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Editor’s introduction Tom Wilson announcement
editor introduction
Steve Lindo Editor, PRMIA
Dr. David Veen Editor, PRMIA
Nagaraja Kumar Deevi Editor, PRMIA
In January, when we selected the theme of Global Risks for this issue of Intelligence Risk, we did not remotely anticipate that the economy, financial markets and society would be disrupted on a global scale by the COVID-19 public health crisis. Neither did the PRMIA Sustaining Members who contributed an impressively diverse set of articles addressing portfolio risk, risk culture, risk processes and operational risks. These articles range in topics from climate change, cyberwarfare and vendor risk to human and cultural capital, risk appetite, the role of ALCO and model risk. Nevertheless, we have been able to include an article that acknowledges the unprecedented decision-making risks prompted by COVID-19. While we thank this issue’s authors for their thoughtful contributions, it seems appropriate to conclude this editorial with a reminder to all risk professionals that our cognitive, behavioral and technical skills are never more needed than in times of crisis like this.
PRMIA board member Tom Wilson named Chief Risk Officer of the year
Congratulations to Tom Wilson, Chief Risk Officer of Allianz SE and member of the PRMIA Board of Directors, on being named Chief Risk Officer of the Year by InsuranceERM. ” “I would like to congratulate Tom on being named InsuranceERM CRO of the year. This is a significant honor that is extremely well deserved. We are all indebted to Tom and the work that he has done to promote and advance the risk management profession.” Ken Radigan, PRMIA CEO
“I am honored by my peers to be voted CRO of the Year by InsuranceERM,” shares Tom. “As the old adage goes, we have been ‘lucky to live in interesting times’ - rising shareholder expectations, low interest rates, geo-political instability, rising conduct concerns, potentially adverse solvency II reviews, climate change, cyber risk and rapid technological transformation - a potentially volatile mix! My belief is that the risk management profession has adapted well to these dynamics, supporting both our businesses and our customers!”