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Catholics urged to join other faiths in Jan . 24 observance K ollowing the lead of Pope John Paul II who has invited world religious leaders to a day of prayer for peace in Assisi, the Archdiocese of San Francisco will, for the first time, mark the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity with an Interfaith and Ecumenical Day of Prayer for World Peace Jan. 24 that includes not only Christians hut leaders of other religions. The observance here includes a Mass at the National Shrine of St. Francis of Assisi, a symposium at the University of San Francisco and a prayer service at St. Mary 's Cathedral. "It is my hope that as many of the faithful of the Archdiocese of San Francisco as possible will participate in our observance of this Interfaith and Ecumenical Day of Prayer for World Peace ,"
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Spanning the ages Diane Kavanag h of Chicago holds her daug hter Any a Francesca Kavanag h as Pope John Paul II bap tizes the infan t in the Sistine Chap el Jan. 13 , the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. In an annual observance, the pope baptized 20 infants —J 7 f rom Italy, and one each from France, Spain and the United States. He told their p arents that the best way to instill faith in their children was by living the faith in their lives dail y.
Peace advocates: War is neither moral nor effective By Patrick Joyce At a time when a vast majority of Americans not onl y support the war on terrorism but also its expansion beyond Afghanistan , Catholic peace advocates reject the war as an act of violence that is neither moral nor effective. When Kathy Niece talks about the war, she doesn't discuss die just war theory, bombing payloads or terrorist cells. She talks about Jesus. "We 're opposed to all violence. Violence causes more violence. Violence isn 't the solution. Jesus came to teach us another way to live, " says Mrs. Niece, who with her husband Mike runs a Catholic Worker House in Half Moon Bay.
Franciscan Father Louie Vitale talks about the war in terms of the traditional Catholic "just war " teaching, which he believes needs to be updated. Even by those standards, "this so-called war on terrorism cannot be justified, " says Father Vitale, pastor of St. Boniface Parish in San Francisco. Fadier Vitale 's opposition goes beyond the just war theory. "I believe in nonviolence, " he says. "This is a descending spiral of violence. We are escalating the violence, using huge bombers and huge bombs, bigger payloads than in World War II. This becomes a form of terror itself to the people of Af ghanistan. We are looking around to see where to continue the violence, hopping from country to country." PEACE ADVOCATES, page 7
Archbishop William Levada said. "In doing so, they will be joining in a worldwide effort , led by Pope John Paul II, to pray for peace in a world ravaged by terrorism and warfare. "Just as religious leaders from throughout the world will join with our Holy Father in Assisi on Jan . 24 to pray for peace, many religious leaders from San Francisco and throughout the Bay Area will gather on the same day in St. Mary 's Cathedral in response to the pope 's call for us to 'pray so divisions can be overcome and for the promotion of an authentic peace. ' "The pope has called for Catholics throughout the world to join in this observance because 'in a situation rendered dramatic by the ever-impending threat of terrorism, we feel the need to raise our cry to God. " On Jan. 24, more than 50 religious leaders, including about two dozen Muslims, will join Pope John Paul II in a pilgrimage to Assisi, to pray for peace and condemn violence committed in the name of religion. The pilgrimage will include other Christian leadersjews, Hindus, Buddhists , Sikhsjains and followers of traditional African religions, as well as the Muslims. In San Francisco die day of prayer begins with a 12: 15 p.m. Mass at the National Shrine of St. Francis of Assisi with Archbishop William J. Levada presiding. Msgr. Robert McElroy, pastor, St. Gregory Parish , San Mateo, will preach . Music is by the shrine 's Schola Cantorum. An Interfaith Dialogue and Understanding as a Means to World Peace, open to people of all faiths, will be held at 2 p.m. in USF's Pacific Rim Room. Leaders of the dialogue will include Archbishop Levada , Imam Abu Qadir Al-Amin of the San Francisco Muslim DAY OF PRAYER, page 17
Father Joseph
'Soul friends ' reach across religious boundaries -Pages 10-11-
No vouchers , Jaszovsky dies but some aid in school law Religious Education
Institute focus:
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everyday spiritualities . . . . 6 Abuse norms limited in U.S. 8 Datebook
Cooking with saints