November 8, 2002

Page 1

Battling fur a better neighborhood St. Paul of the Shipwreck parishioners are battling to clean up a crime-ridden motel in their Bayview/Hunters Point neighborhood. At ri ght , Franciscan Father Paul Gawlowski of St. Paul's in front of the ironically named Franciscan Motel. To the dismay of the Franciscan parish priests, some nei ghbors even wondered if their order owned the place. Now the parish is working to have the city or a nonprofit agency take over the motel. Story on Page 6.

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Revisions leave sexual abuse norms, charter intact

By Jerry Filteau Catholic News Service

bility of the charter to ordained men in religious *ffie revised version at several points orders is a new footnote in the revised document. WASHINGTON (CNS) —All key provisions of the "In applying these norms to religious priests and U.S. bishops' "Charter for the Protection of Children strengtliens the hand of a bishop deacons," it says, "the term 'religious ordinary' shall be " and Young People are left intact by the recently substitutedfor the term 'bishop/eparch,' mutatis mutancrafted revisions in the proposed legal norms to dealing with alleged sexual abuse! dis (making the necessary changes)." Eparch is the term implement the charter. used for a bishop in the Eastern Catholic churches. In fact, contrary to widely reported speculation that the revisions would soften or As revised, Norm 12 begins, "No priest or deacon who has committed an act of sexweaken the bishops' actions, the revised version at several points strengthens the hand ual abuse of a minor may be transferred for ministerial assignment to another dioof a bishop dealing with alleged sexual abuse by one of his priests or deacons. cese/eparchor religious province. " The original versionmade no mention of a prohibiEspecially important in light of controversies this past summer over the applica- tion against transfer to another religious province for ministry. NORMS, page 7

Anti-poverty campaign awards $236 ,000

Painting a path to p eace


Priests choir sings again . . . 9 Life with fragile friends .. 10

~ Page 11 ~ Norms for Communion ~ Page 14 ~

A mother's lessons


Film Reviews


High School Highlights .. 18

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