January 19, 2001

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Senior Jap ing j <Pages 7-9

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"The Faithful Fools , " live and work among the "g lorious absurdities " in the Tenderloin . . . . walking arm-and-arm with an elderly woman , sitting on a curb with a drugged out kid , watching piled hig h shopping cart so the owner can wait in line for food , holding a baby to g ive a stressed-out young moth er a break. "The Fools, " as they call themselves , go a step farther, g iving retreats on the streets, reaching out to their nei g hbors , shattering myths about the homeless and g iving retreatants a new vision of our common humanity.

Elsa: 68 years old and living on the streetsof the Tenderloin,

Story and Pictures by Evelyn Zappia: Pages 10, 11

SF Archdiocese aids El Salvador earthquake victims


JKL he Archdiocese of San Francisco this week joine d Catholic agencies and the international community in efforts to relieve the suffering of the victims of the earthquake that devastated parts of El Salvador on Jan. 13. In Rome, Pope John Paul II offered prayers for victims, and the Catholic charity Caritas pledged to help relief efforts. In San Francisco, Archbishop William J. Levada expressed his sorrow to the victims and asked pastors to take up a special collection "to assist the local church communities in El Salvador in their outreach to those most in need. Archbishop Levada said money raised in the collection would be placed in an El Salvador Earth quake Relief Fund and later transferred to agencies such as Catholic Relief Services and "Caritas" agencies "which can provide the ' EL SALVADOR, page 6



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Salvadoran woman views the destruction.

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