January 21, 2005

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Catholic san Francisco


Northern California’s Weekly Catholic Newspaper

Pope John Paul II addresses an international Jewish delegation in Clementine Hall at the Vatican Jan. 18. The 130 rabbis and cantors made up the largest group of Jewish leaders ever to travel to the Vatican to meet the pope.

Rabbis, cantors meet pope, thank him for efforts with Jews By Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope John Paul II, meeting an international group of rabbis and cantors, urged continuing efforts to promote Jewish-Catholic dialogue and respect for every person. “This year we will be celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council’s declaration ‘Nostra Aetate,’ which has significantly contributed to the strengthening of Jewish-Catholic dialogue,” the pope told the group, which came to Rome under the auspices of the U.S.-based Pave the Way Foundation. The group of 130 rabbis and cantors, accompanied by about 30 Catholic friends, was the largest group of Jewish leaders ever to travel to the Vatican to meet the pope, said Salesian Father Norbert Hofmann, secretary of the Vatican’s Commission for Religious Relations With the Jews.

Before greeting each member of the group individually Jan. 18, the pope expressed his hope for a “renewed commitment to increased understanding and cooperation in the service of building a world ever more firmly based on respect for the divine image in every human being.” Gary Krupp, founder and president of the Pave the Way Foundation, thanked the pope for his efforts to promote Catholic-Jewish dialogue, for his condemnations of anti-Semitism, for his asking forgiveness for wrongs committed by Catholics against Jews and for his 2000 visit to Israel. “It is impossible to describe the emotional impact these milestones have had on Jews worldwide,” Krupp told the pope. Most of the rabbis and cantors were from the United States, but the group also included members from Canada, Israel, France, Croatia and India. RABBIS, page 18

INSIDE THIS WEEK’S EDITION News-in-brief . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Statement by Archbishop. . . 7 Clergy appointments . . . . . . 9 Editorial & commentary . 12-13 Prayer for Christian Unity . 14

Walk for Life ~ Page 3 ~ January 21, 2005

A Cathedral in praise of God ~ Pages 10 - 11 ~

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

‘In Good Company’ review . 17

~ Page 15 ~



Classified ads . . . . . . . . . . . 19 VOLUME 7

No. 2

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