January 13, 2006

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Pope Benedict names Archdiocesan priest to lead Reno diocese

Catholic san Francisco Northern California’s Weekly Catholic Newspaper

By Catholic San Francisco Staff

Auxiliary Bishop John C. Wester, aposather Randolph R. Calvo, pastor tolic administrator of the Archdiocese, of Our Lady of Mount Carmel praised Bishop-designate Calvo as a parish in Redwood City, has been “competent and caring pastor of God’s named Bishop of Reno by Pope people.” Benedict XVI. The appointment was “I know I speak for his fellow priests, announced Dec. 23 at the Vatican. and, indeed, everyone in the Archdiocese Bishop-designate Calvo, 54, replaces of San Francisco, when I say how proud Bishop Phillip F. Straling, who retired we are that Father Calvo has been selectin June. His episcopal ordination will ed for this important service of the take place Feb. 17 in Reno, with church,” said Bishop Wester. Archbishop George Bishop-designate Niederauer of San Calvo was ordained a Francisco presiding. priest of the San In a statement on F r a n c i s c o the day of his Archdiocese in 1977 appointment, at St. Mary’s Bishop-designate Cathedral. Early Calvo said he felt assignments includ“somewhat overed service at Holy whelmed” at the Name Parish in San news. Francisco and St. “In my family, I Pius Parish in am the seventh Redwood City. He child. Now I will be served as Judicial the seventh bishop of Vicar of the Reno. Perhaps I will Archdiocesan be a ‘lucky seven’ (in for ten Father Randolph R. Calvo Tribunal Reno). But I rely on years beginning in more than luck to fulfill my ministry. I 1987. He was named pastor of Our lady rely on God’s grace, the guidance of the of Mount Carmel parish in 1997. Holy Spirit, the advice and support of He also has been a member of the my co-workers and the prayers of all,” Council of Priests, the College of he said. Consultors and the Independent Review In a part of the statement written in Board which handles child sex abuse Spanish, Bishop-designate Calvo said cases. he would make a special effort to In 1996 he was elected president of understand the needs of the Hispanic the Canon Law Society of America. community. Bishop-designate Calvo also has taught In a news release, San Francisco RENO, page 7



Lisa Twigg, 17, and Karie Garafola, 17, protest in front of the U.S. Supreme Court Jan. 9, the first day of Judge Samuel Alito Jr.’s confirmation hearing in Washington. The signs refer to Norma McCorvey, known as “Jane Roe,” who was the lead plaintiff in the Supreme Court’s landmark 1973 decision legalizing abortion. In 1995, McCorvey began fighting against abortion; she became a Catholic in 1998. (See News-in-brief page 4)

Utah Catholics praise Archbishop Niederauer, sad he will leave By Christopher Gray and Barbara Stinson Lee SALT LAKE CITY (CNS) — The news of the Dec. 15 appointment of Bishop George H. Niederauer of Salt Lake City as Archbishop of San Francisco came as a surprise to many Utah Catholics. Their responses were a mixture of heartfelt pride and sadness. Archbishop

Niederauer will leave the Diocese of Salt Lake City, with its 200,000 Catholics, for an archdiocese with more than twice as many Catholics. On receiving news of Archbishop Niederauer’s appointment, Msgr. J. Terrence Fitzgerald, vicar general of the Diocese of Salt Lake City, said: “His sharp mind, quick wit, compassionate heart and generosity

are qualities we will greatly miss. The bishop’s ecumenical outreach and frequent presence at both civic and Catholic events leaves a significant impact on Utah. No doubt the people of Utah will feel great sadness at his departure. We wish him well.” Holy Cross Sister Jacinta Millan, who works with Holy Cross Ministries, a social services provider in the Diocese of Salt

Lake City, said “Archbishop Niederauer has been a bridge-builder here in Utah, not only among different cultures but also in the ecumenical area.” “Clearly, the news of Bishop Niederauer’s new assignment is both happy and sad news,” said James Hamburge, principal of Judge Memorial UTAH CATHOLICS, page 6

INSIDE THIS WEEK’S EDITION Changes at St. Vincent . . . . . 3 News-in-brief . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 Retreat blackout . . . . . . . . . . 6 Obituaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Commentary. . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Editorial and letters . . . . . . 14

Vocation Section

Scripture & reflection

‘The Ringer’ review

Datebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

~ Pages 9-11 ~

~ Page 12 ~

~ Page 18 ~


January 13, 2006



No. 1

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