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Young adults urged to work for peace
By Patrick Joyce annual Fall Fest for young Th adults e began with a keynote call
Scenes from Fall Fest: Clockwise f r o m bottom left: Archbishop William Levada preaches at the closing Mass , p articip ants lift their hands in p raye r at the op ening ceremony, and sing at the Mass. i
to "begin to fashion a world of real peace " in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks th at took the lives of thousands September 11. The destruction of the World Trade Center and attack on the Pentagon "signal the collapse of meaning in symbols that can no longer save us, " Presentation Sister Monica Miller said in the keynote talk at The concept of desire is at the heart of Sister Monica Miller Notre Dame de Namur University in spirituality, she said. "Spirituality is basiBelmont Oct. 27. "Where we found comfort and normalcy, cally what we do with our desires, our longing, our pains, someone has stolen the ground from under our feet. " our hope s... Spirituality is the fire of our desires. " "We know a world is ending, " she said. "The question .. Christian spirituality is based on "four rion-negois which o n e ? . . . My generation hoped we could give your tiables , " Sister Miller said, citing the writings of Oblate of generation a lifetime without war. However, what we could Mary Immaculate Father Ron Rolheiser, a spiritual writer only conceive , we could not do. Now you must do it , " Sister. whose columns appear in Catholic San Francisco. In his Miller told more than 300 participants in the annual event, book , "The Holy Longing, " she said, Father Rolheiser cites which she helped found in 1997. fou r pillars of Christian spirituality: private prayer ' and pri"Now you must begin to fashion a world of peace by vate morality; social justice; mellowness of heart and spirit; committing yourselves and ourselves to real choices, real and community as a constitutive element of true worship. faith and real life ," she said, citing the theme of Fall Fest. YOUNG ADULTS, page 11
'Almost new beginning ' III -——-4si:
I Z°Pe P raises unity of Synod of Bish op s I
By John Norton Catholic News Service
VATICANCITY (CNS) — Calling an October Synod of Bishops "almost a new beginning " for the church , Pope John Paul II urged bishops to courageousl y promote church teaching and work for church unity. Challenge to life of Poverty
"When urgency clarifies our desires for us it could make saints of us all as we reorder our priorities , " Sister Miller, the vocations director for her community in San Francisco, said. That means making choices, a difficult process not so much because of a fear of commitment but because "when we make a choice we close off so many other things," she said. This is- particularly difficult for Americans whose "basic desire is to do it all , want to have it all, to be all, to feel it all. "
The pope praised the "climate of communion " he I said characterized the month-long bishops ' meeting and
said "the church 's strength is her communion; her weakness is division and internal strife. " "A credible answer can be given to the challenges that come from today's social and cultural context only if the deep and convinced unity of the shepherds among themselves and with the successor of Peter — as well as of the bishops with their priests—is clearly perceptible," he said during a synod closing Mass Oct. 27 in St. Peter 's Basilica. Nearly 250 bishops from more than 110 countries had SYNOD, page 9
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