Our Town Chula Vista Jan. 2024

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Community General Manager A R I P I N TA D O

Independent Contributor R ACH E L PE R E Z

Community Digital & Content Consultant RILE Y KAI

Intern Photographer D O L E V K L A I M A N , M A R I A U L LOA






National Blood Donor Month Highlights Need For Blood Donation Throughout The Year COMMUNITY IS ASKED TO DONATE BLOOD AFTER THE HOLIDAYS


an Diego Blood Bank, the regional blood bank serving Southern California, is celebrating National Blood Donor Month throughout the month of January by honoring blood donors who regularly roll up their sleeves and help save lives and inviting those who have never donated before to donate. 19 since 1970 with the goal of A Publication Local Umbrella Media | JANUARY in 2024 | National Blood of Donor Month hasVOLUME been 10 observed January increasing blood and platelet donations during winter – one of the most difficult times of year to collect enough blood products to meet patient needs. Right now, there is a need for all blood types. In celebration of National Blood Donor Month, blood donors who donate at any San Diego Blood Bank donor center or mobile blood drive will be gifted with a limited-edition Winnie-the-Pooh t-shirt (while supplies last). two seconds in America, someone needs blood, and one in seven patients entering a Community is asked toEvery donate blood after the holidays Neighborhood Publications hospital require blood transfusions. This ranges from trauma victims to patients battling sickle cell San Diego Blood Bank, the regional blood every 83 newborn deliveries in America today. Reaching bank Over 125,000 San Diego diseasecould or Thalassemia or to ensure a successful organ or bone marrow transplant. Cancer patients serving Southern California, is celebrating One blood donation save up to three lives. National Blood Donor Month throughout the “Blood is unique in our healthcare system,” Area Mailboxes Every Month! use 25 percent of all blood month of January by honoring blood donors said Doug Morton, San Diego Blood Bank CEO. donations and blood transfusions are needed in one out of every 83 who regularly roll up their sleeves and help save is nonewborn substitute, and it cannot be deliveries insyn-America today. One blood donation could save up to three lives. 19 A Publication of Local Umbrella Media“There VOLUME 10 | JANUARY 2024 | lives and inviting those who have never donated thetically made so volunteer blood donations “Blood is unique in our healthcare system,” said Doug Morton, San Diego Blood Bank CEO. before to donate. are the only way to provide blood to hospital FollowNational and Blood LikeDonor UsMonth Online has been patients in need.” or by calling (619) 400-8251. Walk-ins are welcome. “Thereabout is noNational substitute, observed in January since 1970 with the goal of More information Blood and it cannot be synthetically made so volunteer blood donations are the @LocalUmbrellaMedia About San Diego Blood Bank increasing blood and platelet donations during Donor Month can way be found SanDiegoBloodonly to atprovide blood to San hospital patients in need.” Diego Blood Bank (SDBB) is a 501(c)(3) nonwinter – one of the most difficult times of year Bank.org/nbdm. profit organizationabout also operating as Southern Cali- Donor Month can be found at to collect enough blood products to meet paMore information National Blood fornia Blood Bank. The Blood Bank serves hospitals tient needs. SanDiegoBloodBank.org/nbdm. throughout Southern California with more than Right now, there is a need for all blood types. 150,000 units of blood each year. San Diego Blood In celebration of National Blood Donor BrowseMonth, All Editions Online @ To be eligible to donate blood you must be at least 17 years old, weigh at Bank’s mission is to connect diverse communities to blood donors who donate at any San save and improve blood andgood biotheraDiego Blood Bank donor center or mobile least 110 pounds andlives bethrough in general health. www.LocalUmbrellanews.com pies. Dedicated to blood drive will be gifted with a limited-edition Appointments are encouraged and available by visiting sandiegobloodbank. advancing health and wellness through medical Winnie-the-Pooh t-shirt (while supplies last). innovation, SDBB has provided an essential service Every two seconds in America, someone needs org or by calling (619) 400-8251. Walk-ins are welcome. since 1950. Local Umbrella Media arepatients printed and a blood,Publications and one in seven entering MARIA





ked to donate blood after the holidays

San Diego Blood Bank currently operates nine require blood transfusions. This ranges distributed freely hospital throughout San Diego County. Opinions fixed-site donation locations and 10 bloodmobiles, from trauma victims to patients battling sickle To be eligible to donate blood you must be at expressed in articles or advertisements dotonot necessarily About Blood with Diego blood drives running Bank daily. For more informacell disease or Thalassemia or ensure a sucleast 17 years old, weigh at least 110 pounds and San ry 83 newborn deliveries inthe America today. tion about SDBB, visit www.SanDiegoBloodBank. cessful organ or bone marrow reflect the opinions of publisher. Local transplant. UmbrellaCancer Media be in general good health. San Diego Blood Bank (SDBB) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization also org and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, use 25 of lives. all blood donations Appointments are encouraged and available e blood donation couldpatients save up topercent three is not responsible for omissions or information that has and Linkedin. and blood transfusions are needed in one out of by visiting sandiegobloodbank.org operating as Southern California Blood Bank. The Blood Bank serves hospitals Blood is unique in our healthcare system,” been mispresented in the newspaper. Local Umbrella throughout Southern California with more than 150,000 units of blood each d Doug Morton, San Diego Bank CEO. by Local Media Publicatons are Blood produced and published year. San Diego Blood Bank’s mission is to connect diverse communities to Umbrella Media, and no part of this publication may be here is no substitute, and it cannot be synreproduced or transmitted without permission of the tically made so volunteer blood donations save and improve lives through blood and biotherapies. the only publisher. way to provide blood to hospital Dedicated to advancing health and wellness through medical innovation, DISLAIMER: Paid advertisements contained herein arecalling (619) 400-8251. Walk-ins are welcome. ients in need.” or by SDBB has provided an essential service since 1950. San Diego Blood Bank currently operates nine not endorsed or recommended by publisher; therefore, More information about National Blood fixed-site publisher shall not be held liable for business practices About San Diego Blooddonation Bank locations and 10 bloodmobiles, with blood drives running daily. For more nor Month can be found at SanDiegoBloodof advertisers. Publisher not liable for images accepted in information about SDBB, visit www.SanDiegoBloodBank.org and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, San Diego Blood Bank (SDBB) is a 501(c)(3) nonnk.org/nbdm. good faith. Twitter, and Linkedin.

profit organization also operating as Southern California Blood Bank. The Blood Bank serves hospitals throughout Southern California with more than— Advertising: sales.ohtm@gmail.com Ourhometown.online — Submissions: info.ohtm@gmail.com 150,000 units of blood each year. San Diego Blood Bank’s mission is to connect diverse communities to save and improve lives through blood and biothera-



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care. The growth industry known as medical or health tourism has many reputable operators but also, no shortage of bad players. The latter may include, so-called, “facilitators,” who promise to find you top medical care and then refer you to the healthcare provider that pays them top commission. Christian El-Khouri, an industry consultant based in Germany, has seen it all. Growing up, he helped his family in their medical tourism business which his father had started in the late 19070s. Today, Christian consults exclusively with governments, hospitals and other healthcare stakeholders. Previously, though, he spent a decade helping patients and describes medical tourism as a true passion. I talked with him about what’s going on in the world of medical tourism today and got his checklist for finding good care.

Navigating the World of Health Tourism Lessons From 40 Years of Patient Experience By Pamela Tames


f you’ve ever planned a trip abroad for healthcare, you know it can be a maze, sometimes even a minefield, trying to find suitable care. The growth industry known as medical or health tourism has many reputable operators but also, no shortage of bad players. The latter may include, so-called, “facilitators,” who promise to find you top medical care and then refer you to the healthcare provider that pays them top commission. Christian El-Khouri, an industry consultant based in Germany, has seen it all. Growing up, he helped his family in their medical tourism business which his father had started in the late 19070s. Today, Christian consults exclusively with governments, hospitals and other healthcare stakeholders. Previously, though, he spent a decade helping patients and describes medical tourism as a true passion. I talked with him about what’s going on in the world of medical tourism today and got his checklist for finding good care. You have a unique perspective on medical tourism since your family is in the business. How did the family business get started? I always say I was born into medical tourism because my parents were the first to provide medical tourism facilitation in Germany in the late 1970’s. My father had immigrated from Syria to Germany and spoke fluent German, Arabic and English. He was able to respond to a need to help Arabic speaking patients from the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council comprises Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates) who were seeking treatment in Germany. From there, the company, which is called The MESC International Patient Service GmbH, evolved and grew. How did you learn the business? I’m not sure how familiar you are with the Middle East or the GCC, but typically, the day starts later and goes well into the morning due to the heat and other reasons. So it was quite normal for us to have the phone ring at 2 a.m. at our home because they couldn’t reach anybody in the office. At some point my parents realized it would be a good idea to train myself and my older brother to cover when they weren’t available. They taught us how to handle these calls, ask


the right questions, and get the details – especially the entire name, because there are very similar name variations in the Middle East. It was a rather tough reign since my parents wanted to ensure we really learned the business from the ground up. All that thorough training – being diligent about every small step in the process – later translated into me being very critical of patient service outside our family company. It’s not a job you take lightly because at the end of the day, it’s a patient or a family member trusting you – a person they might not know – with their health while dealing with all the complexities of traveling to another country with a different culture, language and legal system to receive medical treatment without friends and family close by. It’s incredibly stressful and we take it very seriously. With MESC, your family’s business, where were most of clients coming from and what kinds of services were being offered? Initially, MESC worked with Arabic speaking patients but today the business is international with people coming from Russia, the EU, Africa, Asia and to a lesser degree, the US. We did not target the American market directly, but because the US operates an Army base in Wiesbaden, MESC does get American patients. Essentially, mes operates as the international office of a hospital here that provides primarily diagnostic services. This hospital was modeled after the Mayo Clinic approach of providing integrated, multidisciplinary care. MESC has an exclusive agreement with them to handle both their marketing and patient services. It is a unique arrangement in mesc, being privately owned, is not constrained by the dictates of the hospital group. This gives MESC the freedom to operate in the best interests of the patient. Once a patient gets a diagnosis, MESC helps them find the best treatment in Germany and provides guidance on pricing to help ensure they’re fairly charged. What are important criteria for assessing where to send patients for treatment? The doctors at the diagnostic hospital will often make a recommendation regarding where to go for treatment. Another good option is a university teaching hospitals, since they are very

highly regarded in Germany. MESC uses a screening process that involves meeting with the hospitals, assessing the scope and quality of expertise, and examining any available metrics, such as, complication rates of surgeries. The good thing about Germany is that the standard and quality of care is very high so there are many good hospitals. On the non-medical side, criteria include hospitals having good processes and resources in place for accommodating and supporting El-Khouri,health healthtourism tourismconsultant, consultant,isisbased basedininGermany. Germany. international patients. El-Khouri, This might include offering great halal food for You have a unique In researching medical perspective on tourism, medical Middle Eastern patients, providing noticed lot of tourism sinceI’ve your familythere is in are theabusiness. How did the family business get started? a welcoming experience that helps facilitators out there but not a always say Ilot was into medical tourism to reduce patient stress, and Ihaving ofborn transparency about how because my parents were the first to provide doctors who know how to reassure they’re paid. Why is that? medical tourism facilitation in Germany patients so they feel confident Typically medical tourism in the late 1970’s. My father had immigrated from Syrabout the care they are getting. paid a commission ia to Germanyfacilitators and spokeare fluent German, Arabic – awas percentage of the revenue and English. He able to respond to a need What drives patients to seek careArabicgenerated the patient to help speaking by patients from for thethe GCC in Germany specifically?(Gulf Cooperation healthcare provider. In some cases, Council comprises Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the There is a segment of people who Oman,the commission is up toand 25%. United Arab Emirates) who were seeking treatwant the best healthcare available This is common practice around ment in Germany. From there, the company, and can afford to go anywhere the world. Since 2011, however, which The MESC International Patient whether it be MD Anderson for is calledcharging a percentage commission Service GmbH, evolved and grew. cancer care in the US or University for the referral of an international Hospital of Heidelberg in Germany. patient been allowed How did you learnhas thenot business? Another segment includes people in Germany and constitutes a I’m not sure how familiar you are with the who are looking for better care, the typically, Civic Code. Middle East orviolation the GCC,ofbut the day not the best, but better thanstarts whatlater and goes well into the morning due to the heat andHow other reasons. it paid was quite is available in their home country. does MESCSo get for its normal for us to have the phone ring at 2 a.m. at Germany caters to both these services? our home because they couldn’t reach anybody segments, offering best-in-class The family business’ patient service in the office. At some point my parents realized care in some areas and better care business unit does not take a it would be a good idea to train myself and my than is available in many other commission butthey charges the patient older brother to cover when weren’t availcountries. I strongly believeable. that the for the services provided. The fee They taught us how to handle these calls, level of healthcare service offered for each service being ask the right questions, and get theprovided details –is especially the entire name, becausepay there are in the United States, Israel and itemized and patients us directly. very similar name the Middle Germany are more or less on par. This variations transparentin approach has East. The German healthcare system is fostered trust over the years. MESC NEWS | www.LocalUmbrellaMedia.com over 120 years old and has garnered LOCAL is now seeing the third generation of a trusted reputation. We have the clients’ families solely on the basis of added benefit of strict price controls positive word of mouth. to help protect against corruption. There’s pricing transparency and How can people protect although the pricing is complicated themselves from unfair or illegal and hard to understand at least pricing practices? What should a it exists, establishing a legal limit. patient watch for? The other difference is that In both Germany and the US, Germany has a more conservative you see a tiered pricing structure approach to treatment and some in which the best care is often consider this to be an advantage. the most expensive. However, Instead of jumping to surgical or unlike in the US, Germany has the pharmaceutical intervention, for benefit of very strict price controls example, you’d do rehab or physical aimed at capping what you are therapy. allowed to charge. But as happens

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everywhere, bad operators – including hospitals and doctors and facilitators – find ways to workaround the system to enrich themselves with all kinds of illicit schemes. For instance, we’ve had patients come to us with requests to investigate hospital invoices that seem too high. We’ll look into it, trying to understand the pricing. Sometimes it’s justified but in some cases, the hospital would tell us they didn’t issue the invoice. Turned out, the facilitator was marking up the invoice and pocketing the difference. This is why I say, an ideal world for me is one where there is no medical tourism facilitator. Instead, the hospitals would be trained, structured and equipped to deal with international patients directly. However, there are problems with that since hospitals don’t want the bad PR of being seen to prioritize international patients, who are usually more profitable, over domestic patients. The Joint Commission International (JCI) and Temos are two groups that provide accreditation to hospitals that meet certain criteria. Is accreditation a good indicator of quality care? I cannot speak to the validity of accreditation offered by either the JCI or Temos because I just don’t know. In general though, I would say that you cannot assume accreditation indicates quality care because it may be a pay-toplay scheme. What I mean by that is the hospital may be paying for accreditation in which case, there’s a conflict of interest built in. If the accreditation is actually earned, and the criteria for accreditation are meaningful then it may be useful. But then again, you have to wonder, who’s checking that the accreditation standards are being maintained 6 months later and who’s enforcing standards? One source says the medical tourism industry is booming, with annual growth estimated at 15-25% and contributing over $100 billion annually to the global economy. Does this more or less reflect what you’re seeing? I do think it’s a growth industry, but I question some of the big numbers being thrown around. For instance, how are they calculating medical tourism revenue? Is it only medical care costs? Or does it include revenue from other retail and service providers that are peripheral to medical tourism? One thing is clear, it seems everybody wants to get into medical tourism. There are so many people jumping in calling themselves facilitators and the level of professionalism is frightening. Some facilitators create WhatsApp groups of 100 or more facilitators and they’ll sell referrals to patients to the highest bidder. Some of these facilitators are calling themselves medical experts and using ChatGPT to write their content. I call these bad players out where I see it. It’s so unprofessional. Patients put their trust in you and you need to protect them— not send them to somebody you’ve connected with on WhatsApp a week ago.


PODCASTS Produced by IQ Podcasts

Hosted by Michael Monaco

Episode 8

Mayor John McCann

Topic - Mayor John McCann leading Chula Vista into the future

Episode 9 Chula Vista Elementary School District Superintendent Dr. Eduardo Reyes

Episode 10 Chula Vista City Manager Maria Kachadoorian

Episode 11 Sophia Hoffman Topic - As a contestant for Seasons 23 and 24 of the Voice, she discusses her vocal career and her perseverance in pursuing her gift.

Website: ourhometown.online Email: info@ourhometownmag.com Instagram: @ourhometownonline

Ourhometown.online — Submissions: info.ohtm@gmail.com — Advertising: sales.ohtm@gmail.com



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The 2024 Home Buying Landscape: The Impact of Interest Rates



he real estate market continues to be shaped by various factors, with interest rates playing a pivotal role in influencing the home buying process. As potential homeowners navigate the market, understanding the dynamics of interest rates becomes crucial for making informed decisions. Interest rates have a direct impact on mortgage affordability, shaping the financial landscape for homebuyers. With interest rates fluctuating, prospective buyers find themselves at the mercy of market trends. When interest rates are low, borrowing costs decrease, making homeownership more accessible. Conversely, rising interest rates can lead to increased mortgage expenses, potentially affecting buyers’ purchasing power. We are expecting interest rates to lower at least four times in 2024. With reduced borrowing costs, individuals can qualify for larger loan amounts, potentially expanding their housing options. This stimulates demand and contributes to a competitive market. As a result, home prices

may experience upward pressure due to increased demand. For first-time buyers, low interest rates can be particularly advantageous. Lower monthly mortgage payments allow individuals to allocate funds to other aspects of homeownership, such as home improvements or savings. This fosters a more inclusive real estate market by lowering barriers to entry for those entering the homeownership arena. Conversely, in a rising interest rate environment, the dynamics shift. Higher interest rates translate to increased borrowing costs, potentially pricing some buyers out of the market. Affordability becomes a significant concern, and buyers may need to reassess their budget or consider more modest housing options. In addition to affecting individual homebuyers, interest rates can influence the overall health of the real estate market. A delicate balance is required to sustain a stable and thriving housing sector. Too low interest rates may contribute to speculative buying, driving up home prices and potentially leading

to market bubbles. Conversely, excessively high interest rates can result in decreased demand, causing a slowdown in the market. To navigate the everchanging landscape of interest rates in 2024, potential homebuyers should adopt a strategic approach. Keeping a close eye on market trends and consulting with financial experts can provide valuable insights. Locking in a favorable interest rate through fixedrate mortgages can offer stability and protection against future rate hikes. Government policies and economic indicators also play a role in shaping interest rate trends. Monitoring these factors can help buyers anticipate potential changes in borrowing costs and make timely decisions. The interplay between interest rates and the home buying process in 2024 underscores the importance of staying informed and adaptable. Low interest rates create opportunities

Taking Uber or Lyft?

Minnie Rzeslawski

for aspiring homeowners, fostering a dynamic and competitive market. However, buyers must remain vigilant as market conditions evolve, recognizing that interest rates are a key factor influencing the affordability and accessibility of homeownership in the current real estate landscape. Bottomline, it’s a great time to buy! Minnie Rzeslawski is a full time real estate broker/owner of The 24k Real Estate Group with over 35 years of experience. She can be reached (619) 804-5373.


REMEMBER THESE SAFETY TIPS By District Attorney Summer Stephan


s your District Attorney, I’m committed to increasing communication and accessibility between the DA’s Office and you, the community. One way I have been doing that is through this column, where I provide consumer tips on public safety matters. This month I want to remind readers about staying safe when using Uber, Lyft or any app that connects you with strangers. We all enjoy the way technology has opened the world to us and provided life-changing conveniences. But, don’t be lulled into a false sense of security just because something is popular. There are bad actors in every line of business who do not make up the majority, but whose behavior tarnishes the reputation of the industry. The same goes for Uber or Lyft. On one end of the spectrum, riders may end up with a rude driver. But on the extreme end,


the ride could end in sexual assault, robbery, or worse: death. A case of mistaken identity can turn into a huge risk when inadvertently getting into a vehicle you think is an Uber or Lyft, but is actually a predator. A dramatic and gut-wrenching example of this occurred recently when a South Carolina college student was stabbed to death after accidentally getting into a car she thought was an Uber. Before you hop into that car, remember these tips: Make sure you are getting into the right car. Check the license plate, make and model of the car, which the Uber and Lyft app provide after booking the ride. Ask the driver to confirm your name before getting in the car so you know you are getting in the right car. Also, ask the driver for his or her name to confirm it is the same as the name displayed in the app. If possible, stay inside until your

driver arrives. Waiting outside with your phone in your hand could signal to fake Uber or Lyft drivers that you are a target. Ride in the back seat, especially when riding alone. This gives you better access to a safe exit and provides personal space between you and the driver. Use the ‘share trip status’ in Uber or the ‘send ETA’ feature in Lyft to let others know your location and to share your driver’s information with a friend or loved one. Trust your instincts. If you feel that you’re in danger, you can call 911 from the Uber or Lyft apps. Parents should remember that even when using ride sharing services, children who are of car seat age must safely be secured in an ageappropriate seat. Do not allow minors to ride alone. Both Uber and Lyft require passengers to be at least 18. Personal safety begins with awareness. Criminals look for the

easiest target, so don’t make it easy on them. District Attorney Summer Stephan has dedicated nearly 30 years to serving justice and victims of crime as prosecutor. She is a national leader in fighting sex crimes and human trafficking, and in creating smart and fair criminal justice solutions and restorative justice practices that treat the underlying causes of addiction and mental illness and that keep young people from being incarcerated. Captain Neal has played an integral part in the maps that are used to route our response vehicles to active incidents. In his earlier years with the organization, he actually produced them and ensured they were accessible and would be accurately displayed on our Fire Apparatus computers. However, now he is responsible for managing this work through other CVFD personnel, the City of Chula Vista GIS, and our Fire Dispatch

Ourhometown.online — Submissions: info.ohtm@gmail.com — Advertising: sales.ohtm@gmail.com

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New Gadgets?

Learn how to dispose of the old ones correctly About 200 million US adults will purchase tech as a holiday gift this year, according to the Consumer Technology Association.1 Let’s be responsible about how we dispose of old electronics.

Recognize The Risks Throwing electronics in your trash or recycling bin could cause fires, injure workers or harm the environment. Electronics and rechargeable batteries must be returned to specialized electronics recyclers. The following can NOT be placed in your trash or recycling container: Cellphones


Rechargeable Batteries

Electric Scooters & Hoverboards


Electronic Toys

Cordless Power Tools

Handheld Gaming Consoles

Organize Waste

Dispose of Safely

When you have old items you no longer want to keep, divide them into different categories: sell, dispose of or donate.

To find battery and electronics recyclers in your area, visit Earth911.com. Or, to explore mail-back recycling options visit RepublicServices.com/residents/recycling. Simply:

Electronics that are in good working condition could benefit various organizations. Consider donating your old devices to secondhand stores or local charities.


Choose a box size that fits your needs.


Fill the box.


Call for pickup or ship the box yourself.

When in Doubt, Look It Up. Electronics don’t belong in the regular recycling or trash carts. Visit RepublicServices.com/Residents/Recycling/E-Waste for more information. 1. https://www.cta.tech/Resources/Newsroom/Media-Releases/2022/October/CTA-Previewsthe-Hottest-Tech-Gifts-of-2022#:~:text=A%20record%2Dbreaking%2078%25%20(,three%20 percentage%20points%20from%202021.

Center. In addition, he is our point person to ensure that real-time incident information for large-scale incidents is captured and properly displayed on interconnected applications for incoming resources, the County of San Diego, as well as the State of California. This critical functionality is time sensitive as it is used to rapidly evacuate threatened communities, directs emergency response units to the most impacted areas, and provides the necessary information to the

State and FEMA in order to achieve support for emergency declarations. The Chula Vista Fire Department currently operates from 10 fire stations with the 11th due in the next six months. From these fire stations, 28 Fire and EMS vehicles are deployed on an average of 168 responses per day. To support this mission, there are a dozen more apparatus that serve in a reserve capacity to ensure the minimum number of emergency vehicles are in service for Fire and EMS

personnel can respond when needed. Maintenance and repairs are completed by the City of Chula Vista Public Works Department which works tirelessly on these vehicles and is nearly a full-time job. Coordination between the Fire and Public Works Departments is another critical function to ensure there is little to no lapse in service capability. Daily, there are apparatus going into and out of service and they all need to be prioritized to meet the demand for

911 calls for service. Captain Neal has been able to maximize the Fire Department’s availability related to fleet maintenance needs. He has been able to accomplish this by building strong relationships with his counterparts from City Shops and through the use of data to unify our collective approach to maintaining our Fire and EMS response vehicles. Because of his efforts, we are a better Fire Department, and our City is a safer place for us all.

Ourhometown.online — Submissions: info.ohtm@gmail.com — Advertising: sales.ohtm@gmail.com



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Your Local YMCA – So Much More Than a Gym and Swim


he YMCA has been serving communities throughout San Diego County since 1928. Each branch has a unique look and feel and strives to meet the needs of its local community. For decades, Y’s across the county have found ways to connect with people of all backgrounds and give them a safe space to learn, grow, meet friends, or improve their health and well-being. Many people know their branch as a place to get a great workout, swim, or enroll their child in after-school care or day camp. But there is so much more to your local YMCA. During the pandemic, the social service “arm” of the Y, also known as Community Support Services (child care, food distribution, counseling, housing, and more), was needed more than ever. Knowing demand was high, this propelled the YMCA of San Diego County’s vision to expand these services and resources directly at the local branch level, making them easily accessible for all who enter our doors. Today, thanks in part to partnerships with organizations at the local and state levels, our Y is proud to continue growing our social services at the localized level to provide community-responsive solutions to help address the social determinants of health that advance equity, opportunity and upward mobility for all using an evidenced-based, measured approach. YMCA locations, particularly those in marginalized communities, provide essential resources and serve their respective communities through health fairs, benefit enrollment assistance, tax preparation services, and food distribution. Our Y staff are trained to recognize the needs of community members and connect them to relevant services at the Y and beyond.


The Y offers free on-site health education and referral events that provide direct contact with service providers and essential health resources. It is vital to the Y to ensure cultural relevance and linguistic accessibility with a focus on those experiencing the most significant social and health disparities. The evolved YMCA model utilizes Y facilities as platforms to focus on San Diego’s most demanding community challenges – all while still offering beautiful gyms, pools, and service with a smile! “The South Bay Family YMCA is very well positioned to provide wrap-around services for families in crisis,” said Laura Muñoz Humphreys, Regional Executive Director for the South Bay and Border View Family YMCAs. “For example, we recently had a mother approach our staff at the South Bay YMCA who shared that she didn’t

know what she was looking for, but she’d heard the Y could help. The mother was living in her car with her children and confided that she was feeling very depressed. Through our internal and external network, we provided a free membership instantly so she and her children could shower and use the restrooms. We connected her to an emergency shelter and enrolled her children in subsidized after-school childcare. With this support, she’s been able to enroll in school and is improving her family’s life. This mother’s story is only one example of how the Y works toward fulfilling its vision to be the catalyst to transform lives and communities every day.” Programs and services offered at the Y are continuously expanded based on community feedback, with a focus on community well-being and belonging. Through previous listening sessions, the Y learned that a growing number of community members are facing challenging financial and social issues. This feedback has driven the Y’s goals and services, focusing on building

protective factors and increasing access to care through lifestyle change programs and resource navigation. The Y constantly engages in discussions with local organizations, businesses, government officials, and school districts that express interest in alliances and strive to build complementary partnerships to expand service opportunities to all community members. “The Y is for EVERYbody, all the time, no matter your circumstances,” says Anita Keller Scott, Senior Development Director. “We want to meet every family where they are and help them become stronger, healthier individuals, families, and community members.” If you or someone you know is looking for a place to thrive in 2024, consider visiting your local YMCA to find out more or visit our websites: South Bay YMCA: https://www. ymcasd.org/locations/south-bayfamily-ymca Border View YMCA: https://www. ymcasd.org/locations/border-viewfamily-ymca

Ourhometown.online — Submissions: info.ohtm@gmail.com — Advertising: sales.ohtm@gmail.com

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430 Second Ave

7:55 am

Pre-K to


Culinary Classes,

Chula Vista, Ca 91910

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Power of Community Renewal


Office of Mayor and City Council Directory

ust like so many longtime Chula Vista residents, Loma Verde Recreation Center holds a special place in my heart and great memories of my childhood. Growing up in the older portion of Chula Vista, I learned to swim at the Loma Verde Community Pool. I played baseball at South Bay Little League at Max field. After practice or a game, I would go to Loma Verde to wait for my mom to pick me up after her long day working at Rohr Industries. The Center was a safe place for me and many other children to play and run.

Mayor John McCann 619-694-5044 jmccann@chulavistaca.gov Council Member Carolina Chavez, District 1

619-691-5044 cchavez@chulavistaca.gov Council Member Jose Preciado, District 2

619-691-5044 jpreciado@chulavistaca.gov Council Member Alonso Gonzalez, District 3

619-691-5044 agonzalez@chulavistaca.gov

Major Renovations Even as a child back in the 70’s, I knew that there were improvements needed at the facility. The Recreation Center opened in 1971, so now was the time to renovate Loma Verde. Loma Verde has been serving the Chula Vista community for over 50 years. I was proud to help lead efforts in fully renovating the Recreation and Aquatics Centers. The facility now offers activities for all ages to enjoy, exercise, and learn. From the state of the art aquatics facility to the dance studios, a full gym for indoor soccer and basketball and classrooms to learn. Fully Renovated Aquatics Facility The Loma Verde’s new aquatic facility has a splash pad and two pools that are heated year-round. The competition pool is designed for lap swim, deep water fitness classes, and is available for team rentals. It will be used by local swim, water polo, and dive teams.

Council Member Andrea Cardenas, District 4

619-691-5044 acardenas@chulavistaca.gov 10

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The recreation pool is designed for low-impact classes and exercises suitable for people of varying fitness levels and ages, especially seniors. It will be used for a variety of swim lessons, water fitness classes, open swim, and lap swim for casual or beginner swimmers. Many of these classes will provide a full-body workout, enhancing cardiovascular health, muscular strength, and flexibility. Recreation Center Improvements The recreation center contains new dance studio rooms for dance and fitness classes. A new full size gym with a basketball court and ability to play indoor soccer games was created. Additional space to have classes for crafts, fun events, and educational opportunities. A Legacy of Community Being a lifelong Chula Vistan, I saw the McCann family experience at Loma Verde as a Community Center bringing people together and having friendships flourish. With the world class renovations, I know Loma Verde will be an asset to the community for the next 50 to 100 years. Many of our residents, their children, and grandchildren will create lifelong memories at this community center. We are investing in our older communities to make sure that they have the infrastructure that everybody else does. Lastly, thank you to our Parks and Recreation team and the rest of the City Staff who oversaw Loma Verde’s Renovation. The Loma Verde Community Center is located on 1420 Loma Lane, Chula Vista, CA 91911


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The hours of operation are: Monday & Wednesday from 2:30PM-7:30PM Tuesday & Thursday from 2:30PM-7:00PM Friday from 1:00PM-7:00PM Saturday from 8:30AM-12:00PM

KEEP UP WITH MAYOR MCCANN Twitter: @mayorjohnmccann Instagram: @mayorjohnmccann Facebook: Mayor John McCann Youtube: Mayor John McCann Next Door: Mayor John McCann Send a Direct Message if you’re interested in subscribing to our monthly community newsletter.

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W By Rachel Perez

yyerd Fiber is the latest fiber internet service provider to deliver in Chula Vista, Bonita and National City. “We are providing a dedicated and new technology, for the sole purpose of the best internet service possible,” said Dennis Kyle, Wyyerd Fiber president and general manager. “Our goal is that when you think of Wyyerd, you envision our goal of providing the highest quality product, customer service, and overall experience.” Wyyerd Fiber (known as Wyyerd) is under the Wyyerd Group, which was founded in 2017 and is headquartered in Colorado. Since then, the company has expanded into Arizona and Southern California to provide locally-managed fiber internet and other related services to the respective areas.


With more than 40,000 homes, businesses, and communities under their care and over 75,000 fiber miles covered in South Bay, Wyyerd has quickly taken the fiber internet service providing industry by storm in the community. In 2023, Wyyerd partnered with the City of Chula Vista for a network infrastructure deal to “..bring seamless integration, joint use and an infrastructure exchange to empower residents and businesses with high-speed Internet access..This collaboration positions the City of Chula Vista as a leader in safety, innovation, connectivity, and inclusivity.” Since becoming operational in South Bay in October 2022, Wyyerd has quickly gained popularity because of their community-based customer service and top quality services. Their company core values, “Customer Centric, Growth, Local, Collaborative, Quality and Innovation”, show in their customer reviews. Wyyerd’s core values are apparent in their customer satisfaction rates. West Chula Vista resident Rebecca Sanchez said she has been a

customer of Wyyerd for six months and was instantly impressed. “I used to be with another big name internet provider in San Diego,” said Sanchez. “I switched to Wyyerd Fiber because I heard about them from a neighbor, they {Wyyerd Fiber} were very professional and I am getting a much better deal than the previous provider. It’s fast and reliable, which is very important to me and my family.” With the mission statement of “To become the cornerstone partner for internet connectivity and sustainable community preservation and development, one community at a time,” it’s not surprising that Wyyerd Fiber has made community involvement one of their main priorities as a company value. Wyyerd is a sponsor and participant of more than 20 local South Bay events and groups. Since being in South Bay, Wyyerd has participated in, sponsored, and volunteered for more than 20 community events in Chula Vista and National City. The company holds membership in three community-growth

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Wyyerd Fiber at the press event for their partnership with the City of Chula Vista in 2023. Photo via Wyyerd.com.

Wyyerd Fiber in the 2023 Chula Vista Starlight Parade. Photo courtesy of Wyyerd Fiber.

Wyyerd Fiber participating in the ‘Game of Throws’ event. Photo courtesy of Wyyerd Fiber.

centered groups: the South County EDC, Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce and National City Chamber of Commerce. This past November, the company partnered with a local group to hand out turkeys around Thanksgiving alongside the mayor of National City. A few weeks later in early December, Wyyerd was a “huge participant” in the Chula Vista Starlight Parade, Kyle described. The company took their generators, family members, and holiday spirit to Third Avenue in downtown Chula Vista and happily walked in the historic parade. Because the parade had previously taken a 3 year hiatus due to the COVID-19 lockdown and consequent social distancing precautions, it was important to the Wyyerd team to support the tradition in every way possible. Besides physically participating in the Starlight Parade, Wyyerd was a “Holiday Joy’’ level sponsor in the Starlight Parade and Festival celebrations. “Part of being local is our desire to be part of the community in an ‘old fashioned way,’ ” said

Kyle. “Everything we do is centered around the community.” A huge part of investing in a community is giving back through youth education programs. When Wyyerd heard that “South Bay Pumpkin Smash- Game of Throws”, a pumpkin smash STEAM based school engineering event in South Bay, needed a high-rise lift to pull off their opening ceremony by dropping a 50-pound pumpkin from 50 ft. in the air, they immediately provided the necessary equipment. The 7th annual event, sponsored by the Friends of Chula Vista Parks & Recreation, took place on November 4th at Montgomery Middle School. According to a press statement, the event was “..organized to bring together the school communities in a fun and engaging way with renaissance themed popular STEAM activity.” This past September, on 9/11, Wyyerd participated in an appreciation event for first responders. The company, along with several other local organizations and companies, delivered breakfast and lunch to those who keep the

community safe in a small effort to show gratitude. Because of growing customer demands in other parts of San Diego County, it’s no surprise that Wyyerd Fiber has plans for expansion already in place. “Our company will be expanding into more areas of the county,” said Kyle. “In 2024 and 2025, we expect to expand into Imperial Beach, Otay Mesa, Eggers Estate, as well as El Cajon and Lakeside.” Although Wyyerd may not be the sole internetservice provider in South Bay, they strive to continue to be the most community-centered. The next time you are visiting the Otay Ranch farmers market, Seven Miles Casino’s ‘Tribute to First Responders’, or most other community events, take a minute to stop and say hello to the Wyyerd team. “We make our services simple and do what we say we will do, we strive to deliver the best service possible to South Bay,” said Wyyerd Fiber President and General Manager Dennis Kyle. “Without Wyyerd, folks in the south bay wouldn’t be getting the best internet service.”

Ourhometown.online — Submissions: info.ohtm@gmail.com — Advertising: sales.ohtm@gmail.com



A Publication of Local Umbrella Media


The HUB at Eastlake I By Ari Pintado

f you asked the average San Diego resident to name an exciting city within San Diego County, Chula Vista would likely not be their first answer. In 2008, Forbes even listed Chula Vista as one of ‘America’s Top 10 Most Boring Cities’. Chula Vista has always been overlooked and has not been allowed to show its full potential. That is until the Chair of the city of Chula Vista Planning Commission, Max Zaker, decided to do something about it. As a resident of Chula Vista himself, Max noticed the need for an elevated commercial business presence in the community. There was no area around him where different businesses could gather and interact with one another and share a creative space. This was when he created a unique space now known as The Hub at Eastlake. The Hub at Eastlake is precisely what it sounds like; it is a hub for entrepreneurs from all walks of life to have a place to rent out a suite, room to grow their business, have access to professional business resources as needed or have an elegant space to hold special events. The idea of The Hub at Eastlake is to have everything you need to help your business thrive all under one roof. “We are the Costco of business resources”, said Max. When designing the inside of The Hub at Eastlake, Max and his wife Claudia spared no expense and, with the help of an architect from Ware Malcomb, was able to bring their vision to life. Their priority was to make the building feel like a shared space. They wanted all the businesses there to be able to interact with one another and not feel like they are isolated in their offices. They designed most offices to have glass walls that allowed a view to the central hangout spot in the middle of the building; some offices are more isolated for those who prefer more privacy, a spacious break room open to all, several spacious conference rooms and even a receptionist at the front to help with anything residents might need. When designing the interior, Max wanted the space to feel elevated and modern. Every detail was considered, from the light fixtures to the skylight, to the furniture


in every office and even the way the building runs on energy. The Hub at Eastlake is a green building and follows Title 24 guidelines. It was important for Max to run a building like this without being detrimental to the city of Chula Vista. According to the California Energy Commission, Title 24 California Building Standards Code is a broad set of requirements for “energy conservation, green design, construction and maintenance, fire and life safety, and accessibility” that apply to the “structural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems” in a building. When creating the concept of The Hub at Eastlake, Max and Claudia wanted to consider the needs of community members. Max realized that many business owners in Mexico that do business in the U.S. occasionally need to come to San Diego for meetings or have access to business services. As Tijuana is a short drive from Eastlake, The Hub at Eastlake is an excellent location on Fenton Street. As a fellow businessman, Max understands the financial burden it can take to run a business. Sometimes, renting an entire office building while still being a small or starting business is almost impossible. On top of that, the cost of renting out a venue to hold business events, social gatherings, and company parties can hurt the wallet. This is why The Hub at Eastlake was designed to hold several offices within its twostory structure and a fully equipped event space. Urban suites range from 81-174 sq ft, come fully equipped, and have access to high-quality wifi. These urban suites start at $750 per month. The Hub at Eastlake also includes several chic conference rooms, which are the perfect space for collaborating, meetings, presentations and expanding your business. These conference rooms can accommodate up to 12 people, are fully equipped and are available seven days a week. Rates range from $60-$85 an hour with a minimum of two hours and a maximum of four hours. The most unique aspect of this building is the chic event space. Located on the first floor is a fully equipped open-floor concept space that can hold up to 120 people. Rates for this space vary depending on the day and time. Monday through Thursday, rates between 9 am and 5 pm are around $200 an hour, and 5 pm and 10 pm are around $275 an hour. The Hub at Eastlake also offers exclusive memberships to give even more access to its residents. There are three different tiers of membership types, all made to fit different types of entrepreneurs. The ‘Virtual’ membership is $850 per year for a 12-month membership; it offers business mail and package service only and a discount on conference room and event space rentals. This membership is perfect for those who only want to drop in occasionally. The ‘Growth’ membership is $175 per month and is month-to-month. This membership includes the use of drop-in spaces and conference rooms. This membership is perfect for those who want more flexibility. Lastly is the ‘Thrive’ membership, which is $299 per month and is a 12-month

membership. This membership gets unlimited use of drop-in spaces, access to conference rooms, use of private drop-in day offices, business mail and package services and a 15 percent discount on the event space. All exclusive memberships include high-speed internet, on-demand copy and print services and access to the breakroom. Even though The Hub at Eastlake is now a thriving place for entrepreneurs, the journey to this stage was challenging. This is where Max deserves recognition for being an innovator who did not want to quit his beloved city of Chula Vista. As someone with extensive background in commercial real estate, Max knew getting a space to fulfill his vision’s needs would be a challenge. He wanted to keep it in Chula Vista while being big enough to house several offices and an event space. Luckily, his friend Mike Vogt over at IRE Development was able to offer the perfect location for him right there in Eastlake. Unfortunately, the adventure didn’t stop there. The next challenge was to find a bank willing to give Max the loan to build his vision. Typical trouble he faced was that banks were excited about his concept and were on board as long as he changed the location. They felt like San Diego was better suited for this idea. They heavily suggested it be located in areas like Downtown or Kearny Mesa, where commercial clusters are more common. Despite being told this multiple times, Max was solid in keeping it in Chula Vista. Then, finally, one bank believed in his vision and was willing to offer him financing. Once the financial details were dealt with and the building was ready to transform into his vision, Max now had another hurdle to face: construction permits. Max shares that this portion of the project was the most challenging due to holding costs while going through the permitting process. He felt like the city of Chula Vista’s permit department’s lengthy timeline was adding more cost to complete his project. As a Planning Commissioner and an experienced entrepreneur, Max was fortunate to have the know-how and resources to navigate the permit department’s maze, but not all small business owners do. He realizes how discouraging this process can be. He believed this city is constantly overlooked or not seen as anything other than a bedroom (residential) and boring city. His goal is to prove that Chula Vista can be a hotspot for business centers and become known as a destination city to live, work, and play in. He also believes Chula Vista needs an elevated image. Despite these obstacles, Max and Claudia were still able to materialize an out-of-the-box idea that may change how businesses operate. Max’s ultimate goal for The Hub at Eastlake is to catalyze other entrepreneurs to see Chula Vista as a possible place to plant their businesses so that it becomes the push needed for similar spaces to be made where different companies can have a sense of community and create a thriving environment for generations to come.

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your-own option, which allows you to garnish your pastrami (and other meats) with a host of condiments and garnishments. Although for traditionalists like us,sandwiches we’re(Carnivore sticking to deli mustard A downtown destination for pastrami Sandwich) and pickles.

Elija’s Restaurant & Delicatessen

January Stacks Up to Pastrami Month

as “a West Coast take on an East Coast classic.” He pairs his perfectly spiced pastrami to other proteins such as fried egg and cheese on the 7061 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., Kearny Mesa “Big Apple sandwich” and top turkey breast and By Frank Sabatini Jr. 858-455-1461, www.elijahsrestaurant.com Muenster cheese on the ultra-hearty “Empire State sandwich.” The menu also offers a buildThe popular “pastrami dip” sandwich from The Pastrami ood historians From there, the sliced goodness 22 | VOLUME 10 JANUARY generally 2024 A Publication of Local Umbrella Media your-own option, which allows you to garnish agree that the first lands in a variety of sandwiches, Stand (Courtesy photo) your pastrami (and other meats) with a host of Pastrami and chopped liver at DZ Ak pastrami sandwich to such as the well-endowed “No. condiments and garnishments. Although for traappear on America’s 18” with mustard on rye—or the ditionalists and bustling Jewish “over stuffed” to deli mustard By Frank Sabatini Jr. Solomon replied: “I never thought the business San Diego’s biggest and mo likedeli, us,where we’re sticking pastrami sandwiches have ruled the day since Food historians generally agree that the first would take off like it has. In a super busy week culinary scene dates back to “pastrami dip” served on a roll with deli is home to an array of tra and pickles. 1995. The restaurant also serves a notable Philpastrami sandwich to appear on America’s cuwe could sell up to 125 pounds of pastrami deThe linary pop-up business appears regularly at and the scene1800s. dates back to theserved late 1800s. pending on theand location. But our nextdipped step willin adelphia-style cheese steak made with chopped the late It was in It was mustard pickles, including house-prepared pas pastramiRestaurant that gets tucked into& a warm French served in New York City by Lithuanian immibe to try to land in a brewery tasting room to be Elija’s Delicatessen Poway Farmers Market on Saturdays; and the New York City by Lithuanian pastrami au jus. variety of different sandwiche roll. The construct takes on the additions of grant and butcher Sussman Volk, who presented their full-time vendor while still doing the poponions, peppers and mushrooms, plus the cured brisketand on hearty breadSussman to friends and ups because theyare are our a great marketing tool.” he grilled immigrant butcher “Those biggest sellers,” 7061 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., Kearny Mesa traditional straight-up on rye Leucadia Farmers Market Jolla Open Jack and cheddar cheeses. It’s a tasty departure customers. Word soon spread about its sumptu- and ThereLa are many other places throughout San Volk, who presented added. 858-455-1461, www.elijahsrestaurant.com rant’s juicy pastrami is combin the classic pastrami sandwich on rye. ous, novel flavor, and by the the 1920scured pastrami was Diego County that serve pastrami in a variety of from the rageon in New YorkThe delis—and particularly areare several ofgo-to our top picks. for Aire allfavored Market on Sundays. brisket hearty bread to friends “They the items popular “pastramiways. dip”Below sandwich from The Pastrami wiches with meats such as cho DZ Akins within the Jewish community. Carnivore Sandwich Stand (Courtesy photo) and customers. Word soon spread people who have visited any sort 6930 Alvarado Road, La Mesa tongue, and even atop a burg National Pastrami Day is Jan. 14. But we In didn’t addition, his 10 x10 canopy shows up at a 670 W. B St., Little Italy 619-265-0218, www.dzatkinsdeli.com wait track down restaurant-industry about itstosumptuous, novel flavor, of delicatessen in New York or Los For the No. 54 sandwich, past 619-578-2694, www.carnivoresandwich.com maven Howard Solomon, who has been generdifferent brewery every Sunday inEmini the an onion roll with bacon, lett Owner Bas refersMiramar to his andanbyextra the 1920s pastrami was Angeles.” ating dose of enthusiasm over theall meat The pop-up business appears regularly atpopular the eatery with his recent launch of The Pastrami Strand. rage in New York delis—and what makes and for a the perfect Poway Farmers MarketAnd on Saturdays; area.the Solomon says that sometime after March, Papa Duke’s Deli & Grill particularly favored within the pastrami? Leucadia Farmers Market and La Jolla Open he hopes to take part inonthe Thursday farmers 12169 Kirkham Road, Suite Aire Market Sundays. Jewish community. “It’s got to have good marbling The Empire State Building sandwich at Elijah’s (Facebook) 858-679-7955, www.papadu In addition, his 10Scripps x10 shows up (See at a and acanopy decent fat cap that isn’t markets in North Park and Ranch. The Empire State Building sandwich at Elijah’s (Facebook) When the urge for pastrami different brewery every Sunday in the overly fatty but just Miramar adds flavor to his weekly schedule at www.thepastramistand. and 11 a.m., weanother head to the fa area. Solomon says that afterhas March, the sometime meat. And there to be a www.elijahsrestaurant.com Just north of San Diego is yet al Papa Duke’s, which slings a he hopes to take partbalance in the Thursday farmers of brine to rub to smoke,” If hot pastrami is your thing, this large and bustling Jewish deli, where com.) A downtown destination for pastrami sandwiches (Carnivore mi-egg-Swiss cheese sandwich markets in North Park Scripps Ranch. (See he and noted. humble serves it is sliced “over stuffed” pastrami sandwiches The Empire Staterestaurant Building sandwich at Elijah’s Sandwich) If hot pastrami your(Facebook) thing, this humble Solomon started the business after working as roll. Or if you’re on the hunt his weekly schedule at When www.thepastramistand. asked if he foresees thin and stacked generously within ruled the day since 1995. The custom-made restaurant serves it sliced have thin and stackedpastrami sandw “a Westpast Coast take on anyears. East Coast classic.” com.) a hospitality consultant for asHethe 16 He opening a brickandmortar fresh rye bread. Things get even restaurant also serves a notable pairs his perfectly spiced pastrami to other If hot pastrami is your thing, this humble luck. The eatery sources its pa Solomon started proteins the business after working as such asbusiness fried egg and cheesethe on the generously fresh rye bread. Things pastrami down road, taller when optingwithin for the “Empire Philadelphia-style steak get made turned to pastrami as the focal point because he Head,cheese a favorite national bran “Big Apple sandwich” and16 topyears. turkey breast and restaurant serves it sliced thin and stacked a hospitality consultant for the past He cation of Local Umbrella Media Solomon “I never“Empire thoughtgenerously State Building” foundrye under the Things with chopped pastrami that gets Muenster cheesereplied: on the ultra-hearty within fresh bread. get able in grocery stores such as even taller when opting for the “Empire State turned to pastramiState asthe the focalThe point he it loved it as a kid. sandwich.” menu because also offers buildbusiness would take offa like “Sky High” sandwich category. The tucked into a warm French roll. The even taller when opting for the “Empire State option, which allows you to garnish loved it as a kid. your-own The Quality Me Building” found the “Skytakes High” sandwich has. In a (and super busy week could creation combines stacks ofunder both construct onButchery the additions your pastrami other meats) withwe a host of Building” “I grew up in deli-deprived Peoria, Illinois. On found “Sky High” sandwich Pastrami and chopped liver under at DZ Akins the (dzakinsdeli.com) “I grew up in deli-deprived Peoria, Illinois. On condiments and garnishments. Although for trasell up to 125 pounds of pastrami category. pastrami and corned beef enhanced combines grilled onions, peppers and both 3720 Caminito Court, Suite The creation of of both category. The creation stacks of San Diego’s biggest and most combines popular Jewishstacks ditionalists like us,to we’reChicago sticking to deli mustard rare occasions mytook parents took me to Chicago rare occasions my parents me on the location. But ourpastrami Swiss cheese and Russian mushrooms, plus Jack and cheddar 858-345-1524, www.butcher deli iswith homeand to ancorned array of traditional favorites, anddepending pickles. beef enhanced with Swiss where I got to eat pastrami. It was a luxury. Now including house-prepared pastrami servedofinsorts. a pastrami and corned beef enhanced with from Swiss next step will beDelicatessen to try to land in cheese dressing – a super Reuben cheeses. the Elija’s Restaurant & where I got to eat pastrami. It was a luxury. Now and Russian dressing – athesuper Reuben of It’s a tasty departure variety of different sandwiches. Aside from when I go to Chicago my favorite place for pas7061 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., Kearny Mesa a brewery tasting room to be their classic pastrami sandwich on rye. traditional straight-up on rye version, the restausorts. and bustling Jewish dressing deli, where stuffed” replied: “I never thefor business cheese and Russian – a“over super Reuben of The “pastrami dip” sandwich from is2024 Manny’s Delicatessen.” 22 10trami JANUARY A Publication ofthought Local Umbrella Media 858-455-1461, www.elijahsrestaurant.com whenSolomon Ipopular go| VOLUME to Chicago my favorite place pasjuicy pastrami is combined in other sandfull-time vendor while still doing rant’s Milton’s Thepopular Pastrami Stand (Courtesy photo) The “pastrami dip” sandwich from The Pastrami wiches with meats such as chopped liver, beef Solomon sources his pastrami from a butcher pastrami sandwiches haveDZ ruled the day since would take offDelicatessen.” like it has. In popups a super busy week Milton’s sorts. photo) and even atop if youDel so choose. they 2660 Villa Dea burger La Valle, Mar Akins tramiStand is(Courtesy Manny’s in Los Angeles whosethe family hasbecause been in theare a great tongue, the No. 54 sandwich, tuckedMar into 2660 Villa De La pastrami Valle, Del 1995. The restaurant also serves a notable Philwe could sell up 125 pounds oftool.” pastrami de- For National Pastrami Day isto Jan. 14. marketing 858-792-2225 6930 Alvarado Road, La Mesa onion roll with bacon, lettuce“over and tomato. meat business since 1958. TheBypop-up business regularly at the Frank Sabatini Jr. appears and bustling Jewish deli, where stuffed” Solomon replied: “I never thought the business an Solomon sources his pastrami from a butcher 858-792-2225, www.miltonsdeli.com Poway Farmers Market on Saturdays; and the But we didn’t wait to track down There are many other places www.miltonsdeli.com 619-265-0218 Food historians generally agree that the first pastrami sandwiches have ruled the day since would take off like it has. In a super busy week “Our location. butcher procures meat, trims it, will Papa Duke’s Deli & Grill adelphia-style cheese steak made with chopped s pending on the Butthe our next step Leucadia Farmers Market and LaonJolla Open cupastrami sandwich to appear America’s 1995. The restaurant also serves a notable Philwe could sell up to 125 pounds of pastrami dein Los Angeles whose family has been in the restaurant-industry maven Howard throughout San Diego County that www.dzatkinsdeli.com 12169 Kirkham Road, Suite A, Poway brines it, and smokes it—and we pick it up,” Aire Market ondates Sundays. linary back to the late 1800s. It was adelphia-style cheese steak made with chopped pending on the location. But our next step will pastrami that gets tucked into a warm French be toscene try land in a brewery tasting room to be 858-679-7955, www.papadukesdeli.com 2660 Villa De La Valle, Del Mar Inserved addition, his 10to x10 canopy shows up at a in New York City by Lithuanian immipastrami that gets tucked into a warm French be to try to land in a brewery tasting room to be Solomon, who has been generating serve pastrami in a variety of ways. San Diego’s biggest and most Solomon noted. When urge fortakes pastrami strikes between meat business since 1958. grant and butcher Sussman who presented their full-time vendor while still doing the poproll. Thethe construct on the additions of 7 different brewery every SundayVolk, in the Miramar construct theJewish additions ofto ed area. their vendor while still doing the antheextra dose Below are several of marketing our picks. and popular deli is home 11roll. a.m., weThe head to and the family-run fast-casuFrom there, the sliced goodness in atoppopcuredfull-time brisket onenthusiasm hearty bread toover friends and grilled onions, peppers mushrooms, plus takes on ups because they are alands great tool.” Solomon saysof that sometime after March, 858-792-2225, www.miltonsdeli.com alJack Papa Duke’s, which slings a asatisfying pastracustomers. Word soon spread about its sumptuand cheddar cheeses. It’s tasty departure There are many other places throughout San he hopes to take part in the Thursday farmers “Our butcher procures the meat, trims it, the meat with hisvariety recent launch ofa great an array of traditional favorites, of sandwiches, such as that theserve well-endowed onions, peppers and mushrooms, plus nd markets ups because are marketing tool.” cheese sandwich on a fresh ciabatta ous, novel flavor, andand bythey the 1920s pastrami was TheDiego fromgrilled the classic pastrami sandwich on rye. pastrami in a(Facebook) variety of mi-egg-Swiss in North Park Scripps Ranch. (See EmpireCounty State Building sandwich at Elijah’s roll. Or if you’re on the hunt for a classic or The Pastrami Strand. The popCarnivore Sandwich including house-prepared “No. 18” with mustard on rye—or the “pastrami all the rage in New York delis—and particularly ways. Below are several of our top picks. his weekly schedule atsmokes www.thepastramistand. brines it, and it—and we pick it up,” DZ Akins pastrami sandwich, you’re also in Jack and cheddar cheeses. It’s a tasty departure u- com.) There are many other places San custom-made within the Jewish community. dip” served on a roll with and pickles, upfavored business appears regularly 670 W.mustard Bthroughout St., Little Italy pastrami served in a variety of Carnivore Sandwich 6930 Alvarado Road, La If hot pastrami is your thing, this humble luck. The eatery sources itsMesa pastrami from Boar’s National Pastrami Day is Jan. 14.working But we as Solomon started the business after Solomon noted. Get your pastrami fix at this popula 670 au W. serves Bjus. St., Little Italy 619-265-0218, www.dzatkinsdeli.com restaurant it sliced thin and stacked Head, a favorite national brand that is also availand dipped in He pastrami didn’t wait to track down restaurant-industry at the Poway Farmers Market 619-578-2694 different sandwiches. Aside from from the classic pastrami sandwich on rye. as County that serve pastrami in a variety of aDiego hospitality consultant for the past 16 years. 619-578-2694, generously withinwww.carnivoresandwich.com fresh rye bread. Things get able in grocery stores such as Ralph’s. maven Howard Solomon, who has because been generSabatini Jr.) turned to pastrami as the focal point he “Those are our biggest he added. onating Saturdays; and the Leucadia www.carnivoresandwich.com the traditional straight-up on Owner Bas Emini refers to his popular eatery even tallersellers,” when opting for the “Empire State there, the sliced lands in a sandwich anaextra dose of enthusiasm over the goodness meat of loved it as kid. ly From ways. Below are several our top picks. The Butchery Quality Meats Building” found under the “Sky High” with his recent launch of The Pastrami Strand. “They are the go-to items for people who have “I grew upMarket in deli-deprived Peoria, Farmers and La JollaIllinois. OpenOn rye version, the restaurant’s juicy 3720 Caminito Court, Suite 200, Carmel Valley category. The creation combines stacks of both This upscale meat market a rare occasions my parents took meany to Chicago variety of sandwiches, such as the well-endowed visited sort of delicatessen in New York or Aire Market on Sundays. pastrami is combined in other 858-345-1524, www.butcherymeats.com where I got to eat pastrami. It was a luxury. Now pastrami and corned beef enhanced with Swiss pastrami by delicheese and Russian dressing – a super Reuben of Los Angeles.” 6930 Alvarado Road, La sandwiches Mesa slow-roasted I go to Chicago my favorite place foron pas- rye—or In addition, his 10 x10 canopy with meats such as “No.when 18” with mustard the “pastrami and Barrel, either by the poun sorts. trami is Manny’s Delicatessen.” Andbrewery what makes for a perfect pastrami? shows upsources at a different chopped liver, beef tongue, and Solomon his pastrami from a butcher 670 W. B St., Little Italy 619-265-0218, www.dzatkinsdeli.com cold sandwiches made onsite. Milton’s dip” inevery served on a Miramar roll and gotwith toarea. havemustard good marbling andpickles, a decent Los Angeles whose has been in the Sunday infamily the“It’s even atop awith burger if you soofchoose. 2660 Villa De La Valle, Del Mar a choice bread or roll. meat619-578-2694, business since 1958. www.carnivoresandwich.com fatsometime cap that isn’t overly fatty but just adds flavor Del Mar’s haven for pastrami and other 858-792-2225, www.miltonsdeli.com and dipped inthatpastrami Solomon says For the 54 sandwich, pastrami Del Mar’s haven for pastrami and other Jewish fareNo.they’re “Our butcher procures the meat, trimsafter it, au jus. adorned with baby Sw Jewish far (Milton’s) to take the And there has to be a balanceeatery of brines it, and it—and we meat. pick itin up,” Owner Bas Emini refers to his popular March, hesmokes hopes to part tucked intotard, an onion roll with (Milton’s) at “Those mayo and pickles. Best t A downtown destination for pastrami Solomon noted. are our biggest he added. A downtown destination for pastrami sandwiches (Carnivore brine to rubinto sellers,” smoke,” he noted. the Thursday farmers markets bacon, lettuce and tomato. Sandwich) sandwiches (Carnivore Sandwich) From there, the sliced goodness lands in a time if you’re on the hunt for When asked if for he foresees opening a brickvariety of Park sandwiches, such as theRanch. well-endowed “They are the go-to items people who have North and Scripps Just north of San Diego is yet another large because the store sometimes s “No. 18” with mustard on rye—or the “pastrami and-mortar pastramiasbusiness the “a West Coastdown take on an Eastroad, Coast classic.”


January Stacks Up to Pastrami Month

Stacks Up to Pastrami Month January Stacks Up to Pastrami Month Milton’s

Carnivore Sandwich

DZ Akins

(See his weekly schedule www. Owner Emini refers toor his dip” served on a roll with mustardat and pickles, He pairs hisBas perfectly spiced pastrami to other visited any sort of delicatessen in New York Get your pastrami fix at this popular meat store. (By Frank and dipped in pastrami au jus. proteins such as fried egg and cheese on the thepastramistand.com.) popular eatery as “a West Coast Sabatini Jr.) “Those are our biggest sellers,” he added. “Big Apple sandwich” and top turkey breast and Los Angeles.” LOCAL | www.LocalUmbrellaMedia.com @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | Brad@LocalUmbre “They are the go-to items for who have NEWS Solomon started thepeople business take oncheese an East Coast classic.” He /LocalUmbrellaMedia Muenster on the ultra-hearty “Empire This upscale meat market and grocer sells visited any sort of delicatessen in New York or State sandwich.” The menu also offers a buildafter workingmakes as a hospitality pairs his perfectly spiced pastrami slow-roasted pastrami by deli-purveyor Block Los Angeles.” And what for a perfect your-ownpastrami? option, which allows you to garnish and Barrel, either by the pound or for hot and And what makes for a perfect pastrami? consultant for the past 16 years. to other fried your pastramiproteins (and othersuch meats)as with a host of cold sandwiches made onsite. The sandies come “It’s got to have good marbling and a decent condiments and garnishments. Although for tra- with a choice of bread or roll. And by default “It’s got tooverly have good marbling and asticking decent He pastrami the focal egg andlike cheese on the “Big Apple fat capturned that isn’tto fatty butas just adds flavor San Diego’s and most ditionalists us, we’re to deli mustard Del Mar’s haven for pastrami and other Jewish fare they’re adornedbiggest with baby Swisspopular cheese, Jewish mustopoint the meat. And there to beita as balance of deli mayo is home topickles. an arrayBest of traditional favorites, and pickles. because he has loved a kid. sandwich” andadds top turkey breast (Milton’s) fat cap that isn’t overly fatty but just flavor tard, and to call ahead of brine to rub to smoke,” he noted. including house-prepared pastrami served in a pastrami and other Jewish fare Del Mar’s haven for if you’re on the hunt for the prized meat Elija’s Restaurant cheese & Delicatessen “I grew deli-deprived and Muenster on the ultra- time When askedup if hein foresees opening a brickvariety of different sandwiches. Aside from the Just north of San Diego is yet another large because the store sometimes sells out. to the meat. And there has tohearty beClairemont a balance of Mesa traditional and-mortar pastrami business the road, 7061 Mesa Blvd.,sandwich.” Kearny straight-up on rye version, the restauPeoria, Illinois. On raredown occasions “Empire State (Milton’s) 858-455-1461, www.elijahsrestaurant.com rant’s juicy pastrami is combined in other sandtook to Chicago he noted. The menu also offers a buildyour- wiches with brinemytoparents rubNEWS to|me smoke,” meats such as chopped liver, beef LOCAL www.LocalUmbrellaMedia.com /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | Brad@LocalUmbrella.com tongue, and even atop a burger if you so choose. where I got to eat pastrami. It was a own option, which allows you to For the No. 54 sandwich, pastrami tucked into When asked ifI he foresees opening a brickluxury. Now whenappears go to Chicago garnish your pastrami (and other an onion roll with bacon, lettuce and tomato. The pop-up business regularly at the Just north of San Diego is yet another large Poway Farmers Market on Saturdays; and the and-mortar pastrami business down the road, Papa Duke’s Deli & Grill my favorite place for pastrami is meats) with a host of condiments Leucadia Farmers Market and La Jolla Open Pastrami and chopped liver at DZ Akins (dzakinsdeli.com)

The popular “pastrami dip” sandwich from The Pastrami Stand (Courtesy photo)

AManny’s downtown destination for pastrami sandwiches (Carnivore 12169 Kirkham Road, Suite A, Poway Aire Market on Sundays. Delicatessen.” and garnishments. Although for 858-679-7955, www.papadukesdeli.com In addition, his 10 x10 canopy shows up at a Sandwich) Solomon sources his pastrami traditionalists like us, we’re sticking When the urge for pastrami strikes between 7 different brewery every Sunday in the Miramar

LOCAL NEWS | www.LocalUmbrellaMedia.com

area. a Solomon saysin that sometime after March, from butcher Los Angeles to deli mustard and pickles. he hopes to take part in the Thursday farmers whose family has been in the meat markets in North Park and Scripps Ranch. (See The Empire State Building sandwich at Elijah’s (Facebook) his weeklysince schedule at www.thepastramistand. business 1958. Elija’s Restaurant Delicatessen as “a West Coast take on an East Coast&classic.” com.) If hot pastrami is your thing, thisBlvd., humble “Our butcher procures the meat, 7061 Clairemont Mesa Solomon started the business after working as serves it sliced thin and stacked He pairs his perfectly pastrami to other a hospitality consultant for the past 16 years.spiced He restaurant trims it, brines it, and smokes it— Kearny Mesa turned to pastrami as the focal point because he generously within fresh rye bread. Things get even taller cheese when opting for the “Empire loved it as a kid. proteins such as fried egg and on the State and we pick it up,” Solomon noted. 858-455-1461

and 11 a.m., we head to the family-run fast-casual Papa Duke’s, which slings a satisfying pastrami-egg-Swiss cheese sandwich on a fresh ciabatta roll. Or if you’re on the hunt for a classic or custom-made pastrami sandwich, you’re also in luck. The eatery sources its pastrami from Boar’s Head, a favorite national brand that is also available in grocery stores such as Ralph’s.



chopped liver at DZ Akins (dzakinsdeli.com) The Pastrami Butcheryand Quality Meats

“I grew up in deli-deprived Peoria, Illinois. On Building” found under the “Sky High” sandwich 3720 Caminito Court, Suite 200, Carmel Valley category. The creation combines stacks of both rare occasions my parents took me to Chicago 858-345-1524, www.butcherymeats.com where I got to eat pastrami. It was a luxury. Now pastrami and corned beef enhanced with Swiss cheese and Russian dressing – a superinfo.ohtm@gmail.com Reuben of Ourhometown.online — Submissions: — Advertising: sales.ohtm@gmail.com when I go to Chicago my favorite place for passorts. trami is Manny’s Delicatessen.” Solomon sources his pastrami from a butcher Milton’s in Los Angeles whose family has been in the 2660 Villa De La Valle, Del Mar meat business since 1958.

“Big Apple sandwich” and top turkey breast and 18 Muenster cheese on the ultra-hearty “Empire State sandwich.” The menu also offers a build-


A Publication of Local Umbrella Media


Prescription Drug Take-Back Food Waste Collection is HERE! Food Waste Collection is HERE! FOOD WASTE COLLECTION PLEASE PUTINFOOD YOUR GREEN CART ALONG WITH YARD W PLEASE PUT FOOD WASTE YOURWASTE GREENINCART ALONG WITH YARD WASTE. & Electronic Waste with Cart Service The itemsFood below can now be put in your green cart. Waste Collection is PUT HERE! Event Disposal January Stacks Up to Pastrami THE ITEMS BELOW CAN NOW BE INMonth YOUR GREEN THE ITEMS BELOW CAN NOW BE PUT IN YOUR GREEN CART.

Chula Vista Municipal Code 8.25 now requires that food waste Chula Vista Municipal Code 8.25 now requires that food waste is kept out of trash cart 22 VOLUME 10 JANUARYCode 2024 A8.25 Publication Local Umbrella Chula |Vista Municipal nowofrequires thatMedia food waste is kept out of trash carts/bins. is kept out of trash carts/bins.

PLEASE PUT FOOD WASTE INSolomon YOUR GREEN ALONG YARD and bustling JewishWASTE. deli, where “over stuffed replied: “I never CART thought the business WITH

By Frank Sabatini Jr.

pastrami sandwiches have ruled the day since Food historians generally agree waste that the first inwould take green off like it has.cart In a superalong busy week with Please put food your yard waste. FOOD WASTE FOOD-SOILED P FOOD WASTE FOOD-SOILED PAPER 1995. The restaurant also serves a notable Ph pastrami sandwich appear on America’s cuwe could sell up to 125 pounds of pastrami deChula VistatoMunicipal Code 8.25 now requires that food waste is kept out of trash carts/bins. Dispose of expired or unused adelphia-style cheese steak made with chopp linary scene dates back to the late 1800s. It was pending on the location. But our next step will PLASTICS OF ANY NO METAL. NO GLASS. pastrami that gets tucked into a warm French served in New NO York City by Lithuanian immibe to tryTYPE. to land in a prescription brewery tasting room to be medications no roll. GREEN The construct takes on the additions of grant and ITEMS butcher Sussman Volk, who presented theirNOW full-time vendor while still doing theYOUR popTHE BELOW CAN BEaquestions PUT INasked CART. Coffee Eggs/Shells, Grounds, Eggs/Shells, grilled onions, peppers and mushrooms, plu the cured brisket on hearty bread toCoffee friends and ups because they areGrounds, great marketing tool.” plus electronics! Fruits Vegetables Fruits and Vegetables Jack and cheddar cheeses. It’s a tasty departu customers. Word soon spread about its sumptuThere are many otherand places throughout San Piz Pizza Coffee Filters andBoxes Teasandwich Bags on rye. from the classic pastrami ous, novel flavor, and by the 1920s pastrami was Diego County that serve pastrami in a variety of Coffee Filters and Tea Bags FOOD WASTE FOOD-SOILED PAPER all the rage in New York delis—and particularly ways. Below are several of our top picks. Laptops, Gaming Systems · Computers,

Saturday, April 27, 2019 10 am - 2 pm

DZ Akins

favored within the Jewish community. Carnivore Sandwich Paper Towels Road, La Mesa National Pastrami Day is Jan. 14. But we Paper Towels 6930 Alvarado 670 W. B St., Little Italy 619-265-0218, www.dzatkinsdeli.com and Napkins didn’t wait to track down restaurant-industry and Napkins Coffee Eggs/Shells, Bread, 619-578-2694, www.carnivoresandwich.com maven Howard Solomon, who has been gener- Grounds, Bread, Fruits and Vegetables Cereals, over the meat Owner Bas Emini refers to his popular eatery ating an extra dose of enthusiasm Pizza Boxes Cereals, Coffee Filters and Tea Bags Tortillas, with his recent launch of The Pastrami Strand. Tortillas,

(Apple, Chromebooks & PCs) Public Works Yard · Monitors (any size), Keyboards, Mice 1800 Maxwell Road, Chula Vista · Servers, Routers and Switches Rice and Beans Rice and Beans Seafood Seafood · Software, Hardware For more information, call (619) 691-5122 Paper Towels Meat and Bones Meat and Bones and Napkins or email environmentalservices@chulavistaca.gov · Tablets (iPads, Androids) Dairy Dairy Bread, Paper/Card Paper/Cardboard Products Products Cereals, Takeout Con PaperPhones, Plates · Cell Phones, Land TakeoutFax Containers Paper Plates Tortillas, Rice and Beans · Printers, Copiers, Scanners, Projectors Seafood NOOF PLASTICS OF ·NO ANY TYPE. NO GLASS. METAL. NO PLASTICS ANY TYPE. METAL. Meat and Bones Ink and Toner Cartridges (new) NO GLAS A downtown destination for pastrami sandwiches (Carnivore Dairy Sandwich) Flowers and Paper/Cardboard Flowers and Products · Televisions, VCRs, DVRs, Recorders YARD WASTE Houseplants YARD WASTE Takeout Containers Houseplants Paper Plates Proceeds from the collection of electronic waste at this event help Coast take on aswill “a West an East Coast classic.” (without pots (without pots · Radios, Stereo provide computers for low-income families. He pairs his perfectly spiced pastrami to otherEquipment, Speakers or soil) Leaves or soil) Leaves FO FOOD proteins such as fried egg and cheese on the · Miscellaneous Cords NO PLASTICS OF ANY TYPE. NO METAL. NO GLASS. PLASTIC bags. “Big Grass Apple sandwich” and top turkey breast and NO PLASTIC bags. NOGrass


Clippings Muenster cheese on the ultra-hearty “Empire Flowers and State sandwich.” menu also offers a buildNO PLASTIC wrap. NO PLASTIC wrap. your-own option,The which allows you to garnish Houseplants Tree andmeats) with a host of (without other pots and your pastrami (and Pastrami and chopped liver at DZ Akins (dzakinsdeli.co NO PLASTICTree packaging. NO PLASTIC packaging. Brush Clippings condiments and garnishments. Although for traor soil) Brush Clippings Leaves San Diego’s biggest and most popular Jewi ditionalists like us, we’re sticking to deli mustard NO compostable PLASTIC. Grass NO PLASTIC bags. deli is home to an array of traditional favorit and pickles. NO compostable PLASTIC. Clippings including house-prepared pastrami served in 1. SEPARA 1. SEPARATE food Elija’s Restaurant & Delicatessen variety of different sandwiches. Aside from th NO PLASTIC wrap. waste. waste. 7061 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., Kearny Mesa traditional straight-up on rye version, the res Tree and858-455-1461, www.elijahsrestaurant.com rant’s juicy pastrami is combined in other san NO PLASTIC packaging. 2. COLLEC Brush Clippings The popular “pastrami dip” sandwich from The NO Pastrami with meats such as chopped liver, bee 2. COLLECT using 1. SEPARATEwiches food waste. PLASTIC bags. Stand (Courtesy photo) tongue, and even atop a burger if you so cho a contai a container of NO compostable PLASTIC. NO PLASTIC wrap. For the a No. 54 sandwich, pastrami tucked in 2. COLLECT using your cho your an onion rollchoice. with bacon,food lettuce and tomato The pop-up business appears regularly at the 1. SEPARATE container of your choice. Poway Farmers Market on Saturdays; andNO the PLASTIC packaging. waste. Papa Duke’s Deli & your Grill 3. EMPTY i 3. EMPTY into Leucadia Farmers Market and La Jolla Open 3. EMPTY into12169 yourKirkham Green Cart. NO compostable PLASTIC. Road, Suite A, Poway Green C Aire Market on Sundays. Green Cart. 2. COLLECT using 858-679-7955, www.papadukesdeli.com In addition, his 10 x10 canopy shows up at a When the urge for pastrami a container of strikes betwee different brewery every Sunday in the Miramar and 11 a.m., we head to the family-run fast-c area. Solomon says that sometime after March, your which choice. al Papa Duke’s, slings a satisfying pastr he hopes to take part in the Thursday farmers For more information and helpful tips on food and yard waste mi-egg-Swiss cheese sandwich on a fresh ciab For more information and helpful tips on food and yard waste markets in North Park and Scripps Ranch. (See The Empire State Building sandwich at Elijah’s (Facebook) 3. EMPTY into your roll. Or if you’re on the hunt for a classic or collection, scan the QR Code or visit chulavistaca.gov/sustainability. his weekly schedulecollection, at www.thepastramistand. scan the QR Code or visit chulavistaca.gov/sustainability. Green Cart. custom-made pastrami sandwich, you’re also com.) If hot pastrami is your thing, this humble luck. The eatery sources its pastrami from Bo Solomon started the business after working Baje este código con suinformación celular para en obtener información en español Baje este código con as su celular para obtener español restaurant serves it sliced thin and stacked Head, a favorite national brand that is also a a hospitality consultant for the past 16 years. He sobre el programa de colección deydesechos de comida ystores jardín. sobre el programa de colección de desechos de comida jardín. generously within fresh rye bread. Things get able in grocery such as Ralph’s. turned to pastrami as the focal point because he even taller when opting for the “Empire State loved it as a kid. For more information and helpful tips on food and yard waste The Butchery Quality Meats “I grew up in deli-deprived Peoria, Illinois. On Building” found under the “Sky High” sandwich 3720 Caminito Court, Suite 200, Carmel Va collection, the QRcategory. Code orThe visit chulavistaca.gov/sustainability. creation combines stacks of both rare occasions my parents took me toscan Chicago 858-345-1524, www.butcherymeats.com where I got to eat pastrami. It was a luxury. Now pastrami and corned beef enhanced with Swiss and Russian dressing información – a super Reuben of when I go Chicago my favorite for pasBaje este código con sucheese celular obtener Papa Duke’s Deli & to Grill madeplace pastrami sandwich, you’re paraThis upscale meat market anden español sorts. trami is Manny’s Delicatessen.”el programa de colección de desechos de comida y jardín. 12169 Kirkham Road, Suite A, sobrealso in luck. The eatery sources grocer sells slow-roasted pastrami Solomon sources his pastrami from a butcher Poway its pastrami from Boar’sMilton’s Head, a by deli-purveyor Block and Barrel, in Los Angeles whose family has been in the 2660 Villa De La Valle, Mar or for hot and 858-679-7955, favorite national brand that is also either by Del the pound meat business since 1958. 858-792-2225, www.miltonsdeli.com www.papadukesdeli.com available in grocery stores such as cold sandwiches made onsite. The “Our butcher procures the meat, trims it, When thebrines urge for pastrami strikes Ralph’s. sandies come with a choice of bread it, and smokes it—and we pick it up,” between 7Solomon and 11 a.m., we head or roll. And by default they’re noted. From fast-casual there, the Papa sliced goodness lands in aQuality Meats to the family-run The Butchery adorned with baby Swiss cheese, variety of sandwiches, such as the well-endowed Duke’s, which slings a satisfying 3720 Caminito Court, Suite 200, mustard, mayo and pickles. Best to 18” with on rye—or theValley “pastrami pastrami-“No. egg-Swiss cheesemustard sandwich Carmel call ahead of time if you’re on the served with mustard and pickles, on a freshdip” ciabatta roll.on Oraifroll you’re 858-345-1524 hunt for the prized meat because pastrami thispopular popular meat Get Get youryour pastrami fixfixatatthis meat store. (By F and dipped in pastrami au jus. on the hunt for a classic or customwww.butcherymeats.com the store sometimes sells out. store. (By Frank Sabatini Jr.) Sabatini Jr.) “Those are our biggest sellers,” he added. “They are the go-to items for people who have This upscale meat market and grocer sells visited any sortOurhometown.online of delicatessen in New—York or Submissions: info.ohtm@gmail.com — Advertising: sales.ohtm@gmail.com 19 slow-roasted pastrami by deli-purveyor Block Los Angeles.” and Barrel, either by the pound or for hot an And what makes for a perfect pastrami? cold sandwiches made onsite. The sandies co Clippings

Luna said she was thrilled to receive the Chula


sentation of underrepresented journalists. After


A Publication of Local Umbrella Media


Trailblazing Teen Journalist Receives Hometown Honor for Accomplishments



he was ACP’s 2023 National College Reporter of the Year. She recently earned a proclamation from the City of Chula Vista for her achievements in journalism. Just a few months after earning a national award for her accomplishments in journalism, Southwestern College student

Nicolette Luna has been recognized in her hometown for making a name for herself in a very short time. The Chula Vista City Council this month presented the 17-year-old student with a proclamation in recognition of her distinguished young career which has included work with the Southwestern College’s The Sun newspaper

and El Sol Magazine, and the championships before she was old recent National College Reporter enough to drive a car,” Branscomb of the Year Award from the said. AssociatedCollegiate Press. Luna said she would like to Things happened pretty quickly become part of a vanguard of for Luna, who decided in June 2020 young Latinas working to diversify to enroll in journalism classes at the American news media and Southwestern College when she was improve its representation of just 14 during the pandemic while underrepresented journalists. After still a student at Bonita Vista High high school, she hopes to move to School in Chula Vista. The dualNew York City, attend Columbia enrollment option gave her the University, work in the field of break of a lifetime when she signed magazine publication or law and up for Journalism 101 and started start her own magazine. writing for the college newspaper. From the looks of it, this recent Pretty soon, her stories were award from the City of Chula Vista LOCAL NEWS | www.LocalUmbrellaMedia.com /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia earning awards and she ADVERTISE eventually | Brad@LocalUmbrella.com won’t be her last as she sets her sights took over as editor. on a promising journey ahead. Luna said she was thrilled to “Take any opportunity that receive the Chula Vista City Council’s comes your way, no matter how recognition for her work, adding that difficult it may seem,” Luna said. “It the support she received from her will be worth it.” Southwestern College journalism professor, Max Branscomb, had a lot ABOUT SOUTHWESTERN to do with her success. COLLEGE: “Receiving these recognitions Southwestern College, the only felt amazing,” she said. “ItMedia was the public institution 11of higher A Publication of Local Umbrella VOLUME 10 | JANUARY 2024 | build-up of all the hard work I education in southern San Diego put in and also the work of those County, provides services to a diverse that supported me like my family, community of students by offering a colleagues and Dr. Branscomb.” wide range of high-quality academic Don’t let Luna’s age fool you. programs and comprehensive As editor, she skillfully directed services She was ACP’s 2023 National College Reporter Vista City Council’s recognition for her work, high school, she hopes tostudent move to New York — including of the Year adding that the support received her students, City, attend Columbia University, work in through the theshework of from college some those offered distance She recently earned a proclamation from the Southwestern College journalism professor, Max field of magazine publication or law and start whom were twice her education. Southwestern College City of Chula Vista for her achievements in Branscomb, had a lot of to do with her success. herage. own Last magazine. journalism “Receiving these recognitions amazing,” Fromthree the looks of it, this recent award fromthe development year, herfelt work was awarded also stimulates Just a few months after earning a national she said. “It was the build-up of all the hard the City of Chula Vista won’t be her last as she spotsthat at the Society of on a promising and journey growthahead. of the region through award for her accomplishments in journalism, work I put in and alsofirst-place the work of those sets her sights Southwestern College student Nicolette Luna supported me like my family, colleagues and Dr. “Take any opportunity that comes your way, Professional Journalistsnobanquet, its educational, economic has been recognized in her hometown for makBranscomb.” matter how difficult it may seem,” Luna said. ing a name for herself in a very short time. Don’t let Luna’s ageand fool you. editor, she to “It will be she As was invited write anworth it.” and workforce opportunities, The Chula Vista City Council this month preskillfully directed the work of college students, SOUTHWESTERN COLLEGE: op-ed inyear, the San ABOUT Diego Union community partnerships and sented the 17-year-old student with a proclamasome of whom were twice herpiece age. Last Southwestern College, the only tion in recognition of her distinguished young her work was awardedTribune. three first-place spots at The California College services.public institution of higher education in southern San career which has included work with the Souththe Society of Professional Journalists banquet, Diego County, provides services to a diverse western College’s The Sun newspaper and El and she was invited toMedia write anAssociation, op-ed piece in SanDiego community of students by offering a wide range Sol Magazine, and the recent National College the San Diego Union Society Tribune. The California of ProfessionalofJournalists, For more information, high-quality academic programs and compreReporter of the Year Award from the Associated College Media Association, San Diego Society hensive student services — including those ofand and thethe Journalism visit swccd.edu. Collegiate Press. of Professional Journalists, Journalism Association fered through distance education. Southwestern Things happened pretty quickly for Luna, who Association of Community Colleges have each of Community Colleges have each College also stimulates decided in June 2020 to enroll in journalism given Luna multiple awards. the development and classes at Southwestern College when she was “Nikki is a brilliant given and hard-working young awards. Luna multiple just 14 during the pandemic while still a student lady who is a gifted writer and leader. She led El growth of the region “Nikki is a brilliant hardthrough its educational, at Bonita Vista High School in Chula Vista. The Sol Magazine and The Sun with vision and ener- and economic dual-enrollment option gave her the break of a gy to national championships before she was old working young lady who is a and workforce opportunities, lifetime when she signed up for Journalism 101 enough to drive a car,” Branscomb said. andofleader. She ledpartnerwww.riley.photography/newborn community and started writing for the college newspaper. Luna said she wouldgifted like to writer become part a ships and services. For Pretty soon, her stories were earning awards and vanguard of young Latinas to diversify hello@riley.photography El olworking Magazine and The Sun with she eventually took over as editor. the American news media and improve its repre- more information, visit swccd.edu. vision and energy to national Luna said she was thrilled to receive the Chula sentation of underrepresented journalists. After

Trailblazing Teen Journalist Receives Hometown Honor for Accomplishments

Nicolette Luna joined Southwestern College’s newspaper when she was just 14


Maternity & Newborn Photography


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