Propagation of the Faith
. . . all of us committed to the ^° worldwide mission of Jesus
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Pope prays for peace, U.S. cardinals give measured support to war By Catholic News Service American cardinals, speaking separately, have given measured support for the retaliatory strikes launched by American and British forces against military targets and suspected terrorist camps in Afghanistan. Pope John Paul II and nearly 250 bishops meeting in a monthlong synod began their Oct. 8 session with a special Latin-language prayer asking for peace and justice and for wise decisions by those in positions of responsibility. Addressing pil grims in St. Peter 's Squ are the same day, the pope said he wanted to "share with you and entrust to God the worry and concern we feel at this delicate moment in international life. " He ended the encounter with another prayer for peace. The pope made no specific comments on the U.S. air stri kes, but an informed Vatican official who asked not to be identified said it was important th at the United States had emphasized this would be an attack against terrorism , not Islam. "It's also important to realize that to eradicate terrorism , we have to go to the causes. Many people are now recognizing that if justice is brought to the situations in Palestine and Iraq, terrorism will not have a terrain in which to grow, " he said. "This is a just war," declared Cardinal Francis E. George of Chicago, "not a holy war or a war of religions. " In an Oct. 9 statement from Rome , where he was attending the Synod of Bishops , he asked God to "help us to overcome war and violence and to establish your law of love and justice. "
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An Afg han family, f leeing a country beset by food shortage and American bombing, waits to cross into Pakistan Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick of Washington called the military campaign a "necessary ' response" but one he prayed would not take innocent life and would be guided by "principles of morality and human dignity. " Cardinal Bernard F. Law of Boston said it was "understandable, given the threat to the common good posed by terrorists and their supporters. " He .called it "measured and carefully targeted. " . ' Cardinal Anthony J. Bevilacqua of Philadelphia said, "Our government has the right and duty to defend its people against the evil aggression of terrorists against
our nation. " He said he is confident the goal is justice , not vengeance. And , according to Cardinal Adam J. Maidaof Detroit , "a military necessity now presents itself to thepeople of the free world. " He-cited "mass terrorism " and the threat of more attacks . Cardinal Edward M. Egan of New York, in an Oct. 7 statement, said' that while celebrating Mass in Rome for the Sisters of St. Brigid , he invited the assembly "to join me in praying for the safety of the armed forces of " POPE FOR PEACE, page 5
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San Francisco 's St. Vincent de Paul Parish, survivor of three earthquakes, will celebrate its 100th anniversary with a gala celebration Oct. 21.
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