Conference unites social justice with Gospel proclamation
Catholic san Francisco Northern California’s Weekly Catholic Newspaper
San Francisco Auxiliary Bishop John C. Wester celebrated Mass for All Saints’ Day – Todos Los Santos Oct. 30 at Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery in Colma. He also blessed a new section of the cemetery dedicated to Our Lady of Antipolo. See story Page 3.
Pope calls on Catholics to engage in ‘season of social holiness’ By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope John Paul II called on Catholics around the world to engage in a “season of social holiness,” bringing Gospel values to the search for justice, peace and respect for human rights. “In a time like ours marked by the globalization of the social question, the church invites everyone to recognize and affirm the centrality of the human person in every sphere and manifestation of social life,” the pope said. Pope John Paul met Oct. 29 with some 300 representatives of the justice and peace commissions of national bishops’ conferences and Catholic organizations involved in social justice issues. The representatives, who came from 92 countries, were gathered
in Rome for a meeting sponsored by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. Pope John Paul told them that a “new evangelization” of social life is necessary as human dignity and moral values are questioned or threatened by a host of political, economic and environmental changes. The pope said the “Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church,” published Oct. 25 by the council, is “an instrument capable of helping Christians in their daily commitment to making the world more just, in the Gospel perspective of a true humanism of solidarity.” “The social doctrine is an essential part of the Christian message and should be better known, spread in its entirety and
witnessed to with a constant and coherent pastoral action,” the pope said. Pope John Paul said the world needs the church’s social doctrine and “social and political charity” in order to bring the grace of the Gospel to “the human realities of work, economics and politics, designing the paths of peace, justice and friendship among peoples.” “This is the time for a renewed season of social holiness, of saints who show to the world and in the world the perennial and inexhaustible fruitfulness of the Gospel,” he said.
Nearly 1,500 Catholics enlivened the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium in San Francisco on Saturday, Oct 30, as participants in the 2004 “Faith Formation Conference,” co-sponsored by the Archdiocese of San Francisco and the Diocese of San Jose. A day earlier, Oct. 29, about 250 more Catholics attended an afternoon session intended for professional teachers and catechists, which featured presentations on the topics of Justice, Community and Catechesis. The theme of the two-day conference “Proclaiming Christ, Doing Justice” - was intended to illuminate the close relationship between proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ and the Christian obligation to work for justice. In an opening liturgy in the Civic Auditorium arena on Saturday, San Jose Bishop Patrick McGrath led conference attendees in morning prayer. He said the goal of those who were gathered was to teach young and old “how to bless one another always.” Bishop McGrath said, “Jesus taught the kingdom by doing simple things … We do justice when we do as Jesus did.” Father Ron Rolheiser, an Oblates of Mary Immaculate priest and theologian, teacher and author, gave the conference’s keynote address and spoke of the place of social justice in Christian spirituality. Among what he termed the “non-negotiable pillars of Christianity,” Father Rolheiser said are private prayer, social justice, and an energy and mellowness of heart that is expressed through FAITH FORMATION, page 18 community.
By Maurice Healy
Following his opening prayer service homily, Diocese of San Jose Bishop Patrick McGrath greets people at the 2004 Faith Formation Conference Oct. 30 in San Francisco.
INSIDE THIS WEEK’S EDITION Environmental justice . . . . 3 Lawsuit update. . . . . . . . . . 5 Project Rachel workshop . . 6 Editorial and letters . . . . . 12 Loving enemies . . . . . . . . 15
This Catholic Life
Calling to priesthood
Movie review
Classified ads. . . . . . . . . . 19
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~ Pages 10-11 ~
~ Page 17 ~
November 5, 2004
No. 36