November 15, 2002

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Pro-life voters Score. Mg wins Across country By Jack Smith

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Immaculate Heart of Mary Sister Margaret McGinley studies a sample ballot while waiting in line to vote in Monroe, Mich., Nov. 5.


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The November 5 elections produced large victories for pro-life voters across the country and clearly laid to rest the argument by pro -abortion Republicans that a pro-life stance is an electoral liability. On the national scale, 34 United States Senate seats were up for election. Republicans ran 28 prolife candidates , three candidates with mixed records, one solidly pro-abortion candidate and three competing pro-life candidates in one Louisian a Senate race , still to be decided by runoff election. Republicans sat out one race. Democrats ran 26 pro-abortion candidates , two with mixed records and three in long shot races without clearly stated positions. Democrats sat out three races. In the end, 19 of the 34 races went to solid prolife candidates, all Republican and 10 went to solid pro-abortion candidates, nine Democrats and one Republican . Two Republicans and one Democrat with mixed voting records were also elected. The Democrat, Senator Joseph Biden, has opposed partial birth abortion and federal funding of abortion. In Louisiana , pro-life Republican candidate Suzie Terrell will face incumbent pro -abortion Democrat Mary Landrieu in a run-off election. It will be a close election. Landrieu won the most votes on Nov. 5, but was out-polled by three competing pro-life candidates. Now she will face one, but Republican infighting in Louisiana means that Terrell is not assured the votes of her primary oppoPRO-LIFE VOTERS, page 15 nents.

Child protection chief's top priority: Listening By Jerry Filteau Catholic News Service WASHINGTON (CNS) — "The very first thing I have to do is listen, " FBI veteran Kathleen L. McChesney

7 think it 's g oing to be a wonderf ul

said in an interview following her appointment Nov. 7 opportunity to as executive director of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops ' new Office for Child and Youth Protection. do some good Describing herself as goal-oriented, she said, "We have very specific goals: to get safe environ- things. ' ment programs (for children and youths) created throughout the dioceses, to get the auditing (of diocesan sexual abuse policies and practices) in place, to get the first annual (diocesan policy and practice) report done and to set up a continued reporting mechanism."

McChesney, 51, is leaving her FBI post as executive assistant director for law enforcement services — where she is the bureau 's third-ranked official and highest-ranking woman in FBI history — to take over the bishops ' child protection office Dec. 2. In -an interview with Catholic News Service immediately after the press conference announcing her appointment, she said in the beginning her j ob will be "a learning Drocess. because I have not •been working with the church for the past 30 years — I' ve been doing oilier tilings." She said she applied to take charge of the bishops ' new child protection office CHILD PROCTECTION, page 15

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