January 25, 2002

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De Marillac students Albert and Uriel enjoy rafting at the school's recent outdoors camp.

Where Faith <$ Knowledge Meet

Inside: CmtimMc Schools Insert, amd stories qm pages W« *l$

The foundin g class of San Francisco's De Marillac Middle School proudly displays a banner for the school 's Christmas p hoto.

Ray of hope De Marillac School welcomes kids in Tenderloin By Kamille Nixon

De Marillac 6th grader Ian hones his archery skills.

Mauricio dons his new navy uniform sweater and walks around the corner and down Golden Gate Avenue to the sixth grade. On any given morning he may shuffle by people in line for a free meal at St. Anthony's Dining Room and other people who could possibly use a freemeal but are too influenced by some substance to get one. He passes a sign that reads, "Hard Hat Area," and ventures through a maze of scaffolding and construction zones. He's a student at the new De Marillac Middle School, one of 19 kids forging a brave trail through Tenderloin hardships toward a bright future. His school is brand new, so new construction workers are still working inside. "It feels great to be here," he says. "This is a great space that we have here. I feel safe." That's the point, says language arts and social studies teacher Serena Chu. ¦ She and her associates focus on creating a safe, orderly, calm, respectful atmosphere, a place where the students know people care about them, she says. The 12-year-olds and their teachers spend the morning in huge blocks of time alternating betweentwo classrooms. One for science and math with Lasallian volunteer Anne Hotze, and one for every-

thing else with Ms. Chu. Lunch is eaten at their desks until the remaining facilities, including a dining area, computer lab, and science room, are finished. The session will last longer than most schools' days, until 5 p.m., and it's all business. Geography of ancient China is a major topic of study. Spelling words are reviewed. Essays are edited. Mauricio uses today's word of the day -"recur"— in a sentence: "In Antarctica, the cold is a recurring event." Bright cobalt walls, shiny desks and new carpet provide a contrast to the more dismal goings on outside. Boxesare still packed two days after the band movedinto their new digs, but books are prominently displayed and homework is forthcoming. For this day, it's "complete pages 86-87. Due Tuesday. Final draft on white paper of goals and values." By the way, "want to improve your spelling grade?" asks Ms. Chu. Here's how: "Number one, do your homework on time. And number two, study, study,study." The teacher is all business as she strives to beat the clock and prevent even one of her charges from falling through a crack. She knows the odds are high, and getting tougher with each passingyear for these kids. But for now, they are here, in her class, preparing themselvesfor any high school theymight choose. RAY OF HOPE, page 10


Clergy appointments


How Islam looks

praying for life

New St. Anthony leader... 3

at Mary, fesu s

in Washington

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'Last seen at World Trade Center'.


Pregnancy centers under fire 14 Argentine bishops intervene


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