MINISTRY OF JUSTICE ก ร ะ ท ร ว ง ยุ ติ ธ ร ร ม
Ministry of Justice
The Government Complex, Rajaburi Direkriddhi Building, Chaengwattana Rd., Laksi, Bangkok, Thailand 10210 Hotline 1111 Press 77 Fax. 0 2143 8289-90 ประชาสัมพันธ์ กระทรวงยุติธรรม
Vision Ensuring Justice in accordance with International Standards
Core Values Justice for all through Public Participation
Mission 1. To promote public service system for equally access to justice 2. To develop the justice system and law enforcement in consistent with international standard 3. To improve the efficiency of justice administration and law enforcement in compliance with good governance 4. To develop crime prevention system in order to ensure public safety
Role and Responsibilities of the Ministry of Justice Section 32 of the Reorganization of the Ministries Act B.E. 2545 states that “the Ministry of Justice is responsible for justice system administration, enhancing and promoting justice in the society and any other tasks in which the law stipulates to be under the responsibility of the Ministry of Justice or its agencies..�
Symbols of Ministry of Justice
Flower of Ministry of Justice
White Lotus (Dok Bua Kao)
Symbol of pure and unblemished Justice
Tree of Ministry of Justice
Norfolk Island Pine
(Ton Son Chat) Symbol of Justice which is served as the Principle conception for standing strong to the justice provision permanently
Responsibilities of the government agencies under the Ministry of Justice
Office of The Minister สำนักงานรัฐมนตรี
Office of The Minister is responsible for information collection and analysis with a view to preparing recommendations for the consideration by the Minister. The Office also supports the Minister in his administrative and political duties by collaborating with other Ministries, the Parliament and public; reviews petitions and complaints submitted to the Minister; and performs other tasks as may be required by the law, the Ministry or the Cabinet.
Tel. : 0 2141 6535 Fax. : 0 2141 9883
website :
Strategic Policy and Coordination Cluster
Office of The Permanent Secretary สำนักงานปลัดกระทรวงยุติธรรม
The roles and function of the Office of the Permanent Secretary are as follows: 1. To implement strategic development as well as to study, analyse and prepare necessary information to determine policies, targets and aimed results of the Ministry of Justice; 2. To regulate, accelerate, monitor, evaluate and coordinate the official administration of all agencies under the Ministry of Justice; 3. To develop the information technology system for administrative and public service purposes; 4. To oversee the public relations and international affairs; 5. To develop necessary legislations; 6. To disseminate the news on the Ministry of Justice’s activities; 7. To promote human resources development and resource management; 8. To manage the Justice Fund and implement other related laws; 9. To integrate and drive forward the corruption prevention and suppression plan; 10. To promote ethics protection of the Ministry of Justice. Tel. : 0 2141 5100
website :
Fax. : 0 2143 8289 - 90, 0 2143 8242
Strategic Policy and Coordination Cluster
Office of Justice Affair สำนักงานกิจการยุติธรรม
“Strengthen the justice system of Thailand to boost public acceptance and confidence.” 1. Develop policies to determine directions for justice administration. 2. Develop databases and support innovations in the justice system. 3. Support, develop, and integrate all sectors of the justice system.
Tel. : 0 2141 3666
E-mail :
Fax. : 0 2143 8933
LINE : @weareoja
Website :
Law Enforcement Cluster
Department of Special Investigation กรมสอบสวนคดีพิเศษ
1. Deal with administrative work of the Board of Special Case under the Special Case Investigation Act and related laws; 2. Prevent, suppress, and investigate serious cases pursuant to the Special Case Investigation Act and the rules or the resolution made by the Board of Special Case as well as its work conforming to the Criminal Procedure Code and other laws relating to the criminal offences regarded as special case; 3. Study, collect, systematize, and analyze information for the benefit of performance of the Board of Special Case and for serious crime prevention, suppression, and investigation; 4. Educate about, train on, and develop a special case investigation system as well as enhance knowledge and evaluate work performance of DSI’s personnel; 5. Perform its work relating to the laws and regulation under the responsibility of the DSI and related work; and 6. Perform any other tasks according to the laws under the responsibility of the DSI or as assigned by the Minister or the Cabinet. Tel. : 0 2831 9888
Hotline : 1202
Fax. : 0 2975 9888
website :
Law Enforcement Cluster
Central Institute of Forensic Science-CIFS สถาบันนิติวิทยาศาสตร์
The functions of forensic Institute have a Development of forensic standards to international levels and Providing a comprehensive range of powerful modern forensic science as well as Create a collaborative network forensic, both domestic and foreign. In addition the proposed policy direction and forensic country and corporate management based on good governance.
Tel. : 0 2142 3491, 0 2142 3492 Fax. : 0 2143 9068
website :
Justice Administration Cluster
Rights and Liberties Protection Department กรมคุ้มครองสิทธิและเสรีภาพ
Department of Rights and Liberties Protection is responsible for Promoting, protecting and guarantee the people’s rights and liberties in accordance with human rights standards. These responsibilities consist of providing legal and financial aid such as state compensation for innocent injured person or accused in criminal cases in compliance with the Compensation and Expenses for Injured Person and the Accused Act B.E. 2544 (2001) and the Amendment of this Act (No.2) B.E. 2559 (2016), receiving human rights violation complaint, providing free legal advice, providing financial assistance for lawyer fee in order to ensure the right to counsel, at investigation process, for the accused which is in line with Section 134/1 of Criminal Procedure Code. Other services provided by the Department also include promoting dispute resolution, providing witness protection in accordance with Witness Protection Act B.E. 2546 (2003) as well as disseminating knowledge on rights, liberties and human rights. Tel. : 0 2141 2947
Hotline : 1111 press 77
Fax. : 0 2143 9673
website :
Justice Administration Cluster
Legal Execution Department กรมบังคับคดี
Legal Execution Department has missions relating to civil case enforcement and bankruptcy case management and debtor’ business reorganization under the court order, liquidation under the court order, receipt of deposit money or property, and property valuation, by the process of seizure, garnishment, disposal of property, collecting bankruptcy case debtor’s property, including monitoring a debtor’s business reorganization. To serve the purpose that the creditors and interested persons receive a just compensation.
Tel. : 0 2881 4999
Hotline : 1111 press 79
Fax. : 0 2433 0801
website :
Behavior and Rehabilitation Cluster
Department of Probation กรมคุมประพฤติ
Department of Probation is responsible for community-based rehabilitation and aftercare services of offenders, in order to ensure that they will be productive members of the society. In addition, the Department’s roles are to promote the involvement of family, community, and partner networks in providing care, treatment, and rehabilitation to offenders.
Tel. : 0 2141 4749
website :
Hotline : 1111 press 78
E-mail :
Behavior and Rehabilitation Cluster
Department of Juvenile Observation and Protection กรมพินิจและคุ้มครองเด็กและเยาวชน
1. Protect the rights and safety of juvenile and family entered the justice system with promotion of the using of alternative justice systems and others. 2. Carry out relating to cases, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, development and support, as well as following and evaluation. 3. Cooperate and network with community, government organizations and private sectors for promoting the justice system and preventing the juvenile recidivism. 4. Study, criticize, research and develop the law, and the treatment procedure to juvenile. 5. Develop the administrative management and personnel accordance with good public governance principles.
Tel. : 0 2141 6470 website :
Behavior and Rehabilitation Cluster
Department of Corrections กรมราชทัณฑ์
The Department of Corrections is responsible for the detention and treatment to offenders according to the court sentences as well as providing offenders with education, vocational training, mental development and welfare with a view to rehabilitating and reintegrating them back to society.
Tel. : 0 2967 2222 website :
Agencies under the Ministry of Justice and Reporting Directly to the Minister
Office of The Narcotics Control Board
สำนักงานคณะกรรมการป้องกันและปราบปรามยาเสพติด According to the Ministerial Regulation, as announced in the Royal Gazette dated March 10, 2548 (2005), the ONCB are mandated with the following duties: to monitor the epidemic of narcotic drugs; to develop and review national drug control strategy in order to appropriately respond to drug situation; to mobilize drug control efforts with integrated approach; to supervise, follow up, and evaluate the national drug control efforts to be in accordance with the national strategy; to supervise drug law enforcement to be in accordance with drug control laws; to carry out property examination and seizure measures; to be focal point for anti-drugs campaign and public relations; to coordinate with international communities and organizations; to carry out the development of human resources, information, technical, information technology on drug control, and to promote the strengthening of communities, NGOs, and POs on drug control.
Mandates and functions
1. To be secretariat and implementing agency of the Narcotics Control Board, Properties Seizure Committee, and be administrative body of any other committee that was appointed by the Cabinet or the Prime Minister to work for drug control, as well as be responsible for secretariat work and implementing unit of Advisory Committees and Sub-Committees appointed by the Narcotics Control Board, or Sub-Committees appointed by Properties Seizure Committee, or other relevant Sub-Committees appointed
2. To assess national drug situation and set up drug epidemic monitoring system 3. To recommend, coordinate, and integrate the policy, strategies, plan, and budget in national drug control efforts 4. To administer, encourage, supervise, follow up, and evaluate the national drug control efforts, carried out by relevant agencies, in accordance with the policy, strategies, plan, and budget 5. To recommend and coordinate international cooperation on drug control 6. To be national drug control technology center developing and providing technical support on drug control to national and international GOs and NGOs 7. To promote and provide support for the development of organization, human resources, information technology, law and regulations concerning drug control 8. To carry out anti-drug prevention, campaign, and public relations 9. To be national drug intelligence centre 10. To enforce narcotics control laws, including the Acts on Measures for the Suppression of Offender in an Offence Relating to Narcotics B.E. 2534 (1991) and other relevant laws 11. To perform any tasks as prescribed in any laws as being ONCB’s authorities or as assigned by the Cabinet or the Minister of Justice. Tel. : 0 2247 0901-19 Fax. : 0 2246 8526 , 0 2247 7217
website :