chapter spotlight: PRMIA Ireland
Ireland is the country of a hundred thousand welcomes (Céad Míle Fáilte), and in current times this is of course done virtually. Communities throughout Ireland are displaying and sharing online the very best of Irish culture, tradition, business, sport, fighting spirit, and the uniquely Irish sense of fun. Ireland is also a global centre for financial services. Companies located in Ireland provide financial services to every major economy in the world. International banks, fintech, investment and fund managers, insurers, aircraft leasing operators and an array of other financial services firms employ over 42,000 people. This role was further enhanced by Brexit where key international companies moved their European Headquarters to Dublin/Ireland. Against this backdrop, the PRMIA Ireland Steering Committee is planning some noteworthy events in the near future.
PRMIA continues to serve during a recent pandemic The Irish Chapter has recently been reorganised, with the regional directorship role split between Monika Smatralova and Alan Bluett. The focus of the co-regional directors has been to continue maintaining a strong steering committee with a clear focus on building awareness of the PRMIA brand in Ireland among risk management professionals and beyond. The steering committee is comprised of individuals from a broad range of backgrounds within the risk management sector across a financial services industry. This diversity brings new ideas and challenges to existing norms to ensure that PRMIA Ireland is innovative, ambitious, and delivers quality events to our members and facilitates the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and opinions on risk management. 048
Intelligent Risk - February 2021