Tierrasanta Pulse Spring 2024

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TIERRASANTA PULSE SPONSOR, NEIGHBOR AND 20 YEAR REALTOR READY TO GET TO WORK FOR YOU! Julie Adams REALTOR® DRE 01409835 DETAILS INSIDE 619.481.0200 hello@LuvSDrealty.com @luvsdrealty San Diego News in the Heart of the Hills | SPRING 2024 NOW delivering QUARTERLY to over 10,500 mailboxes in 92124 Tierrasanta’s Candy Yolles Recognized for 30 Years of Blood Drives Candy (bottom row, center) surrounded by friends and family at Feb 2024 Blood Drive.

Island in the Hills.

| SPRING 2024 | A Publication of Local Umbrella Media 2 LOCAL NEWS | www.LocalUmbrellaMedia.com /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia | Brad@LocalUmbrella.com Neighborhood Publications Reaching Over 125,000 San Diego Area Mailboxes Every Month! Follow & Like Us Online! @LocalUmbrellaMedia Browse all editions online at Issuu.com/PrintandMailExperts HYPER-LOCAL COMMUNITY PUBLICATIONS Local Umbrella Media publishes hyperlocal, positive, upbeat, community publications, focusing on supporting local businesses, lifestyle articles, upcoming events, talents and contributions of the locals who live and work in our communities. ADVERTISING INQUIRIES Brad Weber | 619-300-1732 brad@localumbrella.com EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS publisher@localumbrella.com CONTRIBUTORS FOUNDING SPONSOR Julie Adams EDITOR Sandra Yacura MANAGER Paula Mantilla DESIGN Kenny Boyer INTERN Isaac Capinski ©2024 COPYRIGHT BY INSPIRED MEDIA, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Local Umbrella Media Publications are printed monthly and distributed freely throughout San Diego County. Opinions expressed in articles or advertisements do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher. Local Umbrella Media is not responsible for omissions or information that has been misrepresented in the publication. Local Umbrella Media Newspaper Publications are produces and published by Local Umbrella Media, and no part of this publication bay be reproduced or transmitted without permission of the publisher. DISCLAIMER: Paid advertisements contained herein are not endorsed or recommended by publisher; therefore, publisher shall not be held liable for business practices of advertisers. Publisher not liable for images accepted in good faith. www.bravewellnessstudio.com @bravewellnessstudio 6020 Santo Road. Ste B San Diego, CA 92124 (858) 737-4674 Community at Brave! 200hr Yoga Teacher Training with an emphasis on Mental Health begins this Summer! Register TODAY! Welcome to the the first studio to place an emphasis on holistic mental health based in Tierrasanta. Never miss a delivery again. We can receive, sign for and store your packages in a secure location until you pick them up. With our mailbox services, you can get a lot more than just a PO Box with a key, You get convenience, a secure location for storing your mail and packages, professionalism and other services to help you run your business and life more efficiently. THE UPS STORE® 10601 TIERRASANTA BLVD STE G SAN DIEGO, CA 92124 (858) 292-8633 theupsstore.com/4357 HOURS MON-FRI 8am - 6pm SAT 9am - 5pm SUN 10am - 3pm 3 MONTHS FREE $3 OFF PASSPORT PHOTOS WITH A 1-YEAR MAILBOX SERVCES AGREEMENT (NEW BOX HOLDERS ONLY) Limit one coupon per customer. Not valid with other offers. Restrictions apply. Valid and redeemable only when presented at a particpating location. The UPS Store centers are independently owned and operated. © 2023 The UPS Store, Inc. Offer expires 5/31/2024. Limit one coupon per customer. Not valid with other offers. Restrictions apply. Valid and redeemable only when presented at a particpating location. The UPS Store centers are independently owned and operated. © 2023 The UPS Store, Inc. Offer expires 5/31/2024. A Word From Our Sponsor reetings Tierrasanta community and friends, I'd like to celebrate new beginnings in this Spring season with a warm welcome to our newest collaborators, businesses and residents who so graciously made this issue so rich. As your neighborhood Realtor I’m excited to announce Big news! Tierrasanta’s home sales prices in the last quarter crossed a million dollar mark with an average of $1,009,000. That is a 3.5% increase As we continue to expand the Tierrasanta Pulse, we invite your contributions in the form of photo contest entries, guest writers, advertisements and more. There are nominal design rates for local businesses, and donated space for local non-profits, schools, obituaries and other community happenings. For more information email hello@tierrasantapulse.com or call 619-677-1004. It is an honor and gift to be a part of such a great community. Thank you for reading and staying connected with the heart beat and Pulse of our
Founding Sponsor of the Tierrasanta Pulse Real Estate Agent LUVSD Realty tierrasantapulse.com THE PULSE photo contest THE SCAN FOR EITHER GOOGLE community STAY Please help fill the Tierrasanta Pulse Community Calendar with local events: fundraisers, sports sign ups, community group meetings, etc. by emailing the title of event, date, time and location to hello@tierrasantapulse.com. With your expressed persmission we will share your social events on our Facebook & Instagram. Follow us! @thepulsetierrasanta The PULSE of the Community Enter to WIN a $100 giftcard to a local Tierrasanta business. Capture a creative of Tierrasanta. Email the photo referencing “Tierrasanta Pulse Photo Contest” in the subject line hello@tierrasantapulse.com Dixie Galapon SPRING 2024 WINNER Julie Adams REALTOR® DRE 01409835 619.481.0200
3 A Publication of Local Umbrella Media | SPRING 2024 | LOCAL NEWS | www.LocalUmbrellaMedia.com /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | Brad@LocalUmbrella.com (619) 343-8831 CALL BENNY FOR AN APPOINTMENT! Mobile Auto Service Bennys SERVICES ...AND MORE! • Timing belts • Water Pumps • Clutch Replacement • Tune Ups • Brake Problems • Air Conditioning • Transmission Fluid Flush • Starters and Alternators • Tire Service • Oil Changes • Driveability Problems • Check Engine Light Issues • Struts & Shocks Replacement • Steering & Suspension • Maintenance 30k, 60k, 90k miles

Tierrasanta: A History

Here in Tierrasanta there is quite a history under our very feet. During the 18th and 19th centuries, Tierrasanta, “Holy ground” in Spanish, was part of the Mission San Diego de Alcalá Ranch. The U.S. military purchased the land in 1941 during World War II, to be used as a Marine Corps training facility, named Camp Elliott.

After the end of World War II in 1945, the Marines moved out and the land was transferred to the Navy for artillery training until 1960. Artillery was intentionally hidden and exploded for military practice. This is why there are signs in front of every trail into the canyon about the possible dangers of old artillery shells. Pay heed to those warnings! In 1983 several young boys found one and accidentally discharged it, leading to two deaths.

After the base closed, Tierrasanta was purchased mostly by the Christiana Corporation and other developers such as Ponderosa Homes, Standard Pacific and William Lyons Company. These Major developers contributed to many early homes and businesses thus Tierrasanta was founded

in 1971 as one of San Diego’s first masterplanned communities. By 1977, Tierrasanta grew to approximately 20,500 people and 5,800 homes.

Schools were also among the first buildings in the new community: Tierrasanta Elementary and Serra High (now Canyon Hills). A small library was built in 1977, but replaced by a larger one in 1984 and renovated in 2019.

The Tierrasanta community council was also founded in the early 70s. It was started by 6 neighbors with a passion for Tierrasanta’s quality of life. In 1978, the council became the official planning counsel for the newly formed Elliott community district. The Tierrasanta Times was created in 1977 after the dissemination of the Bulletin, the original newspaper created by the Tierrasanta Community Council. The Times ran for many years before its 2022 ending.

In 2003, disaster struck. The Cedar fire was one of the biggest fires in California history. It started 25 miles away from Tierrasanta by a careless and lost hunter. It reached Tierrasanta the following day and caused a significant amount of damage contributing to the over $200 million in damages throughout San Diego. Effects of this fire are still visible in the canyon.

Tierrasanta now has approximately 30,000 people and 10,500 homes. It continues to thrive offering the perfect combination of community spirit & amenities, central location in the county and beautiful parklike neighborhoods.

Tierrasanta has so much hidden history. Do you have an interesting story to share about Tierrasanta? Let us know! info@ tierresantapulse.com.

There have been many artillery shell sweeps and most have been removed. On the rare chance that you find one, make sure to step away and report it immediately.
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in loving Memory

Janet Claire Leeder

January 13, 1947 - February 14, 2024

Janet Claire Leeder, a beloved resident of Tierrasanta for 37 years, peacefully passed away on the evening of February 14, 2024. By her side was her beloved son, Phillip Leeder. Born in Pittsburg, Janet moved to San Diego in 1987 alongside her husband, Earl, and their young son. Janet was deeply involved in the community, dedicating 20 years and much of her retired life, to the Tierrasanta Junior Women’s Club (TJWC). In Janet’s honor, her family has donated to the TJWC Scholarship fund for the benefit of Canyon Hills High School students headed to college. A Celebration of Life was held on March 16th, providing loved ones the opportunity to come together and remember Janet’s life and legacy. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in her name to the San Diego Humane Society. Janet will be dearly missed by all who had the privilege of knowing her. The kindness and generosity she embodied will live on in the hearts of those she touched.

Tierrasanta Junior Women’s Club WELCOMES NEW MEMBERS

We are thrilled to welcome our newest Members Paula Mantilla and Suzanne Carlson to the Tierrasanta Junior Women's Club. Our community thrives as we get involved and stay connected. Want to join? Come to a meeting and check us out. We meet the First Thursday of every month at 6:30pm. Snacks and refreshments are provided. Questions? Contact: Julie Adams (619) 677-1004


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Paula Mantilla (left) Suzanne Carlson (right).

Announcing the 2024 Kiwanis Foundation of Tierrasanta Scholarships

The Kiwanis Foundation of Tierrasanta is pleased to announce that it will again be awarding the Vernon D. Bowman, Thomas G. Cherniss, George V. Paluso, and Lonnie and Elaine Folsom Scholarships at the end of the 2024 school year to graduating seniors of Canyon Hills High School. These scholarships are awarded annually to students who best exemplify Kiwanis ideals that were fostered by these revered Kiwanis Club members and residents of Tierrasanta. Scholarships are based on a student’s demonstration of academic success, a strong record of community service, leadership, and altruistic devotion to the welfare of fellow students. In addition to the general criteria, athletic participation and leadership are prerequisites for the Paluso scholarship.

Applicants must be 2024 graduating seniors from Canyon Hills High School who will be pursuing an associate or bachelor level degree, or higher education that will qualify the applicant for entry into a business, profession, or trade. Scholarship applications will be reviewed by a scholarship committee of the Kiwanis Foundation of Tierrasanta, where the selections will be made.

Selections for scholarship awards will be based upon the depth of community service, participation in Canyon Hills High School activities, participation in athletics (required for the Paluso scholarship), and scholastic achievement. Applicants will be required to:

• document their school, community, and athletic activities and leadership

• submit an official transcript

• draft a reflective essay regarding their activities, and submit a letter of recommendation

Students need only submit one application to be considered for all four scholarships listed below:

• Vernon D. Bowman scholarship: payable in annual installments over four years

• Thomas G. Cherniss scholarship: a one-time scholarship payment

• George V. Paluso scholarship: a one-time scholarship payment

• Lonnie and Elaine Folsom scholarship: a one-time scholarship payment

Applications will be available at the Canyon Hills High School Guidance office commencing Friday, March 29, 2024; alternatively, applicants may request them by contacting Sheila Weiner at sheilaweiner@att.net. Please return all application materials to Sheila Weiner at sheilaweiner@att.net by email or by mailing them to her at 4765 Seda Drive, San Diego, California 92124-2456. All applications must be received (received, not postmarked) by midnight on Friday, April 26, 2024.

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men and women. In fact, women earn, on average, about 82 cents for every dollar that men earn, according to the Census Bureau. And even though this gap narrows considerably at higher educational levels, it’s still a source of concern. Women who earn less than men will likely contribute less to 401(k) plans and will ultimately see smaller Social Security checks.

• Longer lives – At age 65, women live, on average, about 20 more years, compared to almost 17 for men, according to the Social Security Administration. Those extra years mean extra expenses.

• Caregiving responsibilities – Traditionally, women have done much of the caregiving for young children and older parents. And while this caregiving is done with love, it also comes with financial sacrifice. Consider this: The average employment-related costs for mothers providing unpaid care is nearly $300,000 over a lifetime, according to the U.S. Department of Labor — which translates to a reduction of 15% of lifetime earnings. Furthermore, time away from the workforce results in fewer contributions to 401(k) and other employer-sponsored retirement plans.

Ultimately, these issues can leave women with a retirement security deficit. Here are some moves that can help close this gap:

• Contribute as much as possible to retirement plans. Try to contribute as much as you can afford to your 401(k) or similar employer-sponsored retirement plan. Your earnings can grow tax deferred and your contributions can lower your taxable income. (With a Roth 401(k), contributions aren’t deductible, but earnings and withdrawals are tax free, provided you meet certain conditions.) At a minimum, contribute enough to earn your employer’s matching contribution, if one is offered, and try to boost your contributions whenever your salary goes up. If you don’t have access to a 401(k), but you have earned income, you can contribute to an IRA. Even if you don’t have earned income, but you have a spouse who does, you might be eligible to contribute to a spousal IRA.

• Maximize Social Security benefits. You can start taking Social Security at 62, but your monthly checks will be much bigger if you can afford to wait until your full retirement age, which will be around 66½. If you are married, you may want to coordinate your benefits with those of your spouse — in some cases, it makes sense for the spouse with the lower benefits to claim first, based on their earnings record, and apply for spousal benefits later, when the spouse with higher benefits begins to collect.

• Build an emergency fund. Try to build an emergency fund containing up to six months’ worth of living expenses, with the money kept in a liquid account. Having this fund available will help protect you from having to dip into your retirement accounts for large, unexpected costs, such as a major home or car repair.

It’s unfortunate, but women still must travel a more difficult road than men to reach retirement security. But making the right moves can help ease the journey.

This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Robert Farwell, CFP®. EdwardJones.com/r-farwell.

7 A Publication of Local Umbrella Media | SPRING 2024 | LOCAL NEWS | www.LocalUmbrellaMedia.com /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | Brad@LocalUmbrella.com “A part of your family since 1980” (858) 268-0044 www.tierramesavet.com We offer the best stretch limousine service in San Diego County. Looking out for your safety in the BEST of times is our promise. Contact us for your next luxury experience. (760) 802-5804 LIMOSERVICESD.COM Wedding • Bachelor Party • Prom • Private Party • Winery & Brewery Tour • Concert • San Diego & LAX Drop-off / Pick-Up
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The Kiwanis Club of


36th Annual TierraFest Schedule:

9:00am Craft Fair: Tierrasanta Newbreak Church

10:00am Patriots Day Parade: Starts at Canyon Hills High School

4:30pm BBQ Dinner, Live Music and Games: Tierrasanta Lutheran Church parking lot

5pm: Live Music

8:15pm Fireworks: Tierrasanta Skyline

Plans are in process for the 36th Annual Tierrafest to be held on Saturday May that will bring fun and celebration for all Tierrasanta/Murphy Canyon families.

The Tierrafest is a joint endeavor of the Kiwanis Club of Tierrasanta, the Tierrasanta Junior WomTierrasanta Community Council, Newbreak Church and the Tierrasanta Lutheran Church. All net proceeds support Tierrasanta & Murphy Canyon youth activities and community projects. To financially support this community event, contact Hani Shatila (858) 268-4184 or drhani09@ gmail.com. There are different areas you can help with the least of which is a business card ad on the evening dinner placemats. Plan to be a part of the event in any way possible. This is your day to enjoy!

Craft Fair 9am-4pm

Visit the very popular Craft Fair at the Tierrasanta Newbreak Church parking lot on 10791 Tierrasanta Blvd. It is sponsored by the Tierrasanta Junior Women’s Club. You can still participate, for a booth contact Amy Hall (858) 531-3955 or ahall4970@gmail.com

BBQ Dinner & Games begin 4:30pm with Music at 5pm

4:30pm: The BBQ Dinner at the Tierrasanta Lutheran Church parking lot, 11240 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. Many refreshments available including: hot dogs and hamburgers, water, soft drinks, beer & wine, & desserts. The Girl Scouts will also be serving pretzels and nachos. Games available for the youngsters. Youth, community organizations, and school booster clubs are invited to sponsor a game booth for $30 and then keep all the net proceeds as a fundraiser. If interested, contact Irene Cannon (619) 787-9527 or iscannon@earthlink.net

BBQ Dinner Menu:

1/4 Pound Burger w/Cheese, Chips & Salad $10.00

1/4 Pound Hot Dog w/ Chips $6.00

Pretzels/Nachos $5.00

Fireworks 8:15pm

Dessert $3.00

Coffee/Water/Soft Drinks $1.00

Beer or Wine $6.00

Bring a blanket or lawn chair to cozy up for this closing celebration.

Many thanks to our supporters

Grand Marshal of the Annual TierraFest:

Wow, what an honor. I am extremely humbled to be the Grand Marshal of the Patriots Day Parade in Tierrasanta. Tierrasanta has been a part of me for most of my life. I have to thank my parents for moving here in April of 1972 just before my fourth birthday. I attended Tierrasanta Elementary School, Farb Middle School and Serra High School. I have lived in four different homes in Portofino, Villa Monterey, and with my in-laws while looking for our first home. I married my beautiful wife, Christine Burgert, also a child of Tierrasanta. My Mom, Stepdad and in-laws still live here and my grandma did after she retired.

After graduating from High School (now Canyon Hills High School), I went off to college, returned to Tierrasanta to continue college and then left again for Chiropractic college. After


| SPRING 2024 | A Publication of Local Umbrella Media 8 LOCAL NEWS | www.LocalUmbrellaMedia.com /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | Brad@LocalUmbrella.com
The Tierrasanta Junior Women’s Club,


the 36th Mike Fillat

graduating I interviewed in San Diego with 30 Doctors of Chiropractic and decided I had to practice back home in Tierrasanta. In July 2024 I will have been practicing for 30 years, in Tierrasanta.

When first practicing, I agreed to be the Doctor for Serra High Athletics. I was a member of the Tierrasanta Lions Club and The Tierrasanta Kiwanis Club. Before the Tierrasanta Times newspaper was mailed to residents I delivered it on my bicycle to the homes in Portofino. I was a newspaper carrier for the San Diego Union Tribune. I worked for Dominos Pizza right here in Tierrasanta.

So, having been part of this community for over 50 years I am truly grateful for all it has given me and I hope I have given as much in return.

MAY 18TH, 2024

Patriots Day Parade 10am

The Patriots Day Parade is made up of local residents, civic organizations, youth groups and sports, San Diego dignitaries, local businesses, and auto enthusiasts. The parade route will be the same as recent years: 10am start from Canyon Hills High School, 5156 Santo Rd, south along Santo Rd, east along the south side of Tierrasanta Blvd. where it will turn right at La Cuenta Drive, left on Baroque Lane ending at the Legacy Church parking lot where fruit and refreshments will be served. Duration approximately 1.5 hours. Please contact Event Chairman Hani Shatila (858) 268-4184 or drhani09@gmail.com if you would like to be in the parade.

Merchants: Promote your business at the Patriots Day Parade

Join the parade as an opportunity for you to showcase your business to potential customers by offering special in-store promotions or by setting up booths along the parade route. For more info contact Event Chairman Hani Shatila (858) 268-4184 or drhani09@gmail.com

Convertibles Needed for the Parade

Show off your treasured convertible by driving dignitaries and community members in the parade that would like to wave to the crowd. 10am Saturday May 18, 2024. To help please contact Event Chairman Hani Shatila (858) 268-4184 or drhani09@gmail.com

Road Closure & Bus Service Route 927 on May 18, 2024

From 9:30am to 11:30am the following roads WILL BE CLOSED:

TIERRASANTA BLVD between Santo and LaCuenta; SANTO ROAD

Between Tierrasanta Blvd and Porto Ct. ESPLENDENTE BLVD. Limited

Access LA CUENTA South of Tierrasanta Blvd. San Diego Transit bus patrons please note that Route 927 buses will be detoured approximately 9:30 - 11:30 Saturday May 18, 2024. For more information call the San Diego Transit (619) 233-3004

9 A Publication of Local Umbrella Media | SPRING 2024 | LOCAL NEWS | www.LocalUmbrellaMedia.com /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | Brad@LocalUmbrella.com
The City of San Diego
Tierrasanta Community

Tierrasanta’s Candy Yolles Recognized for 30 Years of Blood Drives

Just over 70 people gathered amidst the coastal breeze of the bay last week, but not for the sun and sand. Instead they queued to give blood. All in all, 71 pints were donated — enough to save over 200 lives — all thanks to Candy Yolles, the host of the blood drive.

Donating blood is necessary to save the lives of millions each year. The worldwide lockdown during Covid caused challenges to the blood supply. If it weren’t for amazing citizens such as Candy Yolles, perhaps they would have.

A passionate advocate for blood donations, Yolles is committed to helping the community and inspires everyone around her to give too. She hosts an annual event, ‘Candy’s Friends and Family Blood Drive’ in conjunction with the San Diego Blood Bank. Yolles’ 17th annual drive just occurred on Sunday the 25th of February, rallying

community members and volunteers to join her cause. She hosted it in Crown Point to great success. Candy has recruited well over 150 first-time donors, with many of them returning to give year after year.

Yolles’ passion for blood donation began in 1995, sparked by a coworker’s struggle as her son battled aplastic anemia, a rare condition where the body doesn’t produce enough blood cells. “We needed to do something for him so I… [started] holding a drive 3 times a year at work. I realized I knew a lot of good people with a good heart that want to give.” Yolles said.

Through the tireless coordination of volunteers and donors, Candy Yolles has facilitated the donation of hundreds of pints of blood, and in the process saved thousands of lives. “I just am the catalyst that tells them where to go to give.”

“Think of the person who needs a transfusion every three weeks to survive.

They rely on people being brave and taking the time to donate blood out of the goodness of their heart.” The pandemic was no excuse to shift attention.

And, in 2021, after almost 3 decades of unwavering determination for donation and out of hundreds of nominees, Yolles was recognized with the Kabi Donation Hall of Fame award. This coveted award is only granted to people who have made a significant, continuous and dedicated contribution to blood donation.

Yolles is “just trying to leave the world a little better, knowing at least one life has breathed easier because we have... helped give them the gift of life.”

Ready to make a difference? Take the first step by visiting sandiegobloodbank. org and locating donation centers near you. You can also reach out to Candy Yolles to explore hosting your own blood drive at candyaiko@aol.com

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Candy (bottom row, center) surrounded by friends and family at Feb 2024 Blood Drive.
“I’m just trying to leave the world a little better, knowing at least one life has breathed easier because we have donated and helped give them the gift of life” —Candy Yolles
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Candy Yoles (pictured left) and Jodi Masumoto. Donation buses were there on site. Sign up booth at the beautiful Crown Point.

Resources for Ages 50+ in Tierrasanta

The Village Movement has been redefining aging for over two decades. Similar to the 300+ villages across the country, Tierrasanta Village is a member-led community of active, creative and independent adults aged 50 and older. Members connect with and care for one another through an array of support services, social and wellness programs, cultural and educational activities, and exciting excursions. Tierrasanta Village members embrace their talents, share their experiences and wisdom, nurture special interests, and foster deep relationships. Like all villages, members in Tierrasanta have one mutual goal: to age well in the home and neighborhood that they love.

While each village is unique, there are 4 main goals that organizations share:

1. Support aging-in-place through volunteer assistance. In each village the members aged 50-65 typically take a more active role in providing small volunteer services for the more senior members. These tasks

can include rides to the grocery store or a meal delivery during a recovery. The younger volunteers not only benefit by making strong connections in their community, but also ensure that when they themselves are in need of services, the village is able to provide them.

2. Reduce isolation through social and educational activities. Village members have planned many social events for the year ahead that include a Summer Luau, a Cornhole Tournament, Happy Hour Bingo, a trip to the Deer Park Winery and Automobile Museum, and a visit to the Tony Gwynn Museum located in the AleSmith Brewing Company. Eligible members, those aged 50+ living in Tierrasanta, are invited to attend all village events.

3. Educate members about aging-related topics, such as estate planning, maintaining cognitive health, or managing hearing and vision loss.

4. Connect members to resources that will help them age well in their current communities. This includes qualified service providers as well as no-cost government and non-profit resources.

To increase access to quality resources and expertise in the field of aging, the Village has launched a Supporting Partner Program. All San Diego businesses are invited to create mutually beneficial relationships with Tierrasanta Village, connecting members to much needed services. To learn more about this program, service providers can visit tierrasantavillge.org.

Julie Adams of LUVSD Realty is the Village’s first Diamond level partner. Diamond level partners contribute at the highest level available. Tierrasanta Village is grateful for Julie’s partnership and long-time support!

ES3 Physical Therapy and Partner In Aging are two new Crystal level partners, becoming wonderful resources for the entire membership.

Tierrasanta Village hosts a monthly Informational Happy Hour for interested community members to learn more about the Village Movement. The next event will be held on Wednesday, March 20th at 4 p.m. To register for this or any village activity of interest, contact 858569-9119 or tierrasantavlg@gmail.com.

| SPRING 2024 | A Publication of Local Umbrella Media 12 LOCAL NEWS | www.LocalUmbrellaMedia.com /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | Brad@LocalUmbrella.com
Each month members move and groove to an hour-long exercise dance party.
13 A Publication of Local Umbrella Media | SPRING 2024 | LOCAL NEWS | www.LocalUmbrellaMedia.com /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | Brad@LocalUmbrella.com (205) 356-6685 | topdog-detail.com Do you have a dirty car? Good news. Full service interior and exterior deep cleaning is now 50% off. Or buy one and get a second one free (refer a friend to ‘gift’ them a free deep cleaning)! This offer won’t last forever, so book your detail today! 50% off NOW

There’s a NEW Froyo Menu in Town!


The sun is high, the clouds are few, the birds are chirping, and Heavenly Yogurt is calling you.

Ross Friend, the new owner, extends a warm invitation to everyone to come and experience an enhanced yogurt indulgence.

Located in Tierrasanta Plaza off of La Cuenta Dr, across from Fire Station 39 and the Tierrasanta Library, Heavenly Yogurt occupies a prime location, perfect for checking out a new book and enjoying some delightful yogurt. At Heavenly Yogurt, it is very easy to get lost in the flavors. With flavors changing bi-weekly, there’s always something new and exciting to try. Whether you’re a fan of classic favorites or eager to explore innovative combinations, Heavenly Yogurt promises a tasty adventure with each visit!

When Friend acquired Heavenly Yogurt, he envisioned more than just a yogurt shop; he saw a vibrant community hub, a gathering spot where locals could converge and connect. This aspiration stemmed from his innate desire to uplift others — a sentiment shaped by his prior experience in the field of prosthetics. “I’ve always been in the field of helping people, and now I can help the community.” Friend says.

Ross is a devoted family man, married with a three-year-old daughter, a high school son, and a son attending SDSU.

At Heavenly Yogurt, you’ll discover more than just a delightful array of colorful flavors. Catering to diverse dietary needs, Friend ensures options like non-dairy and no-sugar-added flavors are available to suit everyone. Heavenly Yogurt has partnered with Split Bakehouse in Grossmont Center to bring delicious vegan pastries closer to your home in Tierrasanta. Heavenly Yogurt has also partnered with Parisien Gourmandises in La Jolla to bring forth an all-new delicious treat — The Croyo™.

The Croyo is a delicious conjunction of frozen yogurt and croissant creating the perfect dessert sandwich. Additionally, indulge in a variety of Acai bowls and beverages such as coffee, smoothies, and more! With Friend at the helm, expect an expanding menu in the near future. Friend wants to expand the menu onto the healthier side. “It’s so much more than yogurt,” he says.

There’s always a good reason to visit Heavenly Yogurt. Friend plans frequent fundraisers, where a portion of every sale will go towards supporting local causes, such as schools or sports clubs. Seniors, military personnel, and children in their sports uniforms — such as soccer or basketball — can anticipate discounts.

Friend has partnered with DoorDash and Grubhub and is working on a partnership with UberEats. Visit Heavenly-yogurt.com for current flavors and links for delivery orders. Make sure to follow Heavenly Yogurt on Instagram @HeavenlyYogurtSD and Facebook for more discounts and fundraising events.

“I want this to be a place where a child can grow up and look back on positive memories,” says Friend. With its welcoming atmosphere, diverse menu offerings, and commitment to community engagement, Heavenly Yogurt is poised to become not just a favorite spot for frozen treats, but a beloved gathering place for families and friends alike.

| SPRING 2024 | A Publication of Local Umbrella Media 14 LOCAL NEWS | www.LocalUmbrellaMedia.com /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | Brad@LocalUmbrella.com
Ross Friendly (far right) and staff.
15 A Publication of Local Umbrella Media | SPRING 2024 | LOCAL NEWS | www.LocalUmbrellaMedia.com /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | Brad@LocalUmbrella.com
Crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, these bite-size donuts are gluten free, sweetened with organic sugar, and avoid the top 9 allergens!
Crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, these bite-size donuts are gluten free, sweetened with organic sugar, and avoid the top 9 allergens!
Crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, these bite-size donuts are gluten free, sweetened with organic sugar, and avoid the top 9 allergens!
858.384.6201 WELCOME TO HEAVENLY YOGURT 10791 Tierrastanta Blvd Ste101 San Diego, Ca 92124 (858) 836-1463 www.heavenly-yogurt.com Introducing the CROYO interior - exterior decks - patios cabinet refinishing doors kids rooms eco friendly staining faux finishes garage floor epoxy SERVICES
Brushworks is a professional painting company that provides high-quality, customer-focused service to homeowners in San Diego. We are committed to exceeding our clients’ expectations by providing a clean, efficient and timely painting process. We use only the highest quality materials and workmanship, and we are backed by a satisfaction guarantee. Wayne Smith II cell 619.794.4855 | office 619.453.9373 wayne@sdbrushworks.com SDbrushworks.com | LIC 979201 Your Tierrasanta Neighbor
Crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, these bite-size donuts are gluten free, sweetened with organic sugar, and avoid the top 9 allergens!
| SPRING 2024 | A Publication of Local Umbrella Media 16 LOCAL NEWS | www.LocalUmbrellaMedia.com /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | Brad@LocalUmbrella.com SOLD PRICE ADDRESS $675,000 10649 Porto Ct $680,000 11346 Camino Playa Cancun $688,000 11260 Portobelo Dr $695,000 11340 Camino Playa Cancun $699,000 11326 Portobelo Dr $705,000 5022 Ducos Pl $705,000 11012 Portobelo Dr $707,500 10883 Caravelle Pl $750,500 10971 Clairemont Mesa Blvd $777,000 5112 Fino Dr $785,000 5340 Oakleaf Pt $790,000 5236 Rimpark Ln $795,000 10629 Escobar Dr $809,000 9989 Lemonwood Ln $850,000 10160 Gayuba Ln $853,000 5384 Rim View Way $857,500 10633 Escobar Dr $860,000 10250 Mirabel Ln $870,000 10718 Portobelo Dr $900,000 5811 Antigua Blvd SOLD PRICE ADDRESS $900,000 5873 Menorca Dr $920,000 5186 Abuela Dr $927,000 5383 Outlook Pt $983,000 5725 Antigua Blvd $986,000 5707 Menorca Dr $1,019,000 4762 Seda Dr $1,100,000 4677 Rueda Dr $1,120,000 10320 Muchacha Way $1,125,000 5587 Tortuga Ct $1,175,000 10866 Montego Dr $1,255,000 5736 El Cabo Ct $1,285,000 3818 Catamarca Dr $1,320,000 5126 Avenida Playa Cancun $1,330,000 4371 Vivaracho Ct $1,355,500 11760 Calamar Dr $1,364,000 10915 Portobelo Dr $1,373,000 10895 Uvalde Ct $1,400,000 10606 Viacha Dr $1,485,000 4137 Rueda Dr $1,505,000 5142 Avenida Playa Cancun Sales represent activity from various brokers and per SDMLS and San Diego County Recorder’s office. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. NOV 21 – MAR 6 | AVG DAYS ON MARKET 15 92124 home sales tierrasantapulse.com THE PULSE photo contest TO ADD THE CALENDAR TO YOUR DEVICE SCAN THE QR CODE FOR EITHER APPLE OR GOOGLE CALENDAR APPLE iCal GOOGLE community calendar STAY INFORMED Please help fill the Tierrasanta Pulse Community Calendar with local events: fundraisers, sports sign ups, community group meetings, etc. by emailing the title of event, date, time and location to hello@tierrasantapulse.com. With your expressed persmission we will share your social events on our Facebook & Instagram. Follow us! @thepulsetierrasanta The PULSE of the Community No purchase necessary to win. Sponsored by LUVSD Realty. Enter to WIN a $100 giftcard to a local Tierrasanta business. Capture a creative photo of Tierrasanta. Email the photo referencing “Tierrasanta Pulse Photo Contest” in the subject line to hello@tierrasantapulse.com Dixie Galapon SPRING 2024 WINNER Call me for a personalized analysis of your home’s value or scan for a quick home valuation. Julie Adams REALTOR® DRE 01409835 619.481.0200 Photo taken by Dixie Galapon on Villarica Way.

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