Nice Guys, the NGOY event or to set up interviews, contact Kristy Gregg at 619-977-9000. www.sdniceguys.com At-a-Glance When: Saturday, October 21, 2023 Where: Marriott Marquis San Diego, 333 W. Harbor Dr. 6:00 PM Hosted Reception 7:00 PM Dinner & Program ADVERTISE | Press@LocalUmbrella.com
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The Revolution of Ketamine: Luma Health & Wellness Breaking Barriers in Mental Health By Hannah Olson
Luma Health & Wellness, which recently opened its doors in June in Solana Beach, is dedicated to providing state-of-the-art ketamine treatment for a variety of mood disorders, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, and much more. The clinic prides itself on its team of highly skilled professionals who offer compassionate care in a serene environment, prioritizing patient comfort throughout the treatment process. Meghan Adele McCann, MSN, RN, co-founder, and CEO of the clinic said of their mission, “We hope to heal and relieve suffering in our small corner of the world.” With her heart for service and healing and her extensive experience in healthcare, McCann personally administers ketamine while providing patients with a sense of safety and guidance throughout their treatments. Dr. Troy Kurz, MD, MS, the other co-founder and Medical Director of Luma Health & Wellness, joins McCann as a board-certified psychiatrist specializing in psychopharmacology for patients of all ages. Dr. Kurz holds certification in ketamine treatment from the Integrative Psychiatry Institute, allowing him to administer in-office ketamine treatment. Together, they lead the way in advancing mental health care in the San Diego area, offering this groundbreaking treatment option.
Dr. Troy Kurz & Meghan Adele
Comfortable and Relaxing Treatment
The Effectiveness and Safety of Ketamine Therapy While initially used primarily as an anesthetic agent, recent research has unveiled ketamine’s potential in mental health treatment for a vast array of conditions. Studies have indicated that ketamine infusions can effectively treat depression in 60-80% of individuals, with some experiencing relief for months. Unlike traditional antidepressants, ketamine works through a unique mechanism by targeting glutamate, a neurotransmitter in the brain. This mechanism stimulates the production of a growth factor that aids in the restoration of damaged neurons, leading to improved mood and potential nerve cell regeneration that offers more lasting relief from symptoms and that can ultimately improve the patient’s quality of life. “There’s great evidence for ketamine’s ability to stop suicidal thoughts instantly,” Dr. Kurz said of the treatments, “whereas other treatments can take four to six weeks to decrease those thoughts.” In addition, “more people go into full remission from depression with ketamine treatments than other medications.” This means many individuals suffering from various mental health conditions and mood disorders are able to manage their symptoms without the use of daily medication. Regarding concerns about addiction, ketamine has a proven safety record in humans, having been utilized as an anesthetic and in trauma management for many years. While recreational misuse of ketamine at higher doses has occurred, there is less propensity for addiction. Moreover, ketamine therapy is administered under medical supervision at subanesthetic doses, ensuring the safety of patients during treatment.
Life-Changing Healing If you or someone you know is grappling with a mood disorder, do not hesitate to contact Luma Health & Wellness. Their empathetic care and innovative treatment options can make a significant difference in enhancing your mental health and overall well-being. Treatments can be provided with a referral, in conjunction with counseling, or on their own, upon a psychiatric screening and with support from the team at the clinic. “Not only does it save peoples’ lives, but it changes their lives,” McCann says of the difference she has seen through her work with ketamine. “The healing of the patients we see causes a beautiful cascade of healing for others in their lives too . . . If you are need of that help, we are here for you.”
Pretreatment Consultation
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HOWL-O-SCREAM Select nights thru October 31 SeaWorld San Diego, 500 SeaWorld Drive, San Diego seaworld.com/san-diego/events/howlo-scream/ Face your fears when Howl-O-Scream reawakens this fall at SeaWorld San Diego. Howl-O-Scream will once again arrive to transform the peaceful SeaWorld San Diego park you once knew into something sinister. When night falls and a carnival of horrifying creatures surrounds you, just try to put on a happy face. Evade angry haunts as they rampage through scare zones. THE WHALEY HOUSE MUSEUM 2476 San Diego Ave, San Diego whaleyhousesandiego.com America’s Most Haunted House® The Whaley family’s unfortunate past plays a key role in the home’s chilling history, many believed it was destined to be haunted before construction even began. The eerie legacy of the Whaley House continued to grow as the family was struck with tragic deaths, as well as paranormal and spiritual encounters that many still discover today.
THE HAUNTED TRAIL OF BALBOA PARK Runs until October 31st. The corner of Balboa Dr & Juniper in Balboa Park hauntedtrail.net The Haunted Trail of Balboa Park is BACK, with two haunts in one; the 3,500 square foot eXperiment Maze and a mile long terrifying outdoor Trail through twisted pines and gnarled oaks. LOCAL NEWS | LocalUmbrellaNews.com
RealEstateNoah.com / October 2023
THE SCREAM ZONE Sun 10/22 & 10/29: 7PM-11PM 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar thescreamzone.com Del Mar’s Trifecta of Terror is BACK at Reserve your spot in line with “Timed Tickets” or feel like the VIP you are with the “Scream Pass” for the fastest line experience! /LocalUmbrellaMedia
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A Publication of Local Umbrella Media VOLUME 9 | OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2023 |
How Mom Made It!
Local moms are making it in San Diego. In fact, a new podcast titled, “How Mom Made It” is dedicated to shining a light on our town’s local mom creators. The podcast, hosted by local writers and producers– Mary Goulet and Heather Reider, is on a mission to share the stories of mom creators, not only to promote their products and services, but to serve as an inspiration for other moms to take action on their ideas and dreams. This month, they’re shining a light on moms who are making it with businesses they started from their home kitchens. Samantha Binkley is the owner of Healthy on You, an organic spice and salt blend company. She started by offering healthy cooking classes from her home kitchen. Her secret to creating delicious dishes was in her spice blends. Her students started asking her to package the spice and salt blends so they could use them at home. Word got out about her creations and she decided to capitalize on the buzz and start offering her products outside her home kitchen. She now works out of a commercial kitchen and you can find her growing line of spice and salt blends online at HealthyonYou.com and in stores all over Southern California. For more information visit: HealthyonYou.com or SamBinkley.com
Our next source of inspiration comes from a real Sugar Mamma. Nancy Gulizia-Flint is the proud owner of Sugar Mamma Caramels. “Since 2009, founder and confectioner, Nancy Gulizia-Flint, has been gifting family and friends with her signature Sea Salt Caramels every Christmas. Encouraged by their ‘oohing and ahhing’ every year, Nancy entered a local candy making contest and won! The award led to a local TV spot and a CFO (Cottage Food Operation) was born!”
Samantha Binkley
Nancy Gulizia-Flint
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Today, Nancy is still operating her business from her home kitchen. She says she loves operating a home-based food business and she wouldn’t want it any other way. Sugar Mamma Caramels can be found in shops all over San Diego County and purchased online.
For more information visit: SugarMammaCaramels.com (619) 301-9956 or SugarMamma62@ gmail.com
Keeping with the sweet notes, we now turn our attention to bee-keeping mom, Kemi Pavlocak. Kemi and her husband recently opened a new shop in Old Town San Diego. The shop is called Savage Bee-ches. What’s buzzworthy about Kemi’s store is it features raw and organic honey that she sources locally and from beekeepers around the county and the country. The store also celebrates the outdoors by offering ultralight hiking gear. Savage Bee-ches has created a loyal following of local outdoor enthusiasts. Next time you’re in Old Town, bee sure to stop by Savage Bee-ches, get a taste of some unbeelievable honey and bee prepared for incredible hospitality. For more information, visit: Savage Bee-Ches Presidio Plaza, Old Town 2802 Juan Street, Unit 19 San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 693-7536 To hear more about each of the stories highlighted, pop on over to HowMomMadeIt.com, listen to the podcast and bee sure to share! https://howmommadeit.podbean.com/
Kemi Pavlocak
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VOLUME 97 OCTOBER-NOVEMBER | October 2022 A Publication Local Umbrella Media AUmbrella Publication of Local Umbrella Media || VOLUME 2023 A of Publication of Local Media
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Hemp extract reversed hair loss in new alopecia study evaluate the visual differences.
Hemp outperforms conventional hair treatments
A low-CBD topical may treat a common type of baldness, one small study finds.
The list of things cannabis can do for you, your health, and your body keeps growing like a weed. A 2023 study has found hemp extract may aid in hair regrowth for alopecia sufferers. The study followed patients with alopecia over a 6-month period and found an average of 246% hair regrowth—with some patients achieving as much as 2000% hair regrowth. This is excellent news for sufferers of this common condition, who make up around 2% of the world’s population. Way to put a new spin on hair “growing like a weed.”
How hemp helps hair loss This isn’t the first time that hemp has been studied for hair loss. The plant has shown promise for hair growth due to the properties of certain cannabinoid compounds it contains CBD, CBDV and THCV. These cannabinoids block the signaling of CB1 receptors, which play an important role in the hair growth cycle. Previous studies found that THC, which activates CB1, can actually reduce hair growth, and has been suggested as a treatment for unwanted hair. CBD, on the other hand—especially in lower doses—was found in prior research to increase hair growth by blocking this key receptor. Hair follicles usually cycle from a growth, or “anagen,” phase into a “catagen” phase, where cell death of the follicles causes hair to fall out; the growth phase can last up to 6 years. But with alopecia, the natural cycle of hair growth is disrupted, and follicles shift prematurely to the catagen phase. This leads to hair loss. Since CBD blocks CB1, researchers have tested it in the past. They found up to 93.5% increase in hair regrowth. In this new study, researchers wanted to see what would happen if extracts with CBD, THCV and CBDV were used.
After the study concluded, the results were noticeable. All subjects in Male alopecia sufferer on day the case had some 180 of treatment with hemp extract. (via International Journal regrowth, ranging of Trichology) from 31.25% to 2000%, with an average regrowth of 246% in men and 127% in women. All subjects reported they were “happy” or “very happy” with their own perception of the hair regrowth.
Shop highly rated dispensaries near you The independent physician also found improvements, reporting that all subjects had mild to extensive improvements in their scalp coverage. ImpresFemale alopecia sufferer be- sively, these results not fore treatment. (via Interna- only outperformed tional Journal of Trichology) using CBD alone, they also outperformed oral finasteride and 5% minoxidil foam, the two main medical treatments for alopecia. Hemp or mint: What’s working? Despite these encouraging results, it’s important to note limitations with the study. This was a small case study, without a placebo group or double-blind procedures. With this type of study,
it’s hard to rule out other factors at play that might be leading to the regrowth. While it gives us important insight into how effective hemp could be, much larger, more structured, Female alopecia sufferer on day experiments are needed to confirm 180 of treatment with hemp extract. (via International Journal of the results. Trichology) In addition, using peppermint oil has already been shown to improve hair regrowth, and may contribute to the growth beyond what could result from the hemp extract alone. Therefore, the effects of the peppermint versus the hemp are hard to attribute.
Low-dose CBD is key for best results Those considering using hemp extract for alopecia should always consult a doctor beforehand. No negative side effects were reported in this study, and topical hemp extract is generally considered safe. Still, safety studies have not been performed for this mixture, nor for using hemp extract in combination with other hair loss treatments. Importantly, the study also suggests that too much CBD could cause a reversed effect, similar to the effect seen with THC, potentially leading to worsening hair loss—a low-dose CBD regimen is crucial for efficacy. The study found benefits with dosing around 33mg of a 60% CBD hemp extract. Using much more than this could cause hair loss, so apply with caution.
Recipe for regrowth? To investigate hemp extract’s benefits, this study followed 15 men and 16 women with alopecia, with ages of participants ranging from 31 to 64. The subjects were given 1 oz per month of a topical with hemp extract and told to apply a thin layer Male alopecia sufferer before to the balding area treatment. (via International each morning. Journal of Trichology) On average, the daily dose was about 33 mg of the full-spectrum hemp extract, with 60% CBD, 12.63% CBDV, and 3.71% THCV. Each ounce of the formulation also contained 5 grams of menthol derived from 600 grams of peppermint oil, which has also been found effective for inducing a growth phase in hair. This was infused into a base of emu oil as a carrier. No other hair growth treatments were used during this time. To measure the product’s success, researchers counted the number of hairs in the balding area, before and after 6 months of treatment. They even tattooed the subjects’ scalps to ensure the same area was accurately counted. Photographs were also taken for an independent physician to LOCAL NEWS | LocalUmbrellaNews.com
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| VOLUME 9 OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2023 A Publication of Local Umbrella Media
YOUR TRAVEL ADVENTURE BEGINS NOW! Pack Your Bags and Travel with a 5-Star US Chamber Organization North San Diego Business Chamber invites you, your family, friends, and colleagues to join us for exciting international travel adventures. These international trips are open to anyone 18 and over and all you have to do is pack. We take care of all details. The groups are small and each trip is limited to 30 guests.
Chamber traveler, Melissa DeLaCalzada and her friends have been on several of the Chamber trips and she
shares, "Chamber trips are ideal for those traveling alone or with friends, and a great deal featuring inclusive travel destinations. I've visited countries I've always dreamed of visiting and felt completely comfortable and safe doing so with the Chamber."
"We are offering the opportunity for the community to travel with the Chamber at competitive and inclusive rates," said Chris Thorne, CEO of North San Diego Business Chamber. "The Chamber has traveled to China, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Paris, South Africa, Croatia, Portugal, Vietnam, Spain, and the Rhine River." One does not need to be a member of the Chamber to join the trips.
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Roundtrip International Airfare & Tax 4-5-Star Hotel Accommodations Daily Breakfast Deluxe Bus Tours Fluent English-Speaking Tour Guides Entrance Fees to Attractions
If you have any questions, e-mail us at travel@sdbusinesschamber.com or call 858-217-8972.
9-Days | $2,849
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INFO MEETING: October 26, 2023 | 5:30 pm Registration Required
Full Trip Itineraries & Details www.sdbusinesschamber.com/travel LOCAL NEWS | LocalUmbrellaNews.com
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A Publication of Local Umbrella Media VOLUME 9 | OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2023 |
We Still Have Three Weeks of Indian Summer Left By Bob Morey
Ahhhh….. Indian Summer, is something we get that almost no other city does, which is one of the coolest bonuses of living here (and another reason we pay so much to do so). Some of the best shows of the year have just closed, and I hope you got out to see some of them, and with our extended summer, you’ll have a few chances to catch up on some in-between your Halloween parties. So, let’s take a look at what we can go out and Trick or Treat for over this coming month.
If you missed Cabaret, that was held over and just closed, a very rare thing at the Old Globe, oh my friends, did you miss an epic show. But The Old Globe is bringing us a trifecta, a little of something for everyone. Kicking off on October 18th is the ‘Globe For All Fall Tour 2023’. Let me tell you a bit about The Globe For All Tours. Twice a year, The Old Globe tours a professional theatre production around with community partners in San Diego and Tijuana for free performances, workshops, talkbacks, and catered meals. The fall tour is a three-week Shakespeare tour designed and directed for the road. Since the program’s inception in 2014, approximately 15,900 community members have experienced a Globe for All Tour. Performed free of charge in non-theatrical venues such as gymnasiums, cafeterias, shelters, senior centers, refugee community centers, military installations, and correctional facilities, these productions give audiences an intimate and compelling theatrical experience that fosters a shared sense of connection between performers and audiences. The majority of attendees face barriers to accessing professional performing arts and often experience live theatre for the very first time. For The Fall Tour 23, you’re in for a treat when Shakespeare meets “The Jersey Shore” in the hilarious Globe for All Tour of The Comedy of Errors! A young man and his servant arrive in town, unaware that each of them has an identical twin already there. Things can’t possibly end well—or maybe they can, but not before the mistaken identities lead to confused lovers, shocked family members, and all-out comic chaos. Get your hair gel and spray tan ready for one of The Bard’s most outrageous comedies, filled with music and brought to life by award-winning director Em Weinstein as it visits communities across San Diego County. To see Comedy of Errors! in a location near you, visit the Old Globes website for times and dates. Another outstanding educational program is The Old Globe and USD Shiley Graduate Theatre Program, a joint venture between the Globe and USD. The Shiley Graduate Theatre Program nationally recruits seven students each year to participate in an intensive twoyear course of graduate study in classical theatre. This year, they are opening on October 28th with Two Gentleman From Verona By William Shakespeare and directed by Jimonn Cole in The Sheryl and Harvey White Theatre. Set in a modern-day Italy, we meet two young men in search of identity—and Julia, the first Shakespearean female character to disguise herself as a young man. This company of 14 M.F.A. actors, now in training at The Old Globe and University of San Diego, brings a wild cast of characters to life in a bold staging of this timely, classy comedy that highlights themes of betrayal, loyalty, and friendship. The Gentlemen leave us on November 5th. And now something for the whole family: Dr. Seuss’s How The Grinch Stole Christmas!, opening on November 8th on the Donald and Darlene Shiley Stage. Dr. Seuss’s How the Grinch Stole Christmas! is a wonderful, whimsical musical based upon the classic Dr. Seuss book. Back for its 26th incredible year, the family favorite features the songs “Santa for a Day,” “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch,” and “Welcome, Christmas (Fah Who Doraze),” the delightful carol from the popular
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animated version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas! Celebrate the holidays as the Old Globe Theatre, is once again transformed into the snow-covered Who-ville, right down to the last can of Who-hash. The City Ballet of San Diego will dance through The Balboa Theatre on November 4th & 5th with the Balanchine Extravaganza. As the father of American ballet, George Balanchine opened the eyes and ears of audiences to the marriage of music and dance. He famously said, “see the music, hear the dance.” The Balanchine Extravaganza celebrates that marriage of music and dance with three of Mr. B’s finest works. The City Ballet of San Diego is one of the few ballet companies in the nation that has the technical and artistic experience required to perform the Balanchine works. Over in Old Town, The Cynet Theatre opens with the World Premiere of The Little Fellow (or The Queen of Tarts Tells All) by Kate Hamill and directed by Rob Lutfy on October 25th. The Little Fellow is a risqué comedic drama loosely based on the life and tell-all memoirs of the 19th century’s most famous courtesan – Harriette Wilson, also known as The Little Fellow. Since the age of thirteen, Harriet has navigated through the pitiless and glamorous world of the British regency’s demi-monde, eventually becoming the “top of the bottom” as the self-styled Queen of Tarts. Her defiance of social conventions and refusal to be a lady have attracted many patrons – including some of the country’s most distinguished and high-powered men. But Harriet wants to get out of the ‘business’… and she has a plan. A plan that may threaten her reputation, her business, and ultimately, her life – as she confronts the cost of winning in an unjust world. Up the hill at the San Diego Musical Theatre, you can catch The Addams Family through October 29th. With a Book by Marshall Brickman and Rick Elice and Music and lyrics by Andrew Lippa, The Addams Family is everything you will expect in this musical comedy if you fondly remember the TV series and films. In the kooky, upside-down world of the Addams Family, to be sad is to be happy, to feel pain is to feel joy, and death and suffering are the stuff of their dreams. In one fateful, hilarious night, secrets are disclosed, relationships are tested, and the family must face up to the one horrible thing they have managed to avoid for generations - change. Our friends up at the North Coast Rep hit the season perfectly with Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Adapted by Jeffrey Hatcher from the novella by Robert Louis Stevenson and directed by Shana Wride. Experience a daring reimagining of Robert Louis Stevenson’s timeless tale, filled with darkness, desire, love, and unbridled terror. In Jeffrey Hatcher’s gripping drama, we delve deep into the human psyche, exploring the eternal conflict between good and evil. Relentless forces engage in a deadly and electrifying cat-and-mouse showdown, vying for ultimate domination. Hatcher masterfully invites the audience to question their loyalties, blurring the lines between right and wrong, and leaving us all in suspense. Prepare to be enchanted by this wickedly clever and sharply witty narrative, infused with passion and chilling suspense. It’s the perfect choice for thrillseekers who crave a spine-tingling experience that captures the essence of the Halloween season. Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde leave us on November 12th. These are just some of the highlights playing throughout the county that will give you something to work off all the Halloween candy you’ll sneak in over the next couple of weeks. With all the events going on, have a spooky, fun time out there my friends and Trick or Treat to you.
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| VOLUME 9 OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2023 A Publication of Local Umbrella Media
Chloe Lou and The Liddells / Casbah Album Release Show October 29! It’s been four years since Ramona based Chloe Lou & The Liddells released their Storybook EP, ultimately winning the 2020 San Diego Music Award for “Best Pop Album.” It’s a well-deserved accolade for this all-star combo, with excellent pop rock driven songs and terrific performances from Chloe Lou Liddell (vocals), Chris Davies (guitar), Ron Silva (bass), David Fleminger (keyboards), Richard Larson (drums) and Peter Miesner (guitar). Now the long wait for the follow up is over. On October 29, Chloe Lou & The Liddells will host an album release show at The Casbah for their new release, XVII. The night also includes music from Lauren Leigh, as well as Jeff Berkley & The Banned.
What inspired the new album? What’s the significance of the album title? “The inspiration for the album is relationships, whether it be relationships to a place, a person, romantic, or familial,” Liddell said. “The title of the album is XVII for the major arcana tarot card The Star. I think we’ve all been in kind of a rut since the pandemic shutdowns, and I had lost hope in doing music. These songs are about love and loss, heartache and community. The Star symbolizes a renewal of hope and faith, I feel like I’ve had that re-emergence of optimism in life lately and it felt appropriate as a way to sum up these songs.” What sets these recordings apart from her previous EP, Storybook? “This time around we recorded them with Alec Moore as producer at two different times over the course of the last 2 and a half years,” Liddell remarked. “The first set of 7 songs were recorded at Studio West in July 2021, where we, as on our last album, recorded the songs “live in studio,” but this time with a bit more separation between the instruments.” Unfortunately, tragedy soon delayed the project. “A few days after that recording session my grandmother, who helped raise me, passed away. I fell into what I now realize was a deep depression and didn’t have the motivation to finish the album until early this year in February. We went back, this time to Studio West’s Satellite Studio, to record the last 5 songs with Alec again. He recorded, mixed and mastered the songs and LOCAL NEWS | LocalUmbrellaNews.com
here we are.” The one exception to that process “is a song that will be available on the CD and digital versions of the album, “Graceful Ways,” which I sang, and Davies played guitar live in his living room while I recorded us on my phone,” Liddell explained. “The take was so special we decided to keep it, so Davies added bass guitar and some overdubs on the bridge later.” XVII’s songs were penned by Liddell and Davies “with help from the band members on arrangement and various parts of the music,” Liddell said. “On half of the songs I came up with the initial melody and lyrics, then Davies started adding music and helping bring the song to life. On the other half, Davies had the music first and I found lyrics in my notebook, and we worked out the initial version of the song sometimes live together in the same room, while on others he sent me a music track and I added my voice using GarageBand in my bedroom and sent it back to him. We wrote a few of the songs remotely like that during the covid lockdown. We would then bring the songs to the band, and they would help add the rest of the arrangement.” Of the bandmembers many contributions, Liddell says “I like to call Richard “T-Bone” Larson our “musical director” because he always brings something to the table arrangement-wise. David Fleminger has helped with some of the music writing, especially on the song “Doll.” Ron Silva always has a cool bass riff and backup vocals to add, and Peter Miesner’s ability to add his own
special flair to both lead and rhythmic guitar parts rounds out the songs so perfectly. I feel so blessed to be working with such prolific and, dare I say, legendary San Diego musicians on these songs that really just come from my heart and emotions about life.” What drives Liddell to make music? “It’s an art, so I can’t stop doing what I love,” she said. “But I definitely think the encouragement of family and friends has kept me wanting to release music. Chris Davies has been a huge part of why I’ve continued to write and I’m forever grateful that we’ve connected as friends and colleagues to create music.” She notes music is a tough business to keep up with. “I am constantly learning about various new ways to release music, trying to get more comfortable talking about myself, networking with fellow musicians, and promoting new music when it comes out. My dad Kevin really motivates me too, he asks me if I’ve posted on social media and sends me music he’s listening to.” What’s Liddell’s favorite thing about being a musician? “I think it’s seeing people connect with something I’m singing, whether it’s a cover or an original song,” she said. “I know music heals and helps people move through life, so being able to be that light for some people is really beautiful. I pour my heart into my music, so I hope that being vulnerable helps others feel connected.” www.instagram.com/chloelouandtheliddells
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Divo Diva / Opera Cafe Opera singer Victoria Robertson has worn a lot of hats in her career, from TV show host to Opera4Kids co-founder. Now she adds Café owner to the list, alongside fellow Opera singer, Rosario Monetti. Located at 3650 5th Ave #104 in Hillcrest, Divo Diva is the perfect spot to relax with friends over a cup of coffee. What inspired the opening of this cafe? “Both Rosario and I are from European descent,” Robertson said. “He moved to San Diego from Naples Italy in 2009. And I am a first generation American with British immigrant parents. We both love the European culture of a coffee shop / wine bar and were eager to create an atmosphere here in San Diego similar to the places that we enjoy abroad. With a combination of skills, from food management and hospitality, to marketing and entrepreneurship, as a couple we decided it would be a fun challenge to take over a business presented to us by our friends, owners of the Pappalecco brand.” Together the pair rebranded this Hillcrest location, now called “Divo Diva”, and are dedicated to creating a neighborhood hang-out spot in Hillcrest. “We are right in a busy area nicknamed “Uptown Hillcrest” surrounded by beauty shops like hair salons, laser treatment, nail salons and fitness centers like barre classes and Pilates and wellness centers. It is the perfect place to gather the neighborhood for an enjoyable European feeling cafe.” How was the café’s name chosen? “It took us quite a while to decide on a good name,” Robertson commented. “We toyed between some European and Italian words, as well as some descriptive words of what we would be offering. Both Rosario and I are professional singers, particularly specialized in performing Opera. We all know the general meaning of the word “Diva”, and it often refers to a famous female Opera singer, as well as a person with an overthe-top self-important attitude. The word Divo, in Italian, is the male version. So, it’s a little play on words, as we are in Hillcrest, and we also love the idea of connecting Opera somehow to our café because it gives some personal backstory. If you meet us, we are both quite humble in reality, but it’s a fun play on words to call our place Divo Diva. Also, when we perform together as a
November 5th, at 2 p.m. “My business partner, Bernardo Bermudez, and I are striving to grow Opera4Kids to continue to bring classical music to young audiences. Our performances are with the Spreckels Organ Society and are good for children and their families, as well as for adults with a young heart.”
duo, we often refer to our duo as Divo Diva.” Beyond Divo Diva, Robertson is keeping busy musically. “I am building back up my operatic repertoire, preparing for a tour coming up in April 2024 with Rosario. We will be singing around the Andaman Islands in India, and Myanmar,” she said. Robertson currently has a residency at the Westgate Hotel every Thursday night. “The last Thursday of every month is a special night, called the Secret Opera Room, that features many of my Opera singer friends, who come to share their talent.” Meanwhile her nonprofit, Opera4Kids has a free performance at the Spreckels Organ Pavilion on Sunday,
What’s Robertson’s hope for the cafe? “The hope for Divo Diva is to create a “living room type” environment, where friends and strangers can gather for a little bit of European culture,” she said. “It’s like inviting people into our home, where they can feel relaxed and have wonderful food and drinks at the same time. Rosario and I wanted to create a place that we would enjoy relaxing in. In this chaotic world, it’s often nice to feel like you have a little slice of heaven, a social club you can go and unwind and escape some of the chaos. With some random opera arias mixed in on occasion!” www.divodivacafe.com
Allen Camp / That’s For Real Allen Camp / That’s For Real
For the past almost four decades, guitarist / songwriter Allen Camp, has been an integral part of San Diego’s music scene, both onstage and behind the scenes. Camp is entering a particularly busy time. His long-time group, Fuzz Huzzi, has a new single just out, “That’s For Real,” while he is also working on a solo, nine song album, California, set for release early next year. In the meantime, Fuzz Huzzi has two shows coming up, opening for rock band Trapt, November 11 at the Whiskey a Go Go in LA
and November 12 at the Ramona Mainstage. Inspired by his guitarist uncle, Camp has been playing in bands and touring since he was 15, at first with hardcore group, Misguided Children, going on to a succession of bands that included Suckerfish in the late 1990’s. His current sound? “Alternative Rock, with riff driving melodic hooks, that has a pulse,” Camp said good naturedly. What inspired his upcoming release? “I had a chance to record with ex-Fuzz Huzzi member, guitarist Adam Baez,” explained Camp. “We had songs we wrote before we went on different journeys. He started the band Abner and I
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went to be a guitar tech for P.O.D., then when the pandemic hit we got together and started recording the songs we wrote together.” Baez and Camp had worked together before, but this was different. “Because Adam Baez produced it,” @LocalUmbrellaMedia
Camp said. “So, I was really able to be creative. We just did this to do it, we didn’t even know if we would do anything with it. After the dust settled, I came home, and we decided to get it mixed by David Dominguez from Los Angeles. Which brought all the tunes to another level.” In addition to Camp, the new album will include Baez on guitar and bass, as well as Cory Wilkins on drums. Fuzz Huzzi is playing around Southern California, and a new solo album is on the horizon, but Camp is already looking ahead. “I want to record as many times as I can with my friends, and I hope I can put together a band to tour again. I also hope I can continue with the journey of making more albums.” He considers that a life in music might not be for everyone, but he’s happy to keep going. “I think it’s because I enjoy all of it. The good. The bad. The ugly,” he said (laughs). https://fuzzhuzzi.bandcamp.com
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| VOLUME 9 OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2023 A Publication of Local Umbrella Media
Anna Zinova / Shine Sweet Moon Anna Zinova / Shine Sweet Moon
Songstress Anna Zinova returns to San Diego for a string of dates in November with her new duo, Shine Sweet Moon. Zinova’s new project sees her teaming up with Denver based Mookie Mcfierson, with her other project, Pinkeye, still an ongoing concern. “I’ve been living in a van on and off again since 2021 and have mostly been in CO for the last year and a half,” said Zinova, who was born and raised in Oceanside. What inspired this new duo? “Traveling and playing alone is fun, playing music with Mook-
ie is more fun.,” said Zinova. “We met at an open mic in Denver and I immediately knew I wanted to play music with him. Then it turned out he had a bus he was slowly working on converting, so we decided to team up. I started helping him build out his bus, and we started working on music together.” She notes the differences between Shine Sweet Moon and Pinkeye. “Pinkeye is where my big, loud, raucous side comes out to play, and I will always love and treasure that. Shine
Sweet Moon gives me an outlet for the softer, more peaceful side of me that has developed over the years, while still allowing me to push boundaries in melody and time.” There is also different instrumentation to consider. “While in Pinkeye I am the lead singer/songwriter and rhythm guitarist, in Shine Sweet Moon I get to do some of that and I also get to play violin (which I absolutely love doing) and do backing vocals to Mookie’s songs, which are beautiful, both lyrically and musically. I’m also excited
Top 5 Concerts Top 5 Concerts
October 21 – 2nd Annual Farm Truck Barn Dance / Reds, Whites & Brews, Ramona. 5 p.m. Alt country combo Farm Truck is hosting a party / barn dance and you’re invited. The evening’s all-star music lineup includes Lady Psychiatrists Booth (with Ashley E. Norton, Stephanie Groot, Amanda Albini and Marcia Claire), Stacy Antonel and Zavala Sol. Ramona’s music scene is thriving and here’s yet another example. October 22 – The Shape of Jazz To Come / Bread & Salt, San Diego, 1 p.m. A fundraiser for the Young Lions Jazz Conservatory, this event has an amazing line up of heavy hitters, including the schools founder Gilbert Castellanos, as well as Jeff Hamilton, Charles McPherson, John Clayton, Holly Hofmann, Mike Wofford, Sam Hirsh, Christopher Holiday, Rob Thorsen and Tyler Kreutel. Jazz aficionados won’t want to miss this one. October 27 - Songwriter Sanctuary Series / Normal Heights United Church, Normal Heights, 6:30 p.m.
A new monthly songwriters series hosted by 2023 SDMA Artist of the Year, Jeff Berkley. Showcasing a mix of established artists and rising talent, on hand for this edition will be Lady July, as well as a pair of duos, Cathryn Beeks & Nisha Catron, and Shhhhh, featuring Rheanna Downey and Molly Jenson. The church’s wonderful acoustics makes this a great spot to hear live music. October 28 – Alicia Previn / The Garden Area at The Forum, Carlsbad, 2 p.m. Violinist Alicia Previn performs as part of The Forum’s family friendly Halloween Spooktacular, with a setlist full of kids’ songs and Halloween favorites, most likely including “Monster Mash.” You can also meet “Frankenstein,” “The Sanderson Sisters,” and a Mad Hatter Magician! October 28 – The Creepy Creeps / The Casbah, Little Italy. 9 p.m. The Creepy Creeps are great anytime of the year, but Halloween is practically the costumed, farfisa driven rock ‘n rollers own holiday. Never less than 200% fun, in the past they’ve been cavemen, lizards, mariachi skeletons and more. This year? TBA. The night also includes sets from The Loons, Scary Pierre and Low Volts.
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for the co-writing we have dabbled in so far, and definitely looking forward to doing more of in the future.” In the meantime, Pinkeye is releasing an album called People Like You And Me on November 4. “We’ll be doing a celebratory show at Aztec Brewing that day,” Zinova said. Shine Sweet Moon will be busy during their San Diego tour. Plans include recording a single with Jeff Berkley, and doing a Sunday Session at Wildcat Studios. Shine Sweet Moon’s local dates include Navajo Live (11/12), Aztec Brewing (11/17), Black Cat Bar (11/18), Prohibition (11/19), Belching Beaver Oceanside (11/25), and KNVS (11/26). www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083854561573
New San Diego Music Releases New San DiegoNewMusic Releases and Upcoming Singles:
A Lens to the Sun - “Burn Before Reading,” Blink 182 – “One More Time,” “Dance with Me,” Bloodstone The Street Preacher – “Riddles,” Deap Valley - “Baby I Call Hell”, Dewey Defeats Truman – Cover Your Ears, Riston Diggs & DJ Toe - “Demon Time” (EDM collaboration), Diz Band – “Dazed and Confused,” Door 13 – “Notre Dame,” Sal Filipelli w/ Sly Stone - “Without a One,” Evan Diamond-Goldberg – “Sheets,” MohaviSoul – “Hurry Up and Wait,” Safety Orange with The Tones – “Almost Over You,” SeeYouSpaceCowboy - “Chewing The Scenery,” Anoushka Shankar – “Daydreaming,” Spacehall Sound Machine (Matt Bozzone) – “Collapse,” Taking on Water – “The Lime,” New and Upcoming Albums & EP’s: J Andrew – Cantos de Cisne, Blink 182 – One More Time, Bloodstone The Street Preacher – Holy Micromony, Matt Cameron – Gory Scorch Cretins, Chest Fever - Music from Big Pink, Ed Croft – Have Mersey (Dec 11), Deap Vally - SISTRIONIX 2.0, Embers – To: The Moon, Barry Hill – 74, Jewel - Spirit 25th Anniversary Deluxe Edition, Barney Kessel - The Barney Kessel Story 1954 1962: Honey Rock, Chloe Lou & the Liddells – XVII, Pinkeye – “People Like You And Me” (Nov 4), Jim Ryan Project – The Beatles EP, Anoushka Shankar - Chapter I: Forever, For Now, The Snodgrass - Music for 1 Musician, Spacehall Sound Machine – TBD, Gary Wilson – The Marshmallow Man, New and Upcoming Videos: Blink 182 – “One More Time,” Jeff Bloom – “Sun,” P.O.D. with Randy Blythe (Lamb of God) - “Drop,”
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A Publication of Local Umbrella Media VOLUME 9 | OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2023 |
San Diego Music News
Pacific Records is celebrating its 20th Anniversary with a special all-ages multi-media event at the Music Box on January 7, 2024. In addition to video segments and MC’s, performers will include Shane Hall, Skyler Lutes, Manual Scan (with guest Laurie Beebe Lewis), The Moonjacks, Kela Sako, Sandollar, Seawall Prophet, Slack Key Ohana, The Spice Pistols, Jonny Tarr, and The Tourmaliners. The show has an early run time of 4 – 9 p.m.
Cleaver, in a parody of iconic sitcom, Leave It To Beaver, featured in an episode of Fox-TV’s program, Mad-TV.
- 1962: Honey Rock collects songs from his solo albums of the era, plus Julie London sessions, including the classic song, “Cry Me A River” (#9 / 1955).
Alternative duo, Deap Vally has decided to disband following a farewell tour that includes a stop at The Casbah on November 10. The band includes Lindsey Troy, formerly of 90’s teen sensations, The Troys. To coincide with the tour Deap Valley has rerecorded their debut album, now retitled, SISTRIONIX 2.0.
Bluegrass / Americana favorites MohaviSoul are on a roll. They have a new single due in November called “Hurry Up and Wait,” with a new album to follow. In the meantime, on November 10-12, the band will be amongst the headliners at the 44th annual Wickenburg Bluegrass Festival. Jason Mraz is a contestant on the 32nd Season of ABC-TV’s Dancing With The Stars. At press time he was the front runner. Meanwhile, his 2012 album, Love Is a Four-Letter Word, has been selected for vinyl reissue on November 10 as part of Atlantic Records 75th Anniversary. Guitarist Matthew Phillips has a new single, “Till It’s Over,” out on November 2, with a release show set for November 18 at the House of Blues. We the Commas open.
Dewey Defeats Truman’s latest single, Cover Your Ears, features their versions of “Why Can’t I Touch It” originally by the Buzzcocks, b/w “Kidney Bingos” originally by Wire.
The 5th Annual San Diego Music Hall of Fame takes place on November 3 at Vision: A Center For Spiritual Living. Hosted by Jefferson Jay, this year’s inductees are: Mike Wofford, Monette Marino, Jeff Berkley, Mary Dolan, Jamie Shadowlight and Fred Benedetti.
The Diz is in the studio with producer Alan Sanderson (Rolling Stones, Elvis Costello etc) at Pacific Beat. “We are releasing our first single, “Dazed and Confused” with a party October 27 at the Kensington Club,” said the band’s Ian Frankel. Making the event extra special: “It’s also our drummer Elise’s birthday.” Singer-songwriter Barry Hill hosts a special release show for his new nine song album, 74, at the Ould Sod on November 12. The album was produced by Sven Erik Seaholm. As for the title?
The Annual Punk Rock Chili Dog Social is taking place on October 21 at the Tower Bar. Starting at 3 p.m., $10 gets you music from One Square Mile, Tiltwheel, LMA, Hamapple, Strychnine 69, Punch Card, The Suede Denim Secret Police and free chili dogs! Author Chuck Gunderson is organizing a Beatles sing-along for older music fans, set to take place on December 5 at 1 p.m. at the Rancho Bernardo Oasis Adult Learning Center. Participants must be 50 years or older to take part. https://san-diego.oasisnet.org Blink 182 collector’s will have their work cut out for them with the release of the band’s latest album, One More Time. In addition to digital, CD, black vinyl and limited-edition cassette formats, there will be numerous limited edition vinyl variants. Blink 182’s own website will feature egg splatter, purple ooze, red and clear marble. Meanwhile, indie shops will get a Coke bottle clear edition, Amazon will offer an opaque, white-colored LP, and Spotify will have an electric smoke-colored version available. Blink 182’s latest video, “Dance With Me,” features the band as The Ramones, recreating the video for their 1978 classic, “I Want To Be Sedated.” This is not the first time Blink 182 has roleplayed. In 1999 the band’s Mark Hoppus and Tom DeLonge played 1960’s surf rock hitmakers Jan & Dean on the CBS-TV mini-series, Shake Rattle and Roll, while in 2001, they collectively played Theodore “The Beaver” LOCAL NEWS | LocalUmbrellaNews.com
Violinist Alicia Previn has been busy in the studio. She was recently featured on a new single by Americana singer-songwriter Saundini (aka Stephen Holtzworth), “Wild Woman,” as well as working on sessions with iconic reggae producer, Scientist. Additionally, Previn has been in the studio with powerpop combo, True Stories, at Pacific Beat Recording Studio with producer Alan Sanderson, finishing a new single to be released
“Actually, it turns out that I am older than dirt,” Hill said. “I am 74 years old and making an album. I have deep gratitude for being able to do this now. When (my band) JuJu Satori broke up, I really lost my way in music. These days, I feel inspired and renewed in my music and thank my good fortune every day.” Other performers on the album include Sue Delguidice (The Dinettes), Chad Allbritton, and Barry’s son, Matthew Hill. On November 17, singer-songwriter icon, Jewel, has her 1998 album, Spirit, reissued in a 25th Anniversary Deluxe Edition. The album is now a 2-CD set featuring 38 tracks, including b-sides, soundtrack contributions, demos and live recordings, highlighted by a set taped at the Colegio Oficial de Medicos de Madrid, Spain, on February 11, 1999. 2000 San Diego Music Award Lifetime Achievement winner, Barney Kessel, has a new compilation album of his early session work out now via Jasmine Records. The Barney Kessel Story 1954 /LocalUmbrellaMedia
next year. Meanwhile, two notable albums she was part of the album sessions for are due to be reissued on vinyl for the holiday season: post English Beat combo, General Public – All The Rage (1984) and Jack Russell (of Great White) – Shelter Me (1996), the latter on blue vinyl. The Rolling Stones are issuing limited edition versions of their new album, Hackney Diamonds, in association with Major League Baseball, with one version sporting a cover dedicated to the San Diego Padres, using the bands famed tongue and lips motif. The design is also available on t-shirts and hoodies. Jim Ryan of the Cardiac Kidz is wrapping up production on his next recording, The Beatles EP. “The Beatles have been one of my main musical influences of all time and it just seemed right to project my influence into their established mark on time,” Ryan said. “The JRP treatment to the songs shows just how versatile the Beatles music is when it can be interpreted into any genre. I don’t call them covers myself but interpretations. How I would have presented the song if I had written it today. So, the EP is more of a tribute and a way of saying “thanks” to the Liverpool lads, rather than just having fun with their music.” Earl Thomas heads to England next month for a show at Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Club on November 12. Thomas & Sister Leola with The Gospel Ambassadors will perform as part of the EFG London Jazz Festival. ADVERTISE | Press@LocalUmbrella.com
| VOLUME 9 | OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2023 A Publication of Local Umbrella Media
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