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Catholic News Service At the Vatican and in the United States, Catholic peace advocates and church officials , including the head of the nation 's military archdiocese, stepped up their opposition to a unilateral U.S. attack on Iraq. In an interview with an Italian magazine, Archbishop Renato R. Martino said the idea of a pre-emptive U.S. strike against Iraq, carried out as part of the war on terrorism, was based on a hypothetical right of a single country to decide when and where to intervene across the globe.
Fasting, speaking against war
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Beneath an image of Msgr.Jos emaria Escriva de Balaguer, Pope John Paul II arrives at St Petef s Square for the canonization of the Opus Dei founder Oct 6. Story: Page 22.
"It presumes that it is up to the United States to decide between peace and war. In short , it is pure unilateralism, " Archbishop Martino , the outgoing Vatican representative to the United Nations said in an interview published Oct. 1 by the weekly, Famiglia Cristiana. "Both the general princip le and its first possible application against Iraq raise deep reservationsfrom an ethical and juridical point of view," he said. Archbishop Martino , who was recently named to head the Vatican 's Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace , reviewed the church's major criteria for the legitimate use of force , including just cause , legitimate, authority, proportionality between the cause and the response , protection of civilians and probability of success. He noted that U.S. bishops, considering all these factors , had asked President George W. Bush not to order an attack on Iraq. Archbishop Edwin F. O'Brien , the head of the U.S. Archdiocese for the Military Services, said that before taking military action against Iraq, President Bush must "make the bridge" connecting Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein to the events of Sept. 11, 2001. Archbishop O'Brien praised Bush in a Sept. 30 statement but said IRAQ, page 18
Vatican prepares rules against admitting gays as priests By John Thavis Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The Vatican has prepared a draft document containing directives against the , admission of homosexuals to the priesthood, informed Vatican sources said. The document takes the position that since the church considers the homosexual orientation as "objectively disordered" such people should not be admitted to the seminary or ordained, the sources said Oct. 8.
The question of excluding homosexuals from the priesthood had been quietly considered at the Vatican for years without finding a consensus. It received new and more urgent attention in the wake of U.S. clerical sex abuse cases, many of which involved homosexual acts. The Con gregation for Catholic Education prepared the draft document in collaboration with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and other Vatican agencies , the sources said. The draft was being circulated for comment in October among a wide ran ge
How do you want to be remembered? The Office of Development can help ! - Pages 12-13 -
of consultants, including theologians , canon lawyers and other experts, they said. At the same time, the education congregation has finished work on a separate document th at examines how psychological sciences can be used in discerning vocations — another hotly debated issue at the Vatican in recent years. Its publication was expected before the end of the year.The document on psychological testing will take the form of guidelines or orientations for bishops to use in their semiGAYS AS PRIESTS, page 18 naries, the sources said.
Society for the Propagation of the Faith World Mission Sunday October 22, 2002 ~ Page 24 ~
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