January 5, 2001

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A More than 500 people, led by Jesuit Father Francis MacPeck carrying the Blessed Sacrament, walked in a "Viva Cristo Rey "p rocession to St. Peter's Church at 24th and Alabama Streets in San Francisco J an. 1. The traditional Nicaraguan event was started here over 20 y ears ago under the late Father Jack Issacs. The procession through the surrounding neighborhood concluded with Mass.


MosaicProgram ^ f ww. features Father Tom Daly, CTO Associate Directorand Marin Catholic High School Chap lain

to "^ Parishionerswere welcomed back Mass at Noe Valley's St. Paul Church beginning Christmas Eve 2000 f ollowingrecent comp letion of retrof ittingand design upg rades on the landmark worship sp ace. The work, which took almost one ye ar to accomplish, comp letes an $8.5 million construction project that also built the new St. Paul Elementary School which welcomed students in January 1999. On Feb. 4, Archbishop William J. Levada with p astor, Father Mario Parana, will rededicate the well-known "Sister Act " church during ceremonies at the par ish's 12:15p .m. Mass. St. Paul Church was dedicated by Archbishop Patrick Riordan on May 29, 1911. It was built over 14 y ears at a cost of $260, 000, an amount ful yl amortized by the time it was completed. Donations to the building camp aign may be made to St. Paul Church, 221 Valley St., San Francisco 94131.

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